



听力原文以及参考答案1.辨音1.4.1 I’m a Little TeapotI’m a little teapot, short and stout,Here’s my handle,Here’s my spout.When the tea is ready, hear my shout,Pick me up and pour me out.1)short, stout, handle, spout, shout, Pick, pour2)Words: stout, spout, and shout.Rules: 字母“ou”发音为/au/1.4.2 Go away, Mr WolfKnock! Knock! Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?“Anyone for ice cream?” said a furry , friendly voice. “Go away, Mr Wolf,” said the three little pigs.And they quickly shut the door.Knock! Knock! Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?“Coming for a drive?” said a charming , cheery voice. “Go away, Mr Wolf,” said the three little pigs.And they quickly shut the door.Knock! Knock! Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?“Anyone for a game?” said a hoarse but hopeful voice. “Go away, Mr Wolf,” said the three little pigs.And they quickly shut the door.Knock! Knock! Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?“It’s a lovely day for a swim . Anybody coming with me?”“Go away, Mr Wolf,” said the three little pigs.And they quickly shut the door.Knock! Knock! Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?“Anybody home?”“It’s Daddy!”“Come on in, Daddy. We’ve got lots to tell you.”1.4.3 The OwlThe owl is called the “bird of night.” The light of day is too strong and too bright for his eyes. So he sits all day long hid in a tree, or in a hole of a wall, out of sight. As soon as it is night he comes out, and flies round and round, in search of mice, or small birds. When he flies, his wings do not make a noise. So the mice and birds do not hear him till he is quite near. The birds know him well, and are in great fear of him. When they find him out by day, they come and peck at him with all their might. He is then half blind, and he does not see how to fight with them. Look how they peck him! Poor owl! Fly back to your hole as fast as you can.1.4.4 The Diamond That DisappearedFor workers at one of London’s Graff jewelry shops, there is a date which is not easily forgotten. About thirty years ago, a well-dressed man entered the store looking like an ordinary customer. Once inside, he pulled out a gun, and another man followed with a grenade.The two thieves quickly took the finest jewels from the displays. They also took the store’s most famous piece: the 45-carat Marlborough diamond. This pigeon-egg-sized diamond was worth 400,000 pounds at the time. The robbers got out of the store with over 1.4 million pounds in jewels.They were clever, but not quite clever enough. As they got off the plane in Chicago 11 hours later, the police were waiting. They quickly identified and arrested Joseph Scalise and Arthur Rachel for the crime. To the policemen’s surprise, however, the stolen jewels were not in the men’s luggage. To this day, the location of those jewels- including the Marlborough diamond- remains a mystery.1)B2)1. B 2. C 3. C3)1. well-dressed; ordinary2. finest; displays3. identified; arrested; crime1.4.5 Three Days to SeeI have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied. I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine. In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter’s sleep. I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently in a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.我常常想,如果每个人在他成年的早期有一段时间致瞎致聋,那会是一种幸事,黑暗会使他更珍惜视力,寂静会教导他享受声音。



老托福Part C 听写30篇文稿________________________________________1. This morning I want to tell you about a recent scientific discovery dealing with the relationship between plants and animals. This is about a desert shrub whose leaves can shoot a stream of poisonous resin a distance of six feet. You think it would be safe from all attacks by insects? But a recent study has found one insect, a beetle that can chew its way past the plant's defense system by cutting the main vein that delivers the poison to the leaves. This vein cutting is just one method the beetles used to prepare a safe meal. Another is by cutting a path all the way across the leaves to hold the flow of chemicals. Then they simply eat between the veins of poison. In the past, scientists who studied insect adaptation to plant defenses have focused on chemical responses, that is, how the insects can neutralize or alter the poisonous substances plants produce. What's unique about this chewing strategy is that the beetle is actually exhibiting a behavioral response to the plant's defenses rather than the more common chemical response. It is only after a beetle's survived several encounters with the plant's resin that it learns how to avoid the poison: by chewing through the resin transporting veins on the next leaf it eats, and thus gives itself a safe meal. However, it can take a beetle an hour and a half of careful vein cutting to prepare a small leaf that takes it only a few minutes to eat. So, though the method is effective, it's not very efficient.生词摘录:1. shrub: n. 灌木2. resin: n. 树脂3. beetle: n. 甲壳虫4. vein: n. 静脉5. neutralize: v. 中和6. alter: v. 改变________________________________________2. Human populations near the equator have evolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to the fiercest rays of the sun. A similar phenomenon has also occurred in other parts of the animal kingdom. The African grass mouse is a good example. Most mice are nocturnal, but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours. This means that it spends its days searching for food in the semi-dry bush in scrubby habitats of eastern and southern Africa. Its furry stripe's like a chipmunk's, which helps it blend in with its environment. Because it spends a lot of time in the intense tropical sun, the grass mouse has also evolved two separate safeguards against the sun's ultraviolet radiation. First, like the population of humans in this region of the world, the skin of the grass mouse contains lots of melanin, or dark pigment. Second and quite unusual, this mouse has a layer of melanin-pigmented tissue between its skull and skin. This unique cap provides an extra measure of protection for the grass mouse and three other types of African mouse, like rodents that are active during the day. The only other species scientists has identified with the same sort of skull adaptation is the white tent-making bat of the Central American tropics. Although these bats sleep during the day, they do so curled up with their heads exposed to the sun.生词摘录:1.equator: n. 赤道2.nocturnal: adj. 夜行的3.scrubby: adj. 树丛繁盛的4.stripe: n. 条纹5.chipmunk: n. 花栗鼠6.ultraviolet: adj. 紫外线的7.melanin: n. 黑色素8.pigment: n. 色素9.rodent: n. 啮齿类动物10.skull: n. 头骨________________________________________3. We've been looking at fear from a biological perspective, and someone asked whether the tendency to be fearful is genetic. What some studies done with mice indicate that mammals do inherit fearfulness to some degree. In one study, for instance, a group of mice was placed in a brightly lit open box with no hiding places. Some of the mice wandered around the box and didn't appear to be bothered about being so exposed. But other mice didn't move. They stayed up against one wall which indicated that they were afraid. Well, when fearful mice, or you might say anxious mice like the ones who stayed in one place, when mice like these were bred with one another repeatedly, after about twelve or so generations, then all of the offspring showed similar signs of fearfulness. And even when a new born mouse from this generation was raised by a mother and with other mice who were not fearful, that mouse still tended to be fearful as an adult. Now why is this? Well it's thought that specific genes in an animal's body have an influence on anxious behavior. These are genes that are associated with particular nerve-cell receptors in the brain. And the degree of overall of fearfulness in the mammal seems to depend in large part on the presence or absence of these nerve-cell receptors. And this appears to apply to humans as well by the way. But while a tendency towards anxiety and fear may well be an inherited trait, the specific form that the fear takes has more to do with the individual's environment. So a particular fear, like the fear of snakes or the fear of spider, say, is not genetic, but the overall tendency to have fearful responses, is. 生词摘录:1. genetic: adj. 遗传的2. offspring: n. 子孙,后代3. receptor: n. 接受器________________________________________4. Let's turn our focus now to advertising. We all know what an advertisement is. It's essentially a message that announces something for sale. Now there's an important precondition that must exist before you have advertising, and that's a large supply of consumer goods, that is, things to sell. You see in a place where the demand for a product is greater than the supply, there is no need to advertise. Now the earliest forms of advertising going back many hundreds of years with a simple sign over shop doors that told you whether the shop was a bakery, a butcher shop or what have you. Then with the advent of printing press, advertising increased substantially. Ads for products like coffee, tea and chocolate appeared in newspapers and other periodicals, as well as on the sides of building. In the American colonies, advertising and communications media like newspapers and pamphlets became a major factor in marketing goods and services. By modern standards, these early advertisements were quite small and subdued, not as splashy, whole page spread of today. Still some of them appeared on the front pages of newspapers probably because the news often consisted of less refresh reports from distant Europe while the ads were current and local. Advertising really came and do it so and became an essential part of doing business during the industrial revolution. Suddenly there was a much greater supply of things to sell. And as we said earlier, that is the driving force behind advertising. People's attention had to be drawn to the new product. Let's take a look at some of the advertisements from that time.生词摘录:1. essentially: adv. 本质上,本来2. precondition: n. 先决条件3. bakery: n. 面包店4. butcher: n. 屠户5. periodical: n. 期刊6. pamphlet: n. 小册子7. subdued: adj. 被抑制的8. splashy: adj. 大而显眼的,引人注目的________________________________________5. Moving away from newspapers, let's now focus on magazines. Now, the first magazine was a little periodical called The Review, and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time. But in terms of its content, it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day as well as the policies of the government. Now in England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the king. And that's what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England, which was headed by the king. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about three times a week, it didn't take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called The Tatler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis, and philosophical essays.生词摘录:1. periodical: n. 期刊2. The Review: 《评论》杂志3. Daniel Defoe: 丹尼尔·笛福(1660 -1731),生于伦敦一小工商业者家庭,1731年4月26日卒于莫尔福德。



P24 Part II.Raising money for buying a carB: Well, good afternoon, Mr. Jackson.J: Good afternoon. I've come to see you to see whether it's possible to ... get an overdraft.I'm ... I want some money. [Yes] I'll tell you quite frankly what it is. I'm wanting to buy a new car. [Yes] I don't know whether it's possible to raise any money from the bank in this way.B: Er, I see no reason why not.J: I've got an old car ...B: What's your proposition?J: Well, I've got this old car which is an eight-year-old Morris 1000, and I don't think there's any point in having it repaired any more because it just isn't worth it. I feel that I could probably get about a hundred pounds for it and then that means that I would need about another four hundred-odd, three hundred and fifty ... [Mhm] er, on top of that, to buy a, a, not a new car exactly, but a newer one. [Mhm] Um, ...B: Do you use the car for your business, for your work?J: Er; yes I do, up to a point. That is to say, sometimes I take it to work and sometimes I don't, because I'm almost within walking distance of the College. [Mhm] Does this have some bearing on the, on the question of whether I can get an overdraft?B: No, I don't think so. I, er, it was just a matter of interest that I asked you, really. You think three hundred and fifty?J: I would say about three hundred and fifty to four hundred. With the other, with the other [Yes] hundred pounds then it would be about, er, five hundred pounds; well, one can get quite a decent car for five hundred pounds [Quite] — second hand, of course.B: Quite. And what sort of period of time could you repay us?J: Well, erm, this rather depends on you. Um, I would like to ... I, er, what is the normal procedure for such a sum of money?B: Well, for such a sum of money we could expect repayment within twenty-four months. J: Two years.B: Two years.J: I see.B: We are lenders in the short term, remember, not long term.J: Yes. Er, is there ... Do you, do I pay interest on this?B: You will pay interest on — well, the type of loan I have in mind is a Personal Loan, as I assume you've got no form of collateral to offer.J: What is — what is collateral?B: Well, have you any shares in any companies or life policies, deeds of houses, or anything like that?J: I have some Government Securities, is ... would this be ... sufficient?B: You have some Government Securities, and what is their value?J: Er, it's about ...B: Have you got the certificates?J: ... eight hundred pounds or so.B: About eight hundred pounds?J: Yes, but I don't want to ...B: You don't want ...J: ... cash them.B: No. No, well you wouldn't ... that wouldn't involve you in cashing them. I could grant you an Ordinary Loan where the interest to you would be less than on a Personal Loan, if you were willing to charge that Share Certificate to us.J: Yes. I see, um, er, is it, is it possible to er ... what's ... that, that would be the only security which you would need, in fact?B: I shouldn't need any other security, other than that ... [I see] not on a loan, not on a loan of that size. Or if you would agree to do it on a Personal Loan basis which [cough] I would not require any security whatever, as on a Personal Loan we have death cover and you are in regular employment, er, in, er, good-salaried employment, with a with a good, with a good salary, therefore I would not ask you for erm, any security. [Yes. Yes.] But the interest rate would be higher than on an Ordinary Loan. [Yes] I should charge you seven percent on a Personal Loan and that's on the original amount taken, whereas on an Ordinary Loan it would be at one and a half percent over Bank Rate, minimum six percent, and that would be calculated on a, on a day-to-day basis, so it does in fact work out cheaper.J: I see. Yes.答案:1 :college 2 :repairing 3 :a hundred pounds 4 :three hundred fifty to four hundred 5 :interest rates 6 :an Ordinary Loan 7 :24 monthsP40 Unit 6 Part IV(1)What is the type of the company? An accounting firm.(2)For the first person, what is the plan for? The business plan gives her a direction.(3)For the second person, what is the plan for ?A business plan is the best way to get started.(4) why is the plan critical? Because it can help to use the limited resources in the very best way.(5)petitors.(听力原文最后一句)P48 Part VP69 AAABBPart5 The photograph shows a man kissing a woman. And it's quite a kiss. He has a bent almost over backwards. The photographer was the renowned Alfred Eisenstein, who published the picture on the cover of a nation wide magazine. But since the subject was kissing, it's hard to see their faces clearly. So for 50 years no one could figure out who they were. It is one of the most famous kisses in American history: a sailor and a nurse in a victory embrace right in the middle of Broadway. The image was captured on 14 August, 1945 by photographer Alfred Eisenstein and printed on the cover of Life magazine. But the kissers whose faces are obscured remained anonymous for years. In 1980, Edith Sheng came forward to admit she was the nurse. Although she recognized herself from the minute she saw the magazine's cover, she said she was too embarrassed to tell anyone because she didn't know who the sailor in the picture was. "I was just standing there and I ... grabbed and this is a stranger. But this is a man who fought for us, and who helped end the war." Miss Sheng says she's received several calls over the past 15 years from men who claimed to be the sailor who kissed her, but she says none of their stories rang true. But Carols Muscarrela says he didn't have any trouble persuading Edith Sheng that he was the man in Eisenstein's photograph when he met her in July,nearly 50 years after their first encounter. Mr Muscarrela said he didn't even know the picture had been taken because he was shipped out a few days later and didn't return for 3 months. He said his mother saw the picture, however, and was shocked. "My mother went to visit the doctor's office in Berklin. This is several weeks after the photograph was taken and she picked up a magazine in the doctor's office and she said: 'This is my boy. This is my little boy.'" When he did learn about the picture, Carols said he didn't come forward to identify himself because he was happily married and really had no interest in the publicity. But, he says, a friend persuaded him to come forward for the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the most famous kiss in American history.TFFFTF。


• W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French.
• M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I'll send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month free.
• 例题 M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how mucபைடு நூலகம் the shirt is?
• W: Yes. It's nine fifteen.
• M: Well, we have social get-togethers and sports events and we also have language evenings.
• W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?
• M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you? • W: Hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to
find out a big more. • M: Yes. Certainly. Well. We’re a sort of social club for people from different
countries. It’s quite a new club. We have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time. • W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. What kinds of events do you organize?



