翻译与文体——新闻英语翻译新闻英语(journalistic English)指英文报刊上常见的各类文章,体裁多样,有新闻报道、新闻特写、广告、公报、文艺作品、述评、访谈、学术介绍和争鸣……题材广泛,内容包罗万象。
限于篇幅,也因不存在一个统一的新闻报刊文体和为了便于陈述,本课所要讲的新闻英语主要指那些新闻性强的news report,news analysis, news features等。
新闻英语有以下文体特点:(一)词汇层面(1)新闻报道通常拥有自己的一些惯用词汇,或者叫做"新闻词语",如story一词意思常常是news item或news report,而probe一词则指"(新闻)调查",如中央电视台的一个重要栏目"新闻调查"即译为News Probe。
常见的其他例子还有:accord (give) ban (prohibition) bid (attempt) boost (rise, increase) clash抵触,不谐调(disagreement) deal交易,协议(business agreement) freeze稳定,冻结:使(如物价或工资)固定在一个既定或现行的标准上(stabilization) loom隐现(appear) blaze 强调燃烧强度并暗示发光的光辉(fire) comb彻底搜查(search) row 骚乱,吵嚷[rau] (violent argument) rap (to speak severely to, to blame, to punish) move提出议案:按国会的程序作出正式提议(plan, decision, suggestion) round (a series of action) shock (astonishment, blow) shun躲避:故意避开(to keep away from…) heist抢劫;偷窃(robbery) viable (workable) voice (express) operation An instance or a method of efficient, productive activity:有效率的经营方式(activities) pact合同, 公约, 协定(agreement) woo寻求以达到;尽力得到(to seek to win…,to persuade…) fake (counterfeit)这些常用的新闻词语一般都具有短小精悍的特点,这主要是由于使用短小的词语能够节省时间和篇幅并有利于抢发新闻的缘故。
《大学英语》第5段 段落与课文翻译
Book2 Unit 7 中译英翻译1) 在当地政府的领导下,村民们奋起应付由水灾造成的严重粮食危机。
Under the leadership of the local government, the villagers rose to the serious food crisis caused by the floods.2) 这个展览会很受欢迎,吸引着源源而至的参观者。
The exhibition is very popular and is attracting a steady stream of visitors.3) 妈妈上楼来查看我们这些孩子时,我转过身假装睡着了。
When Mom came upstairs to check on us kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep.4) 对阿姆斯特德来说,向毒贩展开斗争是个挑战。
Waging a battle against the drug pushers was a challenge to Armstead. She felt rather nervous but she decided to confront them.5) 老太太叫我小心些,不要与那些在街角闲荡的家伙讲话。
The old lady told me to be cautious and not to talk to the guys hanging out on the street corner.6) 一个卫生组织促使地方政府为建造一所新的医院筹措三百万美元的资金。
A health organization prompted the local government to raise a three-million-dollar fund for a new hospital.Unit 8中译英翻译1) 巨额投资(investment)使这一地区的经济得以迅速发展。
英语翻译基础--英汉互译名词解释英语翻译基础--英汉互译名词解释1、国际组织类已经考过的:apec,国际货币基金组织,G20,世界银行,世贸组织,EU,WTO,关税总协定,安理会常任理事国,CDED,IAEA,ASEM,UNICEF,ASEAN,OECD,APEC,前苏联可能要考的:联合国、联合国大会/联大、联合国安全理事会、欧盟、东盟、阿盟、非盟、20国集团、亚太经合组织、北约、上合组织、金砖四国、八国集团首脑会议、经合组织、关税及贸易组织、石油输出国组织/欧佩克、国际奥委会、国际足球联合会、国际原子能机构、核供应国集团、禁止化学武器组织、国际能源机构、博鳌亚洲论坛、英联邦、独联体、欧洲委员会、世界卫生组织、世界知识产权组织、世界旅游组织、联合国粮食及农业组织、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会、国际劳工组织、国际标准化组织、国际红十字会、亚太空间合作组织、欧洲货币联盟、国际复兴开发银行/世界银行、亚洲开发银行、非洲开发银行、欧洲中央银行、欧洲复兴发展银行、美洲开发银行/泛美开发银行、伊斯兰开发银行、不结盟运动、巴黎俱乐部、南方中心、阿拉伯各国议会联盟、拉丁美洲议会、海湾合作委员会、联合国工业发展组织、联合国开发计划署、联合国环境署、世界动物卫生组织、世界穆斯林大会、世界气象组织、世界和平理事会、国际金融公司、国际海事组织、国际民用航空组织、国际开发协会、国际商会、国际贸易中心、国际捕鲸委员会、阿拉伯石油输出国组织、太平洋岛国论坛、SCO、UNSC、OECD、OIE、OPEC、FAO、UNESCO、UNCF、UNIDO、UNDP、UNEP、UNCDF、UNCTAD、WHO、WMO、GATT、WIPO、WPC、ILO、IMF、IOC、IPC、ISO、ICC、IAEA、NATO、OPEC、EEC、NAM、UNCITRAL、UNDP、UNEP、UNIDO、WB、WCO、WEC、WFC、WFP、WTO、EMU (European Monetary Union)、PLO(PalestineLiberationOrganization)巴勒斯坦解放组织、EFTA/欧洲自由贸易联盟2、中国政府机关名词已经考过的:全国人民代表大会,政协,npc、可能要考的:主席团、常务委员会、办公厅、秘书处、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、国务院、外交部、国防部、国家发展计划委员会、教育部、科学技术部、国家科学技术工业委员会、国家安全部、监察部、民政部、司法部、财政部、人事部、劳动和社会保障部、国土资源部、建设部、铁路部、交通部、信息产业部、水利部、农业部、对外贸易经济合作部、文化部、卫生部、国家计划生育委员会、中国人民银行、国家审计署、国务院办公厅、国务院研究室、新闻办公室、海关总署、国家税务总局、国家环境保护总局、中国民用航空总局、caac、国家广播电影电视总局、国家体育总局、国家统计局、国家工商行政管理局、新闻出版署、国家版权局、国家林业局、国家质量技术监督局、国家药品监督管理局、国家知识产权局、国家旅游局、新华通讯社、中国科学院、中国社会科学院、中国工程院、中国地震局、中国气象局、中国证券监督管理委员会、国家轻工业局、国家纺织工业局、国家海洋局、国家测绘局、国家外汇管理局、国家出入境检验检疫局、中国共产党中央委员会、中央政治局、CPPCC、中央政治局常务委员会、中央书记处、中央军事委员会、中央办公厅、中央组织部、中央宣传部、中央统一战线部、中央对外联络部、中央政策研究室、中央党校、中央翻译局、中央档案馆、中国人民政治协商会议、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会、中国共产党、中国国民党革命委员会(民革)、中国民主同盟(民盟)、中国民主建国会(民建)、中国民主促进会(民进)、九三学社3、美国《时代》周刊评出年度热词已经考过的:defacto,Neet,unfriend,somebody'scupoftea,givethefloorto,thein-thing,infortainment,可能要考的:Vuvuzela/呜呜祖拉、TopKill/JunkShot/StaticKill/T