

高翻学院英汉同传考研解析2015年北京外国语大学英汉同传考研真题解析科目名称:815英汉互译(笔译)(考试时间3小时,•满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)I.Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet.(50points)If you’ve been attentive to the growing series of posts here under the banner of the American Futures project,you know that Deb and Jim Fallows have been examining small,resilient American cities that are home to intriguing innovations and entrepreneurship.A few days ago,as part of the projects recent focus on Burlington,Vermont,I took a look at two of the three great colleges there.Now let’s look in on the third,Champlain College.You’ll see why this one fits the project’s ongoing“American ingenuity”theme.If you could design your ideal college from scratch,what would it look like?Mine would look something like the following.Students would acquire training that makes them immediately employable.TheyM take courses in the liberal arts that would sharpen their skills in writing,analysis,and reasoning.And theyM graduate with some real-life knowledge,such as how to interview for a job. ThereM be no tenure for faculty,but instructors would be made to feel they^e valued members of the enterprise.And administrators would constantly ask themselves;thow can we prepare students for what the world needs of them?MWhile you^re busy designing your version of the ideal,I can take a nap or go fishing,because somebody has already built mine:Champlain College.It is doing everything Tve described and,in the process,is gaining the attention of the higher-ed world.The words Fve heard used to describe Champlain include innovative,nimble,adaptable.A professor from nearby St.MichaeFs College told me,with unabashed admiration,“Champlain is always asking itself‘What works’?”Founded in1878and long known as the Burlington Business College,Champlain assumed its current name in1958,when it had only60students in various associated degree programs.Starting bachelor’s degree programs in1991,the college now enrolls2000undergraduates-an enrollment cap it committed to several years ago in an agreement with the student-rich city of Burlington.When it launched its bachelor's programs,this college long known for training secretaries and accountants,began to reinvent itself,earning respect for its enterprising spirit.The dominant ethos of Champlain—that“what works?”mentality—intensified when David Finney arrived from NYU in2005to become president. Finney quicklyinstituted what he calls a“three-dimensional education”program,an undergraduate curriculum consisting of interdisciplinary liberal-arts courses,a life-skills program,and training for a career.Believing that“American higher education has really lost its way with general-education courses,Finney told me that when he arrived in his new job,he decided to spend all of his“honeymoon capital”as new president to replace the “hodge-podge of courses”that formed the liberal-arts core.He assembled a faculty task force to design a revised core aiming to build habits of mind students will need“not just as they’re leaving here,”Finney says,“but over their lifetime.“A painstaking process of reinvention led to new core courses designed to help students develop global awareness and strengthen their analytical and reasoning abilities,critical reading skills,and writing proficiency.These courses have no tests.The work is heavily oriented toward writing.Classes consist mainly of discussion and project teamwork rather than lectures.Students and faculty are active learners together.A second component of Champlain's undergraduate education comes through its required“Life Experience and Action Dimension”program,which has two parts:(1)some real-world education,emphasizing financial literacy and sophistication(developing a budget,making sense of credit cards,understanding how employee benefits work and why they’re important,etc.)and job skills (marketing oneself,negotiating business contracts,and developing skills in interviewing,networking,etc.);and(2)a community-service element that puts students to work helping Burlington^needy and simultaneously broadeningcultural awareness and a sense of engaged citizenship,(from uWhat Would an Ideal College Look Like?A Lot Like This”)II.Translate the following passage into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.(50points).且夫胸中无识之人,即终日勤于学,而亦无益,俗谚谓为『两脚书橱j。

2015年北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题一、英语翻译基础★英汉短语互译:Bogor GoalsFTAAPzero-sum gameALSNASAgenomic variationozone depletionsinologybitcoinUNCEDpaparazziamino aciddigital divideexistentialismsilver-spoon kids十八届四中全会亚太经合组织互联互通量化宽松公使衔参赞埃博拉病毒自闭症防空识别区负面清单房产税专利技术和而不同地沟油真人秀逆袭★篇章翻译今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,英译汉是一篇有关里约环境会议的,汉译英是刘梦溪写的有关孟子精神和现代社会的文章,很多文言文,比如什么礼义廉耻、国之四端之类。

