人教版高二英语导学案:必修五 unit1 great scientists 【第1课时】(精修版)


人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 1 Great scientists

人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 1 Great scientists

人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 1Great scientistsUnit1Greatscientists Teachingaims1.Tohelpstudentslearntodescribepeople2.TohelpstudentslearntoreadanarrationaboutjohnSnow3.Tohelpstudentsbetterunderstand“Greatscientists”4.Tohelpstudentslearntousesomeimportantwordsandexpres sions5.Tohelpstudentsidentifyexamplesof “ThePastParticipleasthePredicative&theattribut e”Period1warmingupandreadingTeachingProceduresI.warmi ngupStepILeadinTalkaboutscientist.T:Hi,morning,clas s.Nicetoseeyouonthisspecialday,thedaywhenyoubecomea seniortwograder.Iamhappytobewithyouhelpingyouwithyo urEnglish.Todaywearetoreadaboutacertainscientist.Bu tfirstlet’sdefinetheword“scientist”.whatisascientist?Ascientistisapersonw howorksinscience,tryingtounderstandhowtheuniverseor otherthingswork.Scientistscanworkindifferentareasof science.Herearesomeexamples:Thosethatstudyphysicsar ephysicists.Thosethatstudychemistryarechemists.Thos ethatstudybiologyarebiologists.StepIIAskthestudentstotrythequizandfindoutwhoknowsthemost .T:Therearesomegreatscientificachievementsthathavec hangedtheworld.canyounamesomeofthem?whatkindofroled otheyplayinthefieldofscience?Dotheseachievementshav eanythingincommon?matchtheinventionswiththeirinventorsbelowbeforeyoua nswerallthesequestions.1.Archimedes,AncientGreek,am athematician.2.charlesDarwin,Britain.Thenameofthebo okisoriginofSpecies.3.ThomasNewcomen,British,aninve ntorofsteamengine.4.Gregormendel,czech,abotanistand geneticist.5.mariecurie,PolishandFrench,achemistand physicist.6.ThomasEdison,American,aninventor.7.Leon ardodaVinci,Italian,anartist.8.SirHumphryDavy,Briti sh,aninventorandchemist.9.ZhangHeng,ancientchina,aninventor.10.StepperHawking,British,aphysicist.II.Pr e-readingStepIGetthestudentstodiscussthequestionsonpage1with theirpartners.Thenaskthestudentstoreporttheirwork.E ncouragethestudentstoexpresstheirdifferentopinions.1.whatdoyouknowaboutinfectiousdiseases?Infectiousdise asescanbespreadtootherpeople.Theyhaveanunknowncause andneedpublichealthcaretosolvethem.Peoplemaybeexpos edtoinfectiousdisease,somayanimals,suchasbirdflu,AIDS,SARSareinfectiousdiseases.Infectiousdiseasesar edifficulttocure.2.whatdoyouknowaboutcholera?choleraistheillnesscaused byabacteriumcalledVibriocholerae.Itinfectspeople’sintestines,causingdiarrheaandlegcramps.Themostcomm oncauseofcholeraisbysomeoneeatingfoodordrinkingwate rthathasbeencontaminatedwiththebacteria.choleracanb emildorevenwithoutimmediatesymptoms,butaseverecasec anleadtodeathwithoutimmediatelytreatment.3.Doyouknowhowtoproveanewideainscientificresearch?Anybodymigh tcomeoutwithanewidea.Buthowdoweproveitinscientificr esearch?Therearesevenstagesinexamininganewideainsci entificresearch.Andtheycanbeputinthefollowingorder. whatorderwouldyouputthesevenin?justguess.Findaprobl em→makeupaquestion→Thinkofamethod→collectresults →Analysetheresults→Drawaconclusion→RepeatifnecessaryIII.ReadingStepIPre-readingDoyouknowjohnSnow?johnSnowisawell-knownd octorinthe19thcenturyinLondonandhedefeated “kingcholera”.Doyouknowwhatkindofdiseaseischolera ?Itisakindofterriblediseasecausedbydrinkingdirtywat eranditcausedalotofdeathsintheoldtimesanditwasveryd ifficulttodefeat.Let’sgettoknowhowDr.johnSnowdefeated“kingcholera”in1854inLondoninthisreadingpassage:StepIISkimming找教案Readthepassageandanswerthequestions.1.whodefeats“kingcholera“?2.whathappenedin1854?3.Howmanypeoplediedin10days?4.whyistherenodeathatNo.20and21BroadStreetaswellasatN o.8and9cambridgeStreet?Skimthepassageandfindtheinfo rmationtocompletetheformbelow.whowhenwhatHowResultj ohnSnow1854helpingordinarypeopleexposedtocholeraExa miningthesourceofallwatersuppliesandfindingnewmetho dsofdealingwithpollutedwaster“kingcholera”defeatedStepIIIScanningReadthepassageandnumbertheseeventsintheorde rthattheyhappened.2johnSnowbegantotesttwotheories.AnoutbreakofcholerahitLondonin1854.4johnSnowmarkedthedeathsonamap.7Heannouncedthatthewatercarriedthedisease.3 johnSnowinvestigatedtwostreetswheretheoutbreakwasverysevere.8kingcholerawasdefeated.5Hefoundthatmostofthedeathswerenearawaterpump.6Hehadthehandleremovedfromthewaterpump.StepIVmainideaandcorrectstage找教案Readthepassageandputthecor rectstagesintothereadingaboutresearchintoadisease.j ohnSnowDefeats“kingcholera”ParagraphStagesGeneralideas1Findaproblem:whatcauset hecholera?Thecausesofcholera2makeupaquestion:whichi sright?Thecorrectorpossibletheory3Thinkofamethod:Te sttwotheorycollectdataonwherepeoplewereillanddiedan dwheretheygottheirwater4collectresults:markthedeath Plotinformationonamaptofindoutwherepeoplediedordidn otdie5Analyzetheresults:FindtheresourceofthewaterLo okintothewatertoseeifthatisthecauseoftheillness6Fin dsupportingevidenceFindotherevidencestoconfirmhisco nclusion7DrawaconclusionThepolluteddirtysourceofdri nkingwaterwastoblameforthecauseoftheLondoncholeraStepVGroupdiscussionAnswerthequestions1.johnSnowbelieved Idea2wasright.Howdidhefinallyproveit?2.Doyouthinkjo hnSnowwouldhavesolvedthisproblemwithoutthemap?3.choleraisa19thcenturydisease.whatdiseasedoyouthin kissimilartocholeratoday?StepVIUsingthestagesforscientificresearchandwriteasummary .Period2&3LanguagefocusStepIwarmingup1.characteristic①n.aqualityorfeatureofsth.orsomeonethatistypicalofth emandeasytorecongnize.