2023-2024学年安徽省A10联盟(人教A 版)高二(上)期中数学试卷一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.直线√3x +y ﹣1=0的倾斜角是( ) A .π3B .π6C .2π3D .5π62.若双曲线y 22−x 2m=1的焦点与椭圆x 24+y 29=1的焦点重合,则m 的值为( ) A .2B .3C .6D .73.以A (2,0),B (0,4)为直径端点的圆方程是( ) A .(x +1)2+(y +2) 2=20 B .(x ﹣1) 2+(y ﹣2) 2=20C .(x +1) 2+(y +2) 2=5D .(x ﹣1) 2+(y ﹣2) 2=54.堑堵指底面为直角三角形,且侧棱垂直于底面的三棱柱.如图,在堑堵ABC ﹣A 1B 1C 1中,∠ACB =π2,若AA 1=2AC =2BC =2,则异面直线B 1C 与A 1B 所成角的余弦值为( )A .√3010B .−√3010C .√7010D .−√70105.已知椭圆C :x 225+y 216=1的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,A ,B 两点都在C 上,且A ,B 关于坐标原点对称,下列说法错误的是( ) A .|AB |的最大值为10 B .|AF 2|+|BF 2|为定值C .C 的焦距是短轴长的34D .存在点A ,使得AF 1⊥AF 26.已知在△ABC 中,顶点A (1,1),点B 在直线l :x ﹣y +2=0上,点C 在x 轴上,则△ABC 的周长的最小值为( ) A .√5B .2√5C .4√5D .5√527.《九章算术》是我国古代的数学名著,书中将底面为矩形,且有一条侧棱垂直于底面的四棱锥称为阳马.如图,在阳马P ﹣ABCD 中,P A ⊥平面ABCD ,底面ABCD 是正方形,AC 与BD 交于点O ,E ,F 分别为PD ,PB 的中点,点G 满足AG →=λAP →(0<λ<1),P A =4,AB =2,若OG ∥平面CEF ,则λ=( )A .14B .13C .12D .238.已知底边BC 长为2的等腰直角三角形ABC ,D 是平面ABC 内一点,且满足DB :DC =√3:1,则△ABD 面积的最大值是( ) A .3+√62B .3−√62C .3√2+2√32D .3√2−2√32二、选择题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)9.直线l 的方向向量为a →,平面α,β的法向量分别为n →,m →,则下列命题为真命题的是( ) A .若m →⊥n →,则α⊥β B .若l ∥α,则a →⊥n →C .若cos〈a →,n →〉=√32,则直线l 与平面α所成角的大小为π6D .若cos〈m →,n →〉=12,则平面α,β的夹角大小为π310.若方程x 25−t+y 2t−1=1所表示的曲线为C ,则( )A .曲线C 可能是圆B .若1<t <5,则C 为椭圆C .若C 为椭圆,且焦点在x 轴上,则1<t <3D .若C 为双曲线,且焦点在y 轴上,则t <1 11.下列有关直线与圆的结论正确的是( )A .过点(3,4)且在x ,y 轴上的截距相等的直线方程为x ﹣y ﹣7=0B .若直线kx ﹣y ﹣k ﹣1=0和以M (2,1),N (3,2)为端点的线段相交,则实数k 的取值范围为[32,2]C .若点P (a ,b )是圆x 2+y 2=r 2(r >0)外一点,直线l 的方程是ax +by =r 2,则直线l 与圆相离D .若圆(x ﹣1)2+y 2=4上恰有3个点到直线y =x +b 的距离等于1,则实数b =−1±√2 12.已知O 为坐标原点,F 1,F 2分别为双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0),的左、右焦点,C 的一条渐近线l 的方程为y =√3x ,且F 1到l 的距离为3√3,P 为C 在第一象限上的一点,点Q 的坐标为(2,0),PQ 为∠F 1PF 2的平分线,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .双曲线C 的方程为x 29−y 227=1 B .双曲线C 的离心率为2 C .|PF 1|=3|PF 2|D .点P 到x 轴的距离为3√152三、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.已知圆C :x 2+y 2=4,过点P (1,1)的直线被圆C 截得弦长最短时,直线的方程为 . 14.在长方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,底面是边长为1的正方形,AA 1=2,E 为A 1D 的中点,F 为CC 1上靠近点C 的三等分点,则点E 到平面BDF 的距离为 . 15.已知双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1的离心率是√5,F 1,F 2分别为双曲线C 的左、右焦点,过点F 2且垂直于x 轴的垂线在x 轴上方交双曲线C 于点M ,则tan ∠MF 1F 2的值为 .16.过直线l :x ﹣y +4=0上任意点P 作圆O :x 2+y 2=4的两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,直线AB 过定点 ;记线段AB 的中点为Q ,则点Q 到直线l 的距离的最小值为 . 四、解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 17.(10分)已知△ABC 的三个顶点分别是A (4,0),B (6,7),C (0,3). (1)求边BC 的高所在的直线方程;(2)求平分△ABC 的面积且过点B 的直线的方程. 18.(12分)已知双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的一条渐近线与直线x +2y =0垂直,且右顶点A 到该条渐近线的距离为2√55. (1)求双曲线C 的方程;(2)若直线l 与双曲线C 交于A 、B 两点,线段AB 的中点为M (3,2),求直线l 的斜率. 19.(12分)已知点P (4,0),圆C 的圆心在直线x ﹣y ﹣4=0上,且圆C 与y 轴切于点M (0,﹣2). (1)求圆C 的方程;(2)若直线l 过点P 且被圆C 截得的弦长为2√2,求直线l 的方程.20.(12分)一动圆与圆C 1:x 2+y 2+6x +5=0外切,同时与圆C 2:x 2+y 2﹣6x ﹣91=0内切,动圆圆心的轨迹为曲线E .(1)求曲线E 的方程;(2)点P 为E 上一动点,点O 为坐标原点,曲线E 的右焦点为F ,求|PO |2+|PF |2的最小值.21.(12分)如图,在三棱锥S ﹣ABC 中,△SAB 是边长为2的等边三角形,AC ⊥平面SAB ,M ,N ,P ,Q 分别是SB ,BC ,SA ,CN 的中点. (1)求证:PQ ∥平面AMN ;(2)若AC =2,求平面AMN 与平面SAC 夹角的余弦值.22.(12分)已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,该椭圆的离心率为12,且椭圆上动点M 与点F 1的最大距离为3. (1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)如图,若直线l 与x 轴、椭圆C 顺次交于P ,Q ,R (点P 在椭圆左顶点的左侧),且∠PF 1Q +∠PF 1R =π,求△RQF 1面积的最大值.2023-2024学年安徽省A10联盟(人教A 版)高二(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.直线√3x +y ﹣1=0的倾斜角是( ) A .π3B .π6C .2π3D .5π6解:由直线√3x +y ﹣1=0,得y =−√3x +1,可得直线的斜率为−√3,设倾斜角为α(0≤α<π),则tan α=−√3,α=2π3. 故选:C . 2.若双曲线y 22−x 2m=1的焦点与椭圆x 24+y 29=1的焦点重合,则m 的值为( ) A .2 B .3C .6D .7解:因为椭圆x 24+y 29=1的焦点为(0,√5),(0,−√5),所以双曲线y 22−x 2m=1的焦点为(0,√5),(0,−√5),故2+m =5,解得m =3.故选:B .3.以A (2,0),B (0,4)为直径端点的圆方程是( ) A .(x +1)2+(y +2) 2=20 B .(x ﹣1) 2+(y ﹣2) 2=20C .(x +1) 2+(y +2) 2=5D .(x ﹣1) 2+(y ﹣2) 2=5解:∵A (2,0),B (0,4),∴AB 的中点坐标为(1,2),由|AB |=√22+42=2√5, ∴以A (2,0),B (0,4)为直径端点的圆方程是(x ﹣1) 2+(y ﹣2) 2=5. 故选:D .4.堑堵指底面为直角三角形,且侧棱垂直于底面的三棱柱.如图,在堑堵ABC ﹣A 1B 1C 1中,∠ACB =π2,若AA 1=2AC =2BC =2,则异面直线B 1C 与A 1B 所成角的余弦值为( )A .√3010B .−√3010C .√7010D .−√7010解:以C 为坐标原点,CA ,CB ,CC 1所在直线分别为x ,y ,z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则B 1(0,1,2),C (0,0,0),A 1(1,0,2),B (0,1,0), 所以CB 1→=(0,1,2),BA 1→=(1,﹣1,2), 所以cos <CB 1→,BA 1→>=CB 1→⋅BA 1→|CB 1→|⋅|BA 1→|=−1×1+2×2√5×√6=√3010, 因为异面直线夹角的取值范围为(0,π2], 所以异面直线B 1C 与A 1B 所成角的余弦值为√3010. 故选:A .5.已知椭圆C :x 225+y 216=1的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,A ,B 两点都在C 上,且A ,B 关于坐标原点对称,下列说法错误的是( ) A .|AB |的最大值为10 B .|AF 2|+|BF 2|为定值C .C 的焦距是短轴长的34D .存在点A ,使得AF 1⊥AF 2解:由题意得,a 2=25,b 2=16,c 2=a 2﹣b 2=9,所以a =5,b =4,c =3,而|AB |≤2a =10,2c 2b=34,故选项A ,C 正确;由椭圆的对称性知,|AF 2|+|BF 2|=|BF 1|+|BF 2|=2a =10,故选项B 正确;当A 在y 轴上时,cos ∠F 1AF 2=52+52−622×5×5>0,则最大角∠F 1AF 2为锐角,所以不存在点A ,使得AF 1⊥AF 2,故选项D 错误. 故选:D .6.已知在△ABC 中,顶点A (1,1),点B 在直线l :x ﹣y +2=0上,点C 在x 轴上,则△ABC 的周长的最小值为( ) A .√5 B .2√5C .4√5D .5√52解:如图示:,设A (1,1)点关于直线x ﹣y +2=0的对称点为A ′(a ,b ),则{b−1a−1=−1a+12−b+12+2=0,解得:{a =−1b =3,故A ′(﹣1,3),点A 关于x 轴的对称点A ″(1,﹣1), 则|A ′A ″|=√4+16=2√5,故A ′A ″的长即△ABC 周长的最小值. 故选:B .7.《九章算术》是我国古代的数学名著,书中将底面为矩形,且有一条侧棱垂直于底面的四棱锥称为阳马.如图,在阳马P ﹣ABCD 中,P A ⊥平面ABCD ,底面ABCD 是正方形,AC 与BD 交于点O ,E ,F 分别为PD ,PB 的中点,点G 满足AG →=λAP →(0<λ<1),P A =4,AB =2,若OG ∥平面CEF ,则λ=( )A .14B .13C .12D .23解:因为P A ⊥平面ABCD ,底面ABCD 是正方形,所以AB ,AD ,AP 两两互相垂直, 以A 为坐标原点,AB ,AD ,AP 所在直线分别为x .,y ,z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示, 因为E ,F 分别为PD ,PB 的中点,点G 满足AG →=λAP →(0<λ<1),P A =4,AB =2,所以B (2,0,0),D (0,2,0),C (2,2,0),P (0,0,4),E (0,1,2),F (1,0,2),O (1,1,0),G (0,0,4λ),所以OG →=(−1,−1,4λ),CE →=(−2,−1,2),CF →=(−1,−2,2), 设平面CEF 的法向量为n →=(x ,y ,z),则{n →⋅CE →=−2x −y +2z =0n →⋅CF →=−x −2y +2z =0,解得{y =xz =32x, 令x =2,得y =2,z =3,所以n →=(2,2,3),因为OG ∥平面CEF ,所以OG →⊥n →,即OG →⋅n →=−2−2+12λ=0, 解得λ=13. 故选:B .8.已知底边BC 长为2的等腰直角三角形ABC ,D 是平面ABC 内一点,且满足DB :DC =√3:1,则△ABD 面积的最大值是( ) A .3+√62B .3−√62C .3√2+2√32D .3√2−2√32解:以BC 的中点O 为原点,以BC 所在直线为x 轴,BC 的垂直平分线为y 轴,建立直角坐标系,如图,则A (0,1),B (﹣1,0),C (1,0),设D (x ,y ), 因为DB :DC =√3:1,所以√(x+1)2+y 2√(x−1)2+y 2=√3,化简整理得:(x +1)2+y 2=3(x ﹣1)2+3y 2,即(x ﹣2)2+y 2=3, 所以点D 的轨迹为以(2,0)为圆心,以√3为半径的圆, 当点D 与直线AB 距离最大时,△ABD 面积最大, 直线AB 的方程为x ﹣y +1=0,且|AB|=√2,设圆心到直线的距离为d ,则点D 到直线AB 的最大距离为d +r =|2−0+1|2+√3=3√2+2√32,所以△ABD 面积的最大值为12×√2×3√2+2√32=3+√62.故选:A .二、选择题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)9.直线l 的方向向量为a →,平面α,β的法向量分别为n →,m →,则下列命题为真命题的是( ) A .若m →⊥n →,则α⊥β B .若l ∥α,则a →⊥n →C .若cos〈a →,n →〉=√32,则直线l 与平面α所成角的大小为π6D .若cos〈m →,n →〉=12,则平面α,β的夹角大小为π3解:对于选项A ,若m →⊥n →,则α⊥β,即A 正确; 对于选项B ,若l ∥α,则a →⊥n →,即B 正确;对于选项C ,若cos〈a →,n →〉=√32,则a →与n →的夹角为π6,因为直线与平面所成角的取值范围为[0,π2],所以直线l 与平面α所成角的大小为π3,即C 错误;对于选项D ,若cos〈m →,n →〉=12,则n →与m →的夹角为π3,因为两平面夹角的取值范围为[0,π2],所以平面α与β的夹角大小为π3,即D 正确.故选:ABD . 10.若方程x 25−t+y 2t−1=1所表示的曲线为C ,则( )A .曲线C 可能是圆B .若1<t <5,则C 为椭圆C .若C 为椭圆,且焦点在x 轴上,则1<t <3D .若C 为双曲线,且焦点在y 轴上,则t <1 解:A 选项,当5﹣t =t ﹣1>0,即t =3时,方程x 25−t+y 2t−1=1为x 2+y 2=2,表示圆心为原点,半径为√2的圆,故选项A正确,选项B错误;C选项,若C为椭圆,且焦点在x轴上,则5﹣t>t﹣1>0,解得1<t<3,故选项C正确;D选项,若C为双曲线,且焦点在y轴上,方程x25−t +y2t−1=1即y2t−1−x2t−5=1,则{t−1>0t−5>0,解得t>5,故选项D错误.故选:AC.11.下列有关直线与圆的结论正确的是()A.过点(3,4)且在x,y轴上的截距相等的直线方程为x﹣y﹣7=0B.若直线kx﹣y﹣k﹣1=0和以M(2,1),N(3,2)为端点的线段相交,则实数k的取值范围为[32,2]C.若点P(a,b)是圆x2+y2=r2(r>0)外一点,直线l的方程是ax+by=r2,则直线l与圆相离D.若圆(x﹣1)2+y2=4上恰有3个点到直线y=x+b的距离等于1,则实数b=−1±√2解:当截距不为0时,设直线xa+ya=1,将点(3,4)代入得,3a+4a=1,∴a=7,则直线方程为x+y ﹣7=0,当截距为0时,设直线y=kx,将点(3,4)代入得,4=3k,∴k=43,则直线方程为4x﹣3y=0,则直线方程为x+y﹣7=0和4x﹣3y=0,∴A错误.对于B,已知直线kx﹣y﹣k﹣1=0过定点A(1,﹣1),又直线AM,AN的斜率为k AM=1+12−1=2,k AN=2+13−1=32,所以直线kx﹣y﹣k﹣1=0和以M(2,1),N(3,2)为端点的线段相交,实数k的取值范围为[32,2],故B正确;对于C,点P(a,b)是圆x2+y2=r2外一点,所以a2+b2>r2,所以圆心(0,0)到直线的距离d=r2√a2+br,所以直线与圆相交,故C不正确;因为圆C:(x﹣1)2+y2=4上恰有三个点到直线l:y=x+b的距离等于1,所以圆心(1,0)到直线的距离等于半径的一半,所以√2=1,解得b=﹣1±√2,故D正确.故选:BD.12.已知O 为坐标原点,F 1,F 2分别为双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0),的左、右焦点,C 的一条渐近线l 的方程为y =√3x ,且F 1到l 的距离为3√3,P 为C 在第一象限上的一点,点Q 的坐标为(2,0),PQ 为∠F 1PF 2的平分线,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .