
阅读理解B节第一部分标题对应Passage OneDirections:Read the following text and answer questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs. There are two extra items in the subtitles. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)[A] Follow on Lines[B] Whisper: Keep It to Yourself[C] Word of Experience: Stick to It[D] Code of Success: Freed and Targeted[E] Efficient Work to Promote Efficient Workers[F] Recipe: Simplicity Means Everything[G] Efficiency Comes from OrderEvery decade has its defining self-help business book. In the 1940s it was How to Win Friends and Influence People, in the 1900s The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. These days we’re worried about something much simpler: Getting Things Done.41._____________________________________________________That’s the title of productivity guru David Allen’pithy 2001 treatise on workingefficiently, which continues to resonate in this decade’s overworked, overwhelmed, overteched workplace. Allen hasn’t just sold 500,000 copies of his book. He has preached his message of focus, discipline and creativity everywhere from Sony and Novartis to the World Bank and the U.S. Air Force. He counsels swamped chief executives on coping with information overload. He ministers to some clients with an intensive, two-day, $6,000 private session in which he and his team organize their lives from top to bottom. And he has won the devotion of acolytes who document on their blogs how his Getting Things Done (GTD) program has changed their lives.42._____________________________________________________Allen admits that much of his basic recipe is common sense. Free your mind and productivity will follow. Break down projects and goals into discrete, definable actions, and you won’t be bothered by all those loose threads pulling at your attention. First make decisions about what needs to get done, and then fashion a plan for doing it. If you’ve cataloged everything you have to do and all your long-term goals, Allen says, you’re less likely to wake up at 3 a.m. worrying about whether you’ve forgotten something: “ Most people haven’t realized how out of control their head is when they get 300 e-mails a day and each of them has potential meaning.”43._____________________________________________________When e-mails, phone calls and to-do lists are truly under control, Allen says, the real change begins. You will finally be able to use your mind to dream up great ideas and enjoy your life rather than just occupy it with all the things you’ve got to do. Allen himself, despite running a $5.5 million consulting practice, traveling 200 days a year, finds time to joyride in his Mini Cooper and sculpture.44._____________________________________________________Few companies have embraced Allen’s philosophy as thoroughly as General Mills, the Minnesota-based maker of Cheerios and Lucky Charms, Allen began at the company with a couple of private coaching sessions for top executives, who raved about his guidance. Allen and his staff now hold six to eight two-day training sessions a year. The company has already put more than 2,000 employees through GTD training and plans to expand it company-wide. “Fads come and go,” says Kevin Wilde, General Mills’ CEO, “ but this continues to work.”45.____________________________________________________The most fevered followers of Allen’s organizational methodology gather online Websites like gtdindex. marvelz. com parse Allen’s every utterance. The 43 Folders blog ran an eight-part pod-cast interview with him. GTD enthusiasts like Frank Meeuwsen, on gather best practice techniques for implementing the book’s ideas. More then 60 software tools have been built specifically to supplement Allen’s system.Passage TwoDirections:Read the following text and answer questions by finding a subtitle for each of the marked parts or paragraphs. There are two extra items in the subtitles. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (10 points)[A] Experience or material purchase: complicated happiness.[B] Negative purchase is not fulfilling.[C] Think twice before you leap.[D] Bad purchase experience: slow to adapt to.[E] Good memory vs. bad memory: which is more forgettable?[F] Money can’t buy happiness? Not necessarily.[G] How materialistic are you? It makes a difference.Accumulating stuff may no longer be fashionable, as consumers look for other ways to find pleasure, such as spending more time with the family. But what if they’re wrong? What if fulfillment really could be found in buying that iPod or jewelry you’ve been hungering for?Consumer behavior research has found all sorts of lessons about how we shop. So it’s not surprising that a forthcoming study shatters some myths about materialism.41._______________________________________________________The old saying goes “Money can’t buy happiness,”but people usually mean “Material goods can’t buy happiness.”Spending time with the wife and kids on a camping trip costs money, but this spending is worthwhile and pleasurable. “Most people think materialism is not a good thing,”says Joseph K. Goodman, one of the authors of the study. “They think you’re not going to get happiness through possessions.” He says that the prevailing view among psychologists has long been that, experiential purchases tend to be “better”purchases than material purchases. Sometimes, being materialistic really can make you happier.42._______________________________________________________Goodman conducted three experiments. Two experiments asked the participants to recall both material and experiential purchases, and rate how happy the purchasemakes them feel. In the third, participants thought of three positive or negative purchases, and then rated them on how materialistic and how experiential those purchase were. They then rated their happiness with those purchases. Goodman found that the participants rated positive experiential purchases as more fulfilling than positive material purchases. As expected, memory seemed to favor good experiences. But when it came to purchases that participants later found regrettable, the results were turned over. “When a purchase turns out negatively, experience leads to less happiness.” Goodman says.43.______________________________________________________Why would such bad experiences be especially negative? It turns out that we can’t always get over the bad things we remember. Our most cherished memories are experiences rather than material things. Good memories stick around, so do the bad memories. “Our adaptation to negative experiences is not fast,” says Goodman. He also points out that if you buy a couch that looks bad, you will get over this easily and adapt to that faster than a terrible vacation even if that cost you less than the couch.44.______________________________________________________But not all people feel the same way about what they buy. The study also tries to take into account people who prefer materialistic things. So Goodman gave his participants a test to determine how important materialistic values are to them. He found that the more materialistic things mattered to a person, the less those people made a distinction between material and experiential purchases. “When a positive experience happens to them, they don’t seem to be any happier than with a material purchase,” says Goodman.45.______________________________________________________So what’s the lesson for the average consumer? “When you want to buy, you need to know how likely this is to turn out negatively.”says Goodman. Maybe there’s a reason you don’t have to make a purchase right now. if the risk of the experiential purchase turning out bad is high, you might be better spending that money on a new tangible luxury good. Hasty purchase would often result in an awkward situation afterward.第二部分多项对应Passage OneThe world economy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004. These food-price increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we’ll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally.The crisis has its roots in four interlinked trends. The first is the chronically low productivity of farmers in the poorest countries, caused by their inability to pay for seeds, fertilizers and irrigation. The second is the misguided policy in the U.S. and Europe of subsidizing the diversion of food crops to produce biofuels like corn-based ethanol. The third is climate change; take the recent droughts in Australia and Europe,which cut the global production of grain in 2005 and 2006. The fourth is the growing global demand for food and feed grains brought on by swelling populations and incomes. In short, rising demand has hit a limited supply, with the poor taking the hardest blow.So, what should be done? Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert the potential for a global disaster. The first is to scale-up the dramatic success of Malawi, a famine-prone country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds. Malawi’s harvest doubled after just one year. An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all. Such a fund could fight hunger as effectively as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is controlling those diseases.Second, the U.S. and Europe should abandon their policies of subsidizing the conversion of food into biofuels. The U.S. government gives farmers a taxpayer-financed subsidy of 51cents per gal of ethanol to divert corn from the food and feed-grain supply. There may be a case for biofuels produced on lands that do not produce foods – tree crops (like palm oil), grasses and wood products – but there’s no case for doling out subsidies to put the world’s dinner into the gas tank. Third, we urgently need to weatherproof the world’s crops as soon and as effectively as possible. For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pond –which collects rainwater to be used for emergency irrigation in a dry spell – can make the difference between a bountiful crop and a famine. The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet actedupon the promise.Passage TwoDirections:Read the following text and answer questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Most people may drink only two liters of water a day, but they consume about 3,000 liters a day if the water that goes into their food is taken into account. The rich gulp down far more, since they tend to eat more meat, which takes far more water toproduce than grains. So as the world’s population grows and incomes rise, farmers will need a great deal more water to keep everyone fed: 2,000 more cubic kilometers a year by 2030, according to the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Yet in many farming regions, water is scarce and likely to get scarcer as global warming worsens. The world is facing not so much a food crisis as a water crisis, argues Colin Chartres, IWMI’s director-general.The solution, Mr. Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it, “more crop ere drop”, Some 1.2 billion people live in places that are short of water. Farming accounts for roughly 70% of human water consumption. So when water starts to run out, farming tends to offer the best potential for thrift. But governments rarely charge farmers a market price for water. So they are usually mare wasteful than other consumers – even though the value they create from the water is often less than households or industry would be willing to pay for it.The pressing need is to make water go further. Antoine Frerot, the head of the water division of Veolia Environment, promotes recycling of city wastewater to be used in industry or agriculture. This costs less and cuts pollution.Yet as Mr. Frerot himself concedes, there are many even cheaper ways to save water. As much as 70% of water used by farmers never gets to crops, perhaps lost through leaky irrigation channels or by draining into rivers or groundwater. Investment in drip irrigation, or simply repairing the worst leaks, could bring huge savings.Farmers in poor countries can usually afford such things only if they are growing cash crops, says David Molden of IWMI. Even basic kit such as small rainwater tanks can be lacking. Ethiopia, for example, has only 38 cubic meters of storage capacity per inhabitant, compared to almost 5,000 in Australia. Yet modest water storage canhugely improve yields in rain-fed agriculture, by smoothing over short dry spells. Likewise, pumping water into natural aquifers for seasonal storage tends to be much cheaper than building, a big dam, and prevents the great waste of water through evaporation.Agronomists are beginning to devise tools to help monitor the efficiency of water use. Some have designed algorithms that use satellite data on surface temperatures to calculate the rate at which plants are absorbing and transpiring water. That allows governments and development agencies to concentrate their efforts on the most prodigal areas.Raising yields does not always involve greater water consumption, especially when farms are inefficient. It would take little extra water to double cereal output in many parts of Africa, Mr. Molden argues. IWMI reckons that some three-quarters of the extra food the world needs could be provided simply by bringing yields in poor countries closer to those of rich ones. That is more realistic than the absolute alternative; giving up meat and other thirsty products altoghther.第三部分正误判断Passage OneDirections:Read the following text and answer questions by deciding each of the statements after the text is True of False. Choose T if the statement is true or F if the statement is not true. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)A Tree Project Helps the Genes of Champions Live OnAs an eagle wheels overhead against a crystalline blue sky, Martin Flanagan walks toward a grove of towering cottonwood trees beside the Yellowstone River, which is the color of chocolate milk due to the spring rain.As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and centers the shady grove, his eyes search for a specific tree. As he reaches a narrow-leaf cottonwood, a towering giant, he cranes his neck to look at the top, “This is the one I plan to nominate for state champion,” he says, petting the bark with his hand. “It’s a beauty, isn’t?”When Europeans first came to North America, one of the largest primeval forests in the world covered much of the continent. Experts say a squirrel could have traveled from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River without touching the ground. But onlyabout 3 percent of America’s native old-growth forest remains, and many of the trees they hold are those that were not big enough to attract a logger’s eye. The result is a generation of trees that barely resemble the native forests that once covered the country.That makes some scientists suspect that the surviving forests have lost much of their genetic quality, the molecular muscle that made them dominate the landscape. When the loggers swept through, these scientists say, only poor specimens were left to reproduce. Other researchers wonder whether environmental factors or just plain luck may explain a good part of the supertrees’ success.To answer those questions, the mightiest trees of their types, or genetically identical offspring, must be preserved for study, and that is what is being done by a handful of enthusiasts, including Mr. Flanagan and David Milarch, a nurseryman from Copemish, Michigan. They are searching out the largest tree of each species and taking cuttings of new growth to make copies of genetic clones of the giants. With tissue culture and grafting, they have reproduced 52 of the 827 living giants and are planting the offspring in what they call “living libraries.” More than 20,000 offspring have been planted.The work is part of the Champion Tree Project, which began in 1996 with financial help from the National Tree Trust, a nonprofit group in Washington.“Those big trees are the last links to the boreal forests,” Mr. Milarch, president of the Champion Tree Project, said.State and federal agencies and private organizations have been keeping track of the largest trees in each state for some time. The largest effort is the National Register of Big Trees, run by American Forests, a 125-year-old nonprofit group based inWashington. But the Champion Tree Project takes things a step further by making it possible for the largest trees to live on.Eventually the Champion Tree Project hopes to reproduce enough genetically superior trees for a nationwide reforestation project. The offspring of the native trees, should they prove genetically superior, could be especially valuable in urban settings, where the average tree lives just 7 to 10 years. But things like soil conditions, moisture and other environmental factors can also affect the success of the trees.41. Water in the Yellowstone River turned dark brown because of the spring rain.42. The cottonwood tree Mr. Flanagan found was an extremely tall tree with broad leaves.43. In the days when Europeans first came to America, it had one of the largest primeval forests in the world.44. Some scientists have the suspicion that the surviving forests have lost much of their genetic quality because they were the offspring of poor specimens45. The offspring of the supertrees have proved to be genetically superior to those of the average trees.Passage TwoDirections:Read the following text and answer questions by deciding each of the statements after the text is True of False. Choose T if the statement is true and F if the statement is not true. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)There has never been a better time to be a woman with the entrepreneurial bug. Businesses owned by women are the fastest-growing sector of new ventures in the United States. Nearly half of all privately held firms in 2004 were at least 50 percent owned by women, according to the National Foundation for Women Business Owners. Between 1997 and 2004, the number of businesses owned by women grew by almost 20 percent, compared with only a 9 percent increase overall.But are men and women who are trying to build their own businesses playing the same game? According to several recent studies, the deck is often stacked against female entrepreneurs: Compared with men, women tend to start their ventures with fewer resources, less reliable suppliers, and substantially less early-stage venture funding – a critical financial nudge that helps many businesses survive.Still, there are other avenues to entrepreneurial success, and women seem to be finding them. In a paper recently published in the Journal of Business Venturing, two business school professors John Becker-Blease, of Washington State University, and Jeffrey Sohl, of the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire, examine how successful women are at getting access to “angel capital,”the free-flowing private-equity money that can often make or break a struggling business. In their study, “Do Women-Owned Businesses Have Equal Access to Angel Capital?”, the authors use annual survey data from more than 100 angel investing organizations between 2000 and 2004 to compare how businesses owned by men and women fared in their pursuit of investment dollars.Their findings are surprisingly optimistic: Women do receive less funding than men from angel investors, the authors conclude – but largely because they ask for it much less often. Only 8.9 percent of proposals brought to the angel organizations theystudied were pitched by women. As a result, more than 90 percent of angel dollars tend to go to men. When women do pitch to investors, though, they have about the same success rate as men do: In the period studied by the authors, 13.3 percent of female-owned ventures were funded, compared with 14.8 percent of business ideas owned by men. (Neither number is very high, a reminder of the huge obstacles facing anyone trying to start a small business.)Studies of the banking industry have found that women often have to deal with more subtle forms of discrimination than men do – being charged higher interest rates on loans, for example. But that doesn’t seem to be the case in angel investing. “We do not find evidence that women entrepreneurs must surrender greater equity ownership in exchange for investment dollars than men entrepreneurs,” the authors write.In this corner of the small-business world anyway, the playing field does seem to be relatively level. If anything, the study seems to make it clear that women who own small businesses have nothing to fear when it comes to angel funding. The business world may still be rigged against them in some ways, but when it comes to private equity, there doesn’t seem to be a ceiling for women, glass or otherwise.41. From 1997 to 2004, the number of businesses owned by men rose by less than 9%.42.Female entrepreneurs usually have fewer suppliers and funds than men when their businesses start.43. If women-owned ventures pitch more proposals to angel investors, they will have higher rate of successful funding.44. There seems to be less discrimination against women in angel investing than loans from banks.45. Generally speaking, there is nothing to fear for women business owners in private business field.。


课程安排:方法论讲解;难句解析;考试实战演练第一部分方法论讲解引子我们为什么要精读句子1.精读能力的要求(消除障碍的阅读)自由笔记区目标:准确【重要】精读2.泛读能力的要求(广泛获取信息的阅读)目标:快速技能:高职阅读的实际过程是什么知识:本科Input(英文)-mind(句子层面)-output(中文)思维:研究生思想:博士阅读在句子层面的障碍1.含义2.语序简单句的障碍来源简单句:只有一套谓语的句子基本句型包括:主+谓,主+谓+宾,主+谓+双宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,主+系+表定语,状语,同位语,插入语简单句的障碍识别及处理方法定语:在句子中修饰名词的成分problem-定义-细化-solution(思维方式)前置定语:adj+名词后置定语:形容词短语:形容词+介词+名词this is a book useful for your futureVing a woman walked on the roadVed a painting painted by Janen. + to do a way to solve the problem介词短语:介词+名词a bottle of water on the table表语形容词:alive a cat alive 解决方案:前置P.S:I want to be part of something big. Something属于不定代词。
【不定代词定语置后】定语从句(不属于简单句范畴)关系代词:人称代词:who whom which that as +非完整句引导词物主代词:whose +完整句关系连(副)词:where why when how +完整句介词+关系代词:1宾语+非完整句 This is the expert/( to whom )we are turning.2状语+完整句 There is something([ by the virtue of] which)(指代something) the man is the man . 3定语+完整句 There are a lot of problems (of which )the fetching fresh water is the forest. 【 1拆分 2找指代 3定成分】同位语:在句子中和名词处于相同位置的成分。
2019考研英语翻译秋季强化班 共106页

Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture”, like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.
