饭店实用英语scene 17

B:It's terrific. I like it very much.
Ⅱ. Hotel Practical English
A: Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe? B: Certainly not. Thank you very much. A: If you need something, just call me over the phone. Dial 9 first, and then
Ⅲ. Text
• The following are the top qualities needed for someone who wants to work in the hotel concierge. Number one is a true enjoyment of working with people. Guests may be impatient and stressed out but a concierge needs to roll with that and not let it affect how you help them. The second is great organizational skills. Multi-tasking is the name of the game. The third top quality is energy and patience. A concierge has to be dedicated because beyond the regular work hours, he or she needs spend a lot of time learning things. Hitting museums or checking out the latest restaurant or exhibit so he or she can talk to the guest about it with firsthand knowledge. This is unpaid time and possibly time away from the family, but it comes with the job.

1.That sounds not bad at all. I'll take it.听起来还不错。
2.So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,是不是?3.Let me have a check again.让我再看一下。
4.The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面。
5.Excuse me,where can I buy some cigarettes?劳驾。
我到哪儿可买到香烟?6.There is a shop on the ground floor.一楼有个商店。
7.It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.在那儿可买到中国香烟和外国香烟。
8.Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以买到纪念品吗?9.There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs.有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。
10.Excuse me,where is the restaurant?劳驾,请问饭厅在哪儿?11.We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.Which one do you prefer?我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个?更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。

