

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P52-60

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P52-60

OctoberMondayThere was a kid named Chirag Gupta who was one of my friends last year,but he moved away in June.His family had a big going-away party,and the whole neighbourhood came.But I guess Chirag's family must have changed their mind,because today Chirag was back in school.Everyone was happy to see Chirag again,but a couple of us decided to have a little fun with him before officially welcoming him back.So we basically pretended he was still gone.I have to admit it was pretty funny.At lunch,Chirag sat next to me.I had an extra chocolate-chip cookie in my lunch bag,and Imade a big deal about it.OK,so maybe that one was a little cruel.I guess we'll probably let Chirag off the hook tomorrow. But then again,this Invisible Chirag thing could turn into the next“P.U.”made a big deal小题大做(非正式)cruel/ˈkruːəl/残酷的,残忍的10月星期一有个孩子叫齐拉格·古普塔,是我去年的一个朋友,但他6月份就搬走了。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P123-133

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P123-133

ThursdayAfter school today,Mom took me to the bookstore and bought just about very Magick and Monster book on the shelf. She must've dropped about $200,and she didn't even make me cash in a single Mom Buck.I realized maybe I judged Mom a little too quick,and maybe it wasn't such a bad thing having her in our group after all.I was all set to take my new books up to Leland's,but that's when I found out there was a catch.Mom actually bought all these books so me and Rodrick could play Magick and Monsters together.She said it was a good way for the two of us to work out our differences.Mom told Rodrick she wanted him to be the Dungeon Keeper,just like an Leland.Then she dumped the pile of books on Rodrick's bed and told him to start studying up.It was bad enough playing in front of Mom at Leland's house, but I knew playing with Rodrick would be about10times worse.judge/dʒʌdʒ/判断;猜测catch/kætʃ/捕捉;捕获物;窗钩pile/paɪl/堆;大量;time倍数周四今天放学后,妈妈带我去书店,拿下了书架上所有关于魔法和怪物的书。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P1-9

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P1-9

bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/子弹;
Even after Dad explained the whole “starter pistol” concept to me. I was still the worst swimmer on the team.
concept /ˈkɒnsept/ 观念,概念
夏天过了一半,我想我快要离 开游泳队了。所以我想出了一个技 巧来逃避练习。
I'd swim a few laps. And then I'd ask the coach if I could use the bathroom. Then I'd just hide out in the locker room until practice was over.
This was the first summer
the coach let us boys wear swim
trunks instead of those skimpy
racing trucks. But Mom and
bathing suit was “perfectly
coach /kəʊtʃ/教练 skimpy /ˈskɪmpi/不足的;吝啬的
这是教练第一次让我们男孩穿 游泳裤,而不是那些轻薄的赛服。
但妈妈和罗德里克的ຫໍສະໝຸດ 泳衣 “非常好”。After swim practice, Rodrick would pick me up in his band's van. Mom had this crazy idea that if me and Rodrick spent “quality time” on the ride home everyday, we wouldn't fight as much. But all it did was make things a lot worse.

























(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P20-33

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P20-33

Friday Mom decided to start makingRodrick pick me up after school,just like he picked me after swimpractice.I guess that means shedidn't learn from that experience.But I did.So when Rodrick picked me up today,I asked him toplease take it easy on the brakes .Rodrick said OK,but then hewent out of his way to find every speed bump in town.When I got out of the van ,I call the Rodrick a big jerk .Andthen it got physical.Mom saw the whole thing unfold from the livingroom window.Mum made us come inside,and she sat us down at thekitchen table.Then she said meand Rodrick were going to have to settle our differences in a “civilmanner.”Mom told me and Rodrick we each had to write down all that we did wrong,and then we had to draw a picture to go along with it.And I knew exactly where Mom was going with that idea.Mom used to be a preschoolteacher,and whenever a kidwould do something wrong,she'dmake him draw a picture of it.I guess the idea was to make the take it easy 从容;不急;松懈brake 刹车;speed bump 减速带(等于sleeping policeman)van 厢式货车jerk/d ʒɜːk/蠢人;没品的人unfold /ʌn ˈf əʊld/打开;呈现civil /ˈs ɪvl/有礼貌的;根据民法的preschool 幼儿园,育幼院星期五妈妈决定让罗德里克放学后接我,就像在游泳训练后接我一样。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P91-104

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P91-104

WednesdayToday I realized that if I wanted to know what Rowley and those girls are talking about at lunch,all I have to do is read his diary.I will bet he's writing down all sorts of juicy gossip in that thing.The problem is,Rowley's diary is locked.So even if I got a hold of it,I wouldn't have any way to open it.But then I thought of something.All I had to do was buy the same extra diary he has, and then I'd have a key.So I went to the bookshop tonight and got the last one onthe shelf.I just hope buying this thing was worth it,because I had to cash in half of my Mom Bucks to pay for it.And I don't think Dad was too thrilled with the idea of me buying a Sweet Secrets Diary, either.ThursdayAfter Phys Ed Today,I saw that Rowley accidentally left his diary on the bench.So when the coast was clear,I used my new key on his diary,and sure enough,it worked.I open it up and start reading.shelf/ʃelf/架子;搁板;worth/wɜːθ/值…的thrilled/θrɪld/非常兴奋的;极为激动的accidentally/ˌæksɪˈdentəli/意外地;偶然地coast/kəʊst/做事不费力;周三今天我意识到,如果我想知道罗利和那些女孩在吃午饭时在说什么,我只要看他的日记就行了。


