每个单词都认识, 放在一起不知道什么意思. reflect on; shop floor; in store; root in, stem from, flow from; stick to, adhere to.
2)“比较结构”短语 比较结构多英式思维, 很难字面翻译, 熟记含 义的前提下灵活运用.
with you.
3) "并非, 不是" e.g.3 The beauty of Chengdu is more
than words can describe.
(二) "not more than"与"no more than":
1) "not more than": 不超过, 少于等于 e.g.4 The farmer has not more than 20
3) 表示主观上的优选, "宁可..., 也不..." e.g.14 Rather than surrender, he would
Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture”, like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. (2019年, 65题)

2019版考研英语必考词汇讲义(配合考研英语1575必考词汇全书使用)(内部讲义翻印必究)主讲人:何凯文The future has arrived.It commences now.未来已来,始于现在目录第一部分真题词汇整理 (1)第二部分词汇的分类讲解 (6)第三部分三大考点总结 (16)第一部分真题词汇整理1rough worldslipping on yourdoormatwardrobestoveburn downburn outfailed todisaster accidentlawsuitcompensate compensationjuriesliable for=responsible for;liability=responsibility=duty;legal liability misfortunes.Labels=tag;=brandsanticipate predictcautions=warns time warnerenable=suitappropriate=propernecessary=needsdrug interactionsNow the tide appears to be turning.personal injury claimsside withsort out=resolvedefendantsparalyze:paralyze人/物saysThe jury:jurorNature=essence;nature=nurturesubstantial weight:substantial reduction of cost;the fat pay risetort lawdraft起草fashion;near-final draftrelieveInjured customersSue形近词due process due attentionfind fault withinadequacy inadequate/not enough/be obliged to do sth be obliged to sthdiscard ditch abandon forsakeathletes physician entrepreneur neurologist consultant environmentalist accountant auditorsbiased indifferent puzzling objective critical2revolve aroundtap the consumer market expand the marketNonethelesshesitate to reluctant to unwilling toreliability trustworthinessconduct perform do undertakeonline transactionsestablished business partnersprivate privacyshift shifting baseline=changing baseline=dynamic baselineavailablemarketingstrategiestransmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customersnotablycustomize the informationearned the contemptthinks highly of the notionthe distinction fades.That’s a prospect that horrifies everyone.hardly inevitableresort tointeractivityhospitalitysecuritytake the plungestriving to expand its marketin vain fruitless chase the ambulance fertilethe technology is popular with many Web usersfaith confidenceevolution processMoney making should be given priority to on the Web.A is independent of B3invisible borderarguing forarguing againstradical educational reform//radically different from distinction contradictioncampaignjustifyuniversallylegally required ageincomplete charactercompetently assess effectivelywe came to accept that=we accepted thatenvironmental protection advocatesbetrayscheery outlookBanking onEmphasize A over BThere are some good arguments for主题introducebe properly equippedpresumptuous:too confident/over confident/blind pride/show no respect insist that=argue that=advocate thatinternational corporationsIt might be the way to gopick up software programscomplementary=auxiliarythe host of=a series ofobserve:All the characters in the novel are closely observed;observe the law; observe a minute’s silence;observe the Christmasfar-reachingdubiously orientedself-contradictoryradically reformatoryindispensablebe indicative ofin disguisehighlight4Startle;astonish;scare;startling thrillingThe president ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment Feverishlyput one’s wisdom on paper,near-final draftindefinitelypanelcruciallegislationprivate funding/public funding/government fundingdraft proposalpanelconsensusmoral doubtstems mainly fromSome details have not been settled.The institute will remain silent on this issue.impose a complete ban on sthheadline-grabbingcurtailed ambitionhuman cloningauthorizeethical valuesexplicitly implicitlyin no time5preparedness of the minds of the menSir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. larger fruits of the heavens,the moon and the planets.His mind was ready for the unpredictable.Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research.cut and dried reportsHistory is filled with examples of....You might gather the impression thatadvisabilityThe data are still inconclusive.distractedcash registerregularity and conformitydesirableconventional thinkersinquiring mindsunpredictabilityassertsimaginative thoughtneglect overlookspeculate onconcise reportsthink highly ofas profitable as they are expectedrely onunderestimated第二部分词汇的分类讲解• 1.经济: 2.政治 3.法律:• 4.传媒: 5.科技: 6.医学:•7.文化8.社会:9.历史:10.教育:这十类话题的基本背景和新闻线我们只要抓住了那么阅读就是可控的。

清华大学考研辅导强化班课程《英语翻译》清华大学外语系许建平主讲并提供文档资料第一部分:考研英语翻译状况分析与策略I. 翻译考试的内容与考生状况分析研究生英语入学考试中的翻译项目旨在通过翻译测试考生正确理解英文原文的能力及汉语的表达能力。

考研英语强化班词汇电子版教材第一课时概述学习词汇常见错误:1. 单词的英文解释1)阅读汉语只能大概的描述英文,不能百分之百的精准的解释英文2)翻译翻译中某些单词在正确答案中对应的汉语释义是任何字典中没有的释义3)完形填空考察单词的深度而不是广度,考察单词细微的差异The oppressed ____ freedom.A. demandB. requireC. requestoppress→op+press 压迫press 挤,压→pressure 压力op=againstoppressed 被压迫的the+形容词表示一类人demand--ask for firmly, unwilling to accept a refusalrequire--the ruler set a rule with the expectation that it will be obeyed request--ask for politely2. 单词的例句1)精准地理解词汇2)给写作打下扎实的基础满意satisfied/content3. 单词的熟词生意late 死亡I can tell 我能够看出来brave 勇敢的,勇敢地面对brave the enemies' gunfire, march on, march on, march on, on, on...4. 单词的发音1)单词的发音是提高背单词效率的最好方法2)单词的读音给未来的听力考试打下扎实的基础community 社区每天花5 分钟时间跟读单词,读准后再背单词,这样单词才会背得立体如何合理的安排考研的时间:前两个月必须把考研词汇背三遍以上学习考研词汇的方法:1. 形象化chill 寒冷snowflake 雪花,雪片spark 火花trail 足迹,轨迹拖拉“一读,二拼,三变形,四拆,五分,六开屏”一读:就是所谓的谐音,就是根据读音联想到单词的意思nutrition 营养,营养品--谐音“牛吹神”sentimental 情绪化的,多愁善感的--谐音“三屉馒头”curse 诅咒--谐音“克死”二拼:就是利用汉语拼音来记单词schedule 时间表= s+che(车)+ du(堵)+ le(了)leisure 休息,休闲= lei(累)+ sure(一定)三变形:把词汇进行形状上的改变,变成我们能够编故事的单元garage 修车厂--g想成哥哥+(c)ar小汽车+age 年龄gloom 忧愁,郁闷--gl(隔离)+(r)oom四拆:就是把单词拆分成几个有效的记忆单元discipline 纪律scream 尖叫fate 命运doom 厄运五分:单词去掉一、两个字母,成为认识的单词,就要用五分的方法drown 使淹死,使溺死--r 去掉poise 使平衡--i 去掉routine 例行的事情--in去掉六开屏:通过熟悉的长单词来记忆不熟悉的短单词engine 发动机,引擎--engineer 工程师rub 摩擦--rubber 橡皮2. 组记pie 馅饼→lie 撒谎→tie 领带→die 死亡car 小汽车→scar 伤疤→scare 惊吓→scarf 围巾→scarlet 猩红色的shirt 衬衫→skirt 裙子→flirt 调戏→dirt 脏话3. 词根词缀1)辨别单词The radio can _____ signals.A transmitB emit“mit”表示send发射的意思submit 提交transmit 跨越式的发射emit 发散性的散射第二课时disturb,perturbturb = stir 搅动turbine 涡轮机turbulent狂暴的turbulent weather骚动的turbulent crowd动荡的turbulent perioddis = away 分开discard 丢弃,抛弃per = through 从头到尾perfect = per + fect(do) 完美的pervade = per + vade(walk) 弥漫2)统一单词的很多含义compose 作曲,作图,写作,合成,由...组成pose = put 摆放expose 暴露,揭露dispose 处理depose 罢免degradecom = together 一起confess 倾诉,忏悔,坦白con = fully 完全的condense 浓缩conceal 隐瞒,隐藏fess = speak 说professor=pro(forward)+fess(speak)+or (人)教授progress=pro(forward)+gress(go)进步capital 首都,首写字母,资金,首要的cap = headcaptain3)猜测单词的含义compressed air 压缩空气contact 接触,联系contact lens 隐形眼镜intact forest 原始森林I am explicit.explicit 明确的plic = fold 折叠implication 暗示implicit adj. 暗示的,暗指的4)词源log 原木,航海日志calcium→calculate(计算),calculator(计算器),calculus(微积分,肠/胃结石)bar→rolling bar(滚动条),barrier,barrel(bucket,drum),stay behind barscar→cargo(货物),carpenter(木匠),career(职业),derive 起源,来源thrive 繁荣,昌盛rival 竞争者,敌人humanhumble 卑微的humid 潮湿的wet 强调浸润的状态humid 强调闷热damp 强调阴冷moist 强调舒服humiliate 使丢脸,使羞辱spiritspir = breathconspire 共谋aspire 渴望expire 咽气,到期inspire 激发灵感,鼓舞5)扩充词汇量progress 进步regress = re(back)+gress(go)退步,退化第三课时congress = con(together)+gress(go)国会egress = e(out)+gress(go)出口reputation 名誉,声誉put(think)computer = com(together)+put(think)+er 计算机dispute = dis(away)+put(think)+e 争吵quarrel/argue/debate4. 词根词缀与形象化相结合duce = leadproduce = pro(forward)+duce(lead)生产reduce = re(back)+duce(lead)减少educate = e(out)+duc(lead)ate 教育seduce = se+ duce(lead)勾引suicide = sui(拼音衰)+ cide(cut)自杀cide = cutpesticide = pest(害虫)+I+cide(cut)杀虫剂dilemma 进退两难di = awaydivorce = di(away)+vorce(声音)离婚5. 