

新编英语教程 unit 4

新编英语教程 unit 4
unit 4
Text I A Man from Stratford – William Shakespeare
Background Information
Text 1: A Man from Stratfor d – William Shakespe are
3 To plot Shakespeare's life is to become involved in a kind of detective story where there are plenty of clues but very little else. Nobody even knows the exact date of his birth, although the register of the Parish Church confirms that William Shakespeare was baptized there on April 26th, 1564. Nor can it be proved that he went to the excellent local grammar school, although he probably did as there was nowhere else for him to go. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself, and they had three children. Then in 1585 this young married man apparently left Stratford and his family, for there is absolutely no record of him for seven



Unit 1 This Year It’s Going to Be Different New Year’s resolutions are like anything else--you get out of them what you put in.Judging from results of other years,I had never put enough in,but this year was going to be different.I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list.Find some beauty in everything...Make the other fellow feel important...About thirty like that.Pretty clearly,anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life,boundless love from his family,and the admiration of the community.I could hardly wait until New Year’s Day.When I came downstairs Maggie,my wife,was at the kitchen sink.I t iptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck.(Resolution No.1:Be spontaneous in showing affection.)She shrieked and dropped a cup.“Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again!”she cried.Unit 2 EnglishesOf course a scale of styles exists in all our use of English.Each of us works not just with one English but with many Englishes,and the wider the range of our life and the more various the contacts we have,the wider and suppler must be our command over a range of English styles,each of which we know how to use consistently.A haphazard knowledge of several styles may be worse than uselessif we do not know when we are sliding from one to another.We do not say,“It was extremely gracious of you to invite me,Lady Jones,and I’ve had bags of fun,”because“bags of fun”does not mix with“extremely gracious”,and because to use an expression like“bags of fun,”we should need to know Lady Jones well enough to be addressing her by her first name.It is not--we must never tire of insisting--that bags of fun can be labelled“bad” or“slovenly” English,“a lazy substitute for thought”,“Bags of fun”is no more a lazy substitute for thought in its appropriate setting than is“extremely gracious” in the setting that is appropriate for this expression.As we have seen repeatedly,it is the height of naivety to go round with a single yardstick,measuring English as“good”or “bad”.Take the opening suggested earlier for an informal letter:“My dear Frank,it was awfully nice to get your note the other day.”Here are the words that would greatly please the receiver with their warmth and friendliness,yet they include awfully,get and nice,three words which have been condemned so often that many people cannot write them without having a slight feeling of guilt. They have been called “slovenly” and even“meaningless”.Such an attitude is plainly ridiculous and can do nothing but harm to the good use of English.Unit 3 SalvationI was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen.But not really saved.It happened like this.There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed’s church.Every night for weeks there had been much preaching,singing,praying,and shouting,and some very hardened sinners who had been brought to Christ,and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.Then just before the revival ended,they held a special meeting for children,“to bring the young lambs to the fold”.My aunt spoke it for days ahead.That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners’ bench with all the other young sinners,who had not yet been brought to Jesus.My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light,and something happened to you inside!And Jesus came into your life!And God was with you from then on!She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul.I believed her.I have heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know.So I sat there calmly in the hot,crowded church,waiting for Jesus to come to me.The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon,all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell,and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold,but one little lamb was left out in the cold.Then he said:“Won’t youcome?Won’t you come to Jesus?Young lambs,won’t you come?”And he held out his arms to all of us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench.And the little girl cried.And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away.But most of us just sat there.Unit 4 Writing Between the LinesYou know you have to read“between the lines”to get the most out of anything.I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading.I want to persuade you to“write between the lines”.Unless you do,you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.I contend,quite bluntly,that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.There are two ways in which one can own a book.The first is the property right you establish by paying for it,just as you pay for clothes and furniture.But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself,and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.An illustration may make the point clear.You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher’s icebox to your own.But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream.I am arguing thatbooks,too,must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.There are three kinds of book owners.The first has all the standard sets and best sellers--unread,untouched.The second has a great many books--a few of them read through,most of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.(This person would probably like to make books his own,but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.)The third has a few books or many--every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated,shaken and loosened by continual use,marked and scribbled in from front to back.Unit 5 Network Designer--Tim Berners-Lee Want to see how much the world has changed in the past decade?Log on to the Internet,launch a search engine and type in the word“enquire”(British spelling,please).You’ll get about 30,000 hits.It turns out you can“enquire”about nearly anything online these days,from used Harley Davidsons for sale in Sydney,Australia(“Enquire about touring bikes,Click here!”),to computer-training-by-e-mail courses in India(“where excellence is not an act but a habit”).Click once to go to a site in Nairobi and enquire about booking shuttle reservations there.Click again,and zip off to Singapore,to a company that specializes in“petmoving.”Enquire about buying industrial-age nuts and bolts from“the Bolt Boys”in South Africa,or teddy bears in upstate New York.Exotic cigar labels!Four-poster beds for dogs!So what,you say?Everybody knows that with a mouse,a modem and access to the Internet,these days you can point-and-click anywhere on the planet,unencumbered by time or space or long-distance phone tariffs.Unit 6 Predators,Parasites and Other Relationships The living things in an ecosystem affect each other in many ways.The consumers that kill other animals for food are called predators.The word predator usually bring to mind pictures of lions and wolves,but such creatures as robins,frogs,and humans are also predators.Some predators,carnivores such as lions,depend entirely on animals they kill while many others,such as foxes and humans,eat plant food too.Some people think of predators as“bad”,though humans themselves are the greatest predators the world has known.Sometimes individual predators do prey upon farm animals,and these individuals have to be controlled.Too often,however,people try to wipe out entire populations of predators,with the mistaken idea that they are doing good.People usually believe that predators have an easy time ofit,killing defenseless prey.But studies of predators and their prey show that this isn’t so.After observing tigers in Africa,Dr.George Schaller wrote:“The tiger’s seemingly unbeatable array of weapons--its acute senses,great speed(but over short distances only),strength and size,and formidable claws and teeth--have given many naturalists the impression that the tiger can kill at will (I)estimate that,for every wild prey killed,the tiger makes twenty to thirty unsuccessful attempts.”Unit 7 A Sunrise on the VeldHe ran closer,and again stood still,stopped by a new fear.Around him the grass was whispering and alive.He looked wildly about,then down.The ground was black with ants,great energetic ants that took no notice of him,but hurried and scurried towards the fighting shape,like glistening black water flowing through the grass.And,as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him,the beast fell and the screaming stopped.Now he could hear nothing but one bird singing,and the sound of the rustling whispering ants.Unit 8 AntarcticaSeen from space,the astronauts tell us,the most distinctive feature of our planet is the ice sheet of Antarctica which“radiates light like a great white lantern across the bottom of the world.Thisice sheet covers 5,500,000 square miles(an area greater than the United States and Central America combined);it averages more than 7,000 feet in thickness;it contains more than 90 per cent of the world’s ice and snow,and if suddenly it melted the oceans would rise to such a height that every other person on earth would be drowned.Antarctica is in fact our planet’s largest and most spectacular natural phenomenon.Yet 160 years ago no one had ever set eyes on this vast continent,let alone set foot on it;and even today man’s tenure of it is unsure and his knowledge comparatively slight.To understand why,we need to appreciate the sort of place Antarctica is.People used to regard the Arctic and the Antarctic as much alike.In fact their differences outweigh their similarities.The Arctic is closely hemmed in by the populated landmasses of Europe,America and Asia;the Antarctic in contrast is in splendid isolation,divided from the nearest land by vast reaches of the most tempestuous seas on earth.Another big difference is the climate.We are so inclined to think of both the Arctic and Antarctic as cold,that we tend to forget how much colder the latter is.North of the Arctic Circle tens of thousands of families live in comfort all the year round;thousands of plants and animals are able to survive;hundreds of children are born every year.South of theAntarctic Circle,in contrast,there is no habitation that a man can describe as home;the only plants are a handful of mosses and lichens;the only landlife are simply one-celled creatures and wingless flies;no human child has ever been born there.Unit 9 The PearlA town is a thing like a colonial animal.A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet.A town is a thing separate from all other towns,so that there are no two towns alike.And a town has a whole emotion.How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved.News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it,faster than women can call it over the fences.Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino’s brush house,the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news--Kino had found the Pearl of the World.Before panting little boys could strangle out the words,their mother knew it.The news swept on past the brush house,and it washed in a f oaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.It came to the priest walking in his garden,and put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church.He wondered what the pearl would be worth.And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby,or married him for thatmatter.The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age,though neither she nor the doctor would admit it.And when it was made plain who Kino was,the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.“He is a client of mine,”the doctor said.“I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.”And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and luxurious place.The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.Unit 10 From Composer to Interpreter to ListenerWhat do we listen for when we listen to a composer?He need not tell us a story like the novelist; he need not“copy” nature like the sculptor; his work need have no immediate practical function like the architect’s drawing.What is it that he gives us,then?Only one answer seems possible to me:He gives us himself.Every artist’s work is,of course,an expression of himself,but none so direct as that of the creative musician.He gives us,without relation to exterior“event”,the quintessential part of himself--that part which embodies the fullest and deepest expression of himself as a manand of his experience as a fellow being.Always remember that when you listen to a composer’s creation you are listening to a man,to a particular individual,with his own special personality.It may be of greater or lesser importance,but,in the case of significant music,it will always mirror that personality.No composer can write into his music a value that he does not possess as a man.His character may be streaked with human frailties--like Lully’s or Wagner’s,for example--but whatever is fine in his music will come from whatever is fine in him as a man.。