双曲线C 的方程为x 29−y 227=1 B .双曲线C 的离心率为2 C .|PF 1|=3|PF 2|D .点P 到x 轴的距离为3√152解:对于A ,由F 1(﹣c ,0)到渐近线y =√3x 的距离为3√3,得√3c2=3√3,解得c =6, 由渐近线方程为y =√3x ,得ba =√3,结合a 2+b 2=c 2可得a =3,b =3√3,则双曲线C 的方程为x 29−y 227=1,故A 正确.对于B ,e =ca =2,故B 正确. 对于C ,PQ 为∠F 1PF 2的平分线,则|PF 1||PF 2|=|QF 1||QF 2|=84=2,故C 错误.对于D ,由双曲线定义可得|PF 1|﹣|PF 2|=6,则可得|PF 1|=12,|PF 2|=6,在△PF 1F 2中,cos ∠F 1PF 2=122+62−1222×12×6=14,sin ∠F 1PF 2=√1−cos 2∠F 1PF 2=√154,设点P 到x 轴的距离为d ,则|PF 2|•sin ∠F 1PF 2 即12×12×d =12×12×6×√154,解得d =3√152,故D 正确. 故选:ABD .三、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.已知圆C :x 2+y 2=4,过点P (1,1)的直线被圆C 截得弦长最短时,直线的方程为 x +y ﹣2=0 . 解:显然点P 在圆C 内,过点P 且弦长最短的弦应是垂直于直线CP 的弦, 又直线CP 的斜率为1,所以所求直线的斜率为﹣1, 故所求直线的方程为y ﹣1=﹣(x ﹣1),即x +y ﹣2=0. 故答案为:x +y ﹣2=0.14.在长方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,底面是边长为1的正方形,AA 1=2,E 为A 1D 的中点,F 为CC 1上靠近点C 的三等分点,则点E 到平面BDF 的距离为4√1717. 解:以D 为坐标原点,分别以DA ,DC ,DD 1所在的直线为x ,y ,z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系D ﹣xyz ,可得D (0,0,0),B (1,1,0),F (0,1,23),E (12,0,1),则DE →=(12,0,1),DB →=(1,1,0),DF →=(0,1,23),设平面BDF 的法向量为n →=(x ,y ,z ),由n →•DB →=n →•DF →=0,即x +y =y +23z =0,可取z =﹣3,则y =2,x =﹣2, 即n →=(﹣2,2,﹣3),则点E 到平面BDF 的距离为|n →⋅DE →|n →|||√4+4+9|4√1717. 故答案为:4√1717. 15.已知双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1的离心率是√5,F 1,F 2分别为双曲线C 的左、右焦点,过点F 2且垂直于x 轴的垂线在x 轴上方交双曲线C 于点M ,则tan ∠MF 1F 2的值为 2√55 .解:将x =c 代入双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b2=1中,可得|MF 2|=b2a ,又|F 1F 2|=2c ,∴tan ∠MF 1F 2=|MF 2||F 1F 2|=b 22ac =c 2−a 22ac =12(e −1e )=12(√515)=2√55.故答案为:2√55. 16.过直线l :x ﹣y +4=0上任意点P 作圆O :x 2+y 2=4的两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,直线AB 过定点 (﹣1,1) ;记线段AB 的中点为Q ,则点Q 到直线l 的距离的最小值为 √2 . 解:设P (x 0,y 0),因为P 是直线l :x ﹣y +4=0上一点,所以y 0=x 0+4,以OP 为直径的圆的方程为x (x ﹣x 0)+y (y ﹣y 0)=0, 即x 2+y 2﹣x 0x ﹣y 0y =0,所以x 0x +y 0y =4,即直线AB 的方程为x 0x +y 0y =4,又y 0=x 0+4,∴直线AB 的方程为x 0(x +y )+4y ﹣4=0,故直线AB 过定点(﹣1,1). 设Q (x ,y ),直线AB 过定点为M ,则M (﹣1,1), 由MQ →⋅OQ →=0,得(x +1)x +(y ﹣1)y =0, 整理得点Q 的轨迹方程为(x +12)2+(y −12)2=12,因为点(−12,12)到直线l :x ﹣y +4=0的距离d =|−12−12+4|√2=3√22>√22,所以直线l :x ﹣y +4=0与圆(x +12)2+(y −12)2=12相离, 所以点Q 到直线l 的距离的最小值为|−12−12+4|√2−√22=√2.故答案为:(﹣1,1),√2.四、解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 17.(10分)已知△ABC 的三个顶点分别是A (4,0),B (6,7),C (0,3). (1)求边BC 的高所在的直线方程;(2)求平分△ABC 的面积且过点B 的直线的方程. 解:(1)由题意可得:直线BC 的斜率k BC =3−70−6=23, 则边BC 的高所在的直线的斜率k =−32,所求直线方程为y −0=−32(x −4),即3x +2y ﹣12=0. (2)由题意可知:所求直线即为边AC 的中线所在的直线,则线段AC 的中点为D(2,32),可得直线BD 的斜率k BD =7−326−2=118,所以直线BD 的方程为y −32=118(x −2),即11x ﹣8y ﹣10=0. 18.(12分)已知双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的一条渐近线与直线x +2y =0垂直,且右顶点A 到该条渐近线的距离为2√55. (1)求双曲线C 的方程;(2)若直线l 与双曲线C 交于A 、B 两点,线段AB 的中点为M (3,2),求直线l 的斜率. 解:(1)因为双曲线C 的一条渐近线与直线x +2y =0垂直,且直线x +2y =0的斜率为−12,因为双曲线C 的渐近线为y =±b a x ,所以−12⋅ba =−1,解得ba=2,则双曲线C 的渐近线方程为y =±2x ,即2x ±y =0, 因为右顶点(a ,0)到该条渐近线的距离为2√55,所以√5=2√55,解得a =1,可得b =2, 所以双曲线C 的方程为x 2−y 24=1; (2)若直线l ⊥x 轴, 此时A ,B 两点关于x 轴对称,可得线段AB 的中点在x 轴上,不符合题意; 若直线l 与x 轴不垂直,不妨设A (x 1,y 1)、B (x 2,y 2),直线l 的斜率为k ,此时{x 12−y 124=1x 22−y 224=1,即(x 12−x 22)−y 12−y 224=0, 此时(x 1+x 2)(x 1−x 2)−(y 1+y 2)(y 1−y 2)4=0,整理得y 1+y 2x 1+x 2⋅y 1−y 2x 1−x 2=4.因为线段AB 的中点为M (3,2),所以x 1+x 2=6,y 1+y 2=4,则46⋅k =4,解得k =6,故直线l 的斜率为6.19.(12分)已知点P (4,0),圆C 的圆心在直线x ﹣y ﹣4=0上,且圆C 与y 轴切于点M (0,﹣2). (1)求圆C 的方程;(2)若直线l 过点P 且被圆C 截得的弦长为2√2,求直线l 的方程. 解:(1)设圆心坐标为C (a ,b ),因为圆C 的圆心在直线x ﹣y ﹣4=0上,且圆C 与y 轴切于点M (0,﹣2), 所以{a −b −4=0b =−2,解得{a =2b =−2,所以C (2,﹣2),半径r =|MC |=2, 所以圆C 的方程为(x ﹣2)2+(y +2)2=4;(2)由题意得,圆心C (2,﹣2)到直线l 的距离为√4−2=√2, 若直线l 的斜率存在,设直线l 的方程为y =k (x ﹣4),则√k 2+1=√2,解得k =2+√3或k =2−√3,当直线l 的斜率不存在,l 的方程为x =4,此时圆心C (2,﹣2)到直线l 的距离为2,不满足题意,舍去, 综上,直线l 的方程为y =(2+√3)(x −4)或y =(2−√3)(x −4).20.(12分)一动圆与圆C 1:x 2+y 2+6x +5=0外切,同时与圆C 2:x 2+y 2﹣6x ﹣91=0内切,动圆圆心的轨迹为曲线E .(1)求曲线E 的方程;(2)点P 为E 上一动点,点O 为坐标原点,曲线E 的右焦点为F ,求|PO |2+|PF |2的最小值. 解:(1)不妨设动圆圆心为M (x ,y ),半径为R ,易知圆C 1:(x +3)2+y 2=4,圆C 2:(x −3)2+y 2=100, 当动圆M 与圆C 1外切时,|C 1M |=R +2; 当动圆M 与圆C 2内切时,|C 2M |=10﹣R , 所以|C 1M |+|C 2M |=12>|C 1C 2|,则点M 的轨迹是焦点为C 1(﹣3,0),C 2(3,0),长轴长为12的椭圆, 不妨设该椭圆的长轴为2a ,短轴为2b ,焦距为2c , 此时2c =6,2a =12,解得c =3,a =6,则b 2=36﹣9=27, 故动圆圆心轨迹方程为x 236+y 227=1;(2)由(1)知F (3,0),不妨设P (x ,y ), 此时|PO |2+|PF |2=x 2+y 2+(x ﹣3)2+y 2=2x 2﹣6x +9+2y 2, 因为点P 在椭圆上,所以x ∈[﹣6,6],y 2=27−34x 2, 此时|PO|2+|PF|2=12x 2−6x +63=12(x −6)2+45, 易知当x =6时,|PO |2+|PF |2取得最小值,最小值为45.21.(12分)如图,在三棱锥S ﹣ABC 中,△SAB 是边长为2的等边三角形,AC ⊥平面SAB ,M ,N ,P ,Q 分别是SB ,BC ,SA ,CN 的中点. (1)求证:PQ ∥平面AMN ;(2)若AC =2,求平面AMN 与平面SAC 夹角的余弦值.(1)证明:连接BP 交AM 于点I ,连接NI , 因为M ,P 分别为SB ,SA 的中点, 所以I 为△SBA 的重心,所BI BP=23,因为N 为BC 的中点,Q 为CN 的中点, 所以BN BQ=23,所以BIBP=BN BQ,所以NI ∥PQ ,又因为PQ ⊄平面AMN ,NI ⊂平面AMN , 所以PQ ∥|平面AMN ;(2)解:由AC ⊥平面SAB ,可得AC ⊥AB ,平面SAB ⊥平面ABC , 故可建立以A 为坐标原点,以AB ,AC 所在直线为x 轴,y 轴, 过A 作垂直于AC 的直线Az 为z 轴的空间直角坐标系,如图所示, 则A (0,0,0),B (2,0,0),C (0,2,0),S (1,0,√3), M (32,0,√32),N (1,1,0),Q (12,32,0),所以AM →=(32,0,√32),AN →=(1,1,0),AS →=(1,0,√3),AC →=(0,2,0), 设平面AMN 的法向量为m →=(a ,b ,c),则{m →⋅AM →=32a +√32c =0m →⋅AN →=a +b =0,取a =1,可得m →=(1,−1,−√3),设平面SAC 的法向量为n →=(x ,y ,z),则{n →⋅AS →=x +√3z =0n →⋅AC →=2y =0,取x =√3,可得n →=(√3,0,−1), 设平面AMN 与平面SAC 夹角为θ,则cos θ=|cos <m →⋅n →>|=|m⋅n →||m →||n →|=2√3√5×2=√155,所以平面AMN 与平面SAC 夹角的余弦值为√155.22.(12分)已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,该椭圆的离心率为12,且椭圆上动点M 与点F 1的最大距离为3. (1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)如图,若直线l 与x 轴、椭圆C 顺次交于P ,Q ,R (点P 在椭圆左顶点的左侧),且∠PF 1Q +∠PF 1R =π,求△RQF 1面积的最大值.解:(1)因为椭圆C 的离心率为12,所以e =c a =12, 即a =2c ,①因为椭圆上动点M 与点F 1的最大距离为3, 所以a +c =3,② 又b =√a 2−c 2,③联立①②③,解得a =2,c =1,b =√3, 则椭圆C 的方程为x 24+y 23=1;(2)不妨设Q (x 1,y 1),R (x 2,y 2), 由(1)知F 1(﹣1,0), 因为∠PF 1Q +∠PF 1R =π, 所以k QF 1+k RF 1=0,即y 1x 1+1+y 2x 2+1=0,整理得x 1y 2+y 2+x 2y 1+y 1=0,不妨设直线PQ 的方程为x =my +n (m ≠0),联立{x =my +n x 24+y 23=1,消去x 并整理得(3m 2+4)y 2+6mny +3n 2﹣12=0,此时Δ=36m 2n 2﹣4(3m 2+4)(3n 2﹣12)>0, 解得n 2<3m 2+4, 由韦达定理得y 1+y 2=−6mn 3m 2+4,y 1y 2=3n 2−123m 2+4, 又x 1=my 1+n ,x 2=my 2+n ,所以x 1y 2+y 2+x 2y 1+y 1=2my 1y 2+(n +1)(y 1+y 2)=0, 即2m ⋅3n 2−123m 2+4+(n +1)(−6mn3m 2+4)=0,因为m ≠0, 所以n =﹣4,则直线PQ 的方程为x =my ﹣4(m ≠0), 此时点F 1(﹣1,0)到直线PQ 的距离d =|−1+4|√1+m 2=3√1+m 2,所以S △F 1QR=12|QR|d =12√1+m 2⋅√(y 1+y 2)2−4y 1y 2⋅3√1+m 2=18√m 2−43m 2+4,因为n 2<3m 2+4,n =﹣4, 所以3m 2+4>16, 即m 2>4,不妨令√m 2−4=t ,t >0, 此时m 2=t 2+4, 所以√m 2−43m 2+4=t 3(t 2+4)+4=t 3t 2+16=13t+16t≤2√3t⋅t=8√3,当且仅当3t =16t 时,等号成立, 此时m 2=t 2+4=283,直线l 存在, 综上,△RQF 1面积的最大值为18×18√3=3√34.。
北京工业大学耿丹学院2013 -- 2014学年第一学期期中考试《大学英语I》试卷(A)(考试时间共计:60 分钟)Part I Listening Comprehension(30%)Section A (8 %) Short conversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)1. A) Almost nothing. B) The main points. C) Most of it. D) All of it2. A) 7 o’clock B) 8 o’clock C) 9 o’clock D) 10 o’clock3. A) The woman has a new boyfriend at college.B) The woma n’s boyfriend tells her about their old school friend.C) The woman is no longer going out with her boyfriend from school.D) The woman hasn’t heard any news about her old school friends.4. A) 5:00, Saturday. B) 5:00, August 26.C) 5:00, Sunday. D)5:30, October 26.5. A) She is very hungry. B) She doesn’t want to eat a lot.C) She thinks the menu is excellent. D) She isn’t hungry at all.6. A) Workers. B) Teachers C) Students D) Doctor7. A) in 1963 B) in 1964 C) in 1965 D) in 19668. A) Eat better. B) Eat more. C) Eat worse. D) Diet.Section B (8 %) Long conversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 long conversations. The conversations will be spoken only once. After each conversation there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)Conversation 19. Why does the woman enjoy living on campus?A) She thinks it’s good for health.B) She thinks it’s easy to make friends.C) She thinks it’s near her home.D) She likes living in a dorm.10. What does the man think is one of the advantages of living in the town?A) The atmosphere there is different. B) The