
Brontes色度计操作手册2021.7.8 版本:1.20 1所有。
关于:Admesy B.V.Benelu*straat 76014CC IttervoortThe Netherlands: +31 (0) 475 600232: +31 (0) 475 600316网址 : .admesy.nl1 关于手册手册中的材料易于改变。
: 重要提示: 注释2 简介布隆特斯色度计隶属于Admesy Cyclopes系列的色度计,它提供了独特的高速准确的颜色测量。
2.1 色度计特点色测量可在*YZ,Y*y, Yu'v',CIE Lab, Luv中。
2.2 标准色度计兼容usbtmc标准,而且能够结合外部所提供的usbtmc兼容驱动。
它现在已经在Windows, Linu* 和苹果OS*上被测试使用NI VISA〔ww.ni./visa〕而且,在Linu* (i686, *86_64 and ARM)上使用由 Agilent(.home.agilent./upload/cmc_upload/All/usbtmc.html) 提供的开放原始码驱动器。
关于 Agilent USBTMC 驱动器的安装操作,参考Admesy 的 Linu* Brontes howto(.admesy.nl/products/docs/Admesy_Brontes_Linu*_howto.pdf ) .3电子接口插图1:布隆特斯色度计电子接口3.1 USB接口USB迷你B连接器用于把 Brontes 色度计连结到一部个人计算机/笔记本电脑。

组成: 分光光度计主要由光源、色散装置、光电探测器 和数据处理与输出几部分构成。
由光源发出足够强度的连续光谱; 先后或同时(将光束一分为二)照射到待测样品及标准样品
上; 其反射(或透射)的光经色散装置输出为由不同波长的单色
光排列而成的色散光谱,然后分别将不同波长的单色光用 光电探测器接收,并将光能转变为电能,从而记录和比较 光通量的大小,得出样品的光谱反射比(或光谱透射比)。
§2.2 色度检测原理
• 彩度
彩度是从灰度中辨别色相纯度的特性。彩度轴从明度轴向右延伸, 彩度值记于明度值之后。用视觉上色彩感觉相等的间隔来划分为20 等级。
表示红黄色调并偏黄,明度 7,彩度12。
表示饱和的橙色, 明度是5,彩度是10。
§2.2 色度检测原理
CIE 1931 RGB三原色表色系统图
§2.2 色度检测原理
CIE 1976 L*a*b*系统
CIE L*a*b*是基于人类色感的三度色彩空间,其三度空间的L*代 表亮度, a*代表红-绿色轴,b*代表蓝一黄色轴。
分光光度计测量颜色表面对可见光谱各波长光 的反射率,将可见光谱的光以一定步距(5nm、 10nm、20nm)照射颜色表面,然后逐点测量 反射率,将各波长光的反射率值与各波长之间 关系描点可获得被测颜色表面的分光光度曲线, 每一条分光光度曲线唯一地表达一种颜色,也 可将测得值转换成其它表色系统值。


WSL-2A比较测色仪使用说明书1. 仪器的用途及使用范围WSL-2A比较测色仪(色辉计)是一种目视颜色测量仪器,它采用了国际公认的专用色标――罗维朋色标度来测量各种液体、胶体、固体和粉末样品的色度。
2. 仪器的使用环境2.1 温度:5°C~35°C;2.2 相对湿度:不大于85%;2.3 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ3. 仪器的主要技术指标和规格(1) 测量范围:红色:R 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位黄色:Y 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位蓝色: B 0.1-49.9 罗维朋单位中性灰色: N 0.1-3.9 罗维朋单位(2) 最小示值:0.1 罗维朋单位(3) 白板漫反射率:>80%(4) 放大镜倍率: 1.9X(5) 比色皿尺寸(mm):10×20×4025.4×20×40133.4×20×40(6) 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ(7) 功耗:50W(8) 尺寸(mm):主机408×346×110观察筒 215附件箱340×160×80(9) 净重: 9kg4 仪器的测量原理及结构4.1 罗维朋滤色片罗维朋滤色片是用由浅到深逐渐变化的颜色玻璃组成的。

2.适用范围:适用于LumiCol 1900的操作。
5.作业程序:5.1 环境5.1.1 温度:(10~35)℃5.1.2 湿度:(40~70)%RH5.2 仪器照片外部照片内部照片5.3 仪器能力范围:测量范围(0.01cd/m²~5000cd/m²);DUT与L1900面板之间最小距离(220mm);常规测试时测量距离设定为500mm;5.4 操作步骤5.4.1 打开LumiCol镜头及电源取下镜头盖子,打开镜头电源开关,如下图所示。
5.4.2 启动软件如下左图,在桌面菜单中打开"LumiSuite"软件。
软件图标 打开后的测试界面在测试界面中点击1处相机图标,在2处输入设备序列号,点击3处的箭头导入到configured device 中,点击4处后点击5处的connect 。
最后点击close 。
镜头盖子镜头机身 指示灯电源开关12345连机顺序测量参数图在测试界面中,如下图所示点击1处文件夹图标,在2处点击Smart Analysis图标,并点击3处的Create。
123创建测试文件顺序 image窗口如下图所示,点击1处图标镜头就可以拍到显示屏。
实时画面图5.4.3 对位将显示屏放在测试平台上并切换画面到十字线画面,通过调节器调节平台位置,使用镜头十字线和显示屏红色十字线重合。
5.4.4 测试参数设置取消1实时画面,如下图所示依次设置2、3、4、5处的参数,其余参数按照系统默认参数。

UltraScan PRO色度仪操作规程1目的为确保仪器的正确操作,避免因操作方法、操作步骤等失误而造成仪器的损坏、或因仪器的维护不到位导致测试结果不精准,而产生产品的误测,特制定本操作规程。
2适用范围UltraScan PRO色差仪可用来测量各种颜色间的色差,能够精准测出各种颜色的差值即△E以及(Lab)的值,可以查看所测量颜色的Lab值,仪器本身可对被测物做同色异谱分析,适用于液体、聚碳酸酯板材、颗粒料色差的分析。

