大学英语口语对话两人 英语口语对话场景20篇

WTT精心收集了大学两人英语口语对话,供大家欣赏学习!大学两人英语口语对话1A:Hi, Mike.I am going to move on the first of month.A:嗨,麦克,我下个月一号就要搬家了。
B:Congratulations! So, have you started planning your move?B:恭喜啊,你开始计划搬家事宜了么?A:Yes, I am trying to find good movers now.Do you know any?A:嗯,我现在想找一家好一点的搬家公司。
你知道哪家好点么?B:Not really.B:不太清楚。
A:What did you do for your last move?A:你上次怎么搬的?B:Since I did not have much staff, I asked my cousin to help me out.B:由于我的东西不多,就请我的堂兄弟帮我搬了。
A:Oh.that's very ne of him.A:嗯,他人真好。
B:Yeah, it was.But I still have some information that I collected last time, and if you want, I will ve it to you.B:对啊,不过我还留有一些上次收集的搬家信息,如果你要我就给你。
A:Yes, please.A:好啊,拜托你了。
大学两人英语口语对话2A:What else should we do now after the floors aredone and after the furniture is in?A:地板弄完,家具放好后我们还要做什么呢?B:We need to redo the curtains and paint all thewalls and ceilings.B:我们需要重做窗帘和油漆所有的墙壁及天花板。

小编精心收集了大学两人英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习! 大学两人英语对话短文1Serenity:Hi, waiter. Can you come over here?嗨,服务员。
能麻烦过来下吗?Waiter:Of course, what is the matter, sir?好的,什么事,先生?Serenity:Can you make out what this is?你看这是什么?Waiter:Oh my god. I think that's a cockroach.噢, 天啊。
Serenity:So there's nothing wrong with my eyes.看来我的眼睛没什么问题。
Waiter:I'm terribly sorry. We will replace the dish and refund your money.太不好意思了。
Serenity:Good. That will help me calm down a little.好吧。
大学两人英语对话短文2Waiter:Are you ready to order?您可以点菜了吗?Daniel:Yes, I’ll have the Texas chili burger.可以了。
Waiter:Would you like fries with that?要薯片吗?Daniel:A large, with tons of ketchup.大号薯片,多加点番茄酱。
Waiter:And to drink?喝什么饮料呢?Daniel:I’ll have a diet coke, please.要一个低糖可乐。
Waiter:Is this dine-in or take-out?在这里吃还是打包带走?Daniel:Take-out, please.打包带走。

店铺整理了关于大学生活的2人英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于大学生活的2人英语对话篇一A: I don't know how to fight a parking ticket.B: Did you get written up for exceeding the time limit or for parking where you weren't supposed to be?A: Both.B: Did you see all the signs and just decide to blow them off?A: I was confused.B: Maybe you could explain that you are new and got confused--could you do that?A: If it might work, I'll go for it!B: Let the judge see that you are only a poor starving student who won't do it again.A: I can see how that might work.B: Without actually saying that the parking ticket guy was an idiot, make it seem as though it was HIS mistake, not yours!A: I could do that!B: Try it. It just might save you the price of a parking ticket. 关于大学生活的2人英语对话篇二A: What is the best place to park?B: What vehicle do you usually bring to school? Is it an automobile or a motorbike?A: I drive a motorcycle.B: OK. That means you can park in the student lot or on the street. Have you seen thehandicapped spots?A: I am not sure what a handicapped spot is.B: Look for the blue signs and blue marked spaces. Do you usually park in the daytime or the evening?A: I park days and evenings.B: Be careful about the time limits on the streets. Have you seen the signs for time limits?A: What signs?B: As long as you are careful reading the signs, you will always know how long you can park and what days are OK to park there. Are you aware of the curb colors?A: What curb colors?B: If you can remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means that you can only load and unload, you are going to be OK.关于大学生活的2人英语对话篇三A: This parking meter is really confusing. Can you help me figure it out?B: It's just like the old one, but with new stuff added.A: Yeah, OK.B: The first step is deciding on debit or credit card payment, so which one is it?A: I have coins.B: Perfect. Now, can you see the rate on the sign?A: I didn't see that, but now I do.B: Once you know what it will cost, put the payment in.A: Here it goes!B: You are doing great! Let's move on to the next step.A: I am a little confused.B: Just make sure that everything registered, and then you are good to go!。

