Journey to the west--天路历程宗教对比

❖ 从浮华世界获救后,基督徒的灵魂离上帝越来 越近,但他仍游走在危险的境地里,为了提醒读者 们注意哪些潜在的危险,同时阐述一些最重要的宗 教学问题,班扬在朝圣的第四阶段,巧妙地援用了 “怀疑堡垒”和“着魔之地”的故事。
❖ 基督徒在此地被 “绝望”打得皮开肉绽, 他心灰意冷,也想过自 杀,但最后凭借“应许 的钥匙”而逃离了怀疑 堡垒。
❖ 在这里,一切都是可以买卖的,包括国土、荣誉、 头衔、欲望、快乐,甚至生命等等。“基督徒”和 “忠信”因为追求真理、蔑视名利而受到惩罚。
陪审团成员 马屁精
❖ 基督徒和忠信被送
❖ 基督徒和魔王亚坡伦的战斗最突出地宣 扬了基督徒的拯救教义。“多数评论家把与 亚坡伦的战斗看成是基督徒灵魂深处精神斗 争的外在表现”。
❖ 在朝圣的第三阶段,基督徒遇到了两个同伴:忠 信和盼望。忠信是基督教殉道者的代表,他最后乘 坐烈火的马车直接进入了天堂。盼望从忠信的骨灰 中突然成长起来,陪伴基督徒一直走完天路。
❖ 他进入窄门,走上十字 架之路,喻示的是对耶 稣为人之赦罪新生而死 的信,因信称义,去罪 永生。
❖ 十字架前,他背上的重 负便滚落下来,喻示的 的即是罪孽获赦免。
❖ 亚坡伦是十七世纪恶 魔和罪孽的常见典型; 他代表基督徒皈依后遭 遇的种种诱惑;
❖ 面对亚坡伦,基督徒 这位新信徒必须经受住 各种考验,坚持服务于 上帝的忠诚。

17世纪的英国正值资本主义快速崛起的时 代,人们对财富和成功的渴望愈发强烈。《 天路历程》中人物对天国财富的追求,间接 反映了这一时代精神。
当时的英国社会等级森严,这种观念在小说 中也有所体现,如人物间的社会地位差异以 及他们对尊严和荣誉的追求。
作品通过具体的Leabharlann 事和人物,传达了具有普遍意义的寓 言信息。这种普遍性使读者能够从个人经验出发,思考 人类共同面临的问题。
寓言的表达方式并未脱离现实生活的基础。作品中的人 物形象、社会背景等都具有现实主义的特征,使得寓言 的传达更加真实可信。
人物塑造的多层次性:作品中的人物形象丰富多彩,既有表面的行为表 现,又有内心的情感挣扎。这种多层次性使得人物形象更加立体,具有 更高的艺术价值。
约翰·班扬,英国著名作家,以其独特的写作风格和深刻的宗教思考,成为英国文学史上一位杰出的人物。他的作 品往往具有浓厚的宗教气息,寓意深远。
《天路历程》以一群基督徒的朝圣之旅为主线,讲述了他们在追求信仰过程中 的种种遭遇和内心挣扎。
作品通过生动的人物形象和丰富的故事情节,展现了人类追求信仰、寻求救赎 的心路历程,表达了作者对宗教信仰的深刻思考和探索。
考验:主人公面临一系列挑战与试炼, 逐渐认识自己的局限并克服之。
心灵导师:通常是一位富有智 慧与经验的角色,为主人公提 供指引与启示。
助手:陪伴主人公度过难关, 共同成长,通常是忠诚、勇敢 的象征。

