pep人教版三年级英语上册单词句子涓夊勾绾т笂鍐?Unit 1瀛︿範鏂囧叿锛?pen (閽㈢瑪) pencil (閾呯瑪) pencil-box ( 閾呯瑪鐩? ruler(灏哄瓙) eraser(姗$毊) crayon (铚$瑪) book (涔? bag (涔﹀寘) no锛堜笉锛?your锛堜綘鐨勶級Unit 2棰滆壊锛?red (绾㈣壊鐨? yellow (榛勮壊鐨?銆€green (缁胯壊鐨?銆€blue (钃濊壊鐨? purple (? white (鐧借壊鐨? black (榛戣壊鐨? orange (姗欒壊鐨? pink (绮夎壊鐨?銆€brown (妫曡壊鐨? ok 濂斤紝琛?mum Unit 3?head (澶? face( 鑴? nose (榧诲瓙) mouth (鍢? eye (鐪肩潧)銆€leg (鑵? ear (鑰虫湹) arm (鑳宠唺)leg (鑵? foot(鑴?body () school (瀛︽牎) Unit 4鍔ㄧ墿锛?cat (鐚?銆€dog (鐙?銆€monkey (鐚村瓙)銆€panda (鐔婄尗) duck (瓙)銆€pig (鐚?銆€bird (楦? bear (鐔?銆€elephant (澶ц薄)銆€tiger锛?鑰佽檸锛?zoo锛堝姩鐗╁洯锛塮unny(婊戠ń鐨勶紝濂界瑧鐨勶級Unit 5椋熺墿锛?cake (铔嬬硶)銆€bread (闈㈠寘) juice (鏋滄眮) milk (鐗涘ザ) 銆€銆€銆€銆€water (姘? egg(铔嬶級fish锛堥奔锛?rice Unit 6鏁板瓧锛?one (涓€) two (浜? three (涓?銆€four (鍥? five (浜?銆€six( 鍏?銆€seven (涓? eight (鍏? nine( 涔? ten( 鍗?銆€brother(鍏勶紝寮燂級plate鐩樺瓙浜岋紟A B? Unit 11銆佸悜D锟紻A: Hello! (浣犲ソ!) B: Hi! (浣犲ソ!) 2銆侀棶鍒-锟紻锟紻A锛歐hat鈥檚your name锛?浣犲彨浠€涔堝悕瀛楋紵B锛歁y name鈥檚Chen Jie. 鎴戠殑鍚嶅?璺熷埆浜哄垎鎵嬪簲A: Bye.\ Good bye!() B: See you.() \ Goodbye.()4銆?A: I have a ruler\an eraser 鎴戞湁涓€鎶婂昂瀛?\ : Me too . 鎴戜篃鏈夈€?Unit 2 5A: Good morning.鏃╀笂濂紹:Good morning!鏃╀笂濂? 6A: Good afternoon!涓嬪崍濂紹: Good afternoon!涓嬪崍濂斤紒7D锟紻A: Nice to meet you! 瑙佸埌浣犲緢楂樺叴銆?B: Nice to meet you锛宼oo! 瑙佸埌浣犱篃寰堥珮鍏达紒8 A: This is Mr Jones 杩欐槸鐞兼柉鍏堢敓銆?B: Nice to meet you! 瑙佸埌浣犲緢楂樺叴銆?9. A: Colour it brown.鎶婂畠娑傛垚妫曡壊鍚э紒B: Ok 濂姐€?Unit 3 10. A: Let鈥檚go to school! 璁: OK! 濂界殑銆?11嬪弸鎴栬€呭埆浜鸿韩浣撲笉鑸掓湇锛屼綘璇ヨ繖涔堟墦鎷涘懠锛岮: How are you ? 浣犲ソ鍚桞: Fine锛宼hank you欐牱鍥炵瓟锛歏ery well, thanks. 12銆丄: Let鈥檚paint. . Ok 濂?13. A: Let鈥檚play. : Ok. 濂姐€?14. A: Let鈥檚make a puppet! ?5B: Great! 濂芥瀬浜嗭紒Unit 416. A: What鈥檚that? 閭f槸浠€涔堬紵B: It鈥檚an elephant.璞°€?17. A: What鈥檚this? 杩欐槸浠€涔堬紵B:It鈥檚 a bear. 瀹冩槸涓€?18. A: I like it. 鎴戝枩娆㈠畠銆侭: Thanks. 澶氳阿銆?Unit 519. A: I鈥檇like some juice, please璇风粰鎴戜竴浜涙灉姹丅: Here you a缁欎綘銆?20銆丄: Can I have some water, please? 璇风粰鎴戜竴浜涙按锛屽ソ鍚楋紵B: Here you are. 缁欎綘銆?21銆?A: Here you are 缁欎綘銆?B: Thank you. 璋㈣阿浣犮€?16銆丄: Thank you. 璋㈣阿浣燘: You're welcome. ?17銆丄: Have some milk. 鍠濅竴浜涚墰濂躲€侭: Thank you. 璋㈣阿浣犮€?Unit 18銆丄:This one , please. : Sure. 濂界殑銆?19銆丄: How many plates?B : Five. 5涓?8. Brown, brown.Turn around.?1. I see green. 鎴戠湅瑙佺豢鑹层€?Unit 3. 1. Close your eyes.2. Open your mouth. 寮犲紑浣犵殑鍢村反銆?3.Touch your nose. 鎽告懜浣犵殑榧诲瓙銆?4. Touch your ear. 鎽告懜浣犵殑鑰虫湹銆?5.Touch your face. 鎽告懜浣犵殑鑴?6.Look at me. 鐪嬫垜銆?7.This is my face, 杩欐槸鎴戠殑鑴搞€?8. Clap your hands. 鎷嶆媿浣犵殑鎵嬨€?9.Touch your head.鎽告懜浣犵殑澶?銆?10.Wave your arms. 鎸ユ尌浣犵殑鑳宠唺銆?11.Shake your legs. 鎽囨憞浣犵殑鑵裤€?12.Shake your body. 鎽囨憞浣犵殑?13. Stamp your foot. 璺鸿泛浣犵殑鑴氥€?Unit 4. 1. Act like an elephant. 鍍忓ぇ璞′竴鏍疯〃婕斻€?€傦級2. Act like a bird. ?3. Act like a tiger. 鍍忚€佽檸涓€鏍疯〃婕斻€?4. Act like a monkey.?5.Act like a panda.?Unit5. 