
机械手的机械和控制系统文章来源:Dirk Osswald, Heinz Wörn.Department of Computer Science , Institute for Process Control and Robotics (IPR).,Engler-Bunte-Ring 8 - Building 40.28.摘要:最近,全球内带有多指夹子或手的机械人系统已经发展起来了,多种方法应用其上,有拟人化的和非拟人化的。



机械产品学 Mechanic Products
机械产品造型设计 Shape Design of Mechanical Products 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mechanic Engineering Control
机械加工自动化 Automation in Mechanical Working 机械可靠性 Mechanical Reliability
机械原理与机械零件 机械原理与机械设计
Mechanical Principl e and Mechanical Elements Mechanical Principl e and Mechanical Design
机械噪声控制 Control of Mechanical Noise 机械制造概论 Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture
基础写作 Fundamental Course of Composition 机床电路 Machine Tool Circuit
机床电器 Machine Tool El ectric Appliance
机床电气控制 Electrical Control of Machinery Tools 机床动力学 Machine Tool Dynamics
机械原理和机械零件 Mechanism & Machinery 机械原理及机械设计 Mechanical Designing
机械原理及应用 Mechanical Principle & Mechanical Applications 机械原理课程设计 Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle
工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics 工程项目评估 Engineering Project Evaluation 工程优化方法 Engineering Optimizational Method 工程运动学 Engineering Kinematics 工程造价管理 Engineering Cost Management 工程制图 Graphing of Engineering 电机学 Electrical Motor 电机学及控制电机 Electrical Machinery Control & Technology

(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文资料外文翻译Weld robot application present conditionAccording to incompletely statistics, the whole world about has in the industrial robot of service nearly half of industrial robots is used for multiform weld to process realm, weld robot of application in mainly have two kinds of methods most widespreadly, then order Han and electricity Hu Han.What we say's welding robot is in fact welding to produce realm to replace a welder to be engaged in the industrial robot of welding the task.These weld to have plenty of to design for being a certain to weld a way exclusively in the robot of, but majority ofly weld robot in fact is an in general use industrial robot to pack up a certain weld tool but constitute.In many task environments, a set robot even can complete include weld at inside of grasp a thing, porterage, install, weld, unload to anticipate etc. various tasks, robot can request according to the procedure with task property and automatically replace the tool on the robotwrist, the completion corresponds of task.Therefore, come up to say from a certain meaning, the development history of industrial robot is the development history that welds robot.Know to all, weld to process to request that welder have to have well-trained operation technical ability, abundant fulfillment experience, stability of weld level;It is still a kind of labor condition bad, many smoke and dust, hot the radiation is big, risk Gao of work.The emergence of the industrial robot makes people naturally thought of first the handicraft that replace a person with it welds and eases the welder's labor strength, can also promise to weld quality and exaltation to weld an efficiency at the same time.However, weld again with other industry process process different, for example, electricity Hu Han process in, drive welder piece because of part heat melt with cool off creation transform, the Han sews of the track will therefore take place to change.Handicraft Han the experienced welder can sew position according to the actual Han observed by eyes adjustment Han in good time the position, carriage of the gun and run about of speed to adapt to the variety that the Han sews a track.However the robot want to adapt to this kind of variety, have to the position and status of gun that want to"see" this kind of to change, then adopt homologous measure to adjust Han like person first, follow while carrying out to sew actually to the Han.Because the electricity Hu welds to have in process strong arc light, give or get an electric shock Hu noise, smoke and dust and Rong drop transition unsteady and causable Han silk short circuit, big electric current strong magnetic field etc. complicated environment factor of existence, the robot wants to examine and identifies a withdrawing of the signal characteristic needed for sewing Han and don't seem to be industrial the other in the manufacturing to process the examination of process so easily, therefore, welding the application of robot is to used for to give or get an electric shock the process of Hu Han in the beginning.Actually, industrial robot at welded the application of realm to produce on-line electric resistance to order a Han beginning from the car assemble at the earliest stage.The reason lies in the process that the electric resistance orders Han opposite more simple, control convenient, and not need Han to sew a track follow, to the accuracy of the robot and repeat the control of accuracy have lower request.Order the Han robot assembles to produce a great deal of on-line application to consumedly raise the rate of production that the car assemble welds and weld quality in the car, at the same time again have a gentle characteristics for welding, then want ~only change procedure, can produce in the same on-line carry on assemble to weld to different cars type.BE born till the beginning of this 80's in century from the robot, the robot technique experienced a development process of long term slowness.90's, along with the rapiddevelopment of calculator technique, micro-electronics technique, and network technique...etc., the robot technique is also flown soon a development.The manufacturing level, control speed and control accuracy and dependable sex etc. of industrial robot continuously raises, but manufacturing cost and price of robot continuously descend.Is social in the west, with contrary robot price BE, the person's labor force cost contains the trend to continuously increase.United Nations European Economic Committee(UNECE) statisticses from the variety curve of 1990-2000 years of the robot price index number and labor force cost index number.Among them the robot price of 1990 index number and labor force cost the index number is all reference to be worth 100, go to 2000, labor force cost index number is 140, increased 40%;But robot under the sistuation that consider a quality factor the price index number is lower than 20, lowered 80%, under the sistuation that take no account of a quality factor, the price index number of robot is about 40, lowered 60%.Here, the robot price that takes no account of a quality factor means actual price of the robot of now with compared in the past;And consider that the quality factor means because the robot make the exaltation of craft technique level, manufacturing quality and function of robot even if want also under the condition of equal price compare high before, therefore, if pressed the past robot equaled quality and function to consider, the price index number of robot should be much lower.Can see from here, national in the west, because the exaltation of labor force cost brings not small pressure for business enterprise, but the lowering of robot price index number coincidentally expands application to bring a chance further for it again.Reduce the equipments investment of employee and increment robot, when their expenses attains some one balance point, the benefit of adoption robot obviously wants to compare to adopt the benefit that the artificial brings big, it on the other hand can consumedly raise the automation level of producing the equipments and raise to labor rate of production thus, at the same time again can promote the product quality of business enterprise, raise the whole competition ability of business enterprise.Although robot 1 time invests a little bit greatly, its daily maintenance and consume is more opposite than its to producing far is smaller than completing the artificial expenses that the same task consumes.Therefore, from farsighted see, the production cost of product also consumedly lowers.But the robot price lower to make some small and medium enterprises invest to purchase robot to become easy to accomplish.Therefore, the application of industrial robot is soon flown a development in every trade.According to the UNECE statistics, the whole world has 750,000 in 2001 set the industrial robot is used for industry manufacturing realm, among them 389,000 in Japan, 198,000 in EU, 90,000 in North America, 73,000 at rest nation.Go to at the end of 2004 the whole world to have at least in the industrial robot of service about 1,000,000.Because the robot controls the exaltation of speed and accuracy and particularly give or get an electric shock the development that the Hu spreads a feeling machine to combine to weld in the robot in get an application, make the robot give or get an electric shock the Han of Hu Han to sew a track to follow and control a problem to some extent and get very solution, the robot welds in the car to make the medium application orders Han to soon develop into the car zero from originally more single car assemble partses and electricity Hu within assemble process Han.Robot's giving or getting an electric shock the biggest characteristics of Hu Han is gentle, can immediately pass to weave a distance at any time a change to weld a track and weld sequence, therefore most be applicable to quilt welder piece the species variety is big, the Han sew short but many, product with complicated shape.This at the right moment again characteristics according to car manufacturing.Being the renewal speed of the particularly modern social car style is very quick, adopting the car production line of robot material can nicely adapt to this kind of variety.Moreover, robot's giving or getting an electric shock Hu Han not only used for a car manufacturing industry, but also can used for other manufacturing industries that involve to give or get an electric shock Hu Han, like shipbuilding, motorcycle vehicle, boiler, heavy type machine etc..Therefore, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the application of Hu Han gradually extensive, on the amount greatly have exceed the robot order the power of Han.Along with car reducing in weight manufacturing the technical expansion, some high strong metal alloy materials and light metal alloy material(is like aluminum metal alloy, and magnesium metal alloy...etc.) get an application in the material in the car structure.These materials' welding usually can not solve with the welding of tradition method, have to adopt to lately weld a method and weld a craft.Among them, Gao power laser Han and agitation rub Han etc. to have to develop a potential most .Therefore, robot and Gao power laser Han and agitation rub combining of Han to become inevitable trend.Be like the public in Shanghai to wait domestic to most have the car manufacturer of real strenght in fact at their new car type manufacturing process in have already in great quantities used robot laser to weld.Give or get an electric shock Hu Han to compare with robot, robot laser the Han of the Han sews to follow accuracy to have higher request.According to the general request, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the Han of Hu Han(include GTAW and GMAW) to sew to follow accuracy to control in 1| of the electrode or the Han silk diameter 2 in, at have the condition that fill the silk under the Han sew to follow accuracy to loosen appropriately.But to laser Han, the laser projects light upon the light spot in the work piece surface while welding diameter usually at 0.6 in, is farer small than Han silk diameter(be usually bigger than 1.0), but the laser weld usually and not add to fill Han silk, therefore, the laser is welding if onlythe spot position has a little bit deviation, then will result in to be partial to Han and leak Han.Therefore, the robot laser of the public in Shanghai's car car crest Han in addition to pack in the work tongs up adopt measure to prevent from welding to transform, still just the robot laser Han gun front installed the high accuracy laser of SCOUT company in Germany to spread a feeling machine to used for Han to sew a following of track.The structure form of industrial robot is a lot of, in common usely have right angle to sit mark type, flexible type, and crawl along type...etc. by mark type, many joints by mark type, surface of sphere by mark type, pillar noodles, according to different use still at continuously development in.It is many robots of joint types of the mimicry person's arm function to weld what robot can adopt a different structure form according to the applied situation of dissimilarity, but use at most currently, this because the arm vivid of many joint type robots is the biggest, it can make space position and carriage of Han gun adjust into arbitrarily the status weld by satisfying a demand.Theoretically speak, the joint of robot is many more, the freedom degree is also many more, the joint redundancy degree is big more, and the vivid is good more;But also go against the sitting of kinetics control of marking the transformation and each joint position for robot to bring complexity at the same time.Because weld to usually need in the process with the space right angle sit to mark the Han on the representative work piece to sew position conversion for the Han gun carry the space position and carriage of department and pass robot again go against the kinetics compute a conversion for to the control of robot each joint angle position, but the solution of this transformation process usually isn't unique, the redundancy degree is big, solve more many more.How select by examinations the steady that the quite the cheese solution welds to exercise in the process to the robot very important.Different treatment of system to this problem of the robot control doesn't exert a homology.Is general to come to speak, have 6 controls request of positions and space carriages that the robots of joints basically can satisfy a Han gun, 3 among those freedoms degree(XYZ) space position used for controling a Han gun to carry a department, another 3 freedom degrees(ABC) are used for the space carriage that controls a Han gun.Therefore, currently weld robot majority as 6 joint types.For some weld situation, work piece because of leading big or the space is several what the shape is too complicated, make the Han gun of welding the robot can not arrive appointed Han to sew position or Han gun carriage, have to pass the freedom degree of the way increment robot of increasing 1~3 exterior stalks at this ually have two kinds of way of doings:One is the orbit that the robot Be packed to to move small car or Dragon gate up, the homework space of extension robot;Two is to let the work piece move or turn, make workpiece up of weld the homework space that the part gets into robot.Also have of adopt two kinds of above-mentioned ways at the same time, let the welding of work piece part and robots all be placed in the best weld position.Weld the plait distance of robot method currently still with on-line show and teach a way(Teach-in) is lord, but wove the interface ratio of distance machine to have many improvements in the past, particularly is the adoption of LCD sketch monitor and make and weld the plait distance of the robot interface lately gradually friendly, operation more easy.However robot plait distance Han's sewing the key point on the track to sit to mark position still have to pass to show to teach the way how to obtain, then deposit the sport instruction of procedure.This sews track to some Hans of complicated shapes to say, have to cost a great deal of time to show to teach and lowered the use efficiency of robot thus and also increased the labor strength of weaving the distance personnel.The method that solves currently includes 2 kinds:One is show to teach a plait distance just rough obtain a few Hans to sew a few keys on the track to order, then spread a feeling machine(usually is give or get an electric shock Hu to spread feeling machine or laser sense of vision to spread a feeling machine) through the sense of vision of welding the robot of auto follow the actual Han sew a track.Although this way still cans not get away