许多成语、典故蕴意很深,且含意与字面意相差甚远,译员如果处理不好,就有可能使听 众"丈二和尚摸不着头脑",不仅达不到讲话人所要表达的效果,且有可能适得其反。
一般情况下,在不影响理解的前提下,对成语、典故的翻译只要能表达出其主要意思即可, 但若是语境中需要听众完全了解其字面意与蕴含意,就得解释一番了。比 如"塞翁失马"一般 可以译成"Misfortune may prove a blessing in disguise."但在必要时,则可以简单讲一下 这个典故:"This is an allusion to a story popular for more than 2,000 years in China. It's about an old man at the frontier who lost his horse…"
car pool 篇章翻译: 英译汉两篇 汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法 写了三点 翻译硕士英语:
1. 单选 10 个 ————非常基础的词汇语法题 2. 完型,共 20 个 20 分(因为是 10 个选择,10 个填空) 3. 阅读 三篇选项阅读(共 10 题,每题 2 分) 两篇问答阅读(共 5 题,每题 4 分) 4. 作文 graduate education VS undergraduate education 本科教育和研究生教育的区别 (注意字数 400)
英汉两种语言的最基本的语序是 SVO(subject + verb + object),但我们在翻译复杂 句时,两种语言的语序所存在的差异则给翻译带来不少困难。定语在英汉两种语言中所处的位 置就完全相反。中文修饰名词的成 分常在名词前(左)边,称为 Left Branching Direction (LBD),英文的修饰性从句则恰在后(右)边,称为 Right Branching Direction (RBD)。这种 差别使得译者在翻译时必须善于变通。定语从句翻译时的变通主要在于调整从句的类别,必须 根据上下文、语境灵活处理。

2015年北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题词组翻译:1、Bogor Goals2、FTAAP3、zero-sum game4、ALS5、NASA6、genomic variation7、ozone depletion8、sinology9、bitcoin10、UNCED11、Paparazzi12、amino acid13、Digital divide14、Existentialism15、Silver-spoon kids1)十八届四中全会2)亚太经合组织3)互联互通4)量化宽松政策5)公使衔参赞6)埃博拉病毒资料来源:育明考研考博官网7)自闭症8)防空识别区9)负面清单10)房产税11)专利技术12)和而不同13)地沟油14)真人秀15)逆袭英译汉:关于环境立法之类的汉译英:孟子的“四端”《中庸》,恻隐之心,礼义廉耻之类的,价值观一、汉语名词译成英语动词由于汉语和英语习惯不同,有些词语在汉语中常用名词,而在英语中所用动词比较合适,所以要进行转换。

北京大学2015年翻译硕士考研真题回忆版凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构HumanitiesCharity ConcertVeiled critismTheme parkUser-friendly manualYellow pagesWell-to-do familyRoman Catholic Church汉译英职业道德吉尼斯世界纪录大全室内设计个人所得税罚点球复活节恐怖电影方便面汇款单团体操读者文摘新闻摘要海洋博物馆预算委员会篇章翻译中译英没找到出处,是关于loyalty的。
页共 3 页第二篇:2014北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆+经验2014年北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆+经验2014北大MTI真题回忆版本一以为会有人发。

2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)翻译硕士词汇辨析5award,rewardaward,reward的用法award v.指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。
The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。
This new invention won the highest award.这项新发明获得最高奖。
However,I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award.然而,我不想听起来像一个正在接受奖项的好莱坞演员。
It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。
reward v.酬劳,奖赏,回报,通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到报酬或酬谢,其后一般以人或人的行为作宾语。

2011年二外真题:英语翻译基础真题第一段China's bubblesA lot of things in China carry a whiff of excess./The cost of garlic is among them:wholesale prices have almost quadrupled since March.A halving of the planting area last year,and belief in the bulb's powers to ward off swine flu,provide some justification for the surge.But anecdotes of unbridled trading activity in Jinxiang county,home to China's largest garlic plant,suggest that the most likely cause is the most obvious–the abundant liquidity swilling through the system.//New loans in China may top Rmb10,000bn this year,double the run-rate of the preceding years;2010should bring anotherRmb7-8,000bn.第二段:In the week that Dominique Strauss-Kahn,head of the International Monetary Fund,said asset bubbles were a cost worth paying for reviving growth through loose monetary policy,China needs to distinguish between good ones and bad ones./A bubble in garlic is small,financed by private speculators,and relatively harmless when it bursts.//Bubbles in productive assets–roads,bridges,telecom lines–are also tolerable; capital has been put in place that can be exploited by somebody.解析第一段China's bubblesA lot of things in China carry a whiff of excess.中国泡沫在中国,很多东西都有着过度膨胀的趋势。