people there are nice.C) It’s near the shopping center.D) It’s near the school.11. According to the woman, what are the problems for those people who go a long way to schoolevery day?A) They would have to get up early to get to classes on time.B) It would take a lot of time to get home.C) Both A and B.D) They can’t communicate with the class.12. How does the man feel about the food in the cafeteria?A) It seems all the same every day. B) It is OK.C) It is like the food outside. D) It varies in type.Conversation 213. The man’s friend invited him for a meal becau se _________________.A). he wanted to take him to a pubB). it was the last day of termC). the man and his friends were going to a restaurantD). it was the friend’s birthday14. In the pub,______________________.A). everyone paid for their own drinksB). people in the group took turns to buy drinks for everyoneC). two people paid for all the drinksD). the man’s friend paid for all the drinks15.At the meal, the man had eaten___________________.A). less than everyone else B). more than everyone elseC). the same as everyone else D). nothing at all16.The woman______ British customs.A). doesn’t really understand the man’s problems withB). thinks the man will soon understandC). understands the man’s problems withD). thinks it is easy to understandSection C(4 %) Passage listeningDirections: In this section, you will hear a long passage. The passage will be spoken only once. After the passage there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)17. What’s the topic of the talk?A) Listening and learning. B) Listening.C) Improvement in listening D) Listening and speaking.18. What does the speaker think of listening?A) It is listed in the teaching program.B) It is critical to English teaching.C) Effective listening results from doing right assignments.D) It’s less taught than any other means of communication.19. What’s the point of listening in professional work according to the speaker?A) It pays to listen to the customers or clients.B) Failure to listen to the customer or clients may cause dull business.C) Listening plays an important role in receiving an oral message in business.D) Listening is critical to response.20. How does the speaker regard listening in relation to personal relationship?A) Listening does not have much to do with personal relationship.B) Listening develops relationships.C) Listening means the listener is important.D) Listening means the speaker is important.Section D(10%) DictationDirections: In this section, you will hear a long passage. The passage will be spoken twice. You are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.(注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答)When I was at school, I had so many plans for my (21) . But in fact, my plans changed over the years. To be quite honest, I (22) it wasn’t until my late twenties that I finally found my true (23) in life. Sure, it’s a great idea to have your dreams as a freshman. So, (24) , pursue the ideal. But don’t let your ambition (25) you. College may make you more (26) , more aware that having a (27) salary, having a warm and (28) family of your own, and being happy are (29) a brilliant career, if not more so. I’m less (30) than I was when I was 19, but I’m happier.Part II Translation (35%)Section A Phrase Translation (15%)Directions: There are 10 sentences in this part. Now translate the phrases in the brackets and complete the sentences. Please write down the phrases for each item on the answer sheet.(注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答)31. You should take some medicine to ________________.(减轻头痛)32. I can even hear what he is eating, _________________.(尽管嘈杂)33. Then calculate what’s left of the day, and that’s yours, to spend on ___________(尝试) everything else on offer.34. College is the best place to ____________________.(开阔眼界)35. The doctor has ______________(向我们保证)she’ll be fine.36. It is not an easy task, but we are sure he will ____________________.(成功应付挑战)37. Mary_____________ (突然开始)tears when she heard the news.38. I explain how to cook them and then _______them _____( 蘸)the different sauces before eating.39. Most students have little difficulty ______________(适应) college life.40. The waitress brings plentiful amounts of vegetables as well as some slippery bits of meat which are ______________.(很难辨认)Section B Sentence Translation (20%)Directions:Translate the sentences into Chinese. Please write your translation on the Answer Sheet.(注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答)41. 直到大学毕业我才认识到,学习并不是大学生的全部,大学生活本可以更加丰富多彩。
北科大2011-2012-1-大学物理AI 期中试卷及答案
![北科大2011-2012-1-大学物理AI 期中试卷及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/223122da998fcc22bcd10d46.png)
北京科技大学 2011--2012 学年 第 一 学期大学物理AI 期中试卷(A 卷)选择题(每题5分,共100分)1、几个不同倾角的光滑斜面,有共同的底边,顶点也在同一竖直面上.若使一物体(视为质点)从斜面上端由静止滑到下端的时间最短,则斜面的倾角应选(A) 60°; (B) 45°;(C) 30°; (D) 15°。
2、一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度=v 2 m/s ,瞬时加速度2/2s m a -=,则一秒钟后质点的速度(A) 等于零; (B) 等于-2 m/s ;(C) 等于2 m/s ; (D) 不能确定。
3、某物体的运动规律为t k t 2d /d v v -=,式中的k 为大于零的常量.当0=t 时,初速为v 0,则速度v 与时间t 的函数关系是(A) 0221v v +=kt ; (B) 0221v v +-=kt ; (C) 02121v v +=kt ; (D) 02121v v +-=kt 。
4、某人骑自行车以速率v 向西行驶,今有风以相同速率从北偏东30°方向吹来,试问人感到风从哪个方向吹来?(A) 北偏东30°; (B) 南偏东30°;(C) 北偏西30°; (D) 西偏南30°。
5、质量为m 的物体自空中落下,它除受重力外,还受到一个与速度平方成正比的阻力的作用,比例系数为k ,k 为正值常量.该下落物体的收尾速度(即最后物体作匀速运动时的速度)将是 (A) k mg ; (B) k g 2 ; (C) gk ; (D) gk 。
6、质量分别为m 1和m 2的两滑块A 和B 通过一轻弹簧水平连结后置于水平桌面上,滑块与桌面间的摩擦系数均为μ,系统在水平拉力F 作用下匀速运动,如图所示.如突然撤消拉力,则刚撤消后瞬间,二者的加速度a A 和a B 分别为(A) a A =0 , a B =0. (B) a A >0 , a B <0.(C) a A <0 , a B >0. (D) a A <0 , a B =0.7、一公路的水平弯道平均半径为R ,路面的外侧高出内侧,并与水平面夹角为θ.要使汽车通过该段路面时不引起侧向摩擦力,则汽车的速率为题6用图(A)Rg ; (B) θtg Rg ; (C) θθ2sin cos Rg ; (D) θctg Rg 。
试卷类型:A 山东省泰安市2022届高三年级上学期期中统考历史试题2022.11注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置。
中医诊断学课程期中考试(试卷)一、A型题(每小题1分,共16分)1 下列哪项不是失神的表现:A 目无精彩 B 形赢色败 C 呼吸微弱 D 神志昏迷 E 壮热面赤2 咽喉色鲜红娇嫩,肿痛不甚,引起的原因是:A 肺胃积热 B 痰湿停滞 C 胃中有热 D 阴虚火旺 E 寒凝咽喉3 目部的脏腑相关部位,按五轮学说,黑珠属:A 血轮 B 风轮 C 气轮 D 肉轮 E 水轮4 舌体肿胀,青紫晦暗者是:A 气血壅滞,将要发斑 B 心脾有热 C 中毒 D 邪热挟酒毒上壅 E 脾胃湿与痰浊相搏5 湿浊内蕴,阳气被遏,可形成:A 灰苔 B 黑苔 C 腐苔 D 腻苔 E 花剥苔6 病人出现谵语时,表现为:A 语无伦次,笑骂不定 B 语无伦次,神志不清 C 语言重复,声音低弱 D 语言错乱,说后自知 E 自言自语,见人便止7 喘证的表现应除外哪一项:A 呼吸困难 B 鼻翼煽动 C 张口抬肩 D 难以平卧 E 喉中痰鸣8 太阳头痛的特点是:A 两侧头痛 B 前额痛 C 巅顶痛 D 头痛连项 E 头痛连齿9 妇女带下色白,清稀如涕,无臭味,多属:A 脾虚湿注 B 冲任亏虚 C 肝经郁热 D 湿热下注 E 肝胆湿热10 午后热甚,身热不扬者属:A 阴虚潮热 B 湿温潮热 C 小儿疰夏 D 阳明潮热 E 气虚发热11 在28脉中,具有沉、实、大、弦、长形象特点的脉是:A 革脉 B 紧脉 C 芤脉 D 伏脉 E 牢脉12 下述哪种脉象不主实证:A 弦脉 B 紧脉 C 滑脉 D 结脉 E 革脉13 男子阳强易举,女子经闭或崩漏为:A 肾阳虚证 B 肾气不固 C 肾阴虚证 D 肾精不足 E 肾不纳气14 心胸烦热,面赤口渴,口舌生疮者属:A 心火亢盛 B 痰迷心窍 C 痰炎扰心 D 小肠实热 E 热入心包15 患者咳喘,痰稀色白,形寒肢冷,舌淡苔白,脉迟缓,此属:A 风寒束肺 B 寒邪客肺 C 饮停于肺 D 痰湿阻肺 E 明不纳气16 心血虚心阴虚的共有症是:A 头晕目眩,面白无华 B 五心烦热,潮热盗汗 C 心悸怔仲,失眠多梦 D 唇舌淡白,脉细数 E 以上都不是二、B型题(每小题1分,共4分)A 腹部胀潢,不欲饮食 B 胸胁苦满,心烦喜呕 C 腹胀且痛,大便秘结 D 下利清谷,四肢厥冷 E 心中疼热,饥不欲食1 太阳病证的表现有:2 少阴病证的表现有:A 邪气深入脏腑 B 邪气在骨髓 C 邪气入络 D 邪气入经 E 邪气在皮毛3 小儿指纹显于气关为:4 小儿指纹显于命关为:三、C型题(每小题1分,共4分)A 苔薄白而润 B 畏寒肢冷 C 两者均有 D 两者均无1 表寒证可见:2 晨寒证可见A 眩晕耳鸣,头前面赤 B 腰膝酸软 C 两者均有 D 两者均无3 肝火上炎可见:4 肝阳上亢可见:四、K型题(每小题1分,共6分)1 裂纹舌形成的病机是:(1)阴血亏虚(2)热盛伤津(3)血虚不润(4)脾虚湿困22 中医门诊首次病历书写的内容包括有:(1)一般项目(2)四诊、诊断(3)治法方药(4)四诊摘要3 以下哪些是个人史所记录的内容:(1)过去患病情况(2)居住条件(3)实验室检查结果(4)饮食嗜好4 中气下陷证可见:(1)久泄(2)腹部坠胀(3)脱肛(4)吐血5 嗜睡的原因有:(1)痰湿困脾(2)心肾阳虚(3)脾胃气虚(4)食滞胃脘6 滑脉的主病是:(1)痰饮(2)食滞(3)实热(4)阳虚五、填空题(每空1分,共15分)1 项背肌肉强直,头向后仰,躯体前挺,身体呈弓状,叫做( )。
2. 答题前,考生务必将姓名、班级等个人信息填写在答题卡指定位置。
3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答。
1. 地理学是一门研究什么的学科?
- A. 人和自然的关系
- B. 自然环境
- C. 社会文化
- D. 人的活动
2. 地球的自转一次所需要的时间是多久?
- A. 24秒
- B. 24分钟
- C. 24小时
- D. 24天
3. 以下哪个是地球的一种自然环境?
- A. 大气环境
- B. 城市环境
- C. 社会环境
- D. 家庭环境
1. 地球上最大的洲是______。
2. 世界上最长的河流是______。
3. 纬度为0°的线称为______。
第三部分:简答题(共5题,每题10分,共50分)1. 请简单描述地球的四个自然环境。
2. 什么是气候?气候受到哪些因素的影响?
3. 解释地球是如何形成的。
1. 请用一张世界地图标出以下五个洲的位置:亚洲、欧洲、非洲、南美洲、大洋洲。
2. 请解释什么是人口密度,并说明如何计算人口密度。
3. 从地理的角度解释下面的问题:为什么沿海地区适宜发展渔业?
