

OB-08 outline 组织激励

OB-08 outline 组织激励

4.2 可供选择的结果
使 用 撤 销 惩罚 阴性强化 负面 结果的性质 阳性强化 消除 正面
管理者的 应用
4.3 强化的程序
强化程序 1. 连续:伴随每次正确行为的 强化 2. 部分:只伴随某些正确行为 的强化 a.时间间隔 固定间隔 在一定时期后强化 可变间隔 在不同时间间隔后强化 b.比率 固定比率 完成一定数量的正确反应后强化 可变比率 完成不定数量的正确行为后强化 例子 每件合格产品支付 10 美分
每月发放奖金 安全 部 门 每 年 随机 选 择 时 间 检 查每个部门四次. 销售人员每销售 5 辆汽车可以 获得一笔奖金 在一 个 不 定 长 度的 时 间 内 , 保 持全勤的员工可以参加抽奖
应用行为校正的一般准则 确定需要校正的行为。 确认期望行为是在员工的能力范围之内。 确定员工认为有价值的报酬,并且确认可以 影响行为的报酬大小。 明确期望行为与报酬之间的关系。 尽量使用正面强化。 只在特殊的情况下,针对特定行为,才使用 惩罚。 忽视次要的非期望行为,让它们自行消除。 使用塑造程序发展复杂的正确行为。 减少在正确反应与强化之间的时间间隔。 经常提供强化,并按照预先选择的程序进行。
权力 成就 亲合 动机 动机 动机 较高 较高 适度 低 较高 低 高 较高 太低 — — 较高 高 高 低 低 — 太低 — 高 低 较高 较高 高 — — 太低 领导结果 最有利于全组织的领导 乡愿型主管,对个人有利,对组织不利 个人成功,组织不利(无团队精神) 无法统率团体 可能偏袒私人 把组织当成社交场所 无法统率下属 无法完成机构的任务 无法与人交往的孤独者



外文翻译Try Strategies to Motivate Your EmployeesMaterial Source: Chopra, S, (美)Modern Management Science, 2007Author: McGraw-HillAbstract:A wise employer will work out various ways to retain the experienced and responsible employees if he realizes the important role his employees play in operations. In management, the employer may adopt strategies to motivate employees for their better performance. There are various strategies for motivating them. But the following ones are some of the most common types.Keywords:employers management strategy motivate_staffRewards and punishmentThis strategy is based on a concept which is called behavior modification. Behavior that is rewarded tends to be repeated, while behavior that is punished tends to be terminated. Therefore, managers can modify employees' behavior for better performance through systematic rewards and punishment. For example, paying a bonus to employees who exceed their quotas tends to make them work hard again. Suspension of pay would force employees who are often late to be late less often.It is generally agreed that rewards are more effective than punishment for the long-term behavior of employees, because rewards emphasize the positive aspects of the behaviors, while punishment may cause negative effects such as anger, resentment and retaliation. That is why managers are very cautious in using punishment.To make employees work effectively, rewards must be just what they want. And the employees must believe they can perform better if they try and be convinced that they will get rewards if they do perform better.Management by objectivesManagement by objectives (MBO) is a program mainly used to assist managers in setting and carrying out their plans. However, many managers also think that MBO can help them improve human relations as well, because it allows employees to participate in setting their own goals and monitoring their progress toward the goals. Managers believe, the employees will be more highly motivated and workmore conscientiously.At the beginning of an MBO program, each employee is given an objective for a period of time. The objective is set after agreement between the employee and the manger. When the objective is being implemented, the performance of the employee is reviewed periodically to determine his/her progress toward the objective. At the end of the period, a reward is given to the employee, which is closely tied with the employee's achievement.MBO can improve human relations because the employees can learn more about not only their own goals but also the overall goals of the company. They would feel that they are an important part of the company, and can help the company attain its goals if they achieve their own goals. The performance review and the rewards are also conductive to human relations, because they satisfy employees' needs not only at the basic levels but also at the higher levels.Participative managementIn the 1960s, workers in the Anshan Steel Works, Liaoning, China, often participated in the management because they were regarded as the masters of the company. It was said that such participative management could result in higher worker morale and better management. Surprisingly, some Japanese companies have been used similar practices widely and achieved great success. In the United States, more and more American companies have also adopted similar programs from the 1980s.Employee participation can be introduced into management at any level, but it is most common at the bottom and middle levels. For example, employees can be given a voice in deciding on issues like when to take their coffee break or how to have their jobs done. One technique which has gained increasing popularity is the quality circle. As the name suggests, a quality circle is used to ensure product quality, and is actually a group of employees who meet regularly to discuss and solve problems concerning product quality within their work area.Due to differences in personality, employees vary greatly in the extent to which they want to get involved in management. Managers, therefore, should let the employees decide to which degree they would like to participate.Make jobs more satisfying and motivatingAt least in the first half of the 20* century, managers in the US believed that the jobs could be done more efficiently if they were made simpler and more specialized. This led to the invention and proliferation of assembly lines. But it was later foundthat jobs designed often made employees bored and that tended to lower workers' productivity rather than increase it. Therefore, efforts have been made to solve the problem, and various techniques have been invented to make the jobs motivating. The most popular of such techniques are job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment and job redesign.1.J ob rotation. This technique moves employee from job to job, thus avoiding the problem of doing one simple and specialized job over a long period of time. The effectiveness of job rotation, however, should not be overestimated, because employees will sooner or later become bored with all the jobs available for rotation. It has been found that this technique is more effective for employees who need an organic overview of the relations between the different jobs of the organization.2.J ob enlargement. It is believed that the more operations added to a job, the more satisfying the job as a whole will be. For example, if a mechanic is made responsible for both the electrical and mechanical systems of automobiles that need repair, he would be more satisfied than if he were allowed to work on just one system.3.J ob enrichment. To a large degree, job enrichment is a combination of the above two. This technique focuses on adding to a job motivating factors. Therefore, many job enrichment programs have tried to give employees more responsibilities, more challenges, and more feedback about their performance. Job rotation is often in clued for the same reason: rotating an employee through various positions can help him or her learn new skills and grow.4.J ob redesign. In some ways job redesign is like job enrichment, but it recognizes that employees differ in what they want from jobs and gives more emphasis to employees job match. Methods used by job redesign programs include combining works, creating natural work groups such as quality circles to make employees feel that they are important, and setting up client relationships to give employees more feedback about their jobs. Therefore, job redesign programs appeal primarily to employees with high needs for growth, recognition and achievement. Modified work schedulesIn order to motivate employees, programs that give employees more flexibility in work schedules have also gained popularity in the last two decades. Among the most common of such programs are flexitime, telecommuting and workshare.1.F lexitime. This method allows employees to choose their working hours to so long as the hours add up to the traditional 40-hour work week. Companies using thismethod usually set a core time (from 10 am to 2 pm) during which all the employees must be present so that necessary coordination and cooperation is not affected. In some companies, employees are allowed to choose not only their working hours but their working days. For ex ample, they are allowed to work 10 hours a day, but only four days a week.2.T elecommuting. With the advance of technology and increasing use of networked computers, cellular telephones and express mail services, it is possible now for people, particularly professionals like lawyers, accountants and editors, to work away from the office. This not only gives more flexibility and more job satisfaction to the employees, but also helps the employers cut expenses in office space and reduce traffic jams, air pollution and other problems caused by mass commuting. Therefore, this method is referred to as telecommuting. Workshare. Workshare is an arrangement which allows two or more people to share a full-time job. To employees who need such an arrangement, it means more flexibility and more job satisfaction, to the employers, workhsare offers additional benefits. They can use this arrangement to prepare experienced workers for retirement while training their replacements, give short-term employment to college students, retain experienced employees who can work only part-time译文激励员工的策略资料来源:Chopra, S, (美)Modern Management Science,2007 作者:McGraw_Hill摘要:如果聪明的雇主考虑到了员工在工作中的决定性作用,则他会制订出不同的方法来挽留那些有责任的以及工作经验丰富的雇员。













1 内容型激励理论1.1 奠瑞的人类人格理论这种理论认为,在面临着动态且不断变化的环境时,人们都是自适应的。



1.2 马斯洛的“需要层次”理论美国心理学家马斯洛(A.H.Maslow)进一步发展了莫瑞的研究,在1954年出版的《动机与人格》一书中对该理论作了进一步的阐释。



