

21世纪英语演讲比赛即兴问答题目[1-3年级Q&A]1、Do you oftenvisit your grandparents?2、Do you likesports?3、How many friendsdo you have?4、What do you wantto have in your birthday?5、What do you liketo do?6、Who’s yourfavorite star?7、Do you like toeat apple?8、What do you eatfor breakfast?9、Is there acomputer in your room?10、What’s theweather like today?11、Which fruits doyou like?12、What color iswatermelon?13、When do you getup every morning?14、How do you go toschool?15、What’s yourfavorite animal?[4-6年级Q&A]1、What do you wantto have in your birthday?2、What do you liketo do?3、Who’s yourfavorite star?4、Do you like toeat apple?5、Do you oftenvisit your grandparents?6、Do you likesports?7、How many friendsdo you have?8、What do you eatfor breakfast?9、Is there acomputer in your room?10、What’s theweather like today?11、Which fruits doyou like?12、What color iswatermelon?13、When do you getup every morning?14、How do you go toschool?15、What’s yourfavorite animal?16、Tell me threethings you like to do17、Who’s your bestfriend?Why is he/she your best friend?18、Can you tell methe reason why you choose the speech?19、Do you have todo homework everyday?How do youthink of too much homework?20、Do you likewatching TV?What program do you like?21、Who cook in yourfamily?Which dish is your favorite?22、Can you sharewith us some of your hobbies?23、Do you like toread?What did you read?24、Do you liketraveling?25、Which festivaldo you like best and why?26、What do you wantto be in the future?27、How do youcelebrate your birthday?28、Which subject doyou like and dislike?29、How do you likeyour school?30、If you are atour guide,Can you introduce your city to me?。

21世纪杯演讲比赛题目篇一:17届中国日报社21世纪演讲比赛即兴演讲题目17th 21st Century speech Contest ----Dongbei University of Finance &Economics(2011)1.Study abroad:waste of money or deserve the cost?2.Marriage:be well-matched in social and economic status or love is enough?3.Impact of new technology on eliminating diversity4.Is it reasonable to evaluate students’achievement?5.Leaders are made,but not born.Do you agree?6.Your attitude toward salary negotiation?7.If you are working in a foreign country,would you like to get used to new culture or keep your own?8.Which is more important in keeping social safety,law or morality?9.If you have a magic life remoter control,which part in your life would you like to replay or eliminate?10.Will buying fake diploma lead to brighter future?11.How do you think of Punk phenomenon in China?12.Problems in primary school and kindergarten?13.People tend to pay more attention to fashion,is it good orbad?14.Introduce four of your role models that influence you most.15.Would you prefer new books or second hand books?16.Tobacco is good for economy and bad for health,how will you deal with it?17.Can you give some suggestions to college students?18.Choose three courses for college students.19.“You will never know if you never try.”Do you agree?20.Your definition of success.21.What kind of family would you choose to be born in.wealthy family or working class family?22.Different cultures among mainland,Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan?23.Do you agree with the saying that public figures have no privacy?24.Tell us some body languages you use most,do you know some of them in other cultures?25.What do you value most in your first job?26.How to grade one’s ability,academic achievements or something else?27.Will you start with a regular job or work for yourself?28.What is your opinion of corruption among officials?29.Why do Chinese students go abroad to study?List as many reasons as possible.30.What do you think of the saying,“Spend wise and stay rich”?篇二:21世纪杯演讲比赛第五届外语文化节——阳光脱口秀暨第17届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛地区决赛校园选拔赛为进一步培养和提高同学们对英语学习的热情,营造浓厚的语言学习氛围,建立学习和交流的平台,增强学生运用所学知识的能力,推进大学英语教学改革,服务全校英语教学,活跃英语学习氛围,同时,为由中国日报社21世纪英文报系主办的第17届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛选拔人才,21世纪在线与武汉纺织大学联合承办了大赛的地区决赛校园选拔赛,为更多热爱英语的同学提供了参赛平台和表现机会。

21世纪英语演讲比赛精选1. The Power of Education: Unlocking the Potential of Every ChildIn the 21st century, education is more important than ever. It is the key to unlocking the potential of every child and ensuring a brighter future for all. As we strive for global development, we must prioritize the education of our youth. Through education, we can empower individuals to overcome obstacles, pursue their dreams, and contribute positively to society. Let us invest in education, for it is the foundation upon which we can build a better world.2. Technology and the Future of WorkIn this digital age, technology is rapidly transforming the way we live and work. Automation and artificial intelligence have the potential to revolutionize industries and create new opportunities. However, we must also recognize the challenges that come with this technological revolution. As jobs become automated, many workers may find themselves unemployed. It is crucial that we invest in retraining and reskilling programs to ensure that no one is left behind. Let us embrace technology as a tool for progress and work together to shape a future where everyone can thrive.3. Climate Change: Our Responsibility to Protect the PlanetClimate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps are threatening the survival of our planet. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to take action. We must reduce our carbon footprint, transition to renewable energy sources, and protect our natural resources. The time for talk is over; it is time for action. Let us join hands and work towards a sustainable future for generations to come.4. The Importance of Mental Health AwarenessIn the 21st century, mental health is finally being recognized as a crucial aspect of overall well-being. We must break the stigma surrounding mental health and promote awareness, understanding, and support. Mental illnesses can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is vital that we prioritize mental health in our personal lives, workplaces, and communities. Let us be a source of strength for those who are struggling and work together to create a society where mental health is valued and supported.5. Empowering Women: The Key to a Stronger SocietyGender equality is not just a women's issue; it is a human rights issue. In the 21st century, we must strive for a society where gender does not determine one's opportunities or worth. Empowering women is not only the right thing to do; it is also the smart thing to do. Studies have shown that societies that invest in women's education and empowerment are more prosperous and peaceful. Let us break down the barriers that hold women back and create a world where everyone can achieve their full potential, regardless of their gender.。
10) Do you really believe that getting into top universities or colleges may enable you as a step closer to success?11) We have to use our real names online? Do you agree or disagree with this proposal?12) Do you agree or disagree with the point that students have the right to choose to live on campus or outside campusWh y. Give specific example to support your ideas ・13) College students can decide by themselves to wear brand names or not. What do you think of this point? Why?14) Volunteers only stand out in case of disaster and accident. Do you think it is good phenomenon or not? Why?15) We should give up dialects and move to mandarin Chinese. Do you agree or disagree?16) Are criticism leveled upon Post 80's Generation justified?对80后的评判正确吗?17) Are pre-university students too young to live in foreign countries?高中生就出国学习是否太早?18) The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives. Do you agree or disagree with the point? Why?34) People have been alienated by the Internet.35) Science is a threat to humanit y.36) Sex education should take place at home ・37) Should photos of pickpockets be pasted on the windows of buses as a warning for passengers?38) China should restrict private ownership of automobiles ・39) Historic buildings should not be sacrificed to make room for urban development40) Government officials should reveal their property information to the public ・41) Teacher's pay should be based on his/her students' performance ・42) China should continue to adopt real-name system for railway transportation ・43) Museums should be made free ・44) Zoos should be banned ・45) The divorce procedure should be made more complicated ・46) Fines should be made relative to wealth ・47) The preferential policy for students from ethnic minority groupsin college entranceexamination should be abolished ・48) Advertising aiming at children should be restricted ・60) Men and women should retire at the same age ・61) Universities should abolish the practice of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night.62) P.E. class should be made elective in universities.63) English Band 4 and Band 8 Tests should be abolished.64) High school students should be allowed to choose their major after entering universities.65) The enrollment quotas of college entrance examination should be based on the population of each province.66) Celebrities don't have rights of privac y.67) Chinese calligraphy should be made a compulsory course to all primary school students.68) Classical Chinese should be made a compulsory course to all university students.69) Advertisement degrades people's quality of life.。