from to show to teach a plait distance,this way cans ease to show the strength of teaching the plait distance to some extent and raises to weave a distance efficiency.But because of the characteristics of electricity Hu Han, the sense of vision of robot spreads a feeling machine be not sew forms to all apply to all Hans.Two is the way that adopts a completely off-line plait distance, make the robot weld drawing up of procedure and Han to sew a track to sit to mark adjusting of obtaining of position, and procedure to try all to compute in a set to independently complete on board, don't need participation of robot.Robot off-line plait distance as early as several years ago have, just in order to being subjected to restriction of the calculator function at that time, off-line plait distance software with text originally way is lord, wove a distance member to need to acquaint with the all instruction systems and phrasing of robot, also needed to know how made sure that the space position that the Han sews a track sits a mark, therefore, wove a distance work to not and easily save time.Along with exaltation and calculator of the calculator function 3D sketch technical development, present robot off-line plait distance system majority can under the 3D sketch environment movement, the plait distance interface amity, convenience, and, obtaining Han to sew a sitting of track to mark position usually can adopt the way of "conjecture show to teach"(virtual Teach-in), using a mouse to easily click the welding of work piece in the 3D virtual environment the part can immediately the spaceacquiring the sit a mark;In some systems, can sew directly born Han of position to sew a track through the Han that define in advance in the CAD sketch document, then the automatically born robot procedure combines to download robot to control system.Thus and consumedly raised the plait distance of the robot efficiency, also eased the labor strength of weaving the distance member.Currently, it is international to there have been using an off-line plait distance of robot according to the company of common PC machine on the market software.It is like Workspace5, and RobotStudio...etc..Figure 9 show develop by oneself for the writer of according to PC of 3D can see to turn an off-line plait distance of robot system.The system can IRB140 robots aiming at ABB company carry on an off-line plait distance, the Han in the procedure sews a track to pass conjecture to show to teach to acquire, and can let the robot press the track in the procedure to imitate sport in the 3D sketch environment, examine its accuracy and rationality with this.The procedure woven can pass a network directly the download to the robot controller.The industrial robot of our country"75" science and technologies offend a pass to start starting from the 80's, currently already basic control a robot operation of the design manufacturing of the machine technique, control system hardware and software to design technique, kinetics and track to program a technique, gave birth to parts of robot key dollar spare part, develop to spray a paint, Hu Han and order robots, such as Han, assemble and porterage...etc.;The robot of Hu Han has already applied in the Han of car manufactory to pack on-line.But total of come to see, our country of industrial robot technique and it engineering application of level and abroad than still have certain distance, such as:Credibility low outside the country product;The robot application engineering starts a little bit late and apply realm narrow, production line system technique and abroad than have a margin;The applied scale is small, didn't form robot industry.The robot of the current our country the production is all request that applies a door, list door the single time re- design, the species specification is many, small batch quantity, zero partses are in general use to turn degree low, provide a goods period long, the cost is not low either, and the quality, credibility is unsteady.Consequently and urgently need to solve industry to turn an ex- key technique for expecting, Be to the product carry on programing completely, make good series to turn, in general use turn, the mold piece turn a design and actively push forward industry to turn progress.3, weld robot development trendThe international robot boundaries are enlarging a research, carry on robot currently total technical research.The development trend sees from the robot technique, weld robot similar to the other industrial robot, continuously turn to the intelligence and diversify a direction todevelop.Is concrete but talk, performance in as follows a few aspects:1).The robot operates machine structure:Pass a limited dollar the analysis and mold Tai analyze and imitate the usage of true design etc. modern design method and carry out robot operation organization of excellent turn a design.Quest high strength light quality material, raise a load further|hold with dignity a ratio.For example, take Germany's KUKA company as the representative's robot company, have already merged robot the parallelogram structure change to opening chain structure and expand the work scope of robot, the application of light quality aluminum metal alloy material add, consumedly raise the function of robot.The RV that in addition adopts a forerunner decelerates a machine and communicates servo electrical engineering, make robot operation machine almost become don't need support system.The organization facing mold piece turns and can weigh to reach a direction development.For example, the servo electrical engineering in the joint mold piece, decelerate machine and examine system Christian Trinity to turn;From joint mold piece, connect a pole mold piece is constructed robot the whole machine with the reorganization method;The abroad has already had the mold piece the disguise to go together with a robot product to ask city.The structure of the robot is getting clever, control system smaller and smaller, twos just turn a direction development toward the integral whole.The adoption merges organization and makes use of a robot technique, realization Gao accuracy measure and process, this is the robot technique to number control technique of expand, carried out robot and number to control technique integral whole to turn to lay foundation for future.Italian COMAU company, companies like Japan FANUC,etc developed this kind of product.焊接机器人应用现状据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主要有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊。

Burner Management System燃烧管理系统CCR:Center control room中控室ER:Engineering room工程师室FRR:Field Rack Room现场仪表机柜室(控制室分站)DCS:Distributed control system集散控制系统ESD:Emergency shut-down system紧急停车系统FAT:Factory Acceptance Test工厂验收测试HMIHuman Machine Interface (operator station)人机接口(操作员站)I/O:Input/Output输入/输出MCCMotor Control Center马达控制中心MMS:Machinery Monitoring System机械监测系统MOV:Motor Operated Valve电动阀P&ID:Piping and Instrument Diagrams管道仪表流程图PFD:Process Flow Diagram工艺流程图PLC:Programmable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器PU:Package Unit成套设备SAT:Site Acceptance Test现场认可测试SOE:Sequence Of Events事件序列记录SIL:Safety Integrity Level安全完整性等级SIS:Safety Instrumented System安全仪表系统TMR:Triple Modular Redundant三重模块冗余Quadruple Modular Redundant (dual redundant system) 四重模块冗余(双重冗余系统)UPSUninterruptible Power Supply不间断电源1oo2One out of two, likewise: 2oo32选1,同样地3选2Aabort 中断,停止abnormal 异常abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具absence 失去Absence of brush 无(碳)刷Absolute ABS 绝对的Absolute atmosphere ATA 绝对大气压AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵absorptance 吸收比,吸收率acceleration 加速accelerator 加速器accept 接受access 存取accomplish 完成,达到accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组accuracy 准确,精确acid 酸性,酸的Acid washing 酸洗acknowledge 确认,响应acquisition 发现,取得action 动作Active power 有功功率actuator 执行机构address 地址adequate 适当的,充分的adjust 调整,校正Admission mode 进汽方式Aerial line 天线after 以后air 风,空气Air compressor 空压机Air duct pressure 风管压力Air ejector 抽气器Air exhaust fan 排气扇Air heater 空气加热器Air preheater 空气预热器Air receiver 空气罐Alarm 报警algorithm 算法alphanumeric 字母数字Alternating current 交流电Altitude 高度,海拔Ambient 周围的,环境的Ambient temp 环境温度ammeter 电流表,安培计Ammonia tank 氨水箱Ampere 安培amplifier 放大器Analog 模拟Analog input 模拟输入Analog-to-digital A/D 模拟转换Analysis 分析Angle 角度Angle valve 角伐Angle of lag 滞后角Angle of lead 超前角anthracite 无烟煤Anion 阴离子Anionic exchanger 阴离子交换器Anode 阳极,正极announce 通知,宣布Annual 年的,年报Annual energy output 年发电量anticipate 预期,期望Aph slow motion motor 空预器低速马达Application program 应用程序approach 近似值,接近Arc 电弧,弧光architecture 建筑物结构Area 面积,区域armature 电枢,转子衔铁Arrester 避雷器Ash 灰烬,废墟Ash handling 除灰Ash settling pond 沉渣池Ash slurry pump 灰浆泵assemble 安装,组装Assume 假定,采取,担任Asynchronous motor 异步马达atmosphere 大气,大气压Atomizing 雾化Attempt 企图Attemperater 减温器,调温器Attention 注意Attenuation 衰減,减少,降低Auto reclose 自动重合闸Auto transfer 自动转移Autoformer 自耦变压器Automatic AUTO 自动Automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器Auxiliary AUX 辅助的Auxiliary power 厂用电Available 有效的,可用的Avoid 避免,回避Avometer 万用表,安伏欧表计Axial 轴向的Axis 轴,轴线Axis disp protection 轴向位移,保护Axle 轴,车轴,心捧BBack 背后,反向的Back pressure 背压Back wash 反冲洗Back up 支持,备用Back ward 向后Baffle 隔板Bag filter 除尘布袋Balance 平衡Ball 球Ball valve 球阀Bar 巴,条杆Bar screen material classifier 栅形滤网base 基础、根据Base load 基本负荷Base mode 基本方式Batch processing unit 批处理单元Battery 电池Bearing BRG 轴承before 在…之前bell 铃Belt 带,皮带Bend 挠度,弯曲BLAS 偏置,偏压Binary 二进制,双Black 黑色Black out 大停电,全厂停电blade 叶片Bleed 放气,放水Blocking signal 闭锁信号Blow 吹Blow down 排污Blowlamp 喷灯blue 蓝色Bms watchdog Bms看门狗,bms监视器boiler BLR 锅炉Boiler feedwater pump BFP 锅炉给水泵Boil-off 蒸发汽化bolt 螺栓bore 孔,腔boost BST 增压,提高Boost centrifugal pump BST CEP 凝升泵Boost pump BP 升压泵Boot strap 模拟线路,辅助程序bottom 底部Bowl mill 碗式磨brash 脆性,易脆的bracket 支架,托架,括号breadth 宽度break 断开,断路breaker 断路器,隔离开关Breaker coil 跳闸线路breeze 微风,煤粉Brens-chluss 熄火,燃烧终结bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络brigade 班,组,队,大队broadcast 广播brownout 节约用电brush 电刷,刷子Brush rocker 电刷摇环Brown coal 褐煤Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护bucket 斗,吊斗Buffer tank 缓冲箱built 建立bulletin 公告,公报bunker 煤仓burner 燃烧器Burner management system 燃烧器管理系统Bus section 母线段busbar 母线Busbar frame 母线支架buscouple 母联button 按钮Bypass/by pass BYP 旁路Bypass valve 旁路阀学习一下,2楼的怎么没有下文了!很吊胃口!我也稍微提供一些,仅供交流参考!也希望2楼的继续有下文阿!仪表功能被测变量温度温差压力或真空压差流量液位或料位变送TT TDT PT PDT FT LT指示TI TDI PI PDI FI LI指示、变送TIT TDIT PIT PDIT FIT LIT指示、调节TIC TDIC PIC PDIC FIC LIC指示、报警TIA TDIA PIA PDIA FIA LIA指示、联锁、报警TISA TDSIA PISA PDSIA FISA LISA指示、积算FIQ指示、自动手动操作TIK TDIK PIK PDIK FIK LIK记录TR TDR PR PDR FR LR记录、调节TRC TDRC PRC PDRC FRC LRC记录、报警TRA TDRA PRA PDRA FRA LRA记录、联锁、报警TRSA TDRSA PRSA PDSRA FRSA LRSA 记录、积算PDRQ FRQ调节TC TDC PC PDC FC LC调节、变送TCT报警TA联锁、报警TSA TDSA PSA PDSA FSA LSA积算、报警FQA火焰报警BA电导率指示CI电导率指示、报警CIA时间或时间程序指示KI时间程序指示控制KIC作者: xqc130******** 时间: 2009-5-4 22:25DCS分散控制系统中英文对照DCS-----------------------------分散控制系统RUNBACK-------------------------自动快速减负荷RUNRP---------------------------强增负荷RUNDOWN-------------------------强减负荷FCB-----------------------------快速甩负荷MFT-----------------------------锅炉主燃料跳闸TSI-----------------------------汽轮机监测系统ETS-----------------------------汽轮机紧急跳机系统TAS-----------------------------汽轮机自启动系统AGC-----------------------------自动发电控制ADS-----------------------------调度自动化系统CCS-----------------------------单元机组协调控制系统FSSS----------------------------锅炉炉膛安全监控系统BMS-----------------------------燃烧管理系统SCS-----------------------------顺序控制系统MCC-----------------------------调节控制系统DAS-----------------------------数椐采集系统DEH-----------------------------数字电液调节系统MEH-----------------------------给水泵汽轮机数字电液调节系统BPS-----------------------------旁路控制系统DIS-----------------------------数字显示站MCS-----------------------------管理指令系统BM------------------------------锅炉主控TM------------------------------汽轮机主控DEB-----------------------------协调控制原理ULD-----------------------------机组负荷指令ABTC----------------------------CCS的主控系统MLS-----------------------------手动负荷设定器BCS-----------------------------燃烧器控制系统PLC-----------------------------可编程控制器UAM-----------------------------自动管理系统MTBF----------------------------平均故障间隔时间MTTR----------------------------平均故障修复时间SPC-----------------------------定值控制系统OPC-----------------------------超数保护控制系统ATC-----------------------------自动汽轮机控制ETS-----------------------------汽轮机危急遮断系统AST-----------------------------自动危急遮断控制IMP------------------------------调节级压力VP------------------------------阀位指令FA------------------------------全周进汽PA------------------------------部分进汽LVDT----------------------------线性位移差动转换器UMS-----------------------------机组主控顺序BMS-----------------------------炉主控顺序BFPT----------------------------给水泵汽轮机PID-----------------------------比例积分微分调节器BATCHDATA-----------------------批数椐节STEPSUBOUTINE-------------------步子程序节FUNCTIONSUBOUTINE—-------------功能子程序节MONITORSUBOUTINE----------------监视子程序节MCR-----------------------------最大连续出力ASP-----------------------------自动停导阀LOB-----------------------------润滑油压低LP------------------------------调速油压低LV------------------------------真空低OS------------------------------超速PU------------------------------发送器RP------------------------------转子位置TB------------------------------轴向位移DPU-----------------------------分散控制单元MIS-----------------------------自动化管理信息系统DEL-----------------------------数据换码符DTE-----------------------------数据终端设备DCE-----------------------------数据通信设备RTU-----------------------------远程终端TXD-----------------------------发送数据RXD-----------------------------接收数据RTS-----------------------------请求发送CTS-----------------------------结束发送DSR-----------------------------数据装置准备好DTR-----------------------------数据终端准备好WORKSTATION---------------------工作站DATAHIGHWAYS--------------------数据高速公路DATANETWORK---------------------数据网络OIS-----------------------------操作员站EWS-----------------------------工程师站MMI-----------------------------人机接口DHC-----------------------------数据高速公路控制器FP------------------------------功能处理器MFC-----------------------------多功能处理器NMRR----------------------------差模抑制比CMRR----------------------------共模抑制比OIU-----------------------------操作员接口MMU-----------------------------端子安装单元CIU-----------------------------计算机接口单元COM-----------------------------控制器模件LMM-----------------------------逻辑主模件BIM-----------------------------总线接口模件AMM-----------------------------模拟主模件DSM-----------------------------数字子模件DLS-----------------------------数字逻辑站ASM-----------------------------模拟子模件DIS-----------------------------数字指示站CTS-----------------------------控制I/O子模件TPL-----------------------------通信回路端子单元TDI/IDO-------------------------数字输入/输出端子单元TAI/TAO-------------------------模拟输入/输出端子单元TLS-----------------------------逻辑站端子单元TCS-----------------------------控制器站端子单元CTM-----------------------------组态调整单元MBD-----------------------------控制板LOG-----------------------------记录器站ENG-----------------------------工程师控制站HSR-----------------------------历史数据存储及检索站OPE-----------------------------操作员/报警控制台CALC----------------------------记算机站TV------------------------------高压主汽阀GV------------------------------高压调节阀RV------------------------------中压主汽阀IV------------------------------中压调节阀PPS-----------------------------汽轮机防进水保护系统AS------------------------------自动同步BOP-----------------------------轴承润滑油泵EOP-----------------------------紧急事故油泵SOB-----------------------------高压备用密封油泵CCBF----------------------------协调控制锅炉跟随方式CCTF----------------------------协调控制汽轮机跟随方式CRT-----------------------------阴极射线管GC------------------------------高压调节阀控制IC------------------------------中压调节阀控制TC------------------------------高压主汽阀控制LDC-----------------------------负荷指令计算机OA------------------------------操作员自动控制PCV-----------------------------压力控制阀门RD------------------------------快速降负荷RSV-----------------------------中压主汽阀TSI-----------------------------汽轮机监控仪表TPC-----------------------------汽轮机压力控制UPS-----------------------------不间断电源HONEYWELL PKS 术语缩写AI Analog Input 模拟量输入AO Analog Output 模拟量输出ACS Automation Control System 自动控制系统CM Control Module 控制模块CNI ControlNet Interface ControlNet接口CPM Control Processor Module 控制处理器模块CR Control Room Area 控制室DI Digital Input 数字量输入DO Digital Output 数字量输出ES Experion Server Experion服务器ESD Emergency Shutdown System 紧急停车系统FB Function Block 功能块FGS-ENG Fire & Gas System Engineering Station 消防和燃气系统工程站FTE Fault Tolerant Ethernet 容错以太网HAI HART Analog Input 带HART协议的模拟量输入IO Input Output 输入输出LAN Local Area Network 局域网MAC Media Access Control 媒体访问控制NIC Network Interface Card 网络接口卡OI Override Interlock 覆写联锁OP Output 输出PCS Process Control System 过程控制系统P-LAN Process LAN 过程局域网P-LAN-A P-LAN A 过程局域网AP-LAN-B P-LAN B 过程局域网BPRN Printer 打印机PRSV Printer Server 打印服务器RCP Redundant Chassis Pair 冗余机架对RM Redundancy Module 冗余模块RTU Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端单元SCM Sequence Control Module 顺控模块SDS Shutdown System 停车系统SI Safety Interlock 安全连锁SP Set Point 设定值STN Experion Station Exrerion站UPS Un-interruptible Power Supply 不间断电源TS Terminal Server 终端服务器MICC(Main Instrument&Control Contractor)主要仪表和控制承包商MAV (Main Automation Vendor)主要自动化供应商MIV(Main Instrument Vendor)主要仪表供应商作者:张强。