宗教与世俗之间——《天路历程》价值地位初探2009年第2期重炭三峡掌院第25卷(116期)JOURNALOFCHONGQINGTHREEGORGESUNIVERSITY No.2.2DD9V_01.25No.116宗教与世俗之间——《天路历程》价值地位初探吴文南(闽江学院外语系,福建福州350108)摘要:从文学史的角度来说,约翰?班扬天路历程》的价值地位经历了沧桑变化,从宗教性到文学性,从贬斥到赞誉,从英国到世界,但唯一不变的是其''J心路历程",成为人类心灵的一盏明灯.关键词:宗教与世俗;天路历程》;价值地位中图分类号:I1O6文献标识码:A文章编号:1009—8135(2009)02—0078—04《天路历程》文体属于叙事性寓言小说,在英国文学史上具有鲜明的过渡特点.《天路历程》的出现令当时的文学批评界非常苦恼:一者,它一出现,就大放异彩,吸引了无数的人,包括平民和宫廷贵族,甚至模仿书中角色的语气;二者,其作者属于"下里巴人",名不见经传,不要说"教育",就连"教养"二字也谈不上;三者,难以界定其类别.有人想方设法想证明班扬是抄袭古人作品,但他们很快发现此路不通:如果他们说班扬是个近于文盲的人,终其一生所念的书不超过5本,而现在又说他的作品是从古希腊或者甚至阿拉伯的文学名着中东抄西抄来的,那不就是"此地无银三百两",证明班扬是个博览群书,学贯古今的大学者.【l】'源头猜疑班扬在《圣战》末尾的"敬告读者(AnAdvertisementtotheReader)"中,以诗文的形式对剽窃的指控做出明确的反击:有人说《天路历程》非我所着,暗示我欺世盗名,如同抢劫暴富者,亦如脸上贴金者,实为冒牌者,只图虚名,对此我嗤之以鼻,约翰皈依亦无此辱,文中自明我为天路历程》之着者:她源于我心,成于我思,出于我手,流于我笔,跳跃于纸上,前无古人可仿,形神皆源于我.[21074l9世纪,有许多学者按照德国比较文学的影响学研究模式,力图探寻《天路历程》的源头,但最终归于徒劳."这当然无关宏旨,而且迂腐得很是可爱,但却从一个侧面说明了这部作品的价值和影响.',【】二,价值地位从接受美学的角度来看,评论家对《天路历程》的评价褒贬不一,着名诗人威廉?科伯(wnh锄Cooper)写有一首呼语(hpostrophe)诗,盛赞班扬和《天路历程》,从此大众对《天路历程》看法为之一变:【】你乘着想象的翅膀,回到快乐的人之初.生命不息,记忆不止,我欣然记得天才的梦者.亦幻亦真的寓言故事,幽默,理性而又简洁,乐者受益,严者微笑;睿智,恰当,一如真主,寓言阐明蔑视的道.不提尊名,免得有人借机嘲笑,辱没美名.即便人生迟暮,忧伤中增添了快乐.敬仰此人,他的天路客,开辟道路,通向收稿日期:2008-12-05作者简介:吴文南(1973-),男,福建永定人,闽江学院外语系讲师,博士.重庆三峡学俦巴掌报天国.遇有良书,童年痴迷,成年愉悦;此人儿童喜欢,死而无忧无憾.《天路历程》的定位应该是先宗教性,然后才是文学性,其中经历了一段争论的过程,正如刘易斯所说:"对于神学家来讲,这部书说了拯救的方案; 对于人文学者而言,这是一部英语经典;对于儿童来说,它又是一系列精彩动人的冒险故事.当然,政治家,商人,教师……也同样能从书中有所发现." 跚《天路历程》现已经成为英国清教传统至高无上的典籍,被称为"基督教信仰的集中体现",用最简洁的语言描述基督徒从皈依到圣化的历程,但情节明快,充满宗教热情.《天路历程》在文学史上的地位就像作者本人的经历一样,尝尽了沧海的沉浮.评论家对其性质有两种对立的观点:柯勒律治(SamuelTaylor Coleridge)说,班扬的文学才能盖过其宗教虔诚,与其说他属于教会,不如说他归于文学.而英国文学评论家利维斯(Q.D.Leavis)等人却认为班扬写《天路历程》的初衷是向非英国国教徒传播清教思想,后来的成功只是"无心插柳"之事,"他作为作家始终不渝的目标只有一个,就是传达他对于神的清醒异象."[61在"浪漫主义运动"(Romantic Movemen0以前,《天路历程》可以说还没有正式的文学评论,直到1830年着名的湖畔诗人骚塞编订的《天路历程》出版后,班扬才被学术界看作想象丰富的作家,被誉为"自然天成的天才"(amanof naturalgenius),L7从此《天路历程》被看成是艺术之作.在《英雄和英雄崇拜》(HeroesandHero,Worship)一书中,英国历史学家和散文作家卡莱尔(ThomasCarlyle)只是出于对加尔文教义的反感,没有把班扬和卢梭(JeanJacquesRousseau),彭斯(RobertBums)列在一块.十九世纪中后期,欧洲"福音复兴运动"(EvangelicalReviva1)期间,班扬的作品被大量重版发行,《天路历程》也被译成多国文字,使班扬成为家喻户晓的名字,但那段时间班扬多被冠以传道人的身份,而远胜于名作家.事实上,甚至到了20世纪对《天路历程》的评论主要是停留在宗教意义上,而非纯文学性的.现在,就作品的宗教性而言,许多文学史家把《天路历程》与但丁的《神曲》,奥古斯丁的《忏悔录》并列为世界三大宗教体文学杰作;而就作品的故事性而言,有人把《天路历程》比作西班牙塞凡提斯(Cervantes) 的名着《唐吉诃德》(DonQuixote).法国批评家泰恩说过:"灵感和无知向班扬展示出适应时代要求的心理叙述,伟大的弥尔顿的天才比不上补锅匠班扬的纯朴."[81最初,中国学术界对《天路历程》多有"误读":不被作为"长篇小说"阅读,而基本上由教会刊刻,在教友中流行,仅当作"宗教读物"来欣赏.虽然《天路历程》的文学价值在相当长的时间内未得到重视,但是学术界亦不乏知音,比如周作人很早就注意到此书的文学性,并在1919年出版的《欧洲文学史》中有精辟的评介:"(班扬)狱中作《天路历程》(Pilgrim'SProgress),用譬喻(Allegory)体,记超凡入圣之程.其文雄健简洁,而神思美妙,故宣扬教义,深入人心,又实为近代小说之权典.盖体制虽与FaerieQueene同,而所叙虚幻之梦境,即写真实之人间,于小说为益近."现如今,《天路历程》涌现出近三十种新译本,包括改写本和绘图本,且大多是作为"世界文学名着"来译介.对《天路历程》的价值,班扬已经在"辩护词"中做了肯定:"这本书将使你成为一个天路行客,把你带到天国中神圣的地方;只要你遵循书中的教诲,懂得它为你指引的方向.毫无疑问,他将使懒汉变得勤劳,使瞎子看到令人愉快的亮光.您在寻找珍贵有益的东西吗?您能在寓言中看到真理吗? 您容易忘记过去的事情吗?您能否记住从元旦到除夕的经历?还是来阅读我那奇特的想象吧,它们会使你全神贯注;对于那些孤立无援的人们来说,我的梦幻也许就是最好的慰藉.这本书用一种特殊的风格写成,即使冷漠倦怠的心灵也会受到感动;看上去它似乎十分离奇,但是它通篇都包含着可靠而又真诚的福音信息.您是否想解开抑郁的愁结?是否想心旷神怡又避开荒唐?是否想解开谜团,明白真相,还是愿意在苦思冥想中沉沦迷惘?您喜欢沉溺于美酒佳肴,还是愿意仰望云端,听那上面的人和您交谈?您愿意畅游一个梦幻的世界,而自己却醒着,还是愿意陷入一个令人啼笑皆非的境地?您愿意失掉自己,而且没有受到伤害,然后不用魔法, 重新发现自己吗?自己去读吧,咀嚼那些您还不明白的问题,在阅读了那些描述之后,您就可以明白自己是否得到祝福.啊!来吧,让我的书,你的头脑和心灵,都紧密地靠在一起."[1ol《天路历程》一问世,马上受到面包师,织布工,修鞋匠,缝纫师,补锅匠,牧羊人,农夫,挤奶女工和女佣人的青睐.作为最早的《天路历程》评论家之一,柯勒律治(SamuelTaylorColeridge)说:"这是少有的几一79—吴文南:宗教与世俗之间——天路历程价值地位初探本精彩书之一,能够常读常新,给人快乐."[hi《格了民族,种族和文化的界限,成为属于全人类的智列佛游记》作者斯威福特(JonathanSwift)在他的慧瑰宝.根据班扬故乡裴德福公共图书馆最新编印自传中提到,与高谈阔论什么意志,理智,简单和的目录,世界各地不同语言的《天路历程》译本,复杂的思想相比,每读一章《天路历程》,都可以得至今总数约为200种,每年还在递增,《天路历程》到更好的享受和更多的知识.《英语辞典》可以算是继《圣经》以后,世界上译本最多的着作.(DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage)的编辑者塞缪《天路历程》向英国之外传播大概分为三个阶尔哟翰逊博士(Dr.SamuelJohnson)也对班扬的《天段:第一阶段,l7世纪,英国那些政治和宗教上的路历程》高度赞美:"《天路历程》在创新性,想象不同政见者,由于受到迫害和追捕,逃到新教盛行力和故事情节安排方面表现突出.人们对它广泛而的欧洲甚至是远渡大西洋来到美洲,并带上他们心持久的肯定便是其成功的最佳证明.我认为,很少爱的《天路历程》.1680--q690年代,西欧各国的书的销量能和它相比.书的开头类似但丁,但非但译本已争相面世,比如相继有荷兰文译本(1682年)丁的模仿.有理由认为他读过斯宾塞.,,l】和法文译本(1685年).第二阶段,19世纪新教传1855年英国东印度公司公务员考试时第一次教运动兴盛,传教士把《天路历程》当作传播福音把英国文学当作一个科目,而其中班扬一贯被作为的重要书籍,几乎遍及世界各地.第三阶段,从l8英国近代散文和小说的代表作家.