《饭店服务实用英语》PartⅠFront Office Service前厅服务?Unit1Room Reservation房间预订Key Words(重点词汇)Receptionist接待员Reserve预订Apartment公寓房间room rate房间价格convenient方便的book预订guarantee担保,保证requirement要求operator话务员Takemessage替……留言Leave message留言Outside line外线Dial tone拨号音Country code国家代码Areascode电话区号IDD(International Direct Dial)长途直拨电拨电话DDD(Domestic Direct Dial)国际长途直拨电话information office问讯处receptionoffice接待室hotel register旅客登记簿registration form登记表manager经理attendant服务员office clerk值班服务员waiter(餐厅)服务员waitress(餐厅)女服务员underyour name以您的名义,在您的名下Useful Expressions(实用表达)Offering Help1)What canI help you,please?2)May I help you,please?3)Is there something I can do for you,sir/Madam? Reservationrequirements1)Are thereany rooms available?2)I want/would like to reservea single room with bath and a fine view.3)I want/would like to reversea room for onenight.4)I want/would like to reservea room from5th April to9th April.Giving Information about Roomsand Room Rates1)Wehave many types of rooms,suchas…2)What kind of room do you want to reserve?3)What rate do you prefer?4)Wecan give/offer you30%off/30%discountat weekends.5)We will give/offer you20%off/20%discount for the group reservation.Accepting a Reservation1)For how long will you stay in our hotel?/How long will you be staying in our hotel?2)Westill haverooms available which meetyour requirements.3)In whosenamewill you reserve?4)I will confirm your reservationinformation.5)Welook forward to your arrival/coming/seeingyou soon.6)Weare expectingyour arrival.Refusinga reservation1)I am sorry.No rooms are available.2)Sorry,Miss Clinton.All the standardrooms havebeenfully booked on the day you plannedto come.3)I am sorry.All the standardrooms havebeenfully booked.What about suite rooms?Revising a Reservation1)Sorry,dueto…,I haveto cancelthe reservationmadein your hotel.2)I want/would like to revise/changemy reservationinformation.3)How would you like to revise/changeit?4)I want/would like to changethe reservationdate?Room types(房型)单人间:Single Room双人间:Double Room大床间:King Size&QueenSize Room标准间:StandardRoom标准间单人住:TSU(Twin for Sole Use)三人间:Triple Room四人间:Quad Room套间:Suite公寓:Apartment别墅:Villa按级别分:经济间Economic Room普通间StandardRoom高级间Superior Room豪华间Deluxe Room商务标间BusinessRoom行政标间Executive Room行政楼层Executive Floor不限房型Run of the House无烟标准间Non Smoking残疾人客房HandicappedRoom带厨房客房Room with Kitchen相邻房Adjoining Room按朝向分:朝街房Front View Room背街房RearView Room城景房City View Room园景房GardenView Room海景房SeaView Room湖景房Lake View RoomUnit2Check-in Service登记入住Key Words(重点词汇)?register['red?ist?]v.登记?passport['pɑ:sp?:t]n.护照?pay[pei]v.支付?check[t?ek]n.支票?receipt[ri'si:t]n.收据?sign[sain]v.签?bellboy['belb?i]n.行李员?luggage['l?gid?]n.行李?brochure['br?u??]n.小册子?deposit[di'p?zit]n.定金?departure[di'pɑ:t??]n.出发Useful Expressions(实用表达)?Greeting guestsand getting information about reservation?1)Good afternoon,sir.What canI do for you??2)Do you havea reservationwith our hotel??3)In whosenamewas the reservationmade??4)Wait a moment,please.I’ll checkour reservationrecordfor you.?5)Your reservation was made by phone and it is guaranteedby credit card.?Registering guests1)May I haveyour passportto fill out the registration form for you??2)Pleasesign your namehere,sir/madam.?Advanceinformation on payment?1)You needto pay a$1000deposit,sir/madam.?2)A$1000deposit is required to be paid in advance,sir/madam.?3)How would you like to pay(your deposit),sir/madam?In cash,bycredit card,or by check??4)Your check is unlimited,pleasesign your namehere,write down the nameof your company and the phone number of the finance department in your company.?5)Pleasekeepyour receipt for the check-out,sir/madam.Useful Expressions(实用表达)?Giving guestskey cards to rooms?1)Your key card and breakfast vouchers are all in this envelope,your room is0302.?2)The breakfasttime is from6:30a.mto10:00a.m.?3)Our bellboy will help you with your luggage and show you to your room.?Wishes?1)Hope you’ll enjoy your staywith us.?2)Wish you a wonderful time here.Unit3Other ServicesRegarding Reception Desk其它有关前台服务?Main Points(知识要点)?※Proceduresof extendingthe stay for a guest?延住服务程序?※Proceduresof changing the room for a guest?换房服务程序?※Proceduresof receiving visitors?接待访客服务程序Key Words(重点词汇)?extend[iks'tend]v.延伸?extension[iks'ten??n]n.延长?transfer[tr?ns'f?:]v.转移?signature['signit??]n.签名?attendant[?'tend?nt]n.服务员Useful expressions(实用表达)?Extending the stay?1)Thereis somechangein my plan.?2)I am wondering if I canextendthe stay??3)I needto stayherefor threemore days.?4)Please wait a minute,Mr.Green,I need to check the reservation recordsfirst.?5)Here are the extensionform anddeposit receipt.?6)You needto pay more asa depositfor extendingyour stay.?Changing the room1)There is something wrong with my bed,can I change to another room?2)Would you mind waiting for a minute,I’ll send someonethere rightaway for a check for you.3)Would you mind transferring to a standardroom on the5th floor?4)The room is similar to the one you arestaying in.s orry for the inconveniencecausedfor you.5)I’m?Receivingvisitors?1)They areexpecting me in their rooms.?2)Would you pleasecompletethis visiting card??3)Pleaseshow the visiting card to the floor attendant?4)Have fun with your friends.Unit4ConciergeService礼宾服务Main Points(知识要点)?※The way to welcome and bid farewell to guests?迎客和送客方式?※Serviceof delivering luggagefor guests?为客人运送行李服务?※Showing gueststo rooms?引领服务?※Introducing facilities and servicesavailable in the hotel?介绍酒店设施和服务Key Words(重点词汇)?doorman['d?:m?n]n.门童?suitcase['sju:tkeis]n.手提箱?elevator['eliveit?]n.电梯?corridor['k?rid?:]n.走廊?carpet['kɑ:pit]n.地毯?rack[r?k]n.行李架?switch[swit?]n.开关?ceiling['si:li?]n.天花板?lamp[l?mp]n.台灯?wardrobe['w?:dr?ub]n.衣柜?hanger['h???]n.挂?laundry['l?:ndri]n.洗衣店,要洗的衣服?instruction[in'str?k??n]n.使用说明Useful Expressions(实用表达)?Greeting guests?1)Welcometo Friendship Hotel.?2)Do you haveany luggage??3)I’ll takecareof your suitcases,?4)This way,please.The receptiondesk is right ahead/over there. ?Helping guestswith their luggageand showing the way1)Shall I help you with your luggage?2)How many piecesof luggagehave you got/do you have?3)This way,please.We need to take the elevator to go to the3rd floor.?Introducing the room facilities and the hotel service1)Pleaseallow me to show you the room,sir.2)Here is the light switch,and this is the remote control for TV/air-conditioning.3)This is the brochure aboutour hotel services4)Do you want me to demonstratethe way of using it,sir??Bidding farewell1)Shall I arrangea taxi for you,sir?2)Here is your taxi,pleaseget in.3)Have a nice trip.Unit5总机服务opetator?Main Points(知识要点)?※Proceduresof wake-up calls?叫早服务程序?※Three ways of wake-up calls?三种叫早服务方式?※Answer inquiries about long distancecalls?解答关于长途电话咨询服务?※The way to takemassages for guests?留言服务Key Words(重点词汇)?operator['?p?reit?]n.操作员,话务员?wake[weik]v.叫醒,醒来?useful['ju:sful]a.有用的?Singapore[,si?g?'p?:]n.新加坡?assist[?'sist]v.协助?response[ris'p?ns]n.反应,响应?ensure[in'?u?]v.保证,担保Useful expressions(实用表达)?Wake-up calls?1)At what time??2)Pleasedial your new wake-up time.The computer will cancel the old time.?3)I’ll wake you up at6:30a.m.tomorrow morning by knocking on your door.?Phonecall?1)To which country,please??2)Would you like a pay call or a person-to-personcall??3)I’ll put you through.Pleasehold on.?4)May I have the areacodeandthe phone number??5)I’mafraid you got a wrong number.?6)Shall I connectyou with the international operator??Taking a message?1)I’mafraid there is no response.Can I take a message,please?Or you can call later.?2)I’ll passyour message to Mr.Green.3)Would you mind leaving your telephonenumber?Unit6Information Desk咨询台?Main Points(知识要点)?※The way to give directions?指路服务?※Provide shopping information?提供购物信息?※Answer inquiries about transportation?回答交通咨询Key Words(重点词汇)?appreciate[?'pri:?ieit]v.感激?hesitate['heziteit]v.犹豫,迟疑?post[p??st]n.柱子?vase[vɑ:z]n.花瓶?jewelry['d?u:?lri]n.珠宝?feature['fi:t??]n.特色?transportation[,tr?nsp?:'tei??n]n.运输,运输工具?consultation[,k?ns?l'tei??n]n.咨询?maximum['m?ksim?m]a.最高的,最大极限的Useful Expressions(实用表达)?Giving directions1)How will you comehere,madam?2)I’ll tell/show you the way to our hotel.3)I’ll tell/show you how to come here/get there.4)Drive straight along the road,turn left at the second traffic lights,you’ll seeour hotel on the right.5)Go straight and then take the left turn at the next corner,you’ll seeit just in front of you.?Shopping information?1)There area greatvariety of goodsthere.?2)There areso many you canchoosefrom.?Transportation information1)There are two busesgoing to the GreatWall every day.2)How long doesit take to get to the GreatWall?3)It usually takesyou two hours.4)Do you needusto book you tickets?Unit7Check out结帐服务?Main Points(知识要点)?※Proceduresof helping guestswith their foreign currencyexchange ?外币兑换服务程序?※Proceduresof providing check-out service?退房服务程序?※Waysof bidding farewell?送别方式Key Words(重点词汇)?memo['mem?u]n.备忘录?save[seiv]v.保存?refund[ri:'f?nd]v.偿还?handling['h?ndli?]n.处理?luggagehandling.行李寄存Useful Expressions(实用表达)?Foreign Currency Exchange?1)CanI exchangeforeign currency for RMB here??2)What kind of currencyhaveyou got??3)What’st he exchangerate today??4)One hundred US dollars are equal to750yuan RMB at today's exchangerate.?5)How much would you like to exchange??6)How would you like your money??7)Pleasecheck them andkeepthe memo.8)What for??Check-out?1)I'm leaving today,would like to check out now.2)Your name,room number andyour key card,please?3)Did you consumeany thing in your room??4)We'll refund you$335,and hereis the receipt.5)Would you like me to contact the Concierge to help you with your luggage??6)Look forward to seeingyou again.?7)Have a nice trip.?8)Fly safe.1.假设你是上海金茂酒店的预订员简?接到了一位客户从大连打来的电话,他将一个人驾车来上海休闲旅游(leisure travel),要预订一间豪华单人间,并先用信用卡保证预订(credit card guaranteed reservation)?请你和你的同学模拟对话中的角色,准备对话,然后在班上进行口头表演?J:?Room Reservation.Can I help you?S:?Yes,I am calling from Dalian City.I will make a leisure travel to Shanghai next week.So I want to book a room at your hotel.wonderful.What datesdo you needthe room?/For which date/For when,please? J:?That’sS:?From September9th.J:?how long will you be staying?/For how many nights?S:?For two nights.J:?How many guests will there be in your party?S:?Just my wife and myself.J:?What type/kind of room would you prefer?A single or a double?S:?A single,please.J:?Could you hold the line,please.I’ll check the list…Thank you for waiting,sir.We have a single room at RMB150and another at RMB180.Which one would you prefer?S:?I’dl ike to take the RMB180.J:?May I have a credit card to guaranteethis booking/Do you wish to guarantee the room? S:?Yes,I need to.J:?Will that be your credit card or will you pay in advance?S:?My credit card,please.J:?May I know the type of card and the number?Visa.The card number is4635111033345566,expiration date is Dec.10th,2010. S:?Yes,it’sAnd my name is Stephen Nobel.J:?Thanks.Mr.Nobel.Let me just confirm your booking.One single room from September9th to September,in name of Mr.Stephen Nobel.The rate for the room is RMB180 per night.This is a guaranteed to your Visa Card.Your credit number is4635111033345566. Am I correct?correct.Thank you for your help.Goodbye.S:?Yes,that’sJ:?Goodbye.We are always at your service.2.假如你是一家电器公司的经理,你们公司打算在12月22日在北京举办庆祝公司成立十周年的会议,会后打算下榻上海金茂酒店,先致电金茂酒店预订部,要求订50间标准双人房,10间豪华双人房,2间套房,时间从12月22日至25日,共4天?请你和你的同学模拟对话中的角色,准备对话,然后在班上进行口头表演?J:?Good morning.Reservations,Janespeaking.May I help you?S:Good morning.This is Stephen Nobel from Dalian Electrical Company.Our company is going to give an anniversary in Beijing on December22nd.Pleasereserve50standard double room,10deluxe double room,2suites.J:?For when,please?S:?Four nights.From December22nd through December25th.J:?Please hold the line one moment.I see your company has an arrangement with this hotel for all types of room.We will give you adiscount at30%.S:?OK.That’ll be fine.J:?What time will you be arriving?S:?We will arrive at2,00p.m.on December22nd.J:?OK.We will make a perfect arrangement for your company.S:?Thank you very much.Seeyou.J:?Goodbye.6.行李员杰克正在帮一位女顾客搬运行李,陪着她把行李拿到房间,并向她介绍客房内的设施?请你和你的同学准备该对话,并在班上表演?J:Excuse me,madam.I’mthe bellman.Do you needany help?M:Yes.Can you show me where to deposit my valuable?J:Sure.This way,please.The cashier desk is just over there.(The cashier is helping the guest with the deposit of valuable.)M:Pleasekeep the receipt.Now shall I escort you to your room with your baggage?it?J:Your room is on the fifth floor,isn’tright.M:Yes.that’sJ:This way to the elevator,please.Let me take your suitcase.M:Good.It is facing a beautiful garden.J:Can I put the suitcase here,madam?M:Thank you.May I ask where the dining hall is?J:We have two dinning halls on the third floor and the ninth floor respectively.The former servesChinese food,and the latter western-styled cooking.M:Good.Pretty convenient.Thank you for the information.J:You are welcome,sir.I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.。

