
英语课文七年级第三单元课文关于机器人鲁教版领读When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots.当我们看描绘未来的电影时,有时我们会看到机器人。
They are usually like human servants.他们通常像人类的仆人。
They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.他们帮忙做家务,并在肮脏危险的环境中工作。
Today there are already robots working in factories.今天,机器人已经出现在了工厂里。
Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again.有些机器人可以帮助我们造汽车,他们不断重复着简单的工作。
Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.未来将很少有人会做这样的工作,因为这样的工作很无聊,但机器人永远不会感到无聊。
Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.现在科学家们正努力制造类人机器人,使他们像我们一样做事。
Some robots in Japan can walk and dance.在日本,有些机器人会走路、跳舞。
They are fun to watch.它们看起来很有趣。
However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people,然而,一些科学家认为,虽然我们可以使机器人像人一样移动,it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.但要让他们真正像人一样思考是很困难的。


Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2d格蕾丝:莎拉,你今天在课堂上做了什么?莎拉:我们讨论过电视节目。
Section B 2b当人们说“文化”时,我们会想到艺术和历史。
我们都知道并喜欢有两个大圆耳的黑老鼠 - 米老鼠.280多年前,他第一次这部动画片于1928年11月18日在纽约出现,当时是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。
谁有一个一双比米奇更有名的耳朵?Unit 2 I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2d安迪:你在读什么,肯?肯:海明威的老人与海。

My School Life in the Seventh Grade of English 5-4 System in Shandong EducationEditionAs I step into the seventh grade of the English 5-4 system in Shandong Education Edition, my school life has become more enriching and challenging. This new academic year marks a significant transition in my educational journey, introducing me to a wider range of subjects and deeper levels of learning.English, being one of the core subjects, plays apivotal role in my academic development. The curriculum focuses on enhancing our language skills through a blend of grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The lessons are designed to foster a love for the language and encourage us to explore its vast cultural and historical context.One of the most engaging aspects of my English class is the emphasis on creative writing. We are encouraged to express our thoughts and ideas through essays, stories, and poems. This not only helps us develop our writing skills but also cultivates our critical thinking and imagination.One such assignment was to write a story based on a given picture. It was a thrilling experience to let my imagination run wild and create a narrative that captured the essence of the image.Another noteworthy aspect of my English learning is the focus on literature. We are introduced to a diverse range of literary works, from classic tales to modern novels. Reading these stories broadens our horizons, exposes us to different perspectives, and cultivates our empathy and understanding. Discussing these works in class provides an opportunity to share our thoughts and insights, fostering a vibrant intellectual environment.Grammar and vocabulary are also key components of our English lessons. We delve into the intricacies of the language, learning new rules and expanding our word bank. This foundation of knowledge enables us to communicate more effectively and confidently in English.Moreover, the integration of technology in our classrooms enhances our learning experience. Interactive whiteboards, online resources, and educational apps provide access to a wealth of information and learning tools. Thisblend of traditional and modern teaching methods keeps us engaged and motivated to learn.Outside the classroom, I participate in various extracurricular activities that complement my academic learning. Joining the English club has provided me with an opportunity to practice my speaking and listening skills in a casual and fun environment. We often organize events like drama performances, debates, and language exchanges, which allow us to apply what we learn in class in real-life situations.In conclusion, my school life in the seventh grade of the English 5-4 system in Shandong Education Edition is a dynamic and enriching journey. The combination of rigorous academic learning, creative writing, literary exploration, and extracurricular activities has fostered a love for learning and a passion for English. I am excited to embark on this exciting chapter of my educational odyssey and look forward to the opportunities and challenges it will bring. **我的英语五四制鲁教版七下学校生活**当我踏入英语五四制鲁教版七年级下学期的学习生活时,我的学校生活变得更加丰富多彩和具有挑战性。

鲁教版五四制七年级下英语同步范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Thoughts on the Fifth of MayHi there! My name is Jenny, and I'm a seventh-grader at Greenwood Elementary School. Today, our teacher Mrs. Smith asked us to write an essay about the Fifth of May, which is a really important day in Chinese history. At first, I didn't know much about it, but after learning about it in class, I realized how significant it was for our country.The Fifth of May is also known as the May Fourth Movement, and it all started back in 1919. China was going through a tough time after World War I ended. Even though we were supposed to be treated as equals with other countries, a lot of the big, powerful nations didn't respect China very much. They still wanted to control parts of our country and take advantage of us.One of the things that really got people angry was the Treaty of Versailles. This was a big agreement that was supposed to bring peace after the war, but it actually let Japan keep control over some parts of China that used to belong to Germany. A lotof Chinese people thought this was totally unfair and that our country was being bullied by the other nations.On May 4th, 1919, a bunch of students from universities in Beijing decided they had had enough. They organized huge protests and demonstrations to show their frustration with how China was being treated. Thousands of students took to the streets, holding up signs and shouting slogans like "Don't let China be a colony!" and "Down with imperialism!"At first, the government tried to stop the protests, but the students kept going. They were so passionate and determined to make their voices heard. Their bravery inspired workers, merchants, and all kinds of other people to join in the movement. Soon, the May Fourth Movement had spread all across China, with people in different cities and provinces standing up for their country's rights.One of the coolest things about the May Fourth Movement was that it wasn't just about politics and treaties. The students were also fighting for new ideas and ways of thinking. They wanted China to modernize and become more open to science, democracy, and Western cultures. They believed that by embracing new knowledge and breaking free from old traditions, China could become stronger and more independent.The movement had a huge impact on Chinese society and culture. It encouraged people to question authority and challenge the status quo. It also inspired a new generation of writers, artists, and intellectuals who wanted to create works that reflected modern Chinese values and experiences.Even though the May Fourth Movement didn't achieve all of its goals right away, it planted the seeds for future changes in China. It showed the world that the Chinese people were no longer willing to be pushed around and that they were ready to fight for their rights and their country's future.As a kid learning about the May Fourth Movement, I feel really inspired by those brave students who stood up for what they believed in. They didn't let anyone tell them what to do or how to think. Instead, they used their voices and their actions to demand change and a better future for China.I think the spirit of the May Fourth Movement is still really important today, even though it happened over a hundred years ago. It reminds us to always question things and not just accept everything we're told. It encourages us to be curious, to seek out new knowledge, and to embrace different ideas and cultures.Most importantly, the May Fourth Movement teaches us the power of unity and standing together for a cause we believe in.Those students probably never imagined that their protests would spark a movement that would change the course of Chinese history. But by joining forces and refusing to back down, they showed that even ordinary people can make a difference when they work together.So, those are my thoughts on the Fifth of May and the May Fourth Movement. I know I'm just a kid, but learning about these events has really opened my eyes to how important it is to stand up for your beliefs and fight for what's right. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be part of a movement that changes the world, too!