特征;特性whatcharacteristicsdistinguishtheAmericansfromtheca nadians.②a.verytypicalofaparticularthingorofsomeone’scharacer典型性的,Suchbluntnessischaracteristicofhim.windydaysarechar acteristicofmarch.[辨析]characteristic与character找教案characteristic是可数名词,意为“与众不同的特征“character表示(个人、集体、民族特有的)“性格、品质”,还意为“人物;文字”whatyouknowabouthimisn’thisrealcharacter.2.putforward:tostateanideaoropini on,ortosuggestaplanorperson,forotherpeopletoconside r提出Heputforwardanewtheory.Theforeignershaveputforwarda proposalforajointventure.Aninterestingsuggestionfor measuringtheatmospherearoundmarshasbeenputforward.☆puton穿上;戴上;增加putout熄灭;扑灭putupwith…忍受putdown写下来;放下;putoff耽误;延期putup建立;建造,putup举起,搭建,粘贴3.analyze:toexamineorthinkaboutsomethingcarefullyin ordertounderstanditvt.分析结果、检讨、细察Acomputeranalysesthephotographssentbythesatellite.T heearthquakeexperttriedtoanalyzethecauseoftheearthq uakeoccurredonmay12,XX.Let’sanalyzetheproblemandseewhatwentwrong.Heanalyzedthefoodandfoundthatitcontainedpoison.wemusttrytoanalyzethecausesofthestrike.☆analysisn.分析,解析,分解4.conclude:decidethatsth.istrueafterconsideringaltheinformatio nyouhave得出结论;推论出toendsth.suchasameetingorspeechbydoingorsayingonefi nalthingvt.&vi结束,终止;weconcludedthemeetingat8o’clockwithaprayer. Fromhisappearancewemaysafelyconcludethatheisaheavysmoker.whatdoyouconcludefromthesefacts?weconcludetogoout/thatwewouldgoout.conclusionn.结论arriveataconclusion;cometoaconclusion;drawaconclusi on;reachaconclusionwhatconclusiondidyoucometo/reach/draw/arriveat?Fromthesefactswecandrawsomeconclusionsabouthowthepy ramidswerebuilt.Step2Reading1.defeat①vt.towinavictoryoversomeoneinawar,competition,gamee tc.打败,战胜,使受挫I’vetriedtosolvetheproblem,butitdefeatsme!ourteamdefe atedtheirsinthegame.②n.失败,输failuretowinorsucceedThismeansadmittingdefeat.Theyh avegotsixvictoriesandtwodefeats.[辨析]win,beat与defeat①win“赢得”赛事、战事、某物;后接人时,意为“争取赢得…的好感或支持;说服”②beat“战胜”“击败”比赛中的对手,可与defeat互换webeat/defeatedtheirteamby10scores.Theywonthebattle butlostmanymen.Thelocalballteamwonthestatechampions hipbybeating/defeatingalltheotherteams.Icaneasilybe at/defeathimatgolf.Heistraininghardtowintheraceandr ealizehisdreamofbecomingachampionattheXXolympicGame s.2.expert①n.someonewhohasaspecialskillorspecialknowledgeofasubj ect专家,能手anexpertinpsychologyanagriculturalexpert②a.havingspecialskillorspecialknowledgeofasubject 熟练的,有专门技术的anexpertrideranexpertjob需专门知识的工作Heisexpertin/atcooking.找教案3.attendvt.&vi参加,注意,照料①bepresentat参加attendaceremony/lecture/amovie/school/class/ameetingIshallbeattendingthemeeting.Pleaseletmeknowifyouar eunabletoattendtheconference.②attendto:tolookafter,carefor,serve伺候,照顾,看护Thequeenhadagooddoctorattendingonher.DrSmithattendedherinhospital.治疗Areyoubeingattendedto?接待motherhadtoattendtohersickson.③attendto处理,注意倾听attendtothematterAnurseattendstohisneeds.canyouattendtothematterimmediately?Imaybelate–Ihavegotoneortwothingstoattendto.Excuseme,butIhavea nurgentmattertoattendto.[辨析]attend,join,joinin与takepartin①attend指参加会议、上课、上学、听报告等②join指加入某组织、团体,成为其中一员③joinin指加入某种活动;表示与某人一起做某事joinsb.insth.④takepartin指参加正式的、有组织的活动,切在活动中起积极作用only2peopleattendedthemeeting.Hejoinedthecommunisty outhLeagueinXX.willyoujoinusinthegame?weoftentalepartintheafter-classactivities.4.expose:toshowsth.tha tisusuallycovered暴露exposesth.tothelightofday把某事暴露于光天化日之下Ithreatenedtoexposehim.我威胁要揭发他.Heexposedhisskintothesun.他把皮肤暴露在阳光下.Theoldmanwasleftexposedtowindandrain.whenhesmile dheexposedasetofperfectwhiteteeth.5.curevt.&n.tomakesomeonewhoisillwellagian治疗,痊愈whenIleftthehospitalIwascompletelycured.①curesbofadiseasewhenyouhaveapaininyourshoulders,you willgotoseeadoctor.Thedoctorwillcureyou.Theonlywaytocurebackacheistorest.Hewillcurethepaini nyourshoulderswhenIleftthehospitalIwascompletelycured.Theillnesscannotbecuredeasily.Althoughtheboywasbeyo ndcure,hisparentstriedtocurehimofbadhabits.②acureforadiseaseAspirinissaidtobeawonderfulcurefort hepain.Thereisstillnocureforthecommoncold.Isthereacertaincureforcanceryet?③acureforsth.:toremoveaproblem,orimproveabadsituatio n解决问题,改善困境Thepricesaregoingupeveryday,butthereisnocureforrisi ngprices.[辨析]cure与treat①cure主要指痊愈,强调的是结果②treat强调治疗过程,指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治疗病人或疾病,不强调结果。