2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)如何记忆翻译硕士英语常用词汇单词是不是感觉越背记住的越少,而且刚刚背过还没几个小时就忘了,如果你还是这样的情况,那么就来听听巧妙记忆翻译硕士相关词汇。
1.ubl,bili=able,表示“能力”able a能够的ability n能力habilitate v装备;使具备能力(h可看作have+abilit+ate→有能力→使具备能力)rehabilitate v修复,翻新;使健康;改造(犯罪)(re重新+hubiliate具备能力)debilitate v削弱力量,使衰弱(de去掉+abilit+ate→去掉能力→使衰弱)debility n体弱,虚弱(de去掉+ability能力)2.agog=lead,表示“引导”demagogue n煽动者(dem人民+agogue→引导肉民者→煽动者)pedagoue n教师(ped儿童+agogue→引导儿童者→教师)agog a渴望的,热心的(引导人往前走的心情→渴望的)3.agon=struggle,表示“挣扎,斗争”agony n痛苦agonize v感到苦恼(agon+ize)antagonize v反对,对抗(ant[=anti反]+agon+ize→反过来斗争→对抗) antagonist n对手(ant[=anti反]+agon+ist→反过来斗争之人→对手) 4.alb=white,表示“白色”albsecent a发白的(alb+escent产生……的→产生白的)albino n白化病(alh+ino表示某种病)album n相册;集邮册(alb+um表示物→空白的东西→用来放东西的册子) 5.alg=pain,表示“痛”neuralgia n神经病(nrur神经+alg+ia→神经痛的病)nostalgia n思乡病(nost家+alg+ia→想家)analgesic n止痛药(an无+alg+esic药物→无痛药物→止痛药)6.alt=high,表示“高”altitude n高度(alt+itude表名词)altimeter n高度计(alri+meter测量计)alto n男高音(alt+o)altar n祭坛(alt+ar→高出的东西→祭坛)exealt v升高,赞扬(ex出+alt→高出来→升高;赞扬)exalted a高贵的;被赞扬的7.ampl=large,表示“大”ample a宽大的;充足的amplify v放大,扩大(ampl+ify表动词→扩大)amplitude n广大,宽阔(ampl+itude表名词)8.anci,antiq=old,表示“古老”ancient a古代的(anci+ent)ancientry n古旧;古代事物(ancient古代的+ry表名词)antique a古代的n.古物antiquated a陈旧的(antique+ated)antiquity n古旧,古代(antique古代的+ity)9.andro=male,man表示“男人”aoderogynous a不男不女的(andro+gyn妇女ous)android n机器人polyandry n一妻多夫制(poly多+andry男人)10.arbit(r)=judge,表示“判断”ablter n仲裁人;泰斗(arbit+er表示人)arbirary a武断的(arbitr+ary→做出[自己的]判断→武断的)arbitrate v仲裁,公断(arbitr+ate)11.arc(h)=bow,表示“弓”archer n弓箭手(arch+er人)arch n拱形arcade n连拱廊(arc+ade表名词,如cascade瀑布)12.arm=weapon,表示“武器”armada n舰队(arm+ada表名词,通常表示群体)armistice n休战;停战条约(armi+stice[=stand停止]→武器停止→休战) armor n盔甲(arm+or)disarm v解除武器(dis去掉+arm→去掉武器)armament n军队;兵器(arm+a+ment→武器→兵器)13.aug=increase,表示“增加”augment v增大(aug+ment)auction n拍卖(auct[=aug]+ion[价钱]扩大→拍卖)august a威严的august n八月(八月是水果长大的季节)augury n预兆,征兆(augu+ry→[使事态扩大的]预兆,augur愿意是“鸟”的意思,古人根据看到什么“鸟”来做出预料)14.balm=balsam,表示“香油”balm n香油;安慰物balmy a芬芳的;温和的(balm+y)embalm v保存尸体;铭记(em进入+balm→古人用香油等保存尸体,引申为铭记)15.ban=prohibit,表示“禁止”ban n禁止;禁令banal a平庸的;陈腐的(ban+al→被禁止的→陈腐的)banish v流放,驱逐出境(ban+ish表动词→禁止入境→驱逐)abandon v抛弃,放弃(a不+ban+don给予→不禁止给出去→放弃)16.bar=weight表示“重,压”baric a气压的barometer n气压针(baro+meter计量器)baritone n男中音(bari+tone声音→压下去的声音→男中音)17.barr=sticj,表示,“捧,栏”barrage n阻塞,遮断(barr+age表名词→用捧拦住→阻塞)barricade n障碍物(barr+ic+ade表名词)barrier n栅栏(barr+ier)embarrass v使发育,使难堪(em进入+barr+ass表名词→被拦住→使难堪) 18bat=beat,表示“打,击”batter v连续猛打(bat+ter常表示连续动作,如stutter口吃)abate v减少,减轻(a不bat+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等)debate v辩论,讨论(de加强+dat+e→加强打击→反驳,辩论)rebate v减少;回扣(re回+bat+e→打回去的[东西]→回扣)combat n战斗(com共同+bal→共同→共同打→战斗)baton n棍,警棍(bat+on)battle n战斗(batt+le)battalion n营(batt+alion表名词→打的[队伍]→部队的营)19.biblio=book,表示“书”bibliography n书目提要(biblio+araphy学科→书的学科→书目提要) bibliophile n藏书家(biblio+phile爱→爱书的人)Bible n圣经biblophobla n憎恶书籍(biblio+phob恨+ia病→恨书的病)20.blanc=vwhile表示“白”blank a空白的(blanc的变体blanket n毯子(blank+et→白色[织物]→靴子)blanch v漂白,发白(blanc的变体)21.brace=two arms,表示“两臂”brace v支持,使坚固的n.