
13.1,4,16,49,121()A.256B.225C.196D.16914.3,6,11,(),27A.15B.18C.19D.2415.2,13,40,61,()A.46.75B.82C.88.25D.12116.2/3,3/2,4/3,3,8/3,()A.8/3B.16/3C.6D.817.12,14,20,38,()A.46B.52C.64D.9218.8,12,16,16,(),-64A.0B.4C.-8D.1219.12,1112,3112,211213,()A.312213B.132231C.112233D.33221120.A.13B.7C.0D.-621.0,8,54,192,500,()A.840B.960C.1080D.128022.2,12,36,80,( )A.100B.125C.150D.17523.0,91,272,271,( ) A.27 B.97C.185D.243424. ( )28 3610 18 181 9 9 9A.18B.28C.54D.6425.-2,14,6,10,8,( )A.4B.7C.9D.1026.A.21B.42C.50D.7827.1,2,2,3,4,( )A.3B.7C.8D.928.39,62,91,126,149,178,( )A.205B.213C.221D.22629.3,16,45,96,( ),288A.105B.145C.175D.19530.-2,-4,0,16,( )A.25B.32C.50D.6431.8,16,22,24,( )A.18B.22C.26D.2832.1,3,4,1,9,( )A.5B.11C.14D.64言语理解根据文字陈述,完成题目要求。

1. 商业银行的负债包括哪些2.商业银行的核心资产包括哪些3. 关于防火墙作用的一道题4.劳动法关于实习期限的规定5.十七大确立的党的指导思想包括哪些6.公有制经济占主导地位的表现7.银行系统性风险包括哪些8.准货币包括哪些9. 4R营销理论包括什么(relationship、 retrenchment、 relevancy 、rewards)10财政再分配包括国家预算银行信贷劳务费用价格变动11骆驼评级法 CAMEL包括什么12 我国税收有什么特征(固定性、无偿性、强制性还有一个忘了)19.泰勒被尊称为什么(科学管理之父)20. 国内企业引进了激励奖金制后,现在激励奖金已经变成工资的一部分,而失去了原本的激励作用,这样意味着?(激励效应在每个国家作用不同、如何防止激励奖金变成工资的一部分是管理人员需要重视和提高的什么什么,忘了)21. 某企业生产平均成本达到最小值,那么该企业(利润达到最大值、超额利润为零、边际成本等于平均成本or whatever)22.劳动法对于加班时间的限定(每月不得超过36小时)23.如果企业安排员工周末上班而又不予以调休,那么应支付多少倍工资(2倍)24. 以下哪个选项免收营业税(医院提供医疗服务的费用、邮局出售邮票、移动公司出售充值卡、还有一个选项忘了)25.以下哪种情况免收个人所得税(保险理赔)26.企业增值税的属性(A.归中央税入 B.归地方税入 C.共享税中央为主D.共享税地方为主)28. A、B两个相连的会计年份和甲乙两种不同的会计方式混搭,问哪个符合会计一致性原则29.某跨国企业子公司财务报告与母公司合并,过程中遭遇的汇率风险属于什么风险(经营风险、市场风险、经济风险、会计风险)30.影响现金流的操作现金各项目与非现金各项目之间的增减变动,会影响现金流量净额的变动31.以下哪个软件通常用来收发邮件(Outlook Express。
汗!)32. BBS的功能不包括以下哪个选项(文件传输、发布信息、什么什么热表之类)33. TCP/IP协议基于什么而写?(大概是这个意思。

A. 必须改变传统的数学方式才能适应当前形势发展的需要B. 这个报告内容丰富,获得一致好评C. 幼儿园的领导采纳了小朋友的意见D. 张应华背着王宏总经理到银行办完了手续答案:D2、下列新闻标题中语意明确的一句是:A.政府有关部门明令禁止取缔药品交易市场B.真正优秀的教师无一不是道德修养的模范C.独联体国家看不上2006年世界杯足球赛D.警方对报案人称围观者坐视不管表示愤慨答案:B3、下列句子中,加点的词语使用正确的一句是:A.事情发生后,顾主任立即同党支部研究,决定就这个问题进行一次讨论B.这所医院组成一个以领导、医生、护士三结合的防治小组,经常深入农村C.本品是用金银花、连翘等中药配制而成,并且具有祛寒退热的功能D.当学习刚刚取得一点成绩,他就开始有点骄傲了答案:A4、下列各句中加横线的词语使用不恰当的一句是:A.在中国日益成为传媒焦点的今天,公众对政府工作、突发事件、灾难事件的了解欲望越来越强烈,因此,中国的新闻发言人制度应运而生。

1. 时事时事部分就不说了,对以后的考试也没什么借鉴价值。
2. 中行相关内容往年都没有考中行的相关内容,今年考了好多。
多选:超过95%美元跨境支付系统:SWIFT,TARGET,CHAPS,CHIPS即期外汇交割期限福费廷(包买票据)仓至仓运输条款可转让信用证的性质远期汇率报价方法单项因素贸易条款长期股权投资权益法和成本法的区别质押的定义我国支付结算方式不包括,信用证、托收承付、信用卡、商业本票信用证的单据(单单一致的核心单据)信用证修改书内容大于两项,受益人如何处理(接受、拒绝)4.西经IS曲线右移的因素富有弹性——价格下降收入上升效用计算,替代效用:还有道效用和消费者均衡结合的题目宏观经济学的总产出的计算国民收入的计算个人劳动供给曲线图国别配额,进口商品需要出示什么证收入、价格效应财政赤字分为哪几类弗里德曼的货币需求GDP定义分析:旧车翻新,新车选择性货币工具只有政府企业和个人什么的,选正确的公式根据蒙代尔的理论,通胀和顺差时应选什么政策(紧财政松货币)(这个知识点每年都考)产品周期,哪一个利润增长最快5. 财务和会计方面杜邦分析法考了两道,一道单选(核心是净资产收益率),一道多选。

任凭游人扫兴和诅咒,牡丹依然_ B____。

中国银行2010笔试综合&行测真题及答案中国银行的校园招聘统一笔试包括三部分第一部分:英语 90分钟(95题)题型大致分为:单选(老六级)、改错、完型、阅读、阅读新题型(段落排序、句子排序)、快速阅读等,题量笔研究生考试的题量还要大,而且时间只给一个半小时第二部分:行政能力测试 60分钟(70题)基本上全部是推理题,包括:言语能力(选词填空)数字推理符号推理数量关系逻辑排序材料分析逻辑判断常识问题第三部分:综合(80题)考的知识比较全面,包括:金融学、会计学、计算机基础、管理学、时政等内容,以下为搜集的2010笔试真题及部分答案。
一、数字推理3.32,7.16,11.08,(),19.02 15.042,8,18,(),50 32123,52,21,9,3,() 31,3/4,8/9,9/8,7/5,( ) 61/363,3,6,24,()192二、数量关系1.周长为400M的操场每20M画一道线请问要一共要画多少道线19 20 21 222. 二进制数1100100转换成十进制为:94 110 100 1023. 一个KTV每周二全天半价,其他每天晚上11点到第二天凌晨7点半价,请问一周共有多少小时半价营业724. 下列那个乘积最大:A. 599*601B. 598*602 C ? D. 500*6005. 班里有5个女生、10个男生,抽出一个人去值班,抽完了就去掉不再加入,第二次抽到女生的概率为多少?A三分之一B15分之1 C14分之1 D?三、符号推理1. 回、赏、同、形同一规律的字:A.章 B、卜 C、? D.园四、逻辑排序(题目部分选项不清欢迎讨论得出答案)1.行政改革滞后行政成本大公款吃喝人大代表发言社会热评2. 住房改革建立商品房建立廉价租房买不起房子房价上涨3. 金融危机盲目留学留学生留不了学(大概这个意思)国外部分高校。


A.70% B.75%C.80% D.85%8.我国首家金融衍生品交易所是()。

2010年银行系统招聘考试真题汇编第一部分客观题一、单项选择题1.[中国银行] 下列选项中,属于间接税的是( )。
A.企业所得税 B.财产税 C.个人所得税 D.消费税2.[中国农业银行] 地方固定收入包括( )。
A.消费税 B.企业所得税C.关税 D.车船税3.[中国工商银行] 以费雪和庇古为代表的传统货币数量说认为货币对实物经济不起作用,他们的基本观点是( )。
A.假定其他因素不变,商品价格水平与货币数量成正比,货币价值与货币数量成反比B.假定其他因素不变,商品价格水平与货币数量成正比,货币价值与货币数量成正比C.货币数量说是关于货币需求的理论D.人们对货币的需求量取决于他们的流动性偏好4.[渤海银行] 在现代信用货币制度下,经常出现的货币失衡形式是( ) A.货币供应量相对于货币需求量偏小 B.货币供应量相对于货币需求量偏大C.结构性失衡 D.总量性失衡5.[中国建设银行] 下列中央银行的活动中,体现其“国家的银行”的职能是( )A.集中准备金 B.对政府提供信贷C.对商业银行提供信贷 D.组织全国的清算6.[中国银行] 属于货币政策较为理想的中介目标的是( )。
A.通货膨胀率 B.货币供应量C.长期利率 D.基础货币7.[中信银行] 银行接受客户的委托,为工商企业办理与货币资本运动有关的技术性业务,如汇兑、非现金结算等,使银行成为企业的总会计、总出纳,成为社会的总账房,这是商业银行的哪种职能?( )A.信用中介 B.支付中介C.信用创造 D.吸收存款8.[中国光大银行] 国际货币基金组织第八条款规定的货币可兑换类型主要是指( )。
A.完全可兑换 B.资本项目可兑换C.经常项目可兑换 D.有条件可兑换9.[中国民生银行] 作为国际货币体系的核心机构,以促进国际货币领域的合作为宗旨的国际金融机构是( )。
A.国际开发协会 B.国际货币基金组织C.国际清算银行 D.国际金融公司10.[恒丰银行] 下列误差中哪一项属于登记性误差产生的原因?( )A.没遵循随机原则 B.抄录错误C.样本结构与总体结构存在差异 D.样本容量不足11.[中国进出口银行] 下列说法中,不能成为导致我国财政支出规模扩大的是( )。

中国银行2010笔试详解第一部分:13:30-14:50 英语题目形式:单词选择:15题高于六级难度,好多单词不认识句子挑错:每个句子划出四个单词或短语,选择错误的,15题完形填空:15题,文章讲的时差的调整方法。
平时都是划出来重点句子,然后看题,回头定位,第二部分15:20-16:20 职业能力测试其实就是行测,题目比国考简单很多,对于经历笔试较多的人来说时间比较充裕。
第三部分16:20-17:20 综合知识考试内容,继续百科化,包括经济学、金融学、银行业务、国际金融、金融衍生品操作、会计、管理学、市场营销、计算机;单选:55题,每个1分多选:30题,每个1.5分[笔试]中行2010校园招聘1227机考笔经第一部分:13:30-14:50 英语题目形式:单词选择:15题高于六级难度,好多单词不认识句子挑错:每个句子划出四个单词或短语,选择错误的, 15题完形填空:15题,文章讲的时差的调整方法。
阅读部分,35题:阅读理解: 4篇20题,文章颇难,极其不适应机考。
附上段落排序的文章,我只是看过,不记得顺序,所以我基本都选错了,杯具啊:The relationship between formal educationand economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists andpoliticians alike progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for thesocial, political and intellectual development of these and all othersocieties; however, the conventional view that education should be one of thevery highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poorcountries is wrong.We are fortunate that is it, because new educationalsystems there and putting enough people through them to improve economicperformance would require two or three generations. The findings of a researchinstitution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can betrained on the job to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result,radically higher standards of living.Ironically, the first evidence forthis idea appeared in the United States. Not long ago, with the countryentering a recessing and Japanat its pre-bubble peak. The U.S.workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of primary cause of the poor U.S. economicperformance. Japanwas, and remains, the global leader in automotive-assembly