翻译人:王墨墨山东科技大学文献题目:Automated Calibration of Robot Coordinatesfor Reconfigurable Assembly Systems翻译正文如下:针对可重构装配系统的机器人协调性的自动校准T.艾利,Y.米达,H.菊地,M.雪松日本东京大学,机械研究院,精密工程部摘要为了实现流水工作线更高的可重构性,以必要设备如机器人的快速插入插出为研究目的。
关键词:装配,校准,机器人1 介绍21世纪新的制造系统需要具备新的生产能力,如可重用性,可拓展性,敏捷性以及可重构性[1]。

外文翻译COMBINATION OF ROBOT CONTROL AND ASSEMBLY PLANNINGFOR A PRECISION MANIPULATOORAbstractThis paper researches how to realize the automatic assembly operation on a two-finger precision manipulator. A multi-layer assembly support system is proposed. At the task-planning layer, based on the computer-aided design (CAD) model, the assembly sequence is first generated, and the information necessary for skill decomposition is also derived. Then, the assembly sequence is decomposed into robot skills at the skill-decomposition layer. These generated skills are managed and executed at the robot control layer. Experimental results show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed system.Keywords Manipulator Assembly planning Skill decomposition Automated assembly1 IntroductionOwing to the micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) techniques, many products are becoming very small and complex, such as microphones, micro-optical components, and microfluidic biomedical devices, which creates increasing needs for technologies and systems for the automated precision assembly of miniature parts. Many efforts aiming at semi-automated or automated assembly have been focused on microassembly technologies. However, microassembly techniques of high flexibility, efficiency, and reliability still open to further research. Thispaper researches how to realize the automatic assembly operation on a two-finger micromanipulator. A multi-layer assembly support system is proposed.Automatic assembly is a complex problem which may involve many different issues, such as task planning, assembly sequences generation, execution, and control, etc. It can be simply divided into two phases; the assembly planning and the robot control. At the assembly-planning phase, the information necessary for assembly operations, such as the assembly sequence, is generated. At the robot control phase, the robot is driven based on the information generated atthe assembly-planning phase, and the assembly operations are conducted. Skill primitives can work as the interface of assembly planning to robot control. Several robot systems based on skill primitives have been reported. The basic idea behind these systems is the robot programming. Robot movements are specified as skill primitives, based on which the assembly task is manually coded into programs. With the programs, the robot is controlled to fulfill assembly tasks automatically.A skill-based micromanipulation system has been developed in the authors’ lab, and it can realize many micromanipulation operations. In the system, the assembly task is manually discomposed into skill sequences and compiled into a file. After importing the file into the system, the system can automatically execute the assembly task. This paper attempts to explore a user-friendly, and at the same time easy, sequence-generation method, to relieve the burden of manually programming the skillsequence.It is an effective method to determine the assembly sequence from geometric computer-aided design (CAD) models. Many approaches have been proposed. This paper applies a simple approach to generate the assembly sequence. It is not involved with the low-level data structure of the CAD model, and can be realized with the application programming interface (API) functions that many commercial CAD software packages provide. In the proposed approach, a relations graph among different components is first constructed by analyzing the assembly model, and then, possible sequences are searched, based onthe graph. According to certain criterion, the optimal sequence is finally obtained.To decompose the assembly sequence into robot skill sequences, some works have been reported. In Nnaji et al.’s work, the assembly task commands are expanded to more detailed commands, which can be seen as robot skills, according to a predefined format. The decomposition approach of Mosemann and Wahl is based on the analysis of hyperarcs of AND/OR graphs representing the automatically generated assembly plans. This paper proposes a method to guide the skill decomposition. The assembly processes of parts are grouped into different phases, and parts are at different states. Specific workflows push forward parts from one state to another state. Each workflow is associated with a skill generator. According to the different start state and target state of the workflow, the skill generator creates a series of skills that can promote the part to its target state.The hierarchy of the system proposed here ,the assembly information on how to assemble a product is transferred to the robot through multiple layers. The top layer is for the assembly-task planning. The information needed for the task planning and skill generation are extracted from the CAD model and are saved in the database. Based on the CAD model, the assembly tasksequences are generated. At the skill-decomposition layer, tasks are decomposed into skill sequences. The generated skills are managed and executed at the robot control layer.2 Task planningSkills are not used directly at the assembly-planning phase. Instead, the concept of a task is used. A task can fulfill a series of assembly operations, for example, from locating a part, through moving the part, to fixing it with another part. In other words, one task includes many functions that may be fulfilled by several different skills. A task is defined as:T =(Base Part; Assembly Part; Operation)Base_Part and Assembly_Part are two parts that are assembled together. Base_Part is fixed on the worktable, while Assembly_Part is handled by robot’s end-effector and assembled onto the Base_Part. Operation describes how the Assembly_Part is assembled with the Base_Part; Operation ∈ {Insertion_T, screw_T, align_T,...}.The structure of microparts is usually uncomplicated, and they can be modeled by the constructive solid geometry (CSG) method. Currently, many commercial CAD software packages can support 3D CSG modeling. The assembly model is represented as an object that consists of two parts with certain assembly relations that define howthe parts are to be assembled. In the CAD model, the relations are defined by geometric constraints. The geometric information cannot be used directly to guide the assembly operation—we have to derive the information necessary for assembly operations from the CAD model.Through searching the assembly tree and geometric relations (mates’ relations) defined in the assembly’s CAD model, we can generate a relation graph among parts, for example, In the graph, the nodes represent the parts. If nodes are connected, it means that there are assembly relations among these connected nodes (parts).2.1 Mating directionIn CSG, the relations of two parts, geometric constraints, are finally represented as relations between planes and lines, such as collinear, coplanar, tangential, perpendicular, etc. For example, a shaft is assembled in a hole. The assembly relations between the two parts may consist of such two constraints as collinear between the centerline of shaft Lc_shaft and the centerline of hole Lc_hole and coplanar between the plane P_Shaft and the plane P_Hole. The mating direction is a key issue for an assembly operation. This paper applies the following approach to compute the possible mating direction based on the geometric constraints (the shaft-in-hole operation of Fig.3 is taken as an example):1. For a part in the relation graph, calculate its remaining degrees of freedom,also called degrees of separation, of each geometric constraint.For the coplanar constraint, the remaining degrees of freedom are {}z Rot y x R ,,1=. For the collinear constraint, the remaining degrees of freedom are {}z Rot z R ,2=. 1R and 2R can also be represented as {}1,0,0,0,1,11=R and {}1,0,0,1,0,02=R . Here, 1 means that there is a degree of separation between the two parts. {}1,0,0,00,021,= R R , and so, the degree of freedom around the z axis will be ignored in the following steps.In the case that there is a loop in the relation graph, such as parts Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 in Fig. 2, the loop has to be broken before the mating direction is calculated. Under the assumption that all parts in the CAD model are fully constrained and not over-constrained, the following simple approach is adopted. For the part t in the loop, calculate the number of 1s in in i i ti R R R N ...21=; where ik R is the remaining degrees of freedom of constraint k by part i. For example, in Fig. 2, given that the number of 1s in 7,5part part U and 7,6part part U is larger than 6,5part part U and 5,6part part U , respectively, then it can be regarded that the position of Part 7 is determined by constraints with both Part 5 and Part 6, while Part 5 and Part 6 can be fully constrained by constraints between Part 5 and Part 6.We can unite Part 5 and Part 6 as one node in the relation graph, also called a composite node, as shown in Fig. 2b. The composite node will be regarded as a single part, but it is obvious that the composite node implies an assembly sequence.2. Calculate mating directions for all nodes in the relation graph. Again, beginning at the state that the shaft and the hole are assembled, separate the part in one degree of separation by a certain distance (larger than the maximum tolerance), and then check if interference occurs. Separation in both ±x axis and ±y axis of R1 causes the interference between the shaft and the hole. Separation in the +z direction raises no interference. Then, select the +z direction as the mating direction, which is represented as a vector M measured in the coordinate system of the assembly. It should be noted that, in some cases, there may be several possible mating directions for a part. The condition for assembly operation in the mating direction to be ended should be given. When contact occurs between parts in the mating direction at the assembled state, which can be checked simply with geometric constraints, the end condition is measured by force sensory information, whereas position information is used as an end condition.3. Calculate the grasping position. In this paper, parts are handled and manipulated with two separate probes, which will be discussed in the Sect. 4, and planes or edges are considered for grasping. In the case that there are several mating directions, the grasping planes are selected as G1∩G2∩...∩Gi, where Gi is possible grasping plane/edge set for the ith mating direction when the part is at its free state. For example, in Fig. 4, the pair planes P1/P1′, P2/P2′, and P3/P3′ canserve as possible grasping planes, and then the grasping planes are{}{}{}{}1P1/P 2P2/P ,1P1/P 3P3/P ,1P1/P 3P3/P ,2P2/P ,1P1/P 3_2_1_'='''''''=dir mating dir mating dir mating G G GThe approaching direction of the end-effector is selected as the normal vector of the grasping planes. It is obvious that not all points on the grasping plane can be grasped. The following method is used to determine the grasping area. The end-effector, which is modeled as a cuboid, is first added in the CAD model, with the constraint of coplanar or tangential with the grasping plane. Beginning at the edge that is far away from the Base_Part in the mating direction, move the end-effector in the mating direction along the grasping plane until the end-effector is fully in contact with the part, the grasping plane is fully in contact with the end-effector, or a collision occurs. Record the edge and the distance, both of which are measured in the part ’s coordinate system.4. Separate gradually the two parts along the mating direction, while checking interference in the other degrees of separation, until no interference occurs in all of the other degrees of separation. There is obviously a separation distance that assures interference not to occur in every degree of separation. It is called the safe length in that direction. This length is used for the collision-free path calculation, which will be discussed in the following section.2.2 Assembly sequenceSome criteria can be used to search the optimal assembly sequence, such as the mechanical stability of subassemblies, the degree of parallel execution, types of fixtures, etc. But for microassembly, we should pay more attention to one of its most important features, the limited workspace, when selecting the assembly sequence. Microassembly operations are usually conducted and monitored under microscopy, and the workspace for microassembly is very small. The assembly sequence brings much influence on the assembly efficiency. For example, a simple assembly with three parts. In sequence a, part A is first fixed onto part B. In the case that part C cannot be mounted in the workspace at the same time with component AB because of the small workspace, in order to assemble part C with AB, component AB has to be unmounted from the workspace. Then, component C is transported and fixed into the workspace. After that, component AB is transported back into the workspace again. In sequence b, there is no need to unmount any part. Sequence a is obviously inefficient and may cause much uncertainty. In other words, the greater the number of times of unmounting components required by an assembly sequence, the more inefficient the assembly sequence. In this paper, due to the small -workspace feature of microassembly, the number of times necessary for the mounting of parts is selected as the search criteria to find the assembly sequence that has a few a number of times for themounting of parts as possible.This paper proposes the following approach to search the assembly sequence. The relation graph of the assembly is used to search the optimal assembly sequence. Heuristic approaches are adopted in order to reduce the search times:1. Check nodes connected with more than two nodes. If the mating directions of its connected nodes are different, mark them as inactive nodes, whereas mark the same mating directions as active mating direction.2. Select a node that is not an inactive node. Mark the current node as the base node (part). The first base part is fixed on the workspace with the mating direction upside (this is done in the CAD model). Compare the size (e.g., weight or volume) of the base part with its connected parts, which can be done easily by reading the bill of materials (BOM) of the assembly. If the base part is much smaller, then mark it as an inactive node.3. Select a node connected with the base node as an assembly node (part). Check the mating direction if the base node needs to be unmounted from the workspace. If needed, update a variable, say mount++. Reposition the component (note that there may be not only the base part in the workspace; some other parts may have been assembled with the base part) in the workspace so that the mating direction is kept upside.4. In the CAD model, move the assembly part to the base part in the possible mating direction, while checking if interference (collision) occurs. If interference occurs, mark the base node as an inactive node and go to step 2, whereas select the Operation type according to