一、单词:1、restaurant 餐厅2、reservation 预订3、menu 菜单4、table 桌子5、chair 椅子6、knife 刀7、fork 叉8、spoon 勺子9、plate 碟子10、chopstick 筷子11、napkin 餐巾12、glass 玻璃13、bottle 瓶子14、beer 啤酒15、wine 葡萄酒16、coca cola/coke 可乐17、sprite 雪碧18、coffee 咖啡19、salt 盐20、sugar 糖21、pepper 报纸22、soy sauce 酱23、vinegar 醋24、beef 牛肉25、pork 猪肉26、lamb/mutton 羊肉27、chicken 鸡肉28、vegetable 蔬菜29、fruit 水果30、tomato 西红柿31、dessert 甜品32、cream 奶油33、curry 咖喱34、cheese 奶酪35、chocolate 巧克力36、salty 咸37、sweet 甜38、spicy 辣39、sour 酸的40、bitter 苦的41、ice 冰的42、butter 黄油43、soup 汤44、lobster 龙虾45、prawn 对虾46、shrimp 虾子47、crab 蟹48、oyster 牡蛎49、salmon 三文鱼50、apple 苹果51、pear 梨52、banana 香蕉53、grape 葡萄54、orange 桔子55、peach 桃子56、bread 面包57、strawberry 草莓58、watermelon 西瓜59、cherry 樱桃60、kiwi-fruit 猕猴桃61、lemon 柠檬62、carrot 胡萝卜63、cucumber 黄瓜64、lettuce 生菜65、cabbage 卷心菜66、bake 烘焙67、boil 煮68、braise 闷炖69、deep fry 炸70、fry 煎炒71、smoke 烟熏72、steam 清蒸73、stew 烩74、roast 烘烤二、日常用语1.Good morning, what can i do for you? 早上好,我能为你做点什么?2.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生,您预订了吗?3.What time and how many persons? 什么时间,几位?4.May i have your name, please? 能告诉我你的名字吗?5.Where would you like to sit? 您愿意坐哪儿?6.This way,please. 这边请。

饭店服务实用英语Good evening, and welcome to The Gourmet Corner. My nameis , and I will be your server for this evening. We have a variety of exquisite dishes for you to choose from, including our signature dish, the pan-seared salmon with lemon butter sauce. May I start you off with something to drink? We have a wide selection of wines, beers, and non-alcoholic beverages.Certainly, I'd be happy to recommend a wine that pairswell with your meal. Our house red is a popular choice and complements many of our dishes. If you prefer white, we havea crisp Chardonnay that is very refreshing.Excellent choice! I'll bring you the wine list to browse through. In the meantime, can I interest you in any appetizers? Our chef's special appetizer tonight is thetruffle mushroom bruschetta, which is quite delightful.I apologize for the wait. It seems we are experiencing a high volume of guests tonight. Your order will be out shortly. In the meantime, is there anything else I can assist you with? Perhaps another drink or some fresh bread?I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your dish. I'll have our chef prepare a new one for you right away. Would you like to try something else while you wait, or would you prefer to stick with the original order?Thank you for your patience. I hope the new dish meets your expectations. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to ensure you have a pleasant dining experience.I see you've finished your meal. Would you like to try one of our desserts? Our chocolate lava cake is a favorite among our guests. It's served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.Certainly, I'll process your payment now. We accept all major credit cards as well as cash. If you have any questions about your bill, please let me know.Thank you for dining with us tonight. We hope you enjoyed your meal and will consider returning soon. Have a wonderful evening!。