(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P82-90

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P82-90

SaturdayToday I answered the phone, and it was Mrs.Gillman from the PTA,looking for Mom.I tried to hand her the phone,but shewhispered for me to tell Mrs. Gillman that she wasn't home.I couldn't tell if Mom was trying to trick me into lying or what,but there was no way I was going to break my honest streak over something as dumb as this.So I made Mom go out on the front porch before I said a word to Mrs.Gillman.And from the look Mom gave me when she came back in the house,I kind of got the feeling she's not gonna hold me to that honest pledge anymore.MondayToday was Career Day at school.They have Career Day every year to get us kids to start thinking about our future.They brought in a bunch of adults who had all these different jobs.I think the idea is that us kids will find out about a job we like, and then we'll know what we want to be when we go grow up.whisper耳语;私下说,streak/striːk/飞跑,疾驰;加条纹于pledge/pledʒ/保证,誓言;抵押周六今天我接了个电话,是家长会的吉尔曼太太打来的,她要找妈妈。



⼩屁孩⽇记范⽂3篇⼩屁孩⽇记3The Wimpy Kid is back, and he clearly has hit hisgrowth spurt[突然的激增].Zachary Gordon, who first came onto the big screenas Greg Heffley in 2010’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid注, returns for the third film in the series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, opening Aug. 3rd.“I’ve grown 12 inches since the first movie,” says Gordon, now 14. “And my voice is really deep. People will be surprised. But then they’ll see it’s Greg, he’s still the same kid.”That same outdoor-loathing[讨厌], video-gameloving Greg also has a new challenge: surviving summer vacation outdoors after his father, Frank, signs him up for the local Wilderness Explorers group.“I’d give Greg a three out of ten for camping,”Gordon says. “He doesn’t know how to do it at all. It’s easy to see.”Each film in the Wimpy Kid series is based on author Jeff Kinney’s books and focuses on different relationships in Greg’s journal-writing life. Dog Days is all about his dad.“This one is, at its core[核⼼], about the emotionalrelationship between father and son,” director David Bowers says. “It’s two males who maybe butt heads[对抗] and cannot seem to find common ground at first. They get there after a few peaks and a lot of valleys.”“⼩屁孩”回来了,⽽且明显长个⼉了。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P148-156

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P148-156

WednesdayOn the bus ride to school,I took Rodrick's paper out of my bag.But I took me look at it andknew something was seriously wrong.First of all,the poem wasn't typed out.It was in Rodrick's own handwriting.That's when it hit me:Dad only started doing Rodrick's paper for him once he go to high school. So that meant this paper was Rodrick's own work.I started reading Rodrick's paper to see if I could still use it. But apparently,Rodrick was even wrong about doing his research than me.I guess I learned my lesson about buying a paper of someone. Or at least off of Rodrick.When third period rolled around,I didn't have anything to turn into Mr.Huff.I guess that means I'll be taking summer school for history.And my day got a whole lot worse after that.When I got home from school,Mom was waiting for me at the front door.seriously严重地,严肃地handwriting书写;手稿周三在去学校的公车上,我从包里拿出罗德里克的论文。

小屁孩日记Volume One P13-23中英对照

小屁孩日记Volume One P13-23中英对照

SEPTEMBER FridayToday at school we got assigned to reading groups.They don’t come right out and tell you if you’re in the Gifted group or the Easy group,but you can figure it out right away by looking at the covers of the books they hand out.I was pretty disappointed to find out I got put in the Gifted group,because that just means a lot of extra work.When they did the screening at the end of last year,I did my best to make sure I got put in the Easy group this year. Mom is real tight with our principal,so I’ll bet she stepped in and made sure I got put in the Gifted group againMom is always saying I’m a smart kid, but that I just don’t“apply”myself.But if there’s one thing I learned from Rodrick,it’s to set people’s expectations real low so you end up surprising them by practically doing nothing at all. Actually,I’m kind of glad my plan to get put in the Easy group didn’t work.I saw a couple of the“Bink says Boo”kids holding their books upside down,and I don’t think they were joking.1.assigned to被分配给2.figure it out弄明白;搞定它3.find out找出,查明;发现,揭发4.the end of…的最后5.do sb’s best尽力而为,竭尽所能6.tight with与……关系密切(俗语)7.apply申请;应用8.learn from向…学习9.be kind of对…好;对…表示友善参考译文星期五今天在学校我们被分配到阅读小组。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P45-51

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P45-51

to be honest with you. I lost track of that thing a couple of days ago,
考 and I'm just glad to finally turned 参考 交流参考 习交流参 习交流 up.
几天前我忘记了这件事,我很 高兴终于出现了转机。
And in all the commotion, I
交 习 threw Manny's “ gift “ in the 习 garbage. But something tells me 习 学 Mom wouldn't have stopped 学 me this time!
考 and then hand them off to Dad.
考 考 参 But when Dad reads over 参 流 Rodrick's work, he finds all sorts of
factual errors.
factual /ˈfæktʃuəl/事实的;真实的
但当爸爸重读罗德里克的作 品时,他发现了各种各样的事实性 错误。
actually making him do it himself
for once. Rodrick doesn't know
how to type, so he usually writes his papers out on notebook paper
参 流 流 交 Rodrick doesn't really care 交 about the mistakes, so he tells 交 习 Dad to just go ahead and type the 习 paper like it is.