支持物bracelet n手镯(brace+let小东西→带在手上的小东西→手镯) embrace v拥抱;包括(em进入+brace→进入两臂→拥抱)22.braid=twist,表示“扭”braid v编成辫子upbraid v叱骂,谴责(up向上+braid→向上扭→扭住不放→叱骂) embroidery n刺绣(em使+broid[=braid]+ery→使[线]扭在一起→刺绣) 23,bu=ox,表示“牛”bull n公牛bully v欺负(别人)(象公牛一样吓唬别人)bucolic a牧场的,田园的(buc+olie表形容词)buffalo n公牛(可能是bull的变体)bugle n军号,喇叭(bull+angle的组合)24.calc=stone,表示“石头”calculate v计算(calc+ulate)calcfy n钙化;僵化(calc+ify)recalcitrant a顽固的;不服从的(re重新+|calc+itrant表形容词→重新变成石头顽固的)calcium n钙(cale+ium表名词,常指化学元素,如;alu-minium铝) 25.calori=heat,表示“热”calorie n热卡calorify v加热(calor+ify表动词)calorifacient a生热的(calori+fac做+ient→做出热→生热的)26.camp=field表示“田野”camp n营地campus n校园(camp+us)encamp v宿营(en进入+camp营地)campaign n战役(camp+aign名词后缀→营地→战役)27.car,char=dear,表示“可爱的”caress v/n.爱抚,拥抱charity n慈爱(char+ity)charitable a慈善的(charity+able能…..的)cherish v珍爱(cher[=char]+ish表动词,如finish)28.Card chart=paper,表示“纸片”chart n图表charter n特许状;契约(chart+er→纸上的东西→契约等)chartered a特许的;包租的(用契约的形式把东西包下来)discard v放弃,抛弃(dis去掉+card+把[废纸]扔掉→抛弃)29.cast=pure,表示“纯洁”caste n种姓制度chaste a纯洁的(chast=cast)castigate v惩罚;严厉批评(cast+igate表动词→使…纯洁→惩罚[错误]) 30.cav=hole,表示“洞”cave n洞穴cavity n穴;腔(cav+ity)cavelet n小洞(cave+let小东西→小洞穴)cavern n大洞concave a凹面的(con全部+cave→全部像洞一样→凹进去的)excavate v挖掘(ex出+cav+ate→从洞中出来→挖出)excavation n挖掘;出土文物31.cwns=judge,表示“判断”censor a审查员(cens+or→判断之人→审查员)censorious a挑剔的(censor+ious→用审查员的[眼光]看→挑剔的) censure n责难(cens+ure→判断审查[别人]--责难)census n人口普查(cens+us表名词→查[人口]→普查)32.chor=sing,dance,表示“歌,舞”chaorus n合唱(队)(chor+us表名词)choreographer n舞蹈动作设计者(chor+eo+graph写+er人→写舞蹈的人) choreography n舞蹈设计(chor+eo+graphychoir n合唱队(choir=chor)33.ehrom=color,表示“颜色”monochrome a单色的(mono单个+chrome颜色)chromatic a彩色的(chrom+atic形容词后缀)chromosome n染色体(chrom+o+some形体)34.cil=call,表示“召集”conceiliate v安抚,劝诱(con共同+cil+iate→把人召集到一起来→安抚[别人]) conciliatory a安抚的(conciliate+ory)reconcile v和解(re再+con+cil+e→[双方]再次召集到一起→和解) irreconcilable a不可调和的(ir不+reconcile+able能…..的)35civ=citizen,表示“公民”civil a市民的civlity n谦恭,礼仪(civil市民→文明+ity→谦恭有礼)civilian n民众,平民(civil+ian)civilization n文明,文化(civil市民→文明+ization[ize+ation]→文明)36.coct=cook,表示“煮,调配”concoct v编造,虚构(con全部+coct→全部是调配出来的→编造)decoct v煎,熬(de强调+coct→不断煮→煎熬)precocious a早熟的(pre提早+coc+ious→提早熟→早熟的)precocity n早熟(pre+coc+ity)37.cogn=know,表示“知道”cognition n认知,认识(cogn+ition)cognizable a可认识的(cogn+ize+able→能够知道的)cognizant a知晓的(cogn+ize+ant)recognize v认出(re再+cogn+ize→再次知道→认出来)precognition n预知,预见(pre预先+cogn+ition→预先知道→预知)=banquet,表示“宴会”comedy n喜剧(com+edy表名词→像宴会一样热闹→喜剧)comic a好笑的(由喜剧而来)encomiun n高度赞扬(en进入+com+ium→开宴会庆祝→高度赞扬)资料来源:育明考研考博官网。


