



物流专业英语课后答案Chapter1Ⅰ.1、物流管理2、谈及,提及,说到3、以最大成本效益的方式4、物理协会5、信息管理6、另外,除此之外7、物流装置8、也,同样Ⅱ.1、the transfer of goods;the most cost-effective2、hardware;information control3、materials;information4、it is about the flow and storage of goods5、goods, service, the point of consumption6、logistics strategies and activitiesⅢ.1、提到物流或物流管理,说法并不统一,不同的组织对此有不同的定义。




Ⅳ.1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DⅤ.1.quick response2.a new commercial arearmation technology4.containerization technique5.modern logistics6.major function7.location value8.distribution processing valueⅥ.现代物流采用了集装技术。





1、 物流管理 4、物理协会 7、物流装置
2、谈及,提及,说到 5、信息管理 8、也,同样
1、the transfer of goods;the most cost-effective
2、hardware;information control
最有挑战性和刺激性的工作之一。 4、 现代物流关系到货物流和信息流的有效性和高效性。
1.D 2.C 3.A
1. quick response
2. a new commercial area
3. information technology
4. containerization technique
4、it is about the flow and storage of goods
5、goods, service, the point of consumption
6、logistics strategies and activities
1、 提到物流或物流管理,说法并不统一,不同的组织对此有不同的定义。 2、 文明社会伊始,物流就已经存在,因而不是新鲜事。 3、 然而说到现代物流,几乎所有商业界专业人士认为,尽管看不见,摸不着,物流却是
1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch2 课后练习答案[6页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch2 课后练习答案[6页]

Ch2 第2章Supply Chain Management 第1课I Phrases translation供应链supply chain最终用户end customers供应链管理supply chain management 货物流product flow核心能力core competency信息流information flow因果图cause-and-effect diagram 人力资源human resource上游供应商upper stream supplier 供应链整合supply chain integration 下游企业down stream firm物资供应material procurement 流程图flow diagram预定程序booking-in processII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1、supplier , customer供应链管理是供应商与最终客户间的连接网络系统。

2、procure, transform, deliver供应链管理是采购原料和服务、生产/转型形成中间产品和最终产品,并将其发送至客户的各种活动的整合。


4、improving the relationships of the parties on the chain.供应链整合目标实际上始于提高链上成员之间的关系5、brainstorming , cause-and-effect项目组和那些参与这一进程的人开了一个下午的会议,这种头脑风暴会议的结果产生了一个因果图。

III.Listen to the interview, and answer to the following questions:TapescriptProf. GARY GEREFFI: Wal-Mart, as an efficiency machine, has just done better than any other U.S. retailer, or perhaps any other U.S. company in history.HEDRICK SMITH: With other mass retail chains, like Target and K-Mart,Wal-Mart generated a revolution in how goods are produced, a shift from what's called "push production" to "pull production."Prof. EDNA BONACICH, U.C. Riverside: The push system involved manufacturers deciding what they're going to produce and then trying to get retailers to buy it and sell it for them. The pull system involves retailers deciding what is being sold, collecting information on what is being sold, and then telling manufacturers what to produce and when to produce it based on what is actually being sold.HEDRICK SMITH: Wal-Mart's pull is so powerful that here in Bentonville, manufacturers have set up satellite sales offices. In what's now known as Vendorville, I found a Who's Who of Wal-Mart vendors. In one corporate office park, I found a sock manufacturer, Kentucky Derby Hosiery. Its CEO is Bill Nichol.BILL NICHOL, CEO, Kentucky Derby Hosiery: Yes. If you want to sellWal-Mart, you know, you need to come to Bentonville. It's been that way for a long time. I don't see that that's going to change. So people who travel a lot found it maybe more convenient just to have an office here, that they were continuously coming to Bentonville, so a lot of them just moved here, or at least opened an office here. HEDRICK SMITH: The suppliers come in droves, hungry for big contracts. They get herded into little rooms for bargaining sessions with Wal-Mart buyers.BILL NICHOL: They force all of us, by really good business discipline, to be sure we're paying attention at all times to what their customers want to buy. It serves the purpose of saying, "This is what they want, and they want to buy it at this price." Therefore, that's what we'd better be doing, our little company.HEDRICK SMITH: The focus is on what matters most to Wal-Mart: prices.JON LEHMAN, Former Wal-Mart Store Manager: Well, it's very one-sided. There is no negotiation. There's not much negotiation at all. The manufacturer walks into the room. I've been in these little cubicles, I've seen it happen. The buyer says, "Look, we want you to sell it to us for 5 percent on a dollar – at cost – lower this year than you did last year."They know every fact and figure that these manufacturers have. They know their books. They know their costs. They know their business practices– everything, you know? So what's a manufacturer left to do? They sit naked in front of Wal-Mart. You know, Wal-Mart calls the shots. "If you want to do business with us, if you want tostay in business, then you're going to do it our way." And it's all about driving down the cost of goods.Prof. NELSON LICHTENSTEIN: The power of Wal-Mart is such, it's reversed a 100-year history in which the manufacturer was powerful and the retailer was sort of the vassal. It's changed that. It turned that around entirely. Now the retailer, the mass global retailer, is at the center. That's the power. And the manufacturer becomes the serf, the vassal, the underling who has to do the bidding of the retailer. That's a new thing.第2课I Phrases translation供应链战略supply chain strategy 多供应商战略many suppliers strategy 少数供应商战略few suppliers strategy 纵向整合战略vertical integration企业集团keiretsu networks 虚拟企业virtual company前向整合forward integration 后向整合backward integration 规模经济economy of scale成本降低cost reductionII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1、demands, specifications, low bidder, supplier在多供应商战略中,各供应商对采购方的报价要求中的需求和规格做出回应,订单往往是为报价较低者所获得。

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch1 课后练习答案[5页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch1 课后练习答案[5页]

Ch1 第1章Logistics Management第1课I Phrases translation客户订单customer order 最终用户end-customer供应链管理supply chain management 货物流material flow分销系统distribution system 半成品parts and subassemblies“准时生产”just-in-time production 库存inventory需求信息demand information 准时配送deliver JIT快速响应respond in time 延迟决策postponing decisions整合过程integrated process 中间产品middle-range products重组物流re-engineered logistics 交货日期delivery dateII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1、Managing material flow, information flow管理货物流和信息流是完成物流管理任务的一个关键部分2、source, end-customer物流管理的目的是使货物从源头流向最终顾客3、increase从历史上看,当库存形成时,会试图通过增加或减少销售来管理成品库存4、end-customer’s demand最终顾客的需求信号致使供应链做出响应5、build, lead“准时构建”这个术语被用来描述在一个被定义的提前期内快速的构建大型产品的新的概念。