PBT Lectures 76Section 1 Social ScienceSection 2 ArtsSection 3 Physical ScienceSection 4 Life ScienceSection 1 Social Science1, Anthropology& non-industry civilization:No.1 (Move of prehistoric people)Today's lecture will center on prehistoric people of the Nevada desert. Now, most of these prehistoric desert people moved across the countryside throughout the year. You might think that they were wandering aimlessly --- far from it! They actually followed a series of carefully planned moves. Where they moved depended on where food was available --- places where plants were ripening or fish were spawning.Now often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions on their backs, but if the journey was long, extra food and tools were sometimes stored in caves or beneath rocks. One of these caves is now an exciting archaeological site. Beyond its small opening is a huge underground grotto. Even though the cave's very large, it was certainly too dark and dusty for the travelers to live in --- but it was a great place to hide things, and tremendous amounts of food supplies and artifacts have been found there. The food includes dried fish, seeds, and nuts. The artifacts include stone spear points and knives; the spear points are actually rather small. Here's a picture of some that were found. You can see their size in relation to the hands holding them.No.2 (Homo erectus)Well, if there are no more questions I would like to continue our discussion of human evolution by looking at Homo erectus, the earliest of our ancestors who stood upright. Homo erectus lived about one and a half million years ago and was given that name because, at the time the first fossil was discovered, it represented the first primate to stand upright. There is evidence now that Homo erectus had sharper mental skills than their predecessors. They constructed the first standardized tool for hunting and butchering. They created an extraordinary stone implement, a large teardrop-shaped hand ax whose design and symmetry reveal a keen sense of aesthetics. This detailing, along with the ax's utilitarian value, strongly suggest that Homo erectus had the ability to conceive of and execute a design to specification.In addition, Homo erectus was the first hominid [HAH muh nid] to use fire. This discovery enticed them to cook meat, which they couldflavor and keep from spilling by flame, and which paleontologists now believe may have given them a new disease. Some fossil bones of Homo erectus are grossly deformed, and paleontologists have noted that this condition is similar to that found in people today who have been exposed to chronic overdoses of vitamin A. Apparently Homo erectus first got this disease by eating large amounts of animal liver.No.3 (the Mississippian culture)I understand your professor has been discussing several Eastern Woodland Indian tribes in your study of Native American cultures. As you have probably learned, the Eastern Woodland Indians get their name from the forest-covered areas of the Eastern United States where they lived. The earliest Woodland cultures date back 9,000 years, but the group we'll focus on dates back only to about 700 A.D. We now call these Native Americans the Mississippian culture, because they settled in the Mississippi River valley. This civilization is known for its flat-topped monuments called temple mounds. They were made of earth and used as temples and official residences. The temple mounds were located in the central square of the city, with the huts of the townspeople built in rows around the plaza. The Mississippian people were city dwellers. But some city residents earned their living as farmers, tending the fields of corn, beans, and squash that surrounded the city. The city's artisans made arrowheads, leather goods, pottery, and jewelry. Traders came from far away to exchange raw materials for these items.In the slides I'm about to show, you will see models of a Mississippian city.2, Modern HistoryNo.1, (Agriculture)One of the most popular myths about the United States in the nineteenth century was that of the free and simple life of the farmer. It was said that farmers worked hard on their own land to produce whatever their families needed. They might sometimes trade with neighbors; but in general they could get along just fine by relying on themselves, not on commercial ties with others.This is how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmer at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and,at that time, this may have been close to the truth --- especially on the frontier. But by mid-century, sweeping changes in agriculture were well under way as farmers began to specialize in the raising of crops such as cotton or corn or wheat. By late in the century, revolutionary advances in farm machinery had vastly increased production of specialized crops. And the extensive network of railroads had linked farmers throughout the country to markets in the East and even overseas. By raising and selling specialized crops, farmers could afford more and finer goods and achieve a much higher standard of living --- but at a price. Now, farmers were no longer dependent just on the weather and their own efforts. Their lives were increasingly controlled by banks, which had power to grant or deny loans for new machinery, and by the railroads, which set the rates for shipping their crops to market. As businessmen, farmers now had to worry about national economic depressions and the influence of world supply and demand on, for example, the price of wheat in Kansas. And so, by the end of the nineteenth century, the era of Jefferson's independent farmer had come to a close.No.2, (Post)Let's proceed to the main exhibit hall and look at some of the actual vehicles that have played aprominent role in speeding up mail delivery. Consider how long it used to take to send a letter across a relatively short distance. Back in the 1600's it took two weeks on horseback to get a letter from Boston to New York, a distance of about 260 miles. Crossing a river was also a challenge. Ferry service was so irregular that a carrier would sometimes wait hours just to catch a ferry. For journeys inland, there was always the stagecoach, but the ride was by no means comfortable because it had to be shared with other passengers. The post office was pretty ingenious about some routes. In the nineteenth century, in the Southwestern desert, for instance, camels were brought into help get the mail through. In Alaska, reindeer were used. This practice was discontinued because of the disagreeable temperament of these animals.We'll stop here a minute so that you can enter this replica of a railway mail car. It was during the Age of the Iron Horse that delivery really started to pick up. In fact, the United States transported most bulk mail by train for nearly 100 years. The first airmail service didn't start until 1918. Please take a few moments to look around. I hope you'll enjoy your tour. And as you continue on your own, may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection. Not only can you look at some of the more unusual stamps issues, but there is an interesting exhibit on how stamps are made.No.3, (Train)I'm going to talk about a train that exemplifies the rise and fall of passenger trains in the United States: the Twentieth Century Limited. Let me go back just a bit. In 1893, a special train was established to take people from New York to an exposition in Chicago. It was so successful that regular service was then set up between these cities. The inaugural trip of the Twentieth Century Limited was made in 1902. The train was different from what anyone had ever seen before. It was pulled by a steam engine and had five cars: two sleepers, a dining car, an observation car, and a baggage car, which --- believe it or not ---contained a library. The 42 passengers the train could carry were waited on by a large staff. There were even secretaries and a barber on board.It wasn't long before people had to wait two years to get a reservation. As time passed, technical improvements shortened the trip by a few hours. Perhaps the biggest technological change occurred in 1945 --- the switch from steam to diesel engines. By the 1960's, people were traveling by car and airplane. Unfortunately, the great old train didn't survive until the end of the century it was named for.No.4, (Radio)These days we take for granted the wide variety of music available on the radio. But, this wasn't always the case. In the early days of radio, stations were capable of broadcasting only a narrow range of sounds, which was all right for the human voice but music didn't sound very good. There was also a great deal of crackling and other static noises that further interfered with the quality of the sound. A man named Edwin Armstrong, who was a music lover, set out to change this. He invented FM radio, a technology that allowed stations to send a broad range of frequencies that greatly improved the quality of the music. Now, you'd think that this would have made him a millionaire; it didn't. Radio stations at that time had invested enormous amounts of money in the old technology. So the last thing they wanted was to invest millions more in the new technology. Nor did they want to have to compete with other radio stations that had a superior sound and could put them out of business. So they pressured the Federal Communications Commission --- the department of the United States government that regulates radio stations --- to put restrictiveregulations on FM radio. The result was that its use was limited to a very small area around New England. Of course as we all know, Edwin Armstrong's FM technology eventually prevailed and was adopted by thousands of stations around the world. But this took years of court battles and he never saw how it came to affect the lives of almost everyone.No.5, (Clock)I'm sure almost every one of you looked at your watch or at a clock before you came to class today. Watches and clocks seem as much a part of our life as breathing or eating. And yet, did you know that watches and clocks were scarce in the United States until the 1850's? In the late 1700's, people didn't know the exact time unless they were near a clock. Those delightful clocks in the squares of European towns were built for the public --- after all, most citizens simply couldn't afford a personal timepiece. Well into the 1800's --- in European and the United States --- the main purpose of a watch, which, by the way, was often on a gold chain, was to show others how wealthy you were. The word "wristwatch" didn't even enter the English language until nearly 1900. By then the rapid pace of industrialization in the Unites States meant that measuring time had become essential. How could the factory worker get to work on time unless he or she knew exactly what time it was? Since efficiency was now measured by how fast a job was done, everyone was interested in time. And since industrialization made possible the manufacture of large quantities of goods, watches became fairly inexpensive. Furthermore, electric lights kept factories going around the clock. Being on time had entered the language --- and life --- of every citizen.No.6, (Soap)Okay, as you look at this next exhibit, you'll notice something quite common --- an ordinary bar of soap. Now, soap has been around a long time --- in fact, the ancient Phoenicians produced soap as a substance for washing the body way back in 600 B.C. They made it by blending goat's fat with wood ash. The Phoenicians, as you may know, regularly traded along the Mediterranean, and they were the ones who introduced soap to the Greeks and Romans. Now, soap was not something welcomed by all countries. In fact, during the superstitious Middle Ages, many people were afraid to bathe their whole body too frequently. They thought it could be dangerous for their health --- that it could even kill them. And even after the production of soap became common in some European countries in the eleventh and twelfth centuries --- even then some people in the hear of Europe refused to use it. You'll find it interesting that when a duchess was given a box of soap as a present in 1549 she was so insulted that she had the gift --- giver thrown off her estate! But by the nineteenth century the attitude toward soap had changed drastically. In some regions of Europe the tax on soap was so high that people secretly made their own. A baron went so far as to suggest that the wealth of a nation could be judged according to the amount of soap it used. Now, if you turn your attention to the next exhibit, you can see how soap is manufactured today. No.7, (Gold rush)Today, I want to talk about the Cariboo gold rush of 1858, which began when gold was discovered in the frontier town of Quesnel [k-NEL] Forks in the Canadian province of British Columbia. By 1861 thousands of men had flocked to the region hoping to strike it rich. Naturally, as the town grew, supplies had to be brought in, and this was done with mules. Now the mules were quitereliable, but there were some drawbacks. For example, a mule carrying a heavy load could travel only 15 miles in a day --- meaning that a typical trip into Quesnel could take as long as 20 days. So, as the demand for supplies continued to grow, a group of merchants and packers decided to try a new approach --- believe it or not, they shipped in a herd of camels. I know that sounds strange, but camel trains had been used quite effectively during the California gold rush some 10 years earlier. But the results in the Cariboo region weren't quite the same. In fact it was a disaster. The camels couldn't carry the heavier loads the merchants expected them to. Their two-toed feet were perfect for desert travel, but they weren't suited for Cariboo's rugged mountain terrain. To make matters worse, the mules became very agitated whenever they came across a camel --- and that caused a lot of accidents on the treacherous mountain trails. The mulepackers went so far as to threaten the camel owners with a lawsuit. But the reason the merchants finally got rid of the camels is because these animals simply weren't cut out for the job.No.8, (Balloon)I want to welcome each and every balloon enthusiast to Philadelphia. Thank you for coming here this morning to commemorate the first balloon voyage in the United States. On January 9, 1793, at ten o'clock in the morning, a silk balloon lifted into the skies above this city, which was, at the time, the capital of the country. According to the original records of the flight, the voyage lasted forty-six minutes, from its departure in Philadelphia to its landing across the Delaware River in New Jersey. Though our pilots today will try to approximate the original landing site, they're at the mercy of the winds, so who knows where they'll drift off to. Even the balloonist in 1793 experienced some uncertain weather that day. There were clouds, fog, and mist in various directions. Our reenactment promises to be noting less than spectacular. The yellow balloon directly behind me is five stories high. It's inflated with helium, unlike the original, which was filled with hydrogen and, unbeknownst to the pilot, potentially explosive. Gas-filled models are pretty uncommon now because of the extremely high cost, so the eighty other balloons in today's launch are hot air, heated by propane burners. These balloons are from all over the country.No.9, (President)So, uh... as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh President, and... uh... well, my report's about the next President --- Zachary Taylor. Taylor was elected in 1849. It's surprising because... well, he was the first President that didn't have any previous political experience. The main reason he was chosen as a candidates was because he was a war hero.In the army, his men called him "Old Rough and Ready"... I guess because of his... "rough edges." He was kind of blunt and he didn't really look like a military hero. He liked to do things like wear civilian clothes instead of a uniform --- even in battle. And he was so short and plump he had to be lifted up onto his horse. But he did win a lot of battles and he became more and more popular. So,the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues.I couldn't find much about his accomplishments --- probably because he was only in office about a year and a half before he died. But one thing --- he pushed for the development of the transcontinental railroad because he though it was important to form a link with the West Coast ---there was a lot of wealth in California and Oregon from commerce and minerals and stuff. Also, he established an agricultural bureau in the Department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture.Well, that's about all I found. Like I said, he died in office --- in 1850--- so his Vice President took over... and that's the next repor t, so... thank you.No.10, (Women Soldiers)Last week we talked about Anne Bradstreet and the role of women in the Puritan colonies. Today I want to talk about some other women who've contributed to American history --- some famous and some not-so-famous. The first woman I'd like to talk about is Molly Pitcher. Those of you who are familiar with the name may know her as a hero of the American Revolution. But, in fact, there never was a woman named Molly Pitcher. Her real name was actually Mary Ludwig Hays. She got the nickname Molly Pitcher for her acts of bravery during the Revolutionary War.As the story goes, when Mary's --- or Molly's --- husband, John Hays, enlisted in the artillery, Mary followed... like many other wives did. She helped out doing washing and cooking for the soldiers. She was known to be a pretty unusual woman --- she smoked a pipe and chewed tobacco.Anyway... in the summer of 1778, at the Battle of Monmouth, it was a blistering hot day --- maybe over a hundred degrees --- and fifty soldiers died of thirst during the battle. Molly wasn't content to stay back at camp. Instead, she ran through gunshots and cannon fire carrying water in pitchers from a small stream out to the thirsty American soldiers. The relief that she brought with her pitchers of water gave her the legendary nickname Molly Pitcher. The story also says that she continued to load and fire her husband's cannon after he was wounded. They say she was so well liked by the other soldiers that they call her "Sergeant Molly." In fact, legend has it that George Washington himself gave her the special military title.No.11, (Women Soldiers)Well, in answer to your question, several women actively participated in the Civil War. The one that comes immediately to mind is Mary Walker. She's important because she's the only woman ever to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. As you know, this medal is given to people who've served the United States with exceptional bravery. In addition, she was the only female physician in either of the two armies that fought in that war. Even though she had two medical degrees, many officers made her life difficult because they didn't believe that a woman should be a doctor. However, she refused to back down and leave the army. In fact, she risked her life several times during the war and was even captured at one point, but she was soon released. Umm, after the war, she was arrested several times for wearing pants. And although Congress eventually tried to take her medal away, she refused to give it back and continued to wear it wherever she went. She died in 1919, a year before women received the right to vote, which brings me to my next point.3,Business:No.1 (Insurance)I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance-so that you're prepared for our discussion today. But, before we start, I'd like to mention a few things your text doesn't go into. It's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time. The earliest insurance policies were called bottomry contracts. They provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C. In general, the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding than if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn't have to be repaid. Interest on the loans variedaccording to how risky it was to transport the goods. During periods of heavy piracy at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably. So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances-not to mention in hazardous weather conditions-when they had this kind of protection available. Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four points that were salient then and remain paramount in all policies today. There were outlined in chapter six and will serve as the basis for the rest of the of today's discussion. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be?No.2(Product Label)Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important consideration for manufacturers, since more than seventy percent of shoppers read food labels when considering whether to buy a product. A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer group got its way. The group had maintained that product labels should do more than simply list how many grams of nutrients a food contains. Their contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a day's total nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet. A government agency disagreed strongly, favoring a label that merely informs the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of the products. The agency maintained that consumers could decide for themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs. The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a survey in which shoppers were shown a food label, and were then asked if they would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this product. The shoppers weren't able to answer the questions easily when they were not given a specific percentage. This study, and others helped get the new regulation passed, and now food products must have the more detailed labels.No.3(Telecomunication)Thank you all for coming out this evening to meet sociologist Ellen Lambert. Ms. Lambert specializes in research on the workplace and recently has been writing about the future of work. This topic should be of special interest, since I know many of you are already at the forefront of workplace technology. For example, let's have a show of hands to see how many people here telecommute at least part of the time. Hmm. I see eight hands raised. Well, you eight folks who work at home and communicate with your office via computer represent one of the trends Ms. Lambert has described: that people are becoming less tied to the workplace. One of the important tools for telecommuting is electronic mail, or E-mail. E-mail lets you send and receive messages almost immediately on your computer, but you control when you read them and when you respond to them. This technology allows people to have more control over time than when relying solely on the telephone. Our guest tonight will discuss how these important changes will alter the way we work. But, before turning the floor over to Ms. Lambert, I would just like to remind you that she will be available to answer any individual questions at the reception immediately following this talk.No.4(Business Plan)Today, I'd like to turn our attention to an area of management often overlooked in traditional management courses: small-business management. Small businesses have gone from being traditional small-town stores selling food or clothing to sophisticated, high-tech enterprises. And in addition to the important products they produce, they create jobs for lots of people because there are so many of them. It's important for management to keep in mind which of the customers' needs the business serves, because it can't serve all their needs. Writing a business plan that everyone in the organization understands and follows will help to provide the necessary focus and direction. It's important to state clearly what the purpose of the business is. Additionally, each person within the organization must know what tasks to perform in order to fulfill that purpose. Now, if for some reason a business plan doesn't work, try hard to discover why not, rewrite it, and immediately focus on the new plan. A work of caution, however, never give up a bad plan without replacing it. A business has to have a plan because it can't afford to waste its limited resources. And, as you know, waste leads to unnecessarily high production costs. Production costs are at the heart of the company's ability to make a high quality product and sell it at an affordable price.No.5(coffee)A lot of people in the United States are coffee drinkers. Over the last few years, a trend has been developing to introduce premium, specially blended coffees --- knows as "gourmet coffees" --- into the American market. Boston seems to have been the birthplace of this trend. In fact, major gourmet coffee merchants from other cities like Seattle and San Francisco came to Boston, where today they're engaged in a kind of "coffee war" with Boston's merchants. They are all competing for a significant share of the gourmet coffee market. Surprisingly, the competition among these leading gourmet coffee businesses will not hurt any of them. Experts predict that the gourmet coffee market in the United States is growing and will continue to grow, to the point that gourmet coffee will soon capture half of what is now a 1.5-million-dollar market and will be an 8-million-dollar market by 1999. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers who convert to gourmet coffee seldom go back to the regular brands found in supermarkets. As a result, these brands will be the real losers in the gourmet coffee competition.4, Psychology:No.1(Baby hypothesis)In our lab today, we'll be testing the hypothesis that babied can count as early as five months of age. The six babies here are all less than six months old. You'll be watching them on closed-circuit TV and measuring their responses. The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they don'tsee what they expect to see. First, we're going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies. The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen. Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare at the dolls when the screen is removed. In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear. But then a third doll will follow. When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls. If we're right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two.It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count. My own research has convinced me that they have this ability from birth. But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question --- should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at。











停顿00'05''你将听到以下内容:M:Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?W:Yes, it’s nine fifteen.你将有5秒钟的时间将正确答案划在试卷上。



