



2015-2016学年上海市浦东新区高一(上)期末物理试卷一、单项选择题(共20分,每小题2分.每小题只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)下列物理量的单位中,只有一个属于导出单位,这个单位是()A.米B.秒C.千克D.牛顿2.(2分)从标量和矢量的角度分析,下列物理量中有一个与其他三个不同,这个物理量是()A.路程B.位移C.速度D.加速度3.(2分)时间和时刻是两个不同的概念,下列叙述中表示时刻的是()A.小球经过1.5s落到地面B.第4s末甲、乙两地刚好相遇C.乘高铁从上海到苏州只需要32minD.上海二期课改将小学生的一节课缩短为35min4.(2分)下列情况中能看作质点的是()A.蹲在起跑线上准备的运动员B.正在途中跑动的马拉松运动员C.正在闯线的百米赛跑运动员D.正在空中运动的高台跳水运动员5.(2分)求几个力的合力所用的处理方法是()A.类比的方法B.控制变量的方法C.等效替代的方法 D.观察、实验的方法6.(2分)关于直线运动的加速度,下列说法正确的是()A.加速度减小,速度可能减小也可能增大B.速度减小,加速度一定减小C.物体有加速度时,速度就增大D.物体的速度为零时,加速度一定为零7.(2分)砝码放在水平桌面上,桌面会受到弹力的作用,产生这个弹力的直接原因是()A.砝码的形变B.桌面的形变C.砝码和桌面的形变D.砝码受到的重力8.(2分)关于运动和力的关系,下列说法中错误的是()A.力是改变物体运动状态的原因B.力是维持物体运动的原因C.力是使物体产生加速度的原因D.质量是物体惯性大小的量度9.(2分)如图所示,是利用力传感器记录的两个物体间的作用力和反作用力变化图线,仅根据图线可以得出的结论是()A.作用力大时,反作用力小B.作用力和反作用力总是同时产生同时消失C.作用力和反作用力作用在同一个物体上D.此图线一定是在两个物体都处于静止状态时测得的10.(2分)下列四个图中,所有的球都是相同的,且它们形状规则、质量分布均匀。



