外贸口语商务谈判对话1. "嘿,在谈外贸生意的时候,咱可得会说那些关键的话呀!比如说,咱可以这样说,‘这价格能不能再优惠点呀?’就像咱平时砍价一样,对吧!想想看,要是你不说,对方咋知道你想要更便宜的呢?"例子:A: “How about the price?” B: “Can it be a bit cheaper?”2. “哇塞,谈外贸合同的时候,可不能含糊其辞啊!‘咱啥时候能交货呀?’就得直接问出来,这可关系到生意能不能顺利进行呀!”例子:A: “When can we deliver?” B:“In two weeks.”3. “哎呀,遇到分歧的时候咋说呢?‘咱能不能各退一步呀?’像这样说,说不定就能找到解决办法啦!”例子:A: “There's a big difference. ” B: “Can we both make some concessions?”4. “嘿,讨论付款方式的时候,直接点,‘能不能用信用证呀?’简单明了,多好!”例子:A: “Can we use letter of credit for payment?” B: “Let's consider.”5. “哇,要强调质量的时候,就说‘这质量必须得杠杠的呀!’这多有力度!”例子:A: “The quality has to be excellent!” B: “Sure.”6. “哎呀呀,询问售后服务可别不好意思呀,‘售后有啥保障呀?’就得这么问!”例子:A: “What kind of after-sales guarantee do you have?” B: “We have a one-year warranty.”7. “嘿,表达合作诚意的时候,大声说出来,‘咱真心想跟你们合作呀!’对方肯定能感受到!”例子:A: “We really want to cooperate with you!” B: “That's great.”8. “哇哦,提出新想法的时候,勇敢点,‘咱试试这个办法咋样?’”例子:A: “Let's try this way. How about it?” B: “Sounds good.”9. “哎呀,对条款有疑问就直说,‘这一条我不太明白呀!’可别藏着掖着!”例子:A: “I don't quite understand this clause.” B: “I'll explain it to you.”10. “嘿,想确认细节的时候,就问,‘这个细节确定好了吗?’多直接有效呀!”例子:A: “Is this detail confirmed?” B: “Yes, it is.”我的观点结论:外贸口语商务谈判对话真的很重要,用对了话语,能让谈判更顺利,生意更好做!。
我们的团队是非常优秀的团队,相信我们一定可以取得此次谈判的成功!A :欢迎你们来到我们公司,路上辛苦了。
B :不辛苦不辛苦,你们公司很漂亮啊。
B :早就听说了你们江西的庐山,那有时间一定要去领略一番。
不知道你们这次来打算留几天啊,我们尽快给您安排一下旅游行程怎样?B :感谢贵公司的一片好意,但由于我们公务还比较繁忙,就不宜多打扰了。
A :理解理解……那我们就尽快办完正事吧。
甲:我方政府预计将购买 100 台空调,以方便办公使用。
(递资料)甲:(翻阅产品资料) 贵公司的产品确实不错,不知贵公司产品是否能达到我方的配置要求?乙:我公司产品都是按照国家标准生产,并且通过国家产品质量检查,产品品质是绝对保证的。
甲:我们通过私下探讨,看中了贵公司 XX 型号空调,产品感觉很不错。
不过,最近我们新到了一批 YY 型号的空调,比 xx 型号各方面的功能更优越。
你们可以看看 . (递给对方一张宣传单)甲:这个……,我们再仔细看看,倒是挺吸引人的,似乎不错啊东西倒是挺好,不知道价格怎么样啊?乙:官方报价是 4000 。
人物介绍:1. 甲方:采购公司代表,小李。
2. 乙方:供货公司代表,张总。
商务谈判的例子1. 哎呀,就说买东西讲价吧,那也是一种商务谈判呀!你看,我上次去买衣服,我就跟老板说:“老板,这件衣服有点贵呀,便宜点呗!”这就是个简单的商务谈判例子。
就像我们在商场和卖家讨价还价一样,双方都在争取自己的利益,不是吗?2. 还记得有一次公司和供应商谈合作,那场面真的像是在打一场硬仗。