新编英语词汇学教程 第二版 Chapter 4 Word Formation

新编英语词汇学教程 第二版 Chapter 4 Word Formation
Chapter 4
Word Formation
2 Root, stem and affix
3 Inflection and derivation
Ordinary processes of word formation
Other processes of word formation
4.2 Root, stem and affix
• A free root is one which can stand alone as a word such as help, care and walk. Nevertheless, there are some roots that can not stand alone but combine with other morphemes to form words, such as -ceive in receive and conceive, -mit in permit and submit, -tain in retain and maintain, and -cur in incur and occur. Elements like -ceive, -mit, -tain, and -cur are all roots, but they are meaningless independent of other morphemes,and such roots are called bound roots. Bound roots are limited in number as opposed to free roots, but they are useful to enrich our the vocabulary.



Lesson1We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.Lesson2Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends ? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf ? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.Lesson3Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded. In the pioneering days, however, this was not the case at all. The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement. They had a single aim, a solitary goal--the top!It is hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers. Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains. Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheeseaccompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine. Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could--sometimes with the local priest (who was usually as poor as his parishioners), sometimes with shepherds or cheese-makers. Invariably the background was the same: dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alpsmust have been very hard indeed.Lesson4In the Soviet Union several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. One case concerns an 'eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was firstnoticed by her father. One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there, and even described the way they were done up in bundles.Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of UIyanovsk, near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child's game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed,except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.Lesson5The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. One thinks one knows him very well. For a hundred years or more he has been killed, captured, and imprisoned, in zoos. His bones have been mounted in natural history museums everywhere, and he has always exerted a strong fascination upon scientists and romantics alike. He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious (though not perhaps strictly scientific) linkwith our ancestral past.Yet the fact is we know very little about gorillas. No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in a wild state, no zoologist, however intrepid, has been able to keep the animalunder close and constant observation in the dark jungles in which he lives. Carl Akeley, the American naturalist, led two expeditions in the nineteen-twenties, and now lies buried among the animals heloved so well. But even he was unable to discover how long the gorilla lives, or how or why it dies, nor was he able to define the exact social pattern of the family groups, or indicate the final extent of their intelligence. All this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago. The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly more elusive.Lesson6People are always talking about' the problem of youth '. If there is one—which I take leave to doubt--then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down tofundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings--people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain--that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent an lovely contrast with us suburbancreatures. All that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, ill- mannered, presumptuous of fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders--as if mere age were a reason for respect.I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.Lesson7I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.。

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》(修订版)第四册Unit 1 [见教材P1]This year it’s going to be different今年会有所不同Will Stanton (U.S.)威尔.斯坦顿(美国)are like anything else—you get out of them what you put in. ②Judging from results of other years, I had never put enough in, but this year was going to be different. ③I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list. ④Find some beauty in everything.... Make the other fellow feel important.... About thirty likethat. ⑤a richer life, boundless love from his family, and the admiration of the community. ⑥I c ould hardly wait until New Year’s Day.①新年计划和其他任何事物一样——你付出多少,你就收获多少。





①When I came downstairs Maggie, my wife, was at the kitchen sink.②I tiptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck. (Resolution No. 1: Be spontaneous in showing affection.) ③She shrieked and dropped a cup.④“Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again!” she cried.①我下了楼梯,妻子Maggie正在厨房的洗涤槽旁边。



