
一年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Glad to see you all againLesson 4 北京版教学内容:本课是一年级下册英语北京版教材Unit 1的第四课时,教学内容主要围绕日常问候和介绍自己展开。
教学目标:1. 学生能够听懂并准确发音本课所学的单词和短语。
2. 学生能够运用所学句型进行自我介绍和问候他人。
3. 学生能够理解并运用日常英语进行基本的交流。
教学难点:1. 单词和短语的发音准确性。
2. 句型的正确运用和语法准确性。
3. 学生的听说能力和口语表达能力。
教具学具准备:1. 教材和教学课件。
2. 录音机或音响设备。
3. 学生自己的名字卡片。
4. 彩色卡片或小道具用于角色扮演。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过播放英语歌曲或进行简单的英语问候活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 新课内容呈现:通过教材和教学课件,向学生展示本课的重点单词和短语,并引导学生进行跟读和模仿。
3. 句型练习:通过角色扮演和小组活动,让学生运用所学句型进行自我介绍和问候他人的练习。
4. 听力训练:播放教材中的听力材料,让学生听懂并回答相关问题,提高学生的听力理解能力。
5. 课堂互动:通过问答、游戏和竞赛等形式,激发学生的参与意识和积极性,巩固所学知识。
板书设计:1. 在黑板上列出本课的重点单词和短语,并标注其发音和中文意思。
2. 在黑板上展示本课的句型,并标注其语法结构和用法。
3. 用彩色粉笔或卡片将重点内容突出显示,增加学生的记忆和理解。
作业设计:1. 听力作业:让学生听教材中的听力材料,并完成相关练习。
2. 口语作业:让学生运用所学句型进行自我介绍和问候他人的练习,并进行录音或口述给家长听。
3. 写作作业:让学生用英语写一段自我介绍,包括自己的名字、年龄、喜好等基本信息。

北京版一年级下英语电子课本(1-14)Lesson 1Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again. Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too!Nice to see you again,boys and girls. Nice to see you, Miss Wang.A for appleB for banana.Red is the Apple,Yellow is the banana.Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum. Nice to meet you, Auntie.Nice to meet you , too.This is our classroom, Mum.It’s nice.Yes, I like it.C for cow,D for duck.Cows and ducksLive in farms.Lesson 3 Look , Mum!This is my desk.It’s nice . I Iike it.I li ke the blackboard. It’s big .I like the eraser. It’s cute.Eggs , eggs, eggs,The elephant is Picking up eggs.Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again. Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too .I like the cup . It’s big.I like the eraser . It’s cute.Please turn to page 6.Let’s read the words.Lesson 5What do you do in the morning, Maomao?I go to school. I like school.Good boy!What do you do in the morning , Lala?I go to the park. I like parks.Bye-bye!F for fox,G for grapes.The fox says Sour grapes.Lesson 6What do you do in the afternoon, Guoguo?I have PE.What do you do in the afternoon, Kate?I go fishing.H for head,H for hair.He has black hair.Lesson 7What do you do in the evening , Birdie?I watch cartoons.What do you do in the evening?I play games.I for ice cream,J for juice.Ice cream is sweet,So is juice.Lesson 8What do you do in the morning , Lingling?I go to school.What do you do in the afternoon , Doudou?I go fishing.What do you do in the evening, Lucy?I play games.Who can answer this question?Let me try.Louder , Please!Lesson 9What colour is your ball?It’s white.What colour is your bag,Lingling? It’s yellow.Mum what colour is your bag? it’s yellow.L for lion,K for king.They call meThe Lion King.Lesson 10 Do you like this umbrella?Oh! It’s orange. I like it.Do you like that car? It’s blue. No. I like this black car.M for monkey,N for net.The monkey isFishing with a net.Lesson 11 Do you like my yo-yo?Oh! It’s green. I like it.Guess! What colour is my kite?Is’s red.Yes, you’re right.Oil , oil , orange,Orange , orange , oil.you see an orangeBeside the oil.Lesson 12What colour is your bag, Lingling?it’s red.Do you like that bag, Doudou?Oh ! It’s yellow. I like it.Who is on duty today?I am.Who can tell me the answer?I can!Lesson 13How many apples do you have?Let me count. One ,two, three. I have three apples. How many potatoes do you have?I have four potatoes.P for peach,Q for queen.A peach for each,And one for the queen.Lesson 14How many birds can you see?I can see one, two, three, four, five, six, six birds! How many stars can you seeI can see seven stars.R for river,S for snake.Near the river,You see a snake.。

