



SNS(Simple Notification Service)简单通 知服务,在云中安装、处理或发送通知,为 开发人员提供了一种从应用程序发布消息, 并立即传送给订阅者或其他应用程序的能力, 用于创建通知某些应用程序某方面的主题,
没有前期投资:使用亚马 逊 AWS,开发人员和企业 再也不必花费时间和资金 完成上述活动;相反,他 们只需在需要时为所消耗 的资源支付费用即可,且 支付的金额因所消耗资源
Amazon Web Services
AWS(Amazon Web Services) 是亚马逊公司的 云计算LasS和PasS平台服务,提供一组广泛的 全球计算存储、数据库、分析、应用程序和部署服务,
可帮助组织提高ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้作效率、 降低 IT 成本和扩展应用程序。很多大型企业和热
基础 设施上。

全 球 无论 AWS 客户是大型
的全球化公司还是小型的初 创公司,都有可能在全球拥 有潜在最终用户开发人员可 以使用在全球不同地点运作 的相同亚马逊 AWS 技术轻 松部署应用程序,以覆盖
多个地理区 域的最终用户。
低成本:AWS 可在多方 面帮助降低 IT 总成本,多 种定价模式让客户针对变 化和稳定的工作负载优化 成本,此外,AWS 还能降 低前期 IT 人力成本和持续 IT 人力成本,客户只需投 入相当于传统基础设施成 本几分之一的成本就能使 用广泛分布、功能全面的
灵活的容量:开发人员可 以在需要时调配所需的资 源量,如果需要更多,他 们可以轻松扩展资源量, 如果不再需要,则只需关
Amazon Web Services



亚马逊AWS基于AWS云平台上的实时数据分析最佳实践分享1.选择合适的数据处理和存储服务:AWS提供了多种数据处理和存储服务,包括AWS Lambda、Amazon Kinesis、Amazon EMR(Elastic MapReduce)等。


2.使用AWS Kinesis进行数据收集和流处理:AWS Kinesis是一种可扩展的实时流处理服务,可以用于收集和处理大规模实时数据。


3.使用AWS Redshift进行数据仓库:AWS Redshift是一种快速、可扩展、完全托管的数据仓库服务,可以帮助用户实现高效的数据存储和查询。


4.使用AWS Lambda进行异步数据处理:AWS Lambda是一种无服务器计算服务,可帮助用户在不管理服务器的情况下运行应用程序代码。


5.使用AWS Glue进行数据转换和ETL(Extract, Transform, Load):AWS Glue是一种可视化的数据准备和ETL工具,可以帮助用户将数据从不同的源头提取、转换和加载到目标系统中。


6.使用AWS QuickSight进行数据可视化:AWS QuickSight是一种快速、互动式的商业智能工具,可以帮助用户轻松地可视化和分析数据。


7.使用AWS CloudWatch进行监控和警报:AWS CloudWatch是一种监控和管理服务,可以帮助用户实时地监控各种AWS资源和应用程序。



亚马逊AWS企业级云服务的不二之选在互联网+的时代背景下,云计算已然成为企业用户通过IT 实现突破创新的基石和新的IT强增长点,各大企业纷纷进入云化时代。













通过亚马逊AWS 壳牌的业务发展从此具有了前瞻性的支撑规戈V, 从而最大化地实现企业IT 系统的业务效益。



联合利华曾经对超过16 家公司进行全面的审核,最终选择了亚马逊AWS。

aws mainframe modernization 工作原理

aws mainframe modernization 工作原理

aws mainframe modernization工作原理AWS mainframe modernization的工作原理是将传统的主机(mainframe)应用程序迁移到云环境中,以提高其效率和可扩展性。

以下是其工作原理的概述:1. 评估和发现:首先,针对主机应用程序进行评估和发现,了解其结构、功能、依赖项和性能特征。


2. 系统复制:在评估阶段之后,使用AWS工具和服务,将主机环境中的应用程序和数据进行复制到AWS云平台中。

AWS 可提供与主机环境兼容的解决方案,以确保应用程序的功能完整性。

3. 云端优化:一旦应用程序迁移到云平台,可以使用AWS的各种服务和工具对其进行优化。


4. 数据迁移:将在主机环境中存储的数据迁移到AWS存储服务(如Amazon S3或Amazon RDS)中。


5. 重新架构和重构:根据应用程序需求,使用云原生技术对应用程序进行重新架构和重构。


6. 监控和管理:使用AWS的监控和管理工具来监视和管理主机应用程序的性能和运行状态。






AWS云计算技术手册1. 引言随着云计算技术的快速发展,越来越多的企业选择使用亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services,简称AWS)来满足其计算和数据存储需求。


2. AWS云计算简介2.1 云计算概述2.1.1 云计算的定义2.1.2 云计算的优势2.1.3 云计算的分类2.2 AWS云计算平台2.2.1 AWS的起源和发展2.2.2 AWS的基本架构2.2.3 AWS的全球基础设施3. AWS核心服务3.1 计算服务3.1.1 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)- EC2实例的创建和管理- 安全组和密钥对的配置- 实例的自动伸缩3.2 存储服务3.2.1 Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3)- S3存储桶的创建和配置- 对象的上传和下载- S3数据备份和冗余3.3 数据库服务3.3.1 Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS) - RDS数据库实例的创建和管理- 数据库的备份和恢复- 数据库的扩展和优化3.4 网络与内容分发服务3.4.1 Amazon Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)- VPC网络的设置和操作- 子网和路由表的配置- 安全连接的建立4. 最佳实践指南4.1 安全性和合规性4.1.1 Identity and Access Management(IAM) - IAM用户的创建和权限管理- IAM角色和策略的配置- IAM安全最佳实践4.2 弹性和可伸缩性4.2.1 弹性负载均衡器(ELB)- ELB的配置和管理- 监控和调整负载均衡- 高可用性和自动伸缩4.3 成本优化4.3.1 AWS计费模型- 按需实例的优化策略- 预留实例的购买和利用- 成本管理和优化工具5. 结论云计算已经成为现代企业获取弹性和可伸缩计算资源的重要手段,而AWS作为全球领先的云计算平台,为用户提供了丰富的服务和工具。








