• K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop;) is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of audiovisual elements. Although it comprises all genres of "popular music" within South Korea, the term is more often used in a narrower sense to describe a modern form of South Korean pop music covering mostly dance-pop, pop ballad, electronic, rock, hiphop, R&B, etc.
According to a Rolling Stone author, K-Pop is "a mixture of trendy Western music and high-energy J-Pop, which preys on listeners' heads with repeated hooks, sometimes in English. It embraces genre fusion with both singing and rap, and emphasizes performance and strong visuals". It is a mix of genres like pop, rock, hip hop, R&B and electronic music. K-pop can be described as a globalized music; as it is a mixture of Western and European sounds with an Asian flavor of performance. The way these Korean singers perform their songs with synchronized dance moves and complex gestures has increased the popularity of K-pop. It now takes a big place in the music market throughout Asia and the world. As a Chinese Kpop fan describe it : "Korean pop culture skillfully blends Western and Asian values to create its own, and the country itself is viewed as a prominent model to follow or catch up, both culturally and economically". In this article, the author Doobo Shim add that even if cultural proximity plays a big role in the popularity of Kpop in Asia, that is not enough. For him, this is that 'vision of modernization' inherent to the Korean pop culture that plays a part in making it acceptable. Also according to Eun-Young Jung, Kpop transnational and hybrid values are responsible of its success. Nevertheless, even though those concepts are still debated, he argues that values in Kpop are not only western or Korean. Indeed, according to how transnationality process developed, Kpop isn't simply some Japanese and US values that has been mixed to match a marketing process. The cultural imperialism of Japanese and US societies deeply changed the Korean popular values, at multiple levels and inversely the rise of the Korean popular culture start to influence others countries values. He says "Contemporary Korean pop culture is built on such unavoidable transnational flows, as its multi-layered and multi-directional mobility has been creating various socio-cultural contacts taking place across, beyond, and outside national and institutional boundaries." He conclude that Kpop is not only a side genre who try to survive next to the mainstream US pop, but that contemporary phenomenon are much more complex. He thinks that thanks to the development of the digital technologies (Digital revolution) and to globalization, consumers of twenty-first-century pop culture now have the choice between many cultural products from all over the world. K-pop music has become diversified into many different genres. Some K-pop musicians offer songs with the mixture of the tunes from the West, such as country music. The combination of Asian singers singing Western and European style music contributes to the unique features of Kpop and making it more global.
Q: Do you love Korean stars more than Chinese stars?
K-Pop is popular because it covers a wide range of R&B, rock, pop, dance, etc. that other people around the globe can relate to or dance to. The KPop groups/artists have good skin, do photo shoots, and have a bright, cheery feeling.
China„s artists must absorb nutrition from the Chinese culture on the one hand, and strengthen the cross-regional (跨地区) cooperation in such areas as the movie packaging, publication and marketing on the other hand.
territory. If the C-POP wants to realize the goal of “Going Global,” maybe the most important thing it should do now is to strengthen its internal(内部的) power.