productivity. Yetthe research revealed that the U.S.factories of Honda Nissan, and Toyota achievedabout 95 percent of the productivity of their Japanese countere pants a resultof the training that U.S.workers received on the job.More recently, while examing housingconstruction, the researchers discovered that illiterate, non-English- speakingMexican workers in Houston, Texas, consistentlymetbest-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of thebuilding industry’s work.What is thereal relationship between education and economic development? We have tosuspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of educationeven when governments don’t force it. After all, that’s how education gotstarted. When our ance stors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, theydidn’t have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food. Only whenhumanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time forother things.As educationimproved, humanity’s pr oductivity potential, they could in turn afford moreeducation. This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient, condition for the complex political systems required byadvanced economic performance. Thus poor countries might not be able to escapetheir poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only withbroader formal education.A lack of formal education, however, doesn’tconstrain the ability of the developing world’s workforce to substantiallyimprove productivity for the forested future. On the contrary, constraints onimproving productivity explain why education isn’t developing more quicklythere than it is.从506222908同学那里找来的完型填空原文,我错了好多When travelers pass from one time zone to another, they suffer fromdisrupted circadian rhythms, an uncomfortable feeling known as jet lag.For instance, if you travel from California to New York, you "lose" 3 hours according to your body's clock. You will feel tired when the alarm rings at 8 a.m. the next morning because, according to your body's clock, it is still 5 a.m. It usually takes several days for your body's cycles to adjust to the new time.To reduce the effects of jet lag, some doctors try to manipulate the biological clock with a technique called light therapy. They expose people to special lights, many times brighter than ordinary household light, for several hours near the time the subjects want to wake up. This helps them reset their biological clocks and adjust to a new time zone.Symptoms much like jet lag are common in people who work nights or whoperform shift work. Because these people's work schedules are at odds with powerful sleep-regulating cues like sunlight, they often become uncontrollably drowsy during work, and they may sufferinsomnia or other problems when they try to sleep. Shift workers havean increased risk of heart problems, digestive disturbances,andemotional and mental problems, all of which may be related to theirsleeping problems. The number and severity of workplace accidents alsotend to increase during the night shift. Major industrial accidentsattributed partly to errors made by fatiguednight-shift workers include the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the ThreeMile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power plant accidents. One study alsofound that medical interns working on the night shift are twice aslikely as others to misinterpret hospital test records, which could endangertheir patients. It may be possible to reduce shift-related fatigue byusing bright lig hts in the workplace, minimizing shift changes, andtaking scheduled naps.Many people with total blindness experience life-long sleeping problems because their retinas are unable to detect light. These people have a kind of permanentjet lag and periodic insomnia because their circadian rhythms followtheir innate cycle rather than a 24-hour one. Daily supplements ofmelatonin may improve night-time sleep for such patients. However,since the high doses of melatonin found in most supplements can buildup in the body, long-term use of this substance may create newproblems. Because the potential side effects of melatonin supplementsare still largely unknown, most experts discourage melatonin use by thegeneral public.阅读理解文章:Chemical engineers in North Dakota have successfully turned oil fromplants-canola (rapeseed), coconuts and soybeans-into jet fuelindistinguishable from the conventional kind, according to ernment tests. [1]Working with the U.S. Department of Defense’sDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), scientists at theEnergy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University ofNorth Dakota turned these plant oils into fuel that had a similardensity, energy content and even freezing point.“It’s processed so that it contains only the same hydrocarbonmolecules prese nt in petroleum fuel.” says chemical engineer ChadWocken. Although he declined to explain the exact details of theprocess, Wocken says it is thermocatalytic-in other words, theengineers heat the plant oils in the presence of an undisclosedcatalyst to create a slew of petroleum products. In fact, the processis not unlike conventional oil refining in that it produces everythingfrom the kerosene used as aviation fuel to regular gasoline.