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P104-110

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P104-110

lick/lɪk/ 战胜
一切都结束后,罗里学到了非 常宝贵的一课:罗里是一只猴子,猴 子是不会修车的。
我写完文章后,把它拿给罗德 里克看。我想他不会明白的,果然, 我是对的。他说:
就像我之前说的,罗德里克知 道他能用我的"秘密"控制着我。
“你喜欢冰淇淋吗?” “喜欢!” “那你为什么不嫁给它呢?”
我没听懂那是一个玩笑,所以 我真的被吓坏了。
我告诉妈妈我不想再去幼儿园 了,我把奎因和他说的话都告诉了 她。
但妈妈告诉我奎因不明事理, 我不需要听他的。
在妈妈解释了这个笑话之后, 我真的觉得很有趣。我迫不及待地 想第二天回到学校自己试一试。
Tomorrow I have an English assignment due where I have to write an “allegory.”
allegory /ˈæləɡəri/ 寓言
明天我有一个英语作业要交, 我要写一个“寓言”。
That's basically a story that says one thing but means something else. I was having trouble getting inspired. But then I saw Rodrick outside working on his van, and I got an idea.
曼尼的学前班今天要举行万圣 节派对,所以这不是把他介绍给同 学的最好时机。
Manny's teachers had to call Mom at work and have her come get him.

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P203-217

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P203-217

ThursdayWell,things have gotten really bad for me in the last few hours.Rodrick and his band mates came over around7:00tonight to watch the Talent Show on TV. They sat through the whole three-hour show until their band came on.The school actually did adecent job of taping the performance,and things were looking pretty good up until Rodrick's drum solo.That's when Mom started dancing.And whoever was doing the filming zoomed right in on Mom,and kept the camera pointed at her for the rest of the song.That meant Rodrick didn't have anything he could send to record companies.And he was really mad about it,too.At first he was mad at Mom for messing things up.But Mom said that if Rodrick didn't want people to dance,he shouldn't play music.Then Rodrick turned on me. He said this was all my fault. Because if I just taped the show like he asked me to,none of this would've happened.decent/ˈdiːsnt/得体的;相当好的whoever无论谁;任何人zoom/zuːm/(使镜头或摄影机)推近或拉远周四在最后的几个小时里,我的情况变得很糟。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P111-122

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P111-122

NovemberMondayIt's been over a week since Rodrick's party,and I stopped worrying that Mom and Dad weregonna bust us for it.But remember that bathroom door we switched out?Well,I forgot all about it until tonight.Rodrick was upstairs in my room bugging me,and Dad went into the bathroom.A couple seconds later,he said something that made Rodrick stop cold.I thought it was over.If Dad knew about the door,it was just a matter of time before he found out about the party.But Dad didn't put two and two together.“I must be losing my marbles.”You know,maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Mom and Dad found out about the party.Rodrick would get grounded,which would be awesome.So if I can figure out a way to spill the beans about Rodrick finding out,I'm gonna go for it.bust/bʌst/突击搜捕;打破;炸破;marble冷静11月周一罗德里克的派对已经过去一个多星期了,我不再担心爸爸妈妈会抓我们了。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P134-147

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P134-147

TuesdayMe and Rowley had drawn lessons with Rodrick again today.Well,Rodrick might be a good drummer,but he's not a good teacher.Me and Rowley tried out best to do the drills Rodrick taught us,but every timewe messed up,Rodrick would get frustrated.Eventually,he got so fed up that he took our drumsticks away. Rodrick sat down at his drum set and told us to“watch and learn.”Then he started doing this really long drum solo on that didn't have anything to do with the drills he was teaching us.Rodrick didn't even look up from his drum set when he and Rowley left and went upstairs.I'm not complaining,though. Because the way I see it,this way everyone wins.ThursdayWe've got a History paper due the day before Thanksgiving, and I'd better start getting serious about it.The teachers are getting a lot stricter about the quality of work we turn in,and the way I usually do things isn't working so good anymore.frustrate/frʌˈstreɪt/挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心fed up/fedʌp/感到厌烦的;忍无可忍drumstick/ˈdrʌmstɪk/鼓槌周二罗德里克今天给我和罗利又上了一堂课。

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P157-168

(第2册)小屁孩日记英中对照 P157-168

DecemberSaturdayYou remember how I said Mom and Dad were going toeventually find out about Rodrick's party?Well,it finally happened today.Mom sent Dad out to pick up the pictures from Thanksgiving, and when Dad got back,you could tell he wasn't happy about something.The picture in Dad's hand was from Rodrick's party.It looked like one of Rodrick's friends accidentally took a picture with Mom's camera,which she keeps on the shelf above the stereo.And when he took the picture,it captured the whole scene.Rodrick tried to deny that he had a party.But everything was right there in the picture,so there really wasn't any point.Mom and Dad took away Rodrick's car keys and told him his punishment is that he's not allowed to leave the house for a whole month.They were even mad at me, because they said i was Rodrick's “accomplice”.So I got hit with a two-week video game ban.eventually最后,终于capture/ˈkæptʃə(r)/捕捉,拍摄deny/dɪˈnaɪ/否认;拒绝给予accomplice/əˈkʌmplɪs/同谋者12月周六你还记得我说过爸妈最终会知道罗德里克的派对吗?今天终于发生了。



小屁孩日记2读后感【原创实用版6篇】目录(篇1)1.引言2.阅读《小屁孩日记 2》的感受3.书中角色的特点和故事情节4.书中的教育意义5.结论正文(篇1)【引言】《小屁孩日记 2》是一本让人忍俊不禁的儿童文学作品。