1 用途1.1 测量物体反射的颜色和色差。
1.2 测量ISO亮度(蓝光白度R457)以及荧光增白材料的荧光增白度。
1.3 测量CIE白度(甘茨白度W10和偏色值T W10)。
1.4 测量陶瓷白度。
1.5 测量建筑材料和非金属矿产品白度。
1.6 测量亨特系统Lab和亨特(Lab)白度。
1.7 测量黄度。
1.8 测量试样的不透明度、透明度、光散射系数和光吸收系数。
1.9 测量油墨吸收值。
1.10 测量自定义白度1.11 测量反射光密度Dy,Dz(铅芯浓度)2执行标准GB 7973:纸浆、纸及纸板漫反射因数测定法(d/o)。
GB 7974:纸及纸板白度测定法(d/o)。
GB 7975:纸及纸板颜色测定法(d/o)。
GB 3979:物体色的测量方法。
GB 2913:塑料白度试验方法。
GB 1840:工业薯类淀粉测定方法。
GB 8425:纺织品白度的仪器评定方法。
GB 9338:荧光增白剂的白度测定方法。
GB 4739:日用陶瓷颜料色度测定方法。
GB 6689:染料色差的测定,仪器法。
GB 8424:纺织品颜色和色差的测定方法。
GB 1543:纸的不透明度测定法。
GB 2409:塑料黄色指数试验方法。
GB 8940.2:纸浆白度测定法。
GB 13025:制盐工业通用试验方法,白度的测定。
GB 11942:彩色建筑材料色度测量方法。
GB 10339:纸及纸浆的光散射系数和光吸收系数测定法。
GB 12911:纸和纸板油墨吸收性测定法。
GB 9984.1:工业三聚磷酸钠白度的测定。
GB 13176.1:洗衣粉白度的测定。
GB 11186.1:涂膜颜色的测量方法。
GB 13531.2:化妆品色泽三刺激值和色差△E*的测定。
GB/T 13835.7:兔毛纤维白度试验方法。
QB/T 1503-1992:日用陶瓷白度测定方法。
ISO 2470:纸和纸板蓝光漫反射因数测定方法(ISO白度)。

本白度仪提供了CIE XYZ表色系统,同时,根据中国国内不同行业和计量部门对 白度标准的要求,提供了6种常用白度公式。
1.XYZ表色系统 X、Y、Z 是仪器直接测得的试样三剌激值。 X、Y、Z三剌激值是由CIE1964(10°)表色系统规定的,成为计量所有CIE
量,以及我国纸张、塑料等行业中都曾采用 R457 白度(又称为蓝反白度)。它规定用
近似的 A 光源照明,白度仪器的总体有效光谱灵敏度曲线的峰值波长在 457nm 处, 半波宽度为 44nm。因为一般白色样品反射率的曲线比较简单,其白度反映在短波蓝 区部分最为灵敏,仪器简单,方法பைடு நூலகம்行,所以有些行业至今仍在应用。
璃 2、 板放在压容器上,用压盖压
3、 将粉末样品填入压容器内。 一般以不超过 2/3 为宜。然 后再将压块放在粉末上。
在操作仪器之前,请了解下列注意事项: ●放置环境 仪器应放置在温度稳定、干燥、无振动地地方。请避免高温、高湿和大量灰尘,
否则会引起仪器内部机件损坏。为避免由于电网电压的波动而引起的测试误差,最好 配置交流稳压器。
●不要堵塞通风孔 通风孔是用来防止温度不正常上升的,请不要堵塞这些孔,特别是不要用布和纸
图1 ①主机部分 ②液晶显示器 ③操作键盘 ④光学测试头 ⑤反射样品测试台
⑥电源开关 操作面板说明•
图2 ⑧保险管
图3 ⒈编辑键部分:由六个键组成,其作用是对用户设定的各种参数进行修改和输入新的 参数。见图 4。

罗维朋比色计使用说明书罗维朋比色计/ 比较测色仪使用说明书 1. 罗维朋比色计的用途及使用范围罗维朋比色计/ 比较测色仪(色辉计)是一种目视颜色测量仪器,它采用了国际公认的专用色标――罗维朋色标度来测量各种液体、胶体、固体和粉末样品的色度。
该仪器具有结极简单,操罗维朋比色计/比较测色仪使用说明书1. 罗维朋比色计的用途及使用范围罗维朋比色计/比较测色仪(色辉计)是一种目视颜色测量仪器,它采用了国际公认的专用色标――罗维朋色标度来测量各种液体、胶体、固体和粉末样品的色度。
2. 罗维朋比色计的使用环境2.1 温度:5°C~35°C;2.2 相对湿度:不大于85%;2.3 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ3. 罗维朋比色计的主要技术指标和规格(1) 测量范围:红色:R 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位黄色:Y 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位蓝色: B 0.1-49.9 罗维朋单位中性灰色:N 0.1-3.9 罗维朋单位(2) 最小示值:0.1 罗维朋单位(3) 白板漫反射率:>80%(4) 放大镜倍率: 1.9X(5) 比色皿尺寸(mm):10×20×4025.4×20×40133.4×20×40(6) 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ(7) 功耗:50W(8) 尺寸(mm):主机408×346×110观察筒215附件箱340×160×80(9) 净重:9kg4 罗维朋比色计的测量原理及结极4.1 罗维朋滤色片罗维朋滤色片是用由浅到深逐渐变化的颜色玻璃组成的。

透射比可以定义为通过后的光强,It,和初始光强,Io,之比,公式为: T = It / Io色度计以透射率来产生一个线性变化的输出电压,使电脑、计算器或掌上电脑可以监测溶液的透射率。
透射率倒数的对数(以10为底) 是 3 个因数的乘积:ε是溶液的摩尔吸收、b 是比色瓶的宽度、C 是摩尔浓度。
log (1/T) = εbC,实际上,许多实验设计成需要一个相关的测量 (吸收) 来使用色度计的。
但真实的关系应该为: A = log (1/T) 结合上述公式,得到:A = εbC,这个公式意味着溶液对光线的吸收取决于溶质的吸收能力、光线通过溶液的穿行距离以及溶液的浓度。
对给定的溶液,如比色瓶宽度不变,假定ε和 b 也不变,则: A = k * C (比尔定律) 这里 k 是常量系数。
此公式说明吸收比与浓度有直接的关系且符合比尔 (Beer) 定律。
在本手册以及在我们一些电脑程序中,透射率以百分比显示,则有:A = log (100/%T) 或 A = 2 – log %T(二)使用色度计的一般步骤色度计非常容易使用以及维护。
要得到最佳效果,就让系统在设定波长上稳定 5 分钟来进行校准或数据采集。
1、波长选择你可以在色度计带的 4 个发光二极管波长灯中选择:紫色 (430 nm)、兰色 (470 nm)、绿色 (565 nm)、红色 (635 nm)。
你可以使用在色度计表面上的波长选择按钮 (如右图) 在这些单色光中进行选择。