2015-2016学年上海二中高一(上)期末物理试卷一.单项选择题(每题2分,共24分)1.以下各物理量属于矢量的是()A.质量B.时间C.摩擦力D.动摩擦因数2.关于匀速直线运动下列说法中正确的是()A.每一秒内物体通过的位移都相等的运动一定是匀速直线运动B.每0.1秒内物体通过的位移都相等的运动一定是匀速直线运动C.加速度恒定且不为零的运动一定是匀速直线运动D.以上说法都不正确3.下列关于力的说法中正确的是()A.有弹力必定有摩擦力,有摩擦力必定有弹力B.运动的物体不可能受到静摩擦力作用C.静止的物体不可能受到滑动摩擦力作用D.滑动摩擦力的方向总是与物体的相对运动方向相反4.一物体从h高处自由下落,将h分成高度相等的三段,则自上而下经过每段高度所用的时间之比为()A.1:(﹣1):(﹣)B.1::C.1:3:5D.1:4:95.汽车突然刹车时乘客向前倒的原因,下列说法是否正确()A.乘客在车匀速行驶时受到一个向前的力,刹车时这个力还在起作用B.刹车时乘客的脚受到一个向后的摩擦力作用,改变下半身的运动状态,而上半身由于有惯性而保持原有运动状态,所以向前倾倒C.乘客有惯性,汽车没有惯性D.乘客有惯性,而汽车的惯性被制动力克服了6.物体只受到下列三力作用能处于平衡状态的是()A.10N 10N 50N B.10N 10N 40NC.10N 10N 30N D.10N 10N 20N7.如图所示,升降机以加速度a加速下降,升降机内有一倾角为θ的粗糙斜面,质量为m的物体与斜面相对静止,则斜面对物体的支持力大小为()A.m(g﹣a)cosθB.mgcosθC.m(g+a)cosθD.mgcosθ+masinθ8.三段不可伸长的细绳OA、OB、OC能承受的最大拉力相同,它们共同悬挂一重物,如图所示,其中OB是水平的,A端、B端固定.若逐渐增加C端所挂物体的质量,则最先断的绳()A.必定是OA B.必定是OBC.必定是OC D.可能是OB,也可能是OC9.一个小球从离地面高100m处做自由落体运动,则3s末的速度大小、下落的高度和离地面的高度为()A.30m/s,45m 55m B.30m/s,55m,45mC.40m/s,45m 55m D.45m/s,55m,45m10.如图所示,一个人站在自动扶梯的水平台阶上随扶梯匀速上升,他受到的力有()A.重力、支持力B.重力、支持力、摩擦力C.重力、支持力、摩擦力、斜向上的拉力D.重力、支持力、压力、摩擦力11.一个物体放在粗糙水平面上,由静止开始,受到一个水平拉力F而运动,拉力F随时间变化规律如图所示,运动过程中物体所受滑动摩擦力大小不变,则物体在0﹣t1时间内的加速度大小将()A.逐渐变大B.逐渐变小C.先变大后变小D.先变小后变大12.如图甲所示,质量为M的直角劈B放在水平面上,在劈的斜面上放一个质量为m的物体A,用一个竖直向下的力F作用于A上,物体A刚好沿斜面匀速下滑.若改用一个斜向下的力F′作用在A时,物体A加速下滑,如图乙所示,则在图乙中关于地面对劈的摩擦力f及支持力N的结论正确的是()A.f=0,N>Mg B.f=0,N<Mg C.f向右,N<Mg D.f向左,N>Mg二、选择题(共4小题,每小题4分,满分16分)13.如图所示,一个物体沿直线运动的V﹣t,已知运动起点就是记录起点,则下列说法中正确的是()A.4s末回到运动起点B.2s末回到运动起点C.第2s内物体处于匀加速直线运动过程D.第2s内物体处于匀减速直线运动过程14.如图,在车厢内用倾斜绳A和水平绳B同系一个小球,车厢向右作加速运动,两绳的拉力大小分别为T A和T B.现使车厢向右作加速运动的加速度增大,则两绳拉力大小的变化情况是()A.T A变小.B.T A不变.C.T B变大.D.T B不变.15.如图所示,物体悬挂于细绳下端,用力T1拉住细绳上的O点,使细绳倾斜.现保持O点不动,改变T1方向,开始时T1和细绳的拉力T2恰垂直,则()A.T1向x轴靠近时,T1减小T2增大B.T1向x轴靠近时,T1,T2都增大C.T1向y轴靠近时,T1,T2都减小D.T1向y轴靠近时,T1增大T2减小16.图为直升机悬停于高空时,某伞兵跳伞离机沿竖直方向运动的v﹣t图象,图线表示()A.在0<t<10s内伞兵所受的重力大于空气阻力B.第10s末伞兵打开降落伞,此后做匀减速运动直至第15s末C.在10s<t<15s内伞兵的加速度大小和速度大小都逐渐减小D.15s后伞兵保持匀速下落三.填空题:(每空2分,共20分)17.一人先向西走4米,又向北走3米,则此人在整个过程中的位移大小为米;路程大小为米.18.如图所示,在倾角为α的斜面上,放一质量为m的小球,小球和斜坡及挡板间均无摩擦,当档板由图示位置开始绕O点逆时针缓慢地转到水平位置的过程中,则球对挡板的压力大小将;斜面对球的弹力大小将.(填变大、变小、先变大后变小,或者先变小后变大)19.一个力的大小为F ,若将它分解为两个力,已知其中一个分力F 1的方向与F 成α角,当另一个力F 2有最小值时,F 1的大小为 ,F 2的大小为 .20.甲、乙两球质量分别为m 和2m ,从相同高度下落,所受空气阻力大小相等,则它们下落的加速度a 甲 a 乙,下落时间t 甲 t 乙(均填<、>或=).21.物块A 所受重力为10N ,物块B 所受重力为20N ,A 、B 间和B 与地面间动摩因数均为0.5,绳一端系于A 上,另一端系于墙上,绳与墙成45°,欲将B 匀速向右抽出,需要水平力F 大小为 N ,此时AB 间的摩擦力大小为 N .四、实验题(每空2分,共10分)22.有一个小球沿斜面下滑,用频率为0.1s 的频闪相机拍摄不同时刻小球的位置,如图所示,测得比小球连续相等时间内的位移如下表:S 1(cm ) S 2(cm ) S 3(cm ) S 4(cm ) S 5(cm )8.20 9.30 10.40 11.50 12.60根据以上数据求小球下滑的加速度a= m/s 2.23.在“用DIS 探究牛顿第二定律”的实验中(1)如图(左)是本实验的装置图,实验采用分体式位移传感器,其发射部分是图中的 ,与数据采集器连接的是 部分.(填①或②)(2)上图(右)是用DIS探究加速度与力的关系时所得到的a﹣F实验图象,由图线可知,小车的质量为kg.24.在《互成角度的两个共点力的合成》实验中.(1)(多项选择题)橡皮条一端固定在木板上,用两个弹簧秤把橡皮条的另一端拉到某一位置O点,以下操作中错误的是A、同一次实验过程中,O点的位置允许变动B、在实验中,弹簧秤必须保持与木板平行,读数时视线要正对弹簧秤的刻度C、实验中,先将其中一个弹簧秤沿某一方向拉到最大量程,然后只需调节另一弹簧秤拉力的大小和方向,把橡皮条结点拉到O点D、实验中,把橡皮条的结点拉到0点时,两秤之间的夹角应取90°不变,(2)实验中,使用弹簧测力计时,与纸面之间由于紧密接触导致产生了摩擦力,那么测量值与真实值相比.(填“变大”;“变小”;“没有影响”)五、计算题(共30分)25.一个汽车初速度为10m/s,突然关闭发动机,做匀减速直线运动直到停止,加速度为﹣4m/s2,求(1)汽车刹车后第1s末的速度大小?(2)汽车经过多少时间停止?(3)汽车第3s内通过的位移大小?26.一个质量为m=10kg的物体,与水平面间的动摩擦因数为μ=0.2,受到大小为F=30N向右的水平拉力作用,由静止起沿水平面开始运动,经过t=5s时将水平拉力F撤掉,物体继续运动至停止,求(1)撤去水平力F后,物体将再滑行多长时间至停止?(2)物体总的位移大小为多少?27.如图1所示,一足够长的固定斜面的倾角为θ=37°,物体受到平行于斜面的力F作用,由静止开始运动.力F随时间t变化规律如图2所示(以平行于斜面向上为正方向,g=10m/s2,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8),物体与斜面间的滑动摩擦力的大小为0.2mg,求:(1)第1s和第2s内物体运动的加速度大小a1和a2;(2)前4s内物体的位移大小s.2015-2016学年上海二中高一(上)期末物理试卷参考答案与试题解析一.单项选择题(每题2分,共24分)1.以下各物理量属于矢量的是()A.质量B.时间C.摩擦力D.动摩擦因数【考点】矢量和标量.【分析】矢量是既有大小,又有方向的物理量,而标量是只有大小,没有方向的物理量,根据有没有方向区分是标量还是矢量.【解答】解:A、B、D、质量、时间、动摩擦因数都是只有大小,没有方向的标量.故ABD错误.C、摩擦力既有大小,又有方向,是矢量.故C正确.故选C.2.关于匀速直线运动下列说法中正确的是()A.每一秒内物体通过的位移都相等的运动一定是匀速直线运动B.每0.1秒内物体通过的位移都相等的运动一定是匀速直线运动C.加速度恒定且不为零的运动一定是匀速直线运动D.以上说法都不正确【考点】匀变速直线运动的速度与时间的关系.【分析】匀速直线运动是指在物体在运动过程中快慢不变,同时运动方向也不变【解答】解:A、物体在每一秒内的位移都相等只能说明每一秒内的平均速度相等,不能保证速度不变,故A错误;B、每0.1秒内物体通过的位移都相等,只能说明每0.1s内的平均速度相等,不能保证速度不变,故B错误;C、加速度恒定且不为零的运动一定是匀变速运动,故C错误D、有ABC可知,D正确故选:D3.下列关于力的说法中正确的是()A.有弹力必定有摩擦力,有摩擦力必定有弹力B.运动的物体不可能受到静摩擦力作用C.静止的物体不可能受到滑动摩擦力作用D.滑动摩擦力的方向总是与物体的相对运动方向相反【考点】摩擦力的判断与计算;物体的弹性和弹力.【分析】两物体的接触面粗糙、物体间存在压力、物体间有相对运动或相对运动趋势时,物体间存在摩擦力;如果两物体相对静止,则物体间的摩擦力为静摩擦力,如果两物体相对滑动,则物体间的摩擦力为滑动摩擦力.【解答】解:A、物体间有摩擦力则必有弹力,物体间有弹力不一定有摩擦力,还要满足相对运动或相对运动趋势,及接触面粗糙,故A错误;B、运动物体可能受到静摩擦力作用,比如:正在沿着传送带斜向上运动的物体,受到静摩擦力,故B错误;C、静止物体可能受到滑动摩擦力作用,比如:在地面滑行的物体,地面受到滑动摩擦力,故C错误;D、滑动摩擦力的方向总是与物体相对运动方向相反,故D正确;故选:D.4.一物体从h高处自由下落,将h分成高度相等的三段,则自上而下经过每段高度所用的时间之比为()A.1:(﹣1):(﹣)B.1::C.1:3:5D.1:4:9【考点】自由落体运动.【分析】自由落体运动是初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,则连续通过相等位移内所用的时间比为1:(﹣1):(﹣).【解答】解:设每段位移为h,则三段时间分别为t1、t2、t3,所以h=gt122h=g(t1+t2)23h=g(t1+t2+t3)2则t1:(t1+t2):(t1+t2+t3)=1::所以t1:t2:t3=1:(﹣1):(﹣)故选:A5.汽车突然刹车时乘客向前倒的原因,下列说法是否正确()A.乘客在车匀速行驶时受到一个向前的力,刹车时这个力还在起作用B.刹车时乘客的脚受到一个向后的摩擦力作用,改变下半身的运动状态,而上半身由于有惯性而保持原有运动状态,所以向前倾倒C.乘客有惯性,汽车没有惯性D.乘客有惯性,而汽车的惯性被制动力克服了【考点】惯性.【分析】惯性是物体保持原来运动状态的性质,不是作用力.在刹车时,根据牛顿第二定律分析汽车对乘客的作用力的方向.利用惯性的知识分析乘客向前方倾倒的原因.【解答】解:A、乘客随汽车匀速前进时,汽车对乘客没有向前的力.故A错误.B、乘客随汽车匀速前进时,具有向前的速度,在刹车时汽车突然减速,而乘客由于惯性保持原来向前的速度,所以乘客会向前方倾倒.故B正确.C、惯性是物体保持原来运动状态的性质,任何物体在任何情况下都有惯性,故CD错误.故选:B6.物体只受到下列三力作用能处于平衡状态的是()A.10N 10N 50N B.10N 10N 40NC.10N 10N 30N D.10N 10N 20N【考点】力的合成.【分析】三力合成,先将其中的两个力合成,再与第三个力合成,合成时,三力同向合力最大,两个力合成的合力有个范围,用与第三个力最接近的数值与第三个力合成求最小合力.【解答】解:A、10N与10N合成最大20N,最小0N,不可能为50N,因此不可与第三个力平衡的,故A错误;B、10N和10N合成最大20N,最小0N,不可能为40N,因此不可与第三个力平衡的,故B错误;C、10N和10N合成最大20N,最小0N,不可能为30N,因此不可与第三个力平衡的,故C错误;D、10N和10N合成最小0N,最大20N,当取20N时,可能与第三个力平衡,故D正确;故选:D.7.如图所示,升降机以加速度a加速下降,升降机内有一倾角为θ的粗糙斜面,质量为m的物体与斜面相对静止,则斜面对物体的支持力大小为()A.m(g﹣a)cosθB.mgcosθC.m(g+a)cosθD.mgcosθ+masinθ【考点】牛顿第二定律;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】升降机以加速度a匀加速下降,对物体进行受力分析,采用正交分解法,根据牛顿第二定律求解物体受到斜面作用的支持力.【解答】解:如图对匀加速下降的物体受力分析有:根据牛顿第二定律列方程有:F合x=fcosθ﹣Nsinθ=0 ①F合y=mg﹣(fsinθ+Ncosθ)=ma ②由①②两式解得N=m(g﹣a)cosθ故选:A8.三段不可伸长的细绳OA、OB、OC能承受的最大拉力相同,它们共同悬挂一重物,如图所示,其中OB是水平的,A端、B端固定.若逐渐增加C端所挂物体的质量,则最先断的绳()A.必定是OA B.必定是OBC.必定是OC D.可能是OB,也可能是OC【考点】共点力平衡的条件及其应用;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】以结点O为研究,分析受力情况,根据三个细绳受到的拉力大小,判断哪根绳最先断.【解答】解:以结点O为研究,在绳子均不被拉断时受力图如图.根据平衡条件,结合力图可知:F OA>F OB,F OA>F OC,即OA绳受的拉力最大,而细绳OA、OB、OC能承受的最大拉力相同,则当物体质量逐渐增加时,OA绳最先被拉断.故选A9.一个小球从离地面高100m处做自由落体运动,则3s末的速度大小、下落的高度和离地面的高度为()A.30m/s,45m 55m B.30m/s,55m,45mC.40m/s,45m 55m D.45m/s,55m,45m【考点】自由落体运动.【分析】根据v=gt求出3s末的速度,根据求出3s内下落的高度,从而求出离地面的高度.【解答】解:3s末的速度v=gt=3×10=30m/s,3s内下落的高度,此时离地面的高度h′=H﹣h=100﹣45=55m,故A正确.故选:A10.如图所示,一个人站在自动扶梯的水平台阶上随扶梯匀速上升,他受到的力有()A.重力、支持力B.重力、支持力、摩擦力C.重力、支持力、摩擦力、斜向上的拉力D.重力、支持力、压力、摩擦力【考点】物体的弹性和弹力.【分析】匀速过程中,人受力平衡,水平方向不受摩擦力.【解答】解:匀速过程中,人受力平衡,水平方向不受摩擦力,在竖直方向上受重力和支持力.故选A11.一个物体放在粗糙水平面上,由静止开始,受到一个水平拉力F而运动,拉力F随时间变化规律如图所示,运动过程中物体所受滑动摩擦力大小不变,则物体在0﹣t1时间内的加速度大小将()A.逐渐变大B.逐渐变小C.先变大后变小D.先变小后变大【考点】牛顿第二定律;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】分析物体的受力情况,根据拉力的变化可明确合外力的变化;从而明确加速度的变化情况.【解答】解:由题意可知,开始时拉力大于摩擦力,故开始时拉力大于摩擦力;随着拉力的减小,合外力减小,故加速度减小;当拉力小于摩擦力后,由于拉力继续减小,则合外力增大;故加速度增大;故加速度先减小后增大;故选:D.12.如图甲所示,质量为M的直角劈B放在水平面上,在劈的斜面上放一个质量为m的物体A,用一个竖直向下的力F作用于A上,物体A刚好沿斜面匀速下滑.若改用一个斜向下的力F′作用在A时,物体A加速下滑,如图乙所示,则在图乙中关于地面对劈的摩擦力f及支持力N的结论正确的是()A.f=0,N>Mg B.f=0,N<Mg C.f向右,N<Mg D.f向左,N>Mg【考点】共点力平衡的条件及其应用;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】对于甲图,以A为研究对象,分析受力,根据平衡条件求解AB间的动摩擦因数.对于乙图,A加速下滑,加速度方向沿斜面下滑,将加速度分解为沿水平方向和竖直向下两个方向,以整体为研究对象,根据牛顿第二定律研究地面对劈支持力N.以B为研究对象求解摩擦力f.【解答】解:设斜面的倾角为θ.对于图甲,以A为研究对象,分析受力,作出力图如图1.根据平衡条件得(mg+F)sinθ=μ(mg+F)cosθ得到μ=tanθ对于乙图,以B为研究对象,分析受力,作出力图如图2.设地面对B的方向水平向右,根据平衡条件得水平方向:f=f1cosθ﹣N1sinθ又f1=μN1得到f=μN1cosθ﹣N1sinθ=tanθ•N1cosθ﹣N1sinθ=0.竖直方向:N>Mg故选A二、选择题(共4小题,每小题4分,满分16分)13.如图所示,一个物体沿直线运动的V﹣t,已知运动起点就是记录起点,则下列说法中正确的是()A.4s末回到运动起点B.2s末回到运动起点C.第2s内物体处于匀加速直线运动过程D.第2s内物体处于匀减速直线运动过程【考点】匀变速直线运动的图像.【分析】速度时间图线速度的正负值可以确定物体的运动方向,图线的斜率表示加速度,图线与时间轴围成的面积表示位移.【解答】解:A、速度时间图象与时间轴围成的面积表示位移,根据图象可知,0﹣4s内的位移为零,则4s末回到运动起点,故A正确,B错误;C、第2s内,物体速度随时间均匀减小,做匀减速直线运动,故C错误,D正确.故选:AD14.如图,在车厢内用倾斜绳A和水平绳B同系一个小球,车厢向右作加速运动,两绳的拉力大小分别为T A和T B.现使车厢向右作加速运动的加速度增大,则两绳拉力大小的变化情况是()A.T A变小.B.T A不变.C.T B变大.D.T B不变.【考点】牛顿第二定律;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】以小球为研究对象,分析受力情况,作出力图,根据牛顿第二定律,运用正交分解法分析两根细绳的拉力变化情况;明确竖直方向为平衡状态,水平方向为匀加速直线运动状态.【解答】解:以小球为研究对象,分析受力情况,作出力图,根据牛顿第二定律,水平方向:T B﹣T A sinα=ma…①竖直方向:T A cosα﹣mg=0…②由题,夹角α不变,由②分析得知T A不变.由①得知,T B=T A sinα+ma>T A sinα,即T B变大.故选:BC15.如图所示,物体悬挂于细绳下端,用力T1拉住细绳上的O点,使细绳倾斜.现保持O点不动,改变T1方向,开始时T1和细绳的拉力T2恰垂直,则()A.T1向x轴靠近时,T1减小T2增大B.T1向x轴靠近时,T1,T2都增大C.T1向y轴靠近时,T1,T2都减小D.T1向y轴靠近时,T1增大T2减小【考点】共点力平衡的条件及其应用;物体的弹性和弹力.【分析】以O点为研究对象,根据平行四边形定则作出力的合成图,运用图解法分析T1与T2的变化情况.【解答】解:以O点为研究对象,根据平衡条件可知,T1和T2的合力与G大小相等、方向相反,即T1和T2的合力方向竖直向上,大小一定.作出T1在四个不同方向时力的合成图如图,由图知,T1和T2垂直时,T1最小.T1向x轴靠近时,T1,T2都增大.T1向y轴靠近时,T1增大T2减小.故BD正确,AC错误.故选:BD16.图为直升机悬停于高空时,某伞兵跳伞离机沿竖直方向运动的v﹣t图象,图线表示()A.在0<t<10s内伞兵所受的重力大于空气阻力B.第10s末伞兵打开降落伞,此后做匀减速运动直至第15s末C.在10s<t<15s内伞兵的加速度大小和速度大小都逐渐减小D.15s后伞兵保持匀速下落【考点】匀变速直线运动的图像.【分析】根据速度时间图象可得到伞兵的速度变化情况,即可判断重力与空气阻力的大小关系.根据图象上某点的切线的斜率表示加速度,可分析运动情况.【解答】解:A、由图知,在0<t<l0s内,伞兵向下做加速度不断减小的加速运动,说明了空气阻力小于重力,故A正确;B、第10s末速度达到最大,此后开始做加速度不断减小的减速运动,说明第10s末伞兵打开降落伞,之后,做变减速运动直至第15s末,故B错误;C、根据斜率等于加速度,可知,在10s<t<15s内伞兵的加速度大小和速度大小都逐渐减小.故C正确.D、15s后伞兵的速度保持不变,匀速下落,故D正确.故选:ACD三.填空题:(每空2分,共20分)17.一人先向西走4米,又向北走3米,则此人在整个过程中的位移大小为5米;路程大小为7米.【考点】位移与路程.【分析】位移的大小等于由初位置指向末位置的有向线段的长度.路程等于运动轨迹的长度.【解答】解:先向西走4米,又向北走3米,则此人在整个过程中的位移大小:x=m.路程是运动的轨迹的长度,所以是:3m+4m=7m故答案为:5,718.如图所示,在倾角为α的斜面上,放一质量为m的小球,小球和斜坡及挡板间均无摩擦,当档板由图示位置开始绕O点逆时针缓慢地转到水平位置的过程中,则球对挡板的压力大小将先变小后变大;斜面对球的弹力大小将变小.(填变大、变小、先变大后变小,或者先变小后变大)【考点】共点力平衡的条件及其应用;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】小球受三个力作用而保持静止状态,其中重力大小、方向都不变,斜面对球的支持力方向不变,大小变,挡板对球的支持力的大小和方向都变化,根据三力平衡的条件,结合平行四边形定则作图分析即可.【解答】解:小球受重力、斜面支持力F1和挡板支持力F2,将F1与F2合成为F,如图小球一直处于平衡状态,三个力中的任意两个力的合力与第三个力等值、反向、共线,故F1和F2合成的合力F一定与重力等值、反向、共线.从图中可以看出,当挡板绕O点逆时针缓慢地转向水平位置的过程中,F1越来越小,F2先变小,后变大,根据牛顿第二定律可知,球对挡板的压力大小将先变小后变大.故答案为:先变小后变大;变小19.一个力的大小为F,若将它分解为两个力,已知其中一个分力F1的方向与F成α角,当另一个力F2有最小值时,F1的大小为Fcosα,F2的大小为Fsinα.【考点】力的分解.【分析】已知合力和两个分力的方向,分解具有唯一性,根据平行四边形定则作图分解即可.【解答】解:合力大小为F,力F和一个分力F1的方向的夹角为60°,根据平行四边形定则作图,如图所示:可知,另一个分力的最小值为F2=Fsinα;而F1的大小为Fcosα.故答案为:Fcosα,Fsinα.20.甲、乙两球质量分别为m和2m,从相同高度下落,所受空气阻力大小相等,则它们下落的加速度a甲<a乙,下落时间t甲>t乙(均填<、>或=).【考点】牛顿第二定律;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】对两球受力分析,根据牛顿第二定律列式即可得出加速度的表达式,再根据两球的质量关系即可明确加速度的大小关系,根据位移时间公式判断出时间关系【解答】解:根据牛顿第二定律可知:mg﹣f=ma解得:a=g﹣,因乙的质量大于甲的质量,故可知乙的加速度一定大于甲的加速度.根据h=可知t=,甲的时间大于乙的时间故答案为:<,>21.物块A所受重力为10N,物块B所受重力为20N,A、B间和B与地面间动摩因数均为0.5,绳一端系于A上,另一端系于墙上,绳与墙成45°,欲将B匀速向右抽出,需要水平力F大小为16.67N,此时AB间的摩擦力大小为 3.33N.【考点】共点力平衡的条件及其应用;力的合成与分解的运用.【分析】将物体B匀速向右拉出过程中,A物体保持静止状态,受力均平衡.分别分析两个物体的受力情况,作出力图,根据平衡条件列方程求解水平力F的大小和AB间的摩擦力大小.【解答】解:A 、B 的受力分析如图所示.对A :由平衡条件得:F T sin 45°=F f1=μF N1 …①F T cos 45°+F N1=m A g…②联立①、②两式可得:F N1=F f1=μF N1=N=3.33N对B ,根据平衡条件得:F=F′f1+F f2=F′f1+μF N2=F f1+μ(F N1+m B g )=2F f1+μm B g==16.67N故答案为:16.67;3.33四、实验题(每空2分,共10分)22.有一个小球沿斜面下滑,用频率为0.1s 的频闪相机拍摄不同时刻小球的位置,如图所示,测得比小球连续相等时间内的位移如下表:S 1(cm ) S 2(cm ) S 3(cm ) S 4(cm ) S 5(cm )8.20 9.30 10.40 11.50 12.60根据以上数据求小球下滑的加速度a= 1.1 m/s 2.【考点】匀变速直线运动的位移与时间的关系.【分析】当物体在连续相等时间内的位移之差是一恒量,物体做匀变速直线运动.根据△x=aT 2,求出加速度的大小.【解答】解:由表格中的数据知,相等相等时间内的位移之差为1.1cm ,位移之差相等,小球。