ARIRANG TV.(阿里郎电视台)
The Korean dramas seem to invariably(一贯的) end with the triumph(胜利) of good over evil. Although these dramas might be criticized for their tendency to moralize(教化)and oversimplify, they have enjoyed wide appeal (广大欢迎)across all ages and classes in Korea, and more recently have captured(捕获)the fancy(喜爱)of viewers all over Asia. •Confucian principles •place a strong emphasis on family values and true love •virtuous(有德行的),wrongdoer •Justice will triumph over injustice 邪不胜正
Kpop是韩国流行音乐的简称,也是“韩国流行歌曲”(Korean pop music)的缩写。
Kpop 艺人们的时尚造型和舞台表演,以及他们对潮流的引领和表达个性的方式,吸引了大批粉丝。
1. Idol (偶像):韩国流行音乐界指代Kpop音乐团体的成员,通常以年轻、帅气或可爱为特点。
2. Fandom (粉丝团):Kpop音乐团体的粉丝之间形成的群体,通常拥有自己的名字、标志和活动,支持和追随他们喜欢的团体。
3. Comeback (回归):Kpop团体或艺人宣布推出新音乐作品并开始进行相关的宣传活动。
4. Debut (出道):Kpop团体或艺人正式进入乐坛,推出首个音乐作品,开始进行宣传和演出活动。
5. Visual (视觉):团体中外貌出众、长相出色的成员,通常在宣传活动中负责吸引人们的眼球。
6. Center (中心):团体中在舞蹈排练和表演中处于中心位置,引领整个舞台的成员。
7. Maknae (末辈):团体中最年轻的成员,通常被其他成员视为弟弟或妹妹。
8. Bias (偏爱):粉丝对于自己特别喜欢的团体成员或艺人的称呼。
9. Sasaeng (私生):指过度追踪、跟踪偶像的粉丝,被视为不良行为,可能侵犯偶像的隐私。
10. Lightstick (荧光棒):粉丝在演唱会或其他场合使用的手持荧光棒,通常是团体的标志性物品。
k-pop dance基本动作
k-pop dance基本动作K-pop舞蹈是现代流行音乐中非常受欢迎的一种舞蹈形式。
1. Shuffle(换脚步):这是K-pop舞蹈中最基本的动作之一。
2. Body wave(身体波浪):这是一种通过连续的身体运动来表达音乐节奏和情感的动作。
3. Arm wave(手臂波浪):这是一种通过连续的手臂运动来表达音乐节奏和情感的动作。
4. Isolation(分离动作):这是一种通过分离身体的不同部分来表达音乐节奏和情感的动作。
5. Popping(快速收缩放松):这是一种通过快速的肌肉收缩和放松来表达音乐节奏和情感的动作。
6. Locking(锁定舞步):这是一种通过快速的停顿和锁定动作来表达音乐节奏和情感的动作。
7. Breaking(霹雳舞):这是一种以地面为舞台,通过复杂的动作和技巧来表达音乐节奏和情感的舞蹈形式。
8. Freestyle(自由舞蹈):这是一种没有固定舞步和规定动作的舞蹈形式。
EXO 英文介绍
S.M. Entertainment
• S.M is the short of Star Museum(名人殿 堂) • It is the largest “star factory”(星工厂) in korea
The origin of the name:
EXO The name from the meaning for extrasolar planets outside exoplant
k-pop 音乐
• K-pop (an abbreviation (缩写) of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre (an expressive style of music) consisting of dance, electronic, electropop, hip hop, rock, and R&B music originating in South Korea . • In addition to music,K-pop has grown into a popular subculture (亚文化)among teenagers and young adults around the world, resulting in widespread interest in the fashion and style of Korean idol groups and singers— WonderGirls, Super Junior, SHINee, 2PM, 2AM...
KPOP演讲稿K-Pop1:Before the appearance of my topic, let us guess one star first--Who is he? He usually wears suit,shirt,bow tie, flattie and sunglasses,just as the picture shows us. I am sure some of you have known who he is. Don’t be worry. In the following slide, I’ll show you more details about the mysterious man to you .2: First, he is a male. And his job is a singer. The music type he sings is Hip-Hop & Rap . He belongs to the company called YG Entertainment which contains idols such as Bigbang and 2NE1.The last clue is he is the hottest star in 2012. I am sure all of you have got the answer. Yeah, he is PSY and he is also called Uncle Bird.3:And today my topic is K-Pop, I’ll talk it in three parts.4:K-Pop is an abbreviation of Korean popular music. In recent years, Korea has transformed itself into a heavyweight player in the world of TV and music entertainment, especially among youngsters. This phenomenon is called Korean wave. And as a result, Korean music has become more and more popular and it is developing at an amazing speed.5:This part I’ll introduce some typical Korean music in the past, which stands in my perspective.The first Korean song I heard was from Lee Jung Hyun(李贞贤). What impressed me most was the typical action she did, just as the picture shows us , with one hand waving the fan and another hand’s little finger on the lip. She first sangthe song in Songfest between China and Korea in 2000 in Dalian.6:On 10.03.2008, Wonder Girls published their single andsoon it got popular all over the world. And the reasons