6、dependability, inventory这种对整个供应链的整合将有助于实现市场需求的最大可靠性和最小库存III.Answer the following questions略IV. Listen to the conversation and answer the question or complete the sentencesTapescriptHEDRICK SMITH: As the world's largest company, Wal-Mart has tremendous power and influence. It is now the model not just for retailing but for companies all across the corporate landscape.Prof. NELSON LICHTENSTEIN, U.C. Santa Barbara: In the 19th century, it was the Pennsylvania Railroad, which called itself the standard of the world. Early 20th century, it might have been U.S. Steel. General Motors, of course, in the mid-20th century. But clearly, Wal-Mart today is setting a sort of a– a new standard that other firms have to follow if they hope to compete. And more than just other firms, it's setting standards for the nation as a whole.HEDRICK SMITH: By figuring out how to exploit two powerful forces that converged in the '90s, the rise of information technology and the explosion of the global economy, Wal-Mart has changed the balance of power in the world of business.Prof. GARY GEREFFI, Duke University: It used to be that manufacturers – big multi-national manufacturers – had the most power, companies like General Motors and General Electric. Today, I think that global retailers actually have become the most powerful companies in the global economy.HEDRICK SMITH: To understand Wal-Mart and how a company with such humble roots has managed to build a global empire, I headed for Bentonville, Arkansas. It's an overgrown crossroads town tucked into the Bible and barbecue belt of northwest Arkansas. Here, in the heart of the old town, sits the five-and-dime store that Sam Walton opened in 1950. A few blocks away I found the Wal-Mart of today, theWal-Mart we've come to know as consumers, a cornucopia of thousands of different items all under one roof, the epitome of one-stop shopping. Every week, Wal-Mart says, 100 million American shoppers stream into its 3,400 storesSHOPPER: It's very convenient for me to be able to get a one-stop shop. SHOPPER: I know I don't have to look and see where I can save the most money. I know when I come in here, I can save money.SHOPPER: Good prices, good quality of stuff.SHOPPER: I'm sort of thinking of having my Social Security check deposited directly to wal-Mart since I buy everything at Wal-Mart.BOB McADAM, VP, Wal-Mart Gov't Relations: What makes Wal-Mart successful, what keeps us motivated and what really challenges us every day, whether it was from the day one when Wal-Mart began or till today, I think it's the same, that we really strive in everything we do to keep our costs as low as possible, so that we can provide the customer a value and still make a reasonable profit for our company.HEDRICK SMITH: That was Sam Walton's formula: Buy cheap, sell for less than the other guy, and make your profit on high volume and fast turnover. Sounds simple, but this supercenter is a world away from Sam's five-and-dime. How do they keep track of it all? How do they know what to stock? How do they keep prices so low?第2课I Phrases translation物流成本logistics cost销售损失lost sale退货处理成本costs of return goods handling 潜在的销售potential future sale运输成本transportation cost进货渠道inbound channel出货渠道outbound channel订单处理成本order processing cost需求预测demanding forecasting销售沟通distribution communication 电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange 卫星数据传输satellite data transmission 条码bar coding内部成本internal cost外部成本external cost订单传输order transmittal订单输入order entry批量成本lot quantity cost缺货stockout库存持有成本inventory carry cost 资金成本capital cost仓储空间成本storage space cost 风险成本risk costII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1、order fulfillment客户服务成本是指用来支持客户服务的费用,包括订单执行、零配件和服务支持成本。

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch13 课后练习答案[5页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch13 课后练习答案[5页]

CH 13 第13章 LOGISTICS DOCUMENTS 2第1课 TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS (1)I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishbooking note mate’s receipt container load plan air waybilldelivery order short discharge shipping document maritime transport stevedoring company tally sheet outturn report business connections loading list negotiation of payment mode of transport road waybillII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese出口货物托运委托书装货单集装箱场站收据设备交接单铁路运单货物舱单货代收货证明理货公司运费舱单贷代运输证明积载图书面证明交接货物出港货物理货组长海关报关手续大副航运公司货物备妥待运舱位/舱容集装箱码头III. Challenging questions for discussion1. The main types of transport documents are shipper’s letter of instruction, booking note, shipping order, mat e’s receipt, dock receipt, container load plan, bill of lading, delivery order, equipment interchange receipt, sea waybill, air waybill, railway bill, road waybill, cargo manifest, forwarders’ certificate of receipt, forwarders’ certificate of transport, etc.2. The main types of shipping documents are booking note, shipping order, stowage plan, tally sheet, mate’s receipt, cargo manifest, freight manifest, outturn report, bill of lading, and delivery order, etc.3. The circulation of the relevant shipping documents is as follows:(1) The shipper (or consignor) makes an application to a shipping company or its agent for the shipment of goods by filling in a booking note (B/N).(2) After the acceptance of the booking note, the shipping company issues a shipping order (S/O) to the shipper, advising him of when and where to deliver the goods alongside the named ship.(3) The shipper, on the strength of the S/O, goes through the customs declaration formalities for outward goods and gets the goods ready for shipment.(4) The agent prepares a loading list for the ship according to the S/O.(5) The chief officer works out a stowage plan. A number of copies are sent to thetally company and stevedoring company through the agent for the arrangement of loading and discharge.(6) The chief tallyman checks all goods loaded on board against the tally sheets and signs the S/O.(7) The chief officer, by reference to the tally, endorses the S/O, which then automatically becomes the mate’s receipt (M/R) to be issued to the shipper after loading.(8) After paying for the freight (prepaid), the shipper turns over the M/R to the shipping company or agent in exchange for the bill of lading.(9) The shipper sends the B/L and other relevant documents to the bank for negotiation of payment.(10) The agent makes out for the ship a suitable number of copies of the export manifest (M/F) and freight manifest (F/M), which are required by the customs at the local port as well as other ports of call.(11) The consignee secures the B/L from the bank by effecting the payment for goods.(12) The consignee presents the B/L to the shipping company or agent in exchange for the delivery order (D/O), by which he takes delivery of goods at the warehouse.4. Not necessary.IV. Be familiar with each column of the shipping documents given below 略第2课 TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS (2)I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishmarine or ocean B/L receipt of goods shipped B/L direct B/Lclean B/L order B/L open B/L through B/Llong form B/L scheduled route multimodal transport operator liner B/Lcharter party freight charge maritime transportation documentestimated time of arrival (ETA)II. Translate the following English terms into Chinese运输合同的证明正本提单合法持有人集装箱识别码/集装箱号码附有条款提单/不清洁提单简式提单/略式提单货物所有权凭证/物权凭证记名提单转船提单备运提单可转让提单/可流通提单不可转让提单/不可流通提单多式联运提单租船提单出口舱单预计离开时间码头监管人员不清洁提单III. Judge whether the following statements are true or false1. T2. T3. F4. T5. FIV. Challenging questions for discussion1. The mate’s receipt.2. Bill of lading is a transport document issued by the carrier or its agent to the shipper admitting that goods have been received for shipment to a particular destination and stating the terms on which the goods are to be carried.3. bill of lading functions as a receipt of goods by the carrier evidencing receipt of the goods from the consignor, evidence of a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier containing the conditions on which transport is made, and a document of title to the goods in the sense that the lawful holder/owner of the B/L is the lawful owner of the goods and the carrier will only release the goods at the stipulated port of destination against the presentation of the original B/L.4. Fifteen types of marine B/L are mentioned in this part. They can be classified into the following categories in accordance with different criteria.(1) In terms of whether or not the goods are on boardShipped B/L (or On Board B/L) is issued by the carrier or its agent when all the goods are loaded on board the ship, and must bear the name of the ship and the date of shipment.Received for Shipment B/L is issued by the carrier or its agent when the goods are under his control before loaded on board the ship. The importer does not favor it, and usually the L/C will require the exporter to present shipped B/L for negotiation at the bank. However, with the development of container transport, received for shipment Bs/L are being increasingly applied.(2) On the basis of the apparent condition of goods notedW hen the shipping company writes on the B/L “The goods loaded are in apparent good order”, this B/L is a Clean B/L or an Unclaused B/L.When the shipping line gives such an indication as “The goods loaded are not in apparent good order” or “The packing is broken or … is polluted, etc.”, this B/L is a n Unclean B/L or a foul B/L or a claused B/L, and non-negotiable at the bank.(3) In the light of different characteristics of consigneesStraight B/L has a specified name in the column of consignee, which means that the goods can only be received by the specified person and the B/L cannot be transferred to a third person.Order B/L does not have a specified name but the phraseology of “To orde r”, or “To the order of …” in the column of consignee. This kind of B/L can be transferred to others by endorsement, thus called negotiable B/L, and widely used in international trade.Open B/L has neither the consignee’s name nor the phraseology of “To order” fill in the column of consignee. This type of B/L is also called negotiable B/L, and can be negotiable without endorsement, and ownership of the goods passes when the B/L is handed over to anyone. Owing to the exceedingly high risk involved, this B/L is rarely used.(4) In accordance with modes of transportUnder Direct B/L, the goods will be directly carried to the port of destination without transshipment. Under Transshipment B/L, the goods will be transshipped in transit.Through B/L is a development of these two Bs/L. Under Through B/L, the goods will at least be carried by two different modes of transport as sea-land or land-sea and taken charge of by different carriers during transport before arriving at the port of destination. A multimodal transport operator responsible for the whole voyage issues Combined Transport B/L, involving two or more different kinds of transport. This kind of B/L is usually used in container transport and may be a Received for Shipment B/L, but a Through B/L must be a Clean Shipped B/L.(5) In conformity with the detailed or simplified clausesLong Form B/L has detailed clauses printed on its back concerning the transport of goods so as to solve any possible transport disputes, while short Form B/L does not have such clauses on its back.(6) In compliance with the types of vesselLiner B/L is issued by the carrier when the goods are shipped on a regular liner vessel with scheduled route and reserved berth at destination, while charter party B/L is issued by a charterer of a ship to the exporter.5. Straight B/L has a specified name in the column of consignee, which means that the goods can only be received by the specified person and the B/L cannot be transferred to a third person. So it is also called non-negotiable B/L, and thus it is not commonly used in international trade and normally applies to high-value shipments or goods for special purposes.V. Make out the B/L according to the L/C given below略第3课 TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS (3)I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishmultimodal transport consignment note multimodal transport contract express delivery service courier receipt dock receipt multimodal transport document take delivery of goods port authority document for clearance Atlantic route short trafficsII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese航空运输克尽职责货运指示用于清关的源单据邮政特快专递服务敦豪速递公司联邦快递联合包裹服务公司铁路运单《国际公路货物运输公约》《国际铁路货物运输公约》III. Challenging questions for discussion1. The air waybill is approximately equivalent to the sea freight B/L, but it is not a document of title to goods or a negotiable instrument in the same way as is an ocean B/Lbecause the cargo would arrive at the destination airport days or sometimes weeks before the air waybill’s arrival via the banking system. Therefore, the consignee is allowed to take delivery of the goods before receiving the air waybill.2. A multimodal transport document evidences the contract of carriage of goods by at least two modes of transport, such as shipping by rail and by sea, issued by a multimodal transport operator under a multimodal transport contract.3. The difference between an MTD and a through B/L is as follows: Through B/L used for ocean transport always covers sea transport together with any other modes of transport, but multimodal transport document(MTD) may be applied to any kind of combined transport,not necessary connected with sea transport. This document can be either negotiable or non-negotiable, and usually non-negotiable.4. The function of a dock receipt is used to transfer responsibility when the export goods is moved by the domestic carrier to the port of shipment and left with the international carrier for movement to its final destination.IV. Be familiar with each column of the transport documents given below 略。