上海市格致中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海市格致中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

二〇一五学年度第一学期高一物理期末考试试题卷考试时间80分钟,卷面满分100分+20分一、单选题(每题2分,共10分)1.在国际单位制(SI)中,下列属于基本单位的是()A.安培B.牛顿C.库仑D.焦耳2.关于物体的惯性,下述说法中正确的是()A.运动物体有惯性,静止物体没有惯性B.当物体受力作用后,它的惯性将发生改变C.乒乓球可以快速抽杀,是因为乒乓球惯性小的缘故D.在宇宙飞船中的物体不存在的惯性3.关于作用力和反作用力,下列说法正确的是()A.先用作用力,后由反作用力B.作用力和反作用力大小相等方向相反,是一对平衡力C.人走路时,只有地对脚的作用力大于脚蹬地的作用力,人才能前进D.作用力是弹力,则对应的反应用力的也是弹力4.伽利略理想斜面实验的意义在于()A.证明了沿斜面滚下的小球,到了水平面上就做匀速直线运动B.证明量沿斜面滚下的小球,能滚到另一个斜面上相同的高度C.证明了维持物体运动不需要力D.证明了力是维持物体运动的原意5.某物体在三个共点力的作用下处于静止状态.若把其中一个力F的1方向沿顺时针方向转过90︒,而保持其大小不变,其余两个保持不变、则此时物体所搜的合力大小为()A.F B.12F C.12F D.D1二、单选题(每题3分,共15分)6.某同学斜向上抛出一铅球,忽略空气阻力。


已知重力加速为210m/s,可以判断小球()A.动能一直减小B.在最高点达到平衡状态C.位移大小为125m D.平均速度大小为5m/s8.如图,某人静躺在椅子上,橘子的靠背与水平面之间有固定倾斜角θ,若此人受重力为G,则椅子各部分对他的作用力大小为()A.G B.sin GθC.cosGθGθD.tan9.用轻绳系住一小球静止在光滑斜面上,如图所示。




上海市2015-2016学年七宝中学高一月考试卷一. 填空题(每题4分,共48分)1.已知集合{}2|20,A x x x x R =--=∈,集合{}|13B x x =≤≤,则A B ⋂=_______.2.集合{}|25A x x =-<<,集合{}|121B x m x m =+≤≤-,若B A ⊆,则m 的取值范围为________.3.命题“若实数,a b 满足7a b +<,则2a =且3b =”的否命题是_________________.4.“x y >”是“x y >”的________条件.5.不等式2113x x -≥+的解集是____________. 6.已知不等式250ax x b -+>的解集是{}|32x x -<<-,则不等式250bx x a -+>的解是____________.7.不等式(1)(1)0x x +->的解集是________.8.设集合{}(,)|13A x y y x ==-,{}2(,)|(12)5B x y y m x ==-+,其中,,x y m R ∈,若A B ⋂=∅,则实数m 的取值范围是________.9.已知12a b -<<<,则2a b -的范围是________.10.集合A 中有10个元素,B 中有6个元素,全集U 有18个元素,A B ⋂≠∅,设集合()U C A B ⋃有x 个元素,则x 的取值集合为________.11.对于任意的1,32m ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,不等式224t mt m +>+恒成立,则实数t 的取值范围是________. 12.已知非空集合{}1,2,3,4,5,6S ⊆满足:若a S ∈,则必有7a S -∈,问这样的集合S 有____个;请将该问题推广到一般情况:_____________________________________.二. 选择题(每题5分,共20分)13.设{|A x x =为合数},{|B x x =为质数},N 表示自然数集,若E 满足A B E N ⋃⋃=,则这样的集合E ( )A .只有一个B .只有两个C .至多3个D .有无数个14.定义集合运算:{}|(),,A B z z xy x y x A y B ==+∈∈,设集合{}0,1A =,{}2,3B =,则集合A B的所有元素之和为( )A .0B .6C .12D .18 15.四个条件:0b a >>,0a b >>,0a b >>,0a b >>中,能使11a b<成立的充分条件的个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .4 16.设,,a b c 是互不相等的正数,则下列不等式中不恒成立的是( )A .a b a c b c -≤-+-B <C .2211a a a a +≥+D .12a b a b -+≥-三. 解答题(8+10+10+12+12=52分)17.已知a b c >>,用比较法证明:222222a b b c c a ab bc ca ++>++18.已知集合{}2|230,A x x x x R =--<∈,{}2|30,B x ax x x R =-+<∈;(1)当2a =时,求A B ⋂(2)若A B B ⋂=,求实数a 的取值范围19.已知命题:12a α-<,:β方程2(2)10x a x +++=()x R ∈没有正根,求实数a 的取值范围,使命题,αβ有且只有一个为真命题20.(1)已知,x y R +∈的最大值(2)求满足≥,a b R +∈有解的实数k 的最大值,并说明理由21.已知数集{}12,,,n A a a a =12(1,2)n a a a n ≤<<<≥具有性质P :对任意的,i j (1)i j n ≤≤≤,i j a a 与ji a a 两数中至少有一个属于A(1)分别判断数集{}1,3,4与{}1,2,3,6是否具有性质P ,并说明理由(2)证明:11a =且1211112......n n na a a a a a a ---+++=+++ (3)当5n =时,若22a =,求集合A参考答案1、{}22、(),3-∞3、若实数,a b 满足7a b +≥,则2a ≠或3b ≠4、既非充分也非必要条件5、(,3)[4,)-∞-⋃+∞6、11,23⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭7、(,1)(1,1)-∞-⋃- 8、 9、(4,2)- 10、{}3,4,5,6,7,8 11、(,5)(2,)-∞-⋃+∞12、7,已知非空集合{}1,2,,A n ⊆满足:若a A ∈,则必有1n a A +-∈;当n 为偶数时,这样的集合A 有221n-个;当n 为奇数时,这样的集合A 有1221n +-个 13、D 14、D 15、C 16、D17、略18、(1)∅(2)分类讨论,注意空集的情况,1,12⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭19、分类讨论,注意判别式小于零的情况,(4,1][3,)--⋃+∞20、(1(2,理由略21、(1){}1,3,4不具有性质P ,{}1,2,3,6具有性质P(2)略(3) {}1,2,4,8,16。

上海市延安中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海市延安中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海市延安中学2015学年度第一学期期末考试高一年级物理试卷(考试时间:90分钟满分:100分)(本卷中重力加速度取2g )10m/s一、单选题(每题2分,共8小题,每题只有一个选项符合题意。

将答案填涂在答卷纸上,否则答案作无效处理)1.对于一些实际生活中的现象,某同学试图从惯性角度加以解释,其中正确的是( )A.彩用了大功率的发动机后,某些一级方程式赛车的速度甚至能超过某些老式螺旋桨飞机的速度。

这表明,可以通过科学进步使小质量的物体获得大惯性B.“强弩之末热不能穿鱼镐”,这表明强弩的惯性减小了C.货运列车运行到不同的车站时,经常要摘下或加挂一些车厢,这会改变它的惯性D.自行车转弯时,车手一方面要适当的控制速度,另一方面要将身体稍微向里倾斜,这是为了通过调控人和车的惯性达到安全行驶的目的2.以下哪一个物理规律是以理想实验为基础建立起来的()A.平行四边形定则B.牛顿第一定律C.牛顿第二定律D.牛顿第三定律3.“自由落体"演示实验装置如图所示,将牛顿管抽成真空后,让管内轻重不同的物体从顶部由静止竖直下落到底端的过程,下列说法正确的是()A.时间相同,加速度相同B.时间相同,加速度不同C.时间不同,加速度相同D.时间不同,加速度不同4.下列说法不正确的是( )A.人推自行车在水平路面上前进,前轮受的摩擦力向后,后轮受的摩擦力向前B.静止在斜面上的物体,物体所受斜面的作用力与物体所受重力大小相等C.轻绳给物体拉力必沿绳且指向绳收缩的方向D.物体间的相互作用力,一定是同性质的力5.有两个大小恒定的共点力,当两力同向时,合力为A,相互垂直时,合力为B.当两力反向时,其合力大小为( )A22+D22A BA B-2B A2A B-B22-C226.为了行车的方便与安全,高大的桥要造很长的引桥,以减小桥面的坡度。