我们说:“这个价格能不能再低一点,不然我们很难合作啊!”对方回应:“真的不能再低了呀!”这不就是现实版的商务谈判嘛,大家都在为自己的公司争取最好的条件,这是多么常见却又关键的场景啊!3. 你们知道吗,上次和竞争对手争一个项目,那简直是一场没有硝烟的战争啊!我们提出:“我们的方案更有优势,更适合这个项目!”他们当然也不甘示弱啦,这可不就是商务谈判嘛,就跟两个人抢东西一样激烈!4. 我有个朋友谈业务合同的时候,那真是据理力争啊!“这个条款必须改,不然我们没法签合同!”他坚定地说。
5. 想象一下,在会议室里,两边的人你来我往地争论,“这个交货期必须提前!”“真的做不到那么快呀!”这像不像一场激烈的辩论赛?商务谈判不就是这样嘛,充满了火药味。
6. 上次谈一个合作项目,对方提出的要求很苛刻,我们直接说:“这样的话我们很难接受啊!”这不就是在和对方拔河嘛,都在使劲想让对方让步,这可太常见了吧,商务谈判可不就是这么回事呀。
7. 说个最简单的,咱们去租房子和房东谈价格和条件,不也是商务谈判嘛!“房租能不能少点呀?”“家具能不能换一下呀?”我们都在努力让自己得到更好的条件呀!我的观点结论就是:商务谈判在我们生活和工作中无处不在,小到买东西讲价,大到公司之间的重大合作谈判,都充满了挑战和智慧。
著名的谈判案例篇二Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view. Moreover, we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening. Fourth, place ourselves in the place of others.As far as I'm concerned, I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not. And I often expressmy own opinion genuinely and sincerely.谈判案例简短篇三人与人之间最重要的就是沟通,无论是朋友之间,亲人之间还是师生之间。
1. “咱得学会倾听啊,就像球赛里守门员专注对方球员的动作一样,对方说话时咱得认真听,抓住关键信息!”
2. “可别一上来就把底儿露了呀,这就跟打牌不能先把王牌打出去一样!”
3. “要会给对方戴高帽呀,夸得他晕乎乎的,跟吃了蜜似的!”
4. “说话得留有余地呀,别把话说死了,就像走路得给自己留条后路一样!”
5. “适当的时候要学会沉默,沉默有时候比说话还有力量呢,就像暴风雨前的宁静!”
6. “得会打太极呀,把难题推回去,别傻傻地全接了!”
7. “用点幽默的话调节气氛呀,别搞得那么紧张,跟要打仗似的!”
8. “强调咱的优势时,得底气十足呀,跟咱的产品天下第一似的!”
9. “别死脑筋呀,要灵活应变,就像变色龙根据环境变色一样!”
10. “该强硬的时候就得强硬,可不能软了呀,跟钢铁战士一样!”
”这让邹经理的利润再次被剥夺走5%.最后,邹经理了解到了沃尔玛的“良苦用心”, “一家香港注册公司以来料加工的名义,找到上海一家工厂生产音箱,由于电吉他是销往美国的,所以沃尔玛直接和这家香港注册公司签订采购协议,可以免除进口关税。
" 邹经理认为自己和沃尔玛谈判团队的交手中,对方确实是有备而来!没想到他们的谈判队伍对谈判专业知识如此了解!利用产品的特点分解了订单,获得了更大的利润空间。
A: I have a letter of introduction here.
B: Your name, please?
A: It’s David Chou.
B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We’ve been looking forward to this.
B: The basic model will cost about 10% less .
A: How many different models of this do you offer?
B: We have five different ones .
———————————————————————————————— 作者:
———————————————————————————————— 日期:
A: I don’t believe we’ve met.
B: No, I don’t think we have.
B: Is there much of a difference in price ?
A: Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less.
B: We’ll take that one .
