



黄浦区2017学年度第一学期高二年级期终调研测试数学试卷考生注意:1.每位考生应同时收到试卷和答题卷两份材料,解答必须在答题卷上进行,写在试卷上的解答一律无效;2.答卷前,考生务必将姓名等相关信息在答题卷上填写清楚;3.本试卷共21道试题,满分100分;考试时间90分钟.一、填空题(本大题满分36分)本大题共有12题,考生应在答题卷的相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每题填对得3分,否则一律得零分.1.计算32lim 5n n n →∞+=-________. 【答案】3【解析】【分析】直接利用数列的极限的运算法则求解即可. 【详解】32lim 5n n n →∞+=-2330lim 35101n n n →∞++==--. 故答案为:3【点睛】本题考查数列的极限的运算法则,考查计算能力,属于基础题.2.已知点(1,2)A ,(2,7)B -,那么向量AB u u u r的位置向量的终点坐标为________.【答案】(3,5)-【解析】【分析】根据向量的坐标运算求解即可. 【详解】由题, ()()21,723,5AB =---=-u u u r .故答案为:()3,5-【点睛】本题主要考查了向量坐标的运算,属于基础题.3.抛物线28y x =-的准线方程为________.【答案】2x =【解析】【分析】根据抛物线的准线方程直接写出即可.【详解】由题, 28y x =-开口向左,且284p p =⇒=,故准线方程为22p x ==,即2x =. 故答案为:2x =【点睛】本题主要考查了抛物线的准线方程,属于基础题.4.若倾斜角为34π的直线过点(1,3)和(2,)m ,则m =________. 【答案】2【解析】【分析】根据直线斜率的公式以及倾斜角与斜率的关系计算即可. 【详解】因为直线倾斜角为34π,故斜率为3tan 14π=-.故3121m -=--,解得2m =. 故答案为:2【点睛】本题主要考查了直线斜率与倾斜角的关系以及两点间的斜率公式.属于基础题.5.直线1y =与直线210x y ++=的夹角为________(结果用反三角函数值表示).【答案】arctan 2【解析】【分析】 直线1y =为一条水平直线,所以两条直线的夹角即为直线210x y ++=倾斜角(或补角),即可求解.【详解】直线1y =为一条水平直线,所以两条直线的夹角即为直线210x y ++=倾斜角(或补角), 直线210x y ++=,即21y x =--,设直线210x y ++=的倾斜角为α,则tan 2α=-, 由两直线夹角的取值范围为0,2π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦, 所以直线1y =与直线210x y ++=的夹角为倾斜角为α的补角,即arctan 2.故答案为:arctan 2.【点睛】本题考查了两直线夹角的求法,反三角函数的表示方法,属于基础题.6.若非零向量a r ,b r 满足||||a b a b +=-r r r r ,则a r 与b r 所成角的大小为________. 【答案】2π 【解析】【分析】根据||||a b a b +=-r r r r ,两边平方化简求解.【详解】因为||||a b a b +=-r r r r ,所以22||||a b a b +=-r r r r ,所以222222a a b b a a b b +⋅+=-⋅+r r r r r r r r ,所以40a b ⋅=r r, 所以a r 与b r 所成角的大小为2π. 故答案为:2π 【点睛】本题主要考查平面向量的数量积,还考查了运算求解的能力,属于基础题.7.设双曲线22219x y b-=(0)b >的焦点为1F 、2F ,P 为该双曲线上的一点,若1||5PF =,则2||PF =________【答案】11【解析】 【详解】由双曲线的方程2221(0)9x y b b-=>,可得3a =, 根据双曲线定义可知1226PF PF a -=±=±,又因为15PF =,所以2||11PF =.8.已知数列{}n a 的通项公式为3n n a =,则123lim n n na a a a a →∞++++=L __________ 【答案】32【解析】【分析】先对等比数列进行求和,再进行极限运算.【详解】因为3n n a =,所以21233(13)33313n nn a a a a ⋅-++++=+++=-L L , 所以123313lim lim (1)232n n n n n a a a a a →∞→∞++++=-=L . 故答案为32. 【点睛】本题考查等比数列前n 项和、数列极限计算,考查数列中的基本量法,考查基本的运算求解能力. 9.曲线2xy =上的点到直线0x y +=的距离的最小值为________.【答案】1【解析】【分析】设与直线0x y ++=平行的直线的方程为0x y m ++=,联立方程组,由0∆=,求得m 的值,得到直线的方程,利用两平行线间的距离公式,即可求解.【详解】设与直线0x y ++=平行的直线的方程为0x y m ++=,联立方程组02x y m xy ++=⎧⎨=⎩,可得220x mx ++=, 令2420m ∆=-⨯=,解得m =±此时直线0x y +±=与曲线2xy =相切,结合图象,可得当m =时,曲线2xy =上的点到直线0x y +=的距离最小,即最小值为两平行线0x y ++=和0x y +=的距离,所以最小值为1d ==.【点睛】本题主要考查了两曲线间最短距离的求解,以及两平行线间的距离公式的应用,其中解答中把两曲线间的距离转化为两平行线间的距离是解答的关键,着重考查了转化思想,以及数形结合思想的应用. 10.汽车前灯反射镜与轴截面的交线是抛物线的一部分,灯口所在的圆面与反射镜的轴垂直,灯泡位于抛物线焦点处,已知灯口的直径是24 cm ,灯深10 cm ,那么灯泡与反射镜顶点(即截得抛物线顶点)间的距离是________.【答案】3.6 cm【解析】【分析】如图先根据实际情况合理建立直角坐标系,设出抛物线方程,结合题设数据找点求出抛物线方程,灯泡与反射镜顶点间的距离即为抛物线焦点与顶点距离.【详解】取反射镜的轴即抛物线的对称轴为x 轴,抛物线的顶点为坐标原点,建立直角坐标系xoy ,如图所示.因为灯口直径24AB =,灯深10OP =,所以点A 的坐标是()10,12.设抛物线的方程为22(0)y px p >=,由点()A 10,12在抛物线上,得212210p ⨯=,所以7.2p =.所以抛物线的焦点F 的坐标为()3.60,.因此灯泡与反射镜顶点间的距离是3.6cm .【点睛】本题属于抛物线的实际应用题,熟练掌握抛物线的方程及性质是解题关键.11.已知P 为圆22(4)2x y +-=上一动点,点()1,1Q ,O 为坐标原点,那么OP OQ ⋅u u u r u u u r的取值范围为________. 【答案】[2,6]【解析】【分析】先将圆的方程化为参数方程,4x R y θθθ⎧=⎪∈⎨=+⎪⎩,设,4)P θθ+,利用数量积运算结合三角函数的性质求解.【详解】因为圆的方程22(4)2x y +-=,所以其参数方程为:,4x R y θθθ⎧=⎪∈⎨=⎪⎩,设,4)P θθ,所以(4)2sin()44πθθθ⋅++=++u u u r u u u r OP OQ , 因为[]sin()1,14πθ+∈-, 所以[2,6]⋅∈u u u r u u u r OP OQ .故答案为:[2,6]【点睛】本题主要考查圆的方程的应用以及平面向量的数量积运算和三角函数的性质,还考查了运算求解的能力,属于中档题.12.已知动点A 在x 轴的非负半轴上,动点B 在y 轴的非负半轴上,且||2AB =,C 为AB 的中点,若点P 满足点集{|1}D P PC =≤,则D 所表示图形的面积为________.【答案】2π【解析】【分析】由条件可得1||||12OC A B ==,然后可得C 的轨迹方程为221(0,0)x y x y +=≥≥,然后由点集{|1}D P PC =≤得点P 对应的区域是由圆心在点C 的轨迹上,半径为1的动圆形成的区域,即由四分之一半径为2的圆的面积和两个半径为1的半圆面积构成,然后算出答案即可. 【详解】由题意,1||||12OC A B ==, 于是可得C 的轨迹方程为221(0,0)x y x y +=≥≥ 由点集{|1}D P PC =≤得点P 对应的区域是由圆心在点C 的轨迹上,半径为1的动圆形成的区域,即由四分之一半径为2的圆的面积和两个半径为1的半圆面积构成.所以D 所表示图形的面积为2211224πππ⋅+⋅⋅=故答案为:2π【点睛】本题考查的是圆的相关知识,作出图形是解题的关键.二、选择题(本大题满分16分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题卷的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得4分,否则一律得零分.13.已知向量(5,8)a =r ,1(2,3)e =-u r ,若向量a r 可以唯一表示为1e u r 、2e u u r 的线性组合,那么2e u u r 可以是( ).A. (0,0)B. (2,3)C. (2,3)-D. (6,9)-【答案】B【解析】【分析】 根据平面向量基本定理可得1e u r 、2e u u r 不共线,逐个对四个选项进行判断即可.【详解】∵a r 可以唯一表示为1e u r 、2e u u r 的线性组合,∴1e u r 、2e u u r 可以构成一组基底,即1e u r 、2e u u r 不共线,由向量共线的概念易得A ,C ,D 中的向量均与1(2,3)e =-u r 共线,B 中的选项和1(2,3)e =-u r 不共线,故选:B .【点睛】本题主要考查了平面向量基本定理的应用,属于基础题.14.“3a =”是“直线230ax y a ++=和直线3(1)(7)0x a y a +---=平行且不重合”的( ).A. 充分非必要条件B. 必要非充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既非充分又非必要条件【答案】C【解析】【分析】两个方面分析本题,分别当3a =时,判断两直线的位置关系和当两直线平行且不重合时,求a 的范围,结合充分条件、必要条件的概念即可得出结果.【详解】当3a =时,两直线分别为:3290x y ++=,3240x y ++=,∴两直线斜率相等,则平行且不重合; 若两直线平行且不重合,则3 1723a a aa≠=--,∴3a =, 综上所述,3a =是两直线平行且不重合的充要条件,故选:C.【点睛】本题以直线为载体,考查四种条件.判定两条直线位置关系的时候,注意到直线一般式系数满足的关系式,属于中档题.15.已知数列{}n a ,{}n b (n *∈N ),如果数列{}n n a b +和{}n n a b -的极限均存在,那么在下列数列中,其极限不一定存在的数列是( ).A. {}n aB. {32}n n a b -C. {}n n a b ×D. n n a b ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭【答案】D【解析】【分析】利用极限的运算法则与性质,结合反例,逐项判定,即可求解.