一.词语翻译 《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 发票单 penalty kick 方便面 《读者文摘》 新闻摘要 ....... 二.段落翻译 英译汉: 讲的是 loyalty 可能会演化为狂热崇拜和俯首听命两种极端结果,在政客的鼓吹 下 loyalty 被蒙上了更深的道德意义,结尾警醒世人要使自己免受所谓“忠诚” 的摆布。 汉译英: 文言文翻译,原文为:治生之道,莫尚乎勤。故邵子云:“一日之计在于晨,一 岁之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。”言虽近而旨则远。无如人之常情,恶劳而好 逸,甘食愉衣,玩日愒岁。以之为农,则不能深耕而易耨;以之为工,则不能计 日而见功;以之为商,则不能乘时而趋利;以之为士,则不能笃志力行。徒然食 息于天地之间,是一蠹耳!夫天地之化,日新则不敝,故户枢不蠹,流水不腐, 诚不欲其常安也。人之心与力,何独不然?劳则思,逸则忘,物情也。大禹之圣, 且惜寸阴,陶侃之贤,且惜分阴,又况圣贤不若彼者乎?
just when locals from the United States tented to avoid Death Valley? 原译:美国本地人趋向于避开死谷,而外国旅游者却为炎热而至,对此美国人是 怎么想的呢? 改译:美国本地人对死谷避之惟恐不及,国外游客却纷纷为炎炎烈日而至,对此 美国人是怎么看的呢? 该例原译虽然并无错误,但读起来索然无味,原因是不够“雅”,或者说,少了点文 采。经过润色,译文的可读性可谓大大地增强了。 30)Without the moon, life on Earth would likely face the same kinds of wild fluctuations in climate that Mars has apparently experienced through the eons. 原译:没有月球,地球上的生物很可能会面临火星显然在极长时期经历的同样的 气候大幅度变化的情况。 改译:在极其漫长的时期内,火星显然经历过种种剧烈的气候变化。同样,要是 没有月球,地球上的生命很可能也要面临各种剧烈的气候变化。 该例英语原句主谓宾主干成分紧密相连,句子结构紧凑;“原译”则在谓语和宾语之 间插入一个很长的定语来修饰句子的宾语,而且该定语与宾语之间关系并不十分紧密, 这样便使得译句显得结构松散,读起来也十分拗口。因此,翻译此句时,不妨将其拆分 成两句,再加上适当的关联词语以表明各分句之间的相互关系(见改译)。 由此看来,润饰原文也是翻译过程中不可或缺的重要环节,千万不可掉以轻心。以上 我们通过实例讲解了翻译英语长句的五个步骤,但需要说明的是,在实际翻译中这五个 步骤并不像这样截然分开,而多半是互相交叉,互相渗透的。