商务谈判模拟对话5则范文第一篇:商务谈判模拟对话A:Good afternoon, rose.B: Good afternoon,Alice.Nice to meet you again.A;Thank you for coming today.As our schedule is tight,let’s get down to business right away, is that all right ? B: Ok,fine,go head.A;Owing to the contribution of our staff,we have successfully assigned a contract with a world-famous company,which will bring us large profits.In order to reward their efforts,we have decided to hold a party for them.B;well,let me just clarify sth here,if I understand you correctly,it is a celebrative party? A;yeah,you are right.By the way ,there are 20 people in our department.Besides, our general manager will also attend the party.B:So you mean there will be 21 people attending the party? A;exactly.B;Ok, According to the time you’ve just told me,shall we fix the time this way: from 7 to9,we will offer you a big dinner,then from 9 to 10;30,we can arrange you some recreation activities,for example, play some music and you staff can dance with each other.How do you feel about that ? A;That sounds reasonable.but could you be more specific ? B;Yeah,let’s come to the big dinner.According to our usual practice,we can offer you two options.Option 1 is the chinese-style buffet.In this option, We can offer you the typical chinese food, such as;Beijing roast duck, Ma-po beancurd, twice-cooked meat, fish-flavour eggplant etc..Besides, there’re all kinds of drinks: wine ,coffee, milk ,milky tea etc.This option will cost you 3000RMB.Is that clear? A;Fine,go ahead,please.B;Ok, let’s see option 2.It’s a western-style buffet,what we can offer in this option is also various,such as: beef steak,pizza,salad,roastchickenetc.thereare wine ,coffee,champagne,cocktail etc.for your option.It will cost you 4500RMB.Then which one will you choose ?A;Well,comparing with the second one,I believe the first one will not be very popular with our staff,but the second one is on the high side, owing to our long-standing relationship,can you give us a discount ? B;Well,you know ,in option 2, the food we offered is various.Moreover,The drinks,such as the champagne and cocktail are tasty and belong to the upmarket ones,it worthes the money.however, in view of our good relationship, well, I can conside r giving you a 90%discount,but don’t knock us down further, this is the biggest concession we can make.A;Well, that sounds fair enough.that’s a deal ,let’s finalize it.B;Fine, happy cooperation to us!第二篇:商务谈判对话(准备好礼物、签约合同、双方谈判者的名牌,两国国旗)1、进场、落座(握手欢迎,面带微笑)A1.B1总,您好!欢迎欢迎欢迎(随行人员:您好,您好,您好……)2、寒暄A1.B1总你们今天辛苦了。
商业谈判话术1. “嘿,咱得像个精明的猎人一样,在谈判中抓住对方的弱点呀!比如说,对方着急达成合作,咱就可以慢慢悠悠地谈条件嘛。
” 你:“那咱可得好好谈谈细节了,不能马虎呀!”2. “哎呀,谈判时可别一下子把底线露出来呀,得像保护宝贝一样捂着!就好比打牌,哪能一开始就把王牌亮出来呢。
”例子:对方:“你们的最低价格是多少?” 你:“这个嘛,咱们慢慢谈,总能谈到一个双方都满意的点呀。
”3. “哇塞,要学会用赞美打开对方的心门呀!你看,夸他眼光好,他一高兴,不就好谈多了嘛。
”4. “嘿,别死脑筋呀,谈判要灵活多变!就像水一样,遇到石头就绕过去嘛。
”5. “哎呀呀,谈判时得给对方点甜枣吃呀,让他觉得占了便宜,其实咱也没亏呀!就像分蛋糕,你给他一块大的,他也会给你点好处呀。
”6. “哇哦,要注意对方的表情和语气呀,那都是线索!好比侦探找线索一样,能发现很多有用的信息呢。
”例子:对方皱了下眉,你:“是不是这里您不太满意呀?”7. “嘿,谈判可不是吵架,别那么冲呀!要像和风细雨一样,慢慢渗透嘛。
”8. “哎呀呀,要学会倾听呀,别只顾着自己说!就像听故事一样,听完了才能更好地回应呀。
9. “哇,有时候沉默也是一种力量呀!让对方先着急,咱再出招嘛。
”10. “嘿,可别小瞧了一些小细节呀,那可能决定成败呢!就像下棋,一个小棋子也能决定胜负呀。
商务英语谈判情景对话(5篇)Business NegotiationA: The seller Miss su representingKai ya Chocolate Manufacturing Co.LtdB: The buyer Mr.zhou representing zhong shang supermarket.A: Good morning, Mr.Zhou.Glad to meet you.B: Good morning, Misssu.It’s very nice to see you in person.A: How are things going?B: Everything is nice.A: So, what’s the topic of today’s meeting?A: Sure.After several smooth transactions, we can try D/P terms.B: Well, as for shipment, the soon the better.A: Yes, shipment is to be made in April, not allowing partial shipment.B: can you make it earlier? May be in March, our customer is eager for them.A: All right.Let me have a check, oh!There are some steam vessels available to your port, so we can make it in March.B: Good!By the way, when can I e某pect to sign the S/C?常用商务英语谈判对话开场介绍篇二在价格的谈判过程中,如何能不动声色的探出双方的价格底线并为自己所用,使自己的公司受益?下面的小例子希望能给您一些提示。
日常生活中的谈判案例6篇日常生活中的谈判案例 (1) 有一家旅店四周有些吵闹,不处于最有利旅店发展的理想住所,旅店董事会存在是否搬迁的争议。
(1)Dan Smith 是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert Liu 第一回与他交手。
就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert Liu 既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思――他肯定是沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。
双方第一回过招如下:D:I‘d like to get the ball rolling(开始)by talking about prices。
R: Shoot。
(洗耳恭听)I‘d be happy to answer any questions you may have。
D: Your products are very good。
But I‘m a little worried about the prices you‘re asking。
R: You think we about be asking for more?(laughs)D: (chuckles 莞尔) That‘s not exactly what I had in mind。
I know your re search costs are high, but what I‘d like is a 25% discount。
R:That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don‘t know how we can m ake a profit with those numbers。