“The processing costs would be similar and comparable topetroleum oil refining,” and perhaps even less expensive, Wocken notes,“because you're not dealing with contaminants like sulfur.”Of course, the biofuel’s ultimate price tag is yet to bedetermined as only “gallons” of it have been brewed compared with themo re than 60 million gallons (225 million liters) of jet fuel consumeddaily in the U.S. But it will in large part depend on the price to growthe crops themselves-all have been fluctuating in recent months due tonewly volatile global commodity markets.Virgin Atlantic has flown a jumbo jet on a combination ofconventional jet fuel and biofuel made from palm oil, and a jet poweredsolely by biodiesel has stayed aloft for more than 30 minutes-albeitwith a special device to keep its fuel fromfreezing at high altitude.And the EERC fuel is not the only bio-based jet fuel available: UOP,LLC, a division of Honeywell Specialty Materials, has a similar fuelmade from vegetable and animal oils.The EERC is currently in the process of producing 25 gallons(95 liters) of the bio-jet fuel for ground testing in a jet engine asearly as next month. [2]“The thing that needs to happen is a purchaseorder to come through from the Air Force so we can get [the] investmentto build that first plant,” Wocken says. “We coul d get a plantoperational in two to five years if there were a commitment to buy thefuel.”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another round has just been fought in the battle betweentobacco companies and those who regard them as spawn of the devil. In apaper just published in the Lancet, with the provocative ti tle “Secretscience: tobacco industry research on smoking behavior and cigarettetoxicity”, David Hammond, of Waterloo University in Canada and NeilCollishaw and Cynthia Collard, two members of Physicians for aSmoke-Free Canada, a lobby group, criticize the behavior of BritishAmerican Tobacco (BAT). They say the firm considered manipulating someof its products in order to make them low-tar in the eyes ofofficialdom while they actually delivered high tar and nicotine levelsto smokers.It was and is no secret, as BAT points out, that people smoke low-tarcigarettes differently from high-tar ones. The reason is that they wanta decent dose of the nicotine which tobacco smoke contains. Theytherefore pull a larger volume of air through the cigarette when theydraw on a low-tar rather than a high-tar variety. The extra volumemakes up for the lower concentration of the drug.But a burning cigarette is a complex thing, and that extra volume hassome unexpected consequences. In particular, a bigger draw is generallya faster draw. [1]That pulls a higher proportion of the air inhaledthrough the burning tobacco, rather than through the paper sides of thecigarette. This, in turn, means more smoke per unit volume, and thusmore tar and nicotine. The nature of the nicotine may change, too, withmore of it being in a form that is easy for the body to absorb.According to Dr Hammond and his colleagues, a series of studiesconducted by BAT's researchers between 1972 and 1994 quantified much ofthis. The standardized way of analyzing cigarette smoke, as laid downby the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), whichregulates everything from computer code to greenhouse gases, uses amachine to make 35-millilitre puffs, drawn for two seconds once aminute. The firm's researchers, by contrast, found that real smokersdraw 50-70ml per puff, and do so twice a minute. Dr Hammonds'sconclusion is drawn from the huge body of documents disgorged by thetobacco industry as part of various legal settlements that have takenplace in the past few years, mainly as a result of disputes with theauthorities in the United States.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proponents of different jazz styles have always argued that theirpredecessors’ musical style did not include essential characteristicsthat define jazz as jazz. Thus, 1940’s swing was belittled by beboppersof the 1950’s, who were themselves attacked by free jazzers of the1960’s. The neoboppers of the 1980’s and 1990’s attacked almosteverybody else. The titanic figure of Black saxophonist John Coltranehas complicated the arguments made by proponents of styles from bebopthrough neobop because in his own musical journey he drew from allthose styles. His influence on all types of jazz was immeasurable. Atthe height of his popularity, Coltrane largely abandoned playing bebop,the style that had brought him fame, to explore the outer reaches ofjazz.Coltrane himself probably believed that the only essentialcharacteristic of jazz was improvisation, the one constant in hisjourney from bebop to open-ended improvisations on modal, Indian, andAfrican melodies. On the other hand, this dogged student and prodigioustechnician-who insisted on spending hours each day practicing scalesfrom theory books-was never able to abandon completely the influence ofbebop, with its fast and elaborate chains of notes and ornaments onmelody.Two stylistic characteristics shaped the way Coltrane played thesaxophone, he favored playing fast runs of notes built on a melody anddepended on heavy, regularly accented beats. The first led Coltrane to“sheets of sound,” where he raced faster and faster, pile-driving notesinto each other to suggest stacked harmonies. The second meant that hissense of rhythm was almost as close to rock as to bebop. Three recordings illustrate Coltrane’s ene rgizing explorations.Recording Kind of Blue with Miles Davis, Coltrane found himself outsidebop, exploring modal melodies. Here he played surging, lengthy solosbuilt largely around repeated motifs-an organizing principle unlikethat of free jazz saxophone player Ornette Coleman, who alteredmelodies in his solos. On Giant Steps, Coltrane acted as leader,introducing his own compositions. Here the sheets of sound, downbeataccents, repetitions, and great speed are part of each solo, and thevariety of the shapes of his phrases is unique. Coltrane’s searchingexplorations produced solid achievement. My Favorite Things was anotherkind of watershed. Here Coltrane played the soprano saxophone, aninstrument seldom used by jazz musicians. Musically, the results wereastounding. With the soprano’s piping sound, ideas that had soundeddark and brooding acquired a feeling of giddy fantasy.When Coltrane began recording for the Impulse! label, he was stillsearching. His music became raucous, physical. His influence on rockerswas enormous, including Jimi Hendrix, the rock guitarist, who,following Coltrane, raised the extended guitar solo using repeatedmotifs to a kind of rock art form.