
(4)冲洗器:690×350 。

文字人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人500,二人800,四人900,五人1100,六人1100-1250,八人1300,十人l500,十二人1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850,四人1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—19005、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子) 窗台高800—12007、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:1000。

人体工程学一般尺寸体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)人体工程学尺寸在装饰工程设计时,必然要考虑室内空间、家具陈设等与人体尺度的关系问题,为了方便装饰室内设计,这里介绍一些常用的尺寸数据。
2.餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790mm。
(2) 餐椅高;450—500mm。
(3) 圆桌直径:二人500mm.二人800mm,四人900mm,五人1100mm,六人1100-1250mm,八人1300mm,十人l500mm,十二人1800mm。
(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850(mm),四人1350×850(mm),八人2250×850(mm),(5) 餐桌转盘直径;700—800mm。
(6) 主通道宽:1200—1300mm。
(7) 酒吧台高:900—l050mm,宽500mm。
(8) 酒吧凳高;600一750mm。
营业员货柜台:厚600mm,高:800—l 000mm。

《人体工程学尺寸》文字人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:.5 女:.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人500,二人800,四人900,五人1100,六人1100-1250,八人1300,十人l500,十二人1800(4) 餐桌尺寸:二人700×850,四人1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平米,中:16—18平米,小:16平米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—19005、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100 (6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子)窗台高800—12007、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:1000教育之通病是教用脑的人不用手,不教用手的人用脑,所以一无所能。

人体工程学尺寸参考人体工程学尺寸参考文字人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人500,二人800,四人900,五人1100,六人1100-1250,八人1300,十人l500,十二人1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人 700×850,四人 1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽 600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—19005、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子)窗台高800—12007、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照。

新晨设计培训人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人500,二人800,四人900,五人1100,六人1100-1250,八人1300,十人l500,十二人1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850,四人1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:20003、双边三人走道宽:23004、双边四人走道宽:30005、营业员柜台走道宽:8006、营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l0007、单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—23008、双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400 (6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽600一800 高350—400 背高1000 (8)衣架高:1700—1900 5、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子) 窗台高800—1200 7、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:1000 8、办公家具(1)办公桌:长1200—1600 宽:500—650 高700—800(2)办公椅:高400—450 长×宽450×450 (3)沙发:宽600—800 高350—400 背面1000 (4)茶几:前置型:900×400×400(高) 中心型:900 × 900×400、700×700×400;左右型:600×400×400 (5)书柜:高:1800,宽:1200—1500;深:450—500(6)书架:高1800 宽1000—1300 深350—45093。

人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人 500,三人 800,四人 900,五人1100,六人 1100-1250,八人 1300,十人 l500,十二人 1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人 700×850,四人 1350×850,八人 2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽 600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—19005、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子) 窗台高800—12007、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:10008、办公家具(1)办公桌:长1200—1600 宽:500—650 高700—800(2)办公椅:高400—450 长×宽 450×450 (3)沙发:宽600—800 高350—400 背面1000 (4)茶几:前置型:900×400×400(高) 中心型:900 × 900×400、700×700×400;左右型:600×400×400 (5)书柜:高:1800,宽:1200—1500;深:450—500(6)书架:高1800 宽1000—1300 深350—450人体工程学是室内设计中必不可少的一门专业知识,了解人体工程学可以使装修设计尺寸更符合人们的曰常行为和需要。

图1 BIFMA指南中使用的人体工程学尺寸明细尺寸BIFMA指南数据ALLSTEEL椅子数据坐垫高度A膝盖内侧高度+足部空间””“”座深B 臀部到膝盖内侧长度+所需空间≤”(固定座背椅子);包含“(可调节椅子)“”坐垫宽度C坐姿臀部宽度+衣物厚度≥18““椅背高度D无≥““椅背宽度E腰部宽度““椅背腰靠F无最常用“”(坐垫内外)调整范围适应背高,自动调节技术扶手高度G手肘高度“”“”““扶手长度H无无“扶手间距I 坐姿臀部宽度+衣物厚度18“(固定座背的椅子)包含18”(可调节的椅子)“”椅子数据尺寸ZODY IMPROVHE/TAGX99LOOK坐垫高度15””X X X x 坐垫深度调节<”X X X X 坐垫宽度>18“X X X x 坐垫角度调节0°-4°X X X X 坐垫前沿“流水型”设计要求有X X X x 椅背最低倾仰角度(至少可向前调整10°,向后调整15°)>10°X X X X 椅背高度>“X X X X 椅背宽度>“X X X X 扶手长度>6“X X X X 扶手宽度>2“X X X X。

