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英语公共演讲教程总汇(Lesson 1—5)

2012-04-24 15:23:11| 分类:英语演讲教学(大| 标


Lesson 1 - The Basics of Public Speaking

Surveys show that more people are afraid of speaking in public than of dying! This is not only amazing, it is also quite a problem because being able to speak well in public is an important skill in many careers. Being able to speak well is also

valuable in getting

a good jo

b in the first place.

Learn public speaking skill

from these articles and you will

not only have more success on

the job. Being able to get up in

front of an audience and give a

speech will greatly increase

your confidence.

The writer of these articles

is a professional teacher with

20 years experience helping

people speak more effectively.

In addition to the articles, you

can watch carefully chosen

speeches, with

comments added, that will show you how to be a great speaker. Before getting into details, here are five tips to help you get going:

1. Don't try to memorize a speech. Instead, use the "key points" approach, described in detail in Lesson


2. Start strong with an interesting opening. It

doesn't have to be brilliant, but it has to get the audience focused on your topic. Various ways to do this will be explained in Lesson 5.

3. Don't speak too fast! This is a very common problem as nervous speakers try to finish as quickly as possible. Instead, take your time, and your audience will listen more attentively.

4. Be careful when using visual aids, including

(especially!) Power Point. They can be both distracting and confusing unless they are used appropriately. (See Lessons 11 and 14 for more on

this topic.)

5. Close your speech strongly with a "call to


These five tips will get you started as a successful public speaker. You already have an advantage over other speakers. Now, let's learn how to really do a great job by moving on to Lesson 2 - Prepare

Your Speech.

Lesson 2 - An Easy Way to Prepare Any Speech

The Biggest Problem with Public Speaking Many people say they are afraid of public speaking because they "can't remember what to say". When they have to give a speech, they write it down on two or three (or more!) pages, then, of course they

have trouble remembering. Writing your speech down word for word is a very dangerous way to prepare. Some famous people, such as politicians, do have completely written speeches, but they have two important advantages. First,

they have professional speech

writers who will make sure the

words are perfectly clear and

perfectly organized. Second,

politicians will usually have a

"teleprompter", something like

a TV screen, from which they

can read their speech. They

rarely, if ever, memorize their


A much more effective, and

efficient, way to prepare a

speech is to use the "Rule of

5". This is not an absolute

guide that you must follow,