1.3规格和参数:1.3.1比色箱外形尺寸:453×334X 120mm1.3.2附件箱外形尺寸:360×270×100mm1.3.3测量范围:红色0.1~79.9罗维朋单位黄色0.1~79.9罗维朋单位蓝色0.1~49.9罗维朋单位中性色0..1~3.9罗维朋单位1.3.4仪器最小分格值:0.1罗维朋单位二、仪器组成1.比色箱2.观察筒3.透明样品架4.有色玻璃架(1l 块)5.灯泡(4只,其中两只备用)6.比色皿(6只,其中10mm2只,l 寸3只,415寸1只)7.开关8.固体样品架(未备)9.标准白板(4块,其中两只备用)10.粉末样品盒(1只)11.胶体样品盒(未备)本仪器(如图)主要由比色箱,观察筒,罗维朋有色玻璃组,两块标准白板和一系列不同类型的样品容器组成。

滤色片及其容易脏的光学元件(如比色皿等)必须定期清洗,比色箱内壁白 色涂料也应尽量避免被污染,以保证仪器的精度及重复性。
5.1 比色箱 5.2 附件箱 5.3 合格证 5.4 说明书
1 只, 1 只, 1 份, 1 份。
在观察筒内有一光学系统,使光线通过 90。转折并把视场分为两部分,一 半观察样品,另一半观察玻璃,使操作者能选择正确的色玻璃组合与样品颜色 相配。观察筒内还有一块蓝色校正滤色片,它使操作者在符合标准的罗维朋观 察条 件下工作。
3.1 安装 从附件箱中取出观察筒插入孔内,将一块白色标准板挂在仪器背后的上面
例:在某次比色中测得:红 10.0;黄 7.0;蓝 3.0,三种原色都用上了, 其中最低的数值一蓝 3.0 一即为“暗度”(红 3.0,黄 3.0,蓝 3.0)余下红 7.0, 黄 4.0,红和黄等量结合为橙色即有橙 4.0,红 3.0,所以该样品称为“暗红 橙色”。
四、保养 .
4.1 更换灯泡 仪器的灯泡在累计使用时间约 100 小时时,必须更换,以保证最佳的色温
1.3 规格和参数:
1.3.1 比色箱外形尺寸:
453×334X 120mm
1.3.2 附件箱外形尺寸:
将透明液体注入比色皿中,放在可拆样品架的前端,并用尼龙小滑块固定 之,即可开始测量。
测透明液体时,其颜色的深度与所用比色皿的长度尺寸有关。因此在记录 比色结果时,必须同时记录所用比色皿长度尺寸。但应特别注意的是:样品颜 色深度与其厚度并不一定成比例关系,如:用 20 毫米比色皿测出的结果的二分 之一 代替 10 毫米比色皿所测的结果,是完全错误的。把液体稀释一倍就认为液体的 颜色深度可取一半,也是不对的。
KONICA MINOLTA 产品说明书:CR-400 410 色度计