1.3 赫茨伯格的激励—保健双因素理论美国心理学家赫茨伯格因素理论打破了这一假设。



外文文献原文+译文原文The research of enterprise core staff incentiveMarkus HAbstractEconomic globalization gradually, the modern enterprise is facing more and more fierce market competition, the competition is the core of enterprise talent competition. As the employees of the enterprise, the core employees because of their master professional skills, in the management, controlling and utilizing the dominant position of other resources, become the key to gain a competitive edge. And how to effectively motivate the core staff, to cope with the increasingly fierce external competition has become a modern enterprise is facing a big problem.Key words: Enterprise core staff; Incentives; The psychological contract1 IntroductionIn the global competition of the knowledge economy era, the enterprise's survival and the sustainable growth depends fundamentally on enterprise's competitive advantage, and the modern enterprise's human resources is its unique value, scarcity and difficult to imitation characteristics become an important part of enterprise core competitiveness. The core employees as the owner of the key knowledge and skills, is a major creator of enterprise value, is also the source of enterprise gain competitive advantage. The effect of the core staff can be fully play to a large extent determines the rise and fall success or failure of the enterprise, and how to effective incentive is the core staff is the enterprise human resources management must be part of the work. In the increasingly fierce war for talent in the new economic era, the world within the scope of the enterprise are facing an important and headaches, namely core staffs loss problem. How to establish and perfect the policy system of favorable to arousing the initiative of enterprise core staff, retain and use good enterprise core staff, fully tap the potential construction enterprise own core competitiveness, is a need to actively explore and strive to solve the problem.2 Literature reviewScholars have the general research of enterprise employees incentive is more, and the study of enterprise core staff incentive is relatively small, they in this aspect research focus mainly on how to retain core employees, scholars to business success in keeping key employees are studied on the basis of the fact, puts forward some practical methods and countermeasures. Management guru Peter ducker put knowledge staff is defined as: "those who master and use symbols and concepts, use knowledge or information to the people who work". He describes the characteristics of knowledge workers in two ways: first, they may be due to bad mood productivity. Second, they are not employees but volunteers, although they also get the corresponding reward. He pointed out that the main cause of knowledge worker productivity is low is failed to define knowledge worker's own work. Education is the responsibility of knowledge workers, and others in the enterprise into a Learning organization, Learning organization) first before going to be a type of Teaching organization (would organization).Knowledge workers have to clear the information he needed. Therefore, must be the same as volunteers rather than employees to manage them. Although the core staff and knowledge workers are not the same concept, but there are many commonalities between the two. David Park and Scott a. spell from the perspective of enterprise development strategy, a combination of transaction cost economics theory, human capital theory and strategic management theory, human capital in the enterprise employment model on the basis of core employees has been studied. They think: human capital is the key of enterprise competitive advantage resources, and the core of the enterprise staff in the organization's unique technology, is to organize the source of competitive advantage. Lose loss of core staff will lead to organization capital, and increase the inside of the core staff employed to enhance the value of organizational creativity. Therefore, the organization should pay attention to cultivating the core staff loyalty, by increasing the investment in this part of the employees, allowing them to participate in decision-making and motivation to contribute to the organization.And scholars mainly from the core staff loss such as Bevan losses to the enterprise, the reasons of the loss of core staff, and retain the core staff and theenterprise strategy and so on were studied. They put forward the core employee retention strategy mainly includes: provide training and development opportunities for the core staff improve the manager's management style, flexibility, let the core employees in company profits, etc. Cloth lanham that retain the core staff strategy focused on four key points: first, as people are willing to work for the company. Second, we should choose good talent. Third, let employees have a good start. Fourth, use methods such as guidance and rewards to keep staff loyalty. He also provides many excels in human resources management of the company's actual case studies, such as HP, Cisco and star bucks, lists many of these companies specific incentives, for many managers in keeping enterprise core talents provides certain help and reference. Beverly kay and Sharon Jordan stressed that retain the core staff refers to not only stop the outflow, at the same time to make them more "into" and "work". He pointed out that in addition to a reasonable remuneration, in reality the core employees also expect a challenging and meaningful work, learning and development opportunities, friendly colleagues, hope to get recognition and respect, still hope to have a good manager can affect these aspects. In addition, he also for managers and human resource workers put forward the strategy of the 26 effective to retain core employees. Knowledge management expert Dr Han tan's core staff incentive factors is proposed. Motivate the core staff, he thought, the first four factors are: personal growth 43%, 13% work independent, business achievement of 5%, 7% money wealth. So on the core staff incentive, not with money is given priority to, and should be given priority to with development and growth. Axe, a world famous management consulting co., LTD cooperate with Australian institute of management research after three years of research, for Australia, the United States, Japan's industries, 858 employees (including 160 knowledge workers) listed after analyzing the knowledge staff incentive factors.3 Related theories3.1 Enterprise core staffAt the university of Maryland and David Scott from the perspective of enterprise development strategy, the theory of transaction cost economics theory, human capitaland strategic management theory, put forward to build organizational strategic mixed employment model of human capital theory of human capital. The human capital in the organization can accord the value of "human capital" and "the uniqueness of human capital" dual dimension is divided into four types. Among them, the human capital has the high value and is unique staff can be called the core staff.The core employees of enterprises can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category, the core staff with professional skills, this kind of core employees mainly owns a business or professional skills in the field of talent on one hand, its working relationship with the normal operation of the enterprise. The second category, the core staff with a broad range of external relations, this type of employees needed to have the business relationship with extensive external resources, is the enterprise bridge of communication with outside organizations, such as sales of key personnel and business personnel, enterprises need through their access to the required resources and product output. Third class, has the core staff management skills, this kind of staff is mainly to help enterprises to resist risk management, save administrative costs, its performance is closely related to the development of the enterprise quality. Of course, the enterprise managers in determining the enterprise core staff, the company should pay attention to combining with the specific development status and trend of the enterprise external environment and attention should be paid to the determination of core employees should be along with the development of the enterprise and the market changes constantly, dynamic adjustment and optimization.3.2 Incentive theoryMotivation is a general term, is widely used for driving force, wishes, needs, wishes and similar forces of the whole class. In management, incentives is by some means or methods for organization members in a state of excitement and tension, positive action, and pay more time and energy, to achieve the organization's desired goal. Since the beginning of the 20th century, many management scientists, psychologists and sociologists have been studied from different angles on people implement effective incentive problems, and put forward many good incentive theory. According to the core of the incentive problem research, can reduce incentive theoryand divided into content motivation theory, process motivation theory, strengthening the incentive theory and comprehensive incentive theory etc.3.3 The psychological contract theoryPsychological Contract (The Psychological Contract) and been translated into The Psychological Contract, The current in The field of psychology research there are a lot of different understanding and explanation, has not yet formed a very authoritative and unified concept. Levinson regarded the concept of "psychological contract" as a kind of no written contract. According to Levinson's point of view, "psychological contract" relations between the employers and employees in the organization and the employee agree beforehand good implicit didn't say it to each other with their respective various expectations. Some expectations in consciousness clear (such as wages), and some expectation on the consciousness is vague, such as long-term expectations of promotion, etc.Famous American management psychologist cover (e. h. Stein) professor, psychological contract is "between the individual will be dedicated and desires to obtain, and the organization for personal expectations and provide a kind of coordination with the". It is not a tangible contract, but it does play a tangible contract again. Robinson (Robinson), and other people will be psychological contract is defined as between individuals and organizations, a certain period of time, certain circumstances a personal belief within the scope of the mutual expectations. That is to say, in the research of psychological contract is an expect of each other between people and organizations, as well as in different periods and different situations exist specifically belongs to the expectations of the faith, emphasizes the psychological contract is a kind of two levels of the each other between individuals and organizations. Above all, "psychological contract" to each other in the employment of the parties shall employ what should be a kind of subjective psychological agreement at the same time, the key components of convention is to employ the implicit unwritten mutual responsibility. This article USES the concept of "psychological contract", emphasizes the psychological contract of employees, namely from the perspective of employees unilateral responsibility and the responsibility of theemployees of the organization.文献出处:Markus H. The research of enterprise core staff incentive [J]. Across the Disciplines, 2016, 4(3):31-41.译文企业核心员工激励研究Markus H摘要经济全球化进程逐步推进,现代企业面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争,而竞争的核心是企业人才实力的竞争。