另外,AWS S3(简单存储服务)是一种可靠的云存储服务,可用于存储和保护数据。

2、谷歌云(Google Cloud)谷歌云是谷歌提供的云计算服务,其产品包括基础设施、数据存储、数据处理、人工智能等。

其中,Google Kubernetes Engine是一种开源的容器编排系统,可帮助用户自动化容器镜像的构建和部署。

另外,Google Cloud Dataflow是一种数据管道服务,可用于处理和分析大规模数据。


其中,Azure Virtual Machines 是一种虚拟机服务,可用于在云中创建和管理虚拟机。

另外,Azure Cosmos DB是一种全球分布的数据库服务,可用于存储和查询大规模数据。

4、阿里云(Alibaba Cloud)阿里云是阿里巴巴集团提供的云计算服务,其产品线包括了基础设施、数据存储、数据处理、人工智能等多个领域。

其中,Alibaba Cloud ECS (弹性计算服务)是一种高度可扩展的计算服务,为用户提供了按需使用计算资源的能力。

另外,Alibaba Cloud OSS(对象存储服务)是一种可靠的云存储服务,可用于存储和保护数据。

5、腾讯云(Tencent Cloud)腾讯云是腾讯提供的云计算服务,其产品线包括了基础设施、数据存储、数据处理等多个领域。










另一个例子是华为公司的Mate 10 Pro手机。

















1. 亚马逊云计算(AWS)亚马逊云计算(Amazon Web Services)是全球领先的云计算平台之一。




2. 微软云计算平台(Azure)微软云计算平台(Microsoft Azure)是另一家领先的云计算服务提供商。


Azure的虚拟机(Virtual Machines)提供了灵活可扩展的计算资源,可以根据需求进行快速部署和管理。

此外,Azure还提供了Blob存储和文件存储等多种存储选项,以及Azure SQL数据库和Cosmos DB等数据库服务。

Azure还积极推进人工智能和机器学习领域,在此方面提供了许多工具和服务,如Azure机器学习服务(Azure Machine Learning)和认知服务(Cognitive Services)等。

3. 谷歌云平台(GCP)谷歌云平台(Google Cloud Platform)是谷歌提供的云计算服务平台。


GCP的计算引擎(Compute Engine)允许用户创建和管理虚拟机实例,并提供了可扩展的计算能力。






1. 亚马逊的信息化基础设施亚马逊建立了一个庞大而先进的信息化基础设施,以支持其日益增长的业务规模和用户需求。




2. 亚马逊的信息化战略亚马逊的信息化战略主要包括以下几个方面:2.1 个性化推荐系统亚马逊利用其海量的用户数据和先进的机器学习算法,构建了强大的个性化推荐系统。



2.2 供应链管理亚马逊通过信息化手段对其供应链进行了全面的管理和优化。



2.3 大数据分析亚马逊充分利用其庞大的用户数据和先进的数据分析技术,进行全面的市场调研和竞争分析。



2.4 云计算服务亚马逊通过其云计算服务平台Amazon Web Services(AWS),向全球范围的客户提供云计算基础设施和服务。



8 9 10 17 12 13 14
• 基于Gossip协议的成员检测机制
新节 点1

种子节点 (seed)
新节 点2
• EC2是什么 • EC2的主要特性 • EC2基本架构及主要概念 • EC2应用实战
• EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud)
简言之,EC2就是一部具有无限采集能力的虚拟计 算机,用户能够用来执行一些处理任务。
• EC2的场景描述
• 灵活性:可自行配置运行的实例类型、数量,还 可以选择实例运行的地理位置。可以根据用户的 需求随时改变实例的使用数量。
• 低成本:按小时计费 • 安全性:SSH、可配置的防火墙机制、监控等 • 易用性:用户可以根据亚马逊提供的模块自由构
永久故障后的恢复 成员资格以及错误检测
向量时钟(vector clock) Hinted handoff(数据回传机制),参数
(W,R,N)可调的弱quorum机制 Merkle哈希树
计算数据键 值的哈希值
High-CPU Medium
32位 5ECU 1.7G 350G
Extra Large 64位
实例类型名 m1.small rge m1.xlarge c1.medium c1.xlarge