Lesson1We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the , where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation ofstory-tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long agohave remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.Lesson2Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends ? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf ? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grassfield in the south of , and he estimated that there were more than one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.Lesson3Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded. In the pioneering days, however, this was not the case at all. The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at thethought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement. They had a single aim, a solitary goal--the top!It is hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers. Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains. Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine. Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could--sometimes with the local priest (who was usually as poor as his parishioners), sometimes with shepherds or cheese-makers. Invariably the background was the same: dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to themust have been very hard indeed.Lesson4In the several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. One case concerns an'eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was first noticed by her father. One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there, and even described the way they were done up in bundles.Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of , near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the . During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child's game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. During all these testsVera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.Lesson5The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. One thinks one knows him very well. For a hundred years or more he has been killed, captured, and imprisoned, in zoos. His bones have been mounted in natural history museums everywhere, and he has always exerted a strong fascination upon scientists and romantics alike. He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious (though not perhaps strictly scientific) linkwith our ancestral past.Yet the fact is we know very little about gorillas. No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in a wild state, no zoologist, however intrepid, has been able to keep the animal under close and constant observation in the dark jungles in which he lives. Carl Akeley, the American naturalist,led two expeditions in the nineteen-twenties, and now lies buried among the animals heloved so well. But even he was unable to discover how long the gorilla lives, or how or why it dies, nor was he able to define the exact social pattern of the family groups, or indicate the final extent of their intelligence. All this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago. The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the is hardly more elusive.Lesson6People are always talking about' the problem of youth '. If there is one—which I take leave to doubt--then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings--people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain--that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent an lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. All that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, ill- mannered, presumptuous of fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders--as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.Lesson7I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations. who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, andseriously believe--at any rate for short periods--that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.Lesson8Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made, washing can go to the laundry, food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved, bread is baked and delivered by the baker, milk arrives on the doorstep, meals can be had at the restaurant, the works' canteen, and the school dining-room.It is unusual now for father to pursue his trade or other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's occupation, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence. In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work, but thispractice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty-five years. With mother earning and his older children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother workseconomic advantages accrue, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from school.Lesson9Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery ofecho-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role.To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyone knows that if he shouts in the vicinity of a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back. The further off this solid obstruction thelonger time will elapse for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying ac- cording to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved apparatus, it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo .A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.Lesson10In our new society there is a growing dislike of original, creative men. The manipulated do not understand them; themanipulators fear them. The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them. We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life—if only to create some enthusiasm, release someenergy--but where are they? We are asked to choose between various shades of the negative. The engine is falling to pieces while the joint owners of the car argue whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied. Notice how the cold, colourless men, without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success, get on in this society, capturing one plum after another and taking the juice and taste out of them. Sometimes you might think the machines we worship make all the chief appointments, promoting the human beings who seem closest to them. Between mid-night and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache, I often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on the whole packed globe. The twin ideals of our time, organization and quantity, will have won for ever.Lesson11Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel. In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere. They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth, and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring.While Alfred's little army slowly began to gather at Athelney, the king himself set out to penetrate the camp of Guthrum, the commander of the Danish invaders. These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. He noticed at once that discipline was slack: the Danes had the self-confidence of conquerors, and their security precautions were casual. They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft.Alfred stayed in the camp a week before he returned to Athelney. The force there assembled was trivial compared with the Danish horde. But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle : and that their commissariat had no organization, but depended on irregular raids.So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy. He was constantly on the move, drawing the Danes after him. His patrols halted the raiding parties: hunger assailed the Danish army. Now Alfred began a long series of skirmishes--and within a month the Danes had surrendered. The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!Lesson12What characterizes almost all pictures is their inner emptiness. This is compensated for by an outer impressiveness. Such impressiveness usually takes the form of truly grandiose realism. Nothing is spared to make the setting, the costumes, all of the surface details correct. These efforts help to mask the essential emptiness of the characterization, and the absurdities and trivialities of the plots. The houses look like houses, the streets look like streets; the people look and talk like people; but they are empty of humanity, credibility, and motivation. Needless to say, the disgraceful censorship code is an important factor in predetermining the content of these pictures. But the code does not disturb the profits, nor theentertainment value of the films; it merely helps to prevent them from being credible. It isn't too heavy a burden for the industry to bear. In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera, which at times seems magical. But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish ?Lesson13has been ruined by the motor industry. The peace which Oxford once knew, and which a great university city should always have, has been swept ruthlessly away; and no benefactions and research endowments can make up for the change in character which the city has suffered. At six in the morning the old courts shake to the roar of buses taking the next shift to Cowley and Pressed Steel, great lorries with a double deck cargo of cars for export lumber past Magdalen and the . Loads of motor-engines are hurried hither and thither and the streets are thronged with a population which has no interest in learningand knows no studies beyond servo-systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.Theoretically the marriage of an old seat of learning and tradition with a new and wealthy industry might be expected to produce some interesting children. It might have been thought that the culture of the university would radiate out and transform the lives of the workers. That this has not happened may be the fault of the university, for at both and the colleges tend tolive in an era which is certainly not of the twentieth century, and upon a planet which bears little resemblance to the war-torn Earth. Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction, and the only fruit of the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.Lesson14Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to overcome it- so at least it seems to me----is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river--small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And it, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carryon what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.Lesson15When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor--who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.The bank must obey its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. He gives the bank specimens of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on acheque on which its customer's signature has been forged. It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the modern practice, adopted by some banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques. If this facilitates forgery it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.Lesson16The deepest holes of all are made for oil, and they go down to as much as 25,000 feet. But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits. The holes are only borings, less than a foot in diameter. My particular experience is largely in oil, and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom.The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen he strata the drill has been cutting through. Once we get down to the oil, it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, either from gas or water, is pushing it. This pressure must be under control, and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner.Lesson17The fact that we are not sure what 'intelligence' is, nor what is passed on, does not prevent us from finding it a very useful working concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which 'measure' it.In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations.This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law, and grammar schools, with the exception of a small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population. Since the number of grammar schools in the country could accommodate at most approximately 25 per cent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyse and synthesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which are within his range of competence and understanding.Lesson18Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific in industry. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from effective contact with their fellow scientists either in other countries or in universities, or even , often enough , in other departments of the same firm. The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably. Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret. Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out. Even more processes are never patented at all but kept as secret processes. This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries. Sometimes the secrecy goes to such an extent that the whole nature of the research cannot be mentioned. Many firms, for instance, have great difficulty in obtaining technical or scientific books from libraries because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having takenout such and such a book for fear the agents of other firms should be able to trace the kind of research they are likely to be undertaking.Lesson19A gentleman is, rather than does. He is interested in nothing in a professional way. He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. He must know how to ride and shoot and cast a fly. He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic service. But there are weaknesses in the English gentleman's ability to rule us today. He usually knows nothing of political economy and less about how foreign countries are governed. He does not respect learning and prefers 'sport '. The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development. Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he ispassionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and method of production. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called 'character,' which means, in a gentleman's mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyalties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm. He is incapable of that imaginative realism which admits that this is a new world to which he must adjust himself and his institutions, that every privilege he formerly took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare.Lesson20In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without。