parts’ geometric features. In this step, an Obstacle Box is also computed. The box, which is modeled as a cuboid, includes all parts in the workspace. It is used to calculate the collision-free path to move the assembly part, which will be introduced in the following section. The Obstacle Box is described by a position vector and its width, height, and length.5. Record the assembly sequence with the Operation type, the mating direction, and the grasping position.6. If all nodes have been searched, then mark the first base node as an inactive node and go to step 2. If not, select a node connected with the assembly node. Mark it as an assembly node, and the assembly node is updated as a base node. Check if there is one of the mating directions of the assembly node that is same as the mating direction of the former assembly node. If there is, use the former mating direction in the following steps. Go to step 3.After searching the entire graph, we may have several assembly sequences. Comparing the values of mount, the more efficient one can be selected. If not even one sequence is returned, then users may have to select one manually. If there are N nodes in the relation graph of Fig. 2b, all of which are not classed as inactive node, and each node may have M mating directions, thenit needs M N computations to find all assembly sequences. But because, usually, one part only has one mating direction, and there are some inactive nodes, the computation should be less than M N .It should be noted that, in the above computation, several coordinate systems are involved, such as the coordinates of the assembly sequence, the coordinates of the base part, and the coordinates of the assembly. The relations among the coordinates are represented by a 4×4 transformation matrix, which is calculated based on the assembly CAD model when creating the relations graph. These matrixes are stored with all of the related parts in the database. They are also used in skill decomposition.3 Skill decomposition and execution3.1 Definition of skill primitiveSkill primitives are the interface between the assembly planning and robot control. There have been some definitions on skill primitives. The basic difference among these definitions is the skill ’s complexity and functions that one skill can fulfill. From the point of view of assembly planning, it is obviously better that one skill can fulfill more functions. However, the control of a skill with many functions may become complicated. In the paper, two separate probes, rather than a single probe or parallel jaw gripper, are used to manipulate the part. Even for the grasp operation, the control process is not easy. In addition, for example, moving a part may involve not only the manipulator but also the worktable. Therefore, to simplify the control process, skills defined in the paper do not include many functions.More importantly, the skills should be easily applied to various assembly tasks, that is, the set of skills should have generality to express specific tasks. There should not be overlap among skills. In the paper, a skill primitive for robot control is defined as:()()()()i Attribute i Condition i Attribute i End i Attribute i Start i Attribute i Action i Attribute Si __,__,__,__,_=Attributes_i Information necessary for Si to be executed. They can be classified as required attributes and option attributes, or sensory attributes and CAD-model-driven attributes. The attributes are represented by global variables used in different layers.Action_i Robots ’ actions, which is the basic sensormotion. Many actions are defined in the system, such as Move_Worktable, Move_Probes, Rotation_Worktable, Rotation_Probes, Touch, Insert, Screw, Grasp , etc. For one skill, there is only one Action. Due to the limited space, the details of actions will not be discussed in this paper.Start_i The start state of Action_i , which is measured by sensor values.End_i The end state of Action_i, which is measured by sensor values.Condition_i The condition under which Action_i is executed.From the above definitions, we may find that skill primitives in the paper are robot motions with start state and end state, and that they are executed under specific conditions. Assembly planning in the paper is to generate a sequence of robot actions and to assign values to attributes of these actions.3.2 Skill decompositionSome approaches have been proposed for skill decomposition. This paper presents a novel approach to guide the skill decomposition. As discussed above, in the present paper, a task is to assemble the Assembly_Part with the Base_Part. We define the process from the state that Assembly_Part is at a free state to the state that it is fixed with the Base_Part as the assembly lifecycle of the Assembly_Part. In its assembly lifecycle, the Assembly_Part may be at different assembly states.Here shows a shaft’s states shown as blocks and associated workflows of an insertion task. A workflow consisting of a group of skills pushes forward the Assembly_Part from one state to another state. A workflow is associated with a specific skill generator that is in charge of generating skills. For different assembly tasks, the same workflows may be used, though specific skills generated for different tasks may be different.The system provides default task templates, in which default states are defined. These templates are imported into the system and instantiated after they are associated with the corresponding Assembly_Part. In some cases, some states defined by the default template may be not needed. For example, if the shaft has been placed into the workspace with accurate position, for example, determined by the fixture, then the Free and In_WS states can be removed from the shaft’s assembly lifecycle. The system provides a tool for users to modify these templates or generate their own templates. The tool’s user interface is displayed in.For a workflow, the start state is measured by sensory values, while the target state is calculated based on the CAD model and sensory attributes. According to the start state and the target state, the generator generates a series of skills. Here, we use the Move workflow in as an example to show how skills are generated.After the assembly task (assembly lifecycle) is initiated, the template is read into the Coordinator. For the workflow Move, its start state is Grasped, which implies that the Assembly_Part is grasped by the robot’s end-effector and, obviously, the position of the Assembly_Part is also obtained. Its target state is Adjusted, which is the state immediately before it is to be fixed with the Base_Part. At the Adjusted state, the orientation of the Assembly_Part is determined by the mating direction, while the position is determined by the Safe Length. Thesevalues have been calculated in the task planning layer and are stored in a database. When the task template is imported, these values are read into the memory at Coordinate and transformed into the coordinates of the workspace.There is an important and necessary step that has to be performed in the skill decomposition phase—the generation of a collision-free path. Here, we use a straight-line path, which is simple and easy calculated. Assume that P3 is the position of the Assembly_Part at the Adjusted state and P0 is the position at the Grasped state. The following approach is applied to generate the path:1. Based on the orientation of the Assembly_Part and mating direction, select skills (Rotate_Table or Rotate_Probes) to adjust the orientation of the part and assign values to the attributes of these skills.2. Based on the Obstacle Box, mating direction, real position/orientation of the Assembly_Part, the intermediate positions P1 and P2 need to be calculated.3. For each segment path, verify whether the Move_Table skill (for a large range) or the Move_Probe skill (for a small range) should be used.4. Generate skill lists for each segment and assign values to these skills.3.3 Execution of skillsAfter a group of skills which can promote the part to a specific state are generated, these skills are transferred to the Skill Management model. The system promotesone or several skills into the On Work Skill list and simultaneously dispatches them to the micromanipulator. Once the skill has been completed by the robot, the system removes it from the OnWork Task list and places it into the Completed Task list. After all of these skills have been completed, the state of the part is updated. For some states, skill execution and skill generation can be conducted in parallel. For example, for the Insertion lifecycle, if the part's position information is obtained, skills for the move workflow can be generated parallel with the execution of skills generated for the Grasp workflow.The assembly process is not closed to users. With the proposed skills management list structure, users can monitor and control the assembly process easily. For example, for the adjustment or the error recovery, users can suspend the ongoing skill to input commands directly or move the robot in a manual mode.4 Experiment4.1 Experimental platformThe experimental platform used in the paper. For microassembly operations, the precision and workspace are tradeoffs. In order to acquire both a large workspace and high precision, the two-stage control approach is usually used. These systems usually consist of two different sets of actuators; the coarse one, which is of large workspace but lower precision, and the fine one, which is of small workspace but higher precision. In our system, the large-range coarse motion is provided by a planar motion unit, with a repeatability of 2 μm in the x and y directions, which is driven by two linear sliders made by NSK Ltd. The worktable can also provide a rotation motion around the z axis, which is driven by a stepper motor with a maximum resolution of 0.1°/step.In the manipulator, two separate probes, rather than a single probe or parallel jaw grippers, are used to manipulate the miniature parts. The two probes are fixed onto two stepper motors with a maximum resolution of 0.05°/step. The two motors are then fixed onto the parallel motion mechanism respectively. It is a serial connection of a parallel-hexahedron link and a parallelogram link. When the 1θ,2θ, and 3θ are small enough, the motion of the end-effector can be considered as linear motion.The magnetic actuator to drive the parallel mechanism consists of an air-core coil and a permanent magnet. The permanent magnet is attached to the parallel link, while the coil is fixed onto the base frame. The magnetic levitation is inherently unstable, because it is weak to external disturbances due to its non-contact operation in nature. To minimize the effect of external disturbances, a disturbance-observer-based method is used to control our micromanipulator.Laser displacement sensors are used to directly measure the probe ’s position. The reflector is attached to the endeffector. Nano-force sensors produced by the BL AUTOTEC company are used to measure the forces. The position resolution of the micromanipulator is 1 um. The maximal resolution of the force is 0.8 gf, and the maximal resolution of the torque is 0.5 gfcm. A more detailed explanation on the mechanism of the manipulator can be found. All assembly operations are conducted under a microscope SZCTV BO61 made by the Olympus Company. The image information is captured by a Sharp GPB –K PCI frame grabber, which works at 25 MHz.4.2 ExperimentAn assembly with three components is assembled with the proposed manipulator. It is a wheel of a micromobile robot developed in the authors'lab. The following geometric constraints are defined in the CAD model: collinear between CL_cup and CL_axis , collinear between CL_gear and CL_axis , coplanar between Plane_cup and Plane_gear_1, coplanar between Plane_gear_1 and Plane_axis. According to the above geometric constraints, the three parts construct a loop in the relation graph.The CAD model is created with the commercial software Solidworks 2005, and its API functions are used to develop the assembly planning model. The assembly Information database is developed with Oracle 9.2. Models involved with skill generation are developed with Visual Basic 6.0. The skill-generation models are run withWindows 2000 on an HP workstation with a CPU of 2.0 G Hz and memory of 1.0 GB. Assuming that the positions of parts are available beforehand, it took about 7 min to generate the skill sequence. The generated assembly sequence is to assemble the gear onto the axis, and then assemble the cup onto the axis and the gear.In the assembly operation, the parts are placed on the worktable with special fixtures and then transported into the workspace, so that their initial position and orientation can be assured. Therefore, in the experiment, all of the skill sequences for the different parts can be generated and then transferred to the Skill Management unit. The skill istransmitted to the micromanipulator through TCP/IP communication. Because the controller of the micromanipulator is run on DOS, the WTTCP tools kit are adopted to develop the TCP/IP communication protocol.Because, currently, the automated control of the fixtures is not realized yet, the parts have to be fixed manually onto the worktable. The promotion between different tasks(assembly lifecycle of different parts) is conducted manually. Here shows some screenshots of the assembly process. In a, the axis is fixed in the workspace; in b, the gear is fixed in the workspace; from c to e, the gear is grasped, moved, and fixed onto the axis by the probes; in f, the cup is fixed in the workspace; from g to i, the cup is fixed with the gear and the axis. It can be found that the proposed system can perform the assembly successfully.5 ConclusionThis paper has introduced a skill-based manipulation system. The skill sequences are generated based on a computer-aided design (CAD) model. By searching the assembly tree and mate trees, an assembly graph is constructed. The paper proposes the approach to calculate the mating directions and grasping position based on the geometric constraints that define relations between different parts. Because the workspace of the micromanipulator is very small, the assembly sequence brings much influence on the assembly sequence. In the present paper, the number of required times of mounting parts in the workspace is selected as the criterion to select the optimal skill sequence.This paper presents a method to guide the skill decomposition. The assembly process is divided into different phases. In one phase, the part is at an assembly state. A specific workflow pushes the part forwards to its target state, which is the next desired state of the part in the。

目 录/CONTENT1.目的 Purpose2.编写依据 Compiling basis3.焊接工程师职责 Responsibility of welding engineer4.焊接质量检查员职责 Responsibility of quality inspector5.焊接工艺(PQR、WPS)welding procedure6.电焊工管理 Welder management7.焊接消耗品控制 Welding consumable control8.焊接追踪程式计划 Weld tracking plan9.附录 Attachment1)焊接工艺指导书(WPS)Welding Procedure Specification2)Acceptance criteria for welds焊缝验收准则3)合格焊工登记表Registration form for accepted welder4)焊条日发放记录表Record form for daily issuing rods5)焊丝日发放记录表Record form for daily issuing wires1、目的 Purpose为了确保CSPC南海石化项目管道焊接工程质量,特编制此焊接控制手册。
We establish this welding control manual so as to assure welding project quality for piping of CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project.2、编制依据 BasisCSPC南海石化项目文件:CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals documents:1)PR-8710-0000-0025 Welding Program Procedure《焊接计划》2)PR-8710-0000-0026 Welder Training And Qualification Procedure 《焊工培训和资格评定》3)PR-8710-0000-0038 Welding Control Procedure 《焊接控制程序》4)DEP Welding of metals5)GN-8710-3000-1002 《电焊工考试与管理规则》(附件十二) GN-8710-3000-1002《electric welder examination and managementregulation》(attachment twelve)美国机械工程师协会标准:American Society of Mechanical Engineer Codes:ASME B31.1、 ASME B31.3、 ASME IX国内标准:national standardGBJ50236-98、GB50235-973、现场焊接工程师职责responsibility of field welding engineer3.1.负责准备、发布、保存被业主批准的焊接程序、标准、规范及焊工数据库、程序资格认定测试、WPS以及PQR认定记录。