opHat顶部封杀/垃圾弹/静态封杀/盖帽法、深水地平线/DeepwaterHorizon、Bedbugs/臭虫、Eyjafjallajokull/冰岛火山、Austerity/节衣缩食/欧洲紧缩政策、AnchorBabies/定锚婴儿、MamaGrizzlies/棕熊妈妈军团、ReleasetheKraken/释放海妖、Double-dip/二次探底、Bungabunga/强行侵犯俘虏/意大利总理贝卢斯科尼举办的性派对、海地地震、维基解密、援救智利矿工、巴基斯坦特大洪灾、朝鲜半岛局势、也门/反恐战争新前线、基地组织、主权债务/sovereigndebt、实体经4、科技发明类已经考过的:HDTV,CPU,显示器,小排量汽车可能要考的:Semiconductor/半导体、5、近年重大疾病类已经考过的:CBS,TheGuardian,FIT,新华社、CCTV可能要考的:CBC、BBC、ABC、CNN、AP/Associated Press、美联社、路透社、全国广播公司(NBC )、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)、美国广播公司(ABC)、美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、福克斯新闻频道(FOX NEWS)、日本广播协会(NHK)、半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)、加拿大广播公司(CBC)、澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)、东京广播公司(TBS)、韩国kbs电视台(KBS)、家庭影院频道(HBO)、[V]音乐台(channelv)、探索频道(discovery)、美国音乐电视频道(MTV)、NPR(National Public Radio)美国全国公共电台、7、美国之音常用新闻词汇已经考过的:commuter/乘车上班族、lipsynching/假唱、入境签证,Commuter,爵士摇滚,可能要考的:intangibleculturalheritage/非物质文化遗产、holdoff/保持距离、barrage/接连发问sound-detectiongear:声音探测器spam:垃圾邮件hideout:藏身点snap:仓促的coupplotter:政变策划者stemcell:干细胞playup:大肆渲染graffiti:涂鸦feverpitch:高度兴奋,狂热overstaff:人员过多peacesaboteur:和平破坏者comatose:昏迷的crackdown:取缔,制裁down-to-earth:实际的切实的BallisticMissileTest:弹道导弹试验Ordeal:严峻的考验Kidnapper:拐子、绑匪AtomicNucleus:原子核ConfidenceVote:信任票Denuclearization:非核化Blast:爆炸,冲击波GreenBeltMovement:绿带运动Argumentative:爱争论的Cram:塞满、拥挤SnapPoll:即席调查Premature:过早的,仓促的Paralyzed:瘫痪的LiftAnEmbargo:解除禁运Barbecuestoppage:中止;中断abstention:弃权clinicaltrial:临床试验ChrysanthemumThrone:天皇王位VaccinateBlockbusterMascotSleasyCULLOutofwhackhotwords:fie ldworkriotRedtape:繁文缛节ColdfrontAbduct:诱拐,绑架Preemptive:先发制人的Footage:电影胶片Incumbent:现任者,在职者MilitaryChief:军事最高统帅StateVisit:国事访问PermanentMember:常任理事国Relevance:意义,实用性UraniumEnrichment:铀浓缩PowerPlant:发电站Evacuate:撤退、疏散Bayard:骑士,勇武异常者launchpad:发射台Constituency:选区,选民atadiscountTabloidAchilles'heelPostmodernComeout (ofthecloset)Reggae Rap music Platonic Punk Blackball Coat tail Lame duck Independent counsel Preset Orbit:预定轨道Milestone:里程碑,转折点BallisticMissile:弹道导弹HeartBbypassSurgery:心脏搭桥手术Wail:大哭Denunciation:谴责、指责Holeup:藏匿StepDown:辞职,下台Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准BeakedWhale:突吻鲸,喙鲸Procurement:采购Handset:手机Stake:股份Portal:门户网站Showcase:展示Sedan:小轿车StrategicPetroleumReserve:战略石油储备BackT ax:退缴税CrudeOutput:原油生产LogOn:进入系统LagBehind:落在后面TeamUp:合作,协作AudienceRating:收视率PlayDown:对……不太重视FloorTrader:场内交易人APackageOfProposals:一揽子建议OperatingMargin:营运利润率Hedge-Fund:对冲基金Shortfall:不足、差额、赤字Anti-Trust:反托拉斯FullSwing:达到活动的ClawBack:夺回,费力收回BalanceSheet:资产负债表Inventory:货存、库存量MutualFund:共同基金LoanGuarante:借款保函ClassAction:集体诉讼Antidumping:反倾销Confetti:五彩纸屑FederalReserve:美国联邦储备系统Ink:签署(合同、文件等)HSBC:汇丰银行HotMoney:国际套利资本Scooter:速克达、踏板车、单脚滑行车InARow:一个接一个NetWorth:资本净值ABM=anti-ballisticmissile反弹道导弹abortivecoupattempt未遂政变absenttrial(absentvoting缺席审判(缺席投票absolutemajority绝对多数abstainfromvoting弃权abuseofpowerforpersonalgain以权谋私academia学术界academiccareer学历,学业academician院士AcademyAward奥斯卡金像奖academysciences科学院accreditedjournalist特派记者acquit (beacquitted宣告无罪(无罪释放actingpresident代总统activecapital流动资本activesubstance放射性物adversetradebalance逆差advisorybody顾问团after-saleservice售后服务aircrash飞机失事album专辑alliedpowers同盟国all-outban全面禁止all-roundtitle全能冠军alumnus(复数:alumni)校友amendment修正案,附加条款amicablerelations 友好关系amnesty特赦anarchy无政府状态animalyear本命年anti-corruption反腐败anti-robberybell防盗铃apartheid种族隔离appropriateauthorities有关当局arch-foe 主要的劲敌armedintervention武装干涉arm-twisting施加压力arson放火,纵火assemblyhall会议厅assemblyline生产流水线assemblyman议员,装配工assistantsecretary(美)助理部长assistantsecretaryofstate (美)助理国务卿attaché专员,(外交使团的)随员audiencerating收视率audiophile音乐发烧友authoritativeinformation官方消息authoritativesource权威人士autonomousregion(prefecture自治区(州axispower轴心国bachelormother未婚母亲backgroundbriefing吹风会,背景情况介绍会bacteria细菌bail 保释,保释金ballot选票,投票bankbook银行存折bankfailure银行倒闭barcode条形码bargainprice廉价beresponsibleforone'sownprofitandloss自负盈亏behonestinperformingone'sofficialduties廉洁奉公beeperBP 机behind-the-scenemaneuvering幕后操纵benefitconcert义演音乐会bestsupportingactressaward最佳女配角bidupprice哄抬物价biggun有势力的人,名人biglie大骗局bistro夜总会blackbox测谎器blackmarketprice 