
Par 2, p. 29 …revised articles of…that claimed jurisdiction… to a new article that recognizes “that…” ……将爱尔兰宪法中声明对北爱尔兰拥有主 权、并希望与之统一的条款,修改为承认“爱尔 兰实现统一,需以和平手段,并经过全岛两地 (即北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国)大多数人民以民 主方式通过”。
Par 4, p. 29 …its protocols (are) revised to ensure that police actions are fair as well as seen to be fair. 修改了警察的守则,确保他们的执法行为不仅看 起来公平,而且实际上也不偏不倚。
Unit 2 Northern Ireland Population: 1.6 million Area: 14,000 squ. km
3, p. 21 … where ordinary life is continues, to which the troubles are an addition, rather than the main preoccupation of everyday life. 人们继续正常地生活,而暴力事件只是偶尔发生, 但绝不是生活的常态。
Par 5, p. 21 …partly as a result of the troubles discouraging investment, partly as a result of its peripherality in relation to the UK. 一方面是因为暴力冲突妨碍了投资,另一方 面是因为它在与中央政府的关系中被边缘化。 “周边的”改为“边缘化”

THE BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEMFrom Education for the EliteToEducation for the MassesEarly Education•The Celts had no written language•Everything was passed down by ‘word of mouth’•The Romans brought a written language with them •Christianity helped develop writing amongst the clergyThe Role of the Scribe•Most monks were scribes•They wrote books•They taught young boys to read and write•They wrote letters for the illiterateEarly Public Schooling•Boys were sent out of the home to learn from the monks how to read and write•This was called public school because it was not ‘private’ i.e. in the home•This kind of education was only available to the very wealthy i.e. upper classesPrivate Schooling 1•This type of schooling originally took place at home hence ‘private’•For many centuries only boys were taught•They had a tutor living in their home and instructing them in Greek, Latin, Maths and LogicPrivate Schooling 2•Originally girls were given instruction in household matters only e.g. sewing, cooking, cleaning.•Much later some families began to educate their daughters. •They learned only English, History, Geography, Music and Drawing.Private Schooling 3•This system continued until the 19th century•Girls would have a governess•Boys would have a tutor•However bo ys could also go ‘out’ to schoolPrivate Schooling 4•By the beginning of the 19th century both boys and girls could go to school.•The quality of education was not always high•Many children were sent to school merely because they were not wanted at homePrivate Schooling 5•If you want to know more about the type of schools which existed in the late 18th century and early 19th century you should read -•Charles Dickens – David Copperfield•Charles Dickens – Hard Times•Charlotte Bronte – Jane EyreChurch Schools – 18th Century•The Church of England began to provide education•The main purpose of this education was to enable children to read the Bible•However it gave poor children the opportunity to read and write Dame Schools – 19th century •Elderly ladies (dames) opened small schools in their homes to earn a little extra money•Often these ladies were not well educated and the education was of very poor qualityThe Education Act of 1870 -Primary Education•In 1870 an act was passed providing primary schools where there were no church schools.•The schools were not compulsory nor were they free•This began to affect the child labour forceChild Workers•During the 18th and 19th centuries children were used in the labour force•They worked in the mines, factories and as chimney sweeps •They began working as early as five or six years oldChild Workers•To find out more about the conditions in which children worked read any of the following–•William Blake – Songs of Innocence and Experience •Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South•Charles Kingsley - The Water Babies•Elizabeth Goudge - The Bishops WatchAdult Education 1•The end of the 19th century saw education being provided for adults•The Fabians created centres of learning for adults•The Worker’s Educational Association (WEA) provided evening classes for adultsAdult Education 2•These initiatives provided a concept of education which is still strong in Britain today.•This is the concept of Life Long Learning•It is possible to receive education from the age of 4½ years until the day you dieState Education 1•Most schools were very crowded places•Classes were as large as 60 per class•Discipline was very strict – caning and beating were common •Some children who failed to learn stayed in the same class for their whole time in schoolState Education 2•By the beginning of the 20th century –‘education for all’ had become the goal•Many people objected to ‘commoners’ being educated •Schooling was extended to include children up to the age of fourteenEducation retains its divisions•The children of the wealthy were being educated at Private or Public Schools•The children of the poor were being educated at State Schools •The difference in the standard of schooling was vastAge Categories of Schools •Schools were divided into three categories•1. Primary Education – 5 – 10 years•2. Secondary Education – 11 – 18 years•3. University Education –18 – 21 years•This was called the Tertiary Education SystemThe 1944 Education Act 1•The Act raised school leaving age to fifteen years •The Act provided grammar, technical and modern schools•The Act provided grants for University Students1944 Education Act 2•Schools were divided into different educational types1. Secondary Modern Schools2. Technical Schools3. High Schools4. Grammar SchoolsSecondary and Technical Schools • 1. Secondary Schools provided basic educationsuitable for children who would go to work inshops, offices and factories. These schoolshad no final examinations• 2. Technical Schools provided technicaleducation for children going in to industry.science, engineering, technical drawing etc.These schools had final examinations withcertificationHigh School and Grammar School•High Schools provided education for children who would go into management positions – humanities, languages, sciences •Grammar Schools provided education for children who go into professions– sciences, humanities, languages, classics •Both types of schools had final examinations and certificationComprehensive Schools1978•The Government decided that education should be equal for everyone•They abolished grammar, high, technical and secondary schools •They established a system called the Comprehensive SystemComprehensive Education•Many schools were amalgamated to create comprehensives •Grammar schools had to accommodate secondary level children •Secondary schools had to accommodate grammar level childrenThe Final Outcome•All state schools became Comprehensive•Some Grammar and High Schools opted out and became Independent•Public Schools and Private Schools were not affectedThe National Curriculum•The Government decided that the instruction in all schools should be equal•They devised a National Curriculum•This meant that every child in every school learned the same thing at the same timeThe National Curriculum•The National Curriculum now works Nationwide•There are some local differences•Welsh Schools have gained the right to work in Cymraeg (the national language of Wales)•Scottish Schools still have Standards and Highers as their final examination instead of GCSE and A LevelClass in the Class•The problem of equality in education still remains•Money can buy the best education and the highest expectations •Lack of money means basic education and low expectationsGender Discrimination in Education•Until the 18th century there was no education for girls •Enlightened families had girls educated by a governess•The Education Act of 1870 provided education for both sexes Gender Discrimination in Education •In the early 20th century women could go to University but could not receive their degree•In the early 20th century women could study to become doctors butwere not allowed to practiceGender Discrimination•Universities had segregated colleges•There were separate colleges for women•Twenty years ago male colleges were forced to begin taking female studentsPUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION•This is the most expensive form of Education – 20,000 pounds per term•The top public Boys’ schools - Eton, Harrow and Gordonstoun•The top public Girls’ Schools - Benenden, Rodean and Cheltenham Ladies•Minor Public Schools –Winchester College, King William’sPUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION•Princess Royal attended Benenden School•Prince Charles attended Gordonstoun•Princes Harry and William attended EtonPrivate School Education•Britain has many Private Schools – most of these are residential and cost between 5,000 – 10,000 pounds per term•Example – Bedstone College, Shropshire –Senior College boarding fees – 5998 pounds per termIndependent Schools•Work independently of the State system•Day schools•Receive some government aid•Fees for these schools are between 1,000 – 3,000 pounds per term •Example –Queen’s School, Chester – Senior School – 2645 pounds per termState Schooling•State schooling is available to everyone between the ages of 4 ½ and 18 years•State school is free i.e. you do not have to pay to attend •However, every wage earner in the UK contributes to education via taxesSecondary Education•At every secondary level school it is possible to study for certificates to enter university•The first level of certificate is GCSE –General Certificate in Secondary Education•The second level of certificate is AS –Advanced Studies•The third level is GCE A-level –General Certificate of Education Advanced LevelCertification•90% of students in secondary education gain between 1 – 10 GCSE’s•Some of these students will then choose to carry on into the Sixth Form and study AS levels and A levels•Students who gain good grades at AS and A levels can then apply for university placesUniversity Education•Anyone over the age of 18 can attend University provided they have received the appropriate grades at school.•Most universities ask for A B C grades at A level – e.g. Oxford will usually ask for three A’s•The lower level of University will often acceptC D E grades at A levelGetting into University 1•If you gain good grades at AS and A level you can then apply to universities via UCAS•You can make six choices – e.g. Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Birmingham, Durham, Liverpool•The universities will look at your educational background and invite you for interview if you are suitableGetting into University 2•You visit the universities who show an interest in you•You have an interview and a tour of the university•If you are suitable the university will make an offer•The offer depends on the number and grade of A levelsGetting into University 3•Interview at Oxford– offer of place if you gain three A*’s at A level •Interview at Birmingham– offer of place if you gain three A’s at A level•Interview at Durham– offer of place if you gain two A’s and one B at A level•Interview at Bristol– offer of place if you gain three B’s at A levelUniversity Fees•Fees have recently changed•Example – Birmingham University – Tuition Fees – 3,000 pounds per year•Previously Tuition fees were approx 1,500 pounds per yearUniversity Education•If you are outside the normal age for university entrance you can still attend if you can provide the necessary evidence e.g. •Experience in commerce or industry•Taking a short test together with an interview•The ability to pay for your university coursesQuestions•Who brought reading and writing to Britain?•Who were the first teachers?•What is Public School?•What is Private School?•What is State School?6. What are the three levels of Tertiary Education?7. Is education free in the UK?8. Which exams do you need to pass to enter University?9. When was the first Education Act?10. What did the 1944 Education Act do?。

Realationship between newspapers and social people
Classand educational differences are reflected in the newspapers people Britain has the one of highest lelvels of newspapers sales per head of population. Three are over 1400 different newspapers which cater for a wide range of political views,interests and levels of education. Most people will choose to read a newspaper accords with their own feelings.
