
Aging of Population in ChinaFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Aging of Population in China. You should write at least 120 words, basing your composition on the outline given in Chinese below .1. 中国人口老龄化问题产生的原因2. 人口老龄化带来的问题3. 如何解决中国人口老龄化问题,谈谈自己的观点造成中国人口老龄化的原因造成中国人口老龄化加速的原因是多方面的,但最主要、最直接的原因有两个方面:一是长期以来实行计划生育政策出现的较低生育率。

2.人口老龄化对投资、消费、储蓄和 税收都带来相关影响
储蓄率下降,投资率比例降低,单纯消 费增加
当然从近期看,消费增长可以刺激消费, 扩大内需,但从长期看,我国是发展 中国家,为使经济发展产生强大的后 劲,必须继续扩大积累,持续增加投 资。
3.人口老龄化使政府用于老人的财政 支出增加,财政负担加重
的养老功能不断削弱。因而迫切要求发展以社区为中心的各项社会福利和社会服务事业, 以补充家庭养老功能的不足。
1. 人口老龄化使劳动年龄人口比重下降,对老人 赡养比上升
人口年龄结构预测表明,1990年我国劳动年龄人 口对老人赡养比为13.7%,2000年上升为15.6%, 预计到2025年上升为29.46%,2050年上升为 48.49%。如果再加上对幼年子女的抚养,劳动 年龄人口的总抚养比上升得更为迅速,2025年 达到59.5%,2050年达到76.8%。人口老龄化将 使劳动年龄人口的经济负担日益沉重。
从现在至2020年是有利于我国经济发展 的人口年龄结构变动的最佳时期
随后从属比上升伴随着劳动人口比重的 下降,预示着经济发展的不利因素 开始显现。
另一方面,未来一二十年我们在面临劳 动人口比重和绝对量增长的同时,
更为严峻的是,我们还面对着人口年龄加速老 化的挑战。
◆ 老龄化社会的标准
65岁以上占7%或60岁以上占10%为老龄化社会。 老龄化社会的人口结构日益走向倒金字塔型。
60 10% 国际上通常把

3. The country is forced to delay the retirement date of the old and obstruct the promotion of economy.
1. The government allow to carry out the policy with 2 children born,because of the lack of young labors, which satisfy some people that want 2 or more children
4. The government change the industry structure to create more industries with technology rather
than labor.来自2. The more old people is ,the more peaceful the world is. The family with only one child will be against wars strongly, and the cost on army will reduce.Old people aren’t interested in taking adventures so that they pay more attention to eliminate crime and build a safe and harmonious society.

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An ageing populationAn aging population is refers to the elderly population above 60 years old or 65 years old and in the process of the increase in the proportion oflate 20th centantlyin the new century the world is called the "silver crisis" of the "aging" problem. Population ageing is a product of human society developmentResearch status quo andpopulation ageing society to promote healthy and stable development has the vital significance. From five aspects carries on the comprehensive analysis of China's population aging problem.emerging community, for example research present situation and characteristics of China's ageing population. The third partthe social effect and economic consequences of a China's ageing population. The fifth part put forward measures to dealindustry, change pension mode, strengthening human resourcesat the same time draw lessons from foreign experience of anthe corresponding countermeasures, with the aging of thepromote the healthy development of population aging society.Before the speechin 980 by the central committee of the communist party of China issued "about controlling China's population growth in the open letter" to all the party members, communist youth leaguetightening of the one-child or "one-become strict birth control policy. On September 1, 2002 implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China on popullife expectancy of the population is more and more long. In the decrease in the number of total population in young population,- year - old population proportion ofthe country or region in the aging society. According to 20101339724852 people aged 60 and above of the elderly population proportion of the totalamong them 65 years and older population changes inpopulation aging process to speed up the step by step. [1] according to the sixth census data shows that China's elderlypopulation over the age of 60 percentage of the total populationfor 9.14% of the total population of China's population aging trend is accelerating. Ageing is not only a social problealso relates to the economic development and social stability ofity sustained growth. Present situation and the cause analysis ofresearch settle well problems of an ageing population of healthy development of China's economy has important theoretical significance.One the summary of the aging of the population Definition of relevant concepts1. The meaning of an ageing populationIn the field of demography, population aging has two meanings: one refers to the elderly population is relatively increased, the proportion of the population rising process, especially in age structure have been LaoNianXing population, the elderly population rising process, referred to as "an aging population. It is a dynamic concept reflects the change of population structure; Second is refers to the present state of elderly population structure of society, from the light pyramid structure gradually to LaoNianXing pyramid, entered the aging society. International standard is, when a country or region over 60 old people constituting 10% of the total population, or over 65 elderlypeople account for 7% of the total population, which means that the population of the country or region in the aging society. Aging can show changes in the age structure in general population. Population aging is determined by the development level of productivity, is associated with economic development and the gradual process of development. An aging population is declining fertility, mortality, and average life expectancy is prolonged, phenomenon of population is a necessity.2. The measure index of the aging of the populationIn the process of study of the aging of the population, in addition to defining the concept of the aging of the population, but also determine the concrete indicators reflect the aging of the population. Here we are mainly expounded the main indicators reflecting the degree of population ageing.It mainly includes the following two:(1) the proportion of elderly people, that is, refers to the elderly people aged 60 or 65 years old and above its percentage of the total population. The proportion of change is used to measure of an ageing population or younger. Calculation formula is: the, old and young, (2) population refers to the ratio of the elderly population and young population in children, young and old than can reflect the change of the proportion of population of elderly population and young children, it can reflect the population age structure aging or younger. [2] for LaoNianXing society, old and young ratio higher than 30%, less than 15% of the populationfor light in between is ChengNianXing population