【阅读《小屁孩日记 2》的感受】我被书中的小主人公的率真和天真所吸引,他的日记里充满了童真和童趣。






【书中的教育意义】《小屁孩日记 2》不仅是一本有趣的书,更是一本有教育意义的书。



【结论】总的来说,《小屁孩日记 2》是一本很好的儿童文学作品。


目录(篇2)1.引言:介绍《小屁孩日记 2》2.内容概括:介绍书中的主要内容和主题3.读后感想:表达读后的感受和启示4.总结:总结全文,强调书籍的价值正文(篇2)《小屁孩日记 2》是一本让人忍俊不禁的儿童文学作品。




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小屁孩日记2Dairy of a Wimpy Kid2More Lame Seventh GradersGreg: Seventh grades. Sounds a lot better than sixth graders. Rodrick: This is a Greg thing, I don’t see why I had to come?Mom: Because, Rodrick, this is a family event and like or not, you are apart of Heffley family.Dad: Yes, and that we already paid for your ticket.Host: I’d like to give you a warm welcome to Westmore, seventh graders!New year school starting!Greg: Hi, Rowley.Rowley: Greg. Oh, look at thy Alacazam, Alaca…Zoo Wee Mama.Greg: What are you doing?Rowley: It’s a magic wand. You want to see a trick?Greg: Only if the trick is to make the thing disappear. Put it in your pocket.You don’t want to give away your best tricks in public.Rowley: So, how was your summer? That sounds pretty rough. Greg: The only good thing happened was that I finally got the cold past. Rowley: Who did you give it to?Greg: The new kid: Germin Pindel.Children: Kaastic!Fregley: Hey, guys. Anyone for pizza?Rowley: Thanks, Fregley.Fregley: You know, I can’t believe people. They just get good food lyingaround. I will save that…for later.Greg: Let’s skate.Teen: Oh, dork alert.Greg: Rowley, don’t just pulling me down. Who is that?Chirag: Her name is Holly Hills. She just moved here. Greg: Whatgrade she is?Chirag: Seven. She is an All-star soccer player, has doneprofessionalmodelling and was a sixth grade class president. She moved here from Oregon because her father got a big promotion. They drive a hybrid SUV, live on the nor th side of the town…in a cul-de-sac near a park.What? I googled her. She is a picture of loveliness, isn’t she?Rowley: She is almost as pretty as my mom.Chirag: She is going to be very popular.Greg: Please, everyone, sit down. We have our seats.Holly: Excuse me.Greg: What?1Holly: I said: Excuse me. You are blocking the exit.Greg: Sorry.Holly: That’s okay.Chirag: I am Chirag Gupta and I’m single.Holly: My name is…Chirag: We know exactly who you are. Holly Hills of 432 Embury Lane.G reg: No, we do not know you are. We’ve no idea who you are.Holly: Ok, well, I think I’m gonna go skating now.Chirag: Please congratulate your father on his promotion for me…Greg: “We know exactly who you are?” You trying to scare her?Chirag: Doesn’t really matter. A girl like that is out of your league anyway,Greg.Greg: She’s new. She is not anyone’s league yet. She does not know thesocial packing were. If there is ever a time for me to make a move, it’snow.Rodrick: Hey, Greg, you break a leg or something, so we can leave. Thatwill never happen. Not a chance. There is no way that girl will ever talkto you.Greg: Oh, yeah, well, I just talked her and we probably staking later. Rodrick: Really? Ok. See that clock? They play slow song at the top of everyhour for couple skate. If you are so confident…ask her to skate.Greg: Maybe I will.Rodrick: What’re you waiting for, fool wimp? You the man.Greg: Look, we can get out to Holly, and be standing right next to her whenthe clock changes. Then I can ask her to skate and she will have to sayyes.Rowley: I don’t know about that.Mom: Oh, honey, hi. Remember when we were young like this, when we used to dance, go to parties, things like this?Greg: I’m going in. Cover me.Host: All rockers and handcore skaters off the rink. Unless you’re lookingfor love. It’s time for couple skate.Greg: I’m making my move.DJ: Stop. Enough of that, totally. Who is ready to rock? Holly: Come on. Let’s get out of here.Rowley: What can we do?Greg: Stay calm. All we can do is just staying here. Rowley, hang on. Mom: Greg Heffley, this is your mother. Everything is going to be ok. Staywhere you are and your father is going to come rescue you. I repect.Everything is going to be ok. Ok, here he comes. Here he comes. Heison his way.Greg: Dad. I know, I know.Mom: Ok. Everyone, go back to skate.Greg: You are all right?2Rodrick: Hey Romeo, how did you go with the new girl?A girl: You ruined my birthday. You jerk.Greg: Owe! That hurts.Let me start by saying that having a brother is really overrated. Rowley always says he wishes he had a brother. What do I wish I couldget him one of mine. I’ve looked into it, and unfortunately it is not legal. I mean Manny has been telling on me ever since he was able to speak. Manny: Buddy did it. Buddy did it. Bubby did it.Mom: Greg!And Rodrick is the king of laziness. Except when he comes totorturing me. My mum has started running an advice column for the local paper. She wrote an article last week about how your brothers will always be there for you. Well, that’s exactly what I’m afraid of.Manny: Hey, buddy.Greg: Gotta go, mom.Rodrick: Later, mom.Dad: See you, honey.Mom: Wait. Wait. Hold on a second. I need a moment for a family meeting.Now your father and I have been talking. Things between two of you had really got out of handRodrick: Can I just say…Mom: You may not realize it now…but having a brother is one of the mostimportant relationships of your life. I mean one day you can be uncleGreg and uncle Rodrick to each other’s kids. That is important. So youneed to get to know each other.Greg