店铺整理了大学英语两人对话短文,欢迎阅读!大学英语两人对话短文一Tom:Why didn't you show up last night?你昨晚怎么没出现?Linda:I couldn't. My car broke down.我没办法。
Tom:Again? You repaired it last week!又坏了?你上周才修了。
Linda:I know. It's driving me crazy.我知道。
Tom:Have you thought about buying a new car?有没有想过买辆新的?Linda:Of course, but I can't afford it.当然想过,但我买不起。
大学英语两人对话短文二Jack :Linda, I don't want you to stay with Kevin for too much time.林达,我不希望你和凯文呆在一起太多时间。
Linda:You think he's a bad boy?你觉得他是个坏男孩?Jack :Don't get me wrong. I think Kevin is a very nice person, but you have to admit he isn't very responsible.不要误会。
Linda:I guess you're right. He's got a lot of things to learn.你说得不错,他还有很多东西要学。
大学英语两人对话短文三Jack :Do you have the instructions with you?你带了说明书没有?Mary:Yes, but this diagram isn't really clear.带了,不过图解并不很清楚。

大学生二人英语口语对话材料【篇一】大学生二人英语口语对话材料Dennis: What the heck! He cut himself.呀呀的。
Lorry: What’s going on? Who got cut? I’ve got Band-Aid.发生什么了?谁割伤了?我有邦迪。
Dennis: Relax. It’s this cool doctor. He felt pain in his stomach. He thought it was acute appendicitis and operated himself.放松。
Lorry: He’d better be right about that.他没有推断失误吧。
Dennis: Of course, he was. He got recovered several days later.固然没有了。
Lorry: He is something, isn’t he? But I have my doubts.他是很了不起。
但是我有点儿疑心.Dennis: What? Don’t you believe it?什么?你不信任?Lorry: Well, it’s just too good to be true. Every famous doctor has a story. How could he stay cool when he was under anesthetic?写得太不真实了。
在麻醉状态下,他怎么可能保持糊涂啊!Dennis: Come on! I have the photos of the operation. You are just jealous.得了。

店铺整理了大学生两人英语对话,欢迎阅读!大学生两人英语对话篇一Tom: Bob, you are going too far this time.鲍勃,你这次太过分了。
Bob: He deserved it.他应得的。
Tom: After all, we three are good friends,like brothers.毕竟我们三个是像兄弟一样的好朋友。
Bob: I know,but he broke the rule first.我知道,但是他违反规则在先。
Tom: Although that, you can’t beat him up.尽管这样,你也不可以打人啊。
Bob: Stop,T om, quit telling me what to do!闭嘴,汤姆,用不着你告诉我该怎么做。
Tom: OK, you are the boss. I will go.好,你是老大,我走。
Bob: Go,go,go, I haven’t such a brother.走,走,走,我没有这样的兄弟。
Tom: You will regret one day.总有一天你会后悔的。
Bob: I hope that day will not come.我希望那天不会到来。
大学生两人英语对话篇二Bob: Ann, can't we talk it over?安,我们就不能好好谈谈吗?Ann: We have nothing to say.我们没什么好说的。
Bob: Let’s forgive and forget, OK?过去的事就让它过去吧。
好吗?Ann: That's easy for you to say!你说得倒轻松!Bob: Then, what do you want?那你想怎样?Ann: I want nothing but you, out of my eyes.我不想怎样,只想你远离我的视线。

小编精心收集了有关大学二人英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关大学二人英语对话1A:May I know where you are going?请问,你要去哪儿?B:Yes. I want to go to Beijing Hotel.我要去北京宾馆。
A:I'm sorry. You are going in the wrong direction.对不起。
B:Oh no! What shall I do?哦,不!我该怎么办?A:Don't worry. You can get off at the next stop and go across the street through the overpass. The bus stop is right there.别担心。
B:Thank you very mucn.非常感谢。
A:My pleasure.不客气。
有关大学二人英语对话2A:Good moming, sir.先生,早上好。
B:Good morning.早上好。
A:Would you mind moving to the middle of the bus?麻烦你往车中间走走好吗?B:Of course not. But I don't know when to get off.没问题。
A:Where are you going?你要去哪儿?B:I'm going to Wangfujing.我要去王府井。
A:Don't worry. I'll let you know when we get there.别担心,到那儿我告诉你。
B:Thank you very much.非常感谢。
有关大学二人英语对话3A:Excuse me, is this where I can catch a bus to the museum?劳驾,去博物馆是不是在这里乘车?B:Yes, you're at the right stop.不错,是在这个车站。