structure. Itscomputation formula is: young than = 60 or 65 and older population present population aged 0-14 years by 100%3. The problem of population aging and the aging populationAging problem including aging and the elderly, and aging and the elderly problems linked to each other already, and difference. Aging is reflecting the elderly population accounts for the proportion of the total population, reflecting the change of population structure is a dynamic concept. Ageing refers to as the population aging leads to a series of economic impact and social problems. Old people problem refers to the social security and rights and interests protection problems of the old. After an aging population, birth and death rates fell, the aging population is becoming more and more protection of the rights and interests of the elderly pension problems, problems such as the elderly problems followed. Old people problem is also one of problems we deal with an ageing population will handle.Two, present situation and the trend of China's ageing populationSince the 1990 s, China's aging process was accelerated. 65 years and older elderly population increased from 1990 in 62.99 million to 2000 in 88.11 million, the proportion of the total population increased to 5.57% from 6.96%, at present the population of China has entered the LaoNianXing. The death of the differences between gender makes women older people the vast majority of elderly population. Predicts 2040, aged 65 years and above old people population proportion more than 20% ofthe total population. At the same time, the elderly population aging trend is increasingly obvious: 80 and older - year - old man was increased at an annual rate of 5%, by 2040 will increase to more than 7400, ten thousand people.Aging trend, the rapid development of the population and the fertility and birth rates decline, as well as the decline in death rates and increased life expectancy are closely related. At present China's fertility rate has fallen below the replacement level, life expectancy and mortality was close to levels in the developed countries. As the peak in the middle of the 20th century was born population gradually go into old age, predictably, early in the 21st century will be one of the fastestThe Chinese government attaches great importance to and solve the problem of an aging population, aging positive development, initially formed a government-led, social participation, the development of universal concern the work pattern of aging. Countries established the national working committee on aging, old-age work goal, task and basic policy; Enacted the law of the People's Republic of China on the elderly rights and interests guarantee act (nrega), established the China aging development of "the tenth five-year plan outline, the aging clear into the overall planning of economic and social development and the sustainable development strategy.To guarantee the basic living of the elderly. City preliminarily established endowment insurance system and medical insurance system, including the elderly, and residents' minimum living security system; Rural land security based "family pension is given priority to with social support of old-agesecurity system. In many places still to help impoverished oldElderly services has developed rapidly. Chinese government amended the specification for design of old buildings, specification for design of urban roads and buildings obstacles and related regulations, convenient old people live and travel. Community, nursing home, the elderly activity center, elderly elderly service facilities such as schools, elderly leisure square gradually increased, the service of the elderly volunteers.Three, the influence of China's ageing population and the countermeasures(a) establish strategic overall planning, policy to form a complete set. Including his time ", LaoYouSuoYi and teaching, this paper, their, old-aged's providing "content, this is the comprehensive summary, China's old-age work is an important content of sustainable economic and social development, is the main train of thought to solve the problem of good population aging in our country.First, improve the understanding of the aging problem. Must strengthen the publicity and guidance, the stress of the gravity of the trend of population aging in our country to speed up, the urgency of the impact on the social and economic development, as well as the importance of implement the strategy of healthy aging, improve all levels of government and leadership of ideological understanding, strengthen the consciousness of the aging of the whole society.Second, clear the direction of national old-age work. Will implement the strategy of healthy aging into the state's "tenth five-year plan and long-term development plan, combined with the economic development process and the different situation, elaborate design and construct a work system of aging in our country, clearly put forward the target requirements, priorities, investment, inspection standard.Third, carry out to local development plan. Requirements at all levels of government attaches great importance to, the region's old-age work on the agenda, according to the requirement of the state, combined with their own reality, into the local economy and social development plans, the division is responsible for and manages concertedly, for old-age work management and services, measures and inspection.2) the formation of social, family, dual mode, play to Chinese tradition, filial first, social form a complementary mechanism. Established on the basis of family pension, community endowment service network for auxiliary, public welfare facilities of endowment means as supplement, social insurance system to protect the pension system that occupy the home, the elderly themselves, family, society and the country's role in organic combination rises, make it play the best effect.First, the pension that occupy the home environment. In order to make the elderly daily life convenient, residential design should fully consider convenient old people and satisfies the demand for adults and children can door can be divided into, place arrangement convenient public facilities for the elderly activities, makes the vast majority of the elderly living in their own family, continue to play a family