【详解】由题意,数列{}n n a b +和{}n n a b -的极限均存在, 设数列{}n n a b +和{}n n a b -的极限分别为lim (),lim ()n n n n n n a b A a b B →+∞→+∞+=-=, 则1lim lim 2lim[()()]22n n n n n n n n n A B a a a b a b →+∞→+∞→+∞+==++-=,所以A 正确; 又由1lim lim 2lim[()()]22n n n n n n n n n A B b b a b a b →+∞→+∞→+∞-==+--=, 所以5lim (32)lim 3lim 232222n n n n n n n A B A B A B a b a b →+∞→+∞→+∞+-+-=-=⨯-⨯=,所以B 正确; 由221lim lim lim lim 2222n n n n n n n n n n A B A B A B a b a b a b →+∞→+∞→+∞→+∞+--⋅=⋅=⋅=⨯=,所以C 正确;对于D 中,例如211,n n a b n n ==,可得n n a n b =,此时数列n n a b ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的极限不存在. 故选:D.【点睛】本题主要考查数列的极限的定义,以及数列的极限的运算法则的应用,其中解答中熟记极限的运算法则,逐项判定是解答的关键,着重考查了推理与运算能力.16.设椭圆2222:1(0)x y a b a b Γ+=>>,若四点1(1,1)P ,2(0,1)P,3(P -,4P 中恰有三点在椭圆Γ上,则不在Γ上的点为( ).A. 1PB. 2PC. 3PD. 4P 【答案】A【解析】【分析】由3(P -,4P 关于y 轴对称,利用椭圆的对称性,椭圆必经过3P ,4P ,得到221314a b +=,再根据2222111314a b a b +>+=,得到椭圆不经过1P 的结论.【详解】因为3(P -,4P 关于y 轴对称, 所以椭圆经过3P ,4P , 所以221314a b+=, 当2P 在椭圆上时,211b =, 解得221,4b a ==, 椭圆方程为:2214x y +=成立. 因为2222111314a b a b +>+=, 所以椭圆不经过1P ,故选:A【点睛】本题主要考查椭圆的方程以及几何性质,还考查了运算求解的能力,属于基础题.三、解答题(本大题满分48分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题卷的相应编号规定区域内写出必要的步骤.17.将下列问题的解答过程补充完整.依次计算数列1,121++,12321++++,1234321++++++,…的前四项的值,由此猜测123(1)(1)321n a n n n =++++-++-++++L L 的有限项的表达式,并用数学归纳法加以证明. 解:计算 11=,1214++=,12321++++= ① ,1234321++++++= ② ,由此猜想123(1)(1)321n a n n n =++++-++-++++=L L ③ .(*)下面用数学归纳法证明这一猜想.(i )当1n =时,左边1=,右边1=,所以等式成立.(ⅱ)假设当(,1)n k k k *=∈N ≥时,等式成立,即123(1)(1)321k a k k k =++++-++-++++=L L ④ .那么,当1n k =+时,1k a += ⑤k a =+ ⑥= ⑦ .等式也成立.根据(i )和(ⅱ)可以断定,(*)式对任何n *∈N 都成立.【答案】①:9;②:16;③:2n ;④:2k ;⑤:123(1)(1)(1)321k k k k k ++++-+++++-++++L L ; ⑥:21k +;⑦:2(1)k +【解析】【分析】根据数学归纳法的定义依次填空得到答案.【详解】123219++++=,123432116++++++=,由此猜想2123(1)(1)321n a n n n n =++++-++-++++=L L ,下面用数学归纳法证明这一猜想.(i )当1n =时,左边1=,右边1=,所以等式成立.(ⅱ)假设当(,1)n k k k *=∈N ≥时,等式成立,即2123(1)(1)321k a k k k k =++++-++-++++=L L .当1n k =+时,1123(1)(1)(1)321k a k k k k k +=++++-+++++-++++L L()2211k k a k +=+=+,等式也成立. 根据(i )和(ⅱ)可以断定,(*)式对任何n *∈N 都成立.故答案为:①:9;②:16;③:2n ;④:2k ;⑤:123(1)(1)(1)321k k k k k ++++-+++++-++++L L ;⑥:21k +;⑦:2(1)k +【点睛】本题考查了数学归纳法,意在考查学生对于数列归纳法的理解和应用能力.18.已知等差数列{}()n a n N *∈,n S 为其前n 项和,1a t =,46a t =-,其中t R ∈. (1)求10a 及10S (用t 表示);(2)在1S ,2S ,…,n S 中,有且只有8S 的值最大,求t 的取值范围.【答案】(1)1018a t =-,101090S t =-;(2)()14,16t ∈【解析】【分析】(1)根据1a t =,46a t =-求出公差,根据等差数列的通项公式和前n 项和公式即可求出结果;(2)由题意易得8900a a >⎧⎨<⎩,列出关于t 的不等式组解出即可. 【详解】(1)设等差数列{}n a 的公差为d ,1a t =,46a t =-∴4163a a d -=-=,即2d =-,∴101918a a d t =+=-,110102181010109022a a t S t +-=⨯=⨯=-. (2)∵在1S ,2S ,…,n S 中,有且只有8S 的值最大,∴8900a a >⎧⎨<⎩即140160t t ->⎧⎨-<⎩,解得1416t <<,即t的取值范围()14,16.【点睛】本题主要考查了等差数列通项公式和前n项和公式中基本量的计算,等差数列中前n项和中最大值问题,属于基础题.19.已知圆22:4210C x y x y+---=.(1)求y轴被圆C所截得的线段的长;(2)过圆C圆心的直线与两坐标轴在第一象限内围成的三角形面积为S,求S的最小值.【答案】(1)(2)4【解析】【分析】(1)将0x=代入22:4210C x y x y+---=可得2210y y--=,将线段长为12y y-=和韦达定理相结合即可得出结果;(2)设:1(,0)x yl a ba b+=>,由直线过圆心可得211a b=+,利用基本不等式可得8ab≥,最后根据三角形面积公式即可得出结果.【详解】(1)设圆22:4210C x y x y+---=与y轴的交点为()10y,,()20,y,将0x=代入22:4210C x y x y+---=可得2210y y--=,即122y y+=,121y y⋅=-,所以y轴被圆C所截得的线段的长为12y y-==(2)设:1(,0)x yl a ba b+=>,由于l过(2,1)C,∴211a b=+,利用基本不等式,得2118aba b=+≥≥,∴142S ab=≥,即S的最小值为4,此时4,2a b==,:142x yl+=,即:240l x y+-=【点睛】本题主要考查了直线截圆所得弦长问题,直线截距式的应用,利用基本不等式求最值,属于中档题.20.已知双曲线2222:1(,0)x ya ba bΓ-=>,O为坐标原点.(1)若Γ为等轴双曲线,且Γ的右焦点F到点O的距离为2,求Γ的方程;(2)a =b =设斜率为1的直线l 交Γ于P 、Q 两点,且OP OQ ⊥,若l 与圆222(0)x y r r +=>相切,求r 的值.【答案】(1)22122x y -=;(2)r =【解析】【分析】(1)由等轴双曲线的概念可得a b =,由右焦点F 到点O 的距离为2可得2c =,结合222c a b =+得到,a b 的值,进而得到结果;(2)设直线:l y x m =+,11(,)P x y ,22(,)Q x y ,将直线方程代入双曲线方程,将OP OQ ⊥与韦达定理相结合可得m 的值,结合圆心到直线的距离等于半径即可得结果.【详解】(1)∵Γ为等轴双曲线,∴a b =,又∵右焦点F 到点O 的距离为2,∴2c =,结合222c a b =+,得出a b ==∴Γ的方程22122x y -=. (2)22:123x y Γ-=,设直线:l y x m =+,11(,)P x y ,22(,)Q x y 将直线方程代入双曲线方程,并化简得224(26)0x mx m --+=,则212212244804(26)m x x m x x m ⎧∆=+>⎪+=⎨⎪=-+⎩(*),∵OP OQ ⊥,∴2121212121212()()2()0x x y y x x x m x m x x m x x m +=+++=+++=,将(*)代入,得212m =,∴m =±直线与圆相切,可得r d ===【点睛】本题主要考查了双曲线方程的求法,直线与双曲线的位置关系,直线与圆的位置关系,韦达定理的应用,考查了学生的计算能力,属于中档题.21.已如椭圆222:1(0)9x y b bΓ+=>的左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,P 为Γ上的动点. (1)若b =P 的横坐标为0x ,试用解析式将1||PF 表示成0x 的函数;(2)试根据b 的不同取值,讨论满足12F F P V 为等腰锐角三角形的点P 的个数.【答案】(1)见解析;(2)见解析【解析】【分析】(1)设00(,)P x y ,写出椭圆的方程及1F 的坐标,利用两点间的距离公式求出1PF 的表达式,点P 坐标代入椭圆方程用0x 表示出0y ,即可进一步将1||PF 表示成0x 的函数;(2)作出图1至图5的图象,其中图2与图4为临界情况,分别求出图2与图4所对应的b 值,即可得出结论.【详解】(1)设00(,)P x y ,其中2200195x y +=,0[3,3]x ∈-,由952c =-=得左焦点1(2,0)F -, 则222201000||(2)(2)5(1)9x PF x y x =++=++- 20000042249|3|3,[3,3]933x x x x x =++=+=+∈-; (2)图1至图5分别对应P 点为2个,2个,6个,4个,4个的情况,其中图2与图4为临界情况, 如图2:312P F F △等腰直角三角形(1232F F P π∠=),设31(,)P c y ,则2221121199y c c y b b +=⇒=-, 1232||||F F P F =Q ,2219c c b ∴=-,又229b c +=,可得42363240b b +-=,解得218218b =-,则18218b =-; 如图4:112F P F △为等腰直角三角形(1122F P F π∠=),由12OP OF =得b c =,又229b c +=,所以32b c ==.所以①b∈,点P的个数为2;②b∈,点P的个数为6;③b∈,点P的个数为4.【点睛】本题考查椭圆的几何性质、椭圆中的焦点三角形形状问题,分析出临界情况是解题关键,涉及两点间的距离公式,属于较难题.。