1. Have some eggs. 鍚冧竴浜涜泲銆?2.Have some juice. 鍠濅竴浜涙灉姹併€?3.Eat some bread. 鍚冧竴浜涢潰鍖呫€?4.Drink some milk. 鍠濅竴浜涚墰濂躲€?5. Drink some water. 鍠濅竴浜涙按銆?6.Eat some fish. 鍚冧竴浜涢奔銆?7. Eat some rice. 鍚冧竴浜涚背楗?8.Cut the cake. 鍒囪泲绯曘€?Unit6銆€銆€銆€銆€1.Show me six. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅6. 2.Show me seven.缁欐垜鐪嬬湅7 3.Show me eight. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅8. 4.Show me nine. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅9. 5.Show me ten. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅1017銆丄锛欱: Happy birthday. ?B: Thank you. 璋㈣阿銆?18銆丄: How old are you? т簡锛?B: I鈥檓six years old. 鎴?宀佷簡銆傦紙瑕佺敤鏁板瓧鍥炵瓟鍝︼紒锛?19銆丄: Let's eat the birthday cake.硶B: Great! 妫掓瀬浜嗭紒涓夈€?锛? me your pen. 璁╂垜鐪嬬湅浣犵殑閽㈢瑪銆?2. open your pencil--box. 鎵撳紑浣犵殑閾呯瑪鐩掋€?3. close your book .鍏充笂浣犵殑涔︺€?4. carry your bag. 鑳岃捣浣犵殑涔﹀寘銆?Unit 2. 1. Show me green. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅缁胯壊銆?2. Show me red. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅绾㈣壊銆?3. Show me blue. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅绾㈣壊銆?4. Show me yellow. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅榛勮壊銆?5. Black, black. Stand up. 榛戣壊锛岄粦鑹诧紝绔欒捣鏉ワ紙璧风珛锛? 6. Orange, orange. Sit down. 姗欒壊?7. White, white. Touch the ground. 鐧借壊锛岀櫧鑹诧紝鎽告懜鍦般€?8. Brown, brown.Turn around.€?5. I see green. 鎴戠湅瑙佺豢鑹层€?Unit 3. 1. Close your eyes. 殑鐪肩潧銆傘€€2. Open your mouth. 寮犲紑浣犵殑鍢村反銆?3.Touch your nose.鎽告懜浣犵殑榧诲瓙銆?4. Touch your ear. 鎽告懜浣犵殑鑰虫湹銆?5.Touch your face. 鎽告懜浣犵殑鑴?6.Look at me. 鐪嬫垜銆?7.This is my face, 杩欐槸鎴戠殑鑴搞€?8. Clap your hands. 鎷嶆媿浣犵殑鎵嬨€?9.Touch your head.鎽告懜浣犵殑澶?銆?10.Wave your arms. 鎸ユ尌浣犵殑鑳宠唺銆?11.Shake your legs. 鎽囨憞浣犵殑鑵裤€?12.Shake your body. ?13. Stamp your foot. 璺鸿泛浣犵殑鑴氥€?Unit 4. 1. Act like an elephant. 鍍忓ぇ璞′竴鏍疯〃婕斻€?€傦級2. Act like a bird. ?3. Act like a tiger. 鍍忚€佽檸涓€鏍疯〃婕斻€?4. Act like a monkey.€?5.Act like a panda.?Unit5. 1. Have some eggs. 鍚冧竴浜涜泲銆?2.Have some juice. 鍠濅竴浜涙灉姹併€?3.Eat some bread. 鍚冧竴浜涢潰鍖呫€?4.Drink some milk. 鍠濅竴浜涚墰濂躲€?5. Drink some water. 鍠濅竴浜涙按銆?6.Eat some fish. 鍚冧竴浜涢奔銆?7. Eat some rice. 鍚冧竴浜涚背楗?8.Cut the cake. 鍒囪泲绯曘€?Unit6銆€銆€1.Show me six. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅6. 2.Show me seven.缁欐垜鐪嬬湅7 3.Show me eight. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅8. 4.Show me nine. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅9. 5.Show me ten. 缁欐垜鐪嬬湅10。
三年级下册pep英语单词重点句子训练第一单元1. This is my new bag.这是我的新书包。
2. That is a red balloon.那是一个红色的气球。
3. Here is a pencil for you.这里有一支铅笔给你。
4. There are five boys in the room.房间里有五个男孩。
5. Look at the board.看黑板。
6. Open your book, please.请打开你的书。