饭店实用英语试题一及答案I. Choose the best answer. (10%)1. If you've never been to this city, you should take a look at our____.A. menuB. brochuresC. front deskD. inn2.We do not have a ____ service. You'll have to park your car yourself.A. roomB. dinnerC. laundryD. valet3.The room has a pull ____ so it will sleep an extra person.A. offB. overC. outD.on couch4.We don't have any vacancies. We are____ completely.A. vacantB. bookedplimentaryD. closed.5. I'll let you voice your complaint about the rate to the ____.A. housekeeperB. valet driverC.hotel managerD. chefII.Match the words. (10 %)1. deluxe double A. 前厅部2. group reservation B. 餐桌装饰3. table decorations C. 豪华双人间4. the Front Office D. 刀削面5. Sliced noodles E. 团体预订III. There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in each brackets. (10 %)1.The ______(crew)are paid to do all the word on the ship.2.We finally (yield)_____to their argument.3. Among those (presence)______at the meeting are some foreign experts.4.He gives very little money to his wife out of (selfish)_____.5.We use a ______(global) in our geography lessons.IV. Complete the following dialogue. (10 %)A: Room service,____1_____?B: I’m going to London tomorrow morning. So I would like to request _______2____.A:_____3______, at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?B: At 6 sharp , please. _____4____, please. I don’t want to disturb my neighbors.A: OK. So we will ____5_______at 6:00 tomorrow morning.V. Translate the following sentences. (20%)1. 我想预订一间有淋浴的单人房间。

1.1 How to greet and welcome? 打招呼与迎宾
——Good afternoon,Ms.Welcome to our restaurant.How many guests will be dining with you? ——中午好,女士。欢迎光临,请问您一共几位? ——Good evening,madam.How may/can I help(帮助) you/What can I do for you? ——晚上好,女士。请问有什么可以为您效劳的? PS.此处的Ms用来代替Miss(未婚)或Mrs(已婚),指不明 婚姻状况的女性,或者我们可以用madam来统称女性顾客。 (当然,小孩子可以不用这样称呼)。在西方人眼中,公 共场合女士优先被看做风度的体现,因此,我们可以率先 为女士服务。 Q.如果就餐时客人较多,我们想询问来客是否有预约,又 应该怎样讲呢?
1.1 How to greet and welcome? 打招呼与迎宾
关于“就坐”,我们可以这样说 ——Take/Have a seat,please.请坐。 ——Please be seated.请坐。 ——Would you take your seat,please?请就坐。 ——Would you take this seat,please?请坐这儿。 或者,我们可以就直接说 ——Sit down please. Q.客人已经就坐,我们如何开始点菜呢?当然,首 先必须得递上菜单,关于“开始点菜”,我们也 有几个短语可以使用。
1.1 How to greet and welcome? 打招呼与迎宾
Come with me,please. ——Would/Could you please come this way? 或者说 ——would/Could you please come with me?(第二条、 第三条都是较为正式委婉的说法) PS.在西方国家,尤其是在正式场合中,一般是不 直接提出要求的,而是采取疑问句的形式来询问 或者征求意见,这样显得较有礼貌、修养。
西财《饭店实用英语》教学资料包 课后习题答案 饭店实用英语unit 17(xt)

Scene 17 Beauty CenterExercisesI. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1. facial2. irritating3. effective4. dead5. lightlyII. The following is a list of terms related to the bar. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below.A---------------------------- French manicure 法式美甲B----------------------------henna designer 指甲花设计师C------ ---------------------- beeswax machine蜜蜡机D---------------------------- nutrition oil 营养油E---------------------------- hairdresser理发师F----------------------------- finger massage手指按摩G---------------------------- nail shaping 指甲整形H----------------------------- pedicurists 修脚师I------------------------------- light therapy resin nail光疗树脂指甲J------------------------------ laser crystal nail镭射水晶指甲K----------------------------body art 人体艺术L----------------------------- hand hairstylist发型设计师M---------------------------- makeup artist化妆师N-----------------------------cold perm 冷烫O----------------------------- manicurist美甲师P---------------------------- beautician specialist 美容专家Q---------------------------- facial mask面膜1. A2. C3.B4.F5.M6.P7.N8. L9.H 10.KIII. Complete the following dialogue.1. What beauty products do you have2. Can you introduce some to me3. What brand of eye cream is the best4. Can you give me a sample5. Close your eyesIV. Translate in the following sentences into English.1. I'd like to have my hair cut.2. What face cream do you have?3. I want to buy some suntan oil.4.Your skin is too dry. You'd better use some hydrating products.5. We are having a special on facials this weekend.Case StudyRead the above conversation and complete the outline. You should write your answers in no more than three words.1. big rollers2. the dryer3. from being burned4. soft5. ¥200Home ReadingPassage 1:Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) after reading the passage above.1. Massage has a 3,000-year history in Egypt. (F )2. Nowadays nobody can get any benefits from massage. (F )3. Massage therapy can cure many chronic conditions. (F )4. Massage can help the muscles dispose of accumulated waste products. (T )5. Massage is not good for paralysis. (F )Passage 2:Read Passage 2 again and give brief answers to the following 5 questions.1. The art of henna2. over 5000 years3. For decorative purposes4. Green5. On the skin。
Unit Twelve《饭店实用英语》

Unit Twelve
Words & Phrases
• lucidity n. 光明,明晰 • cloisonne n. 景泰蓝 • lacquerware n. 漆器 • multifarious adj. 多种多样的,五花八门的 • web n. 网状物 • tantalizing adj. 逗人的,撩人的 • retailer n. 零售商 • glacially adv. 冷淡地 • gobble v. 吞并,狼吞虎咽 • crystalization n. 结晶 • peony n. 牡丹 • magpie n. 喜鹊
• 11. What can I show you? 您要买什么? Besides “May I help you?”,“Can I help you?” and “What can I do for you?” and the shop assistant may say,“What can I show you?”,“Are you being attended to?” or “Is anyone taking care of you?” to offer help.
paper c
shell carvings: 贝雕。
• 6. job procedures: 工作流程。
A shop assistant's job mainly includes these procedures:
• 4. as white as jade,as thin as paper,as bright as mirror and as melodious as qing:白如玉、薄如纸、明如镜、 声如磬。

