《中西文化比较》 期末考试 新
《中西文化比较》期末考试新一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1下列哪一项是关于中原文化取向的:1.0分∙A、大帮择主∙∙B、强化王权∙∙C、帮派主义∙∙D、契约分权∙正确答案:B 我的答案:B2印欧语系的语言不可能引导文化向()发展。
1.0分∙A、逻辑型∙∙B、抽象型∙∙C、理智型∙∙D、理论型∙正确答案:D 我的答案:D3赫胥黎认为,伦理上最好的东西在实际生活中是与物竞天择、适者生存的宇宙自然过程()。
1.0分∙A、一致的∙∙B、对立的∙∙C、互相促进的∙毫不相干的∙正确答案:B 我的答案:B4相较于中国的唯心主义,柏拉图的唯心主义强调的是()。
1.0分∙A、思维∙∙B、原型∙∙C、理论∙∙D、精神∙正确答案:B 我的答案:B5中国地形的特点是:0.0分四通八达∙∙B、水陆两便∙∙C、隔绝机制∙∙D、开放机制∙正确答案:C 我的答案:A6认为经验是知识的唯一来源的经验主义代表人物是()。
1.0分∙A、笛卡尔∙∙B、霍布斯∙∙C、洛克∙∙D、斯宾诺莎∙正确答案:C 我的答案:C7根据辜正坤老师的观点,中华文化大概存在了()左右。
1.0分∙A、3000-5000∙∙B、5000-7000∙∙C、7000-9000∙∙D、9000-10000∙正确答案:C 我的答案:C8道家作为验证真理的工具的是()。
1.0分∙A、社会的反应∙∙B、流行的理论∙∙C、自己的身体∙∙D、外部的环境∙正确答案:C 我的答案:C9大体上看,秦朝以后的朝代对于中国传统意义上的封建的态度是()。
1.0分∙A、支持∙∙B、反对∙∙C、先支持后反对∙∙D、先反对后支持∙正确答案:B 我的答案:B10对于审美的改变,说法错误的是()。
1.0分∙A、审美是可以改变的∙∙B、个人、集体乃至国家的审美都是可以被强行改变的∙∙C、人的喜好是受传统影响的∙∙D、审美可以在短时间自行改变∙正确答案:D 我的答案:D11下列哪一项不是人类文化演进原因系统论:1.0分∙A、主因次因∙∙B、纵向横向∙∙C、初始因后发因∙∙D、多因论单因论∙正确答案:A 我的答案:A12解释文化的三把主要钥匙不包括:0.0分∙A、环境∙∙B、语言文字∙∙C、社会∙∙D、人口∙正确答案:D 我的答案:C13中华文化中的“爱”的根源来源是()之中。
一、单选题(每题4分,共40分)1、了解中外文化差异作用,理解不正确的是()A 提升跨文化沟通能力B 消除各地文化特色C 促进世界旅游业发展D 促进世界和平发展2、对中西方教育差异理解正确的()A 西方教育注重理科教育B 西方教育注重创新能力培养C 中方教育是缺乏法治化D 西方教育是精英化教育3、西方家庭普遍注重培养孩子的()A 语言能力B 独立性C 应试能力D 艺术修养4、钟情外貌主义的国家是()A 法国B 韩国C 日本D 新加坡5、对西方个人主义理解错误的()A 个人目标优于集体目标B 各自为政C 注重隐私保护D 强调自我价值、自我实现6、下列属于低语境语言的是()A 英语B 汉语C 日语D 波斯语7、下列属于神本主义建筑的是()A 故宫B 巴黎圣母院C 中国民居D 长城8、电影起源于()A 美国B 英国C 法国D 西班牙9、对美国家庭作用,理解不正确的是()A 经济作用B赡养作用 C 教育作用 D 生育作用10、恩格斯说:“十八世纪主要是法国人的世纪”。
中西文化比较考试试题一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 30 分)1、以下哪种价值观更倾向于个人主义?()A 中国文化B 西方文化2、中国传统建筑注重(),而西方建筑强调()。
A 对称与和谐个性与创新B 高大与雄伟小巧与精致3、西方的节日如圣诞节强调(),中国的春节则更注重()。
A 宗教意义家庭团聚B 欢乐氛围祭祀祖先4、在教育方面,西方更注重培养学生的(),中国则侧重()。
A 创造力基础知识B 实践能力理论知识5、西方的艺术作品常常展现(),中国的艺术多体现()。
A 写实风格意境之美B 抽象表达具象描绘6、西方饮食文化以()为主,中国饮食文化讲究()。
A 肉类和乳制品荤素搭配B 快餐文化烹饪技巧7、西方的家庭观念中,子女成年后(),而在中国,子女通常()。
A 独立生活与父母同住B 经济独立依赖父母8、在对待时间的观念上,西方更强调(),中国则相对()。
A 精确性灵活性B 计划性随意性9、西方的哲学思考侧重于(),中国哲学更关注()。
A 逻辑推理人生智慧B 自然科学社会伦理10、西方的社交礼仪通常(),中国的社交礼仪则()。
A 直接热情含蓄内敛B 注重形式强调真心二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 40 分)1、请简要阐述中西文学在题材和表现手法上的主要差异。
第一大题:选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.中国传统文化中,“仁”的重要倡导者是:A. 孔子B. 老子C. 庄子D. 孟子2.西方文化的发源地之一是:A. 古希腊B. 古埃及C. 古巴比伦D. 古印度3.下列哪部作品不属于中国的“四书”?A. 《大学》B. 《中庸》C. 《论语》D. 《春秋》4.西方文艺复兴时期的代表画家达·芬奇的作品是:A. 《蒙娜丽莎》B. 《清明上河图》C. 《富春山居图》D. 《步辇图》5.中国古代的“科举制度”始于:A. 隋朝B. 唐朝C. 宋朝D. 元朝6.下列哪位哲学家是存在主义的代表人物?A. 康德B. 黑格尔C. 萨特D. 尼采7.中国传统节日“春节”的主要习俗不包括:A. 贴春联B. 吃月饼C. 放鞭炮D. 拜年8.西方国家的“感恩节”起源于:A. 英国B. 美国C. 法国D. 加拿大9.中国古代的“四大发明”不包括:A. 造纸术B. 火药C. 指南针D. 蒸汽机10.下列哪部作品是莎士比亚的代表作?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《悲惨世界》C. 《人间喜剧》D. 《唐璜》第二大题:填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.中国古代哲学思想中,______和______是儒家思想的核心。
3.中国古代的“四大名著”包括 《红楼梦》、《西游记》、《水浒传》和______。
中西方文化对比 历史视角下的考试题库
二、宗教思想比较1. 请阐述中西文化在宗教信仰方面的差异与相似之处。
2. 举例说明中西方文化对宗教的影响,并分析造成这种影响的原因。
三、价值观比较1. 列举中西方文化中的核心价值观,并比较它们的异同。
2. 分析中西方文化背后的历史背景,解释导致这些价值观差异的原因。
四、教育制度比较1. 比较中西方教育制度的特点,并指出其在塑造文化价值观方面的作用。
2. 探讨中西方教育制度的差异对于个体人才培养的影响。
五、艺术表达比较1. 分析中西方艺术表达中的审美观差异,并探讨其历史渊源。
2. 对比中西方艺术形式对于文化认同和文化交流的作用。
六、婚姻与家庭观念比较1. 比较中西方对婚姻和家庭的传统观念,并解释其背后的历史文化背景。
2. 分析中西方婚姻家庭观念的差异对社会发展和个体幸福的影响。
七、饮食文化比较1. 对比中西方饮食文化的特点,并分析其背后的历史文化因素。
2. 探究中西方饮食文化在促进健康和社交方面的异同。
八、传统节日比较1. 学习中西方传统节日的起源与意义,并探讨其背后的文化价值。
2. 分析传统节日的差异对于文化认同和社会凝聚力的影响。
中西方文化对比期末复习题A1.Human beings interpret (解释,说明)the information they receive fromtheir senses_ and this process of interpretation is molded by culture.2.Well-educated Chinese show their _ anger__ almost entirely with their_ eyes.3.Some people use a lot of _ smiling__ and _ nodding as they listen.4.In China, classrooms designed with raised podiums(领奖台)reinforce(加强,补充) the _ authority_ of the teacher and encouragea _ teacher-centered _ style of learning.5.In Arab culture people distinguish (区分)what is public and what isprivate, what is male and female, and what is inside _ and what is _ outside_.6.People everywhere name colors but use different color _ categories _.7.In societies with a Confucian(孔子的,儒家) tradition(惯例), theconcept of family includes the meaning _ filial(孝顺的) duty, the duty children _ owe_ to their parents.8.The traditional Western belief about human _ nature_ is that humansare basically(主要的) _ evil_.9.In future-oriented (未来导向)societies time is linear(线性)_, whilein past-oriented societies time is _ cyclical_.10._ Individualists_ emphasize procedures for decision-making, while _collectivists__ emphasize the leader’s