新编英语教程4 unit 4

新编英语教程4 unit 4

The supporting details:
• This essay can be divided into three parts—the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. • (1) The introduction (para.1) — The first paragraph of the essay is a skilful beginning. The writer puts forward his argument directly—―Unless you write between the lines, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.‖
• mouth the words(vocalizing) • go back over just-read material (regressing) • try to use the context to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words • mentally translate everything • predict the content of the text on the basis of headings, pictures and the introductory sentences • try to understand not only the details but the organization of the text while reading • mark up the book in its marginal space by writing down my own thoughts and feeling about a certain idea or fact • look up every single new word (word-by-word reading) •

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》(修订版)第四册Unit 1 [见教材P1]This year it’s going to be different今年会有所不同Will Stanton (U.S.)威尔.斯坦顿(美国)are like anything else—you get out of them what you put in. ②Judging from results of other years, I had never put enough in, but this year was going to be different. ③I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list. ④Find some beauty in everything.... Make the other fellow feel important.... About thirty likethat. ⑤表示关心。

)③她尖叫一声,把一个茶杯摔倒地上,对我大声嚷道“再也不要悄悄地走到我身后啦!”①“You’re looking lovely this morning,” I said. (A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold. )①“你今天上午看起来非常可爱,”我说。


)①“Look,” she said, “it wasn’t my idea to stay out until four a.m.”“要知道,”她说,“并不是我想要在外边待到凌晨四点的。

”①I took some aspirin and coffee into the living room. ②I’d just started reading the paper when Sammy, our five-year-old, came in. ③He was wearing the watch he’d received for Christmas.④“Say, Dad,” he said, “what makes a watch run?”①我拿了一些阿司匹林和咖啡来到客厅。



If you ask me1If you ask me, real life is not all it's cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It's just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that's before I've had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I'm interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won't even last till the end of the year, let alone till I'm 60.3 I didn't really want to go out to work just yet. I mean, I wasn't a dropout and I knew I'd have to some day. According to any number of people "life's not a picnic", "there's no such thing as a free lunch". But given that I'd got a good degree, I thought I'd like to go on to get my master's. Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE) . Top school, very good for my CV. But I talked to my mum about it, and she said she couldn't afford to support me any more. I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics. She'd worked hard for 15 years to give me an education. My dad wasn't around most of the time, and when he was, he didn't have any money. He'd spent it gambling on the dogs or down the pub. So it came to the point when I just agreed with Mum, and bowed myself towards the inevitable.4 If you ask me, and despite everything you hear, fortunately there are some really nice people out there. Take Mike, for example. When I left university, what I thought was that my mum would feel obliged to look after me if I returned home. So I packed up my belongings and went to London to get a job. I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, I could use my degree. But by that time, there were no jobs left, and I didn't really want to end up in some boring office, doing photocopies and making the tea.5 Go anywhere you like in London and there's usually a good pub. The day I realized no one in the city was going to offer me a job, I went into The Salisbury on Leadenhall Street for a drink and something to eat. Mike the landlord was at the bar, pouring pints with one hand, making sandwiches with the other, and washing the glasses all at the same time—it's true, he really did seem to have three hands. He also seemed to know everyone, and greeted the regulars by name, getting their drinks ready with the question, "The usual today, is it?" I thought he looked kind of cool, he was doing what he did best, serving thirsty clients, and no one did it better. So I went up to him and asked him whether there was a job for me.6 Well, to cut a long story short, I started work in the pub one Friday lunch time. It was quite demanding work, but I liked it. People seemed to find me amusing and it made me feel better too. There was one middle-aged regular in a suit who always had a half of bitter and a ham and pickle sandwich, with the crusts cut off. When I saw Tony coming, I tried to have his lunch ready for him even before he asked. He was another one of those really nice people.7 If you ask me, spending money when you don't have any is dead easy. I began to think about how I'd spend my first month's wages. The flat where I was staying was expensive, and I just about had enough to cover the first month's substantial bills. But I calculated that there'dbe just enough money over to treat myself to something. Why not get a CD or maybe a plant to cheer up the flat? I thought.8 It was my birthday on pay day. Apart from Mike and Tony, I didn't have any friends in London. Seeing that I didn't have a boyfriend either, you can understand why I began to feel sorry for myself. So I ordered myself some flowers, and asked them to be sent with a little card, saying "With all my love Anon." The highlight of my birthday would be the confused look on the florist's eyes when he delivered them.9 Later that week, Tony came in as usual and sat down at the bar. "What's wrong with you? Where's that smile gone today?" I talked to him about... well, about pretty well everything, money, the master's, my birthday, the lot. He sympathized with me.10 Tony got up from his stool, and went over to talk to some of the others. Remember: The Salisbury is right in the heart of the city, so all the customers were in banking or insurance or the stock market. Next day he turned up with cheques to the value of £20,000. "This is a loan for you to set up your business. The only collateral you have is my trust in you that one day, you'll pay us back—if you can. And if you can't, too bad, that's the finance business for you. But I think you will."11 I didn't say anything for fear that I was going to cry. What were the odds on anyone being so nice?12 And the flowers? I redirected them to my mum, and they arrived for her on my birthday. She deserved them, don't you think?13 If you ask me, looking back after all these years, you only need one or two breaks in your life to succeed. The fact that the rest is hard work doesn't matter, it's still worth it.14 After a year working at The Salisbury, I got a place at the LSE, did my master's and found a job in an investment bank. I in vested the £20,000, and sold out before the 2008 crash.I paid back Tony and the other investors, with ten per cent annual interest, and set up my own firm. It exceeded all my expectations and is still a thriving business.15 Tony wrote me a thank-you note. He'd been in a car accident, and couldn't walk. The money I paid back would allow him to adapt his house so he could move around it in his wheelchair. This is what he wrote:16 "Thirty-five years in banking, and I've never made a better investment than the loan to you. You've repaid the money with interest, and my trust in you and your honesty 100-fold. If you ask me, investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope for."17 If you ask me, he's right. What do you think?依我看依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么好。



