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▲ /b/ 这是一个浊辅音,发音时声带要振动,不送气,注意千万不要发成汉语拼音的“波”。发音方法和/p/类 似,最大区别就是声带的振动与否。
rabbit, cabbage, lab, web 发/b/的字母及字母组合有:
绕口令练习 Betty bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better. (3’8)
1.6 个爆破音 2.连读 3.词汇链接 4.绕口令 5.谚语习语
综合练习 2:找出划线部分发音不同的词 ①A.game B.big C.age D.leg ②A.know B.cook C.Kate D.bike ③A.great B.grade C.page D.girl ④A.begin B.fridge C.garden D. go ⑤A.could B.black C.catch D.certainly
第二种:元音+外加音+元音 相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,则在两个元音之间加上一个轻微 的音,主要有: 外加音/j/。两词相连,前一个词以/i/或/i:/结尾,后一个词以/i/或/i:/起首,前一个词加一个轻微的/j/ 音,并和后一个词的词首连读。如:copy it 读成/5kRpijit/,多了一个/j/。
试读下列句子: 1.You can see it. 2.Please copy it. 3.Say it again. 4.Enjoy it, please. 5.Absolutely impossible! 6.My ears hurt.
外加音/r/。英语中,如果单词以 r 或 re 结尾,r 一般不发音,但当后面接有一个元音开头的单词时,r 发 音,读/r/,并与后面的元音连读。如 forever 读作/f[5rev[/,hearing 读作/hi[riN/。
绕口令练习 I like to ride my light white bike,and fly a white light kite with my wife. (3’1)
In the kitchen I fry the chicken. (0’9)
Good cookies could beቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱcooked by a good cook,if a good cook could cook good cookies. (3’6)
这是个清辅音,发音时声带不振动,只送气。发音时嘴巴张开,舌后部上抬紧贴上颚使气流通道完全阻 塞,同时软腭抬起,堵住鼻腔通道,再从肺部压出空气,气流突然冲出口腔。 car, key, Jack, technical 发/k/的字母及字母组合有: ▲ /^/ 发音方法和/k/类似,惟一不同是,这是个浊辅音,声带要振动,注意不要发为汉语拼音中的“哥”。 august, egg, guide, catalogue, ghost 发/^/的字母及字母组合有: 对比单词练发音:
读一读,练一练 1.Don’t do it. 2.We don’t know each other. 3.The bird flew in the sky.
第三种 以/h/开头的单词/h/音近乎省略,因为/h/音很特殊,只是送气,没有摩擦,听起来好像被省略了一样。
练一练 1.Does he know? 2.What happened? 3.Please give him a hand.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? (8’6)
谚语习语 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well begun is half done.
综合练习 1:找出每组单词共同的因素 ①put pig pet paper apple ②big bag beat bike boss ③tea ten time teach hot ④mad bed read day sad ⑤cake pick look take kite ⑥gate get guess girl egg
综合练习 3:根据下列音标写单词 /hi:t/ /fi:ld/ /5siti/ /5hApi/ /bred/
/step/ /bAk/ /Akt/ /gest/
第一种:辅音+元音 前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头时。这两个音可以连读。
短语练习 far~away in~an~hour later~on put~it~on stand~up take~care~of
6 个爆破音+连读规则+词汇链接
▲ /p/ 这是一个清辅音,发音时声带不振动,注意千万不要发成汉语拼音的“泼”。发音时双唇紧闭,软 腭抬起,完全阻塞气流通道,憋气,然后突然放开,空气从肺部压出,气流冲破阻碍冲出口腔。 appear, happy, pillow, deep 发/p/的字母及字母组合有:
读一读,练一练 1.answer it 2.after all 3.a pair of socks 4.father and mother 5.The beer is good. 6.Can I take your order?
外加音/w/。两个元音连读,如果前一个元音是/u/或/u:/时,产生一个轻微的加音/w/,与后一个词的元音词 首连读。如 too easy 读成/tu5wi:zi/。
take~off there~are work~out
句子练习 1.You should keep off sugar. 2.What do you think of it? 3.If it is nine, I’ll start. 4.I’ve got a lot of work to do. 5.I came out well in that photograph. 6.I mean it.
▲ /t/ 这是个清辅音,发音时声带不振动,注意千万不要发成汉语拼音中的“特”。发音时嘴巴张开,软腭抬 起,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,但不接触上齿,形成阻碍,气流通道完全阻塞。然后空气从肺部压出,舌尖离 开齿龈,气流冲破阻碍冲出口腔,形成爆破。
tea, team, better, cotton 发/t/的字母及字母组合有:
▲ /d/ 发音方法和/t/类似,惟一区别是这是个浊辅音,声带要振动,另外,注意不要发成汉语拼音中的“的”。
doctor, seed, middle, Daddy 发/d/的字母及字母组合有:
绕口令练习 Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter. (1’6) A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together. (4’2) Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred's fresh bread is ready already. (3’1) 谚语习语 1.Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 2.Better late than never. 3.Good advice is beyond all price. 4.A bad thing never dies. ▲ /k/
谚语习语 1.Practice makes perfect. 2.A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 3.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 4.A leopard cannot change its spots.