人体工程学尺寸人体工程学一般尺寸体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)人体工程学尺寸在装饰工程设计时,必然要考虑室内空间、家具陈设等与人体尺度的关系问题,为了方便装饰室内设计,这里介绍一些常用的尺寸数据。
2.餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790mm。
(2) 餐椅高;450—500mm。
(3) 圆桌直径:二人500mm.二人800mm,四人900mm,五人1100mm,六人1100-1250mm,八人1300mm,十人l500mm,十二人1800mm。
(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850(mm),四人1350×850(mm),八人2250×850(mm),(5) 餐桌转盘直径;700—800mm。
(6) 主通道宽:1200—1300mm。
(7) 酒吧台高:900—l050mm,宽500mm。
(8) 酒吧凳高;600一750mm。
营业员货柜台:厚600mm,高:800—l 000mm。
人体工程学的尺寸参考 用

人体工程学的尺寸参考人体尺寸:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人 500,三人 800,四人 900,五人1100,六人 1100-1250,八人 1300,十人 l500,十二人 1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850,四人1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽 600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—19005、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350 (4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410(6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100 (6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子);窗台高800—12007、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:10008、办公家具(1)办公桌:长1200—1600 宽:500—650 高700—800(2)办公椅:高400—450 长×宽450×450(3)沙发:宽600—800 高350—400 背面1000(4)茶几:前置型:900×400×400(高) 中心型:900 ×900×400、700×700×400;左右型:600×400×400(5)书柜:高:1800,宽:1200—1500;深:450—500(6)书架:高1800 宽1000—1300 深350—450人体工程学是室内设计中必不可少的一门专业知识,了解人体工程学可以使装修设计尺寸更符合人们的曰常行为和需要。

人体工程学尺寸参考Weight: (male: 68.9 female: 56.7)Height: (male: 173.5 female: 159.8)The height of the hips to the top of the head: (male: 90.7 female: 84.8)Width of two elbows: (male: 41.9 female: 38.4)The height of the brackets: (male: 24.1 female: 23.4)Height of position: (male: 14.5 female: 13.7)Position knee to ground level: (male: 54.4 female: 49.8)8, the length of the knee to the length of the leg: (male: 49.0 female: 48.0)(male: 35.6 female: 36.3)1, the size of the wall(1) the skirting board is high; 80-200 (2) skirt height:800-1500(3) wall hanging: 1600-1800 (center distance from the ground)2, restaurant(1) table height: 750-790(2) dining chairs: 450 to 500(3) round table diameter: two people 500, two people 800, four people 900, five people 1,100, six people 1,100 to 1,250, eight people 1,300, ten people l500, twelve people 1800(4) the size of the table: the two people are 700 by 850, four people 1350 by 850 and eight people 2250 by 850(5) table dial diameter: 700-800(6) table space: (the seats are 500) should be greater than 500(7) main channel width: 1200-1300Inner workings: 600-900(9) bar height: 900 - l050, wide 500(10) bar stools: 600, 7503, the shopping hall(1) unilateral double aisle width: 1600(2) two-sided walkway width: 2000(3) the three-way aisle is wide: 2300(4) the aisle is wide: 3000(5) the aisle is wide: 800(6) shop assistant counter: thick 600, high: 800 - l000(7) single back shelves: thick 300-500, high: 1800-2300(8) double back shelves; Thick: 600-800, high: 1800-2300(9) shop window: 500 -- 800, high: 400-1200(10) the display platform is high: 400-800(11) open shelves: 400-600(12) radio-style booths: 2000(13) cashier: 1600, width: 6004, hotel guest room(1) standard area: 25 square meters, medium: 16-18 square meters, small: 16 square meters(2) bed: 400-450 bed height: 850 to 950(3) bedside table: 500 to 700; Width: 500-800(4) desk: 1100-1500 wide 450-600 high 700-750(5) luggage desk: long 9l0-1070 wide 500 high 400(6) wardrobe: the width 800-1200 high 1600-2000 deep 500(7) the sofa: the width 600, 800 high 350-400 back 1000(8) height of hangers: 1700 to 1900Toilet (1) toilet area: 3-5 square metre(2) bath crock: the length usually has three kinds: 1220, 1520, 1680; 720; Height 450 (3) : 750 times 350(4) washers: 690x 350 (5) : 550 