26CHROMA METERCR -400/410CR-400CR-410CR-400Measurement area Ø8mmCR-410Measurement area Ø50mmDenotes a new feature not available with the previous CR-300/310Series.CR-400Data Processor DP-400CR-410Introducing the successor to the Konica Minolta CR-300/310,our best-selling colorimeter globally accepted as the standard in a wide range of industries.The measuring head can perform measurement alone.The measuring head is detachable from the data processor.Now,you can take measurements directly with the head alone.What's more,you can connect the measuring head directly to a PC.Simply install our optional software,and your PC can function as the data processor.User-defined evaluation formulas freely set up.The CR-400Series features a User Index function that allows you to configure the evaluation formula and color-calculation formula as desired.This feature is intended to meet the needs of color-control applications in which industry-specific or customized evaluation formulas are used instead of the versatile color system and standard evaluation formula such as L*a*b*.(Settings can be configured via a PC with optional software installed.)Abundant accessories applicable to various materials.A varied selection of accessories is available to accommodate various types of targets including powder,paste and opaque liquids.Compact data processor incorpor-ates a high-speed printer.The compact,lightweight data processor is battery-operated*and features a built-in high-speed printer.Its size and weight are approximately one-half those of the conventional DP-300Series.In addition,the CR-400Series is designed with a detachable shoulder strap for easier portability.*An AC adapter is included as a standard accessory.Full data compatibility with the CR-300/310seriesTo ensure data compatibility,the CR-400Series utilizes the same illumination-viewing optical system as the conventional CR-300/310Series.As a result,those upgrading from the preceding model can make full use of their existing data.Easy-to-understand the name on the buttons,ensure smooth measurement and setting operations.Achieves exceptional accuracyInter-instrument agreement :CR-400:ΔE*ab within 0.6CR-410:ΔE*ab within 0.8Repeatability :within ΔE*ab 0.07User calibration function ensures higher accuracy.(Settings can be configured with the data processor or via a PC with optional software installed.)Color difference tolerance can be set to perform PASS/WARN/FAIL(Settings can be configured with the data processor or via a PC with optional software installed.)Offers a wider range of color systems than the CR-300/310Series.The measuring head alone can store up to 1,000measurements.When the data processor is connected,up to 2,000measurements can be stored.(The measuring head can store up to 100color-difference target colors with or without the data processor connected.)Capable of displaying color-difference graphs that provide a visual representation of the color difference.(When connected to data processor)A simple,cellular-phone-type text entry system is provided for entering the names of color-difference target colors and calibration channels.(When connected to data processor)Features a large,easy-to-see LCD with a built-in backlight.The LCD offers six user-selectable languages for the display mode,including English and Japanese.(When connected to data processor)Can be powered with rechargeable batteries for reduced operating costs.Granular-MaterialsAttachment CR-A50Glass Light-Projection TubeCR-A33f(For CR-400)CR-A33e(For CR-410)User index function-Example-Evaluation of tomato ripeness=a*/b*+0.3a*/L*Note:The evaluation formula and grade indicated above are hypothetical examples used only to demonstrate the user index function.With the varied accessories,you can measure targets withdiverse profiles.User-defined evaluation formulas can be entered as desired.Now,you can control color with customized evaluation formulas.The measuring head can be used independently of the dataprocessor.This is advantageous when portability is required orlimited space is available.The compact data processor features a built-in printer forsuperior mobility.-1.00.0 1.0Grade B2Grade A Grade B1The CR-400/410Series really shows its abilities in these applications.©202SpecCR-400 Utility Software CR-S4wTo take measurements or change themeasurement parameters of the CR-400/410 Series, you can control theunit with a PC.Measurement data can be transferreddirectly to a Microsoft Excel®file bymeans of the OLE function.Calibration data and color-differencereference color data can be uploadedor modified.System requirementsOS:Windows®7 Professional 32-bit, 64-bitWindows®8.1 Pro 32-bit, 64-bitWindows®10 Pro 32-bit, 64-bitThe hardware of the computer system to beused must meet or exceed the greater of therecommended system requirements for thecompatible OS being used or the followingspecifications.CPU:Pentium® 166MHz or higherMemory:32MB or higherHard disk:100MB or more free spaceDisplay resolution:VGA(640× 480) or higherGranular-Materials AttachmentCR-A50With the Granular-Materials AttachmentCR-A50, the color of powders, pastes,grains, and other granular substances canbe easily and accurately measured.Glass Light-Projection TubeCR-A33f(For CR-400)and CR-A33e(For CR-410)Glass Light-Projection Tube CR-A33f and CR-A33ehave a glass plate at the tip and can be used formeasuring wet surfaces or for ensuring thatmaterials such as textiles are flat during measurements.Pivoting Base CR-A12(For CR-400)Attaching the Pivoting Base CR-A12 to theMeasuring head of the CR-400 ensures greaterstability and accuracy in measurements Light-Projection Tube CR-A33c is also included.NamMo lDis laMea uMinimumBatterIlluminDis laToleranCol rimindexeLan uaData mColor difCalibraPageDisplayPrint rStatistiAutomaInter acPow rSize WWeightOperathumi iStora e teOther2indiNamMo lIlluminaDet ctDisplayLig t sgMea uMinimumBatteryMea ureRepeaInter-inObservIlluminDis laT oleranColorimindexeLanguaData mColor diCalibratDis laInter acPow rSize (WWeigOperathumi iStora e tegOther1indicthat s Optional AccessoriesSystem DiagramStandard accessoriesOptional accessoriesCR-410Wrist StrapCR-A73Shoulder Strap SS-01Protective CapCR-A72Protective CapCR-A104AAA SizeBattery (x4)Roll Paper DP-A22(five rolls)RS232C Cable(for PC)CR-A102USB-Serial Converter Cable(for PC)CR-A105*AA SizeBattery (x4)RS232C Cable(Head-DP)CR-A101White CalibrationPlate CR-A43Glass LightProjection TubeCR-A33a(with convex glass)Glass Light-ProjectionTube CR-A33eGlass LightProjection TubeCR-A33f(with concave glass)LightProjection TubeCR-A33c(no disc)Pivoting Base CR-A12(includes CR-A33c)LightProjection TubeCR-A33d(with q22mm disc)Granular-MaterialsAttachment CR-A50Color Plates(14 colors)White CalibrationPlate CR-A44AC AdapterDP-400Measuring HeadData ProcessorCR-400 UtilitySoftware CR-S4wHard CaseCR-A103(includes one Roll Paper)SpectraMagic NXCM-S100wSpectraMagic TM NX Supports Windows®7/8.1/10SpecificationsSpectraMagic NX enables you to perform comprehensive color inspection and analysis ofincoming raw materials, in process production, and outbound color critical goods andmaterials in virtually any industry. With SpectraMagic NX you can insert digital images withmeasured data.Measure samples in any of 8 universally accepted color spaces. Select from 16illuminants, and up to 40 indices to determine specific color and appearance properties, suchas brightness, haze, yellowness, opacity and strength. You can even configure up to 8customized color equations. Reports range from simple Pass/Fail to trend charts, histograms,color plots, and spectral graphs. SpectraMagic NX comes with predefined templates, or youcan create your own templates. For illustrations and explanations to understanding color andcolor measurement technology, there is a link to Konica Minolta's well known and respected“Precise Color Communication”.Color spaceIndexColordifferenceequationObserverIlluminantGraphdisplayL*a*b*, L*C*h, Lab99, LCh99, XYZ, Hunter Lab,Yxy, L*u'v', L*u*v*, Munsell, and their colordifferences (excluding Munsell)WI (CIE 1982, ASTM E313-73, Hunter, Berger,Taube, Stensby, Ganz), Tint(Ganz), YI (ASTMD1925-70, ASTM E313-73, ASTM E313-96,DIN6167), WB (B ASTM E313-73), StandardDepth (ISO 105.A06), R X R Y R Z,Gray scale(ISO 105.A05)¨E*ab (CIE 1976), ¨E*94 (CIE 1994), ¨E00(CIE 2000), ¨E99 (DIN99), ¨E (Hunter), CMC(I:c), FMC-2, NBS 100, NBS 2002° Standard ObserverC, D65L*a*b* absolute value, ¨L*a*b* (color differencedistribution), Hunter Lab absolute value, Hunter¨Lab(color difference distribution), Trend chart andhistogram of each color space and colordifference equation, Pseudo Color displayComputer(commercially available)System requirementsOS:Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit, 64-bitWindows® 8.1 Pro 32-bit, 64-bitWindows® 10 Pro 32-bit, 64-bitThe hardware of the computer system to be used must meet orexceed the greater of the recommended system requirementsfor the compatible OS being used or the following specifications.CPU:Pentium®III 600 MHz equivalent or fasterMemory:128 MB or more (256 MB or more recommended)Hard disk:450 MB or more of free space for installationDisplay resolution:1,024 x 768 dots or more/ 16-bit colors or moreOther:DVD-ROM drive (required for installation); one freeUSB port for protection key; one free port (serial portor additional USB port) for connection to instrumentwhen connecting via cable (or USB port for USBBluetooth adapter when using a USB Bluetoothadapter for performing communication with CM-700dor CM-600d via Bluetooth); Internet Explorer Version.5.01 or later.Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation in the USA and other countries.Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the USA andother countries.Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. andis used under license agreement.CR-400*Included as standard accessories when themeasuring head and data processor arepurchased as a set.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSFor correct use and for your safety, be sure to read the instruction manual before using the instrument.Always connect the instrument to the specified power supply voltage. Improper connection may cause a fire or electric shock.Be sure to use the specified batteries. Using improper batteries may cause a fire or electric shock.Data Processor DP-400Measuring Head CR-400Measuring Head CR-410Dimensions (Units: mm)SpecificationsColor Data Software CM-S100w SpectraMagic CR-400 Utility SoftwareCR-S4w White Calibration Plate CR-A43White Calibration Plate CR-A44Protective Cap CR-A72Protective CapCR-A104RS-232C CableCR-A101(Head-DP)RS-232C Cable CR-A102(for PC)()USB-Serial Converter CableCR-A105()(for PC)AC Adapter Wrist Strap CR-A73Shoulder Strap SS-01Hard Case CR-A103Roll Paper (one roll)Roll Paper DP-A22()(five rolls)4 AA Size Batteries 4 AAA Size Batteries Glass Light-Projection Tube CR-A33a/f Light-Projection Tube CR-A33c/dGlass Light-Projection Tube CR-A33e Granular-Materials AttachmentCR-A50Pivoting Base CR-A12Color Plates Standard accessory Optional accessoryM ea s u r i n g H e a d C R -400M e a s u r i n g H e a d C R -410D a t a P r o c e s s o rD P -400Standard/OptionalaccessoriesName Data ProcessorModelDP-400Display range p y gY : 0.01 to 160.00% (reflectance)()Measurement time 1Seconds.Minimum measurement interval 3Seconds.Battery performance y p Approx. 800 measurements (when using batteries under company testing Konica Minolta's conditions)pp (g p y g )Illuminant C,D 65Display p yChroma values, color difference values, color difference graphs, PASS/WARN/FAIL display g p p yTolerance judgment j g2Color difference tolerance (box tolerance and elliptical tolerance) Only for the display function (p )y p y Colorimetric data/ XYZ, Y x y,L a b , Hunter Lab,L C h, Munsell (only illuminant C), CMC (l:c), CIE1994, Lab99, LCh99, indexesCIE2000,CIE WI-Tw (only illuminant D 65), WI ASTM E313 (only illuminant C), YI ASTM D1925 (only illuminant C),YI ASTM E313 (only illuminant C), User index (up to six registered in the Measuring Head can be used)Languages Operating keys : English, LCD : English (default), German, French, Italian, Spanish, JapaneseData memory Max. 2,000 pieces of data (divisible into 100 pages)Deletion and Undoing selected stored data (one piece of data or all data) are possible Color difference target colors Only for the operating function (100 pieces of data when the measuring head is connected; input ofmeasurement values or numeric) (independent of page function)Calibration channels 2Only for the operating function (20 channels when the measuring head is connected)(ch00: white calibration; ch01 to ch19: user calibration)Page function 100 pagesDisplay Dot-matrix LCD with back light (16 chars x 9 lines + 1 line for icon display) Contrast adjustment Printer 384 dot line thermal printer (r can also print graphs ) Automatically prints out all measurement results (y can be set not to print )Statistical function Maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviationAutomatic measurement 2Date and time display:year, month,day,hour, minuteTimer: 3seconds. to 99 minutes.(Some measurement modes require more than 3 seconds.)q Interface RS-232C compliant USB 2.0 (When using USB-Serial Converter Cable (2 m) CR-A105)Baud rate (bps): 19,200 fixed (when connected to PC)When measuring head is connected baud rate is automatically set to that of the measurement head g yPower 4 AA size alkaline or Ni-MH batteries,AC Adapter AC120V 50/60Hz (for N.America and Japan)AC230V 50/60Hz (for worldwide except N.America)(p )Size (W x H x D)()100 x 73 x 259 mm Weight g Approx. 600g (not including batteries, paper, cables)pp g (g p p )Operation temperature/ 0 to 40°C , relative humidity 85% or less (at 35°C) with no condensation humidity range y gOperating temperature/humidity range of products for North America : 5 to 40p g p y g p °C, relative humidity 80% or less (at 31y (°C) with no condensation )Storage temperature/humidity range g p y g -20 to 40°C , relative humidity 85% or less (at 35y (°C)) with no condensationOther User calibration function (multi-calibration/manual calibration) 2,Measurements for automatic averagefunction, Print ON/OFF function. CR-400 measurement data import function 2,All color space print ON/OFFfunction, Data protection ON/OFF function. Back light ON/OFF function. Buzzer ON/OFF function. Display color limit function, Remote mode (stored data output), Character input function (alphanumeric) 2indicates that part of or all functions are not available when the measurement head is not connected.Name Chroma Meter Measuring Head Model CR-400 Head CR-410 Head Illumination/viewing system Diffuse illumination/0° viewing angle Wide-area illumination/0°viewing angle(Specular component included/Conforms (Specular component included) to JIS Z 8722 condition c standard.)Detector Silicone photo cells (6)Display range Y: 0.01 to 160.00% (reflectance)Light source g Pulsed xenon lamp Measurement time 1seconds.Minimum measurement interval 3 seconds.Battery performance Approx. 800 measurements(when using batteries under company testing Konica Minolta's conditions)g gMeasurement/illumination area q 8/q 11q 50/q 53Repeatability Within 6E*ab0.07 standard deviation (when the white calibration plateis measured 30 times at intervals of 10 seconds)Inter-instrument 6E*ab: within 0.66E*ab: within 0.8 agreement g Average of 12 BCRA series II colors g Observer 2 degrees Closely matches CIE 1931 Standard Observers: g y (x 2h ,y ,z )Illuminant 1C,D 65Display p y 1Chroma values, color difference values, PASS/WARN/FAIL display p yT olerance judgment j g 1Color difference tolerance (box tolerance and elliptical tolerance)(p )Colorimetric data/ XYZ, Y x y, L a b , Hunter Lab,L C h, Munsell (only illuminant C),CMC(l:c),CIE1994, Lab99,indexes LCh99, CIE2000, CIE WI •Tw (only illuminant D 65), WI ASTM E313 (only illuminant C),YI ASTM D1925 (only illuminant C), YI ASTM E313 (only illuminant C ),User index (up to six can be registered from computer)(p g p )Languages Operating keys : EnglishLCD : English (default) (LCD : German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese)g *1Data memory y 1,000 (measuring head and data processor save different data)g Color difference target colors g 100Calibration channels 120 channels (ch00 : white calibration, ch01 to ch19 : user calibration)Display p y Dot-matrix LCD with back light (15 chars x 9 lines + 1 line for icon display)g p y Interface RS-232C compliant(for data processor/PC)USB 2.0 (When using USB-Serial Converter Cable (2 m) CR-A105)* Baud rate : 4800, 9600, 19200 (bps), set at 9600 bps when shipped from factory ,,(p ),p pp yPower 4 AAA size alkaline or Ni-MH batteries,AC Adapter AC120V 50/60Hz (for N.America and Japan)AC230V 50/60Hz (for worldwide except N.America)Size (W x H x D)Approx.105 x 218 x 63 mm Approx.105 x 245 x 63 mm Weight Approx. 540g Approx. 560g(including 4 AAA size batteries: not including RS-232C cable or USB cable)Operation temperature/ 0 to 40°C, relative humidity 85% or less (at 35°C) with no condensation humidity rangeOperating temperature/humidity range of products for North America : 5 to 40°C, relative humidity 80% or less (at 31°C) with no condensation Storage temperature/humidity range g g -20 to 40°C, relative humidity 85% or less (at 35°C) with no condensation Other LCD back light ON/OFF function (when ON, back light stays ON for 30seconds after last key or measurement operation)y p )1indicates when connected to the Data Processor or when not set using the Data Processor or the optional software,that some of the function are not available when the measuring head is not connected.h h The specifications and appearance shown herein are subject to change without notice.6217.6323225910073©2019 SINODEVICES 。
PCE-CRM 40色度计说明书

