朗文少儿英语Backpack 3 Unit 1 From morning to Test 单元测试
Unit 3 This Is Our House (这是我们的房子)(1)Unit 3 This Is Our House(2)Unit 3 This is our house(这是我们的房子)(3)Unit 3 This Is Our House(4)Unit 3 This Is Our House(5)Words drink喝 too太 hot热then然后 so因此put…on…把…放在…上 go out for a walk 去散步a cup of milk一杯牛奶go to sleep 入睡,睡着run away 逃跑Gramma r say--says pick--picks put--puts drink--drinks walk--walks see--sees climb--climbs go—goes run—runsStory <The Three Bears> (三只熊)(SB:P27-28)1.Father, Mother, and Baby Bear are in the kitchen. 熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝在厨房里.Mother Bear puts milk on the table. 熊妈妈把奶放在桌子上. “It’s too hot,”says Baby Bear. 熊宝宝说:"牛奶太热了!" So they go out for a walk. 因此他们去散步了.2.A little girl walks into the kitchen.一个小女孩走进厨房. She sees three cups of milk. 她看见三杯牛奶. She picks up the little cup. 她拿起小杯子. “This milk is for me,” she says.“这杯奶是我的.”她说。
And she drinks it. 她把它喝了.3.Then she walks into the bedroom. 然后她走进了卧室. She sees three beds. 她看见了三张床.She climbs into the little bed. 她爬上了小床. “This bed is for me!” she says.“这张床是我的!” 她说. And she goes to sleep. 她睡着了.4.The bears walk in the house. 小熊一家走进了房子. “There's a little girl in our bedroom!”says FatherBear. “有一个小女孩在我们的卧室里!” 熊爸爸说. The little girl climbs out the window and runs away. 小女孩爬出窗外,逃跑了.Homewo rk(作业)1 Listen, read and sing: (要求:每天15分钟)Student Book: Unit 2 WB:P22 3 抄写小故事一遍;4 大声朗读作业单,每天两遍。
Lesson onePart one: Sounds and lettersA a [ æ ] apple苹果 / ant蚂蚁B b [ b ] bird鸟 / bear熊C c [ k ] cat猫 / cut剪D d [ d ] dog狗 / dad爸爸E e [ e ] egg鸡蛋 / elephant大象Part two: Look and saybad beg cab cad bagdab dad bed deb backPart three: Listen , write and read [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]Part four: Read the sentencesLook at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the monkey. It is funny. Look at the mouse. In my house. Part five Listen and circle(1) cab bab dad(2) bed bad beg(3) ceg cap cad(4) dag bag dap(5) egg bag adPart six: Match( )b [ ] bird A( ) [ ] eggC( ) [ ] cat ( )d [ ] dog ( )e [ ] applePart seven: KnowledgeABC 基础知识CD 激光唱片CCTV 中央电视台BBC 英国广播公司Lesson twoPart one: Sounds and lettersF f [ f ] fish鱼 / funny滑稽可笑的G g [ g ] girl女孩 / green绿色H h [ h ] hat帽子 / happy高兴的I i [ I ] Indian印第安人 / ink墨水J j [ ] jacket夹克衫 / jeep吉普车Part two: Look and sayflag gag hat Jack fabfed help hit fit bitjab jig jib jet itPart three: Listen ,read and write[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]Part four: Sing the song.One little. Two little. Three little Indians.Four little. Five little. Six little Indians. Seven little. Eight little. Nine little Indians. Ten little Indian boys.Part five: Listen and write1. ( ) is a good boy.2. Look at the monkey. It is ( ).3. This is a ( ) book.4. The girl is ( ).5. The man is driving a ( ).Part six: Read and choose1. J ill A: Gill B:ball C: Jack ( )2. h ello A: bank B:hand C: Dan ( )3. f ish A: flower B:dish C: god ( )4. I ndian A: ink B:ant C: bad ( )5. g e t A:bad B:gag C: bed ( )Part seven: Read for fun.A B C D E F GFather Mother and meC D E F G A BSing and dance under the tree.Lesson threePart one: Sounds and lettersK k [ k ] king国王 / kite风筝L l [ l ] lamp台灯 / leg腿M m [ m ] mouse老鼠 / monkey猴子N n [ n ] nose鼻子 / nine九O o [ ɔ ] ox公牛 / orange桔子复习:在前面我们学过C也发[ k ]的音。
2016-2017学年江苏省扬州市宝应县泾河中学八年级(上)第一次月考物理试卷一、选择题(每小题2分共30分.给出的四个选项中只有一个选项正确,填入下表中)1.一种新型保险柜安装有声纹锁,只有主人说出事先设定的暗语才能打开,别人即使说出暗语也打不开锁.这种声纹锁辨别主人声音的依据是()A.音调 B.音色 C.响度 D.声速2.在探究人耳怎样听到声音时,可以用肥皂膜模拟人耳的鼓膜.如图所示,当喇叭发声时,肥皂膜将()A.振动 B.一直向左运动 C.一直向右运动 D.静止不动3.以下说法中,你认为最符合实际的是()A.人体的正常体温为35℃B.冰箱冷冻室的温度约为5℃C.最舒适的房间温度约为23℃D.苏州的最低气温可达零下20℃4.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是()A.声音在不同介质中的传播速度不相同B.人说话是靠舌头振动发声的C.只要物体在振动,人耳就能听到声音D.声音真空中的传播速度是340m/s5.据说,美国研制出一种用超声波做子弹的枪.当超声波达到一定强度时就能有较强的攻击力.实际要阻挡这一武器的袭击,只要用薄薄的一层()A.半导体B.磁性物质 C.真空带D.绝缘物质6.剧院及音乐厅,四周墙壁常挂昵绒帘幕,同时墙壁会做成凹凸不平的像蜂窝似的,这是为了()A.装饰、美观B.吸收声波减小嘈杂的回声C.易于反射声波增大声音反射 D.提高声音的音调7.生活在海边的渔民经常看见这样的情景:风和日丽,平静的海面上出现一把一把小小的“降落伞”﹣﹣水母,它们在近海处悠闲自得地升降、漂游.忽然【水母像受到什么命令似的,纷纷离开海岸】,游向大海.不一会儿,狂风呼啸,波涛汹涌,风暴来临了.就(【】括住的部分),以下解释合理的是()A.水母接收到了次声波B.水母接收到了电磁波C.水母感受到了温度的突然变化D.水母感受到了地磁场的变化8.在下面几幅交通标志牌中,能明显表示用于环境保护的是()A.B.C.D.9.为了使学生在教室上课时免受周围环境噪声干扰,下面的措施中合理有效的是()A.教室内保持安静,不讲话B.在教室内安装噪声监测装置C.学生都戴一个防噪声耳罩D.在教室周围植树10.有一种电子牙刷,它能发出超声波,直达牙刷棕毛刷不到的地方,这样刷牙既干净又舒服.关于电子牙刷,正确的说法是()A.刷牙时,人听不到超声波,是因为超声波不能在空气中传播B.超声波的音调很低,所以人听不到C.超声波不是由物体振动产生的D.超声波能传递能量11.夏天扇扇子,身子感觉到凉快是因为()A.扇来的风使汗液蒸发加快,蒸发要吸热B.扇来的风吹掉了身上的热C.扇扇子时,能使用周围空气的温度降低D.扇来的风温度较低12.在25℃的室内将温度计从装有酒精的瓶中取出,它的示数会()A.立即上升 B.一直不变 C.先上升后下降 D.先下降后上升13.水沸腾时,有大量的气泡向上升,在气泡没有上升到水面时,你认为气泡中主要是()A.水蒸气B.热空气C.空气 D.真空,没有物质14.小明和小华分别用相同的灶具和锅来煮鸡蛋,两人在锅中都加入同样多且足够的水、同样多的鸡蛋.当锅中的水烧开后,小明仍用强火煮,而小华改用文火煮,但仍保持锅中的水沸腾,直到鸡蛋煮熟.关于他们两人的方法,以下说法正确的是()A.小明的方法比小华的方法省燃料,且省时间B.小明的方法比小华的方法省燃料,但费时间C.小华的方法比小明的方法费燃料,但省时间D.小华的方法比小明的方法省燃料,两人的方法所用时间相近15.如图所示,在探究“声音是由物体振动产生的”实验中,将正在发声的音叉紧靠悬线下的轻质小球,发现小球被多次弹开.这样做是为了()A.使音叉的振动尽快停下来B.把音叉的微小振动放大,便于观察C.把声音的振动时间延迟D.使声波被多次反射形成回声二、填空题(每空1分,共18分)16.当别人嚼脆饼时,你听到的声音很小;而当你自己嚼同样的脆饼时,你会听到较大的咀嚼声.这是因为前者的声音是靠传播,后者的声音是靠传播;二者相比的传声能力较强.17.学习了声音的产生和传播后,小明同学做了以下小结.请你在横线上为小明填上空缺.(1)悠扬的笛声是空气柱的产生的.(2)声音在空气中的传播速度(填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)在水中的传播速度.18.液化石油气在常温下装入罐中时,采取方法使气体.19.冬天,有时在教室窗户玻璃的(选填“内”或“外”)表面上会附着一层水珠,我们称这种现象为“玻璃出汗”,产生这一现象的原因是遇冷玻璃成小水珠附着在玻璃上.20.生活中常把碗放在大锅内水中蒸食物,锅与碗底不接触,当锅内水沸腾后,碗中汤达到沸点,继续吸热,所以沸腾.(选填“能”或“不能”)21.烈日炎炎,上海世博园启动了雾森降温系统以缓解暂时的闷热,该系统自动向空气中喷洒水雾,水雾在(填写物态变化名称)过程中从周围大量的热,导致周围温度明显.22.现有橡皮、盐水、水银、塑料尺、铅笔芯五种物品.请将它们分类,其中属于一类,特征是.三、解答题(共52分)23.雷雨交加的夜里,小明同学看到闪电后约8s听到雷声,小明距雷电产生的地方大约m.(声音在空气中传播速度约为340m/s)24.我国有一科学钻井工程,该井设计直径为156mm,深5000m,是用于地下科学研究的深井.若在工程中进行测量钻井深度,从井口向下发射平均速度为340m/s的超声波,20s后接收到回波,则井的实际深度为m;这种方法(选填“能”或“不能”)用来测量地球与月球之间的距离,因为.超声波在实际生活中的应用很多,请你另外写出二个实际应用:、.25.车门车窗已关闭的汽车内的乘客几乎听不到外面的声音,这是从途径减少噪声;市区内禁鸣喇叭是从处减少噪声.26.为了探究声音的产生条件,某同学做了下列四个实验:①放在钟罩内的闹钟正在响铃,把钟罩内空气抽出一些后,铃声明显减小;②使正在发声的音叉接触水面,水面溅起水花:③吹笛子时,手指按住不同的孔便会发出不同的声音;④在吊着的大钟上固定一枝细小的笔,把钟敲响后,让纸在笔尖上迅速滑过,可以在纸上画出一条来回弯曲的细线.