2023-2024学年上海师大附中高三上期中英语试卷II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.How to future-proof your career against the threat of AIEver since the industrial revolution,people have feared that technology would take away their jobs.While some jobs and tasks have indeed been replaced by machines,(21)_________ have emerged.The fear that jobs might disappear or be replaced through automation is understandable.Recent research found that a quarter of tasks that humans currently do in the US and Europe could be automated in the coming years.The future of work is a popular topic of discussion,with countless books(22)_________ (publish)each year on the topic.These books speak to the human need to understand how to future might be shaped.A strong theme of concern is found in these books about technology enabling certain tasks to be automated,(23)_________(make)many people out of jobs.Specifically,(24)_________worries people is that knowledge-based jobs--like those in accounting or law--that have long been regarded as being exclusive(专属的、专有的)to well-educated professionals are now under threat of replacement by machines.But there is another, (25)_________(ambitious)way to think about this.Some books stress the potential of humans collaborating with AI,to enhance each other's skills.(26)_________being replaced,lawyers would then be empowered by technology.In reality,automation and empowerment co-exist,both of which(27)_________(concern)with your future career.In light of this,the key to future-proofing your job is continued learning,(28)_________is a valuable skill to develop in any career.Also,critical thinking and analytical skills are going to be particularly central for how humans and machines(29)_________empower one another.Above all,choose a job that you enjoy and keep learning(30)_________if you do need to change course in the future,you know how to.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.advanceB.appealC.associationD.differsE.diligentlyF.entirelyG.frustrationH.produceI.uncooperativeJ.vagueK.worthyThe garden pathImagine a plate holding two strawberries,identical in appearance.One came out of a supermarket box.By the time it reached the plate it may have been off the vine for two weeks.The other strawberry was picked from a garden minutes before being eaten.The first one will probably taste like a slightly sour cucumber,with a(n)__31__hint of berry taste.The second is likely to be sweet and floral(花的、花卉的).Supermarket strawberries are not __32__without advantages:they are convenient and available in the northern hemisphere(地球的半球)in February.But the two berries are distinct from each other in the same way that hearing music in a concert hall__33__from listening to it on a worn-out cassette.The home-grown fruit is an edible(可食用的、能吃的)case for cultivating a home garden.Those who long dismissed gardening as a waste of time__34__this argument with great passion.They think a garden can yield peas that taste like the vibrant,green essence of spring; tomatoes and carrots of incomparable sweetness;and lettuces and herbs that taste like themselves rather than the plastic they are usually packaged in.Growing your own vegetables ensures a reliable supply,offering virtuous seasonal__35__.That attitude misrepresents the ultimate__36__of gardening;it mistakes the product for the purpose.On the other hand,a garden,especially in the early years,can also yield little but__37__. New gardeners may plant the wrong crops for their soil.And even expert gardeners can lose a season's harvest to__38__weather.No matter.The real joy of gardening is the time spent doing it.The deepest pleasure--as with cooking,writing,bringing up children or almost anything worthwhile--is in the work itself.A gardener's memories centre not on the food produced,but on long summer afternoons with hands in the dirt,surrounded by family,if the garden is at home,or deepening__39__with friendsand neighbours in a community garden.To garden is to__40__help life thrive(兴隆、兴旺、繁荣)with love and patience,in the ground and above it.III.Reading ComprehensionsSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage,there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Traveler's dilemmaAn airline loses two suitcases belonging to two different travelers,Lucy and Pete.Both suitcases happen to be the same and also contain__41__antiques.An airline manager tasked to settle their claims figures that simply asking the travelers for the price is hopeless,for they may __42__it.Instead,he asks them to write down the price of the antique as any dollar between2and 100__43__so that they can't negotiate with each other.If both write the same number,he will pay each of them that amount.But if they write different numbers,he will assume that the lower one is the actual price and that the person writing the higher number is__44__.In that case,he will pay both of them the lower number along with a(n)__45__and a punishment--the person who wrote the lower number will get$2more as a reward for honesty and the one who wrote the higher number will get$2less instead.__46__,if Lucy writes46and Pete writes100,Lucy will get$48 and Pete will get$44.What numbers will Lucy and Pete write?In1994,economist Kaushik Basu crafted the"Traveler's Dilemma"(TD)to challenge the narrow view of__47__.TD serves the purpose because the game's logic dictates that2is the logical option.Admittedly,Lucy's first idea is that she should write the largest possible number, which will earn her$100if Pete is similarly__48__.Soon,however,it strikes her that if she wrote 99instead,she would make a little more money,because in that case she would get$101.But surely this__49__will also occur to Pete,who will choose99as well.Continuing with this line of reasoning would send the travelers down to the smallest permissible number,namely,2-this is where the__50__leads us.In experimental studies,contrary to the predictions,most people pick$100or a number close to it,either without thinking the problem through or while fully aware they are__51__the reasonable choice.So,while most people instinctively feel that they would select a much highernumber than$2,this instinct seems to__52__the predicted logical outcome,$2.By rejecting the logical choice and acting illogically by writing a higher number,people end up getting a substantially bigger__53__.Based on these studies,researchers have proposed that people appear to have a natural,positive attitude in favor of__54__.This attitude leads to a cooperative model that favors the seemingly unreasonable but__55__strategies.41.A.precious B.identical C.controversial D.fake42.A.assess B.highlight C.neglect D.overstate43.A.intentionally B.precisely C.separately D.casually44.A.supervising B.cheating C.imitating plaining45.A.bonus B.identity C.discipline D.alarm46.A.By contrast B.In addition C.For instance D.On the whole47.A.negotiation B.fairness C.reason D.instinct48.A.calm B.greedy C.foolish D.imaginary49.A.pessimism B.perseverance C.challenge D.insight50.A.evidence B.logic C.goal D.emotion51.A.contributing to B.departing from C.appealing for D.dreaming about52.A.echo B.overlook C.contradict D.alter53.A.punishment B.interest C.investment D.payoff54.A.cooperation B.investigation C.perfection D.imagination55.A.straightforward B.instructive C.acceptable D.beneficialSection BDirections:Read the following two passage.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Do Your Employees suffer from Friday-Itis?Have you heard about Friday-itis,the significant drop in motivation and concentration seen on Fridays among may workers who look forward to their weekend days off but a day in advance?Almost every employee has at some point experienced the need to take an unplanned day offfor rest,for the sake of his physical or mental health.Defined by the Labour Standards Act and most collective agreements and employment contracts,a sick day is a one-time day of leave taken by an employee due to the inability,whether psychological and physical,to be present at his workplace to adequately carry out his professional functions.Short and occasional,this involuntary absence is easily accepted and absorbed by the company.But when it is repeated and almost invariably falls on the eve of a weekend,absence for last minute sickness can quickly give an employer a headache.When it becomes avoidable,systematic and based on a false motive,this"Friday Sickness" syndrome falls into the category of unreasonable and abusive absenteeism.This has significant impact on a company's organizational efficiency,productivity and competitiveness.So much so that many managers avoid setting up important meetings on Fridays,knowing the higher likelihood that their staff will all be at work the rest of the week.Despite the high cost of absenteeism,a study published in2012by the Conference Board of Canada found that only46%of Canadian companies report that they monitor their employees' absences and the reasons given.To properly assess absenteeism means beginning to understand it and not letting it pass.Although abusive in form and use,Friday sick leave can also be explained by other factors that need to be taken seriously.An employee can take a break in the wrong way that he might reasonably need,in connection with factors specific to the company--having a clearly excessive, workload,for example.Focusing on suspicious monitoring or the threat of fines is not a solution for employers. Indirectly forcing presenteeism on an employee,in other words to come in and stay at work even when he has serious reasons not to do so,can be even more damaging for everyone.Statistics Canada estimates that loss of productivity associated with presenteeism is7.5times higher than that caused by absenteeism.56.What is Friday-itis?A.A decrease in motivation on Fridays due to employees anticipating the weekend.B.A medical condition that specifically affects employees on Fridays.C.A term used to describe excessive absenteeism on Fridays.D.A syndrome where employees refuse to work on Fridays.57.According to the passage,what kind of absence does the company easily accept?A.Absence for last minute sickness.B.Repeated absence before weekends.C.Short and occasional absence.D.Avoidable and systematic absence.58.What impact does repeated last-minute sickness absences on Fridays have on employers?A.It leads to increased productivity and competitiveness.B.It causes employees to prioritize rest and their overall well-being.C.It has a negative impact on organizational efficiency and productivity.D.It provides employers with a headache due to the need for more meetings.59.What is the potential consequence of forcing presenteeism on employees?A.It leads to a decrease in overall productivity.B.It results in a decrease in absenteeism rates.C.It helps in improving employees'motivation and concentration.D.It causes employees to take unplanned days off more frequently.(B)Memberships Sun City OV Resident Public Single Couple Single Couple18Hole PlayCurrent Annual$3,590$6,685$4,060$7,175 New Annual$3,770$7,020$4,265$7,535 Current Combo18/9$5,345$6,230 Hyrid(Fee+Reduced Daily Rate)$1,000$1,250New Combo18/9$5,615$6,540 Corporate$3,1039Hole PlayCurrent Annual$2,155$4,020$2,440$4,530 New Annual$2,265$4,220$2,565$4,755Additional Offerings18-Hole Smart Card(Virtual Punch Card)$480$7009-Hole Smart Card(Virtual Punch Card)$32018-HOLE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS●Green fees included●Driving range privileges●9-day advance tee time reservations●Corporate Membership:Limited availabilityAfter11:00AM,Mon-Fri;anytime Sat-Sun and holidays9-HOLE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS●Green fees included●Driving range privileges●8-day advance tee time reservations●Additional9holes10/11-5/31$20-6/1/-9/19$10MEMBER BENEFITS●NO TRAIL FEE for private cart owners●NO INITIATION FEE●Pro Shop discount25%off apparel10%off all accessories,equipment&golf balls,excluding sale items.●Members and resident's guests play at the resident guest's daily rate when accompanied bymember or resident.Resident guest rate is an additional$10for18and$5for9holes10/11/20-5/31/21●Payment schedule available(9&18-Hole Annual memberships only)50%before July1-balance due by Oct.31NOTE:Membership rates for residents do not include a golf cart.An additional cart fee will be applied for residents when using a club cart.HYBRID MEMBERSHIP●Golf Fee per season(Reduced Daily Rate does not include the rental cart or tax)●Summer18holes-$15/9holes-$10●Fall18holes-$25/9holes$15●Winter18holes$30/9holes$20●Spring18holes-$25/9holes$15●8-day advance tee time reservations●Pro Shop discounts25%off apparel10%off accessories,equipment,shoes,hats,and golfballs,excluding sale items.SMART CARD-10PLAY●10--Pre-paid Green fees●8-day advance tee-time reservations●May be used for guest(s)●No expiration or refunds●Golf cart not included in Resident Smart Card●Public Smart Card includes cartNEW ANNUAL MEMBERS●Purchases your annual pass June1and play for13months(6/1/20-6/30/21)●Proration available after7/15/2160.If you are one of Sun City OV residents'guests who want to play for18-Hole for3days,what is the overall rate?A.$15B.$30C.$45D.$6061.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this advertisement?A.If you are a resident,your membership rates will include a golf cart.B.If you apply for a Smart Card,you are not entitled to an opportunity of refunds.C.If you apply for a hybrid membership and you want to save money,you can play in summer.D.For a non-resident to apply for a single18-HPCA membership,you have to pay at least$2030 before July1st.62.Where would you most probably see this ad?A.A food magazine.B.A science journal.C.A travel brochureD.A fitness leaflet.