附录外文文献原文:Simple Manipulator And The Control Of ItAlong with the social production progress and people life rhythm is accelerating, people on production efficiency also continuously put forward new requirements. Because of microelectronics technology and calculation software and hardware technology rapid development and modern control theory, the perfection of the fast development, the robot technology pneumatic manipulator system because its media sources do not pollute the environment, simple and cheap components, convenient maintenance and system safety and reliability characteristic, has penetrated into every sector of the industrial field, in the industrial development plays an important role. This article tells of the pneumatic control robots, furious manipulator XY axis screw group, the turntable institutions, rotating mechanical parts base. Main effect is complete mechanical components handling work, to be placed in different kinds of line or logistics pipeline, make parts handling, transport of goods more quick and convenient.Matters of the manipulator axial linkage simple structure and action processManipulator structure, as shown in figure 1 below have accused of manipulator (1), XY axis screw group (2), the turntable institutions (3), rotating base (4), etc.Figure 1 Manipulator StructureIts motion control mode is: (1) can rotate by servomotor Angle for 360 °breath control manipulator (photoelectric sensor sure start 0 point); (2) by stepping motor drive screw component make along the X, Y manipulators move (have X, Y axis limit switches); (3) can rotates 360 °can drive the turntable institutions manipulators and bushings free rotation (its electric drag in part by the dc motivation, photoelectric encoder, close to switch etc); (4) rotating base main support above 3 parts; (5) gas control manipulator by pressure control (Zhang close when pressed on, put inflatable robot manipulators loosen) when gas.Its working process for: when the goods arrived, manipulator system begins to move; Stepping motor control, while the other start downward motion along the horizontal axis of the step-motor controller began to move exercise; Servo motor driver arrived just grab goods manipulators rotating the orientation of the place, then inflatable, manipulator clamped goods.Vertical axis stepper motor drive up, the other horizontal axis stepper motor driver started to move forward; rotary DC motor rotation so that the whole robot motion, go to the cargo receiving area; longitudinal axis stepper motor driven down again, arrived at the designated location, Bleed valve,mechanical hand release the goods; system back to the place ready for the next action.II.Device controlTo achieve precise control purposes, according to market conditions, selection of a variety of keycomponents as follows:1. Stepper motor and driveMechanical hand vertical axis (Y axis) and horizontal (X axis) is chosen Motor Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Stone 42BYG250C type of two-phase hybrid stepping motor, step angle of 0.9 ° / 1.8 °, current is 1.5A. M1 is the horizontal axis motor driven manipulator stretch, shrink; M2 is the vertical axis motor driven manipulator rise and fall. The choice of stepper motor drive is SH-20403 type, the drive uses 10 ~ 40V DC power supply, H-phase bridge bipolar constant current drive, the maximum output current of 3A of the 8 optional, maximum fine of 64 segments of 7 sub-mode optional optical isolation, standard single-pulse interface, with offline capabilities to maintain semi-sealed enclosure can be adapted to environmental conditions even worse, provide semi-current energy-saving mode automatically. Drive the internal switching power supply design to ensure that the drive can be adapted to a wide voltage range, the user can according to their circumstances to choose between the 10 ~ 40VDC. Generally the higher rated power supply voltage can improve high-speed torque motor, but the drive will increase the loss and temperature rise. The maximum output drive current is 3A / phase (peak), six drive-panel DIP switch on the first three can be combined 5,6,7 8 out of state, corresponding to the 8 kinds of output current from 0.9A to 3A to meet the different motors. The drive can provide full step, half step improvement, subdivision 4, 8 segments, 16 segments, 32 segments and 64segments of 7 operating modes. The use of six of the drive panel DIP switches 1,2and3 can be combined from three different states.2. Servo motors and drivesManipulator with Panasonic servo motor rotational movement A series of small inertia MSMA5AZA1G, the rated 50W, 100/200V share, rotary incremental encoder specifications (number of pulses 2500p / r, resolution of 10000p / r, Lead 11 lines) ; a seal, no brakes, shaft with keyway connections. The motor uses Panasonic's unique algorithms, the rate increased by 2 times the frequency response, to 500Hz; positioning over the past adjust the scheduled time by Panasonic servo motor products for the V Series of 1 / 4. With the resonance suppression, control, closed loop control, can make up for lack of mechanical rigidity, in order to achieve high positioning accuracy can also be an external grating to form closed loop control to further improve accuracy. With a conventional automatic gain adjustment and real-time automatic gainInterest adjustment in the automatic gain adjustment methods, which also has RS-485, RS-232C communication port, the host controller can control up to 16 axes. Servo motor drives are a series MSDA5A3A1A, applicable to small inertia motor.3. DC machine360 ° swing of the turntable can be a brushless DC motor driven organization, the system is chosen when the profit company in Beijing and the 57BL1010H1 brushless DC motor, its speed range, low-speed torque, smooth running, low noise, high efficiency. Brushless DC motor drive using the Beijing and when Lee's BL-0408 produced by the drive, which uses 24 ~ 48V DC power supply, a start-stop and steering control, over current, overvoltage and locked rotor protection, and there is failure alarm output external analog speed control,braking down so fast.4. Rotary encoderCan swing 360 °in the body on the turntable, fitted with OMRON E6A2 produced incremental rotary encoder, the encoder signals to the PLC, to achieve precise positioning of rotary bodies.5. PLC SelectionAccording to the system design requirements, the choice of OMRON CPM2A produced minicomputer. CPM2A in a compact unit integrated with a variety of properties, including the synchronization pulse control, interrupt input, pulse output, analog set and clock functions. CPM2A the CPU unit is a stand-alone unit, capable of handling a wide range of application of mechanical control, it is built in the device control unit for the ideal product. Ensure the integrity of communications and personal computers, other OMRON PC and OMRON Programmable Terminal communication. The communication capability allows the robot to Axis simple easy integration into industrial control systems.III. Software programming1. Software flow chartPLC programming flow chart is based. Only the design flow, it may be smooth and easy to prepare and write a statement form the ladder, and ultimately complete the process design. So write a flow chart of program design is critical to the task first thing to do. Axis Manipulator based on simple control requirements, drawing flow chart shown in Figure 2.Figure 2 Software flow chart2. Program partBecause space is limited, here only paper listed the first two program segment for readers see.Figure 3 Program partIV. ConclusionAxis simple robot state by the various movements and PLC control, the robot can not only meet the manual, semi-automatic mode of operation required for such a large number of buttons, switches, position detection point requirements, but also through the interface components and Computer Organization PLC industrial LAN, network communication and network control. Axis simple robot can be easily embedded into industrial production pipeline.中文译文:简易机械手及控制随着社会生产不断进步和人们生活节奏不断加快,人们对生产效率也不断提出新要求。

Hand Column Type Power MachineFollow with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly enhance level of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spraing gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations for example automation, should cause the attention of people more and more.Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques.Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine. Along with the development of industrial technology, produced independently according to the process control to achieve repetitive operation, using range iswide "program control general manipulator", hereinafter referred to as general manipulator. General manipulator used to quickly change the working procedure, adaptability is stronger, so he is in constant transformation in the medium and small batch production of products are widely used.NO.1 The composition of the manipulatorManipulator is in the form of a variety of, some relatively simple, some more complex, but the basic form is the same, generally by the actuators, transmission system, control system and the auxiliary device.The actuator manipulator actuators, by the hand, wrist, arm, pillars. Hand is grasping mechanism, which is used to clamp and release artifacts, as a human finger, can complete staff of similar action. Is connected to the fingers and wrist arm components, can be up and down, left and right sides and rotary movement. Simple manipulator can not the wrist. Prop used to support the arm, can also according to need to make it move.The driving system movement of the actuator by the transmission system to achieve. Common mechanical transmission system of mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic transmission and power transmission etc. Several forms. The control system of manipulator control system main function is to control the manipulator according to certain procedures, movement direction, position, speed, simple manipulator is generally not set special control system, only the stroke switch, relay, control valves and control circuit can realize dynamic transmission system, the executing agency action in accordance with requirements. Action complex manipulator should adopts the programmable controller, microcomputer control. NO.2 Classification and characteristics of the manipulatorRobots generally fall into three categories the first is general manipulator doesn't need manual operation. It is a kind of independence is not attached to a host device. It can according to the need of the task program, the operation of the provisions to complete. It is with the characteristics of common mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence of three yuan. The second is the need to do manually. Called Operating machine. It originated in the atom, military industry, first by Operating machine to complete a specific assignment, later to use radio signal Operating machine to explore the moon and so on. Used in the forging industry Operating machine falls under this category. The third kind is to use special manipulator, mainly attached to automatic machine or automatic line, used to solve machine tool material and workpiece to send up and down. This manipulator in a foreign country is called "the Mechanical Hand", it is in the service of the host, driven by the host; Except a few working procedures generally is fixed, so it is special.NO.3 The application of industrial manipulatorManipulator is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a kind of new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achievebetter with the combination of mechanization and automation.Manipulator although it is not as flexible as manpower, but it can have repeated work and labor, do not know fatigue, is not afraid of danger, snatch heavy weights strength characteristics such as larger than man, as a result, the manipulator has been brought to the attention of the many departments, and have been applied more and more widely.(1) Machine tools machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in automatic lathe, use common combination machine tools.(2) Widely used in the assembly operation, it can be used to assemble printed circuit board in the electronics industry, it can be in the machinery industry to assemble parts.(3) Can be in working conditions is poor, repetitive easy fatigue of the work environment, to instead of human Labour.(4) The development of the universe and the ocean.(5) Military engineering and biomedical research and test.Application of robots can replace people in dull, repetitive or heavy manual work, to realize mechanization and automation of production, instead of human in harmful environment of manual operation, improve labor condition, ensure the personal safety. In the late 1940 s, the United States in the nuclear experiments, firstly adopts manipulator handling radioactive materials, people in the security room to manipulate manipulator for various operation and experiment. After the '50 s, robots gradually extended to industrial production department, for use in high temperature, serious pollution of local leave work pieces and the loading and unloading materials, as auxiliary device in the machine tool automatic machine, automatic production line and processing center in the application, complete the material up and down or from libraries take put the knives and replace tool operations such as fixed procedure. Manipulator is mainly composed of hand and motion mechanism. Hand mechanism varies according to the usage situation and operation object, the common are holding, hold and the adsorption type etc. Motion mechanism usually driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, electric devices. Manipulator can be achieved independently of scaling, rotation and lifting movement, generally speaking, there are 2 ~ 3 degrees of freedom. Robots are widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry and atomic energy etc.Manipulator is used in the production process automation with grab and move the workpiece is a kind of automatic device, it is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robots can replace humans do dangerous, repeat the boring work, reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator have been applied more and more widely, it can be used for parts assembled in the machinery industry, processing the workpiece handling, loading and unloading,especially on the automatic CNC machine, combination machine tools more common use. At present, the manipulator has developed into a flexible manufacturing system of FMS and flexible manufacturing cell is an important component of FMC. The machine tool equipment and manipulator of a flexible manufacturing system or flexible manufacturing unit, it is suitable for medium and small batch production, can save a large workpiece delivery device, structure is compact, but also has a strong adaptability. When the workpiece changes, flexible production system is easy to change, is advantageous to the enterprise continuously updated marketable varieties, improve product quality, better adapt to the needs of the market competition. But at present our country's industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and foreign than there is a certain distance, scale and industrialization level is low, research and development of the manipulator has direct influence on raising the automation level of production in our country, from the consideration on the economic and technology is very necessary. Therefore, carries on the research design of the manipulator is very meaningful.NO.4 The development trend of manipulatorCurrent industrial applications of the manipulator gradually expanding, constantly improve the technology performance. Due to the short development time, it has a gradual understanding of process, the manipulator and a technically perfect step by step process, its development trend is:1.To expand the application of manipulator and processing industryAt present domestic robots used in mechanical industry