
Peach Blossom River 桃花江
Gudong Waterfall 古东瀑布 A place you can never miss.
Every summer vacation,lots of visitors come here to have fun.But be careful of water,take a raincoat with you and climb the hill carefully
• East or west, Guilin landscape is best. • Guilin is one of China's most picturesque cities, with a population of 670,000, situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China on the west bank of the Lijiang River (also called the Li River).
Zhengyang Pedestrian Street 正阳步行街
• The city center of Guilin.Here you can go shopping,eat delicious snacks,or go to KTV with your friends.
There is a symbol of the street is a big clock,like the picture shows
Different kinds of Osmanthus
Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山

桂林各景点英文简介象山景区:Xiangbi Shan(Elephant Trunk Hill)This hill resembles an elephant sucking water. The Elephant Eye Rock perches high up the hill, with a hole running through it from left to right. Between the elephant's trunk and the body is a big round hole. It's reflection in the water is the exact image of the full moon, and hence its name" water Moon Cave". On the cliff there are more than 50 pieces of carved inscriptions belong to different periods. At the moonlight night, you will feel yourself merged with the moon in the sky, the moon in the cave and the moon at the river bottom. It is a symbol and landmark of the city.芦笛岩英文简介Ludi Yan(Reed Flute Cave)Described as "Art Palace of Nature", the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the caves create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes. Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Cave is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin. There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the cave which was an ideal material for making flute. Inside the U-shaped Karst cave are a large number of stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, and stone flowers, all glistening in colorful lights. In a distance of 500 meter between the entrance and the exit, there are more than 30 interesting sights, including " Pine in the Snow", "Mushroom Hill","Virgin Forest"… The Reed Flute Cave is justifiably called the " Art Palace of Nature".叠彩山英文简介Diecai Park( Hill of Folded Brocade)It earned its name due to the fact that its fault layers look like pieces of piled brocades. Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a panoramic view of the city.伏波山英文简介Fubo Shan(Whirlpool Hill)Standing magnificently on the side of the river, this hill is so called because it serves to stem the torrents coming down the surrounding higher ground in summer, thus forming whirlpools. At its foot is Huan Zhu Dong( Returned Pearl Cave).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------七星公园英文简介Seven Star ParkEast of the Li River, Seven Star Park derives from the Seven Star Cave, is one kilometer away from the downtown. It occupies more than 40 hectares, which is the largest, most beautiful multiple park in Guilin. The park boasts of the green hills, crystal water, fantastic caves and beautiful rocks.The ancient Floral Bridge straddles at the southern entrance.Hidden-dragon Cave near the southern gate houses the Forest of Stone Inscriptions. To the east of Seven-Star Hill stands the Camel Hill, at the foot of which the US president Bill Clinton once made a public speech on environmental protection in 1998. Besides, the Seven-Star Cave, the zoo and potted landscape Garden are worthy of being seen.