Complaint handling
Hotel Business English
Conference Services
Conference Services Introduction: Conference services are an important component of hotel business, providing a series of professional services including venue reservation, equipment rental, and tea break services.
Conduct full process monitoring of banquet services to ensure that all services meet customer requirements and handle unexpected issues in a timely manner.
Venue layout
Based on customer needs and budget, design a menu that fits the theme of the banquet, ensuring the quality and taste of the dishes.
Menu design
Menu presentation
Taking Orders
Beverage selection
After taking the customers' orders, the waiters should offer a variety of beverages and explain the options available They should also ask if there are any specific requests or preferences

饭店运营实用英语以下是一些饭店运营中常用的英语:1、Welcome to our restaurant. 欢迎光临我们餐厅。
2、How many people are there in your party? 你们一共有几个人?3、Would you please come with me? 请您跟我来好吗?4、Please step this way. 请这边走。
5、Will this table be all right? 这张桌子可以吗?6、Would you like to sit near the windows? 您是否喜欢靠窗坐?7、Where would you like to sit? 您希望坐在哪里?8、You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。
9、I'm sorry, that table is already reserved. 对不起,那张桌子已经预订出去了。
10、Your table is ready now, sir. 先生,您的桌子已准备好了。
11、We can seat your party now, sorry to have kept you waiting. 我们现在可以安排你们就座了,对不起让你们久等了。
12、Here's the menu. 这是菜单。
13、I'm sorry, the restaurant is full now. We can seat you in 20 minutes. 对不起,现在餐厅已坐满,20分钟候我们可以安排您入座。
14、You can wait in the bar if you like and we'll call you when we have a table. 如果您愿意,可以在酒吧等一等,我们有了桌子会去请你的。
15、I'm sorry, there isn't a table right now. There will bea wait of about 20 minutes. May I have your name, please? 对不起,现在没有空桌了,恐怕要请您等20分钟,请问您姓名?16、Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait? We'll accommodate your party as soon as possible. 您是否愿意边等边在休息处喝喝饮料?我们会尽快安排你们入座。