ReferencesUnit 1 An Introduction to Business LogisticsPart II. Exercises for Dialogue 1Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.1.Logistics means to supply the right product at the right time in theright quantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right price.2.It includes the procurement, maintainance, distribution andreplacement of personnel and material.3.These two concepts are the same meanings. Logistics is generalmeaning and includes military definition and business definition.Business logistics stresses special term on a trade or business. Exercises for Dialogue 21.(Opening)2.(Opening)Part III. Practical ReadingsExercises for Text 1I. Answer the following questions:1. Business logistics means to be defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows.2. Business logistics involves the following activities: demand forecasting,procurement, materials handling, packaging, warehouse and inventory management, ordering processing, logistics communications, transport, customer service and so on.3. The role of logistics is to maintain the balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product.II.1.商务物流管理有不同版本的不同定义 2 必要资源的利用3. 逆向货物的搬运4. 人员和材料的补充5. 复杂信息6. 现代的商业环境7. 需求预测8. 设施场地选择9. 公司最重要的财富10. 公司战略抉择走势评定III. definitions—heart---output---service---strategyIV. 1. 这一非常宽广的物流观点把单一的供应链与贸易公司的方方面面整合在一起。



物流英语习题答案1. What is the term used for the process of managing the flow and storage of goods and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet the requirements of customers?Answer: The term is "Supply Chain Management."2. What does the acronym '3PL' stand for in logistics? Answer: Third-Party Logistics.3. Which mode of transportation is considered the fastest for goods?Answer: Air freight is often considered the fastest mode of transportation.4. What is the term used to describe the process of moving goods from one place to another?Answer: The term is "Transportation."5. What is the role of a freight forwarder in logistics? Answer: A freight forwarder is responsible for arranging the transportation of goods, often on behalf of exporters and importers, and may also handle documentation and customs clearance.6. What is the meaning of 'warehousing' in the context of logistics?Answer: Warehousing refers to the practice of storing goodsfor a period of time before they are transported to theirfinal destination.7. What is the term used for the process of managing the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse?Answer: The term is "Inventory Management."8. What is the abbreviation for 'Electronic Data Interchange'? Answer: The abbreviation is 'EDI.'9. What is the role of a container terminal in the logistics chain?Answer: A container terminal is a facility where containersare transferred between different modes of transport, such as from ship to truck or rail.10. What does 'CFS' stand for in logistics?Answer: CFS stands for 'Container Freight Station,' which isa place where cargo is consolidated into shipping containers.11. What is the term used for the process of managing theflow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption in the most cost-effective manner? Answer: The term is "Logistics."12. What is the meaning of 'LCL' in shipping?Answer: LCL stands for 'Less than Container Load,' whichrefers to the shipment of goods that do not fill a shipping container.13. What is the term used to describe the process of managingthe flow of goods and services from the point of consumption to the point of origin in a reverse direction?Answer: The term is "Reverse Logistics."14. What does the acronym 'FCA' stand for in international trade?Answer: FCA stands for 'Free Carrier,' which is a term used in Incoterms to define the seller's responsibility for delivering goods to a carrier.15. What is the role of a customs broker in international trade?Answer: A customs broker is a professional who assists with the process of clearing goods through customs by preparing and submitting the necessary documentation and ensuring compliance with customs regulations.这些习题答案旨在帮助学习者掌握物流英语的关键术语和概念。

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch7 课后练习答案[4页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch7 课后练习答案[4页]

Ch7 第7章Inventory Management第1课.I Form phrases资金周转Cash flow运输成本transport cost现场仓库field warehouse 网络结构Network structure 运输工具Transport vehicles 延期交货订单back- orders库存周转率客户服务Inventory _turnover__ customer service工作进程中的库存周转速度Work-in-process_ Inventory velocity存货单位Stock _units_____II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese1. The inventory requirements of a firm depend on the network structure and the desired level of customer service. 一个公司库存需求取决于其网络结构和所期望的客户服务水平。

2. Similarly, transport vehicles break down, raw materials may suddenly be unavailable.类似地,运输工具的故障会导致原材料的突然短缺。

3. For all of these reasons, inventory is utilized to ensure that customer needs are met even when the production process itself is interrupted.鉴于所有这些原因, 库存用来确保满足客户的需要, 既使在生产中断的时候.4.The finished products can be shipped to field warehouses where they are mixed to fillcustomer orders.产成品被运到当地的仓库, 进行组装以完成客户的订单。

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch14 课后练习答案[4页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch14 课后练习答案[4页]

Ch14 第14章智慧物流第1课I Phrases translationII Fill in the importance of visibility across the supply chain.略III.Answer the following questions.略第2课I Phrases translationII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1.human brain人工智能的独特之处在于它能够比人脑更熟练地完成更具挑战的任务。

