

CONTRACTContractNo.:******TheBuyers:***TheSellers:******ThiscontractismadebyandbetweentheBuyersandtheSellers;wherebytheBuyersagr eetobuyandtheSellersagreetoselltheunder-mentionedgoodssubjecttothetermsa ndconditionsasstipulatedhereinafter:(1)NameofCommodity:(2)Quantity:(3)Unitprice:(4)TotalValue:(5)Packing:(6)CountryofOrigin:(7)TermsofPayment:(8)insurance:(9)TimeofShipment:(10)PortofLading:(11)PortofDestination:(12)Claims:Within45daysafterthearrivalofthegoodsatthedestination,shouldthequality,Specificationsorquantitybefoundnotinconformitywiththestipulationsoftheco ntractexceptthoseclaimsforwhichtheinsurancecompanyortheownersofthevessel areliable,theBuyersshall,havetherightonthestrengthoftheinspectioncertificateissuedbytheC.C.I.Cand therelativedocumentstoclaimforcompensationtotheSellers(13)ForceMajeure:Thesellersshallnotbeheldresponsibleforthedelayinshipmentornon-deli-veryo fthegoodsduetoForceMajeure,whichmightoccurduringtheprocessofmanufacturingorinthecourseofloadingortr ansit.ThesellersshalladvisetheBuyersimmediatelyoftheoccurrencementioneda bovethewithinfourteendaysthereafter.theSellersshallsendbyairmailtotheBuy ersfortheiracceptanceacertificateoftheaccident.Undersuchcircumstancesthe Sellers,however,arestillundertheobligationtotakeallnecessarymeasurestohastenthedeliveryo fthegoods。

双语版买卖合同5篇第1篇示例:双语版买卖合同合同双方:买方:______________________(以下简称“买方”)为明确买方与卖方的权利和义务,双方经友好协商一致,特订立本合同如下:一、货物描述1.1 买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下货物:二、付款方式2.1 买方应在签署本合同之日起______日内支付货款。
2.3 如买方延迟支付货款,应按日向卖方支付______%的滞纳金。
三、货物交付3.1 买方应在约定的交付日期内前往规定的交付地点接收货物。
3.2 如买方未按约定时间接收货物导致货物损坏,损失由买方承担。
3.3 买方应在接收货物时,验收货物数量和质量,如有问题应当在______小时内提交书面投诉。
四、风险转移4.1 货物所有权自货物交付之日起转移给买方,风险自货物交付给买方时转移。
4.2 如因不可抗力等原因致使货物交付受阻,卖方应尽快通知买方并协商解决方案。
五、售后服务5.1 货物交付后,买方需保持货物原状,如有问题可向卖方提出投诉。
5.2 在货物质量问题上,买方享有______天的退换货期限。
六、争议解决6.1 本合同履行过程中如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向______仲裁机构提起仲裁。
七、其他事项7.1 本合同一式两份,买卖双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
7.2 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至货物交付完毕之日终止。
买方:卖方:签字:___________ 签字:___________本合同经双方签字盖章确认后生效。
Buy-Sell ContractParties to the Contract:Buyer: ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer")In order to clarify the rights and obligations of the Buyer and Seller, both parties have reached a friendly agreement and hereby enter into this contract as follows:I. Description of GoodsII. Payment MethodV. After-sales Service5.2 The Buyer has ______ days to request a refund or exchange for goods with quality issues.Buyer: ______________________ Seller: ______________________第2篇示例:双语版买卖合同合同编号:______________本合同由以下双方,即卖方(以下简称“甲方”)和买方(以下简称“乙方”)共同订立,根据以下条款执行:一、标的物1. 甲方同意向乙方出售以下标的物品:- 商品名称:_________________- 商品规格:_________________- 商品数量:_________________- 商品价格:_________________2. 标的物品的质量和数量必须符合卖方在合同中所描述的规格和要求。

双语版买卖合同7篇篇1甲方(买方):____________________乙方(卖方):____________________鉴于甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿、公平的原则,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品描述1. 商品名称:____________________2. 商品规格:____________________3. 商品数量:____________________4. 商品质量:按照双方约定标准及乙方所提供的样品进行检验。
二、价格条款1. 商品价格:双方约定商品总价为________元人民币(大写:________元整)。
2. 货币单位:人民币。
3. 支付方式:甲方通过银行转账方式支付商品款项。
4. 支付时间:甲方在收到货物验收合格后______天内完成支付。
三、交货条款1. 交货方式:乙方负责安排物流运输,将商品安全送达甲方指定地点。
2. 交货时间:双方约定在签署本合同后______天内完成交货。
3. 交货地点:甲方指定的地址。
4. 运输费用:由乙方承担。
四、品质保证与检验1. 乙方应保证所销售的商品符合双方约定的质量标准。
2. 甲方在收到商品后有权对商品进行质量检验,如发现质量问题,应在______天内书面通知乙方。
3. 若因乙方提供的商品质量问题导致甲方损失,乙方应承担相应赔偿责任。
五、保密条款1. 双方应对本合同内容及相关商业信息保密,未经对方许可,不得泄露给第三方。
2. 双方应妥善保管与本合同相关的文件及资料,未经对方同意,不得向第三方提供。
六、违约责任1. 若甲方未按约定时间支付货款,应支付逾期付款违约金。
2. 若乙方未按约定时间交货,应支付逾期交货违约金。
3. 若因一方违约导致本合同无法继续履行,守约方有权解除本合同,并要求违约方承担相应赔偿责任。
七、法律适用与争议解决1. 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
2. 若双方在合同履行过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