D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause)Well,if we promise future business――volume sales(大笔交易)――that will slash your costs(大量减低成本) for making the Exec-U—ciser,right?R:Yes, but it‘s hard to see how you can place such large orders. How c ould you turn over(销磬)so many?(pause)We‘d need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise。
商务谈判基本对话商务谈判基本对话:实例对话1 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。
2 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。
3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。
4 I won’t check this baggage.这件行李我不托运。
5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.我要坐在飞机前部。
6 I missed my train.我未赶上火车。
7 I haven’t nothing to declare.我没有要申报的东西。
8 It’s all personal effects.这些东西都是我私人用的。
9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。
10 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。
11 We waited for John in the lobby of the airport. 我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。
12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass xxtead.我要买一张优待票代替。
13 I’d like a refund on this ticket.我要退这张票。
14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。
15 You have to change at Chicago Station.你必须要在芝加哥站转车。
关于谈判的案例10篇关于谈判的案例 (1) 以下案例为我妈妈买一件衣服的真实案例,在这个为买衣服而展开的与店主的谈判过程中,妈妈于无声处运用了很多谈判技巧,非常值得我在工作和学习中借鉴运用。
成交!关于谈判的案例 (2)案例一:8848以珠穆朗玛峰的高度取名,却没能实现在电子商务领域一霸天下的雄心。
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Business negotiation exampleA: Hello, Mr. He. It's a pleasure to see you again.B: It's my pleasure to see you again, too. Mr. Smith.A: I believe you have received our proposal regarding the woolen textile project. I think it's always more convenient to discuss things face to face.B: Yes. I hope we can come to an agreement this time.A: Me too. But it requires efforts by both sides to accomplish that.B: Quite right. Shall we come straight to the point right now?A: Fine. I believe you have studied our proposal. Could you let me know how you feel about it invery general terms?B: Thank you very much for sending us the proposal. But we think we needed to discuss in greater detail some of the points such as price, the mode of payment, etc.A: They are certainly open for discussion. Shall we discuss them one by one, beginning with the price?B: I don't have the slightest objection.A: I think you must agree that our quotation is quite attractive.B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. We have received offers from some other suppliers which are much lower than yours.A: If you take the quality of our machines into consideration, you will find our price quite fair and reasonable.B: I agree that yours are certainly of good quality, but there cannot be such a big gap between your price and those of other suppliers just because of good or better quality.A: You must be aware that the design of our equipment is very advanced and it was not developed until the mid 1990's. I believe the price is very attractive. B: I'm not so sure of that. To tell you honestly, there's keen competition here. We are also discussing our need with two other companies.A: I believe we'll win the projects as you will no doubt(adv.) find our price very competitive if you take everything into consideration.B: I think it's unwise for you to insist on the original price. To be frank, successful businessdepends very much on the price. If you hang on to your original offer, we'll have no alternativebut to buy from some other supplier.A: What do you think is an acceptable price then?B: To conclude the deal, you should at least reduce the price by 20%.A: 20%?It's beyond the limits of what I can discuss. I'm afraid I have to talk to my office first.B: Please. We'll wait for your reply.(Two days later)A: After our talk the other day, I immediately contacted my home office. I've been instructed toinform you that we are and have always been sincere in doing business withyou, but the gapbetween your counter offer and our price is too wide.B: We are also sincere in hoping to conclude the deal with you. And we believe our counter offeris quite well-founded. It is in line with the international market price.A: In order to conclude the business, may I suggest that we meet each other halfway?B: You mean you will reduce the price by 10%?A: Yes. That's really our rock-bottom price. We can't make any further concessions.B: But I think it's still a bit too high. If we can meet each other halfway once more, I think we canit a deal.A: You certainly have a way of talking me into it. All right, I accept.B: I'm very grad that we've now come to an agreement on price. We'll go on to the other items atour next meeting.A: Yes. I hope everything will be smooth-going then.A: Thank you for these 50 sets Weaving Machines XCI. We've shuck a deal at last. But whatabout payment? What arrangements will you make?B: We shall open a letter of