2014-2015学年度第一学期高一年级物理期末考试2015.1命题人:王妹审核人:刘树田 打印人:王妹Ⅰ卷(满分50分)一、单项选择题(本大题共12分,6小题,每小题2分,每小题给出的四个答案中,只有一个是正确的.把正确答案选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母按要求填写在试卷的答题纸上.)1.十七世纪意大利科学家伽利略在研究运动和力的关系时,提出了著名的斜面实验.其中应用的物理思想方法属于( ) A .等效替代 B .实验归纳 C .理想实验 D .控制变量 2.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .矢量的大小是标量 B .位移的大小是路程 C .平均速度的大小是平均速率 D .瞬时速度的大小是瞬时速率 3.质点受四个力处于平衡状态,则其中( ) A .二个力的合力一定大于第四个力 B .三个力的合力一定与第四个力相同 C .三个力的合力一定与第四个力不同D .其中一个力撤去后,质点一定作匀加速直线运动4.如图所示是物体在某段运动过程的v t -图象,在1t 和2t 时刻的瞬时速度分别为1v 和2v ,则时间由1t 到2t 的过程中,则下列说法正确的是( )A .物体的加速度不断增大B .物体的加速度不断减小C .物体的平均速度122v vv +=D .物体的平均速度122v v v +>5.关于惯性正确的说法是( )A .水平拉动静止木块比水平拉着木块匀速运动所需的力大,所以静止物体惯性较大;B .同一木块速度大时不易停下,所以速度大的物体惯性也较大;C .木块在粗糙桌面上运动容易停下,所以物体受到的摩擦力越大惯性就越小;21v vD .物体惯性大小与是否受外力作用或外力大小均无关6.如图所示,物体静止于斜面上,则下述说法中正确的是( )A .物体对斜面的压力和斜面对物体的支持力是一对平衡力B .物体所受重力沿斜面向下的分力就是物体对斜面的摩擦力C .物体所受重力和斜面对物体的作用力是一对平衡力D .物体所受的重力可以分解为沿斜面向下的力和对斜面的压力二、填空题(本大题共16分,4小题,每小题4分.答案写在答题纸中横线上的空白处,不要求写出演算过程.)7.自行车从静止开始运动,经10s 后速度增大到5m/s ,在这段时间内自行车的速度变化量为m/s ,加速度为2m/s . 8.质量为50kg 的人站在升降机底板的磅秤上,升降机沿竖直方向运动时,他发现磅秤示数为600N ,则可知升降机的加速度大小为 2m/s ,其运动情况可能为 .9.如图所示支架,绳子AB 能承受的最大拉力和杆AC 能承受的最大压力均为1000N ,绳和杆的自重均不计,AB 与竖直墙的夹角为60︒,AC 与竖直墙的夹角为30︒,求为使绳与杆都不被破坏,悬挂物的重力G 最大是N .如果缩短绳AB 的长度,则杆AC 所受的压力大小将 (填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”).10.在某地竖直向上提升重物,不计阻力,加速度a 与拉力F 之间的关系如图所示,该地重力加速度大小约为 2m/s ;若该重物从地面被竖直提起后作匀加速直线运动,2s 末达到8m 高度,则拉力F 为N .三、实验题(本大题共6分.其中多项选择选不全的得1分,错选不得分.) 11.(2分)如图所示是运用DIS 测定木块在水平桌面上滑动时加速度大小的实验图象.根据图象可求GCBA-出木块的加速度大小为a 2m/s (结果保留两位小数).图上字看不清12.(多选题)(2分)此实验过程中,还可以测得的物理量是( ) A .木块的位移 B .木块与桌面的滑动摩擦因数 C .木块的平均速度 D .木块克服桌面摩擦力做的功 13.(多选题)(2分)在“研究共点力的合成”实验中,可减小实验误差的措施有( ) A .两个分力1F 、2F 间夹角要尽量大些; B .两个分力1F 、2F 的大小要尽量大些;C .拉橡皮筋时,橡皮筋、细绳和弹簧秤应贴近图板,并且平行于图板;D .实验前,先把所用的两个弹簧秤的钩子相互钩住,平放在桌子上,向相反方向拉动,检查读数是否相同.四、计算题(本大题共16分,2小题.要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分.) 14.(8分)如图所示,相距为4m 的两竖直墙壁上的A 、B 两点拴有一根长为5m 的轻绳,绳上有一轻质、光滑的小滑轮C ,滑轮下吊着重为120N 的物体,求:⑴ 绳上的张力大小; ⑵ 若将绳的右端沿墙壁上提一些,绳中的张力大小将如何变化? 15.(8分)质量为4kg 的物体放在水平地面上,受到水平力拉力F 的作用,F 按图所示规律变化,已知物体从第4s 末开始做匀速直线运动,求:BOA⑴ 地面与物体间的滑动摩擦因数; ⑵ 前4s 内物体的加速度及位移大小;⑶ 第5s 内、第7s 内物体的加速度及第6s 末物体的瞬时速度.Ⅱ卷(满分30分)五、多项选择题(本大题共12分,3小题,每小题4分.每小题给出的四个答案中,至少有两个是正确的.把正确答案全选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母按要求填写在试卷的答题纸上.每一小题全选对的得4分;选对但不全,得2分;有选错或不答,得0分.) 16.某物体做自由落体运动,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A .第()1s n +末速度比第s n 末速度大10m/s ;B .第()1s n +内下落的高度比第s n 内下落的高度大10m ;C .第()1s n +内的平均速度比第s n 内的平均速度大10m/s ;D .前()1s n +内的平均速度比前s n 内的平均速度大10m/s .17.如图所示,物体A 在倾角为θ的斜面上静止,现在给物体A 施一水平推力F ,使它在斜面上做匀速直线运动,物体A 与斜面间的动摩擦因数为μ,物体的质量为m ,则( )A .物体A 将沿与斜面底边平行的方向移动;B .物体A 所受滑动摩擦力大小等于cos mg μθ,方向与F 相反;C .物体A 所受滑动摩擦力大小等于cos mg μθ,方向与F 成一角度;D .物体A 将斜向下做匀速直线运动.18.有一些问题你可能不会求解,但是你仍有可能对这些问题的解是否合理进行分析和判断.例如,从解的物理量单位、解随某些已知量变化的趋势、解在一些特殊条件下的结果等方面进行分析,并与预期结果,实验结论等进行比较,从而判断解的合理性或正确性. 举例如下:如图所示,质量为M 、倾角为θ的滑块A 放于水平地面上,把质量为m 的滑块B 放在A 的斜面上.忽略一切摩擦,有人求得B 相对地面的加速度2sin sin M ma g M m θθ+=+,式中g 为重力加速度.对于上述解,某同学分析了等号右侧量的单位,没发现问题.他进一步利用特殊条件对该解做了如下四项分析和判断,所得结论都是“解可能是对的”,其中正确的是( )A .当0θ=︒时,该解给出0a =,这符合常 识,说明该解可能是对的;DθABB .当90θ=︒时,该解给出a g =,这符合实验结论,说明该解可能是对的;C .当M m 时,该解给出sin a g θ=,这符合预期的结果,说明该解可能是对的;D .当m M 时,该解给出sin ga θ=,这符合预期的结果,说明该解可能是对的.六、计算题(本大题共18分,2小题.要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案)原稿看不清 20.(9分)如图a 所示,木板OA 可绕轴O 在竖直平面内转动,某研究小组利用此装置探索物块在方向始终平行于斜面.大小为8N F =的力作用下加速度与斜面倾角的关系,已知物块的重量1kg m =.通过实验,得到如图b 所示的物块的加速度与斜面倾角的关系图线,若物块与木板间的动摩擦因数为0.2μ=,假定物块与木板间的最大静摩擦力始终等于滑动摩擦力.(g 取210m/s ,sin 370.6︒=,cos370.8︒=)试问:⑴ 图b 中图线与纵坐标交点m a 多大?⑵ 1θ为多大?⑶ 如果木板长2m L =,倾角为37︒,物块在F 的作用下由O 点开始运动.为保证物块不冲出木板顶端.力F 最多作用多长时间?图a图ba。



2003—2004学年度高一年级第一学期期末考试物理试题 2004、1考试时间:100分钟 总分:100分 命题人:杨守文一、本题共10小题,每题3分,满分30分。


1、下列说法中,正确的是A .竖直上抛一小球,小球离开手后,仍然受到向上的冲力B .静止放在斜面上的书本,书本受到的重力方向垂直于斜面C .物体所受静摩擦力的方向,可能跟物体的运动方向相同D .相互接触的两个物体间,可能没有摩擦力,但一定会有弹力 2、关于速度和加速度下述说法正确的是 A .速度越大,加速度越大B .加速度的方向就是速度的方向C .速度变化越大,加速度就越大D .速度对时间的变化率就是加速度3、2003年10月15日9时30分我国利用长征二号运载火箭,成功发射了神州五号载人宇宙飞船,并于次日6时23分成功落地回收,宇航员杨利伟安全返回.神州五号回收舱在接近地面前的一段运动可视为匀减速直线运动,下列图线中,表示匀减速运动的是4、两个大小不变的共点力F 1、F 2 ,与其合力F 的关系是 A .F 的大小随F 1、F 2 间的夹角的增大而增大 B .F 的大小随F 1、F 2 间的夹角的增大而减小 C .F 的大小一定大于F 1、F 2 中最大者 D .F 的大小不能小于F 1、F 2 中最小者5、放在光滑斜面上的木块实际受到的力有A .只受重力B .重力和支持力C .重力、支持力和下滑力D .重力、支持力、下滑力和垂直斜面向下的力 6、如图所示,两根轻绳AO 与BO 所能承受的最大拉力大小相等,轻绳长度AO>BO ,若把电灯的重力逐渐加大,则A .AO 绳先被拉断B .BO 绳先被拉断C .AO 、BO 绳同时被拉断D .AO 、BO 绳谁先被拉断是不一定的、随机的 7、关于惯性,下述说法中正确的是 A .惯性大的物体运动状态难改变 B .速度大的物体惯性大 C .受力大的物体惯性一定大D .静止的物体受到力作用运动后,惯性消失8、一个物体从长度是L 、高度是h 的光滑斜面顶端A 由静止开始下滑,如图,物体滑到斜面下端B 时的速度的大小为 A . gh B. 2gh C . gL D. 2gL9、石块从地面上方高H 处自由落下,不计空气阻力,当它的速度大小等于着地速度的一半时,石块下落的高度是A. H 4B. 3H 8C. H 2D. 3H 410、竖直向上飞行的子弹,达到最高点后又返回原处,假设整个运动过程中,子弹受到的阻力大小与速度大小成正比,则整个过程中加速度大小变化情况是A .先变大后变小B .始终变大C .先减小后增大D .始终变小二、本题共5小题,每题4分,满分20分。



【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】上海市2015-2016学年七宝中学高一月考试卷一. 填空题(每题4分,共48分)1.已知集合{}2|20,A x x x x R =--=∈,集合{}|13B x x =≤≤,则A B ⋂=_______.2.集合{}|25A x x =-<<,集合{}|121B x m x m =+≤≤-,若B A ⊆,则m 的取值范围为________.3.命题“若实数,a b 满足7a b +<,则2a =且3b =”的否命题是_________________.4.“x y >”是“x y >”的________条件.5.不等式2113x x -≥+的解集是____________. 6.已知不等式250ax x b -+>的解集是{}|32x x -<<-,则不等式250bx x a -+>的解是____________.7.不等式(1)(1)0x x +->的解集是________.8.设集合{}(,)|13A x y y x ==-,{}2(,)|(12)5B x y y m x ==-+,其中,,x y m R ∈,若A B ⋂=∅,则实数m 的取值范围是________.9.已知12a b -<<<,则2a b -的范围是________.10.集合A 中有10个元素,B 中有6个元素,全集U 有18个元素,A B ⋂≠∅,设集合()U C A B ⋃有x 个元素,则x 的取值集合为________.11.对于任意的1,32m ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,不等式224t mt m +>+恒成立,则实数t 的取值范围是________.12.已知非空集合{}1,2,3,4,5,6S ⊆满足:若a S ∈,则必有7a S -∈,问这样的集合S 有____个;请将该问题推广到一般情况:_____________________________________.二. 选择题(每题5分,共20分)13.设{|A x x =为合数},{|B x x =为质数},N 表示自然数集,若E 满足A B E N ⋃⋃=,则这样的集合E ( )A .只有一个B .只有两个C .至多3个D .有无数个 14.定义集合运算:{}|(),,A B z z xy x y x A y B ==+∈∈,设集合{}0,1A =,{}2,3B =,则集合A B 的所有元素之和为( )A .0B .6C .12D .1815.四个条件:0b a >>,0a b >>,0a b >>,0a b >>中,能使11a b <成立的充分条件的个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .416.设,,a b c 是互不相等的正数,则下列不等式中不恒成立的是( )A .a b a c b c -≤-+-B C .2211a a a a +≥+ D .12a b a b -+≥-三. 解答题(8+10+10+12+12=52分)17.已知a b c >>,用比较法证明:222222a b b c c a ab bc ca ++>++18.已知集合{}2|230,A x x x x R =--<∈,{}2|30,B x ax x x R =-+<∈;(1)当2a =时,求A B ⋂(2)若A B B ⋂=,求实数a 的取值范围19.已知命题:12a α-<,:β方程2(2)10x a x +++=()x R ∈没有正根,求实数a 的取值范围,使命题,αβ有且只有一个为真命题20.(1)已知,x y R +∈的最大值 (2)求满足对,a b R +∈有解的实数k 的最大值,并说明理由21.已知数集{}12,,,n A a a a =12(1,2)n a a a n ≤<<<≥具有性质P :对任意的,i j (1)i j n ≤≤≤,i j a a 与j i a a 两数中至少有一个属于A(1)分别判断数集{}1,3,4与{}1,2,3,6是否具有性质P ,并说明理由(2)证明:11a =且1211112......n n n a a a a a a a ---+++=+++ (3)当5n =时,若22a =,求集合A参考答案1、{}22、(),3-∞3、若实数,a b 满足7a b +≥,则2a ≠或3b ≠4、既非充分也非必要条件5、(,3)[4,)-∞-⋃+∞6、11,23⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭7、(,1)(1,1)-∞-⋃- 8、 9、(4,2)- 10、{}3,4,5,6,7,8 11、(,5)(2,)-∞-⋃+∞12、7,已知非空集合{}1,2,,A n ⊆满足:若a A ∈,则必有1n a A +-∈;当n 为偶数时,这样的集合A 有221n -个;当n 为奇数时,这样的集合A 有1221n +-个13、D 14、D 15、C 16、D17、略18、(1)∅(2)分类讨论,注意空集的情况,1,12⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭19、分类讨论,注意判别式小于零的情况,(4,1][3,)--⋃+∞20、(1(221、(1){}1,3,4不具有性质P ,{}1,2,3,6具有性质P (2)略(3){}1,2,4,8,16。