7. Close the door, please.请关上门。
8. Let's go to the park.我们去公园吧。
9. Can I have some water, please?请给我一些水可以吗?10. He can swim very fast.他能游得很快。
第二单元1. What's this in English?这个用英语怎么说?2. It's a dog.它是一只狗。
3. What's that in Chinese?那个用中文怎么说?4. It's an apple.它是一个苹果。
5. How do you spell it?你怎么拼写它?6. B-A-L-L, ball.B-A-L-L,球。
7. Can I have a banana, please?请给我一个香蕉好吗?8. Yes, sure. Here you are.是的,当然。
9. Thanks a lot.非常感谢。
10. You're welcome.不客气。
第三单元1. What color is it?它是什么颜色的?2. It's blue.它是蓝色的。
3. What color is the sun?太阳是什么颜色的?4. It's yellow.它是黄色的。
5. What color is this hat?这顶帽子是什么颜色的?6. It's red.它是红色的。
单词三年级(上册) Unit 11、ruler 尺子2、pencil 铅笔3、eraser 橡皮4、crayon 蜡笔5、bag 包6、pen 钢笔7、pencil box 铅笔盒8、book 书Unit 21、red 红的;红色的2、green 绿色;绿色的3、yellow 黄色;黄色的4、blue 蓝色;蓝色的5、black 黑色;黑色的6、brown 棕色;棕色的7、white 白色;白色的8、orange 橙色;橙色的9、OK 好;行10、mum/mom 妈妈Unit 31、face 脸2、ear 耳朵3、eye 眼睛4、nose 鼻子5、mouth 嘴6、arm 胳膊7、hand 手8、head 头9、body 身体10、leg 腿11、foot 脚12、school 学校Unit 41、duck 鸭子2、pig 猪3、cat 猫4、bear 熊5、dog 狗6、elephant 大象7、monkey 猴子8、bird 鸟9、tiger 老虎10、panda大熊猫11、zoo 动物园12、funny 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 51、bread 面包2、juice 果汁3、egg 蛋4、milk 牛奶5、water 水6、cake 蛋糕7、fish 鱼8、rice 米饭Unit 61、one 一2、two 二3、three 三4、four 四5、five 五6、six 六7、seven 七8、eight 八9、nine 九10、ten 十11、brother 兄;弟12、plate 盘子三年级(下册)Unit 11、 UK 英国2、 Canada 加拿大3、 USA 美国4、 China 中国5、 she 她6、 student 学生7、 pupil 学生;(尤指)小学生8、 he 他9、 teacher 老师10、friend 朋友11、today 今天Unit 21、father 父亲;爸爸2、dad (口语)爸爸;爹爹3、man 男人4、women 女人5、mother 母亲;妈妈6、sister 姐;妹7、brother 兄;弟8、grandmother (外)祖母9、grandma(口语)(外)祖母10、grandfather (外)祖父11、grandpa(口语)(外)祖父12、family 家;家庭Unit 31、thin 瘦的2、fat 胖的;肥的3、tall 高的4、short 矮的;短的5、long 长的6、small 小的7、big 大的8、giraffe 长颈鹿9、children 孩子们(复数)10、tail 尾巴Unit 41、on 在·····上面2、in 在·····里面3、under 在·····下面4、chair 椅子5、desk 书桌6、cap 帽子7、ball 球8、car 汽车9、boat 小船10、map 地图11、toy 玩具12、box 盒;箱Unit 51、pear 梨2、apple 苹果3、orange 橙子4、banana 香蕉5、watermelon 西瓜6、strawberry 草莓7、grape 葡萄8、buy 买9、fruit 水果Unit 61、eleven 十一2、twelve 十二3、thirteen 十三4、fourteen 十四5、fifteen 十五6、sixteen 十六7、seventeen 十七8、eighteen 十八9、nineteen 十九10、twenty 二十11、kite 风筝12、beautiful 美丽的句子三年级(上册)Unit 11、Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。
人教PEP 小学英语 三年级上册 Unit2单词(带音标和例句)
![人教PEP 小学英语 三年级上册 Unit2单词(带音标和例句)](
3A Unit2 1.红色;红色的
/red/ 例:我看见了红色。
eg.I see red. 2.绿色;绿色的
/ɡriːn/ 例:一只绿色的铅笔。
eg.a green pencil
3.yellow 3.黄色;黄色的
/ˈjeləu/ 例:一根黄色的香蕉。
eg.a yellow banana 4.蓝色;蓝色的
/bluː/ 例:我看见了蓝色。
eg.I see blue. 5.黑色;黑色的
/blæk/ 例;一只黑色的猫。
eg.a black cat
6.brown 6.棕色;棕色的
/braʊn/ 例:一只棕色的狗eg.a brown dog
/waɪt/ 例:一个白色的包eg.a white bag
/ˈɒrɪndʒ/ 例:我看见了橙色。
eg.I see orange.