17th 21st Century speech Contest ---- Dongbei University of Finance & Economics(2011)1.2.Study abroad: waste of money or deserve the cost?3.Marriage: be well-matched in social and economic status or love is enough?4.Impact of new technology on eliminating diversity5.Is it reasonable to evaluate students’ achievement?6.Leaders are made, but not born. Do you agree?7.Your attitude toward salary negotiation?8.If you are working in a foreign country, would you like to get used to new culture or keep your own?9.Which is more important in keeping social safety, law or morality?10.11.If you have a magic life remoter control, which part in your life would you like to replay or eliminate?12.13.Will buying fake diploma lead to brighter future?14.15.How do you think of Punk phenomenon in China?16.Problems in primary school and kindergarten?17.People tend to pay more attention to fashion, is it good or bad?18.Introduce four of your role models that influence you most.19.20.Would you prefer new books or second hand books?21.Tobacco is good for economy and bad for health, how will you deal with it?22.Can you give some suggestions to college students?23.Choose three courses for college students.24.“You will never know if you never try.” Do you agree?25.Your definition of success.26.What kind of family would you choose to be born in. wealthy family or working class family?27.28.Different cultures among mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan?29.30.Do you agree with the saying that public figures have no privacy?31.Tell us some body languages you use most, do you know some of them in other cultures?32.What do you value most in your first job?33.34.35.How to grade one’s ability, academic achievements or something else?Will you start with a regular job orwork for yourself?37.What is your opinion of corruption among officials?38.39.Why do Chinese students go abroad to study? List as many reasons as possible.40.What do you think of the saying, “Spend wise and stay rich”?。

内容要点参与者需要根据以下要点进行演讲:1. 文化多样性的定义和重要性:解释文化多样性的含义,强调文化多样性在今天的社会中所扮演的重要角色。
2. 挑战:探讨21世纪文化多样性所面临的挑战,如全球化带来的文化冲突、文化标准化等。
3. 机遇:探讨21世纪文化多样性所带来的机遇,如跨文化交流的拓展、文化创意产业的发展等。
比赛规则1. 参赛者必须为年满18岁的个人或团体。
2. 每个参赛者或团队只能提交一个申请。
3. 演讲时间限制为5分钟,超时将被扣分。
4. 演讲语言可以是中文或英文。
5. 参赛者需要在演讲中展示自己的表达能力、逻辑思维和能够吸引听众的演讲技巧。
6. 比赛评委将根据内容、表达、语言运用等方面评分,并选出优胜者。
奖项设置本次比赛将设立以下奖项:- 一等奖:奖金金额 + 荣誉证书金额 + 荣誉证书- 二等奖:奖金金额 + 荣誉证书金额 + 荣誉证书- 三等奖:奖金金额 + 荣誉证书金额 + 荣誉证书报名方式参赛者需填写报名表格并发送至邮箱地址。

21世纪杯即兴演讲真题1、Do you like toeat apple?2、What do you think of the saying,“Spend wise and sta y rich”?3、Are pre-university students too young to live in for eign countries?高中生就出国学习是否太早?4、Will you start with a regular job or work for yourse lf?5、We should give up dialects and move to mandarin Chin ese.Do you agree or disagree?6、Do you likesports?7、Marriage:be well-matched in social and economic stat us or love is enough?8、College students have the right to choose their cour ses.Do you agree or disagree?Why?9、Do you really believe that getting into top universi ties or colleges may enable you as a step closer to succes s?10、What do you eatfor breakfast?11、If you have a magic life remoter control,which part in your life would you like to replay or eliminate?12、Can you sharewith us some of your hobbies?13、What’s theweather like today?14、What’s yourfavorite animal?15、Should I work to help my parents?16、If you are working in a foreign country,would you l ike to get used to new culture or keep your own?。

21世纪英语即兴演讲比赛题目21世纪英语演讲比赛即兴问答题目[1-3年级Q A]1、Do you oftenvisit your grandparents?2、Do you likesports?3、How many friendsdo you have?4、What do you wantto have in your birthday?5、What do you liketo do?6、Who s yourfavorite star?7、Do you like toeat apple?8、What do you eatfor breakfast?9、Is there acomputer in your room?10、What s theweather like today?11、Which fruits doyou like?12、What color iswatermelon?13、When do you getup every morning?14、How do you go toschool?15、What s yourfavorite animal?[4-6年级Q A]1、What do you wantto have in your birthday?2、What do you liketo do?3、Who s yourfavorite star?4、Do you like toeat apple?5、Do you oftenvisit your grandparents?6、Do you likesports?7、How many friendsdo you have?8、What do you eatfor breakfast?9、Is there acomputer in your room?10、What s theweather like today?11、Which fruits doyou like?12、What color iswatermelon?13、When do you getup every morning?14、How do you go toschool?15、What s yourfavorite animal?16、Tell me threethings you like to do17、Who s your bestfriend?Why is he/she your best friend?18、Can you tell methe reason why you choose the speech?19、Do you have todo homework everyday?How do you think of too much homework?20、Do you likewatching TV?What program do you like?21、Who cook in yourfamily?Which dish is your favorite?22、Can you sharewith us some of your hobbies?23、Do you like toread?What did you read?24、Do you liketraveling?25、Which festivaldo you like best and why?26、What do you wantto be in the future?27、How do youcelebrate your birthday?28、Which subject doyou like and dislike?29、How do you likeyour school?30、If you are atour guide,Can you introduce your city to me?。
2023 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛题目

2023 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛题目(原创实用版)目录1.21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛背景及意义2.2023 年比赛主题3.比赛相关信息4.参赛选手的准备和注意事项正文【21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛背景及意义】21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛是我国最具影响力的英语演讲赛事之一,旨在提高我国英语教育水平,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养具有国际视野和跨文化交流能力的人才。
该赛事自 1996 年创办以来,已成功举办多届,吸引了全国各地众多学校和学生的积极参与。
【2023 年比赛主题】2023 年 21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛的主题为“保护地球,绿色发展”。