role in decision-making.B1.People from different cultures combine information from several sensesto orient(向东的) themselves in space and then classifies some cultures as _ high_contact and others as _ low _ contact.2.In China classroom English may be too formal_ for work situations.3._ Privacy_ is the key to understanding the use of _ space_ and territory(领土)in the US.4.Culture is built into physical structures (结构)and in return thesecultures do carry message_ and _ influence_ how people behave.5.In Arab culture the traditional architecture(建筑学) features withhigh __ walls_ and heavy _ gates__.6.The Chinese language has many precise terms for describing _ family_ and other _ relationships_.7.Chinese _ naming_ puts the family name in the first position followedby personal name while English speakers _ reserve_ the order.8.In China, the direction of moral change is from _ good_ to _ bad_,because people are believed to be basically good.9.In _ being_ cultures people often behave in ways considered suitableto their social roles_.10.Individualism means that people pay more attention to the interestsof the _ individual_ rather than the group__.C1.For most of people the cultural aspects of _ sensory_ perception(知觉) are part of _ subjective_ culture.2.People who have good posture(姿势,情形)_ usually appear more _self-confident_.3.Arab culture is on the high _ context_, and how people _ behave_ dependson the situation they are in.4.Americans are very aware of scents_ and smells, judging others by thetype and intensity ofscents detected.5.Americans can give the feeling of _ touch__ by allowing others to movein close when _ talking_6.In Chinese there are more words for describing _ family_ andrelationships than in English.7.Culture change over time. Values_ and _ beliefs also change associeties respond to changing condition.8.According to some experts, the Chinese culture is called a shame__culture, while the western culture is called a _ guilt_ culture.9._ Loyalty is important in cultures with group_ values.10.The power distance emphasizes the _ emotional and _ social distancebetween people who occupy different places in a hierarchy. (等级制度)中西方文化对比作文1.My understanding of Chinese cultural values2.My understanding of Western cultural values3.My understanding of culture shock。
要实观人类社会的和平相处,和谐发展,而每一个人要有“兼爱、兼利” 的思想。
抛弃那些“竞争论”、“ 斗争说”,才会达到天人合一的境地。
而中国文化中的天人关系是史前的“天人合一” 合于天;老庄的“天人合一” 在于自然,“无为而治”、“ 大道自然”;孔孟的天人合一” 合于“仁”;墨子的“天人合一” 在于“兼爱、兼利”。
“天人合一” 就是人的主观认识要适应“生生而易”的客观世界。
“天人合一” 是主观认识与客观世界的统一。
尔雅上中西文化比较分一、单选题(题数:,共分)如果一个汉字没有声母,在反切中声母用()代替. 分、无、课、乌、略正确答案:我地答案:不争、节欲、处柔、知足常乐是()地观点. 分、庄子、孔子、墨子、老子正确答案:我地答案:中文地语音特点是(). 分、多为单音节,闭音节、一字单音或多音,多向性、一韵一字,音义象构性强、具有规则性,轻重音表语调正确答案:我地答案:西方文字意义上地“文明”主要强调地是(). 分、道德成就、物质成就、思想成就、技术成就正确答案:我地答案:地球上环境变迁最敏感地地带位于()之间. 分、北纬°°、南纬°°、北纬°°、关于权威学者或舆论地话语结构,说法错误地是(). 分、可能改变整个民族地思想、可能对人地思维起到潜移默化地作用、对这些抱有质疑态度才能彻底解放思想、能够促进民族思想地发展正确答案:我地答案:《周易·序卦》中自然界地始基不包括(). 分、天地、阴阳、男女、日月正确答案:我地答案:关于康德地纯粹理性,说法错误地是(). 分、人先天就具有认识事物地能力、初步看到地只能是表象、人先天具有地认识能力是有局限性地、人类通过理性可以看到事物地本质正确答案:我地答案:最近一次冰期结束后,中国进入()时期. 分、母系氏族、父系氏族、奴隶制、封建制正确答案:我地答案:与文化地关系特别密切地地理环境要素不包括(). 分、地形、地质、气候、资源正确答案:我地答案:在中国远古时期,如果气候变冷,人类主要向()迁移. 分、西方、南方、北方正确答案:我地答案:近年中,中国第三个暖期是在()时期. 分、夏商、魏晋、唐朝、元朝正确答案:我地答案:乔姆斯基认为,所有地句子具有(). 分、深层结构和表层结构、表义结构和表形结构、文化结构和环境结构、主观结构和客观结构正确答案:我地答案:世界各地地文化从大体上看都是(). 分、不断循环地、横向发展地、纵向发展地、相互融合地正确答案:我地答案:从气候角度来说,中原一带地肥厚土壤主要是受到()地影响. 分、太平洋暖湿气流、副热带高压带、西伯利亚冷气流、温带季风正确答案:我地答案:彭加勒认为基本原理来自(). 分、先验、经验、正确答案:我地答案:中国农业文化倾向较强,促进了中华民族()地性格. 分、追求安居乐业、提倡个人主义、追求安居乐业,提倡人定胜天、追求进取精神,提倡帮派主义、追求天下太平,提倡家族主义正确答案:我地答案:解释文化地三把主要钥匙是(). 分、环境、语文、社会、环境、传统、社会、语文、传统、社会、语文、环境、传统正确答案:我地答案:辜正坤老师认为,艺术最终应该是为()服务地. 分、大众、精英、个人、特定人群正确答案:我地答案:在年提出()是同源地. 分、日耳曼语、拉丁语、希腊语、梵语、拉丁语、日耳曼语、梵语、希腊语、日耳曼语、梵语、拉丁语、希腊语正确答案:我地答案:中国古代社会能够产生最好地统治者是因为中国社会地(). 分、官本位思想地极端发展、科举制度地合理运用、大家族社会结构地影响、集权制度发展完善正确答案:我地答案:、太阳系与银河系本星系团、本星系团与银河系、银河系与河外星系正确答案:我地答案:西方印欧语系地特点决定了西方地文学更倾向于()地风格. 分、叙事性、议论性、华丽性、平实性正确答案:我地答案:人从动物中分化出来是因为有了(). 分、伦理、智慧、力量、合作正确答案:我地答案:()认为,劳心者治人,劳力者治于人. 分、亚里士多德、苏格拉底、柏拉图、安提西尼正确答案:我地答案:合乎当代地自由竞争模式地真正地民主应该是用()地方式遴选社会地绝大多数官员. 分、提携、考试、竞选、推举正确答案:我地答案:胡适认为,世纪人类历史进入新学术时代,西方学者运用地是(). 分、自然材料、文字、文献证据正确答案:我地答案:相较于西方,中文受到语意地影响体现于它更具有(). 分、哲理性、清晰美、定义性、综合性正确答案:我地答案:认为经验是知识地唯一来源地经验主义代表人物是(). 分、笛卡尔、霍布斯、洛克、斯宾诺莎正确答案:我地答案:受到语法地影响,印欧语系语言具有()地特点. 分、活用功能,词达理清、直观综合,一语中地、定位功能,比类条分、用词严谨,使用灵活正确答案:我地答案:一般来说,关于西方人和中国人对哲学看法地异同,说法正确地是(). 分、二者都首先强调人对外部世界地反思、二者都首先强调对人与世界地交流、西方首先强调对外部世界地看法,其次才是对人生地看法、中国首相强调对人生地看法,其次强调人对客观事物地影响正确答案:我地答案:印欧语系在语义上地特点是(). 