2.predictive demand在预测需求和网络规划领域,人工智能大大提升了企业的效率。

3.material shortages通过先进的机器学习和自然语言处理,该系统可以理解在线对话要表达的情感,并识别潜在的物料短缺、获取问题和供应商现状。

4.classifying the damage type人工智能提供的视觉检查正在以前所未有的速度识别“货物受损状况,对受损进行分类,并确定适当的应对措施”。

5.safety and efficiency虽然自动驾驶卡车辆可能仍需要更多的时间,但高科技驾驶辅助正在进入物流行业,这提高了安全性和效率。

ne-assist;assisted braking features随着高速公路自动驾驶仪、车道辅助和辅助制动功能的出现,道路运输将发生重大改变,预计这些功能将引领真正的自动驾驶的发展。

III.Answer the following questions.略第3课I Phrases translationII Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1.DepositingASRS是计算机控制的系统,用于从指定的存储位置自动存放、保管和查找托盘。


物流专业英语(第5版)Ch3 课后练习答案[5页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch3 课后练习答案[5页]

Ch3 第3章Logistics for Retail Management 第1课练习题1.将下列词汇翻译成英语零售物流Retail Logistics 综合配送composite distribution整合配送integrated distribution 快速反应Quick Response产品流Flows of products 风险流Flows of risk资金流Flows of finance 信息流Flows of information有效客户响应Efficient Consumer Response2.句子填空,并翻译成汉语1.The efforts of retailers to undertake distribution and ____ logistics ______ ___functions _______have dramatic influence on____ stock ______ _____ holding _____.翻译:零售商承担物流配送功能会对其库存量具有很大的影响.2.Retailers have been extending their___ control _____ ____ upstream _____, as a result of QR pressures and competition.翻译:由于快速响应系统带来的竞争压力,零售商开始对上游的供应商实施逆向控制。

3.The channel of modern retailing now consists basically of three main factors-___consumers ______ __ retailers ________ and ___manufacturers _______.翻译:现代零售渠道主要是由是消费者、零售商和制造商这三个成员所构成的。

4.Technology is important in itself, but __ the ___ ___ use __ ____ of____ ___ these ____ ___ data ___throughout the organization is crucial.翻译:科学技术本身就非常重要,在企业中使用这些数据是更为重要的。


第八章 信息管理
P:148 Part V Listening and speaking
2. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.
Answer: 1. Lies; 2. Processing; 3. Decisions; 4. Gathered; 5. overlooked
4. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first
letters have been given.
Answers: resources, limited, resulted, purpose, barrier, readily
Passage 1 Answer: D, A, B, B, C
3. complete each of the following sentences
Answer: B,C, C, A, A;
B, D, A, B, D
4. Fill in the blanks
1. Project life cycles 2. Capital flows 3. Render 4. Perform 5. Outsource 6. Fraud
3. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.
Dirack, aid, amazing
Dialogue 2
Interchange, complicated, targets

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch8 课后练习答案[3页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch8 课后练习答案[3页]

Ch8第8章 Warehousing第1课I. Phrases training1. Brainstorming Ask the students of the whole class to think of as many words or phrases that associates withFigure 5-2 Brainstorming of words of warehousing activities Note:⏹ This task can help remind students of words they have learned related with warehousing activities. 本项活动有助于学生复习已学的有关仓储活动的单词。

⏹ The activity will work better if it is quick and quite intense with individuals encouraged both to listen to other members of the group and to contribute the ideas that occur to them. 鼓励各组的每个学生积极参与, ⏹ It can be made more intensive, if the whole class is divided into two groups of group A and B.2. Pair Work – Interpret and writeActivity Planning (结对活动方案设计):◆ Students work in pairs.◆ Students A chooses 5 to 10 words from the above words list of warehousing activities ,and write down on his own notebook.◆ Students A interprets or describes the activities which he has written on the notebook to Students B who listens and tries to write down the word from the description.◆ Then ,Student B turn to interpret and student A listen and write.II. Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1. warehousing activity仓储活动是生产者与客户之间的一个重要联系。

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch10 课后练习答案[2页]

物流专业英语(第5版)Ch10 课后练习答案[2页]

Ch9 第9章课后练习答案第1课I Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1.packaging industry; damage-free上海已增加了在包装业上的投资,以确保其包装的产品符合消费者对无损货物的要求。

2.added value制造商已开始意识到改进了的商品包装能极大地影响产品的增值。

yout;warehouse productivity.好的包装可对布局和设计以及整体的仓库生产率在正面的影响。

4.consumer ; interior; marketing设计用于吸引和告知最终客户的消费者包装,也指内部包装或市场包装。

5.industrial; customer工业包装在产品放上货架之前就被废弃了,而且客户可能甚至从未见到过它。

6.marketing ; packaging; color ; shape在销售作用中,包装向客户提供了有关产品的信息,也通过利用不同的色彩和形状促进产品的销售。

7.containment; utilization; convenience更明确地说,包装发挥了六个作用,即保护、容纳、利用、分配、交流和方便。

II Phrases translationmarketing package industrial package quality of products functions of packaging the domestic and world markets packaging industrydamage-free goodsUPC (Universal Product Code)III. Do you know the 6 main functions of packaging from the logistics perspective? Please discuss with your第2课I Fill in the blank and put the sentence into Chinese1.storage space; cube and weight好的包装能很好地与企业的物料搬运设备衔接、有效地利用储存空间和运输的体积和重量的限制。



Unit OneExercisesTask One VocabularyⅠ. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1.raw materials, final products2.replenishments3.Procurement4.Packaging5.DistributionⅡ. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-D 2-G 3-B 4-J 5-C 6-I 7-A 8-E 9-F 10-HTask Two Reading ComprehensionⅠ. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F2.F3.T4.F5.TⅡ. Cloze.1.average2.falls3.plant4.inventory5.warehouses6.shipments7.locations8.staff9.products 10.total 11.rise 12.optimum 13.illustration 14.customer ernmentTask Three TranslationⅠ. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 物资调运2. 产成品3. 及时付货4. 储存空间5. 方式选择6. 车辆调度7. 增值服务 8. 第三方物流9. 物流是为了满足客户需求而对商品、服务及相关信息从原产地到消费地的高效率、高效益的正向或逆向流动及储存进行计划、实施与控制的过程。

10. 随着二十世纪七、八十年代北美经济的发展,交通运输的开放改变了商业领域的竞争面貌。

Ⅱ. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. raw materials2. inventory management3. logistics mix4. carrier routing5. logistics channel6. profit margin7. supply chain management 8. Gulf War9. The main functions of logistics consist of procurement, transportation, package, distribution,distribution processing and information management etc.10. This new conception emphasizes on collaboration among companies within a supply chain, integrate faculties to optimize the overall benefits.Unit TwoExercisesTask One VocabularyⅠ.Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1. Marketing2. information3. management4. logistics system5. systematicⅡ. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-H 2-E 3-J 4-A 5-I 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-F 10-GTask Two Reading ComprehensionⅠ. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.F.Ⅱ. Cloze.rmation2.response3.nature4.central5.technology6.driving7.emergence8.operations9.distribution 10.customerTask Three TranslationⅠ. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 采购订货2. 在途物资3. 客户服务4. 采购信息5. 通信基础设施6. 广义定义7. 信息处理8. 供应商选择9. 以更广阔的眼光来看,物流信息还包括商品交易信息和市场信息。



