模块六unit3 reading公开课

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Cultural differences In dealing with presents
Unit 3
Understanding each other
polite Westerners consider it 1._______ to open a present when given one.
In the wedding traditions
As for the Americans, we tend to think they:
• are enthusiastic, open-minded and easy to get along with
• do not like to obey others and hate to be flattered
How do people greet each other
in different
In Thailand
In South America
In the Middle East
In the USA
In the Netherlands
In Japan
Match the country / area with its form of greeting.
Unit 3
Understanding each other
F 4. In the UK, people take off their shoes before entering someone’s house. T 5. There can be great cultural differences even between people who speak the same language.
• love American football, baseball and basketball
Apart from their characteristics, what are some of the other differences between them? In your opinion, why are there so many differences between them?
Unit 3
Understanding each other
In the traditional
There is no Bonfire
festival 8._______ between
America and Britain
Night in America
while the British
celebrate 9._________ it yearly.
Shaking hands: Britain, China… In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
Some of the South American countries, Russia, France, Arab countries…
Read the passage carefully and decide whether the sentences are true or false.
F 1. In Korea, it is believed that hens can drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony. T 2. The bridegroom and bride have to sit in different areas at the wedding reception in Brunei. F 3. People in Brunei celebrate the wedding by singing and dancing throughout the night.
Please spot the topics that are mentioned in this dialogue. 1. USA/UK cultural difference 2. eye contact 3. wedding traditions 4. gesture 5. table manners 6. opening presents 7. ways to go into one’s house 8. funeral 9. greeting
Learning about 10.__________ differences cultural is a good way to understand more about each other.
Unit 3
Understanding each other
People in different countries greet each other in different ways.Why? There are various reasons for this. Firstly,there are cultural differences .People in the west might feel at a loss when they hear Chinese people greet them by asking whether they have eaten or not. Secondly,people often use different greetings towards different people.
Unit 3
Undersຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduanding each other

Which of the following words indicate the right attitudes towards cultural differences?
respect A.respect B. tolerate tolerate C. look down upon D. appreciate E. hate F. understand G. refuse
Country/Area Ways of greeting
Putting their hands together and bowing slightly
Kissing each other on one cheek and then the other Greeting each other by touching noses Hugging each other Shaking hands with each other Bowing to each other
· People use their 6.__________ to point. thumb In the common life · is appropriate to take off 7._____ before It shoes of Brunei going inside the Bruneian houses.
When we talk about British people, we may say they:
• are a little bit reserved, especially the older generations • don’t talk very much to strangers
• respect and are proud of the traditions and history of Britain • love soccer, rugby and cricket
South America
The Middle East Japan
People from different places or countries may be very different in some ways. Americans and British people, even though they speak the same language, have very different cultures.
Unit 3
Understanding each other

Ma Li needs some help on her homework cultural about 1.__________ differences. So she chats with Waled and Peter. Waled is from Brunei and Peter comes from the UK. Through the chat,she understands a lot more about different cultures and what is appropriate 2._____________ behavior. For example, when you 3.__________ a present in England, receive what should you do?
Unit 3
Understanding each other
Unit 3
Understanding each other
Warming up &Reading
Look at the following pictures. In which countries do people greet each other in the way in each picture do?
Unit 3
Understanding each other
What are the benefits of learning different cultures?

—to experience different cultures; —to get a better understanding …; —to help strengthen relations with …; —to avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment; —to communicate freely and effectively; —to be a polite person
live · Korea,there is a 2.______ hen and a In rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony. · Roosters are believed to drive bad spirits ensure away and hens can 3._________ good luck. separated · The newly-weds are 4.__________ from each other in the wedding reception in Brunei. permitted · Alcohol is not 5.___________ .
Please go through the dialogue quickly and then answer the following questions.
1.Which country is Waled from? He is from Brunei.
2. Where does Peter come from? He comes from the UK. 3. What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural differences? She thinks that it is a good way to understand more about each other.