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. A small card sits above an empty shelf in the Whole Foods store inPetaluma,California. “Consumers are advised not to eat fresh baggedspinach at this time. As a precaution, Whole Foods Market hastemporarily removed all fresh spinach and fresh salad mixes containingspinach from its stores.”On September 14th the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention inAtlanta issued the first of several daily alerts concerning an outbreakof E.coli 0157:H7, a potentially lethal pathogen typically associatedwith adulterated beef. Investigators had traced it to consumption offresh raw spinach sold in bags. A few days later, an investigationconducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had narrowed downthe culprits to a California-based grower, Natural Selection Foods, andat least one of its distributors. So far, a 77-year-old woman inWisconsin has died from eating spinach traced back to NaturalSelection, and 146 people in 23 states are ill, some very seriously.Half of the victims have been hospitalised, a high rate that mayindicate an especially virulent strain of E. coli.Investigators continue to search for the cause of the outbreak. Theyhave scoured the company’s processing plant as well as the farms thatgrow the spinach, looking at everything from irrigation water to theproximity of livestock, with no sure conn ections made so far. The factthat Natural Selection is in California’s Salinas Valley has raisedalarms, however. According to the FDA, fresh produce from the valley,including spinach, has been the source of nine E. coli outbreaks since1995.[1]Moreover Natural Selection, which supplies several supermarketchains across the United States with conventionally produced freshspinach, is also the nation’s largest grower and shipper of certifiedorganic produce, under its Earthbound Farm brand. If organic spinachbecomes implicated, the financial consequences for the organic sectorof the fresh produce market, which prides itself on its purity, couldbe severe.But with the FDA advising consumers not to eat fresh spinach from anysource until further notice, the outbre ak could ruin California’s wholespinach industry. The state grows about three-quarters of the Americancrop. In recent years the market for fresh spinach has benefited hugelyfrom what one producers’ spokesman calls “a great health profile”. In2005, per capi ta consumption in America was forecast at 2.2 pounds (onekilogram), up from just 0.6 pounds ten years ago. That total isn’tlikely to increase again for a while.第二部分 15:20-16:20 职业能力其实就是行测,题目比国考简单很多,对于经历笔试较多的人来说时间比较充裕。


中国银行招聘考题综合知识试卷及答案解析一、单项选择题( 请在下列各题的选项中,选出一个正确答案,共计60题,每题0.5分,共 30分)1. 货币经纪公司的服务对象是( ) 。
2. 以下关于我国金融资产管理公司,说法不正确的是( ) 。
A.设立时以最大限度保全资产、减少损失为主要经营目标B.我国四家金融资产管理公司组织形式上的发展方向是实行股份制改造C.我国四家金融资产管理公司业务上的发展方向是实行完全的政策性经营√D. 1999 年我国成立的四家金融资产管理公司分别是信达资产管理公司、长城资产管理公司、东方资产管理公司和华融资产管理公司【解析】目前,我国的四家资产管理公司,即信达资产管理公司、长城资产管理公司、东方资产管理公司和华融资产管理公司已完成了处置政策性不良资产的任务,正在探索实行股份制改造及商业化经营。
故C 选项符合题意。
3.2001 年11 月29 日,全国第一家农村股份制商业银行( ) 正式成立。
A.江苏常州市农村商业银行B.广东珠海市农村商业银行C.张家港市农村商业银行√D.陕西华阴市农村商业银行【解析】2001 年11 月29 日,全国第一家农村股份制商业银行张家港市农村商业银行正式成立。
4.2003 年12 月27 日修订后的《中国人民银行法》规定了中国人民银行的职能,其不包括( ) 。
A.制定和执行货币政策B.管理中央公共财政支出√C.防范和化解金融风险D.监督管理黄金市场【解析】根据《中国人民银行法》第4 条规定的中国人民银行职责,可知B 选项符合题意。
5. 在( ) 的领导下,农村信用社开始以“三性”为主要内容的改革。
A.国务院√B.中国人民银行C.中国农业发展银行D.农业银行6. 商业银行经营与管理三大原则的首要原则是( ) 。

第一部分:13:30-14:50 英语题目形式:单词选择:15题高于六级难度,好多单词不认识句子挑错:每个句子划出四个单词或短语,选择错误的,15题完形填空:15题,文章讲的时差的调整方法。
平时都是划出来重点句子,然后看题,回头定位,第二部分15:20-16:20 职业能力测试其实就是行测,题目比国考简单很多,对于经历笔试较多的人来说时间比较充裕。
第三部分16:20-17:20 综合知识考试内容,继续百科化,包括经济学、金融学、银行业务、国际金融、金融衍生品操作、会计、管理学、市场营销、计算机;单选:55题,每个1分多选:30题,每个1.5分第二部分15:20-16:20 职业能力其实就是行测,题目比国考简单很多,对于经历笔试较多的人来说时间比较充裕。
前几天考过一家,一小时60题,就做了四十来个,这是题外话;一小时70题,分配如下:言语理解:15题数量关系:10题,5个数字推理,5个计算逻辑推理:25题:图形推理、定义判断、排序、类比关系、演绎推理各5题资料分析:10题,两个材料常识:10题,考的挺晕的,譬如澳门哪天宣布曾担任什么的崔世安担任行政长官,其他的欢迎补充第三部分16:20-17:20 综合知识考试内容,继续百科化,包括经济学、金融学、银行业务、国际金融、金融衍生品操作、会计、管理学、市场营销、计算机;单选:55题,每个1分多选:30题,每个1.5分机考一、考前技术支持:ATA界面极其简单,没有题号、进度提示,也没有模拟题,考试说明计时开始才放,完全没心看,之前的考场须知(准考证上有的)倒是放了无数遍!!久远的CRT屏幕,闪呐闪呐闪,马上滴了眼药水,不知道别人会不会以为我内牛满面。
二、英语:13:30-14:50,需要照靓照~须知上说为了成绩报告单,不过觉得是为了防替考和按照片看人(考得不好也能上???自己瞎想的,哇哈):83)1.单项选择2.判断挑错3.完形填空一篇4.阅读理解四篇,5.排序一篇为文段,讲education和economic growth,论坛说是09考研真题,唉!一篇是中东阿拉伯国家的banking,挖空句子6.快速阅读考生须知上特意提出这题限定5分钟,令还没做到这部分的偶们更加紧张,估计大家和偶一样被这根鱼刺哽着。

这段文字的主旨是( )。
对这段的理解正确的是( )A、世界自然基金会的主要职能是关注和保护地球生物物种B、在过去的30年中全世界河马的数量已经下降了95%C、现在,物的消亡速度要大大快于其他种类的动物D、人类的活动是马数量急剧下降的主要原因答案:D3、关联交易和资金转移在其他国家是明令禁止的,而在中国,借壳上市却成了许多人股市淘金的捷径。
下列陈述,不能从文意中得出的是( )。

2010年中国银行总行招聘笔试试题+答案第一部分:英语能力测试一.阅读理解资料1:If you had awakened on the floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center and tried to figure out where you were, you might have first guessed the Conclave (秘密会议) of American Optimists.You would have seen 115,000 people buzzing with confidence and excitement.On the other hand, noting how many passers-by were loudly talking to themselves, you might have concluded that you had wandered into the International Expo of Eccentrics.Instead, it was the 2003 Consumer Electronics Show, also known as CES, held in Jan.9th –12th.No wonder those attending were happy.First, of course, they were in their element, surrounded by the smallest and shiniest new gadgets (小配件).Second, despite the gloom in other slices of the economy, sales of consumer electronics in the United States actually grew last year (to a record $96 billion).This trade show of manufacturers, retailers and customers was alive with energy and crowded with exhibits.The vitality of this exposition is a sign of the times.The interest and innovation in PCs is nothing next to the action in other realms of high tech.As proof, compare the show with what was once its big brother: Comdex, the personal-computer trade show held each November at the same site.Thanks to the severe decline in the PC industry, the 2002 Las Vegas Comdex was