THE MOI MODEL OF LEADERSHIP领导力的MOI模型In order for change to occur, the environment must contain three ingredients:要想让人变化,环境中必须包含三个因素:M: motivation-the trophies or trouble, the push or pull that moves the people involvedM:激励(motivation)--奖品或是磨难,用来激励或惩罚相关的人O: organization-the existing structure that enables the ideas to be worked through into practiceO:组织(organization)--现实的组织结构,将想法化为实践I: ideas or innovation-the seeds, the image of what will becomeI:头脑或创新(ideas or innovation)--种子,对未来图景的想象Leadership can also mean preventing change. If you want to stop some change from occurring, you must do one of three things to the environment:领导力也可能意味着阻碍变化。

如果你希望阻止某些变化,那么做到以下三条之一就可以了:M: kill the motivation-make people feel that change will not be appreciated; do everything for them so they won't feel the need to do things for themselves; discourage anything that people might enjoy doing for its own sakeM:打击激励--让人觉得变化是不受欢迎的;替他们包办,这样他们就不必自己执行;如果人们出于兴趣而乐意去做事,要扫他们的兴;O: foster chaos-encourage such high competition that cooperation will be unthinkable; keep resources slightly below the necessary minimum; suppress information of general value, or bury it in an avalanche of meaningless words and paperO:增添混乱--鼓励恶性竞争,让合作变得不可想象;提供的资源应该比必需的最低限度还要少一点;封锁具有公用价值的信息,或是用无聊的谈话和文件埋没它;I: suppress the flow of ideas-don't listen when you can criticize instead; give your own ideas first, and loudest; punish those who offer suggestions; keep people from working together; and above all, tolerate no laughterI:阻碍思维--如果能批评,就不要倾听;你的想法要在第一位,声音要最大;惩罚那些提出建议的家伙;不让人们在一起工作;最重要的是,坚决禁止说笑。



毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文:原文:Employee MotivationNohria Nitin; Groysberg Boris; Lee Linda-ElingGetting people to do their best work,even in trying circumstances, is one of managers' most enduring and slippery challenges. Indeed, deciphering what motivates us as human beings is a centuries-old puzzle. Some of history's most influential thinkers about human behavior -- among them Aristotle, Adam Smith, Sigmund Freud, and Abraham Maslow -- have struggled to understand its nuances and have taught us a tremendous amount about why people do the things they do.Such luminaries, however, didn't have the advantage of knowledge gleaned from modern brain science. Their theories were based on careful and educated investigation, to be sure, but also exclusively on direct observation. Imagine trying to infer how a car works by examining its movements (starting, stopping, accelerating, turning) without being able to take apart the engine.Fortunately, new cross-disciplinary research in fields like neuroscience, biology, and evolutionary psychology has allowed us to peek under the hood, so to speak -- to learn more about the human brain. Our synthesis of the research suggests that people are guided by four basic emotional needs, or drives, that are the product of our common evolutionary heritage. As set out by Paul R. Lawrence and Nitin Nohria in their 2002 book Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Our Choices, they are the drives to acquire (obtain scarce goods, including intangibles such as social status); bond (form connections with individuals and groups); comprehend (satisfy our curiosity and master the world around us); and defend (protect against external threats and promote justice). These drives underlie everything we do.Managers attempting to boost motivation should take note. It's hard to argue with the accepted wisdom -- backed by empirical evidence -- that a motivated workforcemeans better corporate performance. But what actions, precisely, can managers take to satisfy the four drives and, thereby, increase their employees' overall motivation?We recently completed two major studies aimed at answering that question. In one, we surveyed 385 employees of two global businesses -- a financial services giant and a leading IT services firm. In the other, we surveyed employees from 300 Fortune 500 companies. To define overall motivation, we focused on four commonly measured workplace indicators of it: engagement, satisfaction, commitment, and intention to quit. Engagement represents the energy, effort, and initiative employees bring to their jobs. Satisfaction reflects the extent to which they feel that the company meets their expectations at work and satisfies its implicit and explicit contracts with them. Commitment captures the extent to which employees engage in corporate citizenship. Intention to quit is the best proxy for employee turnover.Both studies showed, strikingly, that an organization's ability to meet the four fundamental drives explains, on average, about 60% of employees' variance on motivational indicators (previous models have explained about 30%). We also found that certain drives influence some motivational indicators more than others. Fulfilling the drive to bond has the greatest effect on employee commitment, for example, whereas meeting the drive to comprehend is most closely linked with employee engagement. But a company can best improve overall motivational scores by satisfying all four drives in concert. The whole is more than the sum of its parts; a poor showing on one drive substantially diminishes the impact of high scores on the other three.When it comes to practical implications for managers, the consequences of neglecting any particular drive are clear. Bob Nardelli's lackluster performance at Home Depot, for instance, can be explained in part by his relentless focus on the drive to acquire at the expense of other drives. By emphasizing individual and store performance, he squelched the spirit of camaraderie among employees (their drive to bond) and their dedication to technical expertise (a manifestation of the need to comprehend and do meaningful work). He also created, as widely reported, a hostile environment that interfered with the drive to defend: Employees no longer felt theywere being treated justly. When Nardelli left the company, Home Depot's stock price was essentially no better than when he had arrived six years earlier. Meanwhile Lowe's, a direct competitor, gained ground by taking a holistic approach to satisfying employees' emotional needs through its reward system, culture, management systems, and design of jobs.An organization as a whole clearly has to attend to the four fundamental emotional drives, but so must individual managers. They may be restricted by organizational norms, but employees are clever enough to know that their immediate superiors have some wiggle room. In fact, our research shows that individual managers influence overall motivation as much as any organizational policy does. In this article we'll look more closely at the drivers of employee motivation, the levers managers can pull to address them, and the "local" strategies that can boost motivation despite organizational constraints.The Organizational Levers of MotivationAlthough fulfilling all four of employees' basic emotional drives is essential for any company, our research suggests that each drive is best met by a distinct organizational lever.The reward system. The drive to acquire is most easily satisfied by an organization's reward system -- how effectively it discriminates between good and poor performers, ties rewards to performance, and gives the best people opportunities for advancement. When the Royal Bank of Scotland acquired NatWest, it inherited a company in which the reward system was dominated by politics, status, and employee tenure. RBS introduced a new system that held managers responsible for specific goals and rewarded good performance over average performance. Former NatWest employees embraced their new company -- to an unusual extent in the aftermath of an acquisition -- in part because the reward system was tough but recognized individual achievement.Sonoco, a manufacturer of packaging for industrial and consumer goods, transformed itself in part by making a concerted effort to better meet the drive to acquire -- that is, by establishing very clear links between performance and rewards.Historically, the company had set high business-performance targets, but incentives had done little to reward the achievement of them. In 1995, under Cynthia Hartley, then the new vice president of human resources, Sonoco instituted a pay-for-performance system, based on individual and group metrics. Employee satisfaction and engagement improved, according to results from a regularly administered internal survey. In 2005, Hewitt Associates named Sonoco one of the top 20 talent-management organizations in the United States. It was one of the few mid-cap companies on the list, which also included big players like 3M, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Dell, and IBM.Culture. The most effective way to fulfill the drive to bond -- to engender a strong sense of camaraderie -- is to create a culture that promotes teamwork, collaboration, openness, and friendship. RBS broke through NatWest's silo mentality by bringing together people from the two firms to work on well-defined cost-savings and revenue-growth projects. A departure for both companies, the new structure encouraged people to break old attachments and form new bonds. To set a good example, the executive committee (comprising both RBS and ex-NatWest executives) meets every Monday morning to discuss and resolve any outstanding issues -- cutting through the bureaucratic and political processes that can slow decision making at the top.Another business with an exemplary culture is the Wegmans supermarket chain, which has appeared for a decade on Fortune's list of "100 Best Companies to Work For." The family that owns the business makes a point of setting a familial tone for the companywide culture. Employees routinely report that management cares about them and that they care about one another, evidence of a sense of teamwork and belonging.Job design. The drive to comprehend is best addressed by designing jobs that are meaningful, interesting, and challenging.Cirque du Soleil, is committed to making jobs challenging and fulfilling. Despite grueling rehearsal and performance schedules, it attracts and retains performers by accommodating their creativity and pushing them to perfect their craft. Its employeesalso get to say a lot about how performances are staged, and they are allowed to move from show to show to learn new skills. In addition, they get constant collegial exposure to the world's top artists in the field.Performance-management and resource-allocation processes. Fair, trustworthy, and transparent processes for performance management and resource allocation help to meet people's drive to defend. RBS, for instance, has worked hard to make its decision processes very clear. Employees may disagree with a particular outcome, such as the nixing of a pet project, but they are able to understand the rationale behind the decision. New technology endeavors at RBS are reviewed by cross-business unit teams that make decisions using clear criteria, such as the impact on company financial performance. In surveys, employees report that the process is fair and that funding criteria are transparent. Although RBS is a demanding organization, employees also see it as a just one.The Role of the Direct ManagerOur research also revealed that organizations don't have an absolute monopoly on employee motivation or on fulfilling people's emotional drives. Employees' perceptions of their immediate managers matter just as much. People recognize that a multitude of organizational factors, some outside their supervisor's control, influence their motivation, but they are discriminating when it comes to evaluating that supervisor's ability to keep them motivated. Employees in our study attributed as much importance to their boss's meeting their four drives as to the organization's policies. In other words, they recognized that a manager has some control over how company processes and policies are implemented.Employees don't expect their supervisors to be able to substantially affect the company's overall reward systems, culture, job design, or management systems. Yet managers do have some discretion within their spheres of influence; some hide behind ineffective systems, whereas others make the most of an imperfect model. Managers can, for example, link rewards and performance in areas such as praise, recognition, and choice assignments. They can also allocate a bonus pool in ways that distinguishbetween top and bottom performers. Similarly, even in a cutthroat culture that doesn't promote camaraderie, a manager can take actions that encourage teamwork and make jobs more meaningful and interesting. Many supervisors are regarded well by their employees precisely because they foster a highly motivating local environment, even if the organization as a whole falls short. On the other hand, some managers create a toxic local climate within a highly motivated organization.Although employees look to different elements of their organization to satisfy different drives, they expect their managers to do their best to address all four within the constraints that the institution imposes. Our surveys showed that if employees detected that a manager was substantially worse than her peers in fulfilling even just one drive, they rated that manager poorly, even if the organization as a whole had significant limitations. Employees are indeed very fair about taking a big-picture view and seeing a manager in the context of a larger institution, but they do some pretty fine-grained evaluation beyond those organizational caveats. In short, they are realistic about what managers cannot do, but also about what managers should be able to do in meeting all the basic needs of their subordinates.At the financial services firm we studied, for example, one manager outperformed his peers on fulfilling subordinates' drives to acquire, bond, and comprehend. However, his subordinates indicated that his ability to meet their drive to defend was below the average of other managers in the company. Consequently, levels of work engagement and organizational commitment were lower in his group than in the company as a whole. Despite this manager's superior ability to fulfill three of the four drives, his relative weakness on the one dimension damaged the overall motivational profile of his group.Our model posits that employee motivation is influenced by a complex system of managerial and organizational factors. If we take as a given that a motivated workforce can boost company performance, then the insights into human behavior that our article has laid out will help companies and executives get the best out of employees by fulfilling their most fundamental needs.How to Make Big Strides in Employee MotivationThe secret to catapulting your company into a leading position in terms of employee motivation is to improve its effectiveness in fulfilling all four basic emotional drives, not just one. Take a firm that, relative to other firms, ranks in the 50th percentile on employee motivation. An improvement in job design alone (the lever that most influences the drive to comprehend) would move that company only up to the 56th percentile -- but an improvement on all four drives would blast it up to the 88th percentile.Direct Managers Matter, TooAt the companies we surveyed whose employee motivation scores were in the top fifth, workers rated their managers' ability to motivate them as highly, on average, as they rated the organization's ability to fulfill their four drives. The same pattern was evident within the bottom fifth of companies, even though their average ratings on all five dimensions were, of course, much lower than those of companies in the top fifth.Harvard Business Review,Jul-Aug2008,Vol. 86 Issue 7/8, p78-84二、外文译文:译文:员工激励Nohria Nitin; Groysberg Boris; Lee Linda-Eling让员工将工作做到最好,即使是在令人讨厌的工作环境下,是管理者最持久的挑战。