高一基础综合提升训练题2016年3月II. Grammar (15%)Section A (8%)Directions:After reading the sentences, fill in the blanks to make the sentences coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.21. Helping others is a habit, ________ you can learn even at an early age.22. Medicine shouldn’t be kept __________ it is accessible to children.23. Tropical rainforests _________ (cut) down and burned at such a speed that they will disappearfrom the earth in the near future.24. Is there any possibility _______ you could pick me up at the airport?25. It is imagination _________ makes the world colorful, full of vigor and vitality.26. _________ (face) with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task as scheduled.27. The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _________(weigh) less than 40pounds must be in a child safety seat.28. Our maths teacher has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _______ allows them tocommunicate freely with each other.Section B (7%)Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Poor readers may lack the ability to vary their manner of reading according to the type of reading matter and to their intentions in reading it. A good reader can move 29)________ great speed through the text of a novel or similar light reading matter. He may be able to skim a page, picking up a word or two here and there, and gain a general idea of the text 30)________ really reading it. In reading 31)________(hard) materials, with the intention of taking in the whole of it, he will proceed more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, 32) _______(concentrate) on the key words and passages, perhaps re-reading them several times, and pass more quickly over 33)________ remains.A type of reading 34)_________ makes careful attention to detail necessary is proofreading, in which the reader, in order to find printing mistakes in a sample print, has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most people since they are accustomed to 35)__________(overlook) such details.III. Vocabulary (15%) (请注意按照题号填涂答题卡!)Directions: complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note there is one more word than you need.(A)every old stories, myths and legends from hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Why is that? And why are magical worlds of swords and sorcery so popular with young people today?Perhaps it’s because we live in such a 37)____________, scientific age. It seems that everything we experience has a 38)____________ explanation. Our scientists can invent things that would have seemed fantastic 1000 years ago, but somehow, for us, since we’re 39)________ to science as part of our lives, we often respond with: “so what?” Fantasy 40)__________ a sense of wonder to our lives, which can seem a bit 41)___________. Yes, it is the sheer excitement that makes such a novels 42)___________ off bookstore tables and shelves like witches.(B)a tablet or a smartphone. This may simply be another 43)___________ of the digital era’s big social changes. But it has led to a new 44)____________ in the news world, which can best be seen in mobile news 45)____________.These apps help users to play a more active role in finding interesting stories, pictures, videos and other news materials. They can even integrate this 46)____________ with their social networks. With print magazines and 47)____________ news websites you were only the reader. Now, you can be reporter, too. For instance, Zite can help you create a 48)___________ for your friends and family. When you begin using Zite you grant it 49)___________ to your favourite popular microblogs, news websites and blogs. From there Zite provides you with a 50)___________ news experience.IV. Reading Comprehension(30%)Section A: Cloze Test (A)Created in 2007 by a Bangladeshi-American educator, Salman Khan, Kehan Academy offers courses for students ___51___ college level. In order to provide “a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere”, Khan ___52___ more than 4200 free micro lectures at . They usually last for just 1- to 15 minutes, starting from basic knowledge and ___53___ building in complexity. The classes ___54___ fields including mathematics, biology, chemistry and finance. The classes can also help those who are planning to take the SAT, and exam often ___55___ for students who wish to enter a college in the US.So how can you start your learning journey at Khan Academy?First of all, sign in with a personal e-mail account. This allows you to ___56___ your own progress and earn points and badges. The more you challenge yourself, the more bragging ___57___ you will get.The learning dashboard is your personal homepage at Khan Academy. It has a bunch of really cool ___58___ designed to help you learn math. You can take a pre-test first to see you level. The academy then ___59___ exercises at the right level for you. It also allows you to watch videos and improve yourself ___60___ you reach level 5 --- mastery level.51. A. above B. beyond C. within D. below52. A. designed B. suggested C. established D. supplied53. A. gradually B. eventually C. permanently D. generally54. A. occur B. cover C. appear D. teach55. A. tested B. provided C. required D. settled56. A. register B. protect C. improve D. track57. A. rights B. accounts C. courses D. exams58. A. websites B. instructors C. suggestions D. features59. A. prints B. recommends C. illustrates D. predicts60. A. until B. as C. for D. since(B)Manufacturers choose different ways to present their goods for sale. The three main ways of selling goods are direct sales, retail sales, and wholesaling.Direct sales take place away from a store. Direct sales usually take place in the customer’s home, although sometimes it’s in a business ___61___. Direct sales include the activities of ___62___ salespeople and real estate agents. Other ___63___ are catalog shopping, telemarketing, and at-home Internet shopping.The second type of sales—retail sales—take place in ___64___. Department stores, discount chains, supermarkets, hardware stores, car dealerships, drugstores, convenience stores—all of these are retail stores, where consumers ___65___ purchase small quantities of goods. Most manufacturers ___66___ to sell their products through retail stores because they’re a convenient way for consumers to buy. Consumers can ___67___ products and take their purchases with them. They can ___68___ or return things easily. They can ask sales clerks for advice about products, or about how something works.The third type of sales is wholesaling—where goods are sold ___69___ the retail or direct-sale price. That’s because customers are buying in large ___70___ or in a low overhead setting. Wholesalers ___71___ in a variety of ways. Some have their own outlet stores where they sell directly to consumers. Others send sales ___72___ to retail stores that buy goods at wholesale prices and then mark them up for resale. Because it’s difficult for a manufacturer to contact every buyer directly, wholesaling is the most practical method for the widespread distribution of goods.61. A. setting B. school C. community D. deal62. A. face-to-face B. heart-to-heart C. round-the-clock D. door-to-door63. A. models B. samples C. examples D. guides64. A. markets B. offices C. stores D. homes65. A. immediately B. constantly C. directly D. willingly66. A. choose B. refuse C. guarantee D. happen67. A. survey B. inspect C. estimate D. assess68. A. replace B. restore C. substitute D. exchange69. A. above B. below C. at D. from70. A. debt B. quantities C. spaces D. budgets71. A. operate B. function C. expand D. boom72. A. representatives B. goods C. demonstrations D. chequesSection B: Reading(A)A nine-year-old kid was sitting at his desk when suddenly there was a puddle between his feet and the front of his trousers was wet.He thought his heart was going to stop because he couldn'tpossibly imagine how this had happened.It had never happened before, and he knew that when the boys found out he would never hear the end of it. When the girls found out, they would never speak to him again as long as he lived.He prayed this prayer, "Dear God, I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat!" He looked up from his prayer and here came the teacher with a look in her eyes that said he had been discovered.As the teacher was walking toward him, a classmate named Susie was carrying a goldfish bowl full of water.Susie tripped in front of the teacher and dumped the bowl of water in the boy's lap.The boy pretended to be angry, but all the while was saying to himself, "Thank you.Lord!"Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy was the object of sympathy.The teacher rushed him downstairs and gave him gym shorts to put on while his trousers dried out.All the other children were on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk.The sympathy was wonderful.But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his had been transferred to someone else—Susie.She tried to help, but they told her to get out.When school was over, the boy walked over to Susie and whispered, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Susie whispered back, "I wet my trousers once, too!"73.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means ____ .A. the boys would never play with himB.the boys would treat him as usualC. he would hardly hear any praise from the boysD. he would be laughed at by the boys endlessly74.After Susie dumped water in his lap, the boy was in a state of ___ _.A.excitementB.reliefC.anxietyD.anger75.What did the other kids do after the incident?A.They offered him dry clothes.B.They laughed at the boy rudely,C.They helped the boy do the cleaning.D.They urged the boy to get out angrily,(B)A. buy a ticketB. apply in advanceC. make a reservationD. contact the call-down service77. According to the passage, Enzo Monfre will _______.A. show the children around a zooB. tell stories to children over sevenC. be present at the science show in personD. lead the children to the Ellen DeGenerse Show78. We can learn from the passage that children _______.A. can attend all the activities with their parentsB. have access to some relevant books for the activitiesC. can participate in the activities from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.D. may choose only one of the activities according to their interest(C)Once upon a time it was boarding school adventures and mysteries solved by tweed-wearing detectives that fired young readers’ imaginations. Now, it seems, it is the promise of tales of blood sucking vampires, unstoppable zombies, howling werewolves and terrifying beasts that inspires young audiences to pick up a book.Teen horror is a genre that seems to be going from strength to strength, with titles like The Demonata and The Saga of Larten Crepsey by Irish born writer, Darren Shan, topping the charts. Indeed Darren Shan’s success has earned him the title of “Master of Children’s Horror” and his books, which also include The Thin Executioner and the vampire series The Saga of Darren Shan, have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. But what is it about horror fiction that so appeals to young readers, and just how scary do they like it?“I think horror allows teenagers to focus on real-life issues in a fantastical way, helping them analyse and make sense of the world as they are coming to a grea ter understanding of it,” says Darren. “In my book, Lord Loss, the main character’s parents and sister are slaughtered by demons. While that’s obviously not going to happen to anyone in the real world, many children will lose people they love during their formative years, whether it’s grandparents dying of old age, or friends or relatives in accidents. A book like this can hopefully help them prepare for when death strikes at them in real life. Good horror is always about helping us prepare for the darker aspects of life – and since we can’t avoid them, we might as well turn them into entertainment!”Darren tours frequently, attending events in schools and libraries, and talking to young readers helps him gauge what they can and can’t take in terms of frightening content. He explains: “When I’m writing an especially terrible scene, I imagine myself reading it out in a live environment, and ask myself if I would feel comfortable doing so. If not, I’ll go back and tweak the scene. I have no set formula for deciding what is suitable and what is not. I simply go with my gut instinct.”79. What is the point of the article?A. To recommend some popular horror books.B. To analyze why horror fiction fascinates young people.C. To explore how horror fiction benefits young readers.D. To introduce how Darren creates horror books.80. The underlined phrase “going from strength to strength” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.A. failing to attract attentionB. improving imaginationC. getting darker and scarierD. becoming increasingly successful81. Darren Shan thinks that his books interest young people because ______.A. they are exciting and inspiringB. they are about the darker aspects of lifeC. they deal with real-life issues in a fanciful wayD. they teach people how to deal with real-life problems82. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?A. Teenagers feel comfortable with Darren’s imagination.B. The more frightening a book is, the better it sells.C. Darren visits schools from time to time to promote his books.D. Darren sometimes changes his stories to make them less scary.(D)It’s 10 p.m. You may not know where your child is, but the chip does.The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate help. Once doctors arrive, the chip will also be able to tell them which drugs are not suitable for little Jonny or Janie. At the hospital, the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history. And of course, when you arrive to pick up your child, setting the hospital bill with your health insurance policy will be a simple matter of waving your own chip ___ the one embedded(植入) in your hand.To some, this may sound unbelievable. But the technology for such chips is no longer the stuff of science fiction. And it may soon offer many other benefits besides locating lost children or elderly patients. It could be used as credit cards and people won’t have to carry wallets anymore.On the other hand, some are already wondering what this sort of technology may do to the sense of personal privacy and liberty.“Any technology of this kind could result in abuse of personal privacy,” says Lee Tien, senior staff lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “If a kid can be tracked, do you want other people to be able to tr ack your kid? It’s a double-edged sword.”Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. in Palm Beach, Florida, says it has recently applied to the Food and Drug Admission for permission to begin testing its device in humans. About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip can be coded with bits of information and embedded in humans under a layer of skin. When scanned by a nearby reader, the embedded chip gives the data.Most embedded chip designs are so-called passive chips, which give information only when scanned by a nearby reader. But active chips ___ such as the proposed Digital Angel of the future ___ will give out information all the time. And that means designers will have to develop some sort of power source that can provide a continuous source of energy, yet be small enough to be embedded with the chips.In addition to technical problems, many suspect that all sorts of legal and privacy issues would have to be cleared as well.83. By using the example in the first two paragraphs, the author wants to tell us that _______.A. chips are usually used to locate lost childrenB. chips are more convenient than credit cardsC. chips will soon be useful in many aspects of daily livesD. chips will bring out the issue of abuse of personal privacy84. What is the attitude of Lee Tien towards the chips?A. NegativeB. PositiveC. IndifferentD. Concerned85. It is indicated in the passage that chip producers have to consider the following issues EXCEPT_______.A. financial problemsB. technical problemsC. legal problemsD. privacy problemV. Translation (15%)1. 这位作家去年出的一本书很畅销,使他一举成名。



高一年级物理学科期终考试试题(满分100分,考试时间90分钟)一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) 1.以下各个力按照效果来命名的是( ) A .重力B .弹力C .摩擦力D .阻力2.将小铁球和小羽毛放在抽成真空的玻璃管中,将玻璃管竖直然后使小铁球和小羽毛静止下落,下落过程中,它们的加速度关系是( ) A .小铁球加速度大 B .小羽毛加速度大 C .一样大D .不确定3.下列物理量是矢量..的是( ) A .位移B .路程C .时间D .速率4.如右图所示,用网球拍打击飞过来的网球时,网球撞击拍子的力是1F ,拍子打击网球的力是2F ,下列说法正确的是( )A .1F 比2F 更早产生B .2F 比1F 更早产生C .1F 和2F 是一对平衡力D .1F 和2F 是一对作用力和反作用力5.在研究物理问题时,有时会将物体或物理过程理想化处理,这种方法叫建立物理模型,下列选项中不.属于物理模型的是( ) A .重心B .质点C .匀速直线运动D .自由落体运动6.下列物体中处于平衡状态的是( ) A .做自由落体运动的小球 B .匀速下落的雨滴 C .沿光滑斜面下滑的物体D .刹车运动时的汽车7.一个做匀变速直线运动的质点初速度为2m/s ,向右,经过2s 后速度变为5m/s ,向左。

它的加速度为( ) A .21.5m/s 向右 B .21.5m/s 向左 C .23.5m/s 向右D .23.5m/s 向左8.如图所示:物体正在斜面上下滑,某时刻在物体上施加一个力F ,要使得物体受到的摩擦力增大,力F 的方向是( )A .沿斜面向上B .垂直斜面向下C .沿斜面向下D .垂直斜面向上二、单项选择题(本题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)9.两个共点力1F 、2F ,其中1250N F F ==,互成90︒角。

则它们的合力大工业小为( ) A .50NB .25NC .50ND .25N10.做直线运动的质点,在经过一段位移s 的运动过程中,前2位移内的速度是3m/s ,后2位移内的速度是6m/s ,在这一段位移内的平均速度是( )A .15m/s 4B .15m/s 8C .4m/sD .11.重物重为G ,受到如图所示斜向下的推力F 作用,仍静止在水平面上,则重物对地面的压力大小为( )A .GB .2G F +C .1FD .2F12.如右图所示,质量为10kg m =的物体在水平力118N F =、210N F =的作用下,静止在粗糙水平面上,滑动摩擦系数0.2μ=,则物体受到的摩擦力为( )A .8N ,向左B .10N ,向右C .20N ,向左D .18N ,向左13.用同样承受能力的细绳A 和B 悬挂质量相同的小球,在下图四种情况下,细绳最容易断的图是( )14.某汽车以10m/s 的速度匀速驶向路口。