credit in your favor, to be settled in US dollars. A: That's good. When will you open the letter of credit?B: 30 days before shipment.A: Fine, but this L/C must be a confirmed an irrevocable one. That's the rule of our company,though we know for certain that a national enterprise of your standing will never default.B: we can do that, but Ms. A, since this is a rather substantial order, and since we have neverbought such machines from you before, our customers demand that 90 per cent of the creditamount be paid at sight, that is, against the presentation of documents. The rest...A:Yes?B: The rest is to be paid after the machines have arrived here, and after they are provedsatisfactory on trial.A: No, Mr. B, that can't be done. We have never done business on such terms. B: Such terms are quite common in the machinery trade.A: Look, Mr. B, we ask for full payment at sight, because we guarantee 90 percent mechanicalefficiency for all our products. Do you have the same guarantee from othersuppliers?B: 90 per cent mechanical efficiency. That's under your terms of sales. It's the sellers' responsibility to supply goods up to their standard.A: In fact, because the climates vary everywhere, mechanical efficiency could hardly go beyond85 per cent. The usual percentage is between 82 and 83.B: I know our products extremely well. That's why I promise such high efficiency. If you like, wecould send fitters to China to help fix the machines to ensure good operation. We guarantee you'llbe satisfied with our equipment. But the total amount must be paid in full upon receipt of thedocuments.A: But other suppliers are offering better terms. Some even allow payment 60 days after sight.B: If that's so, I'm afraid I'll have to walk out of this meeting room disappointed. A: Did you say you could send fitters here to ensure good operation?B: Yes. We often send technicians abroad to offer after-sales service to our customers.A: If your fitters would come along with the machines to help with the fixing, to ensure that allmachines run properly, and if after-sales service could be provided, we agree to make payment infull.B: I'm more than grateful to accept your terms. Thank you, Mr. A, but you nearly upset the apple cart. Just now I thought the last two weeks of negotiations were a wasted effort.A: Now, Ms. B, you don't feel disappointed anymore, do you?B: Oh, certainly not. I'm in high spirits now.A: On the whole, your delivery has been quite satisfactory. We have little to complain about, yelthe latest shipment is so disappointing. We feel we must make a complaint. B: We are very sorry that this has happened. You said a number of bales were damaged. Is it thatserious?A: Some were water-stained, some soiled. I suppose you won't be convinced until you have seenit with your own eyes.A: These bales do not appear to have been properly packed. They have become sodden.B: But the goods were in fine condition when shipped.A: The result of our investigation said the damage was caused sometime in transit, but it isinadequate packing which allowed the package to open in the first place.B: Goods for export are specially packed. Our packings are usually suitable for long distancetransportation. Are you sure it wasn't caused by improper handling? Even the strongest packingcan give way under rough handling, you know.A: I often come to watch the handling of cargo on the dock personally. I can assure you roughhandling is not common here. We follow the standard procedures.B: Have you checked how much of the contents of the damaged bales can still be used?A: Yes. The majority can be salvaged. Here's the surveyor's report.A: Mr. B, we are very anxious about this. We have counted on receiving the shipment to completeseveral orders. Now we'll have to keep our clients waiting. I'm sure we can count on your supportto help us overcome the present difficulty.B: We understand your problem, Mr. A. In fact, that's one of the reasons I'm here. Well, what doyou suggest for a settlement?A: You won't agree, I know, to our returning the goods to you. The handling and shipping chargeswould cost a lot. Since we have very good relations with you, we are willing to accept theshipment if you will allow a 20 percent reduction in price.B: That's a little higher. The report says that only 10 percent is unusable.A: Yes, but it's quite a job to sort out the unusable fabrics.B: Mr. A, let's compromise on a 10 percent reduction in price on this shipment. And for your nextorder, we'll give you some preferential terms in addition to what you are getting from us now.A: I appreciate your quick decision. Mr. B. We accept the proposal. I am glad we found a solution.A: OK, let's get down to business. To begin with, Mr. B, let me introduce to you a completely newconcept in toy manufacture-our recently launched E.T. brand plastic