绝密★启用前2017届上海市黄浦区高中学业等级考调研测试物理试卷(带解析)试卷副标题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:60分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项.1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(题型注释)1、如图所示,两根长直导线a 和b 平行放置,分别通有大小为I 、2I 的电流,电流方向相反,此时导线b 受到的磁场力大小为F 。

当加入一与导线所在平面垂直的匀强磁场后,导线b 受到的磁场力为零,则此时a 受到的磁场力大小为( )A .B .FC .D .2F2、某一密闭气体,分别以两个不同的体积做等容变化,这两个等容过程对应的p-t 图像如右图中的①、②所示。

则相对应的V -T 图像或p -V 图像可能是下图中的( )A .B .C .D .3、如图,在车厢的顶部用一根细线悬挂一质量为m 的小球。

当车厢在水平直轨道上运动时,发现在某段时间内细线偏向右侧,与竖直方向保持为θ角,则这段时间内车厢可能( )A .向右加速运动,加速度a=g sin θB .向左加速运动,加速度a=g sin θC .向右减速运动,加速度a=g tan θD .向左减速运动,加速度a=g tan θ4、一列简谐横波在均匀介质中沿x 轴正方向传播,波速为1m/s 。

t =0时刻,该波的波形如图所示,P 、Q 分别为x =4m 、x =7m 处的质点,此时P 质点恰好开始振动。

则t =5s 时刻,Q 点( )A .经过平衡位置,向上运动B .经过平衡位置,向下运动C .位于波峰位置D .位于波谷位置5、在物体自由下落过程中,某物理量A 随位移s 变化的关系如图所示,该物理量可能是( )A .速度B .动能C .加速度D .机械能6、用某种单色光照射某金属表面,没有发生光电效应,下列做法中有可能发生光电效应的是( ) A .增加照射时间B .改用波长更长的单色光照射C .改用光强更大的单色光照射D .改用频率更高的单色光照射7、静电力恒量k 的单位是( ) A .N·m 2·kg −2 B .N −1·m −2·kg 2 C .N·m 2·C −2D .N −1·m −2·C 28、静止在光滑水平面上的物体,受到一个大小不为零的水平拉力作用。



2016/2017学年度第一学期高二年级调研考试一、语言运用题(每题3分,共15分)1、在下面一段话横线处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是(3分) ( )8月14日清晨,随着几声枪响,的杀人魔王周克华在重庆街头被击毙。




A、恶贯满盈虚张声势弹冠相庆B、危言危行大张旗鼓弹冠相庆C、危言危行虚张声势拍手称快D、恶贯满盈大张旗鼓拍手称快2、依次填入下面一段文字中横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是(3分) ( )德国诗人席勒有篇诗作名叫《大地的瓜分》,写的是希腊神话故事。




”①请原谅我的心灵,被你的天光迷住②我的眼睛凝视着你的面庞③竟然忘记了凡尘④我的耳朵倾听着你的天乐之声A、②④①③B、①②④③C、④②③①D、①③②④3、对下列诗句中所使用的修辞手法判断正确的一项是(3分) ( )①西风吹老洞庭波,一夜湘君白发多。




A、①拟人②对比③比喻④拟人B、①借代②夸张③借代④对比C、①对比②夸张③借代④拟人D、①比喻②借代③比喻④对比4、下列句子中,传统礼貌用语使用正确的一句是(3分) ()A、咱们分别时你送我的礼物,我一直惠存着。













)1.图1是某同学观察到的动物细胞局部亚显微结构,图中所示的扁平囊和泡状结构组成的细胞器是A.叶绿体B.线粒体C.核糖体D.高尔基体2.下列食物营养成分与鉴定试剂及显色反应之间的对应关系中,错误的是A.淀粉:碘液,蓝紫色B.还原糖:班氏试剂,红黄色C.脂肪:苏丹Ⅲ染液,橘红色D.蛋白质:双缩脲试剂,黄绿色3.图2中a、b、c、d表示物质通过细胞膜的方式,其中属于主动运输方式的是A. aB. bC. cD. d4.图3显微镜观察中的两个视野,若要由视野(1)变为视野(2),下列操作过程中正确的顺序是①转动粗调节器①转动细调节器①调节光圈①转动转换器①向右上方移动玻片①向左下方移动玻片A.①①①①B.①①①①C.①①①①D.①①①①5.预防细菌或病毒感染最有效的方法是接种疫苗,疫苗本质上属于A.抗原B.抗体C.淋巴因子D.抗原受体6.下列过程属于基因重组的是A.基因中碱基对的增减和替换C.同源染色体之间片段的交换B.染色体中某个片段的重复D.非同源染色体数目的变化7.生物体中的某种肽酶可水解肽链末端的肽键,导致A.蛋白质分解为多肽链B.多肽链分解为若干短肽C.多肽链分解为氨基酸D.氨基酸分解为氨基和碳链化合物8.根据“探究洋葱表皮细胞外界溶液浓度与质壁分离关系”的实验经历及图4的实验结果,下列判断错误的是A.与结构1相比,结构3的伸缩性更大B.①中充满了细胞液C.若使图示细胞恢复正常形态,需用清水引流D.细胞若有活性,此时细胞液浓度可能等于外界溶液浓度9.图5表示人体中葡萄糖和氨基酸的代谢途径,其中字母表示物质,物质Z直接参与了过程①,下列叙述错误的是A.过程①需要有氧条件B.过程①为脱氨基作用C.Z是二碳化合物D.过程①是三羧酸循环10.图6为人体胚胎发育过程中细胞变化的示意图。






) 1.下列为乳酸杆菌和烟草花叶病毒均有的物质或结构是A.细胞质B.核糖核酸C.磷脂D.核糖体2.下列结构中,能接受化学信息的是A.视网膜上的视细胞B.内耳中的耳蜗C.皮肤中的压力感受器D.舌上的味细胞3.胰岛素是一种蛋白质,胰岛B细胞分泌胰岛素的方式是A.自由扩散B.协助扩散C.主动运输D.胞吐作用4.与无性生殖相比,有性生殖的优越性表现在通过有性生殖A.可增加遗传物质重组的机会B.可保持亲、子代遗传性状的一致C.产生的子代都是二倍体D.可在短时间内迅速增加子代数量5.实验中,从菠菜叶中提取叶绿体中色素的常用试剂是A.蒸馏水B.无水乙醇C.1%NaCl D.3%HCl6.下图为细胞中常见的生化反应,则下列相关叙述正确的是A.图中虚线框内为氢键B.该反应为脱水缩合反应C.化合物甲含三个游离羧基D.化合物丙的R基为—CH2COOH7.根据“探究洋葱表皮细胞外界溶液浓度与质壁分离关系”的实验经历与下图信息,判断下列叙述错误的是A.在发生质壁分离的细胞中能观察到紫色变深B.若将图示状态的细胞放入清水中,可能观察到复原现象C.若将图示细胞分别置于10%、20%和30%蔗糖溶液中,可观察到该细胞A值基本不变D.图中B/A值愈大,说明细胞质壁分离程度越高8.下列因素中不会对酶的分子结构产生永久性影响的是A.过酸B.过碱C.高温D.低温9.右图表示呼吸作用过程中葡萄糖分解的两个途径。


上海市黄浦区2017届高三上学期期终调研测试数学试题 含答案

上海市黄浦区2017届高三上学期期终调研测试数学试题 含答案

黄浦区2016-2017学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试数 学 试 卷 2017年1月(完卷时间:120分钟 满分:150分)一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分。


1. 若集合{}|1|2A x x x =-<∈R ,,则A ∩=Z .2。

抛物线22y x =的准线方程是___ ______.3。

若复数z 满足i 1=12z -(i 为虚数单位),则z =_________.4. 已知π1sin()23α+=,π(,0)2α∈-,则tan α的值为 .5。

以点(21)-,为圆心,且与直线7x y +=相切的圆的方程是__________.6。

若二项式21()n xx-的展开式共有6项,则此展开式中含4x 的项的系数是 .7。

已知向量(,)a x y =(,x y ∈R ),(1,2)b =,若221+x y=,则||a b -的最大值为 .8. 已知函数()y f x =是奇函数,且当0x ≥时,2()log (1)f x x =+.若函数()y g x =是()y f x =的反函数,则(3)g -= .9。

在数列{}na 中,若对一切*n ∈N 都有13nn aa +=-,且2462lim()n n aa a a →∞++++92=,则1a 的值为 .10. 若甲、乙两人从6门课程中各选修3门,则甲、乙所选修的课程中至多有1门相同的选法种数为 .11.已知点,, O A B F ,分别为椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的中心、左顶点、上顶点、右焦点,过点 F 作OB 的平行线,它与椭圆C 在第一象限部分交于点P ,若AB OP λ=,则实数λ的值为 .12。