餐饮部常用英语 1.English of Chinese Restaurant中餐1.How many, please? 请问几位?2,This way , please .这边请.3,A waiter /waitress will come soon to take your order .服务员很快会来为您写菜单. 24,It looks good ,smells good and tastes good .这道菜色,香,味俱全.5,Why not try the…….?要不要试试………呢? 6,Which brand of milk / beer/ cigarettes/wine/…would you prefer ?你喜欢什么牌子的牛奶/啤酒 7,It may take about 15 minutes 可能需要 15 分钟.8,It's crisp/tasty/tender/clear/strong/spicy/aromatic 它很酥脆/可口/鲜嫩/清淡/浓烈/辣/香味扑鼻.9,Here is **** for your order, please enjoy it.这是您点的菜,请慢慢享用. 10,Here is your bill.这是您的帐单.西餐: English of Western Restaurant西餐: 1,Welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临本餐厅.2, Do you have a meal voucher / breakfast voucher?您有早餐券吗? 3,Would you like coffee or tea?您想要咖啡还是茶?4,This way please. Would you like sitting by the window?这边请,您想坐在窗边吗?5,May I take this plate away?我可以收掉这个盘子吗?6,What kind of egg style would you like?请问您的鸡蛋需要什么样的形式?7.We have pan-fried egg, scramble egg, boiled egg, poached egg.我们有煎蛋,炒蛋,煮蛋,荷包蛋.8.Would you like one side or two sides?您是要单面还是双面?(煎蛋)9,How would you like the steak rare, medium, or well done?您喜欢几成熟的牛排,是生的,5 分熟, 还是全熟?10,What kind of sauce would you like?您需要配什么汁?11,Would you like one glass of red wine with your steak?您的牛排需要配杯红酒吗?12,Would you like a vegetable salad or a fruit salad?你要蔬菜沙拉还是水果沙拉?13,Here is **** for your order, please enjoy it.这是您点菜,请慢慢享用.14,We've got a choice of….我们今天可供选择的有…….. 15,How about some refreshments?来点点心怎么样?16,I would recommend some….我推荐一些…..17,It may take about 15 minutes 可能需要 15 分钟.18,The food is best eaten while hot. Please enjoy your meal.这道菜最好趁热吃,请慢用.19,Would you like to put that on your hotel bill?您准备把费用记到您的饭店总帐上吗?20,Here is your bill.这是您的帐单.21,I'm going to kitchen to tell the chef to hurry right away.我马上去厨房催厨师们快一点.其他 1.I'd like to book a double room for Tuesday next week.下周二我想订一个双人房间. 2.What's the price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同? 3.A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is15dollars Per night.一间双人房朝阳面的每晚 140 美元,背阴面的每晚 115 美元.4.I think I'll take the one with a front view then.我想我还是要阳面的吧.5.How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?6.We'll be leaving Sunday morning.我们将在星期天上午离开.7.And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.我们盼望下周二见到您.8.I'd like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October 4 to the morning of October10.我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10 月 4 日下午到 10 月 10 日上午用. 9.We do have a single room available for those dates.我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用. 10. What is the rate, please?请问房费多少? 11.The current rate is$ 50 per night.现行房费是 50 美元一天.12. What services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?13.That sounds not bad at all. I'll take it.听起来还不错.这个房间我要了. 314. By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible.顺便说一下, 如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间.15.Welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临.16.So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了 4 件行李,是不是?17. Let me have a check again.让我再看一下.18.The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面.19.After you, please.你先请. 20.Excuse me, where can I buy some cigarettes?劳驾.我到哪儿可买到香烟?21.There is a shop on the ground floor.一楼有个商店.22.It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.在那儿可买到中国香烟和外国香烟.23.Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以买到纪念品吗?24.There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs.有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品. 25.Excuse me,where is the restaurant?劳驾,请问饭厅在哪儿?26.We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.Which one do you perfer 我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个?27.I'd like to try some Chinese food today.今天我想尝尝中国菜.28.I want a double room with a bath.我要一间有浴室的双人房.29.How much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?30.It is hundred yuan a day including heating fee, but excluding service charge.一百元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务费.31.It's quite reasonable.收费十分合理.32.How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您准备住多久?33.Have you got through with the check-in procedure?你是否已经办妥住宿登记手续?34. Can I book a single room for my friend beforehand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning?我能为我的朋友预订一间单人房吗?他将于明天早上到达上海.35.Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance for him.请填好并预付一百元钱.36.This is a receipt for paying in advance.Please keep it.这是预付款收据,请收好.37.Have you any vacant(spare) room in the hotel?旅馆里有空余房间吗?38.Sorry, we have no vacant(spare) room for you. But I can recommend you to the Orient Hotel where you may get a spare room.对不起,我们已经客满了.但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间.39.Good afternoon, my room number is 321.Any mail for me?下午好!我的房号是 321.有我的信吗?40.Yes.You have two letters and one telegram, also a message was left by a lady before one hour.有的.您有两封信和一封电报,一小时前有一位小姐来电话留言给您. 41.I'll mail a letter to U.S.A.by airmail.我要寄一封航空信到美国.42.How much do I have to pay for you?我要付多少钱? 43.A letter generally mails to America—Europe —Africa by airmail. First 20 grams is 20 yuan.通常一封寄到美国,欧洲,非洲的航空信,20 克收费 20 元. 44.Yes, we do have a reservation for you.对了,我们这儿是有您预订的房间.45.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you?请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,好吗? 46.What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER?"房间号码"这一栏我该怎么填呢?47.I'll put in the room number for you later on.过会儿我来给您填上房间号码. 48.You forgot to put in the date of your departure.您忘了填写离店日期了.49.And here is your key,Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420.给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生.您的房间号码是 1420.50. is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is$90. It 房间在 14 层, 每天的房费是 90 美元.51. Please make sure that you have it with you all the time.请务必随时带着它. 452. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected.我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多.53. I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days.我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天.54.I'll take a look at the hotel's booking situation.我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况.55.I'm glad that we'll be able to accept your extension re-quest.很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求.56. But I'm afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.不过,恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去.57. We have already let your room to another gentleman.我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生. 58. That's no problem at all.没问题.59.Is this everything, sir?这是全部东西吗,先生?60.Here's the light switch.这是电灯开关.61.Here's the closet and there's the bathroom.这儿是壁柜.这儿是洗澡间.62. Will there be anything else, sir?还有什么事吗,先生?63. Well,if you need anything else,please call room service.噢,如果你有什么事,请叫房间服务.64. Let me help you with your luggage.我来帮您拿行李.65.It's very kind of you to do so.你这样做使我很感激.66.What's your room number, please?请问您的房间号码?67. And by the way, could I have a look at your room card?顺便问一句,我可以看一下您的房卡吗?68.How do you like this room?您觉得这个房间怎么样?69.It's also quite spacious.房间也很宽敞.70. Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe?我把您的行李搁在衣柜旁边好吗?71.By the way, could you tell me about your hotel service?顺便问问,你能不能给我讲一下宾馆服务的情况?72.Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse our-selves?旅馆里有娱乐场所吗?73.If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden.如果您想散步,可以去花园.74.There is a recreation centre on the ground floor.在一楼有个娱乐中心.75. You can play billiards,table tennis,bridge,and go bowl-ing.您可以去打打台球,乒乓球,桥牌和保龄球. 76.Is there a place where we can listen to some music?有听音乐的地方吗?77. There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such as Beethoven, Mozart,Liszt,and mode rnmusic,while having some Chinese tea or other soft drinks.有个音乐茶座,您可以一边欣赏古典音乐,如贝多芬,莫扎特,李斯特的乐曲和现代音乐,一边品尝中国茶和软饮料.78. Would you please tell me the daily service hours of the dining room?请告诉我餐厅每天的服务时间,好吗? 79.From 7:00 a.m.till 10:00 p.m.nearly serving all day long.