生活中学英文rejoice 快乐safeguard 保护founderfound 创立,建立foundation 基础offface off 变脸take off 起飞,脱衣服see off 送别lay off 解雇modem 调制解调器modulate 调制demodulate 解调de 分解,拆开code 密码decode 解码compose 合成decompose 分解detach 拆卸tach 粘贴,附带attach 粘贴,附带detect 侦察,侦探tect = cover 覆盖protect 保护inspire the next 激发的永远是下一次灵感mind act upon mind 心相印communication knows no bounds 沟通无极限education/internet/reading knows no bounds extra value meal 超值套餐extraordinary 非凡的6. 熟练逻辑串记ability 能力不能用of连接,要用tothe ability to do sth.inability 无能in = noindifferent 漠不关心的inevitable 不可避免的incredible 不可相信的,难以置信的credible 可相信的,可靠的cred = trust 信任credit 相信credulous 轻信的be credulous ofous 充满,大量laborious 费力的superfluous 过剩的,多余的able 能…的,有能力的enable 使能够en 使动enforce 执行enlarge 扩大enrich 使富有,使丰富entitle 给...题名,赋予权利The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel.encourage 鼓励discourage 使泄气endure 长时间忍受They endured tremendous hardship during their journey to the South Pole. dur 持续durableduration 持续时期bear 忍受(痛苦)tolerate 容忍put up with 容忍第四课时unable 不能…的,没能力的un 表否定unfold 展开unload 卸载unlike 不像dislike 不喜欢alike 相象的(只作表语)You two are so much alike.unemployment 失业employ 雇佣,使用employer 老板employee 雇员er 动作的主动者ee 动作的被动者disable 使残疾dis = no 表否定disorder 混乱,失调disguise 伪装Tom escaped by disguising himself as a civilian.able 能…的,有能力的be able to主语一定是有生命的capable 有能力的,能…的be capableof主语可以是有生命的,也可以是无生命的Our corporation is capable of coping with such a big order.ability 能力capability 能力capacity 能力ability和capability是同义词,没有区别(皆指做事情的能力)capacity 容量,能力(学习并掌握技能的能力)cap = catchShe has great capacity of learning English.capture 俘虏,抓捕escape = es(out)+ cap(catch)+ e 逃跑escape doingabruptab = off 偏离abnormal 不正常的,变态的odd 古怪的eccentric 古怪的concentrate 集中abuse 滥用abuse one's authorityabrupt 突然的,唐突的、鲁莽的rupt = break 断裂abrupt death 猝死abrupt departure 突然离开abrupt manner 鲁莽的言行bankrupt 破产的,使破产当所背动词在字典中的翻译是使动时,它一定是及物动词acquaint 使熟悉,使了解I have acquainted myself with the custom here.acquaint oneself withI have been acquainted with the custom here.adapt 使适应I have adapted myself to the weather here.locate 使坐落于My school is located in Beijing.erupt = e(out)+ rupt 火山喷发,(战争危机)突然爆发Violence erupted after the negotiation.interrupt 打断、打扰,暂时中断inter 相互interchangeinternetinternationalinterviewinterfaceTrade between the two countries was interrupted by the War.disrupt = dis(away)+ rupt 使混乱Theaccident disrupted the transportation in the city.corrupt = cor + rupt 贪污腐败的,使败坏The violence spreaded by the Internet has corrupted the minds of the young people. co = together 一起collaboratecooperatecoeducation 男女混校的教育制度coincidence 巧合colleague 同事correspond 相符合,相一致These goods don't correspond with my order.collapse 倒塌collection 收藏品lect = chooseelect 选举neglect 忽略league 联盟alliance 联盟I am a champion.(实义名词)I won the championship.(抽象名词)第五课时quality 素质quality of leadershipmember 会员membership fee 会费a socialist league 实义名词become stronger through alliance 抽象名词recollect 回忆remind 使想起recall 回想起remember 记得remember 瞬时想起recollect/remind/recall 需要思考的时间,慢慢想起recollect 强调动作Please recollect what you saw just now?remind/recall 强调结果remindsb. of sth. The picture reminded me of my childhood.recall sth. to sb. The picture recalled the childhood to me.fect = do 做affect = af(to)+ fect(do)影响(身体上的),打动Smoking affects our health.influence= in + flu(flow)+ ence 影响(思想上的)affection 爱慕effect = ef(out)+ fect(do)n. 影响、效果,v. 促使affect = have an effect on 对...有影响dual effect 双重功效dual spyReligion effected a real change in her life.infect 感染,传染She infected the whole class with her humor.infectious 传染性的infectious diseasedisinfected 已消毒的defect = de + fect(do)缺点、缺陷many defects in the education systemperfect = per(through)+ fect 完美的imperfect 不完美的以字母m、p开头的形容词,否定前缀加immoral -- immoralmortal -- immortalmature-- immaturemodest 谦虚的,适度的,得体的-- immodest measurable– immeasurablepossible-- impossiblepolite-- impolitepatient -- impatientpartial – impartialfac = do 做factory = fac(do)+ tory(场所、地点)工厂tory 场所、地点dormitory = dorm(sleep)+ i + tory 宿舍dormant volcano 休眠性的火山atory 场所、地点laboratory = labor + atory 实验室observatory = observ(观察)+ atory 天文台、观察台lavatory = lav(冲洗)+ atory 盥洗室、厕所lav 流淌lava 岩浆facile 容易做的、轻易的ile 易于...的a facile successfragment 碎片,片断the fragment of our conversationfragilea fragile vasefacilitate 使变得容易facilities 便利设施fic = do 做magnificent = magn(large)+ i + fic + ent 雄伟壮观的magn = large 大的magnify 放大ify 使动purify 纯化purified watersimplify 简化simplify the procedurebeatify 美化identify 鉴别humidify 使潮湿magnifier 放大镜humidifier 加湿器sacrifice =sacr(神圣)+ I + fic(do)+ e 牺牲sacr 神圣sacred 神圣的holy 神圣的holy day 圣日holidayartificial = art(艺术)+ I + fic + ial 人工的falseartificial intelligence 人工智能intel 英特尔significant = sign(标记,标志)+ i + fic +ant 重大的sign 标记sign 签字resign 辞职assign 分配,指派designate 指明、表明de 强调detail 细节His uniform designates his rank.efficient 高效的an efficient secretaryrevolutionrevolutionarymissionmissionary 传教士deficient 缺乏的deficit 赤字、亏损be deficient in courageproficient 精通的be proficient at swimmingsufficient = suf(超过)+ fic(do)+ i + ent 充足的、大量的abundant 丰富的、大量的= an abundance ofample 充足的、大量的adequate 足够的(刚刚够)suffer = suf(超过)+ fer(take)sur = 超过surface 表面、平面surpass 超过surplus = sur + plus(加)赢余export surplus 顺差surplus = sur + plus(加)赢余viv 活revivesurvivor = sur + viv(活)+ or 幸存者survive 幸存于第六课时词汇comeincome 收入large incomeoutcome 结果come out 结果是I came out first in the exam.break out 爆发outbreakvent,ven = comeinvent 发明;捏造discoverconvincinginvent a convincing excuseconvince 使确信convince sb. of sth.I have a very convincing example.uncover/discover/recoverprevent 防止,预防prevent sb. from doing sth.Nobody can prevent us from getting married.previewcaution 警告precaution 预防措施adventure 冒险(寻求刺激)venture 冒险(有生命危险,有财产损失)v. 冒险joint venture 合资企业venture her entire fortuneadvent 到来with the advent of computerconvention1、大会congress2、大众接受的社会行为custom 习俗habit 个人习惯event=e(out)+ vent(come)事件affair 社会上发生的事情current affairs 时事current 现行的current priceaccident 偶然的事情,事故accidental adj. 偶然的accidental successby accident 偶然地I won the competition by accident.incident 附带的事情,小的事情incidental adj. 附带的incidental music 配乐issue 争论的事情revenue=re(back)+ ven(come)+ e 财政收入avenue 大街the avenue to successintervene=inter(相互)+ ven + e 干涉(第三方)The government intervened to stabilize the situation. convenient 便利的convenience n.convenient storeadolescent – adolescencePlease contact me at your earliest convenience. ventilate 使通风fragilefacileMy office is well ventilated.locate 使坐落于My school is located in Beijing.1、2、3isolate=I + sol + ate 使隔绝,使孤独identifysol = 单独sole 唯一的sole survivorsolo 独奏solar 太阳的eclipsesolar eclipse 日食solitary 独自的lead a solitary lifedesolate 荒凉的;使荒凉The floods desolated my village.signdesignatedetailin detailconsole 安慰uni 表示“1”uniform 制服universe=uni(唯一)+ vers(turn)+e 宇宙versionconversely 相反地reverse=re(against)+ vers(turn)+ eunite 统一unique 独特的transformconvertCoal can be converted into gas.mono 表示“1”monopoly=mono + poly(sell)垄断monotonous=mono + ton(tone)+ ous 单调的monologue=mono + logue(talk)独白dialogue 对话diameter 直径diagram 图表bi 表示“2”biscuit 饼干bikini 比基尼trikinimonokininokinibisexualbilingual 双语的bilingual school/dictionarylinguist 语言学家bimonthly 两月一次的bicycle 自行车recycle 回收recyclable 可回收的tri 表示“3”triangle=tri(三)+ angle(角)三角形triplet=tri(三)+ p + let(小的东西)三胞胎中的一个booklet 小册子piglet 小猪leaflet 小叶wallet 钱包walnuts 核桃trivial=tri(三)+ vi(六)+ al(all)琐碎的I flew to HK via Beijing.deviate 偏离第七课时deviate from his normal habitdeprive 剥夺deprive me of my civil rightscess = ced = ceed goaccess 通道,入口have access to 有途径(接触,使用,接近)The poor children should have access to the good library.I have access to the most important information.I have access to the president.process=pro(forward)+ cess(go)过程,工序the new process for making steelexcess=ex(out)+ cess(go)过度,过分excessive adj. 