and Rodrick: What?Mom: You need to spend more time together.Rodrick: What?Mom: That’s why I come up with a new program…that’s going to rewardyou for spending time together. I’m calling it: Mum Bucks.Rodrick: You paying us with fake money?Mom: Yes. For every hour you spend together…without fighting, forexample, let’s say…you give Greg a drum lesson, you each earn a mumbuck. You can then trade it for a one real dollar. So to start you off, I’mgiving you each five mun bucks. Now if you’re smart, you will save upyour mum bucks.Rodrick: Can I cash out now?Mom: Well, Rodrick, if you say…Rodrick: But can I cash out?Mom: Yes, but…Rodrick: I want to cash out.Mom: Frank?Dad: I know.Mom: Ok. Yes, you can. We should get going, because you don’t want to be3late for school, right? Let’s go. Ok. All right.Rodrick: This mum bucks thing is a goldmine. Better not ruin it for me.Most kids hate it when summer ends but I have to say…right now school starting is pretty good.Patty: Welcome back. Welcome back.Rowley: It’s nice not to be the new kids this year. Greg: I know,look at the tiny sixth-graders. Chirag: I’m so glad that’s not me this year.A student: Just little higher.Rowley: Oh, Greg, look who’s in our class.This was my chance. If I can sit next to Holly…I’d have the whole year to show her how great I am.Patty: No way, Greg Heffley. This is my s eat. Greg: No, it’s not. I was here first. It’s mine. Let go.Patty: You know I’m stronger than you. Greg Heffley. Don’t let me beat youup again.Greg: Let’s get it straight. I was sick and there was something inmy eye.Mr.Draybrick: I never had students so eager to start the school year.What’s going on?Greg and Patty: This is my seat.Mr.Draybrick: Ok, let’s start again. What are your names? Patty:Patty Farrell two Rs, two Ls.Greg: Greg Heffley.Mr.Draybrick: Greg Heffley. Would you be related to Rodrick Heffley?I’vegot my eye on you, Heffley.There is no way to escape.Greg: It’s unbelievable. Even at school, Rodrick can ruin my life. Rowley: Xu, he might hear you.Greg: No, watch.Rowley: Holy cow?Greg: He once slept through an entire day.Reporter: Do you have an amazing talent that you’d like to share? TodayPlainview city councillors announced a brand-new local contest:Plainview’s Most Talented.Rowley: Hey, Greg, maybe we can…Rodrick: Can’t you shout, head cheese.Television: Westmore is absolutely pack to the roof. The top prizeis,1000and of course the admiration of your friends and neighbours. Rodrick: This is huge. I have to call the band. We gonna to practice. This is going to be a big break.Mom: Wait a second. Aren’t you forgetting something?Rodrick: What? I showered yesterday. Smell.4Mom: Ok, ok, ok. We agreed that you give a drum lesson to Greg. Greg: You were serious?Mom: Who knows? If you guys really like it and maybe we can form a family band.Rod rick says he’s a professional musician, but…as far as I know, the onlymoney he made was when dad digged five boki to stop him playing. Greg: When can we play the real drums?Rodrick: Like I’d ever let you touch them. Watch and learn.Rowley: Hey, I was thinking we should enter the talent show. I can do mymagic act and you could be my assistant.Greg: Assistant? No way. Doing magic tricks is bad enough. Assisting theguy doing the tricks…I never make it the eight grade.Greg: What?Rowley: Hey, a cookie.Greg: Manny, what have you done?Manny: I’m only three.Mom: What’s going on? What did you do to him?Greg: Nothing, he ruined my video game.Mom: He doesn’t do nothing on purpose. Did you, honey?Manny: No. I didn’t.Mom: No, he didn’t. He i s only three.Manny: I’m only three.Mom: Ok, let’s go, sweetie. Want another cookie?It’s so unfair. I have Rodrick making my life miserable on one side…Mannyattacking me from the other. And I am the only one who seemed to be blamed by anything. Wondering how would it be to have a family thatreally loves me?A woman: Little boy…We are a very rich couple with no children with somuch love to share. Don’t you want to be a part of our family?A man: Finally! Someone I can leave my billions to.Greg: India? Why would you go there?Rowley: India is fascinating. It is the jewel of Southeast Asia. Chirag: My father has business to take care of. So he is taking the wholefamily.Fregley: Can you bring back a cobra, I will take it to dance? Malone: Wake up. What are you guys doing over there? Get the ball! Get the ball! Oh, kick it.Student: Kick it!Malone: Patty Farrell. You are the man! Nice run, Heffley, you just have towork on the direction.Rowley: Wow, Holly Hills is better than Price and he is an All-Star. Chirag: Well, I’m sure soccer skills will leave a great impression on her. Go5straight for it.Greg: Ill see. When you come back from India, she will be hanging out withme.Chirag: I would love it to be true, Greg. It will provide hope for us smallerboys everywhere. But girls like that don’t hang out with guys like us.Rowley: So listen, you are not going to be worried about be in my magicalshow anymore. I got Scottie from my karate class to be my assistant. Greg: Scottie, isn’t he like eight?Rowley: He will be eight.Rodrick: Get in.Greg: Why? What are you doing here?Rodrick: Mum said she would pay me money if I would drive you home from school.Greg: We’d rather walk.Rodrick: Get in! Now!Greg: Where are the seats?Rodrick: I need the room for my new equipment.Greg: How