停顿00'05''(停顿时间打点)(Text 1 )M: Sue, that report on my desk has to be finished today. But I’m sick and can’t come to the office.W: I see the report, Bill. I’ll finish it for you.停顿00'10''停顿时间打点)(Text 2)W: When do you think the bus arrives ?M: The bus arrives at ten past every hour. You are ten minutes late. You have to take the next bus now.停顿00'10''(停顿时间打点)( Text 3)W: My teacher suggested that I come in and borrow a French dictionary.M: All right , Miss Trillin. You’re welcome to use our dictionaries, but they may not be taken out of the library. Wouldn’t it be better if you had one of your own?W: That’s not a bad idea, but I just look up some words.停顿00'10''(停顿时间打点)( Text 4 )M: Which bed would you like ? They both seem very comfortable.W: If you don’t mind, I’d like the bed with the bedside light so I can read. I’ve almost finished that detective story I started yesterday.M: That’s fine by me. I’m too tired to read anyway.停顿00'10''(停顿时间打点)( Text 5 )W: Did you want to see me ?M: Yes. Come in, please. Look at this plan. There are two meetings this week. I’d like you to attend the one on Friday.W: And today is Tuesday. There isn’t much time for preparations.M: Don’t worry. Some reports are ready and you can take a look at them.停顿00'05''(停顿时间打点)第一节到此结束。



老托Part C 精选93篇1Community service is an important component of education here at ourhelps elementary students who've fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors—he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week.【生词摘录】ponent: n.[C]one of several parts that together make up a wholemachine or system (机器或系统的)零件;成分;组成部分2.tutor: n. [C]someone who teaches one pupil or a small group, and isdirectly paid by them 家庭教师,私人教师v. to teach someone as a tutor 给…当家庭教师;指导3.mentor: n. [C]an experienced person who advises and helps a lessexperienced person 顾问,指导人,教练I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance so that you're prepared for our discussion today. But, before we start, I'd like to mention a few things your text doesn't go into. It's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time. The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts. They provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C. In general, the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn't have to be repaid. Interest on the loans varied according to how risky it was to transport the goods. During periods of heavy piracy at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably. So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances, not to mention in hazardous weather conditions when they had this kind of protection available. Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four points that were salient then and remain paramount in all policies today. These were outlined in chapter six and will serve as the basis for the rest of today's discussion. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be? 【生词摘录】1.insurance: n. [U]an arrangement with a company in which you pay themmoney each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as an illness or an accident 保险;the money that you pay regularly to an insurance company 保险费;the business of providing insurance 保险业2.bottomry: n. 船舶抵押契约(如船舶损失,则债务取消),冒险借贷3.contract: n. [C]a formal written agreement between two or more people,which says what each person must do for the other 契约;合同4.loan: n. [C]an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc (银行等的)贷款5.understanding: n. [C usually singular]a private, unofficial agreement(私底下、非正式的)协议,协定6.interest: n. [U]a charge made for borrowing money(借贷的)利息[+on]7.piracy: n. the crime of attacking and stealing from ships at sea 海上抢劫,海盗行为8.cautious: adj. careful to avoid danger or risks 小心的,谨慎的,慎重的9.hazardous: adj. 危险的10.s alient: adj. formal the salient points or features of something are the mostimportant or most noticeable parts of it 【正式】显著的,突出的11.p aramount: adj. more important than anything else 至高无上的,最重要的Located at the NASA Research Center in Iowa is a 5,000-gallon vat of water, and inside the tank is an underwater treadmill designed by Dava Newman, an aerospace engineer. For four years Newman observed scuba divers as they simulated walking on the Moon and on Mars on her underwater moving belt. She wanted to discover how the gravity of the Moon and of Mars would affect human movement. To do this, Newman attached weights to the divers and then lowered them into the tank and onto the treadmill. These weights were carefully adjusted so that the divers could experience underwater the gravity of the Moon and of Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon. The Moon has less gravity than Mars does, so at lunar gravity, the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked awkwardly. But at Martian gravity, the divers had greater traction and stability and could easily adjust to a pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As Newman gradually increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer, graceful strides until they comfortably settled into an even quicker pace. Newman also noted that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen. The data Newman collected will help in the future design of Martian space suits. Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and, to allow for freer movement, the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered.【生词摘录】1.gallon: n. AmE a unit for measuring liquids, equal to 3.785 litres 【美】加仑(等于3.785升)2.vat: n. [C]a very large container for storing liquids such as whisky or dye,when they are being made(酿酒、盛染料用的)大缸,大桶3.tank: n. [C]a large container for storing liquid or gas(盛放液体或气体的)大容器4.treadmill: n. [C]a mill worked in the past by prisoners treading on stepsfixed to a very large wheel(过去用以惩罚犯人的)踏车5.aerospace: adj. involving the designing and building of aircraft and spacevehicles 航空和航天(器制造)的n.[U]the industry that designs and builds aircraft and space vehicles 航空和航天工业,航天工业6.scuba diving: n. [U]the sport of swimming under water while breathingthrough a tube connected to a container of air on your back 斯库巴潜泳,水肺潜泳(戴自携式潜水呼吸器潜泳)7.simulate: v. to make or produce something that is not real but has theappearance of being real 模仿,模拟8.Martian: adj. of or relating to the planet Mars 火星的9.stride: n. [C]a long step 大步,阔步10.e lbow: n. [C]the joint where your arms bends 肘Dava NewmanProfessor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems Director of Technology and Policy ProgramMac Vicar Faculty FellowWelcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at Taylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect repellent.【生词摘录】1.Everglades National Park: 大沼泽地国家公园2.saw grass: 克拉莎草;加州砖子苗3.acre: n. [C]a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres 英亩4.sampling: n. items selected at random from a population and used to testhypotheses about the population 取样,抽样,采样5.exotic: adj. approving seeming unusual and exciting because of beingconnected with a foreign country 【褒义】异国风情的,外国情调的:exotic birds 外国的奇异鸟类6.alligator: n. [C]a large animal with a long mouth and sharp teeth that liesin the hot wet parts of the US and China 短吻鳄7.boardwalk: n. [C]AmE a raised path made of wood, usually built next tothe sea【美】(常在海滨)用木板铺成的小道8.prairie: n. [C]a wide open area of land in North America which is coveredin grass or wheat(北美洲的)大草原9.canoe: n. [C]a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and which youmove along using a paddle 独木舟,小划子10.n egotiate: v. <口> 成功通过,顺利越过11.m osquito: n. [C]a small flying insect that sucks the blood of people andanimals 蚊子12.r epellent: n. [C,U]a substance that keeps insects away 驱虫剂Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this series on "Survival in Outer Space." Please excuse the cameras; we're being videotaped for the local TV stations. Tonight I'm going to talk about the most basic aspect of survival—the space suit. When most of you imagine an astronaut, that's probably the first thing that comes to mind, right? Well, without space suits, it would not be possible for us to survive in space. For example, outer space is a vacuum—there's no gravity or air pressure; without protection, a body would explode. What's more, we'd cook in the sun or freeze in the shade with temperatures ranging from a toasty 300 degrees above to a cool 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. The space suit that NASA has developed is truly a marvel. This photo enlargement here is a life-size image of an actual space suit worn by astronauts on the last space shuttle mission. This part is the torso. It’s made of seven extremely durable layers. This thick insulation protects against temperature extremes and radiation. Next is what they call a "bladder" of oxygen that's an inflatable sac, filled with oxygen, to simulate atmospheric pressure. This bladder presses against the body with the same force as the Earth's atmosphere at sea level. The innermost layers provide liquid cooling and ventilation. Despite all the layers, the suit is flexible, allowing free movement so we can work. Another really sophisticated part of the space suit is the helmet. I brought one along to show you. Can I have a volunteer come and demonstrate?【生词摘录】1.videotape: v. to record a television programme, film etc on a videotape 把(电视节目、电影等)录在录像(磁)带上2.vacuum: n. [C]a space that is completely empty of all gas, especially onefrom which all the air has been taken away 真空3.shade: n. [U]slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sunmade by something blocking it 荫,背阴处4.toasty: adj. AmE informal warm and comfortable 【美,非正式】暖烘烘的,温暖舒适的5.Fahrenheit: n. [U]a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32°and boils at 212°华氏温度6.marvel: n. [C]something or someone surprisingly useful or skillful, thatyou like and admire very much 十分有用(灵巧)的物(人)7.enlargement: n. [C]a photograph that has been printed again in a largersize 放大的照片8.life-size: 又作life-sized,adj. a picture or model of something or someonethat is life-size is the same size as they are in real life 与实物(真人)大小一样的9.shuttle: n. [C]a spacecraft that can fly into space and return to Earth, andcan be used more than once (可以多次使用的)航天飞机,太空穿梭机10.m ission: n. [C]an important job done by a member of the airforce, armyetc, especially an attack on the enemy 任务,使命11.t orso: n. [C]your body, not including your head, arms, or legs (头和四肢除外的)人体躯干12.d urable: adj. staying in good condition for a long time even if used a lot 耐用的13.i nsulation: n. [U]material used to insulate something, especially a building(尤指建筑物的)绝缘材料;the act of insulating something or the state of being insulated 隔绝14.e xtreme: n. [C]something that goes beyond normal limits, so that it seemsvery unusual and unacceptable 极端15.b ladder: n. [C]a bag of skin, leather, or rubber, for example inside afootball, that can be filled with air or liquid (可充气或充水的)囊;袋16.i nflatable: adj. an inflatable object has to be filled with air before you canuse it 须充气方可使用的,(需)充气的17.s ac: n. technical a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag andcontains liquid or air 【术语】(动物或植物的)囊;液囊18.i nnermost: adj. formal furthest inside 【正式】最里面的19.v entilation: n. [U]通风(ventilate: v. to let fresh air into a room, buildingetc 使通风)20.h elmet: n. [C]a strong hard hat worn for protection by soldiers, motorcycleriders, the police etc 头盔,钢盔,安全帽21.d emonstrate: v. to show or prove something clearly 证明,论证,证实;toshow or describe how something works or is done 示范,演示;to march through the streets with a large group of people in order to publicly protest about something (为公开抗议某事)游行,示威;to show that you have a particular skill, quality, or ability 展示,表露出(某种技能、品质或能力)6Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, I'd like to welcome you to tonight's program. The club is pleased to present the TV version of The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharp's rock ballet. This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production. It includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes that really help the audience understand the dance. The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework. It looks something like a pinwheel. Anyway, the dance is certainly full of fireworks! You'll see how Twyla Tharp explores one family's attempt to confront the violence in modern life. The central symbol of the work is a pineapple, but exactly what it represents has always created a lot of controversy. As you watch, see if you can figure it out. The music for this piece is full of the rhythmic energy of rock music. It was composed by David Byrne. Of the rock band Talking Heads? And the lead dancer in this version was Sara Rudner, who is perfectly suited to Tharp's adventurous choreography. Following the video, dance teacher Mary Parker will lead a discussion about the symbolism Ms. Tharp used. We hope you can stay for that. So, enjoy tonight's video and thank you for your support. 【生词摘录】1.present: v. to give a performance in a theatre, cinema, etc, or broadcast aprogramme on television or radio 上演;演出;表演;播出(电视或广播节目)2.ballet: n. [C]a performance in which a special style of dancing and musictell a story without any speaking 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞曲3.animation: n. [U]the process of making animated films 动物片的制作4.wheel: n. [C]one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc that turnwhen it moves (汽车、公共汽车、自行车等的)车轮5.firework: n. [C usually plural]a small container filled with powder thatburns or explodes to produce coloured lights, noise, and smoke 烟火,烟花,焰火6.pinwheel: n. [C]a toy consisting of a stick with curved pieces of plastic atthe end that turn around when they are blown 玩具风车(windmill, BrE)7.pineapple: n. [C,U]a large yellow-brown tropical fruit or its sweet juicyyellow flesh 菠萝,凤梨8.controversy: n. [C,U]a serious argument or disagreement, especiallyabout something such as a plan or decision, that continues for a long time 争论;辩论;争议9.rhythmic: 又作rhythmical, adj. having rhythm 有节奏的10.a dventurous: adj. 又作adventuresome, AmE【美】eager to go to newplaces and do exciting or dangerous things 喜欢冒险的,有冒险精神的;not afraid of taking risks or trying new things 敢作敢为的,大胆创新的11.c horeography: n. [U]the art of arranging how dancers should move duringa performance 编舞(艺术);舞蹈设计12.s ymbolism: n. [U]the use of symbols to represent something 象征主义(手法)7In our lab today, we'll be testing the hypothesis that babies can count as early as five months of age. The six babies here are all less than six months old. You'll be watching them on closed circuit TV and measuring their responses. The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they don't see what they expect to see. First, we're going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies. The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen. Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare at the dolls when the screen is removed. In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear. But then a third doll will follow. When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls. If we're right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two. It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count. My own research has convinced me that they have this ability from birth. But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question. Should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at such a young age? They have great untapped potential, but is it good for parents to pressure young children?【生词摘录】1.hypothesis: n. plural hypotheses,[C]an idea that is suggested as a possibleway of explaining a situation, proving an idea etc, which has not yet been shown to be true 假设,假说2.closed circuit television (TV): a system in which cameras send picturesto television sets that is used in many public buildings to protect them from crime 闭路电视3.well-established: adj. established for a long time and respected 历史悠久且享有盛誉的4.untapped: adj. an untapped resource, market etc has not yet been used(资源、市场等)未开发的;未利用的Before starting our tour of Monticello, I'd like to give you some historical facts that might help you appreciate what you see today even more. Monticello was the very much loved home of Thomas Jefferson for over fifty years. Jefferson, who was, of course, President, was also a great reader and language enthusiast. He read widely on different subjects, including architecture. He wasn't formally trained in architecture, but as a result of his study and observation of other buildings, he was able to help design and build the house. He chose the site himself, naming the estate "Monticello," which means "little mountain" in Italian. In fact, many of the ideas behind the design also came from the Italian architect Andrea Palladio, who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of England. Jefferson, however, ignored one of Palladio's principles, that is, not to build in a high place. Monticello's elevation made the transportation of what was needed at the house—for example, food—especially difficult. But the view from the estate would not be as spectacular if Jefferson had followed Palladio's advice; there really is no boundary between the house and the nature around it, and so Jefferson was able to look out on his beloved state of Virginia from his wonderful vantage point. Now we'll go on to Jefferson's library.【生词摘录】1.Monticello: 蒙提切娄2.appreciate: v. to understand how good or useful someone or something is欣赏,赏识,鉴赏3.enthusiast: n. [C]someone who is very interested in a particular activityor subject 热衷于…的人4.estate: n. [C]a large area of land in the country, usually with one largehouse on it and one owner (在乡村附有宅地的)一大片私有土地,庄园5.elevation: n. [singular]a height above the level of the sea 海拔6.spectacular: adj. very impressive and exciting 壮观的,精彩的,引人注目的7.vantage point: a good position from which you can see something (能观察某物的)有利位置Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let's get down to work. As the committee in charge of this year's tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda. First, we have to review the budget. The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500. Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees. As you know, we're working with Richardson's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year. Mr. Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs. He's sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that we're welcome to visit the nursery if we want to see the trees themselves. Lastly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting. Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested. So let's get on with it and turn to the first order of business.【生词摘录】1.item: n. [C]a single thing, especially part of a list, group, or set (尤指清单上、一群或一组事物中的)一项;一件;一条2.trustee: n. [C]a member of a group that controls the money of a company,college, or other organization(公司、学院等的)理事,董事会成员: v. especially AmE to earn a particular amount of money as a profit aftertax has been paid 【尤美】获得净收入,净赚4.finalize: v. to finish the last part of a plan, business deal etc 使(计划、交易等)确定,最后定下5.nursery: n. [C]a place where plants and trees are grown and sold 苗圃(garden center, BrE)Welcome to the Four Winds Historical Farm, where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors like you. Today, our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof, able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years. How do they do it? Well, in a nutshell, thatching involves covering the beams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of a roof with reeds or straw. Our thatchers here have harvested their own natural materials for the job, the bundles of water reeds you see lying over there beside the barn. Thatching is certainly uncommon in the Untied States today. I guess that's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration. But it wasn't always that way. In the seventeenth century, the colonists here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw, just as they had done in England. After a while, though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles because wood was so plentiful. And eventually, other roofing materials like stone, slate, and clay tiles came into use. It's a real shame that most people today don't realize how strong and long lasting a thatched roof is. In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to one hundred ten miles per hour. That's because straw and reeds are so flexible. They bend but don't break in the wind like other materials can. Another advantage is that the roofs keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. And then, of course, there's the roofs' longevity—the average is sixty years, but they can last up to a hundred. With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldn't it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity?【生词摘录】1.thatcher: n. [C]someone skilled in making a roof from plant stalks orfoliage 盖屋顶者2.barn: n. [C]a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animalsin 谷仓,粮秣房,仓库,牲口棚;informal a large, plain building 【非正式】空荡荡的大房子3.withstand: v. to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something suchas great heat or cold, great pressure etc 耐得住,承受住(酷热、严寒、高压等)4.in a nutshell: spoken used when you are stating the main facts aboutsomething in a short, clear way 【口】一言以蔽之,简括地说,用一句话概括5.beam: n. [C]a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses,bridges etc 梁,横梁6.rafter: n. [C usually plural]one of the large sloping pieces of wood that formthe structure of a roof 椽7.skeleton: n. [C]the most important parts of something, to which moredetail can be added later 骨架,框架;梗概,纲要8.reed: n. [C]a type of tall plant like grass that grows in wet places 芦苇9.straw: n. [U]the dried stems of wheat or similar plants that are used foranimals to sleep on, and for making things such as baskets, mats etc 秸秆(如麦秆等)10.c olonist: n. [C]someone who settles in a new colony 开拓殖民地的居民,拓殖者11.s hingle: n. [C]one of many small thin pieces of building materials,especially wood, used to cover a roof or wall(覆盖屋顶或墙用的)木瓦;屋面板;墙面板12.s late: n. [U]a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces 板岩,板石13.c lay: n. [U]heavy sticky soil that can be used for making pots, bricks etc黏土14.t ile: n. [C]a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used forcovering roofs, floors etc(屋顶、地板等上用的)瓷砖,地砖15.l ongevity: n. [U]formal long life 【正式】长寿;technical the length of aperson or animal’s life【术语】(人或动物的)寿命A lot of people in the United States are coffee drinkers. Over the last few years, a trend has been developing to introduce premium, specially blended coffees, known as "gourmet coffees" into the American market. Boston seems to have been the birthplace of this trend. In fact, major gourmet coffee merchants from other cities like Seattle and San Francisco came to Boston, where today they're engaged in a kind of "coffee war" with Boston's merchants. They are all competing for a significant share of the gourmet coffee market. Surprisingly, the competition among these leading gourmet coffee businesses will not hurt any of them. Experts predict that the gourmet coffee market in the United States is growing and will continue to grow, to the point that gourmet coffee will soon capture half of what is now a 1.5-million-dollar market and will be an 8-million-dollar market by 1999. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers who convert to gourmet coffee seldom go back to the regular brands found in supermarkets. As a result, these brands will be the real losers in the gourmet coffee competition.【生词摘录】1.premium: adj. of high quality 高级的,优质的2.blended: adj. combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts areindistinguishable 混合的3.gourmet: n. [C]someone who knows a lot about food and wine and whoenjoys good food and wine 美食家4.birthplace: n. [C usually singular]the place where someone was born,especially someone famous (尤指名人的)出生地;the place where something first started to happen or exist 发源地,发祥地You may remember that a few weeks ago we discussed the question of what photography is. Is it art, or is it a method of reproducing images? Do photographs belong in museums or just in our homes? Today I want to talk about a person who tried to make his professional life an answer to such questions. Alfred Stieglitz went from the United States to Germany to study engineering. While he was there, he became interested in photography and began to experiment with his camera. He took pictures under conditions that most photographers considered too difficult. He took them at night, in the rain, and of people and objects reflected in windows. When he returned to the United States he continued these revolutionary efforts. Stieglitz was the first person to photograph skyscrapers, clouds, and views from an airplane. What Stieglitz was trying to do in these photographs was what he tried to do throughout his life: make photography an art. He felt that photography could be just as good a form of self-expression as painting or drawing. For Stieglitz, his camera was his brush. While many photographers of the late 1800's and early 1900's thought of their work as a reproduction of identical images, Stieglitz saw his as a creative art form. He understood the power of the camera to capture the moment. In fact, he never retouched his prints or made copies of them. If he were in this classroom today, I'm sure he'd say, "Well, painters don't normally make extra copies of their paintings, do they?"【生词摘录】1.experiment: v. to try various ideas, methods etc to see whether they willwork or what effect they will have 试验;试用2.skyscraper: n. [C]a very tall modern city building 摩天大楼3.identical: adj. exactly the same 完全相同的[+to]4.capture: v. to succeed in showing or describing a situation or feeling usingwords or pictures(用语言或图片)记录下5.retouch: v. to improve a picture or photograph by painting over marks ormaking other small changes描绘,润色(图画、照片)。