roller-skates. You have thesamples and catalogues in front of you. They are a breakthrough in roller-skates technology-witha new kind of plastic which is strong and light, and they will appeal to both children and theirparents. I am confident that they can catch the market everywhere.B: These roller-skate do look nice, but their prices are much too high.A: Which of our product lines are you particular interested in, Mr. B?B: I could be interested in the ones I've highlighted. But I'd like to hear whatyou have to sayabout prices and discounts.A: The tag price of these roller-skates is $50 a pair, but I'll make it $45 for you. What do youthink?B: That's much more than I was prepared to pay.A: How about $43?B: I offer you $30 a pair.A: That's too little.Well, I'll come down to $40.B: All right. To meet you halfway I go up to $35, but not a penny more. Is that acceptable?A: Ok, it's agreed.B: That leads us to the question of discounts.A: I'm certainly happy to talk about discounts. But can you indicate to me the quantity you'd liketo order?B: Fair enough. What discount would you offer on an order of, say, one thousand pairs?A: For an order of that size, Mr. B, I can give you a discount of 10%.B: Ten percent!A: Just let me finish. Yes, 10%, but with a guarantee of delivery within two months.B: Delivery must be within two months, or I'm not interested. I want the goods to arrive wellbefore the Christmas season begins. Let's be clear about one thing. I hope you realize I must havea larger discount than what you've offered.A: Well, if you commit to buy 2,000 pairs, then I could consider a larger discount.B: How much larger?A: If you order 2,000 pairs, I can offer you a 20% discount.B: Ten percent, twenty percent. I'm getting tired of this. You are playing games. I'm looking for amuch larger discount. I'm ordering in large quantities and I operate on small margins, you see?A: If you want a big discount, then you must make the order a large one.B: We are going in circles. Isn't an order of 2,000 pair large enough? Unless you make aconcession we're going nowhere.A: Mr. B, don't let us get stuck over the question of price. We can meet each other halfway. Youincrease your order to 2,500 pairs and I increase the discount to 25%. Is that agreeable?B:Well, I suppose so.A: Good. Now let's look at the terms of payment.B: Ninety days.A: I'm sorry, Mr. B, but that's completely unacceptable. Our standard policy on discounts over20% is payment within thirty days of delivery. If you order 3,000 pairs then I can authorizepayment in 90 days.B: This is my last offer: order of 3,000 pairs at a discount rate of 30% and delivery in 60 days.Take it or leave it. Or I'm going to have a look elsewhere.A: I think that offer is acceptable. So all we have to is finalize the delivery at}angements.B: I must have a guarantee of delivery well before Christmas. It is August now. What is thesoonest you can deliver?A: You can have the first one thousand by the end of next month.B: What about the balance of the order?A: We can deliver that in two consignments in October and November.B: I'd rather have everything delivered by the end of October.A: Well, Mr. B, that will be difficult, but as you have been so accommodating over the question ofprice, I think we can at arrange that.A: At the moment we do not have enough oil for essential services such as the country's electricitysupply. The Euronian government would like to make a contract with Achemid Onasti for lOmbagels of crude oil to provide power for essential industries.B: We can only offer you 3m bagels of crude oil. As you said, oil is a very scarce commodity atthe moment, so we can't sell you more than that.A: We understand that because of the crisis oil is very scarce at the moment. But you own theworld's biggest fleet of oil tankers. Even lOm barrels are not too large a quantity for you.B: Ok, in consideration of the good relationship between us, I'm prepared to sell you Sm bagels.A: Come on. Don't be stingy. You should sell us Sm barrels at least.B: That's agreed. We are ready to sell you Sm bagels of crude oil. But you know that the oil priceon the world market has gone up to $100. The price we are offering you will be $70 a barrel,taking into consideration of our good cooperation in the past.A: I know you have buyers offering higher prices. But don't you realize that $70 is not goodenough to remain in good terms with us?We still want the oil at the standard price of $50 a barrel.B: The recent political problems in the Middle East are threatening the supply of oil to Euronia. Itis possible that the new oil crisis will lead to a state of emergency, which could even mean that theprice will double. We are already offering you a very low price due to special considerations. Youwant to secure a contract at the old price. But is that realistic? Look, I'll