Poter & Lawler's Expectancy Model
目录 一、波特和劳勒的简介 二、激劥模式的基本内容 三、激劥模式的特点 四、激劥模式的因素 五、激劥模式的应用 六、激劥模式的启示和建议
爱德华·劳勒(wler)在美国的布朗大学获学 土学位,在加里福尼亚大学伯克利分校获博士学位, 曾在耶鲁大学仸教,以后在密歇根大学仸心理学教 授和社会研究所组织行为室主仸。他还是西雅图的 巳特勒纪念研究所人类事务所研究中心的访问学者。
莱曼·波特(L.W.Porter) 美国心理学家、著名行为科学
家、人力资源管理与家、期望激劥理论提出者,在耶鲁大 学获得博士学位后,在加州大学伯克利分校仸教十一年, 幵在耶鲁大学管理科学系仸访问教授一年。以后,他在加 州大学管理研究院仸院长和管理及心理学教授。
一是Extrinsic rewards(外在报 酬),包括工资、地 位、提升、安全感 等。按照马斯洛需 求层次理论,外在 报酬往往满足的是 一些低层次的需要 。
二是Intrinsic rewards(内在报 酬),即一个人由 亍工作成绩良好而 给予自己的报酬, 如感到对社会作出 了贡献,对自我存 在意义及能力的肯特 定任务 的能力 觉察的 公平奖 励
内在的 奖励
外在的 奖励
觉察的 努力和 获得奖 励的概 率
对所需 完成任 务的了 解程度
“激劥”导致一个人是否劤力及其劤力的程度 工作的实际绩效取决亍能力的大小、劤力程度以及对所需 要完成仸务理解的深度。 奖劥要以绩效为前提,要先完成仸务才能得到精神和物质 的奖劥。 激劥措斲是否会产生满意,取决亍受激劥者认为获得的报 酬是否公平。