已知()(22ax x f x ax=-为常数),221()x g x x+=,且当12[1,4]x x ∈,时,总有1()f x ≤2()g x ,则实数a 的取值范围是 .二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分.)每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.13.若x ∈R ,则“1x >”是“11x<"的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充要条件D .既非充分也非必要条件14.关于直线,l m 及平面,αβ,下列命题中正确的是 ( )A .若//,l m ααβ⋂=,则//l mB .若//,//l m αα,则//l mC .若,//l m αα⊥,则l m ⊥D .若//,l m l α⊥,则m α⊥ 15.在直角坐标平面内,点,A B的坐标分别为(1,0),(1,0)-,则满足tan tan PAB PBA ∠⋅∠=(m m为非零常数)的点P的轨迹方程是( ) A .221(0)y x y m -=≠ B .221y x m-=C .221(0)y x y m+=≠ D .221y x m+=16.若函数()y f x =在区间I 上是增函数,且函数()f x y x=在区间I 上是减函数,则称函数()f x 是区间I 上的“H 函数”。



黄浦区2017学年度高三第一学期期终调研测试英语试题黄浦区2017学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试英语试卷(完卷时间: 120分钟满分: 140分)2017年12月15日上午第I卷(共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Before dinner. B. During the meal.C. After dinner.D. Tomorrow evening.2. A. In a hotel. B. At a bus station.C. In a cinema.D. At an airport.3. A. Salesman and customer. B. Boss and secretary.C. Doctor and patient.D. Doctor and nurse.4. A. 4. B.5. C.6.D. 7.5. A. The lecture. B. The heat.C. The workload.D. The air quality.6. A. Confident. B. Nervous. C. Uninterested.D. Annoyed.7. A. Visit the company. B. Re-write his resumé.C. Get a job on campus.D. Apply for a job with PICC.8. A. He is fearless. B. He is forgetful.C. He is helpful.D. He is thoughtful.9. A. Talking about sports. B. Writing up local news.C. Reading newspapers.D. Putting up advertisements.10. A. She expects to see him soon. B. She agrees with the man.C. She doesn’t believe he can do it.D. She will work for the library.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear one longer conversation and two short passages. After each conversation or passage, you will be asked several questions. The conversation and the passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following conversation.11. A. The scientific steps to write a paper. B. A funny story that they read recently.C. An assignment of a creative writing course.D. A detective case that was just finished.12. A. She encountered a bottleneck when writing a story.B. She was happy that she finished the story easily.C. She was expected to finish the story in a month.D. She decided to give up the story eventually.13. A. Change to another topic. B. Give the story an ending first.C. Do work for another course.D. Write everything occurring to her.14. A. Buy jewels for her mother. B. Locate the security camera.C. Do some research for her writing.D. Rob a jewelry store for ideas.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.15. A. They don’t attach importance to scores. B. They attract fewer and fewer students.C. They will take place next week.D. They will no longer exist.16. A. To inspire young people to practice more.B. To encourage young people to be creative.C. To motivate young people to keep learning.D. To urge young people to start up companies.17. A. To bring more economic benefits. B. To help students memorize better.C. To change the present education system.D. To develop teachers’ multi-skills.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage.18. A. More communication with others. B. Construction of the life journey.C. Revealing of determination.D. Loss of the social identity.19. A. Depression and isolation. B. Walking around the corner.C. Lack of sleep.D. Getting impatient.20. A. Making it possible to get a pay rise.B. Providing people with new business.C. Giving people time to think about their life again.D. Helping people to find jobs based on their hobbies.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Norway is Teaching Travelers to TravelAfter 15 people died during Easter in 1967, the Norwegian Trekking Association and the Red Cross announced their campaign ‘Welcome to the mountains, but be responsible’. Fjellvettreglene, the ‘mountain code’ (21) ______ encourages people to have a healthy and respectful relationship with nature, has since become a crucial part of Norwegian culture. It includes points such as bringing necessary equipment (22) ______ (assist) yourself and others, seeking shelter if necessary and feeling no shame in turning around.Nationally, Norway (23) ______ (experience) an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain, (24) ______ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone. Why? Because people want the same picture they see on Instagram and Facebook. A lot don’t care about the experience of the hike. They just want proof (25) ______ they did it. But, while good for the economy, this tourism boom has become a threat (26) ______ Norway’s natural environment.Used toilet paper, (27) ______ (abandon) tents and plastic bottles can be found littered all around Trolltunga. And with the high amount of people who come unprepared for such an active hike, Norway’s leading hiking group, Friluftsliv, also has called for regulations on the number of tourists (28) ______ (hike) to Trolltunga. Lasse Heimdal, leader of the outdoor organization said, “On a busy day, you may have to wait in line for an hour and a half j ust to get a picture. To control this, we’d like to regulate (29) ______ _____ people can hike in a day. Starting hike times should also have regulations so people don’t start too late and find (30) ______ stuck up here.”Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Wor ld’s Best RestaurantThe Black Swan, a rural pub in England has been named “the world’s best restaurant” by TripAdvisor. After scoring up positive feedback, the review website 31 the pub over fine dining establishments from New York to Paris in its 32 Travelers' Choice awards.So what’s it got going for it?Firstly, this isn’t some backwater pub enjoying in insignificance. Tommy Banks, a(n) 33 young cook, is already a TV regular in the UK and has had a Michelin star to his name since becoming the youngest receiver ever in 2013 at the age of 24. Secondly, it's not really a pub anymore. Like many rural UK pubs, the Black Swan had been in 34 for many years before 2006, when Banks' family took over. After their attempts to run it as a pub struggled, they decided to make it a dining 35 .It now operates as both restaurant and fashionable 36 , offering food-and-stay packages that help draw customers to its truly 37 location. It's usually booked up well in advance withIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Could Buying Paintings Make You Rich?Is investing in paintings a good way to get rich fast? And how should you invest in art?“With extreme 41 ” is the advice of Patrick Connolly, a financial adviser. “We don’t 42 our customers to invest in art because the downsides are greater than the upsides. It doesn't produce income or earnings. What you 43 is exclusively based on supply and demand, and there are big movements upwards or downwards if there are changes in the economic environment,” he said.To invest in art as a true investment, you need a starting fund of at least $5,000. But it’s not just about having enough 44 to buy the painting in the first place. Expensive works of art are often stored in protective boxes complete with detectors to monitor humidity and temperature levels, and to protect them from sun damage or other 45 such as a spilled cup of coffee. And if you do put it on your wall, then your insurance costs are likely to be high. If word gets out that you have expensive art hanging on your wall, then you're likely to be a 46 for thieves.Art is also not a regulated investment so when things go wrong – for example, an artwork turns out to be a fraud(赝品)– then investors cannot fall back on 47 for any repayment.Of course given the current environment of low interest rates, that's still a(n) 48 return than many savings accounts will give you. As art has no association to the stock market, it means paintings can 49 in value even when the market crashes, making it a good option for investment 50 .It is reported that after a decrease in the global art market throughout 2016, auction(拍卖)sales 51 in the first six months of 2017. Yet you don't necessarily have to be super-wealthy to invest in art. There are a growing number of art fairs and online marketplaces aimed at buyers with a more 52 budget. Most art industry experts suggest that you buy a piece of art because you like it, not because you want to get rich. The most 53 approach is probably to buy something you like and can 54 and, be prepared to keep it just for your own pleasure. If it goes up in value that should be just a(n) 55 benefit.41. A. accuracy B. carefulness C. enthusiasmD. generosity42. A. beg B. control C. forbidD. recommend43. A. get back B. look into C. take outD. turn to44. A. desire B. energy C. moneyD. time45. A. accidents B. appliances C. measuresD. drinks46. A. partner B. spectator C. targetD. therapy47. A. initiative B. regulation C. strategyD. tradition48. A. better B. earlier C. healthierD. lower49. A. fall apart B. fall down C. go aheadD. go up50. A. funds B. levels C. selectionsD. rates51. A. ceased B. proceeded C. recoveredD. shrank52. A. fixed B. limited C. massiveD. modest53. A. creative B. direct C. flexibleD. sensible54. A. afford B. preserve C. transferD. undertake55. A. added B. maximum C. obviousD. socialSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.( A )Post-00s is a documentary about growing up. It covers almost every aspect of millennials’experiences on their path toward adolescence – their struggles with schoolwork, their relationship with peers, their confusion if a younger brother or sister is born into the family, and their growing desire to keep a distance from their parents. But this five-episode series was different from any other TV program with a similar theme.Post-00s was filmed over a period of 10 years, during which the show’s makers followed a group of kids from when they were infants through to when they became teenagers. In other words, the show’s “characters” grow older for real, and their stories are all real.“Coming-of-age” stories, as they’re known, have a special appeal. They satisfy our curiosity of looking at someone else’s life, and we become more and more attached to the characters as if we truly know them. And while we enjoy the truthfulness of the stories because nothing is set in advance, we also can’t help but feel the cruelty of reality. After all, there’s no re-writing of the script(剧本)and there’s no turning back – this is real life.This realness can also be seen in Boyhood, a 2014 film that won the Silver Bear award for best director at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival. During a period of 12 years, the filmfollows the life of Mason Jr – played by US actor Ellar Coltrane – from when he was 6 to when he finished high school.One of Boyhood’s appeals comes from its “ordinariness”. Mason Jr isn’t some child genius... He is a quietly spoken, fairly typical American boy, growing up in the Texas suburbs. He likes riding his bike and playing video games.While coming-of-age stories may look ordinary on the outside, they often allow us to look underneath the surface and see something extraordinary – the power of life itself.56. In the documentary, we see post-00’s growing experience EXCEPT __________.A. how they deal with their studiesB. how they help look after brothers or sistersC. how they get along with people of their ageD. how much they long to be independent of their parents57. What do Post-00 and Boyhood have in common?A. They’re intended to win an award for best director.B. The heroes and heroines are characters themselves.C. They’re a kind of reality show of ordinary kids’ growth.D. The stories are based on true life but polished by writers.58. Audience are interested in “coming-of-age” stories because __________.A. they can see the truth of lifeB. they know the characters wellC. they are much fond of gossipD. they appreciate stories of daily life59. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. Post-00s are different geniusesB. Actors are ordinary charactersC. Documentary is real lifeD. Life is one big story( B )B BC SHOPEntertaining. Informing. Inspiring.WHAT A RELIEF!Delight everyone on your holiday gift list with great gifts from the BBC.You’ll earn heartfelt thanks from nature lovers for Planet Earth I & II: The Complete Collection (page 41) –inspiring look at our planet’s wildest, most myster ious creatures and their breathtaking home.…from mystery lovers for Sherlock: Complete Seasons 1-4 and The Abominable Bride Giftset (page 13)– entertaining proof that Holmes can be difficult, dangerous, accurate, and absolute funny.…and from those who a ppreciate all things British. Delight Charles Dickens fans with Dickensian (page 7).The new drama series with more adventures for Dickens’ characters…Dinner with Dickens Cookbook (page 9) with procedures for his favorite dishes…and Tom Baker Reads “A Christmas poem” (page 8) for a wonderful new holiday tradition.Plus teapots, T-shirts, shortbread, mugs and more – just in time for the holidays.Enjoy!THE MOMENTWelcome to murder, suspense, romance, robbery and clothing in this exciting historical drama! Trouble begins for Rachel Verinder the day she inherits a large diamond stolen from a Hindu temple. When it disappears again, suspicion falls on Franklin Blake, the man who loves her. But what about mysterious cousin Godfrey, the housemaid with a thieving past, and doctor who experiments with opium(鸦片)? Blake must discover the fate of the Moonstone or lose Rachel forever. A powerful tale and emotionally sudden changes, based on the first-ever English detective novel by Wikie Collins. 3¾ hours.DVD 21024 $34.99 YOUR PRICE: ¥27.98WALKERS CHRISTMAS TREE SHORTBREAD AND TINSSanta and a beautiful Angel put the finishing touches on Christmas tree tins – perfect centerpieces and holiday decorations that your family and friends will enjoy year after year. Lift the treetops and taste the delicious secret inside: pure butter shortbread shaped like mini-Christmas trees, and made from only finest ingredients – flour, butter, sugar and salt.Baked in the village of Aberlour in the Scottish Highlands, they follow a generations-old family procedure, first perfected by Joseph Walker in 1898. While the shortbread will disappear as if by magic, the tins will hold your holiday cookies and candy for manyChristmases to come.Wonderful hostess gifts. Both tins: 6〃h ×4¾〃d; net wt 4.4 oz.Angel 21042 $19.98Santa 21043 $19.9860. Tom’s wife is a home baker, so he’d better refer to Page ______ for a Christmas present for her.A. 8B. 9C. 13D. 4161. Which of the following statements is TRUE about “The Moment”?A. It is an adapted drama lasting nearly 4 hours.B. The story, rather than the actors, is attracting.C. There are three suspects for stealing the diamond.D. It is based on Wikie Collins’ most famous detective novel.62. What can be learned about the shortbread?A. It usually disappears in a magic way together with the tin.B. It follows a secret procedure perfected by Joseph Walker.C. It is wrapped in a tin with both Angel and Santa on it.D. It is traditionally family-baked in Scotland.( C )①Australians have long been known for having a relaxed and casual attitude tolife. According to Dr Tanya King, senior lecturer from Victoria’s Deakin University, “It’s Australians’ egalitarianism, sense of humor and informal language that are most commonly mentioned as examples of this attitude”.②Egalitarianism roots in the way that the nation was built. In Australia’s founding era in the late 1700s, criminal settlers were often cruelly treated and robbed of their basic human rights by governors. The criminal class, who were mostly working-class Brits and Irish, was unable to seek civic positions that were reserved for immigrants who were not the criminal, with the latter arguing that if criminals gained equal rights it would be ‘rewarding criminality’. Because of this, an egalitarian spirit was worn as a symbol of honor by many criminal settlers. They may not have had power, education or wealth, but they had a shared belief in equality.③The informal way Australians use language is also believed to root in criminal times.Philologist Sidney Baker once wrote that ‘no other class would have a better talent for creating new terms to fit in with their new conditions in life’. Cockney rhyming slang brought over by the British working class was abbreviated even further –so ‘have a Captains Cook’ (have a look), became ‘ava captains’. This same practice was used to economize ordinary clauses. Words like ‘good day’ became ‘g’day’, and barbecue was ‘barbie’.④The tough conditions of settler times also played a p art in Australians’ dry, self-criticizingand sarcastic(讽刺的)sense of humor. While in many countries it’s considered poor taste to find humor in difficult circumstances, Australians tend to look at the lighter side. On one road trip, as I hit the state line and entered Victoria, I drove past some blackened trees, the leftovers of a recent bushfire. A road sign warning drivers about wildlife was half-melted and bent, but the shape of a hopping kangaroo was still distinct. Behind the figure, someone had drawn flames making it look as though the animal’s tail was on fire. I couldn’t help but laugh – it was a brilliant reminder of the country’s ‘nothing upsets us’ and anti-authoritarian attitude.⑤And one thing you can’t help but notice when driving around Australia is the country’splentiful amounts of space. This, along with considerable leisure time plus favorable climate, all contribute to Australians’ relaxed attitude.63. The underlined word “egalitarianism” is closest to __________ in meaning.A. criminalityB. crueltyC. equalityD. governmentalism64. Which of the following is a feature of the way Australians use language?A. They use more slangs than other people.B. They give new meanings to existent words.C. They favour shortened forms of expressions.D. They coin terms in memory of criminal times.65. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A. Kangaroos’ living condition s are getting tougher.B. Forest fires threaten Australian s’ life to a great extent.C. Potential danger is here and there on the roads in Victoria.D. Australians’ jokes may not be as careless as they seem on the surface.66. The passage mainly talks about __________.A. how the late 1700s impacted AustraliaB. why Australians enjoy casual life so muchC. wha t contributes to Australians’ relaxed lifestyleD. how Australians present their attitude towards lifeSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Are Open Offices Good for Us?Four years ago, Chris Nagele did what many other technology executives have done before – moved his team into an open concept office. His staff had been entirely working from home, but he wanted everyone to be together, to connect and cooperate more easily. It quickly became clear, though, that Nagele had made a huge mistake. Everyone was distracted and productivity suffered and nine employees were unhappy, not to mention Nagele himself. About three years after moving into the open office, Nagele moved the company into a 10,000-square foot office where everyone now has their own space — complete with closing doors.Numerous companies have held the open office — about 70% of US offices are open concept — and very few have moved back into traditional spaces with offices and doors. But research that we’re 15% less productive, we have huge trouble concentrating in open working spaces, has contributed to a growing criticism against open offices.Beside the cheaper cost, one main argument for the open workspace is that it increases teamwork. However, it’s well documented that we rarely brainstorm brilliant ideas when we’re just shooting the breeze in a crowd. Instead, as many of us know, we’re more likely to hear学习—————好资料精品资料 about the Christmas gift a colleague is buying for a family member, or problems with your deskmate’s spouse.For jobs that require focus, like writing, advertising, financial planning and computer programming, some companies that aren’t ready to abandon open plans are experimenting with quiet and c losed spaces. The trouble with that, is some of us don’t feel comfortable leaving the team to go off on our own —it can feel as if we’re not pulling our weight if we’re not present. That’s particularly true in high -pressure environments. Some of us even feel that escaping to a quiet room is a sign of weakness.第II 卷 (共40分)V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 选举的结果很快便在全世界传播开了。



