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Chinese painting
emphasizes 'empty' and 'no',performs for 'virtual', in other words,it centers on heart. 强调“空无”,表现为虚,换句话说就是唯心 主义 advocates freehand brushwork,pursuits likeness
Chinese will paint the subject (body) in detail while western painting’s all are painted in detail.
Form Chinese painting always combine Painting with calligraphy.
Composition & Line
aspects composition of a picture line Chinese painting simple simple western painting rich complicated
As everyone knows,Chinese painting uses Chinese ink and western artists use watercolor、greasepaint to accomplish their painting 大家都知道,中国画以水墨为材料而西方画家用水彩、油彩来完 成他们的画。
And western painting is just painting. 中国画始终结合绘画同书法。
Chinese painting uses lines as the main painting method while western painting represents the object mainly by the use of light and color according to the physics. Western painting is a Three dimensional pattern while Chinese painting is between two dimensional and Three dimensional pattern 中国画以线条为主要的绘画方式,而西方绘画则主要是用光和色的 方式来表示物体的。
Chinese painting’s color using is usually onefold, Western painting ‘s color using is abundant(丰富的) and bright-colored 中国画色彩的使用通常是单一的,西方绘画的色彩运用丰富和鲜 艳。
Western paintings
In the mid-19th century, Western painting was primarily concerned with representational and Classical modes of production, after which time more modern, abstract and conceptual forms gained favor.Initially serving imperial, private, civic, and religious patronage, Western painting found audiences in the aristocracy and the middle class. From the Middle Ages through the Renaissance painters worked for the church and a wealthy aristocracy. 在19世纪,西方绘画主要是描绘古典的生产方式,
中国绘画是世界上流传至今最古老的艺术之一。形式上, 像国画在中国被人所熟知,而西方艺术则在20世纪风靡 于中国。
Traditional painting involves essentially(基本地) the same techniques as calligraphy(书法) and is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink; Oils are not used. As with calligraphy, the most popular materials on which paintings are made of are paper and silk. The finished work is then mounted on scrolls, which can be hung or rolled up.Traditional painting also is done in albums and on walls and other media.
(水墨画),而西方绘画是写实绘 画(油画)
Chinese painting gives priority(优先权) to nature scenery. But western painting gives priority to religion, figure and so on. 中国画为主的自然风光。但是,西方绘画以宗教、人物等为主。
以寻觅到贵族和中产阶级群众的身影。从中世纪 到文艺复兴时期的画家们为教会和一个富裕的贵 族们工作。
Beginning with the Baroque era artists received private commissions from a more educated and prosperous middle class. Western painting reached its zenith in Europe during the Renaissance, in conjunction with the refinement of drawing, use of perspective, ambitious architecture, tapestry, stained glass, sculpture, and the period before and after the advent of the printing press. And
传统绘画与书法基本上是相同的技术,是用毛笔蘸着黑色或彩色 墨水,油不使用。与书法一样,最受欢迎的材料就是纸和丝绸。 完成的工作是安装在卷轴上,可以悬挂或卷起来,传统绘画也是
Let us appreciate the
beauty of Chinese painting~(。・`ω´・)~~
Dynasty :明 Painter:仇英
Painting : 《汉宫春晓图》
Dynasty 元末 明清 Painter 石涛
Western painting
stresses “does” and “has”, performs for “real”, pursuits resemble, in contrary ,it centers on entity. 讲究“确”“有”表现为“实” 追求形似,也就是唯物主义
(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻
painter:Van Gogh
Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
Painting style
Traditional Chinese painting style focus on artistic concept, abstract(抽象)(wash painting).But westen painting is realistic painting(oil painting)
Today we would like to introduce
Traditional Chinese painting Western 贾鹏成 严正浩 朱克润 张泽辉
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Introduction Differences Enjoy paintings (:3[▓▓] ***
Introductions Of Chinese Paintings Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guó huà, as opposed to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century.
Thank you !
the rich heritage of Western painting (from the Baroque to Contemporary art)
continues into the 21st century.
从巴洛克时期开始,艺术家们从有教养的、繁荣的中产阶级中获 得了私人佣金。西方绘画在欧洲文艺复兴时期达到顶峰,并结合 绘画的精细化,运用透视,宏伟的建筑,彩绘,彩绘玻璃,雕塑, 以及在印刷术后出现的时期。而西方绘画(从巴洛克到当代艺术) 的丰富的遗产延续到了第二十一世纪。