店铺整理了大学两人英语口语对话,欢迎阅读!大学两人英语口语对话一A:I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. How are you?A:听说你病了,我很担心。
你怎么样了?B:Thank you. I was operated on for gastric ulcer.B:谢谢。
A:Is that so? But I think It shouldn't keep you long in bed.A:真的吗?但我想你很快就会康复的。
B:Yes. I hope so.B:是啊,但愿如此。
大学两人英语口语对话二:Nurse, I am sure to die soon. They just don't tell me the truth, I know.A:护士,我肯定活不了多久了。
B:But I don't think so. No one has ever said a word that you are to die, only yourself. That means you are not willing to die, right? Actually, you are recovering and what you imagine as your worry is slowing down the treatment. Many cases worse than yours turned out to be hopeful and successful. You must be confident. Your condition is much better physically, but a little bit difficult mentally. The most important thing for younow is cooperation with us.B:我可不这么认为。

小编精心收集了关于大学2人英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于大学2人英语对话短文1Jenny:This is your menu. Your waitress will be here soon. Enjoy your dinner.这是你的菜单,女服务员马上来,请享用你的晚餐。
Ben:Thank you.谢谢你。
Jenny:May I take your order?你要点菜了吗?Ben:I'd like to see the menu, please.我想看看菜单。
Jenny:I'm sorry. I thought you had one. Here you are.抱歉,我想你已经有一份了,在这里。
关于大学2人英语对话短文2Jenny:Ketchup and mustard, please.蕃茄酱和芥末。
Ben:Something to drink?要喝什么饮料吗?Jenny:Coke, please.可乐。
Ben:Large or small?大杯还是小杯?Jenny:Small, please.小杯。
关于大学2人英语对话短文3Waiter:Good morning. May I have your order, ma'am?早上好,夫人。
您要点菜了吗?Jane:Yes, thank you. I'd like to have this stewed prunes and omelet, just plain. And also toast with butter. Could I have coffee with fresh milk.是的,谢谢你。
请给我一杯加鲜牛奶的咖啡好吗?Waiter:Yes, we can serve it. You mean cafe au lait in French?好,您的意思是要cafe au lait?Jane:That's right. We say it cafe au lait in French also.是的,我们也管它叫cafe au lait。

店铺整理了有关大学2人英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!有关大学2人英语对话短文一Emma:您现在可以点菜吗?Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.Hugh:是的,可以。
请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么?That's minestrone, is that all right sir?Emma:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?Hugh:可以。
好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?Chicken.Emma:…鸡肉…And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please Hugh:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。
Boiled potatoes, OK?Emma:…煮土豆。
Thanks very much.Hugh:OK.有关大学2人英语对话短文二Waiter:Good morning. What would you like this morning?早上好。
您想要点什么?Jane:I think I'll have continental style breakfast. Apple juice, crescent rolls with butter and some cheese. Then, I'll take coffee first. Thank you.大陆式早餐,苹果汁、带黄油和乳酪的新月形卷饼。
Waiter:Apple juice, crescent rolls with butter and cheese. Then coffee first.苹果汁、带黄油和乳酪的新月形卷饼,先来咖啡。

店铺整理了两人大学英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!两人大学英语对话短文一A:Good morning. Mrs. Smith.A:早上好,史密斯夫人。
B:Good mornig! Can you help me, please? I'm looking for some books for my mother.B:早上好,您能帮我一下吗?我想给我妈妈找一些书。
A:What kind of books does she like?A:她喜欢什么样的书?B:She's very fond of detective stories.B:她非常喜欢侦探小说。
两人大学英语对话短文二A:Did you like the play?A:你喜欢那场话剧吗?B:Not really. It's a dull one, and the production isn't satisfactory, either.B:不喜欢,很乏味,演出水平也不怎么样。
A:You're absolutely right. The acting could be better.A:你说得完全正确,演技有待提高。
B:To be fair, though, both the costumes and scenery are marvelous.B:话说回来,服装和布景倒挺不错。
两人大学英语对话短文三A:Would you like to go to the theater with me tomorrow?A:明天你想和我一块去看戏吗?B:Yes. of course. Have you got the tickets?B:当然乐意去,你有票吗?A:That's coincidence, someone's just returned two tickets and I picked them.A:碰巧刚刚有入退了两张票,我弄上了。