1. 云计算技术的实践云计算技术的实践主要涵盖以下几个方面:1.1. 云存储云存储是目前最受欢迎的云计算服务之一,可以通过云存储服务提供商实现数据的备份和存储。


1.2. 云计算服务云计算服务是一种将计算资源、网络资源和存储资源组合在一起的服务模式,可以提供常用的应用程序和部署平台。


1.3. 数据库服务数据库服务是一种基于云计算技术的高效数据存储和分析服务,可以满足企业快速处理大量数据的需求。


2. 应用案例分析云计算技术已被广泛应用于企业级应用中,下面分别分析几个应用案例,了解云计算技术应用的实践情况。

2.1. 阿里云随着互联网业务的快速发展,阿里云成为了备受欢迎的云计算服务提供商,是阿里巴巴集团旗下的子公司。



2.2. 腾讯云腾讯云是腾讯公司旗下的云计算服务提供商,具有良好的安全性和可扩展性,可以支持各种规模的企业和网站应用。



2.3. AWS亚马逊(Amazon)是世界上最大的在线市场,自2010年开始,其AWS云计算平台设置了新的标准,成为了云计算领域的领导者。



AWS产品介绍及BPM解决方案AWS(Amazon Web Services)是亚马逊公司提供的一系列云计算服务。




3. RDS(关系型数据库服务):提供托管的关系数据库服务,支持多种数据库引擎,包括MySQL、PostgreSQL、Oracle等。

4. Lambda(无服务器计算):无需管理服务器,直接运行代码,根据触发器自动处理请求。

5. DynamoDB(NoSQL数据库服务):快速、灵活且完全托管的NoSQL数据库服务。



8. CloudFront(内容分发网络):分发静态和动态网络内容,提高用户的访问速度。

9. Route 53(域名系统服务):提供可扩展的域名注册、解析和管理的服务。


针对BPM(Business Process Management)的解决方案,AWS提供了以下服务:1. Step Functions:提供了一种可视化和弹性的方式来协调和管理应用程序中的多个任务和工作流程。