PCE-CRM 40Chroma Meter User ManualPCE Americas Inc.711 Commerce Way Suite 8 Jupiter FL-33458USAFrom outside US: +1Tel: (561) 320-9162Fax: (561) 320-9176*********************/englishPCE Instruments UK Ltd.Unit 11Southpoint Business ParkEnsign wayHampshire / Southampton United Kingdom, SO31 4RFFrom outside UK: +44Tel: (0) 2380 98703 0Fax: (0) 2380 98703 9***********************.ukCONTENTⅠProduct Overview (1)1.1 Front Side (1)1.2 Reverse Side (2)ⅡBasic Operation (3)2.1 Starting Page (3)2.2 Home Page (4)2.3 System Settings (5)2.3.1 Time Setting (5)2.3.2 Power Management (6)2.3.3 Language (7)2.3.4 Version (7)2.4 Test Setup (8)2.4.1 Developer Tools (8)2.4.2 Measurement unit selection (9)2.4.3 Integral Time (10)2.4.4 Standard Illumination settings (10)2.5 Parameter description (10)ⅢMeasurement (12)3.1 Measuring Operation (12)3.2 Operation during Measuring (15)3.3Color Difference Value and Chromaticity Coordinates (16)3.4 View Data (19)3.5 Maximum Measuring (20)3.6 Batch Data Processing (21)ⅣAttentions and Basic Maintenance (27)4.1 Attentions in use (27)4.2 How to clean (28)ⅤSpecifications (29)ⅠProduct OverviewPCE-CRM401.1 Front Side1 Measuring lens2 Display Screen3 UP key Move up4 MAX key Maximum value5 OK key Confirm6 DOWN key Move down7 MENU key Moves to the main measurement screen from otherscreens and submenus.8 BACK key Moves back one level in the menu structure.9 POWER key Power10 USB MICRO Interface Connected with power adapter to realize the charging,connected with computer to realize datatransmission.11 SD slot Install SD card into this slot.1.2 Reverse Side12 Tripod jack13 Nameplate14 Wrist Strap Hook15 HOLD key Press the button,the device would pauseand save the latest data, and word‘hold’ shows on the screen in the topleft corner;Press the button once again, and thedevice would continue working.16 Measuring Lens Uninstall button The button is set for manufacturermaintenance. It is strictlyprohibited to disassemble privately inany case, avoiding causing irreversibledamage.ⅡBasic Operation2.1 Starting PagePress the power button for 1-2 seconds,after the beep, the device starts up and shows the starting page.After the starting process, the measuring page shows directly as below:Press the button ‘MENU’ to jump into home page and operate other buttons to set up the device for measuring.2.2 Home Page2.3 System SettingsGet into the system settings, the factory date has been set as Beijing Time. Power management and language are default, users can change if necessary.2.3.1 Time SettingTime setting can be accurate to seconds, which has already been set in Beijing Time. Noneed to change if not necessary.2.3.2 Power ManagementThere are functions include screen backlighting time setting, auto-shut off time setting and backlight brightness adjustment.LCD backlighting time is set for 30 seconds in default, and the auto-shut off is set for 30 minutes.Backlight brightness adjustment function has 3 optional levels, corresponding to the dark, medium and bright. It is set in first level in default.2.3.3 LanguageDevice provides two operating languages in Chinese and English. Customers can choose according to need.2.3.4 VersionUser can view version number and identification S/N code in the page.2.4 Test Setup2.4.1 Developer ToolsDeveloper tools are provided for developers only, the function is not open during the use of device. The details are provided in Measurement unit selectionTwo optional units of illumination are provided, Lx and Fcd.2.4.3 Integral TimeThis menu included two unit settings:Integral Time unit setting, can choose Evh/Evm, corresponding Integral Time unit Hour/Minute respectively.2.4.4 Standard Illumination SettingsThis function sets a standard illumination value. After entering this screen, press UP/DOWN button to firm a number within 0-9. After completing a set, cursor will move to another position to choose. Completed five blank positions setting, press UP/DOWN button to choose the weight of issue, or re-input a standard illumination value.This function is used for helping field test, especially for a known standard range, to get a rapid and accurate detection.2.5 Parameter descriptionSelect the option of parameter description, press the OK to jump into menu below.The definition of photometric and colorimetric symbols are provided in the page for operation.Ⅲ Measurement3.1 Measuring OperationAfter the startup-setting finished, pointing the photosensitive lens at light source to be measured directly and it starts measuring immediately.The data shows on the display screen.Measuring screen shows all real-time measured values, can be easily seen the measured Light Source parameter values.There are 6 measured screens, press UP/DOWN to switch screen, all data are real-time measuring values.The measuring order is switched as followed:Illumination curve and Parameters screen 1:Illumination curve and Parameters screen 2:Real-time illumination curveRed line is a standard illumination value. It can be set according to 2.3.Real-time illuminationReal-time integration illuminationRed line is a standard illumination value. It can be set according to 2.3.Real-time illuminationStandard illuminationIllumination Difference value Illumination ratioCIE1931:. CIE1976:CIE1931 Real-time colorcoordinate and color rangeCIE1976 Real-time color coordinateand color range(x,y)CIE1931 chroma coordinateY: Illumination valueTc: Color temperature value(u’,v’)CIE1976 chroma coordinateTc: Color temperature value3.2 Operation during MeasuringPress the ‘hold’ key until the word ‘hold’ shows on the upper right corner of the screen, then the measuring process would end, the test data would be stored in SD card automatically.Press the ‘hold’ key again and measuring process starts again, as below:When a device complete a set of data testing, user can press ‘MENU’ key to jump into homepage and perform other operations. If press ‘MENU’ again, the page wouldDifference Value and Chromaticityreturn to measuring page.3.3ColorCoordinatesWhen we press the ‘ok’ key, it jumps into testing menu. User can check for color difference value, chromaticity diagram and RGB value.User can look up the latest one data of color difference value in the color difference value option, including ∆(XYZ),∆(Evxy),∆(Evuv),∆Ev ∆Tc ∆uvChromaticity diagram is consisted with two coordinate graphs, CIE1931 and CIE1976 CIE1931CIE1976RGB ValueSelect RGB test to view the RGB graph.3.4 View DataEnter the homepage, select the ‘SD store’, user can view the latest nine measurement data. Select and press ‘OK’ key to get in the list of historical data.Data list is sorted by time, and device only stores latest nine dada. New data would cover previous data automatically.User can view the history by selecting time and pressing ‘OK’ key.3.5 Maximum MeasuringPress the ‘MAX’ key, keep the device still and don’t move, it starts measuring automatically.Every data will be stored into SD card under “MAX” measuring condition.Measuring screen is showed as followed:Under the “MAX” condition, Press the ‘HOLD’ key, the device stop measuring and keep the screen still, then give the tips about the appearing time of Maximum andMinimum value. See as followed:Press ‘MAX’ one more time to cancel the maximum measuring mode and return to normal measuring page.Standard illumination ,500LuxReal-time illumination, color temperature Real-time Maximum. Press MAX till now, thenew highest value will cover the old and showReal-time MinimumIllumination averageAppearing time of MaximumAppearing time of Minimum3.6 Batch Data ProcessingEither by connecting the computer with data line or taking out the SD card in device, user can do data batch processing. Txt file would be saved by device, and if imported into PC, the file would show as excel format, which is benefit for data management.Import the txt file in SD card into PC software:Select file and click import, click the data of certain point of time user can view the number of measuring times.TIP: software run in win7 or more advanced operating system.Select file and click export button to get the excel file of data from PC.It is possible to modify the contents of the output file according to the user needs.Find the template.xls file, change the content you want andsave.ⅣAttentions and Basic Maintenance4.1 Attentions in use●It is a high-precision instrument, must carried by hand and used carefully.●Please read this instruction thoroughly before first time use.●Please keep it power off before you remove or install the measuring lens.●Please protect the measuring lens carefully and keep the lens clean. Don’t wipe it andput the cover on the lens after use.●Don’t press the screen hard and keep it out of any external impact or heavy pressure.●Please use the device in the temperature between —10℃ to 40℃, in the humidityless than 85% (35℃).●Notice that it is normal the device would become warm if you put it under the directsunlight or it is surrounded by relative hot instrument. Please protect the devicecarefully under those circumstance.●The apex of the sphere of the measuring lens is used as a lighting related plane.●It is possible that strong electromagnetic field would have a strong effect on internalmicroprocessor of instrument. Please turn off the power of device and AC adapter, then power on and restart the device,●Don’t use it in the area with altitude higher than 2000 meters.●If you want to use the AC adaptor, please make sure that you use the power supply tharwe have specified.●The instrument is set for grade Ⅱpollution products, please do not use in the areawith high concentration of metal particle dust.●Please put the device into the protection package after use. Keep it out of too hot, toocold and vibration.4.2 How to clean●Please use dry cloth or si licon cloth to wipe the dust on the lens. Don’t use solventssuch as diluent and benzene.●If there are a lot of dust on the lens, please use soft dry cloth to wipe out. If the dustcannot be wipe out or the lens has been scratched, please contact the after-sale service center nearby immediately.●If the device is out of order, don’t disassemble it privately or try to fix it by yourself.Please contact the after-sale service personnel immediately.How to place●Don’t place the device in the environment wit h high temperature and humidity.●Don’t place the device in the rear glass or in the trunk of the car. The temperature willrise so that the instrument can be deformed or damaged.●I f you won’t use the device in 2 weeks or longer period of time, please turn off thepower thoroughly●Don’t wrap the device with cable around or the connector and the root of the cable maybe under excessive force, thereby causing the disconnection.ⅤSpecifications Model PCE-CRM40Range Illumination:0.1-200000lx,0.01-20000 fcdColor Temperature:1500-25000KRange:(5lx,>0.5fcd)automatically switch in four gearsAccuracy Ev(linear):±2% of readingxy:±0.003 (500lx,Standard light source A)Repeatability Ev:±2%+1 decimal digits(2σ)xy:±0.0005 (500lx,Standard light source A)Correlative-spectralsensitivityConsistent with CIE standard observer curveTest Channel Optional multiple channels, adapt to different lighting sources and applications; optional self-calibration channel.Cosine correction(f2)Ev: <3%Parameters Three stimulus values:XYZChroma value:Evxy;Evuv;Ev;Illumination: Ev, integral illumination; Illumination curve and multi-points setting, standard illumination setting; Maximum, Minimum, AverageCorrelative color temperature:Tc;Color temperature curve and multi-points setting; Standard Color temperature setting;Maximum, Minimum, AverageChromatic aberration:∆(XYZ),∆(Evxy),∆(Evuv),∆Ev∆Tc∆uv Chromaticity coordinates:ICE1931(x,y),ICE1976(u,v);Main wavelength:入dColor purity:PeLuminous flux:ΦRGB ValueMAX functionOther Functions Multiple channel、Multiple standard sample、Large capacity data storage(more than 1000 times);User-calibration;Automatic shutdown;Auto turn off backlightDisplay Interface One screen display:illumination Ev,CIE1931(x,y),CIE1976(u,v),Color temperature Tc,Main wavelength 入d,Chroma purity Pe ,Luminous flux ΦMulti-screen Real-time measuring show: Real-timeillumination, color temperature curve, CIE1931,CIE1976real-time showLanguage Simplified Chinese, EnglishInterface Micro USB 2.0Power Micro USB data line;2200mAh large capacity lithium battery Operating Temperatureand Humidity Range-10-40°C,Correlative humidity <85%(35°C),No condensation Storage temperatureand humidity range-10-40°C,Correlative humidity <85%(35°C),No condensation Size 210*80*35mmWeight 235gStandard Accessories Dust Cover,Power adapter,USB data line,data management software disc,Host Rope,anti-lost lens cover rope,device leather bag,baffle。
OMEGA SC-1919 色度计说明书