试卷第1页,共11页绝密★启用前【全国市级联考】2017届上海市黄浦区高中学业等级考调研测试生物试卷(带解析)试卷副标题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:72分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项.1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(题型注释)1、植物细胞具有发育为完整植株潜能的决定因素是A .细胞膜B .细胞核C .线粒体D .叶绿体2、由未受精的卵细胞直接发育而来的生物个体是A .单倍体B .二倍体C .三倍体D .四倍体3、某正常动物细胞内Na +浓度低,K +浓度高。

细胞内积累K +和排出Na +的运输方式是 A .自由扩散 B .协助扩散 C .主动运输 D .胞吞胞吐试卷第2页,共11页4、下图为反射弧示意图。

关于牛蛙的脊髓反射,下列表述正确的是A .环割脚趾尖皮脑目的是破坏感受器B .除去蛙脑的目的是除去图中的神经中枢C .破坏神经中枢后再刺激传出神经,蛙不会曲腿D .用0.5%的HC1溶液刺激蛙的趾尖,蛙会发生条件反射5、下图所示的机体免疫过程主要属于①体液免疫 ②特异性免疫 ③细胞免疫 ④先天性免疫 A .①② B .②③ C .③④ D .①④6、制备单克隆抗体所采用的细胞工程技术包括 ①细胞培养 ②细胞融合 ③胚胎移植 ④细胞核移植A .①②B .①③C .②③D .③④7、下图表示某酶促反应过程,它所反映酶的某一特性以及字母a 、b 、c 最有可能代表的物质依次是试卷第3页,共11页A .高效性、蛋白酶、蛋白质、多肽B .专一性、麦芽糖酶、麦芽糖、葡萄糖C .专一性、淀粉酶、淀粉、麦芽糖D .高效性、脂肪酶、脂肪、甘油和脂肪酸8、下图为某地植物群落示意图,不同树的轮廓表示不同的树种。