”)救援人员rescue workers救灾扶贫provide disaster relief and help the poor纠正随意改变基本农田用途的现象rectify unauthorized changes in the use of primary farmland酒后驾车DUI (drive under the influence (of alcohol)), OUI (operating under the influence)酒泉卫星发射中心Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying九五折a five percent discount; a 95 percent charge救灾物资disaster relief materials (Around 4:00 pm Wendesday, China's air force dropped 5 tons of disaster relief materials, including mineral water, milk, instant noodles, into Mianzhu City in quake-stricken Sichuan. 14日16时许,空军一架大型运输机首次为四川绵竹灾区空投了救灾物资,包括矿泉水、牛奶、方便面。
) (政府)救助bailout (US stocks suffered Monday after the House of Representatives shocked investors by voting to reject the Bush administration's $700b bailout plan. 美国众议院29日出乎意料地投票否决了美国政府7000亿美元的救市方案。

2015年北京外国语大学811英语能力测试(写作)考研真题及详解I.Summarize the main points in the following essay(in about200words)and writea commentary(in about500words)on the issue under discussion,relating it to Chinese reality.(70points)Why are the rich rich and the poor poor?It’s a question that gets asked a lot, and a question we should continue asking.Do the wealthy simply work harder and for longer hours?Are they more willing to take risks and make sacrifices,while the destitute tend to sleep in past10:00a.m.and splurge all their cash on Cool Ranch Doritos Tacos from Taco Bell?Or is it more circumstantial—meaning,are the haves forged in homes where education is valued and opportunity abundant,while the have nots come from generation after generation of just scraping by?According to the BBC,income inequality in the U.S.has grown for nearly three decades,and in2012this disparity reached record-breaking proportions when the top one percent of U.S.earners collected19.3percent of all household income.For some policy makers and members of the public,this is a problem—and it’s a problem that cannot properly be addressed without examining both the personal and systemic reasons for why some end up so rich while others end up so poor.New research from a behavioral economist at Harvard and a cognitive psychologist at Princeton might help untangle this ongoing conundrum,if only just a strand or two.In their recently released book,Scarcity:Why Having Too Little Means So Much,Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir suggest that those livingpaycheck to paycheck aren’t as much in their situation because they’re bad financial planners with a history of self-sabotage,but rather that they’re bad financial planners with a history of self-sabotage because of their situation.It’s a subtle yet significant shift.Relying on data collected from numerous tests and experiments,the co-authors argue that the mental toll of constantly having to deliberate over which credit card should be paid down first or jar of peanut butter placed into the shopping cart depending on the sale both depletes one’s cognitive resources and diminishes the importance of planning for tomorrow,since today’s demands feel just so damn demanding.In other words,when you’re struggling with the necessity of treading water,the ability to calculate which shoreline is closest becomes a luxury.“Give your computer16programs to run at once,and everything slows down,”Shafir said.“It’s just doing too much at once.”In one experiment,the authors asked participants to imagine that their car required a repair costing$300,which they could either pay for immediately,take out a loan to cover,or ignore completely.The authors then provided the participants with a series of computer-based questions intended to measure their capacity for logical thinking,cognitive function,and problem solving.All of the participants,whether rich or poor,demonstrated a similar level of intelligence. However,when the authors repeated this experiment using a repair costing$3,000, the poor fared far worse than the rich,sometimes dropping up to13IQ points,or the equivalent of one night’s sleep.Based on their findings,then,it appears that the presence of scarcity somehow creates tunnel vision in the brain.While this outlook helps focus the mind on urgent issues,it also clouds any and all appointments,errands,and aspirations currently residing on the periphery.A life of poverty,then,tends to perpetuate poverty.“Mental bandwidth is what we use to devote attention,make decisions,and resist temptation—it’s what psychologists call‘proactive memory,’”Shafir said.“It’s long been known that proactive memory is hurt when you load your working memory.If you have to remember a seven-digit number,for example,you will remember less of what you need to do.Just by loading your bandwidth and your working memory,you’ll do many things wrong.”And yet the authors’research isn’t limited to the poor and their lack of money,either.In Scarcity,Mullainathan and Shafir argue that this narrowed mindset can occur in anyone for a multitude of reasons,whether it’s through a dearth of time,food,or friendship.No one is immune.“We’re very careful to point out that this is not about poor people—this is about people who inhabit the context of poverty,”Shafir said.“Think about being hungry.If you’re hungry,that’s what you think about.You don’t have to strain for years—the minute you’re hungry,that’s where your mind goes.”For critics who insist that the authors have indeed confused the order of cause and effect—that the poor are poor because they lack intelligence and willpower,àla Romney’s47percent,and not the other way around—Shafir maintains that’ssimply not the case.“In some sense,the most exciting part of our studies is that whatever it is you think made people poor,what I know is that everything we’re getting has to do very clearly with the context of being poor,not with the people themselves,”Shafir said.“The poor and the rich perform equally well in one context,and then when you impose the context of scarcity,all of a sudden[the poor]perform less well, even though it’s the same people.”While what the authors are describing is somewhat different than stress—which,in the right quantities,can be a beneficial force for completing a task—all of this might seem rather obvious to those who live in chronic poverty or have undergone a period of financial hardship.Being broke is tough.Not only does a lack of money restrict what you can do,but now your survival also involves an endless amount of compromise over the most basic of goods and services.To return to the bandwidth metaphor,it’s like browsing the Internet while your computer downloads a file,ad infinitum.It’s impossible to stop dwelling on unpaid utility bills when you have absolutely no idea how you’re going to pay them.But judging by America’s polarized political landscape,what’s common sense to some isn’t common to all.In light of this,Shafir says he hopes the data will create an“empathy bridge”between the opposing camps,and perhaps also demystify the poor’s plight for some policymakers in Washington.Practical solutions the authors offer include automatically depositing wages into savingsaccounts and pill bottles that glow when they haven’t been opened in a while. Basically,anything that serves to liberate bandwidth.As former U.S.Secretary of Labor Robert Reich says in the upcoming documentary film Inequality for All,“Of all developed nations,the United States has the most unequal distribution of income,and we’re surging toward even greater inequality.”It’s a trajectory toward prosperity for some and ruin for the rest.Although Mullainathan and Shafir’s research certainly doesn’t address every facet related to this growing disparity,it does directly confront the complicated question of why the poor have such a difficult time,as some like to say, pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps.【答案】Summary:This passage sets out to uncover the mysteries of being poor and being rich. With the income inequality continuing to widen up in the U.S.,the reasons of being poor and rich should be properly addressed in order to bridge up the gap.The author tries to explain the fact that the state of being poor squeezes up one’s creation and imagination with reference to the book of Scarcity:Why Having Too Little Means So Much.With the multitude of immediate choices to be made in poor people’s daily life,it is more difficult for them to think greatly and to aspire to great things.Gradually,the state of poverty narrows people’s mental bandwidth.More importantly,this shrinking mind happens to people in a poverty state regardless of their personal qualities.Poverty robs people of intelligence andwill power.And,the pressure caused by poverty is not the same as stress and is restrictive and detrimental.The authors of the book disclose the reasons of being poor,expecting policy-makers to understand the situation of the poor and to come up with practical solutions to bridge up the gap.Commentary:With respect to the point that the state of being poor makes poverty stay on in the book Scarcity:Why Having Too Little Means So Much,it is especially true in China.With commodity prices and real estate prices skyrocketing in China,the rich live to be the richer while the poor are reduced to be the poorer.Primarily,poverty is the root of all evils.It corrodes people’s creative thinking and imagination,belittles their comparatively unsatisfactory circumstances and exaggerates their weaknesses.The poor has to think twice and weigh pros and cons before making a decision.It is distractive in that it shifts the poor’s focus from the more important such as making investments and receiving better education to the less important such as saving money and making ends meet.For example,the living expenses in Beijing are much higher than those in other capital cities. Students from the poor families will tend to shrink away from Beijing when making decisions about their future universities and choose to live a comparatively more comfortable life in a second rate university near their hometown,even if they have met the requirements.To take all into consideration,this is perfect for the students themselves and the family except the fact that they have lost or have given up the。