北京版小学英语教材(一年级下册)Unit4How many stars can you see?——Lesson 15北京市顺义区建新小学刘媛董琦刘丹101300一、教学背景分析教学内容分析:本单元的话题是谈论看到的物品数量及自己拥有的物品数量。
在前两个课时中已经学习了新的交际用语“How many …do you have? I have…,How many…can you see? I can see…以及数词one~seven ”来谈论物品的数量;在本课Listen and say板块中Guoguo来到农场,想了解农民叔叔拥有的奶牛数量及农民叔叔想知道Guoguo看到的鸭子数量的情景呈现自然的复现了前两课学习的句型,此时重点应放在用引导学生在情景中理解区分这两个询问物品数量的日常用语的不同含义以及用数词 eight,nine, ten表达物品的数量上。
学生经过前两课的学习已经能够用本单元主要句型“How many …do you have? I have…,How many…can you see? I can see…?”来询问看到的物品数量并能做出相应的回答。
二、教学目标1.能在真实的语境中运用句型“How many …do you have? I have…,How many…canyou see? I can see…?”谈论物品数量,并作出相应的回答。
3.能正确认读和书写字母Tt的大小写形式,并感受字母Tt在单词a tiger, a tire中的发音/t/。
4.能听懂、会说并认读单词a tiger, a tire。
三、教学重难点教学重点:1.能在真实的语境中运用句型“How many …do you have? I have…,How many…canyou see? I can see…?”谈论物品数量,并作出相应的回答。

一年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Glad to see you all againLesson 2 北京版教学内容:本节课为北京版一年级下册英语Unit 1的第二课时,教学内容主要包括问候语、自我介绍、表达高兴的情感以及描述天气。
教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本节课的单词和句子,掌握问候语、自我介绍、表达高兴的情感以及描述天气的词汇和句型。
2. 语言技能目标:学生能够运用所学英语进行日常问候,表达自己对见到同学和老师的喜悦之情,同时能够简单描述天气情况。
3. 情感态度目标:培养学生积极的学习态度,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生与他人交流的自信心。
教学难点:1. 学生能够正确运用所学词汇和句型进行真实情境的交流。
2. 学生能够理解并运用本节课的重点词汇和句型描述天气情况。
教具学具准备:1. 教师准备PPT、图片、卡片等教学辅助材料。
2. 学生准备英语课本、练习册、笔等学习用品。
教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过播放与本节课内容相关的歌曲或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生进入英语学习状态。
2. 新课呈现:教师通过PPT、图片等教学辅助材料,展示本节课的重点词汇和句型,引导学生跟读、模仿,并进行角色扮演。
3. 实践活动:学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学英语进行日常问候,表达自己对见到同学和老师的喜悦之情,同时描述天气情况。
4. 巩固提高:教师设计相关的练习题,帮助学生巩固所学知识,提高学生的英语运用能力。
板书设计:1. 本节课的重点词汇和句型。
2. 问候语、自我介绍、表达高兴的情感以及描述天气的示例。
作业设计:1. 听力练习:学生听录音,完成与本节课内容相关的听力练习。
2. 口语练习:学生运用所学英语进行日常问候,表达自己对见到同学和老师的喜悦之情,同时描述天气情况。

北京版一年级下英语电子课本(1-14)Lesson 1Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again. Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too!Nice to see you again,boys and girls. Nice to see you, Miss Wang.A for appleB for banana.Red is the Apple,Yellow is the banana.Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum. Nice to meet you, Auntie.Nice to meet you , too.This is our classroom, Mum.It’s nice.Yes, I like it.C for cow,D for duck.Cows and ducksLive in farms.Lesson 3 Look , Mum!This is my desk.It’s nice . I Iike it.I like the blackboard. It’s b ig .I like the eraser. It’s cute.Eggs , eggs, eggs,The elephant is Picking up eggs.Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again. Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too .I like the cup . It’s big.I like the eraser . It’s cute.Please turn to page 6.Let’s read the words.Lesson 5What do you do in the morning, Maomao?I go to school. I like school.Good boy!What do you do in the morning , Lala?I go to the park. I like parks.Bye-bye!F for fox,G for grapes.The fox says Sour grapes.Lesson 6What do you do in the afternoon, Guoguo?I have PE.What do you do in the afternoon, Kate?I go fishing.H for head,H for hair.He has black hair.Lesson 7What do you do in the evening , Birdie?I watch cartoons.What do you do in the evening?I play games.I for ice cream,J for juice.Ice cream is sweet,So is juice.Lesson 8What do you do in the morning , Lingling?I go to school.What do you do in the afternoon , Doudou?I go fishing.What do you do in the evening, Lucy?I play games.Who can answer this question?Let me try.Louder , Please!Lesson 9What colour is your ball?It’s white.What colour is your bag,Lingling? It’s yellow.Mum what colour is your bag? it’s yellow.L for lion,K for king.They call meThe Lion King.Lesson 10 Do you like this umbrella?Oh! It’s orange. I like it.Do you like that car? It’s blue. No. I like this black car. M for monkey,N for net.The monkey isFishing with a net.Lesson 11 Do you like my yo-yo?Oh! It’s green. I like it.。
北京版小学英语一年级下册Lesson 1(课堂PPT)