【比赛相关信息】2023 年 21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛分为地区赛、省赛、全国赛三个阶段。
地区赛预计将于 2023 年 4 月开始,省赛将于 6 月进行,全国赛将于 8 月举行。
参赛选手需按照指定主题进行演讲,演讲时间不得超过 5 分钟。
总之,2023 年 21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛将为广大学生提供一个展示自己英语水平和演讲能力的舞台。

21世纪杯即兴演讲题目1.The film 2012 is based on an old Mayan legend about the world ending in 2012. If that tale were true, what would you do with your remaining time?2.It's been over 30 years since Shenzhen was set up as a special economic zone. What is the key to Shenzhen’s success as a special economic zone: preferential policies, constant innovation, abundant resources, or something else?Abundant resources is the key for Shenzhen to success. Human nd.3.Many of Japan’s elderly live alone and have no one to talk with. So, they have invented robots that can answer simple questions or joke with people to help the people deal with loneliness in old age. Can a robot make older people happy and how should society look after its senior citizens?4.A CCTV report on cheating on the CET-4 and CET-6 exams once found that many students used a tiny speaker to get the answers over a radio frequency and they thought cheating was OK because they weren’t hurting anyone. Some people say students are getting more practical in a very bad way. What is your opinion?5.The global advertising business is worth billions and billions of dollars today but many people think that the vast amount of advertising is harmful and could cause people to want too much, to want things they can’t afford. Do you think that advertising does more harm than good?6.We have Superman, Spiderman, Batman. They’re o nly part of an imaginary world but they get so much attention, especially among children. Are they truly superheroes or are they just idols who mislead kids?7.There is age discrimination in the workplaces when it comes to deciding about hiring, promotions and firing. In China, it can be very difficult for even highly qualified professionals to find a new position after the age of 50. Should age discrimination be made illegal?8.If you have any experience in working with a team, you might agree that a good leader is vital to successful teamwork. So, what kind of person is best suited for a leadership role?9.The age of information technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it’s already a way of life for some, plenty of others know very little about it and they may never learn. That means that eventually, we’ll have a polarized society and it could lead to serious social problems. Do you think this is likely to happen?10.Recently, some college grads have chosen to be village officials, and, after a period of time, they find that their major is useless there and it is hard for them to enter the local community. If you faced such a problem, what do you think you would do?11.What is the most important skill a person should have to be successful in t oday’s world? Pick one and give reasons for your choice.12.Some students think that history is boring and useless. If that’s so, how should history be taught to make it more exciting and interesting?13.The pace of life is accelerating at a surprisingly high rate these days, and people feel much more mental pressure. How do we protect our mental health under these conditions?14.Zero is a women's clothing size in the US (80cm chest, 60cm waist and 86cm hips). There’s been a debate over whether zero-sized models should be banned from fashion shows because they represent a “culture of thinness” that influences young women. What’s the truth about zero-size models?15.Men who fall in love with a girl immediately just because she looks gorgeous are sometimes accused of being shallow. But is it okay if someone falls in love at first sight?16.The Chinese need more than affluence, they need a feeling of real security and a greater sense of equality. But just what is equality and how do we get it?17.The saying “Clothes make the man” reflects the importance of appearance, but, now, that idea has grown. Some think it’s okay to use plastic surgery to tamper with physical form for a better appearance. Others think that natural beauty’s the best. Which is true?。
2023 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛题目

2023 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛题目摘要:一、引言二、2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛概述三、比赛题目背景及意义四、比赛题目内容五、比赛对选手的要求六、结语正文:一、引言随着全球化的发展,英语作为国际通用语言在各个领域中发挥着重要作用。
其中,2023 年的21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛备受瞩目。
二、2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛概述2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛是我国青少年英语口语竞技的一次盛会,旨在为广大青少年提供一个展示英语才能、提高综合素质的平台。
三、比赛题目背景及意义2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛的题目紧扣时代发展脉搏,关注社会热点问题。
四、比赛题目内容2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛的题目涉及科技、教育、环保等多个领域。
五、比赛对选手的要求参加2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛的选手需要具备较高的英语口语表达能力、思维敏捷和知识面广泛。
六、结语2023 年21 世纪杯英语演讲比赛为我国青少年提供了一个展示英语才能、提高综合素质的机会。
2023 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛题目