篇2My Amazing School LifeHi everyone! My name is Li Ming and I'm a 7th grade student at Shandong Middle School. I want to tell you all about my incredible experiences over the past year. It's been such an adventure filled with new friends, interesting classes, and lots of fun activities.Let me start by telling you about the first day of school last September. I was really nervous because it was my first year at this big middle school. All my friends from elementary school went to different places, so I didn't know anyone. My momwalked me to the front gates and gave me a big hug before I went in. The campus was huge with lots of buildings, sports fields, and even a swimming pool! I felt like a tiny fish in a great big ocean.I looked around at all the tall 8th graders and they seemed so grown up and confident. Would I ever feel that way? I found my homeroom class and grabbed a seat near the back, staying very quiet. One by one, more students started filing in until the room was full of unfamiliar faces. Then our homeroom teacher Mr. Wang arrived. He was a middle-aged man with a kind smile who introduced himself in a friendly way. He could sense we were all feeling shy and awkward, so he had us go around and say our names and one funny fact about ourselves. That helped break the ice a little bit.Over the next few weeks, I started to make some friends. There was Jia Li who sat next to me and loved reading comics. Across the room was Zhang Wei who played basketball and was always cracking jokes. Slowly but surely, I began to feel more comfortable in my new surroundings. The classes were quite challenging compared to elementary school, with lots of homework and tests. But I found joining study groups with my new friends made it much easier.One of my favorite classes was English. Our teacher Mrs. Kim was from America and always made the lessons fun with games and activities. We did role plays, watched movie clips, and learned lots of practical English conversation. Thanks to her engaging teaching style, I really improved my English speaking abilities over the year. I'll never forget the time we did an English drama performance of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." I played the part of Grumpy and had to speak in an angry dwarf voice which was really funny. We all worked so hard on that play and felt really proud when we performed it for our parents.Another highlight was joining the school's Ping Pong club. I had played a little bit as a kid but really took it seriously this year. Our coach Mr. Zhang was a former Olympic player who taught us all the proper techniques and strategies. At first my serves and forehand smashes were pretty weak. But through regular practice sessions before and after school, I steadily improved. It felt amazing to see my hard work paying off as I started winning matches against opponents. The club even took a trip to Qingdao for a regional tournament. Although we didn't take first place, it was an unforgettable experience playing against other schools.My parents were so proud when I made the school honor roll for having good grades. As a reward, they took our family on a ski trip to northeastern China during the winter break. It was my first time seeing real snow, and I have to admit I was a pretty clumsy skier, falling down countless times on those slippery slopes! But it was still tons of fun, and I loved the beautiful winter scenery of the mountains.As the final few weeks wrapped up, I felt a mixture of excitement for summer but also sadness at the thought of this incredible year coming to an end. Where did the time go? It seemed like just yesterday I was that shy, awkward new kid feeling scared on the first day. Now I felt so much more mature, self-confident, and capable. Middle school isn't always easy, but the rewarding feelings of growth and accomplishment make it so worthwhile.I'll never forget this year. It stretched me like never before - academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. But I emerged stronger and filled with great memories that will last forever. I feel so fortunate to attend such a supportive, enriching school that allowed me to blossom in so many ways. I can't wait to see what adventures and milestones 8th grade has in store! But fornow, I'm going to enjoy a fun, relaxing summer break before taking on that next big challenge.篇3My Favorite Things and PlacesHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 7th grader at Sunshine Middle School. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite things and places. Get ready for a fun ride as I share what makes me happiest!First up, my absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world is... candy! I just love how sweet and delicious it tastes. My top picks are chocolate bars, gummy bears, and lollipops. Whenever I get some candy, I can't resist gobbling it all up right away. Sometimes my parents have to stop me from eating too much sugar though. They worry it will ruin my dinner or give me a stomach ache. But in my opinion, you can never have too much candy!Another thing I really enjoy is playing video games. There's just something so exciting and fun about controlling a character and going on virtual adventures. My current favorite game is Super Cosmic Quest 3. I'm trying to get to the highest level to battle the evil Space Overlord Zartox. The graphics are amazingand the levels get trickier and trickier. I have to really concentrate to make it through! Sometimes I get a little too into the game though and my mom has to remind me to pause and do my homework.Speaking of homework, I have to admit that's not my favorite thing. But I do quite enjoy reading, especially fiction books about dragons, magic, and fantastic worlds. My favorite book series is The Enchanted Realm Chronicles. I've read all 10 books at least twice! I love getting lost in the epic quests, brave heroes, and mythical creatures. Reading really lets my imagination run wild.In terms of my favorite places, I'd have to say the park near my house is number one. It has this amazing treehouse clubhouse that my friends and I claim as our secret hideout. We've decked it out with beanbags, snacks, and fun decorations. It's the perfect place to hang out, chat, and scheme up adventures to go on. We also love playing on the swings, jungle gym, and open fields. The park is our special kingdom to be kings and queens of for the day!My other most beloved place is the beach. I go there a lot in the summer with my family to swim, build sandcastles, and look for seashells. The salty ocean breeze, crashing waves, and sandyshores are so relaxing and peaceful. I really enjoy searching through the tide pools for little crabs, starfish, and other marine creatures. Finding treasures like pretty shells or unique rocks is like going on a mini treasure hunt too!Well, those are some of my absolute favorite things and places. There's just so much fun to be had with candy, video games, books, the park, and the beach. At my age,the world is full of adventure and delight around every corner. I feel so lucky to experience the simple joys and magic of childhood. Even mundane things can become extraordinary through the imaginative lens of a kid!What about you? What are some of your favorite things and places? Hopefully you enjoyed hearing all about mine. I'd love to learn what makes your heart sing with happiness too. Let me know and maybe we can bond over our shared loves and appreciate each other's worlds. For now, thanks for letting me share a little slice of my life's favorite delights. Until next time, stay curious and keep having fun!篇4My Family - An Essay by Little Xiao MingHi everyone! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm a 7th grader. Today I want to tell you all about my family. We are not a big family, but we are a very happy one.I live with my mom, dad, and little sister in a cozy apartment in the city. My mom's name is Lily and she is a kind and caring person. She works as a nurse at the hospital helping sick people get better. Even though her job is very tiring, she always has a smile on her face when she comes home. My dad's name is David and he is an engineer at a big company. He designs cool machines and loves solving tricky math problems. On weekends, he often takes me and my sister to the park to play sports and games.My little sister Mei Mei is 5 years old and the cutest thing ever! She loves playing with her dolls and stuffed animals. Sometimes I get annoyed when she comes into my room without asking, but I still love her a lot. We both go to the same school which is just a short walk from our home.At school, my favorite subjects are English and art. I really enjoy learning new English words and reading stories. My English teacher Mr. Wang is very funny and makes the class fun. For art, I love drawing pictures of animals and nature scenes. My dream is to become an artist when I grow up!One special family member I can't forget to mention is our dog Buddy. He is a golden retriever and the most playful pup you'll ever meet. Whenever I come home from school, Buddy greets me by jumping up and giving me doggy kisses. He gets so excited when we take him to the park to run around and play fetch. At night, Buddy likes to curl up and sleep at the foot of my bed. He's a great cuddler!In my free time, I have lots of hobbies and interests besides art. I am part of my school's basketball team and we practice twice a week. I'm not very tall yet, but I'm a good dribbler and passer. My coach says I have a bright future! I also take piano lessons every Saturday morning at the community center. It was hard at first, but now I can play quite a few songs. My favorite is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."On Sundays, the whole family goes to my grandparents' house in the countryside for lunch. It's about an hour's drive from the city. I always look forward to Grandma's delicious homemade dumplings and noodle dishes! After eating, my cousins and I run around and play hide-and-seek in the yard while the adults chat. Before we leave, Grandma always packs up leftovers and fresh fruit and vegetables from their little farm to take home with us.Some of my favorite childhood memories are the times we went on family vacations. Two years ago, we went to Hainan Island and stayed at a beautiful beach resort. I had so much fun swimming, building sandcastles, and looking for seashells in the ocean. Last summer, we took a trip to Beijing and visited amazing places like the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Great Wall. Climbing the ancient Great Wall steps was hard work, but the view from the top was breathtaking!I feel very lucky to be part of such a loving family. Even though we are not rich, my parents work hard to give me and Mei Mei a happy life. They taught me good values like being kind, honest, and studying hard in school. We may not have huge parties or get lots of toys and gifts, but we have each other's love and support. That's the most important thing to me.I look forward to making more wonderful memories with my family as I keep growing up. Who knows what amazing adventures are still to come? I'll never forget all the joy and laughter we've shared. To me, my family will always be my cozy little home.