过度的,过分的excessively adv.There is an excess of violence in this film.excessive demandmodest 适度的concession=con(together)+ cess(go)+ ion 让步make a concessioncompromise=com(together)+ promise(承诺)妥协,让步predecessor 祖先;前辈,上一任successor 继承者;下一任,晚辈proceed=pro(forward)+ceed(go)vi. 继续进行+ withproceed with our conversationexceed 超过,超出exceed 500 dollarsThe result of the competition exceeded our expectation.surpassprecede =pre + ced(go)+e 先于……The flash of lightning preceded the sound of thunder. preceding adj. 先前的preceding pageprevious=pre(之前)+ vi(路)+ ousprecedent=pre(之前)+ ced(go)+ ent(人)先例without precedent in historyrecede=re(back)+ ced(go)+e 后退The tide receded.hospital 医院hospitable adj. 好客的;殷勤的(反) hostile adj. 有敌意的host 一大群,一大堆;主人(男)a host of difficultieshostess 女主人air hostesshost 主人(男)- (反) guest 客人master - (反) servant 仆人disease 疾病ease n. 安适;容易at ease 自由自在I never feel at ease in his company.with ease 容易地I passed the exam with ease.v. 缓解ease my anxiety(同)relieve 缓解relieve the burden of my familychronic 慢性的;长期难以解决的eradicate=e(out)+ radic(根)+ ate 根除radical 根本上的eradicate the chronic problem of unemployment acute 急性的;深刻的acute analysisflu 流感fluent 流利的She speaks fluent English.fluid 液体;adj. 不稳定的fluid situationstable 稳定的influence 影响(思想)affect 影响(身体)affluent 富裕的superfluous 过剩的,多余的super1、超superman supermarketsuperprofit 超额利润supersonic 超音速的supersonic planesupernatural 超自然的supernatural force2、在上面superstition 迷信supervise 监督supervisor 总监;物价员flush 脸红He flushed with anger.fleshflashprescribe 开处方;规定prescription n. 处方describe 描写description n. 描写inscribe 刻字subscribe 订阅subscribe to a magazinemanuscript 手稿manual 手工的manufacture 制造,生产emergency room 急救室emergency case 急诊emergency 紧急事件emerge v. 从隐藏中出现;问题发生或暴露merge = sinkThe truth of the matter emerged.submerge=sub + merg(sink)+e 下沉第八课时war 战争Farewell to Arms.farewell partywar 非常大的战争World War IIcampaign=camp(营地)+aign 战役(规模较大)battle 战斗(规模小)bat=beat 击打combat=com(together)+ bat(打)战斗,格斗(规模比battle小)fight vt. 抗击fight the floodsbow 弓rainbow 彩虹arrow 箭,箭头sword 剑as every sword has two bladesAttitude makes everything.lance 长矛freelance 自由职业者patriot 爱国者fire 开火charge 冲锋retreat 撤退;倒着走decimate=deci(十分之一)+ mate(在一起的人)大批杀害decimal 十进制的decade 十年centi 一百分之一centimeter 厘米massacre=mass(大量的人)+ acre(英亩)屠杀slaughter=s(想象成“死”)+ laughter(笑声)屠杀hatred=hat + red 仇恨catastrophe 大的灾难(人为)disaster=dis(away)+ aster(star)灾难(自然)asterisk 星号musemusic 音乐musical 音乐的;喜欢音乐的musical talenta musical boymuseum 博物馆um 地点名词的尾缀forum 论坛stadium 体育馆auditorium=auditor + i(音阶过渡字母)+um 礼堂ballot 选举,选票blackball 反对票audit 审计auditor 审计员;旁听者audi 听audience 听众audible 听得到的- (反) inaudible 听不到的audio 音频的vacuum 真空vacuum cleanervac=vacu=empty 空evacuate 撤离,清空vacant 空缺的hollow 中空的blank 空白的vacation 度假on vacationvocation 职业advocate 拥护,支持;拥护者,支持者graduate 毕业;毕业生delegate 代表provoke 挑衅van=empty 空vanity 虚荣,空虚vanity boxvanish 消失,化为乌有ish 动词尾缀furnish 用家具来布置+ 房间furniture 家具furnish my apartmentdispose 处理;布置,摆放dispose the chairs in a circleamuse 娱乐,逗乐They amused themselves by watching TV. amusing adj. 有趣的,使人发笑的= funny interesting 有趣的,吸引人的amusement 娱乐,娱乐活动amusement parkrecreation 娱乐entertainment 娱乐;款待tain = keepdetain 拘留maintain 维修;维持contain 包含(空间上)containerstain 锈迹,斑点musician=music + ian(人)音乐家civil - civilian 公民electric- electrician 电工politics - politician 政客statesman 政治家physical - physician 内科医生library- librarian 图书馆管理员antaccountant 会计inhabitant 居民entpatient 病人student 学生president 总统agent 代理人precedent 先例istartist 艺术家chemist 化学家dentist 牙科医生tele 远程telecommunication 远程通信telephone 电话phone = sound 声音symphony 交响乐sym = samesympathy 同情,同情心;赞同I'm in sympathy with ... symmetry 对称,匀称telegraph 电报graph 写paragraph 段落para 在旁边site 场所,地点construction siteparasite 寄生虫photograph 照片photo 光photosensitive 感光的photosensitive materials autobiography 自传auto 自己autonomy 自治autocriticism 自我批评bio = life 生命biology 生物学biochemistry 生物化学biography 传记televisionvision 图像,视力,视野vis = see 看visible 看得到的- invisible 看不到的revise 修改supervise 监督visit 参观pay a visit to + 地方it = goexit 出口transit 运输circuit 电路initiate 发动initiate a social reform第九课时telescope 望远镜scope 范围beyond the scope of our imaginationmicroscope 显微镜microwave说dic, dict = speakdictionary 字典predict 预言foretell 预言fore 向前forwardforehead 额头dictate 听写,口述;命令dictate a letter to a typistdictation 听写dictator 独裁者contradiction 矛盾paradoxcontra 相反,对立contrary adj. 相反的oppositeopposite directionon the contrary 正相反verdict 裁决nounce = speakpronounce 发音denounce 痛骂condemn 谴责renounce 否认;放弃(说出去的要求又收回来)privilege=priv(private)+ I + leg(law)+e 特权renounce my privilegeannounce 宣布,公之于众They announced their date of wedding to the public.proclaim 宣布,宣告proclaim the foundation of Chinaclaim 呼喊exclaim 喊叫She exclaimed when she saw the present/gift.gift 礼物;礼金reclaim 收回reclaim the lost propertyacclaim 拥戴amalgamation 合并The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed.sist = standassist 辅助,协助A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.resist=re(against)+ sist(stand)抵制,抵抗resist temptationresist aggressionresistant 抵制的,抵抗的be resistant to the social reformwater resistantinsist=in + sist 坚持(做一件事);坚决主张+ onpersist=per (through)+ sist 坚持(反复做同一件事);持续+ inThe boy insisted on taking the case for the girl.persist in doing physical exercisesinsist on the policy of opening up to the outside worldThe bad weather will persist for several days.endure 长时间忍受;持续consist=con(together)+sist 相符合,相一致;包含+ with+ ofTheory should consist with practice.apply theory to practicecorrespond withaccord withOur class is made up of/is composed of/consists of/comprises 500 students. 整体包含所有部分500 students constitute/comprise our class.include 整体包含某些部分This tour includes a visit to the museum.contain 空间上包含include=in + clud(shut)+ econclude=con(fully)+ clud(shut)+ e 下结论;结束conclusion n.come to/draw a conclusionexclude=ex(out)+ clud + e 把...排除在外eliminate=e(out)+ limin(limit)+ e 淘汰He was excluded from the tennis match.He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round. exclusive 排外的,专用的exclusive interview/exclusive recipebe exclusive to sb.The bathroom is exclusive to the president.decline, refuse, rejectdecline=de+ cline(lean缓坡)下降;委婉拒绝inclinedecline to an invitationrefuse=re(back)+ fus(pour 流淌)+e 直接了当的拒绝confuse=con(together)+ fus(pour)+e 迷惑transfuse=trans(across)+ fus(pour)+e 输血reject=re(back)+ject(喷射,投掷)厌恶的拒绝eject 弹射projector 投影仪inject 注射pect=spect=lookrespect=re(again)+ spect 尊敬respectable 值得尊敬的a respectable professorrespectful 尊敬的be respectful to other people’s viewsrespective 分别的,各自的respective universitiesprospect=pro(forward)+ spect(look)展望retrospect=retro(back)+ spect(look)回顾speculate=spec(look)+ ulate 投机speculate on futurespeep, peek, glance, glimpse, gazepeep = peek 偷窥peeping tom 不守信约的人;偷窥狂glance 有意识的快速扫视glimpse 无意识的一瞥I can tell at a glance what is wrong with the car?I was shot dead by a glimpse of your eyes.第十课时neglect my health 无意识的忽略ignore my advice 有意识的忽略note 有意识的注意notice 无意识的注意note how he operatesHe passed by me without noticing me.gaze 凝视+ at复试中听力和口语的问题大学复试一般题型:1、点听写2、复合式听写3、段落听写4、summary听写规律技巧:1、单句听写(以长句为单位)2、边听边写(同步写出单词开头的若干字母)3、材料选择托福听力背一个简历长远提高口语水平:1、从语音入手2、跟读一篇文章3、学习日常口语的对话1)背诵2)说。

清华大学考研辅导强化班英语写作讲义清华大学考研辅导强化班课程《英语写作》清华大学外语系杨朝春主讲并提供文档资料第一讲General Introduction(总记)I. General Introduction (总论)1. The Role of Writing (写作的地位)2. Requirements for Writing in the Exam (考试对写作的要求)II. Use of Language (语言的使用)1. The use of words(选取最恰当的词使表达生动鲜明、充实而有效)1) 简易常用词和拼读复杂词由于历史的缘故,英语和北欧语、希腊语、意大利语和法语有着密切的联系,由此出现许多外来词。
Examples:ask (本语) question(法语) interrogate (拉丁语)2) 一般词和具体词一般词具有概括和抽象的特点,适于在段落之首提出主题思想和末尾总结概括。