Key to book4 unit1-7Unit 1 Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaReading and understandingDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a sense of satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in a lazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or (b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) refer to it quickly and then change the subject?Active reading (2)If you ask meDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone’s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.A After three years at university, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn’t need to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend was always Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough to keep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key:(1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bit disappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored by what they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or (b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers most often?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the place happier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here “kind of” is a sort of discourse marker of informal speech (showing something is general,vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, I could use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it’s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it’s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well). Language in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)word formation: noun phrases2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)try as … might3 Rewrite the sentences using try as … might .1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesn’t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven’t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees. (c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy “kissing and making up” after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, a nd all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。

新编英语教程第四册 Text I Unit I Book 4

新编英语教程第四册 Text I Unit I Book 4
1. What does “This Year” in the title suggest?
• It suggests a comparison between “this year” and “the years in the past” • We can guess that the writer is going to say something he did in the previous years and something that he is going to do in the coming year.
1. Please scan the text and make a list of the writer’s collection of rules for self-improvement.
• • • • • Be spontaneous in showing affection. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold. Always encourage you child’s curiosity. Meet your child at his own level. Show an interest in your children’s friends.
9. Why did the writer decide to take down the Christmas tree? And what was his wife reaction? (Paragraph 22-23) 10.Can you describe the writer’s air of speaking when he seem to fail to “get out from what he puts in” as far as his new year’s resolutions are concerned? (Paragraph 34-38) 11. Why was everybody relieved in the end? 12. Can you say something about the writer’s usual character? 13. Why did all the writer’s efforts to be a good father and husband end in failure? 14. Please summarize the main idea of the text.

新编英语教程book 4unit 4

新编英语教程book 4unit 4
❖ bluntly ❖speaking in a direct honest way that sometimes upsets
people ❖e.g. 'You're drunk,' she said bluntly. ❖ To put it bluntly , she's not up to the job. ❖ blunt ❖not sharp or pointed [opposite] sharp ❖e.g. a blunt pencil
The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to
contend with.
Company Logo

para 2— I contend quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.
Company Logo
Analogy 类比

黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知 是他外祖母。方欲拜见时,早被他外祖母一把搂入怀中,心肝儿肉叫着大 哭起来。【几千斤力量写此一笔。】当下地下侍立之人,无不掩面涕泣。 【旁写一笔,更妙!】众人见黛玉年貌虽小,其举止言谈不俗,身体面庞 虽怯弱不胜,【写美人是如此笔仗,看官怎得不叫绝称赏!】却有一段自 然的风流态度。【众人目中,只此一句足矣!】……宝玉早已看见多了一个 姊妹,便料定是林姑妈之女,忙来作揖。厮见毕归坐,细看形容,【又从 宝玉目中细写一黛玉,直画一美人图。】与众各别:两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉, 【奇眉妙眉,奇想妙想。】一双似喜非喜含露目。【奇目妙目,奇想妙 想。】态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣 花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。【至此八句是宝玉眼中。】心较比干多一窍, 【此一句是宝玉心中。多一窍固是好事,然未免偏僻了,所谓“过犹不及” 也。】病如西子胜三分。【此十句定评,直抵一赋。不写衣裙妆饰,正是 宝玉眼中不屑之物,故不曾看见。黛玉之举止容貌,亦是宝玉眼中看、心 中评。若不是宝玉,断不能知黛玉是何等品貌。】宝玉看罢,因笑【黛玉 见宝玉写一“惊”字,宝玉见黛玉写一“笑”字,一存于中,一发乎外, 可见文于下笔必推敲的准稳,方才用字。】道:【看他第一句是何话。】 “这个妹妹我曾见过的。”【疯话。与黛玉同心,却是两样笔墨。】



