1. 科技对领导力的影响:如何应对快速发展的科技对现代领导
2. 多元文化领导:如何在全球背景下领导多元文化团队,提升
3. 突破传统领导模式:如何突破传统领导模式,建立积极、灵
4. 青年领导力:如何激发和培养青年一代的领导潜能,为未来
5. 情商与领导力:如何发展情商,提升自身领导力,更好地与
1. 参赛者需使用普通话进行演讲,时长不超过5分钟。
2. 演讲内容要能体现对题目的深入思考和独特见解。
3. 演讲要有逻辑性,清晰地表达思想,同时注重语言表达和肢体语言的运用。
4. 评分将综合考虑演讲内容的深度、逻辑性、表达能力和整体表现等因素。
- 报名时间:XX月XX日至XX月XX日
- 比赛筹备和培训时间:XX月XX日至XX月XX日
- 比赛时间:XX月XX日
- 颁奖典礼:XX月XX日
1. 冠军:奖金XXX元 + 颁发证书
2. 亚军:奖金XXX元 + 颁发证书
3. 季军:奖金XXX元 + 颁发证书
4. 优秀奖:颁发证书

21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目英文演讲的实效性在非常大水平上依赖于客观诉诸于、感情诉诸于和为人诉诸于( 三诉诸于 )在演说中的应用。
21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第一届• 北京市演讲题目:风雨同舟十五载——迎来新时代的黎明(庆贺《中国日报社》创刊十五周年纪念)总冠军:刘欣南京大学,在1996 年美国国际性诗歌朗诵比赛上获总冠军1996 Session, Beijing Topic: 15 Years On: Preparing for the Next Century Champion: Liu Xin, Nanjing University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第二届• 北京市演讲题目:我、伟大的祖国和全球总冠军:李舒,四川大学1997 Session, Beijing Topic: Me, My Country and the World Champion: Li Shu, Sichuan University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第三届• 北京市演讲题目:从中国东方到西方国家——怎样应对二种文化艺术的撞击?总冠军:梁励敏,北京外国语大学1998 Session, Beijing Topic: The East and the West: Can We Live in Two Cultures? Champion: Liang Limin, Beijing Foreign Studies University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第四届• 上海市演讲题目:人与大自然——寻找一个更加和谐发展趋势的新时代总冠军:蔡力,南京大学,在1999 年国际性诗歌朗诵比赛上获“最好非说英语的国家参赛选手奖”1999 Session, Shanghai Topic: People and Nature - In Search of Harmony in a New Age Champion: Cai Li, Nanjing University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第五届• 广州市演讲题目:取得成功刍议总冠军:陈恒,上海外国语高校20xx Session, Guangzhou Topic: My Definition of Success Champion: Chen Heng, Shanghai International Studies University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第六届• 北京市演讲题目:北京市20xx:申奥实际意义刍议总冠军:戚悦,北京语言文化大学20xx Session, Beijing Topic: Beijing 20xx: The Meaning of the Bid Champion: Qi Yue, Beijing Language and Culture University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第七届• 成都市演讲题目:经济全球化:我国青年一代所遭遇的挑戰与机会总冠军:孙宁,北京外国语大学20xx Session, Chengdu Topic: Globalization: Challenges andOpportunities for China's Younger Generation Champion: Sun Ning, Beijing Foreign Studies University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第八届• 南京市演讲题目:度假旅游与生态保护:在度假旅游中塑造环境保护意识总冠军:顾秋蓓,上海外国语高校20xx Session, Nanjing Topic: Tourism and Ecology: Learning Through Travel Champion: Gu Qiubei, Shanghai International Studies University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第九届• 武汉市演讲题目:市场需求时期的高等教育:现如今在校大学生所遭遇的机遇和挑战总冠军:洪晔,南京大学20xx Session, Wuhan Topic: College Education in Today’s Competitive World: Challenges and Opportunities for Students Champion: Hong Ye, Nanjing University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十届• 北京市演讲题目:经济全球化时期的中华传统核心理念总冠军:夏鹏,南京大学,在20xx 年美国国际性诗歌朗诵比赛上得到总冠军和“最受观众们热烈欢迎奖”20xx Session,Beijing Topic: The Impact of Globalization on Traditional Chinese Values Champion: Xia Peng, Nanjing University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十一届• 澳門演讲题目:未来的人类:梦想与现实总冠军:曹丰,清华 20xx Session, Macao Topic: Our Future: Dreams vs. Reality Champion: Cao Feng, Tsinghua University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十二届• 中国香港演讲题目:请添加青年志愿者队伍吧——无私奉献既有获得总冠军:陈星,南京大学,在20xx 年国际性诗歌朗诵比赛上获“最好非说英语的国家参赛选手奖”20xx Session, Hong Kong Topic: Giving is Receiving - Personal Growth in Volunteer Work Champion: Chen Xing, Nanjing University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十三届• 北京市演讲题目:经济全球化时期的市场竞争发展趋势之道总冠军:赵心妍,北京外国语大学20xx Session, Beijing Topic: Living with Globalization: Learn to Compete in the Global Era Champion: Zhao Xinyan, Beijing Foreign Studies University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十四届• 上海市演讲题目:从时期的发展趋势看人们生活习惯更改:自觉性与便捷性总冠军:金璐,清华20xx Session, Shanghai Topic: Our Changing Way of Living with the Times: Initiative vs. Convenience Champion: Jin Lu, Tsinghua University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第xx届•广州市演讲题目:体育文化启发人生道路:让体育文化变成鼓励大家发展趋势的驱动力总冠军:李亿,厦大嘉庚学院20xx Session, Guangzhou Topic: The Power of Sports in Personal Development: Lessons about Life that We Get from Sports Champion: Li Yi, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第xx届•深圳市演讲题目:青年人与信念:人生道路因信念而精彩纷呈总冠军:许吉如,清华20xx Session, Shenzhen Topic: Youth and Faith: Does Belief Make A Difference to Our Life? Champion: Xu Jiru, Tsinghua University 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第xx届•昆明市演讲题目:Cultural Clashes vs. Coexistence between China and the West: My Personal Perspective总冠军:陈洁昊,我国传媒学院20xx Session, Kunming Topic: Cultural Clashes vs. Coexistence between China and the West: My Personal Perspective Champion: Chen Jiehao, Communication University of China21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第xx届•厦门市演讲题目:The road not taken in life总冠军:吴柏德天主辅仁大学20xx Session, Xiamen Topic: The road not taken in life Champion: Wu Bode, Fu Jen Catholic University21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第十九届•北京市演讲题目:What we talk about when we talk about happiness总冠军:李思上香港科技大学20xx Session, Beijing Topic: What we talk about when we talk about happiness Champion: Li Sishang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 21杯英文演讲赛事历年演讲题目第二十届•开封市演讲题目:The balance of Yin and Yang --- a youth perspective20xx Session, Kaifeng Topic: The balance of Yin and Yang --- a youth perspective。