9.OK 9.行,好
/əuˈkei/ 例:好的,给你。
eg.OK,here you are.
10.Mum 10.妈妈
/mʌm/ 例:妈妈,这是丽丽。
eg.Mum,this is Lily.
11.nice 11.好的;漂亮的;愉悦的/naɪs/ 例:真棒啊!
eg.How nice! 12.遇到
/mi:t/ 例:很高兴见到你。
eg.Nice to meet you.。
三年级PEP英语上册主要单词及句型Unit 1pencil 铅笔crayon 蜡笔pen 钢笔eraser 橡皮ruler 格尺bag 书包school 学校book 书pencil-case 铅笔盒sharpener卷笔刀show 出示,展示open 打开close 关闭carry 背上guess 猜1.What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?2.My name’s Chen Jie . 我的名字叫陈洁。
3.I’m Chen jie . 我是陈洁。
4.Show me your pencil. 出示你的铅笔。
5.Open your pencil-case. 打开你的铅笔盒。
6.Carry your bag . 背上你的书包。
7.Close your book . 合上你的书。
8. Go to school . 去学校。
9. I have a bag . 我有一个书包。
10.I’m going to school . 我正要去上学。
11.Me too . 我也是。
12.Who’s there? 那是谁?13.Are you Tutu ? 你是兔兔吗?14.Let’s play! OK? 我们一起去玩吧!好吗?15.Great! 太好了!16.Goodbye! Bye! See you ! 再见!一会见!17.Happy Teacher’s Day ! 教师节快乐!18.Thank you ! 谢谢!Unit 2head 头face 脸eye眼睛ear 耳朵nose 鼻子mouth 嘴body身体arm 胳膊hand 手finger手指leg 腿foot 脚touch接触puppet木偶19.This is my arm . 这是我的胳膊。
20.Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
21.Nice to meet you , too . 见到你我也很高兴。
22.Let’s go to school . 让我们去上学。
人教PEP 小学英语 三年级下册 Unit1单词(带音标和例句)
![人教PEP 小学英语 三年级下册 Unit1单词(带音标和例句)](
3B Unit1 1.英国eg:I am from the UK. 例:我来自英国。
2.Canada 2.加拿大/'kænədə/ 例:我来自加拿大。
eg:I am from Canada.A 3.美国eg:I am from the USA. 例:我来自美国。
eg:I am from China.5.she 5.她/ʃiː/ 例:她是丽丽。
eg.She is Lily.6.student 6.学生/'stjuːdnt/例:他是一名新生。
eg.He is a new student.7.pupil 7.学生;(尤指)小学生/'pjuːpl/ 例:她是一个小学生。
eg.She is a pupil.8.he8.他/hiː/例:他是麦克。
eg.He is Mike.9.teacher 9.教师/'tiːtʃə(r)/ 例:他是一名老师。
eg.He is a teacher.10.boy 10.男孩/bɔɪ/ 例:我是一个男孩子。
eg.I am a boy.11.and 11.和;与/ənd/例:麦克和丽丽都是学生。
eg.Mike and Lily are students.12.girl 12.女孩/gɜːl/ 例:我是一个女孩子。
Eg.I am a 13.新的/njuː/ 例:我有一个新的包。
eg.I have a new bag.14.friend 14.朋友/frend/ 例:她是我的朋友。
eg.She is my 15.今天/tə'deɪ/ 例:今天是星期一。
eg. Today is Monday.。
pep三年级英语重点单词句型PEP(Primary English Program)是一套适用于中国小学生的英语教材。
在三年级的PEP 英语课程中,有许多重点的单词和句型,以下将详细介绍这些内容。
一、重点单词1. apple(苹果)- This apple is red.(这个苹果是红色的。
)2. banana(香蕉)- I like bananas.(我喜欢香蕉。
)3. cat(猫)- The cat is sleeping.(猫在睡觉。
)4. dog(狗)- This is my dog.(这是我的狗。
)5. elephant(大象)- Look at the elephant!(看大象!)6. fish(鱼)- The fish is swimming in the water.(鱼在水里游泳。
)7. grape(葡萄)- I have some grapes.(我有些葡萄。
)8. hat(帽子)- He is wearing a hat.(他戴着一顶帽子。
)9. ice cream(冰淇淋)- I want to eat ice cream.(我想吃冰淇淋。
)10. juice(果汁)- I like to drink orange juice.(我喜欢喝橙汁。
)11. kite(风筝)- Let's fly a kite!(让我们放风筝!)12. lion(狮子)- The lion is roaring.(狮子在吼叫。
)13. monkey(猴子)- Look at the monkey on the tree.(看树上的猴子。
)14. nose(鼻子)- My nose is big.(我的鼻子很大。
)15. orange(橙子)- I like to eat oranges.(我喜欢吃橙子。
)16. panda(熊猫)- Pandas are cute.(熊猫很可爱。
)17. queen(皇后)- The queen wears a crown.(皇后戴着皇冠。
三年级英语上册1-3单元字母、单词和句子练习一、单词Unit 1学习文具pen ______ pencil ______ pencil box_______ ruler______eraser_____ crayon ______ book ______ bag ______Unit 2颜色red ______ yellow ______ green ______ blue______white______ black______ orange ______ brown______Unit 3身体部位head ______ face______ nose ______ mouth ______eye ______ leg ______ ear ______ arm ______leg ______ foot ______ body ______二、句子1.向别人问好应该说―― A: Hello! ______B: Hi! ______2.问别人的名字应该说-――A:What’s your name?__________________B:My name’s Chen Jie.__________________3.跟别人分手应该说――A: Good bye!______B: bye.______4.A: I have a pencil. __________________B:Me too.