endowment functions, to advocatehealthy way of life, improve with respect for the elderly to respect the traditional family pension system.Second, accelerate the construction of community elderly service. In urban construction planning should fully consider population aging trend, reasonable planning community blueprint, and make the elderly can get to the nearest consultation, shopping, cleaning and accompany, care, emergency care services, and for the old learning, stylistic, recreation demand, contacts, and other social activities provide conditions, gradually built up for different characteristics between urban and rural areas, multi-level and multi-function, many community service system for elderly people.Third, the moderate development of welfare facilities of public pension. For government to set up nursing homes provide for the aged, such as elderly institutions and facilities, according to the local economic development level and public welfare institutions need to raising the old man, the government will continue to increase investment, efforts to improve facilities conditions, gradually improve the level. To encourage and support social non-governmental public pension facilities, formulate preferential policy to actively develop thewelfare-oriented public pension facilities, formed the old man's aid security system of family maintenance difficulties.Fourth, perfect the old social security system. To take various measures to improve the town basic pension of retirees normal growth mechanism, perfecting relatively independent orgnaization of agency of pension, pension is responsible for the collection, payment, operation and management, in the form of a debt to establish endowment insurance fund, guarantee sumshall be paid on schedule. Rural to gradually introduce self saving and family security is given priority to, collective allowance is complementary, national policy support of the rural old-age security system, and actively promote urban and rural pension, social insurance and commercial insurance for health care, build up the urban and rural social security system of the old.3) cultivate a service, product, market of an ageing population. Aging industry in order to meet the demand of the elderly spiritual and material life and form of industry, including both productive industry, including service industries, and is the important means to solve the problem of an ageing population. Developing aging industry, one is from the actual conditions in our country, so as to meet the needs of old people's spiritual and material life for the purpose; 2 it is to take the market as the guidance, in accordance with the law of economic and other three is to ensure that pension costs of the rational use, improve the elderly's consumption ability. Specific recommendations are: First, the market mechanism to drive the aging industry development. Countries are on the developing trend of an aging population, around the old material needs and spiritual needs, for some of the industry structure adjustment, development and production of applicable right all sorts of old products, to encourage and guide the older product market development. Economic management departments should use the market mechanism, establish some necessary preferential policies to support characteristics to welfare for the old service industry development.Second, social welfare to aging industry development. Urban and rural old-age social service industrialization development path to walk step by step, the finance gives necessary support at the same time, encourage social organizations and individuals to participate in, to startup the mechanism of aging industry to set up social welfare facilities, whoever investment management, conduct business in accordance with the law, to mobilize the enthusiasm of each respect.Third, efforts to reduce costs for the old service industry development. Should make full use of existing social resources developing aging industry, multi-level and multi-channel to raise funds for development of industry of aging, improve capital utilization. Make full use of financial leverage, on tax collection policy, support the development of the old service industry. (4) accelerate the aging system of laws and regulations. The rule of law is the basic strategy for China's socialist modernization construction, in accordance with the governance of an aging population brings social and economic problems, should be the next century old-age work important content. Specific recommendations are:First, strengthen the enforcement of laws and regulations related to old age. Legal department to illegal ACTS resolutely sanctions infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of the elderly, in accordance with the reasonable adjustment of the relationship between senile group and other groups, the elderly, strengthen civil mediation work, and promote family harmony and social stabilitySecond, to speed up the pace of legal system of the elderly. Around 2005 time, countries as soon as possible for endowment insurance, medical insurance, social relief, the elderly welfare and other relevant aspects of the social security laws and regulations, make the life of old people get cogent safeguard; Around the year 2010 in time, make the elderly to participate in social development law, new old career development programs such as most of the old laws and regulations, forms in the elderly rights and interests protection legal system for the elderly of the basic law.Third, further carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation to respect pension. Intensify popularization in old method, will the old rules and regulations listed in the state thefranco-prussian education plan, strengthen the law enforcement inspection supervision, actively carry out the elderly the law education and political ideological education work, for respect endowment advanced typical, desolation and elder abuse behavior must be punished in accordance with the law, create a good social environment of healthy aging.