more in cold working operations, while in the hot work such as casting, forging, welding, heat treatment less, and the application of assembly work, etc. So processing work items heavy, complicated shape and high environmental temperature, bring many difficulties to manipulator design, manufacture, it is need to solve the technical difficulties, make the manipulator to better service for processing work. At the same time, in other industries and industrial sectors, also will with the constant improvement of the industrial technology level, and gradually expand the use of the manipulator 2.Improve the work performance of the industry manipulatorManipulator in the working performance of the pros and cons, determines the application and production, it can normal manipulator working performance of the repetitive positioning accuracy and speed of work two indicators, decided to ensure the quality of manipulator can complete the operation of the key factors. Therefore to solve good working stability and rapidity of the manipulator's request, besides from solve buffer localization measures, should also be development meet the requirements of mechanical properties and low price of electro-hydraulic servo valve, servo control system was applied to the mechanical hand.3.Development of modular robotsVariable application manipulator from the characteristics of the manipulator itself, more adapted to the product type, equipment updates, many varieties, small batch, but its cost is high, the special manipulator and cheap, but the scope is limited. Therefore, for some special purpose, you need special design, special processing, thus improving the product cost. In order to adapt to the request ofthe application field of classify, the structure of the manipulator can be designed to the form of combination. Modular manipulator is a common parts according to the requirement of the job, select necessary to accomplish the function of the unit components, based on the base of combination, deserve to go up with adaptive control part, namely the manipulator with special requirements can be completed. It can simplify the structure, take into account the specificity and design on the use of generality, more in the series design and organization of standardization, specialized production, to improve quality and reduce cost of the manipulator, isa kind of promising manipulator4. Has a "vision" and "touch" of so-called "intelligent robots"For artificial has flexible operation and the need for judgment of the situation, industrial manipulator is very difficult to replace human labor. Such as in the working process of the accident, disorders and conditions change, etc., manipulator cannot be automatically distinguish correct, but to stop, after waiting for people to rule out accident can continue to work. As a result, people puts forward higher requirements on mechanical hand, hope to make it a "vision", "touch", etc, make it to the judgment, the choice of object, can be continuously adjusted to adapt to changing conditions, and can perform a "hand - eye coordination. This requires a computer can handle a lot of information, require them to exchange of information with machine "dialogue".This "vision", "touch" feedback, controlled by computer, is one part of the "smart" mechanism is called "intelligent robots". Is the so-called "smart" includes: the function of recognition, learning, memory, analysis, judgment. And recognition is through the "visual", "touch" and "hearing" feel "organ" of cognitive object. Which has the function of sensory robot, its performance is perfect, can accurately clamping arbitrary azimuth objects, determine an object, weight, work over obstacles, the clamping force is measured automatically, and can automatically adjust, suitable for engaged in the operation of the complex, precision, such as assembly operation, it has a certain development prospects.Intelligent robots is an emerging technology, the study of it will involve the electronic technology, control theory, communication technology, television technology, spatial structure and bionic mechanical discipline. It is an emerging field of modern automatic control technology. With the development of science and intelligent robots will replace people to do more work.工业机械手随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或是操持焊枪、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业的自动化,应越来越引起人们的重视。


运用对象导向型和分布式软件协助工业机器人焊接焊接机器人J. NORBERTO PIRES, ALTINO LOUREIRO, T. GODINHOP. FERREIRA, B. FERNANDO, and J. MORGADO著机器人常被用于工业焊接作业中,但这一运用并非一个简化的工艺流程。
在这种情况下,与手工生产和复杂的自动设置相比,机器人生产设置显现出了最佳“单位成本”性能(图1) [1]。

徐州工程学院毕业设计外文翻译学生姓名学院名称专业名称指导教师20**年5月27日COMBINATION OF ROBOT CONTROL AND ASSEMBLY PLANNINGFOR A PRECISION MANIPULATOORAbstractThis paper researches how to realize the automatic assembly operation on a two-finger precision manipulator. A multi-layer assembly support system is proposed. At the task-planning layer, based on the computer-aided design (CAD) model, the assembly sequence is first generated, and the information necessary for skill decomposition is also derived. Then, the assembly sequence is decomposed into robot skills at the skill-decomposition layer. These generated skills are managed and executed at the robot control layer. Experimental results show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed system.Keywords Manipulator Assembly planning Skill decomposition Automated assembly1 IntroductionOwing to the micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) techniques, many products are becoming very small and complex, such as microphones, micro-optical components, and microfluidic biomedical devices, which creates increasing needs for technologies and systems for the automated precision assembly of miniature parts. Many efforts aiming at semi-automated or automated assembly have been focused on microassembly technologies. However, microassembly techniques of high flexibility, efficiency, and reliability still open to further research. Thispaper researches how to realize the automatic assembly operation on a two-finger micromanipulator. A multi-layer assembly support system is proposed.Automatic assembly is a complex problem which may involve many different issues, such as task planning, assembly sequences generation, execution, and control, etc. It can be simply divided into two phases; the assembly planning and the robot control. At the assembly-planning phase, the information necessary for assembly operations, such as the assembly sequence, is generated. At the robot control phase, the robot is driven based on the information generated at the assembly-planning phase, and the assembly operations are conducted. Skill primitives can work as the interface of assembly planning to robot control. Several robot systems based on skill primitives have been reported. The basic idea behind these systems is the robot programming. Robot movements are specified as skill primitives, based on which the assembly task is manually coded into programs. With the programs, the robot is controlled to fulfill assembly tasks automatically.A skill-based micromanipulation system has been developed in the authors’ lab, and it can realize many micromanipulation operations. In the system, the assembly task is manually discomposed into skill sequences and compiled into a file. After importing the file into the system, the system can automatically execute the assembly task. This paper attempts to explore a user-friendly, and at the same time easy, sequence-generation method, to relieve the burden of manually programming the skillsequence.It is an effective method to determine the assembly sequence from geometric computer-aided design (CAD) models. Many approaches have been proposed. This paper applies a simple approach to generate the assembly sequence. It is not involved with the low-level data structure of the CAD model, and can be realized with the application programming interface (API) functions that many commercial CAD software packages provide. In the proposed approach, a relations graph among different components is first constructed by analyzing the assembly model, and then, possible sequences are searched, based onthe graph. According to certain criterion, the optimal sequence is finally obtained.To decompose the assembly sequence into robot skill sequences, some works have been reported. In Nnaji et al.’s work, the assembly task commands are expanded to more detailed commands, which can be seen as robot skills, according to a predefined format. The decomposition approach of Mosemann and Wahl is based on the analysis of hyperarcs of AND/OR graphs representing the automatically generated assembly plans. This paper proposes a method to guide the skill decomposition. The assembly processes of parts are grouped into different phases, and parts are at different states. Specific workflows push forward parts from one state to another state. Each workflow is associated with a skill generator. According to the different start state and target state of the workflow, the skill generator creates a series of skills that can promote the part to its target state.The hierarchy of the system proposed here ,the assembly information on how to assemble a product is transferred to the robot through multiple layers. The top layer is for the assembly-task planning. The information needed for the task planning and skill generation are extracted from the CAD model and are saved in the database. Based on the CAD model, the assembly task sequences are generated. At the skill-decomposition layer, tasks are decomposed into skill sequences. The generated skills are managed and executed at the robot control layer.2 Task planningSkills are not used directly at the assembly-planning phase. Instead, the concept of a task isused. A task can fulfill a series of assembly operations, for example, from locating a part, through moving the part, to fixing it with another part. In other words, one task includes many functions that may be fulfilled by several different skills. A task is defined as:T =(Base Part; Assembly Part; Operation )Base_Part and Assembly_Part are two parts that are assembled together. Base_Part is fixed on the worktable, while Assembly_Part is handled by robot ’s end-effector and assembled onto the Base_Part. Operation describes how the Assembly_Part is assembled with the Base_Part; Operation ∈ {Insertion_T, screw_T, align_T,...}.The structure of microparts is usually uncomplicated, and they can be modeled by the constructive solid geometry (CSG) method. Currently, many commercial CAD software packages can support 3D CSG modeling. The assembly model is represented as an object that consists of two parts with certain assembly relations that define howthe parts are to be assembled. In the CAD model, the relations are defined by geometric constraints. The geometric information cannot be used directly to guide the assembly operation —we have to derive the information necessary for assembly operations from the CAD model.Through searching the assembly tree and geometric relations (mates ’ relations) defined in the assembly ’s CAD model, we can generate a relation graph among parts, for example, In the graph, the nodes represent the parts. If nodes are connected, it means that there are assembly relations among these connected nodes (parts).2.1 Mating directionIn CSG , the relations of two parts, geometric constraints, are finally represented as relations between planes and lines, such as collinear, coplanar, tangential, perpendicular, etc. For example, a shaft is assembled in a hole. The assembly relations between the two parts may consist of such two constraints as collinear between the centerline of shaft Lc_shaft and the centerline of hole Lc_hole and coplanar between the plane P_Shaft and the plane P_Hole. The mating direction is a key issue for an assembly operation. This paper applies the following approach to compute the possible mating direction based on the geometric constraints (the shaft-in-hole operation of Fig. 3 is taken as an example):1. For a part in the relation graph, calculate its remaining degrees of freedom,also called degrees of separation, of each geometric constraint.For the coplanar constraint, the remaining degrees of freedom are {}z Rot y x R ,,1=. For the collinear constraint, the remaining degrees of freedom are {}z Rot z R ,2=. 1R and 2R can alsobe represented as {}1,0,0,0,1,11=R and {}1,0,0,1,0,02=R . Here, 1 means that there is a degree ofseparation between the two parts. {}1,0,0,00,021,= R R , and so, the degree of freedom around the z axis will be ignored in the following steps.In the case that there is a loop in the relation graph, such as parts Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 in Fig. 2, the loop has to be broken before the mating direction is calculated. Under the assumption that all parts in the CAD model are fully constrained and not over-constrained, the following simple approach is adopted. For the part t in the loop, calculate the number of 1s in in i i ti R R R N ...21=; where ik R is the remaining degrees of freedom of constraint k by part i. For example, in Fig. 2, given that the number of 1s in 7,5part part U and 7,6part part U is larger than 6,5part part U and 5,6part part U , respectively, then it can be regarded that the position of Part 7 is determined by constraints with both Part 5 and Part 6, while Part 5 and Part 6 can be fully constrained by constraints between Part 5 and Part 6.We can unite Part 5 and Part 6 as one node in the relation graph, also called a composite node, as shown in Fig. 2b. The composite node will be regarded as a single part, but it is obvious that the composite node implies an assembly sequence.2. Calculate mating directions for all nodes in the relation graph. Again, beginning at the state that the shaft and the hole are assembled, separate the part in one degree of separation by a certain distance (larger than the maximum tolerance), and then check if interference occurs. Separation in both ±x axis and ±y axis of R1 causes the interference between the shaft and the hole. Separation in the +z direction raises no interference. Then, select the +z direction as the mating direction, which is represented as a vector M measured in the coordinate system of the assembly. It should be noted that, in some cases, there may be several possible mating directions for a part. The condition for assembly operation in the mating direction to be ended should be given. When contact occurs between parts in the mating direction at the assembled state, which can be checked simply with geometric constraints, the end condition is measured by force sensory information, whereas position information is used as an end condition.3. Calculate the grasping position. In this paper, parts are handled and manipulated with two separate probes, which will be discussed in the Sect. 4, and planes or edges are considered for grasping. In the case that there are several mating directions, the grasping planes are selected as G1∩G2∩...