篇5My Life as a Middle SchoolerHello! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm a 7th grader at Huazhong Middle School. I'd love to tell you about my daily life and some of the things I've been learning in English class this year.To start with, my school day begins pretty early - I have to be at school by 7:30am! I live relatively close by, so I walk to school with my best friend Xiao Li. We like to chat about video games, movies, or comics on the way. Sometimes we even practice our English conversation skills.My first few classes are usually the core subjects like math, Chinese, and science. Those can be quite challenging, but I find English class to be a nice break. This year we've been using a really interesting English textbook series.One of the early units was all about sports and outdoor activities. We learned lots of cool vocabulary words like "gymnastics", "badminton", and "kayaking". My favorite sport is actually table tennis - I'm pretty good if I do say so myself! The textbook had some fun reading passages about the Olympic Games which I enjoyed.Another unit focused on environmental protection. I learned phrases like "go green", "reduce waste", and "Save the Earth". It really made me think more about how important it is to take careof our planet. My family has started bringing reusable bags when we go grocery shopping and we try to recycle as much as possible at home.Travel has been another major topic. We read about different cities around China and the world. I thought the Great Wall and Forbidden City in Beijing sounded amazing - I'd love to visit there someday. But we also learned about cool places further away like the Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Giza, and Statue of Liberty. Hopefully I can travel more when I'm older!One unit that was tons of fun was all about music, art, and pop culture. We read biographies of famous artists like Picasso and musicians like Taylor Swift. I'm actually really into drawing anime characters myself. And my ideal career would be to become a singer or Kpop star! An English teacher's job seems pretty great too though.As you can probably tell, my English classes involve way more than just grammar rules and vocabulary lists (although we do cover those too!). The textbooks have interesting readings about science, history, literature, and much more.My teacher, Miss Wang, definitely makes the classes engaging. Sometimes she has us perform fun roleplays or skits to practice dialogue. Other times we analyze songs, movie clips,or artwork. We've also done group projects like designing a vision board to describe our dreams for the future.Outside of class, I have a fair amount of homework and need to review what we covered in lessons that day. English can certainly be challenging with memorizing so many new words and phrases. But I actually find it really useful and gratifying when I can understand English movies, songs, or websites. It opens up a whole new world!On weekends, I love playing basketball or video games with Xiao Li and our other friends. We also like going to the mall, movies, or arcade together. Basically just hanging out and having a good time - like typical middle school kids! My parents are a bit strict so I have a set time when I need to be home to have dinner with my family.I should probably mention my older sister, Xiao Mei. She's in high school now prepping hard for the gaokao (national college entrance exam). I feel pretty lucky that my main responsibilities right now are just doing well in my classes and not stressing too much about test scores for a couple more years!Anyway, that's a glimpse into my daily life as a 7th grader here in China. I'd say the highlights are getting to learn about so many cool, new topics through English class and getting tospend lots of time with my good friends. Of course, there are challenges too - I definitely have my fair share of assignments, tests, and chores! But overall, I'm just trying to enjoy this period of being a kid while it lasts. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇6My Life as a Primary School StudentHi there! My name is Emily and I'm a seventh grader at Greenwood Primary School. I'll tell you all about my daily life as a busy primary student. Just a heads up though - my English isn't perfect since I'm still learning. But I'll try my best!Every morning, my mom wakes me up at 6:30am. I don't like getting up that early, but I have to be at school by 8am. After getting dressed in my uniform, I eat breakfast. My favorite is waffles with strawberries and whipped cream! Then I brush my teeth, grab my backpack, and head out the door.The school day starts with our class lining up in the playground at 8am. Our teacher, Mr. Davis, does attendance and we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. After that, we head inside to our classroom. The first two periods are always my favoritesubjects - math and science! I love solving tough math problems and learning about animals, planets, and experiments.At 10:15am, we get a 15 minute snack break. I usually have an apple, granola bar, and juice box. My friends and I hang out in the courtyard and chat about our favorite video games and YouTubers. Sometimes we play hand games like rock, paper, scissors too.After snack time, we have reading class. I'm a total bookworm, so I really enjoy this period! We take turns reading aloud from our assigned novels. Right now, we're reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Our teacher also has us write book reports and do reading comprehension worksheets. It's a lot of work but worth it to improve my literacy skills.Next up is writing class, which can be hit or miss for me. I struggle with things like spelling, grammar, and structuring my essays properly. But I love creative writing assignments where I can let my imagination run wild! Just last week, I wrote a thrilling short story about a detective solving a mysterious art heist.We get a nice long break at 12pm for lunch and recess. I pack my own lunch - usually a PB&J sandwich, baby carrots, a yogurt cup, and a juice box. My friends and I eat together in the cafeteria, then head outside to the playground. We love playingbasketball, tetherball, or just running around chasing each other. That one hour of playtime is the highlight of my day!After lunch, we have history class. Learning about important events and people from the past is really interesting. But I have to admit, memorizing all those names and dates for tests can be a drag! My least favorite is geography - I can never remember where all the countries and capitals are located.Finally, the last period of the day is art or music, which rotates each quarter. Art class is my absolute favorite because I'm a creative person who loves drawing, painting, and making crafts. Music class is cool too since we get to learn instruments like the recorder and xylophone. We also sing a lot of fun, catchy songs as a group.Once the final bell rings at 3pm, I head to the cafeteria to meet my younger brother for aftercare. We play games, read, or just relax until our parents pick us up around 5:30pm. I'm always starving by then, so I have a big snack like apple slices with peanut butter or cheese and crackers when I get home.After snack time, I start on my homework. I have to complete worksheets and assignments for each of my subjects, so homework usually takes me 1-2 hours every night. The hardest part is focusing when I'd rather be watching TV or playing videogames! But I know it's important to stay on top of my schoolwork.Once my homework is done, I finally have some free time before bed. I love reading, so I'll often curl up with a good book. Or I'll FaceTime my best friend so we can chat and watch YouTube videos together. Sometimes my parents let me play multiplayer video games with my friends online too. We're currently obsessed with Roblox and Among Us!Around 8:30pm, my mom makes me get ready for bed. I take a shower, put on my PJs, and brush my teeth. Then I read for 30 minutes before lights out at 9pm. Even though I'm exhausted from the busy day, I often struggle to fall asleep because my mind is still buzzing with thoughts and excitement for the next day.I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into my hectic life as a primary school kid! It's a lot of work between all my academic classes, extracurriculars, homework, and trying to squeeze in fun. But I cherish this time because I know I'll miss it when I'm older. Being a primary student is the best!。

Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2dGrace :What did you do in class today ,Sarah? Sarah :We had a discussion about TV shows.My classmates like game shows and sports shows. Grace :①Oh ,I can't stand them.I love soap operas.②I like to follow the story and see what happens next. Sarah :Well ,I don't mind soap operas.But my favorite TV shows are the n ews and talk shows. Grace :They're boring! Sarah :③Well ,they may not be very exciting ,but you can expect to learn a lot from them.I hope to be a TV r eporter one day., Section B 2bWhen people say “c ulture”,we think of art and history.①But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears —Mickey Mouse.②Over 80 years ago ,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie .③When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.④He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s ,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.One of the main r easons is that Mickey was like a common man ,but he always tried to face any danger.⑤In his early films ,Mickey was unlucky and had many many problems problems problems such such such as as as losing losing losing his his his house house house or or or girlfriend girlfriend ,Minnie.⑥However ,he he was was was always always always ready ready ready to to to try try try his his best.best.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Peo ple today expect to see more than just a little mouse fighting bad guys ,but many still know who he is.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's , Unit 2 I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2dAndy :What are you reading ,Ken? Ken :TheOld Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Andy :W ow ,now I know why you'r e so good at writing stories. Ken :Y es ,I want to be a writer. Andy :Really ?How are you going to become a writer? Ken :①Well ,I'm going to keep on writing stories ,of course.What do you want to be? Andy :②My parents want me to be a doctor ,but I'm not sure about that. Ken :Well ,don't worry.Not everyone knows what they want to b e.Just make sure you try your best.Then you can be anything you want! Andy :Y es ,you're right., Section B 2b1.Do you know what a resolution is ?It's a kind of promise.①Most of the time ,we make promises to other people.people.(“Mom (“Mom ,I promise I'm going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”)However ,promises you make to yourself are resolutions ,and the most common kind is New Year's resolutions.The_start_of_the_year_is_often_ a_time_for_making_resolutions.②When When we we we make make make resolutions resolutions resolutions at at at the the the beginning beginning beginning of of of the the the year year ,we hope hope that that that we we are going to improve our lives.③Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.This helps them to remember their resolutions.How_about_you_—_will_you_make_any_next_year? 2.There are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example ,some people promise themselves themselves they they they are are are going going going to to to start start start an an an exercise exercise exercise program program program or or or eat eat eat less less less fast fast fast food.food.④Many Many resolutions resolutions resolutions have have have to to to do do do with with self-self-improvement.These are about making yourself a better person.improvement.These are about making yourself a better person.⑤ Some people m ight say they are going to take up up a a a hobby hobby hobby like like like painting painting painting or or or taking taking taking photos photos ,or or learn learn learn to to to play play play the the the guitar.Some guitar.Some guitar.Some resolutions resolutions resolutions have have have to to to do do do with with with better better planning ,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.For example ,a student may have to find more time to study. 3.Although there are differences ,most resolutions have one thing in common.People hardly ever keep them !There There are are are good good good reasons reasons reasons for for for this.Sometimes this.Sometimes this.Sometimes the the the resolutions resolutions resolutions may may may be be be too too too difficult difficult difficult to to to keep.Sometimes keep.Sometimes keep.Sometimes people people people just just forget about them.For this reason ,some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions !Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans., Unit 3 Will people have robots? Section A 2dNick :What are you reading ,Jill? Jill :It's a book about the future. Nick :Sounds cool.So what will the future be like? Jill :①Well ,cities will be more crowded and polluted.There will be fewer trees and the environ ment will be in great danger. Nick :That sounds bad !Will we have to move to other planets? Jill :Maybe.But I want to live on the earth. Nick :Me ,too.Then what can we do? Jill :②②We can use less water and plant more trees. ③Everyone should play a part in saving the earth., Section B 2bDo Y ou Think Y ou Will Have Y our Own Robot?When When we we we watch watch watch movies movies movies about about about the the the future future ,we we sometimes sometimes sometimes see see see robots.They robots.They robots.They are are are usually usually usually just just just like like like human human servants.①They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. ②Today there are already robots working in factories.③For example ,they can help to build cars ,and they do simple jobs over and over again.Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring ,but robots will never get bored. ④Some Some scientists scientists scientists believe believe believe that that that there there there will will will be be be more more more robots robots robots in in in the the the future.future.⑤However ,they they agree agree agree it it it may may may take take hundreds of years.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as us.Some robots in Japan can even walk and dance.These kinds of robots are fun to watch. But scientist James White thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.For example ,it's easy for children to wake up and know where they are.⑥Mr.White thinks that robots won't be able to do this ,but some scientists disagree.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years. New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans ,and others might look like snakes. ⑦If If buildings buildings buildings fall fall fall down down down with with with people people people inside inside ,snake snake robots robots robots will will will be be be able able able to to to help help help look look look for for for people people people under under under the the buildings.⑧That That may may may not not not seem seem seem possible possible possible now now ,but but computers computers computers and and and rockets rockets rockets seemed seemed seemed impossible impossible impossible 100 100 100 years years years ago.We ago.We never know what will happen in the future !Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 2dAnna :Sam ,I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.Can you tell me how? Sam :Sure.First ,buy some beef ,one cabbage ,four carrots ,three potatoes ,five tomatoes and one onion.Then ,cut up the vegetables. Anna :What's next? Sam :①①Next ,put the beef ,carrots and p otatoes into a pot and add some water.After that ,cook them for 30 minutes.Then ,add the cabbage ,tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Anna :OK ,that's it? Sam :②No ,one more thing.③Finally ,don't forget to add some salt., Section B 2bThanksgiving in the United States①In most countries ,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving.There are many reasons for this special day.For some people ,it is a time to give thanks for food in the the autumn.So autumn.So autumn.So it it it is is always always on on on the the the fourth fourth fourth Thursday Thursday Thursday in in in November November November in in in the the the United United United States.At States.At States.At this this this time time ,people people also also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 500 years ago.②These travelers had a long ,hard winter ,and many of them died.In the next autumn ,they gave thanks for life and food in their new home.③These days ,most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey ,a large bird. Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. First ,mix together some bread pieces ,onions ,salt and pepper. ④Next ,fill the turkey with this bread mix. Then ,put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. ⑤When it is ready ,place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. Finally ,cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes., Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?Section A 2dJeff :Hey ,Nick ,can you come to my house on Saturday ?My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here. Nick :Oh ,Sam !I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you. Jeff :Y es ,that's right. Nick :I'd love to come ,but I'm afraid I can't.I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. Jeff :That's really too bad !①①Oh ,but Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday.②②Can you hang out with us on Monday night ?Nick :Sure !