21世纪杯即兴演讲集21世纪杯即兴演讲集Topic 1 :Does money equal success?Ok , ladies and gentlemen , here I’ve got a question for you. What is success? Well, I don’t know. But obviously, the professor hold a simple outlook—money equals success. Here I don’t want to argue whether it is right or wrong. Because we will never come to an agreement on this question. But one thing for sure is that except for money, our self-content and our feelings of realizing our life value will bring us tremendous happiness. Visiting our parents often , sparing some time to date our boyfriend or girlfriend while we are drowned by endless work, having an excursion to explore the world again, Of cause, having an affair is not included .These tiny changes really make us happy, like walking on the cloud, ha? So, why don’t we change the perspective to measure success just in terms of money? No more money-oriented, but stress equal importance of money and living our life happily.Some of you may be thinking that: little pumpkin, you just talk big , you never know what the world really look like. The road we have trudged is much more than the salt you have eaten. Chinglish expression, you know what I mean, right? But I do learn this from my personal experience.My grandmother used to be a cook in a small local restaurant . During that time, she was very busy, but her salaries really disappointed me. ―granny , why don’t you just quit this job, what you have gained from this job is really disproportional with what you have done‖ I asked her. ―Well, I don’t think so. You know, when I was cooking for you, I was extremely happy.Thinking that you gradually grow up, being a young lady as you always wanted to be. I cannot help you that much through that way, look at me, I am only a cook. But I can promise you that every dishes you enjoyed is full of tender love. The same goes to others, I hope that everyone who eat here could leave with joy‖, my granny’s answer exactly suggest that the highest reward from work is not only about the money, but also the process of making others happy. Absolutely as a cook and granny, she was a huge success, although she earn less. Now my granny has gone, but her spirits live on. In the pursuit of happiness, I never walk alone!Now, what about those millionaires? They are rich, they have many choices, they have high expectations in life. Three strikes against them, fact is that it’s very difficult to elevate their happiness index. Let me give you an example. Suppose that you were a millionaire, now you want to buy a piece of evening dress to attend a celebrity party. Your favorite is Chanel, which will undoubtedly make you in the spotlight. But your advisor suggest you to choose Lanvin because it will be unique since everyone’s prior choice is Chanel. Meanwhile your friends prefer that you wear Armani to become the queen of that party. Which one is the best? It should be quite simple that you attend that party, meet your friends and have fun. Now it’s much more complicated. You suffer choice anxiety which deprive your happiness index over and over again. You are rich, you can buy anything you want, you have millions options, but thething is that you just can’t make your final decision. Because the purpose of attending the party has changed. You lost in the vanity fair, you want to shine, you desire never dies , you become a person who is hard to satisfy. Eventually, your bankaccount continue to boom, however your soul bank is likely to go bankrupt. Not a single thing can make you happy or satisfied in life. Can we call these guys successful people? Can we say money equal success?Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? My point of view is that whether we are rich or not, William Faulkner told us : life goes on. A millionaire may buy a Ferrari when he was in deep blue. Then what about a proletarian like me? We just get hangover. But the two have the same effect. Yes, life goes on! Most importantly, be yourself, then you will be invincible. It’s not about success. It’s not about money. It’s all about you and me.Thank you very much.Topic 2: Need for speed drives changeFirst, I’d like to talk about Andy Groove’s book Only the Paranoid Survive. I was deeply impressed by his thought of 10X change. For Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, the speeding up of innovation really matters a lot. Andy Groove focused on the importance of le ader’s forward-looking strategy and strong instincts of speeding up information revolution. And that’s exactly what the tech nerds do in the biggest dreamworks –Silicon Valley. It seems that if we don’t drive as fast as we can today, we die tomorrow. So I’ve just heard that some of these nerds who radically change the world don’t