老托听力文本目录校园类17+4=21 (2)第一篇宿舍噪音 (2)第一篇(打工场景) (10)生物类15+13=28 (12)第一篇reptile (13)第一篇(实验介绍) (20)天文类3+3=6 (26)第一篇Jupiter (27)第一篇(登陆月球和火星) (28)地球科学类5+12=17 (30)第一篇恐龙消失 (30)第一篇(地球interior) (32)人类学类5+3=8 (38)第一篇The origin of farming of prehistoric times (38)第一篇 (41)历史类16+31=47 (42)第一篇建筑 (42)第一篇(舞蹈) (50)人体生理心理学类2+7=9 (66)66第一篇(Baby hypothesis) (67)Business类4 (71)语言学类3 (73)校园类17+4=21第一篇宿舍噪音W: So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?M: There aren‟t much different than the old dorms, ju st some new pane and windows. The windows are nice so they shut off the noise really well. The street‟s just outside, but I can barely hear the traffic.W: Um, they must be good windows, I bet they must have double panes and glass; they shut off a lot o f noise that the single pane wouldn‟t stop.M: Yeah, I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor‟s room. Sometimes he turns up the music so loud that I have trouble getting into sleep. Anyway I guess I‟m better off than the people who‟ll be moving into the new dorms. Did you see how thin the walls are that they putting up between those rooms?W: I haven‟t seen them but I did read something about them in the campus newspaper. They are supposed to be better than the thick concrete wa ll you‟ve got here.M: Better? How?W: Well, what they doing is separating each room with 2 thin layer of plasterboards and each one is nailed to a different frame. That way they vibrate independently.M: Oh, I see, so the sound from one room doesn‟t just vibrate the wall and go directly into next room. There is a gap between 2 layers of wall.W: That‟s right.M: Well, I‟m still stuck with this neighbor and I am not sure what to do.W: You know heavy bear wall doesn‟t help. You should hang somet hing up like some fur rags or some decorated cross. That would act like a kind of a second wall and absorb some sound. I got some extras you can use, people hey.M: I‟d appreciate it; anything to get a good night sleep.第二篇W: Can I help you find something? Oh, hi, Rick!M: Oh, hi, Julie. When did you start working here? I thought you were waiting tables in Teresa‟s café.W: Yeah, I quitted, because I had to work too many nights. I started here just a few days ago. It‟s perfect! I work all afternoon shift. So my mornings are free for classes, and I can study at night. So what are you looking for?M: Well, I can‟t seem to find the 8th book for English 626. I only found these seven. I‟m probably looking right at itW: Um…English 626…English 626… Are you sure they are 8?M: Yeah, they are 8 titles on my syllabus. And look, the card on the shelf had eight listed. But I can only find seven of the books.W: You are right. Oh, here they are. They are on the wrong shelves over here by economics books.I‟ll have to put these into the English books so they are not so hard to find.M: Thanks a lot. Can you point me the direction of the computer paper?W: Sure, it‟s… 2 or 3 aisles over. Why don‟t you follow me? It‟s easier just to show you.第三篇选课M: Janet! Nice to see you again. Ready to plan you schedule for next semester?W: Yeah, I‟ve already looked at the list of classes. And I hope to take business law and intro tofinance this coming semester.M: That sounds good. And it is always best plans the courses in your major first and then fit out the requirements on the electives then.W: I like to take one other business course, but I am not sure which one?M: How are about an economics course?W: I took one this past semester and got a lot out of it.M: Oh, that‟s right I remember you telling me about it. Well, let‟s see what else you need? W: I need another English course and was thinking about taking a poetry class.M: Let me see, the prerequisite for all the poetry classes is the English composition.W: I took that my first semester.M: Well, modern American poetry fits in your scheduleW: With Doctor Turner?M: Um-huh…W: That‟ll be great! I heard all about her from my roommate, the English major.M: This should up tobe a pretty good semester for you, what else do you need to take?W: I have to take one more math course but I have been putting it at all. I heard that calculus isreally tough.M: It is! But you may want to take it and just take these four courses this semester.W: That‟s not a bad idea! I just hope it doesn‟t affect my grade point average!第四篇学生抗议食堂W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?M: No I guess not.M: Great! This is for a student council report; we want to find out what students think the campus food service the results would tell us what kind of changes to push for.M: I think everyone has pretty strong opinions about that.W: Yeah, that‟s one thing I found out already. Ok, first how often do you eat in the cafeteria? M: Almost everyday, I‟ve got a meal contract.W: And do you usually eat here at Anderson hall.M: Yeah, I live next door.W: And you mention that you have a meal contract, is that right?M: Uh-huh! For breakfast and dinner, Monday to Saturday.W: What‟s your general impression of the food here?M: Well, people complain a lot, but basically I think it‟s ok. The vegetables are usually overcooked, but I mean they had to feed hundreds of people here. You are not going to get something freshly prepared just for you.W: What if I just put down generally satisfactory, would like more fresh vegetables, ok?M: Sure.W: So you think the other things like soup and dessert‟s okay?M: Yeah, that‟s about right.W: Is there anything you like to change about the cafeteria?M: Yes, the hours. Sometimes it‟s a real rush for me to get back here before 6:30.第五篇学习问题★W: Excuse me! I need to a copy of Steven Hakim‟s Brief History of Time. And I don‟t know where to look for it?M: D id you check the status on the library‟s computer?W: I tried but I couldn‟t figure out what to do.M: Well I can call it up right here. You wanted Hakim‟s book right? It looks like it will be out for another 6 weeks.W: Oh no, I really need it for paper that due in 2 weeks. Is there anything you can do?M: Sure, we can try to get it from another library, just fill out this form and it should be here in 3 or 5 days. But it will cost 2 dollars.W: What a relief! That‟s a really help!**********************************************************★M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course?W: Yes, it is. Just write the name of the course you want to drop on this little form.M: Great! Now where do I write the Astronomy course that I want to add?W: Sorry it‟s too late to add a course. You could only add courses two weeks since this semester. And Friday was the last day.M: But I‟m senior. And if I dropped the class without adding in one, I wouldn‟t have enough credits to graduate.W: So, what you have to do then is to get the professor‟s approval and have him sign the special add form. Then bring it back to me, and I put it through.M: Okay. Thanks. I hope I‟ll be able to find them.**********************************************************★M: Hi, Lanyard, we missed you in psychology class yesterday.W: I have a terrible cough. So I stayed at home. Do you take notes?M: Well, no one can ever recite for my handwriting. Tina was there, too. And you are more likely to be able to read her notes.W: Do you know where she is today?M: I know she has class in the morning. But she always eats lunch in the cafeteria around noon.W: Good! I‟ll try to catch her then.第六篇打工场景M: So you are going to be writing for the school newspaper?W: Yes, I‟m excited about it. I‟m thinking about journalism as a career.M: Well! Congratulations! How do they decide whom to hire?W: I have to send the writing sample. I used one of the essays I‟ve written for the literature class, then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about it.M: What did you write about?W: Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students‟ play that has been performed this month.M: Oh, I saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It really called in a stir around here. W: Yeah, I know. That‟s what I wrote about --people‟s reaction to it. It‟s really interesting. M: Have you finished the article? Can I read it?W: Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one.M: Thanks. I wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like fun.W: Well, they‟re looking to add one or two more photographers to the staff.M: You‟re kidding! May be I‟ll go over and apply.W: If you want, I‟ll walk over with you to the newspaper office and introduce you to the photographic editor and some of the other photographers.M: That will be terrific! But can we go tomorrow? I have to go to math class now. And if we go tomorrow, then I‟ll have time tonight to put together a portfolio of photographs to show them.W: Sure. And maybe you should call them and set up a time to meeting them tomorrow. M: Good idea. I‟ll do that before I go to class.W: All right. See you tomorrow.第七篇学习问题W: Hey, Kevin, I haven‟t seen you since the beginning of the semester, how is it going?M: Well, I am a little overwhelmed. It‟s strange. I always want to go to a big university like this but now I am here. I am not so sure. I mean the courses ar e interesting enough, but… W: What‟s bothering you then?M: Well after going to a small high school and knowing everybody it‟s a pretty shagged to be in huge lecture hall with hundreds of students. And not one professor even knows my name. W: I know y ou mean. I‟ve so pretty lost myself last year but I know about something that might help. It‟s called the mentor group.M: The what?W: The mentor group. It‟s like a support group. I joined it last year when I was a first year student.M: So what is it?W: It‟s basically professors and small group of students getting together informally to discuss all kinds of subjects. You have the chance to meet professors and other students.M: Hem, sounds worthwhile, but doesn‟t it take up a lot of studying ti me?W: Not really, you can study all the time you know and this is like a little break.M: I guess you could meet professor whose course you might take later!W: Exactly, that‟s what happened to me! I am taking the psychology course with Professor Green. I didn‟t know how interesting psychology was, till I got to talk to him in the mentor group.M: You talk to him in the mentor group! Is it too late to join?W: I don‟t think so; if I were you I go over to the dean‟s office and sign up.M: I was going to the library to return a book but I can do it later I guess.第八篇注册学校W: Here we are at registration again; I can‟t believe how much tuition has gone up.M: I know. It‟s ridiculous. You know my cousin Anne pays nothing to go her school in Kentucky.W: Nothing! Maybe I should transfer there.M: You can‟t, only students from certain part of Kentucky can go. It‟s only for students from the Appalachian Mountains area.W: So with no tuition how do they run the school?M: Well, they get a lot of donations.W: And that pays for everything?M: Well, they also get some money from the government and besides that all the students are required to work at the college. That‟s why the college doesn‟t need to hire a lot ofoutside-workers.W: Oh yeah, that will help cut the school expenses, so what kind of job do they do?M: My cousin helps to clean the dorms. I think her roommate washes dishes in the cafeteria. Things like that.W: That sounds great! Come to think of it. I heard of something in Georgia called hope scholarship.M: Hope scholarship? What‟s that?W: I think they used state lottery money to give free tuition. But not everyone from Georgia qualifies. You need at least B average in high school.M: I should apply for that. I had really good grades in high school.W: No, you had to be from Georgia.M: Just my luck.第九篇学习问题W: What‟s the matter? I‟ve never seen you look so tense?M: Oh, I am just frustrated. That‟s all. I have been working on this lab report for my biology class for hours and the results keep coming out wrong.W: Did you use the right procedures?M: Yeah, that‟s not the problem…it‟s just the…well, it‟s just, you know every time I do the statistics I get the different results. Did you ever take biology?W: No, I fill my science requirement with physics, I really don‟t car e for biology especially dissection. I must pass it down in high school. We had to cut open that.M: Ok, I get the picture, I am bit squish myself but biology requires the least math, whichisn‟t my best subject. I really don‟t see why we even have to t ake science classes if we are not major in it. I am never going to use this in the real life.W: Well that‟s not the point really, a college graduate suppose to be well-rounded it. You knowwith broad education. You can only specialize in grad school.M: Sure, if I ever get there. It just seems I run one biology lab report could stand in the wave of brilliant career in sociology.W: You don‟t be silly; you will manage somehow. See how come you don‟t have the result for one of your XXX to write down.M: Whoops! I must forgot to add it in. No wonder my figures were messed up!十篇W: Hi, Mark, how is it going?M: Well, not so great.W: What's wrong?M: I‟ve got a big problem with the poetry course that‟s required for my major.W: Is it all sold up?M: No, no, there's plenty room, but there's prerequisite. I‟ve got to take an introduction to poetry before I can take the special course in poets of the 1960's, and the introductory course is only offered in the evenings.W: You don't like evening classes?M: No, that's not the point. I work in the cafeteria every evening; I need the money to pay my tuition.W: Can you ask someone that work to switch hours with you? Maybe you could just switch a couple of evening since the course probably only needs two times a week?M: I wish I could, my boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings. And he'll hit the ceiling if I ask to change again.W: Wait a minute, I have an idea, have you checked the course over at the community college?They might offer intro-to-poetry course during the day!M: Hey, that's a great idea! I am free this afternoon, I think I'll go over and check it out.W: Yeah, their courses are actually cheaper and you can transfer the credits over here!M: Thank for the advice, Linda. I'll let you know what happens.W: Sure, Mark, good luck! Oh, while you there, could you find out when the pool is open? M: No problem.第十一篇学习问题M: I'm really glad we got Cindy to be in our study group.W: That's for sure, his background in art should be a big help getting ready for this art history final.M: Now, what we'll have to do is to figure out where we‟re going to meet.W: Why don't we just meet in the library?M: The six people in the group will probably make too much noise. How about my dorm room?W: There is not enough space, where would we all sit?M: Oh, I know, the snack bar in the student center! It is not too crowd in the evening, and we can push some tables together.W: That'll work! I'll let everyone know to be there at 7:00 tonight.第十二篇买书M: Excuse me. I am looking for the textbook for a course called Psychology of Personality, but Ican't find it anywhere.W: Is that the book for Dr. Peterson's course?M: That's right, Psychology 3601.W: Yes, yes, I was afraid of that. It seems we didn't order enough books for that class. You are the 7th person today who‟s come in looking for one.M: But classes begin on Monday.W: I wouldn't worry, Dr. Peterson was aware of the problem, and we got another shipment of books coming in before the end of the month.M: Can I reserve the copy?W: No problem. Just give me your name and phone number, we'll call you when the books arrive.第十三篇停车★M: I‟ve got another parking ticket. I don't understand why?W: What color sticker do you have?M: It's gold; it's for this lot!W: Well, where did you park?M: Over there, next to that green truck.W: You are right in front of the loading dock; that's where they unload the kitchen supplies. M: So what?W: You are lucky you only got a ticket. Normally, security tows any cars that park there.第十四篇打工场景★Listen to a conversation between an advisor and a student.W: Come on in, Paul, and have a seat. How can I help you?M: Well, I need to choose my major, and I guess I am not sure what I want to do for a career. W: Oh!M: My problem is that I love philosophy, but my dad doesn't want me to get a degree in the humanities. He said that I'll be better off financially with a career in something like business. W: Yes, people in the humanities often do make lower salaries.M: Yeah, and I don't want to be poor, so I‟m doomed.W: Hem...I guess you know that a lot of famous philosophers work in other fields, too. In fact,some of them did ground-breaking work.M: Like Aristotle?W: Um, this is just one example. There were doctors, lawyers, historians, mathematicians. Lock for example, he was trained to medicine.M: Yeah, but you are talking about geniuses. I get to grades, but I'm not a genius.W: My point is, you could work in a higher paid field and pursue philosophy on the side. It's not too late for you to declare a double major.M: But what other fields what I choose?W: I can help you with that, there's a special test you can take to determine your talents. You can take it now and it only takes an hour, then we can match your talents to a variety of job descriptions and go for there.M: Ok, that sounds like a good plan!第十五篇打工场景M: Ms. Preska, I am Tim Louis.W: Nice to meet you, Tim. The work study office called to let me know you will come in. You are interested in job here this coming semester.M: Yes, I was hoping the library might be able to use me.W: We always need some help from work study students. Can you tell me a little about yourself?M: Let‟s see, I am a sophomore. I live off campus and I major in business.W: Fine, what about work experience?M: I have been the lifeguard for 3 summers at city pool. Here on campus I work last year in the cafeteria. This semester I am at the computer center 3 evenings a week but I prefer the afternoon job.W: We have the opening for someone to share books 4 afternoons a week, a total of 16 hours. Will that suit you?M: Perfectly, my courses in next semester all meet in the morning.W: The job is yours then. Please read through this information before your begin, your first day of work will be 2 weeks from today.M: Thank you very much, I‟ll see you then.第十六篇暑假出行M: So where are you going to be this summer?W: I‟ve got a part time job at the gallery in New York. And I will be taking a joining class at night.M: That's great. You can learn a lot working in an art gallery, and there's no place like New York for an inspiring artist. I lived there myself when I was first at the college.W: I know how lucky I am to have this job but to tell you the truth; I have my heart set on going out west this summer.M: Out west? You mean California.W: No, the southwest, the desert and everythingM: Why the desert?W: Well, you know, Georgia O'Keeffe is my favorite artist, and she did such good work out there.M: That' true. But O'Keeffe didn't start out in the southwest, you know. She lived in New York for years, and she did some very impressive painting there.W: I guess you mean the skyscraper series. It's funny I never really thought about where she paint them before.M: It was in New York and she got a lot out of living there. She didn't always enjoy it. But later on she said that being around so many artists that help her to develop her own artistic vision.W: That's a new way of looking at the city. Now I can only find affordable place to live.第十七篇学习问题★Listen to part of the conversation between two college studentsM: Could we stop for a few minutes before we go over chapter five? I'm gonna need extra emerge to get through that one.W: Why? The first four chapters went really fast.M: I know, but the professor said the test would go up to chapter five. And that's the one I understand least. My notes from that day are a mess, circles made of broken lines, the word "GESTALT" in big letters, complete confusion.W: Ok, well, let's start with the broken lines. There suppose to be an illustration of the principle of closure. The idea is that your brain doesn't take in information exactly the same way as your eyes see it. I mean it's not like your eyes are camera and your brain just see the photographs it takes. The point is that your brain perceives more than your eyes actually see. Imaging individual broken lines and the shape of the circle, your brain perceives them to be a circle, even though the shape isn't complete. Your brain fills in the empty spaces because what it sees is familiar to a complete pattern.M: Oh, I get it. Our brains‟ close is based in the circle --- closure, so is closure the same thing as GESTALT?W: Well, closure is part of GESTALT. It's one of the five principles that try to explain how thebrain organizes the information it perceives.M: Hem, do you think that the other four principles would be on the test?W: Probably seems they are all in chapter five. We'd better go over all of them.M: Yeah, I'm sure you are right. But let's go and get something to eat before we do the rest, ok? Otherwise, I don't think my brain will be able to perceive anything.W: Sure, let's go.第一篇(打工场景)It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wondering if I'd ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient!Well, I have good news for you! You don't have to wait until your third or fourth year ofMedical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about the university's rural opportunity program. If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You won't have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like.The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons. First, they don't know much about it. And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town. Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience --- all in one summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesn't --- no pollution or traffic jams, for instance!My experience made me want to work where I'm needed and appreciated. I don't miss the city at all!第二篇(选课场景)In the few minutes that remain of today's class, I'd like to discuss next week's schedule with you. Because I'm presenting a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I won't be here for either Wednesday's or Friday's class. I will, however, be here for Monday's. Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the halfway point in the semester. Professor Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. In place of the usual Wednesday class, I've arranged an optional review session. Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken; however, attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm. So, remember: optional class next Wednesday; midterm, Friday.第三篇(打工场景)Good afternoon. I'm here today to talk to you about a career with our airline. We're especially interested in recruiting people to fill openings for flight attendants.First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program --- and with so many people applying, it's not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So, we require experience serving the public; and it also helps if you've earned some college credits.Also, not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through.The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes extensive classroom workin such subjects as first aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight procedures and meal service. A lot of our graduates say that our fight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a headwaiter, and a public relations executive!But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard work is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while I'm away from my base station. And, what I like best of all is that I've made friends with people from all over the country!第四篇(Housing场景)I need to make sure you understand how to get housing for next year. When you entered as first-year students this year, the school assigned you to a dorm and a roommate, but next year as returning students you'll choose both your roommate and your dorm. But whether or not you actually get to live in your first choice depends on what number you or your roommate draws in the lottery system. The system gives priority to the students who have been here longest. Fourth-year students get the first block of numbers, third-years get the second block, and second-years --- like you'll be --- get the third. The lower the number you draw, the sooner you choose. Number one gets the first choice, number two gets the second choice, and so on.You can use either your won or your intended roommate's number to make your room choice. If your roommate for next year has been at the school longer than you have, they'll be in a better block of numbers and so will have a better number than any second-year student. But most of you will probably be rooming with other second-year students and so neither of you may have a great number. You may not get into your first or even second choice. Of course, if you've made plans to live off campus, you don't need to enter the lottery at all.Dorm space will be especially tight this year because the dorms on North Campus will be closed for renovations. This means that those of you who draw the worst numbers won't be able to get dorm housing at all. In that case, the housing office will help you find off-campus housing.生物类15+13=28。