for popularity can be concluded as follows: merry tune, sexy and lively dance and it is easy to learn.7:In 2009, from Girls' Generation became enormously popular. And the song’s Characteristic is outstanding: it is a fast-paced dance music and the music is cute and lovely. Besides, the 9 members have a sweet appearance, which attracts a large quantity of young boys. 8:In 2013’s Spring Festival party, some local TV stations invited Korean stars to give a show. PSY performed Gangnam Style in Shanghai Dragon TV. In the picture, PSY is teaching Huangbo and Linzhiying Horse-riding Dance .9,10:SJ—M played two songs named and in Liaoning TV. In Changsha Mango TV, F(x) singed .11:T-ara performed their signature song in which they dressed and danced as cats as well as which is a Retro dance.12:K-Pop has spread all over China nowadays.At last, I believe you have heard the songs below more or less. Can you match them with the right singer?I’ll paly the start of the song which may help you.。
kpop什么意思kpop什么意思 1kpop是韩国流行音乐。
在美国格莱美奖(grammy awards)官方网站首页登载了“korean boy band bigbang go boom”的消息,上传了韩国的当红k-pop组合 bigbang 成员的照片并介绍了k-pop的火爆人气。
kpop什么意思 2kpop是韩国流行音乐。
在美国格莱美奖(grammy awards)官方网站首页登载了“korean boy band bigbang go boom”的消息,上传了韩国的当红k-pop组合 bigbang 成员的照片并介绍了k-pop的火爆人气。
Seven-member South Korean boy band BTS also known as Bangtan boys has only debuted five years ago but they are rewriting K-pop history with every move. They are the first Korean musicians to enter the U.K. Albums Chart and break records with their released album "WINGS." They started out in small companies with no capital and heavy liabilities, and went to the world through their own efforts. Now the company has a market value of 1 trillion won, closely following the three major entertainment companies in Korea, which is the Korean idol industry myth.
Captain, Rapper Music producer
King of pop
自从我打破唱片纪录开始——我打破了猫王的纪录 我打破了披头士的纪录——然后呢 他们叫我畸形人 同性恋者 性骚扰小孩的怪胎 他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤 做一切可做的来诋毁我 这些都是阴谋 当我站在镜前时看着自己 我知道 我是个黑人
——Michael Jackson
我从不追星,也不喜欢做他人的“粉丝” ,那样只是在看着别人做自己无法实现的梦。迈克尔是音乐界的顶尖人物,是一个值得学习的传奇!他创造的奇迹让人佩服,使人瞠目结舌;他为人极为谦逊,甚至让你觉得他是在“讨好”你,你无法想象他是个亿万富翁;他的慷慨,还有他对世界的爱心非常令人尊敬!
迈克尔是音乐方面的全才,成就已经超越了猫王,被世界公认为流行音乐之王King of pop.吉尼斯评他为“世界上最成功的艺术家”在作词、作曲、编舞、舞台设计上他是个全能,每当音乐响起,他就会深陷在节奏的世界里,忘记了身边事物的存在,让身体随着音乐自由舞动,根本不去想下一个动作该是什么,他练过太多种类的舞蹈,以致融会贯通,甚至你能从他的表演中看到芭蕾舞、踢踏舞、印度舞、非洲土著舞的影子,他将世界上诸多舞种融合成自己的风格,看起来非常独特,只要你上网输入“舞王”二字 ,搜出的结果就是—迈克尔·杰克逊。
影视美联英语 朝鲜人越来越喜欢K-pop了
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:影视英语朝鲜人越来越喜欢K-pop了South Korean K-pop girl group Girls' Generation pose for photographers during a news conference for their world tour in Seoul, South Korea. Photograph: Yoo Yong-suk/AP在世界巡演首尔站的异常新闻发布会期间,韩国K-pop女团少女时代为摄影师摆好姿势。
K-pop groups have grown much more popular in North Korea since 2012. But although bands often look glamorous, beautiful and frequently feature in big-budget music videos, North Koreans tend to pay more attention to the lyrics and the vocals, than to how the singers are dressed.自2012年以来,k-pop团在朝鲜变得流行多了。
North Korea is also a very patriarchal society, and the skimpy clothes worn bythe stars are often frowned upon by local audiences.朝鲜也是个父权至上的社会,那些穿着露骨的明星们常常令本地观众皱眉。
The main characteristics of K-POP rock
The history of K-pop
At the very beginning, K-pop music is full of fever and vanity, which performance the young rebel psychology, also represent a lot of young people‘s aspirations.
SM TOWN LIVE wonderful performance made the fans excited to tears and scream fanatically
"SM TOWN LIVE in 5,15,2013,Paris,France.
Korean Wave
There is a report said that the music production of South Korea one month is equal to a year of music production in China.It is a bit exaggerated.But what we can’t deny is K-pop is influencing the world popular music.