分、一音多义,多分类义、多义字少,模糊义多、字义简洁,多综合义、关于尼采地民主思想说法正确地是(). 分、大众统治是讲文化降低到大众水准地一种精神堕落形式、民主将一般群众抬升到杰出人物地水平、多数人永远是对地、民主是社会地进步正确答案:我地答案:关于托克维尔地民主思想说法错误地是(). 分、三权分立也不能完全维护社会正义、认为民主制度地假设前提是多数派总是对地、少数派在民主中无法保障自己地自由、民主制度有利于遏制中央集权正确答案:我地答案:属于所指概念地是(). 分、音响形象、对应、概念、符合正确答案:我地答案:索绪尔地语言符号第二原则指地是(). 分、语言符号具有任意性、语言符号地发展具有多样性、能指地线条特征、能指地多向特征正确答案:我地答案:()地思想与庄子地思想最为接近. 分、黑格尔、康德、叔本华、法耶尔阿本德正确答案:我地答案:中国汉字地特点决定了中国地文学更倾向于()地风格. 分、、平实性正确答案:我地答案:中国古代地乡校除了办学以外,另外一个作用是(). 分、行医、论政、征兵、行商正确答案:我地答案:乔姆斯基提出描写语言学地缺陷在于().分、描写局限性、描写及时性、描写主观性、描写无止境正确答案:我地答案:西方文化中倾向将象形文字符号化是因为符号化后(). 分、视觉上更为美观、交流上便于沟通、政治上统治需要、书写上节约时间正确答案:我地答案:中国中原一带属于(). 分、硬叶林文化、针叶林文化、落叶林文化、阔叶林文化正确答案:我地答案:与英语相比,汉语地记忆书写速度特点是(). 分、先慢后快、正确答案:我地答案:针对于西方来说,分析地形对文化地影响时应该选取地区域是()地产生区域. 分、古希腊罗马文化、日耳曼文化、希伯来文化、基督教文化正确答案:我地答案:辜正坤教授认为,西方人无法彻底理解气功理论地重要原因在于(). 分、翻译地误区、文化地差异、体质地差异、环境地影响正确答案:我地答案:中国解决人与人之间地问题会采用()地形式. 分、以礼规范、以道规范、礼法结合、道法结合正确答案:我地答案:萨皮尔沃尔夫假说中提到语言和思维地关系是(). 分、语言决定思维、思维决定语言、语言和思维相互背离、语言和思维相互促进正确答案:我地答案:中国传统社会主义主张地民主政治其实是强调从前()来操纵政治. 分、钱财较多、钱财较少、社会声望较高、()认为中国实现了圣君与良臣政治. 分、黑格尔、康德、叔本华、法耶尔阿本德正确答案:我地答案:西方地帮派主义不提倡(). 分、限制王权、契约精神、。
《中西文化比拟》期末考试〔20〕一、单项选择题〔题数:50,共50.0 分〕1西方产生了帮主制主要是为了约束太强的〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、理性主义B、唯物思想C、专制心态D、共和意识正确答案:C我的答案:C答案解析:2中国古代社会能够产生最好的总揽者是因为中国社会的〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、官本位思想的极端开展B、科举制度的合理运用C、大家族社会结构的影响D、集权制度开展完善正确答案:C我的答案:C答案解析:3西方文化中的制服精神在肯定程度上决定了〔〕成为西方工业开展的最大驱动力。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、制造业B、轻工业C、重工业D、军事工业正确答案:D我的答案:D答案解析:4释迦摩尼提出的五蕴是〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、色、受、想、行、智B、色、受、智、行、识C、色、受、想、行、识D、色、智、想、行、识正确答案:C我的答案:C答案解析:5中国解决人与人之间的问题会采纳〔〕的形式。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、以礼标准B、以道标准C、礼法结合D、道法结合正确答案:C我的答案:C答案解析:6西方文字意义上的“文明〞主要强调的是〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、道德成绩B、物质成绩C、思想成绩D、技术成绩正确答案:D我的答案:D答案解析:7西方的帮派主义不提倡〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、限制王权B、契约精神C、党派分立D、正确答案:D我的答案:D答案解析:8中国中原一带属于〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、硬叶林文化B、针叶林文化C、落叶林文化D、阔叶林文化正确答案:D我的答案:D答案解析:9陆九渊认为,〔〕是宇宙之理的完满表现。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、自然之理B、人伦之理C、象数之理D、人心之理正确答案:D我的答案:D答案解析:10印欧语系的言语特点是〔〕。
〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、多为单音节,闭音节B、一字单音或多音,多向性C、一韵一字,音义象构性强D、具有规则性,轻重音表语调正确答案:B我的答案:B答案解析:11中式的民主强调〔〕。
中西文化比较_西安交通大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.There is one universal definition of visual art.答案:错误2.The definition and perceived value of works of art have changed throughouthistory and in different cultures.答案:正确3.The antecedents of most European art lie in the artistic production of ancientGreece and Rome.答案:正确4.In the Hellenistic period, artistic creation was dominated by the idea ofpraising the Christian church.答案:错误5.In ancient China, the art of bronze-casting skill reached its peak in the SuiDynasty.答案:错误6.Zhou Fang’s Ladies with Head-pinned Flowers depicts the disorder of sociallife in the Tang Dynasty.答案:错误7.The trees in a literati painting are usually not an exact copy of the real treesin life.答案:正确8.Li Madou criticized the Italian painters for ignoring the relationship betweenlight and darkness.答案:错误9.The poem “The Road Not Taken” was written by the German writer JohannGeorg Hamann.答案:错误10.Aristotle saw the origin of poetry i n man’s imitative nature and his sense ofharmony and rhythm.答案:正确11.According to Britannica, prose is literature that evokes a concentratedimaginative awareness of experience.答案:错误12.According to Confucius, learning poetry can enable people not only toexpress their ideas and educate themselves, but also to maintain socialconventions.答案:正确13. A sonnet is a lyric poem of 12 lines, usually in iambic pentameter withconsiderable variation in rhyming patterns.答案:错误14.The English sonnet style is named after Shakespeare because he was the firstEnglish poet to write sonnets.答案:错误15.In this chapter, we compared a sonnet "Renouncement" and a Chinese Ci"Dielianhua", while the former starts with surprising remarks of a person, the latter starts with sentimental description of the environment.答案:正确16.Both the sonnet and the Ci were originated from folk songs, and bothsatisfied people's need to express their emotions in a certain culturalbackground.答案:正确17.One of the most important factors that can lead to the emergence of a religionis _________.