买卖合同(英文版)5篇篇1Purchase and Sale AgreementThis Purchase and Sale Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Seller], with a principal place of business at [Address] (the "Seller"), and [Buyer], with a principal place of business at [Address] (the "Buyer").1. Sale of Goods or ServicesSubject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller, the goods or services described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Goods").2. Purchase PriceThe purchase price for the Goods shall be [Amount] payable by the Buyer to the Seller in accordance with the payment terms set forth in this Agreement.3. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer at [Delivery Location] in accordance with the delivery schedule set forth in Exhibit A. The Buyer shall be responsible for all shipping and handling charges.4. AcceptanceThe Buyer shall have [Number] days from the date of delivery to inspect the Goods and notify the Seller of any defects or nonconformities. If the Buyer fails to notify the Seller within such period, the Goods shall be deemed accepted.5. WarrantiesThe Seller represents and warrants that the Goods shall conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A and shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship.6. IndemnificationEach party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by such party.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the purchase and sale of the Goods and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Seller:____________________ [Signature]Buyer:____________________ [Signature]篇2Buy and Sell ContractThis agreement is made on this day [Date] between [Seller's Name] ,the seller, residing at [Seller's Address] and [Buyer's Name], the buyer, residing at [Buyer's Address].Whereas, the seller is the legal owner of the item(s) being sold, the buyer desires to purchase the said item(s) on the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.1. Item Description: The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the following item(s):[Description of Items]2. Purchase Price: The buyer agrees to pay the seller the total amount of [Purchase Price] for the item(s) listed above. The payment shall be made in [Payment Method] in the following installments: [Payment Schedule].3. Delivery: The seller agrees to deliver the item(s) to the buyer at [Delivery Address] on or before [Delivery Date]. The buyer shall bear all costs associated with the delivery, including but not limited to packaging, shipping, and insurance.4. Title and Risk of Loss: The title and ownership of the item(s) shall pass to the buyer upon receipt of full payment by the seller. The risk of loss or damage to the item(s) shall remain with the seller until delivery to the buyer.5. Inspection and Returns: The buyer shall have [Number of Days] days from the delivery date to inspect the item(s) and notify the seller of any defects or issues. If the item(s) are foundto be defective, the buyer may return the item(s) to the seller for a full refund or replacement.6. Warranties: The seller warrants that the item(s) are free from any defects in material and workmanship. The seller further warrants that they have the legal right to sell the item(s) and transfer title to the buyer.7. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country] and any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date and year first above written.Seller: _______________________Buyer: _______________________Date: _______________________篇3Sales ContractThis Sales Contract ("Contract") is entered into and made effective as of the date of signing by and between [Seller’s Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of[Seller’s Country], with its principal place of business located at [Seller’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"), and [Buyer’s Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Buyer’s Country], with its principal place of business located at [Buyer’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").WHEREAS, the Seller is engaged in the business of selling [Description of Goods] and the Buyer desires to purchase said goods from the Seller.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Goods. The Seller agrees to sell, transfer, and deliver to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller, the following goods: [Description of Goods], in the quantity and at the price set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Price. The Buyer agrees to pay the Seller the total purchase price of the goods as set forth in Exhibit A. The payment shall be made in [Currency] and shall be due [Number of Days] days from the date of this Contract.3. Delivery. The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer at the location specified by the Buyer in Exhibit B attached hereto.The Buyer shall assume all costs associated with the transportation and delivery of the goods.4. Inspection and Acceptance. The Buyer shall have [Number of Days] days from the date of delivery to inspect and accept the goods. If the goods are not accepted within this period, they shall be deemed accepted by the Buyer.5. Warranties. The Seller warrants that the goods are in good and merchantable condition and free from any defects. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods upon delivery and may reject any goods that do not conform to the warranties herein.6. Indemnification. The Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the sale and delivery of the goods.7. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.BUYER:____________________[Buyer’s Name][Buyer’s Title]SELLER:____________________[Seller’s Name][Seller’s Title]篇4Purchase and Sale ContractThis Purchase and Sale Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date] by and between [Seller], with an address at [Address], and [Buyer], with an address at [Address].1. Sale and Purchase of GoodsSeller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to purchase the goods described as [Goods] in the attached Exhibit A. The sale price for the goods shall be [Price].2. Payment TermsBuyer shall pay the purchase price to Seller in the manner set forth in Exhibit B. The payment shall be made in [Currency] within [Number] days of the signing of this Contract.3. Delivery and AcceptanceThe goods shall be delivered to Buyer at [Location] by Seller on or before [Date]. Buyer shall have a period of [Number] days from the date of delivery to inspect the goods and shall notify Seller of any defects or discrepancies. If Buyer fails to inspect the goods and notify Seller within the specified period, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the goods.4. WarrantiesSeller represents and warrants that the goods shall conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A and shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Seller further warrants that it has good and marketable title to the goods and have the right to sell them to Buyer.5. IndemnificationSeller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising from any breach of this Contract by Seller.6. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].7. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the sale and purchase of the goods and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.SELLER: [Signature] [Printed Name]BUYER: [Signature] [Printed Name]Exhibit A: Description of GoodsExhibit B: Payment Terms篇5Purchase and Sale AgreementThis Purchase and Sale Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date] by and between [Seller], with a principal place of business at [Seller's Address] ("Seller"), and [Buyer], with a principal place of business at [Buyer's Address] ("Buyer").1. Sale of Goods: Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase and accept from Seller, thefollowing goods (the "Goods"): [Description of Goods]. The quantity, quality, and price of the Goods are as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Purchase Price: Buyer agrees to pay the purchase price for the Goods as specified in Exhibit A. The purchase price shall be paid in [Payment Terms].3. Delivery: Seller shall deliver the Goods to Buyer at the location specified in Exhibit A on or before [Delivery Date]. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon delivery of the Goods.4. Warranties: Seller warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and shall conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A. Seller further warrants that it has good and marketable title to the Goods and the right to sell them to Buyer. Seller's warranties shall survive delivery and acceptance of the Goods by Buyer.5. Inspections: Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Goods upon delivery. Buyer must notify Seller of any defects or nonconformities within [Inspection Period] days of delivery. If Buyer fails to give such notice, the Goods shall be deemed accepted.6. Remedies: In the event of any breach of this Agreement by Seller, Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the right to return the Goods in exchange for a refund of the purchase price. Seller shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or punitive damages.7. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.SELLER:_________________________[Buyer's Name]BUYER:_________________________[Seller's Name]Exhibit A: Description of Goods, Quantity, Quality, Price, and Delivery Date.。

出口商品买卖合同(中英文对照)5篇篇1出口商品买卖合同Buyer and Seller of Export Commodity Contract(日期和编号尚未填写)在此明确一致商定以下交易事项。
在合同中具体条款如下:I. 合同双方基本信息Buyer’s Information(买方信息)and Seller’s Information (卖方信息)(包括名称、地址、联系方式等)II. 交易商品描述Description of Goods (商品名称、规格型号、数量、单价等)III. 交易条款和条件Terms and Conditions of Contract (包括交货期限、交货地点、运输方式、付款方式等)IV. 价格条款Price Terms (包括商品单价、货币类型、计价方式等)此合同经甲乙双方同意后签署生效并具有法律效力。

出口商品买卖合同(中英文对照)8篇篇1出口商品买卖合同EXPORTATION CONTRACT OF COMMODITY合同编号:__________Contract No.:__________买方:________________ (以下简称甲方)Buyer: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)地址:__________________________Address: _________________________卖方:________________ (以下简称乙方)Seller: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 地址:__________________________Address: _________________________鉴于甲方为购买出口商品与乙方签订本合同,双方本着平等互利、诚信合作的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品名称及规格型号、数量、单价、总价等详见附件一《商品清单》。
Article 1: The name of commodity, specifications and model, quantity, unit price and total price, etc. shall be as stated in Appendix 1: List of Commodities. Party B shall provide brand new commodity in accordance with the requirements of this Contract and the standard.二、包装要求及标准:乙方应按照甲方提出的包装要求及标准进行包装,确保商品在运输过程中不受损伤。