③Catch you on Monday !Section B 2bHi David ,What a great idea !I really like Ms.Steen a lot.She helped me to improve my English so much.I'm sad to see her go ,and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help to buy some of the food and drinks.I can also help to bring Ms.Steen to the party.I already have a great idea about how to do that. He Wei Hi David ,Thanks so much for planning this.I'd love to come to the party ,but I'm not available.①My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle.However ,I'd still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations ,like planning the games.Let me know if you need my help. Jake Dear classmates ,As I'm sure you know by now ,our favorite teacher ,Ms.Steen ,is leaving soon to go back to the US.We're very sad that she's leaving because she is a fun teacher.To show how much we're going to miss her ,let's have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th! Can you come to the party ?If so ,can you help with any of these things? Please tell me by this Friday. 1) Buy food and drinks. 2) Think of games to play. 3) Prepare things we need for the games(glue ,paper ,pens ,...) 4)②Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. ③I look forward to hearing from you all. David Section B 3aDear Parents ,I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday ,January 8th at 9:00.After this ,you can enjoy our school concert.Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00.Please dress smartly.I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library.④Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday ,December 20th. Larry Smith Headmaster Unit 6 If you go to the party ,you'll have a great time!Section A 2dJeff :Hey ,Ben.For the party next week ,should we ask people to bring food? Ben :No ,let's order food from a restaurant.If we ask people to bring food ,they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they'll be too lazy to cook. Jeff :OK.For the games ,do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win? Ben :I think that's a great idea !If we do that ,more people will want to play the games. Jeff :Y es ,the games will be more exciting ,too., Section B 2ba .If people have problems ,they should get advice from an expert. b .If people have problems ,they should talk to other people. c .①If people have problems ,they should try to keep them to themselves. Students these days often have a lot of worries :Sometimes t Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork hey have problems with their schoolwork ,and sometimes sometimes with with with their their their friends.What friends.What friends.What can can can they they they do do do about about about this this Some Some people people people believe believe believe the the the worst worst worst thing thing thing is is is to to to do do ura Mills ,a teenager from London ,agrees.“Problems and worries are normal in life ,” says Laura.“But I think talking to someone helps a lot.②Unless we talk to someone ,we'll certainly feel worse.” Laura once lost her wallet ,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money.She just kept thinking ,“If I tell my parents ,they'll be angry !” ③In the end ,she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. ④Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I will always remember to share my problems in the future !” Laura sa ys. ays. Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to run away from our problems.⑤We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.This person doesn't need to be an expert like himself.⑥Students often forget that their parents have more experience than them ,and are always there to help t hem.⑦In English ,we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it !, Unit 7 What's the matter?Mandy:Lisa ,are you OK? Lisa :I have a headache and I can ’t move my neck.What should I do?Should I take my temperature? Mandy:No,it doesn ’t sound like you have a fever.What did you on eht eweekend? Lisa : I played computer games all weekend. Mandy:That ’s probably why.You need to take breaks away from the computer. Lisa : Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. Lisa :OK.Thanks ,Mandy. He lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He wasn ’t ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he wouldn ’t lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help, After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can ’t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one ’s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let’s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place ”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death. Unit 8 I'll help to clean up the city park?Helen: Hi, Tom. I'm making some plans to work in an old people's home this summer. Tom: Really? I did that last summer Helen: Oh, what did they ask you to help out with? Tom: Mmm … things like reading the newspaper to the old people or just talking to them The told me stories about the past and how things used to be. Helen: That sounds interesting. Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them. Helen: You're right. I mean, we're all going to be old one day, too. I ’ll send you a photo of lucky Dear Miss Li, I'd like to thank you for giving money to “Animal Helpers ”, I ’m sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can ’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many many people people people have have have these these these difficulties, difficulties, difficulties, I I I can't can't can't use use use my my my arms arms arms or or or legs legs legs well, well, well, so so so normal normal normal things things things like like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day day last last last year, year, year, a a a friend friend friend of of of mine mine mine helped helped helped me me me out. out. out. She She She talked talked talked to to to Animal Animal Animal Helpers Helpers Helpers about about about getting getting getting me me me a a special trained dog. She also thought thought a dog might a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and and I I I was was was excited excited about the idea of having a dog.After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to to bring him home. My bring him home. My dog's name is Lucky---a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I'm only able to have a “dog-helper ” because of your kindness!Lucky is very clever clever and and and understands understands understands many many many English English English words. words. words. He He He can can can understand understand understand me me me when when when I I I give give give him him him orders. orders. orders. For For example, I say, “Lucky! get my book,” and he does it at once.Lucky is a fantastic dog. I'll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life. Best wishes, Ben Smith 。
鲁教版(五四学制)英语七年级下册UINT 1 课文原文及翻译(含对话听力)

鲁教版(五四学制)英语七年级下册课文原文及翻译UINT 1 Section AUNIT 1What does he look like?第一单元他看起来是什么样子?Section AA部分1bListen and fill in the blanks in the pictures above. Can you find Amy's friend?听录音并填补以上图片中的空。
你能找到艾米的朋友吗?Is that your friend?那是你的朋友么?No,it isn't.不是。
What does he look Iike?他长什么样?Is he short or tall?他是矮还是高?Well,he's really tall.嗯,他是真的高。
And he has curly hair.他还有一头卷发。
2aListen and answer the questions.听录音并回答问题。
Conversation 1对话1Is that your brother David?那是你哥哥David 吗?No,it isn't.不是。
What does David look like? David 长什么样?Is he tall or short?他是高还是矮?He's tall.他高。
He's heavy.他很重。
And he has curly hair.他还有一头卷发。
Conversation 2对话2Is that Sally?那是Sally 吗?No,it isn't.不是。
Does Sally have long or short hair?莎莉的头发是长的还是短的?She has long straight hair.她有一头长长的直发。
She's of medium height.她中等身材。
And she's thin.而且她很瘦。

Unit6 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 学习掌握下列词汇:upset, taxi, advice2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。
4) 能够熟练运用所学的知识,用if来表达条件,用will来表达结果。
2. 情感态度价值观目标:学习因果关系的表达和做出合理的建议。
二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。
2) 能够熟练运用所学的知识,用if来表达条件,用will来表达结果。
2. 教学难点:1) 掌握正确用含if条件状语从句的主从句。
2) 能够熟练运用所学的知识,用if来表达条件,用will来表达结果。
三、教学过程Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class.2. Talking:Let’s look at the pictures in 1a and let Ss make sentences with “if…will” .e.g. If you go to the party with Karen and Anna, you’ll have a good time.One by one, let some Ss make a sentences by themselves.3. Game:Tell Ss “If you have a lot of money, what will do?” Ss think and tell the class what they will do.Judge who is the best.4. Role-play the conversation in 2d.Ⅱ. Grammar Focus1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

I’m also going to brush my 16. ___t_e_e_t_h___ (tooth) after meals every day and wash my hands after going to the bathroom. As you know, a healthy lifestyle is necessary for everyone. 【点拨】brush one’s teeth 刷牙,应用tooth 的复数形式teeth。
【点拨】such as 例如;像,后面跟列举的一些内容。
I’m not going to 20. ____s_e_n_d___ (send) my own pictures to others or chat with someone online unless I get my parents’ permission (允许). 【点拨】be going to 后跟动词原形,故此处应用send。
3. More and more people think Chinese __m__e_d_i_ci_n_e___ (医学) is becoming more and more important.
4. __L_o_n_d_o_n__ (伦敦) is the capital (首都) of England.
My name is Dave. I’m going to eat fruit and vegetables every day. I want 15. __t_o_d_r_i_n_k__ (drink) more water and milk.
【点拨】want to do sth. 想要做某事,want 后接动词 不定式作宾语。
Unit 2 I’m going to study computer science.