黑市价blanketballot全面选举blast爆炸blindalley死胡同blockade封锁bloodlesscoup不流血政变BlueBerets 蓝盔部队bluffdiplomacy恫吓外交bombard轰炸,炮击boom(经济)繁荣,兴旺borrower债方botanicalgarden 植物园bottleup抑制bottomout走出低谷boxofficereturns票房收入boxofficesmash卖座率高的演出boycott 联合抵制braindrain人才流失braingain人才引进braintrust智囊团brawndrain劳工外流read-and-butterletter 感谢信bribery行贿bubbleeconomy泡沫经济bureaucracy官僚主义bureaucrat官倒cabinetlineup内阁阵容cabinetre-shuffle内阁改组cablecar缆车cable-staybridge斜拉桥cadre干部cafeteria自助餐厅calamity灾难campaignagainstporns 扫黄运动candidateforexam考生cargohandlingcapacity货物吞吐量carnival狂欢节casualty遇难者,伤亡人员catchphrase口头禅,口号ceasefire停火ceilingprice最高限价celebrity知名人士cellularphone移动电话,大哥大censurevote不信任投票census人口普查ceremonialusherette迎宾小姐chamberconcert室内音乐会charity慈善组织charteredplane包机chinahand中国通China'sactualconditions 中国国情ChinesedescendantinAmerica 美籍华裔cholesterol胆固醇civilservant公务员civilian平民classroomboycott罢课climbout经济复苏closingaddress闭幕辞cloverleafintersection立交桥comfortably-offlevel小康水平complainsbox意见箱computernik电脑迷condo(minium)商品房condolence 慰问,吊唁conductedtour团体旅游confiscate没收,充公conscienceforum道德法庭conscript征兵,入伍conservativeparty保守党constructionofacleangovernment廉政建设conveniencefood方便食品corruptionreportingcenter举报中心countdown倒计时countymagistrate县长crammingsystem填鸭式教学法crashprogram应急计划criminallaw刑法crudeoil原油culturalundertakings文化事业curfew宵禁curriculumvitae履历表curtaincall谢幕dailynecessities日用品dailyturnover日成交量dan (围棋的)段deadlock 僵局deathtoll死亡人数,死亡率defendant 被告deli(catessen)熟食dictatorship独裁disaster-hitarea灾区discjockeyDJdissolve解散divisionchief处长,科长doctorialtutor 博士生导师doormoney入场费dove主和派,鸽派duet二重唱Duma(俄)杜马,俄罗斯议会dux学习标兵,学习尖子economicsanction经济制裁economictake-off经济腾飞ElNino厄尔尼诺现象electricpower电力eliminate淘汰embargo禁运enrouteto 在……途中enlistedman现役军人epidemic流行病exclusiveinterview独家采访expo(sition)博览会face-to-facetalk 会晤fairplaytrophy风格奖familyplanning计划生育fleamarket跳蚤市场flyingsquad飞虎队frame-up诬陷,假案frontpage头条frontrowseat首席记者fullhouse满座gear…totheinternationalconventions 把…与国际接轨grasswidow (widower留守女士(留守男士guestofhonor贵宾guestteam (hometeam客队(主队hawk主战派heroin海洛因highlightsandsidelights要闻与花絮his-and-herswatches情侣表hitparade 流行歌曲排行榜hitproduct拳头产品hit-and-runner肇事后逃走者HongKongcompatriot香港同胞honorguard 仪仗队hostage人质housingreform住房改革hypermedia多媒体ideology 意识形态idlemoney闲散资金inanotherrelateddevelopment另据报道incumbentmayor现任市长info-highway信息高速公路in-servicetraining在职训练inspector-general总监interimgovernment过渡政府invitationmeet邀请赛judo柔leadingactor男主角lease租约,租期manofmark名人,要人manuscript原稿,脚本marriagelines结婚证书masterkey万能钥匙medium媒体,媒介mercykilling安乐死moped助力车Moslem穆斯林multimedia多媒体musiccafe音乐茶座nationalanthem国歌negativevote反对票nestegg私房钱newsagency通讯社newsbriefing新闻发布会newsconference记者招待会newsflash短讯,快讯nominee候选人notions小商品nullandvoid无效的off-hourhobby业余爱好off-the-jobtraining脱产培训onstandby待命on-the-jobtraining在职培训on-the-spotbroadcasting现场直播opinionpoll民意测验overpass(人行)天桥overseasstudent留学生overture序曲overwhelmingmajority压倒性多数palmphone大哥大parliament国会passerby过路人pay-to-the-driverbus无人售票车peacefulco-existence和平共处peace-keepingforce维和部队peakviewingtime 黄金时间pedestrian行人pensioninsurance养老保险Pentagon五角大楼perk外快PM=primeminister首相,总理politburo政治局poorbox济贫箱pope教皇poseforagroupphoto 集体合影留念poverty-strickenarea贫困地区powerfailure断电,停电premiere首映,初次公演pressbriefing新闻发布会presscorps记者团pressspokesman新闻发言人prize-awardingceremony颁奖仪式professionalescort"三陪"服务profiteer投机倒把者protocol草案,协议puberty青春期publicservant公务员questionnaire调查表quick-frozenfood速冻食品quizgame智力竞赛racialdiscrimination种族歧视rapport默契reciprocalvisits互访recital独唱会,独奏会red-carpetwelcome隆重欢迎red-hotnews 最新消息red-letterday大喜之日redundant下岗人员re-employment再就业rep=representative代表ripoff宰客senate参议院tenureofoffice任职期theotherman (woman第三者topnews 头条新闻tornado龙卷风tourdeforce代表作townshipenterprises 乡镇企业townshiphead乡长traffictie-up交通瘫痪truce停火,休战trustee董事two-daydayoffs双休日tycoon巨富umpire裁判V.D.