date anybody, they don’t have a regular sexual behavior . Why? I guess they are just on the go with full speed to reshape the whole society, no time for those stupid thing. Or as D r. Sheldon Copper said: It’s just impulse.Recently, blind date TV shows spread fast and wide. It really provide some left ladies and gentlemen a precious opportunityto search for their soul mate.What I talked above are not isolated cases, it’s not all a bout those CEOs CFOs. We college students also follow suit. Take me as an example, I always get suffocated in endless assignments and social activities. I eat quickly, I walk fast, my friends even told me I can defecate in less than one minute. I could read 20 books in 30 days last semester. But after that, I didn’t get it. I’ve no idea what the author are trying to tell us. The only achievement for me is that I’ve added another book in my shit list .Why is that? Obviously, I drive too fast to taste the beauties in book and in life. I realized how long I’ve lost in the ocean of vanity. I tried to be a fast in everything, I force myself to keep busy, still, I feel lonely, empty in my deep soul.。
21世纪杯 演讲比赛 问题集

1.Afraid of making mistake, be a teacher, tolerant mistakes, change educationsystemQ1: teacher, if u were a teacher in high school, what would u do if there is a naughty student who never listens to u?Q2: if you were asked to value your teacher, what criteria will you make? (pronunciation 7 content 8 已备演讲ok,即兴演讲和问题都不错,内容好) 2.to be a translator,translate Chinese literature to EnglishQ1: nowadays, a lot of feigners are more interested in Chinese, if they read Chinese well. Do you think it is better?Q2: worry too much about what other people think of them? How about you? Do you think it is a waste of time?3.To be a great erhu playerQ1: Could you compare the different beauty of traditional chinese music and western music?Q2: Tourism should be tightly control, others say we don’t need too may restrictions, what do you think?4.TO Be A clear-minded person (胡逸凡)Q1: impressed about the ending. Charles Digens. Could you say more about Charles Digens about his writer.Q2: Parents send kids to training classes. Do you think young people benefit a lot from these classes.Reasons to (1) force them to take classes (2)children want to attend this course5.Let me life be aliveQ1: being alive, do you think it’s a good life for human beings to live forever? If no one dies, what will happen?Q2: some people say life is a mirror, if you smile to it, it smiles back, what does it mean?6. A giver, a host, singer, become famous so that I can contribute …Q1: Obama and his speech, students’ responsibility. If our president here today, what would he say to the contestants and audience here.Q2: friend. What does a friend need to be a good friend. Characteristics?7.Q1: Should Chinese government abandon one-child policy?Q2: Which one is more important? Talent or hard-working?8.Q1: food safetyQ2: Should school separate boys from girls?9.马海天Q1:a chance for you to give a lecture on one aspect of chinese culture. What will you talk about and why? (Art)Q2: goal of education?10. A famous journalistQ1: Besides communication skills, what other quality does a journalist should have?Q2: what are advantages of being rich11.Q1:spend too much on English other than their mother tongue?Q2:saving money is a good habit, while others think using tomorrow’s money today is better. What do you think of it?12.Travel around the worldq1: time machine that can help you travel to the past, which period of time will you choose to go to?q2: do you think people can learn as much from the internet as from books? 13.Q1: in the record of Chinese history, famous detectives, if there is a competitionbetween Sherlock Holmes and Baogong, who will be the winner?Q2: happiest job the world14.To be a teacherQ1: is it good to combine arts and science in high school teaching?Q2: which one is more important? Learning from book or learning from experience?15.Q1: sweet memory of village life, could you tell us the disadvantages of rural life?Q2: the most important characteristics for success?16. to be a directorQ1: please recommend your favorite director?Q2: best university in your eye?17.Q1: people who are well educated are under great pressure. So is it true that people can be happier if they are all educated?Q2: saw stranger rob on the street? Will you help him/her?18.Q1: How to waste less in daily life?Q2: how to be self-controlled?19. gratitudeQ1: If you make friends, which kind of people are you looking for? Someone who is similar to you or different from you?Q2: What makes a happy family?20.Q1: The pursuit of human being is never ending! Elaborate the philosophy of this sentence.Q2: If you make friends, do you look for someone similar or different?21. photographerQ1: 3 pictures in our speech contest, what photos will you take?Q2: Air pollution in chinese cities is very serious, what can we do on a daily basis to improve air quality?22. Q1: 瓦尔登湖,writer, tell us something about him(since the contestant mentioned the writer in her speech)Q2: As a high school student, do you think people spend too much time learning English stead of other languages?11,19,16,31.Q1: could you share with us about your life when you get very old, 80 years old.Q2: self-control, how can a high school develop self-control? Self-disciplined32. to be a psychologistQ1: when you are facing difficulties, whom will you turn to? Your family or friends? Q2: the air pollution is serious, what can we do to improve air quality? On daily basis.33. love peaceQ1: If you were the secretary of UN, what will you do to keep the peace in the world? Q2: studying abroad, will you go abroad?34. 