从19世纪早期开世纪30年代开始,随着英国文学批评理论的兴起,始,《天路历程》也成为了颇受孩子们欢迎的读物.班扬被奉为英国小说之父,成为英国文学"伟大传19世纪的英国小说,无论在作品的命名,寓言体的统"(GreatTradition)的代表性人物,从此《天路叙述和书中角色地名,不少都带有《天路历程》的历程》被列入世界文学名着之列.影子,比如萨克雷的《名利场》的命名便是一例.《天路历程》是一部"具有永恒意义的百科全被誉为"布道王子"的司布真(CharlesHaddon书",历经褒贬毁誉,.桑海沉浮,但"青山遮不住,Spurgeon)一生读《天路历程》一百遍,他的文学毕竟东流去".现如今,《天路历程》的阅读范围体裁深受班扬的熏陶,他说:"《圣经》之外,我最超出了一百多种语言和方言.《天路历程》在世界珍惜的便是约翰?班扬的《天路历程》,它是《圣各地久传不衰,是因为书中寓言所表达的是人类共经》的变体.',I乃2O世纪对班扬及其作品的研究有同的"心路历程",引起每位读者深深的共鸣,故而增无减,研究者着重从"外部研究"来探讨其作品被奉为"人生追寻的指南"和"心路历程的向导",与当时宗教和社会历史背景的关联.2003年,英国正可谓"人同此心,心同此理".书中传道的宗教气《观察家报》推出了"过去300年中必读的100本息无疑促使无数海外传教士翻译此书,从而使《天书籍"清单,前4名依次是塞万提斯的《堂吉诃德》,路历程》能以不同文本呈现在各国读者眼前,作品班扬的《天路历程》,笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》和斯的生命得以永远延续,正如当代最具权威的班扬传威夫特的《格列佛游记》.英国哥拉斯哥大学文学院记作者F.M.哈里森所说:"《天路历程》曾经拥有,长Barker教授列出1O本对于英国影响最大的书,也始终拥有真正认识它的人,而这本书也正是为这其前四位是:一,圣经;二,天路历程;三,莎士些人而写的."[141可见,《天路历程》具有国际性,比亚的作品;四,失乐园.现如今,有专门的班扬是弗莱所谓的"神力的语言",此书既改变了英国的国际研究协会和年刊,比如英国森德兰大学命运,也唤醒了人类的心灵. (UniversityofSunderland)校外出版的《班扬研究》参考文献: (BunyanStudies).作为世界文学名着,班扬的《天[11许牧世牧师.序言.本仁约翰.天路历程[M].谢颂路历程》被世界许多大学的语言文学专业列为必读羔译.香港:基督教文艺出版社,1968.书,其中的"名利场"一章则被列为精读篇目.西【2]中文为笔者所译.英文参见GeorgeOffor,The方学者认为,仅"名利场"一章,即可使此书不朽.WorksofJohnBunyan.[M】.vo1.3.G1asgow:w.G.B1ackieC0.】853.三,译介外传班扬和他的《天路历程》是属于英国的,是属于世界的,《天路历程》早已跨越宗教,一8O一[31李自修.古朴素雅的讽喻体小广一析《天路历程的语言艺术【J].外国语,1988(6):42.但更【4】中文为笔者所译.英文参见wi11JamCowper, 跨越TirociniumOr,AReviewofSchools,V.129,'庆三峡学院/c/cowper/works/tirocinium.htm. [5】ThePilgrim'sProgresswithIntroductionbyRev.H.ElvetLewis.M.A.,Everyman'sLibrary,Great Britain.1929.【6】詹姆斯?E-鲁沃夫(JamesE.Ruoff).英语小说散文大家(GreatWritersoftheEnglishLanguage Novelists&ProseWriters)[M]M.麦克伦出版社.1979:191.【7]Keeble,N.H.,"Ofhimthousandsdailysingandtalk'':BunyanandhisReputation'',inN.H.Keeble (ed.).JohnBunyan:ConventicleandParnassus, TercentenaryEssays[M】.Oxford:ClarendonPress, 1988:258.【8】AnnettoT.Rubinstin,TheGreatTraditionIn EnglishLiteratureFromShakespeareToShaw,V o1.1:Wi1liamShakespearetoJanehusten[M】.NewY orkandLondon:ModernReaderPaperbacks,1969:259. [9】9周作人.欧洲文学史[M】.长沙:岳麓书社, 1989:145.[10】约翰?班扬.天路历程【M】.王汉川,译.济南:山东书画出版社,2002:14-16.[11】SamuelTaylorColeridge,Specimensofthe TableTalkoftheLateSamuelTaylotColeridge[C】. Harper&Bros,1835:114.【12】JamesBoswel1,BeSWe11sLifeofJohnson【M].Bigelow,Brown&co.,inc,1799,V o1.ii:219.【131CharlesHaddonSpurgeon,SermonsoftheRev.C.H.SpurgeonofLondon[C】.Sheldon,BlakemanandCO.1860:253.【14】F.M.哈里森(FrankMottHarrison).约翰?班扬【M】.TheBannerofTruthTrust,1964:157.(责任编辑:郑宗荣) ReligiousorSecularExplorationofValuesandStatusofThePilgrim'sProgresswUWen--nab(ForeignLanguagesDepartment,MinfiangUniversity,Fuzhou350108,Fujhm,) Abstract:Fromtheperspectiveofliteraryhistory.thevaluesandstatusofThePilgrimProgres sbyJohnBunyanhavegonethroughtwistsandturns,fromreligioustoliterary,devaluationtorecogniti on,Englandtothewholeworld,buttheconstantoneisthespiritualprogressinvolved,whichconstitutesabeacon forhumansou1.一一一K—ey—W—o—r—ds一:r—el—igi—ou—s—or—s—ec—ul—ar一;T—hePilgrim'sProgress;valuesand.一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一(上接39页)[3】沧月."云荒"正传.~qit@【J】.今古传奇(奇幻但是,玄幻文学并没有被风潮淹没,而是努力版上半月J},2005(7).在文字媒介与新媒体技术的沟通与融合之中尝试着【4】沧月.龙站.往世书[DB/OL].晋江原创一种新视觉创作.网,/onebook.php?nov~Iid=253997&chapterid=4,2007-10-18.参考文献:【1】沧月.动风漫影新武侠,沧海明月共潮生[J】.今古传奇武侠版,2004(7):8.[2】沧月."云荒"正传.双城①[J】.今古传奇(奇幻版上半月,2005(4).砀eNewVision[5】马睿.中国当代玄幻文学的文化思考[J】.重庆三峡学院,2008(1):29.[6】韩云波.论90年代"后金庸"新武侠小说文体实验【J】.重庆大学(社会科学版),2004(4):74..(责任编辑:郑宗荣) CreationofFantasticLiteratureInfluencedbyNewMedia——TangMirrorbyCangYueasanExampleLlShuorCollegeofLiteratureandJournalism,SichuanUniversity,Chengdu610064,ChinaJ Abstract:Asanewtypeofpopularliterature,fantasticliteraturehasbeencloselyrelatedtonew media.However,inadditiontoexpendingtherouteoftransmission,thenewmediahasdeeplyinfluen cedthecreationoffantasticliterature.BasedontheanalysisofMirrorbyCangYue,thepaperpurportstodecodet henewvisioncreationoffantasticliteratureinfluencedbynewmedia.Keyword:newmedia;fantasticliterature;newvisioncreation;CangYue一8】一。
文献综述 1