其中能说明声音产生条件的实验是;能说明声音的传播条件的是.27.温度计是利用液体的性质制成的.如图所示,两支温度计的液柱示数分别应该是℃,℃.其中温度计(b)的分度值为℃.28.下列使用温度计测某一液体温度的步骤,按正确的操作顺序排列应为:.(A)让温度计的玻璃泡全部浸没在被测液体中(B)取用量程适宜的温度计(C)取出温度计(D)估计被测物体的温度(E)让温度计与被测液体充分接触一段时间(F)观察温度计的读数.29.根据上表所提供的数据(1标准大气压下)可知:80℃的酒精是态;测沸水温度应选用温度计.(填“酒精”、“水银”或“水”)30.某同学设计了如下图所示的实验装置,研究大自然中雨的形成.图中金属盘底部的水滴是(填物态变化)形成的,要使实验效果更加明显,可在金属盘中加入(选填“冰块”或“热水”).31.如图是一个测量仪器的刻度盘,这种测量仪器你没有学过,但根据你所学过的相关物理知识,你肯定知道它是测量的,这时指针所指示的物理量为.32.甲、乙两支相同的温度计,其中甲的玻璃泡上包着湿棉花,乙的玻璃泡是干燥的,我们发现(填“甲”或“乙”)温度计的示数要低一些,这说明.空气中水蒸气的含量越少,空气的湿度越(选填“大”或“小”),水的蒸发就越快,两支温度计的示数差就越,有一种干湿温度计就是用这个原理制成的,可以用来显示空气中的湿度.33.如图所示,两个相同的炊壶内装有同样多的水,此时都已沸腾.已知炉火的强度和房间内空气的湿度都相同,因此,可以判断出:房间甲的气温(填“高于”、“低于”或“等于”)房间乙的气温.34.某学生在“研究水的沸腾”的实验中,根据实验数据,画出如图所示图线.(1)由图可知:加热分钟后,水开始沸腾;段图线反映了水沸腾的过程,水在沸腾过程中需不断,水的温度(选填“上升”、“不变”或“下降”);此实验中水的沸点是℃.(2)如在水沸腾过程中,突然取走酒精灯,则水(选填“能”或“不能”)继续沸腾.(3)为减少从开始加热到沸腾时的时间,可以采取的措施有、.(4)甲、乙两图中是水在沸腾时的情况.35.“热管”是20世纪80年代研制出来的一种导热本领非常大的装置,它比铜的导热本领大上千倍.“热管”的结构并不复杂,它由一根两端封闭的金属管,管内衬了一层多孔的材料,叫做吸收芯.吸收芯中充有酒精或其他容易汽化的液体.当管的一端受热时,这一端吸收芯中的液体就成蒸气,并热量,蒸气传到另一端,由于另一端温度低,蒸气就在这一端又成液体,并热量.这样就把受热那一端的热量迅速传递到另一端.36.小伟同学所在的课外科技活动小组,通过实验测出声音在几种物质中传播的速度(如表所示).认真阅读表格,你一定能有所发现.请你填出其中的任意两条.几种物质的声速v/(m.s﹣1)空气(15℃)340 煤油(25℃)1324空气(25℃)346 纯水(25℃)1497软木500 海水(25℃)1531铜(棒)3750 大理石3810铁(棒)5200 铝(棒)5000答:;.37.小凡同学在4块相同的玻璃板上各滴一滴质量相同的水,进行如下图所示的实验探究,得出水蒸发快慢与水的温度、水的表面积和水面上方空气流动快慢有关.(1)通过A、B两图的对比,可以得出水蒸发快慢与水的有关;(2)通过两图的对比,可以得出水蒸发快慢与水的温度有关.38.小明想比较几种材料(衣服、锡箔纸、泡沫塑料)的隔音性能,除了待检测的材料外,可利用的器材还有:音叉、机械闹钟、鞋盒.在本实验中适合作声源的是;小明将声源放入鞋盒内,在其四周塞满待测材料.他设想了两种实验方案,你认为最佳的是.A、让人一边听声音,一边向后退,直至听不见声音为止,比较此处距鞋盒的距离.B、让人站在距鞋盒一定距离处,比较所听见声音的响度.通过实验得到的现象如表格所示,则待测材料隔声性能由差到好的顺序为.材料衣服锡箔纸泡沫塑料距离较长长短响度较响较响弱2016-2017学年江苏省扬州市宝应县泾河中学八年级(上)第一次月考物理试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(每小题2分共30分.给出的四个选项中只有一个选项正确,填入下表中)1.一种新型保险柜安装有声纹锁,只有主人说出事先设定的暗语才能打开,别人即使说出暗语也打不开锁.这种声纹锁辨别主人声音的依据是()A.音调 B.音色 C.响度 D.声速【考点】音色.【分析】不同物体发声时,声音的特色不同,就是指音色不同.【解答】解:因为每个人的发声音色不同,而声纹锁是依据音色来进行判断的,只能按照设定的音色打开;故选B.2.在探究人耳怎样听到声音时,可以用肥皂膜模拟人耳的鼓膜.如图所示,当喇叭发声时,肥皂膜将()A.振动 B.一直向左运动 C.一直向右运动 D.静止不动【考点】声音的产生;声音的传播条件;人耳感知声音的过程及听到声音的条件;声与能量.【分析】解决此题的关键是要知道声音是由物体的振动产生的,声音的传播是需要介质的,它可以在气体中传播,声音可以传递能量.【解答】解:当喇叭振动会发出声音后,声音经过空气传播到肥皂泡处,由于声音有能量可以使肥皂泡产生振动,因此又会发出声音;故选A.3.以下说法中,你认为最符合实际的是()A.人体的正常体温为35℃B.冰箱冷冻室的温度约为5℃C.最舒适的房间温度约为23℃D.苏州的最低气温可达零下20℃【考点】温度.【分析】根据我们对于生活中常见物体温度的了解进行解答.【解答】解:A、人的正常体温约为37℃,故A错误;B、冰箱冷冻室的温度在0℃以下,故B错误;C、温暖、舒适的房间温度大约是23℃左右,故C正确.D、苏州的最低气温可达零下7℃左右,故D错误.故选C.4.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是()A.声音在不同介质中的传播速度不相同B.人说话是靠舌头振动发声的C.只要物体在振动,人耳就能听到声音D.声音真空中的传播速度是340m/s【考点】声音在不同介质中的传播速度;声音的产生;声速.【分析】(1)声音的传播靠介质;固体、液体、气体都可作为传播声音的介质,不同介质中声速不同;在固体中最大,其次是液体,再次是气体;且声速与温度有关,真空不能传声;(2)声音由物体的振动产生;我们听到声音还要具备:有介质,声音的频率在20Hz~20000Hz 之间.【解答】解:A、声音在不同介质中的传播速度不相同;在固体中最大,其次是液体,再次是气体,故A正确;B、人说话是声带在振动,故B错误;C、我们听到声音应具备的条件:有介质,声音的频率在20Hz~20000Hz之间,故C错误;D、真空不能传声,故D错误;故选A.5.据说,美国研制出一种用超声波做子弹的枪.当超声波达到一定强度时就能有较强的攻击力.实际要阻挡这一武器的袭击,只要用薄薄的一层()A.半导体B.磁性物质 C.真空带D.绝缘物质【考点】超声波与次声波;声音的传播条件.【分析】超声是指高于20000Hz的声音.人耳无法听到超声.声音的传播需要介质,真空不能传声.【解答】解:超声也是声音,只要存在真空,超声就无法传播.所以人们可以通过真空带,来抵御超声武器.故选C.6.剧院及音乐厅,四周墙壁常挂昵绒帘幕,同时墙壁会做成凹凸不平的像蜂窝似的,这是为了()A.装饰、美观B.吸收声波减小嘈杂的回声C.易于反射声波增大声音反射 D.提高声音的音调【考点】回声.【分析】面积较大的房间容易产生回声,影响听觉效果,因此可从减弱声音的反射入手来进行分析.【解答】解:剧院及音乐厅的四周都做成凹凸不平的、象蜂窝状的墙壁,可以减弱声音的反射;当声音传到这些墙面后,被反射到了不同的方向或被多次反射而吸收掉,这样就能保证较好的听觉效果.故选B.7.生活在海边的渔民经常看见这样的情景:风和日丽,平静的海面上出现一把一把小小的“降落伞”﹣﹣水母,它们在近海处悠闲自得地升降、漂游.忽然【水母像受到什么命令似的,纷纷离开海岸】,游向大海.不一会儿,狂风呼啸,波涛汹涌,风暴来临了.就(【】括住的部分),以下解释合理的是()A.水母接收到了次声波B.水母接收到了电磁波C.水母感受到了温度的突然变化D.水母感受到了地磁场的变化【考点】超声波与次声波.【分析】频率低于20Hz的声音称为次声波,人耳不能够听到;水母、青蛙等动物可以听到较低的声音频率.【解答】解:A、风暴发出的声音频率低于20Hz,不在人耳听不到的范围之内,但水母等动物可以听到,所以我们可以根据它们的异常反应预测灾难;风暴不会导致电磁波和地磁场的变化,所以B、D不符合题意,风暴不会引起温度突然变化,不符合题意;故选A.8.在下面几幅交通标志牌中,能明显表示用于环境保护的是()A.B.C.D.【考点】物理常识.【分析】交通标志牌是我们生活中常见的,了解这些交通标志的含义,对我们的安全能够起到很好的作用.根据我们对于各种交通标志的了解来作答.【解答】解:A图的标志是禁止自行车行驶,是为了安全;B图是挂在桥上的限重标志,是为了桥的安全;C图表示的是此地距无锡还有20km.D是禁止鸣笛的标志,是为了减少噪声的污染.故选D.9.为了使学生在教室上课时免受周围环境噪声干扰,下面的措施中合理有效的是()A.教室内保持安静,不讲话B.在教室内安装噪声监测装置C.学生都戴一个防噪声耳罩D.在教室周围植树【考点】防治噪声的途径.【分析】防治噪声污染可以从噪声的产生、噪声的传播及噪声的接收这三个环节进行防治.【解答】解:A、噪声的产生处是在学校外面,学生在教室内上课需要讨论回答问题,保持安静,不讲话不符合题意;B、在教室内安装噪声监测装置只会显示噪声的分贝,但无法减弱噪声,不符合题意;C、如果学生都戴防噪声耳罩,可以从声音的接受处减弱噪声,但学生同样也听不到老师的讲课声音,不符合题意;D、故在教室周围植树可以在噪声的传播途中减弱噪声,符合题意.选D.10.有一种电子牙刷,它能发出超声波,直达牙刷棕毛刷不到的地方,这样刷牙既干净又舒服.关于电子牙刷,正确的说法是()A.刷牙时,人听不到超声波,是因为超声波不能在空气中传播B.超声波的音调很低,所以人听不到C.超声波不是由物体振动产生的D.超声波能传递能量【考点】声与能量;声音的产生;声音的传播条件;频率及音调的关系.【分析】A、超声波是声音的一种,可以在一切固体、液体、气体中传播,故A错误;B、超声波指的是频率比较高的电磁波,频率高,音调就高,高于人耳的听觉频率范围,所以听不到,故B错误;C、声音都是由发声体的振动产生的,故C错误;D、声波可以传递能量,可以利用超声波清洗精密的仪器,可以利用超声波除去人体内的结石,故D正确.故选:D.【解答】解:A、超声波指的是频率比较高的声波,声波可以在空气中才传播,所以A是错误的;B、超声波指的是频率比较高的电磁波,超过了人耳的听觉频率范围,所以听不到,频率越高,音调就越高,所以B是错误的;C、不论是超声波还是次声波都是由发声体的振动产生的,所以C是错误的;D、声波除了传递信息外,还可以传递能量,外科医生利用超声波除去人体内的结石,所以D是正确的.故选D.11.夏天扇扇子,身子感觉到凉快是因为()A.扇来的风使汗液蒸发加快,蒸发要吸热B.扇来的风吹掉了身上的热C.扇扇子时,能使用周围空气的温度降低D.扇来的风温度较低【考点】影响蒸发快慢的因素.【分析】响蒸发快慢的因素有温度、液体的表面积及液体表面空气流动的速度,扇扇子会加快空气流动的速度;液体在蒸发过程中,会吸收大量的热量.【解答】解:夏天扇扇子会加快空气的流动,尽管不能降低气温,但是通过加快空气的流动从而加快汗水的蒸发,蒸发是一个吸热过程,即汗水的蒸发会吸收人身体的热,所以会觉得凉快.故选A.12.在25℃的室内将温度计从装有酒精的瓶中取出,它的示数会()A.立即上升 B.一直不变 C.先上升后下降 D.先下降后上升【考点】蒸发及其现象.【分析】蒸发是汽化的一种,是缓慢的汽化现象;蒸发时需要从周围吸收热量.【解答】解:在25℃的室内将温度计从装有酒精的瓶中取出,温度计的玻璃泡上附有少量酒精,在空气中蒸发,从玻璃泡上吸收热量,所以是温度下降.蒸发完后,温度计的玻璃泡又慢慢从空气中吸收热量,使温度升高至25℃.故选:D.13.水沸腾时,有大量的气泡向上升,在气泡没有上升到水面时,你认为气泡中主要是()A.水蒸气B.热空气C.空气 D.真空,没有物质【考点】沸腾及沸腾条件.【分析】沸腾时(沸腾时气泡小且气泡上升时变大,到液面时会破裂开,释放出大量热)随着温度的升高,气泡内饱和气压增大到等于外部压强时,气泡不再变小,而这时气泡周围的水迅速向气泡内蒸发,气泡将迅速增大,从液面冒出,放出大量的水蒸气,这就是沸腾现象.【解答】解:水沸腾时,水的内部和外部同时发生剧烈的汽化现象,所以会产生大量的水蒸气,所以气泡中主要是水蒸气.故选A.14.小明和小华分别用相同的灶具和锅来煮鸡蛋,两人在锅中都加入同样多且足够的水、同样多的鸡蛋.当锅中的水烧开后,小明仍用强火煮,而小华改用文火煮,但仍保持锅中的水沸腾,直到鸡蛋煮熟.关于他们两人的方法,以下说法正确的是()A.小明的方法比小华的方法省燃料,且省时间B.小明的方法比小华的方法省燃料,但费时间C.小华的方法比小明的方法费燃料,但省时间D.小华的方法比小明的方法省燃料,两人的方法所用时间相近【考点】沸腾及沸腾条件.【分析】液体沸腾有两个必要条件:(1)达到沸点,(2)继续吸热;当两个条件同时具备时即可沸腾.【解答】解:水沸腾是虽然继续吸热但保持温度不变,故使用急火、慢火所用时间一样,但小明用强火煮浪费了燃料.故选D.15.如图所示,在探究“声音是由物体振动产生的”实验中,将正在发声的音叉紧靠悬线下的轻质小球,发现小球被多次弹开.这样做是为了()A.使音叉的振动尽快停下来B.把音叉的微小振动放大,便于观察C.把声音的振动时间延迟D.使声波被多次反射形成回声【考点】声音的产生.