did you achieve the money for that?Rodrick: You know…mum bucks.Greg: There is no way. He only earn, like five…Rodrick: We need to figure out a song to play for the talent contest. Rodrick’s friend: Easy, there was Diper.Rodrick: A ballad? Really do? We get a list of men on the seats. Rodrick’s friend: I got it.Rodrick and Rodrick’s friend: Exploding Diper!Greg: Slow down.This mum bucks thing isn’t working out. Now Rodrick can get paidfor beating me up.Greg: Mom, why are you writing about me again? It’s embarrassing.Mom: Teaching your child the important of honesty.Greg: It’s embarrassing.Mom: What? You know how important honesty is to me. And Rowley, good news. I called your mom. And she gives her permission for you tocometo Rock Rapids next weekend.Greg: Two days on the biggest water slides in the world. It’s gonna begreat.Rowley: Thank you, Mrs.Heffley, but I think I like to stay home and practice my magic act. I just want perfect my art.Greg: Come on. Let’s go upstairs. Mom, can I use your computer for homework?Mom: For homework, right?Greg: Yeah, definitely. Homework only.Manny: I’m sorry, buddy.6Greg: What is this?Mom: It’s a gift from Manny. He ma de it for you because he wants to say hewas sorry for breaking your video game. Is not that cute? Greg: It looks dangerous. What if I sat on that?Mom: Greg, what are you doing? Tell Manny you love this gift.Greg: You’re so lucky, don’t have any broth ers.Rowley: You’re kind like my brother. And shouldn’t we be lookingup thingsfor your 100 years ago assignment?Greg: She looks like she was 100 years old.Rowley: I hope she is ok. She sounds pretty hurt.Greg: Are you kidding me? She is famous an d I heard she’s a millionaire. Iwould love to be her. You do know she was faking it? Rowley: Really?Greg: Of course. Anyone can be an internet sensation. We could. Rowley: I’m listening.Greg: You just have to work with what you have got. Ok. Three, two, one.Fall. It looks fake. It has to look real.Rowley: But how do I fake it if I’m actually falling back?Greg: Maybe you need a costume so people notice you. Oh, wear thisonyour head. Now do it again.Rowley: Why can’t you be the one who falls backwards on chair? Greg: Because I’m not the one wearing the underwear on my head. Rowley: WhenI broke my arm, that didn’t fell good actually…Greg: I can’t believe that you sat on the tinfoil ball. We gonna be rich. Mom: Ok, Rowley, hold still. Wait. My computer was supposed to be forhomework only. You lied to me and you know how I feel about that. Greg: Mom, from now on, I will be 100 percent honest.Well, that lasted about a week. Mom didn’t appreciate the complete honest version of me.Heffleys: Happy birthday, grandpa.Grandpa: Next year I want a chocolate cake.Greg: That is if you are alive next year.Mom: Greg.Greg: Honest, mom. Mom, that is Mrs.Gillman from the PGA. Mom: Tell her I’m not here.Greg: That would be lying, and…I don’t do that anymore. I’m sorry, Mrs.Gillman but my mom isn’t in the house right now.On weekends I try to stay as far away from my brothers as possible. But on Sunday morning, I have no choice.Manny: Poop.Mom: Greg, that looks like a candy bar,7Greg: Manny!Mom: Frank, you gonna to do something.Dad: Yes.Greg: Dad, stop it.Dad: Almost done. Let me see. You are fine. Can’t even tell.Greg: I’m not going in with the poop smear on my pants.Mom: You can’t skip church.Greg: No, I’m going in like thi s.Mom: Fine.Dad: What are you doing? Go.Priest: Please be seated. Let me say just how gratifying to see so manysmiling faces here today. Others…Dad: Ok, come on, Greg.Greg: Everyone will see the sweater.Dad: People are looking. Ok. So, come o n. Let’s go.A girl: Poop! He has pooped his pants!Greg: No, it’s not what it looks like. It isn’t. it’s chocolate. Chocolate. See?Mom: What did I said about being civil to one another? That’s all I asked ofyou. You have ruined a big time. Never been more embarrassed.Everyone we know was there. I have no idea how can I write my column this week. I feel like complete blocked. These have brought I onyourselves. You can kiss Rockin Rapids goodbye. You two will stayhereall wenkend and work out yo ur differences. And if you don’t, I will. Andtrust me, you do not want any part of that. Do you understand? Greg and Rodrick: Yes. Yes. Yes.Mom: Let’s go.Dad: And don’t have anybody come over this weekend. Got it? Rodrick: Party at my place.Greg: Snacks in the bowls, ice in the freezer, cups on the table. Your partybetter be good.Rodrick: Our party, little bro. Wait. We need chairs from the basement. Greg: For what?Rodrick: In case we want to play musical chairs.Greg: I have not play musical chairs since the second grade. Rodrick: Well. It comes back when you hit high school. Wait, you get the chairs. I don’t want anyone to be disappointed, right?Greg: Ok.Greg: Rodrick. Help, the door is closed.Rodrick: Yes, and it’s staying closed. I don’t want middleschooller ruin myparty.Greg: What? I thought it was our party?Rodrick: It’s my party. Now keep quiet, or I will turn on the dryer. Greg: Rodrick!8Rowley: And that’s magic. Jefferson residence. Rowley speaking. Greg: Rowley, I need your help. Now.Rowley: Holy Pepperoni.Greg: Get inside, open the door, let me out. Yes, you did it. Rodrick: It’s really nice try, buddy. But what ever you thought (I)alreadythinked it. When our band is huge, we will