x 410 (6) shower height: 2100(7) dresser: 1,350 wide and 4506, traffic space(1) empty space on the stairwell: is equal to or greater than 2100(2) clearance of the runway: is equal to or greater than 2300(3) the corridor height: is equal to or greater than 2400(4) the width of a comprehensive corridor on both sides: equal to or greater than 2500 (5) stair rail height; 850-1100(6) the usual size of the door: the size of the 850-1000 (7) window; Wide 400-1800 (excluding composite Windows)Windowsill high 800-12007, lamps and lanterns (1) the big droplight minimum height: 2400 high wall lamp (2) : 1500-1800 (3) the minimum diameter of reflector lamp chamfer: equal to or greater than the tube diameter high double wall berth lamp (4) : 1200-1400 (5) lighting switch high: 10008, office furniture(1) desk: 1,2000-1600 wide: 5000-650 tall 700-800Office chair (2) : 400-400 * 450 * 450 (3) long sofa: width 600-800 350-400, 1000 (4) the tea table on the back, front type: 900 * 400 * 400 (high) center type: 900 * 900 * 900, 400 * 700 * 400; Left and right: 600 x 400 by 400 (5) bookcase: high: 1800, wide: 1200-1500; Deep: 450-500 (6) bookshelves: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5The basic dimensions of furniture designInterior:Wardrobe: depth: 60 ~ 65; Sliding door: 70, closet door width: 40 ~ 65Sliding door: 75 ~ 150, height: 190 ~ 240Low cabinet: depth: 35 ~ 45, cabinet door width: 30-60TV cabinet: depth: 45-60, height: 60-70Single bed: width: 90,105,120; Length: 180, 186,200, 210Double bed: width: 135,150, 180; A length of 180186200210 Circular bed: diameter: 186,212.5, 242.4 (commonly used) Indoor door: width: 80-95, hospital 120; Height: 190,200,210, 220240Toilet, kitchen door: width: 80,90; Height: 190200210Curtain box: height: 12-18; Depth: single layer cloth 12; Double cloth 16-18 (actual size)Sofa: single: length: 80-95, depth: 85-90; Seat height: 35-42; Back high: 70-902 pairs: length: 126-150; Depth: 80-90Three: length: 175-196; Depth: 80-90Four: length: 232-252; Depth of 80-90Tea table: small, rectangle: 60-75, 45-60 width, 38-50 (38 best)Medium, rectangle: length 120-135; The width is 38-50 or 60-75 Square: 75 to 90, 43-50Large, rectangular: 150-180, 60-80, 33-42 (best of 33)Round: 75,90,105,120; Height: 33-42Square: width 90,105,120,135,150; At 33-42Desk: fixed: depth 45-70 (60 best), height 75Activity type: depth 65-80, height 75-78The lower margin of the desk is at least 58; Length: at least 90 (150-180)Table: height 75-78 (general), western-style height 68-72, average square table width 120,90,75;The long square table is 80,90,105,120. The length is150,165,180,210,240Round table: 90,120,135,150,180Bookshelf: depth 25-40 (per frame), length: 60-120; The lower part of the lower scale is 35 minus 45, which is 80 to 90Unroofed high cabinet: depth 45, height 180-200Wooden cubicle walls: 6-10; Interior Angle: length (45-60) * 90-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Basic dimensions of furniture design (unit: centimeter)Wardrobe: depth: 60 ~ 65; Sliding door: 70, closet door width: 40 ~ 65Sliding door: 75 ~ 150, height: 190 ~ 240Low cabinet: depth: 35 ~ 45, cabinet door width: 30-60TV cabinet: depth: 45-60, height: 60-70Single bed: width: 90,105,120; Length: 180, 186,200, 210Double bed: width: 135,150, 180; A length of 180186200210Circular bed: diameter: 186,212.5, 242.4 (commonly used)Indoor door: width: 80-95, hospital 120; Height: 190,200, 210,220,240Toilet, kitchen door: width: 80,90; Height: 190200210Curtain box: height: 12-18; Depth: single layer cloth 12; Double cloth 16-18 (actual size)Sofa: single: length: 80-95, depth: 85-90; Seat height: 35-42;Back high: 70-902 pairs: length: 126-150; Depth: 80-90Three: length: 175-196; Depth: 80-90Four: length: 232-252; Depth of 80-90Tea table: small, rectangle: 60-75, 45-60 width, 38-50 (38 best)Medium, rectangle: length 120-135; The width is 38-50 or 60-75Square: 75 to 90, 43-50Large, rectangular: 150-180, 60-80, 33-42 (best of 33)Round: 75,90,105,120; Height: 33-42Square: width 90,105,120,135,150; At 33-42Desk: fixed: depth 45-70 (60 best), height 75Activity type: depth 65-80, height 75-78The lower margin of the desk is at least 58; Length: at least 90 (150-180)Table: height 75-78 (general), western-style height 68-72, average square table width 120,90,75;The long square table is 80,90,105,120. The length is150,165,180,210,240Round table: 90,120,135,150,180Bookshelf: depth 25-40 (per frame), length: 60-120; The lower part of the lower scale is 35 minus 45, which is 80 to 90Unroofed high cabinet: depth 45, height 180-200Wooden cubicle walls: 6-10; Interior Angle: length (45-60) * 90Indoor common size:1, the size of the wall(1) the skirting board is high; 80-200 mm.(2) wall skirt height: 800-1500mm.(3) the line is high: 1600 to 1800 (the center is above ground level) mm.2. The restaurant(1) table height: 750-790mm.(2) the dining chair is tall; 450-500 mm.(3) the round table diameter: two people 500mm. Two people 800mm,four people 900mm, five people 1100mm, six people 1,100 to 1250mm, eight people 1300mm, ten people l500mm, twelve people 1800mm.(4) the size of the table: the two people are 700 x 850 (mm), four people 1350 x 850 (mm), eight people 2250 x 850 (mm),(5) the diameter of table rotary table; 700-800 mm.Table space: (the seats are 500mm) should be greater than 500mm.(7) main channel width: 1200-1300mm.Inner workings width: 600-900mm.(9) bar height: 900-l050mm, wide 500mm.(10) high bar stools; 600 a 750 mm.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Home size memoIn the construction siteThe standard red brick 23 * 11 * 6;The standard entrance door is 0.9 meters by 2 meters,The room door is 0.9 meters by 2 meters,The kitchen door is 0.8 meters by 2 meters,The toilet door is 0.7 meters by 2 meters,Standard cement 50kg/bag.In the kitchenWhat is the distance between the condole and the console?60 centimeters.From the console to the bottom of the condole, you should ensure the distance. This way, you can also put small household appliances in the cabinet while you can easily cook.2. The two sides opposite the wall in the kitchen was placed under the condition of all kinds of furniture and appliances, middle should leave how much distance will not affect the housework in the kitchen?120 cm.In order to be able to open the cabinet door of two sides of furniture conveniently, make sure to make sure to leave at least such distance.150 cm.This distance ensures that the door is open on both sides of the door and a person stands in the middle.If you want to sit comfortably around the breakfast table, what is the proper height of the stool?80 cm.For a 110cm breakfast table, this is the ideal height for a stool around it. Because there is a 30-centimeter space between the desktop and the stool to allow your legs to move.Where should the condole be in?145 to 150 centimeters.This height allows you to open the door of the cabinet without the need for a foot tip.In the restaurantHow big is a table for six people?120 cm.This is the diameter of the round table.140 times 70 centimeters.This is the size requirement for rectangles and ellipses.How far is the table from the wall?80 cm.This distance is the minimum distance that includes pulling the chair out and making it easy for the person to eat.How large is the area of a square table with a diagonal to the wall?180 times 180 square centimetersThis is the smallest area of a square table, which is 90 centimetres in length and is about 40cm from the wall.What is the standard height of the table?72 cm.This is the medium height of the table, and the chair is usually 45 centimeters high.What is the area of a table for six people?300 times 300 centimeters.There