2. Simple Queue Service(SQS):提供了一种简单的消息队列服务,用于在分布式系统之间传递消息。


亚马逊AWS技术白皮书:AWS 云采用框架 – 平台视角

亚马逊AWS技术白皮书:AWS 云采用框架 – 平台视角

AWS Cloud Adoption FrameworkPlatform PerspectiveNovember 2015© 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.NoticesThis document is provided for informational purposes only. It represents AWS’scurrent product offerings and practices as of the date of issue of this document,which are subject to change without notice. Customers are responsible formaking their own independent assessment of the information in this documentand any use of AWS’s products or services, each of which is provided “as is”without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. This document doesnot create any warranties, representations, contractual commitments, conditionsor assurances from AWS, its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. The responsibilitiesand liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, andthis document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWSand its customers.Page 2 of 19ContentsAbstract 4Introduction 4Design Architecture 7Conceptual Architecture Activity 7Logical Architecture Activity 8Considerations 10Implementation Architecture 11Considerations 13Architecture Optimization 14Cloud Design Principles and Patterns Activity 14Application Migration Patterns Activity 15Considerations 17CAF Taxonomy and Terms 18Conclusion 19Notes 19 Page 3 of 19AbstractThe Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF)1 provides best practices and prescriptive guidance to accelerate an organization's move to cloud computing. The CAF guidance is broken into a number of areas of focus that are relevant to implementing cloud-based IT systems. These focus areas are called perspectives. Each perspective is covered in a separate whitepaper. This whitepaper covers the Platform Perspective, which focuses on designing, implementing, and optimizing the architecture of the AWS technology that you use in your cloud adoption initiative.IntroductionYour organization can use the AWSCloud Adoption Framework (CAF)guidance to explore how differentdepartments can work together onone or more cloud adoption initiative.Guidance is separated into thefollowing focus areas, calledperspectives: Business Perspective,Platform Perspective, MaturityPerspective, People Perspective,Process Perspective, OperationsPerspective, and Security Perspective.The Platform Perspective componentsdescribe the structure and design of acloud-based IT system, or a hybrid ITsystem that spans both cloud andnon-cloud environments.The rest of this whitepaper describeshow the perspectives translate into activities that your organization can perform. This whitepaper covers design architecture and implementation architecture. You can also benefit from principles and patterns for rapidly implementing orFigure 1 Components of the PlatformPerspectiveexperimenting with new solutions on the cloud, or migrating existing non-cloud solutions to the cloud, which will be covered as part of optimization.Embracing AgilityMany organizations already use agile development to increase the velocity of their anticipated business outcomes. However, some businesses experience difficulty in achieving agility all the way through to deployment and operations. Consider embracing agility if you want to increase the velocity of achieving your anticipated business outcomes. For example, you could form a team to initiate a project and, with limited analysis, use AWS services to create a proof of concept (POC). If the POC is successful, you continue. If not, you select a different approach. The AWS platform creates a low barrier for experimentation, and allows you to rapidly deploy servers. When you complete your POC experiment you can shut down the AWS services environment, and no longer pay for resources. When your solution is ready for end users (the minimally viable product), you can gather the users’ feedback and use it to inform priorities for future feature releases. By documenting the different phases of your cloud journey as it progresses, you can create a complete picture of the IT environment. Consider storing the artifacts that you create using incremental experimentation in the source code management system that you use today for storing and revising your application code.You can complete the process of describing a business need and transitioning it into an IT solution using an iterative approach. In addition, you can use an iterative process to provide delivery teams enough detail so that what they build provides the intended outcome. Figure 2 illustrates how an IT capability maps to the services that deliver the capability.Figure 2: Example of Architectural Mapping from Capability to ServiceWhen you use an iterative architectural approach, you can focus more time on business needs and goals. As business needs change and more information is surfaced, the technical architecture you use to deliver the business capability to the customer can shift to match the business need. You can also iterate faster, trying out new things to see if they work with minimal barrier to entry, due to utility pricing. The iterative approach makes it easier to roll back changes or stand up a parallel environment to test new features.You can use a combination of AWS services to create IT capability, and use the AWS Service Catalog to centrally manage commonly deployed IT services. You can also use AWS services that provide a specific IT capability, such as Amazon Glacier for data archiving.There are several components to consider from the Platform Perspective:The Design Architecture component: Look at the common design patterns used in your implementations and identify common needs and redundancies.The Implementation Architecture component: Look at the security, data handling and retention, log aggregation, monitoring needs, and common operational patterns.The Architecture Optimization component: Identify your optimization strategies,what tools and processes need to be changed, and what automation can be used.Design ArchitectureThe Design Architecture component of the Platform perspective promotes the engagement of stakeholders from many parts of the organization. In your cloud adoption scenario, you need to provide different views on your architecture to each stakeholder. For example, as you work with business sponsors to design a solution you can contextualize the architecture to describe how IT can be used to achieve the expected business outcome, and what the costs, returns, and risks might be.Prior to an AWS adoption journey, your organization should consider modifying its governance and architectural principles to include AWS architectural principles. If you have not done so, then try using the iterative method described earlier to establish these principles. You can build methodologies and processes using sprints, just as you build applications. As you build, you can validate the design of your conceptual architectures against your governance and architectural principles.Conceptual Architecture ActivityConceptual views are technically abstract, but they should be described in a context that is familiar to business users. Use the conceptual architecture to define the business context of an IT system with business models. This is where you balance short-, medium-, and long-term business goals and concerns for IT initiatives.Three key components of a conceptual architecture are business vision, goals, and objectives. Use the conceptual architecture to understand which capabilities will be needed as part of the logical or functional architecture that will describe the solution. Figure 3 illustrates an example conceptual architecture that describes where AWS services are applicable.Figure 3 Example of a Conceptual ArchitectureUsing AWS, the creation of a conceptual architecture can become more iterative. You can use AWS services as part of the development effort by using experimentation to validate and evolve the approach. As business capability concepts are proven, development teams can start work on delivering functions and features into production. With quicker delivery, end-user feedback can be used to verify whether business objectives and compliance requirements are being met with the current technical approach.Implement automated testing to test your rapidly iterating conceptual architecture. This not only minimizes the introduction of bugs into your application, but also includes continuous compliance as part of continuous delivery, helping to ensure that changes to your application do not affect your organization’s security posture.Logical Architecture ActivityLogical (or functional) architectural views describe the building blocks of the IT system and their relationships without getting into the technical details of how the functionality is implemented. The logical architecture contains the data flow and capability models that relate to the business models that meet the businessoutcomes.Quality attributes, dependency mapping, and plans for obsolescence can be identified, documented, and addressed as part of designing the logical architecture. A logical architecture (Figure 4) that uses AWS can make use of geographical duplication as well as the elastic nature of AWS services. Using design principles that take advantage of these characteristics will allow system capacities to expand and shrink as loads expand and contract.Figure 4 Example of a Logical Architecture DiagramYou can use different approaches based on the type of project your organization is designing. Projects with a long duration typically are used in predictable, repeatable environments or environments where refinement of approach is not possible or recommended after decisions are made. These types of initiatives are driven with top-down control over outcome. An example of such an initiative is shutting down a corporate data center after a decision to move to the cloud.Initiatives with a short duration are driven with bottom-up freedom over outcome. Change in direction is expected and may be encouraged for better alignment with shifting business needs.There are also hybrid approaches to initiatives where the goal is to migrate and decompose a monolithic mission-critical solution or environment. These initiatives will combine the best aspects of heavy up-front planning with the freedom to innovate as needed to deliver optimized customer outcomes.Considerations∙Do use feedback from delivered features to review and revise the conceptual architecture with the business team.∙Do minimize the number of architectural principles to allow the greatest flexibility in solution development.∙Do stay focused on customer outcomes and business objectives rather than technical solutions.∙Do experiment with AWS services to experience, learn, and prove that your logical architecture will achieve the desired business outcome.∙Do focus on short duration project scoping and iterative processes for systems of interaction where outcomes are more fluid.∙Do consider the practice of creating logical architecture as a dynamic process. ∙Do limit the amount of redundant tech nologies to prevent “technology sprawl” and allow for focus and specialization.∙Do not make functional and implementation architectures dependent on a complete conceptual architecture. Consider identifying a key objective and starting design and delivery of that functionality. Use the feedback fromadoption of the features as input in the evolution of the conceptualarchitecture.