(5) to further strengthen the old-age work of leadership. Facing the trend of population aging in our country, the old-age work can only be strengthened and not weakened. Party committees and governments at all levels should fully understand well the importance of old-age work, further strengthen and improve the old-age work of leadership. Specific recommendations are: First, strengthen the leadership of the CPC central committee to the old-age work. 2000 years ago, a letter or document issued in the name of the party central committee, the party organizations at all levels, government at all levels and the vast majority ofDangTuanYuan from a strategic and political height to do a good job of aging. The old-age work into the population of the political bureau of the central committee of the NPC held in March each year seminar content, resources, environment, in a timely manner to our country old-age work for major deployment. Second, improve the government's old affairs management institutions. Countries should set up high-level deliberation and coordination agency of elderly affairs as soon as possible, to formulate guidelines and policies of China's aging development, coordination on some major issues. Reorganized the Chinese elderly association for elderly affairs bureau directly under the state council, as a deliberation and coordination agency of the national aging affairs offices, authorizing the necessary administrative functions, system of old-age work management system, enrich the aging full-time staff, strengthen the management of the old work, education and services.Third, expand old-age work socialization service team. Arrange some laid-off workers and social all aspects of the volunteer force, to undertake the related work of community service for the elderly, a neighborhood committees and village committees organizing young elderly people to carry out self-service. In some universities of older professional management personnel training, strengthening the construction of old-age scientific research institutions, the combination of all aspects of experts and scholars, in-depth development of scientific research on aging. Perfecting legislation, supervision and administration institution, strengthening of legislation for elderly affairs and legal supervision, promote aging embarked on a track of legal system management.Four, the countermeasures to cope with the aging of the populationAconsumption and increase savings and investment rates, and achieve rapid economic growth, our country implemented the strict family planning policy. In 1980 the CPC central committee's decision, points out that after 30 years (2010) problem of population growth effectively relief, can adopt different population policy. After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's birth control policy which was formulated by the great changes have taken place in economic and social environment. No longer population growth too fast in our country, the natural population growth rate from 11.87% in 1980 to 2008, the growth rate has dropped to 5.08% during the same period the total fertility rate has dropped from 2.31 to 1.6 or so. The type has been a fundamental shift of economic growth. Gross domestic product (GDP) in 1980 from $1980 in 2008 to 30.067 trillion yuan. Important product of average per capita production is greatly increased in our country, the influence of the main causes of resource consumption and environmental pollution is not total population, but the production technology and way of life. Based on the above analysis, our country had established to implement the main reason why the birth control policy is no longer. Demographers, zuo xuejin, vice President of the Shanghai academy of social sciences think that per capita energy consumption, pollution and so on the rapid growth of the main reason is not many, but the extensive mode of economic growth.China center for economic research of Peking University professor chenrui,step by step "2 child later pregnancy a soft landing". (1) policy recommendations about two child later pregnancy soft landing, 1. The gradual transition to urban and rural women over the age of 28 years old is allowed to have two children has no direct relation with loosen two child policy of the national women's reproductive age 20 to 26 the one-child peaked in 2012. As a loosening of target population aged 27 to 30 second child number of reproductive age women between 2008 and 2013 in the trough, then up to the peak in 2018. Over the next five years, apparently, is a great time to start fertility policy adjustment smooth transition. Positive adjustment allowed to have two children of lower limit age to 2015 years before and after the implement of the 28 - year - old woman in urban and rural allowed to have two children to a soft landing. If we begin now 2 children late childbirth a soft landing, new baby into the working age in 20 years when the "demographic liability period"only will not increase employment pressure, and it will greatly reduce the pressure of a shrinking labor force resources and population aging. (1) (2) through the propaganda education and social economic incentive mechanism promoting appropriate delay intervals in order to avoid the masses for fear of the policy change, the family to take birth accumulation, suggested that the government department began formally announced over the age of 28, women can have two child's new policy is unlikely to tighten, to reduce the difficulty of the second child a soft landing. 2030 years later we will inevitably enter the rapidly rising elderly population proportion and percentage, number of working-agepopulation, and the rapid decline in the population of "liability". Improved demographic problems from the suit the remedy to the case of fertility policy adjustment implementation there is a lag period of 20 years, namely, babies born today have until 20 years later to become labor resources. If now begin to implement two children later pregnancy soft landingworking age in 20 years as "liabilities" population period, not only will not increase employment pressure, shrinking and will greatly reduce the labor resources and the pressure of population aging. [12] chenrui China center for economic research of Peking University professor and professor of population and development research center, renmin university2005-2007 in jiuquan, hebei, shanxi, hebei chengde, hubei enshi city second child pilot areas such as research, according to the results of two child policy to a soft landing will not result in a shortage of rebound