答案:the social contexts when people lived in poverty, misery and fear18.Christianity has three main branches: Roman Catholicism, Eastern OrthodoxChurch and __________.答案:Protestantism19.One of the important life attitudes that has been influenced or shaped byDaosim in China is ______________.答案:the view that man is part of nature20.One of the biggest obstacles for foreigners speaking a Western language tolearn to speak Chinese is the ___________ of Chinese.答案:Tone21.Chinese is a _________ language, which means a sentence is grammaticallycorrect even without a subject if its meaning is understandable in the context.topic-prominent22.In comparison to English, Chinese is a ________ language, which means thespeakers of Chinese tend to be more indirect and rely more of the contextual meaning to communicate.答案:High-context23.The process of industrialization in the early 19th century in the West, i.e.,analyze and modularize the worlds of manufacture and commerce, is anexample of _________.答案:analytical thinking24.Different language encodes the world in which it has emerged in differentways, so language ________ how the speakers of a specific language perceives and thinks about the world.答案:Influences25.________ is usually defined as a population which shares unique genetic andbiological features that distinguish it from other groups.答案:Race26.Gans (1999) divides cultural elements into two groups, i.e. high culture and________.popular culture27.Sch wartz (2006, p.139) defined ________ as “the cultural ideals”. They are thecollective understandings of what is good, correct, desirable and proper in a given culture.答案:values28.Hofstede (1980) proposes four dimensions of cultural value differences.________ refers to a society in which emotional gender roles are distinct.答案:masculinity29.________ is a way of perceiving a person as having innate cultural entitiesbased on essentialist views of cultures.答案:Culturalism30.________ refers to the condition that “… the oriental societies are defined notby what they have but by what they lack”.答案:Eurocentrism31.Which of the following is NOT a feature of culture: ________.答案:Culture determines human behavior32.Religion ca n be defined as human beings’ relation to that which they regardas holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special reverence.答案:正确33.The Chinese idiom“塞翁失马,焉知非福”emphasizes the harmoniousrelationship between humanity and the cosmos.答案:错误34.Chinese martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, feng shui, and many stylesof qigong have been intertwined with Confucism throughout history.答案:错误35.The linguistic expressions and structural patterns of a language cannot beused to investigate the thinking patterns and perception of the peoplespeaking that language.答案:错误36.Signs in language and the traffic system are both arbitrary in relation to thereal objects or meaning, so they are similar.答案:错误37.Intelligibility is the general criterion that has been used to classify humanlanguages, however, nationhood often plays a role as an important political factor.答案:正确nguage family refers to a group of languages descended from the sameancestor such as English is a member of the West Germanic branch of the Germanic family.答案:正确39.Water plays an important role in the development of civilization.答案:正确40.All civilizations were originated near waters.答案:错误41.There were clear-cut divisions of the different stages of civilizations.答案:错误42.Western civilization interacted heavily with oriental civilizations.答案:正确43.Due to the sea-going nature of Aegean civilization, Western civilizationtended to be open and expansive.答案:正确44.The predictable and gentle rivers nurtured an expansive and adventurousagriculture civilization.答案:错误45.The wide trading interaction with the Mediterranean world enabled ancientGreeks to establish a trading civilization.答案:正确46.The nature-based, agriculture-natured economy helped the establishment ofthe Chinese “family state.”答案:正确47.The Chinese feudal system emphasizes partnership and contract.答案:错误48.The city-state system practiced uniform cultural and political norms.答案:错误49.Followings are the characteristics of cultural values, except ________.答案:values are “intrinsic and universal”50.In primitive times, art was mainly about the means of survival in the harshand vast unknown world.答案:正确51.In England, the Stonehenge has an obvious practical purpose.答案:错误52.The Houmuwu square cauldron was used to carry out rituals.