人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists三课时 导学案

人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists三课时 导学案

本文由一线教师精心整理/word 可编辑1 / 1课题:Unit 1 Great Scientists Lesson 3 :Language points【Learning aims 】Try to learn and practice the following words or phrases such as conclude, attend, expose to, absorb and so on.【Important and difficult points 】1.Master some important language points.2.How to use some difficult language points. 【课前预习】1.pollute v. adj.____________ n. ___________2.handle_________3.blame___________4.anounce____________5.contribute___________6.spin_________7.reject ____________8.此外__________ 9.对…严格__________ 10.make sense_________ 【课堂演练】Key words and phrases1. conclude vi. ____________ conclusion n. 结束,结论1)The meeting concluded at ten o'clock. 2)It is hard to conclude.make /draw /reach /come to /arrive at a(the) conclusion 得出结论conclude …….from ____________in conclusion = in a word ____________ [练习] 汉译英我们能得出英语并不难的结论。

高二英语必修五《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案

高二英语必修五《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案

高二英语必修五《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案【导语】增加内驱力,从思想上重视高二,从心理上强化高二,使战胜高考的这个关键环节过硬起来,是“志存高远”这四个字在高二年级的全部解释。

无忧考网高二频道为正在拼搏的你整理了《高二英语必修五《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案》希望你喜欢!教案【一】教学准备教学目标1.Students learn some new words and expressions to describe people ,especially famous persons;2.Students are encouraged to give more information about famous persons who they are familiar:3. Students can realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.教学重难点1. Words and expressions in this unit2. Previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists3. Comprehending the text教学过程【导入】Words learning(Students are assigned to learn the new words of thisunit and find out the English explainations of the new words )Definitions or explanationsA.examine 1.general principles of an art or scienceB.repeat 2.say or do againC.theory 3.at once; without delayD.immediate 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...plete 5.of great value, worth or useF.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finishedG.announce 7.make knownH.control e or bring to an endI.positive 9.power to order or directJ.conclude 10.quite certain or sure【讲授】useful sentences learning(The sentences are picked from the text.)1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?9.Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and expressions.【讲授】Introduction of a classic articleTeacher introduce a famous person --Qian Xuesen and students learn to write an article about the famous scientis using the words and expressions they just learn in class.【活动】Share the outcomeStudents share their article orally and discuss whether they have used some good and advanced expressions.【练习】Consolidation完成句子(1)爱因斯坦被认为是二十世纪最伟大的科学家之一。

人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientistsUnit 1 Great scientists导学案(1)

人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientistsUnit 1 Great scientists导学案(1)