上海市金山中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末物理试卷 含解析

上海市金山中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末物理试卷 含解析

2015—2016学年上海市金山中学高一(上)期末物理试卷一、单选题1.下列物理量中属于基本物理量的是()A.力B.加速度C.质量D.速度2.下列关于力的说法中,正确的是()A.只有直接接触的物体之间才有可能有力的作用B.力可以脱离物体而单独存在C.只施力而不受力的物体是不存在的D.只要力的大小、方向相同,力的作用效果就相同3.放在水平桌面上的苹果,处于静止状态,下列说法中正确的是()A.由于苹果发生微小的形变,使苹果受到重力作用B.由于苹果发生微小的形变,苹果对桌面产生垂直于桌面向下的弹力C.由于桌面发生微小的形变,苹果对桌面产生垂直于桌面向下的弹力D.由于苹果发生微小的形变,桌面对苹果产生垂直于桌面向上的弹力4.在下列共点力中可能使物体处于平衡状态的是()A.3N、3N、5N B.2N、3N、7N C.1N、2N、4ND.4N、3N、8N5.下列关于牛顿第一定律的说法正确的是()A.牛顿第一定律是实验定律B.牛顿第一定律只是提出了惯性的概念C.牛顿第一定律提出了当物体受到的合外力为零时,物体将处于静止状态D.牛顿第一定律提出物体的运动不需要力维持6.如图所示,甲、乙两人同时从圆形轨道的A点出发,以相同的速率分别沿顺时针和逆时针方向行走,在C点两人相遇,则以下说法中正确的是( )A.两人从出发到第一次相遇,位移相同,路程不相同B.两人从出发到第一次相遇,路程相同,位移不相同C.甲在D点、乙在B点时两人速度相同D.两人在C点相遇时速度相同7.如图所示,小球从光滑斜面AC的顶端A处由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,B为AC的中点,下列说法中正确的是()A.小球通过AB段与BC段所用时间之比为1:1 B.小球在AB段与BC段的平均速度之比为C.小球在B点与C点的瞬时速度之比为D.小球在B点的瞬时速度与AC段的平均速度相等8.一物体沿直线运动时的速度﹣时间图象如图所示,则以下说法中正确的是()A.物体沿着直线向一个方向运动B.物体沿直线往复运动C.物体加速度最大的时刻为1s,3s,5sD.物体加速度最大的时刻为0s,2s,4s,6s9.如图所示,倾角为θ的斜面上固定有一竖直挡板,重为G的光滑小球静止时对挡板的压力为F N,小球的重力按照产生的作用效果可分解为()A.垂直于斜面的分力和水平方向的分力,且F N=GtanθB.垂直于斜面的分力和水平方向的分力,且F N=GsinθC.垂直于斜面的分力和平行于斜面的分力,且F N=GtanθD.垂直于斜面的分力和平行于斜面的分力,且F N=Gsinθ10.如图所示中的传送皮带是绷紧的,当皮带轮不动时,滑块从顶端由静止开始下滑到底端所用时间为t1,当皮带轮顺时针方向转动时,滑块从顶端由静止开始下滑到底部所用时间为t2,则t1和t2相比较,正确的说法是()A.t1<t2B.t1>t2C.t1=t2D.因摩擦情况不明,无法判断11.如图所示,小车上固定着硬杆,杆的端点固定着一个质量为m的小球.当小车有水平向右的加速度且逐渐增大时,杆对小球的作用力的变化(用F1至F4变化表示)可能是下图中的(00′沿杆方向)()A.B.C.D.12.如图所示,用四种方式用轻绳将小球拴住,静止在倾角为θ的光滑斜面上,根据下面四个图的情况判断以下说法中正确的是( )A.轻绳上张力最小的是(4)B.轻绳上张力最大的是(3)C.斜面受到压力最大的是(3)D.斜面受到压力最小的是(2)二、多选题13.为了研究超重与失重现象.某同学把一体重秤放在电梯的地板上,他站在体重秤上随电梯运动并观察体重秤示数的变化情况.下表记录了几个特定时刻体重秤的示数(表内时间不表示先后顺序):若已知t0时刻电梯静止,则()时间t0t1t2t345.050.040.045。

上海交通大学附属中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海交通大学附属中学2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海交通大学附属中学2015—2016学年度第一学期高一物理期末考试试卷命题:刘启龙审题:王晓敏考生注意:1.本试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟,考生应将答案写在答题纸上.2.g取210m/s,sin370.6︒=.︒=,cos370.83.计算题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的.不能得分.一、选择题(共40分)(一)、单项选择题(共12分,每小题2分.每小题只有—个正确选项.)1.下列各组物理量中,全部是矢量的是哪一组()A.速度、平均速度、加速度、路程B.位移、力、平均速度、加速度C.位移、速度、加速度、质量D.速度、加速度、位移、时间2.关于力的说法正确的是()A.力的产生离不开施力物体,但可以没有受力的物体B.物体本身就有重力,所以重力没有施力物体C.互相接触的物体之间不一定有弹力作用D.互相接触的物体之间一定有摩擦力作用3.下列关于作用力、反作用力与平衡力的叙述,正确的是( ) A.作用力产生在先,反作用力产生在后B.作用力和反作用力是一对相互平衡的力C.一对相互平衡的力一定是同一种性质的力D.作用力和反作用力是分别作用在两个物体上4.如图所示,为—质点作直线运动时的a~t图像,图中斜线部分的面积S表示()A.速度B.速度的变化量C.力D.质量5.如图所示(俯视图),以速度V匀速行驶的列车车厢内有一光滑水平桌面,桌面上的A处有一个小球相对桌面保持静止.若车厢中的旅客突然发现小球沿图中曲线有A向B运动,由此可以判断列车()A.减速行驶,向南转弯B.减速行驶,向北转弯C.加速行驶,向南转弯D.加速行驶,向北转弯6.如图所示,重力为100N的物体在动摩擦因数为0.15的水平面上向左运动,同时受到大小为10N、方向向右的水平力的F的作用,则物体所受的摩擦力的大小和方向是()A.5N,向右B.5N,向左C.10N,向右D.15N,向右(二)、单项选择题(共12分,每小题3分.每小题只有一个正确选项.) 7.面对严重的雾霾,节能减排,绿色出行已经成为一种共识.我校甲、乙两同学同时同地出发,骑自行车做直线运动去某场馆参加志愿者服务活动,前1小时内的位移-时间图象如图所示.下列表述正确的是()A.0.2—0.5小时内,甲的加速度比乙的大B.0.2-0.5小时内,甲的速度比乙的大C.0.6-0.8小时内,甲的位移比乙的小D .0.8小时内,甲、乙骑行的路程相等8.若货物随升降机运动的v t -图象如图所示(竖直向上为正),则货物受到升降机的支持力F 与时间t 关系的图象可能是( )9.海军某潜艇在训练时竖直匀速下潜,向水底发射出持续时间为1t ∆的某脉冲声波信号,经过一段时间,该潜艇接受到了反射信号,持续时间为2t ∆,已知声波在水中的传播速度为0v ,则潜艇的下潜速度为:( )A .12012t t v t t ∆-∆∆+∆B .12012t t v t t ∆+∆∆-∆C .102t v t ∆∆ D .201t v t ∆∆ 10.应用物理知识分析生活中的常见现象,可以使物理学习更加有趣和深入.例如平伸手掌托起物体,由静止开始竖直向上运动,直至将物体抛出.对此现象分析正确的是( )A .手托物体向上运动的过程中,物体始终处于超重状态B .手托物体向上运动的过程中,物体始终处于失重状态C .在物体离开手的瞬间,物体的加速度大于重力加速度D .在物体离开手的瞬间,手的加速度大于重力加速度(三)、多项选择题(共16分,每小题4分.每小题有二个或三个正确选项.全选对的,得4分;选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分.)11.一汽车在路面情况相同的公路上直线行驶,下面关于车速、愤性、质量和滑行路程的讨论正确的是( )A .车速越大,它的惯性越大B .车速越大,刹车后滑行的路程越长C .质量越大,它的惯性越大D .车速越大,刹车后滑行的路程越长,所以惯性越大12.将己知力F 分解成1F 、2F 两个分力,如果已知1F 的大小及2F 与F 的夹角为θ.且90θ<︒,则( )A .当1sin F F θ<时,2F 一定有两个解B .当1sin F F F θ>>时,2F 一定有两个解C .当1sin F F θ<时,2F 有唯一解D .当1sin F F θ<时,2F 无解13.如图所示,质量为m 的小球与三根相同的螺旋形轻弹簧相连.静止时相邻两弹簧间的夹角均为120︒.此时弹簧a 、b 对小球的作用力均为F ,且12F mg ≠,则弹簧c 对小球的作用力大小可能为( )A .FB .F mg +C .F mg -D .mg F -14.在一东西向的水平直铁轨上,停放着一列已用挂钩连接好的车厢,当机车在东边拉着这列车厢以大小为a 的加速度向东行驶时,连接某两相邻车厢的挂钩P 和Q 间的拉力大小为F ;当机车在西边拉着这列车厢以大小为23a 的加速度向西行驶时,P 和Q 间的拉力大小仍为F .不计车厢与铁轨间的摩擦,每节车厢质量相同,则这列车厢的节数可能为( )A .8B .10C .15D .18二、填空题(共16分,每空2分)15.新华网北京1月5日电当前,俄罗斯在叙利亚针对“伊斯兰国"(IS )的空袭仍在持续.而物理学中(SI )则表示_________.牛顿力学具有一定的局限性,牛顿力学只能适用_________、宏观领域中的力学现象.16.如图所示,斜面倾角为37α=︒,斜面上边放一个质量2kg m =光滑小球,用与斜面平行的绳把小球系住,使系统以共同的速度向左作匀速运动,绳的拉力大小为_________N ,小球对斜面的压力大小为_________N .17.物体在水平地面上受到水平推力F的作用,在6s内力F的变化和速度v的变化如图所示,则物体的质量为______kg,物体与地面的动摩擦因数为_________.18.如图所示,有一动力小车沿倾角为 的斜面向下匀加速运动,小车的支架上轻绳拉着一质量为m的小球,轻绳恰好呈水平状态,则小车的加速度大小为___________,轻绳对小球的拉力大小为_________.(不计空气阻力)三、实验题(共16分)19.(4分)同学们利用如图所示方法估测反应时间.首先.甲同学捏住直尺上端,使直尺保持竖直状态,直尺零刻度线位于乙同学的两指之间.当乙看见甲放开直尺时,立即用手指捏直尺,若捏住位置刻度读数为x,则乙同学的反应时间为_________(重力加速度为g).基于上述原理,某同学用直尺制作测量反应时间的工具,若测量范围为0~0.4s,则所用直尺的长度至少为_________cm.20.(6分)在研究加速度跟作用力和质量的关系时.⑴可使物理的质量保持不变,研究加速度跟作用力的关系,这种方法属于_________.现用如图所示的装置探究“加速度与物体受力的关系”.小车所受拉力及其速度可分别由拉力传感器和速度传感器记录下来.速度传感器安装在距离48.0cm L =的长木板的A 、B 两点.⑵下表中记录了实验测得的几组数据,22B A v v -是两个速度传感器记录速率的平方差,则加速度的表达式a =_________2m/s (结果保留三位有效数字).次数 ()N F ()2222m /s B A v v - ()2m/s a 10.60 0.77 0.80 21.04 1.61 1.68 31.422.34 42.62 4.65 4.84 53.00 5.49 5.72⑶如图所示的坐标纸上已经绘出了理论上的a F -图象.请根据表中数据,在坐标纸上作出由实验测得的a F -图线.⑷对比实验结果与理论计算得到的两个关系图线,分析造成上述偏差的主要原因是______________.21.(6分)我校创新班的物理课外活动小组,欲测滑块往斜面上下滑的加速度以及滑块与木板间的动摩擦因数,一位同学想出了一个巧妙的方案.如图所示,将一小钢球和滑块用细线连接,跨在木板上端的小定滑轮上,开始时小球和滑块均静止,剪断细线小球自由落下,滑块沿斜面下滑,可先后听到小球落地和滑块撞击挡板的声音.他反复调整挡板的位置,重复上述操作,直到时听到小球落地和滑块撞击挡板的声音,然后用刻度尺测量出 1.25mh=.根据以上x=,0.30mH=,0.5m数据可得滑块在斜面上下滑的加速度a=_________2m/s,滑块与木板之间的动摩擦因数μ=_____________.四、计算题(共28分)22.(6分)如图所示,一质量2kgm=的物块,放在光滑水平地面上,由静止开始,在水平恒力F的持续作用下,获得了2a=的加速度,求:5m/s⑴4s末物块获得的速度大小;⑵水平恒力F的大小.23.(10分)如图(a),所示,一木块放在光滑水平地面上.木块的AB 段表面水平且粗糙,BC段表面倾倾角为37︒.木块右侧与竖直墙壁之间连接着一个力传感器,当力传感器受压时示数为正值,被拉时示数为负值.0t=时,一个可视为质点的滑块从c点由静止开始下滑,到A 点离开木块,不计在B处因碰撞造成的能量损失.在运动过程中,传感器记录到的力和时间的关系如图(b)所示.求:⑴木块滑到斜面底端B点的速度大小;⑵滑块的质量及滑块与木块间的动摩擦因数;24.(12分)某运动员做跳伞训练,他从悬停在空中的直升飞机上由静止跳下,跳离飞机一段时间后打开降落伞作减速下落,他打开降落伞后的速度图线如图a.降落伞用8根对称的绳悬挂运动员,每根绳与中轴线的夹角均为37︒,如图.已知人的质量的为50kg,降落伞质量特为50kg,不计人所受的阻力,打开伞后伞所受阻力f,与速度v成正比,即=.求:f kv⑴打开降落伞前人下落的距离为多大?⑵阻力系数k及打开伞瞬间的加速度a的大小和方向?⑶一根悬绳能够承受的拉力至少为多少?。