in the population, resources and environmental problems such as out of control, and is conducive to stimulating domestic demand, expanding employment. Therefore, the government can according to the actual circumstances of the wuzhou, adjust policy boost birthThrough the propaganda education and social economic incentive mechanism, vigorously advocate the appropriate delay interval. Survey found that 72% of people think that to adjust the current family planning policy is one of the most effectiveloit the elderly consumer market promote the development ofold-age industry face the population aging of the Chinesevigorously develop the aging industry. So-industry is a drive by the elderly consumer market demandthe demand of the elderly special production, management,market survey industry hasoperators of the city's response to the elderly consumer markethave the corresponding support to guide policy. With the aging of the population acceleratedelderly with a huge consumer market. The government should take corresponding measures to encourage and guideelderly physical, cultural and consumption demand think in terms of industrial production, consumption, employment andconsumers throughout the country each year, 10 billion inare unwe lack of specialized services for the elderly, the professional-to-door service of health care institutions. Elderly people in the market, it is difficult to buy the food rarelyolder drugs, elderly health care products to other old products are in a state of lack. Aging industry is an important part of oldand social progress. Developing aging industry's fundamentalgovernment should create conditions to support the development of old-elderly living service industry to low tax or tax preferentialendowment patterns of China's endowment pattern mainlyenter the elderly rely mainly on lining in the family woman. Children's income level and the degree of filial piety of the endowment model has great influence. The future trend of population aging will inevitably bring great challenge familycarry out a variety of pension mode. 1. Community endowmentto change our traditional concept of retirement. We should attach great importance to the endowment patterns of traditional family endowment,government and the society to do a good job of supportingsupervision, social supervision and legal supervision for the elderly family endowment provide necessary policy support. Atshould actively explore the new way that the elderly social endowment. Community to community care services, diversification of spiritual comfort, learning interest in communication, social participation in voluntary, life contentenvironment for the elderly to provide comprehensive,multi-level, many forms of service. [14] community can bedue to illness, the residual, weak, bereavement, the psychological problems caused by some kind of disability of the elderly with traditional housework service, personal life andto establish the elderly health file in a timely manner to masterure art sports andendowment services brought about by the warm and happy.actively carry out legal aid for the poor and the assistive and visit the old people who live alone. Consists of 680 members of the volunteer team and volunteer service. Spring Festival every year to carry out the community elderly association of science and technology cooperation with China, to carry out entertainment activities, guess riddles, garden, the chess game and cantonese opera performances, etc. Love literature and art group regularly throughout the emerging square in theatrical performances. Horn mouth health center to carry out the science knowledge-to-door free clinic care knowledge, establish a residents' health records. These activities are in accordance with, this paper, the old-aged's providing something for older patients. 2. Increase the pluralistic investment,。

‘The future belongs to the youth’. But this maybe ridiculous if this world is full of the elderly.
The UN(united nations) predicts the rate of population ageing in the 21st century will exceed that of the previous century.
planning policy’. The baby boom in 1960s and Family planning policy since 1970s contribute to today’s situation. More elders, less youths. Benefit from the Immigration policy, America has low degree of aging among developed countries .
Developing countries(such as Brazil, China, Indonesia, ) are now going through a similar aging process, but at a much faster pace.
countries France Sweden America England China
declining fertility Childcare costs increase, accelerated pace of life, life pressures, resulting in plenty of Dink family. increasing longevity Medical conditions
aging society(人口老龄化).ppt

Healthcare systems for the elderly. The largest area of expenditure in many countries is now health care, whose cost is likely to increase dramatically as populations aging. Social security systems Earlier defined benefit pension systems are experiencing sustainability problems due to the increased longevity, especially for developing countries.
Welcome to aging society!
Definition Reasons Problems Solutions
Aging of population (also known as demographic aging, and population aging) is a summary term for shifts in the age distribution (i.e., age structure) of a population toward older ages.
Economic growth Older people in japan have higher accumulated savings per head than younger people, but spend less on consumer goods. This is not good news for the revival of economic. Burden of family Because of the ‘one child policy’ , the mode of 4+2+1 is common in china. That means a couple need take care of four olders and one child.

• What is the aging society?
• 什么是老龄化社会?
• The aging society performance.
• 老龄化社会的表现
• What is the reason for the aging society?
• 老龄化社会的原因是什么?
• 将家庭养老和社会养老相结合。
• Accelerate the improvement of old laws and regulations system.
• 加快完善老年法律法规体系。
• The positive development of aging industry.
• 积极发展老龄产业。
• The total expenditure of basic old-age insurance pension increase, more work, less people.
• The problem of • 社会老龄化问题
aging society is a 是全球性的问题,
global problem, 需要我们共同努
we need to work 力解决它。
together to solve
As college students, we must get to know it, understand it and solve it. So we must have a high sense of social responsibility and positive spirit, correctly deal with the problems of an aging society.