人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案

人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案

课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on.【Important and difficult points】1.Master some important language points.2.How to use some difficult language points.【课前预习】blame, enthusiastic, suspect, expert1.He became an _________ in explosion.2.Don’t ________ parents for all the wrong that you have done.3.It’s no doubt that I am ____________ about studying.4.We ________ him to be the thief because of the look on his face.【课堂演练】Key words and phrases1. blame vt.____________ n.____________搭配(1)blame for (doing)sth ________________(2)blame sth on ________________(3)be to blame for….. 因……应负责任翻译:1) Who is to blame for the failure?2) The student blamed the teacher for his failure .注意: be to blame 应负责(无被动形式)。

高中英语人教版必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案

高中英语人教版必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案

高中英语人教版必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案高中英语人教版必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案在教学过程中应以学生为主体。




下面和本文库一起看看有关高中英语人教版必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案。

人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案1教学准备教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语attend, control, severe, pub, immediately, handle, instructor,pump, contribute, conclude, steam engine, virus, put forward, makea conclusion, expose tob. 重点句式To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that ... P32. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about science and scientists.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Enable the students to learn about some famous scientists and their contributions and how to organize a scientific research.教学重难点Talk about science and scientists.教学工具A computer and a projector.教学过程StepⅠ Lead-inAsk the students to think of some great inventions and inventors in history.T: Welcome back to school, everyone. I guess most of you have enjoyed your holiday. Maybe I should say everyone has enjoyed a scientific life. Why Because you have enjoyed the results of the science and scientists. Now can you tell me the scientists who invented the lights, the gramophone and the computerS1: Edison invented the lights and the gramophone.S2: The first computer was invented by a group of American scientists.StepⅡ Warming upFirst, ask some questions about great scientists. Second, ask all the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most.T: You know our life is closely related to science and scientists. We benefit a lot from them. Can you name out as many scientists as possible S1: Newton.S2: Watt.S3: Franklin.Sample answers:1. Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC), a mathematician.2. Charles Darwin, Britain (1808-1882). The name of the book is Origin of Species.3. Thomas Newcomen, British (1663-1729), an inventor of steam engine.4. Gregor Mendel, Czech, a botanist and geneticist.5. Marie Curie, Polish and French, a chemist and physicist.6. Thomas Edison, American, an inventor.7. Leonardo da Vinci, Italian, an artist.8. Sir Humphry Davy, British, an inventor and chemist.9. Zhang Heng, ancient China, an inventor.10. Stepper Hawking, British, a physicist.Step Ⅲ Pre-readingGet the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions.T: Now, class, please look at the slide. Discuss these questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask some students to r eport their work. Show the following on the screen.What do you know about infectious diseasesWhat do you know about choleraDo you know how to prove a new idea in scientific researchWhat order would you put the seven in Just guess.Sample answer 1:S1: Let me try. Infectious diseases can be spread easily. They have an unknown cause and may do great harm to people.S2: People could be exposed to infectious diseases, so may animals,such as bird flu.S3: AIDS, SARS are infectious diseases.S4: Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.Sample answer 2:S1: Cholera is caused by a bacterium called Varian cholera.S2: It infects people’s intesti nes, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps.S3: The most common cause of cholera is people eat food or drink water that has been contaminated by the bacteria.S4: Cholera can be mild or even without symptoms, but a severe case can lead to death without immediate treatment.Sample answer 3:S1: I know sth. about it. First we should find the problem. Then,think of a solution.S2: We should collect as much information as possible.S3: Analyzing results is the most important stage.S4: Before we make a conclusion, it is necessary for us to repeat some stages or processes.Sample answer 4:S1: I think "Find a problem" should be the first stage.S2: "Make up a question" should follow the first stage.S3: "Think of a method","Collect results"and "Analyze results" are after that.S4: Of course, before "Make a conclusion", we should "Repeat if necessary".T: Well done! When we want to solve some problems, first we should find out the problem, do some research on it, prove your findings, and then make a conclusion. This is a scientific and objective way of researching. Now let’s see how doctor John Snow did his research.Step Ⅳ ReadingLet the students skim the whole passage and try to work out the meanings of the new words and structures using context.T: The effect of cholera in the nineteenth century London was devastating. Many people died without knowing the reason. It was doctor John Snow who saved the people. Please look at the screen. Let’s read the whole passage and find answers to the questions.Show the questions on the screen.1. What conditions allowed cholera develop2. Why do you think people believed that cholera multiplied in the air without reason3. What evidence did John Snow gather to convince people that idea2 was rightSample answers:S1: The dirty water made the cholera develop quickly.S2: Because people could not understand its cause and could not get it cured. So people imagined that some poisonous gas in the air caused the deaths.S3: He found that many of the deaths were near the water pump while some areas far away from the water pump had no deaths. So when people were asked not to use the water pump, the disease began to slow down. In this way, John Snow had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.Step Ⅴ Text analyzingAsk the students to analyze the text in groups.T: Please look at the chart on the screen. The chart shows that each paragraph of the text explains John Snow’s stages in his research. Please read the text and find out the general idea of each paragraph and match the stage with each paragraph. Discuss it in groups, and then report your answers.ParagraphsStagesGeneral ideasSample answers:S1: My group’s opinion is this: stage one "Find a problem" is expressed in paragraph one. The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to find the causes of cholera.S2: Our answer is like this: paragraph two expresses the second stage "Make up a question". The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to prove which theory was correct.S3: "Think of a method" is the third stage. And it is contained inparagraph three. The general idea is like this: John Snow collected data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.S4: The fourth stage "Collect results" lies in paragraph four. Its general idea is like this: John Snow plotted information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.S5: Our group believe paragraph five contains the fifth stage of John Snow’s research. The general idea is like this: John Snow analysed the water to see if that was the cause of the illness. So this stage is to "Analyse the results".S6: The sixth stage is "Repeat if necessary". It is contained in the sixth paragraph. The general idea is like this: John Snow tried to find other evidences to confirm his conclusion.S7: The last paragraph is about the seventh stage "Make a conclusion". Its general idea is like this: The polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London cholera. Ask some students to put their answers in the chart.ParagraphStagesGeneral ideas1Find a problemThe causes of cholera2Make up a questionThe correct or possible theory3Think of a methodCollect data on where people were ill and died and where they got their water4Collect resultsPlot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die5Analyse the resultsAnalyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness6Repeat if necessaryFind other evidences to confirm his conclusion7Make a conclusionThe polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London choleraT: Now class. Can you tell me what style of the passage belongs to S1: I think it is a report.T: Here are three pieces of writing. They belong to different writing styles. Now read and find out what style each piece belongs to.Show the chart and three pieces of writing on the screen.ReportDescriptionCreative writingFormal language with few adjectivesVivid use of words with similes and metaphorsVivid use of language and more informal styleNo speech exceptquotationsNo speech except to help the descriptionSpeech to show feelings, reactions etc.Not emotionalEmotional to describe atmosphereEmotional to describe feelingsOnly one main characterNo charactersMay have several charactersFactualNot factual but imaginativeImaginative but can be based on factStructural according to experimental methodNot structuredBeginning, middle, endPast tense and passive voicePast tensePast tenseMaking WayOnce Goethe(歌德), the great German poet,was walking in a park. He was thinking about something when he noticed he came to a very, very narrow road. Just at that time, a young man came towards him from the other end of the road. It was too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time. They stopped and looked at each other for a while. Then the young man said rudely,"I never make way for a fool." But Goethe smiled and said,"I always do." Then he turned back quickly and walked towards the end of the road.Weather ReportHere’s the weather report for the next 24 hours. Beijing will be fine with the temperature from 4 to 13. Tokyo will be fine too and cloudy later in the day. The lowest temperature is l to 8. London will be rainy and windy later in the day. The highest temperature is 8 and the lowest is4. New York will be sunny and cloudy later in the day. The temperature is 13 to 19.HeartbeatingPut your hand to the left side of your chest. Try to feel your heartbeating. The heart takes a little rest after each pump or beat. In boys or girls of your age, heart beats about 90 times a minute. A grown-up’s heart beats about 70 or 80 times a minute. But the heartbeat is different in the same person at different times. For example, the heart beats faster during exercise. It is also faster when a person is angry,scared, or excited. During sleep, the heartbeat slows down.Sample answers:S1: I think the first piece "Making A Way" is in a style of creative writing. The second piece belongs to a description style. The third piece belongs to a report style.T: Very good. Now let’s return to our text. Who can tell me the main idea of this passageS2: I can. Clearly it tells us how John Snow defeated the disease cholera by doing scientific research.StepⅥ Homework1. Get more information about some infectious diseases and modern scientists.2. Finish the Exercises 1, 2, 3 on pages 3 and 4.人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案2教学准备教学目标1.Students learn some new words and expressions to describe people ,especially famous persons;2.Students are encouraged to give more information about famous persons who they are familiar:3. Students can realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.教学重难点1. Words and expressions in this unit2. Previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists3. Comprehending the text教学过程【导入】Words learning(Students are assigned to learn the new words of this unit and find out the English explainations of the new words )Definitions or explanationsA.examine 1.general principles of an art or scienceB.repeat 2.say or do againC.theory 3.at once; without delayD.immediate 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...plete 5.of great value, worth or useF.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finishedG.announce 7.make knownH.control e or bring to an endI.positive 9.power to order or directJ.conclude 10.quite certain or sure【讲授】useful sentences learning(The sentences are picked from the text.)1."All roads lead to Rome,"he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.5.It is announced that the spacecraft,Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.7.In 1995,the Chinese government put forward a plan for"rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education".And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage9.Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and expressions.【讲授】Introduction of a classic articleTeacher introduce a famous person --Qian Xuesen and students learn to write an article about the famous scientis using the words and expressions they just learn in class.【活动】Share the outcomeStudents share their article orally and discuss whether they have used some good and advanced expressions.【练习】Consolidation完成句子(1)爱因斯坦被认为是二十世纪最伟大的科学家之一。

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

Unit 1 Great scientistswarming up and reading【学习目标】1。

Get some basic information about 8 famous scientists according to introduction and pictures。

