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1绪论 (1)

1.1选题的背景和目的 (1)

1.2线材轧机在国内外的发展趋势 (2)

1.2.1线材车间的轧机布置形式 (2)

1.2.2多线轧制在生产中的大规模应用 (2)

1.2.3采用恒微张力轧制的好处 (2)

1.2.4适当提高机架刚度 (3)

1.2.5提高轧辊耐磨性 (3)

1.2.6现代化线材车间的发展 (3)

1.3开坯线材轧机研究的主要内容和方法 (5)

1.3.1线材生产车间的平面布置 (5)

1.3.2粗轧机的作用 (5)

1.3.3线材车间的生产工艺(流程) (6)

1.3.4开坯线材轧机的研究方法和方向 (6)

2方案的选择和评述 (7)

2.1方案的选择 (7)

2.2开坯机的生产特点 (7)

2.3方案的选择和评述 (8)

2.3.1主传动的设计方案 (8)

2.3.2轧辊调整装置的确定 (8)

2.3.3轧辊平衡装置的确定 (9)

2.3.4机架形式的确定 (10)

3主电机容量的选择 (12)

3.1轧制力的计算 (12)

3.1.1轧辊主要尺寸的确定 (12)

3.1.2孔型的布置 (12)

3.1.3轧制力的计算 (13)

3.2电机轴上力矩的计算 (15)

3.3主电机选择 (16)

4主要零件的强度计算 (17)

4.1轧辊的强度计算 (17)

4.2机架的强度计算 (19)

4.3轧辊轴承的计算 (25)

4.4齿轮座的计算 (25)

4.5梅花轴头的计算 (30)

5关于H型架的改进方案 (31)

6设备的可靠性及经济分析 (33)

7润滑方法的选择 (34)

7.1轧辊轴承的润滑 (34)

7.2人字齿轮及支承轴承的润滑 (34)

7.3轧辊的冷却 (34)

8试车方法和对控制系统的要求 (35)

8.1试车要求 (35)

8.2维护规程 (35)

结论 (36)

致谢 (37)

参考文献 (38)

附录A (39)

附录B (43)



线材的用途很广,在国民经济各个部门中,线材占有重要地位。据有关资料统计,各国线材产量占全部热轧总量的 5.3~15.3﹪。近年来,对线材性能及表面质量的要求越来越高。尤其是对线材化学成分,机械性能,晶粒组织及晶粒粒度都要做检验,符合标准方可出厂。所以,对线材的苛刻要求决定了新轧机及相关新技术的飞速发展。




A Design of 500 Wire rod Rolling Mill Abstract

As the use of wire rod is very broad, In every department of national economy, Wire rod possess important position. According to relevant information statistics, The countries output of wire rod take amount of the completely hot-roll products 5.3 ~15.3 ﹪. In recent years, For the requirement of the surface quality and performance of wire rod, it is more and more higher.So many parameters to be inspected, especially for the chemical composition ,mechanical performance, Crystal microscopic organizes and Crystal microscopic size of wire rod, accord with standard side can be sold out. So new rolling mill and related new technology should be developed fast for the harsh requirement of wire rod.

My design is aim to design for wire rod boil Pei rolling mill.First, According to rolling technology , the basic size of roll is designed , and then have selected motor according to rolling force.In main drive system, the strength of roll is also analysed, including the forces given to the rolls. The strength of the frame be analysed clearly.In the aspect of equipment improvments,H-bridle is an episode.

During this span of over four months,new conception of machinical design have been improved.But several shortcomings also exist. Professors especially Professor Wang give contributions to me.So I am on behalf of myself to give thanks to all of them.

Key-words:produce of wire rod, rolling mill,main drive