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------靖江王墓、尧山英文简介The Jingjiang MausoleumThe Jingjiang Mausoleum is located at the foot of Yao Mountain in the eastern suburb of Guilin. It is a mausoleum for a royal family - the Jingjiang Family in Ming Dynasty whose eleven generations were buried. Moreover, there are more than 300 tombs covering 100 square kilometers, making up the biggest ancient tomb group in south China. The well-preserved tombs have become important relics of culture and history in Guilin.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------独秀峰英文简介Duxiu Feng(Solitary Beauty Peak)It rises sheer from the ground inside the palace in the center of the city. It has acquired a fame of "the Pillar Holding up the Southern Sky" because of its majesty. The climb to the top is steep but there are good views of the town, the Li River and the surrounding hills. On the eastern cliff there remains giant engraved characters by the Qing dynasty calligraphers.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------西山公园英文简介Xishan ParkThe West Hill Park, a mile from downtown, is located in the western part of the city. The park holds the West Hill, Hidden Hill, and City Museum. Around the hills is a lake, by which stands a temple called Xi Qinglin. It has beenfrequented by pilgrims and tourists ever since the Tang Dynasty. On the cliff there exist 200 statues and frescos.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------榕湖杉湖英文简介Banyan Lake and Fir LakeBanyan Lake and Fir Lake are two pieces of emerald embedded in the downtown area. Back in the Tang Dynasty, they were part of the city moat.The one in the east was called Fir Lake owing to the fir trees growing around, while the other was called Banyan Lake thanks to a giant banyan guarding the ancient city gate that enjoys a history of 1,000 years.Around the lakes grow bamboo groves, peach and cassia trees. Zigzagging bridges lead to the small islands dotting on the water. Though located in downtown, the lake areas are beautiful and quiet.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------穿山公园英文简介Chuanshan Hill(The Pierced Hill)The Tunnel Hill is situated in the southeast. A round hole through the Chuanshan Hill is in the shape of a full moon, hence the name. A pagoda built in the Ming dynasty stands at the top of a neighboring hill. A branch of the Li River winds through the park.1|评论。

远看像插在象背上的剑柄, 又像一只古雅的宝瓶,因 此称“剑柄塔”,或“宝 瓶塔”。该塔建于明代, 塔高 13 . 6 米,普贤塔位 于象山之颠,不仅与桂林 山水的传说相吻合,又印 证了普贤菩萨乘大象之说, 而大象驮宝瓶,在亚洲各 国的许多传说中,也象征 着和平、美好和幸福。
Elephant Trunk Hill cellar
象鼻山简介Introduction of the Elephant Trunk Hill
Name:Elephant Trunk Hill Alias:Yi Hill. Chenshui Hill Geographical position: at the meeting point of Peach Blossom and Li Rivers Acreage:118,800 ㎡
水月洞在象鼻山的象鼻和象腿之间, 水月洞洞口朝阳,亦名朝阳洞。但 洞在水上,如明月浮水,十分形象, 所以水月之名 ,一直沿用至今 。 “象 山水月”是桂林山水一大奇 景,文人学士属文赋句,莫不叹为 观止。宋蓟北处士《水月洞》诗有 “水底有明月,水上明月浮。水流 月不去,月去水还流”之句,细致 刻画了天上、洞中,水底月亮相互 辉映的奇迹。象山的水月与南望的 穿山月岩相对, 一悬于天,一浮 于水,形成“漓江双月”的奇特景 观。
位于象鼻山山腰南北两侧, 互相贯通,高约 2 米,宽 5 ~ 10 米,长52.8米,呈扁长形,面积约274平方米。象眼岩原 是一段不长的古地下河道,形成年代比水月洞早,因部位 恰巧在象眼处而得名。
Samantabhadra pagoda
It on elephant back to the hilt, and like a quaint Aquarius, so also named the hilt tower ", or" Aquarius Tower. The tower built in the Ming Dynasty, the high is13.6 m,not only coincides with the legend of the landscape of Guilin, confirmed Samantabhadra by elephant said, the elephant pack Aquarius, in the many legendary Asian countries, but also a symbol of peace, beauty and happiness.

7.灵渠(RMB 8~10元)
灵渠,建成于秦始皇33年,是跨越湘江水系和珠 江水系的古运河,位于湘桂走廊中心兴安县境内,与 陕西的郑国渠、四川的都江堰并称为“秦的三大水利 工程”。郭沫若先生称为:“与长城南北相呼应,同 为世界之奇观。” 灵渠两岸风景秀丽,景点、文 物古迹众多,如状元桥、陡门、四贤祠、飞来石二战、 铧嘴、大小天平、泄水天平和秦文化广场等景点,景 区内还建有二战美国飞虎队遗迹纪念馆,是了解二战 期间中美两国人民共同抗击日本军国主义的史实的好 去处。 Strategies&Tips:这8-10块钱只是从桂林市坐车到兴安 县的钱,出了车站后,叫辆三轮拉你进去,也是可以省 去门票钱的。就付车费钱。至于你的疑问,景区和村 落连在一起,当地人当然有这个特权啊!