以下是有整理的⼤学英语⼝语对话【四篇】,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】⼤学英语⼝语对话A:Good morning, sir. Have a seat please.A:先⽣,早上好,请坐。
B:I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosell.B:我想知道⽬前住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售。
A:Sure, here is my business card. I'm James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. Inrecent months, the demand for residential properties has become extremely high. The price ofresidenticd propetly has risenalmost twenty percent.B:没问题,这是我的名⽚。
B:Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell myapartment as soon as possible.B:真的?因为我⼏个⽉内就得返回英国了,所以我想尽快卖出我的房⼦。
A:Don't worry, sir. I think it's a seller's market right now. Let me get down some informationabout your apartment first. what is your property's address?A:先⽣,不⽤担⼼,依我看现在是卖⽅市场。

大学两人英语口语对话情景阅读在英语考试的听力中,我们需要通过录音中的情景对话来听取我们所要的答案,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些大学两人英语口语对话,欢迎大家阅读!大学两人英语口语对话篇1Crystal: Hey, George, actually it's funny that you mentioned relationships cause I'm actuallyhaving a problem with Joe.克里斯托尔:嘿,乔治,正好你提到了情侣有关系,我和乔之间出了点儿问题。
George: Is that the guy with the curly hair?乔治:是那个头发卷卷的男生吗?Crystal: Yeah, that guy. He's really nice and everything, but like I really don't think it'sworking out.克里斯托尔:对,就是他。
George: Why what's wrong?乔治:为什么?有什么问题?Crystal: Well, he's really narrow-minded and I'm really different. We just ... he's nice andeverything. He's kind and sweet, and it's just not for me, like we're totally different people.克里斯托尔:他思想狭隘,而我和他完全相反。
George: I see. So what are you going to do?乔治:我明白了。

小编精心收集了大学两人英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!大学两人英语对话短文1A:Please take me to Plaza Hotel.请送我去广场饭店。
B:OK. When should we be there?好吧,什么时候到?A:As soon as possible, because I've got an important meeting to attend.越快越好,我要参加一个重要会议。
B:All right, if there's no hold-ups.好吧,只要路上不耽误就行。
大学两人英语对话短文2A:Could you give me a taxi to pick me up and take me to the airport before 1:00 p. m.?可以在下午1点之前派辆出租车送我去机场吗?B:What is your address, sir?先生,你的地址?A:I live in room 1106 of the Friendship Hotel.我住在友谊宾馆1106房间。
B:OK, someone will be there by 12:15.好,12点15分会有人过去的。
大学两人英语对话短文3A:Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?B:Is this the right subway to the Wall Street?这是去华尔街的地铁吗?A:Yes, it is.是的。
B:Could you tell me shall I take the express or local train?你能告诉我坐快车还是慢车?A:Sure. The local train. It stops at every station.当然乘慢车。

bank clerk: hello, what can i do for you?银行职员:你好,你要办理什么业务?steven: um...hello, i would like to open an account.史蒂文:你好。
bank clerk: ok! what kind of account do you want to open?银行职员:好的,你想开哪种账户?steven: i want to open a current account.史蒂文:我想开一个活期账户。
bank clerk: i will open it for you right now.银行职员:我马上为您办理。
steven: whats the minimum deposit for opening a current account?史蒂文:开一个活期存款账户的最低存款额是多少?bank clerk: its 10 yuan. how much money do youwant to deposit?银行职员:10元就可以了。
您要存多少钱?steven: well, heres 3,000 yuan.史蒂文:我要存3000元。
bank clerk: please write down your name, address and the amount of your deposit here. andplease choosea passcode of six numbers and confirm it.银行职员:请在这里写下你的名字、地址,还有你的存款金额。
steven: ok, here you are.史蒂文:好的,给你。
bank clerk: thank you. please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank.银行职员:谢谢,请确认你的信息并在空白处签字。

范文书写有哪些要求呢?我们怎样才能写好一篇范文呢?以下是我为大家搜集的优质范文,仅供参考,吧英语对话情景两人篇一c:dont be upset b,i have been looking for a job since three month ago,and now stilling working on it 不要灰心,我三个月前找到了一份工作,如今一直在做。
b: hmm,it seems kind of difficult for us without working experence to find a job对我们这些没有经历的学生来说,找一份工作似乎很难d:i dont think it is the only reason ,you see ,there are so many college graduates from all the provinces every year ,the petition is really fierce 我不认为那是唯一的理由,你看,每年都有那么多来自全国各地的大学毕业生,竞争真的很剧烈。
c:there are for sure job offers ,but many of us dont wanna do the jobs with low salary but heavy work.其实有确定的工作,但是我们都不愿意做薪水低却很繁重的工作b: you got reason, i have expressed to the hr〔 human resource 〕of many panies that i dont caretoo much about salary and work load, i dont understand why i failed in the interview你说的很对,但我对很多公司的人力资部门表示我并不太关心工资多少和工作的负荷,我不明白为什么我还是面试失败了!a:my opinion is that maybe ,youve been toonervous and not confident enough during theinterview 。