English Study
---- some advice for every student
如何学好英语 how to learn English well
• 听 Listening:多听光盘、看原版动画片 • 说 speaking:多背课文和同学练习对话 • 读 reading: 多读课文,听光盘跟读课文 • 写 writing: 默写单词
a ball
bag dad Aa
bag beabredd
Bb bike
box book
Welcome back To English Class!
Warm up
English is fun.
Why to learn English English cartoons
• 必带学习用具:笔、橡皮、 蓝笔、彩色铅笔uirements in my class
• 大胆说英语 • 上课前必须准备好课本和学习用品 • 眼睛看老师,耳朵认真听,小手放桌上,发言
要举手。 • 发言声音要响亮,让全班听的见。 • 如同学或老师出现错误或有不同意见时,在对
Unit One Glad to see you again
Lesson 1
Singing Time
Listen and say
Hi, Lingling! Glad to see you again.
Hi, Maomao! Glad to see you, too!
Nice to see you again, boys and girls.

2.能听说、认读、理解单词a flag, a fox, a gift, grapes, a head, hair, ice, ice cream, jam, juice.。
2.能听说、认读、理解单词a cat, an apple, a banana, a ball, a cow, a duck, acap, a desk,an egg, an elephant。
1.能够认读、正确书写5个英文字母Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo,并在单词中感悟字母及字母组合的发音规律。
3.能听懂、会说有关询问和描述“物品颜色”的交际用语“What color is your…?”,“Is this/that a…”并能用“I have…”表达物品的颜色。

北京版小学英语一年级下册全册教案目录Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson1》 (2)Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson2》 (6)Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson5》 (11)Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson6》 (17)Unit2 What do you do?《Lesson 7》 (23)Unit3 What colour is your bag?《Lesson9》 (27)Unit3 What colour is your bag?《Lesson12》 (32)Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson13》 (37)Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson14》 (41)Unit4 How many stars can you see?《Lesson15》 (51)Unit5 Who’s he?《Lesson17》 (62)Unit5 Who’s he?《Lesson 18》 (70)Unit6 I’m sorry I’m late?《Lesson 21》 (78)Unit6 I’m sorry I’m late?《Lesson 23》 (94)Unit1 Glad to see you again 《Lesson1》Unit 1 He’s a doctor教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:doctor,driver,policeman,nurse,farmer.2.能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:He's a doctor. She's a driver.(二)能力目标:学生能口头运用“He's a doctor.”这类语句说明职业。