中小企业激励机制外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The performance inspection and drive mechanism As everyone knows, the incentive system is a modern enterprise system, one of the core content, is to establish the enterprise's core competitiveness the cornerstone of enterprise management is an integral part of the essence. Inspired the term "Chi Hay" as "so excited heart", that is to stimulate people's motives, the acts of people induced to produce a built-in momentum towards the desired goal of the process. As the name suggests, the so-called negative incentives is a breach of individual organizational goals to punish non-expected behavior, so that it does not recur, so that individual initiative the goal of moving in the right direction of transfer, disciplinary action for specific performance, economic sanctions, reduction in rank, descending pay-out and so on. In the modern enterprise management attaches great importance to the entrepreneurs are inspired, and often neglected the role ofnegative incentives, therefore, this article talk about the negative incentives in the enterprise management application.Negative incentives in the role of corporate governance1 Negative incentives to control employee behavior is a hidden "stop line"Just as the boundaries of morality and the law as beyond the boundaries of ethics is bound to be punished by law, a negative incentive is the case, has day-to-day business of the general code of conduct, management systems and so on, beyond the guidelines, the system will be subject to certain sanctions . Of course, the negative incentive measures and means to exist in most of the corresponding enterprise management system. Negative incentives as a "stop line", perhaps as a few employees noted that the staff actually control behavior played an indispensable role in the nurture of day-to-day, the staff, consciously or unconsciously, have accepted this kinds of negative incentive regulation, the invisible to the management of behavior of a virtuous cycle of sustained effect. For example, in the system provides that "a deduction for being late to work 100", all the staff all know can not be late, or else they would be punished, under normal circumstances, employees naturally developed a habit to go to work on time, managers applied only bound by a negative incentive mechanism to manage the entire enterprise of labor discipline, we can see, the hidden "stop line" how important.2 Negative incentives can play the role of a warning to othersOn more than a negative incentive systems are often bound by the boundaries of employee behavior, but this does not mean that all employees will comply with the agreed rules, as not all have the law will be law-abiding citizens, the total staff will be guilty of some kinds of errors Otherwise, the legal system and the enterprise system of negative incentives no longer necessary, which means, when the number of employees bound to overcome these consequences will be punished accordingly, and the nature of this punishment is mandatory and the threat of nature, the deterrent effect, often played the role of set an example and really make it impossible for workers to accept the psychological behavior of enterprise management respect, thereby enhancing self-management behavior. For example, suppose acompany in the month, a 3 million to go to work late, this month 3 business deduction 100 Yuan each, and to notice, it will make employees aware that such a negative incentive is not a means of display, but very good to maintain labor discipline of enterprises.3 Negative psychological motivations of employees is greater than the impact of recurrent excitationIs the so-called incentives are in line with the organizational goals of individual acts of reward expectations in order to make more of such acts appeared to raise the enthusiasm of individuals, mainly for employees, such as reward and recognition. However, employees are inspired to gradually dilute the psychological impact, especially for high-paying white-collar class, a survey showed that in China, a monthly salary of 5,000 Yuan higher than the class, for the reward in 10% of the amount of incentives, the overwhelming majority of staff "No feel" because of higher relative to their total remuneration for this award is insignificant, it is hardly surprising that they do not care, and often will fall into the hands of recognition used to "inertia" of the trap. And the psychological impact of negative incentive is huge and has a dual nature, from the physical point of view, under normal circumstances would have been able to get was not punishment, is a double loss and, more importantly, the spirit by combat, psychological fluctuations can be imagined, business incentives is the way through the negative psychological impact from the impact of their actions to achieve the purpose. As in the previous case, a late white-collar workers was 100 Yuan and deduction notice is very worried about this white-collar employees to change his awareness of his psychological impact was not able to be measured by money.4 The positive effect of negative incentivesSimply understood literally, it is often thought to play a negative incentive effect is negative, on the contrary, we in the enterprise management process is to play a positive effect of negative incentives. The above mentioned "stop line" or a warning to others, or all of the negative incentives or means to regulate employee behavior are, in order to conduct business management services. A few days ago, a research report that the current personnel management "can not post, the salary can be increased can not be reduced, the annualassessment is only good, competent, there is no or a very small number of incompetent," and many other phenomena have stemmed from not negative incentive system, which eventually led to a lack of passion and the entire collective vitality, creativity and enthusiasm is not high. Cases from the above analysis, the parties may be a punishment is negative, the negative side, but should be noted that if there are no such negative incentive measures, the wrongful act of a laissez-faire attitude of staff, we can imagine the fate of an enterprise will be How would, in fact, this is only a small number of people on the punishment, the effect is to enable enterprises to comply with the majority of "rules of the game", the positive effect is much larger than the negative effect; for the parties, the negative impact is only temporary, and only he recognized that errors and corrections, the final result is positive.5 The implementation of incentives can not be a negative biasIn the Constitution provides that "everyone is equal before the law," The same is true of negative incentives in the conduct of corporate management to achieve "equality before the negative incentives", which is the implementation of the incentive to be more accurate and appropriate degree of difficulty than Great. Negative incentives in the implementation is often different from the incentives, incentives are often biased in favor of the "icing on the cake," a little more less, less staff than accounting; and negative incentives are different, once the bias, employees will be over, will lead to enterprise management the authority of those who suffer, and even lead to ineffective corporate governance system. For example, an employee for being late, because employees can not be said that he was on his way traffic, there is no subjective error and give up their punishment, or the next because of "traffic" will be late, more and more managers because it is impossible to implement really traffic, managers can also be understood: As it is known that the peak period of work may be traffic congestion, why can not this early point of departure? Should not vary from person to person, such as a wife or relatives leadership to give up their punishment for being late, then all the systems will be a mere formality, corporate governance, sink into a chaotic state.6 In the face of negative incentives to managers to lead by exampleLeadership as a business, managers should be willing to "loss" itself, it is necessary to accompany staff to accept the burden of responsibility should be to enable the staff will not be convincing. In the power industry for many years of day-to-day management of the "monthly economic assessment methods accountability" and "Points management regulations" are two well-established management practices, these two approaches to the conduct of employees as defined in detail, the vast majority the majority of negative incentive measures, a smallnumber of positive incentives, which is a good part of punishment for the next level of employees, higher level managers to be a certain percentage of the associated penalties, since the theory is wrong on the lower level employees at least bear management responsibility, the penalties associated with negative incentive measures to implement greater interoperability, the higher level can say. There is also a subordinate enterprises, the establishment of the "three German banks" management approach, that is, professional ethics, social ethics and family virtues, and management areas within the eight-hour extension from the outside to eight hours to count each and every member of the "three ethics" of the gold, as a punishment "Three Morals" of loan interest, deposit interest rates as a reward, but the leadership of more severe joint and several liability, "Three Morals" of points is the average of employees, by employees of the system greatly recognition.1. One of the principles: incentives to vary from person to personBecause of the different needs of different staff, therefore, the same incentive effects of policy incentives will play a different. Even with a staff, at different times or circumstances, will have different needs. Because of incentives depending on the internal and the subjective feelings of the staff is, therefore, incentive to vary from person to person.In the formulation and implementation of incentive policies, we must first investigate each employee clearly what is really required. Required to organize, classify, and then to formulate appropriate policies to help motivate employees to meet these needs.2. Two principles: appropriate incentivesAppropriate incentives and penalties will not affect the incentive effect, while increasing the cost of incentives. Award overweight employees would have to meet the mood of prideand lost the desire to further enhance their own; reward incentives too light will not achieve the effect, or so employees do not have a sense of attention. Heavy penalties are unfair to make employees, or loss of the company's identity, or even slow down or damage arising from the emotions; leniency error will underestimate the seriousness of the staff, which will probably make the same mistake.3. The principle of three: fairnessThe fairness of the management staff are a very important principle, employees are any unfair treatment will affect his mood and work efficiency, and effectiveness of the impact of incentives. Employees to obtain the same score, we must receive the same level of incentives; the same token, employees committed the same error, but also should be subject to the same level of punishment. If you can not do this, managers would prefer not to reward or punishment.Managers deal with employees at issue, must have a fair mind, should not have any prejudices and preferences. Although some staff may allow you to enjoy, some you do not enjoy, but at work, must be treated equally and should not have any of the words and acts of injustice.1. Stimulate the transfer of staff from the results of equal to equal opportunities and strive to create a level playing field.For example, Wu Shimon at IBM from a clean start with the people, step by step to the sales clerk to the district person in charge, General Manager of China, what are the reasons for this? In addition to individual efforts, but also said that IBM should be a good corporate culture to a stage of development, that is, everyone has unlimited opportunities for development, as long as there is capacity there will be space for the development of self-implementation, which is to do a lot of companies are not, this system will undoubtedly inspire a great role of the staff.2. Inspire the best time to grasp.- Takes aim at pre-order incentive the mission to advance incentives.- Have Difficulties employees; desire to have strong demand, to give the care and timely encouragement.3. Want a fair and accurate incentive, reward- Sound, perfect performance appraisal system to ensure appropriate assessment scale, fair and reasonable.- Have to overcome there is thinning of the human pro-wind.- In reference salary, promotions, awards, etc. involve the vital interests of employees on hot issues in order to be fair.4. The implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan.Workers and employees in order to double the capacity of investors more concerned about the outcome of business operations and improve the initiative.Modern human resources management experience and research shows that employees are involved in modern management requirements and aspirations, and create and provide opportunities for all employees is to mobilize them to participate in the management of an effective way to enthusiasm. There is no doubt that very few people participated in the discussions of the act and its own without incentives. Therefore, to allow trade unions to participate in the management of properly, can motivate workers, but also the success of the enterprise to obtain valuable knowledge. Through participation, the formation of trade unions on the enterprise a sense of belonging, identity, self-esteem and can further meet the needs of self-realization.Set up and improve employee participation in management, the rationalization of the proposed system and the Employee Stock Ownership and strengthening leadership at all levels and the exchange of communication and enhance the awareness of staff to participate in ownership.5. Honor incentiveStaff attitude and contribution of labor to honor rewards, such as recognition of the meeting, issued certificate, honor roll, in the company's internal and external publicity on themedia reports, home visits condolences, visit sightseeing, convalescence, training out of training, access to recommend honor society, selected stars model, such as class.6. Concerned about the incentivesThe staff concerned about work and life, such as the staff set up the birthday table, birthday cards, general manager of the issue of staff, care staff or difficult and presented a small gift sympathy.7. CompetitiveThe promotion of enterprise among employees, departments compete on an equal footing between the orderly and the survival of the fittest.8. The material incentivesIncrease their wages, welfare, insurance, bonuses, incentive houses, daily necessities, wages promotion.9. Information incentivesEnterprises to communicate often, information among employees, the idea of communication, information such as conferences, field release, and enterprises reported that the reporting system, the association manager to receive the system date.译文:绩效考核与员工激励众所周知,激励制度是现代企业制度的核心内容之一,是确立企业核心竞争力的基石,是企业管理中的精髓组成部分。