《新编跨文化交际英语教程》复习资料U4Unit 4 Language and CultureSome Ideas Related to language and culture1. Interrelationship between culture and languageEach culture has its own peculiarities and throws special influence on the language system. For example, referring to the same common domestic animal, English chooses the word “dog”, while Chinese has its own character “狗”; Chinese has the phrase “走狗” while English has the expression “running dog”, but the meanings attributed to the two expressions are completely different according to Chinese culture and Western culture respectively. To Westerners, “running dog” has a positive meaning since the word “dog”, in most cases, is associated with an image of an animal pet-the favorite friend, thus they have the phrases “lucky dog” (幸运儿), “top dog” (胜利者), “old dog” (老手), “gay dog” (快乐的人), and it is usually used to describe everyday life and behavior, as in “Love me, love my dog” (爱屋及乌),“Every dog has its day” (凡人皆有得意日). But in Chinese “走狗” refers to a lackey, an obsequious person. Since Chinese associates derogatory meaning to the character “狗” depending on the cultural difference, Chinese has such expressions as “狗东西”,“狗腿子”,“狗仗人势”,“狗胆包天”,“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”,“狼心狗肺”,“痛打落水狗”,“狗急跳墙”.We can obviously see that the meaning attributed to language is cultural-specific. A great deal of cross-cultural misunderstanding occurs when the “meanings” of words in two languages are assumed to be the same, but actually reflect different cultural patterns. Some are humorous as when a Turkish visitor to the . refused to eat a hotdog because it was against his beliefs to eat dog meat.Some are much more serious as when a French couple on a trip to China took their pet poodle into a restaurant and requested some dog food. The dog was cooked and returned to their table on a platter!We can summarize the relationship between culture and language as the following: language is a key component of culture. It is the primary medium for transmitting much of culture. Without language, culture would not be possible. Children learning their native language are learning their own culture; learning a second language also involves learning a second culture to varying degrees. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture. Cultural differences are the most serious areas causing misunderstanding, unpleasantness and even conflict in cross-cultural communication.2. Sapir-Whorf HypothesisThe Sapir-Whorf theory, named after the American linguists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, is a mould theory of language. Writing in 1929, Sapir argued in a classic passage that: `Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of theparticular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the“real world” is to a large extent unconsciously built upon the language habits of the group. No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir 1958 [1929], p. 69)This position was extended in the 1930s by his student Whorf, who, in another widely cited passage, declared that:We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages. The categories and types that we isolate from the world ofphenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds — and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds. We cut nature up, organize it into concepts, and ascribe significances as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement to organize it in this way —an agreement that holds throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language. The agreement is, of course, an implicit and unstated one, but its terms are absolutely obligatory; we cannot talk at all except by subscribing to the organization and classification of data which the agreement decrees. (Whorf 1940, pp. 213-14; his emphasis)3. The Role of Words in Various CulturesWords are inventive tools for communication, and the enjoyment of using this toolbox of symbols varies from cultureto culture. In low-context cultures, the role of words is of informational; meaning is encoded explicitly.Not to encode messages explicitly is to risk being misunderstood in those cultures. In high-context cultures the purpose of communication is often socially lubricative. That is, communication first has a role in sustaining relationships, and second only within the context of a relationship of transmitting information.4. The contrasts between Chinese and Western writing in English.~Reading IHow Is Language Related to Culture Comprehension questions1. What can we do to avoid attributing a very different meaning to the phrase or interpret it much more literally We have to be aware of the cultural implications of the phrase.2. What are the other functions of using question forms apart from asking for informationIt serves as a lubricant to move the conversation forward. A question that has this function can be called a ―social question.·3. Why are those Germans getting stiffer and more reserved all the time when visiting Ingrid ZerbeThey are confused about how to address her, for she introduces herself by first and last name rather than by last name and professional title.4. How does the environment influence the use of languageLanguage reflects the environment in which we live. We uselanguage to label the things that are around us.5. Does the author think there are exact equivalents in dictionaries that have the same meanings in different cultures No. According to the author, there are no such equivalents between languages; therefore, to communicate concepts effectively, cultural knowledge is as important as linguistic knowledge.6. How does the language change over time~Words and phrases that are used commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning may change over time.7. Does the author think it is possible for countries such as France and Iceland to keep their language pure by implementing language policy to ensure the use of standardized language The author does not think so, because, for instance, the Academie Francaise may insist on certain rules, but other French-speaking groups may make their own rules and consider their Frenchjust as correct.8. What are the possible language barriers in classroom teachingIn some cases the professors actually may have a poor command of the language; however, in most cases the problem is not the language but different intonation patterns and different cultural signals. .Reading IILanguage-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same Coin@Comprehension questions1. What is the author?s view of the relationship between language and culture Language and culture are clearly fused; onereflects the other.2. In which ways does language reflect the cultureLanguage embodies the products, perspectives, communities, and persons of a culture. Members of the culture have created the language to carry out all theircultural practices, to identify and organize all their cultural products, and to name the underlying cultural perspectives in all the various communities that comprise their culture.3. How can we use the right language in the right way according to the authorIt is based on direct experience in the culture and interactions with members of the culture, in all the complexity this entails.》4. Is there any cultural product that consists entirely of language Can you give an exampleMany cultural products, such as literature, tax codes, telephone directories, operating instructions, passports, consist entirely of language. Another example is folklores.5. What is the meaning of “language is a cultural product in and of itself”When spoken and written, language takes on tangible and perceptible forms. These tangible forms, as with any cultural product, can be described through language. We constantly use language to discuss language itself.6. Can you give an example of how words lead to cultural perspectivesFor example, as we have already learned, the kinship terms specifically used in Chinese lead to a cultural perspective that is different from that of theEnglish-speaking people in this aspect.`7. What did the Chinese teacher find from her in-depth study of “the bumper sticker”The perspectives are indeed embodied in words, phrases, and sentences, but they are not always immediately obvious, especially to outsiders.8. Are there any particular norms made by different communities for their language useYes, there are. Communities define norms for appropriate use of language. Within groups, roles, relationships, and other social factors influence who speaks, what they say, and how they say it. The language forms we use in one set of social circumstances with certain communities are not necessarily the ones we use in others.Case StudyCase 13This example vividly illustrates that failures in intercultural translation may probably lead to very serious consequence, or even disasters to human beings. Definitely, translation is not such a simple process as rendering a word, a sentence or a text literally, but rather a far more complex one than most people assumed.For example, once a Chinese cosmetic manufacturer wanted to promote their products into the international market. The slogan of the advertisementwas: ―sweet as Jade, since in Chinese ―jade w as always employed to compliment woman‘s beauty; but unfortunately, it was not an appropriate word to describe thebeauty of a lady in Western cultures. In English, ―jade in its use of referring a woman had the connotations such as vulgar,rude, immoral, or skittish. Undoubtedly, the sales in【European countries were not satisfying.The seeming equivalents between languages may have very different connotations in different cultures, thus the translator should be cautious in the process of doing the translation so as to avoid misunderstandings.Case 14“杨” refers to Yang Kaihui w h o w a s Mao Zedong‘s deceased wife and ―柳‖ refers to Liu zhixun who was Li shuyi‘s deceased husband. They can be translated in different ways, but it seems to be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve equivalence in translating from Chinese into English.Adopting the literal translation strategy, version 1 appears to be faithful to the original but may easily confuse the readers in the target language. Version 2 employs the liberal translation strategy with an attempt to convey the original meaning as precisely as possible. However, the original poetic flavor is lost as the rhetoric device — pun — is not reproduced.Case 15The translation seems to be faithful to the original, but it may not be really good for the purpose of intercultural communication. Foreign readers of the translation may find it strange and inappropriate.The following is what a friendly American journalist has commented on the translation:`My first reaction was unfortunately laughter because it is so full of mistakes. It omits some necessary information about the Dragon-Boat Festival, including its historical origins and when itactually takes place. These things are important… The copy seems to t ry to ―snow the reader with fanciful, overblown assertions about how terrific it all is, but in unintentionally hilarious language that leaves the reader laughing out uninformed… The brochure also suffers from lack of background material, the taking-if-for-granted that the reader already is familiar with many aspects of Chinese history and culture… It doesn‘t tell you where to go, how to get there, when things are open and closed, how much they cost, and so forth. All these are things people visiting an area want to know.Why is it that many Chinese travel guides read basically the same, no matter what region is being written about, and are so packed with indiscriminate hyperbole Less exaggeration would actually be more convincing.Case 16Comparing the two English versions, we can see th at in Yang‘s version more culturally-loaded meanings are conveyed from the original while Hawkes‘ version may be easier for English-speaking readers to comprehend.Look at some of the differences between the two versions of this extract:贾母The Lady Dowager / Grandmother Jia 老祖宗Old Ancestress / Granny dear凤辣子Fiery Phoenix / Peppercorn Feng二舅母王氏Lady Wang, her second uncle‘s wife / her Uncle Zheng‘s wife, Lady Wang:学名叫做王熙凤the school-room name His-feng / the somewhatboyish-sounding name of Wang Xi-feng黛玉忙赔笑见礼,以“嫂”呼之Tai-yu lost no time in greetingher with a smile as ―cousin.Dai-yu accordingly smiled and curt-eyed, greeting her by her correct name as she did so.竟不象老祖宗的外孙女儿She doesn‘t take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress /She doesn‘t take after your side of the family, Ganny.怨不得老祖宗天天嘴里心里放不下No wonder our Old Ancestress couldn‘t put you out of her mind and was forever talking and thinking about you. / I don‘t blame you for having gone on so about her during the past few days 现吃什么药What medicine are you taking / Not translatedAnd there are some culturally-loaded expressions in the text that seem to defy translation:琏二嫂子内侄女以“嫂”呼之外孙女儿嫡亲的孙女儿妹妹By comparing different translations of the same text, we can achieve a better understanding of cultural gaps and differences and then learn to employ proper strategies to bridge those gaps in translating across languages for intercultural communication.。