【分析】声音是由物体振动产生的.但这种振动往往不易观察,需要将实验效果进行“放大”.“转换法”是中学物理中一种重要的研究方法,可以借助某些物体的特性来研究看不到或不易观察到物质,形象直观.【解答】解:由于音叉振动的幅度过小,人眼无法直接观察和区分,所以用“转换法”将这个实验效果进行放大;当把悬挂的泡沫塑料球紧靠在正在发声的音叉上时,音叉的振动将泡沫塑料球弹开,即把音叉的微小振动放大成泡沫塑料球的振动.以便于观察和进一步的研究;故选:B.二、填空题(每空1分,共18分)16.当别人嚼脆饼时,你听到的声音很小;而当你自己嚼同样的脆饼时,你会听到较大的咀嚼声.这是因为前者的声音是靠空气传播,后者的声音是靠骨头传播;二者相比骨头的传声能力较强.【考点】声音的传播条件;骨传声及骨传导的原理.【分析】声音的传播需要介质,能够通过固体、液体和气体传播,失聪的人可以通过骨传导听到声音.【解答】解:声音的传播需要介质,声音可以在固体、液体、气体中传播,其中在固体中传播最快,别人嚼脆饼干时,我们是通过空气听到声音的,而当我们自己嚼脆饼干时,是通过骨头传播到我们的听觉神经,固体传播声音的能力比气体强.故答案为:空气;骨头;骨头.17.学习了声音的产生和传播后,小明同学做了以下小结.请你在横线上为小明填上空缺.(1)悠扬的笛声是空气柱的振动产生的.(2)声音在空气中的传播速度小于(填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)在水中的传播速度.【考点】声音的产生;声音在不同介质中的传播速度.【分析】(1)声音是由物体振动产生的,振动停止,声音停止;(2)声音在不同介质中的传播速度一般不同,固体中最快,液体次之,气体中最慢.【解答】解:(1)悠扬的笛声,是由笛子内部的空气柱振动产生的;(2)声音在液体中的传播速度比在气体中的传播速度要快一些,即声音在空气中的传播速度小于在水中的传播速度.故答案为:(1)振动;(2)小于.18.液化石油气在常温下装入罐中时,采取压缩体积方法使气体液化.【考点】液化方法及其应用.【分析】使气体液化的方法一般有两种,一是压缩体积,二是降低温度,有时也可以两种方法同时使用.具体应用中,应视物质的特点而定.【解答】解:在常温的状态下,液化石油气是采取压缩体积的方法使其液化为液态的.故答案为:压缩体积.19.冬天,有时在教室窗户玻璃的内(选填“内”或“外”)表面上会附着一层水珠,我们称这种现象为“玻璃出汗”,产生这一现象的原因是水蒸气遇冷玻璃液化成小水珠附着在玻璃上.【考点】液化及液化现象.。
朗文少儿英语Backpack 3 Unit 7 Test 单元测试
TEST BACKPACK 3 Unit 7name________________ class_______________◊ Listening skills1.Listen and match, draw a line to match them. (AC3) 8’2.Listen and pick the right answer. (AC 15) 10’3.Listen and put the pictures in order. (AC 16) 4’( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4.Dictation. 10’1)____________2) ____________3) ____________ 4) ____________5) ____________ 6) ____________ 7) ____________8) ____________9) ____________ 10) ____________◊Writing skills5.Put the words in the right column. 9’6.Put the words in order. 10’7.Look at the picture and answer. 5’8.Fill in the blanks.I went shopping with my parents yesterday.We bought a ______ of flowers, a _____ of pickles, a ___ of bread, three ____ of soda and a ___ of bacon.After we got home, we made some sandwiches for dinner. First, We cut the ____. Then we ___ some bacon on the bread. We took some pickles and______ the pickles into slices. After that we _____ the pickles __________.Put another _________of bread on top and we can _______ the sandwich.9.Write sentences according to the picture. 10’1.There is a jar of pickles.2.__________________________________3._________________________________4._________________________________5._________________________________6.____________________________________10.Writing 10’Breakfast, lunch and dinner, which do you like best? When do you usually eat it? What do you always eat for the meal? Write a paragraph with at least 5 sentences to talk about it______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________Oral test 12’ the food with quantifiers ( a bottle of water etc) 5’2.What do you eat for dinner? 2’3.What can you cook? Can you tell me the steps? 5’。
Unit 1 Family matters (关于家庭)2.Listen and check.Stella: Hi, everyone. This is my project. Here’s my family tree. These are my parents, Mr and Mrs Star.And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They’re my grandparents and they’ve got two children: a son and a daughter.Their son’s my dad and their daughter’s my Aunt May.I’ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May’s my dad’s sister. Uncle Fred’s my mum’s brother.Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me.Q1:Where’s Stella? (She’s at school/in the classroom.)Q2: What’s she doing? (She’s talking about her family tree to theclass.)Q3: Has she got a brother? (Y es, she’s got a brother.)Q4: How many sisters has she got? ( She’s got one sister.)4.Listen, and say the letter.This person’s taking a photo of his son. (e)This person’s playing football with his uncle. (a)This person’s reading a book to her daughter. (d)This person’s playing a game with her aunt. (b)This person’s painting a picture of her granddaughter. (c)5.Listen and complete.Grandma Star’s painting a picture of her ________. (granddaughter) Simon’s playing football with his_______. (uncle)Mrs Star’s reading a book to her ______. (daughter)Grandpa Star’s taking a photo of his ______. (son)Stella’s playing a game with her ______. (aunt)Mr and Mrs Star are Simon’s _______. (parents)。
granddaughter s
Stella ’s
her grandfather
Simon’s grandmother
his grandmother
Suzy ’s
her aunt
I love paint ing
I love playing the guitar.
I love playing basketball.
I love eat ing
I enjoy danceing
I enjoy playing the guitar.
I enjoy playing basketball.
I enjoy eat ing
• Look at everyone in the garden!
• Stella’s reading.
She’s got curly hair
She's got straight hair. straight hair
She's got curly fair hair. fair hair
His hair is short.
I like danceing
help us get information.
• help us learn math, science, and English. • tell us what is happening in the world. • write stories for newspapers. • help us get information fast.
Computer programmers
Computer programmers
help us get information fast
Information workers
help us get information
Information workers
• Teachers • Tv reporters • Journalists • Computer programmers
• put in electricity for lights ,heat, and TV sets .
design buildings
Architect Wang min
build things out of wood.
Construction workers
help us live in comfort
Construction workers help us live in comfort • Plumbers • Electricians give us running hot and cold water put in electricity for lights ,heat, and TV sets . • design buildings • build things out of wood.