(C)DeafenedIt has always been assumed that noise is a problem unique to animals.But a new study by Ali Akbar has revealed that plants suffer too.That plants can be damaged indirectly by noise pollution has never been in doubt.Since most flowering species depend upon pollinators(授粉者)and most fruit-bearing species need animals to spread around their seeds,it is obvious that if these animal partners are harmed by noise then their botanical counterparts(同类者、极其相似的人或物)will do badly,too.What has remained unknown is whether or not plants themselves suffer directly from noise pollution.Scientists have previously assumed that plants may be able to sense sound waves as they are struck by them.A number of experiments have confirmed this in recent years--plants heavily exposed to ultrasound(超声)in the lab have shown a range of negative responses including the expression of stress-related genes,slowed growth and reduced development of seeds.Yet attacking plants with ultrasound is not the same as growing them in the presence of actual traffic noise.To this end,Ali Akbar decid'ed to set up an experiment to study precisely this question.Working with a team of colleagues,he grew marigolds and sage in his lab that are commonly found in urban environments.The plants were divided into two groups after getting mature.One group was exposed to73decibels(分贝)of traffic noise.The other group was left to grow in silence.After15days had passed,samples were taken from the youngest fully expanded leaves on every plant in the experiment and studied.None of the plants exposed to the traffic noise did well.Analysis of their leaves revealed that all of them were suffering.The team found that a range of hormones(荷尔蒙)normally associated with healthy growth and development in plants were present at significantly reduced levels in the plants exposed to the noise.Two stress hormones,which are normally produced to prevent insect attacks and deal with salty soil or very cold temperatures,were elevated.Ali Akbar's findings make it clear that though plants lack ears,the noise of traffic still bothers them enough to trigger dramatic stress responses that are not much different to those that would befound in plants exposed to drought,highly concentrated salt or heavy metals in their soil.The next question is whether all noise pollution affects all species in the same way.The natural world is by no means silent.Whether some plant species have evolved coping mechanisms, which might one day be collected and transferred into urban-living species,is a mystery worth exploring.63.What did scientists believe in the past?A.Noise is a problem facing both animals and plants.B.Plants can be affected by noise in an indirect way.C.Animal partners can do harm to their botanical partners.D.Sound waves can damage plants they strike.64.What did Ali Akbar want to confirm in their experiment?A.Ultrasound is similar to traffic noise in that it doesn't harm plants.B.Plants exposed to ultrasound exhibit negative signs of growth.C.Traffic noise causes plants to grow unhealthfully and slowly.D.Plant leaves contain hormones dealing with a harsh environment.65.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Plants growing is silence have a reduced level of hormones.B.Plants exposed to noise respond differently from those in drought.C.Different noise pollution has the same effect on all species.D.An increases in stress hormones in plants means they are in hardship.66.What can we infer from the passage?A.Some plants may not necessarily be harmed by the sound in nature.B.Some plants have surely developed a method to cope with traffic noise.C.Unban-living species can be engineered to grow well in the natural world.D.The silence in nature promotes the development of noise coping mechanisms.Section CDirections:Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.So people feel like they are getting more done.B.If you do these or similar things,then you are one of many multitaskers.C.People are less able to filter out their knowledge of the previous task and look at things afresh.D.Some psychologists say that the human brain just isn't good at concentrating on two things at the same time.E.Recent studies,however,show that Melissa and others like her are perhaps getting less done than they think they are.F.Now,with numerous studies to refer to,the answer could not be more clear-multitasking isn't all it's supposed to be.Are you a multitasker?Do you watch TV and cook dinner at the same time?Do you often interrupt your work to check your email?Do you talk on your phone while you're driving?_________67_________ According to a survey by the magazine Scientific American MIND,90percent of American adults multitask regularly.Most people say they multitask because they are too busy,and multitasking saves time. Popular electronic devices like tablets and smart phones make it convenient to do several tasks at once._________68_________Melissa Brown of Evanston,Illinois,says she has no trouble listening to music,surfing the Internet,and sending text messages to friends while she does her homework._________69_________That's because with multitasking,there are actually many "micro-interruptions"in which people stop one task,start another,and eventually return to the first one.These stops and starts make it difficult to concentrate,and so multitaskers actually waste time, according to a study at Microsoft Corporation.In the study,workers who interrupted their work to answer an email or text message took an average of15minutes to return to the work they were doing before the interruption._________70_________This doesn't matter if you're only preparing a salad and listening to the radio,they say.But if you're doing a difficult task that requires thinking,like writing a report, then multitasking can slow you down and cause mistakes.It can even be dangerous,as in the case of people who talk on the phone,eat,or even apply makeup while driving.IV.Summary WritingDirections:Read the following three passages.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more e your own words as far as possible.Brain HungerDo you ever feel like no matter how much you eat,you are still not full?You may be suffering from a condition known as"brain hunger".This occurs when the dopamine(多巴胺)signaling in your brain is damaged,making it difficult for your body to recognize when it has had enough food.What are the underlying causes of brain hunger?Genetics can play a role.Research has shown that the dopamine receptor D4gene may be responsible for regulating cognitive functions related to eating behavior and body weight.Some people have this gene variation that does not allow for a normal dopamine release in response to things that typically would bring joy and pleasure,including food.This means that those individuals won't get the same"high"feeling they would normally experience when eating. Obesity is also linked to brain hunger.Brain scans of obese individuals show changes in dopamine signaling pathways which can lead to less recognition of the feeling of being full even after a meal.While it is still unclear whether obesity or genetics is the primary contributor to brain hunger, one thing is certain losing weight alone is not enough for those affected.Studies show that certain areas of the brain responsible for sensing fullness do not change even with weight loss,which could lead to continued hunger and weight regain.So,what came first:genetics or obesity that cause this brain signaling change?It is possible that if someone has a genetic tendency to be affected by this abnormal dopamine signaling,an environmental trigger can start a series of brain hunger which brings about overeating.It is also important to practice mindful eating and pay attention to hunger cues to begin perceiving the feeling of being full.Brain hunger can be an uncomfortable and frustrating condition,but it is possible to manage through a combination of treatments.V.TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in thebrackets.72.要不了多久这款新产品就会被推向市场。
20232024学年全国初中七年级上数学人教版期中试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.下列数中,哪个是整数?A. 3.14B. 5C. 2/3D. 0.252.一个等边三角形的每个内角是多少度?A. 60°B. 90°C. 120°D. 180°3.下列哪个是方程?A. 3x + 5 = 7B. x + y = 5C. 2x 3yD. 4x + 2y = 64.下列哪个数是负数?A. 0B. 3C. 5D. 25.一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 12B. 16C. 24D. 326.下列哪个数是质数?A. 4B. 6C. 7D. 97.下列哪个数是分数?A. 0B. 3C. 5/7D. 88.一个等腰三角形的底边长是10厘米,腰长是12厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 24B. 30C. 32D. 349.下列哪个数是偶数?A. 3B. 5C. 8D. 910.一个正方形的边长是5厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.一个等差数列的前三项分别是2,5,8,那么它的第四项是多少?2.一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是6厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?3.一个等腰三角形的底边长是10厘米,腰长是12厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?4.一个正方形的边长是8厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?5.一个等差数列的前三项分别是3,7,11,那么它的第四项是多少?6.一个长方形的长是15厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?7.一个等腰三角形的底边长是8厘米,腰长是10厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?8.一个正方形的边长是7厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?9.一个等差数列的前三项分别是1,5,9,那么它的第四项是多少?10.一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是4厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?三、解答题(每题10分,共50分)1.解方程:2x 3 = 72.一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是5厘米,求它的面积。
2012- 2013学年 第 2 学期
课程试卷( A卷)
;出卷时间 2013年 4月
本试卷共 10 页;考试时间 120分钟;任课教师 李含光
学院 学号 姓名
注:请将解答写在答题册上,以免误判! 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)
1.一个C程序的执行是从 A)本程序的main函数开始,到main函数始,到本程序文件的最后一个函数结束 C)本程序的main函数开始,到本程序文件的最后一个函数结束 D)本程序文件的第一个函数开始,到本程序main函数结束 2.若对两个数组a和b进行初始化 char a[]="ABCDEF"; char b[]={'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; 则下列叙述正确的是 。 A) a与b数组完全相同 B) a与b数组长度相同 C) a与b数组都存放字符串 D) 数组a比数组b长度长 3.假设所有变量均为整型,则表达式(a=2,b=5,b++,a+b)的值是 A)7 B)8 C)6 D)2
10.对于有返回值的函数,其函数值的类型是由 定义时的类型
三、 阅读程序:根据下面要求写出结果 (每小题3分,共24分)
1.以下程序输出结果是 a=1,b=2 。 #include<stdio.h> int main ( ) { int x=1,y=1,a=0,b=0; switch(x) { case 1:switch (y) { case 0 : a++ ; break ; case 1 : b++ ; break ; } case 2:a++; b++; break; case 3:a++; b++; } printf("a=%d,b=%d",a,b); return 0; } 2.输入1234567,下面程序的运行结果 246 #include<stdio.h> int main() { unsigned int n,k=0,t=1; scanf("%u",&n); while(n) { if((n%10)%2==0) { k=k+(n%10)*t;
华南师范大学增城学院会计系2006-2007学年第二学期期中考试《经济法》试卷A (开卷/闭卷)级专业班学号姓名1、下列规范性文件中,属于行政法规的是()。
A、该买卖合同属于无效合同B、丙享有催告权,丙可以催告甲在1个月内予以追认,甲未作表示的,视为追认C、丙享有撤销权D、甲的追认权、丙的催告权和丙的撤销权在性质上均属于形成权4、根据有关法律规定,下列争议中,诉讼时效期间为1年的是( )。
1. 下列各数中,正数是()A. -1.2B. -1/3C. 0D. 22. 下列各式中,等式成立的是()A. 3x + 2 = 11B. 2x - 5 = 15C. 4x + 1 = 2x + 9D. 3x = 33. 已知a = 5,b = -3,则a - b的值为()A. 2B. -8C. 8D. -24. 在直角坐标系中,点A(-2,3)关于x轴的对称点是()A.(-2,-3)B.(2,3)C.(-2,3)D.(2,-3)5. 下列函数中,自变量x的取值范围是全体实数的是()A. y = x^2 + 2x + 1B. y = √(x - 1)C. y = 1/xD. y = |x|6. 已知一元二次方程x^2 - 4x + 3 = 0的解为x1和x2,则x1 + x2的值为()A. 4B. -3C. 1D. -47. 在△ABC中,∠A = 90°,∠B = 45°,则∠C的度数是()A. 45°B. 90°C. 135°D. 180°8. 若等差数列的首项为2,公差为3,则第10项是()A. 29B. 32C. 35D. 389. 下列各组数中,成等比数列的是()A. 2,4,8,16B. 1,2,4,8C. 1,2,4,16D. 1,2,4,1010. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. √9B. √16C. √25D. √3611. 已知a + b = 7,a - b = 3,则a = ______,b = ______。
12. 若x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0,则x的值为 ______。
13. 在直角坐标系中,点P(3,-2)关于y轴的对称点是 ______。
14. 已知等差数列的首项为3,公差为2,则第5项是 ______。
15. 下列函数中,函数y = x^2 + 1的图象是 ______。
三、解答题(每题15分,共45分)16. 解下列方程:(1)2x - 5 = 3x + 1(2)5(x - 2) - 3(x + 1) = 217. 已知等差数列的首项为1,公差为3,求第10项和前10项的和。
第二学期期中试卷八年级数学班级姓名学号成绩一、 单项选择题(本题共10小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项最符合题意。
每小题3分,共30分)1.要使√a −2在实数范围内有意义,则a 的取值范围是( ) A.a ≥2B.a >2C.a ≠2D.a <22.下面各组数中,以它们为边长的线段能构成直角三角形的是( ) A.2,3,4B.6,8,9C.6,12,13D.7,24,253.平行四边形的周长为10cm ,其中一边长为3cm,则它的邻边长为( ) A.2 cm B.3cmC.4cmD.7cm4.下列各式正确的是( )A.√9=±3B.√(−2)2=−2C.√8+√2=√10D.√8×√2=45.平行四边形ABCD 中,∠A +∠C=110°,则∠B = ()A.70°B.110°C.125°D.130°6.又进一步进行练习:如图,设原点为点O ,在数轴上找A到坐标为2的点A ,然后过点A 作AB ⊥OA ,且AB =3. 以点O 为圆心,OB 为半径作弧,设与原点右侧数轴交点为点P ,则点P 的位置在数轴上( ) A .1和2之间 B .2和3之间 C .3和4之间 D .4和5之间 7.在数学活动课上,老师和同学判断教室中的瓷砖是否为菱形,下面是某小组拟定的4种方案,其中不正确...的是( )A.测量两条对角线是否分别平分两组内角 B.测量四个内角是否相等C.测量两条对角线是否互相垂直且平分D.测量四条边是否相等8.如图,一支铅笔放在圆柱体笔筒中,笔筒的内部底面直径是9cm ,内壁高12cm .若这支铅笔长为18cm ,则这只铅笔在笔筒外面部分长度不可能...的是( )A .3cm B .5cm C .6cm D .8cm9.如图,平行四边形ABCD 的对角线相交于点O ,且AD ≠CD ,过点O 作OM ⊥AC ,交AD 于点M .如果△C DM 的周长为8,那么平行四边形ABCD 的周长是( ) A. 8 B .12 C .16D .2010.数学家吴文俊院士非常重视古代数学家贾宪提出的“从长方形对角线上任一点作两条分别平行于两邻边的直线,则所得两长方形面积相等(如图所示阴影长方形)”这一推论,他从这一推论出发,利用“出入相补”原理复原了《海岛算经》九题古证,则下列说法不一定...成立的是( ) A .ABC ADC S S ∆∆= B. ANF NFGD S S ∆=矩形C.NFGD EFMBS S =矩形矩形 D. AEF ANFS S ∆∆=二、填空题(本题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) 11. 周长为 8cm 的正方形对角线的长是 cm. 12.在湖的两侧有A ,B 两个观湖亭,为测定它们之间的距离,小明在岸上任选一点C ,并量取了AC 中点D 和BC 中点E 之间的距离为50米,则A ,B 之间的距离应为 米.E DCBA13.若√x −1+(y +2)2=0,则(x +y )2022=.14.如图,矩形 ABCD 中,对角线 AC ,BD 交于点O ,如果∠ADB=30°,那么∠AOB 的度数为 .15.如图,两张等宽的纸条交叉叠放在一起,若重合部分构成的四边形ABCD 中,3AB =,2AC =,则四边形ABCD 的面积为 ..16.如图,点O 是矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 的中点,M 是CD 边的中点.若8=AB ,3=OM ,则线段OB 的长为__________.14题图 15题图 16题图17.如图,矩形ABCD 中,AB =8,AD =10,点E 为DC 边上的一点,将△ADE 沿直线AE 折叠,点D 刚好落在BC 边上的点F 处,则CE 的长是 . 18.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,正方形ABCD 的顶点A 坐标为(3,0),顶点B 的横坐标为−1,点E 是AD 的中点,则OE = .17题图 18题图DCBAO三、解答题(本题共9小题,其中19、20题每题5分,21题6分,22题8分,23题6分,24题8分,25题6分,26题4分,27题6分,共54分)19.√8+√12−(3√3−√12)20.(√3−√2)(√3+√2)+(√2+1)221. 已知x=√2+1,y=√2−1,求1x +1y的值.22.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,点A(2,1),B(3,−1),(1)在平面直角坐标系中描出点A,B;(2)OA=,OB=.(3)判断△OAB的形状,并说明理由(4)△OAB的面积为.23.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠ABC=∠BCD=90 °.对角线AC,BD交于点O,DE平分∠ADC交BC于点E,连接OE.(1)求证:四边形ABCD是矩形;(2)CD=2,∠COD=60 °.求△BED的面积.(1)作出y 与x 的函数y =2|x |的图象①自变量x 的取值范围是; ②列表并画出函数图象:③当自变量x 的值从1增加到2时,则函数y 的值增加了.(2)在一个变化的过程中,两个变量x 与y 之间可能是函数关系,也可能不是函数关系.下列各式中, y 是x 的函数的是__. ①x +y =1; ② |x +y |=1③xy =1;④x 2+y 2=1;25.学习了《平行四边形》一章以后,小东根据学习平行四边形的经验,对平行四边形的判定问题进行了再次探究. 以下是小东的探究过程,请补充完整:(1)如图,在四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O .若AB ∥CD ,补充下列条件中的一个,能判断四边形 ABCD 是平行四边形的是 ;(只写出一个你认为正确选项的序号);(A )BC =AD (B )∠BAD =∠BCD (C )AO =CO(2)将(1)中补充好的命题用文字语言表述为:①命题1:;②写出命题1的证明过程;(3)小东进一步探究发现:若一个四边形 ABCD 的三个顶点A ,B ,C 且这个四边形满足CD =AB ,∠B =∠D ,但四边形 ABCD 不是 平行四边形,请.画出..符合题意的四边形 ABCD (不要求尺规.....).进而小东发现:命题2“一组对边相等,一组对角相等的四边 形是平行四边形 ”是一个假命题....A赵爽根据图1利用面积关系证明了勾股定理.(1)小明在此图的基础上,将四个全等的直角三角形变为四个全等的四边形即可得到以下数学问题的解决方案:问题:四边形AMNB 满足∠MAB =38°, ∠NBA =52°,AB =4,MN =2,AM =BN ,求四边形AMNB 的面积.解决思路:① 如图2,将四个全等的四边形围成一个以AB 为边的正方形ABCD ,则四边形MNPQ 的形状是(填一种特殊的平行四边形);②求得四边形AMNB 的面积是 _____ . (2)类比小明的问题解决思路,完成下面的问题:如图3,四边形AMNB 满足∠MAB =27°, ∠NBA =33°,AB =6,MN =2,AM =BN ,补全图3,四边形AMNB 的面积 _____ .图1图2图327.已知△ABC 和△DBC 是等边三角形,M 在射线AB 上,点E 在射线BC 上,且EM =ED .(1)求证:AD ⊥BC ;(2)如图,点M 在线段AB 的延长线上,点E 在线段BC 上,判断△DEM 的形状,并给出证明;(3)当点M 在线段AB 上(不与端点A,B 重合),点E 在线段BC 的延长线上,用等式直接写出线段BM,BE,BD 之间的数量关系.MB卷(共20分)1.(6分)观察下列各等式:√223=2√23,√338=3√38,√4415=4√415,根据上面这些等式反映的规律,解答下列问题:(1)上面等式反映的规律用文字语言可描述如下:存在带分数,它的等于它的整数部分与分数部分的的积.(2)填空:√55()=5√5();(3)请你再写一个带分数,使得它具有上述等式的特征(写出完整的等式):.(4)若用x表示满足具有上述等式的带分数的整数部分,y表示其分数部分的分母,则y与x之间的关系可以表示为.2.(7分)如图,在正方形ABCD中,点P在边BC上(异于点B,C),作线段AP的垂直平分线分别交AB,CD,BD,AP于点M,N,Q,H,(1)补全图形;(2)证明:AP=MN;(3)用等式表示线段HQ,MN之间的数量关系,并证明你的结论.3.(7分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,给定线段MN 和图形F ,给出如下定义: 平移线段MN 至M′N′,使得线段M′N′上的所有点均在图形F 上或其内部,则称该变换为线段MN 到图形F 的平移重合变换,线段MM′的长度称为该次平移重合变换的平移距离,其中,所有平移重合变换的平移距离中的最大值称为线段MN 到图形F 的最大平移距离,最小值称为线段MN 到图形F 的最小平移距离. 如图1,点A (1,0),P(−1,√3),Q(5,√3),(1)① 在图1中作出线段OA 到线段PQ 的平移重合变换(任作一条平移后的线段O′A′);②线段OA 到线段PQ 的最小平移距离是,最大平移距离是 .(2)如图2,作等边△PQR (点R 在线段PQ 的上方),①求线段OA 到等边△PQR 最大平移距离.②点B 是坐标平面内一点,线段OB 的长度为1,线段OB 到等边△PQR 的最小平移距离的最大值为_________,最大平移距离的最小值为__________.图1图2期中试卷八年级数学(答案)一、单项选择题(本题共10小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项最符合题意。