The Religious Features and Critical Spiritin The Pilgrim’s Progress and Journey to the West《天路历程》与《西游记》中的宗教特征与批判精神Literature ReviewLiu JingClass 5 Grade 2008Abstract: The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by the English writer John Bunyan in the 17th century, holds a unique place in the history of English literature. Meanwhile, Journey to the West, written by the Ming dynasty writer Wu Cheng-en in the 16th century, is one of the Chinese Four Masterpieces. As the cultural exchange between the West and East has been continuously strengthened, the comparative studies on the Chinese and Western literary works at all levels are also enriched. In this literature review, several important researches of The Pilgrim’s Progress or Journey to the West, particularly comparisons between the two works at home and aboard are introduced briefly. Hopefully, it will benefit good understanding of the essay.摘要:由英国作家约翰.班扬17世纪所著的《天路历程》在英国文学史上有着独一无二的地位,同时,由中国作家吴承恩在16世纪所著的《西游记》是中国四大名著之一。

Journey to the West is a mythological novel written by Wu Cheng'en which tells a story about Tangseng—the Master, who went to the West to find the Buddhist scripture under the protection of his three disciples- Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy. During the journey, Tangseng is often captured and has his life threatened, because the demons who capture him believe that if they eat Tangseng they can attain immortality. As a result, his three disciples always have to save him time and again. After experiencing 81 difficulties, the four obtain the true scripture and become Buddha. In 1986,the novel was adapted into a TV series, which was very popular among the massive audience.《西游记》是吴承恩写的一部神话小说(mythological novel),讲述的是唐僧在三个徒弟孙悟空、猪八戒和沙僧的保护下去西天取经(to find the Buddhist scripture )的故事。
一路上,唐僧经常被妖怪(demon )捉走,性命垂危,因为它们相信吃了他的肉就可以长生不老,因而他的三个徒弟总要一次又一次地解救他。

A Comparative Study on the Pilgrim's Progress and TheJourney to the West----浅谈《天路历程》与《西游记》的宗教元素差异《天路历程》与《西游记》都是以宗教为题材的小说,与现实相结合,描述了负有原罪或罪孽的信徒们“朝圣”历险的故事。

第23卷第5期2005年9月泉州师范学院学报(社会科学)Journal of Q uanzhou Norm al U niversity(Social Science)Vol.23 No.5Sep.2005天路历程 与 西游记 的精神共鸣两部小说宗教特征和批判精神比较林 琳(泉州师范学院外国语学院,福建泉州 362000)摘 要:本文通过对 天路历程 和 西游记 的宗教性特征与现实的批判性的比较分析,表明宗教特征和批判精神如两条红线贯穿于两部小说之中,两者的结合是两部小说共同的精神特征。
关键词: 天路历程 ; 西游记 ;宗教特征;批判精神中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-8224(2005)05-0083-05自古以来,人类在与自然、社会的矛盾冲突中生存与发展。
文学,作为 生活的一面镜子 (莎士比亚),不仅反映了现实生活,产生了现实主义文学;也表现了人们的梦想和理想,产生了伟大的浪漫主义文学。
在古代 凡有文化必有宗教 [1]。
在西方,受 圣经 思想的支配,这种向往通常表现为对天堂的梦想;在东方,则多因佛教的影响表现为对西天极乐世界的追求。
中国16世纪作家吴承恩(1510-1582)的 西游记 和英国17世纪作家约翰 班扬(1628-1688)的 天路历程 (Pilg rim s Progr ess,1678)便是东西方宗教理想主义文学的杰出代表作。
天路历程 (以下简称 天 )创作于英国革命后的 王政复辟 时期。
一路上,他经过 困难山 、 耻辱谷 、 名利场 等险恶之地,遭遇 魔王河波里昂 、 仇善法官 、 绝望巨人 等鬼魅魍魉,历尽艰难险阻,终于到达上帝所在的阳光灿烂的天国[2]。
journey to the west的意思

journey to the west的意思
"Journey to the West" 通常指的是中国文学名著《西游记》的英文译名。
从更广泛的意义上说,"Journey to the West" 可以象征着人生的旅程或追求目标的过程。
此外,"Journey to the West" 也可以指代其他与西部旅行或探险相关的主题或故事。
总的来说,"Journey to the West" 这个短语在不同的语境中可能有不同的含义,但通常与冒险、成长、探索和克服困难的主题相关。
或者,如果你对 "Journey to the West" 这个概念有其他特定的兴趣或想法,我们也可以进一步探讨。

A Comparative Study on The Journey to the West and The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》与《西游记》的