【篇一】大学两人英语口语对话短文Ann: Tell you a piece of good news.告诉你个好消息。
Lily: What?什么?Ann: I got two movie tickets for free.我拿到两张免费的电影票。
Lily: Really?真的吗?Ann: Yes.Would you like to come with me?嗯。
要和我一起去看吗?Lily: When?什么时候?Ann: This Saturday evening.Are you free that time? 这个星期六晚上。
你那会儿有空吗?Lily: Maybe.I'll try but I can't promise.或许吧。
Ann: All right.I hope you can go with me.好吧。
Lily: I'll try.我尽量吧。
【篇二】大学两人英语口语对话短文杨: How is your new boyfriend?你的新男友怎么样?丽: Well, he is ok, just sometimes I think he is too careful.嗯,他不错,只是有些时候我觉得他太认真了。
杨: Do you have some details? Normally careful is a good point.能不能说具体点呢?通常来说认真是优点。
丽: He calculates everything during our dating, taxi, drinks and even tips.我们约会时他计算每一分钱,出租车,饮料甚至小费。
杨: It’s ok, why not?这不错啊,为什么不呢?丽: I just doubt maybe he records each bill he pays for me or for us.I think it is God's truth that man pay for woman during dating.我只是怀疑他会记录每一笔为我或我们一起花掉的钱。

精心收集了大学2人英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!大学2人英语对话短文1Nick:How about eating out together after class?放学后一块出去吃怎么样?Li Mei:Why not?Good idea!为什么不?好主意啊!Nick:Then what about fast food?I haven t eaten hamburgers for a long time.吃快餐怎么样?我好久没吃汉堡包了。
Li Mei:Okay.好的。
Nick:What would you like to eat, Li Mei?你想吃什么,李梅?Li Mei:Well,let me see.A hamburger and some French fries让我看看。
Nick:Anything to drink?想喝什么?Li Mei:A cup of coke.I like drinking it.一杯可乐。
Nick:(Look at the watch)Oh,it is half past twelve now.I m afraid we have to be quick.噢,12点半了,恐怕我们得快点了。
Li Mei:Don t worry, Nick.Class begins at 2 in the afternoons.不急,尼克。
Nick:But I m afraid there will be no time for me to finish my homework.可我怕没时间做功课了。
Li Mei:Then let s be quick.那就快点吧。
大学2人英语对话短文2Eva:What about any special Beijing dishes?有什么特别的北京风味菜吗?Waiter:There s the Beijing roast duck.有北京烤鸭啊。

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Ann: Tell you a piece of good news.
Lily: What?
Ann: I got two movie tickets for free.
Lily: Really?
Ann: Yes.Would you like to come with me?
Lily: When?
Ann: This Saturday evening.Are you free that time? 这个星期六晚上。
Lily: Maybe.I'll try but I can't promise.
Ann: All right.I hope you can go with me.
Lily: I'll try.
杨: How is your new boyfriend?
丽: Well, he is ok, just sometimes I think he is too careful.
杨: Do you have some details? Normally careful is a good point.
丽: He calculates everything during our dating, taxi, drinks and even tips.
杨: It’s ok, why not?
丽: I just doubt maybe he records each bill he pays for me or for us.
I think it is God's truth that man pay for woman during dating.
杨: Actually it‘s not. If you want to keep a long relationship with him, then you must find a proper way to deal with money issues.
丽: Then what shall I do?
杨: I think you shall set up a joint account and get a budget, then put money together.
丽: Well, I will try, but after marriage I will take care of all his money. His is ours and mine is mine.
Felian: I will not have supper! I wanna be slim.
Mr Xu: You are so thin that no need to be more slim. Aren’t you afraid that you will hold the wall when farting?
Felian: What’s meaning of “hold the wall when farting”?
Mr Xu: It means that a person is too thin to have force when farting, so she must hold the wall.Otherwise she will fall in a faint.
Felian: Haw-haw!That will be very funny, if it’s really true!
Mr Xu: Just thin like you!You have to hold the wall if you eat noting only for three days.
Felian: Don't mention three days.I will see stars just for skipping one regular meal and I will hold the wall when farting!
Tony: This is similar to the rocket launch theory that you will be launched out because of your light weight when farting!
Felian: This theory which is due to a fart is just like a theory which is due to an apple.