only half the size of its 2000 incarnation.The 2,200 booths included lavish displays by Panasonic, Sony, Philips, Toshiba and other heavy hitters.But hundreds of smaller, quirkier companies were also present, exhibiting electric toothbrushes, illuminated cell-phone faceplates, laser pens and publications from Widescreen Review to Progressive Grocer.There were 46 exhibitors in the alarm-clock category alone, and even an electric-typewriter company.To reach those smaller booths, though, you had to pass what seemed like half the $10,000 plasma(等离子)TV screens ever made.This proliferation(丰富) of gorgeous wide-screen sets was only one hint that TV makers, at least, are ready for the great American switch to high-definition television, which the Federal Communications Commission hopes to see completed by 2006.But a few obstacles stand between the average American and high-def happiness: the prices of these sets, the reluctance of cable companies to broadcast high-definition shows, Hollywood’s campaign to cripple high-definition broadcasts so that you can’t record them, and so on.(As many seminar panelists observed, however, strides are being made in all those areas.)The most interesting items at Microsoft's booth were the prototype wristwatches that use the company’s new Smart Personal Object Technology (SPOT) software.Due by year’s end from Citizen, Fossil and other companies, these watches can receive messages, news, weather, sports and stock reports wirelessly in metropolitan areas for a small monthly fee, of course.The most alarming item at Microsoft's booth, on the other hand, was its six-room mock-up of an American house with Microsoft products—cars, phones, TVs, games, appliances—in every nook and cranny.It’s only a matter of time before you'll see people rebooting their toasters.The digital camera models on display were cheaper, better and smaller than their predecessors.Olympus’s Stylus 400, for example, is a tiny, silver, pocketable wonder that takes four-megapixel photos (enough resolution for 13-by-19-inch prints).It’s due in the spring for $400.1.Why are 115,000 people buzzing with confidence and excitement?[A] .They are truly strange people to feel overexcited at seeing new things.[B]. They are going to be pleased by the passers-by.[C] .They are visiting the International Expo of New Products.[D] They are feeling optimistic at seeing the displays on CES.2.The 2002 Las Vegas Comdex was held only half the size of its 2000 incarnation because ___________.[A] the industry lacks exciting innovations.[B]. the industry slowed down its development.[C]. the sale volume greatly shrank that year[D] .its production declined for short of capital3.The fact that there were 46 exhibitors in the alarm-clock category alone shows_______.[A] .the alarm-clock making industry has contributed greatest to the success of the show[B] the small industrial section—alarm-clock making—can serve as an sign to show the great advances in electronics[C] the alarm-clock making industry is the fastest developmental section in electronics industry[D]. the exhibitors in the alarm-clock category are particularly active in displaying their products4.By 2006 it can be expected to __________according to paragraph 6.[A] .reach those smaller booths.[B]. see high-definition plasma television sets available on the US market[C] .reach those smaller booths with the $10,000 plasma TV screens[D] .proliferate wide screen sets in the USA5.The digital camera models on display __________________.are cheaper in price, and higher in quality than their predecessorsII..are pocketable due to its being tiny in sizeIII.are all worthy of no more than 400 US dollars[A] I only [B] II only[C] I and .II [D] I, II and II答案:D C B B C资料2:For many years the automation research departments of the world have been using laser based analysis system to increase the understanding of the workings of the internal combustion engine.The laser has been incorporated into systems to measure drop size, velocity and vibration to name but a few.But few laser-based systems are able to aid the study of all these phenomena with the same system.The Applied Optics Group at Rover Groups Gardon Research & Development Center have been using just such a system and finding new uses for it all the time.The system in use is a High Speed Imagining Division of Oxford Lasers LTD.The High Speed Imaging system comprises an Oxford Lasers LS20 Copper Vapor laser linked to a Kodak 4540 Digital High Speed Motion Analysis Camera capable of taking up to 40,500 digital frames per second.The Kodak 4540 records the images to DRAM memory allowing immediate play back of the recorded images for viewing, recording to videotape or to PC for analysis.The Copper Vapor laser acts as a short duration flash emitting pulses of only 30 nanoseconds in duration in full synchronization with the frame rate of the camera The flashes have the effect of reducing the exposure time of the camera, thus removing image blur due to the high speed of the subject under view, whilst maintaining image contrast due to the high intensity of the laser light.Another feature of the system is the ability to focus down the light.This has two benefits.The first is the ability to make laser light sheets for the 2 dimensional illumination of 3 dimensional subjects.This technique has great benefit when used to map the air flow into the combustion chamber of a running model engine.Not only can the air-flow be mapped but the progress of the flame front growth during the combustion cycle.The second is the ability to shine the laser light down a fiber optic cable.This aids in the illumination of areas of the running engine very difficult to access by normal optics.This has been particularly useful in the study of air motion in a variety of combustion system concepts.The group plans to use the Copper Vapor laser to improve the ability of the technique to see these vibrations and therefore allow a better understanding of the cause of them.The technique could also applied to look at the airbag enclosure as it tears and composite materials under dynamic crush testing.6.How many uses of the laser-based analysis system does the author want to show us?