关于该群落的相关叙述正确的是A .树木A 与B 的差异属于物种多样性 B .树木A 与D 的差异属于遗传多样性C .图中全部植株构成生态系统多样性D .树木E 与F 之间存在生殖隔离9、下列有关现代生物进化理论的基本观点的叙述,不正确的是A .基因频率的定向变化是进化的本质B .个体是生物进化的基本单位C .突变和基因重组为进化提供原材料D .自然选择决定生物进化的方向10、已知豌豆子叶黄色基因(Y )对绿色基因(y)显性,种子圆粒基因(R )对皱缩基因(r )显性。






一、选择题(共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1.2017年11月13日2时18分(北京时间)在伊拉克(34.9°N,45.75°E)发生了7.8级地震,地震发生时当地时间是A.13日7时18分B.13日21时18分C.12日7时18分D.12日21时18分2.下列有关太阳活动的叙述,正确的是A.“黑子”是指位于光球层部分温度高于周边1500K的区域B.活动剧烈时会扰乱地球磁场使指南针不能正确的指示方向C.太阳活动使地球各地的夜空产生极光D.产生于光球层的黑子和耀斑是太阳活动的主要标志3.上海市人均资源消费水平较高,但人口容量相对较大,其原因是A.热量、水资源丰富B.位置优越,耕地面积广C.矿产丰富,劳动力水平高D.科技水平高,对外开放程度高4.右图中关于四只洋流对陆地环境的影响,叙述正确的是A.在洋流①影响下,沿岸热带沙漠气候所跨经度范围广B.在洋流②影响下,大陆沿岸地区形成热带草原气候C.受洋流③影响,大陆东部降水增加D.洋流④有利于渔场的形成5.冷锋和暖锋的共同点是①冷空气均在锋面之下②过境时均多有云、雨天气③过境后天气均转晴④锋面均向暖空气一侧移动A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④高二地理第1页共8页6.中亚国家哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳成功申办2017年世博会,该城市能够申办成功最主要的优势可能是A.海陆交通便利,游客集散量大B.位置优越,处于亚欧连接纽带C.城市等级高,属于区域性国际城市D.气候适宜,亚热带气候显著7.澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛是该国优质乳品生产基地,下图为塔斯马尼亚岛主要乳品区分布示意图,下列叙述中正确的是A. 该岛的农业地域类型为地中海型农业B. 影响该岛乳品生产布局的因素有海运便利、距本土市场近C. 该岛农业生产的特点是生产规模大、集约化程度高、商品率高D.该岛亚热带湿润气候带来的水热同期是其农业生产的有利条件8.下列关于海岸山脉的叙述正确的是①是大陆和大陆板块碰撞挤压而成②位于板块生长边界③是大陆和大洋板块碰撞挤压而成④位于板块消亡边界A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④9.国际间一些面积较小的海岛常会引起国家间的严重纷争,这是因为其涉及到对该岛周边专属经济区的A.全部的主权B.资源专属权C.管线铺设权D.航海自由权10.读水循环示意图,图中①②③④代表的水循环的环节分别是A.下渗﹑地表径流﹑蒸发﹑地下径流B.蒸发﹑地下径流﹑下渗﹑地表径流C.地表径流﹑蒸发﹑下渗﹑地下径流D.蒸发﹑地表径流﹑下渗﹑地下径流11.影响一个地区人口数量的变化,根本原因有①人口的自然增减②人口的出生率③人口的死亡率④人口迁移A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④12.陆地自然带的划分标志是A.热量条件B.植被类型C.水分条件D.土壤类型13.近十二年来,我国青海湖面积扩大了169.67平方千米,该信息的获得依靠了A.GPS B.GIS C.RS D.GSM高二地理第2页共8页14.右图中陆地所在的半球及其气候可能是A.北半球的温带海洋性气候 B.北半球的地中海气候C.南半球的温带海洋性气候 D.南半球的地中海气候15.2017年4月1日,国务院决定设立雄安新区,雄安新区将逐步构建水城共融生态新区、创新驱动发展引领区、区域协调发展示范区,设立雄安新区的重要意义不包括A.集中疏解北京市非首都功能B.承接京津传统工业转移C.优化京津冀城市布局及空间结构D.培育创新驱动发展新引擎16. 下图表示某些工业部门对工业区位因素(仅考虑原料、能源、劳动力)的依赖程度,图中①、②、③代表的工业最有可能是A.有色冶金、服装、飞机B.电解铝、水产品加工、纺织C.汽车、造船、水泥D.食品加工、制糖业、电子装配17.我国喀斯特地貌最为广泛的区域,其主要地域文化景观是A.鼓楼、信天游B.吊脚楼、那达慕节C.竹楼、泼水节D.泥瓦房、二人转18.2017年6月1日,美国宣布退出应对全球气候变化的《巴黎协定》,该事件将导致全球温室气体排放量增加,由此导致右图中增强的是A. ①B. ②C. ③D.④19. 泰山和黄山是世界文化自然双重遗产,构成它们的岩石分别是A.沉积岩、变质岩B.玄武岩、花岗岩C.花岗岩、沉积岩D.变质岩、花岗岩20.右图为地球某时刻太阳光照图,图中晨昏线与经线重合,此时太阳直射点的地理坐标是A. 23°26’N 120°EB. 23°26’S 150°EC. 0°150°ED. 0°120°E高二地理第3页共8页二、综合分析题(共60分)(一)读非洲局部图后,回答问题。

上海市格致中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中考试数学试卷 含解析

上海市格致中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中考试数学试卷 含解析


填空题1.直线l过点A(1,2),且法向量为(1,﹣3),则直线l的一般式方程为.2.已知直线y=ax﹣2和y=(a+2)x+1互相垂直,则实数a等于.3.已知等比数列{a n}满足a1=,a3a5=4(a4﹣1),则a2= .4.已知数列{a n}中,a1=1,a n=a n﹣1+3(n≥2,n∈N*),数列{b n}满足b n=,n∈N*,则(b1+b2+…+b n) .5.设直线ax﹣y+3=0与圆(x﹣1)2+(y﹣2)2=4相交于A、B两点,且弦AB的长为2,则a= .6.设,为单位向量.且、的夹角为,若=+3,=2,则向量在方向上的射影为.7.设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若S2=4,a n+1=2S n+1,n∈N*,则{a n}的通项公式为.8.数列{a n}满足a n+1=(n=2,3,…),a2=1,a3=3,则a7= .9.数列{a n}满足a1=1,a2=3,且a n+2=|a n+1|﹣a n,n∈N*,记{a n}的前n项和为S n,则S100= .10.过点的直线l将圆(x﹣2)2+y2=4分成两段弧,当劣弧所对的圆心角最小时,直线l的斜率k= .11.若、、均为单位向量,且•=0,(﹣)•(﹣)≤0,则丨+﹣丨的最大值为.12.在平面直角坐标系中,A、B分别是x轴和y轴上的动点,若以AB为直径的圆C与直线2x+y﹣4=0相切,则圆C面积的最小值为.二.选择题13.设、都是非零向量,下列四个条件中,一定能使+=成立的是( )A.=﹣2B.=2C.∥D.⊥14.对任意实数k,直线(3k+2)x﹣ky﹣2=0与圆x2+y2﹣2x﹣2y﹣2=0的位置关系为( )A.相交B.相切或相离C.相离D.相交或相切15.数列{a n}的前n项和S n=a n﹣1,则关于数列{a n}的下列说法中,正确的个数有()①一定是等比数列,但不可能是等差数列②一定是等差数列,但不可能是等比数列③可能是等比数列,也可能是等差数列④可能既不是等差数列,又不是等比数列⑤可能既是等差数列,又是等比数列.A.4 B.3 C.2 D.116.到两条坐标轴距离之差的绝对值为2的点的轨迹是()A.两条直线 B.四条直线 C.四条射线 D.八条射线三.解答题17.设向量=(cosθ,sinθ),=(﹣,);(1)若∥,且θ∈(0,π),求θ;(2)若|3+|=|﹣3|,求|+|的值.18.设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n.若对任意正整数n,总存在正整数m,使得S n=a m,则称{a n}是“H数列”.(1)若数列{a n}的前n项和S n=2n(n∈N*),证明:{a n}是“H数列”;(2)设{a n}是等差数列,其首项a1=1,公差d<0.若{a n}是“H数列”,求d的值.19.已知圆O:x2+y2=4.(1)直线l1:与圆O相交于A、B两点,求|AB|;(2)如图,设M(x1,y1)、P(x2,y2)是圆O上的两个动点,点M关于原点的对称点为M1,点M关于x 轴的对称点为M2,如果直线PM1、PM2与y轴分别交于(0,m)和(0,n),问m•n是否为定值?若是求出该定值;若不是,请说明理由.20.已知数列{a n}中,a1=3,a n+1+a n=3•2n,n∈N*.(1)证明数列{a n﹣2n}是等比数列,并求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)在数列{a n}中,是否存在连续三项成等差数列?若存在,求出所有符合条件的项;若不存在,请说明理由;(3)若1<r<s且r,s∈N*,求证:使得a1,a r,a s成等差数列的点列(r,s)在某一直线上.2016—2017学年上海市黄浦区格致中学高二(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一。