=venerealdisease性病vaccine疫苗vehicle-freepromenade步行街votedown否决well-offlevel 小康水平well-to-dolevel小康水平Who'sWho名人录workingcouple双职工8、国际贸易类已经考过的:installment plan,chenck and balance,boned good,优惠合同,购货合同,报关,贸易顺差,售后服务,安检,POD,L(C,bonded warehouse,转基因食品,可能要考的:9、金融危机相关词汇已经考过的:IPR,Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis,Free Trade Agreement,稳健的货币政策,可能要考的:10、大陆对台政策类已经考过的:CEPA,可能要考的:一国两制、11、中国航天事业类已经考过的:载人航天计划,载人飞船可能要考的:12、美国机构类已经考过的:NASA,USNE,美国联邦储备银行,奥巴马、奥斯卡奖、花旗银行,Arbor Day,可能要考的:ANSI(美国国家标准学会、美利坚合众国、USDA、ACM、USNA、NSC、USMA、AMA、ABA (American Bar Association美国律师协会、ECMA(European Computer Manufacturers Association欧洲计算机制造商协会、IDC (International Data Corporation国际数据公司、NAS(National Academy of Sciences国家科学院、AAA(American Automobile Association美国汽车协会、ABA(American Bankers Association 美国银行家协会、ARC(American Red Cross美国红十字会、IATA (International Air Transport Association国际航空运输协会DA (Department of the Army (美国)陆军部、OSS(Office ofStrategic Services战略情报局、NMD/国家导弹防御系统、13、全球著名快递公司已经考过的:EMS、14、全球航空公司已经考过的:BA(British Airways英国航空公司可能要考的:CAB(Civil Aeronautics Board民航局、AAL (American Airlines美国航空公司、AA(American Airlines 美国美洲航空、15、全球著名企业已经考过的:可能要考的:HP(Hewlett-Packard惠普公司、GM(General Motors美国通用汽车公司、16、各国缩写已经考过的:可能要考的:CAN加拿大SP西班牙IR伊朗PE(Peru秘鲁IRE (Ireland爱尔兰AR(Argentina阿根廷JP(Japan 日本、SFO(San Francisco三藩市、16、各国央行及全球著名银行已经考过的:中国工商银行,可能要考的:ECB(European Central Bank欧洲中央银行、17、全球证交所已经考过的:NSDAQ、创业板,可能要考的:ASE美国证券交易所、SEX((Singapore Stock Exchange)新加坡证券交易所、SSE(上海证券交易所)、ASX澳大利亚证券交易所Australian Stock Exchange、纳斯达克,道.琼斯,香港恒生,东京证券交易所,18、全球运动协会缩写已经考过的:NBA可能要考的:AHL(American Hockey League)美国曲棍球联盟、MLB(Major League Baseball)美国全国棒球协会和盟国棒球协会、NBA(美国)国家篮球协会、NHL(National Hockey League)全国曲棍球联盟、WWF(World Wrestling Federation)世界摔角联盟、CBA、19、中国特色的词汇已经考过的:中国特色的社会主义市场经济,外向型经济,政企分开,恶性循环,自负盈亏,扫黄打非,西部大开发,高度自治,中小企业,打造知名品牌,晚婚晚育,可能要考的:20、百科全书已经考过的:Encyclopedia Britannica, binary opposition,可能要考的:21、古代巨著已经考过的:《论语》《红楼梦》《红楼梦》《毛泽东语录》《论语》《钦定圣经》、可能要考的:水浒、三国、西游记、一千零一夜、天方夜谈、道德经、TAO,孔子、孟子、22、军事外交类已经考过的:外交庇护,战略伙伴关系,Special Safeguard Mechanism,可能要考的:23、节能减排、气候大会已经考过的:节能,温室气体排放可能要考的:24、中国网络热词已经考过的:选秀,囧,绿坝,SOHO、可能要考的:25、中国成语可能要考的:26、中国自然灾害已经考过的:地震,可能要考的:27、中国名盛古迹已经考过的:颐和园,天坛、兵马俑,可能要考的:28、翻译专业述语已经考过的:音译、对等翻译、direct Translation,MTI,Simultaneous Interpretion,会议传译,应用语言学,可能要考的:29、节日已经考过的:老人节,Arbor Day,可能要考的:30、中国特色的评选已经考过的:中国十佳宜居城市可能要考的:31、科技类已经考过的:the king of kings, Dubbling,文本对等,可能要考的:。
1. 预计本周都应该是晴天。
It’s supposed to be sunny all week.2. ⽓象员说今天是晴天,但天却阴沉得厉害。
The weatherman said it would be clear , but it's really cloudy.3. 真不敢相信,现在才5⽉中旬,外⾯就这么热。
I can’t believe it’s only mid-May. It’s so hot outside. 4. 听说昨天是今年以来最热的⼀天。
They said yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far. 5. 这⿁天⽓真让⼈捉摸不透。
The weather can’t make up its mind what to do.【解说】1. “be supposed to ~”原本就⽤来表⽰谈论没有把握的话题,所以很适合⽤来形容天⽓。
2. ⼀说到天⽓预报,常常会使⽤ “The weatherman said…”。
“said” 也可以换成 “says”, 但要注意 “would” 也要相应地变成 “will”. 3. 谈话⾥可以使⽤⼀些夸张的说法。
“I can't believe”就是其中⼀种表达⽅式。
4. “They say…”与 “The weatherman says…”意义完全相同。
5. “can't make up its mind”由 “⾃⼰⽆法决定”转义为“捉摸不透”。
也可以使⽤ “unpredictable” 或 “changeable”, 如 “The weather is unpredicatable/changeable.”政治、世界形势6. 尽管失业率不断上升,⾸相仍然获得了很⾼的⽀持率。
例5. Super-ior Dan Shows His Class 超级丹展现完美实力 略显夸张,使读者好奇于具体内容,想要探索林丹 究竟是如何超级和完美。以下例子也属于这一范畴: A big fat Mexican wedding
Oscars chiefs promise ‘bold, risky’ show 今年奥斯卡要“大变脸” New parenting roles in US 经济差华尔街奶爸大增 例6. Unhappiness has risen in the past decade 物质富足,快乐“缩水” 满足目的语读者的心理和生存需求。
改译1:Never too old to marry
改译2:Never too old to love
例2. 泥塑人生
原译:Clay sculpture gives prisoners hope for new life
改译:Shaping new lives into art
4. 引语 中文引述新闻人物讲话时许多记着更喜欢
带有感情色彩的词汇,如“强调、指出、指示 说、提出”等。虽然英语中“说”的相似表达
法也 不少,如 address, emphasize, affirm, analyze, assert, argue等,但“said 和spoke” 最常见,因为这两词准确、中立,能不偏不倚 地表达说话人的动作和意思。
改译:Tianjin native Feng Jicai is a well-known writer, artist and scholar. He has also long held a passion for traditional culture---ranging from his efforts in the 1990s to preserve urban cultural heritages---to his work on preserving culture in rural areas. His latest artistic endeavor involved coordinating art from across the globe.