第一单元物流概述听力材料:Ⅰ. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.1. Logistics is a hot topic in China and the whole world.2. Logistics is a discipline worthy of attracting the best and the brightest peoplefrom all walks of life.3. Our work is mainly to move goods and information at the lowest possiblecost.4. Modern logistics is related to the efficient flow of materials and information.5. The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer serviceat the lowest possible total cost.Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.1. A: The development of logistics can date back to ancient times in China.B: Really? Could you give me an example?A: Of course. In the Three Kingdom Period, Zhuge Liang invented wooden horses to transport food for his army.B: It is so amazing!2. A: I’m a little nervous about the interview.B: Please be relaxed. You are always very good!A: Will they recruit(招聘)only male staff?B: I don’t think so. Successful organizations are recruiting a variety of peoplefor their logistics management positions because diversity gives them anedge in the highly competitive global marketplace.Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first letters have been given.Many businesses that deal with supply of goods or services have their own logistics department. For example, a company supplying motor cars around the world will have a logistics team. The manager will oversee the process from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The team will deal with the acquisitionof cars from the customers as well as the delivery of parts and materials from suppliers. The suppliers and customers may be located in different countries.课后习题:Text 1Ⅰ.1. B2. D3. A4. C5.BⅡ.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. FⅢ.1. refers2. control3. inventories4. financial5. minimum6. combination7. achieved8. requirementsⅣ.1. modern logistics2. containerization techniques3. raw materials4. in-process inventory5. finished goodsⅤ.1.物流涉及订单管理、包装、运输、仓储管理、物料搬运等。



CH 12 第12章物流单证LOGISTICS DOCUMENTS 1第1课 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTSI. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishgovernment document commercial document export license inspection certificate of origin exchange control pro forma invoice country of origin inspection certificate of quantity consular invoice inspection certificate letter of credit inspection certificate of value government bodies bill of lading insurance policy veterinary inspection certificate relevant document domestic industry foreign competitiongeneralized system of preferences certificate of origin Form AII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese物流单证运输单证进口许可证原产地证书外汇非关税壁垒关税优惠认证机构商会海关发票跟单信用证商业发票重量检验证书数量检验证书卫生检验证书消毒检验证书验残检验证书包装检验证书熏蒸检验证书保险凭证(小保单)III. Challenging questions for discussion1. There are three main types of logistics documents, that is, government documents, commercial documents and transport documents, which are classified roughly according to the document source.2. The main types of government documents include import licence, export licence, inspection certificate, certificate of origin, and generalized system of preferences certificate of origin Form A, etc.3. The objectives of GSP are to increase the export earnings of developing countries, realize the industrialization and accelerate economic growth in developing countries.4. The main functions of import license are as follows: (1)It functions as a means of exchange control, the licence both permitting importation and allowing the importer to purchase the required foreign currency. Many countries use import license and foreign exchange authorization system to restrict imports. (2) Import licenses are considered to be non-tariff barriers to trade when used as a way to discriminate against another country's goods in order to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition. (3) It is used to control entry of dangerous goods.IV. Be familiar with each column of the following government documents 略I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishbill of exchange/draft sight draft credit note shipping marks customs declaration packing list/slip beneficiary certificate insurance company gross weight freight charges freight forwarder business relationsII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese重量单尺码单借项通知书远期汇票关税领事单证保险索赔品名/货物描述交付条件贸易统计进口控制反倾销税重量单净重保险险别被保险人运输途中报关代理保险人投保金额III. Challenging questions for discussion1. The main types of invoices are pro forma invoice, commercial invoice, consular invoice and customs invoice.2. The main parts on a commercial invoice are as below: the issue date, the importer, the exporter, the invoice number, shipping marks, descriptions and quantities of the goods, prices, delivery terms and other important information concerning the transaction.3. The main functions of the packing list are to give an inventory of the shipped goods, and it is usually required by the customs for clearance purposes.4. The difference between insurance policy and insurance certificate is that insurance certificate is a simplified insurance policy, usually contains similar data as an insurance policy, but it excludes the detailed rights and obligations of both sides at the back of the document.5. The main difference between the weight certificate and the quality certificate is that the weight certificate confirms the goods’ weight is in line with the weigh specified on the bill of lading, commercial invoice, insurance policy/certificate or other specified documents, while the quality certificate confirms the goods’ quality and specification is in conformity with that in the sales contract at the time of shipment.6. Main elements included in a certificate of origin are key details (typically consignor, consignee, and description of goods) regarding the shipment and such details to be in accordance with other documents such as documentary credit and commercial invoice; a statement of origin of the goods; the name, signature and/or seal of the certifying authority, etc.IV. Be familiar with each column of the following commercial documents 略I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishs hipper’s export declaration irrevocable confirmed L/C transferable L/Cusance L/C clean L/C unconfirmed L/Crevocable L/C confirmed L/C irrevocable L/Csight L/C acceptance L/C authorized authoritiesII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese书面承诺开证行不保兑的不可撤销信用证交易风险备用信用证延期支付信用证背对背信用证红款信用证循环信用证III. Challenging questions for discussion1. Letter of credit is a written promise which is issued to the exporter (i.e. the beneficiary) by the opening or issuing bank upon the request of the importer (i.e. the applicant), promising to pay a certain sum of money within a certain period of time against the stipulated documents.There are a number of different kinds of Ls/C, such as irrevocable L/C, documentary L/C, clean L/C, confirmed L/C, unconfirmed L/C, transferable L/C, acceptance L/C, sight L/C, usance L/C, deferred payment L/C, back-to-back L/C, revolving L/C, red clause L/C, standby L/C.2. The most commonly used L/C are the irrevocable L/C, sight L/C, confirmed L/C, etc.3. Shipper’s export declaration is a document prepared by the shipper and presented to a government authority specifying goods exported along with their quantities, weight, value and destination. It fuctions as a means by a nation’s customs authority to control exports and compile trade statistics.4.The credit note is a form or letter sent by a seller to a buyer, stating that a certain amount has been credited to the buyer's account; while the debit note is a form of letter sent by a buyer to a seller, indicating that a certain amount has been debited to the seller’s account.IV. Answer the questions according to the given letter of credit1. IRREVOCABLE, NEGOTIATION, SIGHT, DOCUMENTARY, AND UNCONFIRMED L/C。



第三单元运输管理Transportation ManagementPart II. Lead-in 课程导入1. What are the advantages of various transportations?2. Generally speaking, what are the common modes of transportation?3. What kinds of freight are suitable for sea transportation?4. What are the permanent structures that a railway system may include?5. Why is it impractical for road transport to replace rail transportation?参考答案:Open questions.Questions:Please answer the following questions after reading this article.Explain the important role transportation plays in logistics system.Describe the five modes of transportation and their characteristics.参考答案:Open questions.Part V. Listening and Speaking 听说1. Please read the following fundamental material and discuss specified questions.Please divide the students into small groups and discuss the following questions.参考答案:1) There are basically two ways that metals shippers are handling the expenses that have mushroomed for transportation methods over the past three years.2) Yes.3) Lombard is Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.4) According to the article, the causes of logistics cost is transportation and other shipper and distribution administration-related costs.5)Thyssen Krupp’s best opportunity to to cut costs is to cross-sell freight services within its own organization.2. Please listen carefully to the following sentences read by the teacher and translate them out.参考答案:1)The public provision (federal, state, and local government units) of highways has played amajor role in the development of the motor carrier because of the ubiquitous level of accessibility provided by the comprehensive U.S. highway system.公共公路(联邦,州和地方政府的)在汽车承运的发展中起到了重要的作用,因为美国公路系统提供了全面而又无处不达的水平。