A Comparative Study on The Journey to the West and ThePilgrim’s Progress1. IntroductionNecessarily, different cultural characteristics of nationality derive from varieties environment, lifestyle, tradition, faith and appreciation. However, cultures of different nationalities have something in common for people’s thought, emotion, and behavior. As Mr. Meng Zhaoyi points:Human development is a trend which brings about a transnational or trans-regional culture exchanges. Characters of cultures, such as development, synchronism, transmission, enculturation and backwardness make it progresses. The development of culture bursts the restrains of communication. Nowadays, we can not find nothing where a culture is impacted by others. Throughout the world history literature, the suffering processes of believers is one of the main themes of religion works, such as The Pilgrim’s Progress and The Journey to the West. Absolutely the writing of the Pilgrim’s Progress is based on Christianism particularly The Bible, while The Journey to the West is based on Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. Similar historical circumstance and religion atmosphere coincidentally make the two authors choose religion subject and the form of imagination to write which makes the works a carrier of religion ideology, salvation concept and people’s acknowledgment and exploration to the other side of the world. The Pilgrim’s Progress is honored as “a perfect work of allegory” by westerner, while the Journey to the West is honored as “a medieval legendary of China”. They are written according to social matters. They criticize on social evils, greatly show the sense of mission social responsibility. The two works differ from each other for their heroes aims to the journey, authors’ attitudes toward rising businessmen and writing techniques. We could have a better understanding of the two works by exploring their similarities and differences.2. Differences of the two novels2.1 Different imagery of namesThe first section of The Pilgrim’s Progress tells a story in form of dream where the christian knows the ruin of hometown from a book. A man called “preacher”warns him of leaving for heaven. Then he starts his journey. The second section of the book tells a story about Christian’s wife, whose name is Woman Christian, taking a journey to heaven with her children. She is guided by a man called Fearless. Based on The Bible, the two sections of The Pilgrim’s Progress has many symbolic names. For example, there are the Pond of Despair, Mountain of Difficulty (difficulties that the christian must to overcome), Village of Doubt, Giant of Despair (the Christian is held back by Giant of Despair at Village of Doubt), and Vanity Fair, Preacher(who guides the journey of Christian) and Mr.Fearless(who guides the journey of Woman Christian).Having suffered from countless difficulties, and dangers, the Christian arrives in heaven, making his dream of salvation come true. He is modeled as an incarnation of virtue and an example of puritans at revolution age. Mr Brave, modeled as a representative for rightness as well. As for negative roles, there are Arrogant, Haughty and so on. They are hated by God according to The Bible. Besides, conceptualized roles are used to imply the figures in real society. For example, Devil Apollyon is a tyrant. Mr “Bashfulness” is a saint when being at outside but a devil when being at home. They are the symbols of evil and guilt. Many names and roles in the book originate from the history of Christianity. For example, the Christian’s four kids, they are Mathew, Samuel, Joseph and Jacob. According to The Bible, Mathew is one of the 12 apprentices of Jesus, Samuel is a famous prophet at judges age, Joseph is the twelfth son of Jacob and Jacob is Jesus’ brother.In The Journey to the West, Tang Monk’s three apprentices represent three kind of bad habits, they are avarice, anger and simpleton. Pig represents people who have a strong desire of avarice. He lust for wealth, beauty, fame, profit, food and sleep. Pig is warned to observe the eight commandments so that he can quit the desire of avarice and gain wisdom. As a result, he is named as “Eight Commandments”. Conversely, Pig fails to observe. Monkey King represents anger, he always wants to control whenan accidents happen unfairly. But he will be angry when he is misunderstood and blamed by his master. Being endowed with magic power and having an ability of seventy two metamorphoses, Monkey King is more powerful than Tang Monk, nevertheless, Tang Monk is the master while Monkey King isn’t. When I was a little boy, I couldn’t understand why Tang Monk is the master as he looks so weak, rather than Monkey King is as he is so powerful. But finally I got it after I study Buddhism, which tells me that the ultimate pursuit of Buddhism is not being powerful but to eliminate human’s anger. Monk Sha is a man of simpleton and honesty, being lack of common sense. He has no idea of what is right or wrong. Studying Buddhism can help him avoid confusion.2.2 Different attitudes toward rising bourgeoisieThe Journey to the West was written when capitalism rises, while The Pilgrim’s Progress is written at the time of England bourgeois revolution. Inevitably, rising businessmen are involved in both works. Although the Journey to the West is a story about Tang Dynasty, it presents a situation of flourishing development of capitalism at middle and later Ming Dynasty. Being at the feudal age, Wu Cheng’en, the author, dare not to advocate business activities directly. So he just holds a cautious attitude toward the promotion of capitalism. Yet, we can find the author’s promotion to the rising businessmen in the book. Every destination of the journey owns praise from the author, even pubs are described as paradise. It is a breakthrough that the author equate the lowly-considered business activity with the lofty journey of Tang Monk. For example, when Tang Monk sees a group of businessmen walking on dangerous layer of ice, he says, “Benefit is more important than anything. They risk their life for gaining benefit while my emperor brother be loyal to fame. It makes no difference”. Meanwhile, there is much praise for humanity and aspiration for freedom spirit. Monkey King, whatever he represents in the book, represents the liberation of personality. The author is a person of lower-level. He has a close experience to the benefit brought by development of bourgeoisie therefore, he advocates the rising bourgeoisie. Some writers of history regard The Journey to the West and The Plum in the Golden Vase as works of two age. But that is incorrect. Greatly The Journey to theWest continues to tell the kind of story of The Plum in the Golden Vase. Both the novels have a similar attitude toward rising class.To the rising businessmen, Bunyan accepts and criticizes. If there is no description of Vanity Fair, The Pilgrim’s Progress would be a mere religion work written to exhort. It is the description that presents features of that age. Vanity Fair is described as a materialistic and vile place. There are many goods such as country, desire, happiness, whore, children and anything to be purchased. When the christian and his partner Mr Loyalty buy truth, they are mocked, attacked and even be sentenced to death. In fact, the “Vanity Fair”mirrors the life of England bourgeois noblemen. And is the author, weather or not, an opponent to the capitalism class as he describes the Vanity Fair such a corrupt place? Bunyan had joined the Cromwell’s New Model army and edified with bourgeois ideology. He is not the opponent to capitalism but an opponent to “those people who are opposed to the supreme of God”. Namely, he is opposed to those noblemen who disobeys the edification of God, and the clergy who exploit churches.2.3 Different aims of journeysAlthough the two novels reveal reality by religion, they have different cognition to it, which hat can be explored in protagonists’ aim for their journeys.The Journey to the West is a subverting work for it satires feudal culture of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. And the author expresses his satire by another buddhist and taoist works as well. The Journey to the West is “a work of game”, it contains “sharp realism”, and conveys the truth by games.The satire is radiated by author’s unsatisfied tone to feudalism society. At the period of middle and later Ming Dynasty, emperors become more and more incompetent and corrupt. The country falls down and their people live in misery. That situation generates thoughts of salvation and loyalty that are greatly advocated by the author. Therefore Tang Monk starts his journey. However, it is not for himself but for the salvation of all and for his emperor’s everlasting power. Jambudvipa, where Tang Dynasty locates, is a place filled with avarice, slaughter, deception, lies, cheat, ingrate and murder.Obviously the place is not a real place of Tang dynasty. It is a plot conceived toshow the degeneration of middle and later period of Ming Dynasty. Faced with that situation, the author wants to find a way to reform, which means to change the situation and people’s soul by good ideologies and moral cultivation.At Bunyan’s age, the emperor of England was a believer of Roman Catholic, and Christian church was badly corrupt. It is not the same as what is described in The Bible. Therefore, what Bunyan wants to do is to correct the wrong reality with his pen. Just as it is written in this book, “Why the christian starts his journey? He is oppressed by the great burden. He worries about the ruin of his hometown by heaven’s fire. He cries, “How can we be saves?” .Although the ways of salvation is different, it differs from the ideologies between China and foreign countries. The aim of The Journey to the West lies in helping from others, while the aim of The Pilgrim’s Progress lies in self-rescue. Anyway, as long as everyone get rescued, all get rescued.3. Similarities of the two novels3.1 Similarity of techniquesThe creation of the two novels. In the novels, romanticism is widely adopted. It expresses authors’feelings and imagination to life, namely the perception and perspective for beauty and ugliness, the true and the false, the good and the evil. In order to transcend the reality, authors have to take peculiar imagination, bold exaggeration and fancy plot to radiate their feeling to real life, because they are reluctant to face the odiousness of reality. There are some common features of romanticism in both novels, for example, fancy circumstances and plots, which makes the two novels popular around the world.Most Christians have an imagination of a paradise. John Milton, exactly, imagines in Paradise Lost, looking far into the distance, the kingdom of heaven looks like an earthly paradise with tall city walls and magnificent buildings.Full of imagination, Bunyan starts to write The Pilgrim’s Progress with a dream, develops the story with a full scroll of fancy circumstances, including fierce fighting,plenty of monsters and so on. The romantic characteristics of the novel are as follows: on the one hand, there are various figures in the book, for example, Monster Apollyon, who imperils the christian at valley of mortification, looks like a pterosaur as well as a fish wearing a coat of scale. His feet look like bear’s paw. His lion-liked big mouth flaming and smoking. On the other hand, there are many unique names by which the author rectify and personify abstract things. For example, there are names of people, Mr.Meek, Loyalty, Timidity, Giant of Despair, names of places, Pool of Despair, Castle of Suspect, Town of Pomp and so on.The Journey to the West reads more splendid than most mystery works before. Its circumstances transfer with the deeds of immortals and monsters, breaking away from time and space. For example, Monkey King uproars in heaven, breaks into Dragon King’s Palace. He would be anywhere at anytime. Humans, deities, animals are oddly-shaped. Everything in the story is endowed with magic power. For example, the description of Monkey King’s cudgel, “it weighs 13500 Jin”, “suddenly it is turned into a needle”(). And Monkey King has a super power of 72 metamorphoses. Ne Zha, is a superhuman with 3 heads and 6 arms. The birds, beasts, even plants can turn into anything with magic power. In a word, that is a world full of magic.3.2 Similarity of religionFor example, the writing pattern of the Pilgrim’s Progress is “original sin-believing-expiation-salvation-favor”, The narrative styles of the two stories follow a narration Bible. The story can be summarized as the following, with original sin, Christian starts his journey to pursue truth. During the process he is lured constantly by other people and things. Finally he clutches the Cross on the “wall of salvation” which means his release from original sin. While The Journey to the West is written accord ing to a Buddhism pattern of “karma-salvation of ascetic-salvation of all-to be immortal”. Tang monk and his apprentices are punished to be ordinary humans to suffer from 81 difficulties due to their previous crimes. Taking scriptures as their very goal, they start the journey of suffering 81 difficulties. Luckily, when they need help, their immortal friends come to help. Their journey is a process not only to save themselves but also to save all.Both novels tell the story of believer suffering the difficulties in order to realize their supreme goals. The believers are devout and indomitable to their own religion. The christian, hero of The Pilgrim’s Progress,suffers from devils, beauty, wealth abusive power, suicide, betray and so on. However he holds on to march toward heaven. While Monkey king is a hero who eradicate demons, Tang Monk and his fellow apprentices firmly march toward the west. Obviously, the two novels advocate a common doctrine of karma, good and evil, embrace, abstinence, toleration.Based on religion, the two authors take The Bible and the buddhist books as a basis to write.John Bunyan is a devout christian and missionary, mainly receiving education from The Bible. As Elvis Lewis says, “Bunyan’s life experience forms material of the novel while The Bible forms the framework and his genius finally make it”. Bunyan is quite familiar with The Bible as he respectively quotes 160 and 94 metaphors from The Bible in the first and second section of his book. Wu Chengen is not a special buddhist or a taoist, but a intellectual with combined idea of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. As a result, there are Buddha, Bodhisattva(the figures of Buddhism), Jade Emperor, sons of heaven(the figures of Taoism). They are deities in The Journey to the West and once they join together to tackle Monkey King. Then, Tang Monk is modeled as a buddhist who wants to take across sentient beings universally, as well as a stubborn and coward scholar. Monkey King follows Master Puti and later convert to Tang Monk. And there are numerous Confucian classics and taoist parlance in the novel that make The Journey to the West full of features of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Besides, the final result of Tang Monk and his apprentices are getting the scriptures(for Buddhism), to live forever(for Taoism) and continuing to save(for Confucianism). Just as Lindsay comments, Like the words in The Bible, buddhist texts in the story turn to be vivid.Meanwhile, many ideologies and words of Taoism are much adopted, the most typical of which is the application for ideologies and imagery of the book of changes in the beginning and the end.3.3 Similarities of themesPoignant reality and strong critics are obvious features of the two novels.Religion is a faith including commentary to the world and cognition to supernatural power, as well as a hope deriving from reality.John Bunyan and Wu Chengen have a similar life experience. They have a precise observation as well. Bunyan was born in a poor tinker family. He joined parliamentary army in England Revolution. But that army is a nonconformist denomination being suppressed at the age of dynasty restoration. Sticking to preach religion puts him into prison for 12 years, during the time he wrote the Pilgrim’s Progress, and that is his master work. Besides, he had written many other religion work. Writing with the intention to expose feudalism and pursue freedom and equality made him a representative for lower level believers. Wu Chengen was born in a downfallen merchant family. He was reluctant to write to flatter the authority. As a result, he always failed in the imperial competitive examination. Therefore, he lived a poor life on his writing for a long time. With fairy tales, many of his poetic prose are written to assail the ugliness of society. Those characteristics are largely presented in The Journey to the West. The realism and criticism of the two novels are revealed from flowing aspects.Firstly, both novels have realistic image of the figures. Figures in the two novels, though they are social ones with magic power and sense, they are social ones of reality as well. Those figures can be classified as two kinds. The justice and the evil. Monkey King and the christian are representatives of justice. Being upright, honest, indomitable, believing in justice, brave to struggle, the christian is modeled as an incarnation of virtue, and an example of puritans in the period of revolution. While Monkey King is modeled as a figure of unruliness, energy and power. He resists violence. He loves freedom, yearns for pureness and brightness. He is clever and brave. He is the most famous and brilliant hero in mythical literature. There are another conceptualized figures modeled to represent social people of demoralization and evil The Pilgrim’s Progress. For instance, Apollyon is a tyrant, Mr.Corruption is a corrupt official, Ms.Affection is a hypercritical noble woman. There are plenty of monsters in The Journey to the West, White-boned Demon, Bull Demon King, Bear Demon and Yama. They are fierce and cruel ones. They are not only the incarnation ofnatural power, but also the symbol of feudal autocracy.Secondly, both novels reveal evils of society by telling the experience of heroes as links. As George Bernard Shaw points, the whole story of The Pilgrim’s Progress questions morality and reputation, and condemns evil and crime.“Valley of Disgrace”and Demon Apollyon are modeled to reflect the autocracy of Stuart Dynasty. “Vanity Fair” is a place filled with goods like honor, official position, body and soul, except for truth. And there are murder, cheat and bully as well the Christian is beat up even sentenced to death due to his claim to buy truth. The plot reveals the situation of tyranny and the people’s tough living situation.The difficult living condition is more apparent in The Journey to the West. On the one hand, governors are exposed to be more luxurious. There are feasts arranged with priceless food and wine, including dragon’s liver, phoenix’s marrow, bear gall and ape’s lip and so on. On the other hand, they are corrupted and incompetent. For example, when Osiris amends the book of life and death, he practices favoritism. Even two of important apprentices of the Buddha extorts from Tang Monk and his apprentices when their requirements are declined, and they give Tang Monk fake scriptures, which reveals the cowardice and weakness of the governors.Thirdly, they criticize the injustice of laws. Both novels largely question the institutions and laws. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, the Christian is sentenced after he claims to buy truth. Unexpectedly, the jury are Blindness, Bad Guy and Prurience and the witnesses are Jealousy, Superstition and Flattery. The result of judgment turns out to be the death for Mr Loyalty and the Christian. The plot reflects a real trial of Judge Jeffery, castigating the injustice in real life. While The Journey to the West advocates “retribution for sin”. However it depends on antecedents rather than sin. Monsters can kill without being badly punished if they have antecedents. For example, the lion, the elephant and the rock kill others in human being’s world but they are not punished, and even they are reinstated in office. For the immortals at lower levels, however, once they violate the law, they will definitely be punished.4.ConclusionThe P ilgrim’s Progress and The Journey to the West have an epochal meaning not only because they have similarity in critical thought on religion, but also because they both adopt religious pattern and allegory. The P ilgrim’s Progress describes the process to heaven in a form of dream, while in The Journey to the West tells the journey of Tang Monk an his followers. The former is about the C hristian’s ideology of faith and salvation of soul, while the latter is about the idea of understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.Actually the journeys both of the christian and Tang Monk and his apprentices are journeys for soul. The Kingdom of Heaven or the western heaven are the highest state where we can arrive only by making great efforts and experience great hardship. Therefore both works imply that we should pay more attention to our inner heart and we can achieve our goal by perseverance and persistence.As it describes below, the names of characters and imagination present the authors’ attitudes and views to reality. Those names are full of deep implication.。