(译成简单句)5.法国政府再度要求召开新的布雷顿森林(Bretton W oods)会议,研究浮动汇率制度的弊端,可是其他国家不予理会。
(译成简单句)10.该公司集团的贸易额超过5.55亿美元, 而获得的利润共达1330万美元。
(译成两句)12.福特汽车公司(The Ford Company)自从1990年以来共削减了大约45亿美元的营业费,被公认为是汽车业中最能抵抗不景气者。
二、1.He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.2.Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved.3.The ear is the organ which is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. And the tongue is used for tasting.4. Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.5.As it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at that temple for the night.6.Internet is so convenient that we can find any information with the click of the mouse.练习二:一、1.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。
《实用英语口译教程》(第三版)(上)口译练习参考译文(仅供参考)第3单元1. Interpret the following Chinese idioms into English.(1)to harbor/have/out of/with ulterior motives; with malicious intent; to have an axe to grind(2)to go back on one’s words; to play fast and loose; to blow hot and cold; to chop and change; inconsistent/undependable/self-contradictory(3)to lord it over (others/all); to play the tyrant; to dominate/domineer and swashbuckle(4)to act in bad faith; to play foul/false; treacherous; to go back on one’s words(5)arrogant and conceited; self-important; to ride the high horse; false pride; to get too big for one’s boots(6)to work hand in glove with; to band together; to collaborate/collude with sb. in evil doing(7)Courtesy demands reciprocity; to exchange on an equal basis/footing(8)The united will of the masses is like a fortress; People with one will are stronger than a fortress; Unity isstrength.(9)blinded by one’s gains (by the lust for gain/the love of gain/self-interests); to bend one’s principles to one’sinterests; to be so obsessed with the idea of profit-making that one loses all sense of righteousness(10)to eat one’s own bitter fruit (the fruit of one’s own doing/the fruit of one’s own making); to reap what onesows; to bite off one’s own head; to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear.(12)to court one’s own ruin/doom/disaster; to invite one’s own destruction; to cut one’s own throat; to bringdestruction to oneself; to take the road to one’s doom(13)to go against the trend of the times; to set back the clock; to push a reactionary policy;retrogressive/perverse acts(14)to intensify one’s efforts to do sth; to become aggravated; to be further intensified; with ever-increasingintensity(15)to be obvious to all; as clear as day(16)as always; just as in the past; as before(17)to exaggerate just to scare/frighten people; alarmist talk; sensational(18)to make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)to surrender a country’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms; to humiliate the nation by forfeiting itssovereignty(20)to invite/bring a wolf into the house; to open the door to an enemy(21)no end of trouble for the future; Endless troubles will follow.(22)to be filled with indignation(23)the trend of the time; the general trend(24)to run counter to …(25)to cling obstinately to one’s course; to act willfully; to insist on having one’s own way(26)to reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; to profit from other’s conflict(27)Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives. Neighbors are more helpful than distant relatives. A remotekinsfolk is not as good as a near neighbor.(28)the same medicine prepared with different water; the same old stuff with a different label; a change in formbut not in essence(29)to lift a rock only to crush/squash one’s own feet; to tread on one’s own tail(30)to defy public opinion (the will of the people); to fly/go in the face of the will of the people (public opinion);to face universal condemnation(31)Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Love sees no fault. Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes. Love blinds a man toimperfections.(32)Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake; The drinker’s heart is not in his cup —he has something else in hismind. One talks about one thing, but tries to do another.(33)While the magistrates are free to burn down houses, the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)Living near a wolf’s den, you can never be too cautious.(35)Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is the human beings.(36)You want the horse to run fast and yet you don’t let it graze.(37)Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight. The weather and human life areboth unpredictable.(38)A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like the sea cannot be measured with a bucket. A personcan no more be judged by his looks than the sea be measured with a bucket.(39)Man cannot be always fortunate just as flowers do not last forever.(40)Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots.(41)Haughtiness invites losses while modesty brings profits.(42)One’s position alters the temperament, just as nourishment affects the body. Honors change manners.