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1、乘飞机 _________

2、whose football____________

3、去图书馆 ___________

4、Anything else?


6、 go to the theatre

7、两杯牛奶______________ 8、a cup of coffee_____________

9、some sweets ____________ 10、a good idea____________

11、一些馅饼____________ 12. in the picture_____________

13、her mother’s friend __________


()1、This boy is Tom.________a good boy.

A. He

B. She

C. He’s

()2、__________bag is that? It’s Tom’s.

A. Whose

B. Who’s

C. What

()3、——________ .——It’s a pear.

A.Who is this?

B. Whose pear is this

C. What’s this?

()4、_______boys and girls in your class?

A. How much

B. How many

C. How old

()5、_______would you like? An apple pie.

A. What

B. How

C. Who

D. Whose

()6、_______we go to the theatre by plane?

A. What

B. How

C. Shall

()7、______shi rt is that? It’s my sister’s.

A. What BL Who C. Whose

()8、_______is it? Ten yuan.

A. How much

B. How many

C. What

()9、_______her mother’s name ? Wang Tao.

A. Who’s

B. What’s

C. What

()10、______a new teacher? Yes,I am.

A. Are your

B. Are you

C. Is he

()11、_______ _______ free now? Yes,she is.

A. Are you

B. Is he

C. Is she

()12、Who is_______student over there?

A. a

B. the

C. am

D. see

()13、Can I _________two apples ? Yes, please.

A. have

B. has

C. look

D. see

( )14. Jack is ________ student. He’s _________ English boy.

A. an, an

B. a, a

C. a, an

( )15. Is the train ________ Beijng.

A. to

B. in

C. for

三、句子配对. (10分)

( ) 1. Excuse me, are you a teacher ? A. They’re pears.

( )2. What are those? B. The tall one.

( ) 3. How many kilos would you like? C. Five, please.

( ) 4. We are late for the party. D. Five yuan.

( )5. How old are you? E. Some lemons, please.

( )6. How much are they ? F. Great!

( )7. Can I help you ? G. Yes, let’s hurry.

( )8. Which man is a cook? H. No, I’m a engineer.

( )9.Shall go and play football? I. Not at all.

( )10.Thanks. J. I’m ten.


1、 go library to the let’s (.)


2、 by shall bus we go (?)


3、 We shall go now (?)


4、 is for some here water you (.)


5、 basketball play and go Let’s (.)


6、 shanghai excuse is me train for this (, ?)


7、like some would I biscuits (.)


五、根据短文内容判断下列句子,对的用T表示,错的用F表示。(5分)A: Welcome to my home.

B: Ben, is tha t your family’s photo?

A: Yes, it is. It’s a new photo.

B: Who’s that man?

A: He’s my father. He’s a worker. He’s forty now.

B: Is the woman in white your mother?

A: No, she’s my aunt. She’s a good teacher. She’s about thirty.

B: Is she your mother?

A: Yes, she is my mother. She’s a doctor. She’s thirty-five.

B: Is the girl your sister?

A: Yes, she is in our school. She’s eleven. I’m five years older than her.(比她大五岁) B: She’s pretty.

A: Thank you.

( ) 1. It’s a photo of Ben’s family.

( ) 2. The photo is old but nice.

( ) 3. Ben’s father is a worker.

( ) 4. Ben’s mother is a good teacher.

( ) 5. Ben’s sister is sixteen.