一、单项选择题(共16分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.X 射线A .不是电磁波B .具有反射和折射的特性C .只能在介质中传播D .不能发生干涉和衍射2.如图,P 为桥墩,A 为靠近桥墩浮出水面的叶片,波源S 连续振动,形成水波,此时叶片A 静止不动。

为使水波能带动叶片振动,可用的方法是A .提高波源频率B .降低波源频率C .增加波源距桥墩的距离D .减小波源距桥墩的距离3.如图,鸟沿虚线斜向上加速飞行,空气对其作用力可能是A .1FB .2FC .3FD .4F4.一定质量的理想气体在升温过程中A .分子平均势能减小B .每个分子速率都增大C .分子平均动能增大 C .分子间作用力先增大后减小5.铀核可以发生衰变和裂变,铀核的A .衰变和裂变都能自发发生B .衰变和裂变都不能自发发生C .衰变能自发发生而裂变不能自发发生D .衰变不能自发发生而裂变能自发发生 6.23290Th 经过一系列α衰变和β衰变后变成20882Pb ,则20882Pb 比23290Th 少A .16个中子,8个质子B .8个中子,16个质子C .24个中子,8个质子D .8个中子,24个质子7.在α粒子散射实验中,电子对α粒子运动的影响可以忽略,这是因为与α粒子相比,电子A .电量太小B .速度太小C .体积太小D .质量太小8.两个正、负点电荷周围电场线分布如图所示,P 、Q 为电场中两点,则A .正电荷由P 静止释放能运动到QB .正电荷在P 的加速度小于在Q 的加速度C .负电荷在P 的电势能高于在Q 的电势能D .负电荷从P 移动到Q ,其间必有一点电势能为零二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确选项)9.如图,长为h 的水银柱将上端封闭的玻璃管内气体分割成两部分,A 处管内外水银面相平。

上海市七宝中学2015-2016学年高一上学期开学摸底考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

上海市七宝中学2015-2016学年高一上学期开学摸底考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

2015高一英语摸底考试(考试时间100分钟,分值120分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. $30. B. $13. C. $35. D. $60.2. A. In the florist’s. B. In the post office. C. In a bakery. D. At a fruit stand.3. A. Sorry. B. Annoyed. C. Disappointed. D. Surprised.4. A. Secretary and boss. B. Student and teacher.C. Patient and nurse.D. Customer and waitress.5. A. A bus driver. B. An airline ticket agent.C. A post office clerk.D. A department store salesperson.6. A. To go to a physical club. B. To work in the office.C. To sleep in bed.D. To go shopping.7. A. Jim looks nice in his new shirt. B. Jim looks nicer in his old shirt.C. Jim does not look nice in his old shirt.D. Jim isn’t well-dressed.8. A. He can teach her that program. B. He is going to ask Dick for help.C. He's busier than Dick.D. He taught himself that program.9. A. The man can speak German. B. The man knows nothing about German.C. The man can read in German.D. The man knows both English and German.10. A. She doesn’t like the get-together. B. The man has told her about the get-together.C. She is ignorant of the get-together.D. A get-together will be held next weekend.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. They could be used everywhere. B. Customers had to pay for things in full.C. They were very popular before the 1920s.D. Everyone could get this kind of credit card.12. A. Because this card could be used at many shops.B. Because they could pay for things a little at a time.C. Because they could spend more money with credit card.D. Because they didn't need to carry a lot of cash with them.13. A. Part of the development of credit cards. B. How to use credit cards.C. How credit cards help businessmen.D. The number of credit card users.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Exactly during the explosion. B. When the plane was full of smoke.C. When the engines were turned off.D. Before the engines sounded scary.15. A. Never to put off anything in life. B. To reach out to people around.C. To see his daughter grow up.D. To be a good father.16. A. An emergency crash-landing guide. B. A speech on one’s air travel experience.C. An introduction of an adventure novel.D. A safety training for air passengers.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A (15)Directions: beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. The author received tons of congratulations ______ his great success in writing.A. inB. onC. fromD. by26. –How is Mike now?--Don’t worry. He will call us as soon as he _____ the USA.A. reaches B reached C. will reach D is reaching27. --- I have a sore throat today!--- You’d better take advantage of the tea break to go to ______.A. chemist’sB. the chemistC. the chemist’sD. the chemists’28. Some fast developing countries around the world don’t care about protecting ______ againstenvironmental pollution.A. themselvesB. themC. itD. itself29. According to the new regulations, one ______ pass night driving test for the license.A. needB. canC. mustD. may30. All the residents in the area ______ that they move into new flats within three months.A. are advisedB. advisedC. have advisedD. have been advised31. She came up with several ideas about the house decoration ______ a fantastic one poppedinto her mind.A. untilB. beforeC. sinceD. unless32. Mary’s success lies in the fact ______ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.A. becauseB. whichC. whereD. that33. ______ any staircase, I followed a dark passage and it seemed to go on for ever.A. Not to have seenB. Seeing notC. Having not seenD. Not seeing34. Unless ______ to speak, most high school students here prefer remaining silent in class.A. invitedB. invitingC. being invitedD. having invited35. Doctors insist the growth of wisdom continues after the 40s, 50s and even 60s, ______?A. does itB. doesn’t itC. do theyD. don’t they36. If she accepts this position, she will have no choice but ______ an even greater challenge.A. to meetB. meetsC. meetingD. met37. Donald survived when the car ______ he was in crashed into a truck from the opposite side.A. asB. whereC. thatD. once38. A high definition digital camera on this cell phone can show you vividly ______ is around theperson you are talking to.A. howB. whichC. whatD. where39. Oetzi, the 5,000 year old “Iceman”, ______on the alpine border between Italy and Austria in1991.A. was discoveringB. was discoveredC. had been discoveredD. discoveredSection B (20)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only beThe unique features of colleges and universities in the U.S. are hardly shared by their competitors in Europe or Asia. Many foreign students are attracted not only to the academic programs at a particular U.S. college but also to the larger community, which affords the chance for them to absorb the surrounding culture. Clubs, sports teams, student publications and dramasocieties____40_____colorful and enjoyable American campus life. However, few foreign universities put much emphasis on this. “In people’s minds, the campus and the American university are both admirable,” says Brown University President Vartan Gregorian. “In America people have a strong _____41____ that a student’s daily life is as important as his learning experience.”Foreign students also come in search of ____42_____. America’s menu of options—research universities, state institutions, private liberal-arts schools, community colleges, religious institutions—is ____43______.No any single European country can offer such variety. “In Europe,” says history professor Jonathan Steinberg, who has taught at both Harvard and Cambridge, “there is only one system, and that is it.” From the beginning, students overseas usually are required to ____44____ professional skills in a specific field, whether law or philosophy or chemistry. Most American universities insist that students have a(n)____45_____on natural and social sciences, languages and literature before choosing a field of concentration.Such ____46_____ philosophies grow out of different traditions and power structures. In Europe and Japan, universities are ____47_____ only to a ministry of education, which sets academic standards and provides money.Centralization (集权化) is likely to ____48____ that all students are equipped with roughly the same resources and perform at roughly the same level. On the other hand, It may also_____49___ the testin g of different ideas. “When they make mistakes, they make big ones,” says Robert Rosenzweig, president of the Association of American Universities. “They set a system in wrong directions, and it’s like piloting a super ship.”public image is such an important thing that it is 50 desired by every company, enterprise, institution, etc. Public image refers to how a company is 51 by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders (股东), by the financial community, by the communities where it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable to 52 extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.A firm’s public image plays a vital role in the 53 of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors(贷款方), government officials, as well as different special groups. With some things it is impossible to ___54_____ all the different publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the ___55______of creditors and stockholders. However, it will 56 find resistance from employees who see their jobs threatened. On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, while low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.A firm’s public image, if it is good, should be 57 . It is a valuable strength that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has58 a quality image, this is not easily imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most favorable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should alsoallow the firm’s stock to 59 higher price-earnings ratio (比例) than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A (15)Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Apes and human beings share a lot in common when it comes to behavior. The evidence taken from the observation of the behavior of apes and children suggests that there are three causes for the outbreak of fighting and the exhibition of 60 by individuals.One of the most common causes of fighting among both children and apes was over the____61____ of external objects. The argument over the ownership of any desired object—food, clothes, toys, females, and the affection of others—was sufficient reason to 62 force. In a case of monkeys’ disagreement over females, thirty females were killed. Two points are of particular interest to notice about these fights for possession.In the first place the fights are often carried to such an extreme that they end in the63___destruction of the objects of common desire. Toys are torn to pieces and females are killed.In the second place it is observable, that 64 occurs when an object is desired by only one person or by someone else. There were many cases where toys and other objects which had been thrown away as useless were 65 defended by their owners when they became the object of some other child’s desire.Another cause of aggression is the tendency for children and apes greatly to ___66_____ the invading of a stranger into their group. A new child in the class may be laughed at, isolated, and disliked. A new monkey may be bitten to death. It is interesting to note that anger occurs when a stranger comes from the 67 species. Monkeys do not mind being 68 by a goat or a rat. Children do not object when animals are introduced to the group. As a matter of fact, such newcomers are often ____69____. But when monkeys meet a new monkey or children a strange child, aggression often occurs. This strongly suggests that the reason for the aggression is fundamentally possessiveness. The 70 of the newcomers is feared. The present members of the group feel that there will be more competitors for the food or the attention of the adults.Finally, another common source of fighting among children is a frustration or failure in their own ____71____. A child will be stopped either by 72 causes such as bad weather or illness from doing something he wishes to do, for example, sail his boat or ride the bicycle. Sometimes the activity may be 73 because of the opposition of some adult. The child may also frustrate itself by ____74_____, through lack of skill or strength, to complete successfully some desired activity. Such a child will then in the ordinary sense become “naughty”. He will be in a bad or unfriendly temper.60. A. fulfillment B. excitement C. isolation D. aggressiveness61. A. usage B. possession C. value D. collection62. A. turn to B. drive away C. come over D. make into63. A. moderate B. subtle C. complete D. temporary64. A. conflict B. negotiation C. agreement D. donation65. A. reluctantly B. violently C. unwillingly D. peacefully66. A. ignore B. accept C. prove D. hate67. A. similar B. modest C. strong D. reliable68. A. observed B. protected C. joined D. spoiled69. A. offensive B. considerate C. generous D. welcomed70. A. strength B. attitude C. competition D. emotion71. A. knowledge B. activity C. study D. personality72. A. natural B. physical C. financial D. academic73. A. enhanced B. operated C. extended D. prevented74. A. learning B. failing C. imitating D. refusingSection B (32)Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)My husband and I were once in Nepal (尼泊尔) to see sunrise over the Himalayas.One morning we awoke to total darkness at 5 o’clock. As we rushed through a town w ith cameras in hand, I noticed the calm, gentle way the Nepalese people greeted the morning. One man boiled a huge pot of milk tea, and other villagers gathered around his fire, cupping their hands around small glasses of the steaming sweet mixture. It was fascinating, but not to be left behind, we joined the stream of tourists moving quickly up to the lookout point.The top was crowded when we arrived, but after 10 minutes of cold waiting, the assembled group gave up. “The cloud cover is too heavy,” one sa id. Then one by one they rushed down the hill to the next item on their sightseeing list. I was disappointed as well, but suddenly I noticed a small Nepalese boy absently playing with a stick and shooting quick glances at the clouds. He must know something we don’t, I thought. I decided to wait with him.The boy and I didn’t have to wait long. Moments later, a tiny stream of golden light burned through one thick cloud, then another. Rose-colored fog warmed the backs of the clouds, and suddenly the morning s un stole a glance around the side of the mountain, miles above where I’d expected it to be.Nothing I’d seen before prepared me for the moment the clouds withdrew with bowed heads, and the magnificent Himalayas were revealed before, around, and above me. I sat in astonishment, not breathing, not daring to look away, certain that God had placed me here at the backdoor of Earth to show me what Heaven really looks like. I certainly got the message. Never again will I rush a sunrise. I now know Nature will supply her fruits to me only when I am truly ready to receive them.75.What does “It” in Paragraph 2 most probably imply?A. The darkness of the town in the morning.B. The huge pot of milk tea boiling on the fire.C. The way the local people welcomed the day.D. The stream of tourists rushing to the lookout point.76.The author decided to wait with the Nepalese boy because ______.A. she felt kind of having faith in himB. the restless tourists disappointed herC. that boy was praying to the sun with a magic stickD. she had nothing more to see on her sightseeing list77.Which of the following words best describe the author’s feeling when she saw the sunrise?A. Totally shocked.B. Absolutely amazed.C. Truly frightened.D. Extremely interested.78.What can be concluded from the passage?A. Do in Rome as the Romans do.B. God helps those who help themselves.C. Time and tide wait for no man.D. Fortune rewards those having patience.79. If you seldom exercise, pr efer nature to literature and are used to getting up early, you’re mostlikely to join __________.A. Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Cove ValleyB. Baime Basin TrackC. Poetry around a campfireD. Morning Walk at Mitchell Park80. If you want to enjoy the peace of the bush at night, you are required to __________.A. meet at 7:30 p.m. June 6B. bring slippers with youC. prepare a torchD. climb rocks for two hours81. How many guided walks and nature activities provide food or drink?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.82. In the activity “Morning Walk at Mitchell Park”, one may have no chance to ___________.A.appreciate bird watchingB. enjoy mountain climbingC.take a relaxing walkD. have morning tea(C)Pride and Prejudice for the Modern WomanLet us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.Austen’s popularity is rooted in her intelligence. But today she would certainly have had a very different life, as would her characte rs. Here’s my own suggestion.It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men, however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism.“My dear husband,” said his hopeful wife one day, “h ave you heard that the local store, standing empty for so long, is taken over by a bright young businesswoman?”Her dull and indifferent husband replied that he had not. “But it is, it is,” she replied excitedly. Mr. Dull-Husband made no reply.“Don’t you want to know her plans?” she cried with some impatience.“Well, clearly you think it matters to your silly little head... so I’d better listen.”“Well, my dear, the rumour is that she has already set up a string of successful businesses in northern England, though how a woman can know anything about that is beyond me. She will move in herself next month.“What is her name?” “Bingley.”“Is she married or single?”“What a question! And none of your business.” But her coming will be a fine thing for o ur five boys. “How so? How can it possibly affect them?”“My dear love; those lazy boys need something to wake them up. There are bound to be jobs going.”“Is that her point in settling here? Surely as a woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place.”“Nonsense, my love, how little you’ve noticed the world has changed. She’s got a first-rate degree and some sort of business qualification, I’m told. She surely needs one of our boys! Perhaps you might give her a call.”“Me? No. Perhaps you can take an inter est. You still have your looks, after all. She may even offer you a job.”“Oh, that’s not likely. These new chances belong to the younger generation. But now you mention it, I think I’ll go along all the same.”And Mrs. Bennet went along. That was 10 years ago. She is now managing director of a FTSE(英国富时指数)-listed company.... It would remain the case, of course, that Mrs. Bennet would be one of very few women onthe company board, that her salary would be lower than her male colleagues, her bonus of a more “female” dimension and her lifespan among the city’s business leaders shorter than theirs. Still, she’d no doubt have enjoyed Davos(达沃斯论坛)—and might even have hobnobbed (攀谈) with influential figures.83. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Austen was born 200 years ago.B. Austen rewrote Pride and Prejudice.C. Austen’s success lies in her wisdom.D. Austen’s updated work gains popularity.84. The underlined part in the passage suggests that Mrs. Bennet ________.A. had mixed feelings of admiration and surprise about BingleyB. felt kind of worried and doubtful about BingleyC. was extremely anxious to meet BingleyD. had a great curiosity about Bingley85. In the eyes of Mrs. Bennet, Bingley surely needed one of their boys to ________.A. get married toB. work for herC. help her move inD. take over her store86. What does the writer intend to tell us?A. Women with brains can also be as successful as men.B. Women have to pay a high price for success.C. A judgment must be made free from prejudice.D. Sex discrimination still exists nowadays.(D)The term culture now is more used to describe everything from the fine arts to the outlook of a business group or a sports team. In its original sense, however, culture includes all identifying aspects of a racial group, nation, or empire: its physical environment, history, and traditions, its social rules and economic structure, and its religious beliefs and arts.The central beliefs and customs of a group are handed down from one generation to another. It is for this reason that most people regard culture as learned rather than innate. People acquire a culture because they are not born with one. The process by which a person develops a taste for regional foods, accented speech, or an outlook on the world over time, therefore, is known as enculturation (文化适应).Cultures are often identified by their symbols —images that are familiar and coated with meaning. Totem poles (图腾柱) carved with animals and creative figures suggest aspects of the Native American peoples of the Pacific Northwest but more literally represent specific tribes (部落). In Asia and India, the color of yellow is connected with temples while in ancient China it was a color only the emperor’s family was allowed to wear. Thus, different cultures may respond to a symbol quite differently. For example, to some a flag may represent pride, historical accomplishments, or ideals; to others, however, it can mean danger or oppression.To individuals unfamiliar with cultures outside their own, the beliefs, behaviors, and artistic expression of other groups can seem strange and even threatening. A society that ranks all other cultures against its own standards is considered to be ethnocentric(from the Greek ethnos, meaning “people,” and kentros, meaning “center”). A strongly ethnocentric society assumes alsothat what is different from its own culture is likely to be inferior and, possibly, wrong or evil.All people are ethnocentric to some degree, and some aspects of ethnocentrism, such as national pride, contribute to a well-functioning society. An appreciation for one’s own culture, however, does not prevent acceptance and respect for another culture. History documents the long-term vigour and success of multicultural groups in which people from numerous and various cultural backgrounds live and work together. Extreme ethnocentrism, in contrast, can lead to racism — the belief that it is race and racial origin that account for variations in human character or ab ility and that one’s own race is superior to all others.87. What does the word “innate” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?A. Instinctive.B. Developed.C. Believable.D. Cultivated.88. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Different interpretations of a symbol help to distinguish one culture from another.B. An ethnocentric country opens welcoming arms to cultures different from its own.C. Culture consists of some positive features of a racial group, nation or empire.D. People from various cultural backgrounds often reach an agreement on some image.89. What can be inferred from the passage?A. All aspects of ethnocentrism can produce negative effects on a society.B. Racism is unlikely to bring about serious conflicts among different cultures.C. Respect and acceptance of different cultures are a proper cultural attitude.D. Countries with a strong sense of national pride play a superior role in the world.90. Which might be the best title of the passage?A. Culture, the origin of racial superiorityB. Culture, a faithful mirror of historyC. Culture, the vigour of world developmentD. Culture, a distinctive identity of a nationSection C (8)Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Some of the most popular programmes on British television, all with their regular millions of loyal viewers, are ‘soaps’ such as Coronation Street, Eastenders and Emmerdale. (A ‘soap’ is an informal word for a ‘soap opera’, which is a television story, in daily or weekly episodes (连续剧集), about the daily lives of the characters in it.)In every soap there is the inevitable gossip, and there is the essential character who brings misfortune on himself —or herself, the spiteful woman who hates the success of her sister in marrying a man with money and whose childish behavior splits the family.To some degree, of course, the regular episodes provide many people with an adult kind of comic, rather like Dickens’ s erialized novels did. At times, the actions and characters in them seem quite realistic; at other times, they go to the other extreme and show actions that look as if they are straight from the pen of the best fiction writers. But perhaps the fall into clearly fictional comedy or tragedy is necessary to remind regular viewers that their daily amount of ‘soap’ is no more and no less than a shot of fiction, and that the characters are not real.Certainly life is never dull in a soap. If one of the adolescents buys a motorbike and a young child lives round the corner, you can bet the two will meet in an accident. If two people fall in love and get married, you can be sure that a friend will cast an insult on the character of one of them, enough to break up the marriage. After all, this is not life; this is a soap! Reality makes way forfiction. The viewers who think that they are watching even a reflection of reality only bring disappointment to themselves. But there are still viewers who follow the comings and goings of the characters on screen with unreasoning faith, believing that the events are real when characters are injured or ill, or even die, and send cards or flowers with best wishes, congratulations or sympathies.What many of us find difficult to understand is just why soaps have become so popular? (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)91. Coronation Street, Eastenders and Emmerdale are popular British soaps which ______.92. What are the two necessary elements of a soap opera?93. The regular viewers need to be reminded that the soap operas are ______.94. What do some TV viewers do when they are mad about the soaps?2015高一摸底考试答案I. Listening Comprehension1-5 CDBBC 6-10 ABABC 11-13 BDA 14-16 CDB17. community 18. process 19. 2030 20. website21. the most successful 22. the number 23. (their/the) body chemistry 24. (a) newmedicine/new medicine (s)II. Grammar and Vocabulary25-30 BACACD 31-35 BDDAD 36-39 ACCB40—49 AC A C BD AD AB CD ABC BC B50—59 C BD ABC A AB AD AC BC CD DIII. Reading comprehension60—64 DBACA 65—69 BDACD 70—74 CBADB75—78 CABD79—82 ACCB83—86 CABD87—90 AACDSection C91. have millions of regular loyal viewers92. The inevitable gossip and the essential character93. only (a shot of) fiction and not real94. They follow the characters on screen unreasoningly/ with faith.。