have parties every night.But the we backstage parties.Rodrick’s friend: So we will get to go the backstage. Rodrick: You! Don’t touch that phone. Music stop. Everyone freeze. Freeze.Anyone makes a sound, the party is over. And I’m a dead man. So, xu.Damn! Quiet. Man. Back. Hello.Mom: Rodrick, It’s mom. Is everything okay? It took a long for youtoanswer.Rodrick: Yes, everything is fine. I was just washing dishes. Mom: Ok, honey, I just wanted to check and to say I love you…and I’m sorry I was so hash early.Rodrick: No problem. Bye.Mom: Now let me say goodnight to Greg.Rodrick: Greg. Oh, oh. He can’t. He is asleep. I don’t want towake him.Greg: No, not really, I’m right here. Hi, mom. Hi, Rodrick.Mom: Hi, sweetie, is everything okay? Why were you sleeping so early? Greg: Well, actually I wasn’t sleeping. I’m down in the basement.Rodrick: The basement. What the heck are you doing down there? Would not you rather be here with me?Greg: Yes, I would, Rodrick. Why don’t you come down and get me?Now! Mom: I think they are trying to get along.Dad: That’s good.Rodrick: Ok, everything is good here right, Greg? Greg: Yeah, mom, and I have your number if I need you. Mom: Ok, sweetie, see you tomorrow. Good night.Rodrick: Listen up…if you do anything that embarrasses me…anything! Atall, I will…Greg: You will what?Rodrick: Just stay out of my way. Nerds.Rowley: I think we should go upstairs.Greg: Are you kidding me? We might not go to another high schoolpartyfor another five years. We even have an opportunity here to seethingsthat no other kid in our grade has ever seen before. Rowley: Like what?Greg: Teenage things. Just follow my lead and we’ll be fine.Rowley: That was a closed one.Greg: I didn’t know you could get up there?Rodrick: You should hear my band. We play so loud that actually make people’s ears bleed. I mean: not really.9Rowley: I think your brother likes her.The girl: I have to go, find my friend.Rodrick: Yeah, yeah, I know.Rodrick: Reminder! You can’t call if you’re dead.Rodrick’s friend: This party is high. Look, the girls are into it. They wannadance. If you do not ask them to dance, they can leave and you just bethe guy held a party without girls. Go ask the girls to dance. Rodrick: You ask them.Rodrick’s frien d: No, man, you go, ask the girls to dance. Rodrick: You almost did it. I’ve seen you dance.Rowley: Did anybody say dance? Break and dance! Greg: Rowley, no. Don’t.Rodrick: He is dead.Rodrick’s friend: No, man. You can’t. That will make the girlsfre ak out. Greg: I won’t call mom if you kill me…Rowley: Conga!Rodrick: What is he doing?Rodrick’s friend: Who cares? I’m going to dance next to Rachel.Greg: This is great.Rowley: I know. I wish my mom was here. Your parents are so coolthisparty is here.Greg: Yes, really cool. They can never know.Phone: Hi, you reach the Heffley residence. Please leave a message. Mom: Hey, guys. Manny is sick, so we’re on our way home. See you in an hour.Greg: You are in so much trouble.Rodrick: Me? You lied as much as I did to mom. And you know how she feels about lying. She can kill both of us.Greg: You do the living room, I will start the kitchen. Go! Rodrick: Go! The front yard.Greg: Looks good.Rodrick: Too good. Now the kitchen.Greg: Maybe we can paint over it?Rodrick: I do not know how to make paint.Greg: I got it.Rodrick: See, it’s a good thing I locked you down. Let’s go.Greg: We can’t make it.Rodrick: We can make it. See, told you, Greg.Greg: Rodrick. The bathroom door, the door has a lock on it. The old onehas a lock on it. That’s doesn’t. We are dead when they find out…Mom: Greg.Dad: Hi, guys.Greg: Hey, mom. Dad.10Rodrick: How’s Manny? He is feeling better? Poor little guy.Dad: Yeah, he is doing ok.Mom: Wow, the house looks pretty good. I was expecting a real mess. Wholet a cookie on the carpet?Dad: So who came over this weekend?Rodrick: What? Nobody. You said nobody. Dad. No, means no, right? Dad: Good boy. So you guys just hanged out, had a good time together? Rodrick: Yeah. Actually. You know, I never thought to admit this, but we had a pretty great time together.Mom: Really?Greg: Yeah. Surprised me, too.Mom: So you just worked it out by yourselves?Rodrick: Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, mum. Do m ake big deal aboutit,please.Mom: Ok, ok. But nothing, nothing makes me happier than to see you twobeing friends, right Frank?Dad: Yeah.Mom: Ok. Let’s go upstairs. Time for a nap.Dad: What! You guys got some you wanna tell me?Rodrick: No.Dad: What was General Grant doing on the thermostat?Rodrick: I have no idea.Dad: No idea? No idea, huh? These, these off limit. No touch. They are nottoys, they are fediurants!Rodrick: We get to keep them away from the bathroom.Greg: For the next ten years?Rodrick: Listen to me. No matter what they ask you and no matter how hard they push…deny, deny, deny, even if they figure it out. Never, everadmit anything. Deny, deny, deny. Got it?Greg: Got it. Deny, deny, deny.Rowley: Sounds to me, lik e lie, lie, lie. I wish you haven’t told me.Greg: Don’t you understand? Rodrick isn’t beating me up anymore.Rowley: How could they not notice that the lock is gone? Greg: Please, they are like forty. They can barely remember our names. Chirag: Hi, Greg, I’ve returned from halfway around the world. And I can see that you even didn’t get closer to Holly Hills. I think