_O__f _c_o_u_r_se_,_I__m_u_s_t_w__o_r_k_h_a_r_d__a_t_s_c_h_o_o_l_n_o_w_._______________ ____F__r_o_m__n_o_w___o_n_, _I__sh__o_u_ld__w__o_r_k__h_a_r_d__a_n_d__I_b_e_l_ie_v_e__m__y_ _d_r_e_a_m__w_i_l_l _co_m__e__tr_u_e__o_n_e_d_a_y_.__________________________
引出话题 (What) M步法
When I was very young, I always ... So I often ... This makes me believe ... So I want to be a ...
打算怎么做 (How) ...I should work hard and I believe ...
My Dream _____M__y_d_r_e_a_m__i_s_t_o_b_e__a_d_o_c_t_o_r_. _________________________ _____W__h_e_n__I_w_a_s__v_e_r_y_y_o_u_n_g_,_I__a_lw__a_y_s_h_a_d__h_e_a_lt_h__p_r_o_b_le_m__s_. _ _S__o__I_o_f_t_e_n__w_e_n_t__t_o__s_e_e_d__o_ct_o_r_s_._W__i_t_h__th__ei_r__h_e_lp__, _I__w_a_s__ _g_e_t_t_in_g__b_e_t_t_er__a_n_d__b__et_t_e_r.__T_h_i_s_m__a_k_e_s__m_e__b_e_l_ie_v_e__i_t _i_s_s_o__ _g_r_e_a_t_t_o__b_e_a__d_o_c_t_o_r.__S_o_I__w_a_n_t__to__b_e__a_d_o_c_t_o_r_w__h_e_n__I _g_r_o_w__ _u__p_. _I’_l_l _g_iv_e__m_y__lo_v_e__to__t_h_e_s_ic_k__a_s_m__u_c_h_a_s__p_o_s_si_b_l_e_. ________

Units 5 同步话题阅读TV programsThere are different kinds of TV programs for you. When you watch the TV programs, your brain cells keep active. So it is helpful for you.Now more and more people are very busy. They need a way to make themselves relaxed. Watching Tv is an easy way to make it. You can find your interest on TV and think less about your trouble.There are many educational programs on TV. You can get a lot of knowledge by watching TV. For example, you can learn about the history of other countries. When you watch TV with your family, you can share your ideas with them. You will have a great time by watching a funny program. When you watch TV, you can learn English, and you can also learn about the latest news.①brain cell 脑细胞②knowledge/ˈnɒlɪdʒ /n.知识电视节目有不同种类的电视节目适合你。

Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2d格蕾丝:莎拉,你今天在课堂上做了什么?莎拉:我们讨论过电视节目。
Section B 2b当人们说“文化”时,我们会想到艺术和历史。
我们都知道并喜欢有两个大圆耳的黑老鼠- 米老鼠.280多年前,他第一次这部动画片于1928年11月18日在纽约出现,当时是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。
谁有一个一双比米奇更有名的耳朵?Unit 2I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2d安迪:你在读什么,肯?肯:海明威的老人与海。

Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys, and ID card. The watch is under the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.Thanks,GrandmaRunner eats well!Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salads, and oranges. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.June really likes action movies and she often goes to see Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very exciting. She thinks documentaries are boring, and she doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they are scary. She also likes Beijing Opera. Some people don’t like it, but she thinks she can learn about Chinese history. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.I often go to movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rick Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a very successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too!Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower .Then he eats his breakfast. What a funny time to eat breakfast! After breakfast he plays his guitar ,then he goes to work .To get to work ,he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel .The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15 .He works all night .People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30 .Can you think what job is?Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well,I usually get up at around six fifteen. l do my homework at six thirty,and then l eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o'clock,l go to school. School starts at nine o'clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.Love,JaneDear Jane,I t’s Tuesday, November 11.I'm really busy! At 8:00 I have math. I don't like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It's difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. It's boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. That's my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00.After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing .I like my music teacher, Mr Cooper. He's fun. My last class is at 2:00.After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I'm usually very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It's really interesting!Love,Lin MeiDear student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I'm 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It's fun. But I don't like math. It's too difficult!Can you write to me soon?A: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?B: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It's down Bridge Street on the right. It's next to a supermarketA: Thank you very muchB: You're welcomeWelcome to the Garden DistrictTurn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk through park on Center Avenue .Across from the park is an old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. This is the beginning of the garden tour.Come to visit Bridge StreetBridge Street is a good place to have fun. It is a very busy street .You can play the guitar in the park .It's there, between the restaurant and the post office And if you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket. It's across from the post office.Dear friend,I know you are arriving next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street. You go through Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, and Eighth Avenue. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park. Go down Center Street and my house is on your right.I hope you have a good trip.Yours,MikeMollyThis is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.Ling LingThis is Ling Ling. She is five years old .She’s from China. She is very beautiful, but she's very shy, so please be very quite.BillThis is Bill. Isn't he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.(1)I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.(2)I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.(3)My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’t like me.(4)I work late. I'm very busy when people go out to dinners.(5)I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos in the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my familyat home. We're eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework----I’m watching TV.Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed!Johnny Dean's New Look!Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn't wear glasses any more. But some people don't like his new look. "I don't think he's so great, "says Ruth from New York. "But my mom does."...but I'm petty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee, Of course, love junk food too, and I eat it tow or three times a week .Oh ,and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me tostudy better.A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too stressed and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it's important to eat a balanced diet.Lin Fei’s home is abo ut 1o kilometres from school. He gets up at six o'clock every day, shower and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for school at around six thirty. First, he rides his bicycle to the bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes. Like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No.3 Middle School what they did last we ekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did t heir homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and t hree went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday eve ning, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.Tuesday, July 18thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner, he was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired.I can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful. So I like rings, scarves and sunglasses. I wear colorful clothes because I want to be young and beautiful. I enjoy nice words about my looks. And I don’t mind what young people think of me!I have many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my fri ends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go to the Child ren’s Palace to learn the piano. I told my parents I’m not happy with so many rules. They agreed to talk about it with me this weekend.。

Unit 1 2DWhat did you do in class today Sarah?We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows.Oh I can’t stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.Well I don’t mind soap operas. But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows.They’re boring!Well they may not be very exciting but you can expect to learn a lot from them.I hope to be a TV reporter one day.2BWhen people say “culture” we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mousewith two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago he first appeared inthe cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York onNovember18 1928 it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a mon man but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend Minnie. However he was always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.On November 18 1978 Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple aslittle Mickey Mouse but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair ofears more famous than Mickey’s?Unit 2 2DWhat are you reading Ken?The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.Wow now I know why you’re so good at writing stories.Yes I want to be a writer.Really? How are you going to bee a writer?Well I’m going to keep on writing stories of course. What do you want to be?My parents want me to be a doctor but I’m not sure about that.Well don’t worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure youtry your best. Then you can be anything you want!Yes you’re right.2B1.To question the idea of making resolutions (2) To give the meaning ofresolution (3) To discuss the different kinds of resolutions.2.Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of thetime we make promises to other people.(“Mom I promise I’m going to tidymy room when I get back from school.”) However promises you make toyourself are resolutions and the most mon kind is New Year’s resolutions.__________________When we make resolutions at the beginning of the yearwe hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write downtheir resolutions and plans for the ing year. This helps them to remembertheir resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about theirwishes and plans.3.There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example some peoplepromise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many peoplemight say they are going to take up hobby like painting or taking photos or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better planning like making a weekly plan forschoolwork.______________4.Although there are differences most resolutions have one thing in mon. People hardly ever keep them!