上海市实验学校2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海市实验学校2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试物理试题 缺答案

上海市实验学校2015学年度第一学期高一物理学科期末考试试卷(考试时间:90分钟,2=)g10m/s一、单项选择题(每小题只有一个选项正确)(3分1030⨯=分)1.以下几种关于质点的说法,你认为正确的是()A.只有体积很小或质量很小的物体才可以看作质点B.只要物体运动得不是很快,物体是就可以看作质点C.质点是一种特殊的物体D.物体的大小和形状在所研究的问题中起的作用很小,可以忽略不计是地,我们就可以把物体看作质点2.下列说法正确的是()A.放在桌面上的木块对桌面的压力是由于木块发生微小形变而产生的B.放在桌面上的木块所受到的向上的弹力是由于木块发生微小形变而产生的C.用细竹竿拔动水中的木头,木头受到的竹竿的弹力是由于木头发生形变而产生的D.挂在电线下面的电灯对电线的拉力,是因为电线发生微小形变而产生的3.如图所示,表示物体做匀速直线运动(0≠v)的图像是( )4.如图所示,甲、乙、丙、丁四个物体质量相同,与地面动摩擦因数相同,均受到大小相同的作用力F,且均向右运动,它们受到地面摩擦力大小的关系是()A.甲最大B.乙最大C.丙最大D.丁最大5.如图所示,一只小鸟沿着较粗均匀不动的树枝从右向左缓慢爬行,在小鸟从A运动到B的过程中()A.树枝对小鸟的作用力无减小后增大B.树枝对小鸟的摩擦力先减小后增大C.树枝对小鸟的弹力先减小后增大D.树枝对小鸟的弹力保持不变6.一物体做匀加速直线运动,在第1个s t内位移为1x:第2个s t内位移为2x,则物体在第1个s t()A.()21/-x x t B.()21/+x x t C.()21/2-x x t D.()21/2+x x t 7.一个物体在水平面上以恒定加速度运动,它的位移与时间的关系2246=-S t t,则物体的速度为零的时刻是( )A.第2秒末B.第4秒末C.第6秒末D.第24秒末8.站在自动扶梯上的人,质量为m,它随同扶梯一起以加速度a向上运动,如图所示,扶梯的倾角为α,人与梯面的动摩擦因数为u,则这时人受到摩擦力的大小为()A.零B.cosαma C.μmg D.大于mg 9.如图所示,质量为m的木块A,放在斜面B上,若A和B在水平地面上以相同的速度向左做匀速直线运动,则A和B之间的相互作用力大小为( )A.mg B.sinθmg D.因■未知,所以不mg C.cosθ能确定10.一物体作匀变速直线运动,某时刻速度的大小为4m/s,s t后速度的大小变10m/s。

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C.两个分力夹角小于180 时,合力大小随夹角减小而增大
A.5m B.11.25m C.20m D.31.25m
D .关于N 和f 的变化,以上说法都不对
6.某同学探究小球沿光滑斜面顶端下滑至底端的运动规律,现将量质量相同的小球同时从斜面的顶端释放,在甲、乙图的两种斜面中,通过一定的判断分析,你可以得到的正确结论是( )
A .甲图中小球在两个斜面上运动的时间相同
B .甲图中小球在两个斜面上运动的加速度相同
C .乙图中小球在两个斜面上运动的时间相同
D .乙图中小球在两个斜面上运动的加速度相同
7.三个相同的支座上分别搁着三个质量和直径都相等的光滑圆球a 、b 、c ,支点P 、Q 在同一水平面上,a 球的重心a O 位于球心,b 球和c 球的重心b O 、c O 分别位于球心的正上方和球心的正下方,如图所示,三球均处于平衡状态,支点P 对a 球的弹力为a N ,对b 球和c 球的弹力分别为b N 和c N ,则( )
A .a b c N N N ==
B .b a c N N N >>
C .b a c N N N <<
D .a b c N N N >=
8.如图所示,小车上固定着三角硬杆,杆的端点固定这一个质量为m 的小球.当小车有水平向右的加速度且逐渐增大时,杆对小球的作用力的变化(用1F 至4F 变化表示)可能是下图中的(OO '为沿杆反方向)( )
⑵(多选)两位同学通过实验数据画出a F
倾角37θ=︒,物块与斜面之间的动摩擦因数0.1μ=.(s i n 370.6︒=,cos370.8︒=)则物块
加速度的大小为_________2m /s ,拉力F 的大小为_________N .
20.质量为M 的杆水平放置,杆两端A 、B 系着长为3L 的不可伸长且光滑的柔软轻绳,绳上套着一质量为m 的小铁环.已知重力加速度为g ,不计空气影响,
⑵若杆与环保持相对静止,在空中沿AB 方向水平向右做匀加速直线运动,此时环恰好悬于
A 端的正下方,如图乙所示.
①求此状态下杆的加速度大小a .