(43)Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)Like the Eight Fairies/Immortals crossing the sea, each displays his own talent/magic power.(45)On festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.(46)Among bosom friends, a thousand cups of wine are not too many/enough. A thousand cups of wine are toofew when drinking with close friends.(47)As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)Those who are meant to meet will meet even if they are separated by a thousand miles; those who are notmeant to meet will not get acquainted even if they brush past each other.(49)Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure. Forewarned, forearmed.(50)Spare the rod and spoil the child.(51)The well-fed simply have no idea of how the starving suffers. Little does the fat sow know what the leanmeans.(52)Nearest the king, nearest the gallows.(53)As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection.(54)It takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice. Rome was not built in a day.(55)No pains, no gains. No gains without pains.(56)When I walk along with two others, they may serve as my teachers. I will select their good qualities andfollow them, their bad qualities and avoid them. When I walk along with several people, they can serve as my teachers. I select their good qualities and emulate them, their bad qualities and amend them.(57)Sun Zi said, “War is a matter of vital importance to the state, a matter of life and death. Hence, it is imperativethat it be thoroughly studied.”(58)I recall my first lesson on calculus in senior high school. My teacher quoted a line from Zhuang Zi, a Chinesephilosopher over 2,000 years ago, which reads: “Cut away half of a rod and keep on halving what is left, and there will be no end to that process.” This gave me a vivid concept of limit.2. Interpret the following English idioms into Chinese.(1)有眼无珠(2)镇定自若(3)易如反掌(4)称心如意的境遇;安乐窝(5)进退两难(6)直言不讳(7)机不可失,时不再来(8)跟某人开玩笑;骗某人(9)假心假意地(10)雷声大雨点小(11)过于心直口快;过于直率(12)江山易改,本性难移(13)千里之堤,溃于蚁穴(14)和坏人打交道,必须提高警惕(15)试金石试金,金子则考验人(16)山外有山,天外有天(17)实践得真知(18)巧妇难为无米之炊(19)一事成功,事事顺利(20)知足常乐(21)不要过早乐观(22)人多好办事(23)天网恢恢,疏而不漏(24)谁笑在最后,谁笑得最美(25)草率结婚后悔多(26)单方面礼貌不会长久(27)物以类聚,人以群分(28)窃钩者诛,窃国者侯(29)说到曹操,曹操就到(30)人不为己,天诛地灭(31)覆水难收,后悔无益(32)上梁不正下梁歪(33)不入虎穴,焉得虎子(34)时不我待(35)豺狼活,则羊羔死(36)雄辩是银,沉默是金(37)债务还得早,朋友交得长(38)没有不带刺的玫瑰;没有尽善尽美的快乐(39)迟到总比不到好(或晚做总比不做好)(40)良牛产劣犊(好的父母未必培养出好的子女)第4单元(1) Meeting a Visiting US Military Delegation at the AirportMaj. Gen. Xiao Yang (X), Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense (MND), is at the airport to welcome a US military delegation headed by Maj. Gen. Smith (外). With him is Maj. Zhao Hua (Z), an interpreter from the Office.Z: 请问,您是美国军事代表团团长史密斯将军吗? //外:是的,我是美国来的约翰·史密斯。
新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照(之一【新闻学】)新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照II. 报纸版面各部分名称1.报耳(ear)2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate)3.标题(headline)4.版口(head margin)5.当日新闻提要(index)6.插图(cut)7.图片说明(cutline)8.标题之一行(deck)9.署名(by-line)10.新闻导言(lead)11.引题(kicker)12.头版(frontpage)III 报纸常见栏目名称一、常见新闻栏目1.City / Local / City Edition/ City Page/ Region 城市2.National/ Around The Nation/ Domestic/ Home News 国内新闻3.International / Global 国际新闻4.Brief / In Brief / Briefing / Bulletin 摘要5.Recap 简明新闻6.Pony Report 每日新闻摘要7.Newsline 新闻经纬8.Events And Trends 事件/ 动向9.Exclusive 独家报道10.Expose 新闻曝光11.Issue In The News/ Focus/ Hot News 新闻热点12.Update / Latest News 最新报道13.Feature / News Features / General Features 特写(可囊括除新闻以外的一切报道)mentary / Editorial / Opinion / Column / Letters To The Editors 评论15.Advertisement: Display Advertising / Classified Advertising--- (Jobs/Auto/Real Estate/ For Sale/ Help Wanted) 广告二、常见其他栏目名称1.agony column 答读者问专栏2.anecdote 趣闻轶事3.candid camera 抓拍镜头4.caricature漫画、讽刺画5.cartoon漫画6.chitchat column 闲话栏ic strip 连环漫画8.continued story 连载故事9.correspondence column 读者来信栏10.critique 评论11.crossword 猜字游戏/纵横填字字谜12.digest 文摘13.document 文件摘要14.editor’s note 编者按15.essay杂文、随笔、小品文16.going out guide 旅游指南17.gossip 社会新闻18.how-to-stories 常识指导19.interview 访谈录20.leader社论21.light literature 通俗文学22.mini-torial 短评23.note 随笔24.notice 启事25.obit 讣告26.pegging 新闻背景27.personal / personal column 私人广告/ 人事要闻28.profile 人物专访29.readers’forum 读者论坛30.review 评论31.round-up综合报道/综述32.running story/ serials 连载故事33.shirttail 社论栏/ 附注34.side story / sidebar / sidelight 花絮新闻/趣闻35.situations vacant / situations wanted 招聘广告36.sponsored section特约专版37.squib小品文/随笔38.strip cartoon / strip 连环漫画/连环画39.Supplement 增刊40.Think piece 时事短评41.Titbit 花絮42.Travelogue/ travels游记43.What’s on 影视指南44.Wise saying 至理名言IV. 常见报纸类型1.daily 日报2.morning edition 晨报3.evening edition 晚报4.quality paper 高级报纸5.popular paper 大众报纸6.evening paper 晚报ernment organ 官报8.part organ 党报9.trade paper 商界报纸10.Chinese paper 中文报纸11.English newspaper 英文报纸12.vernacular paper 本国文报纸13.political news 政治报纸14.Newspaper Week 新闻周刊V. 各类记者名称accredited journalist n. 特派记者publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家VI 其他bulldog edition 晨版article 记事banner headline 头号大标题big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻general news column 一般消息栏public notice 公告calssified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊newsbeat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference,press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处newsboy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment n.采写任务back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。