物流专业英语第五版课后答案1、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well2、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher3、30.I want to find ______ and make much money. [单选题] * A.worksB.jobC.a job(正确答案)D.a work4、1.I saw ________ action film with my friend yesterday, and ________ film was amazing. [单选题] *A.a...aB.a...theC.an...the(正确答案)D.an...a5、We can’t go out ______ school nights. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. by6、57.Next week will be Lisa's birthday. I will send her a birthday present ________ post. [单选题] *A.withB.forC.by(正确答案)D.in7、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的8、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worriedB. worry(正确答案)C. worried aboutD. worry about9、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /10、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy11、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *A. pick you up(正确答案)B. pick up youC. pick you outD. pick out you12、73.()about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.[单选题] *A. So curious the detective wasB.So curious was the detective(正确答案)C.How curious was the detectiveD.How curious the detective was13、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] *A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises14、How lovely a day,()? [单选题] *A. doesn't itB. isn't it(正确答案)C.shouldn't itD.hasn't it15、A good teacher is able to_____a complicated idea in very simple terms. [单选题] *A.put across(正确答案)B.break upC.work outD.bring out16、What did you _______ at the meeting yesterday? [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. say(正确答案)D. talk17、They lost their way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was night began to fall. [单选题] *A. thatB. itC. what(正确答案)D. which18、I’m looking forward to hearing from you _______. [单选题] *A. recentlyB. soon(正确答案)C. quicklyD. fast19、You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____ you won’t pass the course. [单选题] *A. andB. soC. butD. or(正确答案)20、This kind of work _______ skills and speed. [单选题] *A. looks forB. waits forC. calls for(正确答案)D. cares for21、It is reported()three people were badly injured in the traffic accident. [单选题] *A. whichB. that(正确答案)C.whileD.what22、31.A key ring is used __________ holding the keys. [单选题] *A.toB.inC.for (正确答案)D.with23、66.—How much meat do you want?—________.[单选题] *A.Sorry, there isn't anyB.I can't give you anyC.Half a kilo, please(正确答案)D.Twelve yuan a kilo24、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn25、How many subjects are you _______ this year? [单选题] *A. takesB. takeC. taking(正确答案)D. took26、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms27、11.No one ________ on the island(岛). [单选题] *A.liveB.lives(正确答案)C.livingD.are living28、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take29、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ ameal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. [单选题] *A. shareB. to share(正确答案)C. having sharedD. shared30、17.Joe is a good student and he is busy ______ his studies every day. [单选题] *A.inB.with(正确答案)C.byD.for。