2020-2021学年第二学期期中考试试卷七年级 数学满分120分,考试时间120分一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求)1.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A.如果两条直线都和第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线也互相平行B.过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线和已知直线相交C.同一平面内的两条不相交直线平行D.过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 2.某数的立方根是它本身,这样的数有( )A . 1个B . 2个C . 3个D . 4个 3.下列图形中,由AB CD ∥,能得到12∠=∠的是( )ABCD 4.一个正方体水晶砖,体积为1002cm ,它的棱长大约在 ( )A .4~5cm 之间B .5~6cm 之间C .6~7cm 之间D .7~8cm 之间5.数学课上, 老师要求同学们利用三角板画两条平行线.小明的画法如下:①将含30角的三角尺的最长边与直线a 重合,另一块三角尺最长边与含30角的三角尺的最短边紧贴;②将含30角的三角尺沿贴合边平移一段距离,画出最长边所在直线b ,则//.b a 小明这样画图的依据是( )A .同位角相等,两直线平行B .内错角相等,两直线平行C .同旁内角互补,两直线平行D .两直线平行,同位角相等DCBA DCBA ABCDDC BA21122112A B C D6.下列实数317,π-,3.14159,8,327-,21中无理数有( ). A .个 B .个 C .个 D .个7.方程310x y +=的正整数解有( )A.1组B.3组C.4组D.无数组 8.方格纸上有A 、B 两点,若以B 点为原点建立直角坐标系,则A 点坐标为(3,4),若以A 点为原点建立直角坐标系,则B 点坐标是( )A. (3,4)B. (4,3)C. (3,4)--D. (4,3)-9.《孙子算经》有一道题.大概意思是:用一根绳子去量一根木头的长,绳子还余 4.5 尺, 将绳子对折再量木头,则木头还剩余 1 尺,问木头长多少尺?可设木头为 x 尺,绳长为y 尺,则所列方程组正确的是( )A. 4.521y x y x =-⎧⎨=-⎩B. 4.521y x y x =+⎧⎨=-⎩C. 4.50.5+1y x y x =-⎧⎨=⎩D. 4.50.51y x y x =+⎧⎨=-⎩10如图,所有正方形的中心均在坐标原点,且各边与x 轴或y 轴平行.从内到外,它们的边长依次为2,4,6,8,…,顶点依次用1A ,2A ,3A ,4A ,…表示,则顶点55A 的坐标是( )A.(1313),B.(1313)--,C.(1414),D.(1414)--,二.填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)11.√81的算术平方根是 .12.若(m −2)x n +y |m−1|=0是二元一次方程,则m −n 的值为 .13.如图所示,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,:2:3AOC AOD ∠∠= ,则BOD ∠的度数为 .第13题图 第14题图 第15题图14.如图,在中国象棋的残局上建立平面直角坐标系,如果“相”和“兵”的坐标分别是(3,-1)和(-3,1),那么“卒”的坐标为_____.15.如图,已知90ACB ∠=°.CD AB ⊥,垂足为D ,则点A 到直线CB 的距离为线段 的长.2345ODC B A图1DCBAA 11A 12A 10A 9A 8A 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A 1yx16.52-+的绝对值是 .17.如图,AB ∥CD ,直线l 分别与直线AB 、CD 相交于点E 、F ,EG 平分BEF ∠交直线CD 于点G ,若112GFE ∠=︒,则EGF ∠的度数为第17题图 第18题图18.如图是某种电子产品的主板示意图,每一个转角处都是直角.已知AB=75mm ,BC=90mm ,则该主板的周长是_____mm .三.解答题(本大题共9小题,共66分)19.(8分)(1)计算:(﹣2)2×14+38-+2×(﹣1)2019 (2)解方程:3(x ﹣2)2=27 20.(8分)解下列二元一次方程组⑴25342x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩ ⑵2-3-3-3+42x y x y =⎧⎨=⎩21.(5分) 完成下面的证明.(在序号后面横线上填写合适的内容) 已知:如图,AC⊥BD,EF⊥BD,∠A=∠1.求证:EF 平分∠BED. 证明:∵AC⊥BD,EF⊥BD,∴∠ACB=90°,∠EF D =90°(① ) ∴∠ACB +∠EF D=180°∴② (③ ) ∴∠A=∠2.∠3=∠1.(④ ) 又∵∠A=∠1,∴∠2=∠3(⑤ ) ∴EF 平分∠BED.22. (6分)已知一个正数x 的两个不同的平方根为23a -和5a -.求a 和x 的值.23.(6分)方程组3522710x y ax y -=⎧⎨+=-⎩的解x 、y 的值互为相反数,求a 的值.24.(6分)如图1是由8个同样大小的小正方体组成的正方体魔方,体积为8. (1)求出这个魔方的棱长;(2)图1中阴影部分是一个正方形ABCD ,求出阴影部分的面积及其边长.(3)把正方形ABCD 放到数轴上,如图2,使得点A 与1-重合,那么点D 在数轴上表示的数为多少.25.(7分)七年级(2)班的同学组织到人民公园游玩,张明、王励、李华三位同学和其他同学走散了,同学们已到中心广场,他们三个对着景区示意图在电话中向在中心广场的同学们说他们的位置,张明说他的坐标是(200,200)-,王励说他的坐标是(200,100)--,李华说他的坐标是(300,200)-.(1)请你根据题目条件,在图中画出平面直角坐标系; (2)写出这三位同学所在位置的景点名称;(3)写出除了这三位同学所在位置外,图中其余两个景点的坐标.26.(8分)疫情初期,武汉物资告急,全国一心,各地纷纷运送物资到武汉.已知3辆大货车与2辆小货车可以一次运货17吨,5辆大货车与4辆小货车可以一次运货29吨,则2辆大货车与3辆小货车可以一次运货多少吨?27 (12分)在平面直角坐标系中,点A 、B 在坐标轴上,其中A(0,a )、B(b ,0)满足:21280a b a b --++-=(1)求A 、B 两点的坐标;(2)将线段AB 平移到CD ,点A 的对应点为C(-2,t), 如图所示.若三角形ABC 的面积为9,求点D 的坐标.2020-2021学年第二学期期中考试试卷七年级 数学满分120分,考试时间120分一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求)1.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A.如果两条直线都和第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线也互相平行B.过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线和已知直线相交C.同一平面内的两条不相交直线平行D.过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 【答案】B2.某数的立方根是它本身,这样的数有( )A . 1个B . 2个C . 3个D . 4个 【答案】C ;3.下列图形中,由AB CD ∥,能得到12∠=∠的是( )ABCD 【答案】B ;4.一个正方体水晶砖,体积为1002cm ,它的棱长大约在 ( )A .4~5cm 之间B .5~6cm 之间C .6~7cm 之间D .7~8cm 之间【答案】A5.数学课上, 老师要求同学们利用三角板画两条平行线.小明的画法如下:①将含30角的三角尺的最长边与直线a 重合,另一块三角尺最长边与含30角的三角尺的最短边紧贴;②将含30角的三角尺沿贴合边平移一段距离,画出最长边所在直线b ,则//.b a 小明这样画图的依据是( )DCBA DCBA ABCDDC BA21122112A B C DA .同位角相等,两直线平行B .内错角相等,两直线平行C .同旁内角互补,两直线平行D .两直线平行,同位角相等 【答案】A 6.下列实数317,π-,3.14159,8,327-,21中无理数有( ). A .个 B .个 C .个 D .个【答案】A7.方程310x y +=的正整数解有( )A.1组B.3组C.4组D.无数组 【答案】B8.方格纸上有A 、B 两点,若以B 点为原点建立直角坐标系,则A 点坐标为(3,4),若以A 点为原点建立直角坐标系,则B 点坐标是( )A. (3,4)B. (4,3)C. (3,4)--D. (4,3)-【答案】C9.《孙子算经》有一道题.大概意思是:用一根绳子去量一根木头的长,绳子还余 4.5 尺, 将绳子对折再量木头,则木头还剩余 1 尺,问木头长多少尺?可设木头为 x 尺,绳长为y 尺,则所列方程组正确的是( )A. 4.521y x y x =-⎧⎨=-⎩B. 4.521y x y x =+⎧⎨=-⎩C. 4.50.5+1y x y x =-⎧⎨=⎩D. 4.50.51y x y x =+⎧⎨=-⎩【答案】D10如图,所有正方形的中心均在坐标原点,且各边与x 轴或y 轴平行.从内到外,它们的边长依次为2,4,6,8,…,顶点依次用1A ,2A ,3A ,4A ,…表示,则顶点55A 的坐标是( )A.(1313),B.(1313)--,C.(1414),D.(1414)--,【答案】C2345A 11A 12A 10A 9A 8A 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A 1yx二.填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)11.√81的算术平方根是 . 【答案】312.若(m −2)x n +y |m−1|=0是二元一次方程,则m −n 的值为 . 【答案】-113.如图所示,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,:2:3AOC AOD ∠∠= ,则BOD ∠的度数为 .第13题图 第14题图 第15题图【答案】72︒14.如图,在中国象棋的残局上建立平面直角坐标系,如果“相”和“兵”的坐标分别是(3,-1)和(-3,1),那么“卒”的坐标为_____. 【答案】(-2,-2)15.如图,已知.,垂足为,则点到直线的距离为线段 的长;【答案】AC16.52-+的绝对值是 . 【答案】5-217.如图,AB ∥CD ,直线l 分别与直线AB 、CD 相交于点E 、F ,EG 平分BEF ∠交直线CD 于点G ,若112GFE ∠=︒,则EGF ∠的度数为第17题图 第18题图 【答案】34°18.如图是某种电子产品的主板示意图,每一个转角处都是直角.已知AB=75mm ,BC=90mm ,90ACB ∠=°CD AB ⊥D A CB ODC B A图1DCBA则该主板的周长是_____mm . 【答案】330三.解答题(本大题共9小题,共66分)19.(8分)(1)计算:(﹣2)2×14+38-+2×(﹣1)2019 (2)解方程:3(x ﹣2)2=27 =4×12+(−2)+(−√2) (x-2)2=9=2−2−√2 x-2=3或x-2=-3 =−√2 x=5或x=-1 20.(8分)解下列二元一次方程组⑴25342x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩ ⑵2-3-3-3+42x y x y =⎧⎨=⎩ 【答案】(1){x =2y =−1 (2){x =6y =521.(5分) 完成下面的证明.已知:如图,AC⊥BD,EF⊥BD,∠A=∠1.求证:EF 平分∠BED. 证明:∵AC⊥BD,EF⊥BD,∴∠ACB=90°,∠EF D =90°(①垂直的定义) ∴∠ACB +∠EF D=180°∴②EF ∥AC .(③同旁内角互补,两直线平行) ∴∠A=∠2.∠3=∠1.(④两直线平行,内错角相等) 又∵∠A=∠1, ∴∠2=∠3(⑤等量代换) ∴EF 平分∠BED.22. (6分)已知一个正数x 的两个不同的平方根为23a -和5a -.求a 和x 的值. 解:由题意得:(2a-3)+(5-a)=0,解得:a=-2;x=49. 所以 x=(2a-3)2=(-7)2=49 23.(6分)方程组3522710x y ax y -=⎧⎨+=-⎩的解x 、y 的值互为相反数,求a 的值.解:由题意得:x+y=0,联立方程组{2x +7y =−10x +y =0,解得:{x =2y =−2, 把{x =2y =−2代入3x-5y=2a, 得:2a=16,解得:a=8 24.(6分)如图1是由8个同样大小的小正方体组成的正方体魔方,体积为8.(1)求出这个魔方的棱长;(2)图1中阴影部分是一个正方形ABCD ,求出阴影部分的面积及其边长.(3)把正方形ABCD 放到数轴上,如图2,使得点A 与1-重合,那么点D 在数轴上表示的数为________. 【答案】(1)设魔方的棱长为x,由x 3=8,解得x=2, 所以魔方的棱长为2;(2)因为魔方的棱长为2,所以魔方每个面的面积为4,正方形ABCD 的面积为魔方每个面的面积的一半,所以阴影部分的面积为2,正方形ABCD 的边长为√2;(3)正方形ABCD 的边长为√2,点A 与1-重合,所以点D 在数轴上表示的数为−1−√2 25.(7分)七年级(2)班的同学组织到人民公园游玩,张明、王励、李华三位同学和其他同学走散了,同学们已到中心广场,他们三个对着景区示意图在电话中向在中心广场的同学们说他们的位置,张明说他的坐标是(200,200)-,王励说他的坐标是(200,100)--,李华说他的坐标是(300,200)-.(1)请你根据题目条件,在图中画出平面直角坐标系; (2)写出这三位同学所在位置的景点名称;(3)写出除了这三位同学所在位置外,图中其余两个景点的坐标.【答案】(1)根据题意,他们以中心广场为坐标原点,100m 为单位长度建立直角坐标系: y y(2) 张明在游乐园,王励在望春亭,李华在湖心亭; (3)中心广场(0,0),牡丹亭(300,300)26.(8分)疫情初期,武汉物资告急,全国一心,各地纷纷运送物资到武汉.已知3辆大货车与2辆小货车可以一次运货17吨,5辆大货车与4辆小货车可以一次运货29吨,则2辆大货车与3辆小货车可以一次运货多少吨? 【答案】解:设1辆大货车可以一次运货x 吨, 1辆小货车可以一次运货y 吨. {3x +2y =175x +4y =29 解得:{x =5y =1 2x +y =2×5+1×3=13(吨)所以2辆大货车与3辆小货车可以一次运货13吨.27 (12分)在平面直角坐标系中,点A 、B 在坐标轴上,其中A(0,a )、B(b ,0)满足:21280a b a b --++-=(1)求A 、B 两点的坐标;(2)将线段AB 平移到CD ,点A 的对应点为C(-2,t),如图所示.若三角形ABC 的面积为9,求点D 的坐标.xy【答案】(1)根据题意{2a −b −1=0a +2b −8=0解得:{a =2b =3 所以A 、B 两点的坐标分别为(0,2),(3,0);(2)如图所示,过A 点作x 轴平行线,过B 点作y 轴平行线,过C 点作x 轴,y 轴平行线,交点为P ,Q,R ,根据题意,点C 在第三象限,所以t<0, P(3,t),R(3,2),Q(-2,2),CP=5,CQ=2-t,AQ=2,AR=3,BR=2,BP=- tS ∆ABC =5(2−t )−12×2(2−t )−12×2×3−12×5×(−t )=9, 解得:t =−83所以线段CD 是由线段AB 向左平移2个单位,向下平移143个单位得到的; 所以D 点坐标为(1,-143)PQ1、三人行,必有我师。
2024-2025学年人教版六年级上数学期中试卷学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________ 一、选择题(共8题,总计0分)1.一个圆柱的侧面展开图是一个正方形,这个圆柱的高与底面半径的比是()A.2π:1 B.1:πC.π:1 D.1:2π2.一根绳子对折后,长度是38m,这根绳子原来长()米.A.34B.23C.18153.如图,图()表示出超市在学校北偏西30方向上。
A.B.C.4.36÷9×4可以改写成()A.B.C.5.甲数的56与乙数的34相等,甲数与乙数的比是()A.8:5 B.5:8 C.10:9 D.9:10 6.已知0<a<1,下面算式中结果最大的是()。
A.a+27B.a-27C.a×27D.a÷277.如图,图中三角形ABC 是一个边长为5cm 的等边三角形,那么A 点在C 点的( )。
A .西偏北60°5cm 处B .西偏北30°5cm 处C .东偏南60°5cm 处8.下列算式中的积最接近 12的是( )。
A .58× 89B .45÷ 815C .35× 32D .12÷ 23二、填空题(共8题,总计0分)9.下图中若大正方形ABCD 和小正方形EDGH 的边长之比为3∶2。
则::AE ED =( )∶( ):AB HF =( )∶( )小正方形的面积∶大正方形的面积=( )∶( ) 10.从小树林出发,要向 ,能到打谷场.11.在括号里填上“<”“>”或“=”。
57( )5978⨯ 7184÷( )7812.2:25 化成最简单的整数比是 ,比值是 . 13.把1.5∶0.25化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。
14.10米的 15是 米;15米增加它的 15是 米;15.白兔的只数是黑兔的,黑兔比白兔多..16.确定方向时,要确定出它的和。
安徽大学2020—2021学年第一学期《高等数学A (一)》期中考试试卷答案详解一、填空题(每小题2分,共10分)1.C2.B3.C4.A5.D 二、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)6.127.2y x e π=-+8.32-9.231t t +-10.2(21)t t e dt+三、计算题(每小题9分,共63分)11、(1)【证明】因为00>a ,由递推公式可知:0>n a而1191322n n n a a a +⎛⎫=+≥⋅= ⎪⎝⎭,所以n a 有下界为3;又1121911(11)122n n n n n a a a a a ++⎛⎫=+≤+=⇒≤ ⎪⎝⎭,所以n a 单调递减;由单调有界必有极限可知n n a ∞→lim 存在.5分(2)【解】令A a n n =∞→lim ,对1192n n n a a a +⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭两边取∞→n 的极限,即得:1932A A A A ⎛⎫=+⇒=± ⎪⎝⎭所以lim 3n n a →∞=9分12.【解】sin sin sin 00022(1)sin lim lim 11sin 22x x x x x x x x e e x x x x x x -→→→--==⋅⋅302116lim 132x x x x →==⋅9分13.【解】001(1)1lim lim 1(1)x x x x x x x x e xe xe x e e x x e →→⎛⎫+++--= ⎪--⎝⎭2200(1)13lim lim 2x x x xx x xe x e xe x e x x→→++-+==20353lim 22x x x x e xe x e →++==9分14.224424424400111111()1()cos 22!42!4!lim lim x x x x x o x x x o x e x x x -→→⎡⎤⎡⎤-+⋅+--++⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦=44401()112lim 12x x o x x →+==9分15.【解】在方程中令0x =可得(0)0y =;将方程两边对x 求导,得6620y e y y xy x ''+++=,(*)将0x =和(0)0y =代入,有(0)0y '=;4分将(*)式两边再对x 求导,得()212620y y e y e y y xy '''''++++=,将0x =,(0)0y =和(0)0y '=代入,有(0)2y ''=-9分16.【解】11arctan arctan dy d x x ϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫'=⋅ ⎪ ⎝⎭⎝⎭2111arctan 11d x x x ϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫'=⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭22111arctan 11dx x x x ϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫'=⋅⋅- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭211arctan 1dx x x ϕ⎛⎫'=-⋅⋅ ⎪+⎝⎭9分17.【解】(1)0(1)11(2)1111()()()()()(1)2()()n n n n n n n n n f x C x a g x C n x a g x C n n x a g x --------=-+-++-- (1)11(2)1()()()()!()()n n n n n x a g x C n x a g x n x a g x ----=-+-++- (1)()0n f a -=11()()()()lim lim !()!()n n n x a x a f x f a f a n g x n g a x a --→→-===-9分四、综合分析题(每小题10分,共10分)18.120,0,1()arctan 1,0,x x f x e x x x >⎧⎪⎪=⎨⋅+⎪<⎪⎩4分1112220001arctan 1lim ()lim lim lim 044x t x x t t x x x e e t x f x x x eππ----=→+∞→→→⋅+====,0lim ()0x f x +→=,则0x =为第一类的可去间断点;12101arctan 1lim ()lim 2x x x e x f x x e π--→-→⋅+==,12101arctan 1lim ()lim 2x x x e x f x x eπ+-→-→⋅+==-,则1x =-为第二类的跳跃间断点.10分五、证明题(每小题7分,共7分)19.【证明】〖证明〗(1)(零点定理)构造辅助函数()()a F x f x a b =-+,因为()F x 在[0,1]上连续,(0)(0)0a a F f a b a b =-=-<++,而(1)(1)0a b F f a b a b =-=>++,由零点定理可得至少存在一点(0,1)c ∈,使得()0F c =,即()a f c a b=+3分(2)拉格朗日中值定理()f x 分别在[0,]c 和[,1]c 上应用拉格朗日中值定理,得()(0)()()f c f a f c a b c ξ-'==+,1(1)()()11()(1)a f f cb a b fc c a b c η--+'===--+-其中01c ξη<<<<于是有()()a b a b f f ξη+=+''.7分。
2024-2025学年部编版语文初二上学期期中模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、积累与运用(本大题有7小题,每小题3分,共21分)1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是()A. 沉默(mò)漫步(màn)恬静(tián)惊愕(è)B. 舒适(shū)悠然(yōu)沉默(mén)恐惧(jù)C. 欣喜(xīn)恬静(tián)惊愕(è)漫步(màn)D. 沉默(mò)悠然(yōu)恐惧(kǒng)惊愕(è)2、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A. 为了提高同学们的阅读兴趣,学校决定开展一次读书活动。
B. 他不仅在学习上取得了优异的成绩,而且在各方面都表现得很优秀。
C. 由于缺乏足够的资金,这个项目被迫搁浅。
D. 为了保护我们的家园,我们每个人都应该从自己做起。
下列句子中,加点词解释有误的一项是() A.《醉翁亭记》中“环滁皆山也”一句中,“环”解释为“环绕”。
4、下列各句中加点词的用法相同的一项是() A.①有亭翼然临于泉上者;②朝露待日晞。
5、下列句子中,加点字注音全部正确的一项是:A. 暴发(bào fā)漫步(màn bù)瓜熟蒂落(guāshú dì luò)B. 悲壮(bēi zhuàng)瞬息(shùn xī)气贯长虹(qìguàn cháng hóng)C. 潜伏(qián fú)装饰(zhuāng shì)翻箱倒柜(fān xiāng dǎo guì)D. 瞬间(shùn jiān)毫厘(háo lí)精卫填海(jīng wèi tián hǎi)6、下列词语中,字形、字义完全正确的一项是:A. 恍若(huǎng ruò)陶醉(táo zuì)息息相关(xīxī xiāng guān)B. 精彩(jīng cǎi)装扮(zhuāng bǎn)沉鱼落雁(chén yú luò yàn)C. 谦虚(qiān xū)欺骗(qī piàn)振聋发聩(zhèn lóng fā kuì)D. 漫步(màn bù)烂漫(làn màn)气吞山河(qìtūn shān hé)7、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是:A. 为了提高同学们的环保意识,学校决定开展“绿色校园,从我做起”的主题活动。
新生代英语基础教程2 期中试卷(A卷)附答案
![新生代英语基础教程2 期中试卷(A卷)附答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5752b01bf8c75fbfc67db241.png)