In politics,left-wing are term applied to socially progressive and egalitarian(平等主 义)positions.In contemporary political discource,the term Left usually means either liberal or social democracy and most forms of anarchism(无政府主义) In politics right-wing are terms applied to conservative ,and traditionalist positions,the term right is used to describle groups who stress tradition, fundamentalism and nationalism

判断题第一单元1、Britain is no longer an imperial〔帝国〕country(T)2、The Commonwealth〔英联邦〕of Nations includes all European countries(F)3、1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity〔种族〕(F)4、The stereotype〔刻板印象〕of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people(T)5、When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes(T)6、The Scots and Welsh〔苏格兰和威尔士〕have a strong sense of being British(F)7、Scotland〔苏格兰〕was never conquered by the Romans〔罗马人〕(T)8、Most people in Scotland speak the Celtic〔凯尔特〕language, called “Gaelic”(F)9、Scotland was unified with England through peaceful means(T)10、Wales〔威尔士〕is rich in coal〔煤炭〕deposits〔存款〕(T)11、Cardiff〔卡迪夫〕, the capital of Wales, is a large city(F)12、The title of Prince〔王子〕of Wales is held by a held by a Welsh according to tradition(F) 第二单元1、Ireland is part of Great Britain(F)2、“Ulster〔阿尔斯特〕”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom〔王国〕(T)3、The capital of Belfast〔贝尔法斯特〕is a large city with half a million people(F)4、Northern Ireland is significant〔重要的〕because of its manufacturing〔制造业〕industry(F)5、The majority of Irish people were descendants〔后代〕of the original Celtic〔凯尔特〕people who inhabited British Isles〔群岛〕before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago(T)6、Most British people are Protestants〔新教徒〕while most Irish people are Catholics〔天主教徒〕(T)7、The British government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland(T)8、Sinn Fein〔新芬党〕is a legal political party in Northern Ireland(T)9、The Anglo-Irish〔岗格鲁-爱尔兰〕Agreement of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist〔政府军〕Protestant community〔社区〕their to decide their future in Northern Ireland(T)10、The Good Friday Agreement〔协议〕was approved on 10 April 1998(T)11、Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions〔司法管辖区〕: thatf Republic 〔共和国〕of Ireland that of Great Britain(F)第三单元1、It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy〔民主〕in the world(F)2、In Britain, the process of state-building〔国家建设〕has been one of evolution rather than revolution, contrast to France and the US〔与法国和美国相比〕(T)3、The oldest institution〔机构〕of government in Britain is the Monarchy〔君主政体〕(T)4、The divine〔神圣的〕right of the king means the sovereign〔主权〕derived〔派生的〕his authority〔权威〕from his subjects〔主题〕(F)5、As the king in theory had God on his side, it was thought that he should exercise absolute〔绝对〕power(F)6、The term “parliament〔议会〕”was first officially used in 1066 to describe the gathering of feudal barons〔封建贵族〕and representatives from counties and towns(F)7、Britain is both a parliamentary democracy〔议会民主制〕and a constitutional monarchy〔君主立宪制〕(T)8、Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have(F)9、Common laws are laws which have been established〔建立〕through common practice〔实践〕in the courts〔法院〕(T)第四单元1、In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances〔情况下〕(T)2、Anyone who is eligible〔符合条件的〕to vote with 500 pounds as deposit〔存款〕can stand as an MP〔国会议员〕(F)3、Each main party is given some time on national TV to “sell”their policies. The time is not given free and has to be paid by the party(T)4、The amount spent in national campaign〔运动〕is not limited other than that on TV(F)5、Secrecy〔保密〕is not an important part of the voting process(T)6、There are two major national parties in the U.K. according to the text(F)7、Liberal Democratic〔自由民主〕party is the newest of the major national parties(F)8、Children from the upper-middle-class〔中上层阶级〕usually have a better education than those from the working or middle-class(T)9、The majority of middle-class people today have working class parents or grandparents(T)10、One of the distinctive features〔独特的特征〕about the British class-system is that it has also retained〔保留〕a hereditary aristocracy〔世袭的贵族〕(T)11、The majority of Britain’s recent immigrants have mainly come from North Asia〔北亚〕and Caribbean〔加勒比〕countries(F)12、Most immigrants earn a living by opening restaurants or becoming musicians(F)13、The majority have problems of unemployment published its Household Energy Management Strategy〔家庭能源管理策略〕(T)14、On March 2, 2010, the British government publish its Household Energy Management Strategy(T)15、On December 27, 2009 the TN Climate〔气候〕Change Conference was held in Copenhagen(T)16、According to the Kyoto Protocol〔京都议定书〕, the government has agreed that the UK will meet tough targets〔艰难的目标〕to reduce carbon emissions incrementally〔增量〕between now and 2020(F)第五单元1、By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant〔主导〕in the world(T)2、Both the US and Canada overtook Britain in economy by 1900(F)3、By the end of World War II, Britain had gone heavily into debt〔债务〕in order to develop its manufacturing industry and borrowed large amounts from the US and France(F)4、Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies〔殖民地〕, especially India, which gained its independence in 1947(T)5、In the 1970s, with the soaring〔飙升的〕price of oil and high rates of inflation〔通货膨胀〕, Britain went through a bad period. In 1979, the Labour party had to step down〔下台〕from the government (T)6、The leader of the Conservatives〔保守派〕, Margaret Thatcher〔玛格丽特-撒切尔〕starteda series of reforms. An extensive〔广泛的〕programme of privatization〔私有的〕was carriedout, and she was successful in an all-round〔全面的〕way (F)7、Tertiary〔三级〕industries include banking, insurance〔保险〕, tourism〔旅游〕, agriculture and the selling of goods (F)8、Britain has a large sector〔部门〕of agriculture producing 11.6% of its national wealth (F)9、According to the text, the tertiary〔三级〕industry produces approximately〔大约〕two-thirds of the national wealth (T)10、The service industry in the UK employs 70% of the total work force (T)11、As a member of the World Trade Organization, the UK is playing a very important role in the world trade (T)12、The UK is the third biggest international investor〔投资者〕in the world (F)第六单元1、Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity〔基督教〕, and Anglo-Saxons 〔盎格鲁-撒克逊人〕produced many versions〔版本〕of the Bible〔圣经〕(T)2、Beowulf〔贝奥武夫〕was a sea monster〔海怪〕killed by a Swedish warrior〔瑞典战士〕(F)3、“The Wife of Bath〔浴的妻子〕”is one of the tales〔故事〕contained in The Canterbury Tales 〔坎特伯雷故事集〕(T)4、There was a general flowering of culture and intellectual〔知识〕life in Europe during the 17th and 18th century which is known as “The Renaissance〔文艺复兴时期〕”(F)5、William Shakespeare〔威廉·莎士比亚〕is a great poet and much is known of his life (F)6、Keats, Shelley and Byron〔济慈、雪莱和拜伦〕brought the Romantic Movement〔浪漫主义运动〕to its height (T)7、Robinson Crusoe〔鲁宾逊漂流记〕tells the story of a shipwreck and solitary survival〔海难和孤独的生存〕(T)8、Writers of romantic literature〔浪漫主义文化〕are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason (T)9、Don Juan〔唐璜〕is an epic poem〔史诗〕composed by John Milton〔约翰·弥尔顿〕(F)10、Thomas Hardy〔托马斯·哈代〕, the author of Tess of the D’Urbervilles〔德伯家的苔丝〕, was also a first-class〔一流的〕poet (T)第七单元1、The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy〔读写能力〕and the other basic skills but also to socialize〔社交〕children (T)2、The state seldom interferes〔干扰〕with the decision of when, where, how and what children are taught (F)3、The enduring feature〔持久特征〕of British education is the continuing debate over what should be taught in schools (F)4、The 1944 Education Act made entry to secondary schools〔中学〕and universities “meritocratic〔精英〕”(T)5、Public schools are part of the national education system and funded by the government (F)6、British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government (T)7、All secondary schools in Britain are run and supervised〔监督〕by the government (T)8、In Oxford and Cambridge the BA converts to an MA several years later, upon payment of a fee (T)9、Independent schools get money mainly through the private sector〔部门〕and tuition〔学费〕rates, with some government support (T)10、Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education(F)第八单元1、When the Second World War ended, Britain no longer was the largest military〔军事〕power in Western Europe (F)2、The UK was awarded〔授予〕a seat on the UN〔联合国〕Security Council〔安理会〕in recognition〔识别〕of its contribution in setting up the United Nations (F)3、According to the text, the most important single factor which influences British policy-maker is its history (T)4、The Prime Minister and Cabinet〔内阁〕decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy (T)5、The main government department involved is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office〔外交和联邦事务部〕(FCO) (T)6、Britain is a parliamentary monarch〔议会君主〕(F)7、There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth〔英联邦〕(F)8、The British host a large American Military〔军事〕presence and there are 63 American military bases in the UK (T)9、Britain is not a member of the NATO〔北约〕due to its disagreement with some European countries on defence policy (F)第九单元1、On an average day, an overwhelming〔压倒性的〕majority of Britons over the age of 15 red a nation or local paper〔报纸〕(T)2、The British media play an important role in shaping〔塑造〕a national culture (T)3、In the late seventeenth and early 18th century, as the British economy began to industrialise, and as literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education, more and newspapers began to appear (F)4、Free press has the function of keeping an eye on the government, and therefore it is called the watchdog〔监管机构〕of parliamentary democracy〔议会民主制〕(T)5、The Advertising Code〔广告代码〕ensures that advertisements are legal, decent〔体面地〕, honest and truthful; have a sense of responsibility for consumer and society; and respect the principles of fair competition〔竞争〕(T)6、It is incorrect to say that class and educational differences are reflected in the newspapers people read (F)7、The Telegraph readers, for example, will be soft on crime〔犯罪〕, be quite feminist〔女权主义〕and interested in green politics (F)8、The tabloids〔小报〕are smaller format〔格式〕newspapers with colour photos and catchy headlines〔吸引人的标题〕. They are often called “the gutter press〔黄色小报〕”(T)9、The British Broadcasting Corporation is funded by licence〔许可证〕fees and viewers must buya licence each year for their TV set (T)10、The BBC〔英国广播公司〕World Service, the international branch of the BBC, broadcasts in English and 42 other languages throughout the world (T)第十单元1、The tradition of having Sunday off derived from〔来自〕the Christian Church〔基督教堂〕(T)2、The origin of Bowling〔打保龄球〕lies in the victory celebration ceremony〔仪式〕by the ancient warriors (T)3、Tennis〔网球〕is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport (F)4、The game of golf was invented by the Scottish〔苏格兰〕(T)5、The animal-lovers’groups would like to have horse racing banned〔禁止〕(T)6、Easter〔复活节〕is the biggest and best loved British holiday (F)7、Christmas Pantomime〔哑剧〕is one of the three Christmas traditions that are particularly British (T)8、It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing (F)9、The biggest Bonfire Night〔篝火之夜〕celebration is held in London (F)10、In Ireland, New Year’Eve called Hogma除夕〕(December 31st) is the major winter celebration (T)选择题第一单元1、which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London? (D/The sports centre)2、Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain? (B/Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales〔威尔士〕)3、Which of the following is NOT True about Britain? (D/It used to be one of the superpowers in the world)4、Three of the following are characteristics of London. Which of the four is the EXCEPTION? (C/London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world)5、The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the centre of London, was built by (D/William the Conqueror)6、Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? (A/The Anglo-Saxons〔盎格鲁-撒克逊人〕)7、Which is the largest city in Scotland? (C/Glasgow〔格拉斯哥〕)8、Why did the Scottish Kings decide to form an independent singular Scottish〔奇异的苏格兰〕state in the century? (A/They needed a unified independent nation to fight against Viking raids〔维京人袭击〕)9、Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? (B/In the Lowlands〔低地〕)10、Which of the following statements is NOT true? (B/Wales was occupied by the Anglo-Saxons 〔盎格鲁-撒克逊人〕)11、Which of the following parties in Scotland still wants an independent Scotland? (C/The Scottish Nationalist〔民族主义〕Party)12、When did Scotland join the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments〔议会〕?(D/In 1701)13、Llywelyn ap Gruffudd is not a simple historical figure for the Welsh. He is almost considered the legendary〔传奇〕hero of Welsh nationalism because (D/he unified Wales as an independent nation)第二单元1、In the 17th century the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because (A/they wanted to increase its control over Ireland)2、In 1969, the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Ireland street. They came first (B/to protect Catholics〔天主教徒〕)3、Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for (D/its endless political problems)4、Faced with conflicting demands the British government chose a compromise〔妥协〕and organized a partition of Ireland in 1921, because (B/the British government intended to satisfy both sides-Catholics〔天主教〕and Protestants〔新教〕)5、Which of the following statements is NOT true? (C/The Social Democratic〔社会民主党〕and Labour Party〔劳动党〕is a very important political party in Britain)6、In the early 1970s, the IRA〔爱尔兰共和军〕(D/carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security force as their main target)7、1972 was the worst year of the political troubles in Northern Ireland, because (B/468 people were killed in Northern Ireland)8、Why did the British government decide to replace the power-sharing policy with “direct-rule 〔直接统治〕”from London? (D/All the above)9、Which of the following statements is NOT true? (C/Margaret Thatcher〔玛格丽特-撒切尔〕’s government gave in to their political demand)10、How many counties are there in Northern Ireland? (B/6)11、Which of the following agreement is accepted by both Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland? (C/The Good Friday Agreement)12、According to the Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland today should be governed by the following jurisdictions〔司法管辖区〕except (B/the jurisdiction of loyalist minist(部长))第三单元1、Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government? (A/It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power)2、Which of the following kings was executed(执行〕in the civil war? (C/Charles〔查尔斯〕1)3、What happened in 1215? (B/Forced by barons〔贵族〕, King John signed the Magna Carta〔大宪章〕)4、Which of the following is NOT true about the Great Council? (C/It later developed into what we now know as the Cabinet〔内阁〕)5、Under whose reign〔统治〕was the Bill of Rights passed? (B/William of Orange)6、Which of the following is NOT related to the Constitution? (A/It is a written document which lists out the basic principles for government)7、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? (D/Parliament〔议会〕has no power to change the terms of the Constitution)8、Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen’s role? (A/The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet〔内阁〕)9、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords〔上议院〕? (C/The lords〔领主〕are expected to represent the interests of the public)10、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact? (A/Members of Parliament〔议会〕elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet)第四单元1、Which group of people cannot vote in the general election? (B/Lords〔领主〕in the House of Lords)2、By whom is a “vote of no confidence”decided? (A/The House of Commons)3、Which of the following is NOT true about the electoral campaigns〔选举活动〕? (A/Big parties can buy time to broadcast their policies on the television)4、How many seats in the House of Commons should a part hold at least in order to win the election? (B/326)5、Which of the following description about the Conservative〔保守的〕party is NOT true? (D/It is known as a party of high taxation〔税收) levels)6、Which period of time in British history was described as “private affluence and public squalor(肮脏〕”? (C/The 1980s)7、Who is the leader of the Labour party at present? (C/Gordon Brown)8、Which of the following is NOT true abort life peers〔同行〕? (B/They cannot sit in the House of Lords)9、Which of the following statements is NOT true about class system in the UK? (B/Class division is only decided by people’s income)10、Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the hereditary aristocracy〔世袭贵族〕in the UK? (C/They are the richest people in the UK)11、Which of the following is NOT an effect of immigration on British society? (B/Class tension has