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Exercises 1Part II Vocabulary exercises1. B2. C3. D4.B5. D6. B7. A8. C9. C 10. BII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French. According tothe French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon’sarmy before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St.Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, theterm ‘logistics’ encompasses transport organization, army replenishments andmaterial maintenance.2.Logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that management must firstunderstand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developedand implemented to meet them. As will be discussed in more detail later, customerservice is the most important output of an organization’s logistics system. This focuson customer satisfaction will be emphasized through the text just as it should be inthe firm.Part III Vocabulary exercises1. B2. D3. A4.C5. D6.D7.A8.A9.C 10. AII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to apoint of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into theproduction process and/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer.2.Since these inputs can have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the finalproduct/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the overall success ofthe logistics effort. In addition, the move away from local sourcing in favor of globalbuying has complicated this entire process dramatically in recent years.Part IIII Vocabulary exercises1. D2.C3.B4.D5. A6. C7. D8. D9. B 10. CII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Cost has a relation to service. They go hand in hand. As you define your serviceagainst your costs or costs against service, the give and take develops into youroperating costs and budgets. Then you have to make sure that the cost can bemanaged. Otherwise costs can go out of control, or seem to.2.Logistics is a process, which runs from the vendor's door through to the customer's. Itinteracts with almost every group within the company and with many companiesoutside the company, including its customers. Effective logistics revolves around fivekey issues--movement of product, movement of information, time/service, cost andintegration. Each of this is critical to the success of logistics and to creatingvalue-added to the company and improving competitiveness.Exercises 2Part II Vocabulary exercises1. A2. B3. B4.B5.A6. B7. B8.B9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15.DPart III Vocabulary exercises1. A2.C3.A4. D5.A6. D7.B8. B9. D 10. B II Structure1. C2. C3.C4.D5.CPart IIII Vocabulary exercises1.A2. B3. C4. A5. A6.C7.A8. CII Structure1.C2. C3. C4. A5. BExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:. The Public sector ______an important role in transport, through the construction, ownership and control of roads, railroads and in most countries.(A) do (B) get (C) play (D) plays2. This does not only relate to the handling techniques, _______to the equipment itself.(A) and (B) which (C) but also (D) too3. A ship may be moved from one trade or route to another, _______a port cannot be moved.(A) that (B) which (C) while (D) why4. The high cost of provision, longevity and scale economies associated _______the fixed componentscreate tendencies towards monopoly control, while the ease of entry, flexibility and lack of scale effetstend to stimulate competition in the mobile sector.(A) on (B) in (C) to (D) with5. Public authorities are most often responsible (1) planning, construction and maintenance of the fixed elements of transport, the infrastructure. It is assumed that their main (2) is to secure the international trade to and from a region or a country. But the investments they are willing to undertake must in most cases be demonstrated to have a viable economic basis through projections of cargo flows and (3) national gains. The careful planning and (4) of road and port projects are examples of this. The shipowners, as the suppliers of ships, will have similar interests in evaluating the cargo flow to and from a specific area. But as they operate internationally and their ships most likely serve other regions or countries, at least in liner operations, their considerations will have a wider scope within some profit motive. They may not be willing to add capacity to a service to cater for local needs.(1) (A) on (B) in (C) to (D) for(2) (A) objective (B) object (C) objectively (D) objecting(3) (A) result (B) resulting (C) results (D) resulted(4) (A) evaluation (B) improvement (C) development (D) increaseII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1. mobile, relate, infrastructure,influenced, link, consists,(1) The _____elements are also generally cheap.(2) This does not only ______to the cargo handling techniques, but also to the equipment itself.(3) It is the features of the fixed and mobile components of transport that have _______the present institutional arrangements in the industry.(4) A particularly important ________ between transport and development is in international interaction.(5) A transport system _______of inland transport, ports and ocean going vessels.(6) The importance of building up a transport that involves considerable cost has madethis a widely accepted public task.Part IIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. The capability to efficiently transport large tonnage over long distance is the main reason _____ continue to handle significant inter-city tonnage and revenue.(A) motor carrier (B) water transport (C) railroads (D) pipelines2. _______is the oldest mode of transportation(A) Motor carrier (B) Water transport (C) Railroads (D) Air transport3. _____ can not be transported by pipelines.(A) gas (B) general cargo (C) liquid (D) slurry4. One ______aspect of air transport is the high cost.(A) prohibitive (B) limited (C) obstacle (D) advantage5. There has been an increasing _ (1)__ on these vehicles both in developed and in developing country. The construction of motorway and trunk road network, the concentration of manufacture into bigger production units and the general trend towards containerization have supported and (2) to this trend. Road transport shares the road or highway (3) other user. The (4) of roads are normally financed either through direct taxes (toll roads), by petrol or other indirect taxes or by combination.(1) (A) to rely (B) rely (C) relied (D) reliance(2) (A) lead (B) led (C) leading (D) to lead(3) (A) with (B) on (C) and (D) in(4) (A) build (B) building (C) manufacture (D) constructII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:. unique, complementary, extremely, ranks, shifted, reduced,(1). The basic nature of a pipeline is ______in comparison to all other modes of transport.(2) Water transport _______ between rail and motor carrier in respect to fixed cost.(3) The replacement of steam by diesel power ______ the railroads’ variable cost per ton-mile.(4) In many situations road and rail transport may be seen as ______ rather than a competitor.(5) Port and freight station are places where goods are _____from one mode of transport to another.(6) The main advantage of water transportation is the capacity to move large shipments.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. According to the passage, transport economics is influenced by _______factors.(A) five (B) six (C) seven (D) eight2. ______ is a major influence on transportation cost since it directly contribute to variable cost, such as labor, fuel and maintenance.(A) Product density (B) Stowability (C) Market (D) Distance3. Items with standard rectangular shapes are much easier to stow ______odd-shaped items(A) with (B) than (C) to (D) at4. The bill of lading serves as a receipt and documents commodities and quantities ______.(A) ship (B) shipped (C) shipping(D) to ship5. The multi-modal transport operator (MTO) acts (1) the principal for the performance of the multi-modal transport contract and, in (2) capacity undertakes to contract and provide for the different modes of transport and other services required for expeditious, efficient and safe transport of goods from the place where he takes the goods in charge to the place where he deliver the goods (3) the contract. In the execution of the contract he has necessarily to engage the services of several carriers such as shipowners, road operators, railways, airlines or inland water way operators in addition to non-carriers like terminal operators, warehouses, container freight stations, groupage or consolidation depots, container (4) organizations or freight forwarders.(1) (A) on (B) as (C) to (D) at(2) (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where(3) (A) according to (B) due to (C) because (D) in addition to(4) (A) lending (B) borrowing (C) owning (D) leasingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:Applied , decreases, arrange, delivery, lists, required(1) Special handling equipment may be for loading or unloading trucks, railcars, or ships.(2) Transportation cost per unit of weight ________as load volume increases.(3) The shipping manifest ______ individual stops or consignees when multiple shipments are placed on a single vehicle.(4) The primary task of forwarding is to ______ international transport of general cargo on behalf of others.(5) Export rates may reduce total cost if to domestic origin or destination line-haul transport.(6). In many situations the place of ______ of a cargo may not be known at the time of loading. A typical example is oil.Answers:Part I I.1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.CBDC II. (1)mobile (2)relate (3)influenced (4)link (5)consists(6) infrastructurePart II I.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.DBAB II. (1)unique (2)ranks (3)reduced (4)complementary(5)shifted (6) extremelyPart III I.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.BAAC II.(1)required (2)decreases (3)lists (4)arrange (5)applied(6)deliveryChapter IV ExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Contract warehousing, which is ______ from the public warehouse segment, provides benefitsof both the private and public alternative.(A)to evolve (B)evolving (C)develop(D)development2. A private warehouse is operated by the firm _______ the product.(A)owning (B)own (C) have (D) has3. Public warehouses frequently offer operating and management expertise ______ warehousing istheir core business.(A)because of (B)since (C)that(D) which4. There are contract warehouses capable of _______ total logistics responsibility for enterprises that desire only to manufacture and market.(A) assume (B) assuming (C) respond(D) responding5. The major benefits of private warehousing (1) control, flexibility, cost, and other (2) benefits. Private warehouses provide more control since the enterprise has absolute decision-making authority over all activities and priorities in the facility. This control (3) the ability to integrate warehouse operations with the (4) of the firm’s logistics.(1) (A) include (B) includes (C) include to (D) is to include to(2) (A) perception (B) intangible (C) tangible (D) advantage(3) (A) facilitates (B) available (C) have (D) provide(4) (A) other (B) that (C) rest (D) allII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:standardized, specialized, combines, substantial, results, application,(1) Public warehouse operators generally offer relatively _______ service to all clients(2) A warehouse requires _______ material-handling activities.(3) Firms with very _______ customers or products are often motivated to develop their own warehouse facilities.(4) Contract warehousing _______ the best characteristics of both private and public operations.(5) This ______ in high-volume operations that can spread fixed costs and justify more efficient handling equipment.(6) ABC analysis is an inventory _______ of what is known as the Pareto Principle.Part 2Practice:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1 _____are utilized in the combination with four-wheel trailers on a continuous power basis.(A) Forklift truck (B) Towlines (C) Conveyors(D) Carousels2. A pallet or slip sheet forms a platform upon _____ master cartons are stacked.(A) that (B) which (C) where (D) why3. It is not as economical _______ the towline because it requires greater labor participation and is often idle.(A) on (B) at (C) such (D) as4. Typical application _____ selection of individual packages in pack-and repack and service parts operation.(A) involve (B) involving (C) involves (D) to involve5. The holding of the inventory is risk with because of the capital's investment and the potential for _(1)__. First, investment for inventory cannot be used _(2)__ other goods or assets that could improve the enterprise performance. Alternatively, funds supporting inventory investment must be borrowed, (3) the firm' s interest expense. A second form of risk is the possibility that the product will be pilfered or become obsolete. These factors and the relative magnitude of assets that are inventory-related contribute substantially to the risk of most enterprises. It is important to understand that the nature and extent of risk vary (4) on an enterprise' s position in the distribution cha nnel.(1) (A) lack (B) over time (C) obsolescence (D) broken(2) (A) to obtain (B) get (C) have (D) obtain(3) (A) rising (B) raising (C) increasing (D) developing(4) (A) depend (B) to depend (C) depends (D) dependingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:advancements, indicates, merchandise, automated, installation, development(1) Forklift trucks are most effectively utilized in shipping and receiving, and to place _______ in high cube storage.