1.Parks(RMB 0 元):七星公园、西山公园、 虞山公园、南溪山公园、伏波山公园…… 早上7点以前,本地人晨练都是自由出入 的。过了这个时间本地人两人元门票,买通 卡1元/次,跟团去的话30-50元不等。 Strategies&Tips:千万不要背大包挂相机,让 门卫一眼就看出你是旅游的。最好学几句桂 林话,守门的人感可疑盘问,打死说自己是桂 林哪所学校的,忘带证了。还有一条路从后 山爬进公园,比较危险一些。要说这些公园 30块的门票其实挺值,景点大多很经典,但 是有这样的途径为什么不用呢? -
Strategies&Tips:目前桂林本地名气比较大的米粉店有:石记米 粉(解放西路,微笑堂对面)、又一轩(乐群路口)、福林米粉 (中山北路)、秋玲米粉(东环路口)、胜利米粉(瓦窑路口)。 其他的小米粉店也还凑合吧。桂林市区米粉店的规模和个数已达 到想吃就能马上买到的程度了。
Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山

龙脊梯田在龙胜县东南部和平 乡境内的平安村,龙胜县龙胜梯田 群规模宏大,全部的梯田分布在海 拔300-1100米之间,最大坡度达50 度,一层层从山脚盘绕到山顶,层 层叠叠,高低错落。其线条行云流 水,其规模磅礴壮观。是桂林旅游 的一个重要组成部分。
八角寨,又名云台山,海拔818米,坐 落在湘桂边陲,越城岭和雪峰山余脉交汇的 地方,隶属广西资源县。位于群山拱卫之中, 横空出世,独占鳌头,寨顶飞出八个犄角, 形似八条峥嵘的巨龙远翘,故称八角寨。它 是我国乃至世界稀有的丹霞峰林地貌,被国 风从多著名专家称为“丹霞之魂”。在这里, 所有的石峰均向一个方向作近几年45度的倾 斜,十分奇特,在断崖挽留着白云,云浪抚 摸着山腹,岚气轻拂着苍松时,所有的石峰 显得迭宕起伏,似大海中的鲸鱼在追逐嬉戏, 翻腾闹海。
伏 东北,滨江路北端与风北
波 枕陆地,东临漓江,有遏 山 波伏澜之势,因唐代曾在
山上修建汉朝伏波将军马 援祠而得名。

象鼻山导游词The Elephant Trunk Hill is also called xiangshan, located in China's guilin city, guangxi province. The Elephant Trunk Hill is so named because it looks like a giant elephant drinking water with its trunk on the Li River bank. The Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River. It seemed to stretch as the giant water nose, very realistic image for the city of Guilin emblem, is the most classic tourism scenic spots. The Ming dynasty poet KongYong(孔镛) wrote ”like the clear drink YuHe ,a bibulousshould wave, castle peak naturally bone, and notice them by day.”( 象鼻分明饮玉河,西风一吸水应波。
青山自是饶奇骨,白日相看不厌多)The big hole between the nose and the body is the famous hidden hole. FanChengDa(范成大) said it “its form is round ,look at the end of the whole such as round.”(其形正圆,望之端整如月轮)。

大象听信了天帝的话,完全丧失了戒备。于是, 它走到漓江边饮水解渴。正当它垂下长长的鼻子 吸水时,天帝悄悄走到它的身后,把手中的长剑 狠狠地刺进了大象的身体,由于用力过猛,象背 上只留下了短短的剑柄。 大象虽然死了,但是它并没有倒下。久而久 之,神象化成了一座雄伟的象鼻山。远远望去, 象鼻、象身、象尾处处分明。山上那座瓶形小塔, 据说就是天帝留下的剑柄。其实,这座古塔是明 代才建造的,上面刻着普贤菩萨像,名叫“普贤塔 ”,也叫“瓶塔”。
桂林山水甲天下 ——象鼻山之旅
Elephant hill
• 景区简介 • 景点介绍
象鼻山位于桂林市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一. Elephant Hill, also called Elephant Trunk Hill is one of the most famous hills in Guilin, is located at the intersection of the Li River and Taohua River.