买卖合同(英文版)5篇篇1SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [Buyer’s Full Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”), and [Seller’s Full Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”), on the terms and conditions stipulated below:1. Scope of ContractThis Contract covers the sale and purchase of the following commodity: [Detail of the commodity to be sold, including name, quantity, specifications, quality, etc.] (hereinafter referred to as “the Product”) by the Seller to the Buyer.2. Price and Payment2.1 The Price of the Product shall be [Price] USD only.2.2 The terms of payment shall be as follows: [Detail the payment terms, including payment schedule, mode of payment, etc.]3. Delivery3.1 The Seller shall deliver the Product to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the order confirmation.3.2 The delivery address shall be as specified by the Buyer in the order confirmation.4. Quality and Inspection4.1 The Seller shall ensure that the Product meets the quality standards specified in this Contract.4.2 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Product during production and prior to shipment.5. Risk and Insurance5.1 The risk of loss or damage to the Product shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery at the agreed delivery point.5.2 The Seller shall arrange for insurance of the Product during transit at its own cost.6. Warranty and After-Sales Service6.1 The Seller shall provide a warranty for the Product as specified in this Contract.6.2 The Seller shall provide after-sales service in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this Contract.7. Force MajeureIn case of force majeure events, both parties shall be released from their obligations under this Contract to the extent of such events.8. ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract which is not intended for public disclosure.9. Disputes SettlementAny dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to [Arbitration Institution] for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.10. General Provisions篇2SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [买方名称], whose registered address is at [买方地址], and [卖方名称], whose registered address is at [卖方地址], hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” and the “Seller”, respectively.1. Contractual RelationshipThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods under the terms and conditions stated below:[商品描述及规格]2. Price and Payment TermsThe total price for the goods shall be fixed at _______ (amount) USD. The Buyer shall make payment as follows:a. A non-refundable deposit of _______ (amount) USD shall be paid within _______ (days) upon signing of this Contract.b. The balance of _______ (amount) USD shall be paid against the documents specified in Article 5 of this Contract.c. Any delay in payment will result in the automatic application of late payment penalties. The penalties will be calculated based on a rate of _______ percent per day until full payment is received by the Seller.3. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer on or before the date specified in this Contract. The delivery shall be made at the port specified in this Contract, and the risk of loss or damage shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery of the goods to the carrier. Any delay in delivery shall be subject to the terms and conditions stated in Article 9 of this Contract.4. Quality and InspectionThe Seller shall ensure that the goods are of the quality and specifications as described in this Contract. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods during production and prior to shipment. If any defects are found during inspection, the Seller shall immediately notify the Buyer and replace or correct any defective goods at its own cost.5. DocumentsThe Seller shall provide the following documents to the Buyer:a. Full set of commercial invoice;b. Certificate of Quality and Quantity;c. Transportation document;d. Insurance document (if applicable); and other documents as required by this Contract. The documents must be presented to the Buyer within _______ (days) after shipment. Failure to do so may result in penalties under Article 6 of this Contract.6. Penalties for Late Delivery or Failure to Deliver篇3SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made on [Date], between the following two parties:Buyer:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Seller:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Article 1: Product DescriptionThe product to be sold is ________________ (describe the product clearly, including specifications, quality, etc.).Article 2: Quantity and PriceThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following quantity of the product at the agreed price of_______ per unit. The total contract value is ________ (specify quantity and total contract price).Article 3: Terms of PaymentPayment shall be made within ____ days of receipt of invoice through ____ (payment method, e.g., bank transfer, cash, etc.). All banking costs shall be borne by the Buyer unless otherwise agreed.Article 4: Delivery and ShippingThe Seller shall deliver the product to the Buyer at the shipping point specified in the contract. Shipping shall bearranged by _______ (specify who bears the shipping costs). The product must be delivered within ____ days from the date of receipt of payment.Article 5: Quality AssuranceThe Seller guarantees that the product shall be in conformity with the specifications mentioned in Article 1 and shall be free from any defects in material and workmanship. Any discrepancies must be reported within ____ days of receipt of the product.Article 6: Contractual PenaltiesIf either party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, it shall be liable for penalties equivalent to ____% of the total contract value.Article 7: Force MajeureIf performance of this contract is prevented, restricted or delayed due to factors beyond the control of either party (Force Majeure), neither party shall be held liable for itsnon-performance. The affected party shall promptly notify the other party of the occurrence mentioned above and its duration. If such situation lasts for more than ____ days, both parties shall consider whether to terminate or suspend this contract.Article 8: Warranty and售后Service (After-sales Service)The Seller shall provide a warranty period of ____ months from the date of delivery for any defects in the product. During this period, the Seller shall repair or replace defective products free of charge. After the warranty period, the Seller shall provide paid maintenance services as agreed. (Specify details ofafter-sales service)篇4SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [买方名称], hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, and [卖方名称], hereinafter referred to as the Seller, where the Buyer agrees to purchase and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods:[商品信息,包括但不限于商品的详细描述、规格型号、数量、质量等]Terms and conditions:1. Price and Payment:The total price for the goods shall be [总价] USD. The Buyer shall make payment through [支付方式,如电汇、信用证等] within [付款期限,如签订合同后30天内付款等].2. Delivery:The Seller shall deliver the goods to the port specified below within [交货期,如合同签订后45天内交货等]:Port of Delivery: [交货港口名称]The Seller shall inform the Buyer of the estimated date of dispatch and provide necessary shipping documents. The Seller shall be responsible for loading the goods properly in the shipping vessel. The risks of loss or damage shall be borne by the Seller until the goods are loaded on board the vessel.3. Quality and Inspection:4. Force Majeure:5. Warranty:The Seller guarantees that the goods are free from defects in material and workmanship and agrees to replace any goods returned due to defects within a period of [质保期,如一年等] from the date of delivery to the Buyer. The Seller shall also bear all costs related to such replacement.6. Confidentiality:Both parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure and not disclose it to any third party without prior written consent of the other party.7. Termination:This Contract may be terminated by either party with immediate effect upon written notice to the other party in case of any material breach by either party of its obligations under this Contract. Termination shall not affect any rights or obligations arising prior to termination or any provisions that are intended to survive termination of this Contract.8. Miscellaneous:Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties. If no settlement can be reached, disputes shall be submitted to [约定纠纷解决机构或法院名称] forarbitration/settlement in accordance with its rules and procedures. This Contract is made in both English and [其他语言], with equal validity in both languages. This Contract is effectivefrom the date of signing by both parties and shall be binding on both parties.Buyer:Signature:Date:Seller:Signature:Date:篇5SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller:Buyer: ________________________Seller: ________________________In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations of the parties hereto, the Buyer and the Seller agree to conclude this Contract under the terms and conditions stipulated below:Article 1: Product DescriptionThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following commodity:(Here insert detailed description of the product, including name, model, quantity, specifications, etc.)Article 2: Price and Payment2.1 The total price for the goods shall be ________ (specify currency and amount).2.2 Payment shall be made by ________ (specify payment method, e.g., T/T, L/C, etc.) within ________ (specify timeframe, e.g., 30 days after the contract is signed).Article 3: Delivery3.1 The Seller shall deliver the goods to the port of ________ (specify port) no later than ________ (specify date).3.2 The Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance of the estimated date of shipment and provide necessary shipping documents.Article 4: Quality and Inspection4.1 The Seller shall ensure that the goods are of the quality as specified in Article 1.4.2 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods during production and prior to shipment.Article 5: Force MajeureIn case of force majeure events, such as natural disasters or government regulations, both parties shall strive to resolve any issues and mitigate any losses.Article 6: Warranty and After-Sales ServiceThe Seller shall provide a warranty period of ________ (specify period) from the date of delivery for any defects in material or workmanship. After-sales service shall be provided as per the terms and conditions agreed by both parties.Article 7: ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure.Article 8: Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation. If no settlementcan be reached, either party may submit the dispute to ________ (specify arbitration institution) for arbitration.Article 9: Miscellaneous9.1 This Contract is made in both English and ________ (specify other language if applicable), with equal legal effects. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.9.2 This Contract shall be binding on both parties and shall be effective as of the date of signing.9.3 Any amendments or modifications to this Contract shall be made in writing and agreed by both parties.Buyer's Signature: ________________________ Date:________________Seller's Signature: ________________________ Date:________________Note: This contract is a template only and should be customized to fit specific circumstances and requirements. It is advisable to have legal counsel review any contract before its execution.。