____________5.早上相见应该说――A: Good morning. ____________B: Good morning! __________________6.下午相见应该说――A: Good afternoon! ____________B: Good afternoon!__________________7.跟新朋友第一次见面――A: Nice to meet you! __________________B:Nice to meet you,too! ________________________8.A: Let’s go to school! ______________________________!B: OK! ____________9.看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼——A: How are you ? __________________B: Fine,thank you.__________________Very well,thanks.________________________10.A: Let’s make a puppet. ________________________B: Great! ________________________三、挑战自己(选句子填空)Unit 1Show me your pencil . ________________________Open your pencil box.________________________ .Close your book .________________________Show me your pen. ________________________Carry your bag. ________________________Let’s go to school.________________________(让我们去上学吧。
Unit 1 My pen pal1. pen pal - n. 笔友Example: I have a pen pal from England.2. email - n. 邮件Example: I send emails to my pen pal.3. photo - n. 照片Example: This is a photo of my family.4. friend - n. 朋友Example: My best friend is Lily.5. like - v. 喜欢Example: I like playing soccer.Unit 2 What do you have?1. have - v. 拥有Example: I have a new book.2. ruler - n. 尺子Example: Can I borrow your ruler?3. pencil - n. 铅笔Example: I use a pencil to write.4. eraser - n. 橡皮擦Example: Please give me an eraser.5. crayon - n. 蜡笔Example: I like drawing with crayons.Unit 3 At the zoo1. zoo - n. 动物园Example: We are going to the zoo tomorrow.2. tiger - n. 老虎Example: Look at the tiger, it's so big!3. elephant - n. 大象Example: The elephant is eating bananas.4. monkey - n. 猴子Example: The monkey is jumping on the tree.5. lion - n. 狮子Example: The lion is the king of the jungle.Unit 4 We are going to the park.1. park - n. 公园Example: Let's go to the park together.2. swing - n. 秋千Example: I like playing on the swing.3. slide - n. 滑梯Example: The slide is very tall.4. see-saw - n. 跷跷板Example: Can we play on the see-saw?5. ride - v. 骑Example: I want to ride my bike in the park.Unit 5 What does he look like?1. look like - 看起来像Example: What does he look like? He has short hair and glasses.2. tall - adj. 高的Example: Tom is taller than his brother.3. short - adj. 矮的Example: She is shorter than me.4. thin - adj. 瘦的Example: My sister is very thin.5. fat - adj. 胖的Example: The cat is very fat.Unit 6 Is this your skirt?1. skirt - n. 裙子Example: This is a beautiful skirt.2. pants - n. 裤子Example: I wear pants to school.3. dress - n. 连衣裙Example: She looks pretty in the dress.4. T-shirt - n. T恤衫Example: I have a new T-shirt.5. socks - n. 袜子Example: I need to buy new socks.Unit 7 Is he playing football?1. play - v. 玩Example: We like to play games.2. football - n. 足球Example: They are playing football on the field.3. basketball - n. 篮球Example: Can I play basketball with you?4. swimming - v. 游泳Example: I like swimming in the pool.5. running - v. 跑步Example: He is running in the race.Unit 8 How tall are you?1. how tall - 多高Example: How tall are you? I am 150 centimeters.2. short - adj. 矮的Example: My brother is shorter than me.3. tall - adj. 高的Example: My best friend is very tall.4. fat - adj. 胖的Example: The bear is very fat.5. thin - adj. 瘦的Example: She is very thin.以上就是PEP三年级下册英语的重点单词和句子的详细介绍。