2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)19校真题中的汉语作文北外2010二、应用写作(40分)请根据你所熟悉的一种商品,替厂家拟一份产品介绍广告。

2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)被动语态翻译英语中被动语态使用范围很广,凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或者为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。
例如:Eg.On Practice has been translated into many foreign languages.《实践论》已译成许多国家的文字。
Eg.The whole country was armed in a few days.几天以内,全国就武装起来了。
Eg.Another middle school has been set up in our district.我们区又办了一所中学。
Eg.1,200people had been saved soldiers in the earthquake.在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。

汉译英:中庸,音译,颐和园,目的语,不可再生能源,领土完整,货到付款,对外贸易经济合作部,洋务运动,中国国际广播电台(这个应该是CRI,我写成了CIR,每天听还写错,无颜),改革重点,转变政府职能,宪法修正案英译汉:EMS, Waterloo Bridge(这个我直译的,不知道给不给分),GNP, OPEC, minister counselor, ecological deterioration, international football federal, non-aligned movement, house of representives, IAEA, direct dial telephone, IQ, CAD, FBI. 其中我在这里缩写的在试卷上都展开了,所以很简单段落翻译今年也抽风了,以往汉译英是散文翻译,是我的强项,今年突然改成了一片科技文,楼主曾经在Lenovo实习过,所以更是我的强项,出来后找到了原文,贴给大家:过去一年里,数字化取得了长足的进展,数字时代距离我们越来越近.从某种意义上讲,我们在任何地方都可以看到数字时代的影子.在摄影方面,过去一年美国人共拍摄了20亿张数码照片,65%的家庭用上了数码相机.在互联网方面,全球互联网普及率越来越高,越来越多的活动开始通过网络进行,包括购买和销售、规划或创新等等.将Windows PC和其它设备连接在一起的互联网已经逐步成为人们日常生活的重要组成部分. 美国40%以上的家庭都拥有多台个人计算机,很多年轻人用于计算机的时间已经超过了电视.这无疑是一个巨大的变化.我们看到,移动设备一直保持着迅猛的增长势头,在PC市场所占比例越来越大.我们还看到,以Wi-Fi和3G为主的连接日益普及,用户在任何地方都可以访问需要的信息.这还只是“冰山的一角”,未来我们有望取得更大的进展.因为随着市场规模不断扩大,将有更多新兴公司跻身这一市场,大公司也将在这一领域投入更多研发预算.在不久的将来,我们可以工作得更好,也可以更好地工作.未来将会怎样,我们距离未来还有多远的距离?事实上,我们已经拥有了很多令人难以置信的新产品,它们就预示着未来.例如,数码相机的像素已经超过了600万;高分辨率的电视屏幕挂在墙上后就像是一幅画, 与传统电视屏幕简直是天壤之别;与此同时,电视已经可以连接到PC和游戏机,给我们带来了全新的体验和令人惊叹的视觉效果;网络带宽不断增大,传输高清晰信号已经不再是一个梦想;处理器已经进入64位时代, 而且完全兼容32位应用,不需要用户投入额外资金.英译汉已改了,以前是经济学人那种风格的新闻评论,今年改成了一篇人物志,是奥巴马关于曼德拉的演讲,同样还是很简单,我翻得很快,出来后和官方翻译一对比水平还是有差距的. 原文:It is hard to eulogize any man -- to capture in words not just the facts and the dates that make a life, but the essential truth of a person -- their private joys and sorrows; the quiet moments and unique qualities that illuminate someone’s soul. How much harder to do so for a giant of history, who moved a nation toward justice, and in the process moved billions around the world. Born during World War I, far from the corridors of power, a boy raised herding cattle and tutored by the elders of his Thembu tribe, Madiba would emerge as the last great liberator of the 20th century. Like Gandhi, he would lead a resistance movement -- a movement that at its start had little prospect for success. Like Dr. King, he would give potent voice to the claims of the oppressed and the moral necessity of racial justice. He would endure a brutal imprisonment that began in the time of Kennedy and Khrushchev, and reached the final days of the Cold War. Emerging from prison, without the force of arms, he would -- like Abraham Lincoln -- hold his country together when it threatened to break apart. And like America’s Founding Fathers, he would erect a constitutional order to preserve freedom for future generations -- a commitment to democracy and rule of law ratified not only by his election, but by his willingness to step down from power after only one term.Given the sweep of his life, the scope of his accomplishments, the adoration that he so rightly earned, it’s tempting I think to remember Nelson Mandela as an icon, smiling and serene, detached from the tawdry affairs of lesser men. But Madiba himself strongly resisted such a lifeless portrait. (Applause.) Instead, Madiba insisted on sharing with us his doubts and his fears; his miscalculations along with his victories. “I am not a saint,” he said, “unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”估计今年出百科的老师换人了,以往年年考的传统文化木有了,取而代之的是天文地理无所不有:离太阳最近的星球?爱神是?百年孤独的写作风格?东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔,这句诗的猪脚和作者生活的年代相差多少年?人体有多少块骨头?第一座长江大桥?药王是谁?滑铁卢和谁有关?世界上最大的贸易集团?最简单的有机化合物?命运交响曲是贝多芬的第几交响曲?刘三姐是哪个民族的?沙特的宗教是?南极臭氧空洞形成的原因?ballet 这个词哪国的外来语?这些纯粹是拼知识储备了,都能百度出来,其他的都是考场能分析的,就不说了。