英文版买卖合同(通用3篇)英文版篇1contract no.:the buyers: the sellers:this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1)name of commodity:(2) quantity:(3) unit price:(4)total value:(5) packing:(6) country of origin :(7) terms of payment:(8) insurance:(9) time of shipment:(10) port of lading:(11) port of destination:(12)claims:within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the c.c.i.c and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the sellers(13)force majeure :the sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to force majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. the sellers shall advise the buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the sellers shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. under such circumstances the sellers,however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.(14)arbitration :all disputes in connection with the execution of this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade in accordance with the provisional rules of procedure promulgated by the said arbitration commission . the arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.(the buyers) (the sellers)英文版买卖合同篇2Contract No.:The Buyers: The Sellers:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1)Name of Commodity:(2)Quantity:(3)Unit price:(4)Total Value:(5)Packing:(6)Country of Origin :(7)Terms of Payment:(8)insurance:(9)Time of Shipment:(10)Port of Lading:(11)Port of Destination:(12)Claims:Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers(13)Force Majeure :The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers,however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.(14)Arbitration :All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission . the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.(The Buyers) (The Sellers)英文版买卖合同篇3CONTRACTContract No.:The Buyers: The Sellers:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1)Name of Commodity:(2) Quantity:(3) Unit price:(4)Total Value:(5) Packing:(6) Country of Origin :(7) Terms of Payment:(8) insurance:(9) Time of Shipment:(10) Port of Lading:(11) Port of Destination:(12)Claims:Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers(13)Force Majeure :The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers,however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.(14)Arbitration :All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission . the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.(The Buyers) (The Sellers)。

双语版买卖合同3篇篇1双语版买卖合同Sale and Purchase Contract本买卖合同由买方_________(以下简称“买方”)与卖方_________(以下简称“卖方”)共同订立。
This Sale and Purchase Contract is made by and between Buyer _________ (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") and Seller_________ (hereinafter referred to as "Seller").1. 产品描述Product Description1.1 买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下描述的产品/服务(以下简称“产品”):Buyer agrees to purchase and Seller agrees to sell the following described Products/Services (hereinafter referred to as “Products”):1.2 产品详细描述如下:The detailed description of the Products is as follows:2. 价格Price2.1 卖方同意以_________价出售产品给买方。
Seller agrees to sell the Products to Buyer at the price of_________.3. 付款Payment3.1 买方同意在_________天内付清全部货款。
Buyer agrees to pay the full purchase price within _________ days.3.2 付款方式为_________。
The payment method is _________.4. 交货Delivery4.1 产品应在签署本合同后_______天内送达买方指定地点。

商品交易合同范文(中英对照)4篇篇1Commodity Trading Contract Sample商品交易合同范文Party A: [Seller] Party B: [Buyer]甲方:[卖方] 乙方:[买方]Date: [Date]日期:[日期]This Commodity Trading Contract (the "Contract") is entered into by and between Party A and Party B on the date above written.本商品交易合同(以下简称“合同”)由甲方和乙方于上述日期签订。
1. Commodity Description 商品描述Party A agrees to sell and Party B agrees to purchase the following commodities:甲方同意销售,乙方同意购买以下商品:Name: [Commodity Name] 名称:[商品名称]Quantity: [Quantity] 数量:[数量]Quality: [Quality] 质量:[质量]2. Price 价格The total price for the commodities shall be [Total Price], payable by Party B to Party A in [Currency] upon delivery of the commodities.商品的总价格为[总价],乙方应在交付商品时支付给甲方[币种]。
3. Payment Term 付款条件Party B shall make the payment in full by [Payment Method] within [Number] days after signing this Contract.乙方应在签署本合同后[数量]天内通过[付款方式]全额支付。

买卖合同中英文对照PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT买卖合同PARTIES参与方Seller: [Name], a [Type of Entity] organized under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Seller").卖方: [姓名],一家根据[管辖区域] 法律组建的[企业类型],主要营业地为[地址](“卖方”)。
Buyer: [Name], a [Type of Entity] organized under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Buyer").买方: [姓名],一家根据[管辖区域] 法律组建的[企业类型],主要营业地为[地址](“买方”)。
BACKGROUND背景Seller desires to sell and Buyer desires to purchase certain goods (the "Goods") upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.卖方希望按照本协议规定的条款和条件出售商品(“商品”),买方希望购买该商品。
AGREEMENT协议In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations contained herein, Seller and Buyer agree as follows:考虑到本协议中所包含的相互承诺和义务,卖方和买方达成以下协议:1. Sale of Goods商品销售1.1 Sale of Goods. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, Seller will sell to Buyer, and Buyer will purchase from Seller, the Goods in the quantities and at the prices set forth in the Purchase Order (as defined below).1.1 商品销售。