黄浦区2017学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试数学试卷 2018年1月一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分.其中第1~6题每题满分54分,第7~12题每题满分54分)1.已知全集,集合,则 . 2.函数的定义域是 .3.若复数z 满足(i 为虚数单位),则z= . 4.已知sin (α+)=,α∈(﹣,0),则tan α= .5.若无穷等比数列中任意一项均等于其之后所有项的和,则其公比为 .6.若函数y=a+sinx 在区间[π,2π]上有且只有一个零点,则a= .7.已知向量(x ,y ∈R),,若x 2+y 2=1,则的最大值为 .8.已知函数y=f (x )是奇函数,且当x ≥0时,f (x )=log 2(x+1).若函数y=g (x )是y=f (x )的反函数,则g (﹣3)= .9.已知 ,若是函数的零点,则四个数按从小到大的顺序是 (用符号连接起来). 10.已知点O ,A ,B ,F 分别为椭圆的中心、左顶点、上顶点、右焦点,过点F 作OB 的平行线,它与椭圆C 在第一象限部分交于点P ,若,则实数λ的值为 . 11.已知,定义:表示不小于的最小整数.如.若,则正实数的取值范围是 .12.已知点M (m ,0),m >0和抛物线C :y 2=4x .过C 的焦点F 的直线与C 交于A ,B 两点,若=2,且||=||,则m= . 二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分.)13.若x ∈R ,则“x >1”是“”的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件U=R {}1|||1|2A x x B x x ⎧⎫=<=>-⎨⎬⎩⎭,U (C )B A = ()f x =R,,m n m n αβαβ∈<<、、、αβ、()2()()7f x x m x n =---m n αβ、、、<“”R x ∈()A x x 2,(0.4)0,A A =-=( 1.1)1A -=-(2())5A x A x ⋅=xC .充要条件D .既非充分也非必要条件14.已知向量,则下列能使成立的一组向量是 ( ).A .B .C .D .15.一个算法的程序框图如右图所示,则该程序运行后输出的值是 ( ).A .4B . 5C . 6D . 716.已知a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4是各项均为正数的等差数列,其公差d 大于零,若线段l 1,l 2,l 3,l 4的长分别为a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4,则( )A .对任意的d ,均存在以l 1,l 2,l 3为三边的三角形B .对任意的d ,均不存在以为l 1,l 2,l 3三边的三角形C .对任意的d ,均存在以l 2,l 3,l 4为三边的三角形D .对任意的d ,均不存在以l 2,l 3,l 4为三边的三角形 三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分.)17.(本题满分12分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分.在长方体中,,分别是所在棱的中点,点是棱上的动点,联结.如图所示.(1)求异面直线所成角的大小(用反三角函数值表示);(2)求以为顶点的三棱锥的体积.18. (本题满分12分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分.(3,4)a =- 12(R)a e e λμλμ=+∈ 、12,e e 12(0,0)(1,2)e e ==- ,12(1,3)(2,6)e e =-=- ,12(1,2)(3,1)e e =-=- ,121(,1)(1,2)2e e =-=- ,1111ABCD A B C D -14,3AB AA BC ===E F 、AB BC 、P 11A B 1,EF AC 1EF AC 、E F A P 、、、如图,已知点A是单位圆上一点,且位于第一象限,以x轴的正半轴为始边,OA为终边的角设为α,将OA绕坐标原点逆时针旋转至OB.(1)用α表示A,B两点的坐标;(2)M为x轴上异于O的点,若MA⊥MB,求点M横坐标的取值范围.19.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分.已知函数,函数是函数的反函数.(1)求函数的解析式,并写出定义域;(2)设,若函数在区间内的图像是不间断的光滑曲线,求证:函数在区间内必有唯一的零点(假设为),且.101(),R101xxg x x-=∈+()y f x=()y g x=()y f x=D1()()h x f xx=-()y h x=(0,1)()y h x=(1,0)-112t-<<-。













黄浦区 格致中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中(1)

黄浦区 格致中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中(1)

格致中学二0 一七学年度第一学期期中考试高二年级英语试卷(测试100 分钟内完成,总分100 分,考试后交答题纸)I. Listening Comprehension 20% 略II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. It still remains a mystery the watery flows across the surface of the Mars come from.A. howB. thatC. whereD. why22. After lying in bed for three days, he seemed from the fever, though he still looked pale.A. to recoverB. recoveringC. to be recoveringD. recovered23. Svetlana Alexievich, non-fictions document the voices of the powerless, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whose24. Vehicles are often held up at the school gate because of the cars on either side of the road to pick up the students.A. parkingB. to be parkedC. parkedD. having been parked25. In a situation you find it difficult to manage your emotion, just stop the conversation and find yourself a place to calm down.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what26. various apps allow students to better interact with the lessons, they sometimes hinder the stu dents’ ability to think for themselves.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. SinceSection BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In 1988,American vocalist Bobby McFerrin released “Don’t worry, Be happy.”Accompanied by an entertaining video 27 (feature) comic actor Robin Williams and Bill Irwin, McFerrin’s a cappella song had a catchy tune, but it was the simple, upbeat message 28 lifted it to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. 29 is stated in the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights. Happiness motivates us; without it, our lives would be empty and meaningless.Of course, 30 makes a person happy differs greatly from individual to individual. For some, money, fame, or power; for others, ifs family, relationships, work, adventure, creativity, or peace of mind In its short refrain, “Don’t worry,Be happy”offers a straightforward formula for happiness—one 31 most people wouldagree with—but not worrying and being happy 32 (be) not always so easy. Or is it possible that by simplifying our lives, by reducing the clutter that worries and burdens us, we can find true happiness?Section CDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Every two years, cities around the world make bids to the International Olympic Commission(IOC)to host the Olympic Games.Originally, a host city was selected33 based on its strength of being a popular place for certain sports. Today, a city was selected through a much more 34 process.First, the city must prove that it is big enough to handle the Olympics. With the games come a huge number of tourists, athletes and journalists. The city must show that it can host the games in new stadiums, accommodate all the people in hotels and transport everyone from place to another with a 35 mass transit system.Second, the city needs to 36. convince( 使明白)residents that the expenses of hosting the Olympics are worthwhile.Finally, the city needs to maintain a highly positive media 37 to carry the games.If the IOC decides that a city has fulfilled the three points above, the city is considered a “Candidate City” and goes into the second phase of the process.After submitting(提交)an application and an application fee, the IOC makes a final judging on which city is the best candidate for the coming Summer or Winter Olympic Games.The application fee is incredibly high.This is meant to 38 citiesthat are not committed to the efforts necessary for hosting the Olympics. But once selected, the host city 39 needs to spend even more on construction projects , including an “Oly mpic Vi llage”, new sports stadiu ms, and transportation systems.But if the Olympics are so expensive, why do cities want to host the games? There are a variety of reasons---the eagerness to be in the international 40. for two weeks, the opportunity to bring new jobs into the community, to name but a few.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Children’s independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychological development. Allowing them to get to know theirown neighborhood and community gives them a ‘sense of 41 ’. This depends on ‘42 exploration’, which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. (Such children may 43 more, but they learn less.) Not only is it important that children be able to get to local play areas by themselves, but walking and cyclingplay activities in journeys to school and to other destinations provide 44themselves.The reduction in children’s freedom may also contribute to a weakening of the sense of local 45 . As fewer children and adults use the streets as pedestrians (行人), these streets become less sociable places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have the spontaneous(自然的) 46 that help to have a feeling of community. This in itself may increase fear associated with attack of 47 , because there are fewer adults available who know their neig hbors’ children, and who can 48 for their safety.49 our roads become more dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, thus contributing to increased levels of danger for the remaining pedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the 50 volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jams near schools at the end of a school day, will not need 51 about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children’s 52 of freedom.As individuals, parents strive to provide the best upbringing they can for their children. 53 , in doing so (e.g. by driving their children to sport, school or recreation) parents may be contributing to a more dangerous environment for children54 . The idea that ‘streets are for cars and backyards and playgrounds are for children’ is a strongly held belief, and parents have little choice as individuals but to keep their children off the 55 if they want to protect their safety.41. A. pride B .place C. safety D. responsibilty42. A. practical B. frequent C. traffic D. personal43. A. do B. think C. see D. hear44. A. imaginable B. favorite C. popular D. actual45. A. community B. culture C. customs D. language46. A. exchange B. guidance C. response D. company47. A. tourists B. strangers C. neighbors D. children48. A. stand out B. look out C. check up D. trap49. A. While B. As C. Before D. Unless50. A. increased B. maintained C. reduced D. released51. A. asking B. bothering C. convincing D. doubting52. A. love B. gain C. symbol D. loss53. A. However B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Otherwise54. A. generally B. roughly C. carelessly D. regularly55. A. playgrounds B. streets C. sport D. community Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’should get a bit extra.”The hours she’s chosen to work meant that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhap s they’d be a bit m ore careful.”The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself——and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the tim e never drags.”Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m m ad about it.”56. Margaret quit her job as a nurse becauseA. she wanted to earn more money to support her familyB. she had suffered a lot of mental pressureC. she needed the right time to look after her childrenD. she felt tired of taking care of patients57. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because .A. they never clean their officesB. they look down upon cleanersC. they never do their work carefullyD. they always make a mess in their offices58. When at work, Margaret feels .A. light-hearted because of her fellow workersB. happy because the building is fully litC. tired because of the heavy workloadD. bored because time passed slowly59. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would.A. help care for her childrenB. regret what they had saidC. show sympathy for herD. feel disappointed in her(B)We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.How to use your NatWest Servicecard .As a Switch card, it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services, wherever you see the Switch logo. The money comes straight out of your account, so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money ( or an agreed overdraft (透支) to cover it. It is also a cheque guarantee for up to the amount shown on the card. And it gives you free access to your money from over 31,000 cash machines across the UK.How to use your NatWest CashcardYou can use your Cashcard as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo. It can also give you access to your account and your cash from over 31,000 cash machines nationwide. You can spend or withdraw what you have in your account, or as much as your agreed overdraft limit.Using your cards abroadYou can also use your Servicecard and Cashcard when you’re abroad. You can withdraw cash at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see the Cirrus or Maestro logo displayed.We take a commission charge (手续费) of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make. . We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%.How to use your Nat West Credit CardWith your credit card you can do the following:* Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days interest-free credit.* Pay in over 24 million shops worldwide that display the Mastercard or Visa logos.* Collect one AIR MILE for every£20 of spending that appears on your statement(结算单).(This does not include foreign currency or traveller’s cheques bought,interest and other charges.)60. If you carry the Servicecard or the Cashcard , .A.you can use it to guarantee things as you wishB.you can draw your money from cash machines convenientlyC.you can spend as much money as you like without a limitD.you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK61. If you withdraw£200 from a cash machine abroad, you will be charged . A.£4.90 B.£4.5 C.£5.25 D.£5.362. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?A.You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.B.You will be charged some interest beyond 56 days.C.You can use the card in any shop across the world.D.You will gain one air mile if you spend £20 on traveller’s cheques.63. The purpose of the passage is to show you how to .A.play your cards right B.useyour cards abroad C.draw cashwith your cards D.pay for goodswith your cards( C )Against the supposition(假设)that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunlight into space.This finding suggests that taking steps to prevent northern forest to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may occur more frequently over next several centuries as a result of a longer fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling.This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by other scientists have suggested that fire in northern regions speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat.Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere and caused warming. Ozone(臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees covered the ground. Snow on the ground mirrored more sunlight back into space, leading to cooling.“We need to find out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atm osphere.” Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a result of the fire, and found a measurement closely related to the global air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at which energy is gained or lost from the earth.64. According to the new findings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may .A.result in a warming climateB.cause the forest fires to occur more frequentlyC.lead to a longer fire seasonD.protect the forests and the environment there65. The following are all the immediate effects after a forest fire EXCEPT .A.large amounts of greenhouse gases enter the atmosphereB.the levels of ozone which is a type of oxygen increaseC.snow on the ground mirrors more sunlight back into spaceD.ashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and take in more radiation from the sun 66. Earlier studies about northern forest fires .A.analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climateB.indicate that forest fires will pollute the atmosphereC.suggest that people should take measures to protect environmentD.suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming67. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may .A.warm the climate as the supposition goesB.allow more snow to reflect more sunlight into space and thus cool the climate C.destroy large areas of forests and pollute the far-off sea iceD.help to gain more energy rather than release more energy( D )Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment. Fortunately, it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely- reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way; this does not mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of greenspace in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of greenspace facilities.The theoretical separation of living working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed after you.68. According to the author, the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment.A.is still unknownB.has been fully recognizedC.is being closely studiedD.is usually neglected69. The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation has led to.A.the disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighborhoodB.the improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighborhoodC.relatively little attention for recreative possibilitiesD.the location of recreation facilities far from home70. According to the author, greenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that.A.an increasing number of recreative activities might be developedB.more and more people might have access to themC.more obligatory activities might take on a recreative aspectD.recreative activities might be brought into our homes71. The main idea of this passage is that .A. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities.B. better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life.C. the urban environment is proving more recreation activities than it did many years ago.D. priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities.I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 方便的话,请帮我从邮局取包裹。

