∙Do not attempt to create the perfect architecture up front. Consider starting with the highest risk/reward scenario and use experimentation to prove your approach.Implementation ArchitectureThe Implementation Architecture component of the AWS CAF Platform Perspective describes the detailed designs within the IT system and the specific implementation components and their relationships. This architecture also defines the implementation of the system’s building blocks by soft ware or hardware elements.The implementation architecture for an AWS environment describes the design of the technical environment. The description is broken into layers, with each layer providing information for a specific team in the organization. AWS reference architectures are available at /architecture. Figure 5 illustrates a high-level implementation architecture. This artifact works best online, where you can enable clicking on each item for more information, and you can plan for automatic updates.Figure 5 Example of an Implementation ArchitectureDescribing the AWS environment and providing guidance on usage will be a critical portion of the implementation architecture development. Describing how resources, accounts, and tagging work, and the how the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment is configured provides information that will help the organization determine which resources are consumed by various systems, applications, and initiatives.The Information Architecture should set strategies for deployment, monitoring, auditing, and logging that will give you exposure to near real-time data. Setsecurity, data retention, gateway, and routing strategies and policies so your delivery teams have the information they need to enable control over the AWS environment as it grows.Include taxonomy and naming conventions as part of the metrics, monitoring, and chargeback implementation. The actual running environment will change continuously and will be best viewed through dashboards with near real-time information.Dashboard information can be represented graphically or by using lists. If you use a graphical dashboard, users could click the graphic to show additional detail. If you use a list in your dashboard, users familiar with spreadsheets can find information in well-defined columns. Figure 6 shows a graphical dashboard that can provide near real-time information.Figure 6 Example of a Graphic-based Near Real-time Dashboard Consider prescribing a taxonomy and naming convention in the implementation architecture. Then you can implement this taxonomy as a tagging standard on AWS resources. To increase confidence and reduce risk, you can leverage the AWS environment during implementation architecture creation. When you use AWS, the environment can be created and tested for verification or certification earlier in the release cycle. Additionally, tools are available through AWS and theAWS Marketplace that can automate processes and shorten the time needed to deliver, test, and operate AWS-based environments.Defining an operational playbook for how you are going to deploy and operate your systems will help ensure consistency and repeatability of success. This playbook should also be iterative in nature, with the constructive feedback implemented in systems that did not have this capacity at the time of creation. Considerations∙Do identify a network connectivity strategy for AWS services.∙Do outline AWS components to be used (services/features).∙Do define security controls (native vs. third-party tools). Greater details are available in the AWS CAF Security Perspective whitepaper.∙Do define data security and retention policies (encryption, backups, snapshots, third-party tools).∙Do create and work toward an automated deployment process to reduce the impact of human error and introduce portability.∙Do create an operational playbook. More information on this topic is available in the AWS CAF Operations Perspective whitepaper.∙Do outline a monitoring strategy.∙Do outline a logging strategy that validates that your logging system can manage the amount of information you decide to collect.∙Do create a strategy for resource tracking as part of your implementation architecture, ensuring that resources are appropriately tagged at the time of deployment. This can also be extended into cost allocation tagging.∙Do not let application environments form in an ad hoc fashion. Choose a strategy to organize your application environments.Architecture OptimizationThe Architecture Optimization component of the AWS CAF Platform perspective promotes the adaptability of an architecture that uses AWS—as business needs change and as new and better technical solutions become available, your architectural decisions can be modified and adjusted. Since physical computers are not purchased, the long lead-time for procurement, staging, burn-in, and configuration is no longer necessary. Because you can continue to optimize your architecture during the design phase, this process can completed with less up-front information; your decisions can change and be implemented as needed.As you adopt AWS services, a key focus should be on building tacit knowledge in the organization. Creating a centralized repository with principles, patterns, best practices, a glossary, and reference architectures will help ensure the rapid growth of AWS skills in the organization. As you start an automated and agile deployment process, the centralized information repository allows systems and people who deploy applications to access the governing principles as well as the pieces and parts that they own.Cloud Design Principles and Patterns ActivityAdherence to the software design principles and patterns that you document will improve quality and productivity and reduce risk during solution development. All delivery teams can follow these principles when designing and building solutions. A pattern is a proven approach to achieving a result. You can automate patterns that you use frequently to improve efficiency, consistency, reliability, and supportability. Consider following these best practices:∙Provide guidance that captures reusable approaches, leverages an infrastructure as code approach, and treats that code like application code (source control, code reviews, etc.).∙Create a baseline of language and understanding across the technical organization to ease communications. This might include creating a taxonomy and a dictionary or a glossary describing how things will be named andorganized.∙Educate everyone to a foundational level to provide common language and understanding. Building fluency in the language of AWS cloud adoption and explaining the taxonomy and naming conventions will help acceleratefamiliarity with and ability to use cloud-based technologies and approaches across the organization.∙Use fast track or factory principles to create common approaches with reliable results. Provide documentation that describes diagrams, naming conventions, code review guidance, and so on to provide a common language, approach, and expectations. Using wiki-based tools for documentation will allow teams to update documentation and keep it current, and will provide a single authoritative source for guidance.∙Create a governance process and/or team that ensures and/or audits the outcome of patterns and intended results.∙Provide an “Andon cord” for the deployment team to use if they see something that doesn’t fit in with their understanding of patterns. Application Migration Patterns ActivityProven approaches for migrating IT systems to the cloud are available as migration patterns.Consider organizing applications in a way that helps identify and introduce patterns that you can use with predictable results. Two of the more commonly used pivots are business criticality and data classification. Understanding which categories of data are associated with which applications will provide valuable insight. Another useful pivot is level of mission criticality. Depending on your needs, you could also consider organizing by systems of record versus systems of interaction, monolithic applications versus highly decomposed applications, or new applications versus applications near the end of life.One approach that you can take is to organize your applications into five groups based on the action you want to plan for each application. The different actions include retiring, retaining, replacing, re-hosting, refactoring, and rewriting. Figure 7 illustrates this five-group application migration pattern.Figure 7 Graphic Representation of an Application Migration PatternYou can also use an inventory of current data center applications and their dependencies to determine which applications to migrate and when. This could potentially allow you to avoid a costly equipment refresh, pushing away from capital expenditure (CapEx), and taking advantage of AWS utility pricing.For making decisions about which patterns to leverage, consider creating a Center of Excellence (CoE) team to select patterns that enable the shortest time to value. Another approach is to organize and prioritize by ease of effort to migrate. For example, you could decide to migrate development and test applications first, followed by self-contained applications, customer training sites, pre-sale demo portals, and trial applications. During the migration, consider prioritizing a Tier 1 application to gain visibility and endorsement from executive sponsors.Consider developing new applications or refactoring existing applications in the AWS environment. For existing applications, you could migrate applications to the AWS cloud environment and prioritize rework or optimization initiatives. The refactoring can be enabled by the agility of deployment on AWS.Considerations∙Do consider new applications for migration first.∙Do start development of new capabilities or rewrites of existing capabilities in the AWS environment.∙Do take advantage of capacity concerns as a reason to prioritize development in the cloud.∙Do consider using code review (both for application and infrastructure code) to provide a feedback loop that improves process and reduces technical debt. ∙Do consider using wikis to provide access to guidance that can be updated and maintained over time.∙Do leverage AWS cloud adoption as a way to fast track maturity of combined roles and skills thinking. This would manifest as adeveloper/security/operations mindset and coding architectural models to validate approach.∙Do use AWS cloud adoption to institutionalize a scalable, service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach to separate concerns and to enable integration of reusable services and limit the amount of code maintained.∙Do create patterns that assume failure by building in recovery code with features such as circuit breaker patterns, caching, and queuing, andexponential back-off.∙Do write code with an eye towards reuse through exposed API endpoints for easy discovery, integration, and reuse.∙Do introduce your deployment team to your development team. Empower both teams to fully appreciate the benefits of scalable infrastructure andutility pricing.∙Do not optimize a solution before it is well architected.∙Do not start migrations without operational processes defined. Consider defining backup and recovery guidance as an initial step in a migration effort. ∙Do not manually migrate all applications. Consider using automation to scale and accelerate migration of applications (migration factory).∙Do not wait to automate something. If you’re deploying the same thing twice manually, invest the time in automation.CAF Taxonomy and TermsAWS created the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) to capture guidance and best practices from previous customer engagements. An AWS CAF perspective represents an area of focus relevant to implementing cloud-based IT systems in organizations. For example, when a cloud solution is to be implemented, the Platform perspective provides guidance on designing, implementing, and optimizing the architecture of the AWS technology that you plan to use in your cloud adoption initiative.Each CAF perspective is made up of components and activities. A component is a sub-area of a perspective that represents a specific aspect that needs attention. This whitepaper explores the components of the Platform perspective. Within each component, an activity provides prescriptive guidance for creating actionable plans an organization can use to move to the cloud and to operate cloud-based solutions.For example, Design Architecture is one component of the Platform Perspective, and creating logical architectural views that describe the building blocks of the IT system and their relationships may be an activity within that component.When combined, the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) and the Cloud Adoption Methodology (CAM) can be used as guidance during your journey to the AWS cloud.ConclusionTranslating business outcomes into technical solutions is still a necessary step in the IT lifecycle. By adopting AWS services, you have the flexibility to change an architectural decision after more information is gathered and as assumptions are tested and technology advances. The Platform Perspective provides an approach to separating a complex set of ideas and decisions into manageable components.Use the design component to facilitate discussions with business stakeholders and provide an abstract level of detail to describe how business outcomes will be accomplished.Use the implementation component to facilitate discussions with technical teams who are responsible for creating, delivering, and maintaining solutions at a level agreed upon with the business stakeholders.Use the architecture optimization component for approaches and patterns that provide predictable and repeatable results. For example, when you use an application migration pattern you can organize and categorize groups of applications and follow a common approach to migrating to an AWS environment. You can also create a small set of principles that all technical team members can use to help with key decisions. This ensures that a common approach to making decisions is used across the organization.Notes1 https:///whitepapers/aws_cloud_adoption_framework.pdf。