pep人教版三年级英语上册单词句子三年级上册Unit1学习文具:penpencilpencil-boxrulererasercrayonboobagnoyour Unit2颜色:redyello green bluepurplehiteblacorangepin brono好,行u妈妈Unit3身体部位:headfacenoseoutheye legeararlegfootbodyschoolUnit4动物:cat dog oney pandaduc pig birdbear elephant tigerzoofunny breadjuiceilatereggtothree fourfive six seveneightnineten brotherUnit11、向别人问好应该说――A:Hello!B:Hi!问别人的名字应该说-――A:hat’syournae?你叫什么名字?B:ynae’schenjie.我的名字是陈洁。
一、重点单词1. friend(朋友):I have a lot of friends at school.2. family(家庭):My family consists of my parents and me.3. doctor(医生):My mom is a doctor and she helps people get better whenthey are sick.4. teacher(老师):My English teacher is very nice and patient.5. nurse(护士):My aunt is a nurse and takes care of patients in the hospital.6. singer(歌手):I want to be a singer when I grow up because I love to sing.7. actor(演员):My brother wants to be an actor because he loves performing on stage.8. dancer(舞者):My sister is a professional dancer and she dances beautifully.9. musician(音乐家):My dad is a musician and he plays the piano very well.10. cook(厨师):My grandpa used to be a cook in a famous restaurant.11. farmer(农民):My uncle is a farmer and he grows many different crops.12. pilot(飞行员):I want to be a pilot and fly airplanes in the sky.13. engineer(工程师):My neighbor is an engineer and he builds bridges and roads.14. dentist(牙医):I go to the dentist twice a year to have my teeth checked.15. police officer(警察):The police officer caught the thief and saved the day.16. firefighter (消防员):Firefighters risk their lives to save people and put out fires.17. astronaut (宇航员):Becoming an astronaut is my ultimate dream.18. veterinarian (兽医):My cat's veterinarian is very kind and knowledgeable.19. architect (建筑师):The architect designed a beautiful, eco-friendly building.20. artist (艺术家):My cousin is a talented artist who specializes in oil paintings.21. writer (作家):She aspires to become a renowned writer one day.22. scientist (科学家):My idol is a famous scientist who has made significant contributions to cancer research.23. lawyer (律师):My uncle is a successful lawyer who fights for justice.24. accountant (会计师):As an accountant, my mom is great with numbers and financial planning.25. photographer (摄影师):The photographer captured beautiful moments at our wedding.26. chef (厨师):The chef at our favorite restaurant creates mouthwatering dishes.27. hairdresser (发型师):My hairdresser always knows how to give me theperfect haircut.28. carpenter (木匠):The carpenter handcrafted a beautiful wooden table for our living room.29. electrician (电工):When the lights flicker, we call our trustedelectrician to fix the problem.30. plumber (管道工):The plumber repaired the leaky pipe in our bathroom.31. athlete (运动员):The athlete broke the world record in the 100-meter dash.32. referee (裁判员):The referee made a controversial call during thefootball match.33. coach (教练):My soccer coach has taught me a lot about teamwork and discipline.34. yoga instructor (瑜伽教练):My yoga instructor leads a relaxing and rejuvenating class.35. personal trainer (私人教练):With the help of my personal trainer, I've achieved my fitness goals.二、重点句子1. How are you?(你好吗?):Teacher: How are you? Student: I'm fine, thank you.2. What's your name?(你叫什么名字?):Teacher: What's your name? Student: My name is Jack.3. Nice to meet/see you.(很高兴见到你。