(2) Considerable ________ have been made in automated-guided vehicle system.(3) A series of lights or a “light tree” in front of each pick location _______ the number if items to pick from each location.(4) A number of _______ decoupling devices have been perfected that route trailers from the main line to selected shipping docks.(5) In-floor _______ is costly to modify and difficult to maintain from a housekeeping viewpoint.(6) An exciting and revolutionary technological ______ for managing a firm’s operation is the Internet.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. _____ we may think of service as not having inventory , that is not the case.(A) since (B) but (C) although (D) so2. Finished goods inventory is completed awaiting shipment.(A) cargo (B) goods (C) product (D) things3. _____ inventory is the minimum inventory necessary to keep a perfect system running.(A) WIP (B) MROs (C) ABC analysis (D) JIT4. It is not realistic to monitor inexpensive items with the same intensity _______ very expensive items.(A) with (B) so (C) as (D) to5. E-commerce is revolutionizing the way operations managers achieve (1) efficiencies. Economical collaboration can (2) decision-making and reduce costs. Cost reduction can occur in transaction (3) , purchasing efficiencies, inventory reduction, scheduling, and logistics. Stragglers won’t just be left behind---they will be eliminated. Operations personnel (4) use e-commence to their advantage will overpower their rival.(1) (A) bigger (B) greater (C) less (D) smaller(2) (A) improve (B) rise (C) lift (D) increase(3) (A) working (B) making (C) processing (D) doing(4) (A) that (B) who (C) which (D) whereII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:common, technologies, lack, consideration, benefits, generated,(1) Scale economies refer to the ability to reduce material-handling and storage cost through application of advanced _______.(2) The most ______ value-added service relate to packaging.(3) Operation of early warehouse illustrated the ______ of concern with material-handling principles.(4) Service ________ gained through warehouses in a logistical system may or may not reduce costs.(5) Supply requests are ______ as a pick list at the inventory center.(6) Management of service inventory deserves some special ________Answers:Part I: I.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.ABAC II. (1)standardized (2)substantial (3)specialized(4)combines(5)results (6)applicationPart II: I.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.CABD II.(1)merchandise (2)advancement (3)indicates(4)automated(5)installation (6)developmentPart III: I.1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.BACA II.(1)technologies (2)common (3)lack (4)consideration(5)generated (6)benefitsExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Prior (1) the 1980s, a significant portion of the information flows between functional areas (2) an organization and between logistics organization were paper-based.(1) (A) in (B) at (C) to√( D) on(2) (A) within√(B) with (C) in (D) to2.However, firms that are embarking logistics management initiatives now recognize the vital importance of information and the technologies that make this information available.(A)on (B)upon√(C)in (D)at3.Through a of agreements with giant retail customer ,P&G has made a major commitment to the development of dedicated customer teams to handle these major accounts.(A)lot (B)number (C)serious (D)series√4.Continuing through the supply chain, P&G orders to its supplier, 3M, indicated the mostof all.(A)Alternation (B)variability√(C)change (D)difference5.Several interorganizatonal come into play when addressing information sharing across the logistics.(A)Dynamics√(B)initiative (C)purpose (D)determinantII. Put the words or phrases in the box under the correct headings.III.. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.phenomenon, impacts, access, objective, distorted,facilitate(1) Four causes of this .phenomenon,were identified.(2) In fact, distorted information from one end of logistics to the other can lead to tremendous inefficiencies.(3) A primary objective of these teams is to facilitate the sharing of information between the firms.(4) This consolidation impacts the entire supply chain.(5) Fewer and fewer firms control access to customer trading areas.2. capabilities, demonstrate, impeded, deliberate, approach, technique(1) Just-in-time, or JIT, is a philosophy as much as it is a technique.(2) The conventional approach to meeting customer requirements is based upon some form of statistical inventory control.(3) This approach also impeded efforts to develop and capitalize on successful interorganizational ventures.(4) The Wal-Mart and P&G experience demonstrate how information sharing can be utilized for mutual advantage.(5) However , only as the variety of available information technologies and capabilities began to emerge.3.transactions, unreliable, accurate, crucial, resources, bullwhip, executives(1) Timely and accurate information is more critical now than at any time in the history of American business.(2) Information is a crucial factor in the manager’s abilities to reduce inventory and human resources requirements to a competitive level..(3) Distorted information throughout the logistics is a common result from what logistics executives at P&G and other organizations have termed the bullwhip effect.(4) These paper-based transactions and communications were slow, unreliable and error prone.Part III. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.order cycle time ( )2.order status information( )3.background information( )4.IOIS ( )5.documentation quality ( )6.business systems planning ( )A . Interorganizational Information SystemB. Time from customer order to delivery. Standards should be defined against customer’s stated requirements.C. Procedures or hot line for informing customers of potential problems on stock availability or delivery.D. Identification of problems and decisions associated with an organizational process and determines what information is needed to address them.E. The error rate on invoices, delivery notes and other customer communications, and also the documentation “user friendly” is necessary.F. Information required by decision makers in the member organizations to effectively andefficiently perform their roles within the logistics.II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.The participants indicated that current approaches used to share information internally, and with suppliers and customers, are in themselves to improving cycle-time performance..A. detestB. detachC. detersiveD. deterrents√2.Clearly, the main point of for improving cycle-time performance across the supply chain was “informating”.A. leverage √B. letupC. liableD. legal3.A (1) theme in the cycle-time problems discussed by the participating organizations was a critical (2) of information.(1)A. recurrence B. recurring √ C. repeated D. recycle(2)A. lacking B. wanting C. lack √ D. shortage4.To the information process, the research team decided to explore the development of an IOIS.A. facilitate √B. pushC. implementD. enhance5.This is not valid.A. assuranceB. supposeC. assumption √D. assuringIII. Read this articles about the logistics information system. Are this statements true(T) or false(F)?Increasingly, it seems that successful companies have one thing in common—their use of information and information technology (IT) to achieve quick response. Information systems are re-shaping the organization and also the nature of the linkages between organizations. Information has always been central to the efficient management of logistics but now, enabled by technology, it is providing the driving force for competitive logistics strategy.We are now starting to see the emergence of integrated logistics system that link the operations of the business, such as production and distribution, with the supplier’s operations on the one hand and the customer on the other. These systems are often referred to generically as Enterprise Planning Systems or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Already it is the case that companies can literally link the replenishment of product in the marketplace with their upstream operations and those of their suppliers through the use of shared information. The use of these systems has the potential to convert supply chains into demand chains in the sense that the system can now respond to known demand rather than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast.1. Because of the good linkages between organizations, a logistics enterprise can response quickly.( )2.The efficient management of logistics mainly depends on the IT system.( )3.Production scheduling is the driving force of the competitive logistics strategy. ( )4. Production and distribution are the emergence of integrated logistics system. ( )5. The use of shared information enable the logistics company to convert supply chains intodemand chains. ( )6.Responding to known demand will be more efficient than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast. ( )Part IIII. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. Today , a laptop computer weighing 5 pounds exceeds all of the power of an old mainframe by several order s of .A. capacityB. magnitude √C. volumeD. content3. The of new telecommunications and computer technology has also made real-time, on-line communications throughout the entire logistics a reality.A. increaseB. inflationC. raiseD. proliferation√4.One of the major of traditional logistics is the lack ofplanning between logistics partners.A. weakness √B. defectC. faultD. fallingA. collaborationB. collaborative √C. collaborationismD. corporation5.Many organizations are some form of IOIS.A. accomplishB.implementing √C. enforceD. complete6.What makes these systems so important is the caused by inaccurate forecasts.A. instability √B. wavyC. volatilityD. unsteadinessII. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.Global inventory management2.Intercompany information access3.Total logistics management4.Global sourcing5.Data capture6.Data interchangeA. consolidation of the purchasing function across organizational lines, facilitating leverage and component standardization across business units.B. integrating all transportation ordering and manufacturing system.C. ability to locate and track the movement of every item.D. between affiliates and nonaffiliated through standard telecommunications channels.E. ability to acquire data about an order at the point of origin, and to track products during movement and as their characteristics change.F. clarity of production and demand information residing in organizations both upstream and downstream throughout the value chain.III. Complete the missing information of the following form of the “Functions of a logistics informati on system” with the given phrases.D. system performanceE. internal dataF. customer order statusG. production schedulingH. inventory availabilityI. carrier performancePart IVI. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.How to best value from information technology resources is a major challenge facing both business and IT manager.A. wringB. distortionsC. extractD. extort√2.The development of software applications to logistics management is currently a hotbed of activity, promising continued growth into the future.A. relevantB. applicableC. significantD. pertinent√3. This software provides an end-to-end enterprise resource planning solution .incorporating the most advanced supply chain planning available.A. capabilities √B. abilitiesC. fitnessD. competency4. EDI improves productivity through faster information transmission as well as reduced information entry .A. reduplicateB. redundantC. redundancy √D. redundantly5.The great advantage of this approach was that it made the internet virtually .A. undeservedB. indestructible √C. indistinctD. indestructiveII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.profitable, potential , maintenance, utilized, tremendouslyA.EDI is also tremendously beneficial in counteracting the bullwhip effect described earlier in this chapter.B. The Internet offers tremendous potential for logistics members to share information in a timely and cost-effective manner.C.GE is now the most profitable U.S. company from the electronic commerce.D. Electronic commerce i s the term used to describe the wide range of tools and techniques utilized to conduct business in paperless environment.E. In the development and maintenance of the logistics’ information systems, both hardware and software must be addressed.2. significant, meld, numerous, exaggerations, replenishment1.GE will also release software to meld traditional EDI with the Internet,2.Electronic commerce is having a significant effect on how organizations conduct business.3.The benefit of EDI are numerous .4.They have implemented EDI to support their continuous replenishment program with many of their customers.5.Through the use of EDI, logistics partners can overcome the distortions and exaggerations in supply and demand information.3.scanning, legacy, maintained, coupon, sponsoredanizations adopt distributed computing architectures while they leverage their isolated legacy systems.2.In most cases, a data warehouse is a consolidated database maintained separately from an organization’s produc tion system database.3.Separate production systems may track sales and coupon mailings.4.The Internet was an initiative sponsored by the U.S> Department of Defense.5.Bar coding and electronic scanning are identification technologies that facilitate information collection and exchange.。