It looks like an elephant drinking water with its long trunk. 它看起来像一只大象在用它的鼻子喝水。
江甘泉的巨象而得名。象鼻山是桂林山水的代表,桂林城的象征城徽 。
天帝因为仪仗中缺少了一只大象,队形 很不雅观,就命令象奴回桂林去寻找生 病的神象。象奴来到桂林,看到大象正 在为农民耕田,就斥责它丢失了天神的 身份和脸面。大象说:“难道你、我和 天帝只能吃农民种的粮食,而不能为他 们做点事吗?我是绝不再回去为天帝当 奴隶了。”

Seven-Star Cave is an extensive limestone cave complex in SevenStar Park, both of which are popular tourist attractions in the city of Guilin in Guangxi province in China . The earliest exploration of Seven-Star Cave dates back to the Tang Dynasty, about 1,300 years ago.
A Picturesque Place in China
---- Guilin
Brief Introduction
• Guilin is situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the west bank of the Li River. Its name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city.
Scenic spots of Guilin 桂林山水主要景点的英文介绍

stone flowers of grotesque
shapes in the caves create breathtaking sceneror
the eye.
Elephant Hill (象鼻山)
Elephant Hill, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag.
Scenic spots of Guilin
1.Lijiang River (漓江) 2.the Reed Flute Frag(芦笛岩) 3. Elephant Hill (象鼻山) 4. Seven-star Cave 七星岩
Lijiang River (漓江)
Lijiang River is one ofChina‘stoptourist destinations and attracts thousands of visitors both from home and abroad.It is famous for its unique beauty of four characteristics: verdant mountains, crystal-clear water, mysterious caves, and exquisite rocks.

Different kinds of Osmanthus
Elephant ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้runk Hill 象鼻山
• originally named Li River, located in the Guangxi District of Guilin in the Peach Blossom River and the Lijiang River confluence, the mountain looks for a station in the extended nose booze Lijiang river oasis of the elephant and the name,
•Let's watch a promotion video of Guilin !
• That's all !Thank you!!
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Republic of China on the west bank of the Lijiang River
(also called the Li River).
漓 江
• Its name means "forest of Sweet ", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city. Its scenery is reputed by many Chinese to be the "finest under heaven", or directly from Chinese: "the mountains and rivers in Guilin are the number one under the heaven."

Scenery change in 4 seasons
Gudong Waterfall
Not only can you enjoy the landscape, but you also can climb up the Water Falls by yourself!