黄浦区2017年高中学业等级考调研测试地理试卷答案满分100分时间60分钟一、选择题(共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8. B 9.A 10.B 11.A12.D 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B二、综合分析题(共60分)(一)(20分)21.地理位置、地形地势、大气环流和洋流等因素的影响。















黄浦区高二上学期语文期末联考试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共3题;共6分)1. (2分) (2018高一下·辽宁开学考) 下列各句中划线成语的使用,全部都不正确的一项是()①对身居官位者写出的散文,一些报刊便门户大开,一些评论家便极力捧场,这种把散文和权势捆绑在一起的做法无异于焚琴煮鹤。






A . ①③⑤B . ①④⑥C . ②③④D . ②⑤⑥2. (2分) (2018高一上·哈尔滨月考) 下列各句中,表达得体的一句是()A . 本校现缺副校长一名,您是否愿意来敝校高就?我们将为您提供广阔的发展空间。

B . 先生不远万里驾临寒舍,足令蓬荜生辉,他日有幸到贵府拜访,还望先生扫除而迎。

C . 请大家针对昨天发生的事件发表看法,千万不要客气,有什么想法姑妄言之即可。

D . 我们诚挚邀请贵公司来参加我公司年会,如蒙应允,请发来与会人员名单。

3. (2分) (2017高二上·扬州期末) 下列诗句反映的传统节日按时间先后排序正确的是()①贫居往往无烟火,不独明朝为子推。















若不计空气阻力,则该物体可能会()(A)在A下方的某位置,以3m/s的速率向下运动高三物理试卷第3页共4页高三物理试卷 第4页 共4页(B )在A 上方的某位置,以4m/s 的速率向上运动(C )在A 上方的某位置,以6m/s 的速率向下运动(D )在A 上方的某位置,以8m/s 的速率向上运动7.A 、B 两个质点在同一直线上,t =0时从同一地点开始运动,它们的v -t 图像如图所示,由图可知( )(A )在t 时刻两个质点在同一位置(B )在t 时刻两个质点加速度相等(C )在0-t 时间内质点B 比质点A的位移大(D )在0-t 时间内两个质点的平均速度一样大8.在“用单摆测定重力加速度”的实验中,用力传感器测得摆线的拉力大小F 随时间t 变化的图像如图所示,已知单摆的摆长为l ,则重力加速度g 为( ) (A )4π2l t 2 (B )π2l t2 (C )4π2l 9t 2 (D )π2l 4t2 9.如图所示,实线为电场线,虚线为一带电粒子仅在电场力作用下的运动轨迹。



黄浦区高二上学期语文教学质量检查试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共3题;共6分)1. (2分) (2017高三上·天水开学考) 下列各句中,加线的成语使用恰当的一项是()A . 同学们由于表达能力与思考能力欠缺,在上课回答问题时往往出现言不由衷的情况。

B . 关于房价是否还会上涨的问题,有的专家发表评论说还会涨,有的专家发表评论说要降,我真是莫衷一是,不知买好还是不买好。

C . 在生活中,难免与别人打交道,当别人有困难需要帮助时,我都鼎力相助,献出自己的爱心,让他人感受到我的关怀。

D . 在互联网这个新的文化交流空间,中韩应该携手合作,推出更多网络文化精品,弘扬两国优秀传统文化,让“汉风”与“韩流”在网络空间相得益彰。

2. (2分) (2018高三下·黑龙江开学考) 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A . 5G,即第五代移动通信网络,其最高理论传输速度可达每秒数+Gb,这比4G网络的传输速度快了数百倍左右。

B . 今年6月初,因为一张赤脚穿旧鞋、在高铁二等座上专心工作的照片,78 岁的工程院院士刘先林在网络上走红。

C . 一款名为“奇迹暖暖”的游戏和故宫合作之后,暖粉们“穿”上各种珍藏的华服,受到国外不少年轻人的追捧。

D . 近日,一名四年级杭州小学生将蜗牛养到“四世同堂”,俨然成为蜗牛小专家,其爱心与耐心赢得无数人点赞。

3. (2分) (2017高三上·闵行期末) 小强因期中考试成绩不理想而有些低沉,你作为好朋友想送他一句话。

下面最合适的一句是()A . 只有在天空最暗的时候,才可以看到天上的星星。

B . 旁观者的姓名永远爬不上比赛的计分板上。

C . 前面是堵墙,用微笑面时,就变成一座桥。

D . 山涧的泉水㓿过一路曲折,才唱一支是美妙的歌。

二、现代文阅读 (共3题;共27分)4. (6分) (2015高二上·孝感期中) 阅读下面的文字,完成以下小题。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




高二地理 第2页 共6页
A .海陆交通便利,游客集散量大
B .位置优越,处于亚欧连接纽带
C .城市等级高,属于区域性国际城市
D .气候适宜,亚热带气候显著
A. 该岛的农业地域类型为地中海型农业
B. 影响该岛乳品生产布局的因素有海运便利、距本土市场近
C. 该岛农业生产的特点是生产规模大、集约化程度高、商品率高
D. 该岛亚热带湿润气候带来的水热同期是其农业生产的有利条件 8.下列关于海岸山脉的叙述正确的是
①是大陆和大陆板块碰撞挤压而成 ②位于板块生长边界 ③是大陆和大洋板块碰撞挤压而成 ④位于板块消亡边界 A .①②
B .②③
C .①④
D .③④
9.国际间一些面积较小的海岛常会引起国家间的严重纷争,这是因为其涉及到对该岛周边专属经济区的 A .全部的主权
B .资源专属权
C .管线铺设权
D .航海自由权
A .下渗﹑地表径流﹑蒸发﹑地下径流
B .蒸发﹑地下径流﹑下渗﹑地表径流
C .地表径流﹑蒸发﹑下渗﹑地下径流
D .蒸发﹑地表径流﹑下渗﹑地下径流 11.影响一个地区人口数量的变化,根本原因有
①人口的自然增减 ②人口的出生率 ③人口的死亡率 ④人口迁移 A .①②
B .②③
C .③④
D .①④
A .热量条件
B .植被类型
C .水分条件
D .土壤类型
A.北半球的温带海洋性气候 B.北半球的地中海气候
C.南半球的温带海洋性气候 D.南半球的地中海气候
16. 下图表示某些工业部门对工业区位因素(仅考虑原料、能源、劳动力)的依赖程度,图
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
19. 泰山和黄山是世界文化自然双重遗产,构成它们的岩石分别是
A. 23°26’N 120°E
B. 23°26’S 150°E
C. 0°150°E
D. 0°120°E


高二地理 第5页 共6页