For 230V add -230V . No additional cost.Ordering Example: SC-1919, digital colorimeter, SC-1912-CD-01 communication program and cable, SC-1919-SCS small carrying case.The user-friendly SC-1919 Colorimeter is the direct reading colorimeter for complete on-site water analyses. All pre-programmed tests can be run on this compact instrument and each test features automatic wavelength selection. The entire multi-LED optical system is embedded in the light chamber and optimized for OMEGA test reagent systems. This enables the analyst to simply select the test and put in the sample with reagent. The microprocessor, which selects the user to load up to 10 tests for analyzing custom reagent systems.The SC-1919 Colorimeter is a portable, microprocessor controlled, direct reading colorimeter. It has a graphical 4 line, 16 character liquid crystal display for graphical, alphabetical and numerical messages. The operation is controlled with the keypad through menu driven software in response to selections shown on The test library consists of 100 tests (not all 100 may be available at present) and 10 “User Tests”. The tests are precalibrated for the reagent systems. The colorimeter displays the results of these tests directly in units of concentration. The 10 “User Tests” may be used to enter additional calibrations. All of these tests may be arranged in any of 3 sequences. Thesesequences can be modified a limitless number of times to meet changing testing needs.The optics feature 4 different colored LEDs. Each LED has a corresponding silicon photodiode with an integrated interference filter. The interference filters select a narrow band of light from the corresponding LED for the colorimetric measurements. The microprocessor automatically selects the correct LED/ photodiode combination for a test. An RS232 serial port on the back of the colorimeter, and optional software, allowsthe SC-1919 to be interfaced with a personal computer for real time data acquisition and data storage. This port also allows an interface with a RS232 serial printer.Due to its portability, alternate power sources, and ruggedconstruction, the SC-1919 Colorimeter is ideal for lab and field use.Over 50 Pre-Programmed Water Analysis Factors Friendly Menu-Driven Operation with SpecificationsLight Source: LED/filter setup at 430nm, 520nm, 570nm, 630nm Detector: PhotodiodeDisplay: 122 x 32 LCD,16 x 4 line graphics display Range: 0 to 125%T Resolution: 1% FS Accuracy: 2% FS CE Mark: YesSample Cell: 25 mm (0.99") round cell, 10 mm (0.39") square cuvette, 16 mm (0.63") COD tubesSC-1919 shown smaller than actual size.SC-1919G-9For Sales & ServiceS CO N T I NU E DOrdering Example: SC-3641, aluminum reagent test kit.G-10Order OnlineOver 100,000 Products Available!®。