∩Gi, where Gi is possible grasping plane/edge set for the ith mating direction when the part is at its free state. For example, in Fig. 4, the pair planes P1/P1′, P2/P2′, and P3/P3′ can serve as possible grasping planes, and then the grasping planes are{}{}{}{}1P1/P 2P2/P ,1P1/P 3P3/P ,1P1/P 3P3/P ,2P2/P ,1P1/P 3_2_1_'='''''''=dir mating dir mating dir mating G G GThe approaching direction of the end-effector is selected as the normal vector of thegrasping planes. It is obvious that not all points on the grasping plane can be grasped. The following method is used to determine the grasping area. The end-effector, which is modeled as a cuboid, is first added in the CAD model, with the constraint of coplanar or tangential with the grasping plane. Beginning at the edge that is far away from the Base_Part in the mating direction, move the end-effector in the mating direction along the grasping plane until the end-effector is fully in contact with the part, the grasping plane is fully in contact with the end-effector, or a collision occurs. Record the edge and the distance, both of which are measured in the part’s coordinate system.4. Separate gradually the two parts along the mating direction, while checking interference in the other degrees of separation, until no interference occurs in all of the other degrees of separation. There is obviously a separation distance that assures interference not to occur in every degree of separation. It is called the safe length in that direction. This length is used for the collision-free path calculation, which will be discussed in the following section.2.2 Assembly sequenceSome criteria can be used to search the optimal assembly sequence, such as the mechanical stability of subassemblies, the degree of parallel execution, types of fixtures, etc. But for microassembly, we should pay more attention to one of its most important features, the limited workspace, when selecting the assembly sequence. Microassembly operations are usually conducted and monitored under microscopy, and the workspace for microassembly is very small. The assembly sequence brings much influence on the assembly efficiency. For example, a simple assembly with three parts. In sequence a, part A is first fixed onto part B. In the case that part C cannot be mounted in the workspace at the same time with component AB because of the small workspace, in order to assemble part C with AB, component AB has to be unmounted from the workspace. Then, component C is transported and fixed into the workspace. After that, component AB is transported back into the workspace again. In sequence b, there is no need to unmount any part. Sequence a is obviously inefficient and may cause much uncertainty. In other words, the greater the number of times of unmounting components required by an assembly sequence, the more inefficient the assembly sequence. In this paper, due to the small -workspace feature of microassembly, the number of times necessary for the mounting of parts is selected as the search criteria to find the assembly sequence that has a few a number of times for the mounting of parts as possible.This paper proposes the following approach to search the assembly sequence. The relation graph of the assembly is used to search the optimal assembly sequence. Heuristic approaches are adopted in order to reduce the search times:1. Check nodes connected with more than two nodes. If the mating directions of its connected nodes are different, mark them as inactive nodes, whereas mark the same mating directions as active mating direction.2. Select a node that is not an inactive node. Mark the current node as the base node (part). The first base part is fixed on the workspace with the mating direction upside (this is done in the CAD model). Compare the size (e.g., weight or volume) of the base part with its connected parts, which can be done easily by reading the bill of materials (BOM) of the assembly. If the base part is much smaller, then mark it as an inactive node.3. Select a node connected with the base node as an assembly node (part). Check the mating direction if the base node needs to be unmounted from the workspace. If needed, update a variable, say mount++. Reposition the component (note that there may be not only the base part in the workspace; some other parts may have been assembled with the base part) in the workspace so that the mating direction is kept upside.4. In the CAD model, move the assembly part to the base part in the possible mating direction, while checking if interference (collision) occurs. If interference occurs, mark the base node as an inactive node and go to step 2, whereas select the Operation type according to parts’ geometric features. In this step, an Obstacle Box is also computed. The box, which is modeled as a cuboid, includes all parts in the workspace. It is used to calculate the collision-free path to move the assembly part, which will be introduced in the following section. The Obstacle Box is described by a position vector and its width, height, and length.5. Record the assembly sequence with the Operation type, the mating direction, and the grasping position.6. If all nodes have been searched, then mark the first base node as an inactive node and go to step 2. If not, select a node connected with the assembly node. Mark it as an assembly node, and the assembly node is updated as a base node. Check if there is one of the mating directions of the assembly node that is same as the mating direction of the former assembly node. If there is, use the former mating direction in the following steps. Go to step 3.After searching the entire graph, we may have several assembly sequences. Comparing the values of mount, the more efficient one can be selected. If not even one sequence is returned, then users may have to select one manually. If there are N nodes in the relation graph of Fig. 2b, all of which are not classed as inactive node, and each node may have M mating directions, then it needs M N computations to find all assembly sequences. But because, usually, one part only has one mating direction, and there are some inactive nodes, the computation should be less than M N.It should be noted that, in the above computation, several coordinate systems are involved, such as the coordinates of the assembly sequence, the coordinates of the base part, and thecoordinates of the assembly. The relations among the coordinates are represented by a 4×4 transformation matrix, which is calculated based on the assembly CAD model when creating the relations graph. These matrixes are stored with all of the related parts in the database. They are also used in skill decomposition.3 Skill decomposition and execution3.1 Definition of skill primitiveSkill primitives are the interface between the assembly planning and robot control. There have been some definitions on skill primitives. The basic difference among these definitions is the skill ’s complexity and functions that one skill can fulfill. From the point of view of assembly planning, it is obviously better that one skill can fulfill more functions. However, the control of a skill with many functions may become complicated. In the paper, two separate probes, rather than a single probe or parallel jaw gripper, are used to manipulate the part. Even for the grasp operation, the control process is not easy. In addition, for example, moving a part may involve not only the manipulator but also the worktable. Therefore, to simplify the control process, skills defined in the paper do not include many functions.More importantly, the skills should be easily applied to various assembly tasks, that is, the set of skills should have generality to express specific tasks. There should not be overlap among skills. In the paper, a skill primitive for robot control is defined as:()()()()i Attribute i Condition i Attribute i End i Attribute i Start i Attribute i Action i Attribute Si __,__,__,__,_=Attributes_i Information necessary for Si to be executed. They can be classified as required attributes and option attributes, or sensory attributes and CAD-model-driven attributes. The attributes are represented by global variables used in different layers.Action_i Robots ’ actions, which is the basic sensormotion. Many actions are defined in the system, such as Move_Worktable, Move_Probes, Rotation_Worktable, Rotation_Probes, Touch, Insert, Screw, Grasp , etc. For one skill, there is only one Action. Due to the limited space, the details of actions will not be discussed in this paper.Start_i The start state of Action_i , which is measured by sensor values.End_i The end state of Action_i , which is measured by sensor values.Condition_i The condition under which Action_i is executed.From the above definitions, we may find that skill primitives in the paper are robot motions with start state and end state, and that they are executed under specific conditions. Assemblyplanning in the paper is to generate a sequence of robot actions and to assign values to attributes of these actions.3.2 Skill decompositionSome approaches have been proposed for skill decomposition. This paper presents a novel approach to guide the skill decomposition. As discussed above, in the present paper, a task is to assemble the Assembly_Part with the Base_Part. We define the process from the state that Assembly_Part is at a free state to the state that it is fixed with the Base_Part as the assembly lifecycle of the Assembly_Part. In its assembly lifecycle, the Assembly_Part may be at different assembly states.Here shows a shaft’s states shown as blocks and associated workflows of an insertion task. A workflow consisting of a group of skills pushes forward the Assembly_Part from one state to another state. A workflow is associated with a specific skill generator that is in charge of generating skills. For different assembly tasks, the same workflows may be used, though specific skills generated for different tasks may be different.The system provides default task templates, in which default states are defined. These templates are imported into the system and instantiated after they are associated with the corresponding Assembly_Part. In some cases, some states defined by the default template may be not needed. For example, if the shaft has been placed into the workspace with accurate position, for example, determined by the fixture, then the Free and In_WS states can be removed from the shaft’s assembly lifecycle. The system provides a tool for users to modify these templates or generate their own templates. The tool’s user interface is displayed in.For a workflow, the start state is measured by sensory values, while the target state is calculated based on the CAD model and sensory attributes. According to the start state and the target state, the generator generates a series of skills. Here, we use the Move workflow in as an example to show how skills are generated.After the assembly task (assembly lifecycle) is initiated, the template is read into the Coordinator. For the workflow Move, its start state is Grasped, which implies that the Assembly_Part is grasped by the robot’s end-effector and, obviously, the position of the Assembly_Part is also obtained. Its target state is Adjusted, which is the state immediately before it is to be fixed with the Base_Part. At the Adjusted state, the orientation of the Assembly_Part is determined by the mating direction, while the position is determined by the Safe Length. These values have been calculated in the task planning layer and are stored in a database. When the task template is imported, these values are read into the memory at Coordinate and transformed into the coordinates of the workspace.There is an important and necessary step that has to be performed in the skill decompositionphase—the generation of a collision-free path. Here, we use a straight-line path, which is simple and easy calculated. Assume that P3 is the position of the Assembly_Part at the Adjusted state and P0 is the position at the Grasped state. The following approach is applied to generate the path:1. Based on the orientation of the Assembly_Part and mating direction, select skills (Rotate_Table or Rotate_Probes) to adjust the orientation of the part and assign values to the attributes of these skills.2. Based on the Obstacle Box, mating direction, real position/orientation of the Assembly_Part, the intermediate positions P1 and P2 need to be calculated.3. For each segment path, verify whether the Move_Table skill (for a large range) or the Move_Probe skill (for a small range) should be used.4. Generate skill lists for each segment and assign values to these skills.3.3 Execution of skillsAfter a group of skills which can promote the part to a specific state are generated, these skills are transferred to the Skill Management model. The system promotesone or several skills into the On Work Skill list and simultaneously dispatches them to the micromanipulator. Once the skill has been completed by the robot, the system removes it from the OnWork Task list and places it into the Completed Task list. After all of these skills have been completed, the state of the part is updated. For some states, skill execution and skill generation can be conducted in parallel. For example, for the Insertion lifecycle, if the part's position information is obtained, skills for the move workflow can be generated parallel with the execution of skills generated for the Grasp workflow.The assembly process is not closed to users. With the proposed skills management list structure, users can monitor and control the assembly process easily. For example, for the adjustment or the error recovery, users can suspend the ongoing skill to input commands directly or move the robot in a manual mode.4 Experiment4.1 Experimental platformThe experimental platform used in the paper. For microassembly operations, the precision and workspace are tradeoffs. In order to acquire both a large workspace and high precision, the two-stage control approach is usually used. These systems usually consist of two different sets of actuators; the coarse one, which is of large workspace but lower precision, and the fine one,which is of small workspace but higher precision. In our system, the large-range coarse motion is provided by a planar motion unit, with a repeatability of 2 μm in the x and y directions, which is driven by two linear sliders made by NSK Ltd. The worktable can also provide a rotation motion around the z axis, which is driven by a stepper motor with a maximum resolution of 0.1°/step.In the manipulator, two separate probes, rather than a single probe or parallel jaw grippers, are used to manipulate the miniature parts. The two probes are fixed onto two stepper motors with a maximum resolution of 0.05°/step. The two motors are then fixed onto the parallel motion mechanism respectively. It is a serial connection of a parallel-hexahedron link and a parallelogram link. When the 1θ,2θ, and 3θ are small enough, the motion of the end-effector can be considered as linear motion.The magnetic actuator to drive the parallel mechanism consists of an air-core coil and a permanent magnet. The permanent magnet is attached to the parallel link, while the coil is fixed onto the base frame. The magnetic levitation is inherently unstable, because it is weak to external disturbances due to its non-contact operation in nature. To minimize the effect of external disturbances, a disturbance-observer-based method is used to control our micromanipulator.Laser displacement sensors are used to directly measure the probe ’s position. The reflector is attached to the endeffector. Nano-force sensors produced by the BL AUTOTEC company are used to measure the forces. The position resolution of the micromanipulator is 1 um. The maximal resolution of the force is 0.8 gf, and the maximal resolution of the torque is 0.5 gfcm. A more detailed explanation on the mechanism of the manipulator can be found. All assembly operations are conducted under a microscope SZCTV BO61 made by the Olympus Company. The image information is captured by a Sharp GPB –K PCI frame grabber, which works at 25 MHz.4.2 ExperimentAn assembly with three components is assembled with the proposed manipulator. It is a wheel of a micromobile robot developed in the authors'lab. The following geometric constraints are defined in the CAD model: collinear between CL_cup and CL_axis , collinear between CL_gear and CL_axis , coplanar between Plane_cup and Plane_gear_1, coplanar between Plane_gear_1 and Plane_axis. According to the above geometric constraints, the three parts construct a loop in the relation graph.The CAD model is created with the commercial software Solidworks 2005, and its API functions are used to develop the assembly planning model. The assembly Information database is developed with Oracle 9.2. Models involved with skill generation are developed with Visual Basic 6.0. The skill-generation models are run withWindows 2000 on an HP workstation with aCPU of 2.0 G Hz and memory of 1.0 GB. Assuming that the positions of parts are available beforehand, it took about 7 min to generate the skill sequence. The generated