有关《西游记》与《天路历程》之间不同行程目的的阐述Although the two novels reveal reality by religion, they have different cognition to it, which hat can be explored in protagonists’ aim for their journeys.The Journey to the West is a subverting work for it satires feudal culture of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. And the author expresses his satire by another buddhist and taoist works as well. The Journey to the West is “a work of game”, it contains “sharp realism”, and conveys the truth by games.The satire is radiated by author’s unsatisfied tone to feudalism society. At the period of middle and later Ming Dynasty, emperors become more and more incompetent and corrupt. The country falls down and their people live in misery. That situation generates thoughts of salvation and loyalty that are greatly advocated by the author. Therefore Tang Monk starts his journey. However, it is not for himself but for the salvation of all and for his emperor’s everlasting power. Jambudvipa, where Tang Dynasty locates, is a place filled with avarice, slaughter, deception, lies, cheat, ingrate and murder.Obviously the place is not a real place of Tang dynasty. It is a plot conceived to show the degeneration of middle and later period of Ming Dynasty. Faced with that situation, the author wants to find a way to reform, which means to change the situation and people’s soul by good ideologies and moral cultivation.At Bunyan’s age, the emperor of England was a believer of Roman Catholic, and Christian church was badly corrupt. It is not the same as what is described in The Bible. Therefore, what Bunyan wants to do is to correct the wrong reality with his pen. Just as it is written in this book, “Why the christian starts his journey? He is oppressed by the great burden. He worries about the ruin of his hometown by heaven’s fire. He cries, “How can we be saves?” .Although the ways of salvation is different, it differs from the ideologies between China and foreign countries. The aim of The Journey to the West lies in helping from others, while the aim of The Pilgrim’s Progress lies in self-rescue. Anyway, as long as everyone get rescued, all get rescued.。