UNIT story 听写纸It’sIt‘s Saturday. What’s the weather like? It’s cool and sunny.Where’s Toni? Here she is. Toni is happy, she has a new friend, her name is Sandy. Sandy’s family is moving into the house next door to Toni. What can you see in Sandy’s box? Ping-Pong paddles and a book are in the box. Sandy can't walk, she sits in the wheelchair. Do Toni and Sandy have school on Monday? Yes they do.Can you find Lisa? Here she is, she is sleepy. Lisa and Peter are in the kitchen. Peter is making breakfast. It’s Saturday. No school on Saturday.Toni and Sandy are at school, These are Toni’s friends Doni and Beth. Sandy is happy, New friends are fun, They are going to play sports, Do you like sports? Donny and Toni are playing Ping-Pong, Sandy likes Ping-Pong too. Can you play Ping-Pong? Peter and Chip are playing soccer, What’s your favorite sport? Sandy can juggle, but Beth can’t juggle, Can you juggle?Sandy is in the lunchroom, she is eating spaghetti. Her friend is eating pizza and salad. What are they drinking? They are drinking juice. Beth wants to sit down, She is really hungry.Donny and Toni are in the lunchroom too . What’s Donny eating? He has some noodles and watermelon, he has some pretzels too. Toni wants some pretzels, she has some chicken 、salad 、grapes and peanuts. Toni has a big lunch.What time is it? It’s 1:00.It’s time for English class. Goodbye everyone! Don’t be late!UNIT 4 Months StoryThe Superkids are at school.. When’s the music festival? It’s in May, what’s the weather like in May? It’s warm and sunny. .What’s the weather like in February? It’s cold and snowy. .What’s the weather like in April? It’s cool and rainy. .Chip’s birthday is in June, , Chip will be eleven in June. . Donny’s birthday is in March,, he will be ten in March.. Toni’s birthday is in October, ,she will be eleven in October. . how old are you? When’s your birthday! .Sandy is good at singing,, Beth is good at singing too, are you good at singing?UNIT 4 Months Story The Super kids are at school. When’s the music festival ? It’s in May, what’s the weather like in May? It’s warm and sunny. What’s the weather like in February? It’s cold and snowy . What’s the weathe r like in April? It’s cool and rainy. .Chip’s birthday is in June, Chip will be eleven in June. Donny’s birthday is in March, he will be ten in March. Toni’s birthday is in October, she will be eleven in October. how old are you? When’s your birthda y? Sandy is good at singing,, Beth is good atsinging too, are you good at singing?UNIT 5 Careers StoryToday is careers day at school. This is Ms. Long. She’s a vet. She likes dogs, cats, hamsters and turtles. She likes rabbits, too! The SuperKids’ mothers and fathers are at school, too. That’s Sandy’s mom. She’s a magician. She can juggle, too. What’s in her hat? It’s a rabbit. That’s magic! Can you see Mojo? He’s on her head. That’s Chip’s father. He’s a pilot. How about your father? Is he a doctor or a firefighter? How about your mother? Is she a police officer or a teacher?Today is sports day at school. Chip is running, Mojo is running too, They like running, Look, Chip can run fast, Wow, Chip won! He is really happy.Chip is hot, he wants his towel, Where’s his towel? Oh, Toni has his towel, where’s his water bottle? There it is, Chip has his water bottle, Where is his lunchbox? There it is, It’s on the white bench.Is that Beth’s baseball cap? No, it isn’t! Whose baseball cap is it? It’s her baseball cap. Peter gives her the baseball cap, Thank you! Peter.Saturdayand good weekend! On Saturday,paint pictures, Sandy does too. On Sunday, Donny played baseball, Beth baked cookies, Chip watched DVDs. On Saturday, Sandy studied English. On Sunday, on Saturday? What did you do on Sunday?UNIT 8 MY DAY StoryThe super kids are home from school, They are talking to Toni and Peter’s mom, What did they do today? Toni and Sandy made a poster, Sandy swam in the pool too, Beth saw a movie, Donny sang a new song, Peter went to the park. Chip wrote stories, Lisa read books and Joey drew pictures, Donny wants to see Peter’s rabbit. Where is it? It’s in the yard, can you se e this rabbit? How about you? What did you do today?UNIT 9 空白Story ToSk4 MP3 split index UNIT 1-9RECYCLE IT1-3DISCOVER1-3CULTURE1-2I CAN DO IT。
sbs朗文国际英语教程第一册-听力教程全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I love learning English and I'm going to tell you all about my day at school yesterday.I woke up early because I was really excited to go to my English class. We've been learning lots of fun new words and phrases. After getting dressed, I had breakfast with my mom and dad. My little brother Billy was being silly as usual, making funny faces and noises to try and make me laugh when I was eating my cereal."Billy, stop that!" I said, trying not to giggle. "I'm going to be late for the bus."Finally it was time to leave. I grabbed my backpack and lunchbox and ran out the door, waving goodbye to my parents. The school bus was already waiting outside."Good morning Miss Bradley!" I said to my bus driver as I climbed the steps."Good morning Emma," she replied with a smile. "Did you have a good weekend?""Yes, it was lots of fun!" I told her. "My family went to the park and had a picnic."I found a seat near the back next to my best friend Lucy. We talked and giggled the whole way to school about the games we had played at recess on Friday.When we arrived, Lucy and I got off the bus and went straight to the playground to meet our other friends before the bell rang. We played a quick game of tag, taking turns being the one who was "it" and chasing each other around. Soon the bell rang, signaling it was time to line up for class."Okay class, time to come inside!" said Mrs. Henderson, our English teacher. "Line up Single-file, quickly now."We all hurried to get in a straight line, trying not to push or shove. Mrs. Henderson led us into the building and back to our classroom. Once we were all seated at our desks, she began the lesson."Good morning boys and girls," she said in a cheerful voice. "Who can remember the new vocabulary words we learned on Friday?"I raised my hand eagerly, excited to show her what I could remember. She called on me."Emma, can