needs to be room for a 120-centimeter-diameter table, and a room for people to eat around the table. The plan is suitable for the large living room, which is at least 600 * 350 cm.What is the best distance between the chandelier and the desktop?70 cm.This is the ideal distance to make the table complete and uniform.In the bathroomHow large is the bathroom appliance?The general area of the toilet: 37cm by 60cmThe size of a suspended or cylindrical lavatory may be taken up: 70cm by 60cmThe area of the square shower room: 80cm by 80cmThe standard area of bathtub: 160cm by 70cmHow far is the distance between the bathtub and the opposite wall?100 cm. It's a reasonable distance to be around. Even if the bathroom is very narrow, you should leave room for walking in the bathtub. In any case, there should be at least 60cm of space between the bathtub and other walls or items.How much space do you need to install a sink and make it easyto use?Ninety centimetres by 105 centimeters. This size applies to a medium size sink, and can allow another person to wash in the area.How many distances should be reserved between two hand cleaners?20 centimeters. This distance is between the toilet and the sink, or the distance between the clean and the wall.How long should the relative placement of the tub and toilet be maintained?60 centimeters. This is the minimum distance that can be passed from the center, so a toilet that can be arranged in a bathtub and toilet should be at least 180 centimetres wide.If you want to install the next bathtub on the side wall, how wide should the bathroom be?180 cm. This distance is perfect for a traditional bathtub. If the bathroom is too narrow, consider installing a small seat tub.How high is the mirror? 135 cm. This height makes the mirror face to face.In the bedroomWhat is the standard area for a two-person master bedroom?Twelve square meterA couple's bedroom can't be smaller than this one. In addition to bed besides bed, still can put a closets of double open (120 * 60cm) and two bedside cabinet. You can put a larger wardrobe in a 3 by 4.5 meter room; Or choose a smaller double bed and choose between a drawer and a desk. You can choose a wardrobe in your closet.2 if you put your bed in a corner, how much room should you leave?360 * 360 cmThis is suitable for the large bedroom arrangement method, can according to the size of the corner of the wall in the corner of the head of the bed to visit a storage locker.How far is the distance between two beds?90 cm.Apart from being able to put two nightstands aside, two beds should allow two people to move freely. And of course the outside of the bed is no exception,This is convenient to clean the floor and organize bedding.If the wardrobe is placed on the opposite side of the bed, what is the distance between the two pieces of furniture?Ninety centimetersThis distance is for the convenience of opening the cupboard door without being tripped over the bedHow high should the wardrobe be?240 cm.This size allows you to put down long clothes (160cm) in your closet and allow space (80 centimeters) to be placed in the upper part of the wardrobe.How big should a wall be if you want to have a double bed, two nightstand, and the side of the wardrobe?420 * 420 cmThe metope of this size can be put down a double bed for 160 cm wide, and side width is 60 centimeters of chest, also includes the activity space on either side of the bed (on both sides of the 60-70 cm), as well as the cupboard door open space occupied (60 cm). If the wardrobe USES a door, the wall only needs 360 centimeters wide enoughIn the living roomWhat is the right distance between a couch and a tea table in front of it?A rectangular tea table (130 * 70 * 45cm) in front of a changsha hair (240 * 90 * 75 cm) is very comfortable. The ideal distance between the two should be that allow