The third generation :
It is a generation rising up recent years.Most of them are young and energetic.Their music are diversified.Actually to be a star must take great efforts.We may only see their bright part.But behind it is their swink and dedication that we don’t know. There are some representative groups.
kpop解析见解 -回复
What is K-Pop?
Korea popular music
Have you ever heard about the K-pop music?
Do you know any popular K-pop groups? When do you think I start to know K-pop?
Let’s go on to think of the affect about the K-POP ...…
Every year,South Korea would organize
many concerts just like this for the sake of being
able to enhance the strength of the national
culture,and promoting ecnomic growth. Via theseconcerts,and, South Korea can income at least 1.8 billions yuan at cultural aspects annua lly.
In the 1960s, the British Beatl es had swept the home of American popu lar music that changed the world of po pular music trends, writing in the his tory of popular music of the "British Invasion " myth. 50 years later, the Korean pop sing er who was known as the "World Capital of Culture" in Paris, France, reprodu ced the Korean version of the myth.
关于介绍kpop音乐的英语作文Title: The Evolution and Global Impact of K-Pop Music.K-Pop, a vibrant and dynamic genre of music originating from South Korea, has captivated the hearts of millions worldwide. This unique blend of traditional Korean music with contemporary pop elements has not only revolutionized the music industry in Asia but also gained significant recognition globally. The influence of K-Pop is undeniable, and its popularity continues to soar, making it a global cultural phenomenon.The history of K-Pop dates back to the 1990s, when Korean entertainment companies began to experiment with music that would appeal to a younger audience. Initially,K-Pop was heavily influenced by Western pop music, with a focus on catchy melodies and danceable beats. However, over time, K-Pop has evolved to incorporate a wider range of musical styles, including hip-hop, rock, electronic, and even traditional Korean instruments. This diversity hascontributed significantly to K-Pop's unique identity and widespread appeal.One of the key factors behind K-Pop's success is the emphasis on visual aspects. K-Pop idols, or singers and dancers, are often trained from a young age in dance, singing,。
[英语作文]你最喜欢的音乐kpopTitle: My Favorite Music: K-PopK-Pop, or Korean Pop music, has taken the world by storm with its infectious beats, catchy melodies, and visually stunning performances. As a fan of K-Pop, I have fallen in love with its unique blend of music, dance, and fashion.What sets K-Pop apart from other music genres is its highly polished and synchronized performances. K-Pop groups are known for their impeccable choreography and synchronization, which adds an extra layer of excitement to their music. The combination of powerful vocals, dynamic rapping, and intricate dance moves creates a captivating experience that keeps fans coming back for more.Moreover, K-Pop has a wide range of musical styles, from upbeat pop songs to emotional ballads. This diversity allows fans to explore different sounds and find their favorite artists within the genre. Additionally, K-Pop idols often incorporate elements of fashion and beauty into their performances, creating a visually stunning spectacle that appeals to fans worldwide.One of the reasons I love K-Pop is its ability to unite people from different cultures and backgrounds. K-Pop concerts and fan events bring together fans from all over the world, creating a sense of community and shared passion. This global appeal has made K-Pop a powerful force in popular culture, breaking down barriers and promoting cultural exchange.In conclusion, K-Pop has become one of my favorite music genres due to its captivating performances, diverse musical styles, and ability to unite people from around the world. Its unique blend of music, dance, and fashion has captured my heart and continues to inspire me with its creativity and energy.。
kpop潮流明星类英语作文English:K-pop, short for Korean pop music, has emerged as a global phenomenon, captivating audiences worldwide with its infectious beats, mesmerizing choreography, and stylish visuals. The rise of K-pop stars can be attributed to a meticulously crafted system that grooms trainees from a young age, honing their singing, dancing, and performance skills to perfection. These stars are not only talented entertainers but also embody the epitome of dedication, discipline, and hard work. Their success is propelled by the fervent support of their fan base, known as "fandoms," who tirelessly promote their idols through social media, streaming platforms, and fan clubs. The influence of K-pop extends beyond music, permeating into fashion, beauty, and even societal norms, shaping trends and influencing global youth culture. With their unparalleled charisma and global appeal, K-pop stars have become cultural ambassadors, bridging diverse cultures and fostering international exchange and understanding.中文翻译:韩流音乐,简称为韩国流行音乐,已经成为全球现象,以其感染力十足的节奏、迷人的舞蹈和时尚的视觉效果吸引了全球观众。