大学英语新编语言学教程Chapter 4 Syntax

大学英语新编语言学教程Chapter 4 Syntax
“体”关系到如何看待动词描述的事件。英 语中有两种体,一个是完成体;一个是进行 体。


Mood involves a choice between indicative , imperative and subjunctive forms of the verb on the semantic basis of the factuality. “式”牵涉到在直陈式、祁使式、虚拟式动 词词形间做出选择,这种选择以语义为依据, 视动词所描述的事件真实与否而定。

4.2 Categories

Category in some approaches refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense ,e.g. noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phrase, verb phrase, etc.

Grammatical Categories
The term “grammatical category” is used by some linguists to refer to word classes. In TG grammatical categories are syntactic units indicated by “category symbols” such as S, NP, VP, Det , A, etc.

Aspect deals with how the event described by a verb is viewed. English has two aspect constructions, the perfective and the progressive, realised by “have +ed participle” and “be+-ing participle” respectively.

新编英语教程4 unit 4

新编英语教程4 unit 4

(4) reading speed
• –textbooks: slow speed, less than 100 wpm for intensive reading , study and remember --fiction: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for entertainment --non-fiction: average speed, 150-200 wpm, reading for special purpose --newspapers: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information --magazines: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information or entertainment
c. tips for reading
• (2) Skimming and scanning: • Skimming is a reading skill you use when you want to get the main idea of a book • --read the introduction, usually the opening paragraph of a chapter • --read the conclusion , usually the final paragraph of a chapter • --read very quickly, skip or leave out small portions of the material in order to get the main ideas • •
(3) Note-taking:



• a. Be spontaneous in showing affection.
• Practice: He sneak up on his wife and kissed her on the back of the neck.
• Reaction: His wife shrieked and dropped a cup.

Practice: He told his son with great patience how the
watch worked.

Reaction: Sammy became absent-minded.
(2) The practice of his 8+2 resolutions
• d. Meet your child at his own level.

1.About New Year’s Resolutions
B. Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
• 1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends • 2) Fit in Fitness • 3) Tame the Bulge • 4) Quit Smoking • 5) Enjoy Life More • 6) Quit Drinking • 7) Get Out of Debt • 8) Learn Something New • 9) Help Others • 10) Get Organized