2.Understand how John snow defeat “king cholera"in the form of filling in blanks and answering quesstions by skimming and scanning the passage.3。

Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons in order to devote themselves to science。

【重点难点】Teaching Important PointsHave a good understanding of the text by skimming and scanning the passage Teaching difficult PointsThere are Have a good understanding of the text by skimming and scanning the passage several new and long words in the passage 。

It makes reading comprehension more difficultfor students。

【导学流程】一、基础感知1.Get some information about 8 famous scientists?(Match them。

)Famous scientists Discoveries/Inventions/TheoriesA。

人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists二课时 导学案

人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists二课时 导学案

本文由一线教师精心整理/word 可编辑1 / 1课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 2 (Reading)【学习目标】1. Learn some information about great scientists in the world .2. Try to use different skills to read the passage and answer some questions. 【教学重难点】1.Improve different reading abilities.2.Learn to use the important words and expressions. 【课前预习】 预习课文:John Snow was a well-known ____ in London in the ___ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ____ out, he began to gather information. He _____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. As a result, he found out that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated. 【课堂演练】 Step 1: Lead-in How to prevent infectious diseases in our daily life?______________________________________________________________________Step2:Fast reading Choose the best answer according to the text. 1) The passage mainly tells us that ______________ A. the cause of cholera was polluted water.B. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.C. the source of all drinking water should be examined.D. John Snow did some research and helped to defeat “King Cholera”2) ____________ is the key help for John Snow ’s discovery.A. The governmentB. The woman moving away from Broad streetC. The water companyD. The map made by himselfStep3: Detailed readingPara1. Read this paragraph and answer the following question. How much do you know about cholera from para.1?______________________________________________________________________ Para2. Read this paragraph and answer the following question.What are the two theories explaining how cholera killed people?____________________________________________________________________ Para3. Read this paragraph Read this paragraph by yourselves and answer the following question .What happened in London?Para 4-5. Read these paragraphs together.In order to find why so many people died ,what did John Snow do? Para 6-7. Find student to read this part. 1)What did John Snow find ?2)What did John Snow suggest to prevent cholera? Step 3: Post readingRead the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.A---John Snow began to test two theories.B---An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854. C--- John Snow marked the deaths on a map.D--He announced that the water carried the disease.E---John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.F---King Cholera was defeated. G---He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump. H---He had the handle removed from the water pump. The right order.【课后延伸】Talk about the following questions with your partners. Just imagine if someone get AIDS around you, are you scary, why? If you want to help him ,what can you do?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课后反思:(你在本节课学到了什么?还有哪些疑问?)。

高中英语 Unit1 Great Scientists导学案(5) 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit1 Great Scientists导学案(5) 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit1 Great Scientists导学案(5)新人教版必修5Great Scientists 导学案(5)【学习目标】1、理解过去分词作定语和表语的用法。


【自主学习】过去分词的构成:规则动词的过去分词是在动词词尾加-ed, 不规则动词的过去分词有不规则的变化, 如know----known, keep----kept, fall----fallen等。

过去分词的含义: 过去分词含有被动或完成的意思。

一、过去分词作定语1、前置定语被动意义:a respected guest 一位受尊敬的客人spoken English 英语口语 written exercises 书面练习完成意义:a retired worker 一位退休的工人 fallen leaves 落叶 the risen sun 升起来的太阳 the advanced countries 发达国家 The children are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard、既表被动又表完成:a lost animal 一只迷路的动物 a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票 an injured finger 一个受伤的手指 a broken coin 一枚破损的硬币总结:单个的______作定语,通常放在被修饰的名词之______, 作前置定语。


注意:① 如被修饰的词是 something, anything, everything, nothing ,-one, -body以及those等, 分词放在被修饰词的后面。

Do you have anything unfinished?He is one of those kidnapped、② 不及物动词的过去分词仅表示时间的完成, 无被动意义。