买卖合同(英文版)6篇篇1SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made on [Date], between the following two parties:Seller:[Seller Name]Buyer:[Buyer Name]Article of Sale:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following commodity:[Description of the goods being sold, including quantity, quality, specifications, etc.]Terms of Payment:The total amount payable by the Buyer to the Seller for the aforesaid commodity is [Total Amount]. The payment shall be made as follows:1. A deposit of [Deposit Amount] paid within [Deposit Payment Period] upon signing of this contract.2. The balance of [Balance Amount] shall be paid against the presentation of the shipping documents by T/T (telegraphic transfer) within the time of [Payment Deadline].Delivery and Shipment:The Seller shall deliver the goods on [Delivery Date] at the port of [Port of Delivery]. The Buyer shall take delivery of the goods as arranged and effect shipment within the time as stipulated.Quality and Quantity Inspection:Force Majeure:Liability and Warranty:Miscellaneous:In witness whereof, the parties have signed and sealed this Contract in [Place] on [Date].Seller:[Seller Name]Signature: ___________________________Stamp: ___________________________Date: ___________________________Buyer:[Buyer Name]Signature: ___________________________Stamp: ___________________________Date: ___________________________(Note: This contract is drafted in accordance with general principles of commercial practice and contract law. It is recommended that you consult with legal counsel for specific advice on terms and conditions that may be applicable to your specific situation.)篇2SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made on [Date], between the following two parties:Buyer:Name: _____________________________Address: _____________________________Country: _____________________________Seller:Name: _____________________________Address: _____________________________Country: _____________________________Article 1: Product DescriptionThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the following products: [Detailed list of products, including product name, specifications, quantity, unit price, total value, etc.]Article 2: Contract Price & Terms of Payment2.1 The total contract price shall be in the amount of ________ (currency and total amount).2.2 Terms of payment: [Describe the terms of payment, e.g., cash on delivery, advance payment, terms of credit, etc.]Article 3: Delivery3.1 The Seller shall deliver the products to the Buyer at the following address: [Delivery address].3.2 Delivery date: [Specified delivery date or period].3.3 Delay in delivery: If the Seller fails to make timely delivery due to causes beyond its control, the Seller shall notify the Buyer immediately and ensure prompt delivery at a later agreed time.Article 4: Quality & Inspection4.1 The Seller shall ensure that the products are of good quality and meet the specifications agreed upon by both parties.4.2 Inspection: [Describe inspection procedures, location, and other related details.]Article 5: Risks & Liabilities5.1 Risks associated with the products shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.5.2 If any defects are found in the products, the Seller shall be responsible for rectifying or replacing them at its own cost.Article 6: Warranty & Guarantee6.1 The Seller provides a warranty for the products, guaranteeing their quality and performance for a period of [Warranty period].6.2 In case of any defects during the warranty period, the Seller shall rectify or replace the products free of charge.Article 7: Force Majeure7.1 If either party is prevented from fulfilling its contractual obligations due to force majeure events, it shall notify the other party immediately and provide evidence of such occurrence.Article 8: Confidentiality8.1 Both parties shall keep confidential all information related to this contract that is not intended for public disclosure.Article 9: Termination9.1 This contract may be terminated by either party in case of fundamental breach by the other party.Article 10: Disputes10.1 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to [Dispute resolution mechanism].Article 11: Miscellaneous11.1 This contract is made in [Language] and [Number] copies, with both parties holding an equal number of copies.11.2 This contract is effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain valid until fully performed by both parties.In witness whereof, the parties have signed this contract on the date mentioned above.Buyer Signature: _____________________________ Date:_____________Seller Signature: _____________________________ Date:_____________Legal Witness Signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________Legal Witness Signature (if applicable):_____________________________ Date: _____________合同结束处请您确保有适当的签字部分和日期栏供双方签字确认。

1.售货合同(sales contract)编号No.日期Date:买方:The Buyers:电报:传真:Cable: FAX卖方:The Sellers:电报:电传:传真:Cable: Telex: FAX本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers ,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the term and conditions stipulated below.(1)货名及规格(2)数量(3)单价(4)总价COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATIONS(5)生产国别和制造厂商:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:(6)装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT:(7)装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT:(8)到货口岸:PORT OF DESTINGATION:(9)保险:INSURANCE:由买方投保。
To be coverd by the Buyers.(10)包装:PACKING:须用坚固的新木箱/纸箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,而粗暴搬运。
To be packed in new strong woden case (s) / carton (s) suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampenss, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and insuch case or cases any and all losses and/or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers.(11) 唛头:SHIPPING MARK:卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”“切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头:On the surfacee of each package, the package number ,measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “DO NOT STACK UP SIDE DOWN”,“HANDLE WITH CARE”;“KEEP AW AY FROM MOISTURE”and the following shiping mark shall be stenciled legibly in fadeless paint:(12)付款条件:TERMS OF PAYMENT:甲、信用证付款°货物装运前一个月,买方应由上海中国银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,凭本合同第13条甲项规定的装运单据交到上海(银行)后付款。

买卖合同中英文买卖合同(Sales and Purchase Agreement)本合同由以下双方于 [签订日期] 签订:卖方(Seller):[卖方全称]地址(Address):[卖方地址]联系方式(Contact Information):[卖方联系方式]买方(Buyer):[买方全称]地址(Address):[买方地址]联系方式(Contact Information):[买方联系方式]鉴于卖方拥有[详细描述待售物品,包括数量、规格、型号等],且买方愿意购买该物品,双方同意遵守以下条款和条件:第一条物品描述(Item Description)1.1 卖方同意出售,买方同意购买以下物品:[详细列物品描述]。
1.2 物品应符合[卖方/买方]提供的规格和质量标准。
第二条交付与验收(Delivery and Acceptance)2.1 交付地点为[交付地点]。
2.2 交付时间为[具体交付日期或交付期限]。
2.3 买方应在收到物品后[具体时间]内完成验收,并通知卖方验收结果。
第三条价格与支付(Price and Payment)3.1 物品总价为[金额],包括所有税费和其他费用。
3.2 买方应按以下方式支付价款:[支付方式,分期付款详情等]。
第四条保证与担保(Warranties and Guarantees)4.1 卖方保证其拥有完整的所有权,并有权出售上述物品。
4.2 卖方保证物品在交付时处于良好状态,且符合合同规定的规格。
第五条违约责任(Breach of Contract)5.1 如一方违反合同条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
第六条争议解决(Dispute Resolution)6.1 双方应通过友好协商解决因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议。
6.2 如协商未能解决争议,任何一方均可向[指定法院或仲裁机构]提起诉讼或仲裁。
第七条其他条款(Miscellaneous)7.1 本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

买卖合同中英文对照Purchase and Sale Contract买卖合同Party A: (Name/Address/Contact Information)甲方:(名称/地址/联系信息)Party B: (Name/Address/Contact Information)乙方:(名称/地址/联系信息)Whereas, Party A desires to sell and Party B desires to purchase the following property.鉴于,甲方欲出售以下财产,而乙方欲购买:Property Description: (Description of the property)财产描述:(财产描述)The parties, therefore, agree as follows:因此,本双方达成以下协议:1. Purchase Price1. 购买价格The purchase price for the Property is ________________ yuan, to be paid as follows:此财产的购买价格为____________ 元人民币,支付方式如下:a. __________________ yuan upon the execution of this Contract.a. 在签订此合同时支付_____________元;b. __________________ yuan upon the delivery of the Property.b. 在财产交付时支付_____________元。
2. Delivery of Property2. 财产交付Party A shall deliver the Property to Party B on_______________ (Date).甲方应于_____________(日期)交付该财产给乙方。