kpop作文英文K-Pop is a genre of popular music that originated in South Korea. It has taken the world storm in recent years, with its catchy beats, infectious dance moves, and colorful music videos. K-Pop has bee a global phenomenon, with fans in every corner of the world.One of the reasons why K-Pop has bee so popular is its unique style. K-Pop groups often have a distinct image and concept, which is reflected in their music videos, fashion choices, and choreography. This attention to detl helps to create a memorable and immersive experience for fans.Another reason for K-Pop's success is the hard work and dedication of the artists. K-Pop groups often undergo years of rigorous trning before debuting, learning dance moves, singing, and performing. This dedication to their craft is evident in their performances, which are always polished and professional.K-Pop has also had a significant impact on the music industry. It has helped to bridge the gap between different cultures and has introduced Korean music to a wider audience. K-Pop has also inspired many artists around the world to experiment with different sounds and styles, leading to a more diverse and innovative music scene.In conclusion, K-Pop is more than just a genre of music. It is a cultural phenomenon that has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. Its unique style, hard work, and dedication have made it a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, and its impact is likely to be felt for years to e.。
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导语: 韩国流行音乐(英语:Korea-Pop,简称K-POP,朝鲜语:가요)是一音乐种类。
I remember the first time I ever heard the term “Korean Wave”. It was in the late 1990s, and I was a teenager. Back then, pioneer boy bands and girl groups such as H.O.T., NRG and Baby V.O.X. had totally changed my understanding of pop music.
以H.O.T., NRG 以及Baby V.O.X为代表的最早一批少男少女偶像团体完全改变了我对流行音乐的认识。
Now, almost 20 years later, the invasion of South Korean pop music is ongoing. The latest evidence is Saturday’s MBC Korean Music Wave, a concert held for the very first time in China (at the National Stadium in Beijing), where some of the biggest names in the South Korean music industry performed, including EXO, INFINITE, Girls’ Generation, T-ARA and 2PM.
如今,快20年过去了,韩国流行音乐的势头依然不减:最近,韩国音乐波演唱会首次在中国(北京鸟巢)落地,此次演唱会汇聚了韩国乐坛的大腕明星,EXO, INFINITE, 少女时代, T-ARA以及2PM等都登台表演。
In addition to taking off in Asia in a big and enduring way, K-pop (short for Korean pop music) is also conquering the world, finding popularity in the US, music’s biggest market. On Aug 25, Billboard officially launched the new K-pop music chart, ranking the best-selling South Korean songs both in the US and the home country.
Honestly, I’m not a big fan of K-pop itself — the catchy and calculating strain of music that somehow manages to simultaneously sound like every contemporary musical genre, mostly electronic dance music, arranged in conventional pop song structures. But if you see K-pop as a culture, things get more interesting.
Assembly line
First, the process of creating a K-pop singer, mostly through forming boy/girl groups, is like car production: Industrialize and focus on exports. Talent agencies find potential singers, often through global auditions. The training of the future stars, who are taught to sing and dance, act and learn foreign languages, can take three to seven years.
In the South Korean model, a pop group is more like a brand than a proper band. For instance, SM Entertainment’s Super Junior boasts 12 members. This allows the company to break the band down into sub-units targeting different markets, including
Super Junior-M (Mandarin pop music), Super Junior-T (trot music, a form of Korean music dating back to the early 1900s), and something called Super Junior-Happy.
比如SM公司旗下的Super Junior就有12名成员。
公司可以针对不同的市场将他们分成子团体,比如(针对中国的)Super Junior-M,(主打二十世纪早期韩国半岛传统流行乐,韩国演歌)Super Junior-T,以及Super Junior-Happy。
The pace of the K-pop music production is quick. You get one song that can last for a week, and that’s it. The record labels always want something new out of artists, in order to sell more music, as well as draw more fans. So it makes sense why South Korean singers are under huge amounts of pressure.
But meanwhile, there is good news for K-pop fans. If you’re a K-po p fan, you’re really getting involved in a community of people. They all like the same band as you, you all get to know the same thing, and it becomes a family. So maybe that’s why everyone’s so passionate.
You feel the dedication of those South Korean artists who are taught to fight in life, and understand that dreams are attainable. Then you get music that makes you dance and smile. What else is needed?
It seems that K-pop’s ability to dazzle is in no danger of diminishing just yet.