外文文献原文The Diffusion of Equity Incentive Plans in Italian Listed Companies 1.INTRODUCTIONPast studies have brought to light the dissimilarities in the pay packages of managers in Anglo-Saxon countries as compared with other nations (e。


,Bebchuk, Fried a nd Walker, 2002; Cheffins and Thomas, 2004;Zattoni,2007)。

In the UK and, above all in the US,remuneration encompasses a variety of components,and short and long term variable pay carries more weight than elsewhere (Conyon and Murphy, 2000)。

In other countries,however, fixed wages have always been the main ingredient in top managers’ pay schemes。

Over time,variable short—term pay has become more substantial and the impact of fringe benefits has gradually grown. Notwithstanding,incentives linked to reaching medium to long—term company goals have never been widely used (Towers Perrin,2000).In recent years,however, pay packages of managers have undergone an appreciable change as variable pay has increased considerably,even outside the US and the UK. In particular, managers in most countries have experienced an increase in the variable pay related to long—term goals。



e t a l um r o f o t n e h t d n a , y f is s a lc , e z i n a g r o o t d e r i u q e R . d e r i u q e r y l l a e r s i t a hw y l r a e lc e ey o l pm e hc a e e t a g i ts ev n i ts r i f t s um
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3.公平理论(美国J.S.Adams,1963)Oa ObIa IbOa为当事人的工作所得、奖酬,Ia为当事人的工作付出、投入,Ob为参照对象的工作所得、奖酬,Ib为参照对象的工作付出、投入。







Employee Motivation: A Powerful New ModelBy Nitin Nohria, Boris Groysberg & Linda-Eling Lee 2008-08-01 How to create the best employee performance is manager for a long time of challenge. In recent years, the neural science, biology and evolution of interdisciplinary research areas such as psychology, humans have told us four basic emotional needs, and the force driving or what we all the basis of their behavior. The empirical research shows that, but the employee can create better performance. Therefore, to motivate employees, managers should understand the driving force and can take what measures to meet the driving force.Acquirement: Get people always try to get some things, to increase the scarcity of his happiness. When the force satisfied, we will feel happy. Conversely, it will feel dissatisfied. This force is often the relative (we always compare themselves with others), and it was difficult to satisfy (we always want more).Combination: Many animals are combined with their parents and relatives or close relationship between population, but establish the relationship between human expanded into larger groups, such as organization, community and nation. "Driving", people will generate loving, caring, strong positive emotions, etc. Conversely, it will appear as negative emotional loneliness cynical. In the work environment, when the staff for oneself is a member of the organization are proud of theirmotivation and will greatly improve, And when they had rebelled against their will and morale.Understand: We are eager to understand about the world around them, and then put forward various theories to explain all things, and put forward the reasonable action and countermeasures. When things seem pointless, we will feel frustrated, While looking for answers to questions, the challenge will let us full of passion. In the working environment, workers work done if challenging, and allows them to grow and learn, they will be incentive, And when they do look no value or no future, will be demoralized.Defense: In the face of threats defense, to protect themselves, to protect our property and achievements, family and friends, thoughts and beliefs, it is natural to us. This force is rooted in the "fight but fled" basic response, this is common, but most animals to humans, it not only the offensive or defensive behavior, but also to build a system to promote seek justice, clear goals and intention, and allow people to speak freely. These forces have been fulfilled, people think and self-confidence otherwise will fear and hate strong negative affection.These four driving are independent of each other, no secondary, also cannot substitute mutually. To fully motivate employees, managers must satisfy all four driving force. In fact, every emotional force can use different organizations leverage to satisfy the most effectively.Reward System: "gain" the most easily through the organization of driving system of rewards. Of course, it also depends on the organization's reward system can effectively define employee performance, will reward with different performance, and give the best chance of promotion of personnel.Culture: If it meet the "combination" force among employees, cultivating strong friendship, the most effective way is to establish a promote teamwork, cooperation, open and friendly culture.Post designing: It is satisfied with “understanding” force that it is the optimal way to design a meaningful and have fun and challenging positions.Performance management and resource allocation process fairness, credible, transparent, performance management and resource allocation process, help satisfy people's "defensive driving".In addition, the direct supervisor for employees and motivational degrees plays an important role as organizational policy. Although do not expect to staff the whole company boss incentive system, culture, post design or management system exerting significant effect, but they clearly superior in their influence within the scope of a certain power. For example, in recognition, managers can select and tasks, the rewards and employee performance.In the organization of managers only under the condition of the utmost efforts to satisfy all four driving force, the employee can most effectively improve the incentive effect on employees, improve the organizational performance.Copyright © 2008 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.Talent "flow" and "left"By Peter Cappelli 2003-05-01For other company employees openly, it rarely occur in the past, but now it is already used the enterprise. The rapidly changing demands of the market rapidly changing constantly updated the organization. However, no one is willing to see his talent was away. Once the excellent employees leave, the enterprise will hit. If hope to help enterprises package and career development plan, training programs, like tinkering with the free flow of his talent market today, affirmation in isolation. Now, we have a choice: that is attractive to market-oriented strategy. This strategy, long-term, defies generalizations for employee loyalty is neither possible nor necessary, the enterprise can definitely need to keep employees and leave them what how attractive scheme, will focus on the talent to keep up.Today, many enterprises in staff loyalty are dependent on salary, but many attractive salary is a kind of mechanism. Other personnel loss can be used to reduce the method is: the post to design - the United States through the heavy UPS tedious work load from the driver package for other employee, stripping there was more to keep the driver, To cultivate employees work or specific project team loyalty, Hire skills in talent market demand is not high on the staff, The staff in the work place much temptation job-hopping, And other companies to provide staff into pairs across the company's career path. If there is no way to prevent loss of personnel, the enterprise can also use outsourcing, strengthen job, work will hire employees and standardization, cross training around the short-term organizational work, etc.If the past management methods of retaining staff to maintain a fixed water dam, so the new management methods are more like a flowing rivers, dredge its goal is to prevent water flow, but the flow direction and speed control.Copyright © 2003 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.Let who evaluate staffBy Frederick F. Reichheld & Paul Rogers 2005-11-01In the era of wooden, transport and the crew that recruits the appropriate command them to the same direction with traces the OARS will not be easy. In the past, the captain of the common approach is waving the whip crew. Now, in this business, enterprise how to motivate employees when?Recently, in order to solve the problem of all kinds of organization is a constant headache, some companies began to staff’s compensation and team performance hook, let the customer and employee's supervisor to assess performance instead. These examples:In the enterprise, the branch managers, employees want to get promotion, they belong to the service quality team to achieve or exceed the average company, or any single people could not get a promotion. This company USES the performance index called "enterprise rental company service quality index", its meaning for customer service in asking whether satisfaction, what percentage of people playing a full five points.Applebee restaurants have difference to finding the best performance, 20% of the staff is divided into general 60%, performance and 20% of the worst performance, and separately calculated the loss. If managers can successfully hold the top 80% of the employee performance, it can obtain the reward. If the 20% of employees for worst performance, the managers will not be punished accordingly.Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.员工激励的“四力模型”作者:尼廷・诺里亚,鲍里斯・格鲁斯伯格,琳达-埃琳・李发表于:2008-08-01如何让员工创造出最佳绩效是管理者长久以来面临的严峻挑战。