裂,其结果就是使人成为历史性的动物。因为,永不安宁的快乐原则作为涅槃原则的病态 体现,正是那使人成为浮士德式的人的动力,而浮士德式的人乃是创造历史的人。”
育明教育解析:翻译硕士考研大纲 考试科目:除去全国统考的政治外,备战 MTI 的同学们还有三门专业课需要复习:150 分的百科知识与中 文写作,100 分的基础英语,以及 150 分的英汉互译。

如此正能量的话题,若是命题人出了,你就可以如此表达!逆境的意义AdversityThe cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of adversity. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of adversity. Adversity is conducive to people‘s growth and maturity. By facing adversity with confidence and a brave heart,people are more likely to recognize themselves profoundly,bring their potential into full play and accumulate more experiences. To further illustrate the significance of adversity,I would like to take an empirical evidence as a case in point:surveys conducted by some biographers have demonstrated that almost all of the great men and celebrities have built their mansion of success on the bedrock of adversity.From my perspective,at no time should we underestimate the power of adversity. Furthermore,when coming across adversity,we should not regard it as a obstacle to success; instead,we might as well envision it as a precious chance to improve ourselves,fight against it courageously and acquire wisdom from it. “Adversity breeds success.”An ancient Greek philosopher also once said.温馨提醒:1、在冲刺阶段,作文的词汇积累和不同的表达方式、语法结构表达句意的练习是必不可少的,对于拿不准的可以向老师请教。

2015考研英语真题【短文翻译】下面是考研网为大家准备的2015考研英语真题,希望对大家的备考有用!Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Within the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration-one of the great folk wanderings of history-swept from Europe to America. 46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivation, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.47) The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe. Across the Atlantic came successive groups of Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans, Scots, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Swedes, and many others who attempted to transplant their habits and traditions to the new world.48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. These changes were gradual and at first scarcely visible. But the result was a new social pattern which, although it resembled European society in many ways, had a character that was distinctly American.49)The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th-and-16th-century explorations of North America. In the meantime, thriving Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. These travelers to North America came in small, unmercifully overcrowded craft. During their six-to twelve-week voyage, they subsisted on barely enough food allotted to them. Many of the ships were lost in storms, many passengers died of disease, and infants rarely survived the journey. Sometimes storms blew the vessels far off their course, and often calm brought unbearably long delay.“To the anxious trav elers the sight of the American shore brought almost inexpressible relief,” said one recorder of events, “The air at twelve leagues’ distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden.” The colonists’ first glimpse of the new land was a sight of dense woods. 50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a veritable real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia. Here was abundant fuel and lumber. Here was the raw material of houses and furniture, ships and potash, dyes and naval stores.。
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翻译硕士英语考研作文讲解英文作文结构模块1开头应用例子(原文)表明观点2论证一论点+论据+强调3论证一论点+论据+强调4论证一论点+论据+强调5结尾反面论证升华主题范文解析二2真题练习北京师范大学2011年真题(话题作文)People send gifts on important occasions like weddings,funerals,promoion,graduation,etc. some people think gift is a token of goodwill,others think expensive gifts will harm people's relations and are just vanity.Write a composition about300-400words,and express your own opinion.北京大学2011年真题(话题作文)How internet has transformed our traditional concept of friendshipWrite a composition about400-500words,and express your own opinion.北京航空航天大学2011年真题(命题作文)Professional translation in21st century.(400-500words)2010年真题(命题作文)Translation and interpretation in the global age.(400-500words)政治【学科概述】不用因为政治纷繁复杂的知识点而担心政治会不过线,只要肯下功夫,60分是很容易达到的。