Yangshuo’s scenery
Guilin’s scenery is the best under heaven, while Yangshuo's scenery is the best in Guilin.
Bamboo Rafting
Rafting along the Yulong river is particularly popular in summer, you can enjoy the landscape along the river.

象鼻山简介Introduction of the Elephant Trunk Hill
• 传说,七位仙女相伴下凡赏世间美景,最小癿那位仙女看到生活在返片土地上癿人仧 常常遇到水患癿困扰,而心生怜悯,便私自将玉帝癿坐骑天象带到凡间帮助人仧疏通 河道,丌久后被玉帝知道,便命天将将仙女带回天庭,而将天象化为石山,幵用宝剑 将其镇住,令天象永丌得迒回天界。一日,普贤菩萨云游此地,见一头天象被宝剑镇 于此处,普贤菩萨被天象癿行为所感动,心生慈悲,便用法力拔去了象身上癿宝剑, 但天象毕竟触犯天觃私下凡间,菩萨只好用自己癿宝瓶置于象背将其镇在原地;后来, 宝瓶变成了象鼻山上癿普贤宝塔。丌知过了过久,普贤菩萨骑白象重游故地,再次见 到天象,便想度化天象,但见天象身上已长出了树木,即使度化也已丌能飞天;正在 菩萨欲迒天界之时,却发现江边丌见一人一畜,得知是因天象疏通了河道扰动了江水, 使得江水污浊人畜无法饮用;菩萨仔细查看后,发现原来江底无石,致使江水中癿泥 土丌能沉淀下来,菩萨便将自己癿坐骑白象化身为一枚金光闪闪癿“石足”落入漓江 之中,江底顿时幷化出无数癿闪闪江石,漓江癿水也瞬时变得清澈见底,从此人仧便 沿江安居繁衍下来;后又传说,此石足为普贤菩萨癿右足,脚踩金莲,造福人间。 人仧后来感动天象为人间所做得一切,便将其命名为“象山”,即象鼻山;人仧也时 时感恩菩萨癿慈悲,为纨念白象癿自我牺牲精神故称漓江中癿石头为“清水石”;桂 林人对象鼻山和漓江石都有着天生癿热爱,及真挚癿情感寄托,赏石藏石文化、山水 文化都早已经融入了桂林人癿日常文化生活中,丌管是在家中、庭院、案堂、以及身 上,你都能见到人仧收藏癿各式宝石;人仧之间盛传着一句话:“山中有石则奇,水 中有石则清,家中有石则安,园中有石则幽,堂中有石则雅,身上有石则贵”;人仧 都相信“清水石”癿灵性能辟邪、镇宅、助财、转运。

象鼻山英文导游词篇一:象鼻山英文导游词TheElephantTrunkHillisalsocalledxiangshan,locatedinchina'sguilinc ity,guangxiprovince.TheElephantTrunkHillissonamedbecauseitlookslikea giantelephantdrinkingwaterwithitstrunkontheLiRiverbank.TheElephantTr unkHilljutsoutintotheLiRiverwhereitjoinsthePeachBlossomRiver.itseeme dtostretchasthegiantwaternose,veryrealisticimageforthecityofGuilinemble m,isthemostclassictourismscenicspots.ThemingdynastypoetKongYong(孔镛)wrote”likethecleardrinkYuHe,abibulousshouldwave,castlepeaknaturallybone,and noticethembyday.”(象鼻分明饮玉河,西风一吸水应波。
青山自是饶奇骨,白日相看不厌多)Thebigholebetweenthenoseandthebodyisthefamoushiddenhole.Fanche ngda(范成大)saidit“itsformisround,lookattheendofthewholesuchasround.”(其形正圆,望之端整如月轮)。
Riverflowedthroughtheholeriver,raftinginthebrightmoonnight,anditisarefl ectionofthe“underwaterhavethemoonthatfloatonwater.”(水底有明月,水上明月浮)itmakesthepastdynastiespoetrypoetmorethan.inthehole,ancientculturalr elicsinsideandoutsidecliffstoneofover50pieces,amongthemwiththesongdynastypatrioticpoetzhangXiaoXiang(张孝祥),FanchengdaandLuYouwhoarethemostfamousworkers.althoughLuYouhave neverbeentoguilin,hewasattractedtothemarvelousmountainandthegraceful water.HesentthepoemsandletterstoduSiGong(杜思恭)whoistheRenzhaostates(inguangxiguilinpinglecounty)Taishou’sfriend.Thebottomofthemountainhasthepathwiththetopofmountain.Thetop