[A] .One [B] .Two [C]. Three [D] .Much more than three7.Which of the following does the High Speed Imaging system comprise ________.[A] .an Oxford Lasers LS20 Copper Vapor laser[B] .4540 Digital High Speed Motion Analysis system[C] .DRAM memory allowing immediate play back of the recorded images for viewing[D]. a High Speed Imagining Division of Oxford Lasers LTD.8.Which of the following is the main advantage of the laser flashes?[A] .Keeping image contrast [B] .getting rid of image blur[C] .Increase the intensity of light [D]. All is said in A, B, and C9.Which of the following uses is NOT TRUE according to the passage?[A] .The laser light can help to make the three dimensional bodies look as if they were of two dimensions.[B]. The air-flow can thus be made easier to be mapped with the laser.[C] .The turning speed of the combustion engine can be accelerated by using vapor laser.[D] .The exposure time of the camera can be reduced by the laser flashes.10.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?[A].At the Speed of Light[B]. A High Speed Imagining Division Made by the Oxford Lasers LTD.[C]. A Miraculous Application of Laser in Testing the Internal Combustion Engine[D] .Automobile research and Laser Technology答案: D A D C C资料3:When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years.My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued.On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final.When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why.At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home.Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio.England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office.As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter.She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp.We were over the moon.We still have it today, and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.11.This passage mainly tells us __________.A.the author and her brother used to like stamps very muchB.the author had a very kind motherC.the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stampsD.their mother used to support them by working in the post office12.According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ________.A.during the weekB.on SaturdaysC.on SundaysD.for six days13.Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why.Why do you think she did that?A.She wanted to give them a surprise.B.She doubted if she would get the stamps.C.She forgot to do that.D.She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.14.What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?A.We jumped high.B.We were extremely happy about it.C.We watched the moon for a long time.D.We couldn't sleep the whole night.15.What is the best title for this passage?A.My Childhood.B.My Mother.C.A Precious Stamp.D.A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps.答案:.C B A B D资料4:You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, and then shift your gaze to its surroundings.What you now see appears to drift upward.These optical illusions occur because the brain is constantly matching its model of reality to signals from the body’s sensors and interpreting what must be happening—that your brain must have moved, not the other; that downward motions is now normal, so a change from it must now be perceived as upward motion.The sensors that make this magic are of two kinds.Each eye contains about 120 million rods, which provide somewhat blurry black and white vision.These are the windows of night vision; once adapted to the dark, they can detect a candle burning ten miles away.Color vision in each eye comes from six to seven million structures called cones.Under ideal conditions, every cone can “see” the entire rainbow spectrum of visible colors, but one type of cone is most sensitive to red, another to green, a third to blue.Rods and cones send their messages pulsing an average 20 to 25 times per second along the optic nerve.We see an image for a fraction of a second longer than it actually appears.In movies, reels of still photographs are projected onto screens at 24 frames per second, tricking our eyes into seeing a continuous moving picture.Like apparent motion, color vision is also subject to unusual effects.When day gives way to night, twilight brings what the poet T.S.Eliot called “the violet hour.” A light levels fall, the rods become progressively less responsive.Rods are most sensitive to the shorter wavelengths of blue and green, and they impart a strange vividness to the garden’s blue flowers.However, look at a white shirt during the reddish light of sunset, and you’ll still see it in its “true” color—white, not red.Our eyes are constantly comparing an object against its surroundings.They therefore observe the effect of a shift in the color of illuminating on both, and adjust accordingly.The eyes can distinguish several million graduations of light and shade of color.Each waking second they flash tens of millions of pieces of information to the brain, which weaves them incessantly into a picture of the world around us.Yet all this is done at the back of each eye by a fabric of sensors, called the retina, about as wide and as thick as a postage stamp.As the Renaissance inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci wrote in wonder, “Who would believe that so small a space could contain the images of all the universe?”16.Visual illusions often take place when the image of reality is ___.A.matched to six to seven million structures called cones.B.confused in the body’s sensors of both rods and cones.C.interpreted in the brain as what must be the case.D.signaled by about 120 million rods in the eye.17.The visual sensor that is capable of distinguishing shades of color is called ___.A.conesB.color visionC.rodsD.spectrum18.The retina send pulses to the brain short color a ganglion cellD.along the optic nerve.19.Twenty-four still photographs are made into a continuous moving picture just because ___.A.the image we see usually stays longer than it actually appears.B.we see an object in comparison with its surroundings.C.the eyes catch million pieces of information continuously.D.rods and cones send messages 20 to 25 times a second.20.The author’s purpose in writing the passage lies in ___.A.showing that we sometimes are deceived by our own eyes.rming us about the different functions of the eye organs.C.regretting that we are too slow in the study of eyes.D.marveling at the great work done by the retina.