bring the price down to$60, but we expect you to pay for all the oil in advance.A: We accept the price at $60 per barrel. But we can't agree to advance payment for all the oil.Payment will be made after each delivery.B: All right. But you must at least make a 10% down payment at the beginning as you did before.A: That seems reasonable, so we accept it. This leads us to the time of delivery. As we need the oilurgently, it must be delivered quickly and regularly. We expect a delivery of lm barrels a monthover the next five months.A: We want the delivery dates for the oil to remain flexible. We cannot guarantee any dates at themoment, as political troubles in the Middle East are making deliveries uncertain. We will try ourbest, but we can't promise anything.B: Well, we can work that out together.A: As you know, we own an airline that uses the main Euronian airport in Capital City a great deal.Now that we are doing the Euronian government a favor by selling you any oil at all, we wouldlike to ask in return for a reduction of 40% in the taxes on our income from Capital City Airport.B: Well, if we get the quantity of oil at the price we agreed on, and if all the deliveries come ontime, we will allow a reduction of 10% in the taxes on all the income of Onasi Airlines fromCapital City Airport.A: Come on. You talk about being realistic. Since we've done you a big favor you should dosomething reciprocal, shouldn't you? A 10% reduction is surely not the best you can do.B: Well, the best we can is maybe to offer Onasti a 15% reduction in taxes. A: I hate to strike a bargain. But I suggest that we meet each other halfway.You grant us a 20%reduction in taxes. Is that OK?B: OK. It's a deal. We can set out to prepare the contract now. May I remind you that the contractshould include a penalty clause, that is, if you fail to honor the contract we will increase, perhapsdouble your taxes, or stop some or all of your planes using Capital City Airport. A: No problem. You can count on us.A: Mr. B, as you know, we are a major manufacturer of microprocessors, which are sold all overEurope. We have to transport about 1,000,000 units a year, so we've come to approach you, as weknow that you are one of the biggest transport firms in Europe. As far as we are concerned, it isvery important that when transporting microprocessors, the drivers making the deliveries must bereliable and punctual. The goods must be handled carefully and efficiently. B: Thank you for your interest in us. And we are also interested in providing transport for RSA,and we have the capacity to do as much business as RSA can offer us. What's more, our driversare the best in Europe because they are much better paid than in other firms. They all have goodqualifications, and are always reliable and punctual. They have a reputation for efficiency andcareful handling of goods. We already have contracts with several international firms, deliveringgoods all over Europe. If you like, we can provide references from other firms who are verypleased with our services.A: Now, could I ask you about your prices?B: Our prices are fairly standard for all our deliveries. Our normal charge for lorry transport is$8,000 per 1,000 kilometers, and we've estimated that we could get about 1,500 of yourMicroprocessors into one of our lorries because our lorries are much larger than other firms.A: Well, look, I'm rather worried about this question of cost, it seems this would put out transportcost up by one third and I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible.B: Well, we could probably lower the price for him. This would depend on the amount of business,which is... er....A: I wonder if I could come in here. Mr. B, what would your lower prices be for,let's say, onemillion microprocessors for export?B: Well, of course, this would depend on the contrast, but I would say, for that amount ofbusinesses we could probably lower the price about 10%.A: Ten per cent?B: Yes.A: Ten per cent,so you'd be asking $7,200 per 1,000 kilometers.B:Yes.A: wand that would be for 1,500 microprocessors each time?B:Yes.A: That's still a little high for us. Would you then be prepared to accept responsibility forbreakages? As a rule, we expect the transport firm to pay for any breakages. B: No, we don't take the responsibility for breakages. Our normal costs do not include breakages.The client is always responsible for the insurance of goods in transport.A: I seew wellwmow, we really couldn't accept that. Is there any possibility of a lower pricefrom you?B: This might also be possible, but again, of course, it would depend on the amount of business.A: I see. Well, perhaps we can still come to an agreement, Mr. B. can we at}ange another meetingfor next week?B: Certainly.A: Next Tuesday perhaps?B: That would be fine.A: Good. Goodbye, then.B: Goodbye.。