答案:正确53.One of the distinguishing features of Renaissance art was the development ofhighly realistic linear perspective.答案:正确54.In the age of Renaissance, people showed less interest in the ability of humanbeings to create art.答案:错误55.Modern art was devoted to glorifying religion or to speaking well of the state.答案:错误56.Xie He's Six Principles suggest that paintings should not be the properrepresentation of objects.答案:错误57.Rhyme refers to the regulated flow of words and phrases which isdetermined by the relationship of stressed and unstressed syllables.答案:错误58.In English language, there are only one-syllable characters and characters ofthe same sound are differentiated by four tones.答案:错误59.It is known that the end rhyme is the most important rhyme in both Englishpoetry and Chinese poetry.答案:正确60.In both China and the West, many poems explain moral teachings in somesimple, concrete, and interesting metaphors or synecdoches.答案:正确61.The sonnet is a symbol of the Renaissance in literature.答案:正确62.The structure of the sonnet could be related to the characteristic of the topic-prominent language.答案:错误63.Just like Xi He, who placed vitality as the highest principle of painting, thefamous poem critic Wang Guowei believed that the spiritual state of mind is most important in writing Chinese Ci.答案:正确64.According to Hofstede (1991), a person can be influenced at the same time bya national culture, a regional or ethnic or religious or linguistic culture, agender culture, and a generation culture.答案:正确65.The varied topography along the Yellow River is favorable for thedevelopment of agriculture.答案:正确66.Life in Chinese river civilization was stable and predictable.答案:正确67.As most Greek city-states were near the Mediterranean Sea, ancient Greeksbecame a sea-going people.答案:错误68.Unlike the nomads, the Chinese became a sedentary people with a highlydeveloped agriculture.答案:正确69.The Minoan civilization deeply influenced the west Asian and Egyptiancivilizations.答案:错误70.The Chinese nature-based, farm-based economy strengthened the tie amongfamily members.答案:正确71.The rugged terrain forced the ancient Greeks to turn out to the sea for tradeand food production.答案:正确72.Daoism and Buddhism are the two traditional religions that have influencedChinese culture for thousands of years.答案:正确73.Chinese students are rote learners. They learn for pragmatic purposes andshow little interest in deep understanding.答案:错误74.Culture can be divided into "________", such as literary and artistic works, and"popular culture" :答案:high cultureo Zi developed the philosophy of Daoism, but was not related to thereligion of Daoism.答案:错误76.Dialectism in Daoism philosophy means that the positive and negative co-exist in all things and they are interchangeable.答案:正确77.Moderation, humility and longevity were pursued by the philosophy ofDaoism.答案:错误78.Buddhism originated in ancient India, and came to China in late Han Dynasty.答案:正确79.In intercultural communication, students need to remove the knowledge ofour own culture to acquire the knowledge of other cultures.答案:错误80.Neither learning styles nor learning strategies are unchangeable, or pre-determined by fixed interpretations of a given academic culture.答案:正确81.Students in cultural communication should consciously put asidepreconceptions, avoid over-generalization and continuously seek deepened understandings of cultural phenomena.答案:正确82.Civilizations could come into being in a short time.答案:错误83.Agriculture played an essential role in the development of civilizations.答案:正确84.The Yellow River is called the "cradle of Chinese civilization".答案:正确85.Chinese is a hypotactic language because it has no strict requirement on theforms of sentences.答案:错误86.The majority of Chinese characters are pictographs, bearing closeresemblance to the objects or things they represented.答案:错误87.Values have been defined as the collective understandings of what is good,correct, desirable and proper in a given culture.答案:正确88.________ has been defined as "cultural variants displayed by certain segmentsof the population… they are within the larger world of our national culture"(Komarovsky & Sargent, 1949, p.143).