_________Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometims people just forget aboutthem. For this reason some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you-will you make any next year?Unit 3 3DWhat are you reading Jill?It’s a book about the future.Sounds cool. So what will the future be like?Well cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets?Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.Me too. Then what can we do?We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a part insaving the earth.3B Do you Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?1.When we watch movies about the future we sometimes see robots. They areusually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobslike working in dirty or dangerous places.2.Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can help to build cars and they do simplejobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring butrobots will never get bored.3.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Somerobots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However some scientists believe thatalthough we can make robots move like people it will be difficult to make them really think like ahuman. For example scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and knowwhere they are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even beable to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.4.Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However they agree it may takehundreds of years. These new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans andothers might look like animals. In India for example scientists made robots that look like snakes.If building fall down with people inside these snake robots can help look for people under thebuildings. This was not possible 20 years ago. But puters and rockets also seemed impossible 100years ago. We never know what will happen in the future!Unit 4 4DSam I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how? Sure. First buy some beef one cabbage four carrots three potatoes five tomatoes and one onion. Then cut up the vegetables.What’s next?Next put the beef carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that cook them for 30 minutes Then add the cabbage tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.OK that’s it?No one more thing. Finally don’t forget to add some salt.4B Thanksgiving in the United StatesIn most countries people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. Atthis time people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. These travelers had a long hard winter and many of them died. In the next autumn they give thanks for life and food in their new home. These days most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey a large bird.Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.•First mix together some bread pieces onions salt and pepper.•Next fill the turkey with this bread mix.•Then put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.•When it is ready place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.•Finally cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.Unit 5 5DHey Nick can you e to my house on Saturday? My cousin Sam from Xi’an is goingto be here.Oh Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you. Yes that’s right.I’d love to e but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.That’s really too bad! Oh but Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Sure! Catch you on Monday!5BHi DavidWhat a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen a lot. She helped me to improve my English so much. I’m sad to see her go and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help to buy some of the food and drinks. I can also help to bring Ms. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about how to do that J He WeiHi DavidThanks so much for planning this. I’d love to e to the party but I’m not available. My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle. However I’d still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations like planning the games. Let me know if you need my help. JakeDear classmatesAs I’m sure you know by now our favorite teacher Ms Steen is leaving soon to go back to the US. We’re very sad that she’s leaving because she is a fun teacher. To show how much we’re going to miss her let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!Can you e to the party? If so can you help with any of these things?Please tell me by this Friday.1.Buy food and drinks. 2) Think of games to play. 3) Prepare things weneed for the games (glue paper pens…)4) Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.I look forward to hearing from you all. David.5ADear ParentsI would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School. The opening will be on the moring of Wednesday January 8th at 9:00. After thisyou can enjoy our school concert Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00.I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday December 20th.Larry SmithHeadmasterUnit 6 6DHey Ben. For the party next week should we ask people to bring food?No let’s order food from a restaurant. If we ask people to bring food they’lljust bring potato ships and chocolate because they’ll be too lazy to cook.OK For the game do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win?I think that’s a great idea! If we do that more people will want to play the games.Yes the games will be more exciting too.6BStudents these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problemswith their schoolwork and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills ateenager from London agrees.” Problems and worries are normal in life “says Laura. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone we’ll certainly feel worse.”Laura once lost her wallet and worried for days she was afraid to tell herparents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because shedidn’t have any money. She just kept thinking “If I tell my parents they’llbe angry!” In the end she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. Theygot her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “I will always rememberto share my problems in the future!” Laura says.Robert Hunt advises students about mon problems. He feels the same way as Laura. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. Thisperson doesn’t need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience and are always there to help them. In English we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you’re half way to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!Unit 7 7DLisa are you OK?I have a headache and I can’t move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?No it doesn’t sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend?I played puter games all weekend.That’s probably why. You need to take breaks away from the puter.Yeah I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.I think you should lie down and rest. If you head and neck still hurt tomorrow then go to a doctor.OK Thanks Mandy7B He Lost His Arm But Is Still ClimbingAron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 262003 he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.On that day Aron’s arm was caught under a 200-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then with his left arm he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that he climbed down the mountain to find help.After losing his arm he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions and of being in control of one’s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let’s think about it before we find ourselves” between a rock and a hard place” and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.Unit 8 8DHi Tom. I’m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer. Really? I did that last summer!Oh what did they ask you to help out with?Mmm… things like reading the newspaper to the old people or just talking to them. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.That sounds interesting.Yeah a lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them. You’re right. I mean we’re all going to be old one day.too.8BDear Miss LiI’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you knowthat this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to makeit possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can’t walk or useyour hands easily. Most people would never think about this but many people have these difficulties. I can’t use my arms or legs well so normal things like answering the telephone opening and closing doors or carrying things aredifficult for me. Then one day last year a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Healers about getting me a special trained dog. She alsothought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers I was able to bringhim home. My dog’s name is Lucky- A good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see I’m only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example I say “Lucky! Get my book”and he does it at once.Lucky is a fantastic dog. I’ll send you a photo of him if you like and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishesBen Smith。
鲁教版 7年级下英语课文翻译

Unit 1 2D格蕾丝: 萨拉, 今天在课上你们做什么了?萨拉: 我们讨论电视节目了。
格蕾丝:噢, 我受不了它们。
萨拉:哦, 我不介意肥皂剧。
格蕾丝: 它们很无聊!萨拉:哦, 它们可能不那么令人兴奋, 但是你可以期待从中了解到很多东西。
2B当人们说起“文化”时, 我们会想到美术和历史。
80多年前, 他首次出现在卡通片«威利号汽船»中。
当这部卡通片于1928年11月18日在纽约上演的时候, 它是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。
在20世纪30年代, 他制作了87部有米老鼠的卡通片。
主要的原因之一是米老鼠像普通人一样, 但是他总是尽力面对任何危险。
在他早期的电影中, 米老鼠是不幸的, 他遇到许多问题, 比如失去房子或女朋友, 米妮。
然而, 他总是准备好去尽其所能。
在1978年11月18日, 米老鼠成为在好莱坞星光大道上拥有一颗星星的第一个卡通形象。
现在的卡通片通常不再像米老鼠那样简单, 但大家依然知道并喜爱米老鼠。
谁会有一双比米老鼠还著名的耳朵呢?Unit 2 2D安迪: 你在读什么, 肯?肯: 海明威的«老人与海»。
安迪:哇, 现在我知道为什么你如此擅长写故事啦。
肯:是的, 我想成为一名作家。
安迪: 真的吗?你打算怎样成为一名作家呢?肯:哦, 当然我打算坚持写故事。
你想做什么呢?安迪: 我父母想让我成为一名医生, 但是我对此还不确定。