Mid-Term Examfor New Generation English Book Two (1)Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.1. At the moment, Kayla is living _______.a. with her parentsb. in a dormc. in an apartment2. She’s moving because she _______.a. needs more spaceb. needs more freedomc. wants to live close to her classmates3. She can afford the rent because _______.a. her parents give her moneyb. she has a part-time jobc. she has been saving for years4. Kayla thinks that she can cook ________ herself.a. cheaper foodb. healthy foodc. more delicious food5. The most important thing to Kayla in an apartment is that _______.a. it’s near collegeb. it’s big enoughc. it’s cheapB. Listen to the passage. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.6. People often think that making a bacon sandwich is _______.a. easyb. difficultc. expensive7. The important thing is to _______.a. have good quality bread and baconb. take your timec. have the right cooking equipment8. The perfect bacon sandwich needs _______.a. a glass of milkb. a good cup of teac. a good cup of coffeeC. Listen to the advertisement. Choose the best answer to each question.9. The Wedding Planner is a service _______.a. to help you find a fiancéb. to help you plan your weddingc. to help you choose clothes for a wedding10. If you want to contact the wedding planner, _______.a. you need to phone themb. visit their office in the center of townc. find them on WeChatSection BListen to the following sentences and write down what you hear on the lines.1. You have passed your exams! I think we should _______, don’t you?2. I’m sorry, we’re _______ someone with overseas working experience.3. I don’t really like Amy. She’s such a(n) _______.4. The apartment is about 100 square meters in _______.5. Can you _______ my pen, please? I can’t reach from here.Part 2 Vocabulary and StructureSection AFill in the blanks with words or expressions from the boxes.1. Walking beside the sea in the evening is a(n) _______ thing to do.2. She needs a new _______ for the photograph of her mother.3. _______ people live in this city, but it is not very well-known.4. She loves wearing _______—she has a big collection of rings and watches.5. _______ your money. I’m paying for this!6. The T-shirt only costs $25 , but I think it’s _______ a lot more.7. Do you want to _______ a coffee and a sandwich? We’ve got a few minutes.8. There’s someone in this apartment at the moment, but it will be _______ from October.9. _______ giving me a bag. I’m not going very far.10. If you want any more information, feel free to _______ me.Section BMatch the words to the definitions.1. tradition2. popular3. pour4. microwave5. highway a. an electric oven which uses waves ofenergy to heat food quicklyb. a road that joins cities or towns togetherc. to make a liquid flow from one container into anotherd. a way of doing something that a group ofpeople have followed for a long timee. liked by a lot of peopleromantic frame millions of jewelry put away worth grab available don’t bother contactSection C1. _______ mother is a teacher at the school.a. Juliesb. Julie’sc. Julies’2. My _______ parents are all really nice and friendly.a. friend’b. friendsc. friends’3. There is _______ milk in the refrigerator if you want it.a. anyb. somec. a4. I _______ go to the party, because I was too tired.a. didb. wasc. didn’t5. I don’t see _______ parking spaces round here, do you?a. someb. anyc. few6. How _______ sugar did you put in this coffee? It tastes too sweet.a. manyb. muchc. lot of7. _______ there any carrots? I need some for the salad I’m making.a. Areb. Isc. I sn’t8. We went to the shop and we all _______ new dresses.a. buyb. buyingc. bought9. There _______ three parks within walking distance.a. isb. arec. am10. There _______ any young people in this neighborhood.a. isb. arec. aren’tSection DComplete the passage, choosing the correct word.My brother is getting (1) _______ (married / wedding) next month. He (2)_______ (meet / met) his fiancée last year and they’ve been together ever since. They’re going to have a (3) _______ (honeymoon / celebrate) in Paris, and then they’re coming home. They’ve got a really nice apartment in a quiet, (4) _______ (residential / available)neighborhood, so I’m planning to visit them often. There (5) _______ (is / are) a beautiful park just opposite their apartment, so it will be a nice place to go when the weather is good.Part 3 Reading ComprehensionTask 1Read the passage. Write T (True) or F (False) for the statements.Princess Diana is one of the UK’s most well-known style icons. How did this shy young girl become the face of fashion magazines all over the world?From the very beginning, Princess Diana’s style was noticed by the public and the media. Everywhere she went her clothes were photographed, discussed and copied. In the 1980s and 1990s, lots of young women wanted to copy her short blonde hair style and her way of doing her make-up. Over the years, her confidence grew and her style became even more eye-catching.One of her most famous fashion moments was her wedding with Prince Charles in 1981. She wore an unforgettable dress made of silk. It is now one of the most famous dresses in the world. The dress was designed by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel and was embroidered with 10, 000 pearls.Another famous dress was the long, dark blue velvet evening dress Diana wore to a party in 1985. At this party she danced with the famous actor John Travolta. Photographs of this dance were seen all over the world, and the dress became known as the “Travolta dress”.Many years after her death, Princess Diana is remembered by many, not just for her kind heart and the good work she did to help others, but also for her clothes and incredible sense of fashion.☐ 1. Princess Diana was not very fashionable when she first married Prince Charles.☐ 2. A lot of young women wanted the same hair style as her.☐ 3. Princess Diana’s wedding dress was made of white cott on.☐ 4. A famous dress of Diana’s was called the “Travolta dress”, because this was the name of the actor she danced with when wearing it.☐ 5. Princess Diana is now only remembered for her sense of fashion.Task 2 Read the passage. Choose the best answer.Do you live far away from your extended family? You may be interested in reading about the new service which has been set up in New York.Adopt-a-granny is to match up younger people with a much older person. Carla Fenning, the founder of the group, explains, “Nowadays, families don’t live so close together, as young people tend to move to other cities and countries to find work. What happens is that old people are leftfeeling very lonely, while young people have no grandparents and miss the wisdom and kindness of the older generation.”Adopt-a-granny works in a simple way: young people and old people are matched up on the basis of their interests, their family background and where they live. They then agree to meet once a week (the young people us ually visits the person in their old home). “Sometimes the young person helps the older person with the gardening, but often they just talk, share family photograph albums together and drink tea.”Carla says, “I really think that this service has changed the lives of some of the people it’s helped. One young person said to me, ‘My grandparents all died before I was born. Now I visit Annie every week. For the first time in my life I feel like I have a grandmother. It’s a very special feeling.’”1. Adopt-a-granny- is a service which _______.a. matches a young person with an old personb. cleans the houses of old peoplec. delivers food to old people2. Old people often don’t see their young family members because _______.a. Young people have moved away to citiesb. young people don’t get along with old people nowadaysc. young people don’t have enough time3. Young people can benefit from “adopt-a-granny” because _______.a. they will get free foodb. they will get paid for their visitsc. they miss seeing their grandparents4. When the young and old people meet they usually _______.a . go walking togetherb. stay at home talkingc. go to the cinema5. Carla thinks that this service _______.a. isn’t working as well as it couldb. changes the lives of people who take partc. needs more people to get involvedTask 3 Read the passage. Fill in the blanks (with no more than 3 words).Do you ever take photographs of your food to share on social media? If yes, you’re not alone. An estimated 40% of diners now take photographs of their food to share with friends.However, make sure you don’t ever eat at Gustav Le Blanc’s restaurant in Paris.The famous chef recently said that anyone taking photographs of their meals would be thrown out of his restaurant and not allowed back in.The chef said: “I put a lot of time into my food and I want people to enjoy it. Food is about the five senses, and the look of my food is important to me. But I think that people who take photographs of my food are not focusing enough on it. Also, I have seen some badly taken photos of my food online and it makes me feel really angry. That’s why I don’t want to see any more phones on the tables!”1. Many people take photos of the meals they eat to share _______ on social media.2. A famous French chef has stopped people from _______ of the food they eat in his restaurant.3. Gustav Le Blanc says that he puts a(n) _______ into his food.4. He thinks that people who take photos of his food are not _______ on it.5. He doesn’t like it when he sees _______ photos of his food online.Mid-Term Examfor New Generation English Elementary Book Two (1)Answer KeyPart 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. cB 6. a 7. a 8. bC 9. b 10. cSection B1. celebrate2. looking for3. show-off4. size5. pick upPart 2 Vocabulary and StructureSection A1. romantic2. frame3. Millions of4. jewelry5. Put away6. worth7. grab8. available9. Don’t bother 10. contact Section B1. d2. e3. c4. a5. bSection C1. b2. c3. b4. c5. b6. b7. a8. c9. b 10. c Section D1. married2. met3. honeymoon4. residential5. isPart 3 Reading ComprehensionTask 11. F2. T3. F4. T5. FTask 21. a2. a3. c4. b5. bTask 31. with friends2. taking photographs3. lot of time4. focusing enough5. badly takenMid-Term Examfor New Generation English Elementary Book Two (1)Listening TranscriptsPart 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. M: Hey Kayla. What’s up?W: I’m looking for an apartment to rent.M: You’re moving out of the dorm?W: Yeah. It was okay when I was a freshman, bu t I really feel like I need a bit more space now. It’s so crowded, and I’m finding it really difficult to study.M: Hmm, I see what you mean. Do you think you’ve got enough money to rent an apartment?W: Well, my part-time job brings in a bit of money.M: And what about cooking? You’ll need to cook for yourself now. That’ll be expensive too.W: Actually, I think I can make healthy meals for not very much money. It’ll be okay.M: So, what kind of apartment are you looking for?W: Well, I want somewhere near college. A good view would be nice. But most importantly, it has to be cheap!B. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer for each question.Many people think that making a bacon sandwich is easy, right? But it’s not. Actually. there’s a real art to making a good bacon sandwich and that’s what I’m going to show you today. First of all, the bread. Choose the best bread you can find. It needs to be fresh and it needs to be white. Secondly, your bacon needs to be of good quality. Buy organic if you can find it. Fry the bacon on a low heat and turn it every few minutes. When your bacon is ready, pour the fat over the bread. Put the bacon in, add a tomato and you have the perfect bacon sandwich. Add salad if you like and serve with a good cup of tea.C. Listen to the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question.Getting married? Short of time? The Wedding Planner is here to help! Our special service can help you do everything from choose your dress, to send your wedding invitations. We can even help you plan your honeymoon! Find the Wedding Planner on WeChat.Section BListen to the following sentences and write down what you hear on the lines.1. You have passed your exams! I think we should celebrate, don’t you?2. I’m sorry, we’re looking for someone with overseas working experience.3. I don’t really like Amy. She’s such a show-off.4. The apartment is about 100 square meters in size.5. Can you pick up my pen, please? I can’t reach from here.。
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( )1. What kind of TV programme does the boy like bestA. B. C.( )2. What type of TV programme is the man’s son interested inA. B. C.( ) 3. How will the weather be this afternoonA. B. C.( )4. Who is the man’s favourite actressA. B. C.( )5. What is the boy’s English teacher likeA. Active.B. Helpful.C. Polite.( )6. Why didn't Jenny look wellA. She was ill.B. She was afraid of math.C. She stayed up late. ( )7. What’s the boy’s problemA. He is too shy.B. His face turns red.C. He is alone.( )8. What’s the relationship between the two speakersA. A father and a son.B. A headmaster and a teacher.C. A teacher and a student. ( )9. What does Bob like to do in his free timeA. Collect cards.B. Collect stickers.C. Play football.( )10. How will the woman probably go to the nearest hospitalA. By bus.B. On foot.C. By taxi.二、听对话和独白回答问题。
( )11. What are they talking aboutA. Last night's TV play.B. Last night's film.C. Last night's football game.( )12. What are they going to have for supperA. Some coffee.B. Sandwiches.C. Some coffee and sandwiches.听第二段材料,回答13~15题。
( )13. What time will the film beginA. At 8:00 .B. At 7:30 .C. At 6:00 .( )14. How many tickets has the girl gotA. One.B. Two.C. Three.( )15. When may the dialogue happenA. In the morning.B. At noon.C. In the evening.听第三段独白,回答16~20题。