什么是AWSAWS全称为Amazon Web Services,是亚马逊发起的一项云服务项目。










AWS有许多使用场景,其中一些最常见的场景包括:企业可以向 AWS 迁移业务到云端,并根据情况调整 AWS 服务规模,以适应业务变化。

AWS提供了无服务器计算,可免费使用1百万个 Lambda 请求,这使得企业可以花费较少的费用进行有益的开发和测试。

AWS还可以帮助用户开发机器学习、人工智能、大数据、 IoT 和 API 等业务,使其在使用这些新技术时更加便捷。

9.《云计算(第三版)》配套PPT之九:第3章 Amazon 云计算 AWS(四)

9.《云计算(第三版)》配套PPT之九:第3章 Amazon 云计算 AWS(四)

4 利用Elastic Beanstalk部署的用户程序可以调用部署在其他EC2实例上的程 序,并能保证时延。
6 of 40
3.8 其他Amazon云计算服务
3.8.1 快速应用部署Elastic Beanstalk和 服务模板CloudFormation
3.8.2 DNS服务Router 53 3.8.3 虚拟私有云VPC 3.8.4 简单通知服务和简单邮件服务 3.8.5 弹性MapReduce服务 3.8.6 电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay 3.8.7 Amazon执行网络服务 3.8.8 土耳其机器人 3.8.9 数据仓库服务Redshift 3 . 8 . 1 0 应 用 流 服 务 A p p St reofa4m0 和 数 据 流 分 析 服 务 K i n e s i s
3.8.2 DNS服务Router 53 3.8.3 虚拟私有云VPC 3.8.4 简单通知服务和简单邮件服务 3.8.5 弹性MapReduce服务 3.8.6 电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay 3.8.7 Amazon执行网络服务 3.8.8 土耳其机器人 3.8.9 数据仓库服务Redshift 3 . 8 . 1 0 应 用 流 服 务 A p p St reofa4m0 和 数 据 流 分 析 服 务 K i n e s i s
3.8 其他Amazon云计算服务 快速应用部署Elastic Beanstalk
快速应用部署Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Elastic Beanstalk是一种简化在AWS上部署和管理应用程序的服务

Amazon 云计算 AWS (四)

Amazon 云计算 AWS (四)
of 40
3.8 其他Amazon云计算服务
3.8.1 快速应用部署Elastic Beanstalk和 服务模板CloudFormation
3.8.2 DNS服务Router 53 3.8.3 虚拟私有云VPC 3.8.4 简单通知服务和简单邮件服务 3.8.5 弹性MapReduce服务 3.8.6 电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay 3.8.7 Amazon执行网络服务 3.8.8 土耳其机器人 3.8.9 数据仓库服务Redshift 3 . 8 . 1 0 应 用 流 服 务 A p p St reofa4m0 和 数 据 流 分 析 服 务 K i n e s i s
of 40
3.8 其他Amazon云计算服务
Amazon虚拟私有云(VPC)是一个安全的、可靠的、可以无缝连接企业现有的 基础设施和Amazon云平台的技术。
VPC将企业现有网络和AWS计算资源连接成一个虚拟专用网络资源,提供强大的 网络功能。通过Amazon VPC,企业可以很容易地获得需要的基础资源,有效地 控制成本、节省时间和管理成本。
Elastic Beanstalk构筑于AWS之上,因此它具有Amazon EC2、负载均衡、 云监控、自动缩放等全部的特性。
2 实例来处理程序出现的问题,或者采用Elastic Beanstalk AMI提供的默认
3 Elastic Beanstalk为每个应用运行多个EC2实例,提高程序的可靠性。