激励机制英文文献和中文翻译第一篇:激励机制英文文献和中文翻译How to Motivate Every Employee---James·CameronIncentive is the core of human resource management.Production and management in the enterprise management, human resources is economic resources with a variety of thoughts, feelings, the most dynamic summation also love that economic resources, but also the soul of enterprise in this organism, therefore, human resources production and management resources than other more important resources, and decisions not only affect the production and operation of enterprises of other economic resources, the value and use, and the province is the enterprise strength of several important components of quality of human resources as a result of production and management in the enterprise economic resources of the status and role, so the effectiveness of corporate governance or the ultimate ideal to achieve the objective should be: every enterprise employees will be able to give top priority to the overall interests of enterprises and business goals , the interests of all willing to contribute their own.Employees of such a mental state of thinking and Normal under oath in order to reflect the difficult, but it is entrepreneurs, managers should be pursued and the ultimate challenge, it is necessary to approach such a state, only through an effective internal incentives.Therefore, the most important task of enterprise management is the human resources management.Traditional personnel management and labor is different from a modern human resources management performance of the main featuresof the “strategic” level:(one)at the strategic guiding ideology of modern human resource management is “people-oriented” management;(two)the strategic objectives modern human resources management in order to “obtain a competitive advantage,” the objectives of management;(three)the scope of the strategy, the modern human resources management is the “full participation in” democratic manag ement;(four)measures in the strategy of modern human resources management is the use of “systematic scientific methods and human art” contingency management.And non-human resources management, compared to human resources management through the “incentives”to achieve, it is the core of human resources management.The so-called “incentive” to meet people from the multi-level and diversified needs of different employees and reward performance standards set value, a maximum staff to stimulate enthusiasm and creativity to achieve the objectives of the Organization.An enterprise of how the use of human resources is determined by many complex factors in the result of the coupling, but the role of management incentives is one of the most important factors.Unlike other non-human resources of the fundamental characteristics of human resources is that it attached to the staff and the existence of the human body, personal moment with the staff can not be separated, such other person or organization to use human resources, both by its natural all the people of “positive take the initiative ”can be achieved with.Therefore, human resources management can “people-oriented” and effectively to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, to maximize the staff's initiative and creativity, has become the decision of the merits of enterprise production and management of key performance factors and human resourcesmanagement business success core of the problem.Employee incentive measures.Incentives for the management of human resources management in particular, the importance of self-evident.Incentives can be adopted by all of, the enterprises need to attract them;also can make the most of the employees to perform their talents and wisdom;work so as to maintain the effectiveness and efficiency.Incentive not only to make employees feel at ease, and actively work to play it so staff recognition and acceptance of the enterprise goalsand values, the enterprise have a strong sense of belonging.According to the United States, Professor William James of Harvard University study, in the absence of incentive environment, the potential for staff to play out only a small part of that is 20%-30%, first-served basis just to keep their rice bowls;and in a good incentive mechanism for the environment, the same staff can play a potential 80%-90%, it can be seen, so that each employee is always a good incentive environment is the management of human resources development and the pursuit of the ideal state.So how do we inspire employees to effectively correct the times?First,Adhere to people-centered, respect for human nature, and establish and implement the “employee-centric” management concept.“People-oriented, respect for humanity” as a modern management philosophy, emphasizing the ultimate goal of management-to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises on the people behind the management of behavior is no longer a cold cold command type, the compulsory type.But carrying out an incentive, trust, caring, emotional, manager of human nature embodies a high degree of understanding and attach importance to managers as employees can not be purely“economic man” in order to meet their survival needs and material interests of the management an opportunity to but to pay attention to the employees respect the spirit of self-actualization needs at higher level in order to provide creative work and encouraging personality to play to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, in the equal exchange of lead and establish the concept of corporate management;the external control into self-control, so that each employee to form their own sense of corporate loyalty and a sense of responsibility, so that the value of employees to achieve personal and business survival and development into a passer-by, if the enterprises do not know how to be people-oriented, and lack of basic understanding of human nature and respect for , to the neglect of the personal value of human resources to enable employees to achieve long-term needs of the individual values can not be met or even depression, will not be able to retain the best talent, companies will lose competitiveness.Therefore, we must do the following: Staff carry out regular surveys to understand the extent possible, a matter of concern to employees, especially those relevant to their work, and to win the support and loyalty of staff, and staff to guide the spirit of innovation, attract and retain employees, companies should strive to collect the following the desired information staff: the fairness of work;organizational learning;communication;degree of flexibility and concern;Customer Center;trust and delegation of authority;the effectiveness of management;job satisfaction, the adequacy of support, was placed in a suitable role , and whether or not to feel valuable.Focus on staff remuneration, benefits, working conditions, as well as flexible, to facilitate the preferential arrangements.Enterprises should change with the times, inaddition to the traditional emphasis on staff remuneration, welfare and the improvement of working conditions but also the possibility of other incentives, such as the provision of day care;serving University;tuition grants;shorter working hours in summer;the implementation of employee stock option plan;set up a remote post office and so on.Second, the implementation of a comprehensive compensation strategy to motivate employees to fully.The so-called “comprehensive compensation strategy”, which means the company will pay the salaries of employees classified as “external” and “inherent” in two categories, acom bination of the two is the “full pay”, “external pay ”referring primarily to provide their employees with quantifiable monetary value, for example, the basic wage bonuses, stock options, pension, medical insurance and so on,“ internal pay ”refers to those provided to employees can not be quantified the performance of monetary value of various currencies.For example, work satisfaction, for the completion of its work to facilitate the provision of personal tools, training opportunities, attractive corporate culture, good interpersonal relations, coordination of the work environment, as well as individual recognition, appreciation and so on, external salaries and pay their own internal incentives have different functions.Their contact with each other, complement each other, constitute a complete system of remuneration, practice has proved that as a result of staff-to-business expectations and needs to be comprehensive, which includes not only material needs, but also spiritual needs, and thus the implementation of “full pay” strategy, is an effective model of staff motivation.Third,incentives should be fair, just and eliminateincentives for “big”.Fair and impartial is a fundamental principle of motivation.If you do not fair, improper Prize Award, improper punishment and punishment, not only can not receive the desired results, but will result in many negative consequences, it is necessary to impartial and incorruptible, regardless of affinity, regardless of distance, will be treated equally in order to promote the enthusiasm of the staff along the right direction virtuous circle, as proposed by the United States manage the academic award as the criteria.Only by doing so can enhance the cohesion and centripetal force.At the same time, incentives are clearly ancient times people believed in the basic management principles.In fact if the additional money as wages, as it is unrelated to individual performance and reward, employees feel they deserve it, rather than the result of the efforts, so that people can not be stimulated and motivated.Therefore, the smart managers should do everything possible to reward and recognize performance combine it with the cause of loyalty, dedication to the cause of the close combination of fact, the staff inside the imbalance is that they do good , there are dedicated, but work with people who do not receive the same treatment.This is often not satisfied with the staff and leadership reasons, incentives to companies linked to behavior and employee benefits, the higher the protection of personal value, the greater their income, and through incentives to create a fair competitive environment to increase the comparability of results, and promote up groups.To sum up, the management of enterprises in the use of incentives should be people-oriented, pay attention to and strengthen the strong spirit of enterprise and development of mining resources to improve the workers compensation which the degree of non-material rewards, in thedetermination and implementation of policies and work rules and regulations in, and strive to embody the principle of fair and equitable.Employees should not blindly encourage unrealistic earnings expectations increase, otherwise you will enable enterprises to individual workers or groups of incentives and constraints arising from the difficulties, the effectiveness of decline, more difficult.中文翻译:如何激励每一位员工---詹姆斯·卡梅隆激励是人力资源管理的核心。





1. 激励理论(Motivation Theory)激励理论是指研究激励行为的理论体系,旨在解释人们的行为是如何被外部或内部激励所影响的。



2. 团队激励(Team Incentives)团队激励是指通过给予团队成员奖励或福利来提高团队的绩效和合作意愿的一种激励方式。


3. 奖励和认可(Rewards and Recognition)奖励和认可是一种常见的激励手段,通过给予个体或团队奖励或赞誉来激发他们的积极性和努力。


4. 激励诱导(Incentive Programs)激励诱导是一种通过设定目标、提供奖励和制定清晰的绩效评估标准来激励个体的方法。


5. 工作灵活性(Work Flexibility)工作灵活性是一种激励方法,通过给予员工更加自由的工作时间和工作地点来提高他们的工作满意度和工作动力。



















项目经理修炼3 激励

项目经理修炼3 激励
➢ 社交的需求。如友情、爱情、社交圈 ➢ 尊重的需求。如自尊(有实力、有成就、能胜任、有信心、独立和自由的),
受人尊重(有威望、被赏识、受到重视和高度评价) ➢ 自我实现的需求。其特征是自发性的、集中处理问题、自立的、有不断的新鲜
感、幽默感、浓厚兴趣、不受束缚的想像力、反潮流精神、创造力、讲民主的 性格
自我实现 层次
成就、提升、 发展前途、有
追 求
挑战性的工作 目