Examples:Plant: tree, bush, vegetable, flower, fruitVegetable: cabbage, turnip, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, pepper broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoesFruit: apple, peach, pear, strawberry, grapes, orange, watermelon, pineapple, mango, bananas, kiwifruit, cherry, apricot Walk: edge, limp, shuffle, trudge, trot, pace, stagger, toddle, strollLook: see, watch, observe, perceive, sight, spot scan, glance peer, stare, gaze, beholdLaugh: giggle, titter, chuckle, grin, guffawCry: weep, sob, groan, wail, lament, whimper第二讲写作考试中一些常用词3)写作考试中一些常用词*Although she is one of my friends, she strongly against my opinion.*She is getting married in next month.*His body is healthy.*Children are dangerous when they play with matches.*In one hand we should study hard, in other hand we should be independent by doing part-time jobs.1) Such things do not happen every day. This is everyday occurrence.2) The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people.3) The contemptible man is selfish and vain. There’s a contemptuous look on his face.4) He is a respectable old man. He is respectful toward his teachers.After the meeting they went back to their respective provinces.5) She is desirous of seeing him again. He is the desirable man for the position.6) Helping him is worthwhile. It is worthwhile helping him.The novel is worth studying. The novel is worthy of careful study.She has led a worthy life.7) alive afraid alone alike ashamed asleep awake aware8) economic economical healthy healthful imaginative imaginary beneficial beneficent9) senior junior superior inferior prior posterior10) The majority of, a great number of, a great many ofA great deal of, a great amount of, a bit ofA lot of, a quantity of, plenty of11) See, look at, watch, observe, notice, perceive, hear, listen to, feel, make, let, bid, have12) It’s surprising that neither the mother nor the children have prepared something for the Christmas party.Mary as well as her sisters was very happy to visit their grandparents in the country.2. Sentence (怎样写出地道流畅的句子)1) 句子成分的一致性*Swimming at the lake, Jim’s foot was cut by a rock.*While smoking a pipe, my dog sat with me by the crackling fire.*By planting different varieties of crops, the pests were unable to adapt.*Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful.但,Generally speaking, a native English speaker will find German easier than French. To tell the truth, what she has done let usdown.Considering the circumstances, he has done a good job.2) 分句间的逻辑关系及连贯性*John had a drinking problem and he dropped out of school. (because)*The employee is often late for work, and he writes illogical reports, and he is a poor manager, and he should be fired. (The employee should be fired because he is …)*The test was hard, and the students were resentful, and their teacher was irritated. (Because the students resented the hard test, their teacher was irritated.)*He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it did not seriously hurt him. (but was not seriously hurt.)*Take your time, and you should be careful. (Take your time and be careful)*I read the passage carefully, and several mistakes were found.3)写作考试中一些常用词*Although she is one of my friends, she strongly against my opinion.*She is getting married in next month.*His body is healthy.*Children are dangerous when they play with matches.*In one hand we should study hard, in other hand we should be independent by doing part-time jobs.1) Such things do not happen every day. This is everyday occurrence.2) The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people.3) The contemptible man is selfish and vain. There’s acontemptuous look on his face.4) He is a respectable old man. He is respectful toward his teachers.After the meeting they went back to their respective provinces.5) She is desirous of seeing him again. He is the desirable man for the position.6) Helping him is worthwhile. It is worthwhile helping him.The novel is worth studying. The novel is worthy of careful study.She has led a worthy life.7) alive afraid alone alike ashamed asleep awake aware8) economic economical healthy healthful imaginative imaginary beneficial beneficent9) senior junior superior inferior prior posterior10) The majority of, a great number of, a great many ofA great deal of, a great amount of, a bit ofA lot of, a quantity of, plenty of11) See, look at, watch, observe, notice, perceive, hear, listen to, feel, make, let, bid, have12) It’s surprising that neither the mother nor the children have prepared something for the Christmas party.Mary as well as her sisters was very happy to visit their grandparents in the country.2. Sentence (怎样写出地道流畅的句子)1) 句子成分的一致性*Swimming at the lake, Jim’s foot was cut by a rock.*While smoking a pipe, my dog sat with me by the crackling fire.*By planting different varieties of crops, the pests wereunable to adapt.*Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful.但,Generally speaking, a native English speaker will find German easier than French. To tell the truth, what she has done let us down.Considering the circumstances, he has done a good job.2) 分句间的逻辑关系及连贯性*John had a drinking problem and he dropped out of school. (because)*The employee is often late for work, and he writes illogical reports, and he is a poor manager, and he should be fired. (The employee should be fired because he is …)*The test was hard, and the students were resentful, and their teacher was irritated. (Because the students resented the hard test, their teacher was irritated.)*He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it did not seriously hurt him. (but was not seriously hurt.)*Take your time, and you should be careful. (Take your time and be careful)*I read the passage carefully, and several mistakes were found.第三讲句子的完整性3) 句子的完整性*My father who is very kind, learned and helped me a lot in my life.*They enjoy reading classic Chinese literature. Such as the poetry by Li Bai and Du Fu.4) 分句的连接*Reading books is one of the greatest pleasures of our lives,through reading books we can add to our knowledge and broaden our view.但,To err is human, to forgive is divine.Out of sight, out of mind.练习 1:选用恰当的词完成句子。
2019考研英语考前点睛班讲义-英语一写作(12月14日) (1)

2019考研英语在线点睛班讲义(英语一写作)主讲人:何凯文第一部分:这些图这些描述版本一:By a contrast between two periods of a student’s life:the hard-working middle school times against the carefree college years,the cartoon above cast a critical eye on college student’s indifference to academic pursuits.版本二:As is shown above,the picture poses a contrast between college life and middle school life,showing that middle students are under the great academic pressure while college students are leading a care-free life.Version 1:The picture is a metaphor of life.If life is a voyage across water,then dream is the oar to our little boats,without which we would float aimless instead of directing our own courses.Version2:As is shown above,in a boat ildeliessly lies a man.It is not hard to notice that he has no direction and the oar is drifting away.The catption of the cartoon is refreshing and sparking that the life without dream is like a boat without oar.Version 3:Above stands a picture showing the importance of dream and ambition,which is symbolized by a man,a boat and a drifting oar.【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】文明出行让风景更美Version 1As is shown above,in the middle of the picture stands a young man,carrying the bag and being prepared to go to visit some scenic spots and historical sites.He is trying to embrace the poster:being a civilized traveler.This cartoon does demonstrate a topic that is worthy of our attention.Version 2The picture depicts a well-behaved tourist,who merrily embrace a figure representing “civilized travel”.As outbound Chinese tourism grow rapidly,it is becoming important that Chinese travelers project a positive image as a group.Version 3Above stands a picture showing the importance of courtesy and decency in the travelling,which is symbolized by a poster and a civilized traveler.As is shown above,in the middle of the picture stands a man setting the temperature of an air conditioner higher to save the energy.If posted on the Wechat,it will make the good copy in the newspaper.