TOEFL老托福听力PartC原文汇总3篇TOEFL老托福听力PartC原文汇总1The winds of a tornado are the most violent and destructive ones on Earth.龙卷风是地球上最猛烈和最具破坏性的风。

Any of you who have seen one knows very well how frightening and powerful they are.任何看见过龙卷风的人都非常了解他们是多么令人恐惧和强大。

What's interesting about them is that scientists don't actually know exactly why tornadoes occur.关于它们有意思的是科学家事实上并不确切地知道龙卷风为什么发生。

We do know, however, what happens when tornadoes are formed.然而,我们的确知道,当龙卷风形成时发生了什么。

As you remember, a front occurs when cool, dry air from the north meets warm, humid air ing from the south, from the Gulf of Mexico, for tornadoes in the United States.正如你们所记得的,当来自北方的凉爽干燥的空气遇到来自南方,来自墨西哥湾的温暖湿润的空气,会出现一个峰,形成在美国的龙卷风。

Where these air masses meet, a narrow zone of storm clouds develops, and thunderstorms, and sometimes tornadoes, occur.在这些气团相遇的地方,一个狭窄的暴风雨云团地带形成了,还有雷暴,以及有时会发生龙卷风。



TOFEL听力真题(89—05年)89年TOEFL听力A1. (A) He looked at me.(B) He borrowed my book.(C) I used his book.(D) I told him to look at me.2. (A) Bob became a doctor.(B) Bob came in with the teacher.(C) Bob went to see two doctors.(D) Bob is a teacher.3. (A) I never worry about what to say.(B) I haven't spoken to anyone yet.(C) People don't listen when I speak.(D) His last words were hard to hear.4. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.(B) Gary wants me to come to the point.(C) Gary comes around more often now.(D) Gary's beginning to like the scenery.5. (A) Wait until you see how long the line is!(B) This is the seventh movie I've seen at this theater.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.(D) Don't be surprised if you have to stand to see the movie.6. (A) The last biography I read was much better than this one.(B) I've only written half of the bibliography.(C) I haven't ridden a bike in a long time.(D) The graph he drew ifs twice as good as the one I did.7. (A) The story is very enjoyable.(B) I wonder which story it is.(C) Is that one of the stores?(D) Is it a wonderful story?8. (A) George helped prepare the peas.(B) George served him another slice.(C) George took another serving of pie.(D) George served everyone the pizza.9. (A) Anybody can use the dictionary in the office.(B) Is every one of those books a dictionary?(C) Does the office have any use for these books?(D) To practice diction by oneself is useful.10. (A) This one isn't any larger than mine. (B) This is larger than a piece of luggage.(C) I want a larger suit in that case.(D) This suitcase isn't large enough.11. (A) Bill and Mary are engaged to be married.(B) Bill and Mary canceled the meeting.(C) Mary was outraged when she saw the bill.(D) Bill and Mary were angry about the cancellation.12. (A) You must try to be quieter.(B) The volume is much too low.(C) I don't hear anything down there.(D) The noise is coming from outside.13. (A) They go alone to school.(B) They arrive at school on time.(C) They are doing well in school.(D) They find their own way to school.14. (A) I'm typing the essay for Lisa.(B) That type of essay is easy to write.(C) At least the essay is typed.(D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15. (A) I wanted Pamela to continue her project.(B) Pamela was discouraged from working on her art project.(C) It was an honor to be able to do the art project with Pamela.(D) Pamela has a lot of courage to take on such a large project.16. (A) I can never keep a secret from Beth.(B) I told Beth we were going to surprise her.(C) I'll be surprised if Beth comes to the party.(D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17. (A) Sarah put on her makeup.(B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time.(C) Sarah helped prepare the examination.(D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.18. (A) Does everyone have a copy of the assignment?(B) Can you turn the sheet around?(C) Is there enough time for the assignment?(D) Do the sheets have enough information?19. (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?(B) Was that supposed to be the city bus?(C) That wasn't the city bus.(D) I don't know why the city bus is so late.20. (A) No one has a nose as sore as poll's.(B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics.(C) She's well acquainted with the subject.(D) She doesn't know anybody here.21. (A) She doesn't know when they will go.(B) She believes there is a road detour.(C) She won't be ready at 8 o'clock.(D) She wants the man to go away.22. (A) Sit sown.(B) Remain standing.(C) Go ahead of the woman.(D) Pick up the chair.23. (A) The electrician came to repair the lamp.(B) The lamp was taken to the repair shop.(C) She had Mike fix the lamp.(D) The lamp was replaced.24. (A) Not hanging the poster.(B) Peeling off the wallpaper.(C) Using tape for the poster.(D) Not hiding the damage.25. (A) Both chemistry courses are difficult.(B) Few chemistry courses are hard.(C) Chemistry 402 was worse than Chemistry 502.(D) He has only had one chemistry course.26. (A) Studying.(B) Watching television.(C) Nothing right now.(D) Going to the movies.27. (A) She was unable to have her picture taken.(B) She has not chosen a picture for it.(C) She had broken her camera.(D) She had gone to a photography class instead.28. (A) He would prefer calling her next week.(B) He will let her decide about the next meeting.(C) He would like to buy some refreshments for the meeting.(D) He definitely wants to know about the meeting.29. (A) Eating in a cafeteria.(B) Buying something in a store.(C) Talking on the telephone.(D) Getting money at a bank. 30. (A) She'd rather take a break later.(B) She likes the suggestion.(C) She never drinks soda.(D) She doesn't think he's serious.31. (A) There are six sections of each class.(B) He has to leave since it's almost one o'clock.(C) There are dozens of classes to choose from.(D) It doesn't matter which class the woman takes.32. (A) She's lent the texts for just a few days.(B) She kept the texts that are still up to date.(C) She's no longer interested in science.(D) She moved her science texts away from the other books.33. (A) He would like to know what happened.(B) He can help the woman.(C) Because of what happened, he has no time.(D) He would have helped if he had the time.34. (A) To order some medicine for their aunt Margaret.(B) To get some exercise.(C) To buy some items.(D) To see their aunt.35. (A) Dick is practically the only one who thinks so.(B) Most people play football differently.(C) Few people are optimistic about the team's chances of winning.(D) Dick is disappointed in football games.36. (A) In a professor's office.(B) In a medical doctor's office.(C) In an auditorium.(D) In a gym.37. (A) Just before the semester begins.(B) After the first week of classes.(C) In the middle of the semester.(D) On the last day of class.38. (A) She had promised that she would.(B) She has been sick.(C) She needs his approval for her schedule.(D) She must verify his plans.39. (A) It wasn't a requirement.(B) She already knew the material.(C) She entered the hospital.(D) Her course load was too heavy.40. (A) The woman's musical background.(B) The woman's economic situation.(C) The woman's dislike of chemistry.(D) The woman's decision to take on so much work.41. (A) The replacement of the harpsichord by the piano.(B) The development of electronic musical instruments.(C) The relative costs of different types of musical instruments.(D) The performance of classical music on synthesizers.42. (A) At the beginning.(B) In the middle.(C) Near the end.(D) Just after the end.43. (A) He is surprised by it.(B) He disagrees with it.(C) He thinks it is too soon to tell.(D) He is alarmed by it.44. (A) In the early nineteenth century.(B) In the late nineteenth century.(C) In the early twentieth century.(D) In the mid-twentieth century.45. (A) The electronic instrument is much more expensive.(B) The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.(C) The piano is slightly more expensive.(D) The piano is much more expensive.46. (A) The conversion of volcanic waste to fertilizer.(B) The menace of currently dormant volcanoes around Mount Saint Helen's.(C) The eruption of Mount Saint Helen's and its effects on the environment.(D) The elimination of volcanic ash by natural means.47. (A) The crops were obliterated for the entire year.(B) The crops nutritional value was considerably lessened.(C) The soil was permanently damaged.(D) The loss was not as bad been anticipated as had.48. (A) It served as a fertilizer for crops. (B) It formed a new mountain.(C) It stabilized air temperatures.(D) It destroyed various insect pests.49. (A) It's lethal upon contact.(B) It has relatively little harmful effect.(C) It affects the sense of hearing.(D) It dries up the skin.50. (A) Interest.(B) Disappointment.(C) Shock.(D) Anger.89-589年5月TOEFL听力A1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet. (C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.89-889年8月TOEFL听力A1£® (A) She never hears her alarm clock ringing.(B) Her alarm clock doesn't ring when it should.(C) She doesn't know where her alarm clock is .(D) She always sleeps until the alarm clock wakes her. 2£® (A) They said they're going by taxi.(B) Their clothes are in terrible condition.(C) In certain states clothes are subject to tax.(D) There are some clothes hanging on the racks.3£® (A) She didn't often go out in the rain.(B) She learned a great deal from the program.(C) She understood only a little about the program.(D) She stopped running to the train.4£® (A) He never comes here in the fall.(B) He'll probably arrive soon.(C) He couldn't hear it this time.(D) He doesn't have time to call.5£® (A) Karen can afford to go to college.(B) Karen got only one scholarship.(C) Without a scholarship, Karen couldn't go to college.(D) If Karen can afford to go, she won't get a scholarship.6£® (A) He will apply soon for his first passport.(B) He has to apply again for a passport.(C) He knew he had to pick up his passport.(D) He didn't need his passport until now.7£® (A) I was actually on time.(B) I was ten minutes late.(C) I wasn't late because I ran all the way.(D) I walked for ten minutes.8£® (A) Jerry knew all the answers.(B) It was easy to answer Jerry's questions.(C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.(D) Everyone came for the test except Jerry.9£® (A) It would be better not to take the course.(B) This term would be a good time to take the course.(C) I don't think you can get out of taking that course.(D) I didn't say a word about your taking that course.10. (A) I didn't think the keys were in the shop.(B) That shop has fair prices.(C) The shopkeeper expects customers to be honest.(D) I don't think that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11. (A) A fee is charged for reserved books returned even an hour late.(B) This is a fine day to spend an hour in the library.(C) The reserve section of the library is due to close in one hour.(D) Our library has a reserve section of fine books.12. (A) Leslie will get credit for graduating early.(B) Leslie has a heavier course load than usual this term.(C) Leslie is taking a minimal number of credits this term.(D) Leslie must pay the rent on her apartment before she graduates.13. (A) You shouldn't be that busy now.(B) You've had a lot to0 do recently.(C) How long do you expect to be so busy?(D) How have you been doing recently?14. (A) I wasn't asking for the catalog.(B) The catalogs have been poorly copied.(C) I wouldn't give away my copy of the catalog.(D) No one gave me a catalog.15. (A) Susan told Mike about the new policy.(B) Mike talked to Susan regarding the new policy.(C) Mike and Susan questioned the school about the policy.(D) Mike and Susan gathered information about theschool's policy.16. (A) What do you think provoked the President?(B) The President was thinking aloud.(C) Don't you think the speech was stimulating?(D) The speech angered the press.17. (A) We became friends quickly.(B) We have been friends for a long while.(C) We have to leave pretty soon.(D) We knew none of the others.18. (A) She hasn't started the work yet.(B) She didn't want the work to be finished.(C) She hasn't worked since the project started.(D) She didn't want to start all over again.19. (A) The professor introduced the students to each other.(B) The two students were presented to the class.(C) The students met the professor.(D) The professor was introduced by a colleague.20. (A) I needed exactly that thing.(B) I got the thing at last.(C) I certainly didn't need that.(D) That thing won't last.21. (A) Who called.(B) What Margaret said.(C) Who Margaret is.(D) When the message was taken.22. (A) He'll only give her part of his notes.(B) He doesn't know anything about economics.(C) He's not taking an economics class.(D) He's happy to lend her his notes.23. (A) She received two job offers.(B) She also was offered a job.(C) She was the first to receive an offer.(D) She received too many offers.24. (A) They'll have to get some more paint.(B) They should get someone to help them.(C) They shouldn't delay any longer.(D) They don't have to paint the room again.25. (A) Leave for home.(B) Check the language lab.(C) Buy new locks.(D) Show the man where the lab is.26. (A) In a doctor's office. (B) In an operating room.