从早上七时一直到晚上十时, 几乎全天供应. 80. When will the bar and cafe open?酒吧和咖啡馆什么时间开放?81.From 3:00 p.m.till midnight.从下午三点到晚上十二点.82.Does the guest house offer any other service?宾馆里还有哪些服务项目?83.We have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services,a newspaper stand, a billiard,table tennis, video games and so on.我们有理发室,洗衣房,小卖部,邮电服务,报刊供应柜,弹子房,乒乓球和电子游戏.84.It's jolly good!这太好了!85.And where can I have my laundry done?脏衣服送到哪里去洗? 86.Madam.What can I do for you?夫人.我能为您做些什么? 587.I'm looking for a man whose name is John.我在寻找一位男士,他的名字叫约翰. 88.Could you tell me his room number, please?请问他的房间号码是多少? 89.I suppose it is 735.我想他的房间号码是 735 号.90.By the way, please show me where the lift is?顺便请指点我电梯在什么地方?91.I need some information about touring Hangzhou.我想了解关于游览杭州的情况.92. There are two trains going to Hangzhou every morning,No.49 and No.79. 每天早晨有两列火车到杭州,49 次列车和 79 次列车.93.What time does this train leave?这列火车什么时间发车? 94. Could you get me two tickets for tomorrow here?你能否在这儿卖给我两张明天的车票?95.I'm looking for a friend, Mr.Brown. Could you tell me if he is in the hotel?我在找一位朋友,布朗先生.你能告诉我他是住在这个饭店吗?96.Just a minute,please.I'll see if he is registered.请稍等片刻,我看看他是否登记了.97.They are in suite 705. Let me phone him.他们住在 705 号套房,我来给他打电话.98.Mr.Brown said he's waiting for you in his room.布朗先生说他在房间里等您.99.Housekeeping.May I come in?我是客房的,可以进来吗?100.When would you like me to do your room,sir?您要我什么时间来给你打扫房间呢,先生?01.You can do it now if you like.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫.102.I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想请你给我拿一瓶开水来.103.I'm sorry that your flask is empty.很抱歉您的水壶空了.104.May I do the turn-down service for you now?现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?105.Oh,thank you.But you see,we are having some friends over.噢,谢谢,但你知道我们邀请了一些朋友过来聚聚.106.Could you come back in three hours?你能不能过 3 小时再来整理?107.Certainly,madam.I'll let the overnight staff know.当然可以,女士.我会转告夜班服务员.108.Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?请整理一下浴室好吗?109.I've just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now.我刚洗了澡,那儿乱糟糟的.110.Besides,please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.此外,请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来.111.It's growing dark.Would you like me to draw the curtains for you?天黑下来了,要不要我拉上窗帘?112.Is there anything I can do for you?您还有什么事要我做吗?113.I'm always at your service.乐意效劳.114.Excuse me.Have you any laundry?对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?115.The laundry man is here to collect it.洗衣房服务员来这儿收要洗的衣服了.116.If you have any,please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里.117.Please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back.请告诉我们或在洗衣单上写明您的衣服是否需要熨烫,水洗,干洗或缝补,还要写明何时需要取衣服.118.What if there is any laundry damage? 如果你们洗衣时损坏了衣服怎么办?119.In such a case,the hotel should certainly pay for it.如果是这样,饭店当然应该赔偿.120.Could you send someone up for my laundry,please?请问,你们能派人来收要洗的衣服吗?121.A valet will be up in a few minutes.洗熨工马上就到.122.Will the color run in the wash?洗衣时会掉色吗?123.We'll dry-clean the dress.我们将干洗这条裙子.124.We'll stitch it before washing.我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好.125.When can I have my laundry back?我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?126.But would you like express service or same-day?不过,您是要快洗服务还是当日取?127.I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗.128.Can you change the room for me? It's too noisy.能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了.129.My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.我妻子被运送行李的电梯发出的嘈杂声弄醒了几次. 6130.She said it was too much for her.她说这使她难以忍受.131.I'm awfully sorry,sir.非常对不起,先生.132.I do apologize.我向您道歉.133.No problem,sir.没问题,先生.134.We'll manage it,but we don't have any spare room today.我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间.135.Could you wait till tomorrow?等到明天好吗?136.I hope we'll be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.我希望明天晚上我们能呆在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉.137.And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们.138.The light in this room is too dim.这房间里的灯光太暗了.139.Please get me a brighter one.请给我换个亮的. 140.Certainly,sir.I'll be back right away.好的,先生,我马上就回来.141.The room is too cold for me.I feel rather cold when I sleep.这房间太冷了,我睡觉时感到很冷.142.There seems to be something wrong with the toilet.我房间里的抽水马桶好像出了点毛病.143.We'll send someone to repair it immediately.我们会马上派人来修的.144.What's the trouble?哪儿坏啦?145.The toilet doesn't flush.抽水马桶不放水了. 146.Let me see.Oh,it's clogged.让我看看.噢,堵住了. 147.The water tap drips all night long.水龙头一整夜滴水.148.Some part needs to be replaced.I will be back soon.有个零件要换了.我片刻就来.149.Ah,I'm afraid there's something wrong with the TV.噢,电视机好像有些毛病. 150.The picture is wobbly.图像不稳定.151.I'm sorry.May I have a look at it?很遗憾,我可以看看吗?152.I'll send for an electrician from the maintenance department.我去请维修部的电工来.153.We can have it repaired.我们能找人修理.154.Please wait just a few minutes.请稍等几分钟.155.The TV set is not working well.电视机有毛病了.156.I'd like to have my hair cut.我想理个发.157. How do you want it?您想理什么式样的?158.Just a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back.修剪一下就行了.两边剪短些,但后面不要剪得太多.159.Nothing off the top?顶上不要剪吗?160.Well,a little off the top.嗯,稍微剪一点.161.Would you like a shave or shampoo?您要不要修面或洗头? 162.I want a haircut and a shave,please.我想理发和修面. 163.Very well,and how would you like your haircut,sir?好的,您喜欢什么发式?164.Do you want me to trim your moustache?要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?165.Well, could you cut a little more off the temple?好,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?166.Is that satisfactory?您看这样满意吗?167.Anything else I can do for you?还要我为您做些什么吗?168.I want a facial.我想做面部美容.169.Most facials start with a thorough cleansing.面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤.170.I'll take the half-hour facial with make-up.我要做半小时美容外加化妆.171.I'm going to Tianjln early tomorrow morning.我明天一大早要去天津.172.So I would like to request an early morning call.因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我.173.At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?174.But I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Tianjin by 10 o'clock.但我是 10 点钟必须赶到天津花园宾馆会议室.175.That means that I'll have to be on the road by 7 o'clock at the latest.就是说我明天早晨最迟也要 7 点钟上路.176.In that case,I would like you to call me at 5:45?那样的话,你们明早 5 点 45 分叫醒我好吗?177.OK.So we will wake you up at 5:45 tomorrow morning.好,那么我们明早 5 点 45 分叫醒您. 178.Will you do me a favour, Miss?小姐,能帮个忙吗?179.I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务.180.Would you like a morning call?您要叫醒服务吗? 181.I want to go to the Bund to enjoy the morning scenery there.我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色. 182.At what time do you want me to call you up,sir?您要我什么时候叫醒您?183.At 6 sharp tomorrow morning, please.请在明早 6 点钟.184.By phone.I don't want to disturb my neighbors.电话叫醒,我不想吵醒邻居.185.I'd like to pay my bill now.我想现在结账.186.Your name and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房间号码?187.Have you used any hotel services this morning?请问您今天早晨是否用过旅馆内的服务设施?188.Four nights at 90 US dollors each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotel.That makes a total of 665 US dollars.4 个晚上,每晚 90 美元,加上膳食费,总共是 660 美元.189.Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?190.Please sign your name here.请您在这里签名.191. Excuse me. We're leaving today.I'd like to pay our bills now.劳驾.我们今天要离去了. 我希望现在就把账结清.192.By the way,I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12:00 noon,sir.先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是 12 点.193. How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天您的朋友与您同住费用怎么办呢?194.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里.195.Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room, Mr.Green?格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐?196.Yes,my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didn't use any services.是的,我的朋友与我在餐厅刚用过早餐,但是我们没有使用过任何服务设施.197.The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen.8 天来总计是 560 元8 角. 8。