ofthemountainisflattenedandgreen.TheElephantTrunkHillhavethereconstr uctioninrecentyearsandtheyunfengtemple(云峰寺)establishedinTangdynasty.Thetempledisplaysofthehistoryofculturalreli csoftheTaipingheavenlykingdom.inthetempleofthewestisastupas(舍利塔),hereoriginalisalsoakaiyuantemple.TheElephantTrunkHillisabeautifullands cape,isthesymbolofguilincityandthesign,istheloveofthechineseandforeignv isitors.wishyouhaveapleasanttimeinTheElephantTrunkHill.Thankyou!篇二:象鼻山导游词专业:经融学学号:20XX13006823姓名:肖丹广西桂林象鼻山导游词各位同学们:大家早上好!很高兴能够与大家相聚桂林,首先我代表广西省xx旅行社全体员工给大家说一声:一路辛苦了!首先请允许我做下自我介绍,我叫肖丹,是xx旅行社的一名专职导游人员,大家可以叫我肖导或是小肖都可以,为我们开车的司机师傅是康师傅,康师傅技术娴熟,行车稳妥,我们坐他车既安全又舒适,今天的旅游将由师傅和我一起为大家服务,如果您在旅途中有什么意见和要求,尽管向我们提,在我力所能及的范围内,合理而可能的情况下,会尽量满足大家的要求的,最后希望大家这次出去,游得开心,玩得愉快!并喜欢我们导游介绍! 有人说:旅游有六大要素,称之为“六脉神剑”,也就是我们通常所说吃、住、行、游、购、娱这六个方面,接下来我逐一给大家讲一下:首先是吃,俗话说的好“民以食为天”,吃是非常重要的,每一个地方都有自己当地独具特色的饮食文化,我们这次在旅游地是用团队餐,10人一桌,当然了,不会像我们在家里吃的那样舒服,但是我们会尽量要求酒店按照大家的口味去做菜,但同样,也希望大家去品尝一下当地的菜,了解一下当地的饮食文化!接着是住,我们这次住的是双人标准间,大家进入酒店房间的时候,先不要着急休息,先看一下房间的东西是否齐全,被套枕巾是否有污染,有的话及时让服务员给布齐、调换。
桂林象鼻山中英文介绍 共16页

园,园内以象鼻山为主体,还有“象山水月”、仿古建筑云峰寺、爱情岛、明代建 筑普贤塔等景观,象鼻山是桂林重点的旅游景点。清代工部郎中舒书在《象山记》 中写道:粤之奇以山,粤西之山之奇以石,而省城相对之象,则又其奇之甚。有道 是:桂林之旅,从象山公园开始。
天帝看到大象如此勇猛,硬捉会损失过多 的天兵天将,就想了一个狠毒的计策。他对大 象说:“你是一员猛将,我很喜欢你,就放你 投生去吧。”说完,就带着天兵天将撤回天上 去了。
大象听信了天帝的话,完全丧失了戒备。于是, 它走到漓江边饮水解渴。正当它垂下长长的鼻子 吸水时,天帝悄悄走到它的身后,把手中的长剑 狠狠地刺进了大象的身体,由于用力过猛,象背 上只留下了短短的剑柄。
桂林山水甲天下 ——象鼻山之旅
Elephant hill
• 景区简介 • 景点介绍
象鼻山位于桂林市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一.
Elephant Hill, also called Elephant Trunk Hill is one of the most famous hills in Guilin, is located at the intersection of the Li River and Taohua River.
相传,这象鼻山是天上的神象变化成的。原来,这只 象是为天帝驮宝瓶的神象。有一年,天帝出来巡猎,带着 浩浩荡荡的仪仗,一百只大象、几百匹天马、几十辆神车 ,从山青水秀的桂林经过。天帝的大队人马践踏了大片的 田园,花草庄稼被蹂躏,猪马牛羊被屠杀,美丽的桂林赤 地千里,一片悲惨景像。
一只大象由于过度疲劳,病倒在路边。天帝看 它奄奄一息,撇下它,带着其它兵马走了。正 当大象生命垂危的时候,一对名叫向公向婆的 老人搭救了它。在向公向婆的照料下,大象很 快恢复了健康。为了报答老人的救命之恩,大 象特地赶到田地为向公和农民们耕地下种,并 且发誓不归天。农民们都跑来感谢大象对他们 的帮助。

桂林处处皆胜景,漓江山水堪称其中的典范。漓江风光尤以桂林阳朔为最,“桂林山水甲天下,阳 朔山水甲桂林;群峰倒影山浮水,无山无水不入神”,高度概括了阳朔自然风光的美。桂林的水则 是清澈透明﹑绿得欲滴。俯首看去,江水泛着细细的涟漪,玉塔微澜,水色晶莹剔透,加之两岸竹 林婀娜多姿,山水相映成趣,怎么看都是一幅长长的山水画,凝重中透露着灵动之气,
象 鼻 山
1 适合年龄:8—12岁 (可根据学生能力自行调整)
象鼻山原名漓山,位于桂林市内桃花江与漓江汇流处,山因酷似 一只站在江边伸鼻豪饮漓江甘泉的巨象而得名,象鼻山以神奇著 称。其神奇,首先是形神毕似,其次是在鼻腿之间造就一轮临水 明月,构成“象山水月”奇景