you to a person through at the same time, easy to use, that is to say, don't have to stand up you can easily get the cup on the table or a magazine.What is the minimum size for a large unit that can put a TV set?200 times 50 times 180 centimetersThis type of furniture is usually made up of squares of different sizes, and the higher part is suitable for books, and the thickness of the cabinet is at least 30 centimetres. The lower part of the cabinet is at least 50cm thick. At the same time, the height of the unit and the width of the wall should be considered in coordination with the area of the wall.If you put on a sofa for three or four people, how much tea should you choose?140 times 70 times 45 centimetersIn the large volume of sofa or two couch together, coffee table is a very good choice, best height and the position of the sofa cushion flat.What distance should be reserved between the armchair and the TV set?This refers to the shortest distance between a 25-inch TV and a sofa or a couch. In addition, the cabinet of the cabinet that puts the TV set should be between 40 centimeters and 120 centimeters, so that the audience maintains the correct sitting position.What is the ideal size for tea on the edge of the sofa?Square: 70 * 70 * 60 tall centimeters.Oval: 70 * 60 tall centimeters.On the edge of the sofa in the coffee table should have a desktop is not particularly big, but to choose that higher type, so even while sitting can comfortable and convenient to take things to the table.How much space do you need for two face-to-face couches and tea table in the middle?The two tandem sofa (size 160 * 90 * 80 cm) and tea table (100 * 60 * 45 cm) should be 30 centimeters apart.How tall is the back of a couch or an armchair?85 to 90 centimeters.This height can be placed completely on the back of the back, allowing your neck to be fully relaxed. If the back and armrestof the sofa is too low, suggest you add a cushion to obtain comfortable. If the space is not particularly spacious, the sofa should be placed against the wall.If the living room is in the middle of the room and wants to set aside an aisle, how wide should the aisle be?100 to 120 centimeters.The space in the aisle should allow two adults to walk past without colliding.Usually give each person 60 centimeters of width.What is the minimum distance between the two diagonally arranged couches?10 centimeters.If you don't need an aisle seat, this will allow you to have another tea table.。

人体工程学尺寸参考:1、体重:(男:68.9 女:56.7)2、身高:(男:173.5 女:159.8)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:90.7 女:84.8)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:41.9 女:38.4)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:24.1 女:23.4)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:14.5 女:13.7)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:54.4 女:49.8)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:49.0 女:48.0)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:35.6 女:36.3)1、墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(3)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)2、餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人500,二人800,四人900,五人1100,六人1100-1250,八人1300,十人l500,十二人1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人700×850,四人1350×850,八人2250×850(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800(6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一7503、商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:6004、饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400 (6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽600一800 高350—400 背高1000 (8)衣架高:1700—1900 5、卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720;高450(3)坐便:750×350(4)冲洗器:690×350 (5)盟洗盆:550×410 (6)淋浴器高:2100(7)化妆台:长1350 宽4506、交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(6)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子) 窗台高800—1200 7、灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:1000 8、办公家具(1)办公桌:长1200—1600 宽:500—650 高700—800(2)办公椅:高400—450 长×宽450×450 (3)沙发:宽600—800 高350—400 背面1000 (4)茶几:前置型:900×400×400(高) 中心型:900 × 900×400、700×700×400;左右型:600×400×400 (5)书柜:高:1800,宽:1200—1500;深:450—500(6)书架:高1800 宽1000—1300 深350—45093。