2023届高考英语应用文高分讲义:万能语料之人口老龄化1.population ageing人口老龄化的现象(1)an ageing population 正在老龄化的人口(2)the increasing life expectancy the rising life expectancy上升的人口预期寿命(3)increase the burden on the healthcare system增加医疗体系的负担失了(4)increase the demand for healthcare services导致对子医疗服务的需求增多(5)shortages of healthcare workers医疗工作者的短缺2.retired people退休的人们(1)people of retirement age 退休年龄的人们(2)working adults 工作的成年人(3)a smaller working population 更少的工作人口(4)low birth rates人口的低出生率(5)cause labour shortages 导致劳动力的短缺(6)the state pension system 国家养老金体系(7)may collapse(养老金体系)有可能会崩溃(8)increase the burden on taxpayers 增加纳税人的负担(9)raise (或者 increase / extend) the retirement age(政府)提高法定的退休年龄(10)encourage immigration(政府)鼓励其他国家的人向本国移民3.save money for retirement为退休存钱(1)retirement savings 为退休养老存的钱,养老儲蓄(2)state pension政府发给老人们的养老金(3)employer-sponsored retirement plan 有雇主参与的员工养老金计划‼️例如美国著名的 401(k)plan(4)rising living costs 上升的生活成本,上涨的生活开支(5)healthcare costs 医疗的情用(6)high inflation rates 很高的通货膨胀率(7)threaten their financial security威胁到他们的财务安全(动词 threaten 的意恩也可以用短语 pose a threat to ….來表示)(8)face financial difficulties 遇到财务的困难(9)have to retire later 只能更晚退休(10)work beyond the retirement age(员工)达到退休年龄之后还要继续工作(11)have a steady source of income有一份稳定的收入来源4.promote age diversity in the workplace促进职工年龄的多样化(1)have more experience (年纪大的员工)经验更丰富(2)are loyal and reliabie 忠诚而且可靠的(3)are more patient and detail-oriented更有耐心而且更关注细节(4)have stronger professional networks有更强大的职业关系网(5)care more about job security更关注职业的稳定性(6)hold conservative views on many issues往往对于很多问题持有保守的看法(7)are less wiling to accept new ideas不太愿意接受新的想法‼️对比:(1)are more innovative (年轻的员工)有更强的创新能力(2)are more open-minded 思想更开放的(3)are ambitious and energetic 有志向而且精力充沛的(4)have better computer skills 具备更好的计算机技能(5)are more interested in career development更关注于事业的发展机会(6)are more likely to take risks 更有可能会去冒险(7)may lack practical experience 有可能缺乏实践经验(8)may make rash decisions 有可能会做出鲁莽的决定5.age discrimination / discrimination based on age基于年龄的歧视(1)have a bias against .对(某类人)抱有偏见(2)generation gap 代沟(3)lead to misunderstanding导致误解‼️对比(1)bridge the generation gap在不同年龄段的人们之间建立起理解和沟通‼️这句话里的bridge 是及物动词,同类短语还有bridge cultural differences(在不同的文化之间建立起理解和沟通)‼️对比:(1)build a sense of community建立起一种社区感(2)improve their corporate culture 改进他们的企业文化(3)ensure equal opportunities for all job applicants确保所有求职者都能获得平等的机会‼️还可以写 ensure equal opportunities for all employees, ensure equal opportunities for all students 等地道短语6.live with their adult children(老年人)和他们的成年子女住在一起‼️BBC 例句:40% of parents in the UK have helped their adult children buy a home.(1)look after their elderly parents(成年子女)照料他们年迈的父母(2)are loving and patient(祖父母们)关爱孙半而且很有耐心的(3)look after their grandchildren(祖父母们)照看孙辈(4)help their grandchildren with homework辅导孙辈们做功课(5)teach their grandchildren good family values教给孙辈们良好的家庭价值观(6)teach their grandchildren about family history给他们的孙辈讲述家族历史(7)share their wisdom and life experience with their grandchildren 与孙辈们分享自己的智慧和人生经验(8)bring them joy and happiness给老人们带来快乐和幸福感(9)give them a sense of purpose and achievement给老人们一种目的感和成就感‼️対比:(1)live apart from their adult children不和他们的成年子女住在一起(10)residential homes为老人提供食宿和卫生等服务的养老院(11)nursing homes 也是养老院,与residential home 的区别在于:nursing home 里通常都配有24 小时的专职护士值班,所以住在nursing home 里的很多是需要医护的老人(12)trained carers 受过专业训练的护理人员qualified nurse 有专业资质的护士‼️对比:(1)feel lonely and isolated 感到孤独而且孤立(2)feel useless and unwanted感到自己毫无价值,不被别人需要(3)feel bored and frustrated感到无聊和沮丧7.nuclear