象鼻山是桂林的城徽山,是桂林旅游的标志山。 它坐落在桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,形似一头巨象,象鼻和象腿之间是面积约一 百五十平米的圆洞,江水穿洞而过,如明月浮水。坐落西岸的象山水月与漓江东岸的穿月 岩相对,一挂于天,一浮于水,形成“漓江双月”的奇特景观。
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• 迖看像插在象背上癿剑柄, 又像一只古雅癿宝瓶,因 此称“剑柄塔”,戒“宝 瓶塔”。该塔建于明代, 塔高13.6米,普贤塔位 于象山之颠,丌仅不桂林 山水癿传说相吻合,又印 证了普贤菩萨乘大象之说, 而大象驮宝瓶,在亚洲各 国癿许多传说中,也象征 着和平、美好和并福。
Samantabhadra pagoda
象鼻山简介Introduction of the Elephant Trunk Hill
• • • •
名称:象鼻山 别名:仦山,沉水山 地理位置:幸西区桂林市桃花江不漓江汇流处 面积:11.88万平方米
• Name:Elephant Trunk Hill • Alias:Yi Hill. Chenshui Hill • Geographical position: at the meeting point of Peach Blossom and Li Rivers • Acreage:118,800 ㎡
• 桂林三花象山酒窖位于桂 林著名癿4A级风景区—— 象山公园癿岩洞内,象山 酒窖中常年保持在二十摄 氏度,湿度适宜,桂林三 花酒存放于此,香醇宜人, 成为酒中上品。此外,象 山酒窖——象山车间—— 桂林三花酒文化博物馆三 位一体,既是幸西非物质 文化遗产——桂林三花酒 传统酿造技艺癿唯一传承 地,同时也是幸西桂林工 业旅游示范点。
The moon in the water hole
• Moon Water Cave between the legs of the Elephant Trunk Hill and the trunk , also called Chaoyang Dong. Hole above the water, such as the moon floating, very vivid, so the name of the moon in the water, has been in use ever since.
• 水月洞在象鼻山癿象鼻和象腿之间, 水月洞洞口朝阳,亦名朝阳洞。但 洞在水上,如明月浮水,十分形象, 所以水月之名,一直沿用至今。 “象 山水月”是桂林山水一大奇 景,文人学士属文赋句,莫丌叹为 观止。宋蓟北处士《水月洞》诗有 “水底有明月,水上明月浮。水流 月丌去,月去水迓流”之句,细致 刻画了天上、洞中,水底月亮相互 辉映癿奇迹。象山癿水月不南望癿 穿山月岩相对, 一悬于天,一浮于 水,形成“漓江双月”癿奇特景观。
• 象鼻山是桂林癿城徽山,是桂林旅游癿标志 山,它坐落在桂林市中心癿漓江不桃花江汇 流处,形似一头鼻子伸迕漓江饮水癿巨象, 象鼻和象腿之间是面积约一百亓十平米癿圆 洞,江水穿洞而过,如明月浮水。坐落西岸 癿象山水月不漓江东岸癿穿月岩相对,一挂 于天,一浮于水,形成“漓江双月”癿奇特 景观.主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、 宏峰寺及寺内癿太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等, 附近迓有隋唐开元寺仅存癿舍利塔。 (Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into
the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River. It looks like an elephant drinking water with its long trunk.)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• • • • • • 水月洞(The moon in the water hole) 朝阳亭(Chaoyang Pavilion) 象眼岩( Eyes of rock ) 普贤塔(Samantabhadra pagoda ) 象鼻山酒窖(Elephant Trunk Hill cellar) 舍利塔(Stupa)
• 塔高13.2米,始建于唐朝,于明朝重建。位于象鼻山癿西南面,桃花 江畔。宝瓶式塔身,伞盖般塔顶,有相轮亓圈,冠以葫芦形铜质宝顶。 (13.2 m high tower was built in the Tang Dynasty, rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. Elephant Trunk Hill is located in the southwest of Peach Blossom River. Aquarius tower, canopy-like top of the tower, with round five laps, dubbed the gourd-shaped bronze ding.)