( )16. What does Liu Dehua doA. A singer and dancer.B. A singer and actor.C. A dancer and actor.( )17. Liu Dehua's English name is _____.A. Liu FurongB. Dehua LiuC. Andy Lau( )18. He is _____ years old.A. 47B. 33C. 53( )19. What ball does Liu Dehua likeA. Football.B. Driving.C. Bowling(保龄球).( )20. Liu Dehua has ______.A. one brotherB. two brothersC. four brothers第二部分(笔试)第I卷一、单项选择(20分)( )21. Is there going to be a new bridge ______ the city and the townA. fromB. betweenC. amongD. both( )22. Would you please _______ tomorrow morningA. hand it inB. turn in itC. hand in itD. hand over it ( )23.—Did you go to bed early last night—No. I watched a _____ movie, so I didn't go to bed until 11 o’clock.A. 3-hoursB. 3-hours’C. 3-hour’sD. 3-hour( )24. _______of them has known about this because it has been already reported on TV.A. Each oneB. EverybodyC. EveryoneD. Every one( )25. I won’t leave the classroom until my homework ______.A. finishesB. is finishedC. will finishD. are finished ( )26. There ____ a number of students in the hall and the number of them ___ over 300.A. are, isB. is, areC. are, areD. is, is( )27. Their school has more than two _____ teachers and _____ students.A. hundreds of, thousands ofB. hundred, thousands ofC. hundred of, thousandD. hundreds, thousands of( )28. —Why do you all like Betty—Because she is always thinking ______ of others than herself.A. a littleB. muchC. much lessD. much more ( )29. The movie Batman and Joker is ______ one that I've ever seen.A. more excitingB. more excitedC. the most excitingD. the most excited( )30. When we hurried to the theatre, the concert ______ for five minutes.A. had been onB. had begunC. had begun onD. began( )31. —Did you meet your friend Peter yesterday—Yes. We _______ each other for over ten years.A. didn’t seeB. haven’t seenC. hadn’t seenD. don’t see ( )32. You’d better ______ others during the night. It’s not polite.A. phoneB. not phoneC. to phoneD. not to phone ( )33. It's so hot here. ________ you open the windowsA. What aboutB. Why notC. PerhapsD. Why don't ( )34. I decided not to wait any longer ______ I waited for him at the station for two hours.A. beforeB. afterC. ifD. till( )35.—You are very weak. You ______ take more exercise. It's good for you.—You are right, I'll take your advice.A. mustB. have toC. ought toD. may( ) Ming put his effort ________ basketball training _______ a very young age.A. to, inB. to, atC. into, inD. into, at( ) only the parents but also their child __________the National Stadium the Bird’s Nest.A. have visitedB. is going to visitC. are going to visitD. have been to( )38. Mike has much difficulty ________ Chinese so he often asks me ________ help.A. to understand, withB. understanding, ofC. to understand, forD. understanding, for( )39. He always gives me useful advice when I don’t know _____.A. who to talkB. who to talk toC. who will I talk toD. who should I talk with( )40. —Don’t be late for school next t ime, ______—______.A. will you; Yes, I won’tB. will you; No, I won’tC. do you; Yes, I willD. do you; No, I won’t二、完形填空(15分)John Thomas was an 18-year-old student, but he had been a famous champion(冠军). Everybody at Boston University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was 41 . People all over the country 42 about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again"John's mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his 43 leg. Then she looked into his 44 . She knew what her son would 45 . "You're going to jump again, John, I know it," she said." 46 will be all right."If John hoped to jump again, he would have a 47 to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise. He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things. Soon his 48 looked like a machine shop!It was May when John 49 the hospital. "Is it all right if I go camping this summer" he asked the doctors."Yes," the doctors said. "But take it easy on that foot."John took only 50 walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot. But not on anything else. He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises. He exercised 51 his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he exercised a little 52 . In late summer John went back to 53 . He asked if he could practise with the football team. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg 54 again! He worked hard. "No one pushed him as hard as he pushed himself," said one of his friends. "To 55 a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to watch."( )41. A. sorry B. afraid C. alone D. tired( )42. A. thought B. talked C. heard D. moved( )43. A. broken B. lost C. missing D. dead( )44. A. face B. foot C. eyes D. leg( )45. A. make B. use C. agree D. do( )46. A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything( )47. A. little B. lot C. few D. bit( )48. A. chair B. classroom C. home D. bed( )49. A. reached B. called C. left D. found( )50. A. short B. long C. quick D. fast( )51. a. after B. if C. until D. when( )52. A. later B. better C. more D. less( )53. A. school B. hospital C. shop D. church( )54. A. thick B. strong C. straight D. hard( )55. A. look B. hear C. know D. see三、阅读理解(30分)(A)Questionnaire(调查问卷)This questionnaire is about your hobby. We want to know the relationship betweenyour hobby and your job. You needn’t tell us your real name, but please answer thefollowing questions honestly. Thanks a lot for your cooperation(合作).★Are you a man or a woman□man ■woman★What is your job□t eacher □worker □student ■lawyer(律师) □others★How old are you□u nder 10 □11~20 ■21~30 □31~40 □above 40★How much do you make a month□under 1,000yuan□1,000—3,000 yuan ■3,000-5,000 yuan□above5,000 yuan★What do you usually do on holidays□w atch TV □go shopping □climb mountains □ride bikes ■play ballgames □see movies □others★How much do you want to spend for your hobby□n one □under 200 ■200—500 □above 500( )56. What is the paper aboutA. One’s job.B. One’s hobby.C. The relationship between one’s job and hobby.D. Money.( )57. What does the woman usually do on holidaysA. She usually does some shopping.B. She usually rides bikes.C. She usually climbs mountains.D. She usually plays ball games.( )58. Which of the following sentences is TRUEA. She doesn’t want to spend any money on sports.B. She likes to climb mountains.C. She is a young lawyer.D. She is only 35 years old.(B)Reading is an important activity for many Americans. Today, thousands of men, women and children are members of groups to discuss the books they read.No one knows how many Americans belong to reading groups called book clubs. Yetpublishers(发行人) and bookshops report that more and more throughout the United States are joining the clubs.Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people who live near each other. Or, they may be people who work together.Book clubs may be for only women or only men. Or, they can be for husbands and wives together. Some are family groups where parents attend with their children. Children may belong to book clubs of their own.Some book clubs in the United States are for husbands and wives. One woman says this is a great idea for a book club. She says husbands and wives often talk to each other only about their children, work, or money problems. "Talking about books," she says, "opens a whole new level of communication."American children belong to book clubs, too. They may be as young as four years old or as old as eighteen. Some children's clubs get help from the Great Book Foundation (基金). This educational organization provides lists of books to read. It also trains people to lead discussions about the books.( )59. It is reported that _____ in the United States.A. reading is important for menB. a lot of people are joining book clubsC. all the people are reading their booksD. fewer and fewer people in the USA are joining the clubs( )60. Most book clubs want their members ______.A. to read the same book at the same timeB. to buy a lot of books at the same timeC. to read different books at the same timeD. to read as many books as they can( )61. Before joining the book club, husbands and wives often talk about ______.A. housework and workB. computer gamesC. books and writersD. children, money or work( )62. The best title of the passage might be _______.A. An Important Activity in the USAB. Reading Clubs for ChildrenC. Book Clubs in the USAD. All kinds of Clubs in the USA(C)Do you still get free plastic(塑料的) bags from the supermarkets Things have changed.China has banned (禁止) free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay for using plastic bags. The rule started on June 1 last year. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin (超薄) plastic bags has also been banned.The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plasticones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment.( )63. People in China have to _____ now.A. throw plastic bags here and thereB. collect plastic bags in the streetC. pay for using plastic bags at shops and supermarketsD. use free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets( )64. The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _____ for shopping.A. no bagsB. free plastic bagsC. their own bagsD. super-thin plastic bags( )65. Some students in Chongqing ______.A. ask their parents to make cloth bagsB. make cloth bags themselvesC. pick up plastic bags everywhereD. buy cloth bags for their parents( )66. What’s the main idea of this articleA. Making super-thin plastic bags has been banned in China.B. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution.C. Some students in Chongqing begin to make their own shopping bags.D. To protect the environment, free plastic bags have been banned in China.(D)If you ask about the hottest star in South Korea this year, you will certainly hear the name Rain. The 22-year-old singer is powerful and energetic on stage. His dances and voice are great! On December 18, Rain and other Korean stars, including Baby V, O, X and As One, amazed their fans at the concert “Night of Love” in Beijing. “I love his small eyes and good build(体格),” Said Hanna Kim, 12, a Korean girl who studies in China, “He’s a nice person.”Rain’s real name is Jung Ji Hoon(郑智薰). His music teacher thinks his eyes are wet and smiles are sunny. He wrote lots of the songs on his first CD during rainy days. So his teacher gave him the name Rain.When he was a child, he liked to be quiet. He wasn’t good at studying. So no one noticed this tall boy in class. But he surprised his classmates in Grade Six. He danced for them all. Everyone looked at him in a different way. So he began to danc e more. “I enjoy dancing,” he said. Rain really wanted to sing and dance. He worked hard at school, so that his father would let him dance. He gave up rugby(橄榄球) and put all his time and energy into dancing. When his mother died four years ago, he held the sadness in and kept on practising day and night.Now Rain has won awards with his music. His CDs have sold millions and he has acted in TV shows. Rain doesn’t want to sing for ever, though. He dreams of doing a different job. “When I stop singing, I’d like to design clothes. Being a designer is my childhood(童年) dream,” he said. ( )67. Whose does the word “his” in the sentence “I love his small eyes and good build …” refer to(指)C. As One’s .D. Rain’s music teacher’s.( )68. Why did Jung Ji Hoon get his name of RainA. Because he liked rain.B. Because he was born on a rainy day.C. Because he was caught in a rain in his mother’s arms on the day when he was bo rn.D. Because many songs of his first CD were written by him during rainy days.( )69. Rain began to attract others’ attention when .A. he began to go to schoolB. he was twelve years oldC. he was in Grade SixD. his mother died( )70. Rain also likes to be besides singing and dancing.A. a rugby playerB. a scientistC. a clothes designerD. a salesman第II卷四、词汇(20分)A. 根据汉语、英文解释或句意写出句中所缺单词71. Can you _____________(提供) me a room to study72. Would you please pass on a ______________(音信) for me to Jack73. The car _____________(产业) is important to the United States.74. Mr. Davies pays me fifty yuan for my work ______________.(happening once a week)75. Please _____________ the house by the front door. (go or come in)76. Some kind people gave Hong Zhanhui some money, but he ____________ at last.77. We should read English _____________ in the morning if we want to learn it well.B. 选用方框中所给词的适当形式填空far, value, direct, silence, surprise , affect, appear78. There must be ___________ in the library so that people can work.79. There's nothing ___________ about that. It's what everybody expected to happen.80. Do you think the medicine will have a bad ____________81. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous _____________ in China.82. This English book will be ____________ to me in my work.83. Some rare animals have _____________ from the earth.84. You can call me if you need ________ help with your work.C. 选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空live, drive, leave, hold, keep, pass85. The doctor told me an apple a day the doctor away.86. I saw your uncle while I _______________________ along the street.87. He _____________________ in Beijing for three months last year.88. I hear you ___________________ home tomorrow, aren’t you89. Three years _________ since he left the small village.90. The 30th Olympic Games __________________ in London in 2012.五、根据首字母提示补全对话(10分)(I= Interviewe; S= Sonia)I: Good morning. Today we have Sonia, a volunteer, with us. Welcome to our radio station.S: Thanks. I'm g 91 to be here.I: Well Sonia, I hear you have b 92 to Africa as a volunteer. Can you tell us where you worked in AfricaS: I worked in a country called Kenya, in East Africa. It was the most wonderful time in myl 93 .I: Really Why do you say soS: Because the people there are so friendly t 94 I can't forget them at all.I: What did you do thereS: I was a teacher. The c 95 in my class were blind. But they were very hard-working.I: And our listeners want to know what your t 96 was.S: The only bad thing was that I couldn't see my family or friends. I m 97 them very much.I: And the last question, Sonia. Will you go back to t 98 the blind children in the futureS: Oh, yes, I really hope I can. It is a h 99 job, but I love it.I: Thank you for j 100 us, Sonia. It was nice talking to you.S: Thank you!91. ___________ 92. ___________ 93. ___________ 94. ___________95. ___________ 97. ___________ 98. ___________99. ___________ 100. ___________六、任务型阅读(5分)It is reported that 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children's eyesight with medicine, or by correcting the ways that children read and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise on one's feet. Here are three ways to save eyes:First, don't tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable and soft socks or walking without socks and shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation(循环).Second, walking on tiptoes is good for one's eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet performers' eyesight is better.Third, rope skipping(跳绳) can also be good for one's eyesight. While skipping rope, one has to move quickly, making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help make one grow taller.Besides foot exercises, it is good to pull one's ears. Pulling the ears 20 times quickly is also a great way. It can keep one's eyes healthy.101. What does the passage mainly talk about_________________________________________________________102. Why is most of the ballet performers' eyesight good_________________________________________________________103. What shoes should you wear while traveling_________________________________________________________104. Is rope skipping good for eyesight_________________________________________________________105. Besides foot exercises, there is another way to save one's eyes. What is it_________________________________________________________七、书面表达(20分)假如你叫李平,参加了学校开展的“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动,调查结果如图所示。