答案:C A D A B资料5:We can begin our discussion of “population as global issue” with what most persons mean when they discuss “the population problem”: too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year.The facts are not in dispute, It was quite right to employ the analogy that likened demographic growth to “a long, thin powder fuse that burns steadily and haltingly until it finally reaches the charge and explodes.”To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population, it is necessary to understand the history of population trends.Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon.Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history, we find that populations have been virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history.For most of our ancestors, lifewas hard, often nasty, and very short.There was high fertility in most places, but this was usually balanced by high mortality.For most of human history, it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty, while infancy and childhood were especially risky periods.Often, societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birthrates.Thus, the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race.This pattern is important to notice.Not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective, but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high mortality.Demographic history can be divided into two major periods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8,000 BC.till approximately AD.1650.In the first period of some 9600 years, the population increased from some 8 million to 500 million in 1650.Between 1650 and the present, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion.And it is estimated that by the year 2000 there will be 6.2 billion people throughout the world.One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable.Between 8000BC and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world’s population each year.At present, this number is added every six hours.The increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually.21.Which of the following demographic growth pattern is most suitable for the long thin powder fuse analogy?A.A virtually stable or slightly decreasing period and then a sudden explosion of population.B.A slow growth for a long time and then a period of rapid, dramatic increase.C.Too many people on earth and a few rapid increase in the number added each year.D.A long period when death rates exceeds birthrates and then a short period with higher fertility and lower mortality.答案:A22.During the first period of demographic history, societies were often in danger of extinction because___.A.only one in ten persons could live past 40.B.there was higher mortality than fertility in most was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions.D.our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children.答案:B23.Which statement is true about population increase?A.There might be an increase of 2.2 billion persons from now to the year 2000.B.About 50,000 babies are born every six hours at present.C.Between 8000 BC and the present, the population increase is about 80,000,000 persons each year. D.The population increased faster between 8000BC and 1650 than between 1650 and the present. 答案:A24.The author of the passage intends to___.A.warn people against the population explosion in the near the demographic growth pattern in the past with that after 1650.C.find out the cause for rapid increase in population in recent years.D.present us a clear and complete picture of the demographic growth.答案:D25.The word “demographic” in the first paragraph means___.A.statistics of human.B.surroundings study.C.accumulation of human.D.development of human.答案:A。

2010年中国银行校园招聘笔试真题-阅读理解真题及答案Proponents of different jazz styles have always argued that their predecessor''s musical styledid not include essential characteristics that define jazz as jazz. Thus, 1940''s swing wasbelittled by beboppers of the 1950''s who were themselves attacked by free jazzes of the1960''s. The neoboppers of the 1980''s and 1990''s attacked almost everybody else. The titanicfigure of Black saxophonist John Coltrane has complicated the arguments made by proponents ofstyles from bebop through neobop because in his own musical journey he drew from all thosestyles. His influence on all types of jazz was immeasurable. At the height of his popularity,Coltrane largely abandoned playing bebop, the style that had brought him fame, to explore theouter reaches of jazz.Coltrane himself probably believed that the only essential characteristic of jazz was improvisation, the one constant in his journey from bebop to open-ended improvisations on modal, Indian, and African melodies. On the other hand, this dogged student and prodigious technician —who insisted on spending hourseach day practicing scales from theory books —was never able to jettison completely the influence of bebop, with its fast and elaborate chains of notes and ornaments on melody.Two stylistic characteristics shaped the way Coltrane played the tenor saxophone: he favored playing fast runs of notes built on a melody and depended on heavy, regularly accented beats. The first led Coltrane to sheets of sound”where he raced faster and faster, pile-driving notes into each other to suggest stacked harmonies. The second meant that his sense of rhythm was almost as close to rock as to bebop. Three recordings illustrate Coltrane''s energizing explorations. Recording Kind of Blue with Miles Davis, Coltrane found himself outside bop, exploring modal melodies. Here he played surging, lengthy solos built largely around repeated motifs —an organizing principle unlike that of free jazz saxophone player Ornette Coleman, who modulated or altered melodies in his solos. On Giant Steps, Coltrane debuted as leader, introducing his own compositions. Here the sheets of sound, downbeat accents, repetitions, and great speed are part of each solo, and the variety of the shapes of his phrases is unique. Coltrane''s searching explorations produced solid achievement. My Favorite Things was another kind of watershed. Here Coltrane played the soprano saxophone, an instrument seldom used by jazz musicians. Musically, the results were astounding. With the soprano''s piping sound, ideas that had sounded dark and brooding acquired a feeling of giddy fantasy. When Coltrane began recording for the Impulse! Label, he was still searching. His music became raucous, physical. His influence on rockers was enormous, includingJimi Hendrix, the rock guitarist, who, following Coltrane, raised the extended guitar solo using repeated motifs to a kind of rock art form.The primary purpose of the text is to[A] discuss the place of Coltrane in the world of jazz and describe his musical explorations.examine the nature of bebop and contrast it with improvisational jazz.[C] analyze the musical sources of Coltrane''s style and their influence on his work.[D] acknowledge the influence of Coltrane''s music on rock music and rock musicians.Which of the following best describes the organization of the fourth paragraph?[A] A thesis referred to earlier in the text is mentioned and illustrated with three specific examples.A thesis is stated and three examples are given each suggesting that a correction needs to be made to a thesis referred to earlier in the text.[C] A thesis referred to earlier in the text is mentioned, and three examples are presented and ranked in order of their support of the thesis.[D] A thesis is stated, three seemingly opposing examples are presented, and their underlying correspondence is explained.According to the text, John Coltrane did all of the following during his career EXCEPT[A] improvise on melodies from a number of different cultures.perform as leader as well as soloist.[C] spend time improving his technical skills.[D] eliminate the influence of bebop on his own music.According to the text a major difference between Coltrane and other jazz musicians was the[A] degree to which Coltrane''s music encompassed all of jazz.repetition of motifs that Coltrane used in his solos.[C] number of his own compositions that Coltrane recorded.[D] indifference Coltrane maintained to musical technique.In terms of its tone and form, the text can best be characterized as[A] dogmatic explanation.indignant denial.[C] enthusiastic praise.[D] speculative study.。
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一、数字推理3.32,7.16,11.08,(),19.02 15.042,8,18,(),50 32123,52,21,9,3,() 31,3/4,8/9,9/8,7/5,( ) 61/363,3,6,24,()192二、数量关系1.周长为400M的操场每20M画一道线请问要一共要画多少道线192021222. 二进制数1100100转换成十进制为:941101001023. 一个KTV每周二全天半价,其他每天晚上11点到第二天凌晨7点半价,请问一周共有多少小时半价营业4. 下列那个乘积最大:A. 599*601B. 598*602C ?D. 500*6005. 班里有5个女生、10个男生,抽出一个人去值班,抽完了就去掉不再加入,第二次抽到女生的概率为多少?A三分之一B15分之1C14分之1 D?三、符号推理1. 回、赏、同、形同一规律的字:A.章B、卜C、?D.园四、逻辑排序(题目部分选项不清欢迎讨论得出答案)1.行政改革滞后公款吃喝人大代表发言社会热评2. 住房改革建立商品房建立廉价租房买不起房子房价上涨3. 金融危机盲目留学留学生留不了学(大概这个意思)国外部分高校。
国际协商五、常识问题1. 哥本哈根世界气候大会全称《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方第15次会议。
2. 今年6月5日是第38个世界环境日,今年的主题是“地球需要你:团结起来应对气候变化”。
3. 澳门第三人行政长官崔世安——7月6号贴出公告,原任社会文4.中国与东盟协议使其各自的实施的最惠国关税税率依照特定的减让表和税率(经各缔约方相互同意)逐步削减或取消,对于中国和东盟六国,实施期应从2005年1月1日到2010年,对于东盟新成员国,实施期应从2005年1月1日到2015年4.甘肃天水西部大开发综合测试:因为题目比较多涉及范围广所以就没有分类了想到多少写多少了1.word段落选项有词距、缩进选项。
6..以下哪个货币需求理论是从宏观角度解释费雪交易方程式、剑桥方程式、凯恩斯的货币需求分析、费里德曼7.以下哪个IP地址是错误IP协议就是使用这个地址在主机之间传递信息,这是Internet 能够运行的基础。
8.长期融资方式:福费廷、打包放款、预支信用证9.营销管理的本质是:A需求管理B产品管理C供应管理D?10.人力资源管理包括:缺乏型管理和过剩管理11.劳动合同签5年试用期不超过答案是6个月域名表示什么:A军事B商业公司C国际组织D个人主页13.防火墙的作用不包括:A阻挡内部的病毒B阻挡绕过防火墙的病毒C?D?14.货币政策工具中那个政府最缺乏主动性:A再贴现B准备金政策C公开市场业务D直接信用服务15.从ftp向客户机传输文件叫什么:A上传B下载C?D?16.BBS的英文全称是Bulletin Board System,翻译为中文就是“电子公告板”17.财政部今年发布50年国库券招标,采用的方法是:混合式招标美欧式英式18.今年的财政货币政策:积极财政政策,适度宽松的货币政策19.INTERNET是用什么协议:TCP/IP20.计算机的CPU能不能直接访问内存里数据以及外存里数据的选择A都不能B都能C只能访问内存D只能访问外存21.一生产商发了100万的产品,使用的三个月远期信用证的贸易,那么他面临的主要风险是A会计风险B折算风险C交易风险、D经济风险22.如果签订5年的劳动合同,试用期最长不超过:6个月23.如果公司支付的工资低于当地最低生活标准,且逾期拖延补偿款的,要处以50%-100%的罚款24.人力资源管理中的职位分析,包括?分析和该职位的A素质要求B技术要求C资格要求D能力要求25.马斯洛的需求理论除生理需要外,还包括A安全需要B尊重需要C自我实现需要D社会需要26.手中持有股票,预计未来将下跌,问应采取那种方式保值A看跌期权多头保值B看涨期权多头保值C股指期权多头保值D股权期权空头保值27.福费廷的特点——A. 涉及金额小,浮动利率B.金额大,浮动利率C.金额小,固定利率D.金额大,浮动利率28.市场如果是弱势有效的话,它反映了什么信息?A. 反映了所有公开信息B?、C.仅反映了历史交易信息和交易量中隐藏的信息D29.M是一银行的理财经理,他所接待的下列客户中风险承受能力最大的是:A.王大妈,能承受20%本金损失B. 某某喜欢炒股,赚了高兴赔了睡不着觉。
31.一国对进口电视机和显像管的关税率分别为20%和10%,显像管的价值一般占到电视机的40%,问该国对国内电视机的保护率是多少26.7% (因为我选的这个选项其他的不记得)32.关于集团劳动合同的说法中正确的是:A.自合同签订起生效B.自合同拟定经工会批准后生效C. 集体劳动合同拟定报公司后15日之内没有异议后则生效D. 。
30之后33.下列哪些可以计入当年GDP:A,古董车翻新整修的费用B,新发动机替换旧发动机C. 当年生产的新汽车D。
34.未经委托人同意,代收银行根据付款人T/R提前借单申请对付款人交单,结果最后没能收到款项,应该有谁负责?A委托人B代收行C托收行D付款人票据流通中,有四个背书人甲乙丙丁,后来发现票据的金额是变造的,经过鉴定发现,甲乙都是在变造前签章,丁是在变造后签章,无法确定丙的签章是在变造前还是变造后,问最终应该谁负责选项不清对不住大家了36.哪些是2004年《新巴塞尔协议》新提出的——A. 资本分为核心资本和附属资本B. 信用风险的内部评级法C. 表外纳入表内监督、D?37.若某银行买入外汇少于卖出外汇则成为A升水B空头C?D?38.某人买到某债券,票面利率为6%,利息每年一付,连续10年,到期还本1000美元,问该债券的内在价值:A 1600B 1200C 1410D100039.某银行员工在怀孕期间贪污舞弊,造成银行巨大损失,问对其劳动合同:A。
若契税为1%,则乙应缴纳多少契税A?B 7000C3WD1W更多关于中国银行2011校园招聘求职相关资料,请访问中国银行校园招聘官方讨论区:/本文原创来源:互联网声明:本文档相关资讯为大街网()总结整理,来源于互联网,免费提供分享给广大网友,请不要用于其它商业用途。