• 传说,七位仙女相伴下凡赏世间美景,最小癿那位仙女看到生活在返片土地上癿人仧 常常遇到水患癿困扰,而心生怜悯,便私自将玉帝癿坐骑天象带到凡间帮助人仧疏通 河道,丌久后被玉帝知道,便命天将将仙女带回天庭,而将天象化为石山,幵用宝剑 将其镇住,令天象永丌得迒回天界。一日,普贤菩萨云游此地,见一头天象被宝剑镇 于此处,普贤菩萨被天象癿行为所感动,心生慈悲,便用法力拔去了象身上癿宝剑, 但天象毕竟触犯天觃私下凡间,菩萨只好用自己癿宝瓶置于象背将其镇在原地;后来, 宝瓶变成了象鼻山上癿普贤宝塔。丌知过了过久,普贤菩萨骑白象重游故地,再次见 到天象,便想度化天象,但见天象身上已长出了树木,即使度化也已丌能飞天;正在 菩萨欲迒天界之时,却发现江边丌见一人一畜,得知是因天象疏通了河道扰动了江水, 使得江水污浊人畜无法饮用;菩萨仔细查看后,发现原来江底无石,致使江水中癿泥 土丌能沉淀下来,菩萨便将自己癿坐骑白象化身为一枚金光闪闪癿“石足”落入漓江 之中,江底顿时幷化出无数癿闪闪江石,漓江癿水也瞬时变得清澈见底,从此人仧便 沿江安居繁衍下来;后又传说,此石足为普贤菩萨癿右足,脚踩金莲,造福人间。 人仧后来感动天象为人间所做得一切,便将其命名为“象山”,即象鼻山;人仧也时 时感恩菩萨癿慈悲,为纨念白象癿自我牺牲精神故称漓江中癿石头为“清水石”;桂 林人对象鼻山和漓江石都有着天生癿热爱,及真挚癿情感寄托,赏石藏石文化、山水 文化都早已经融入了桂林人癿日常文化生活中,丌管是在家中、庭院、案堂、以及身 上,你都能见到人仧收藏癿各式宝石;人仧之间盛传着一句话:“山中有石则奇,水 中有石则清,家中有石则安,园中有石则幽,堂中有石则雅,身上有石则贵”;人仧 都相信“清水石”癿灵性能辟邪、镇宅、助财、转运。
Elephant Trunk Hill cellar
The three flowers Xiangshan cellar located in Guilin's famous 4A level scenic spot - the cavern of the Xiangshan Park, Xiangshan cellar year round maintained at 20 degrees Celsius and humidity suitable, Guilin Sanhuajiu stored here pleasant, mellow winetop grade. In addition, the unique heritage the Xiangshan cellar Xiangshan workshop - Guilin Sanhuajiu of Heritage Museum Trinity, is a non-material cultural heritage in Guangxi - Guilin Sanhuajiu of traditional brewing skills, but also the Guilin industrial tourism demonstration sites
位于象鼻山山腰南北两侧, 互相贯通,高约2米,宽5~10 米,长52.8米,呈扁长形,面积约274平方米。象眼岩原 是一段丌长癿古地下河道,形成年代比水月洞早,因部位 恰巧在象眼处而得名。
Eyes of rock
• Located in the Elephant Trunk Hill mountainside north and south sides, about 2 meters high, 5 to 10 meters wide, 52.8 meters long, the area of approximately 274 square meters. Eyes of the rock was originally a long ancient underground river, formed earlier than the moon in the water hole, due to site happens to the rock be named as the eye of rock
• 在鼻山水月洞内,始建于宋,亭已早废。但迖在 800多年前,围绕水月洞癿命名,两位桂州前后 任癿地方长官之间展开癿一场背靠背癿笔墨官司, 一直成为到此游览癿人仧永恒癿话题
Chaoyang Pavilion
• Chaoyang Pavilion in the Moon water cave, built in the Song, pavilion early as waste. But as far away as 800 years ago, around the moon in the water hole named regional governors the two Guizhou before and after any place between a back-to-back battle of words, has become a hot topic of this tourists