双语版买卖合同4篇篇1双语版买卖合同Purchasing Agreement甲方(买方):__________________________Party A (Buyer): __________________________乙方(卖方):__________________________Party B (Seller): __________________________鉴于Whereas1. 甲方拟购买以下物品:Party A intends to purchase the following items:2. 乙方同意销售上述物品给甲方。
Party B agrees to sell the above-mentioned items to Party A.基于以上前提,双方达成如下协议:Based on the above premises, the parties hereby agree as follows:第一条货物描述Article 1 Description of Goods1.1 乙方同意向甲方出售以下物品(以下简称“货物”):Party B agrees to sell the following items (hereafter referred to as “Goods”) to Party A:1.2 货物的数量、规格、品牌等详细信息如下:The detailed information of the quantity, specifications, brand, etc. of the Goods is as follows:第二条价格Article 2 Price2.1 乙方同意以____________的价格出售上述货物给甲方。
Party B agrees to sell the above-mentioned Goods to Party A at the price of ______________.2.2 价格支付方式为____________(现金/电汇/信用卡等)。

产品购销合同甲方(买方) :(purchase contract)buyer:乙方(卖方):supplier买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:the undersigned seller and buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below:第一条定购产品: art。
1 ordered products::第二条质量要求及技术标准:art。
2 quality requirements and technical specifications:2。
1 in accordance with prescribed products description of art.1,the quality standard is based on manufacturer’s technical standard。
第三条发货时间和发货方式:art. 3 delivery time and terms of shipment:3。
1 发货时间:3。
1 lead time: 3。
2 发货方式: 3.2 terms of shipment: 第四条付款方式:art。
4 terms of payment:第五条收货和验收条款:art. 5 goods reception and acceptance:5.1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。
1 acceptance criteria: according to the art。
2 quality requirements and technical specifications of the presentcontract第六条违约责任:art. 6 liability for breach of contract:6.1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的/日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。