【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】The picture above shows a higher education institution setting up classes that say no to mobile phones.It touches on the controversy around college students’use of electronic devices on campus.The picture underscores the importance of trust by showing us how two men cut wood together.The absence of mutual trust will make it impossible to finish this job.The caption below shows that where there is no trust,there is no cooperation.As is shown above,in the middle of the picture stand a young man and an old man.The old man passes a gift,symbolizing the cultural heritage,to the young man,reminding the youngster to preserve the traditional culture.【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】Above stand two pictures,with left one showing a father is scolding his son’s poor physical condition despite of the son’s excellent academic performance,and with right one illustrating another mother is criticizing his son for his low test score,although he is really good at sports.If posted on Weibo,a popular social media in china these pictures will trigger heated discussion for they strike a chord with many users.As is shown above,in the middle of the picture sits a devoted researcher,working enthusiastically on his project despite of his recovery from the disease.The most striking feature of the cartoon that impresses me most is his professional dedication and professional ethics.Above stands a picture showing the importance of seizing the opportunity,which is symbolized by two individuals hunting the bird.【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】这些范文:As is shown above,in the middle of the picture walks a young man,suffering from the anxiety,depression and the disorder for the heavy burden of interpersonal relations,job-hunting pressure and further study plan.This picture,if posted on the social media,will definitely strike the cord with youngsters for it revealing a common scene among college students.The author of the picture demonstrates a common scene in today’s college education and illustrates some problems facing universities.Some scholars have already noticed that current college education focuses a lot on the academic study but fail to offer adequate exploration on the creativity and moral education,components critical to students’future lives and careers.And,one survey even suggests that most college students are coping with a lot of tedious paper work,with few breaks,and feeling the strain,with no substantial advance to speak of.That’s a reality that horrifies some educators.Many people have voiced their concerns about this issue.The clear message is that we should take more efforts and make some concrete initiatives to safeguard any possible adverse consequences.Fortunately,we have heard that some effective measures have been taken by authorities and a trend of focusing more on the quality of students is gradually emerging nationwide.There are good reasons to expect that a more advisable and healthy circumstance will be created on our campuses. 【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】As is shown above,on the playground tiredly runs a college student taking part in the physical test,dwarfed by the performance of a middle school student.If posted on Weibo,an influential social media in China,this picture will trigger heated discussion for its deep social implication and profound bearing on one’s growth.The picture shows us an interesting but provoking scene that the matter of physical health has been aroused our attention and stressed by authorities.To be sure,the physical health always plays the leading role on our way to the success.Sadly,however,from someday on,this invaluable quality has been gradually neglected by most of us.In most cases,we fail to translate it into practice just for trivial excuses,which will definitely lead to one’s poor performance and even a sorry state of affairs of our society.Beyond any doubt,the negative trend will exert adverse effects on one’s personal growth and will possibly hinder the advancement of a society.So,the picture is a prompt warning./So,the picture shows a good start.Much can be done.A string of campaigns,for example,should be initiated and promoted by institutions or authorities to further enhance people’s enthusiasm of physical exercise.With rational attitude and appropriate measures,a predictable ideal scene can be witnessed in which college students can tap the full potential and gain the rewarding life with good health condition. 【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】By a contrast between two periods of a student’s life:the hard-working middle school times against the carefree college years,the cartoon above cast a critical eye on college student’s indifference to academic pursuits.It is a serious problem that may undermine not only the future of individual students but also the collective strength of our economy.The existing education system has put too much emphasis on the college entrance examination that students approach knowledge with only scores in mind.They fail to recognize the true value of higher education and do not possess self-initiative to strive for deeper understanding.When they have entered college,a place where students are not merely rated by test scores,they falsely believe that they are safe from competition and can thus “take it easy”.It’s a terrible miscaculation.When you fail a test,you may have to spent extra years to attend college.But when you fail your college education,the society,in time,will teach you a tough lesson by giving you a unpromising future without warning and without recourse.In a word,we cannot afford to throw away valuable time and educational resources any more.It is time that college students change their passive attitude towards learning and start to strive for academic excellence on their own initiative.Above stand two pictures,with left one showing that middle school students are under the great academic pressure and with right one illustrating college students are leading a care-free life style.These cartoons will trigger heated discussion for they strike a chord with many people.The pictures above show that the good college education is beneficial to individuals’growth and always indispensable to social progress.In other words,the right way to spend the college life will ensure individual achievements and boost collective successes.Many admit the waste of prime time and idle way of spending college years will exert adverse effects on one’s personal growth and hinder the betterment of society(community).选择句一:(正)Obviously,the pictures highlight the benefits and merits of the excellent family education.选择句二:(负)Evidently ,the pictures dramatize the detrimental impacts caused by the lack of proper college education.So,abundant attention should be attached by all of us.Fortunately,it has captured wide media attention,occupying newspaper headlines and sparking heated discussion on the web.This is a promising start.From my personal perspective,this matter of fact/the status quo/the cultivation of this trait demands more than devoted attention but the instant action as well.A string of campaigns should be initiated and promoted by authorities to enhance people’s awareness of it.The involvement of experts and scholars is also necessary.Their scientific and proper proposals usually help a lot.With rational attitude and appropriate measures,a predictable ideal scene can be witnessed in which we can live our comfortable life with less anxiety and worries/individuals can tap their full potential with the guidance of this trait. 