第一部分 – 概述和安装
仪器概述 性能 解开包装并检查 包装图和配件清单 安装电池组 改变光圈设定(仅适用于 SP64) 应用电力 给电池组充电 解开仪器基座门闩 仪器输入/输出串联交口 附加腕带
第二部分 – 用户界面
主界面 基本键操作指南 向下跳位键 向上跳位键 进入键 退出键 主菜单键 阅读键 测量模式屏幕 数据存储信息 颜色数据参数 颜色数据 使用仪器 打开菜单或模式 打开弹出列表框 打开文字数字编辑器 选择单一或多个条目 选择颜色数据参数 仪器指示灯 重要测量技巧
警告:如使用爱色丽 SE30-81 (115V) 或 SE30-77 (100-240V) 之外的电池充电 器,可能存在操作危险。请仅使用爱色丽电池组 SP62-79-23,使用其它类型 的电池组可能会爆炸而引起人身伤害。
制造商: The Manufacturer: Der Hersteller: El fabricante: Le fabricant: Il fabbricante: 声明: Declares that: gibt bekannt daβ: advierte que: avertit que: avverte che:
CE 声明
制造商: 地址: X-Rite, Incorporated 3100 44th Street, S.W. U.S.A. 产品名称: 产品型号: 指令符合: 分光光度仪(Spectrophotometer) SP60 系列 EMC 89/336/EEC LVD 73/23/EEC
第五部分 – 仪器操作
标准模式 选择标准编码 输入标准数据 输入标准名 设定容差限 设定色光分类选项 锁定/未锁标准 删除标准