Unit1 Great scientists 编号001【学习目标】1. Know about how to organize scientific research and the contributions of John Snow.2. Improve our ability to learn by ourselves.【教学重点】1. To know about how John Snow defeats “King Cholera”.2. Develop our reading skills, such as , skimming ,word-guessing and summarizing .【教学难点】How to enable the students to grasp the usages of words and understand some difficult and long sentences .【自主预习】Do you know? 下面的是课前完成的哦~ You may go online!Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?Who invented the first steam engine?Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?Who discovered radium?Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?Who invented a lamp to keep miner safe underground?Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?Who put forward a theory about black holes?The passage is written as a report of an experiment and there are 7 steps1.Find a problem:(发现问题)2.Make up a question:(形成研究主题)3.Think of a method:(找出研究方法)4.Collect results:(收集材料)5.Analyse results:(分析材料)6.Repeat if necessary:(必要时重新分析)7.Draw a conclusion:(得出结论)【预习疑问】【课堂探究】I. Discuss how to prove a new idea in scientific research?Put the stages in order . II.Read the text carefully and do the following exercises.1. Summarize the main idea of each paragraph and match them with the stages of scientific research .A.John Snow believed in the second theory and decided to test it in the outbreakB.John Snow was a famous doctor who wanted to defeat choleraC.The other deaths made him further believe his findingD.There were two theories about how cholera killed peopleE.John Snow found that the water was polluted and warned people to stop using itF.John Snow found the water probably to blameG.John Snow defeated cholera by making water supplies safeMain idea stages of scientific researchParagrph 1___________Paragrph 2___________Paragrph 3___________Paragrph 4___________Paragrph 5___________Paragrph 6___________III . Reading comprehension.1. What’s the main idea of the text?A.John Snow was a famous doctor and he had two theories about how cholera was spread.B.John Snow, a famous doctor,found the cause of cholera and how to control it.C.John Snow, a famous doctor warned people not to drink the polluted water.D.John Snow and his two famous theories about cholera were great.2.John Snow discovered that some families had no deaths because________A.People in these families were strong and healthyB.People in these families were all famous doctors and knew how to protect waterC.People in these families didn’t drink free beer.D.People in these families were given free beer and hadn’t drunk polluted water3.John Snow was sure enough that polluted water carried the disease of cholera because______A.many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad StreetB.the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in 10daysC.he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad StreetoutbreakD.he was so famous and believed in the theories4.What made John Snow find the cause of cholera?A.Kindness,carefulness and good observationB.Strong determination, patience and selfishnessC.The great number of deaths caused by the diseaseD.The order given by Queen Victoria下面的是课后完成的哦~Read the passage again and fill in the blanks:John Snow was a well-known ______ in London in the ___ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ______ out, he began to gather information. He ______ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera”was defeated.。

人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientistsUnit 1 Great scientists导学案

人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientistsUnit 1 Great scientists导学案






























高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

高中英语Unit 1 Great scientists Reading导学案新人教版必修5年级:姓名:Unit 1 Great scientistswarming up and reading【学习目标】1.Get some basic information about 8 famous scientists according tointroduction and pictures.2.Understand how John snow defeat “king cholera”in the form of filling in blanks and answering quesstions by skimming and scanning the passage.3.Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons in order to devote themselves to science.【重点难点】Teaching Important PointsHave a good understanding of the text by skimming and scanning the passage Teaching difficult PointsThere are Have a good understanding of the text by skimming and scanning the passage several new and long words in the passage .It makes reading comprehension more difficultfor students.【导学流程】一、基础感知1.Get some information about 8 famous scientists? (Match them.)Famous scientists Discoveries/Inventions/TheoriesA.Isaac Newton 1.Evolution (进化论)B.Charles Darwin 2.Discovery of Radium(镭)C.Madame Curie 3.Newton’s LawD.Albert Einstein 4.Electric bulbE.Thomas Alva Edison 5.Theory of RelativityF.Nicolaus Copernicus 6.SeismographG.Stephen Hawking 7.A Brief History of TimeH.Zhang Heng 8.The earth moves around the sun.二、深入学习Step 1 Fast Reading: Answer the following questions.1.Who defeats “King Cholera“?2.What happened in 1854?3.How many people died in 10 days?4.Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8and 9 Cambridge Street?Step 2 Careful Reading:Fill in the blank with proper words according to the text.JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLEARA”about cholera It was a 1) disease of its day. P eople didn’t know its 2) or its cure.Many thousands of people died every time there was an 3) .Two 4) Cholera was spread in a cloud of gas. Cholera was spread by germs.John Snow’s opinion Cholera was spread by germs.The course of finding 5. When the disease spread quickly again in London in 6., he began to gather information.He found the outbreak was particularly severe in two 7.三、迁移运用SummaryFill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks according to the text.John Snow—a doctor, 1)Queen Victoria as her personal2) . But he was willing to help ordinary people 3) cholera.Many people died 4)________ there was an 5) . He wanted to face the6) and solve the problem. Two theories caught his attention. Thefirst suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. The second suggested thatpeople 7) this disease into their bodies and disease 8) the body. John Snow 9) the second was right but he needed evidence.When another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his 10) and tried to get information. He found that most of the deaths were near awater pump and the spread of the disease was 11) water. With theevidence, he was able to 12) that polluted water carried the virus. After that, he suggested the source of all the water supplies 13) . Fi nally “ King Cholera” was 14) .。

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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)词汇运用:1.characteristic n.特色;特性;典型adj.特有的;典型的Kindness is one of his characteristics.和善是他的特性之一。

【即学即用】He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _________was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. characteristic B. character C. appearance D. temper易混辨析:character/characteristiccharacter n.性格,品质(本身具有的);角色,人物;字符characteristic n. 特点,特征(用以区别于其他事物的)高手过招2.put forword搭配:put oneself /sth forward 自荐或推荐某人为某职位的候选人put sth. forward 提前,把时钟往前拨;提出例句:Shall we put him forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee?运用:他提出了一个更好的计划。

_________________________________________________.拓展:put away 收拾好put out 扑灭,生产put up 举起,搭建,张贴put down 放下,写下put on weight 增加体重put off 推迟put on 穿上,上演put up with 容忍3. attendv.注意;留意;处理(与to连用)=do with;出席;到场;照看;照料=take care=look after常用结构:attend school/college 上学/上大学attend a lecture/meeting 听讲座/出席会议attend a wedding/ceremony 出席婚礼/参加典礼attendance n. 出席;出席的人数;伺候;照料【例句】We’ll attend to the problem later. 稍后我们将关注这个问题。