you give me a sentence using one of our new words?" she asked."Yes Mrs. Henderson!" I replied. "My dog is very energetic and loves to run around and play fetch.""Excellent job, Emma!" she praised me. "The word energetic means having a lot of energy. You used it perfectly in that sentence."The rest of the morning, we practiced using the new words in different ways - making up stories, drawing pictures to illustrate their meanings, and playing games like Word Bingo. It was so much fun!Finally, it was time for lunch and recess. My stomach was growling because I was getting hungry. I took my lunchbox out of my backpack and opened it up."Mmm, looks delicious!" exclaimed Lucy, peeking over. "Your mom makes the best sandwiches."I unwrapped my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and began to eat. Lucy and I talked and laughed with our other friends while we ate our lunches. The cafeteria was louder than usual becauseeveryone was so excited - it was Pizza Day! Pizza is my favorite food, but I don't get to have it very often.As soon as we were done eating, we raced out to the playground. Lucy and I decided to swing on the swing set and see who could go the highest. We pumped our legs back and forth, higher and higher into the sky until we were parallel with the crossbar."Wheeee! This is so fun!" I yelled to Lucy from my swing.Too soon, the recess bell rang again to signal it was time to line up and head back inside. We reluctantly jumped off the swings and joined our classmates getting into a line to go back to class.The rest of the afternoon flew by quickly. In math, we learned how to add and subtract bigger numbers. Science was about the life cycle of butterflies. We even got to color pictures showing the different stages. I made my caterpillar purple and green.Before I knew it, the final bell rang and it was time to go home. I gathered up my books and papers and stuffed them into my backpack. Mrs. Henderson reminded us not to forget anyhomework over the weekend as we walked out to meet our buses.I found my bus easily - it was the third one in line in the circular driveway. I waved to Lucy, who was getting on a different bus that goes the other way to her neighborhood. As I climbed the big stairs up into the bus, I saw my brother Billy way at the back with some of his friends."Hey Squirt!" he called out teasingly. Billy is only one year younger than me but he loves calling me that silly nickname.I just rolled my eyes and took a seat near the front, not wanting to get into a fight with him on the bus. Miss Bradley did attendance and then we were off, driving through our neighborhood to drop kids off at their houses one by one.About halfway through the route, we came to my stop. I scrambled off the bus, clutching my backpack and lunchbox."Thanks Miss Bradley! Have a great evening!" I called over my shoulder as I hurried up my driveway.I could see my mom waiting for me on the front porch. I ran up and gave her a big hug."Hi sweetie! Did you have a nice day at school?" she asked, smiling down at me."Yes, it was so much fun!" I told her excitedly. "We learned lots of new words in English class, and it was Pizza Day at lunch!"I chattered away about my whole day as we went inside the house. I couldn't wait to tell her and Dad all about it over dinner. Every day at school is a new adventure when you're learning English!篇2My English Class is Fun!Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I just started learning English this year. It's been really fun so far!We use these cool books called the SBS Longman International English course books. The books are really colorful and have lots of pictures, which I love. The pictures help me understand what we're learning about.My favorite part of the books are the fun stories we read about kids like me who go on adventures and learn English along the way. There's this group of friends - Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina - who are the main characters. They remind me of my own group of friends at school.In one story, Sam and his friends went camping and had to follow directions to set up their tent. I remember learning words like "hammer", "stake" and "mallet" from that story. Another time, Lily and her friends baked cookies and had to follow a recipe. I learned kitchen words like "whisk", "batter" and "preheat". The stories make it easy to pick up new vocabulary!Along with the stories, we also do listening exercises that go with each unit. That's where the SBS Longman Listening Practice book comes in really handy. We listen to conversations or instructions and have to answer questions or follow directions.At first, I found the listening kind of challenging because everything sounds so fast! But my teacher gives us strategies like listening for key words and predicting what might happen next. She also lets us listen multiple times, which is super helpful.What I really like about the listening exercises is that they use the same characters and situations from the stories in our main book. So the contexts are already really familiar to me. It's sort of like I'm just eavesdropping on my friends Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina as they go about their day!The listening tracks have different speakers too - kids around my age, adults like teachers or parents, even characterswith funny voices or accents. I think listening to all those different voices has really helped train my ear for English.Some of the listenings are conversations about everyday topics like shopping, hobbies, weekend plans and so on. Those have helped me learn functional language for real-life situations. But we've also listened to crazy funny stories, instructions for active games, and even video game tutorials! My favorite