increased)12、Which of the following is Not a true description of the situation of ethnic minorities〔少数民族〕in the UK? (A/They are well represented in the British Parliament〔议会〕)13、Which of the following is NOT included in Household Energy Management Strategy〔能量管理策略〕? (C/Every household will have produced their electricity from renewable〔可再生〕energy resources)第五单元1、Which of the following statements is NOT true about the UK economy? (C/There has been a period of steady decreasing of living standards)2、Which of the following was NOT the reason for the relative economic decline since 1945? (C/Britain had carried out the nationalization of the businesses)3、Which of the following livestock〔牲畜〕has the biggest number in the UK? (D/Sheep)4、Where is the best agricultural land in Britain? (A/In the southeast of England)5、Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector〔部门〕? (B/ICI)6、Which of the following used to be the last independent car company in the UK? (C/Rover〔探测器〕)7、In the aerospace〔航空航天〕industry, which of the following, countries is ahead of Britain? (B/The U.S.)8、Which civil airline was started in 1924 after the First World War? (A/Imperial Airways〔帝国航空公司〕)9、What did Frank Whittle〔弗兰克·惠特尔〕do in 1937? (B/He developed the first jet〔飞机〕engine)10、Which company became an important aero-engine〔航空发动机〕manufacturer after WWI? (B/Rolls Royce〔劳斯莱斯〕)11、Which of the following two companies merged into British Aerospace〔航空航天〕? (A/The British Aircraft Corporation and Hawker-Siddeley Aviation)12、Which of the following countries is the last to come out of recession〔大萧条〕? (C/Britain)第六单元1、Which of the following books is written by Geoffrey Chaucer〔杰弗里·乔叟〕? (A/The Canterbury Tales〔坎特伯雷故事集〕)2、Which literary form flourished〔蓬勃发展〕in Elizabethan age〔伊丽莎白时代〕more than any other form of literature? (C/Drama)3、Among the following writers, who was NOT one of the great 三人组〕〔? (C/Thomas Malory)4、Which of the following did NOT belong to Romanticism〔浪漫主义〕? (D/Defoe〔笛福〕)5、Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare? (B/Macbeth〔麦克白〕)6、Which of the following writers was the most famous Scottish novelist? (D/Sir Walter Scott〔沃尔特·斯科特爵士〕)7、Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th-century literature. Which of the following is an exception? (A/Virginia Woolf〔弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫〕)8、Which of the following writers was NOT associated with Modernism〔现代主义〕? (C/Charles Dickens〔查尔斯·狄更斯〕)9、Which of the following is generally considered to be the masterpiece〔杰作〕by Joseph Conrad 〔约瑟夫·康拉德〕? (B/The Heart of Darkness〔黑暗的心〕)10、Which of the following writers wrote the book 1984 that began “Postmodernism〔后现代主义〕”in British literature? (A/George Orwell〔乔治·奥威尔〕)第七单元1、In Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to (C/state schools)2、In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 (B/can legally receive completely free education)3、If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination called (B/General Certificate of Secondary Education)4、Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? (D/The University of Buckingham)5、Which of the following is NOT true? (D/Parents send their children to public schools because their children prefer to go to public schools)6、Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Open University? (C/No university degree is awarded)7、In the examination called “the 11 plus”, students with academic potential go to (A/grammar schools)8、Which of the following is NOT included in the National Curriculum〔课程〕? (B/Children must sit in A-level exams)9、Which of the following is NOT true about the British education system? (D/It’s dominated by the state)10、Which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities? (A/comprehensive〔全面的〕schools)第八单元1、The author holds that Britain has a big influence on the postwar international order because (B/It had a strong military〔军事〕power and prestige〔声望〕)2、Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? (C/China, Russia, France, Britain and the United States)3、How much of the globe did Britain rule in its imperial prime〔帝国主义〕? (C/A third of the globe)4、The present British foreign policy is mainly influenced by some of the following factors. Which one is an exception? (D/Its schizophrenic〔精神分裂症〕attitude to Europe)5、Which of the following is not involved in making the British foreign policy? (A/The Queen of Britain)6、Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in (C/the United Nations, the EU, NATO〔北约〕, etc)7、Which of the following statements is not true? (B/63 American military〔军事〕bases are under the command of Britain)8、Which of the following countries does not have nuclear weapons capabilities? (C/Italy)9、Three of the following factors have contributed to Britain’s special relationship with the United States to a certain degree. Which is the exception? (B/They have common interests in every respect)10、Why does Britain have its nuclear naval force? (B/Because it’s a traditional sea power)第九单元1、Which of the following is the world’s oldest national newspaper? (C/The Observer〔观察者〕)2、Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper? (D/The Times)3、Which of the following statements is not true about the British media? (B/They are mainly interested in making huge profits by publishing advertisements)4、A free press is considered very important to the functioning of parliamentary〔议会〕democracy〔民主〕because (A/ it plays a watchdog function〔监督功能〕, keeping an eye on the government )5、In Britain most advertising is carried (A/ in newspapers)6,、Which of the following about the BBC〔英国广播公司〕is NOT true? (C/The BBC has four channels)7、How many newspapers are there in Britain? (B/About 1400)8、Which of the following newspapers is printed internationally? (C/The Financial Times)9、Which of the following newspapers is a tabloid〔小报〕? (A/The News of the World)10、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? (A/They are bormat〔格式〕newspapers)第十单元1、Which of the following was NOT an activity in Shakespeare’s time? (D/Attending the Grand National)2、Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain? (C/Basketball)3、Which of the following is NOT true about football in Britain? (C/It was invented by the Scottish people)4、Where are international tennis championships held? (B/Wimbledon〔温布尔登网球公开赛〕)5、Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? (D/Horse racing)6、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? (C/eating chocolate eggs on Easter〔复活节〕Day)7、Easter commemorates〔为了纪念〕(D/ the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ〔耶稣基督的受难和复活〕)8、Which community observes the traditional Ramadan〔斋月〕? (D/Muslim〔穆斯林〕)9、Which celebration particularly happens on the Queen’s birthday? (C/Trooping〔阅兵仪式〕the Colour)10、Which of the following commemorates〔为了纪念〕the Battle of Boyne〔博因河战役〕? (D/The Orange March in Northern Ireland)11、Of which people is Robert Burns〔罗伯特·彭斯〕a national poet? (C/The Scottish people)12、On which day is Halloween〔万圣节〕celebrated? (A/October 31st)。

Par 2, p 2
…not least in the close relationships which exist with the countries which used to be a part of that empire, and which maintain links through a…organization. ……尤其是同英联邦国家的密切关系,那些国家 曾是英帝国的一部分,现在通过英联邦这样一个松 散、自愿参加的组织保持关系。
• Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Without no seams nor needle work Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strands (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) Then she'll be a true love of mine Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten) Then she'll be a true love of mine Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine

Unit1.(选择、判断、填空):UnionJack:3.ThetimejoiningtheBritishparliament: However,in 1707byagreementoftheEnglishandScottishparliaments,Scotlandjoinedthe Union.4.DifferencebetweentheBritishIsles,UK,GreatBritain,andEngland: BritishIsles: theislandofGreatBritaintheislandofIrelandsurroundingislesUK=GreatBritain+NorthernIrelandGreatBritain=England+Scotland+Wales5.ThefourmajorinvasionsinthehistoryofGreatBritain:Atfirst,EnglandwasoccupiedbyCelticpeople.Thenin43ADBritainwasinvadedbytheRomanempire.Result:EnglandandWalesbecameapartoftheRomanempirefornearly400years. theAngle-Saxoninvaded.Result:Thelandtheylivedbecame"Angle-land",laterchangedintoEngland,thelanguage theyspokenbecameEnglish.theVikingsinvaded.ResultinacertainculturaldividebetweennorthernersandsouthernersinEngland,which canbeexpressedas"Saxon"versus"Dane".theNormans,WilliamofNormandyinvadedthiscountry.Result:ThismarksthelasttimethatanarmyfromoutsidetheBritishIslessucceededininv adingLondon:(P18)Unit2(选择、判断、填空)NorthernIreland(oftencalled"Ulster"afteranancientIrishkingdom)1.ActivitiestoseekIrishindependence:Home-ruleTheEasterRisingof1916:wasthemostspectacularevent,inwhichtherebelstookoverD ublin'sPostOffice,forcingtheBritishtoretakeitbymilitarymeans.:theSinnFeinpartylegalSDLP:SocialDemocraticandLabourPartyEngland LondonScotland EdinburghWales CardiffNorthern Ireland BelfastIRA:IrishRepublicanArmy(illegal)3.PoliticaltroublesinNorthernIreland(famous):Partition(分割):Thesouthern26countieswouldformanindependent"freestate",whilethe6north-easterncountieswouldremainapartoftheUK.(即26RepublicIreland,6NorthernIreland):(了解下,P36)Unit3:Theprocessofstate-buildinghasbeenoneofevolutionratherthanrevolution.:Britainisbothaparliamentarydemocracyandaconstitutionalmonarchy.:ItwasheldthatthesovereignderivedhisauthorityfromGod,notfromhissubjects.:limitsontheking'sabilitytoabusehisroyalpower.:ensuredthattheKingwouldneverbeabletoignoreParliament.(WilliamofOrange时期):(P49):(P49):Thequeen:(symbolised,traditional)Sheislegallyheadoftheexecutive,anintegralpartofthelegislature,headofthejudici ary,commanderinchiefofthearmedforcesand"supremegovernor"oftheChurchofEngland,aconfidantetothePrimeMinister(了解下)TheHouseofLords:donotreceivesalaries,bothsexistandelitist(了解下) LordsSpiritualhereditarypeersLordsTemporallifepeersTheHouseofCommons(P49)重要Unit4:(P67)重要:(P67):(P67):(P67):(P67)了解下:TheConservativeparty(newest):settinguptheNationalHealthServiceTheLabourparty:From1979to1997,theConservativePartywon4electionsinrow TheLiberalDemocrats:apartyofthe"middle"Margaret-Thatcher改革(Therewerealsonegativeconsequences)了解下Unit5(判断、选择、填空)1、AbsoluteDecline2、RelativeDeclineoftheUKeconomy:(P81)重要3、thereasonforitsrelativedecline:(了解下) thecountryhadgoneheavilyintodebtinordertofinancethewartheeraofempirewasoverLargemilitaryexpensesOutdatedindustriesandless-competitiveproducts Alackofcloserelationshipbetweenindustryandbanks4.ThedivisionofBritishindustries:Primaryindustries(miningindustry矿业)Secondaryindustries(steelindustry钢铁业)Tertiaryindustries(insurance保险,thesellingofgoods):ThenamegiventothehistoricareaatthecentreofLondon:TheheartoftheCity(伦敦的中心是伦敦城,伦敦城的中心是伦敦证券交易所)Unit6(填空、选择、判断): Oneoftheoldestoftheseearly"OldEnglish"literaryworksisalongpoemfromAnglo-Saxon timescalledBeowulf.:TheCanterburyTales:Marlowe:TheTragicalHistoryofDrFaustusRomeoandJulietTheTamingoftheShrewtragedies Othello(重要)Macbeth.historyplays:,AntonyandCleopatra:JohnMilton:ParadiseLost:JonathanSwift:Gulliver'sTravels:WilliamWordsworthandSamuelTaylorColeridge:LyricalBallads (markedthebeginningoftheRomanticPeriod.)GeorgeGordon,LordByronThreemenJohnKeatsPercyByssheShelley:MaryShelley:FrankensteinSenseandSensibilityJaneAusten PrideandPrejudiceEmmaCharlotte:JaneEyretheBrontesistersEmily:WutheringHeightsAnnElizabethGaskell:NorthandSouthOliverTwistCharlesDickens DavidCopperfieldGreatExpectationsTheReturnoftheNativeThomasHardy TessoftheD’UrbervillesJudetheObscure:MaryShelleyJaneAustentheBrontesistersElizabethGaskell:Twentiethcenturyliteraturecanbebroadlydividedintotwostylisticperiods:Modernis m,and Postmodernism.JosephConrad:TheHeartofDarknessVirginiaWoolf TotheLighthouseOrlandoARoomofOne'sOwn1.:Allchildrenthroughoutthecountrymuststudythefollowingsubjects:English,mathe matics,science,religiouseducation,history,geography,technology,music,art,p hysicaleducation,andamodernforeignlanguage.Allchildrenthroughoutthecountrymustpassnationaltestsandschools.Allteachersaretoldwhattoteachandtheirschoolsarenowrankedaccordingtohowwell theyperformthistask.2.Stateschool:93%ofpupilsreceivefreeeducationfromthepublicsector.3.Independentschool(publicschools/privateschool): Independentschoolsarenotpartofthenationaleducationsystem.EtorschoolLarrowschoolWinchestercollegeprehensiveschool:Entranceexamswereabolished.,tomorepracticalsubjectslikecookingandcarpentry.5.Grammarschool:Thosewhoshowacademicpotentialareadmittedtothegrammarschoolswheretheemphasisis onadvancedacademicworkratherthanthemoregeneralcurriculumofthecomprehensivesch ools.:GeneralCertificateofSecondaryEducation9.GCEA:GeneralCertificateofEducation-Advanced10.GNVQs:GeneralNationalVocationalQualifications11.TheuniversitiesinBritain:Britishuniversitiesarepublicbodies,exceptoneuniversity,theUniversityofBuckingham.12.TheOpenUniversity:TheOpenUniversityoffersanon-traditionalrouteforpeopletotakeuniversitylevelcou rsesandreceiveauniversitydegree,throughtextbooks,tvandradiobroadcasts,corresp ondence,videos,residentialschoolsandanetworkofstudycentres.Unit81.CountriestoestablishUN:2.ThepermanentmembersoftheUNSecurityCouncil:theSovietUnion,theUnitedStates,China,France,UK3.ThefoundationsofBritain'sforeignpolicy: ThecontemporaryforeignpolicyoftheUKisgreatlyinfluencedbyitsimperialhistoryand alsobyitsgeopoliticaltraits4.ThemakingofBritain'sforeignpolicy:(P128)5.TherelationshipbetweenBritainandtheEU(P128)ThedecisionjoinedtheEEC(psychological,natural,controversial) TheUKhasalwaysbeenlessenthusiasticaboutgivingupitsnationalsovereigntytoaEurop eangovernment.6.Thecommonwealth:BritainisalsoamemberoftheCommonwealth,avoluntaryassociationofstates. Thereare50membersoftheCommonwealthhichismadeupmostlyofformerBritishcolonies.7.NATO(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganisation): protectmemberstatesagainstaggression ThepurposeofNATOprovideafoundationforsecurityinEurope provideaforumfortransatlanticdefencecooperation8.SpecialrelationshipwithUS:hasgonethroughmanyupanddowns9.Independentnuclearweaponscapability:Britainisatraditionalseapower.Unit91.ThedivisionofBritishmedia:(降序排列)①TV②Newspaper(InBritain,mostadvertisingiscarriedinnewspapers)③Radio④Magazine2.ThefunctionsoftheBritishmedia:①Entertainment②ProvideBritishpeoplewithinformationaboutpoliticalandsocialissues③Provideweatherreports④Carryadvertising⑤Usedforeducationalpurposes⑥Provideaforumforpeopletowritelettersorphoneintoexpresstheirviewsorsee kadvice⑦HelpBritainengendernationalculture3.Oldestnewspaper:Theworld'soldestnationalnewspaper:TheObserver TheBritisholdestdailynewspaper:TheTimesTheverynamesofBritishnewspapers-TheTimes,TheObserver,TheGuardian—stillsuggestthatthefunctionofthepaperistooffertheelectorateobjectivereportsab outwhatishappeninginthecountry4.Papersissuedinternationally:TheFinancialTimesisprintedinFrankfurt,France,HongKong,NewJersey,LosAngeles,To kyoandMadrid.((Daily)Telegraph/TheNewsoftheWorld)5.Qualitypressandgutterpress:TheDailyTelegraphTheTimesTheSun gutterpressTheGuardian QualitypressTheObserver6.Fleetstreet:ItisalsoknownastheStreetofShame7.BBC:(P144)Unit10:Cricket,football,lawntennis,golf,rugbyFACup:(FootballAssociationCup)GentlesportWimbledoniswheretheworld'.: CricketwasoneoftheveryfirstteamsportsinBritaintohaveorganisedrulesandtobeplay edaccordingtothesamerulesnationally.:ThegameofgolfwasinventedbytheScottish.:FlatracingHorseracingsteeplechasingTheGrandNtionalTheRoyalAsot:peopleusuallydressupandshowofftheirfashionableclothandelaborateh atsforthesocialeventEquestrianismHunting:(P163)theChristmasPantomimetheQueen'sChristmasmessagetheBoxingDay:Traditionally,itwasonBoxingDaythatpeoplegaveChristmasgiftsorm oneytotheirstafforservants.:crucifixionnandresurrectionofJesusChristEasterChristmas9.NationalHolidays:-----Queen'sBirthday "troopingthecolour"aroundBuckinghamPalace10.Holidaysinthe4nations:England:GuyFawkesNight(theBonfireNight,celebratedinNovember) NorthernIreland:StPatrick'sDay(March17)OrangeMarches,BattleoftheBoyne(July12)Scotland:HogmanayBurnsSupperHalloweenWales:TheEisteddfod:festivalofmusicmakingandpoetry。

Highland and lowland
3. United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a sovereign state located off northwestern coast of continental Europe.
Lecture 1 Geography (1)
Wwhat’s for…
I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分
II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征 III.Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊 IV. Climate 气候 V. Major cities
英联邦是曾为英国殖民地的、但现已独立国家所构成的自由联合体。它成立于1931 年,至1990年止已有50个成员国。 现在为53个国家。
The Commonwealth of Nations — formerly the "British Commonwealth" — is a voluntary association of 53 independent sovereign states, most of which are former British colonies, or dependencies of these colonies (with two exceptions, Mozambique, which was a Portuguese possession) and Cameroon(which was partly a German territory and partly French and British colony) plus the United Kingdom itself.