(C) In a professor's office.(D) In a gymnasium.27. (A) She wanted to exhibit her crafts.(B) She'd rather go somewhere else.(C) She saw the exhibition months ago.(D) she's sorry to have missed the exhibit.28. (A) There's no more work for anyone to do.(B) No one is willing to work with them.(C) The woman knows several people on the committee.(D) The woman should be on the committee herself.29. (A) Watch television.(B) Go for a swim.(C) Make better use of time.(D) Follow the official procedure.30. (A) He'd rather not go to the lecture.(B) He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture.(C) He wants to hear the lecture.(D) He's heard the lecture before.31. (A) Pay several bills.(B) Phone the electric company.(C) Pay less rent.(D) Make fewer telephone calls.32. (A) Wait and take the class next year.(B) Become a musician.(C) Give his presentation without a plan.(D) Discuss the presentation with the professor.33. (A) He's sure the new chef is better.(B) he wonders whether the new chef is an improvement.(C) He hopes the new chef will stay longer than the old one did.(D) He's going to see the new chef tonight.34. (A) Katie doesn't often dance.(B) Katie isn't the person dancing.(C) Katie does indeed dance well.(D) Katie dances better than her friend.35. (A) They would see better from a different row.(B) It isn't hard to see from his seat.(C) He would rather not move from his place.(D) He'll switch places with the woman.36. (A) Energy conservation.(B) Transportation of the future.(C) Strip cities.(D) Advantages of air transportation over railroads.37. (A) A lack of available flights.(B) Long delays at the airport.(C) Boredom on long flights/(D) Long trips to and from airports.38. (A) On short trips.(B) On long trips.(C) When flying over cities.(D) When flying at high altitudes.39. (A) It uses nuclear energy.(B) It rests on a cushion of pressurized air.(C) It flies over magnetically activated tracks.(D) it uses a device similar with engine.40. (A) It is more comfortable than a conventional train.(B) It doesn't require very much track maintenance.(C) It doesn't remain in any station very long.(D) it carries more passengers than a conventional train.41. (A) They are subject to fires.(B) They become less fuel-efficient.(C) They produce too much noise.(D) They have trouble staying on the tracks.42. (A) They don't get rid of flabby arms.(B) They can damage arm muscles.(C) They aren't acceptable to most people.(D) They can raise one's blood pressure.43. (A) By talking to an expert.(B) By reading an article.(C) By attending an exercise class.(D) By listening to the radio.44. (A) Exercising the entire body.(B) Having your blood pressure taken daily.(C) Losing weight prior to exercising.(D) Weighing in before each exercise session.45. (A) Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.(B) Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.(C) Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.(D) Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.46. (A) A restaurant host. (B) A tour guide.(C) A history teacher.(D) A park attendant.47. (A) A small restaurant.(B) A revolutionary army.(C) A famous commander.(D) A historic tree.48. (A) It was the oldest one in the park.(B) It was less than a hundred years old.(C) It was much younger than people had thought.(D) It was impossible to determine.49. (A) George Washington was an extremely tall man.(B) Most trees in parks are destroyed by insects.(C) Historical stories are sometimes inaccurate.(D) The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.50. (A) Drive around the park.(B) Eat lunch.(C) Plant a small tree.(D) Go to the next city.89-1089年10月TOEFL听力A1. (A) That's today's seat.(B) Let's eat at four today.(C) That's all we'll do today.(D) There were four today.2. (A) Robert crashed into the stop sign near the bank.(B) Robert is going to the bank to get some money.(C) The robbers took a lot of cash from the bank.(D) The bank is closing Robert's account.3. (A) She refuses to shop.(B) The key was left in her shopping bag.(C) Turn left at the store.(D) she's gone to buy some things.4. (A) Don't you need a refill for your pen?(B) Your order for a dozen pencils has been filled.(C) Ben needs another bill from you.(D) Don't you want to get your friend a new pen?5. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.(B) Everyone has taken a class from Professor Stanton.(C) Professor Stanton wants to teach another course.(D) Students are required to enroll in Professor Stanton's class.6. (A) We don't have time to eat dinner.(B) How often does he go out for dinner?(C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.(D) What time were we supposed to meet for dinner?7. (A) The roof of the dentist's office needed to be fixed.(B) The dentists were both out of the office.(C) Gary talked about the dentist's broken tooth.(D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8. (A) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?(B) Have you been to one of these lectures before?(C) This lecture is really crowded.(D) I was glad to see you at the lecture.9. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?(B) You want me to have the best.(C) You are the best person to do it.(D) Think of somebody besides yourself.10. (A) I missed the flight because I hadn't finished packing.(B) They loaded my suitcases on the last plane.(C) The plane was delayed because of my luggage.(D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11. (A) He didn't meet me at the door.(B) There are still vacant rooms.(C) The story was foolish.(D) He is unhappy with the dormitory.12. (A) Susan suggested that we buy a slide projector.(B) We are the only ones she has shown the slides to.(C) Susan wanted to know whether we owned a slide projector.(D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13. (A) His study habits are poor.(B) He doesn't have a good place to study.(C) His habit is to study late.(D) He was disappointed with his studies.14. (A) The report has just been typed.(B) The report can be typed now.(C) The report isn't ready to be typed yet.(D) Part of the report is typed.15. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.(B) We may be coming a little late tomorrow.(C) We may come tomorrow or pick another date.(D) If you can't come today, please come tomorrow.16. (A) We should be gone within a month.(B) I want the semester to end now.(C) It takes us a ling time to get to school.(D) The semester ended a month ago.17. (A) You shouldn't have bought so many books.(B) You paid a lot of money for those books.(C) You got a lot of books for your money.(D) You didn't understand the price of the books.18. (A) That isn't a totally new kind of problem.(B) The solution to that problem isn't complete.(C) No one has ever solved that problem.(D) I know nothing about that kind of problem.19. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.(B) We met Professor Keene right after our class.(C) We were supposed to grade our papers in class.(D) We were told to read our essays out loud to our classmates.20. (A) Physics is not a difficult subject.(B) You certainly know a lot about physics.(C) I don't believe you're a physics major.(D) I think your physics homework is wrong.21. (A) She agrees with the man.(B) She doesn't know the book.(C) She likes the book very much.(D) She doesn't know what to do.22. (A) She can go with him this afternoon.(B) She has a lot to do today.(C) She's almost as busy as he is.(D) She might be finished by noon.23. (A) The man should buy a different meal ticket each month.(B) Individuals eat different amounts.(C) Buying the meal ticket won't save the man money.(D) The price of a meal varies from month to month.24. (A) The application isn't available at the office.(B) The woman should mail a copy of her application.(C) The photocopy machine isn't there anymore.(D) The woman can make copies at the post office.25. (A) He's taller than anyone on campus.(B) He's the best actor in the school.(C) He's almost through with the campus tour.(D) He's studying at college to be an actor.。




托福TPO9综合写作阅读原文文本:Car manufacturers and governments have been eagerly seeking a replacement for the automobile's main source of power, the internal-combustion engine. By far the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which uses hydrogen to create electricity that, in turn, powers the car. Fuel-cell engines have several advantages over internal-combustion engines and will probably soon replace them.One of the main problems with the internal-combustion engine is that it relies on petroleum, either in the form of gasoline or diesel fuel. Petroleum is a finite resource; someday, we will run out of oil. The hydrogen needed for fuel-cell engines cannot easily be depleted. Hydrogen can be derived from various plentiful sources, including natural gas and even water. The fact that fuel-cell engines utilize easily available, renewable resources makes them particularly attractive.Second, hydrogen-based fuel cells are attractive because they will solve many of the world's pollution problems. An unavoidable by-product of burning oil is carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide harms the environment. On the other hand, the only byproduct of fuel-cell engines is water.Third, fuel-cell engines will soon be economically competitive because people will spend less money to operate a fuel-cell engine than they will to operate an internal-combustion engine. This is true for one simple reason: a fuel-cell automobileis nearly twice as efficient in using its fuel as an automobile powered by an internal-combustion engine is. In other words, the fuel-cell powered car requires only half the fuel energy that the internal-combustion powered car does to go the same distance.托福TPO9综合写作听力原文文本:The reading is correct in pointing out the problems associated with oil-powered cars. Yes, oil is a finite resource, and yes, burning oil harms the environment. However, the reading is way too optimistic in its assessment of hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines. Hydrogen is not the solution to these problems.First, hydrogen is not as easily available as the passage indicates. Although it's present in common substances like water, it's not directly useable in that form. For using a fuel-cell engine, hydrogen must first be obtained in a pure liquid state. This pure liquid hydrogen is a highly artificial substance. It's technologically very difficult to produce and store liquid hydrogen. For example, it must be kept veryvery cold at minus 253 degrees Celsius. Imagine the elaborate cooling technology that's required for that! So hydrogen is not such a practical and easily available substance, is it?Second, using hydrogen would not solve the pollution problems associated with cars. Why? Producing pure hydrogen creates a lot of pollution. To get pure hydrogen from water or natural gas, you have to use a purification process that requires lots of energy that's obtained by burning coal or oil. And burning coal and oil creates lots of pollution. So although the cars would not pollute, the factories that generated the hydrogen for the cars would pollute.Third, there won't necessarily be any cost savings when youconsider how expensive it is to manufacture the fuel-cell engine. That's because fuel-cell engines require components made of platinum, a very rare and expensive metal. Without the platinum components in the engine, the hydrogen doesn't undergo the chemical reaction that produces the electricity to power the automobile. All the efforts to replace platinum with a cheaper material have so far been unsuccessful.托福TPO9综合写作满分范文:The reading states that fuel-cell engines have several advantages over internal-combustion engines. However, the lecturer points out that replacing internal-combustion engines with hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines is technologically unfeasible, environmentally unfriendly, and economically unviable.First, the lecturer argues although, as the reading states, hydrogen resource are abundant in various resources, it cannot be utilized before being turning into liquid state, which is hard to produce and store technologically. For example, it must be kept cold at minus 253 degrees Celsius which can only be realized with elaborate cooling technology.Second, the lecturer refutes the claim in the reading that hydrogen cells are environmentally friendly. She argues that although engines that use hydrogen cells produce less pollution, the manufacturing of hydrogen cells generates large amounts of harmful by-products due to the burning of fossil fuels in the purification process.Third, although the reading suggests that hydrogen-based engines are more fuel-efficient and thus economically competitive than internal-combustion engines, the professor argues that such an advantage is undermined by the fact thatfuel-cell engines are extremely expensive to manufacture because they require the addition of platinum, a very rare and expensive material.以上是给大家整理的托福TPO9综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。





感谢在此之前,所有参与提供或修改听力原文的「傻友」!99年5月托福听力原文A man who does not go to the US is not a true man.注:此句只适合于想去美国的朋友。