Practice: He helped the boys build a snowman,
played jacks with Gretchen, struck up a conversation
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Unit 1 This Year It's Going to Be Different New Year's resolutions are like anything else--you get out of them what you put in.Judging from results of other years,I had never put enough in,but this year was going to be different.I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list.Find some beauty in everything...Make the other fellow feel important...About thirty like that.Pretty clearly,anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life,boundless love from his family,and the admiration of the community.I could hardly wait until New Year's Day.When I came downstairs Maggie,my wife,was at the kitchen sink.I t iptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck.(Resolution No.1:Be spontaneous in showing affection.)She shrieked and dropped a cup.“Don't ever sneak up on me like that again!”she cried.Unit 2 EnglishesOf course a scale of styles exists in all our use of English.Each of us works not just with one English but with many Englishes,and the wider the range of our life and the more various the contacts we have,the wider and suppler must be our command over a range of English styles,each of which we know how to use consistently.Aknowledge of several styles may be worse than useless if haphazardwe do not know when we are sliding from one to another.We do not say,“It was extremely gracious of you to invite me,Lady Jones,and I've had bags of fun,”because“bags of fun”does not mix with“extremely gracious”,and because to use an expressionlike“bags of fun,”we should need to know Lady Jones well enough to be addressing her by her first name.bags of fun can be It is not--we must never tire of insisting--that labelled“bad”or“slovenly”English,“alazysubstitute forthought”,“Bags of fun”is no more a lazy substitute for thought in itsappropriate setting than is“extremely gracious”in the setting that isthis expression.As we have seen repeatedly,it is the appropriate forheight of naivety to go round with a single yardstick,measuring English as“good”or “bad”.Take the opening suggested earlier for aninformal letter:“My dear Frank,it was awfully nice to get your note the other day.”Here are the words that would greatly please the receiver with their warmth and friendliness,yet they include awfullyget nice,three words which have been and condemned so ,often that many people cannot write them without having a slight feeling of guilt. They have been called “slovenly”andeven“meaningless”.Such an attitude is plainly ridiculous and can use of English.do nothing but harm to the goodSalvationUnit 3I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen.But not really saved.It happened like this.There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed's church.Every night for weeks there had been much preaching,singing,praying,and shouting,and some very hardened sinners who had been brought to Christ,and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.Then just before the revival ended,they held a special meeting for children,“to bring the young lambs to the fold”.My aunt spoke it for days ahead.That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners' bench with all the other young sinners,who had not yet been brought to Jesus. My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light,andsomething happened to you inside!And Jesus came into yourlife!And God was with you from then on!She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul.I believed her.I have heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know.So I sat there calmly in the hot,crowdedchurch,waiting for Jesus to come to me.The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon,all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell,and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold,but one little lamb was left out in the cold.Then he said:“Won't you come?Won't you come to Jesus?Young lambs,won't you come?”And he held out his arms to all of us young sinners there on the mourners' bench.And the little girl cried.And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away.But most of us just sat there.Unit 4 Writing Between the LinesYou know you have to read“between the lines”to get the most out of anything.I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading.I want to persuade youto“write between the lines”.Unless you do,you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.I contend,quite bluntly,that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.There are two ways in which one can own a book.The first is the property right you establish by paying for it,just as you pay for clothes and furniture.But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself,and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.An illustration may make the point clear.You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own.But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream.I am arguing that books,too,must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.There are three kinds of book owners.The first has all the standard sets and best sellers--unread,untouched.The second has a great many books--a few of them read through,most of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.(This person would probably like to make books his own,but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.)The third has a few books or many--every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated,shaken and loosened by continual use,marked and scribbled in from front to back.Unit 5 Network Designer--TimBerners-LeeWant to see how much the world has changed in the past decade?Log on to the Internet,launch a search engine and type in the word“enquire”(British spelling,please).You'll get about 30,000 hits.It turns out you can“enquire”about nearly anything online thesedays,fromusedHarleyDavidsonsforsaleinSydney,Australia(“Enquire about touring bikes,Click here!”),to computer-training-by-e-mail courses in India(“where excellence is not an act but a habit”).Click once to go to a site in Nairobi and enquire about booking shuttle reservations there.Click again,and zip off to Singapore,to a company that specializes in“pet moving.”Enquire about buying industrial-age nuts and boltsNewupstate from“the Bolt Boys”in South Africa,or teddy bears in York.Exotic cigar labels!Four-poster beds for dogs!So what,you say?Everybody knows that with a mouse,a modemand access to the Internet,these days you can point-and-click anywhere on the planet,unencumbered by time or space orlong-distance phone tariffs.Unit 6 Predators,Parasites and Other Relationships The living things in an ecosystem affect each other in many ways.The consumers that kill other animals for food are called predators.The word predator usually bring to mind pictures of lions and wolves,but such creatures as robins,frogs,and humans are also predators.Some predators,carnivores such as lions,depend entirely on animals they kill while many others,such as foxes and humans,eat plant food too.Some people think of predators as“bad”,though humans themselves are the greatest predators the world hasknown.Sometimes individual predators do prey upon farm animals,and these individuals have to be controlled.Toooften,however,people try to wipe out entire populations of predators,with the mistaken idea that they are doing good. People usually believe that predators have an easy time ofit,killing defenseless prey.But studies of predators and their prey Africa,Dr.Georgein tigers observing so.After isn't this that showSchaller wrote:“The tiger's seemingly unbeatable array ofweapons--its acute senses,great speed(but over short distances only),strength and size,and formidable claws and teeth--have given many naturalists the impression that the tiger can kill at will (I)estimate that,for every wild prey killed,the tiger makes twenty to thirty unsuccessful attempts.”Unit 7 A Sunrise on the VeldHe ran closer,and again stood still,stopped by a new fear.Around him the grass was whispering and alive.He looked wildly about,then down.The ground was black with ants,great energetic ants that took no notice of him,but hurried and scurried towards the fighting shape,like glistening black water flowing through the grass.And,as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him,the beast fell and the screaming stopped.Now he could hear nothing but one bird singing,and the sound of the rustling whispering ants. Unit 8 AntarcticaSeen from space,the astronauts tell us,the most distinctive feature of our planet is the ice sheet of Antarctica which“radiates light like a great white lantern across the bottom of the world.This ice sheet covers 5,500,000 square miles(an area greater than the United States and Central America combined);it averages more than theof cent per 90 than more contains ;it thickness in feet 7,000world's ice and snow,and if suddenly it melted the oceans would rise to such a height that every other person on earth would be drowned.Antarctica is in fact our planet's largest and most spectacular natural phenomenon.Yet 160 years ago no one had ever set eyes on this vast continent,let alone set foot on it;and even today man's tenure of it is unsure and his knowledge comparatively slight.To understand why,we need to appreciate the sort of place Antarctica is.People used to regard the Arctic and the Antarctic as much alike.In fact their differences outweigh their similarities.The Arctic is closely hemmed in by the populated landmasses of Europe,America and Asia;the Antarctic in contrast is in splendid isolation,divided from the nearest land by vast reaches of the most tempestuous seas on earth.Another big difference is the climate.We are so inclined to think of both the Arctic and Antarctic as cold,that we tend to forget how much colder the latter is.North of the Arctic Circle tens of thousands of families live in comfort all the year round;thousands of plants and animals are able to survive;hundreds of children are born every year.South of the Antarctic Circle,in contrast,there is no habitation that a man can describe as home;the only plants are a handful of mosses and lichens;the only landlife flies;no human childwingless are simply one-celled creatures andhas ever been born there.Unit 9 The PearlA town is a thing like a colonial animal.A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet.A town is a thing separate from all other towns,so that there are no two towns alike.And a town has a whole emotion.How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved.News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it,faster than women can call it over the fences.Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino's brush house,the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news--Kino had found the Pearl of the World.Before panting little boys could strangle out the words,their mother knew it.The news swept on past the brush house,and it washed in a f oaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.It came to the priest walking in his garden,and put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church.He wondered what the pearl would be worth.And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino's baby,or married him for that matter.The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men's clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whoseillness was age,though neither she nor the doctor would admitit.And when it was made plain who Kino was,the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.“He is a client of mine,”the doctor said.“I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.”And the doctor's eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and luxurious place.The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.Unit 10 From Composer to Interpreter to Listener What do we listen for when we listen to a composer?He need not tell us a story like the novelist; he need not“copy”nature like the sculptor; his work need have no immediate practical function like the architect's drawing.What is it that he gives us,then?Only one answer seems possible to me:He gives us himself.Every artist's work is,of course,an expression of himself,but none so direct as that of thecreativemusician.Hegivesus,withoutrelationtoexterior“event”,the quintessential part of himself--that part which embodies the fullest and deepest expression of himself as a man and of his experience as a fellow being.Always remember that when you listen to a composer's creation ownhis individual,with particular a man,to a to listening are you special personality.It may be of greater or lesser importance,but,in the case of significant music,it will always mirror that personality.No composer can write into his music a value that he does not possess as a man.His character may be streaked with human frailties--like Lully's or Wagner's,for example--but whatever is fine in his music will come from whatever is fine in him as a man.。