Lesson 1Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again. Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too!Nice to see you again,boys and girls. Nice to see you, Miss Wang.A for appleB for banana.Red is the Apple,Yellow is the banana.Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum. Nice to meet you, Auntie.Nice to meet you , too.This is our classroom, Mum.It’s nice.Yes, I like it.C for cow,D for duck.Cows and ducksLive in farms.Lesson 3 Look , Mum!This is my desk.It’s nice . I Iike it.I like the blackboard. It’s b ig .I like the eraser. It’s cute.Eggs , eggs, eggs,The elephant is Picking up eggs.Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again. Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too .I like the cup . It’s big.I like the eraser . It’s cute.Please turn to page 6.Let’s read the words.Lesson 5What do you do in the morning, Maomao?I go to school. I like school.Good boy!What do you do in the morning , Lala?I go to the park. I like parks.Bye-bye!F for fox,G for grapes.The fox says Sour grapes.Lesson 6What do you do in the afternoon, Guoguo?I have PE.What do you do in the afternoon, Kate?I go fishing.H for head,H for hair.He has black hair.Lesson 7What do you do in the evening , Birdie?I watch cartoons.What do you do in the evening?I play games.I for ice cream,J for juice.Ice cream is sweet,So is juice.Lesson 8What do you do in the morning , Lingling?I go to school.What do you do in the afternoon , Doudou?I go fishing.What do you do in the evening, Lucy?I play games.Who can answer this question?Let me try.Louder , Please!Lesson 9What colour is your ball?It’s white.What colour is your bag,Lingling? It’s yellow.Mum what colour is your bag? it’s yellow.L for lion,K for king.They call meThe Lion King.Lesson 10 Do you like this umbrella?Oh! It’s orange. I like it.Do you like that car? It’s blue. No. I like this black car.M for monkey,N for net.The monkey isFishing with a net.Lesson 11 Do you like my yo-yo?Oh! It’s green. I like it.Guess! What colour is my kite?Is’s red.Yes, you’re right.Oil , oil , orange,Orange , orange , oil.you see an orangeBeside the oil.Lesson 12What colour is your bag, Lingling?it’s red.Do you like that bag, Doudou?Oh ! It’s yellow. I like it.Who is on duty today?I am.Who can tell me the answer?I can!Lesson 13How many apples do you have?Let me count. One ,two, three. I have three apples. How many potatoes do you have?I have four potatoes.P for peach,Q for queen.A peach for each,And one for the queen.Lesson 14How many birds can you see?I can see one, two, three, four, five, six, six birds! How many stars can you seeI can see seven stars.R for river,S for snake.Near the river,You see a snake.。

Lesson 1Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again. Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too!Nice to see you again,boys and girls. Nice to see you, Miss Wang.A for appleB for banana.Red is the Apple,Yellow is the banana.Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum. Nice to meet you, Auntie.Nice to meet you , too.This is our classroom, Mum.It’s nice.Yes, I like it.C for cow,D for duck.Cows and ducksLive in farms.Lesson 3 Look , Mum!This is my desk.It’s nice . I Iike it.I like the blackboard. It’s b ig .I like the eraser. It’s cute.Eggs , eggs, eggs,The elephant is Picking up eggs.Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again. Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too .I like the cup . It’s big.I like the eraser . It’s cute.Please turn to page 6.Let’s read the words.Lesson 5What do you do in the morning, Maomao?I go to school. I like school.Good boy!What do you do in the morning , Lala?I go to the park. I like parks.Bye-bye!F for fox,G for grapes.The fox says Sour grapes.Lesson 6What do you do in the afternoon, Guoguo?I have PE.What do you do in the afternoon, Kate?I go fishing.H for head,H for hair.He has black hair.Lesson 7What do you do in the evening , Birdie?I watch cartoons.What do you do in the evening?I play games.I for ice cream,J for juice.Ice cream is sweet,So is juice.Lesson 8What do you do in the morning , Lingling?I go to school.What do you do in the afternoon , Doudou?I go fishing.What do you do in the evening, Lucy?I play games.Who can answer this question?Let me try.Louder , Please!Lesson 9What colour is your ball?It’s white.What colour is your bag,Lingling? It’s yellow.Mum what colour is your bag? it’s yellow.L for lion,K for king.They call meThe Lion King.Lesson 10 Do you like this umbrella?Oh! It’s orange. I like it.Do you like that car? It’s blue. No. I like this black car.M for monkey,N for net.The monkey isFishing with a net.Lesson 11 Do you like my yo-yo?Oh! It’s green. I like it.Guess! What colour is my kite?Is’s red.Yes, you’re right.Oil , oil , orange,Orange , orange , oil.you see an orangeBeside the oil.Lesson 12What colour is your bag, Lingling?it’s red.Do you like that bag, Doudou?Oh ! It’s yellow. I like it.Who is on duty today?I am.Who can tell me the answer?I can!Lesson 13How many apples do you have?Let me count. One ,two, three. I have three apples. How many potatoes do you have?I have four potatoes.P for peach,Q for queen.A peach for each,And one for the queen.Lesson 14How many birds can you see?I can see one, two, three, four, five, six, six birds! How many stars can you seeI can see seven stars.R for river,S for snake.Near the river,You see a snake.。