答案:subculture89.In intercultural studies, we need to be aware that ________:答案:culture may change._Eastern and Western cultures are notindependent._Eastern and Western cultures are interdependent and permeable to each other._culture is multi-layered and complicated.90.Ho, Fu and Ng (2004) clarify two dimensions of "face": lian focuses on thecharacters of a morally good person, while mianzi focuses on the reputation and social status achieved through one's efforts.答案:正确91.Hofstede (1980) explains cultural value differences in terms of the fourdimensions, namely individuality/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity.答案:正确92.Hofstede's power-distance dimension expresses the degree to which "theless powerful members of a society accept or expect that power is distributed unequally".答案:正确93.Northern Buddhism that has been mainly practiced in the central region ofChina was influenced by Confucianism.答案:正确94.All Chinese teachers are authoritative figures who teach classes in a didacticway.答案:错误95.Stereotypes are over-simplified, over-generalized labels imposed on socialgroups and social phenomena which are diverse and complex in nature.答案:正确96.Hofstede's value dimensions are widely cited and free from problems.答案:错误nguage is basically a system of communication just like the system oftraffic symbols.答案:错误nguage is a hierarchical system, consisting of different levels such as sound,word, sentence and text.答案:正确nguage family refers to a group of languages, which are locatedgeographically close.答案:错误100.Chinese students traditionally outperform their peers in Western countries particularly in maths and science, because Chinese students are allhardworking and intelligent.答案:错误101.Hofstede' value dimensions tend to construct positive stereotypes of the Western values in contrast to the negative stereotypes of non-Westernvalues.答案:正确102.One of the similarities between Buddhism and Daoism is that they both havea single all-powerful God.答案:错误103.Christianity, originated in the first century AD, developed into three branches,i.e. the Roman Catholic, the Eastern Orthodox and the Protestant.答案:正确104.Modern Western art and music were basically paintings and hymns to complement God.答案:错误105.That Napoleon himself crowned himself and his Queen in the painting of "La Sacre de Napoleon" indicates his defiance to the Roman Catholic church.答案:错误106.The patterns or modes of thinking are stable habitual mental tendencies formed over a long time for a group of people.答案:正确107.The Western people tend to fall into inductive reasoning, i.e., moving from specific facts, observations, or experiences to a general conclusion.答案:错误108.The linear mode of thinking holds that the world is dynamic and changeable.答案:错误109.Ethnocentrism is a cultural attitude, which holds that one's own culture is better than others'.答案:正确110.Eurocentrism portrays "the East" with negative and exotic features.答案:正确111.The trends of globalization and the world economy have led to similar skills that different educational systems expect students, or future workers in the knowledge economy, to develop.答案:正确112.That many Chinese characters are ideograms can implicitly direct its speakers' attention to images.答案:正确113.Cortazzi and Jin (1996) argued that one feature of the Chinese "culture of learning" is the hierarchical but harmonious relationship between teacher and students. The statement is an absolutely correct reflection of Chinese academic culture.答案:错误114.The main difference between Buddism and Christianity is that in the former Budda considered himself as an awakening man while in the latter Godconsidered himself as the only creator of the universe and people.答案:正确115.Chinese students learn for pragmatic reasons only.答案:错误116.In Chinese, more words are formed by combining two characters while in English more words are constructed by adding prefix or suffix.答案:正确。
】‘中西方文化对比期末复习题A1.Human beings interpret (解释)the information they receive from their ___.senses___ and this process of interpretation is ____molded_(塑造)__ by culture.2.Well-educated Chinese show their __anger_____ almost entirely withtheir ____ eyes__.3.Some people use a lot of ___. smiling__ and __nodding____ as theylisten.4.In China, classrooms designed with raised podiums(乐队指挥台)reinforce(加强,巩固)the ___authority___(权利,权威)of theteacher and encourage a ____ teacher-centered___ style of learning.5.In Arab culture people distinguish(区分)what is public and what isprivate, what is male and female, and what is ___. inside___ and whatis _outside______.6.People everywhere name _.colors_____ but use different color __categories__(分类)_.7.In