PEP小学英语下册单词、句子、语法、练习汇总要掌握的句子:句型总汇1.Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校Nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。
2.Good morning boys and girls.早上好同学们。
Good morning Miss White怀特老师3.Class,We have a new friend today. 同学们,今天我们有一位新朋友。
4.Where are you from? 你从哪里来?I'm from America. 我来自美国。
5.Have some tea ,Mom.请喝茶,妈妈。
Thanks谢谢6.Happy Women’s Day!Miss White! 妇女节快乐!怀特老师!Thank you谢谢7.Who's that woman? 那个女人是谁?She's my mother.她是我的妈妈。
8.Who's that man? 那个男人是谁?He's my father.他是我爸爸。
9.Who's this boy?这个男孩是谁?He’s my brother.他是我的兄弟10.Who's this girl?这个女孩是谁?She’s my sister.她是我的姐妹11.Let's watch TV. 让我们一起看电视吧。
Great!好极了What a big fish! 好大的一条鱼呀!12.How many kites can you see?你能看见多少个风筝?I can see twelve.我能看见12个13.How many crayons do you have?你有多少支蜡笔?I have sixteen我有16支14.Let's fly it! 让我们一起放(风筝)吧!OK!好的Let's draw a picture! 让我们一起画画吧!OK!好的15.Let's share!让我们分享吧!Good idea! 好主意Thanks!谢谢16.I have a new kite. 我有一个风筝It's beautiful. 它很美丽。
pep小学三年级英语上册单词 重点句子
![pep小学三年级英语上册单词 重点句子](
pep小学三年级英语上册单词重点句子重点单词:1. apple - 苹果2. banana - 香蕉3. cat - 猫4. dog - 狗5. eye - 眼睛6. fish - 鱼7. girl - 女孩8. hat - 帽子9. insect - 昆虫10. juice - 果汁11. kite - 风筝12. leaf - 叶子13. map - 地图14. nose - 鼻子15. orange - 橙子16. pear - 梨17. queen - 女王18. rabbit - 兔子19. snake - 蛇20. table - 桌子21. umbrella - 雨伞22. vine - 藤蔓23. watch - 手表24. xenon - 氙气25. yellow - 黄色26. zipper - 拉链27. chair - 椅子28. clock - 时钟29. dragon - 龙30. elephant - 大象31. flame - 火焰32. guitar - 吉他33. hammer - 锤子34. ice cream - 冰淇淋35. jelly - 果冻36. key - 钥匙37. lemon - 柠檬38. moon - 月亮39. necklace - 项链40. ocean - 海洋41. piano - 钢琴42. quilt - 被子43. river - 河流44. sun - 太阳45. tiger - 老虎46. umbrella - 雨伞47. violin - 小提琴48. whale - 鲸鱼49. wind - 风50. xylophone - 木琴51. yolk - 蛋黄52. zipper - 拉链重点句子:1. My name is Lucy. - 我的名字是露西。
2. What's your name? - 你叫什么名字?3. How are you? - 你好吗?4. I'm fine. - 我很好。
PEP 小学英语(三年级——五年级)单词、句子总汇PEP 英语三年级(上册)【单词】【单词】Unit 1 pen 钢笔钢笔 pencil 铅笔铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒铅笔盒 ruler 尺子尺子 eraser 橡皮橡皮 crayon 蜡笔蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包书包 sharpener 卷笔刀卷笔刀 school 学校学校Unit 2 head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛眼睛 ear 耳朵arm 胳膊胳膊 finger 手指手指 leg 腿 foot 脚 body 身体身体Unit3 red 红色的红色的 yellow 黄色的黄色的 green 绿色的绿色的 blue 蓝色的蓝色的 purple 紫色的white 白色的白色的 black 黑色的黑色的 orange 橙色的橙色的 pink 粉色的brown 棕色的棕色的 Unit 4 cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子猴子 panda 熊猫熊猫 rabbit 兔子兔子 duck 鸭子鸭子 pig 猪 bird 鸟 bear 熊 elephant 大象大象 mouse 老鼠老鼠 squirrel 松鼠松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕蛋糕 bread 面包面包 hot dog 热狗热狗 hamburger 汉堡包汉堡包 chicken 鸡肉鸡肉 French fries 榨薯条Coke 可乐juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水tea 茶coffee 咖啡Unit 6 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 doll 玩具娃娃玩具娃娃 boat 小船小船 ball 球 kite 风筝风筝balloon 气球气球 car 小汽车小汽车 plane 飞机飞机【句子】【句子】1. A: What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? B: My name’s Chen Jie. 我叫陈洁。