【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】The picture shows a scene of career fair,in which fresh graduates queueing up to ask the potential employer for information relating to the job vacancy,including accommodation,career prospects and salary level.The students’straightforward manner in expressing their deepest concerns indicates a positive trend in the job market.Students seeking employment used to be shy about asking for pay and benefits,for fear of losing favor with the interviewer.The robust economy has changed the power dynamics between young people and recruiters.They have become equal partners at the negotiating table.Students no longer have to look up to the companies for favor of hiring,instead they are favoring businesses with their skills and wisdom.Human resource personnel find it useless to employ mind games to trick or trap college graduates.This is what a healthy job market should look like.Brilliant young people get rewarded for their abilities to generate value and their tenuous efforts at acquiring a craft,while companies attract talents with clear and fair monetary conditions.This new attitude towards employment not only is beneficial for the individual development,but also serves to facilitate a more harmonious and efficient business environment.In brief,I applaud the new generation of confident college students.The picture illustrates a young man holding a resume jumping from one bowl (represents a company)to another.What it tries to convey is that job-hopping is on the rise among young adults,who have lower employee loyalty than previous generations and happily switch allegiance when better opportunity calls.Despite the common lament over the irresponsible young generation,it is actually a trend that grows naturally out of today’s fast-changing business landscape and will serve to sustain the growth of the vibrant new economy.People used to be judged as unreliable and money-grabbing if their records indicate that they have held more than two jobs shorter than two years.Human resource managers used to put this kind of resumes aside without second thought.But employees,especially fresh graduates,do not need to worry about building a bad image due to job-hopping anymore.It has not only become more acceptable,but also increasingly encouraged by companies who are desperate for open-minded talents that can bring new perspectives and adapt to different roles fast.A lot of old-fashioned critics blame the younger generation for having no sense of loyalty.But they are wrong.The nature of work has changed.What the young have done is only to bravely embrace the new business world,take risks and generate more value for the society as a whole. 【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】第二部分:应用文Letter E-mail NoticeMemoReport 小作文必看词:动词:Share/make/express名词:Acknowledgement (致谢)thanks(感谢)welcome (欢迎)inquiry (咨询)Complaint (投诉)Sorry (道歉)regrets (道歉)Resignation (辞职)application (求职/申请)congratulation (祝贺)Recommendation (推荐)advice (建议)suggestion (建议)Dear_____,I am____I am writing this letter to express my _____concerning______.In the first place,I would like to say thank you for your reading of this letter.Meanwhile,I also want this letter will make my idea clear.Firstly,I have found that_______.Secondly,I want to _______.Finally,I hope that____.Thank you again for your attention.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.With best wishes for the coming New Year!By the way,as the New Year is quickly approaching,I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for the year of 2019.If there is any question or details you want know,don’t hesitate to contact us during our working hours.Your coming call or visit will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Li Ming Dear sir,I am writing this letter to share/express/make ______.I hope this letter won’t bother you and made myself clear.Firstly,I’d like to present here is _____.Secondly,the related fact of this matter is that_____.Finally,what we should not ignore is ______.I’d like to express my ____again.I hope that____.I believe _____.I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】Dear____,My name is _______,and I am ________.I am writing this letter to express ____regarding____.This is also the main reason of writing this letter.There are a few factors involved.For one thing,_____.For another,______.In addition,_____.It seems to me that all these things make this letter necessary and I am anticipating ______It would be great if you could ______.I am looking forward to hearing from you.With best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Ming NoticeI am____I am representing ______and writing this notice to express my _____concerning______.In the first place,I would like to say thank you for your reading of this notice.Meanwhile,I also want this notice will make my idea clear.Firstly,I have found that_______.Secondly,I want to _______.Finally,I hope that____.Thank you again for your attention.I am looking forward to your_____.If there is any question or details you want know,don’t hesitate to contact us during our working hours.Your coming call or visit will be highly appreciated.With best wishes for the coming New Year!(替换语:By the way,as the New Year is quickly approaching,I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for the year of 2019.)The Students Union 齐头式范文:Dear Professor Stevens,I am Li Ming,a senior student of our university major in civil engineering.I am writing this letter to apply for the position of teaching assistant for the course of American History Introduction.I think I am qualified and suitable for this position for the following reasons.Firstly,I have the good communication skills and I am enthusiastic enough to finish your assignment and serve the classmates.Secondly,since my second college year,I have worked as a teaching assistant for Kevin’s mathematic courses.My performance is acknowledged by him and his recommendation letter is attached in this letter.I hope you can accept my application.It will be my great honor and privilege.If there is any question or details you want to know,I am always ready to offer the answer.With my best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Ming【关注微博 :考研加油站吧 】【关注微信公众号 :考研加油站吧 】。

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I. Reading Comprehension:
Text 1
Get ready for the second act of the grand drama we call globalization. The 1980’s opened with a massive
manufacturing migration from industrialized countries to the Third World that accelerates to this day. This decade is witnessing a second huge shift, this time in services, with white-collar professional jobs following the same blue-collar migratory routes to Asia and elsewhere.
We believe that the latest iteration(=repetition) in the evolution of the global economy will generate more growth for everyone over time as countries focus their abilities on
doing what they do best. But the adjustment may well be
painful for those middle-class Americans and Europeans who
see their jobs in software writing, chip design, architecture, and accounting move to India, China, Israel, Russia, and the Philippines. If the migration of services is not intervened
in by good growth-promoting government policy, there is a serious risk that the anti-globalization forces will gain an army of jobless white-collar recruits.
The dimensions of service shift are only just beginning
to come into focus. We can discern the trend but not the。