gay (同性恋者),basket (一组问题等), unisex (男女共用),hijack (劫持), supercrat (高级官员),dial in (电话示 威),moneywise (在金钱方面), thumbsuck (安抚),sitcom (情景喜剧), Reaganomics (里根经济学),Jazznik (爵士乐迷 ),heartmen (换心人), Euromart (欧洲共同市场),Masscult (大众文化),atobomb (原子弹), blacketeer (黑市商人)
标题 headline 导语 lead 主体 body 背景 background 结语 conclusion
汉英新闻标题对比 A Comparison of Chinese and English News Headlines
一、概括程度不同 A.汉语新闻标题:详尽完整的综述要点
美国不要做干涉他国内政的事情 US told to stop its „interfering‟ 上千律师义务帮助二战中国劳工打官司 Lawyers to help forced laborers 青海湖二百年内将成为盐湖 Qinghai Lake to Become Salty Within 200 Years
The Use of Nouns
Divorce New York Style (NYT) 纽约式离 婚 Cabinet papers leak inquiry (Guardian) 内 阁文件泄密事件调查工作 Corruption Reports Against Police Rise (NYT) 指控警方受贿呼声四起 The rod comes back (Newsweek) (英国 小学中体罚之风又起 GOP Shakedown Cruise (Newsweek) 共 和党的(竞选)试航(揭开序幕)
下面是店铺给大家整理的新闻评论英语范文带翻译,供大家参阅!新闻评论英语范文带翻译:男子用3D打印自制牙套An undergraduate at New Jersey Institute ofTechnology made his own plastic braces using a 3Dprinter, US$60 of materials, and they actuallyworked.新泽西理工大学的一名本科生用一台3D打印机以及60美元的材料为自己制作了塑料牙箍,而且这些牙箍确实有效。
Amos Dudley had braces in middle school, but hedidn't wear a retainer like he was supposed to, so histeeth slowly shifted back. He didn't want to shell outthousands of dollars for a whole new round ofbraces, so the digital-design major decided to makehis own.阿莫斯·达德利中学的时候就戴上了牙箍,但他没有按要求戴固位体,所以他的牙齿逐渐后移。
The process wasn't exactly easy. He had to research orthodontic procedures and plot theroute of his successive braces, so his teeth would move in the right way.制作牙箍的过程并不简单。
Text A急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特·曼德尔·戈德斯坦Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来。
My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia.不用说,我们迫不及待地想到那里,于是便走了宾夕法尼亚收费高速公路和几条州际公路。
Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.“看哪,那些美丽的农场!”老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。
"Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.“你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。
“Did you see those cows?” But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror.四个小时里,我们唯一真正的乐趣就是数出口的标志,还有就是想再次停车时会有什么样的感觉。
For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.I can feel how cold the water is. 我能摸出来这水有多么凉。
1 新闻外宣翻译的意义“外宣翻译的目的是让世界了解中国,信息源为汉语,信息载体为外语,渠道为各式媒体,受众为外国民众。
2 新闻外宣翻译的特点新闻本身具有真实性、时效性、准确性等基本特点,且话题涉及面广,涵盖政治、经济、文化、社会等诸多方面。
Hengyang Nanyue Airport to "Take off"The airport is supposed to start in late December and open to navigation in 2013The construction of Nanyue Airport attracted much attention .Recently, reporters learned from the Construction Management Office of Nanyue Airport, that all preparating work has now basically completed. And flight procedures, flight zone and other related designswere gradually accomplished. Thus, the complete construction is expected to be launched in late December.Located at Yunji Township, Hengnan County, the airport was selected as one of the national civil airport layout plan of the reginal. In accordance with the planning of domestic branch line, construction , flight zone grade 4C, was designed to accommodate Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 aimed mainly at offering service to Xiang Mid-south area. To build a 2600m×45m runway, a 6000㎡terminal and a 3400㎡airfield,the project has taken over land requisition of 2,142 mu, involving a total investment of 656, 19 million RMB.Principal of NCMO said that after the construction began, we should start the surface of lines and the terminal area in the second half of 2012, equipment installation, commissioning and terminal renovation in the first half of 2013, which is supposed to officially open at the end of 2013.4C表示民航机场飞行区等级,机场飞行区等级是指跑道的性能及相应的设施决定了什么等级的飞机可以使用这个机场。
N. Y. Officials Want More DNA Samples
纽约市官员需要更多DNA 样本
US, DPRK resume talks on nuke issue 美国和朝鲜民主主义共和国恢复核武器问题
的会谈 Australia‟s GDP growth outlook improves 澳大利亚国内生产总值稳定增长 Record SAR admissions to mainland universities 香港学生北上升学人数倍增
二、英文标题的语法特点 (Grammatical Features)
广泛使用现在时, 兼用其他
时态 广泛使用非谓语动词(Nonfinite Verbs) 从句法结构上讲,省略是标题 的最大特点
Journalistic Present Tense ( 新闻现在时)
French Culture Is In The Doldrums 法国文化颓然不振 Husband And Wife Team Unlocks New Gene
广泛使用非谓语动词(Non-finite Verbs)
Five Ways To Be Romantic 浪漫五法 New Efforts To Learn About Planet Mars 探测火星
的新举措 Helping the Homeless to Help Themselves 帮助无 家可归者自强自立 Looking Back to Look Ahead 回首往昔 展望未来 Film Star Clint Eastwood Honored in Gala Tribute 影星克林特伊斯特伍德受庆典嘉奖 Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire 房