Part A1. A: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.B: When you take the subway, you’ll never have to deal with traffic. I never drive any more.Q: What does the man imply?2. A: I’ve got two tickets to today’s game. Do you want to come along?B: It’ll be on television. Besides, it’s reall y too cold for me.Q: What will the man probably do?3. A: You had Professor Johnson before, right? How would you describe his lectures?B: Well, let me put it this way: I could never stay awake in one of his classes withoutfirst drinking at least two cups of coffee.(有这么夸张吗)Q: What does the man imply?4. A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?B: Your guess is as good as mine. I’m new around here.Q: What does the woman mean?5. A: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag.B: Oh, I saw him at the gym this morning and he didn’t say anything. So he must’ve asked somebody else.Q: What does the man imply?6. A: You must be looking forward to your trip back to Colorado. It should be fun tohike up into those mountains again.B: Well, there mig ht not be time for that. The thing is I haven’t seen my sister and her kids for three years.Q: What does the woman imply?7. A: Tom’s h ouse is a mess! Do esn’t he ever clean it?B: I guess he just has too much else on his mind with that new job of his.Q: What does the woman imply about Tom?8. A: Hey, that’s a great sweater you’re wearing. It looks really warm.B: Yeah, but I wish I broug ht a coat like you did. It’s really cold today.Q: What does the woman imply?9. A: Hey, George, I can’t get to sleep with the lights so near my bed. Can you studysomeplace else?B: Sorry, there is a party going on down in the lounge. I suppose I can check the dining room though.Q: What will George probably do?10. A: I wish I didn’t have to make a special trip to the post office to get my package.B: Well, if you call them in the morning, they’ll give the package to your mail carrier to bring out to you.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?11. A: Professor, have you graded my term paper yet?B: To tell you the truth, I’ve been tied up in committee meetings all week.Q: What can be inferred about the paper?12. A: With the cold that bad, I think it is pretty foolish not to see a doctor.B: Don’t worry. It’ll pass in a few days.Q: What does the man mean?13. A: Do you have hot water in wardroom? Because we haven’t had any for three daysand I hate cold showers.B: Oh, sounds miserable. Since the gyms usually open, why don’t you just go over there to fix the problem?Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?14. A: I just found out the registration of the creative writing class is full. NowI have to wait another whole year to get in.B: Why don’t you check back after the first week? Somebody might drop it.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?15. A: Professor Nelson, could you please turn up the temperature in here? I’m havingtrouble concentrating.B: Yeah, I understand, but I don’t control the thermostat(自动调温器). Tell you what, I’ll talk t o maintenance about it after class. In the mean time, I suggest you put on a sweater if you brought one.Q: What does the man imply?16. A: Hi, Jerry, it’s Beth from the apartment next door. I’m at school right nowand I realize I forgot my keys at home. Could you ask the building manager to put the extra set in my mailbox?B: I don’t think that’s secure enough. I can just drop by your class later.Q: What would the man probably do?17. A: I’m going to Chicago on business and somebody said you were the right personto talk to about what I can do there for fun.B: You bet I am. But I hope you’ve got at least a month.Q: What does the man imply?18. A: Come on, Sue, I know you have a new camera, but, you just took a picture of acar.B: No, No! Look behind the car.Q: What does the woman mean?19. A: Could I look at your bus schedule? I don’t want to drive to work tomorrow ifit’s snowing.B: You would be better off calling the terminal(终点站). It’s been a long time since I’ve u sed my schedule and I’m sure it was out of date.Q: What does the woman mean?20. A: That’s a pretty thick book. Are you sure Fram will want to plough through(费力进行)that?B: Are you kidding? She’ll be through it in two days.Q: What does the man imply about Fram?21. A: If I send this package third class, how long will it take to arrive?B: About two weeks. But, hu m, many people don’t realize that first class is onlya dollar fifty more and it would get there in just a few days.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?22. A: Surely, you don’t want to eat at the expensive restaurant.B:Not much I don’t(我并非一点也不想). They have the best food in town.Q: What does the man mean?23. A: Like usual the lecture hall is complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers, sodacans, used issues, all of it, just thrown all over the floor. I can’t understand how people can be so thoughtless.B: Well, your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?24. A: How about going on a camping trip next week with us? We are planning on hikingand canoeing in the state park.B: That sounds great. But I’d better warn you: I’ve never been in the canoe andI am not much the swimmer either.Q: What does the woman mean?25. A: I heard that the pre-turnout(事先的准备) for the opening of the new sculptureexhibit was a kind of disappointing.B: I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modern art.Q: What does the woman mean?26. A: We’d better make sure we get to the presentation early tomorrow morni ng. Thedean said that there would be bagels(百吉饼)and pastries in food. But I havea feeling that they are going to go quickly.B: I guess I’ll bring my appetite.Q: What will the man probably do?27. A: Isn’t it great about Ruth’s community servic e award?B: She deserved itQ: What does the man mean?28. A: I’m driving downtown this afternoon. I have to stop by Deluxe, the art supplystore, to get some paints for my art class.B: Deluxe? They moved to Smithville.Q: What does the woman mean?29. A: You were right about the puzzle you lent me last week. It really is a challenge.I want to try to get it myself though, so I am gonna work on it a little longer.B: Well, if you get really stuck, remember, I’m only a phone call away.Q: What does the woman mean?30. A: I’m new in town and I need to find a doctor. Do you know anything about JoyceBrown?B: I’ve been going to her for years. I don’t see how you could do better.Q: What does the man say about Dr. Brown?Part BQuestions 31-34A: Hum, hi.B: Hi, I am going door to door tonight to tell people about the student action coalition(联合). Do you have a few minutes?A: Sure. You know, I think I read something in the newspaper last week.B: Yeah, there was an article about us since the last issue. See, we are trying to protect and conserve some of the open spaces on campus.A: That’s right. You are the group that’s opposing the extension of the parking lot next to Smith Hall, right?B: That’s us. We just feel it is important to save some of the natural beauty of the campus, like Over-by Swing. Some of those trees are hundreds of years old.A: It is a pretty spot. My friends and I had picnics over there by the creek.B: Then you understand how we feel. We are organizing a rally on Thursday afternoon to get the administration to reconsider the parking lot plan.A: Well, I have a class on Thursday afternoon.B: But maybe you could sign this petition. We’r e going to summit it to the administration to demonstrate how the students feel about this.A: Sure, let me get a pen and I’ll sign it.B: I have a pen right here. And let me leave you this pamphlet about the student action coalition. Maybe you could come to some of our meetings. We get together once a month. A: Yeah, I’d like to know more about your group. Let me know when the next meeting is and I’ll try to be there.31. How did the woman first learn about the student action coalition?32. What is the student action coalition trying to do?33. What will the woman probably do on Thursday afternoon?34. What does the woman agree to do?Q 35-39A: This food is terrible! I can’t even finish my d iner.B: I know. You think with all the money we paid for room and board, the university could hire a better food service. Where are you headed next?A: I’m going over to the student recreation center to play some bridge.B: You are spending your time on a card game?A: Not just any card game. It’s one of the most strategic there is.B: So I have heard. Don’t you play with a partner?A: Yeah! Four people play, two against the other two.B: So, you try to play in cooperation with your partner?A: Actually, the cards of one of the four plays are turned face up. That player is called the dummy(哑巴).B: I wouldn’t want to be called that. When you are the dummy, what do you do while the cards are being played?A: Anything you want. Sit there and study, shuffle another deck(重新洗牌), get snacks for everyone… I like to stand behind my partner and watch.B: You know, I’ve heard that bridge is a habit-forming(会上瘾). You should be careful not to play so much that you don’t get your studying done.A: Don’t worry about me. I only play Thursdays after dinner, and sometimes when they need a forth player. If you like, I could teach you.B: Thanks, but I have a pretty heavy workload(工作量)this semester. I already spend my evenings doing things I don’t really know how to do yet.35. Where does the conversation take place?36. How does the woman plan to spend her evening?37. What will the woman probably do if she is the dummy?38. What does the man warn the woman not to do?39. Why doesn’t the man accept the woman’s offer?Part CQuestions 40-42Today, we are going to take a look at the development of the skyscraper. We’ll start with some buildings in Chicago. One of the circumstances that led Chicago to become home to some of the buildings now considered the prototypes(原型)for later skyscrapers was this: In 1871, there was a great fire that destroyed much of the city. It was that tragic fire that cleared the way for a new kind of city that used the new building techniques and new materials developed during the 1800s. One of these new structures was the Home Insurance Building, completed in 1885. It was ten storeys high. Now granted, that’s no higher than some of the early skyscrapers in New York City. What made Chicago’s Home Insurance Building important is that it had tr ue skyscraper construction with an internal metal skeleton that carried the weight of the brick exterior. This metal support system along with the earlier development of the elevator was the two innovations that made the later very tall industrial buildings possible. Chicago’s Reliance Building was another important building in the development of the skyscraper. It showed the architects’understanding of the possibilities of mental frame construction by eliminating walls and opening up the sides as a glass box. It was the first expression of the skyscraper as the glass shelf framed in the metal grid (格子).40. Why does the professor mention the fire of 1871?41. What was important about the Home Insurance Building?42. What point does the professor make about the Reliance Building?Questions 43-46It was an Italian inventor who created the first wireless device for setting out radio signals in 1895. But not until the American inventor Lee De Forest built the first amplifying vacuum tube in 1906 did we get the first radio as we know it. And the first actual radio broadcast was made on Christmas Eve of 1906. That’s when someone working from an experimental station in Brand Rock, Massachusetts, arranged the program of two short musical selections of poem and brief holiday greeting. The broadcast was heard by wireless operators on ships with a radio through several hundreds miles. The following year, De Forest began regular radio broadcasts in New York. These programs were similar to much what we hear on radio today. In that, De Forest played only music. But because there were still no home radio receivers, De Forest’s audiences consisted only of wireless operators on ships in New York Harbor. There is no doubt that radio broadcasting was quite a novelty in those days, but it took a while to catch on commercially. Why? Hmm, for the simple fact that only a few people, in fact, only thosewho tinkered with wireless telegraphs as a hobby owned receivers. It wasn’t until the 1920s that someone envisioned mass appeal for radio. This was radio pioneer David Sarnoff who predicted that one day there would be a radio receiver in every home.43. What is the talk mainly about?44. Why were early radio broadcasts heard by such a small audience?45. According to the talk, who owned the receivers in the early days of radio?46. According to the talk, what did David Sarnoff predict about radios?Questions 47-50The origin of Earth’s moon, the largest moon in the solar system, is still something of a mystery. There are some theories about its origin however. Now, keep in mind that a theory of the moon’s o rigin has to be consistent with two important facts. The first fact is that the Earth contains a lot of iron, most of it has an iron core. But the moon contains practically no iron. The second fact is that other than the difference in iron content, the moon and Earth are composed of essentially the same minerals, a similarity not shared with any other planet or moon in our solar system.One of the earliest theories of the moon’s origin, I called it th e Capture Theory, proposes that the moon was somehow captured by Earth’s gravitational force. This theory is improbable(不可能的), however, because it assumes that the moon and Earth formed in different parts of the solar system. If this was true you would expect the moon’s composition to be much different from Earth’s composition, just as all the other planets in the solar system are so different from Earth.A second theory of the moon’s origin is more promising. It is sometimes referred to as the Mars Theory, because according to this theory, when Earth was still molten, it was struck by a planet about the size of Mars. The impact caused the cores of the two planets to melt together and chunks(大块)of Earth’s crust to be thrown out into space. These chunks came together to form the moon. Now, remember, Earth’s crust is low in iron, because the iron is in Earth’s core, but high in various other minerals. This then accounts for why there is little iron but lots of other minerals on the moon.47. What is the talk mainly about?48. According to the professor, what characteristic of Earth’s m oon should a theory of its origin be able to explain?49. Why is the second theory sometimes referred to as the Mars Theory?50. According to the Mars Theory, why does the moon contain little iron?。




(听两遍)1. M: What do you usually do after school,Sally?W: I usually play the piano!2. W: Do you like football, Jack?M: No, but I like volleyball.3. M: Rose, you look pretty with glasses!W: Thank you!4. W: Do you like cats?M: Yes, but I like dogs best!5. W: The music is too loud. I can’t hear what you said.M: Sorry, madam.6. W: You speak too fast for me to catch your words.M: But you must listen to me carefully.7. W: What day is tomorrow?M: Yesterday was Tuesday.W: Thank you.8. W: When does the film begin?M: At a quarter to six. But when I got to the cinema, it had already been on for ten minutes.9. W: Do you know much about English?M: No, I don’t. What about you?W: I don’t, either.10. W: Would you like a glass of milk or a cup of tea?M: Either.W: Here you are.B.听对话和短文答题。



听⼒第三册原⽂及答案完整版听⼒第三册原⽂及答案集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]听⼒原⽂Unit 1 World News: International RelationsPart I Warming upA :Tapescripts:1. The former American Defense Secretary William Perry hasrecommended a radical change of policy towards North Korea.2. Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United Statesgathered here in Washington Sunday to push for tougher gun control laws.3. There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and EthnicAlbanian guerrillas inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo.4. A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during trainingin Kuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of them.5. NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet aboutthe possible health risks from ammunitions containing depleteduranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia.B1. What is the summit's statement expected to call on UN members?To make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS.2. Which three countries are admitted by ASEAN on SaturdayBurma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor?A U. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.How many people were on the vessel And how many were missing 35/9.4. What happened in the West Bank and Gaza?Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen have been raiding overnight.5. What are the problems with the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants in Japan?Some nuclear facilities have breached many health and safety laws. More than half of the nuclear plants failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.Tapescripts:1. With the final declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summit's statement is expected to call on UN members to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS. More than 150 heads of state and government attended the summit, the largest gathering of world leaders in history.2. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burma to join its ranks, shrugging off western denunciations of the military regime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreign ministers voted on Saturday to admit Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among 35 people aboard a high school fishing vessel from Japan. On Friday, a U.S. nuclear submarine tore through the ship, sinking it within minutes. The USS Greenville, which was not seriously damaged, was performing an emergency surfacing drill when the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor. Coast Guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.4. Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunman have been raiding overnight in the West Bank and Gaza. The upsurge in violence comes after Israeli attack helicopters targeted and killed amember of an elite Palestinian security force.5. Some nuclear facilities in Japan have breached many health and safety laws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half of them failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements. Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down following the country's worst nuclear accident in September. Sixty-nine people were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in the accident.Part II News reportsSummary:This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council.Statements:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates for the second seat for the African and Asian group.3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members.Tapescript:The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-permanent members of the Security Council. The vote follows several weeks of haggling and maneuvering.Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required two thirds majority on the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remaining two regional seats.Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The United States lobbied intensely against Sudan, the candidate of the Organization of African Unity. Mauritius, the candidate supported by Washington, won on the fourth round of voting. Ireland easily captured one of the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came to New York last week to press the case for his nation's representation on the Security Council for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new members begin theirtwo-year terms in January. The Security Council is made up of a total of 15 members, including five permanent members --China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States -- and 10 non-permanent members. Five non-permanent members are elected to two-year terms each year.B:SummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.Answers to the questions:1. 532. 483. 34. The United States5. Canada6. October 18th7. No more than three days8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East Timor Tapescript:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to tryto learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped."When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, there is a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue --because thesituation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have somethingto contribute."Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor.Questions:1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?3. How many of them didn't vote?4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?Extract 2 (paying a tribute): He said to those he touched and who sought to touch him ...Extract 3 (expressing an opinion) -- I have a dream...Extract 4 (expressing an opinion). America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress.Extract 5 (accepting a post): I am profoundly grateful ... for giving me the chance to serve you.(making a promise): I will do everything I can to be worthy of ... I promise you ... that I will ...Tapescript:1. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moonand returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or moreimportant for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult, or expensive to accomplish... But, in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon. If we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation (I)believe we should go to the moon. (John F. Kennedy 25/05/1961)2. As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him: "Some men see things as they are and say 'Why' I dream things that never were and say 'Why not'" (Edward M. Kennedy 08/06/1968)3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the State of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream thatmy four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 28/08/1963)4. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Particularly at this time, with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. (Richard M. Nixon 08/08/1974)5. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you. I will... I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York's families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers .... (Hillary Clinton07/11/2000)Unit 2Earth and EnvironmentPart 1Warming upA1. ...impact of climate change … damage to crops … worse ...2. ...2000 delegates … northern Brazil … third UnitedNations Conference on Desertification.3. ...A huge oil spill … Mexico, ...4. Wildfires … Florida … contained … a week ...5. ... Greenland is melting around the edges … 50 cubickilometers … raise global sea level ...B1. It attempts to balance environmental concerns and the needs of the community.2. Reptile species are in greater trouble than amphibian species.3. A new approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight species of plants is threatened with extinction.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware,ca lled the “Boulder County Green Pages”.Part II News ReportsA...Washington … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication …education and entertainment … physical exam … vital signs … species … climate … temperatures … water tables …glaciers … forests …fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthBSummary… the severe shortage of water in some developing nations. … global solutions are found soon. Answers to the questions1. 1502. Monday3. Almost one billion people couldsuffer from a scarcity of water.4. Middle East, parts of Africa, western Asia,Northeastern China, western and southern India, largeparts of Pakistan and Mexico, parts of the Pacificcoast of the United States and South America.5. To treat water as a precious resource.6. 5 liters7.50 liters 8. 500 litersPart III City recyclingA a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1B:1. 130,000 / 80% 2. Plastic / glass / tin cans / newspapers3. Recycle truck pick it up.4. One of community’srecycling centers5. Each weekday6. Conducts tours of the plant7. 3 / 4 8. Sod to other companies that make them into different products9. Made into new containers10. One of the top five in the USAUnit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlookfor the global economy?2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its productsWhat is its plan?5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?Tapescript:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown andJapan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.Electronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up)Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier London's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% afterbriefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lowerthan expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billionprofit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations.Part II News reportsA:Summary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's listMark their ranks.2 Citigroup4 HSBC Banking Company-- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler1 General Electric Corporationn Microsoft3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list? Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profitsso far.Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world.The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan.Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers andacquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.B:Summary:This news report gives us a general picture of the U.S. stock market. It also presents some analysts' views on the market. Statements:1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market. Tapescript:U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "blue-chips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components. Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway. However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oil prices and interest rates will make this a less than merry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline.Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes itincreasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lowerfor the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says thelonger-term looks better."No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. Ifyou're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F 8. T 9. T 10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus. Part IV Business jargonA1. …language shorthand….2. …overuse business jargon…a negative effect…。






