罗维朋比色计使用说明书罗维朋比色计/ 比较测色仪使用说明书 1. 罗维朋比色计的用途及使用范围罗维朋比色计/ 比较测色仪(色辉计)是一种目视颜色测量仪器,它采用了国际公认的专用色标――罗维朋色标度来测量各种液体、胶体、固体和粉末样品的色度。
该仪器具有结构简单,操罗维朋比色计/比较测色仪使用说明书1. 罗维朋比色计的用途及使用范围罗维朋比色计/比较测色仪(色辉计)是一种目视颜色测量仪器,它采用了国际公认的专用色标――罗维朋色标度来测量各种液体、胶体、固体和粉末样品的色度。
2. 罗维朋比色计的使用环境2.1 温度:5°C~35°C;2.2 相对湿度:不大于85%;2.3 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ3. 罗维朋比色计的主要技术指标和规格(1) 测量范围:红色:R 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位黄色:Y 0.1-79.9 罗维朋单位蓝色: B 0.1-49.9 罗维朋单位中性灰色:N 0.1-3.9 罗维朋单位(2) 最小示值:0.1 罗维朋单位(3) 白板漫反射率:>80%(4) 放大镜倍率: 1.9X(5) 比色皿尺寸(mm):10×20×4025.4×20×40133.4×20×40(6) 电源:AC220V±22V,50HZ±1HZ(7) 功耗:50W(8) 尺寸(mm):主机408×346×110观察筒215附件箱340×160×80(9) 净重:9kg4 罗维朋比色计的测量原理及结构4.1 罗维朋滤色片罗维朋滤色片是用由浅到深逐渐变化的颜色玻璃组成的。
武汉彤辉 THSD1013 型石油产品色度仪 使用说明书

THSD1013型石油产品色度仪使用说明书武汉彤辉科技有限公司武汉彤辉科技有限公司公司地址地址:湖北省武汉市黄陂区滠口街道滠口街环湖路以东、京广铁路线以西大汉口国际数码城3号楼8层14号 电话:131****8083 目 录一、用途 ................................................................................................................................ 2 二、仪器结构与主要性能 .................................................................................................... 2 三、使用注意事项 ................................................................................................................ 2 四、仪器成套及技术文件 .................................................................................................... 3 附:本仪器色号(SH/T0168 色号)与 GB/T6540 色号(ISO 色号)对照表 .................. 4 五、装箱单 . (5)本仪器为精密测试仪器,使用前请详阅使用说明书,谨慎操作!安全警示:1、仪器电源要有良好、安全的接地装置2、请不要损伤接续电缆等请不要踩、拧、拉。
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1. 主机:包含显示屏、操作按钮和测量光源等。
2. 试样夹:用于固定待测物体,确保测量过程的稳定性。
3. 数据输出接口:用于将测量结果传输给电脑或其他外部设备。
1. 确保色度计已插入电源,并开机。
2. 清洁试样夹,确保无尘、无污垢。
3. 将待测物体放置在试样夹上,并确保其表面干净,无油污或指纹。
1. 校准
- 按下菜单按钮,进入菜单界面。
- 在菜单中选择“校准”选项,并按下确认按钮。
- 将标准参照物放置在试样夹上,确保无遮挡光源的物体。
- 按下确认按钮开始校准,待校准完成后,色度计即可使用。
2. 测量
- 将待测物体放置在试样夹上,确保其表面与试样夹接触良好。
- 按下测量按钮进行测量。
- 待测量完成后,结果将显示在屏幕上。
3. 数据传输
- 将色度计与电脑或其他设备连接。
- 根据设备要求进行数据传输设置。
- 按下数据传输按钮,开始传输数据。
1. 避免强光直射:在进行测量时,尽量避免强烈的阳光或其他光源
2. 温度和湿度控制:尽量将色度计放置在恒温、恒湿的环境中,避
3. 保持清洁:定期清洁色度计及试样夹,以确保测量精度,并避免
1. 重启色度计:尝试关闭并重新启动色度计,看是否能解决问题。
2. 检查电源:确保电源连接正常,并检查电池电量是否充足。
3. 检查连接:确认与电脑或其他设备的连接是否良好。
4. 联系售后支持:如果问题无法解决,请联系售后支持获取进一步