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Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2dGrace:What did you do in class today,Sarah?Sarah:We had a discussion about TV shows.My classmates like game shows and sports shows.Grace:①Oh,I can't stand them.I love soap operas.②I like to follow the story and see what happens next.Sarah:Well,I don't mind soap operas.But my favorite TV shows are the n ews and talk shows.Grace:They're boring!Sarah:③Well,they may not be very exciting,but you can expect to learn a lot from them.I hope to be a TV r eporter one day.,Section B 2bWhen people say “c ulture”,we think of art and history.①But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse.②Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.③When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.④He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.One of the main r easons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.⑤In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend,Minnie.⑥However,he was always ready to try his best.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Peo ple today expect to see more than just a little mouse fighting bad guys,but many still know who he is.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's?,Unit 2I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2dAndy:What are you reading,Ken?Ken:The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.Andy:Wow,now I know why you'r e so good at writing stories.Ken:Yes,I want to be a writer.Andy:Really?How are you going to become a writer?Ken:①Well,I'm going to keep on writing stories,of course.What do you want to be?Andy:②My parents want me to be a doctor,but I'm not sure about that.Ken:Well,don't worry.Not everyone knows what they want to b e.Just make sure you try your best.Then you can be anything you want!Andy:Yes,you're right.,Section B 2b1.Do you know what a resolution is?It's a kind of promise.①Most of the time,we make promises to other people.(“Mom,I promise I'm going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”)However,promises you make to yourself are resolutions,and the most common kind is New Year's resolutions.The_start_of_the_year_is_often_ a_time_for_making_resolutions.②When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.③Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.This helps them to remember their resolutions.How_about_you_—_will_you_make_any_next_year?2.There are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example,some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.④Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.These are about making yourself a better person.⑤Some people m ight say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better planning,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.For example,a student may have to find more time to study.3.Although there are differences,most resolutions have one thing in common.People hardly ever keep them!There are good reasons for this.Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.Sometimes people just forget about them.For this reason,some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.,Unit 3Will people have robots?Section A 2dNick:What are you reading,Jill?Jill:It's a book about the future.Nick:Sounds cool.So what will the future be like?Jill:①Well,cities will be more crowded and polluted.There will be fewer trees and the environ ment will be in great danger.Nick:That sounds bad!Will we have to move to other planets?Jill:Maybe.But I want to live on the earth.Nick:Me,too.Then what can we do?Jill:②We can use less water and plant more trees.③Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.,Section B 2bDo You Think You Will Have Y our Own Robot?When we watch movies about the future,we sometimes see robots.They are usually just like human servants.①They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.②Today there are already robots working in factories.③For example,they can help to build cars,and they do simple jobs over and over again.Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring,but robots will never get bored.④Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.⑤However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as us.Some robots in Japan can even walk and dance.These kinds of robots are fun to watch.But scientist James White thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.For example,it's easy for children to wake up and know where they are.⑥Mr.White thinks that robots won't be able to do this,but some scientists disagree.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans,and others might look like snakes.⑦If buildings fall down with people inside,snake robots will be able to help look for people under the buildings.⑧That may not seem possible now,but computers and rockets seemed impossible 100 years ago.We never know what will happen in the future!Unit 4How do you make a banana milk shake?Section A 2dAnna:Sam,I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.Can you tell me how?Sam:Sure.First,buy some beef,one cabbage,four carrots,three potatoes,five tomatoes and one onion.Then,cut up the vegetables.Anna:What's next?Sam:①Next,put the beef,carrots and p otatoes into a pot and add some water.After that,cook them for 30 minutes.Then,add the cabbage,tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.Anna:OK,that's it?Sam:②No,one more thing.③Finally,don't forget to add some salt.,Section B 2bThanksgiving in the United States①In most countries,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving.There are many reasons for this special day.For some people,it is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.So it is always on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.At this time,people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 500 years ago.②These travelers had a long,hard winter,and many of them died.In the next autumn,they gave thanks for life and food in their new home.③These days,most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey,a large bird.Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.First,mix together some bread pieces,onions,salt and pepper.④Next,fill the turkey with this bread mix.Then,put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.⑤When it is ready,place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.Finally,cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.,Unit 5Can you come to my party?Section A 2dJeff:Hey,Nick,can you come to my house on Saturday?My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here.Nick:Oh,Sam!I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.Jeff:Yes,that's right.Nick:I'd love to come,but I'm afraid I can't.I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.Jeff:That's really too bad!①Oh,but Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday.②Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Nick:Sure!③Catch you on Monday!Section B 2bHi David,What a great idea!I really like Ms.Steen a lot.She helped me to improve my English so much.I'm sad to see her go,and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help to buy some of the food and drinks.I can also help to bring Ms.Steen to the party.I already have a great idea about how to do that. He Wei Hi David,Thanks so much for planning this.I'd love to come to the party,but I'm not available.①My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle.However,I'd still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations,like planning the games.Let me know if you need my help. Jake Dear classmates,As I'm sure you know by now,our favorite teacher,Ms.Steen,is leaving soon to go back to the US.We're very sad that she's leaving because she is a fun teacher.To show how much we're going to miss her,let's have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!Can you come to the party?If so,can you help with any of these things?Please tell me by this Friday.1)Buy food and drinks.2) Think of games to play.3) Prepare things we need for the games(glue,paper,pens,...)4)②Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.③I look forward to hearing from you all.DavidSection B 3aDear Parents,I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday,January 8th at 9:00.After this,you can enjoy our school concert.Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00.Please dress smartly.I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library.④Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th.Larry SmithHeadmasterUnit 6If you go to the party,you'll have a great time!Section A 2dJeff:Hey,Ben.For the party next week,should we ask people to bring food?Ben:No,let's order food from a restaurant.If we ask people to bring food,they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they'll be too lazy to cook.Jeff:OK.For the games,do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win?Ben:I think that's a great idea!If we do that,more people will want to play the games.Jeff:Yes,the games will be more exciting,too.,Section B 2ba.If people have problems,they should get advice from an expert.b.If people have problems,they should talk to other people.c.①If people have problems,they should try to keep them to themselves.Students these days often have a lot of worries:Sometimes t hey have problems with their schoolwork,and sometimes with their friends.What can they do about this?Some people believe the worst thing is to do ura Mills,a teenager from London,agrees.“Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura.“But I think talking to someone helps a lot.②Unless we talk to someone,we'll certainly feel worse.”Laura once lost her wallet,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money.She just kept thinking,“If I tell my parents,they'll be angry!” ③In the end,she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.④Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura s ays.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to run away from our problems.⑤We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.This person doesn't need to be an expert like himself.⑥Students often forget that their parents have more experience than them,and are always there to help t hem.⑦In English,we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!,Unit 7 What's the matter?Mandy:Lisa,are you OK?Lisa:I have a headache and I can’t move my neck.What should I do?Should I take my temperature?Mandy:No,it doesn’t sound like you have a fever.What did you on eht eweekend?Lisa:I played computer games all weekend.Mandy:That’s probably why.You need to take breaks away from the computer.Lisa:Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.Lisa:OK.Thanks ,Mandy.He lost His Arm But Is Still ClimbingAron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He wasn’t ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he wouldn’t lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help,After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can’t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let’s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.Unit 8 I'll help to clean up the city park?Helen: Hi, Tom. I'm making some plans to work in an old people's home this summer.Tom: Really? I did that last summerHelen: Oh, what did they ask you to help out with?Tom: Mmm…things like reading the newspaper to the old people or just talking to them The told me stories about the past and how things used to be.Helen: That sounds interesting.Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them.Helen: You're right. I mean, we're all going to be old one day, too.I’ll send you a photo of luckyDear Miss Li,I'd like to thank you for giving money to “Animal Helpers”, I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dog's name is Lucky---a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I'm only able to have a “dog-helper”because of your kindness!Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say, “Lucky! get my book,”and he does it at once.Lucky is a fantastic dog. I'll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishes,Ben Smith。