family核子家庭,也就是只有父母与他们的孩子在一起生活的小家庭(1)are more independent 更独立(2)have more privacy and freedom有更多的隐私和自由‼️对比:(1)extended family 三代甚至四代人住在一起的大家庭(2)grandparents and parents 祖父母和父母(3)high housing prices 高房价(4)pay their mortgage 交住房货款,“还房贷”(5)help with housework 帮忙做家务(6)share household tasks 分担家庭里面的各种职责(7)working parents 工作的父母(8)save on childcare costs 节省照看孩子的费用(9)respect the independence and individuality of other family members 尊重其他家庭成员的独立性和个性‼️比较:(1)have different ideas about child rearing(祖父母和父母)对育儿有不同的见解(2)have different values and lifestyles有不同的价值现和生活方式品(3)tend to hold conservative views on many issues(老人们)往往对很多问题持有保守的看法(4)lead to misunderstanding 导致误解(5)cause family conflict 引起家庭纠纷8.give up their seats for elderly people(乘公共交通的年轻乘客)为老年人让座(1)have walkina difficulties 有行走方面的困难(2)improve their mobility 让他们出行更方便(3)electric wheelchair 电动轮椅(4)ramps and lifts (建筑物的)坡道和电梯9.high birth rates高出生率(名词短语)(1)control population growth / limit population growth控制人口增长(2)birth control / family planning(名词短语)控制生育的措施10.trace family history追溯家族的历史(1)build a family tree 建立一棵“家族树”‼️这是英美家庭研究家族过去的历史最常见的方法:先在纸上画一棵大树,然后在每根树枝或者每片树叶上面写一个祖先的名字一(或者贴一张照片),就可以形象地显示出他们,她们之间的关系(1)is an exciting process of discovery是一个令人激动的发现过程(2)satisfy their curiosity about their ancestors满足他们关于自己祖先的好奇心(3)can better understand their family heritage可以更好地了解他们的家族传承(4)family health history 家族健康史(5)help people to prevent some diseases帮助人们预防一些疾病。

ThCeafuosrmesinogfrethaseonagoifnpgopsuolcaiteiotny of agiCnghiinnaouirnctohuentfriyrsistthaelefxopflolsaivset grocwetnhtiunrypolopunlgatiaofntewrhtichhecwauasre'ds ebxypplroostrivaectegdrowwarthin, tmheafiinrsltyhiaslftooflay thttpbdhheooaeeypofsmupoeolatauafswhtrtnoieholcduyinecreanphinltstdeihauobeatarainypkros,lpneyfae.odftpnrthodeoentrpihnptutehethelahfaekeobtoaiubeobfanonyardolg.ieiminnsgtgaosf
•The total expenditure of basic old-age insurance pension increase, more work, less people.
•Young social burden increase, increased pressure
• 老龄社会是指老年人口占 总人口达到或超过一定的 比例的人口结构模型。按 照联合国的传统标准是一 个地区60岁以上老人达到 总人口的10%,新标准是 65岁老人占总人口的7%, 即该地区视为进入老龄化 社会。

目前我国人口老龄化的现状:根据第五次全国人口普查的资料,2000年 我国已经步入了老龄化社会,而且老龄化进程在不断加快。从新中国五次人 口普查的变化来看,近年来我国人口老龄化呈加快的趋势。1991-2003年的 13年间,老龄化人口的比重年均增加0.226个百分点,而前260.077个百分点, 前者几乎为后者的三倍。与那些已经步入老龄化社会的国家(主要是发达国 家)相比较,我国人口老龄化呈现出如下的特点:
2、老龄人口绝对数量大。 An ageing population absolute number.
2000年,我国65岁以上的老龄人口为8811万,是世界老龄人口最多的 国家。这一数字相当于老龄人口位于世界第二的印度的2倍,第三的美国的 2.5倍左右,比西欧各国老龄人口的总和还多。预计到2020年,中国65岁以 上的老龄人口将达到2.65亿,约占总人口的16%,接近经合组织国家1990年 18.6%的水平,高于2020年时的周边国家孟加拉国、印度、印度尼西亚、巴 基斯坦、泰国、越南。
4、地区间老龄化程度差异较大。 Aging degree differences between regions.
由于我国地域辽阔,且长期以来户籍管制较严,人口的迁徙率相对 国外来说极低。因此地区间的人口分布不平衡,地区间老龄化程度差异 也较大。其中,最高的上海市(16.38%)是最低的新疆省(5.43%)的 3倍。如果仅在省区之间进行比较,老龄人口比重高的浙江、江苏等省也 是比重低的青海、宁夏、新疆等省区的近2倍。
From the new China was founded to reform and open policy,to jiang zemin put forward "all taking economic construction as the construction policy,China`s economy is the development of changing,fast catch up with the western countries to life level.But the western world history in 2007.It reached its peak,the promble of aging population appears.And the living stangdard of the Chinese people have reached a well-off standard,spirit material future security,life expectancy gradually backward delay.The promble of aging population is inevitable,have promblems airse.Such a question for a development nation,it is vastly challenging,is very difficult.Can deal with and resolve thie promble,is related to our country achieving a goal dowm the key.