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老托Part C精选93篇1Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One On One" helps elementary students who've fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors—he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week.【生词摘录】ponent: n.[C]one of several parts that together make up a wholemachine or system (机器或系统的)零件;成分;组成部分2.tutor: n.[C]someone who teaches one pupil or a small group, and isdirectly paid by them 家庭教师,私人教师 v. to teach someone as a tutor 给…当家庭教师;指导3.mentor: n.[C]an experienced person who advises and helps a lessexperienced person 顾问,指导人,教练12I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance so that you're prepared for our discussion today. But, before we start, I'd like to mention a few things your text doesn't go into. It's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time. The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts. They provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C. In general, the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn't have to be repaid. Interest on the loans varied according to how risky it was to transport the goods. During periods of heavy piracy at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably. So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances, not to mention in hazardous weather conditions when they had this kind of protection available. Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four points that were salient then and remain paramount in all policies today. These were outlined in chapter six and will serve as the basis for the rest of today's discussion. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be?【生词摘录】1.insurance: n.[U]an arrangement with a company in which you pay themmoney each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as an illness or an accident 保险;the money that you pay regularly to an insurance company 保险费;the business of providing insurance 保险业2.bottomry: n.船舶抵押契约(如船舶损失,则债务取消),冒险借贷3.contract: n.[C]a formal written agreement between two or morepeople,which says what each person must do for the other 契约;合同4.loan: n.[C]an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc(银行等的)贷款5.understanding: n.[C usually singular]a private, unofficial agreement(私底下、非正式的)协议,协定6.interest: n.[U]a charge made for borrowing money(借贷的)利息[+on]7.piracy: n. the crime of attacking and stealing from ships at sea海上抢劫,海盗行为8.cautious: adj. careful to avoid danger or risks小心的,谨慎的,慎重的9.hazardous: adj.危险的10.s alient: adj.formal the salient points or features of something are themost important or most noticeable parts of it 【正式】显著的,突出的11. paramount: adj. more important than anything else 至高无上的,最重要的3Located at the NASA Research Center in Iowa is a 5,000-gallon vat of water, and inside the tank is an underwater treadmill designed by Dava Newman, an aerospace engineer. For four years Newman observed scuba divers as they simulated walking on the Moon and on Mars on her underwater moving belt. She wanted to discover how the gravity of the Moon and of Mars would affect human movement. To do this, Newman attached weights to the divers and then lowered them into the tank and onto the treadmill. These weights were carefully adjusted so that the divers could experience underwater the gravity of the Moon and of Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon. The Moon has less gravity than Mars does, so at lunar gravity, the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked awkwardly. But at Martian gravity, the divers had greater traction and stability and could easily adjust to a pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As Newman gradually increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer, graceful strides until they comfortably settled into an even quicker pace. Newman also noted that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen. The data Newman collected will help in the future design of Martian space suits. Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and, to allow for freer movement, the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered.【生词摘录】1.gallon: n.AmE a unit for measuring liquids, equal to 3.785 litres【美】加仑(等于3.785升)2.vat: n.[C]a very large container for storing liquids such as whisky ordye,when they are being made(酿酒、盛染料用的)大缸,大桶3.tank: n.[C]a large container for storing liquid or gas(盛放液体或气体的)大容器4.treadmill: n.[C]a mill worked in the past by prisoners treading onsteps fixed to a very large wheel(过去用以惩罚犯人的)踏车5.aerospace: adj. involving the designing and building of aircraft and spacevehicles 航空和航天(器制造)的 n.[U]the industry that designs and builds aircraft and space vehicles 航空和航天工业,航天工业6.scuba diving: n.[U]the sport of swimming under water while breathingthrough a tube connected to a container of air on your back 斯库巴潜泳,水肺潜泳(戴自携式潜水呼吸器潜泳)7.simulate: v. to make or produce something that is not real but has theappearance of being real 模仿,模拟8.Martian: adj. of or relating to the planet Mars火星的9.stride: n.[C]a long step大步,阔步10. elbow: n. [C]the joint where your arms bends 肘Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at Taylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome,but you'll still want to use an insect repellent.【生词摘录】1.Everglades National Park:大沼泽地国家公园2.saw grass:克拉莎草;加州砖子苗3.acre: n.[C]a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres英亩4.sampling: n. items selected at random from a population and used totest hypotheses about the population 取样,抽样,采样5.exotic: adj.approving seeming unusual and exciting because of beingconnected with a foreign country 【褒义】异国风情的,外国情调的:exotic birds 外国的奇异鸟类6.alligator: n.[C]a large animal with a long mouth and sharp teeth thatlies in the hot wet parts of the US and China 短吻鳄7.boardwalk: n.[C]AmE a raised path made of wood, usually built nextto the sea【美】(常在海滨)用木板铺成的小道8.prairie: n.[C]a wide open area of land in North America which iscovered in grass or wheat(北美洲的)大草原9.canoe: n.[C]a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and whichyou move along using a paddle 独木舟,小划子10.n egotiate: v. <口>成功通过,顺利越过11.m osquito: n.[C]a small flying insect that sucks the blood of peopleand animals 蚊子12.r epellent: n.[C,U]a substance that keeps insects away驱虫剂Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this series on "Survival in Outer Space." Please excuse the cameras; we're being videotaped for the local TV stations. Tonight I'm going to talk about the most basic aspect of survival—the space suit. When most of you imagine an astronaut, that's probably the first thing that comes to mind, right? Well, without space suits, it would not be possible for us to survive in space. For example, outer space is a vacuum—there's no gravity or air pressure; without protection, a body would explode. What's more, we'd cook in the sun or freeze in the shade with temperatures ranging from a toasty300 degrees above to a cool 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. The space suit that NASA has developed is truly a marvel. This photo enlargement here is a life-size image of an actual space suit worn by astronauts on the last space shuttle mission. This part is the torso. It’s made of seven extremely durable layers. This thick insulation protects against temperature extremes and radiation. Next is what they call a "bladder" of oxygen that's an inflatable sac, filled with oxygen, to simulate atmospheric pressure. This bladder presses against the body with the same force as the Earth's atmosphere at sea level. The innermost layers provide liquid cooling and ventilation. Despite all the layers, the suit is flexible, allowing free movement so we can work. Another really sophisticated part of the space suit is the helmet. I brought one along to show you. Can I have a volunteer come and demonstrate?【生词摘录】1.videotape: v. to record a television programme, film etc on a videotape把(电视节目、电影等)录在录像(磁)带上2.vacuum: n.[C]a space that is completely empty of all gas, especiallyone from which all the air has been taken away 真空3.shade: n.[U]slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sunmade by something blocking it 荫,背阴处4.toasty: adj.AmE informal warm and comfortable【美,非正式】暖烘烘的,温暖舒适的5.Fahrenheit: n.[U]a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32°and boils at 212°华氏温度6.marvel: n.[C]something or someone surprisingly useful or skillful, thatyou like and admire very much 十分有用(灵巧)的物(人)7.enlargement: n.[C]a photograph that has been printed again in alarger size 放大的照片8.life-size:又作life-sized,adj. a picture or model of something or someonethat is life-size is the same size as they are in real life 与实物(真人)大小一样的9.shuttle: n.[C]a spacecraft that can fly into space and return to Earth,and can be used more than once (可以多次使用的)航天飞机,太空穿梭机10.m ission: n.[C]an important job done by a member of the airforce,army etc, especially an attack on the enemy 任务,使命11.t orso: n.[C]your body, not including your head, arms, or legs(头和四肢除外的)人体躯干12.durable: adj. staying in good condition for a long time even if used a lot耐用的13.i nsulation: n.[U]material used to insulate something, especially abuilding(尤指建筑物的)绝缘材料;the act of insulating something or the state of being insulated 隔绝14.e xtreme: n.[C]something that goes beyond normal limits, so that itseems very unusual and unacceptable 极端15.b ladder: n.[C]a bag of skin, leather, or rubber, for example inside afootball, that can be filled with air or liquid (可充气或充水的)囊;袋16.i nflatable: adj. an inflatable object has to be filled with air before you canuse it 须充气方可使用的,(需)充气的17.s ac: n.technical a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bagand contains liquid or air 【术语】(动物或植物的)囊;液囊18.i nnermost: adj.formal furthest inside【正式】最里面的19.v entilation: n.[U]通风(ventilate: v. to let fresh air into a room,building etc 使通风)20.h elmet: n.[C]a strong hard hat worn for protection by soldiers,motorcycle riders, the police etc 头盔,钢盔,安全帽21.demonstrate: v. to show or prove something clearly证明,论证,证实;toshow or describe how something works or is done 示范,演示;to march through the streets with a large group of people in order to publicly protest about something (为公开抗议某事)游行,示威;to show that you have a particular skill, quality, or ability 展示,表露出(某种技能、品质或能力)6Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, I'd like to welcome you to tonight's program. The club is pleased to present the TV version of The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharp's rock ballet. This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production. It includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes that really help the audience understand the dance. The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework. It looks something like a pinwheel. Anyway, the dance is certainly full of fireworks! You'll see how Twyla Tharp explores one family's attempt to confront the violence in modern life. The central symbol of the work is a pineapple, but exactly what it represents has always created a lot of controversy. As you watch, see if you can figure it out. The music for this piece is full of the rhythmic energy of rock music. It was composed by David Byrne. Of the rock band Talking Heads? And the lead dancer in this version was Sara Rudner, who is perfectly suited to Tharp's adventurous choreography. Following the video, dance teacher Mary Parker will lead a discussion about the symbolism Ms. Tharp used. We hope you can stay for that. So, enjoy tonight's video and thank you for your support.【生词摘录】1.present: v. to give a performance in a theatre, cinema, etc, or broadcast aprogramme on television or radio 上演;演出;表演;播出(电视或广播节目)2.ballet: n.[C]a performance in which a special style of dancing andmusic tell a story without any speaking 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞曲3.animation: n.[U]the process of making animated films动物片的制作4.wheel: n.[C]one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc thatturn when it moves (汽车、公共汽车、自行车等的)车轮5.firework: n.[C usually plural]a small container filled with powder thatburns or explodes to produce coloured lights, noise, and smoke 烟火,烟花,焰火6.pinwheel: n.[C]a toy consisting of a stick with curved pieces of plasticat the end that turn around when they are blown 玩具风车(windmill, BrE)7.pineapple: n.[C,U]a large yellow-brown tropical fruit or its sweet juicyyellow flesh 菠萝,凤梨8.controversy: n.[C,U]a serious argument or disagreement, especially aboutsomething such as a plan or decision, that continues for a long time 争论;辩论;争议9.rhythmic:又作rhythmical, adj. having rhythm有节奏的10.a dventurous: adj.又作adventuresome,AmE【美】eager to go to newplaces and do exciting or dangerous things 喜欢冒险的,有冒险精神的;not afraid of taking risks or trying new things 敢作敢为的,大胆创新的11.choreography: n.[U]the art of arranging how dancers should move during8a performance 编舞(艺术);舞蹈设计12.s ymbolism: n.[U]the use of symbols to represent something象征主义(手法)9In our lab today, we'll be testing the hypothesis that babies can count as early as five months of age. The six babies here are all less than six months old. You'll be watching them on closed circuit TV and measuring their responses. The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they don't see what they expect to see. First, we're going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies. The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen. Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare at the dolls when the screen is removed. In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear. But then a third doll will follow. When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls. If we're right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two. It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count. My own research has convinced me that they have this ability from birth. But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question. Should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at such a young age? They have great untapped potential, but is it good for parents to pressure young children?【生词摘录】1.hypothesis: n.plural hypotheses,[C]an idea that is suggested as apossible way of explaining a situation, proving an idea etc, which has not yet been shown to be true 假设,假说2.closed circuit television (TV): a system in which cameras send picturesto television sets that is used in many public buildings to protect them from crime 闭路电视3.well-established: adj. established for a long time and respected历史悠久且享有盛誉的4.untapped: adj. an untapped resource, market etc has not yet been used(资源、市场等)未开发的;未利用的10Before starting our tour of Monticello, I'd like to give you some historical facts that might help you appreciate what you see today even more. Monticello was the very much loved home of Thomas Jefferson for over fifty years. Jefferson, who was, of course, President, was also a great reader and language enthusiast. He read widely on different subjects, including architecture. He wasn't formally trained in architecture, but as a result of his study and observation of other buildings, he was able to help design and build the house. He chose the site himself, naming the estate "Monticello," which means "little mountain" in Italian. In fact, many of the ideas behind the design also came from the Italian architect Andrea Palladio, who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of England. Jefferson, however, ignored one of Palladio's principles, that is, not to build in a high place. Monticello's elevation made the transportation of what was needed at the house—for example, food—especially difficult. But the view from the estate would not be as spectacular if Jefferson had followed Palladio's advice; there really is no boundary between the house and the nature around it, and so Jefferson was able to look out on his beloved state of Virginia from his wonderful vantage point. Now we'll go on to Jefferson's library.【生词摘录】1.Monticello:蒙提切娄2.appreciate: v. to understand how good or useful someone or something is欣赏,赏识,鉴赏3.enthusiast: n.[C]someone who is very interested in a particularactivity or subject 热衷于…的人4.estate: n.[C]a large area of land in the country, usually with one largehouse on it and one owner (在乡村附有宅地的)一大片私有土地,庄园5.elevation: n.[singular]a height above the level of the sea海拔6.spectacular: adj. very impressive and exciting壮观的,精彩的,引人注目的7.vantage point: a good position from which you can see something(能观察某物的)有利位置11Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let's get down to work. As the committee in charge of this year's tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda. First, we have to review the budget. The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500. Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees. As you know, we're working with Richardson's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year. Mr. Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs. He's sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that we're welcome to visit the nursery if we want to see the trees themselves. Lastly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting. Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested. So let's get on with it and turn to the first order of business.【生词摘录】1.item: n.[C]a single thing, especially part of a list, group, or set(尤指清单上、一群或一组事物中的)一项;一件;一条2.trustee: n.[C]a member of a group that controls the money of acompany,college, or other organization(公司、学院等的)理事,董事会成员: v.especially AmE to earn a particular amount of money as a profitafter tax has been paid 【尤美】获得净收入,净赚4.finalize: v. to finish the last part of a plan, business deal etc使(计划、交易等)确定,最后定下5.nursery: n.[C]a place where plants and trees are grown and sold苗圃(garden center,BrE)Welcome to the Four Winds Historical Farm, where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors like you. Today, our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof, able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years. How do they do it? Well, in a nutshell, thatching involves covering the beams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of a roof with reeds or straw. Our thatchers here have harvested their own natural materials for the job, the bundles of water reeds you see lying over there beside the barn. Thatching is certainly uncommon in the Untied States today. I guess that's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration. But it wasn't always that way. In the seventeenth century, the colonists here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw, just as they had done in England. After a while, though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles because wood was so plentiful. And eventually, other roofing materials like stone, slate, and clay tiles came into use. It's a real shame that most people today don't realize how strong and long lasting a thatched roof is. In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to one hundred ten miles per hour. That's because straw and reeds are so flexible. They bend but don't break in the wind like other materials can. Another advantage is that the roofs keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. And then, of course, there's the roofs' longevity—the average is sixty years, but they can last up to a hundred. With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldn't it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity?【生词摘录】1.thatcher: n.[C]someone skilled in making a roof from plant stalks orfoliage 盖屋顶者2.barn: n.[C]a large farm building for storing crops, or for keepinganimals in 谷仓,粮秣房,仓库,牲口棚;informal a large, plain building 【非正式】空荡荡的大房子3.withstand: v. to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such asgreat heat or cold, great pressure etc 耐得住,承受住(酷热、严寒、高压等)4.in a nutshell:spoken used when you are stating the main facts aboutsomething in a short, clear way 【口】一言以蔽之,简括地说,用一句话概括5.beam: n.[C]a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in buildinghouses,bridges etc 梁,横梁6.rafter: n.[C usually plural]one of the large sloping pieces of wood thatform the structure of a roof 椽7.skeleton: n.[C]the most important parts of something, to which moredetail can be added later 骨架,框架;梗概,纲要8.reed: n.[C]a type of tall plant like grass that grows in wet places芦苇9.straw: n.[U]the dried stems of wheat or similar plants that are used foranimals to sleep on, and for making things such as baskets, mats etc 秸秆(如麦秆等)10.c olonist: n.[C]someone who settles in a new colony开拓殖民地的居民,拓殖者11.s hingle: n.[C]one of many small thin pieces of building materials,especially wood, used to cover a roof or wall(覆盖屋顶或墙用的)木瓦;屋面板;墙面板12.slate: n.[U]a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces板岩,板石13.clay: n.[U]heavy sticky soil that can be used for making pots, bricks etc黏土14.t ile: n.[C]a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used forcovering roofs, floors etc(屋顶、地板等上用的)瓷砖,地砖15.l ongevity: n.[U]formal long life【正式】长寿;technical the length of aperson or anima l’s life【术语】(人或动物的)寿命A lot of people in the United States are coffee drinkers. Over the last few years, a trend has been developing to introduce premium, specially blended coffees, known as "gourmet coffees" into the American market. Boston seems to have been the birthplace of this trend. In fact, major gourmet coffee merchants from other cities like Seattle and San Francisco came to Boston, where today they're engaged in a kind of "coffee war" with Boston's merchants. They are all competing for a significant share of the gourmet coffee market. Surprisingly, the competition among these leading gourmet coffee businesses will not hurt any of them. Experts predict that the gourmet coffee market in the United States is growing and will continue to grow, to the point that gourmet coffee will soon capture half of what is now a 1.5-million-dollar market and will be an 8-million-dollar market by 1999. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers who convert to gourmet coffee seldom go back to the regular brands found in supermarkets. As a result, these brands will be the real losers in the gourmet coffee competition.【生词摘录】1.premium: adj. of high quality高级的,优质的2.blended: adj. combined or mixed together so that the constituent partsare indistinguishable 混合的3.gourmet: n.[C]someone who knows a lot about food and wine andwho enjoys good food and wine 美食家4.birthplace: n.[C usually singular]the place where someone was born,especially someone famous (尤指名人的)出生地;the place where something first started to happen or exist 发源地,发祥地You may remember that a few weeks ago we discussed the question of what photography is. Is it art, or is it a method of reproducing images? Do photographs belong in museums or just in our homes? Today I want to talk about a person who tried to make his professional life an answer to such questions. Alfred Stieglitz went from the United States to Germany to study engineering. While he was there, he became interested in photography and began to experiment with his camera. He took pictures under conditions that most photographers considered too difficult. He took them at night, in the rain, and of people and objects reflected in windows. When he returned to the United States he continued these revolutionary efforts. Stieglitz was the first person to photograph skyscrapers, clouds, and views from an airplane. What Stieglitz was trying to do in these photographs was what he tried to do throughout his life: make photography an art. He felt that photography could be just as good a form of self-expression as painting or drawing. For Stieglitz, his camera was his brush. While many photographers of the late 1800's and early 1900's thought of their work as a reproduction of identical images, Stieglitz saw his as a creative art form. He understood the power of the camera to capture the moment. In fact, he never retouched his prints or made copies of them. If he were in this classroom today, I'm sure he'd say, "Well, painters don't normally make extra copies of their paintings, do they?" 【生词摘录】1.experiment: v. to try various ideas, methods etc to see whether they willwork or what effect they will have 试验;试用2.skyscraper: n.[C]a very tall modern city building摩天大楼3.identical: adj. exactly the same完全相同的[+to]4.capture: v. to succeed in showing or describing a situation or feelingusing words or pictures(用语言或图片)记录下5.retouch: v. to improve a picture or photograph by painting over marks ormaking other small changes 描绘,润色(图画、照片)。