云计算基础教程:AWS、Azure和Google Cloud 平台

云计算基础教程:AWS、Azure和Google Cloud 平台

云计算基础教程:AWS、Azure和GoogleCloud 平台在当今数字化时代,云计算变得越来越流行,许多企业和个人都开始将自己的业务和数据存储在云计算平台上。

AWS、Azure和Google Cloud是目前三个主要的云计算平台,它们提供了一系列功能强大的服务和工具,能够满足各种不同需求。


一、什么是云计算1. 云计算的定义和原理云计算是一种通过互联网提供计算、存储和网络资源的方式。


2. 云计算的特点- 弹性和可伸缩性:云计算平台可以根据需求进行横向扩展,提高计算和存储能力。

- 高可靠性和可用性:云计算平台通常使用冗余和备份机制,以确保数据的备份和容灾。

- 资源共享和利用率:云计算平台可以共享资源,并根据不同用户的需求优化资源利用率。

- 高安全性:云计算平台通常使用多层次的安全措施,保护用户的数据和隐私。

二、AWS云计算平台1. AWS的概述及主要服务AWS(Amazon Web Services)是由亚马逊公司提供的云计算平台,它提供了一系列丰富的云计算服务和工具,包括计算、存储、数据库、网络、人工智能和物联网等。

2. 使用AWS的步骤- 注册AWS账号:访问AWS官网(不提供链接,请自行搜索)并注册一个AWS账号。

- 创建虚拟机实例:使用AWS EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud)创建一个虚拟机实例,并选择适合的操作系统和配置。

- 配置存储:使用AWS S3(Simple Storage Service)创建一个存储桶,用于存储和备份数据。

- 配置网络:使用AWS VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)创建一个虚拟网络,以便将虚拟机实例和存储桶连接起来。

- 部署应用程序:使用AWS Elastic Beanstalk或AWS Lambda等服务,将自己的应用程序部署到AWS平台上。

AWS EKS平台技术概述

AWS EKS平台技术概述

Will $(thing) work on Amazon EKS
Amazon EKS is Kubernetes Certified
Amazon EKS and Open Source
• • • • • Packer scripts: https:///awslabs/amazon-eks-ami CNI plugin: https:///aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s AWS IAM authenticator: https:///kubernetes-sigs/aws-iamauthenticator eksctl: Create EKS cluster with one CLI SIG AWS
Availability Zone 3
“ R u n K u b e r n e t e s f o r me.”
“ G i v e u s a n u p s t r e a m experience.”
“ P l e a s e don’ t fork.” “ M a k e s u r e it’ s compatible”
“T E N A N T ” S E P AR AT I O N
Isolate dev, test, and prod
E.g., typically use namespaces for different teams within a company—but without network policy, they are not network isolated
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买卖双方多次或重复交易 有中介参与的三方交易 将数个小额交易集合成单个交易 账户管理
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
顾客 商品网页:顾客在该网页上 选购产品 CBUI:联合品牌标志用户界 面(商家及Amazon Payments双 重品牌标志) FPS
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
DevPay——Amazon推出的主要针对开发者的软件销售及账户 管理平台 开发者:将自己开发的付费AMI和基于S3的相关产品通过 DevPay平台进行发布 用户:通过DevPay浏览包括软件功能和价格在内的相关信息, 购买并支付费用
FPS服务的最主要区别:不同类型的FPS服务 中会返回不同的Payment Token
FPS还向开发者提供了一个沙盒测试,而且 不同FPS服务返回的Payment Token 不会产生任何费用
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
简单支付服务(Simple Pay)——是一种允许顾客使用其Amazon
(1)负载均衡技术 (2)分布式存储 (3)缓存技术 加入CDN后用户访问流程
CloudFront正是通过Amazon设在全球的边缘节点来实现 CDN,较普通的CDN而言,它的优势无疑是巨大的 收费方式和Amazon的其他云计算收费方式一样是按用户 实际使用的服务来收费,这尤其适合那些资金缺乏的中小 企业 使用非常简单,只要配合S3再加上几个简单的设置就可 以完成CDN的部署
FPS服务类型 适合的交易类型
Amazon FPS Basic Quick Start
Amazon FPS Advanced Quick Start Amazon FPS Marketplace Quick Start Amazon FPS Aggregated Payments Quick Start Amazon FPS Account Management Quick Start
账户进行支付的服务,商家只需要在相应的Web支付页面放置合适 的按钮就可以使用户利用其Amazon账户对商品进行支付 最大优势:简单
按钮类型 Standard Button Marketplace Button Basic Donation Button Marketplace-Enabled Donation Button Subscription Button 普通的一次性购物 作为交易的中介者
对于像写作、翻译等具有高度灵活性且无固定规律可循的任务则显 得无能为力。土耳其机器人的推出就是为了解决这个问题 主要概念
(1)Requester:任务的发布者 (2)HIT:Requester发布的任务 (3)Worker:任务的接受者 (4)Assignment:可以用来监督HIT的完成情况,对于每个Worker都会 创建一个assignment。 (5)Reward:Worker成功完成HIT后需要支付给其的奖励
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
支付信息中有一个称为Payment Token 的ID
(1)Single-use:一次性交易中所需的 Token (2)Recurring-use:每隔固定的间隔时间 就对购买进行确认所需的Token (3)Multi-use:可以在多次交易中使用的 Token (4)Prepaid:使用预付款方式进行交易中 所需的Token (5)Postpaid:使用赊账方式进行交易所需 的Token (6)Editing:对已存在的Token修改时所需
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
付费AMI 基于S3服务开发的产品
一次性注册费 开发者向用户收取的费用 计 费 DevPay向开发者收取的费用 月租
按时足额缴纳使用费用 (正常情况) AWS服务使用费 另外计费方式