买卖合同(英文版)8篇篇1SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller:Buyer:Name: ________________________Address: ________________________Seller:Name: ________________________Address: ________________________In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements between the Buyer and the Seller, they have agreed to buy and sell the following goods under the terms and conditions stated below:Article of Sale: ______________ (Type and Quality of Goods)Specification: ________________ (Detail the specifications of the goods)Quantity: ________________ (Quantity of the goods to be sold)Price: ________________ (Price per unit or total price of the goods)Terms of Payment: ________________ (Terms and conditions of payment, e.g., T/T in advance, L/C at sight, etc.)Time of Delivery: ________________ (Date of delivery)Place of Delivery: ________________ (Place where the goods are to be delivered)Fumishability and Quality Assurance: The Seller guarantees that the goods are new, of good quality, and suitable for their intended purpose. All specifications are in accordance with the sample/contract. In case of any discrepancy, the Seller shall be responsible for replacement or refund.Packing and Marking: The Seller shall pack the goods properly and ensure that each package is properly labeled with necessary identification marks. The Seller shall bear all costs related to packing and marking.Risk Transfer: The risk of loss or damage to the goods shall be transferred to the Buyer upon delivery at the agreed place. However, if the Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods on time, the risk shall be borne by the Buyer.Inspection and Acceptance: The Buyer shall have the right to inspect and accept the goods upon arrival at the agreed place of delivery. If any defects are found, the Buyer shall notify the Seller immediately and return the goods for replacement or refund.Force Majeure: In case of any delay or failure in performance due to Force Majeure, both parties shall be relieved from liability for non-performance to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by Force Majeure. The party affected shall immediately notify the other party of such occurrence and provide evidence thereof. The affected party shall make every effort to resume performance as soon as possible.Warranty Period: The Seller agrees to provide a warranty period for a period of ________ (specify duration) from the date of delivery for any defects in material or workmanship in the goods sold hereunder. During this period, if any defects are found, the Seller shall promptly replace or repair such goods at its own cost.In witness whereof, the parties have signed this contract at _____________________ on the above mentioned date with their respective signatures.Buyer: _________________________ (Signature)Date: _________________Seller: _________________________ (Signature)Date: _________________Note: This contract is a sample template for reference only and should be customized according to specific needs and circumstances. Before signing any contract, please make sure to consult with legal professionals for advice on legal matters related to your specific situation.篇2SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [买方公司名称] (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) and [卖方公司名称] (hereinafter referred to as the Seller).WHEREAS the Seller is willing to sell and the Buyer is willing to buy the following commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:COMMODITY: ________________ (商品名称及规格)1. ORIGIN OF COMMODITY: The Seller shall sell the commodity mentioned in this Contract from ________________ (产地名称).2. QUALITY AND QUANTITY: The quality and quantity of the commodity shall be as follows: ________________ (商品的质量与数量条款).3. PRICE AND PAYMENT: The Price of the commodity shall be determined as follows: ________________ (商品价格与付款方式条款).4. PACKING AND MARKING: The Seller shall pack the commodity in accordance with the following requirements:________________ (商品包装与标识条款).5. DELIVERY AND TIME OF PERFORMANCE: The Seller shall deliver the commodity within the time as stipulated below:________________ (交货与履约时间条款).6. FORCE MAJEURE: In case where force majeure such as storm, fire, flood, earthquake and epidemic disease occurs, theSeller shall immediately notify the Buyer of such occurrence in writing and be relieved from liability for delay in delivery or non-performance of this Contract. However, the Seller shall make every effort to meet the Buyer’s requirements in respect of delivery time.Seller also has no obligation or responsibility on any claims on reject ions or return of products due to buyer’s purpose change or product design change after contract signed . If buyer has need on changing products specifications after contract signed , it should be confirmed through a written document before mass production starts .篇3SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made on [Date], between the following two parties:Buyer:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Seller:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Article 1: Description of the GoodsThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:(Here insert detailed description of the goods, including name of commodity, specifications, quantity, and any other necessary details.)Article 2: Price and PaymentThe Price for the goods shall be _______ (insert currency and amount). The Buyer shall make payment through _______ (insert payment method such as wire transfer, letter of credit, etc.) to the Seller's account within _______ (insert payment timeframe, such as 30 days of receipt of invoice).Article 3: DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer at the following place _______ (insert place) within _______ (insert timeframe) from the date of conclusion of this contract. The risk of loss or damage to the goods shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.Article 4: Quality and InspectionThe Seller shall ensure that the goods are of the agreed quality. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods during production and prior to shipment. If any defects are found, the Seller shall rectify them promptly.Article 5: Terms of ShipmentThe Seller shall arrange for shipment of the goods by _______ (insert mode of transportation such as air, sea, land) at its own cost. The shipping documents required for the export/import of the goods shall be provided by the Seller/Buyer respectively.Article 6: Force MajeureIf either party is prevented from performing its obligations due to force majeure events such as war, riots, natural disasters, etc., the performance of the contract shall be suspended for a reasonable period. If the event lasts for more than _______ (insertperiod such as 3 months), either party may terminate this contract.Article 7: Warranty and After-Sales ServiceThe Seller shall provide a warranty period of _______ (insert period) from the date of delivery for any defects in material or workmanship. During this period, the Seller shall rectify any defects promptly at its own cost. After the warranty period, the Seller shall provide necessary after-sales service at reasonable costs.Article 8: DisputesAny disputes arising from this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration under the rules of _______ (insert arbitration institution such as International Chamber of Commerce) in _______ (insert place). The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 9: MiscellaneaousThis contract is made in _______ (insert language) only. This contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. This contract becomes effective upon signature by both parties. Any modifications or amendments to this contract must be made inwriting and agreed upon by both parties. This contract is valid for a period of _______ (insert duration such as one year) from the date of signing. After its expiration, it may be renewed by mutual agreement.Buyer: _________________________ (Signature)Date: _________Seller: _________________________ (Signature)Date: _________(Note: This document is a template and should be customized to fit specific needs and circumstances before use.)篇4SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made on [Date], between the following two parties:Buyer:Name: _________________Address: _________________Contact Information: _________________Seller:Name: _________________Address: _________________Contact Information: _________________Article 1: Contract ObjectThe object of this Contract is the sale of the following goods: ________________ (describe the goods, including name, specifications, quantity, and other necessary details).Article 2: Price and PaymentThe total price for the goods is ________________ (specify the total price in a specific currency and amount). Payment terms are as follows: ________________ (describe the payment terms, such as payment in advance, T/T, L/C, etc.).Article 3: Delivery and ShippingThe delivery time for the goods is ________________ (specify the date or time period for delivery). Shipping details shall be arranged by the Seller with the Buyers' carrier of choice. The risk of loss or damage during transportation passes to the Buyer upon delivery.Article 4: Quality and InspectionThe Seller guarantees that the goods shall be in conformity with the contract specifications. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods prior to shipment. If any defects are found, the Seller shall be responsible for rectifying or replacing the goods.Article 5: Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for failure to perform due to force majeure events, such as natural disasters, wars, riots, or other unforeseeable events. The party affected shall promptly notify the other party of the occurrence of such event.Article 6: ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract that is not in the public domain. Neither party shall disclose confidential information to third parties without the prior written consent of the other party.Article 7: Liabilities and PenaltiesIf either party fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, it shall be liable for any losses incurred by the other party. The parties agree to penalties for late delivery ornon-delivery as follows: ________________ (describe the penalties).Article 8: Settlement of DisputesAny disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to an arbitration institution for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 9: MiscellaneousThis Contract is made in both English and Chinese, with equal validity. This Contract shall be binding on both parties and shall be implemented from the date of signing. Any modifications or supplements to this Contract must be made in writing and shall be subject to the approval of both parties. Any unmentioned matters pertaining to this Contract shall be subject to relevant laws and regulations of the country where the Seller is located.Buyer: _____________________ (Signature)Date: _____________________Seller: _____________________ (Signature)Date: _____________________This Sales Contract is hereby certified as complete and accurate in both English and Chinese. Both parties have reviewed and agree to all terms and conditions stated herein.Note: Please ensure that all information is accurately filled out and that all necessary legal procedures are followed when drafting and signing any contract or agreement. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional before entering into any contractual agreement.