assembly sequence is to assemble the gear onto the axis, and then assemble the cup onto the axis and the gear.In the assembly operation, the parts are placed on the worktable with special fixtures and then transported into the workspace, so that their initial position and orientation can be assured. Therefore, in the experiment, all of the skill sequences for the different parts can be generated and then transferred to the Skill Management unit. The skill istransmitted to the micromanipulator through TCP/IP communication. Because the controller of the micromanipulator is run on DOS, the WTTCP tools kit are adopted to develop the TCP/IP communication protocol.Because, currently, the automated control of the fixtures is not realized yet, the parts have to be fixed manually onto the worktable. The promotion between different tasks(assembly lifecycle of different parts) is conducted manually. Here shows some screenshots of the assembly process. In a, the axis is fixed in the workspace; in b, the gear is fixed in the workspace; from c to e, the gear is grasped, moved, and fixed onto the axis by the probes; in f, the cup is fixed in the workspace; from g to i, the cup is fixed with the gear and the axis. It can be found that the proposed system can perform the assembly successfully.5 ConclusionThis paper has introduced a skill-based manipulation system. The skill sequences are generated based on a computer-aided design (CAD) model. By searching the assembly tree and mate trees, an assembly graph is constructed. The paper proposes the approach to calculate the mating directions and grasping position based on the geometric constraints that define relations between different parts. Because the workspace of the micromanipulator is very small, the assembly sequence brings much influence on the assembly sequence. In the present paper, the number of required times of mounting parts in the workspace is selected as the criterion to select the optimal skill sequence.This paper presents a method to guide the skill decomposition. The assembly process is divided into different phases. In one phase, the part is at an assembly state. A specific workflow pushes the part forwards to its target state, which is the next desired state of the part in the assembly lifecycle and is calculated based on CAD model information and sensory information.A special skill generator is associated with the workflow to generate skills that promote the part to the target state. After the skill sequence is generated, the system dispatches them to the controller of the manipulator to drive the manipulator.。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Hand Column Type Power MachineFollow with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly enhance level of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spraing gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations for example automation, should cause the attention of people more and more.Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity,while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques.Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine. Along with the development of industrial technology, produced independently according to the process control to achieve repetitive operation, using range is wide "program control general manipulator", hereinafter referred to as general manipulator. General manipulator used to quickly change the workingprocedure, adaptability is stronger, so he is in constant transformation in the medium and small batch production of products are widely used.NO.1 The composition of the manipulatorManipulator is in the form of a variety of, some relatively simple, some more complex, but the basic form is the same, generally by the actuators, transmission system, control system and the auxiliary device.The actuator manipulator actuators, by the hand, wrist, arm, pillars. Hand is grasping mechanism, which is used to clamp and release artifacts, as a human finger, can complete staff of similar action. Is connected to the fingers and wrist arm components, can be up and down, left and right sides and rotary movement. Simple manipulator can not the wrist. Prop used to support the arm, can also according to need to make it move.The driving system movement of the actuator by the transmission system to achieve. Common mechanical transmission system of mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic transmission and power transmission etc. Several forms.The control system of manipulator control system main function is to control the manipulator according to certain procedures, movement direction, position, speed, simple manipulator is generally not set special control system, only the stroke switch, relay, control valves and control circuit can realize dynamic transmission system, the executing agency action in accordance with requirements. Action complex manipulator should adopts the programmable controller, microcomputer control. NO.2 Classification and characteristics of the manipulator Robots generally fall into three categories the first is general manipulator doesn't need manual operation. It is a kind of independence is not attached to a host device. It can according to the need of the task program, the operation of the provisions to complete. It is with the characteristics of common mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence of three yuan. Thesecond is the need to do manually. Called Operating machine. It originated in the atom, military industry, first by Operating machine to complete a specific assignment, later to use radio signal Operating machine to explore the moon and so on. Used in the forging industry Operating machine falls under this category. The third kind is to use special manipulator, mainly attached to automatic machine or automatic line, used to solve machine tool material and workpiece to send up and down. This manipulator in a foreign country is called "the Mechanical Hand", it is in the service of the host, driven by the host; Except a few working procedures generally is fixed, so it is special.NO.3 The application of industrial manipulatorManipulator is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a kind of new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation.Manipulator although it is not as flexible as manpower, but it can have repeated work and labor, do not know fatigue, is not afraid of danger, snatch heavy weights strength characteristics such as larger than man, as a result, the manipulator has been brought to the attention of the many departments, and have been applied more and more widely.(1) Machine tools machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in automatic lathe, use common combination machine tools.(2) Widely used in the assembly operation, it can be used to assemble printed circuit board in the electronics industry, it can be in the machinery industry to assemble parts.(3)Can be in working conditions is poor, repetitive easy fatigue of the work environment, to instead of human Labour.(4) The development of the universe and the ocean.(5) Military engineering and biomedical research and test.Application of robots can replace people in dull, repetitive or heavy manual work, to realize mechanization and automation of production, instead of human in harmful environment of manual operation, improve labor condition, ensure the personal safety. In the late 1940 s, the United States in the nuclear experiments, firstly adopts manipulator handling radioactive materials, people in the security room to manipulate manipulator for various operation and experiment. After the '50 s, robots gradually extended to industrial production department, for use in high temperature, serious pollution of local leave work pieces and the loading and unloading materials, as auxiliary device in the machine tool automatic machine, automatic production line and processing center in the application, complete the material up and down or from libraries take put the knives and replace tool operations such as fixed procedure. Manipulator is mainly composed of hand and motion mechanism. Hand mechanism varies according to the usage situation and operation object, the common are holding, hold and the adsorption type etc. Motion mechanism usually driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, electric devices. Manipulator can be achieved independently of scaling, rotation and lifting movement, generally speaking, there are 2 ~ 3 degrees of freedom. Robots are widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry and atomic energy etc.Manipulator is used in the production process automation with grab and move the workpiece is a kind of automatic device, it is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robot's development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robots can replace humans do dangerous, repeat the boring work, reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator have been applied more and more widely, it can be used forparts assembled in the machinery industry, processing the workpiece handling, loading and unloading, especially on the automatic CNC machine, combination machine tools more common use. At present, the manipulator has developed into a flexible manufacturing system of FMS and flexible manufacturing cell is an important component of FMC. The machine tool equipment and manipulator of a flexible manufacturing system or flexible manufacturing unit, it is suitable for medium and small batch production, can save a large workpiece delivery device, structure is compact, but also has a strong adaptability. When the workpiece changes, flexible production system is easy to change, is advantageous to the enterprise continuously updated marketable varieties, improve product quality, better adapt to the needs of the market competition. But at present our country's industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and foreign than there is a certain distance, scale and industrialization level is low, research and development of the manipulator has direct influence on raising the automation level of production in our country, from the consideration on the economic and technology is very necessary. Therefore, carries on the research design of the manipulator is very meaningful.NO.4 The development trend of manipulatorCurrent industrial applications of the manipulator gradually expanding, constantly improve the technology performance. Due to the short development time, it has a gradual understanding of process, the manipulator and a technically perfect step by step process, its development trend is:1.To expand the application of manipulator and processing industryAt present domestic robots used in mechanical industry more in cold working operations, while in the hot work such as casting, forging, welding, heat treatment less, and the application of assembly work, etc. So processing work items heavy, complicated shape and high environmental temperature, bring many difficulties to manipulator design, manufacture, it is need to solve the technical difficulties, make the manipulator to better service for processing work. At the same time, in otherindustries and industrial sectors, also will with the constant improvement of the industrial technology level, and gradually expand the use of the manipulator2.Improve the work performance of the industry manipulatorManipulator in the working performance of the pros and cons, determines the application and production, it can normal manipulator working performance of the repetitive positioning accuracy and speed of work two indicators, decided to ensure the quality of manipulator can complete the operation of the key factors. Therefore to solve good working stability and rapidity of the manipulator's request, besides from solve buffer localization measures, should also be development meet the requirements of mechanical properties and low price of electro-hydraulic servo valve, servo control system was applied to the mechanical hand.3.Development of modular robotsVariable application manipulator from the characteristics of the manipulator itself, more adapted to the product type, equipment updates, many varieties, small batch, but its cost is high, the special manipulator and cheap, but the scope is limited. Therefore, for some special purpose, you need special design, special processing, thus improving the product cost. In order to adapt to the request of the application field of classify, the structure of the manipulator can be designed to the form of combination. Modular manipulator is a common parts according to the requirement of the job, select necessary to accomplish the function of the unit components, based on the base of combination, deserve to go up with adaptive control part, namely the manipulator with special requirements can be completed. It can simplify the structure, take into account the specificity and design on the use of generality, more in the series design and organization of standardization, specialized production, to improve quality and reduce cost of the manipulator, is a kind of promising manipulator4. Has a "vision" and "touch" of so-called "intelligent robots"For artificial has flexible operation and the need for judgment of the situation, industrial manipulator is very difficult to replace human labor. Such as in the working process of the accident, disorders and conditions change, etc., manipulator cannot be automatically distinguish correct, but to stop, after waiting for people to rule outaccident can continue to work. As a result, people puts forward higher requirements on mechanical hand, hope to make it a "vision", "touch", etc, make it to the judgment, the choice of object, can be continuously adjusted to adapt to changing conditions, and can perform a "hand - eye coordination. This requires a computer can handle a lot of information, require them to exchange of information with machine "dialogue".This "vision", "touch" feedback, controlled by computer, is one part of the "smart" mechanism is called "intelligent robots". Is the so-called "smart" includes: the function of recognition, learning, memory, analysis, judgment. And recognition is through the "visual", "touch" and "hearing" feel "organ" of cognitive object.Which has the function of sensory robot, its performance is perfect, can accurately clamping arbitrary azimuth objects, determine an object, weight, work over obstacles, the clamping force is measured automatically, and can automatically adjust, suitable for engaged in the operation of the complex, precision, such as assembly operation, it has a certain development prospects.Intelligent robots is an emerging technology, the study of it will involve the electronic technology, control theory, communication technology, television technology, spatial structure and bionic mechanical discipline. It is an emerging field of modern automatic control technology. With the development of science and intelligent robots will replace people to do more work.工业机械手随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或是操持焊枪、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业的自动化,应越来越引起人们的重视。
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附件C:译文从工业的角度看——机器人控制发展的现状和前景Torgny Bro ga˚rdh A BB机器人、S E-721˚stera 68 Va ¨瑞典2006年10月5日投稿2007年1月14日发表2007年5月4日网上刊登摘要:对于机器人制造商来说机器人控制技术是一项核心竞争力。
上述陈述的主要结论是:工业机器人的发展是在远离它的限制, 需要大量的研究和开发来获得一个工业机器人自动化更广泛应用。
而且,有必要使机器人控制与工厂自动化系统的诸如应用协议、通讯系统、I / O接口、PLC设备、用户界面、工艺设备等相适应,以达到不同机器人产品之间的最佳利用和最短的切换时间。
从控制的观点来看, 这意味着对鲁棒性,稳定性和精度方面的要求提高了。
图1.多机器人控制需要高性能模式控图2 .汽车传动系组件的装配,如图所示的液力变制概念和有效的机器人的编程方法。
在电弧焊接时, 同时从不同的方向对相同的对象进行焊接,跟有可能达到焊接热量的均衡分布。
因此, 多机器人控制的发展会刺激器人的运动学和动力学模型以及机器人的伺服性能的进一步改善和提高。
ﻩ多机器人控制是需求相关的是开发机器人具有很高的承载力的要求(ABB公司- 2,2001)。
为了提高机器人人机合作的安全水平,对硬件和软件的冗余机器人的安全监督水平的增加,例如,通过两个通道的测量系统和故障安全总线和I / O系统。
测试设备的经验表明,一个车间的环境通信本身不是主要问题,大问题是关于安全的,,例如, 为安全的无线紧急事件的处理方法和机器人示教系统在日志中安全的选择去发现新的概念。
快速增长的应用技术可能在世界汽车工业中还有传动链组件装配中被发现,例如, 插入轴,花键与液力变矩器匹配的安装(图2)。
图3 . 利用计算机软件、触摸屏、高效的应用开发工具、教学吊坠,同时也是一种通用的图形用户界面装置和一个专门的机器人编程器和操作工具。
原因之一就是缺少了在一个典型的工作间环境下的二维视觉系统较强的鲁棒性, 控制机器人视觉系统主要用于在摄像机的场景已很确定,光线条件可以控制的条件下,例如,在传送带上捡取和放置(ABB公司- 3,2004)。