英语国家社会与文化入门单词1.Great Britaincomplicated a.复杂的,难懂的empire n.帝国imperial a.帝国的encounter vt.遇到,受到emphasise vt.强调immigration n.移居ethnicity n.种族Pakistan n.巴基斯坦Caribbean n.加勒比海to sum up 总结stereotype n.陈规,旧框框sovereignty n.主权distinction n.差别,特征constituent a.组成的,构成的multiracial a.多民族的exaggerate vt.夸张stockbroker n.股票(证券)经纪人tend vi.倾向(于),趋向(于) gallery n.画廊,美术馆2.Northern Irelandurbanized a. 都市化的by far 更,显然地Welsh a.威尔士人的,威尔士语Celtic a.凯尔特人的,凯尔特语originate vi.开始,起源于某地Angles n.盎格鲁人(5世纪由德国北部移居英国)Saxon n.撒克逊人(原住德国,一部分于5世纪中叶至6世纪伤半叶移居英国)derive vi.由来Excalibur n.亚瑟王之魔剑embellish n.传颂,歌颂legend n.传说,神话Tintagel n.廷塔哲岬(在英格兰西南部,传说中的King Arthur诞生处) Cornwall n.康瓦尔(英国西南部之一郡,首府Bodmin)knight n.(中古时的)骑士,武士Camelot n.传说中的Arthur王之宫殿朝廷所在地Sonmerset n.索美赛得郡(英格兰西南部一郡)conflict n.冲突precedence n.上席,较高位置monarch n.君主,帝王contemporary a.当代的Scandinavia n.斯勘的纳维亚(北欧国家的原称:瑞典、挪威、丹麦、芬兰、冰岛)ferocious a.凶残的,野蛮的versus prep. 对(多用于诉讼或竞技等之中,缩写作v.或vs.) sophisticated a.世故的,城府深的arrogant a.骄傲自大的,傲慢的throne n.帝王的宝座aristocracy n.贵族,贵族阶层的outlaw n.被流放者,罪犯intrior a.内部的display vt展示externally ad.外表,外貌punk n.朋友,小阿飞,小流氓dyed a.染色的spiky a.竖起的,直立的conceal vt.隐瞒porch n.门廊identity n.特征eventually ad. 最后,终于execute vt.处决overrule vt.推翻compounent n.组成部分substantial a.相当(长)的rugged a.崎岖的,不平坦的sparsely ad.稀少地span vt.跨越retreat vi.撤回equivalent 相当于是domain n.领土,领地souenir n.纪念品tartan a.用格子呢制的ressert vt.再申明depose vt.废黜(国王等)quell vt.镇压intermarriage n.异族通婚,近亲通婚change hands (财产等)转换所有者,易手dual a.双重的depoist n. 贮存adjacent a.邻近的long-standing a. 长期的,长年累月的Gealic n. 盖尔语Baron n.男爵Ulster n.北爱尔兰Belfast n. 贝尔法斯特,北爱首府hromontory n.海角hexagonal a.六角形的,六边形的lava n.熔炉,火山岩concentrate vt.集中ignore vt.忽略victim n.受害者at least 至少armoured a.武装的acclaim vt. 受到称赞,赞扬peripherality n.周边integrate vi.成一体,与结合起来overtake vt.遇到……阻碍suspend vt.暂停,中止campaign n.运动pursue vt.追求guerilla n.游击队suppress vt.镇压inevitable a.必然的,不可避免的inhabit vt.居住ethnically ad.种族地Catholic n.天主教徒Protestant n.新教徒emigrate vi.移居(外国)compromise n.折衷法partition n.分离,分割rioting n.暴乱,骚乱overwhelm vt.使不知所措constabulary n.警察candidate n.候选人run candidates 参加竞选faction n.宗派,派别patrol vi.巡逻paramilitary a.半军事化的barracks n.兵营,军营random n.随意at random 任意地,无目的地take revenge on 报仇ghettoise vt.使成为少数民族聚居区exclusively ad.全部地suspeck m.嫌疑犯internment n.拘留,收容mythologise vt.对……作神话解释telescopic a.用望远镜看的telescopic sight望远镜瞄准具cruise vi.巡逻flare n.(怒气等)爆发flare-up 突然发生的事情to give in 让步,屈服revitalize vt.使活跃claim vt.要求,主张sovereignty n.主权consultation n.协商to come up with 提出,提供strategic a.战略上的surrender n.投降hurdle n.障碍,困难formula n.形式legitimacy n.合法性3.The Government of the United Kingdom arguably ad.可论证地,可能,大概trace v.追溯,查考instability n.不稳定性,不稳固state-buiding n.创立国家,建国evolution n.演变,演化monarchy n.君主政体,君主制derive v.取得,得到,形成doctrine n.教义,教条,信条divine a. 神授的,天赐的sovereign n.君主,最高统治者legitimate a.合法的,法律认可的heir n.继承人,嗣子throne n.宝座,王位,帝位hereditary a.承袭的,世袭的defy v.(公然)违抗,藐视oust v.驱逐,罢黜medieval a.中世纪的,中古(时代)的exercise v.运用,行使prominent a. 重要的,著名的baron n.(由国王直接封领地的)贵族gang n.一帮,一伙charter n.宪章,共同纲领parley v.会谈,谈判summon v.召唤,召集wage v.进行,开始make ends meet 使收支相抵,勉强维持生计contribute v.捐(款等),捐助project n.计划,规划,方案community n.社区,团体say n.发言机会,发言权decree v.命令,颁布grant n.授予物(如补助金等)formula n.惯例,常规prerogative n.特权,独有的权利councillor n.顾问,(市、镇等的)政务会委员vis-a-vis prep同……相比,同……相比reassert v再断言,重申execute v.将……处死consent n.同意,准许parliamentarian n.国会议员cabinet n.内阁chair v.担任(会议等的)主席assemble v.召集,聚集electorate n.(总称)选举人,选民governor-general n.(英殖民地或英联邦国家的)总督governance n.统治方法statue n. 成文法,法令,法规working n.(常用复数)运转,运行,活动first and foremost 首先的是,首先scrutinise v.详细检查,仔细观察expenditure n.(时间、金钱等的)花费,支出restraint n.限制,约束overturn v.推翻,废除,使无效supremacy n.至高无上,最高地位bear sth. In mind 记住(某事)precedent n.先例,前例matter of course 理所当然executive n.(政府的)行政部门,行政当局integral a.基本的,不可缺少的legislature n.立法机关,议会judiciary n.司法部,司法系统successor n.继承人,继任者allege v.声称,断言extramarital a. 婚外的jet-setting a.乘坐喷气机飞来飞去的阔老的squander v.浪费,挥霍recognisance n.承认,确认controvercy n.争论,争议Texan n.(美国)得克萨斯(州)人Lounge v.闲逛,闲荡Outrage v.激怒,激起……义愤decadence n.堕落,颓废allegation n.指控,宣称come to head (事情)达到决定性阶段recession n.(经济的)衰退,衰退期jacht n.快艇,游艇endear v.使受喜爱,使受钟爱confidante n.知己的女友neutrality n.中立,中立地位Lord Spiritual上议院的神职议员(指主教或大主教)archbishop n.大主教,主教长Lord Temporal 上议院的上诉议员(指非主教或大主教的贵族议员)Civic-minded a.关心公益的,热心公民事务的Law Lord上议院执掌最高司法职务的议员,上议院法官sitting n.(议院的)开会elitist a.杰出人物统治(论)的patrilineal a.父系的,父子相传的veritable a.名副其实的,十足的allowances n.津贴,补贴,零用钱coordination n.协调,协同3.ample a.大量的nucleus n.核心,中心public services 公职,公务public servant 公务员,公仆utilise vt.使用,利用abundant a.充足的missionary n. 传教士renaissance n.复兴prophet n.预言家,预言者escalate vi.逐步增加,逐步上升grievance n.抱怨,不满eligible a.合格的,符合条件的superannuation n.退休金soar vi.猛增,剧增urbanisation n.城市化dividend n.红利,股息horticulture n.园艺,园艺学accountancy n.会计学fodder n.饲料teeritorial sea 领海rock lobster 龙虾tuna n.金枪鱼snail n.蜗牛earthworm n.蚯蚓mammal n.哺乳动物browsing a.食草的reptile n.爬行动物mortality n.死亡率,死亡数depletion n.耗尽,枯竭densely ad.稠密地,密集地to date 迄今为止habitat n.生存环境,栖息地prospective a.可能的,未来的canoe n.独木舟protocol n.礼仪,仪式acclaim vt.称赞,向……喝彩depict vt.描述,描写ballad n.叙事诗,民谣foreunner n.先驱contemporary n.同代人lyric poet 抒情诗人momentum n.势头,动力transmission n.播送,发射prorietor n.业主,所有人flourishing a.欣欣向荣的,繁荣的periodical 期刊的,定期出版的outlet n.地方广播电台或电视台coverage n.新闻报道coverage n.发行量oriental a.东方的recompense vt.报酬,酬谢,补偿dairy producce 奶制品cereal n.谷类植物,谷物across-the-board 普遍的,全面的terrain n.地面,地带,地势whole milk 全乳,全脂牛奶flavoured milk 加味牛奶eqitable a.公正的,公平合理的table fish 食用鱼abalone n.鲍鱼aquaculture n.水产养殖exotic a.外国的,引进的pulp n.纸浆malt n.麦芽rye n.黑麦barley n.大麦sorghum n.高粱maize n.玉米molasses n.糖浆rapessed n.油菜籽tariff n.关税sustainable a.可持续的sluggish a.缓慢的,慢的trade mission 贸易代表团liquefy vt.液化crude oil 原油yield vt. 出产,产reserves n.藏量,储量offset vt.补偿,抵消accord n.一致,与谐,协议,条约monetary policy 货币政策pervasive a.普遍的,流行的scandal n.丑闻utility n.公用事业commercial breaks 节目间商业广告prohibit vt.禁止legislation n.立法lottery n.彩票satelite n.卫星转播renowned a.有名的battering n.毒打commiserate vt.怜悯,同情defamation n.毁谤judicial a.司法的libel n.诽谤stipulate vt.制定deployment n. 部署missile n.导弹enterprise n.企业usurp vt.篡夺vital a.重要的engendering n.形成rank vi. 位于dominate vt.控制navy n.海军possesions n.(常用pl.)殖民地prime n.全盛期pink n.粉红色swarming n.密集bustling a.喧闹的,熙攘remote a.遥远的,偏僻的jungle n.原始森林baking a.灼热的,炎热的lush a.郁郁葱葱coral n.珊瑚lagoon n.环珊瑚axis n.轴心intact a.未受损的grant vt.许可,承认pretige n.威望superpower n.超级大国superiority n.优势treaty n.条约,协定schizophrenic a.反复无常的diminish vt. 减少fur .皮货roam vt.漫游,游历seafarers n.海员,航海者trait n.特点tear apart 使……四分五裂foster vt.鼓励,促进mount vt.上升,达到distribute vt.分配forum n.论坛subservient a.从属的supportive a.赞许的,支持的enact vt.贯彻,执行assign vt.转让,归于submarine n.潜水艇bloc n.集团dismantle vt.拆除interwine vt.纠结,缠绕conventional a.常规的spell vt.招致,意味keystone n.要旨transatlantic a.大西洋彼岸的expenditure n.经费,开销elite n.社会精英executive n.行政人员arithmetic n.算术literacy n.识字,有学问participate vi.参加,参与controversial a.有争议的corporal a.肉体的corporal punishment 体罚cane n.手杖,笞杖erase vt.消除。

THE BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEMFrom Education for the EliteToEducation for the MassesEarly Education•The Celts had no written language•Everything was passed down by ‘word of mouth’•The Romans brought a written language with them •Christianity helped develop writing amongst the clergyThe Role of the Scribe•Most monks were scribes•They wrote books•They taught young boys to read and write•They wrote letters for the illiterateEarly Public Schooling•Boys were sent out of the home to learn from the monks how to read and write•This was called public school because it was not ‘private’ i.e. in the home•This kind of education was only available to the very wealthy i.e. upper classesPrivate Schooling 1•This type of schooling originally took place at home hence ‘private’•For many centuries only boys were taught•They had a tutor living in their home and instructing them in Greek, Latin, Maths and LogicPrivate Schooling 2•Originally girls were given instruction in household matters only e.g. sewing, cooking, cleaning.•Much later some families began to educate their daughters. •They learned only English, History, Geography, Music and Drawing.Private Schooling 3•This system continued until the 19th century•Girls would have a governess•Boys would have a tutor•However bo ys could also go ‘out’ to schoolPrivate Schooling 4•By the beginning of the 19th century both boys and girls could go to school.