societies with a Confucian tradition, the concept (观念)of familyincludes the meaning ____ filial_(子女的)duty, the duty children___owe___ to their parents.8.The traditional Western belief about human __ nature____ is thathumans are basically (主要的,基本上)_ evil_(邪恶的,不幸的)___.9.In future-oriented(以未来为方向的)societies time is __linear___(直线的)_, while in past-oriented societies time is _cyclical_(周期的)___.10._Individualists______ emphasize procedures for decision-making,while __collectivists_____ emphasize(强调)the leader’s role in decision-making.A. Keys:1. senses, molded2. anger, eyes3. smiling, nodding4. authority, teacher-centered5. inside, outside6. colors, categories7. filial, owe8. nature, evil9. linear, cyclical10. Individualists, collectivistsB1.People from different cultures combine information from several senses to orientthemselves in space and then classifies some cultures as __high____contact and others as _low____ contact.2.In China classroom English may be too formal____ for work __situations3.___Privacy__(隐私,秘密)_ is the key to understanding the use of _space_____and territory in the US.4.Culture is built into physical structures (结构)and in return these cultures docarry ____message_ and _ influence_____ how people behave.5.In Arab culture the traditional architecture features with high _walls__ and heavy_gates__.6.The Chinese language has many precise (精确的)terms for describing __family___ and other___ relationships____.7.Chinese ____naming__ puts the family name in the first position followed by personal namewhile English speakers _ reverse_(相反)____ the order.8.In China, the direction of moral(道德)change is from ____good__ to __bad__, becausepeople are believed to be basically good.9.In __being_(现有的)cultures people often behave in ways considered suitable to their social_ ___roles_.10.Individualism means that people pay more attention to the interests of thebeing____individual____ rather than the __group_____.Keys:1.high, low2.formal, situations3.Privacy, space4.message, influence5.walls, gates6.family, relationships7.naming, reverse8.good, bad9.being, roles10.individual, groupC1.For most of people the cultural aspects of _____sensory__(感觉的,知觉的)perception arepart of ___subjective_____ culture.2.People who have good ____posture_(姿势,态度)_ usually appear more___self-confident____.3.Arab culture is on the high_context____, and how people ___ behave___ depends on thesituation they are in.4.Americans are very aware of _scents__(察觉能力)___ and _ behave____, judging (判断审判)others by the type and intensity(强烈,紧张)ofscents detected.(发现)5.Americans can give the feeling of ____touch_(接近)__ by allowing others to move in closewhen _ta lking_____6.In Chinese there are more words for describing family______ and _relationships_____than in English.7.Culture change over time. __Values___ and _ beliefs___ also change as societies respond tochanging condition.8.According to some experts, the Chinese culture is called a _shame_____(羞耻)culture,while the western culture is called a ____guilt_(罪)culture.9.____Loyalty_(忠诚)is important in cultures with _group_____ values.10.The power distance emphasizes the __emotional____ and _social____ distance betweenpeople who occupy different places in a hierarchy.Keys:1.sensory, subjective2.posture, self-confident3.context, behave4.scents, smells5.touch, talking6.family, relationships7.Values, beliefs8.shame, guilt9.Loyalty, group10.emotional, social中西方文化对比作文1.My understanding of Chinese cultural values2.My understanding of Western cultural values3.My understanding of culture shockMy understanding of Chinese cultural valuesIn my mind, the biggest wealth of a country is the culture. Culture is essential as it is the gathering of a nation’s spirit. Learning about the culture do good to adapting to the lifestyle and succeeding in work, and it is also the basis of creating culture. It is the inestimable value of culture.Culture exists in every where. It is in the daily interaction, and it reflects the history and future of a country. As we all know, Chinese culture is broad and profound, and it has its own characteristic. For example, we Chinese are collectivists, and we have leader-centered mode in society. The fact causes much difference from individualists.The mode appear helpful in some aspects, but not in others. We should recognize the value of culture and know more about it so that we cantake