允许在美的通过美国国税局认证的非营利性机构募集捐款 允许第三方机构代表非营利性组织来募集捐款 通过该按钮可以收取类似订阅费的重复性费用,还可以利用该 按钮对用户提供免费试用服务或进行产品介绍
Amazon执行网络(Fulfillment Web Service,FWS)——是一
为了提供高可用、低延迟的DNS服务,Amazon在全球分布了多 台服务器。Route53会把DNS请求路由到最近的服务器,以便快 速地响应用户请求
Amazon虚拟私有云(Virtual Private Cloud,VPC)——安全 的、可靠的、可以无缝连接企业现有的基础设施和Amazon云平 台的技术
任务发布 接受任务 任务发布者从中挑选适 当的人来完成任务 任务完成情况监督 支付事先约定好的报酬
Alexa Web服务
Alexa Web服务
Alexa公司是一家专注于世界网站排名的公司,它于1999年被 Amazon收购。Alexa通过其发布的Alexa Toolbar来对网民的浏览习 惯进行监测 从概率的角度来看,Alexa所做的工作就是一个数据抽样并进行统 计的过程。如果Alexa Toolbar的安装概率一定,这个排名结果应该 是比较准确的,Alexa发布的排名包括综合排名和分类排名 Alexa计算排名的方式是每个网站的访问率 最近Alexa对其排名算法做了改进,除了访问用户数和页面浏览数 之外,新算法引入了更多的排名因素以期获得更加准确的排名
第3章 Amazon云计算平台及 实现技术AWS
《云计算(第二版)》购买网址: 当当网 京东商城
姊妹力作《实战Hadoop》购买网址: 当当网 京东商城
Amazon平台基础存储架构:Dynamo 弹性计算云EC2 简单存储服务S3 简单队列服务SQS
提 纲
简单数据库服务Simple DB
Amazon平台基础存储架构:Dynamo 弹性计算云EC2 简单存储服务S3 简单队列服务SQS
提 纲
简单数据库服务Simple DB
关系数据库服务RDS 内容推送服务CloudFront 其他Amazon云计算服务 AWS应用实例
Amazon平台基础存储架构:Dynamo 弹性计算云EC2 简单存储服务Simple DB
弹性MapReduce的运行过程非常简单,用户根本不需要考虑计算中涉及的服务器部 署、维护及软件环境的配置
任务流——由一系列前后相关的处理过程组成的,可以与线性链表的结构类比,除 了第一个节点和最后一个节点,每个节点既是前一个节点的后继也是后一个节点的前 驱,Amazon的弹性MapReduce将数据的实际计算过程都看成是任务流中的某一个步骤
云中的DNS服务Router 53
传统DNS服务器存在问题:域名对应IP地址变更传播非常缓慢 Router 53——管理DNS、处理DNS请求的全新AWS。该服务运行 在Amazon的云中,提供了DNS授权服务器的功能,可以通过 RESTAPI进行访问,API允许用户创建管理区(Zone),并在区 中保存DNS记录
CloudFront在此处就相当于CDN中的智能DNS负载均衡系统 CloudFront服务的安全措施
AWS共有的安全措施 访问日志(用户可以自行决定是否启用这项功能,访问日志会记录所有通 过CloudFront服务访问用户分发的文件的行为) 只接受安全的HTTPS方式而不接受HTTP方式进行访问
Amazon简单通知服务(Simple Notification Service , SNS)——一种Web服务,提供方便的信息发布平台,具有高的 可扩展性和成本优势 例如,运行在EC2上应用程序发布更新版,本在未来,Amazon 的SNS将整合到如Amazon S3和Simple DB的其他AWS服务中
Elastic Beanstalk和CloudFormation
AWS Elastic Beanstalk——一种简化在AWS上部署和管理 应用程序的服务。用户只需上传自己的程序,系统会自动地 进行需求分配、负载均衡、自动缩放、监督检测等一些具体 部署细节 Elastic Beanstalk虚拟机是一种运行Apache Web Server、 Tomcat 和 the Enterprise Edition of the Java platform 的AMI虚拟机 AWS CloudFormation——为开发者和系统管理员提供一个 简化的、可视的AWS资源调用方式。开发者可以直接利用 CloudFormation提供的模板或自己创建的模板方便地建立自 己的服务
关系数据库服务RDS 内容推送服务CloudFront 其他Amazon云计算服务 AWS应用实例
CloudFront——一个基 于Amazon云计算平台实 现的内容分发网络 (Content Delivery Network,CDN) 传统的用户访问网站的 模式缺点
电子商务服务DevPay、FPS和Simple Pay
允许用户根据需要和实际情况对支付服务进行各种个性化的设置, 使其和用户的电子商务平台更加契合
Sender:消费者,是相关产品或服务费用的支付者 Recipient:销售者,它接受消费者支付的费用 Caller:资金流动的中介者角色,作用是将资金从sender转移到 recipient
Amazon简单邮件服务(Simple Email Service,SES)——一 个简单的高扩展性和具有成本优势的电子邮件发送服务 将高效率、低成本的优势转移到用户身上。同时SES采用了内 容过滤技术,有效地阻止垃圾邮件