your elderbrother was right about you. You have no game.You know what, I’d like Chirag a lot better when he was in India. Greg: Man, I shall miss Chirag. When would he come back? It’s almost I can feel his presence.Chirag: What are you talking about? Here I am.Greg: Did you just hear something? No, nothing. Well, better go to class.Chirag would have wanted that way.11Chirag: You may be able to dominateme physically, Greg Heffley, but mentally I am the more muscular.It is official on.Greg: Hi, Rowley.Rowley: Hey.Rodrick: Does he know about the D-O-R-E? The door.Greg: Yes, don’t worry. I already told him, deny, deny, d eny.Dad: Hi, Rowley, what you do? Was there a lock on this door? I must losemy marbles.Rowley: I can’t take this pressure. I’m leaving.Mom: Ok, everyone. Dinner time.Rodrick: Actually, mom, I have to skip dinner.Mom: Why?Rodrick: I have got the most important meeting in my life tonight. Dad: Did you say you have a meeting? Like, for like a job? Rodrick: Kind of. I’m meeting with the best guitar player of Plainview. And he is in between bands. And if I get him in Loded Diper, thenwinningthe talent show is a lock. I mean, you will like him, dad. He is a realprofessional like you.Mom: Be supportive.Rodrick: That’s him. I’ll get that.Bill: Oh, man. I barely made it here. Your address has so many numbers. Rodrick: Ok, Bill, I think we sh ould…Bill: Well. Do I smell pork roast?Bill Walter is most likely to be a rock star when he was in high school. But that hasn’t really work out.Rodrick: We really should go.Dad: Sit. So, Bill, Rodrick tells me that you are a professional musician, sothat means you earn enough to make a living?Bill: Oh, yeah. Well enough if you live in your parents’ basement. Myparents are really supportive. Respect your parents, boys. Rowley: Hey, that’s what Joshie says.Dad: Doesn’t sound like a cakewalk.Bill: No.Dad: Don’t you tell Rodrick, give him a picture of how challenging it canreally be.Bill: No, it’s really hard. First of all, there is no home cooked meals likethis.Dad: What? Really?Bill: Yeah. No, on the road, it’s all burgers, fries and pizzas. And then yougonna deal with the fans. Especially the girls. No, it’s, it’s definitely notfor everyone. But if you like rocking deep into night and party in theheart all day…then that might be the life for you.12Rodrick: It’s definitel y for me.Greg: It does sound fun. But what if you don’t play musical instrument?Bill: Loded Diper always need lodeds.Rodrick: So, you joining the band?Bill: Yeah, brother. I’m in. Let’s rock.Rowley: I think I might brought too much stuffs. Greg: Let’s just see how many views our video has got. Must gonna bethousands. Maybe millions. Four? We only got four browsers? Rowley: Greg, I can’t lie to your parents about the party. I never lie. Joshie says lie hurts everyone.Mom: Guess who wants to join the big boys sleepover? Manny: Manny. Manny.Greg: Mom, no, he will ruin it.Mom: He just wanted to come and say hello to Rowley. And Rowley’s mother brought over some healthy snacks and a DVD that she thought was appropriate. Enjoy your candy bars. Boys.Greg: Andy’s Magic Cushion. Let’s start with that. Or should we watch TheFoot?Rowley: What if she comes back in and asks about the party? Greg: You needs relax. How about some healthy snacks? Actress: We shouldn’t be here, just can’t let ourselves into stranger’s home.Actor: The place is empty. Nobody’s gonna mind. Hooh. Look at his face. Actress: What happened to his foot? It sounded like someone was hoping. Actor: I’m telling you it’s nothing. It’s just your imagination. Did you kickme?Actress: You know, you really need to cut your toenails. Actor: What did you say?Rowley: Turn it off. Turn it off.Greg: Ok, because you’re scared. Just go to sleep.Rowley: I wish we watched Andy’s Magic Cushion.Mom: I love this movie, Frank. Don’t y ou just love this movie?Dad: He picks the housekeeper over the supermodel? Mom: I know.Rowley: Ah! It is coming! The foot is coming! Ah!Mom: Greg, is there something you want to say to Rowley and his father? Greg: I’m sorry for choosing an inappropri ate movie for the sleepover. Atleast nobody got hurt this time.Rowley: I am little bird. I’m a little bird. My knee broke.Greg: What?Manny: Mommy. Look.13Mom: Mommy is looking. Mommy is looking a thousand times. Mommyjust needs to go to the potty for one minute.Greg: Oh. No. No. No.Mom: What the heck? Where is the lock? Weird.Mom: Rodrick, could you come here, please? What happened to the lock? Rodrick: I don’t know what you are talking about?Mom: There was a lock on this door.Rodric k: I don’t think so.Mom: Rodrick, I have lived in this house for ten years and I’ve locked thatdoor ten thousands times, because sometimes it’s my only moment for privacy of the day. And there was a lock on the door. Rodrick: There wasn’t. Trust me. G reg has walked in on me like a million times…and if there was a lock, I would use it. In fact, maybe you shouldput one on.Mom: So that’s your story? There was never a lock and you have no ideawhat I’m talking about?Rodrick: Yes.Mom: Fine. I will just go to your brother and ask the same thing. Greg, twowords: bathroom! Door!Greg: It was Rodrick. He held a party. Some one ruined the door, so we hadto change it.Mom: I knew it. I knew it.Greg: No, mom, I was exaggerating a little bit. It wa sn’t a party. It was。