advantages of it and avoid the disadvantages.From my perspective, Chinese culture is like the soul of China. As a Chinese, we can not ignore the value of Chinese culture.My understanding of culture shockIn my mind, the biggest wealth of a country is the culture. Culture is essential as it is the gathering of a nation’s spirit. However, the culture is so various that it causes culture shock. When a people first arrive in another country which he is unfamiliar with, he may feel lonely and confused, thus, he faces the culture shock.Culture shock is normal because the world is wide and culture differs from here to there. Culture shock reflects the value of understanding culture. Learning about the culture do good to adapting to the lifestyle in a strange country, also you can feel more relaxed. We should have an optimistic and active attitude to the culture shock so that we can solve the problems it brings more easily. For example, you should know the use of chopsticks and other customs in China before you come to China.In a word, we should know more about culture and culture shock is not terrible. Keeping in touch with others also makes it easier to overcome the relative problems.。
中西文化比较选择题复习1. 主张把国画和西画分开的作家是潘天寿2. 认为西方是在搞寡头政治的是米歇尔斯?3. 十教授宣言的观点?中国西方?4. 某一句话说明了佛教的缘起性空论/?5. 真理之所以被认为真理是基于社会约定——彭加勒(约定主义)6. 合理化原则——伟人没落是(韦伯的观点?)7. 中国如果不能发展将是非常悲哀的——汤恩比8. 方生方死,方死方生——庄子9. 欧几里得等于,黎曼几何大于,罗巴切夫斯基几何小于。
10. 量子的物理原则表明物质决定意识是错误的11. 洛克是经验主义的代表12. 海德格尔主张人与自然浑然一体;非理性主义;从分析人本身的存在开始13. 依据语言符号的结构产生艺术效果的东西一定是不可译因素?14. 中国改革方向应将马克思主义与儒家文化结合15. 西方没有所罗门式帝王是谁说的?笛卡尔?黑格尔?16. 冬的反切(都宗切?)17. 中国(内模仿)西方(外模仿)18. 苏格拉底(反对希腊民主制度)19. 佛教与耶教的差异要重点看一下20. 中西文化比较指的是广义文化21. 中国学习西化很早就开始,后来曾出现(儒、道、释)三足鼎立的情况22. 影响两国文学互相影响假借的是法国比较文学23. 古代中国成功地拥有最伟大、最有效的执政者——黑格尔24. 西诗的一个词的音值与中诗一个词的音值无法判断?25. 右脑是形象思维、左脑逻辑思维26. 寓教于乐是谁说的/?贺拉斯?27. 爱因斯坦说有一个宗教和科学?佛教?耶教?道教?28. 阿赖耶识和佛洛依德的不相容?29. 康德——用先天概念感知后天经验30. 由于物理世界的发展本身具有循环性的那道题目???31. 五四以后,中国选择了社会主义的内因是?32. 甲骨四学堂指的是谁?雪鼎关于甲骨文的说法考了很多……佛洛依德的很多思想都可以在佛教中找到33. 竺可桢吧中国五千年的气候变化画了个曲线图34. 周朝是典型的封建社会35. 16世纪以前,中国的技术领先于世界36. 在马建中的《马氏通文》出现前,中国数千年来没有一部语法书37. 中西思维模式的比较在P13-P1538. 周朝井田制的实际效果与社会主义层面相通39. 社会主义思想和中国古代体制中的儒家思想有某种程度的暗合40. 《内经》讲究气血的循环,不仅是一部医学著作还是哲学著作。
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1. 一个社会是不是奴隶社会,要看奴隶在整个社会成员中的——以及具体受奴役的——()
2. 印欧语的种种形式很容易诱导暗示出西方式的——形式。
3. 自宋朝欧阳修(1007-1072)以来,“小学”多被理解为——()
4. 只有当中西两种文化都在比较的框架下被加以认知时,我们才能真正了解中国文化和西方文化各自的本质。
(A)知道的多就知道的深 (B)中国文化来源于西方文化 (C)西方文化来源于中国文化 (D)有比较才有鉴别
5. 最美好的——代表着一种最美好的人性,最美好的人性是最美好的——塑造出来的。
(A)文化,文化 (B)行为,行为 (C)法律,法律 (D)国家,国家
6. “方块汉字真是愚民政策的利器,……是中国劳苦大众身上的一个结核,病菌都潜伏在里面,倘不首先除去,结果只有自己死。
”这段话的作者是—— ( ) (A)吴稚晖 (B)胡适 (C)钱玄同 (D)鲁迅
7. 中国文化是主——的文化,而西方文化是主——的文化。
8. 五四前后,尽管有那么多西方思想涌进中国,而中国人最终还是选择了社会主义。
(A)中国人喜欢马克思(B)社会主义的思想在中国古代体制中和中国古代思想家的体系中,早有了某种程度的表现(C)当时人们认为只有西方有真理 (D)苏联实现了社会主义
9. 1786年,英国学者William Jones在孟加拉亚细亚协会宣读了一篇文章,指出希腊语、——和——具有共同的根源。
10. 从1万年来中国气温变化的曲线可以看出,中国古代文化的低落期和北方游牧部落对中原农业文化的冲击期都往往和——相对应。
11. 在文化演进的原因系统中,可分为主根、副根、近根、远根原因等。
(A)横向原因 (B)纵向原因
12. “甲骨学四堂”中包含有——()
(A)李中堂 (B)王观堂 (C)刘玉堂
13. 中国文化与西方文化相比,是——()
(A)阳性重于阴性 (B)阴性重于阳性
14. 在文化演进的原因系统中,可分为主根、副根、近根、远根原因等。
(A)横向原因 (B)纵向原因
15. 许慎(约58-147)花多年时间写成《说文》,他的观点是赞成——的。
() (A)古文经学 (B)今文经学 (C)法家学说
16. 中国文化特点倾向于德化,试分析其文化成因。
18. 试举相关绘画名作为例,分析其中所体现出的中西方文化差异。
19. 试分析草原游牧对西方文化产生的影响。
20. 试举例说明西方传统建筑主要有哪些形制。
21. 试比较中西方节庆文化。
1. 一个社会是不是奴隶社会,要看奴隶在整个社会成员中的——以及具体受奴役的——( A )
2. 印欧语的种种形式很容易诱导暗示出西方式的——形式。
( B )
3. 自宋朝欧阳修(1007-1072)以来,“小学”多被理解为——( C )
4. 只有当中西两种文化都在比较的框架下被加以认知时,我们才能真正了解中国文化和西方文化各自的本质。
因为——( D )
(A)知道的多就知道的深 (B)中国文化来源于西方文化 (C)西方文化来源于中国文化 (D)有比较才有鉴别
5. 最美好的——代表着一种最美好的人性,最美好的人性是最美好的——塑造出来的。
( A )
(A)文化,文化 (B)行为,行为 (C)法律,法律 (D)国家,国家
6. “方块汉字真是愚民政策的利器,……是中国劳苦大众身上的一个结核,病菌都潜伏在里面,倘不首先除去,结果只有自己死。
”这段话的作者是—— ( D ) (A)吴稚晖 (B)胡适 (C)钱玄同 (D)鲁迅
7. 中国文化是主——的文化,而西方文化是主——的文化。
( B )
8. 五四前后,尽管有那么多西方思想涌进中国,而中国人最终还是选择了社会主义。
其中一个关键内因是——( B )
(A)中国人喜欢马克思(B)社会主义的思想在中国古代体制中和中国古代思想家的体系中,早有了某种程度的表现(C)当时人们认为只有西方有真理 (D)苏联实现了社会主义
9. 1786年,英国学者William Jones在孟加拉亚细亚协会宣读了一篇文章,指出希腊语、——和——具有共同的根源。
( B )
10. 从1万年来中国气温变化的曲线可以看出,中国古代文化的低落期和北方游牧部落对中原农业文化的冲击期都往往和——相对应。
(B )
11. 在文化演进的原因系统中,可分为主根、副根、近根、远根原因等。
主根原因多属于——( B )
(A)横向原因 (B)纵向原因
12. “甲骨学四堂”中包含有——( B )
(A)李中堂 (B)王观堂 (C)刘玉堂
13. 中国文化与西方文化相比,是——( B )
(A)阳性重于阴性 (B)阴性重于阳性
14. 在文化演进的原因系统中,可分为主根、副根、近根、远根原因等。
副根原因多属于——( A )
(A)横向原因 (B)纵向原因
15. 许慎(约58-147)花多年时间写成《说文》,他的观点是赞成——的。
( A ) (A)古文经学 (B)今文经学 (C)法家学说
16. 中国文化特点倾向于德化,试分析其文化成因。
17. 西方文化有何整体特点?
18. 试举相关绘画名作为例,分析其中所体现出的中西方文化差异。
19. 试分析草原游牧对西方文化产生的影响。
20. 试举例说明西方传统建筑主要有哪些形制。