journeytothewest英文作文The journey to the West has been a captivating tale that has captured the imaginations of people across the globe for centuries. This legendary odyssey, first recorded in the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West," follows the adventures of a Buddhist monk named Xuanzang and his three loyal companions as they embark on a perilous expedition to India in search of sacred scriptures.At the heart of this epic journey lies the profound quest for spiritual enlightenment and the search for the true nature of the universe. Xuanzang, a devout and scholarly monk, is driven by a burning desire to bring the teachings of the Buddha back to his homeland, where they can help to guide and enlighten the people. Accompanied by the powerful and mischievous Monkey King, the stalwart Pigsy, and the river monster Sandy, Xuanzang faces a daunting array of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and courage at every turn.The journey to the West is a rich tapestry of mythological and allegorical elements, weaving together the realms of the mortal andthe divine, the earthly and the celestial. Along the way, the travelers encounter a host of fantastical creatures and supernatural beings, from the powerful and benevolent bodhisattvas to the malevolent demons and mythical beasts that seek to hinder their progress.One of the most iconic and enduring figures in the journey is the Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong. A trickster and a warrior, the Monkey King possesses immense power and a rebellious spirit that often lands him in trouble. Despite his mischievous ways, however, he remains fiercely loyal to Xuanzang and is driven by a desire to protect his master and ensure the success of the mission.The journey to the West is a rich tapestry of mythological and allegorical elements, weaving together the realms of the mortal and the divine, the earthly and the celestial. Along the way, the travelers encounter a host of fantastical creatures and supernatural beings, from the powerful and benevolent bodhisattvas to the malevolent demons and mythical beasts that seek to hinder their progress.One of the most iconic and enduring figures in the journey is the Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong. A trickster and a warrior, the Monkey King possesses immense power and a rebellious spirit that often lands him in trouble. Despite his mischievous ways, however, he remains fiercely loyal to Xuanzang and is driven by a desire to protect his master and ensure the success of the mission.As the travelers make their way across the treacherous terrain of the West, they face a series of daunting challenges that push them to their limits. They must confront powerful demons and sorcerers, navigate treacherous mountain passes and raging rivers, and overcome their own personal flaws and weaknesses. Along the way, they are forced to confront their own fears and doubts, and to rely on their wits, their courage, and their unwavering faith in the teachings of the Buddha.But the journey to the West is not merely a physical odyssey; it is also a profound spiritual and philosophical quest. Through their experiences and the challenges they face, the travelers are forced to grapple with the nature of the self, the nature of the divine, and the true meaning of enlightenment. As they progress on their journey, they gradually come to a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Buddha and the universal truths that lie at the heart of the cosmos.One of the most powerful themes that emerges from the journey to the West is the idea of the cyclical nature of existence. The travelers encounter a world that is constantly in flux, where the boundaries between the mortal and the divine, the real and the imaginary, are constantly shifting and blurring. This sense of impermanence and the constant cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is a central tenet ofBuddhist philosophy, and it is woven throughout the narrative of the journey.Another key theme is the importance of community and the power of teamwork. Despite their differences and their individual flaws, the four travelers form a tight-knit group that supports and protects one another throughout their journey. Their willingness to put aside their differences and work together towards a common goal is a testament to the transformative power of mutual understanding and cooperation.Ultimately, the journey to the West is a profoundly human story that speaks to the universal themes of faith, courage, and the search for meaning in a world that is often chaotic and unpredictable. Through the experiences of Xuanzang and his companions, we are invited to reflect on our own journeys of self-discovery and to contemplate the eternal questions that have haunted humanity since the dawn of time.Whether you are a student of literature, a lover of mythology, or simply someone who is captivated by the power of storytelling, the journey to the West is a timeless and enduring tale that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who encounter it. So set forth on your own odyssey, and let the timeless wisdom of this classic tale guide you on your path to enlightenment.。



有关《西游记》与《天路历程》的简要对比分析有关《西游记》与《天路历程》的简要对比分析Necessarily, different cultural characteristics of nationality derive from varieties environment, lifestyle, tradition, faith and appreciation. However, cultures of different nationalities have something in common for people’s thought, emotion, and behavior. As Mr. Li Hua points:Human development is a trend which brings about a transnational or trans-regional culture exchanges. Characters of cultures, such as development, synchronism, transmission, enculturation and backwardness make it progresses. The development of culture bursts the restrains of communication. Nowadays, we can not find nothing where a culture is impacted by others. Throughout the world history literature, the suffering processes of believers is one of the main themes of religion works, such as The Pilgrim’s Progress and The Journey to the West. Absolutely the writing of the Pilgrim’s Progress is based on Christianism particularly The Bible, while The Journey to the West is based on Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. Similar historical circumstance and religion atmosphere coincidentally make the two authors choose religion subject and the form of imagination to write which makes the works a carrier of religion ideology, salvation concept and people’s acknowledgment and exploration to the other side of the world. The Pilgrim’s Progress is honored as “a perfect work of allegory” by westerner, while the Journey to the We st is honored as “a medieval legendary of China”. They are written according to social matters. They criticize on social evils, greatly show the sense of mission social responsibility. The two works differ fromeach other for their heroes aims to the journ ey, authors’ attitudes toward rising businessmen and writing techniques. We could have a better understanding of the two works by exploring their similarities and differences.。

梗概西游记150字左右英语作文英文回答:Journey to the West is a 16th-century Chinese novel attributed to Wu Cheng'en. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. The novel tells the story of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who traveled from China to India to retrieve sacred Buddhist scriptures. Along the way, he is accompanied by three supernatural beings: the Monkey King, Pigsy, and Sandy. The novel isfull of adventure, humor, and religious symbolism.The novel has been translated into many languages and has been adapted into numerous films, television series, and other works of art. It is one of the most popular and well-known works of Chinese literature.中文回答:《西游记》是16世纪中国小说,作者为吴承恩,属于中国四大名著之一。

作为一部寓言小说,其背景深受《圣经》和欧洲寓言文学的影响, 通过虚构的情节和人物来传达深意。
作品以朝圣为主题,展现了一个人在信仰和道德选择中挣扎的心路 历程。
叙述者“我”在梦中看到一个叫“基 督徒”的人受尽磨难,历经艰险,最 终在信仰的指引下走向天国之路。
故事中穿插着各种寓言和象征,如“ 名利场”、“巨人谷”等,以丰富的 想象力和生动的描绘吸引读者。
在句子层面的互文翻译中,译者需要保持句子结构的一致 性,确保译文的句子与原文在逻辑和语法上相符合。
对于长句的翻译,译者需要具备良好的语言组织能力,按 照中文的表达习惯将长句拆分成若干短句,使译文更加易 于理解和接受。
在翻译过程中,需要将原作中的文化意象进行适当的转换,以适应目标语读者 的文化背景。这需要译者具备丰富的文化知识和灵活的转换能力。
《天路历程》的语言风格独特,具有浓郁的宗教色彩和诗意。在互文翻译过程中,需要将这种语言风格进行有效 的转换,以使目标语读者能够感受到原作的语言魅力。
评估互文翻译在保留原文艺术风格和修辞手法方面的 表现,以及译文的流畅性和可读性。
互文翻译能够保留原文的文化特色和艺术风格,使译文更具可读性和感染力;同时,通过比较不同版 本的互文翻译,读者可以更深入地理解原文的内涵和意义。
互文翻译可能存在过度解读或误读的风险,导致译文与原文存在偏差;同时,互文翻译需要耗费大量 时间和精力进行校对和修改,以确保译文的准确性和质量。