工资制度、医 疗保健制度、 公休制度、住 宅设施、福利 设备
职业保证制度、 协谈制度、群
安全制度、意 体活动制度、
外事故保险制 娱乐制度、互
度、医疗保险 助金制度、利
制度、退休金 润分配制度、
认识考核制度、 决策参与制度、
组织应使员工认识到惩罚的严肃性,才能起到激励 的作用。决而不行就丧失了惩罚的威慑力。(斯契 奈克)
Steps and methods of motivation
四 设定目标
1 目标选择标准 SMART原则
➢ 目标必须是具体的(Specific) ➢ 目标必须是可以衡量的(Measurable) ➢ 目标必须是可以达到的(Attainable) ➢ 目标必须和其他目标具有相关性(Relevant) ➢ 目标必须具有明确的截止期限(Time-based)
企业标志、标准字、标准色 厂容厂貌 产品特色、式样、品质、包装 企业的工艺设备特性 厂徽、厂旗、厂服、厂花、厂歌 企业的文化体育生活设施 企业造型或纪念建筑 纪念品 文化传播网络
管理制度 特殊制度 企业风俗
Form of encouragement



As part of its motivation programme, Enterprise managers are expected to ensure that employees are engaged and motivated by: • developing good relationships with their staff • providing the right materials, equipment and information • encouraging employees to identify personal development targets • recognizing and rewarding good performance. ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnterprise also recognizes that motivated employees benefit the company by: • working with passion • coming up with new innovative ideas • moving the company forward.
3.Culture and motivation
3.Culture and motivation
Developing a motivating culture takes time and effort. Enterprise managers and team leaders are given in-depth training. This allows them to develop a strategic, long-term approach to building a culture of customer care through motivated people. Everyone at Enterprise takes part in Motivation Training. This gives employees an understanding of motivation principles and techniques, so everyone buys into business goals. This helps to raise standards of performance across the business.



动机激励模型——ARCS模型动机激励模型——ARCS模型- -Tag:ARCS 动机激励在教学设计中,学习动机的激励模型ARCS模型。




















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Employee Motivation: A Powerful New ModelBy Nitin Nohria, Boris Groysberg & Linda-Eling Lee 2008-08-01 How to create the best employee performance is manager for a long time of challenge. In recent years, the neural science, biology and evolution of interdisciplinary research areas such as psychology, humans have told us four basic emotional needs, and the force driving or what we all the basis of their behavior. The empirical research shows that, but the employee can create better performance. Therefore, to motivate employees, managers should understand the driving force and can take what measures to meet the driving force.Acquirement: Get people always try to get some things, to increase the scarcity of his happiness. When the force satisfied, we will feel happy. Conversely, it will feel dissatisfied. This force is often the relative (we always compare themselves with others), and it was difficult to satisfy (we always want more).Combination: Many animals are combined with their parents and relatives or close relationship between population, but establish the relationship between human expanded into larger groups, such as organization, community and nation. "Driving", people will generate loving, caring, strong positive emotions, etc. Conversely, it will appear as negative emotional loneliness cynical. In the work environment, when the staff for oneself is a member of the organization are proud of their motivation and will greatly improve, And when they had rebelled against their will and morale.Understand: We are eager to understand about the world around them, and then put forward various theories to explain all things, and put forward the reasonable action and countermeasures. When things seem pointless, we will feel frustrated, While looking for answers to questions, the challenge will let us full of passion. In the working environment, workers work done if challenging, and allows them to grow and learn, they will be incentive, And when they do look no value or no future, will be demoralized.Defense: In the face of threats defense, to protect themselves, to protect our property and achievements, family and friends, thoughts and beliefs, it is natural to us.This force is rooted in the "fight but fled" basic response, this is common, but most animals to humans, it not only the offensive or defensive behavior, but also to build a system to promote seek justice, clear goals and intention, and allow people to speak freely. These forces have been fulfilled, people think and self-confidence otherwise will fear and hate strong negative affection.These four driving are independent of each other, no secondary, also cannot substitute mutually. To fully motivate employees, managers must satisfy all four driving force. In fact, every emotional force can use different organizations leverage to satisfy the most effectively.Reward System: "gain" the most easily through the organization of driving system of rewards. Of course, it also depends on the organization's reward system can effectively define employee performance, will reward with different performance, and give the best chance of promotion of personnel.Culture: If it meet the "combination" force among employees, cultivating strong friendship, the most effective way is to establish a promote teamwork, cooperation, open and friendly culture.Post designing: It is satisfied with “understanding” force that it is the optimal way to design a meaningful and have fun and challenging positions.Performance management and resource allocation process fairness, credible, transparent, performance management and resource allocation process, help satisfy people's "defensive driving".In addition, the direct supervisor for employees and motivational degrees plays an important role as organizational policy. Although do not expect to staff the whole company boss incentive system, culture, post design or management system exerting significant effect, but they clearly superior in their influence within the scope of a certain power. For example, in recognition, managers can select and tasks, the rewards and employee performance.In the organization of managers only under the condition of the utmost efforts to satisfy all four driving force, the employee can most effectively improve the incentive effect on employees, improve the organizational performance.reserved.Talent "flow" and "left"By Peter Cappelli 2003-05-01For other company employees openly, it rarely occur in the past, but now it is already used the enterprise. The rapidly changing demands of the market rapidly changing constantly updated the organization. However, no one is willing to see his talent was away. Once the excellent employees leave, the enterprise will hit. If hope to help enterprises package and career development plan, training programs, like tinkering with the free flow of his talent market today, affirmation in isolation. Now, we have a choice: that is attractive to market-oriented strategy. This strategy, long-term, defies generalizations for employee loyalty is neither possible nor necessary, the enterprise can definitely need to keep employees and leave them what how attractive scheme, will focus on the talent to keep up.Today, many enterprises in staff loyalty are dependent on salary, but many attractive salary is a kind of mechanism. Other personnel loss can be used to reduce the method is: the post to design - the United States through the heavy UPS tedious work load from the driver package for other employee, stripping there was more to keep the driver, To cultivate employees work or specific project team loyalty, Hire skills in talent market demand is not high on the staff, The staff in the work place much temptation job-hopping, And other companies to provide staff into pairs across the company's career path. If there is no way to prevent loss of personnel, the enterprise can also use outsourcing, strengthen job, work will hire employees and standardization, cross training around the short-term organizational work, etc.If the past management methods of retaining staff to maintain a fixed water dam, so the new management methods are more like a flowing rivers, dredge its goal is to prevent water flow, but the flow direction and speed control.reserved.Let who evaluate staffBy Frederick F. Reichheld & Paul Rogers 2005-11-01In the era of wooden, transport and the crew that recruits the appropriate command them to the same direction with traces the OARS will not be easy. In the past, the captain of the common approach is waving the whip crew. Now, in this business, enterprise how to motivate employees when?Recently, in order to solve the problem of all kinds of organization is a constant headache, some companies began to staff’s compensation and team performance hook, let the customer and employee's supervisor to assess performance instead. These examples:In the enterprise, the branch managers, employees want to get promotion, they belong to the service quality team to achieve or exceed the average company, or any single people could not get a promotion. This company USES the performance index called "enterprise rental company service quality index", its meaning for customer service in asking whether satisfaction, what percentage of people playing a full five points.Applebee restaurants have difference to finding the best performance, 20% of the staff is divided into general 60%, performance and 20% of the worst performance, and separately calculated the loss. If managers can successfully hold the top 80% of the employee performance, it can obtain the reward. If the 20% of employees for worst performance, the managers will not be punished accordingly.Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.员工激励的“四力模型”作者:尼廷・诺里亚,鲍里斯・格鲁斯伯格,琳达-埃琳・李发表于:2008-08-01如何让员工创造出最佳绩效是管理者长久以来面临的严峻挑战。