北京版一年级起点小学英语一年级下(英语单词表,带发音)PICTURE DICTIONARY 6cap英音 [kæp]美音 [kæp]n. 盖;帽子 vt. 覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于 vi. 脱帽致意head英音 [hed]美音 [hed]n. 头;头痛;上端;最前的部分;理解力 adj.头的;主要的;在顶端的 vt. 前进;用头顶…hair英音 [he ə(r)]美音 [her]n. 头发;毛发;些微 adj. 毛发的;护理毛发的;用毛发制成的 vt. 除去…的毛发 vi. 生长…uniform英音 [ˈju ːn ɪf ɔːm]美音 [ˈju ːn ɪf ɔːrm]n. 制服 adj. 统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的 vt. 使穿制服;使成一样nose英音 [n əʊz]美音 [no ʊz]n. 鼻子;嗅觉;突出的部分;探问 vt. 嗅;用鼻子触 vi. 小心探索着前进;探问vest英音 [vest]美音 [vest]n. 背心;汗衫 vt. 授予;使穿衣 vi. 归属;穿衣服window英音 [ˈw ɪnd əʊ]美音 [ˈw ɪndoʊ]n. 窗;窗口;窗户yard英音 [jɑːd]美音 [jɑːrd]n. 院子;码(英制中丈量长度单位,1码=3英尺);庭院;帆桁 vt. 把…关进或围在畜栏里wall英音 [wɔːl]美音 [w ɔːl]n. 墙壁,围墙;似墙之物 adj. 墙壁的 vt. 用墙围住,围以墙ball 英音 [b ɔːl]美音 [b ɔːl]n. 球;舞会 vt. 捏成球形 vi. 成团块van英音 [væn]美音 [væn]n. 先锋;厢式货车;增值网 vt. 用车搬运oil英音 [ɔɪl]美音 [ɔɪl]n. 油;石油;油画颜料 vt. 加油;涂油;使融化 vi. 融化;加燃油net英音 [net]美音 [net]n. 网;网络;净利;实价 vi. 编网 vt. 得到;净赚;用网捕 adj. 纯粹的;净余的banana 英音 [b əˈnɑːn ə]美音 [b əˈnæn ə]n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻ice cream 英音 [ˈa ɪs kri ːm]美音 [ˈa ɪs kri ːm]n. 【食】冰淇淋ice 英音 [a ɪs]美音 [a ɪs]n. 冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石 adj. 冰的vt. 冰镇;结冰 vi. 结冰orange 英音 [ˈɒr ɪnd ʒ]美音 [ˈɔr ɪnd ʒ]adj. 橙色的;橘色的 n. 橙;橙色;桔子jam 英音 [d ʒæm]美音 [d ʒæm]n. 果酱;拥挤;困境;扣篮 vt. 使堵塞;挤进,使塞满;混杂;压碎 vi. 堵塞;轧住apple 英音 [ˈæp(ə)l]美音 [ˈæpl]n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家…juice 英音 [d ʒu ːs]美音 [d ʒu ːs]n. (水果)汁,液;果汁peach 英音 [pi ːt ʃ]美音 [pi ːt ʃ]n. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物) adj. 桃色的;用桃子制成的 vt. 告发 vi.…grapes 英音 [ɡre ɪps]美音 [ɡre ɪps]n. [园艺] 葡萄(grape的复数)yogurt 英音 [ˈj ɒɡət]美音 [ˈjo ʊɡərt]n. 酸奶酪,[食品] 酸乳(等于yoghurt)zoo 英音 [zu ː]美音 [zu ː]n. 动物园; <美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车; <美俚>核粒子园tiger 英音 [ˈta ɪɡə(r)]美音 [ˈta ɪɡər]n. 老虎;凶暴的人panda 英音 [ˈpænd ə]美音 [ˈpænd ə]n. 熊猫;猫熊snake 英音 [sne ɪk]美音 [sne ɪk]n. 蛇;阴险的人 vt. 拉(木材等);迂回前进vi. 迂回前进elephant 英音 [ˈel ɪf ənt]n. 象;大号图画纸fox英音 [f ɒks]美音 [fɑːks]n. 狐狸;狡猾的人 vt. 欺骗;使变酸 vi. 假装;耍狡猾手段lion英音 [ˈla ɪən]美音 [ˈla ɪən]n. 狮子;名人;勇猛的人;社交场合的名流monkey英音 [ˈm ʌŋki]美音 [ˈm ʌŋki]n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄zebra英音 [ˈzebr ə]美音 [ˈzi ːbr ə]n. [脊椎] 斑马 adj. 有斑纹的sun 英音 [s ʌn]美音 [s ʌn]n. 太阳 vt. 使晒 vi. 晒太阳leaf英音 [li ːf]美音 [li ːf]n. 叶子;(书籍等的)一张;扇页 vi. 生叶;翻书页 vt. 翻…的页,匆匆翻阅king英音 [k ɪŋ]美音 [k ɪŋ]n. 国王;最有势力者;王棋 vi. 统治;做国王vt. 立…为王 adj. 主要的,最重要的,最大的park英音 [pɑːk]美音 [pɑːrk]n. 公园;[交] 停车场 vt. 停放;放置;寄存 vi.停放车辆gift 英音 [ɡɪft]美音 [ɡɪft]n. 礼物;天赋;赠品 vt. 赋予;向…赠送queen英音 [kwi ːn]美音 [kwi ːn]n. 女王,王后;(纸牌中的)皇后;(蜜蜂等的)蜂王 vt. 使…成为女王或王后 vi. 做女王river英音 [ˈr ɪv ə(r)]美音 [ˈr ɪv ər]n. 河,江ox英音 [ɒks]美音 [ɑːks]n. 牛;公牛duck英音 [d ʌk]美音 [d ʌk]n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 vi. 闪避;没入水中egg英音 [eɡ]美音 [eɡ]n. 蛋;卵子;家伙;鸡蛋 vt. 煽动;怂恿cow 英音 [ka ʊ]美音 [ka ʊ]n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽 vt. 威胁,恐吓rabbit英音 [ˈræb ɪt]n. 兔子,野兔 vt. 让…见鬼去吧 vi. 猎兔kitten英音 [ˈk ɪt(ə)n]美音 [ˈk ɪt(ə)n]n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫map英音 [mæp]美音 [mæp]vt. 映射;计划;绘制地图;确定基因在染色体中的位置 n. 地图;示意图;染色体图 vi. …flag英音 [flæɡ]美音 [flæɡ]n. 标志;旗子 vt. 标记;插旗 vi. 标记;衰退;枯萎desk英音 [desk]美音 [desk]n. 办公桌;服务台;编辑部;(美)讲道台;乐谱架 adj. 书桌的;桌上用的;伏案做的。