当我们观念转变、政策支持、以老年人为中心的资源得到合理的分配和老年人 的生活质量和照料质量逐渐地得到提升的话,那么就意味着我国的养老体系逐 渐得到了相对完善,也预示这我国离真正的关爱老年人国家又近一步。
• 政府从公共政策制定角度解决,加强培训指导;社会打破思维定式,少一些歧视,多一些包容、社会 群体帮助老年人适应困难;亲属“数字反哺”,耐心指导、解答老年人问题。企业进行适老化技术研 发,开发银发市场。人口老龄化不是社会老龄化,数字鸿沟在数字时代也可能是数字机遇。
4、对价值观的冲击 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼,一个国家,一个社会对待老年人 的方法直接反映这个国家人民的价值观。所谓影响深远,直入灵魂,如果 政府通过一系列的促进老年人物质生活水平,精神生活水平的政策来使老 年人的生活态度积极向上,从而间接影响年轻一辈对国家的信任。
“ 04
3、教育文化事业的影响 老年人的心理健康问题是很多国家都忽略的,生存容易,活着难,当看着 自己同辈的老朋友,爱人一个一个离开,而自己就在这世界上了无生趣地 活着,活着还有什么意思?对于奉承百善孝为先的中国人来说,这种事情 是悲剧,是瘟疫,会传染。所以在教育事业上,把如何丰富老年人生活作 为头等大事儿。在中国我们会看到广场舞文化被国家所重视,慢慢演变成 了健康生活、丰富精神的大众社交活动,而在日本直接就调整自己的教育 结构,把老年人的教育提到大众视野。大力发展终身教育,增设文化设施, 也就间接早就了日本闻名世界的“银发经济”。

1966 年 1 月 28 日,我国制定计划生育这一基本国策,提倡晚婚、晚 育,少生、优生,有效控制了中国人口增长。中国人口发生了转变(见 图1,有数据缺失),出生率和死亡率发生了明显的下降。然而,死亡 率的降低与出生率的降低相比较平缓,换句话说,我国人口老龄化的决 定因素是出生率的下降。相关研究表明,中国于 2000 年进入老龄化社 会。在过去的十几年里,中国人口老龄化研究的重点已经从传统的人口 学研究日益向交叉学科发展,从最初的关注人口老龄化发展趋势和老年 人口状况、中国人口政策对于人口老龄化的影响、人口老龄化对抚养比 的影响、人口转变与中国人口老龄化的关系等比较传统的人口研究内 容,发展成对老年代际经济关系、健康期望寿命、退休与再就业、迁移 与流动等多方面的交叉学科研究。本文主要研究中国人口老龄化速度这 个概念,旨在更好地研究人口老龄化趋势及交叉学科。
人口老龄化是指随着人口发展,老年人口占总人口比重增长的 过程。人口老龄化速度是用来描述随着人口发展,老年人口占总 人口比重增长过程的快慢,用老年人口变化量与原老年人口数量 之比来定义,即人口老龄化速度 V1=老年人口变化量 /原老年人 口数。根据定义一可以引申出定义二,人口老龄化速度 V2=老年 人口数/原非老年人口数。 定义一、二都是环比的概念,是本年和上年的数据得出的比 值。若以 1990 年为基本年,每一年都与基本年相比,得出定义 三:人口老龄化速度V3 =(当年老年人口数/1990年老年人口数1)。
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6、To develop and adopt a scientific controlsystem of fertility programs
Population aging is the inevitable process of the objective development, we should adopt a positive attitude towards it, scientific countermeasures to meet the challenges.
What is the aging country?
The related regulations from The United Nations, a country with the population proportion
of elderly people over the age of 65 be
4、Reform and improve the urban and rural pension insurance system
5、Make full use of older workers and develop the old labor capitalsource.it can protect the elderly re-employment and reduce the burden of maintenance of older persons.
2、The family planning policy for a long time lead the lower fertility rates . 3、 the population migration caused by the regional aging population
Population of the world history shows that, the aging will have a major effect on all aspects of human life.
China is the most populous elderly country around the world, accounting for as much as one fifth of global elderly population.
China's population is not only its own problems, but related to the aging of the global population process.
the data show that……
According to the sixth national census data, the elderly population over the age of 60 in 2010 reached 178 million, China is the country of the world's only an elderly population of over 100 million, accounting for 23.6 percent of the world's elderly population
China’s aging of population
姓名: 学号: 专业:
And wha-1" structure?
With domestic aging trend is more and more obvious ,the families numbers with "4-21" structure in which "two" family "pillar" will support four old man and raise a child is increasing . So far, there are almost couples after 70 in the sandwich.
In short, the serious challenge of aging population is related to China's all-round construction of the well-off society and achieving modernization, and the socialistic harmonious society construction process.
On the social side, an ageing population will affect social welfare, medical system, family composition and living arrangements, housing and migration.
2、Need to develop laws to protect the legitimate rights and interests of older persons
3、Establish and improve services for older people working institutes
Compared with other countries, China's aging population has the following features:
the elderly population of large scale the aging quickly the regional development is not balanced. the significant between urban and rural areas
more than 7%, or people over 60 yea ,is called aging country.
being more than 10% of the popul
At present, among more than 190 countries and regions around the world, about 60 ones have entered the aging country. In 1999, China also entered the aging society, was an early one into aging society among the developing countries.
According to the above analysis, we put forward some suggestions:
1、We should make people Correctly understand the impact of population aging on social development , in order to prepare for solving a variety of elderly population and greeting the arrival of the peak of the wave of aging.
women aged population is more than men's
China's aging population reasons:
1、 Because of the fast growth of economy, science and technology progress, people's medical conditions to improve and improvement of living standards, the people in health and longevity has made remarkable achievement, people live a much longer.
In 2050, China will face a serious issue whether can satisfy the various needs of more than 400 million elderly people at the same time achieving the basic modernization .