1. 打招呼与点餐服务员:Good evening, would you like to see the menu?顾客:Yes, please.服务员:Here you are. Do you have any specific requests?顾客:No, I'll have the chicken curry, please.服务员:Sure, would you like to start with some soup?顾客:Yes, the tomato basil soup, please.2. 询问菜品详情服务员:Would you like to know more about the specials?顾客:Yes, what's in the fish and chips?服务员:It comes with cod fillet and French fries. Do you want to order it?顾客:Yes, please.3. 点饮料与甜点服务员:What would you like to drink?顾客:A glass of lemonade, please.服务员:Would you like to have any dessert?顾客:Yes, the chocolate lava cake, please.4. 询问餐厅服务与设施服务员:Is there anything else you need?顾客:Could I have a toothpick, please?服务员:Of course, we also have restrooms available if you need to freshen up.顾客:That's great, thanks.5. 结账与离开服务员:The total comes to $30. How would you like to pay?顾客:I'll pay by card.服务员:Here is your receipt. Thank you for dining with us.顾客:Thank you, good night.以上是一些常见的餐馆英语口语表达,希望能对您有所帮助。

饭店实用英语结账1.I'd like to pay my bill now.我想现在结账。
2.Your name and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房间号码?3.Have you used any hotel services this morning?请问您今天凌晨是否用过旅店内的办事举措措施?4.Four nights at 90 US dollors each,and here are the meals that you had at the hotel.That makes a total of 665 US dollars.4个晚上,每晚90美元,加上炊事费,总共是660美元。
5.Can I pay by credit card?我能够用信用卡付出吗?6.Please sign your name here.请您在那个地点签名。
7.Excuse me.We're leaving today.I'd like to pay our bills now.驾临。
8.By the way,I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12∶00 noon,sir.师长教师,趁便告诉您,结账后分开旅店时刻是12点。
9.How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天您的同伙与您同住费用如何办呢?10.Please add to my account.请记在我的账里。
11.Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,Mr.Green?格林师长教师,今天凌晨您是否用过旅店办事举措措施,或在旅店餐厅用过早餐?12.Yes,my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didn't use any services.是的,我的同伙与我在餐厅刚用过早餐,然则我们没有应用过任何办事举措措施。

In The Restaurant 在餐厅Situation 1: To set up the time and place for dinner with the customer. 和客户约定吃饭的时间和地点A: I’d like to visit you for dinner tonight. Do you think you’ll have time?A: 我今晚想邀请您吃饭,不知您是否有空?B: Thank you for your invitation. I’m free tonight.B: 谢谢您的邀请,我今晚有空。
A: Which kind of food do you like to eat? Chinese food, western food or sea food?A: 您喜欢吃那一种菜?中餐、西餐还是海鲜?B: I prefer western food.B: 我比较喜欢西餐。
A: OK. I’ll pick you up at your hotel at 7:00 p.m.A: 好的。
B: That’s fine. I’ll be waiting for you.B: 很好,我会等候。
A: See you later.A: 待会见。
B: Bye.B: 再见。
Situation 2:Just arriving at the restaurant. 刚到达餐厅A: A table for two, please.A: 请给两人的座位。
C: (Waiter) This way, please.C:(服务生)这边请。
A: I want a seat by the window.A: 我要靠窗的座位。
C: Yes, sir. Right over there.C: 是的,先生,在那边。
B: This is a good table.B: 这位置不错。
Unit Seventeen《饭店实用英语》

Words & Phrases
• allocator n. 分配者 • commit v. 交托,交付,移交 • obligate v. 使……负责 • segment n. 分类,部分 • package idea 一揽子计划 • up selling 增加销售额 • feedback n. 反馈 • briefing n. 简报 • highlight v. 突出,强调 • write off 划销,坏账 • outlook 前景瞻望 • reforecast 再预测
Unit Seventeen
Words & Phrases
• whereby adv. 通过(它),由此 • attainment n. 达到,得到 • interpersonal adj. 人与人之间的 • acquire v. 获得,取得 • monitor v. 监听 • constraint n. 限制 • disseminator n. 传播者,散播者 • factual a. 实际的,真实的 • entrepreneurial a. 企业家的 • implement v. 实现,完成 • disturbance n. 扰乱,打扰 • handler n. 处理者,管理者

餐饮实用英语1.寻问餐厅是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?我想去一家价位合理的餐厅。
I want a restaurant with reasonable prices.我想去一家不會吵杂的餐厅。
I'd like a quiet restaurant.我想去一家气氛欢乐、活泼的餐厅。
I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere. 是否可建议这一类的餐厅? Could you recommend that kind of restaurant?此地餐厅多集中在那一区? Where is the main area for restaurants?这附近是否有中国餐厅? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?这附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅? Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗? Do you know of any restaurants open now?我想尝试一下当地食物。
I'd like to have some local food.最近的义大利餐厅在那里? Where is the nearest ltalian restaurant?2.餐厅预约我需要预约位子吗? Do I need a reservation?我想要预约3个人的位子。
I'd like to reserve a table for three.我们共有6个人。
We are a group of six.我们大约在8点到达。
We'll come around eight o'clock.我要如何才能到达餐厅? How can I get there?我想要预约今晚7点2个人的位子。
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• B: It looks nice. Thank you.
• A: Do you want your face shaved, sir?
• B: Yes. And I’d like my moustache trimmed.
Ⅲ. Text
Hotel Beauty Salon
• The beauty salon in a hotel offers a haven of tranquility. And it is a place where serenity, peace, beauty and wellbeing are present together. The professional beauty salon staff offers first-rate services. There is a wide range of beauty treatments provided by the hotel beauty salon.
Hotel Practical English Scene 17 Beauty Salon
Teaching Prtel Practical English
Case Study
Home Reading
Ⅰ. Free Talk
• Make-up artists, hairdressers, hairstylists, henna designers, beauticians, manicurists and pedicurists will give you a consultation on the latest trends and will help you to accentuate your innate charm and boost your self-confidence. You can enjoy silky smooth skin from soothing facials in the beauty salon. Massage therapists provide cosmetic massage of the face and the low neck, micro-massage of the eyes, head and face massage, and face peeling. They can wipe out tight, tired feelings and remove lines and age signs. The fully qualified employees offer depilation using sugar paste, highlighting and coloring of eyebrows, coloring of eyelashes, and professional make-up. Manicures and pedicures include nail modelling, nail design, P-shine, paraffin wraps that make your hands and feet much more beautiful and attractive.
• A: French-style phototherapy nail is also very popular. They can make you
look amazing, too. And you can save ¥100.
• B: That’s a good idea.
• A: This way please. Let’s wash the hands first.
• B: What's your recommendation for the best one?
• A: Color-makeup phototherapy nail is stylish now. Here is a sample, ma’am.
• B: It really looks beautiful. But it’s a little expensive.
Ⅱ. Hotel Practical English
Dialogue 2
I Just Want It Cut Short
(A: Hairdresser B: Guest)
• A: Good afternoon, sir. How can I help you?
• B: My hair is getting a little too long. I just want it cut short.
• A: No problem, sir. Please come here to have your hair washed.
• B: I just had a bath. Can you just make it wet?
• A: Yes, sir.
(After two minutes)
• A: Be seated, please. How do you want it cut, sir?
• B: Trim a little off the sideburns, please.
• A: How about the front?
• B: Leave the front as it is.
(Fifteen minutes later.)
• A: It’s done. Is it satisfactory?
• 1. What is massage therapy? • 2. Can nail polish damage your nails? Give
good reasons to support your opinion, please.
Ⅱ. Hotel Practical English
Dialogue 1
I’d Like to Have My Nails Manicured
(A: Manicurist B: Guest)
• A: Good morning, ma’am. Welcome to our beauty salon. How may I help you?
• B: Good morning. I’d like to have my nails manicured.
• A: We can provide a variety of professional nail services. Which one would
you like?
• B: I heard phototherapy fingernail is fashionable now.
• A: Yes, ma’am. Here is the list of phototherapy fingernails. Which do you