Unit 2 What do you do? Lesson 5
Warm up
Listen and Say
go to school
go to the park s
bird bike book box
beard bed bag
It’s nice.
It’s big.
It’s cute.
They are cute!
They are not cute!
Who is cute?
What do you do in the morning, Maomao?
I go to school. I like school.
Good boy!
Listen, repeat and trace
five 5
a girl
a flag
a gift
a fox
a flag

小学英语知识重点一、形容词性物主代词1、形容词性物主代词8个:My your his her its our your their我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的2、形容词性物主代词的特点:1)译成汉语都有"的" eg:my 我的 their 他们的2)后面加名词:eg:my backpack his name3)前后不用冠词 a an theThis is a my eraser(错误)That is your a pen(错误)Its his the pen(错误)3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he (物主代词)her we (物主代词) our注:在变物主代词时,把原题所给的词加上的,再译成单词就可以了。
二、名词性物主代词1、名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词一样有8个:Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的2、名词性物主代词的特点:1)译成汉语都有"的"2)后面不加名词3)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词Eg:1、the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen)小学英语必考知识一.动词be(is,am,are)的用法我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。
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初级中学初一年级第一学期期中测试 英 语 答 题 纸 第II 卷(共40分) 五、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 六、根据要求改写句子。
(共5题,每空0.5分,计5分) 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。
(共10题,每小题1分,计10分) 76. Jay Chou ________________________ Taiwan. 77. It’s _______________________ breakfast. 78. My classmate Su Miao _______________________ Maths. 79. I hope his dream can _________________________. 80. The boy often draws pictures ____________________________. 81. Li Lei is ________________________ school. 82. Suqian is ________________________ Shanghai. 83. There is on the wall in my bedroom. 84. Our classroom is in Science Building. 85. My mother very early to cook breakfast for me every morning.
班 级 姓 名 考 号
要求:1. 要点齐全,条理清楚,字迹工整;2. 进行合理的联想;3. 词数:70左右。
备注:可能用到的词汇:作家writer;歌手singer Hi, my name is Zhang Ran.
Do you want to make friends with me?。