【精编范文】外交部新闻发言人中英文翻译-优秀word范文 (12页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==外交部新闻发言人中英文翻译篇一:201X外交部部长王毅答记者问中英文201X年3月8日,十二届全国人大三次会议在两会新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。
On 8 March 201X, the Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress held a press conference at the Press Center of the Two Sessions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign media about China's foreign policy and external relations.中华人民共和国外交部部长王毅:记者朋友们,大家上午好。
Wang Yi: Friends from the press, good morning. Today is the International Women's Day. At the outset, I would like to extend sincere greetings to the female journalists and all Chinese women who show understanding of and support for China's diplomacy.记得去年也是今天,马航370航班失联。
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(七) 借用词汇
借用人、物名称来表示某个意思,可以 取得生动形象的效果,使大多数人都能 理解,如: 1) The Francophone Summit offered Mitterrand government an opportunity to protect French as an international language, a status it is steadily losing to English. China Daily, Nov.22, 1991
GMT=Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间 DJI=Dow-Jones Index 道· 琼斯指数. PR=public relations 公共关系 DJ=disk jockey 音乐节目主持人 IELTS=International English Language Testing System (赴英联邦国家英语水平测试)雅思
trauma (医学)外伤,伤口 → 心理/ 精神创伤 leverage 杠杆作用 →(为达到某一种目 的而使用的)力量、手段;优势;影响;
(六) 形象化词汇
形象化词汇的使用可以使描述对象栩栩 如生,吸引读者注意力。例如下面有关 报道日美两国之间贸易摩擦的两段文字 即为典型实例: Japan spends almost nothing on its own defense than turns around and kicks Uncle Sam in the teeth on trade. …
(四) 新词
新词汇在构成和表现形式上主要有以下 几种情况:旧词衍生新意、新事催生新 词、旧词派生新词。 1. 旧词衍生新意:如:source原意为来 源、源泉,在新闻报道中常用来表示提 供消息来源的有关人士或官员
1) US bankruptcy court judge yesterday approved religious broadcaster Pat Roberson’s bid of $ 6 million for United Press International (UPI), one of the world’s largest wire services, court sources said. The Washington Post, May 13, 1992
第五章 外宣新闻题材翻译
5.1 外宣新闻题材文本特点 5.2 外宣新闻题材文本翻译 5.3 翻译训练
5.1 外宣新闻题材文本特点
一、大众性 (popularity) 。公示语和新闻 报道的读者遍及社会各阶层,包括本地 公众、旅游者、海外宾客等群体,内容 涉及面广,包括政治、经济、文化、教 育,交通等诸多领域 5.1.2 新闻报道的 文体特点
(二) 缩写词
缩写词(initials)又称首字缩略词 (acronyms),全部用大写字母拼成, 用来表示组织机关等专有名词、常见事 物的名称、职业或职务的名称等 1) IMF to recruit new members. (The Financial Times, Feb.2, 1992) IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织
其它的子还有: bench ( 长 凳 ) → 责 令 ( 运 动 员 ) 退 场;; egg(鸡蛋) → 炸弹;水雷 dove (鸽) → 主和派;温和派; hawk(鹰) → 主战派;强硬派; deliver(投递)→ 履行;实现(诺言等) hiccup(打嗝)→(股市)短暂跌价; moonlight(月光)→ 兼职;赚外快; establishment(建立;确立) → 权势集 团;当权派;领导核心等
5.1.2 新闻报道的文体特点
一、用词精炼、新颖: 二、句式灵活、多样 三、时态呼应不拘规则 四、被动语态频繁使用,突出重点,吸 引注意力 五、善用修辞,讲究效果:主要包括押 韵、幽默、比喻、夸张、排比、双关、 和借用典故、成语
(一) 简短词 (二) 缩写词 (三)节缩词 (四) 新词 (五) 时髦词 (六) 形象化词汇 (七) 借用词汇 (八)掺用外来语
(五) 时髦词
在传播过程中,这些时髦词原有的词义 往 往 得 到 扩 展 和 引 申 , 如 : dimension 尺寸;长度 → 方面;范围;情况; interface (地质学)分界面 → 熟人; 交叉点; mileage 汽车耗油里程数 → 好处, 利益; showdown (牌戏用语)摊牌 → 决斗;
节缩词(shortened words或abbreviation), 即通过“截头去尾”的方法将一些常用 的名词、形容词等截短或缩短。 1) Overseas co-ops to get boost (The Auckland Star, Jan.18, 1992) co-ops=co-operations 2) Dow rises as techs selling hits Nasdaq (The Wall Street Journal, Sept.8, 2001) techs=technology shares
(一) 简短词
1) US refuses to back environment fund back=support 2) Europe Holds Talks to End Tension in Yugoslavia End=Finish 3) Terrorists Destroy World Trade Center, Hit Pentagon in Raid With Hijacked Jets hit=strike; attack 4) World eyes mid-East peace talks eyes=watches/observes
四、时效性与时宜性(timeliness& appropriateness)。时效是决定新闻价值 大小的重要因素,新闻见诸报刊与事件 发生之间的“时间差”越小,其新闻价 值越高。某些事件虽已成为过去,不够 新鲜,但与目前的时事热点或重大事件 的密切联系,仍然能引起读者的兴趣, 故仍可以看作新闻,这便是新闻的时宜 性。公示语的时效性和时宜性则表现在 其强调保持与社会生活同步,及时传递 相关信息,选择最适宜的时机和方式实 现其呼唤功能等方面。
一、公示语从目的功能上可分为说服型、 信息型和警示型。 二、公示语的功能特点决定了公示语的 语言风格和词汇选择。 英语公示语广泛使用名词、动词、动名 词、词组、短语、缩略语、文字与标志 组合、现在时态、祈使句和规范性、标 准性词汇,具有语汇简洁措辞精确的特 点。
anti-表示“反对” 、“阻止” : anti-apartheid wave 反种族隔离浪潮; anti-government riot 反政府骚乱; antiporn campaign 扫 黄 运 动 ; antipoverty programme 脱贫计划; cyber-表示“网络的” : cybercafe 网吧; cybercitizen网民; cyberspace网络空间;虚拟现实;
Beantown 豆城 → 波士顿市; Big Apple 大苹果 → 纽约市; Capitol(Hill)/Hill 国会山 → 美国国会; Ford 美国福特牌汽车 → 畅销货; Pentagon/Penta 五角大楼 → 美国国防 部 Dice City 赌城 →(美国以夜总会 和赌场著称的)拉斯维加斯市;
3. 旧词派生新词指在一个旧词的基础上 巧妙地加上表示某种意义的前缀或后缀, 构成某个新词。 anarcho-表示“无政府主义的” : anarcho-authoritarianism 无政府独裁主 义; anarcho-liberal 无政府自由主义者; anarcho-revolutionary 、 anarcho-socialist 无政府社会主义者;
2) EU, china closer to deal on Beijing’s WTO entry(The Financial Times, Jan.27, 2000) EU=the European Union 欧 盟 ; WTO=The World Trade Organization 世 贸组织 3) World Shocked as Top Soccer Star Gets AIDS (The Toronto Star, Nov.25, 1991) AIDS=acquired immune deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺损综合症,即“艾滋病”
neo-表示“新”、“新型的” : neocolonialism 新殖民主义; neocon 新保守主义,新保守派;neofascist 新法西斯主义者; -ism表示“歧视” : ag(e)ism 年龄歧视; fatism 肥胖歧 视; heightism 身高歧视; lookism 容貌歧视; weightism 体重歧视
EEC=European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国科教文组织 CPPCC=Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议 ABM=anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹
二、简洁性(brevity)。“言贵简洁” (Brevity is the soul of wit),为了迅速吸 引读者的注意力,提高传播的有效性, 同时由于版面、篇幅的限制,公示语和 新闻报道唯有用精炼,浓缩的语言才能 在有限的文字空间内展现丰富的内容。 as connected.