was the listening where the characters put on a play. It was just like listening to a movie or audio book.Apart from the main listening exercises, we sometimes get to singing songs and do chants or rhymes from the listening book. Those are always a blast, especially when we can march or clap along with the rhythm. I've found that singing the lyrics has really helped me remember new vocab and grammar patterns.The listening book even has listening scripts at the back, so we can follow along with the text as we listen. That's really useful for picking up on details or tricky words I might have missed. My teacher also uses those scripts to model things like intonation, pause and sentence stress.Overall, I've found the SBS Longman listening materials to be incredibly helpful for developing my English listening skills. The variety of contexts, speakers and accents has exposed me to somany different ways of speaking English. Plus, connecting the listenings to the fun stories we read has made everything more engaging and memorable.English class definitely doesn't feel like a boring lecture. It's been more like tagging along with Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina on a series of awesome adventures and escapades! Thanks to these great materials, I already feel much more confident understanding spoken English. I can't wait to see what other exciting travels await me in the next book!篇3My English Listening AdventuresHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I just started learning English this year and it's been such a fun adventure! My teacher uses these really cool listening materials called the SBS Longman International English Course Book 1 Listening Program. Let me tell you all about my experiences with it!When I first saw the listening book, I was a little nervous. Learning a new language seemed hard. But my teacher made it super easy and enjoyable right from the start. The book has these bright, colorful pictures that grabbed my attention. Andthe recordings have friendly voices that walk you through each lesson step-by-step.One of my favorite parts is the conversations. They use really simple words and sentences, so I can understand what's being said. But they still feel like natural, real-life dialogues. I've learned how to greet people, introduce myself, talk about my family and lots more! Listening to those conversations over and over has helped the new vocabulary and phrases really stick in my mind.There are also cute little stories and songs that make me smile every time. The stories are about children just like me going on fun adventures and learning English along the way. Whenever I listen, I imagine myself tagging along on their journeys! And the songs are so catchy and repetitive that I find myself humming the tunes all day long. That really helps cement what I'm learning.My teacher is always mixing up the activities too, which keeps things interesting. Sometimes we just listen and repeat phrases. Other times we act out the conversations or sing and dance along to the songs. We even play fun games testing our listening comprehension. I get so excited for English class because I never know what we'll be doing next!Having the listening materials has been incredibly helpful for improving my English skills. At first, I could barely recognize any words when the recordings played. But now after lots of practice, I can understand most of what's being said! My reading and speaking have improved a ton too. Whenever I see words we've learned, I can sound them out confidently. And I'm getting braver about using the new phrases in my own sentences.The best part is, the more I use the listening program, the more my enthusiasm for English grows. What used to seem scary and confusing has become an exciting adventure. I find myself counting down the days until my next English lesson. Sometimes I'll even practice my listening at home just for fun! Whenever my mom asks what I want to do, I'll grab my listening book and shout "English time!"My friends who aren't using the same program are all jealous of how quickly I'm learning. They think English is this big, impossible mountain to climb. But with the listening materials, I've been able to tackle it step-by-step, building my skills gradually through fun, engaging activities. It's making me love the journey of learning a new language.I know I'm just getting started, and English will keep getting trickier as I progress. But as long as I have my trusty listeningmaterials, I'm confident I can take on any challenge. The recordings, conversations, stories and songs provide the perfect guided path for my little English adventurer mind. Who knows where my listening skills will take me next?I can't wait to continue my English journey using the awesome SBS Longman Listening Program. Maybe I'll pick up a new language afterwards too! The world of languages is my oyster, just waiting to be explored. This little English adventurer is ready for the quest. Thanks to the listening materials, I've got the best walking stick and map to guide me every step of the way. The adventure continues!篇4My English Listening Adventures!Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 3rd grade student. I just started using this really cool English listening book called "SBS Longman International English Course Listening Book 1" and I'm super excited to tell you all about my adventures with it so far!When I first got the book, I was a little nervous because learning to listen to English can be kind of tricky sometimes. But as soon as I opened it up, I could tell it was going to be lots offun. The pictures are so colorful and engaging - there are cool drawings of kids just like me along with objects, animals, and scenes from everyday life. It really makes me feel like I'm part of the story.The first unit was all about numbers and colors. I learned how to say and recognize numbers from 1 to 20 in English, which is going to be so helpful in math class. And now I can name all the colors like red, blue, green, yellow and more. The audio recordings have kids' voices which I love because they sound just like my friends. I've been practicing counting my crayons and saying the color names out loud.Next up was a unit on basic phrases like "Hello, how are you?" and "Thank you, you're welcome." Learning these simple conversations has been awesome practice for talking to my English-speaking classmates and teachers. I feel way more confident introducing myself. My favorite part was the fun chant at the end - we get to sing along and it really helps the phrases stick in my head!One of the units I just finished focused on different family members like mom, dad, brother, sister, etc. This one was pretty easy for me since I already know my family in English. But I learned some new words like "aunt," "uncle," and "cousin." Therecordings had a kid describing her family members which was cool to listen to. At the end, I got to describe my own family just like in the audio!Oh oh, I almost forgot about the unit on animals! This was probably my favorite so far. We learned the names of pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters. But we also covered farm animals like cows, pigs and horses. And some wild ones too like elephants, lions and monkeys! The voices were SO realistic and made the coolest animal sounds. I've been going around my house doing all the animal impressions which my little brother thinks is hilarious.One thing I really like about the book is how it combines listening with speaking, reading, and even writing activities. For example, after hearing a conversation between two kids, I'll have to read a similar dialogue and fill in the blanks. Or I'll listen to a story and then have to rewrite the key details and events. It's a great way to practice my overall English skills while still focusing on listening comprehension.The last unit I want to tell you about covered school subjects like math, science, music and art. Listening to the audio about the different classes was really neat because it felt like I was getting a tour of an English-speaking school. Hearing the voicesof students and teachers talking about their favorite subjects got me excited to learn more English vocabulary for my own school subjects. I can't wait to show off what I learned by describing my weekly schedule and classes to my parents.Overall, I'm having an absolute blast with this listening book! The short, engaging recordings make it feel like a game rather than hard work. The sounds, voices, and dialogues are all super clear and easy for me to understand as a young learner. And the cute illustrations and characters make me smile every time I open the book.With each unit, I'm building my listening skills and vocabulary bit by bit. Simple words, phrases, and conversations are slowly becoming more natural and automatic. My parents have already noticed an improvement in how I can follow and respond to English directions and questions. I'm feeling way more confident when it comes to listening comprehension.I still have so many more units to discover - there are ones about places around town, transportation, clothes, food, and more! I honestly can't wait to continue my English listening journey with Book 1. Who knows, maybe I'll be an expert listener by the end! If you're just starting to learn English listening likeme, I definitely recommend checking out the SBS Longman series. Get ready for an exciting adventure!篇5Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I just started learning English this year at school and I'm really excited about it! We're using this cool English course called "SBS Longman International English".In our English class, we spend a lot of time listening to the audio materials that come with the course. It's really helpful for learning pronunciation and getting used to hearing English. The listening course has all sorts of fun activities and stories.One of my favorite parts is the conversations we listen to. They have simple dialogues between kids or family members talking about everyday things like going to school, playing outside, or what they had for lunch. Listening to these little conversations makes it easier for me to understand how English actually sounds when people speak it naturally.The stories are awesome too! They tell tales about children going on adventures, learning life lessons, or just being silly. The stories always have great sound effects and different character voices which makes them really entertaining to listen to. And thebest part is, the stories are recorded at just the right level for beginners like me. I can follow along without getting lost or confused.After we listen to a conversation or story, our teacher asks us questions to see if we understood what we heard. Sometimes she'll pause the audio and we have to predict what will happen next. Other times, she'll play a section again and we have to listen closely for specific details. It's like a little exercise for our "listening muscles"!The listening course also has songs and chants for us to practice rhythm, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The songs are so catchy and fun that I sometimes catch myself singing them at home without even realizing it. My little brother thinks it's hilarious when I walk around singing words he can't understand yet.Overall, I'm super glad we use the SBS Longman listening course at school because it makes learning English feel more like a game than studying. Listening to English doesn't seem so strange or difficult anymore. In fact, it's becoming one of my favorite parts of the day! I can't wait to move on to the next listening course book.Maybe I'll be fluent in English before my parents know it. Then I can surprise them by answering everything in perfect English. That would be hilarious! Though I probably shouldn't trick them too much or they might make me do extra chores as punishment. An English genius has to pick her battles wisely, after all!