人体工程学尺寸参考1、体重:(男:女:)2、身高:(男:女:)3、座直臀至头顶的高度:(男:女:)4、两肘间的宽度:(男:女:)5、肘下支撑物的高度:(男:女:)6、座姿大腿的高度:(男:女:)7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度:(男:女:)8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度:(男:女:)9、坐姿臀宽:(男:女:)墙面尺寸(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高:800—1500(2)挂镜线高:1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)餐厅(1) 餐桌高:750—790(2) 餐椅高:450—500(3) 圆桌直径:二人 500,二人 800,四人 900,五人1100,六人 1100-1250,八人 1300,十人 l500,十二人 1800(4) 方餐桌尺寸:二人 700?50,四人 1350?50,八人 2250?50(5) 餐桌转盘直径:700—800 (6)餐桌间距:(其中座椅占500)应大于500(7) 主通道宽:1200—1300 (8)内部工作道宽:600—900(9) 酒吧台高:900—l050,宽500(10) 酒吧凳高:600一750商场营业厅(1)单边双人走道宽:1600(2)双边双人走道宽:2000(3)双边三人走道宽:2300(4)双边四人走道宽:3000(5)营业员柜台走道宽:800(6)营业员货柜台:厚600,高:800—l000(7)单背立货架:厚300—500,高:1800—2300(8)双背立货架;厚:600—800,高:1800—2300(9)小商品橱窗:厚:500—800,高:400—1200(10)陈列地台高:400—800(11)敞开式货架:400—600(12)放射式售货架:直径2000(13)收款台:长:1600,宽:600饭店客房(1)标准面积:大:25平方米,中:16—18平方米,小:16平方米(2)床:高400—450 床背高:850—950(3)床头柜:高500—700;宽:500—800(4)写字台:长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750(5)行李台:长9l0—1070 宽500 高400(6)衣柜:宽800—1200 高1600—2000 深500(7)沙发:宽 600一800 高350—400 背高1000(8)衣架高:1700—1900卫生间(1)卫生间面积:3—5平方米(2)浴缸:长度一般有三种1220、1520、1680;宽720; 高450(3)坐便:750?50(3)冲洗器:690?50 (5)盟洗盆:550?10 (6)淋浴器高:2100(4)化妆台:长1350 宽450交通空间(1)楼梯间休息平台净空:等于或大于2100(2)楼梯跑道净空:等于或大于2300(3)客房走廊高:等于或大于2400(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度:等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手高;850—1100(5)门的常用尺寸:宽:850—1000(7)窗的常用尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子)窗台高800—1200灯具(1)大吊灯最小高度:2400(2)壁灯高:1500—1800(3)反光灯槽最小直径:等于或大于灯管直径两倍(4)壁式床头灯高:1200—1400(5)照明开关高:1000工地1、标准红砖23*11*6; 2、标准入户门洞米*2米,3、房间门洞米*2米,4、厨房门洞米*2米,5、卫生间门洞米*2米,6、标准水泥50kg/袋。
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1、体重: ( 男: 68.9 女: 56.7)
2、身高: ( 男: 173.5 女: 159.8)
3、座直臀至头顶的高度: ( 男: 90.7 女: 84.8)
4、两肘间的宽度: ( 男: 41.9 女: 38.4)
5、肘下支撑物的高度: ( 男: 24.1 女: 23.4)
6、座姿大腿的高度: ( 男: 14.5 女: 13.7)
7、座姿膝盖至地面的高度: ( 男: 54.4 女: 49.8)
8、坐姿臀部至腿弯的长度: ( 男: 49.0 女: 48.0)
9、坐姿臀宽: ( 男: 35.6 女: 36.3)
(1)踢脚板高;80—200(2)墙裙高: 800—1500
(2)挂镜线高: 1600—1800(画中心距地面高度)
(1) 餐桌高: 750—790
(2) 餐椅高: 450—500
(3) 圆桌直径: 二人 500, 二人 800, 四人 900, 五人1100, 六
人 1100-1250, 八人 1300, 十人 l500, 十二人 1800
(4) 方餐桌尺寸: 二人 700?50, 四人 1350?50, 八人 2250?50
(5) 餐桌转盘直径: 700—800
( 6) 餐桌间距: (其中座椅占500)应大于500
(7) 主通道宽: 1200—1300 ( 8) 内部工作道宽: 600—900
(9) 酒吧台高: 900—l050, 宽500
(10) 酒吧凳高: 600一750
(1)单边双人走道宽: 1600
(3)双边三人走道宽: 2300
(4)双边四人走道宽: 3000
(5)营业员柜台走道宽: 800
( 6) 营业员货柜台: 厚600, 高: 800—l000
(7)单背立货架: 厚300—500, 高: 1800—2300
( 8) 双背立货架;厚: 600—800, 高: 1800—2300
(9)小商品橱窗: 厚: 500—800, 高: 400—1200
(10)陈列地台高: 400—800
(11)敞开式货架: 400—600
(12)放射式售货架: 直径
(13)收款台: 长: 1600, 宽: 600
(1)标准面积: 大: 25平方米, 中: 16—18平方米, 小: 16平方米
(2)床: 高400—450 床背高: 850—950
(3)床头柜: 高500—700;宽: 500—800
(4)写字台: 长1100—1500 宽450—600 高700—750
(5)行李台: 长9l0—1070 宽500 高400
( 6) 衣柜: 宽800—1200 高1600—深500
(7)沙发: 宽 600一800 高350—400 背高1000
( 8) 衣架高: 1700—1900
(1)卫生间面积: 3—5平方米
(2)浴缸: 长度一般有三种1220、 1520、 1680;宽720; 高450(3)坐便: 750?50
(3)冲洗器: 690?50 (5)盟洗盆: 550?10 ( 6) 淋浴器高: 2100
(4)化妆台: 长1350 宽450
(1)楼梯间休息平台净空: 等于或大于2100
(2)楼梯跑道净空: 等于或大于2300
(3)客房走廊高: 等于或大于2400
(4)两侧设座的综合式走廊宽度: 等于或大于2500(5)楼梯扶手
( 5) 门的常见尺寸: 宽: 850—1000(7)窗的常见尺寸;宽400—1800 (不包括组合式窗子)
(1)大吊灯最小高度: 2400
(2)壁灯高: 1500—1800
(3)反光灯槽最小直径: 等于或大于灯管直径两倍
(4)壁式床头灯高: 1200—1400(5)照明开关高: 1000
从操作台到吊柜的底部, 您应该确保这个距离。
这样, 在您能够方便烹饪的同时, 还能够在吊柜里放一些小型家用电器。
2.在厨房两面相正确墙边都摆放各种家具和电器的情况下, 中间应该留多大的距离才不会影响在厨房里做家务? 120厘米。
为了能方便地打开两边家具的柜门, 就一定要保证至少留出这样的距离。
这样的距离就能够保证在两边柜门都打开的情况下, 中间再站一个人。
3.要想舒服地坐在早餐桌的周围, 凳子的合适高度应该是多少?