篇5SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [Buyer’s Full Name] (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”), and [Seller’s Full Name] (hereinafter refe rred to as “Seller”), whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following products under the terms and conditions stipulated below:I. Product DescriptionThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the products specified in Annex A, including their specifications, quantity, and quality.II. Price and Payment Terms1. The total contract price shall be [Contract Price] payable in full to the Seller in the currency specified in Annex B.2. The terms of payment are as follows: [Payment Schedule].3. In case of any discrepancies in payment details, the Buyer shall notify the Seller promptly in writing.III. Delivery and Shipping Terms1. The Seller shall deliver the products to the Buyer at the shipping port and date specified in Annex C.2. The Seller shall ensure proper packaging of the products to withstand exposure during shipping and ensure their protection against any damage.3. Any delays in delivery due to causes beyond the Seller’s control shall be promptly reported to the Buyer.IV. Quality Assurance and Inspection1. The Seller shall ensure that the products comply with the specifications and quality standards agreed upon by both parties.2. The Buyer shall have the right to conduct inspections of the products during production and prior to shipment.3. If any defects are found during inspection, the Seller shall promptly replace or repair the defective products at its own cost.V. Risk and Ownership Transfer1. Risk of loss or damage to the products shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery at the specified shipping port.2. Ownership of the products shall transfer to the Buyer upon full payment by the Buyer to the Seller.VI. Warranty and After-Sales Service1. The Seller shall provide a warranty period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery for any defects in material or workmanship.2. During the warranty period, the Seller shall, at its own cost, repair or replace any defective products.3. The Seller shall provide after-sales service as specified in Annex D.VII. Force MajeureIf either party is prevented from performing its obligations due to force majeure events, such as natural disasters, wars, riots, or government actions, such party shall promptly notify the other party of the occurrence and duration of such events. The affected party shall use reasonable efforts to overcome such events and resume performance as soon as possible.VIII. ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this contract that is not intended for public disclosure, except as required by law or regulatory authorities.IX. TerminationThis contract may be terminated by either party in case of breach by the other party if such breach is not cured within [specified period] of notification by the non-breaching party.X. Disputes ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations between both parties. If no settlement can be reached, such disputes shall be submitted to [specified court/arbitration institution] for resolution.XI. Miscellaneous1. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof and no modifications shall be made unless agreed upon by both parties in writing.2. This contract is made in [number of copies] originals, each with equal legal effect. Each party shall retain one original for its records.3. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [specified jurisdiction].篇6SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [买方名称], whose registered address is at [买方地址], and [卖方名称], whose registered address is at [卖方地址] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer" and "Seller" respectively). The Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer the following goods under the terms and conditions stated below:Article 1: Product DescriptionThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the products specified in Annex I to this Contract. The Sellerguarantees that the products are new and in accordance with the specifications mentioned in Annex II to this Contract.Article 2: Price and Payment TermsThe price of the products shall be as stated in Annex I. The payment terms are as follows: [支付条款,例如预付款比例,支付方式(信用证,电汇等),余额支付时间,货币类型等].Article 3: DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the products to the port specified in Annex I within the time specified therein. The risk of loss or damage to the products shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.Article 4: Quality AssuranceThe Seller guarantees that the products shall be in conformity with the specifications mentioned in Annex II and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In case any defective products are found, the Seller shall be responsible for replacing them free of charge.Article 5: Inspection and TestingThe products shall be inspected and tested by a mutually agreed inspector at the Seller's factory before shipment. Theresults of such inspection and testing shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 6: Force MajeureIf either party is prevented from performing this Contract due to force majeure, it shall immediately notify the other party of the occurrence mentioned above and its consequences. The performance of both parties shall be suspended until the force majeure is removed. If the period of force majeure lasts for more than [天数] days, either party has the right to terminate this Contract.Article 7: Warranty and LiabilitiesThe Seller guarantees that the products shall be merchantable and fit for the purpose intended. If any claim is made against the Buyer by a third party due to any infringement of intellectual property rights arising from the products, the Seller shall be responsible for defending such claim at its own expense.Article 8: Disputes SettlementAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between the two parties. If no settlement can be reached, either party maysubmit such disputes to [仲裁机构名称] for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 9: MiscellaneousThis Contract is made in both English and [其他语言](if applicable). In case of any discrepancies between the English version and the other versions, the English version shall prevail. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be modified except by written agreement signed by both parties. This Contract is governed by the laws of [适用法律的国家或地区].In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate, with each party retaining one duplicate for their respective records.Buyer: _____________________ (Signature) Date: ________Seller: _____________________ (Signature) Date: ________篇7SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract is made by and between [买方名称], whose registered address is at [买方地址], and [卖方名称], whose registered address is at [卖方地址] (hereinafter referred to as "the Seller"). After both parties have fully understood and accepted the terms and conditions set out below, they hereby agree as follows:1. COMMODITYThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the following commodity: [在此处详细描述买卖商品的名称、规格、数量、质量等]。
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买卖合同(中英文对照)(供出口合同用)C.I.F./C.&F.编号NO.合同格式C.I.F./C.&F.Form 中国 China买受人:出卖人:Buyer:地址:地址:Address:Address:电挂:电挂:Cable:Cable:电传:电传:Telex:Telex:上述买卖双方按照下列条件于______年______月______日签订合同The Seller and the Buyer above named have this ____ dayof ____ ____. entered into this Contract on the follow ingterms and conditions.1.货物:COMMODITY:2.合同总价:TOTAL CONTRACT V ALUE:3.包装:PACKING:4.保险:□根据中国人民保险公司保险条款按发票金额110%INSURANCE:投保综合险。
Covering All Risks for 110% of the invoice value as perInsurance: Policy of People's Insurance Company of Ch i-na (P. I. C. C. )□由买方自理。
To be affected by the Buyer.5.运输标志:SHIPPING MARKS:6.装运港:INTENDED PORT(S) OF SHIPMENT:7.目的港:PORT OF DESTINATION:8.装运期:SHIPMENT PERIOD:9.付款条件:TERMS OF PAYMENT:□合同货款应由买方通过卖方可接受的银行,按合同总价开出以卖方为受益人的、无追索权、保兑、不可撤销、可转让、可分批装运、可转船的信用证支付。
Payment hereunder shall be made by confirmed; irrevocable andtransferable without recourse letter of credit in favour of the sell-er for the total contract value opened by a bank acceptable to theSeller permitting part shipments and transhipments in one ormore vessels, and available by _______ sight draft (s) againstpresentation of the shipping documents mentioned in Clause 10.The letter of credit shall reach the Seller not less than_______ days prior to the start of the Shipment Period and re-main valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after thee xpiry of the Shipment Period.Should the Buyer fail to fulfil its obligations mentioned above,the Seller shall, at it s discretion, terminate the Contract or acceptwhole or part of this contract, or lodge a claim for losses thussustai ned, if any.10.装运单据:SHIPPING DOCUMENTS:(a)商业发票;Commercial invoices (s) ;(b)空白抬头、空白背书、可转让的清洁提单,或指定买方为收货人的记名提单;Negotiable clean bill (s)of lading to order blank endorsedor naming Buyer's consigee;(c)原产地证书;Certificate (s) of origin;(d)装箱单;Packing list;(e)保险单(只适用于CIF合同).Certificate(s) of insurance(in the case of CIF sales).11.合同的完整性与转让:COMPLETE CONTRACT AND ASIGNMENT:(a)本合同中的条件和条款构成买卖双方(以下简称“双方”)对合同项下货物的全部和最终理解。
The terms and conditions found within this Contractconstitute the complete and final understanding ofthe Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter the Parties)with respect to the commodity referred to herein. Nomodification,extensi on or release from any provisionhereof shall be effective unless the same shall beconfirmed in writing by the Pa rty to be bound.(b)未经卖方事先书面同意,本合同及合同项下的任何权益不得转让。
Neither this Contract nor any interest thereinshall be assignable without the prior written consentof the Seller. 12.担保:WARRANTY:卖方担保所有货物符合第一条规定的规格。
The Seller warrants that all commoditv will con-form to the description set out in Clause 1. Save asaforesaid all representations, conditions and warrantiesof wh atsoever nature are hereby excluded and extin-guished.13.许可证、关税和税收:LICENSES,DUTIES AND TAXES:除本合同另有规定外,所有进口许可、许可证以及不属于卖方国家的任何政府机构征收的一切进口税、关税和各种税收均由买方负担。
Except as otherwise provided herein, all import permitsand licenses and the import duties, customs fees and allt axes levied by any government authority other than theSeller's country shall be the sole responsibility of theBuy er.14.不可抗力:FORCE MAJEURE:如果卖方遇到人力不可抗拒事件,包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、台风、自然灾害以及任何其它卖方不能合理控制的任何意外事故和情况,阻止、妨碍或干扰了本合同的履行时,本合同规定的卖方履约时间应自动延长,其延长的时间应相当于因人力不可抗拒事件直接地或间接地使卖方不能履行本合同的时间。
The time for the performance of the Seller's obligationsset forth in this Contract shall be automatically extend- ed for a period equal to the duration of any nonperfor-mance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeureev ents including but not limited to fire, flood, earth-quake, typhoon, natural catastrophe, and all other con-tingenci es and circumstances whatsoever beyond theSeller's reasonable control preventing, hindering or in-terfering wit h the performance thereof. The Seller soprevented by force majeure shall in reasonable time in-form the Buyer by cable or telex of the occurrence offorce majeure and within one month by air mail a rele-vant certificate issu ed by competent authorities as evi-dence thereof. If the nonperformance lasts for more thansixty (60)days,the Pa rties shall immediately consult to-gether in an effort to agree upon a revised Contract ba-sis. If the Parties are un able to arrive at a mutually sat-isfactory solution within one hundred and twenty (120)days from the beginning of such force Majeure, then ei-ther of the Parties may terminate the Contract in respectof the unexecuted portion of the Contract.15.索赔:CLAIMS:如发现货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同第一条规定不符,卖方同意审核任何因此而提出的索赔。