有关《天路历程》与《西游记》之间主题相似性的英文阐述Poignant reality and strong critics are obvious features of the two novels. Religion is a faith including commentary to the world and cognition to supernatural power, as well as a hope deriving from reality.John Bunyan and Wu Chengen have a similar life experience. They have a precise observation as well. Bunyan was born in a poor tinker family. He joined parliamentary army in England Revolution. But that army is a nonconformist denomination being suppressed at the age of dynasty restoration. Sticking to preach religion puts him into prison for 12 years, during the time he wrote the Pilgrim’s Progress, and that is his master work. Besides, he had written many other religion work. Writing with the intention to expose feudalism and pursue freedom and equality made him a representative for lower level believers. Wu Chengen was born in a downfallen merchant family. He was reluctant to write to flatter the authority. As a result, he always failed in the imperial competitive examination. Therefore, he lived a poor life on his writing for a long time. With fairy tales, many of his poetic prose are written to assail the ugliness of society. Those characteristics are largely presented in The Journey to the West. The realism and criticism of the two novels are revealed from flowing aspects.Firstly, both novels have realistic image of the figures. Figures in the two novels, though they are social ones with magic power and sense, they are social ones of reality as well. Those figures can be classified as two kinds. The justice and the evil. Monkey King and the christian are representatives of justice. Being upright, honest, indomitable, believing in justice, brave to struggle, the christian is modeled as an incarnation of virtue, and an example of puritans in the period of revolution. While Monkey King is modeled as a figure of unruliness, energy and power. He resists violence. He loves freedom, yearns for pureness and brightness. He is clever and brave. He is the most famous and brilliant hero in mythical literature. There are another conceptualized figures modeled to represent social people of demoralization and evil The Pilgrim’s Progress. For instance, Apollyon is a tyrant, Mr.Corruption is acorrupt official, Ms.Affection is a hypercritical noble woman. There are plenty of monsters in The Journey to the West, White-boned Demon, Bull Demon King, Bear Demon and Y ama. They are fierce and cruel ones. They are not only the incarnation of natural power, but also the symbol of feudal autocracy.Secondly, both novels reveal evils of society by telling the experience of heroes as links. As George Bernard Shaw points, the whole story of The Pilgrim’s Progress questions morality and reputation, and condemns evil and crime.“V alley of Disgrace”and Demon Apollyon are modeled to reflect the autocracy of Stuart Dynasty. “V anity Fair”is a place filled with goods like honor, official position, body and soul, except for truth. And there are murder, cheat and bully as well the Christian is beat up even sentenced to death due to his claim to buy truth. The plot reveals the situation of tyranny and the people’s tough living situation.The difficult living condition is more apparent in The Journey to the West. On the one hand, governors are exposed to be more luxurious. There are feasts arranged with priceless food and wine, including dragon’s liver, phoenix’s marrow, bear gall and ape’s lip and so on. On the other hand, they are corrupted and incompetent. For example, when Osiris amends the book of life and death, he practices favoritism. Even two of important apprentices of the Buddha extorts from Tang Monk and his apprentices when their requirements are declined, and they give Tang Monk fake scriptures, which reveals the cowardice and weakness of the governors.Thirdly, they criticize the injustice of laws. Both novels largely question the institutions and laws. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, the Christian is sentenced after he claims to buy truth. Unexpectedly, the jury are Blindness, Bad Guy and Prurience and the witnesses are Jealousy, Superstition and Flattery. The result of judgment turns out to be the death for Mr Loyalty and the Christian. The plot reflects a real trial of Judge Jeffery, castigating the injustice in real life. While The Journey to the West advocates “retribution for sin”. However it depends on antecedents rather than sin. Monsters can kill without being badly punished if they have antecedents. For example, the lion, the elephant and the rock kill others in human being’s world but they are not punished, and even they are reinstated in office. For the immortals at lower levels, however,once they violate the law, they will definitely be punished.。

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The theme of “Journey to the west” comes from the story of Xuan Zang Buddhist sutras. On the surface, it seems a real tour that four persons travel over the hills and go through the rivers,in fact, all sorts of evil-doers are not existed, they are the blurred demons made by the author. Four master have a journey to the west, in other words, is a kind of behavior which transcend the reality in the religious world and arrive the ideal spiritual world. Via the heart of the practice all the way, to be sanctifying,become immortals and become Buddha, it is a state which three religions amalgamated into one, and finally, to complete the transcendence of spiritual freedom. The most characteristic of the theme about religious surpassing is the unity of “nourishing heart” of Confucianism, “clearing heart” of Taoism and “no heart” of Buddhism.Three religions are in mutual penetration and show the religious feeling of harmony between human-beings and nature.“Journey to the west”, four master achieved Buddhahood in the end, and accomplish the procession of consciousness from inhuman to mortals and than to prefect,namely, achieve the sublimation of sanctifying, becoming immortals and becoming Buddha. In this product, it make the human-being as a core, and pursue the spiritual liberation through the way of the internal transcendency model which is make “heart” as the core and the “no-myself” inner experience. For the individual, it means that theperfect personality is formed by the course of the epiphany of life, self-restraint, detached secular and reversing introspection; for the society, the final target related to the state in terms of rejuvenating will be reached by consciously self-discipline and the active participation.“Pilgrim's Progress” tells the story about a tough Christians embark on the long journey in terms of seeking eternal life, the journey is full of dangerous disasters and all kinds of temptations, but he blaze the way forward through all the difficulties and obstacles with an indomitable spirit, only wish that the guilt souls could be redeemed in the heaven. In terms of religious doctrine, “Pilgrim’s Process” is formed by the ways of rescuing related to the Christianity. To the beginning ,the leading character is burdened with a heavy bag of sin, what’s more, the character escapes the City of Destruction which is symbolizing the current life, and in the end, he could extricate himself front the heavy sin until he comes before the cross. The leading character experiences many stages, for instance, the stage of original sin, repentance,conversion, believing in the Lord, atonement, salvation and grace. After a variety of baptisms, the hero accomplishes the journey of saving his heart and becomes a convert of the Christianity. The journey is full of difficulties and obstacles, what’s more, there are a number of temptations and tests all theway. No matter the old sophisticated person’s secular, or the temptation of the prince of the devils, or the mixing situation of the vanity fair, or the place make people’s spirits droop, the leading character is struggling with all these sins and could enter in the Celestial City and atones for his crime in the last moment.The Christians who are described in the novel, is the embodiment of people seeking the ways of redeeming the soul. The author reveals the meaningful reality that human-beings are not perfect and are born with original sin through the novel, and it make people known that only by the ways of firming the belief and reflecting the consciousness about original sin, strengthening the atonement in psychological, could people absolve the sin and make the salvation of souls, in addition, obtain the value of existing and achieve the ultimate eternal realm, in this way, to make a combination between the individual soul and the divine spirit, in the meantime, accomplish the sublimation of life and the transcendence of the humanity.(REN,2007)Banyang and Wu Chengen both have an inventive mind in the using of prototypes in the process of creating the “Pilgrim’s Process” and “Journey to the west”. Through these prototypes, they showed respective ideas of creation and deepen the cultural connotation of Christianity and Buddhism. Two allegorical works describe the struggle between goodness and evil on each hero.By the deeply religious impact, Banyang and Wu Chengen use their profound culture about religions to create the products, in the meantime, they use an amount of religious alluding. Banyang borrows a lot of stories from the Bible and in the whole composition, he quotes 254 analogies, therefore, the imagery of Bible is filling the lines of the “Pilgrim’s Process”. As to the “Journey to the West”, a story related to the Buddhist monks go to the west to pilgrim, is mainly from the Chinese famous historical document named Buddhist Records and some of traditional folk fables. The characters, literary quotations and religious doctrines of Taoism ,Confucianism and Buddhism is appearing everywhere in the works. These two productions are both influenced by their religions of own countries respectively.[1]任慧君包磊《西游记》和《天路历程》的对比分析[J] 陕西科技大学2007.05。