篇6SBS Longman Listening Fun for Little Learners!Hi there friends! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you all about the awesome listening course I'm using to learn English. It's called the SBS Longman International English Course Book 1 Listening Course. What a mouthful, right? Let's just call it the Listening Fun for short!The Listening Fun has been such a great way for me to practice my English listening skills. There are so many cool activities and stories that make it super engaging and not boring at all. My favorite part is probably the songs and chants. They are so catchy and fun to sing along to! The melodies really help the new words and phrases stick in my head.One of the songs is all about colors. It goes "Red and yellow, blue and green, colors bright, colors clean! Purple orange, pinkand white, name those colors, get it right!" I find myself humming and dancing along to that one all the time. My little brother even learned all the color words because the song is that catchy!There are also a bunch of great stories and conversations to listen to. They use really common situations that I can totally relate to, like going to school, playing with friends, talking about hobbies and pets, and more. Hearing how the characters interact in natural English dialogues has been incredibly helpful for my comprehension.The stories are dramatized too, which makes them more lively and interesting than just a person flatly reading out loud. The narrator uses different voices for each character and adds fun sound effects. There's one story called "The Zig Zag Zoo" that's my absolute favorite. It's about these two mischievous kids who sneak into the zoo after hours and end up having the wildest adventure with all the animals running loose! Whenever I listen to that one, I can so vividly picture the whole crazy scene in my mind.In addition to songs and stories, the Listening Fun has dedicated vocabulary lessons that introduce new words and phrases in context, rather than just as a random list. There arealso grammar focus sections that break down different concepts, like verb tenses, prepositions, articles, and more. I'll be honest, some of that grammar stuff still makes my brain hurt a bit, but having it integrated with fun listening makes it much more bearable!One of the coolest components are the listening games and activities. They really get you engaged and thinking critically about what you're hearing. There are sorting games where you put pictures in the right order based on the story, multiple choice questions to test your comprehension, and spelling exercises where you have to identify the right letters you hear. My best friend and I sometimes do the activities together and race to see who can finish fastest!Overall, the SBS Longman Listening Fun has been an amazing tool to boost my English listening abilities. The varied content and interactive nature of the course keep me motivated and having fun, instead of feeling bored out of my mind like I do with some other learning materials. Highly recommended for any kids out there looking to level up their language skills!I think I've covered all the key parts of the Listening Fun, but I could probably keep rambling for ages about how great it is. If you want to learn more or grab a copy for yourself, just ask yourEnglish teacher or parents. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a hot date with the "Wheels on the Bus" chant video!。
朗文英语口课文A World Of Food 美食世界(三级)
朗文英语口课文A World Of Food 美食世界(三级)导语:想必大家对美食是没有抗拒力的,但是大家千万不要贪吃哦,下面是一篇关于这方面的朗文英语口语课文,欢迎大家阅读。
It's called food,Glorious food.这叫做美食,极其好吃的美食。
"Food,Glorious food."“美食”Breakfast was great this morning,and lunch was super,too.早上的早饭很棒,中饭也是。
I can't wait to eat my dinner.我已经迫不及待想吃晚饭了。
I love to eat food.我喜欢吃东西。
Don't you?你呢?For breafast I like milk and fruit,an egg with toast and jam.早饭我喜欢吃牛奶和水果,加上面包和果酱。
Or maybe I'll have some cereal,or bread with tomato and ham.或者我也可以吃一些谷物片,或者面包、番茄和火腿。
For lunch I often have soup,and sometimes a sanwich,too.午饭我通常会喝汤,有时吃一个三明治。
Or a salad with lettuce and onions anything good will do.或者一份有生菜和以及其他食材的莎拉。
For dinner I like some vegetables,and chicken on my plate.晚饭我的`盘子里通常会有一些蔬菜还有鸡肉。
Or maybe fish and lots of rice.或者鱼和很多米饭。
And cake for dessert is great!甜点来一个蛋糕简直棒极了!Do you remember what to do next?你还记得下一步做什么吗?Right,it's your turn to sing the song.对了,现在轮到你来唱这首歌了。
Our Senses我们的感觉(朗文少儿英语歌曲)
Our Senses我们的感觉(朗文少儿英语歌曲)导语:我们是有感觉的,不管是触觉还是视觉,都会让我们的世界变得更美好,下面是一首关于感觉的朗文歌曲,欢送大家边听边学英语!Wele to backpack.欢送来到朗文英文。
I'm happy to see you.很快乐见到你。
You know our world is really beautiful.你知道我们的世界很美丽。
There are lots to see and hear.这里有很多可以听的和可以看的。
Let's listen to the song about some of the things to see and hear at street fair.我们来听一首歌,关于在集市上所见所闻的东西的歌。
"Street Fair"“集市”As the street fair I can see so many things to buy.在集市上我看到很多可以买的东西。
Jewelry,clothes,toys,and pets,and stacks of books piled high.首饰、衣服玩具和宠物,还有堆得高高的书。
At the street fair I can smell delicious food to eat.在集市上我能闻到美味的食物。
Salty popcorn,sandwiches and ice cream cones so sweet.咸味的爆米花、三明治和甜甜的冰淇淋。
At the street fair I can hear laughter from the crowd.在集市上我能听到人群里发出的笑声。
A little monkey with a drum and sticks is playing loud.一直小猴子带着鼓和棍子敲的很响亮。
At the street fair I can look at thing both old and new.在集市上我可以看到新的东西也可以看到旧的东西。