•The quality of education was not always high•Many children were sent to school merely because they were not wanted at homePrivate Schooling 5•If you want to know more about the type of schools which existed in the late 18th century and early 19th century you should read -•Charles Dickens – David Copperfield•Charles Dickens – Hard Times•Charlotte Bronte – Jane EyreChurch Schools – 18th Century•The Church of England began to provide education•The main purpose of this education was to enable children to read the Bible•However it gave poor children the opportunity to read and write Dame Schools – 19th century •Elderly ladies (dames) opened small schools in their homes to earn a little extra money•Often these ladies were not well educated and the education was of very poor qualityThe Education Act of 1870 -Primary Education•In 1870 an act was passed providing primary schools where there were no church schools.•The schools were not compulsory nor were they free•This began to affect the child labour forceChild Workers•During the 18th and 19th centuries children were used in the labour force•They worked in the mines, factories and as chimney sweeps •They began working as early as five or six years oldChild Workers•To find out more about the conditions in which children worked read any of the following–•William Blake – Songs of Innocence and Experience •Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South•Charles Kingsley - The Water Babies•Elizabeth Goudge - The Bishops WatchAdult Education 1•The end of the 19th century saw education being provided for adults•The Fabians created centres of learning for adults•The Worker’s Educational Association (WEA) provided evening classes for adultsAdult Education 2•These initiatives provided a concept of education which is still strong in Britain today.•This is the concept of Life Long Learning•It is possible to receive education from the age of 4½ years until the day you dieState Education 1•Most schools were very crowded places•Classes were as large as 60 per class•Discipline was very strict – caning and beating were common •Some children who failed to learn stayed in the same class for their whole time in schoolState Education 2•By the beginning of the 20th century –‘education for all’ had become the goal•Many people objected to ‘commoners’ being educated •Schooling was extended to include children up to the age of fourteenEducation retains its divisions•The children of the wealthy were being educated at Private or Public Schools•The children of the poor were being educated at State Schools •The difference in the standard of schooling was vastAge Categories of Schools •Schools were divided into three categories•1. Primary Education – 5 – 10 years•2. Secondary Education – 11 – 18 years•3. University Education –18 – 21 years•This was called the Tertiary Education SystemThe 1944 Education Act 1•The Act raised school leaving age to fifteen years •The Act provided grammar, technical and modern schools•The Act provided grants for University Students1944 Education Act 2•Schools were divided into different educational types1. Secondary Modern Schools2. Technical Schools3. High Schools4. Grammar SchoolsSecondary and Technical Schools • 1. Secondary Schools provided basic educationsuitable for children who would go to work inshops, offices and factories. These schoolshad no final examinations• 2. Technical Schools provided technicaleducation for children going in to industry.science, engineering, technical drawing etc.These schools had final examinations withcertificationHigh School and Grammar School•High Schools provided education for children who would go into management positions – humanities, languages, sciences •Grammar Schools provided education for children who go into professions– sciences, humanities, languages, classics •Both types of schools had final examinations and certificationComprehensive Schools1978•The Government decided that education should be equal for everyone•They abolished grammar, high, technical and secondary schools •They established a system called the Comprehensive SystemComprehensive Education•Many schools were amalgamated to create comprehensives •Grammar schools had to accommodate secondary level children •Secondary schools had to accommodate grammar level childrenThe Final Outcome•All state schools became Comprehensive•Some Grammar and High Schools opted out and became Independent•Public Schools and Private Schools were not affectedThe National Curriculum•The Government decided that the instruction in all schools should be equal•They devised a National Curriculum•This meant that every child in every school learned the same thing at the same timeThe National Curriculum•The National Curriculum now works Nationwide•There are some local differences•Welsh Schools have gained the right to work in Cymraeg (the national language of Wales)•Scottish Schools still have Standards and Highers as their final examination instead of GCSE and A LevelClass in the Class•The problem of equality in education still remains•Money can buy the best education and the highest expectations •Lack of money means basic education and low expectationsGender Discrimination in Education•Until the 18th century there was no education for girls •Enlightened families had girls educated by a governess•The Education Act of 1870 provided education for both sexes Gender Discrimination in Education •In the early 20th century women could go to University but could not receive their degree•In the early 20th century women could study to become doctors butwere not allowed to practiceGender Discrimination•Universities had segregated colleges•There were separate colleges for women•Twenty years ago male colleges were forced to begin taking female studentsPUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION•This is the most expensive form of Education – 20,000 pounds per term•The top public Boys’ schools - Eton, Harrow and Gordonstoun•The top public Girls’ Schools - Benenden, Rodean and Cheltenham Ladies•Minor Public Schools –Winchester College, King William’sPUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION•Princess Royal attended Benenden School•Prince Charles attended Gordonstoun•Princes Harry and William attended EtonPrivate School Education•Britain has many Private Schools – most of these are residential and cost between 5,000 – 10,000 pounds per term•Example – Bedstone College, Shropshire –Senior College boarding fees – 5998 pounds per termIndependent Schools•Work independently of the State system•Day schools•Receive some government aid•Fees for these schools are between 1,000 – 3,000 pounds per term •Example –Queen’s School, Chester – Senior School – 2645 pounds per termState Schooling•State schooling is available to everyone between the ages of 4 ½ and 18 years•State school is free i.e. you do not have to pay to attend •However, every wage earner in the UK contributes to education via taxesSecondary Education•At every secondary level school it is possible to study for certificates to enter university•The first level of certificate is GCSE –General Certificate in Secondary Education•The second level of certificate is AS –Advanced Studies•The third level is GCE A-level –General Certificate of Education Advanced LevelCertification•90% of students in secondary education gain between 1 – 10 GCSE’s•Some of these students will then choose to carry on into the Sixth Form and study AS levels and A levels•Students who gain good grades at AS and A levels can then apply for university placesUniversity Education•Anyone over the age of 18 can attend University provided they have received the appropriate grades at school.•Most universities ask for A B C grades at A level – e.g. Oxford will usually ask for three A’s•The lower level of University will often acceptC D E grades at A levelGetting into University 1•If you gain good grades at AS and A level you can then apply to universities via UCAS•You can make six choices – e.g. Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Birmingham, Durham, Liverpool•The universities will look at your educational background and invite you for interview if you are suitableGetting into University 2•You visit the universities who show an interest in you•You have an interview and a tour of the university•If you are suitable the university will make an offer•The offer depends on the number and grade of A levelsGetting into University 3•Interview at Oxford– offer of place if you gain three A*’s at A level •Interview at Birmingham– offer of place if you gain three A’s at A level•Interview at Durham– offer of place if you gain two A’s and one B at A level•Interview at Bristol– offer of place if you gain three B’s at A levelUniversity Fees•Fees have recently changed•Example – Birmingham University – Tuition Fees – 3,000 pounds per year•Previously Tuition fees were approx 1,500 pounds per yearUniversity Education•If you are outside the normal age for university entrance you can still attend if you can provide the necessary evidence e.g. •Experience in commerce or industry•Taking a short test together with an interview•The ability to pay for your university coursesQuestions•Who brought reading and writing to Britain?•Who were the first teachers?•What is Public School?•What is Private School?•What is State School?6. What are the three levels of Tertiary Education?7. Is education free in the UK?8. Which exams do you need to pass to enter University?9. When was the first Education Act?10. What did the 1944 Education Act do?。
英语国家文化与社会文化入门Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom I

2. The conquest of Britain
British history has been a history of invasions:
1) Before the 1st century AD British was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people;
To Test Yourself
Language points
1. A complicated country with a complicated name
Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The definition of the UK., Great Britain & the British Isles. England, Scotland, Great Britain The UK Wales Northern Ireland. The British Isles: Great Britain Ireland hundreds of small ones
National Emblem
“Union Jack” --National Flag
--- National anthem : “God save the queen”(如在位的 是男性君主,国歌改为 “God save the king”) --- National flower:Rose --- National bird:红胸鸲(redbreast/robin)
1) The days of empire ended after World War II. But there are close relationships which exist with the 50 or more colonies of that empire, and which maintain links through Commonwealth of Nations (二战后,帝国主义时代过去了。但是大英帝国的50多个殖 民地之间仍然有着紧密的联系,这种联系主要通过英联邦这个组织来 维系). 2) It has great effects on the makeup of the British population: 对英国的人口构成有着很大的影响 Because of the immigration from India, Pakistan, or Caribbean countries in the 1950s and1960s, 1 in 20 are non-European ethnicity (由于在20世纪50、60年代,来自印度、巴基斯坦或位于 西印度群岛与中南美洲海域的加勒比国家大量涌入英国,现在1/20的 英国人是非欧洲血统的人).

51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
“英语国家社会与文化入门”课程教学大纲 (2)

“英语国家社会与文化入门”课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息开课单位:翻译学院课程名称:英语国家社会与文化入门课程编号:210019-210020、211017-211018、222007-222008英文名称:THE SOCIETY AND CULTURE OF MAJORENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES AN INTRODUCTION课程类型:专业基础课总学时:68 理论学时:68 实验学时:0学分:4开设专业:英语(师范)专业、翻译专业、商务英语专业先修课程:综合英语1二、课程任务目标(一)课程任务本课程是一门英语专业、翻译专业、商务英语专业学生的专业基础课之一,是一门基础理论课程。
(二)课程目标在学完本课程之后,学生能够:1. 了解英语国家社会与文化2. 具备一定的跨文化交际能力3. 熟悉并掌握英语国家政治、经济、历史、文化、教育、外交、军事、文娱等领域的英语专有词汇和用语4.提高英语阅读以及英汉翻译能力三、教学内容和要求本课程以英语为授课语言,全面、系统概要地介绍英语国家的历史、政治、经济、地理、文化、教育、外交以及文娱等内容。
BOOK1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅰ(掌握)Unit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅱ(了解)Unit 3 The Government of the United Kingdom(掌握)Unit 4 Politics, Class and Race(难点)Unit 5 The UK Economy (了解)Unit 6 British Literature(了解)Unit 7 British Education System(掌握)Unit 8 British Foreign Relations(了解)Unit 9 The British Media(理解)Unit 10 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain(掌握)IrelandUnit 11 Land, People and History(理解)Unit 12 Politics and Economy(难点)Unit 13 Irish Culture: How the Irish Live Now(了解)Unit 14 Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts (了解)AustraliaUnit 15 The Land and the Peoples of the Dreaming(掌握)Unit 16 Australian Cultural Life(了解)Unit 17 Work and Family Life(了解)Unit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society(了解)Unit 19 Australia in the World Today(了解)Unit 20 From Racism to Multiculturalism(了解)BOOK2New ZealandUnit 1 Land, People and History(了解)Unit 2 Political System, Education and Economy(掌握)The United States of AmericaUnit 3 American Beginnings (掌握)Unit 4 The Political System in the United States (难点)Unit 5 American Economy (了解)Unit 6 Religion in the United States (难点)Unit 7 American Literature (了解)Unit 8 Education in the United States (掌握)Unit 9 Social Movements of the 1960s (掌握)Unit 10 Social Problems in the United States(掌握)Unit 11 American Way of Life: A Search for Credible Generalizations(掌握)Unit 12 The Women's Liberation Movement in America (了解)Unit 13 Technology in America (了解)Unit 14 Post-WWll American Foreign Policy (了解)Unit 15 Sports and Scenic Spots in America (掌握)Unit 16 Early American Jazz(了解)CanadaUnit 17 The Country and Its People (掌握)Unit 18 The Government and Politics of Canada (了解)Unit 19 The Canadian Mosaic (了解)Unit 20 The Canadian Economy (了解)Unit 21 Canadian Literature (了解)Unit 22 Canada's International Relations(了解)四、学时分配章次各教学环节学时分配小计讲授实验上机习题讨论课外备注Unit 1321 Unit 2321 Unit 3321 Unit 4321 Unit 5321 Unit 6321 Unit 7321 Unit 8321 Unit 9321Unit 10321Unit 11321Unit 12321Unit 13321Unit 14321Unit 15321Unit 16321Unit 17321Unit 18321Unit 19321Unit 20321Unit 21321Unit 22321Revision22合计684622五、考核说明本课程考核方法使用闭卷考试+平时成绩的方式进行评定。
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Part One True or False
1、Britain is no longer an imperial country.T
2The stereotype of the English gentlemen never applied the majority of the British people. T
3、Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. F
4、Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language ,called “Gaelic ”. F
5、Ireland is part of Great Britain. F
6、Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics. T
7、The divine right of the king(君权神授) means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects .8、As the king in the theory had God in his side ,it was thought that he should exercise absolute power.F
9、Britain ,like Israel ,has a written constitutions of the sort which most countries have. F
10、In the UK ,a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional
11、There are two(three) national parties in the UK according to the text. F
12、The majority of Britain’s recent immigrants have mainly come from North(South) Asia
and Caribbean countries.13、By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant in the world.
14、Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies ,especially India ,which
gained its independence in 1947.
T T 15、The service industry in the U.K. employs 70% of the total work force. T
16、Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity ,and Anglo-Saxons
produced many versions of Bible.17、William Shakespeare is a great poet and much known of his life.18、The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the
other basic skills but also to socialize children.19、The state seldom interferes with the decision of when ,where ,how and what children
are taught.20、When the Second World War ended ,Britain no longer was the largest military power
in Western Europe.21、According to the text ,the most important single factor which influences British policy-
makers is its history.22、The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign
policy.23、The British host a large American military presence and there are 63 American military
bases in the UK.
24、On an average day ,an overwhelming majority of Britons over the age of 15 read a
national or local paper.
T T 25、The Advertising Code ensures that advertisements are legal ,decent ,honest and
truthful ;have a sense of responsibility for consumer and society ;and respect the
principals of fair competition.T
26、The tabloids are smaller format newspapers with color photos and catchy headlines.
They often called “the gutter press ”.T
27、The tradition of having Sunday off derived from the Christian Church. T
28The origin of Browning lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. T
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