胡泊Q1: many high school, falling in love is this a good idea?Q2: evaluate teacher, fair decision?35. talking about his dadQ1: What kind of father will you be like in the future.Q2: what is the most important skill to be successful?36. to be a travellerQ1: How can you be a traveller if you don’t have enough money?Q2: What do you think will be the happiest job in the world? Why?37. to be a psychologistQ1: Psychologist himself/herself suffers from pressure, how do they solve the problem?Q2: if you can get whatever you want, money, power, or beauty?38. go to a top uniQ1: What else do you expect from university life besides knowledge?Q2: life is a mirror ….AGAIN!40.Q1: doctor-patient relationship is a problem, can you give some solutions?Q2: Volunteering can show a person’s responsibility, If you were a volunteer, what work will you do to help people?41. singerQ1: Today’s China, a lot of talent shows, what’s your idea about talent shows?Q2: Having too much money, good or bad?42.Q1: What is an unqualified teacher?Q2: Do you think people can as much as they can on internet as they can learn from the book?43 张入凡Q1: what is your concept is an ideal husbandQ2: In some countries, teenagers can get a part time job during school. Do you think it is a good idea?44.Q1:Q2: Using tomorrow’s money?45.Q1: Green ambassador? What can we do to better the haze weather?Q2: If you saw strangers rob, will you help him/her?46. To be a doctorQ1: If you were a doctor, what would you suggest you patient who is suffering from a fatal disease such as cancer and have only three months life? Will you suggest him to receive medical treatment or go home and spend last time with his family?Q2: Some people say tourism should be controlled to protect the places? Others think it is OK.47.Q1: Who do you think makes greater contribution, musicians or scientists? Why?Q2:48Q1: What should be a perfect relationship between human being and nature?Q2: which is the most important invention in human’s history?49.Q1: Rewrite the novel, what changes will you make? <Dream of the red chamber>Q2: it’s getting hard for graduates to find a job, do you thin going to the university is really a good way or do you have any other plan for them?50. 薛雨婷Q1: You are a student. Do you think online course will take place of traditional classes?Q2: many parents send their children to training course, do you think it is really good for their children?。
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17th 21st Century speech Contest ----Dongbei University of Finance &Economics(2011)
1.Study abroad:waste of money or deserve the cost?
2.Marriage:be well-matched in social and economic status or love is enough?
3.Impact of new technology on eliminating diversity
4.Is it reasonable to evaluate students’achievement?
5.Leaders are made,but not born.Do you agree?
6.Your attitude toward salary negotiation?
7.If you are working in a foreign country,would you like to get used to new culture or keep your own?
8.Which is more important in keeping social safety,law or morality?
9.If you have a magic life remoter control,which part in your life would you like to replay or eliminate?
10.Will buying fake diploma lead to brighter future?
11.How do you think of Punk phenomenon in China?
12.Problems in primary school and kindergarten?
13.People tend to pay more attention to fashion,is it good or
14.Introduce four of your role models that influence you most.
15.Would you prefer new books or second hand books?
16.Tobacco is good for economy and bad for health,how will you deal with it?
17.Can you give some suggestions to college students?
18.Choose three courses for college students.
19.“You will never know if you never try.”Do you agree?
20.Your definition of success.
21.What kind of family would you choose to be born in.wealthy family or working class family?
22.Different cultures among mainland,Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan?
23.Do you agree with the saying that public figures have no privacy?
24.Tell us some body languages you use most,do you know some of them in other cultures?
25.What do you value most in your first job?
26.How to grade one’s ability,academic achievements or something else?
27.Will you start with a regular job or work for yourself?
28.What is your opinion of corruption among officials?。