Which doctor is attending you? 哪个医生为你看病?【即学即用】①他们在我们不在时管理事务。


____________________________________________________4. expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光;受到风险;使面临”。

常用结构:expose sth./sb./oneself (to ...) 显露或暴露于……be exposed to 暴露于……【例句】Don’t expose it to the rain/wind.别让它被雨淋/风吹。

The soldiers in the open field are exposed to the enemy’s fire. 空地里的士兵暴露于敌人的火力之下。

【即学即用】用expose的适当形式填空①In summer,________ ________ ________ the sun can be very harmful to your skin.②The soil was washed away by the flood, __________ bare rock.5. curevt.&n.治愈,治疗;常用于“cure sb. of ...”结构中。

【例句】The doctor cured her of a bad cold.医生治好了她的重感冒。

It is possible to cure the sickness.治愈这种疾病是可能的。


treat为日常用语,意为“治疗;医治”,指治疗病人的全过程ThatThat will cure him of his bad habits.那将改正他的坏习惯。

There are only two doctors to treat more than 50 patients.只有两名医生来治疗50多个病人。


Penicillin his pneumonia.②事故后卡车司机的擦伤得到了治疗。

After the accident, the lorry driver for cuts and bruises.6. absorb vt.吸收;吸引;吸收(液体,气体,光,声等);使全神贯注;吸引(注意等),后常接介词in/by;absorbed adj.精神集中的absorbing adj.十分吸引人的absorb from sth.从……中吸收be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于【例句】Cotton gloves absorb sweat. 棉手套吸汗。

So many good ideas! It’s too much for me to absorb all at once. 这么多好主意!我很难一下子完全吸收。

The old man was completely absorbed in the book.老人全神贯注地读这本书。


________ the newspaper,the man walked into a wall.②他们聚精会神地看着电视里的表演,舍不得离开。

They were watching the show on television that they found it hard to pull away.7. blame vt.责备;谴责;归咎n.责怪;(过失、过错等)责任常用结构:blame sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而指责某人blame sth. on sb. 因某事而指责某人sb. be to blame for(doing) sth. 因(做)某事某人应受到谴责The student blamed the teacher for his failure.学生因失败而责怪老师。

Who is to blame for the failure?谁该为这次的失败负责?温馨提示be to blame 应负责(无被动形式)【即学即用】We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that for their son’s bad performance at school.A. are to blameB. is to be blamedC. are to be blamedD. is to blame8. link vt. 连接;联系n.环;连接;联系;纽带常用结构:link ...to/with 将……和……连接/联系起来link up 连接起来The highway links Shanghai to/with Beijing.这条公路连接着上海和北京。

Old friends are a link with the past.老朋友是连接往事的纽带。

【课后作业与练习】Ⅰ.单词拼写1.He _________________(结束) his speech with some amusing remarks .2.They were _______________ (打败)in the football match.3.If I take this medicine twice a day, it should ___________ (治愈)my cold .4.When she smiled, he ____________(露出) a perfect set of teeth.5.Who is to ________________(责备) for the fire in the kitchen?6.Black cloth ___________________ (吸收) light.7.The government ____________________ ( 宣布) its new economic polices.Ⅱ.完成句子1.It is difficult to __________ __________ _________ her heart trouble.(治愈她的心脏病)2.根据你所说的,我断定她不适合做这项工作。

From what you say, I _________ __________ _________ _________ she is not the right person for the job.3. Potatoes turn green when __________ to light.(暴露)4. 那家新公司与几家老公司联合以保护自己。

The new company _________ ___________ several older ones in self-protection.5.昨天会上有更好的建议被提了出来。

A better plan was __________ _________ at yesterday’s meeting.Ⅱ.单项选择1.Most of the factories under __________ have been designed by Chinese engineers.A. conclusionB. controlC. constructionD. contribution2.She sent him a telegraph __________ her immediate return to London.A. instructingB. concludingC. announcingD. talking3.___________, many workers from the countryside went back home ahead of time to spend the spring festivaltogether with their family.A. Getting payingB. Got to payC. Having got paidD. To get paid4.My father is very strict ______ me _________ my studies .A. in; withB. with; inC. in; inD. with; with5.Sarah, hurry up . I’m afraid you won’t have time to __________ before the party.A. get changedB. get changeC. get changingD. get to change6.---How do you ___________ we go to Beijing for our holidays?---I think we’d better fly there . It’s much more comfortable.A. insistB. wantC. supposeD. suggest7.____________ night coming on, they set off for home.A. AsB. WithC. ByD. When8.Nothing can __________ me finishing my work. I’ll carry on with it.A. preventB. keepC. leadD. help9.Sorry , I can’t help ____________ the room,. for I’m too busy.A. paintingB. paintedC. to paintingD. paint10.The old couple ____________ some money every month in case of an emergency.A. put downB. put upC. put forwardD. put asi。