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单词三年级(上册)尺子2、pencil 铅笔3、eraser 橡皮4、crayon 蜡笔5、bag 包6、pen 钢笔7、pencil box 铅笔盒8、book 书红的;红色的2、green 绿色;绿色的3、yellow 黄色;黄色的4、blue 蓝色;蓝色的5、black 黑色;黑色的6、brown 棕色;棕色的7、white 白色;白色的8、orange 橙色;橙色的9、OK 好;行10、mum/mom 妈妈脸2、ear 耳朵3、eye 眼睛4、nose 鼻子5、mouth 嘴6、arm 胳膊7、hand 手8、head 头9、body 身体10、leg 腿11、foot 脚12、school 学校鸭子2、pig 猪3、cat 猫4、bear 熊5、dog 狗6、elephant 大象7、monkey 猴子8、bird 鸟9、tiger 老虎10、panda大熊猫11、zoo 动物园12、funny 滑稽的;好笑的面包2、juice 果汁3、egg 蛋4、milk 牛奶5、water 水6、cake 蛋糕7、fish 鱼8、rice 米饭一2、two 二3、three 三4、four 四5、five 五6、six 六7、seven 七8、eight 八9、nine 九10、ten 十11、brother 兄;弟12、plate 盘子三年级(下册)1、 UK 英国2、 Canada 加拿大3、 USA 美国4、 China 中国5、 she 她6、 student 学生7、 pupil 学生;(尤指)小学生8、 he 他9、 teacher 老师10、friend 朋友11、today 今天1、father 父亲;爸爸2、dad (口语)爸爸;爹爹3、man 男人4、women 女人5、mother 母亲;妈妈6、sister 姐;妹7、brother 兄;弟8、grandmother (外)祖母9、grandma(口语)(外)祖母10、grandfather (外)祖父11、grandpa(口语)(外)祖父12、family 家;家庭1、thin 瘦的2、fat 胖的;肥的3、tall 高的4、short 矮的;短的5、long 长的6、small 小的7、big 大的8、giraffe 长颈鹿9、children 孩子们(复数)10、tail 尾巴1、on 在·····上面2、in 在·····里面3、under 在·····下面4、chair 椅子5、desk 书桌6、cap 帽子7、ball 球8、car 汽车9、boat 小船10、map 地图11、toy 玩具12、box 盒;箱1、pear 梨2、apple 苹果3、orange 橙子4、banana 香蕉5、watermelon 西瓜6、strawberry 草莓7、grape 葡萄8、buy 买9、fruit 水果1、eleven 十一2、twelve 十二3、thirteen 十三4、fourteen 十四5、fifteen 十五6、sixteen 十六7、seventeen 十七8、eighteen 十八9、nineteen 十九10、twenty 二十11、kite 风筝12、beautiful 美丽的句子三年级(上册)1、Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。
2、Hi, I’m Sarah.你好,我是萨拉。
3、I have a ruler/an eraser.我有一把尺子/一块橡皮。
4、What’s your name?你叫什么名字?5、My name’s Joh n.我叫约翰。
6、Goodbye! 再见!7、Bye, Miss White.再见,怀特小姐。
1、Mr Jones, this is Miss Green.琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。
2、Good morning, Miss Green.早上好,格林小姐。
3、I see red. 我看见红色。
4、Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.下午好,吴一凡。
5、Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
6、Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴。
7、Colour it brown!把它涂成棕色吧!1、How are you? 你好吗?2、I’m fine, thank you!我很好,谢谢。
3、Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。
4、Let’s go to school!我们一起上学吧!5、Let’s make a puppet!让我们一起做个木偶吧!6、Great!太棒了!7、Look at me! This is myface. 看我!这是我的脸。
1、What’s this? 这是什么?2、It’s a duck. 这是只鸭子。
3、What’s that? 那是什么?4、Guess!猜猜看!5、Look!A funny dog!看!一只滑稽的狗!6、Cool!I like it. 酷!我喜欢它!1、I’d like some juice, please.请给我些果汁。
2、Can I have some water,please? 请给我些水好吗?3、Here you are. 给你。
4、Thank you. 谢谢。
5、You’re welcome. 不用谢。
6、I’m hungry!我饿了!7、Have some bread.吃点面包吧!1、This one, please.请给我这个。
2、Sure. 好的。
3、How many plates?你要几个盘子?4、Happy birthday!生日快乐!5、How old are you?你几岁了?6、I’m six years old.我六岁了。
三年级(下册)1、 Welcome! 欢迎!2、 Where are you come from?你是哪里人?3、 I am from the UK.我是英国人。
1、Who’s that man?那位男士是谁呀?2、He’s my father.他是我的爸爸。
3、Who’s that woman?那位女士是谁呀?4、 She is my mother。
5、 Is she your mother?她是你的妈妈吗?6、 Yes, she is. 是的,她是。
7、Is he your father?他是你的爸爸吗?8.No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。
1. Look at that giraffe.看那只长颈鹿。
2.Wow!It’s so tall! 它好高啊!3. Come here, children!Look at the elephant.到这里来,孩子们!看大象。
4.Wow!It has a long nose.哇!它有一条长鼻子。
5. It has small eyes and bigears. 它有小眼睛和大耳朵。
1.Let’s go home!我们回家吧!2.OK!好的!3.Where is my pencil box?我的铅笔盒在哪里?3.It’s in your desk.在你桌子里。
4. Silly me!我真傻!5. Is it under the chair?在椅子下面吗?6. No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.不,不在。
7.Have a good time!玩得开心!1.Honey, let’s buy some fruit.宝贝儿,我们买点水果吧!2.Do you like oranges?你喜欢橙子吗?3.No, l don’t.\ Yes, l do.不,我不喜欢\是的,我喜欢。
4.Have some grapes.吃点葡萄吧!5.Thanks. I like grapes.谢谢,我喜欢葡萄。
6.Sorry, I don’t like grapes.抱歉,我不喜欢葡萄。
7.Me, neither. 我也不喜欢。
1.How many kites do you see?你看见了多少个风筝呀?2.The black one is a bird.黑色的那个是只鸟。
2. How many crayons do youhave?你有多少支蜡笔?4. Open it and see. 打开看看!。