六一儿童节英文歌曲的歌词翻译Introduction:"Children's Day" is a special day for children all over the world and especially in China, where it is celebrated on June 1 every year. To commemorate this special day, children sing and dance to music that speaks to their hearts. Many songs have become popular and traditional to celebrate Children's Day in China. In this document, we will provide an English translation of some of the most popular Children's Day songs in China.1. 《童年》(Tong Nian) - "Childhood":你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。
You stood on the bridge to enjoy the view,People from the building watching you,Bright moon decorated your window,You decorated other people's dreams.Translation: This song speaks about childhood memories and how they are often filled with innocence, beauty, and wonder. It is a reminder to children that they should enjoy their childhood while they can, as it is a precious time that will never come back. The song also touches on the idea that a child's imagination can bring joy to others, just as much as it can bring joy to the child themselves.2. 《小星星》(Xiao Xing Xing) - "Little Star":一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星。
当乐段末尾的旋律停留在主和弦三音时,A 段欢快的旋律又骤然响起,乐曲进入再现部,最后在琶音和弦的衬托下,再度奏出B段的抒情动机结束全曲,主和弦的三音使童年的回忆绵绵不断。
英文儿歌教案教案标题:学习英文儿歌 - 培养幼儿的英语语感和语调教案目标:1. 通过学习英文儿歌,培养幼儿对英语语音的敏感性和准确性。
2. 培养幼儿的英语听说能力和语感。
3. 拓展幼儿的词汇量和句型表达能力。
4. 提高幼儿的自信心和参与度。
教学材料:1. 多种英文儿歌的录音文件或视频,包括经典的儿童歌曲如《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》等。
2. 儿歌的歌词和翻译,以帮助幼儿理解歌曲的内容。
3. 展示材料,如图片、卡片或实物,与歌曲的主题相关。
教学过程:引入(5分钟):1. 在幼儿做好准备之后,播放一首快节奏的英文儿歌,例如《If You're Happy and You Know It》。
2. 让孩子们随着音乐的节奏做相应的动作,例如拍手、跳跃等。
3. 讨论孩子们对这首歌的感受,引导他们在英文儿歌中发现趣味和乐趣。
主体(20分钟):1. 选择一首简单易懂、旋律动听的英文儿歌,如《The Wheels on the Bus》。
2. 先播放一遍歌曲,让孩子们只听不说,并观察他们的反应和理解度。
3. 逐行教唱歌词,鼓励幼儿尝试跟随教师一起唱。
4. 注重清晰发音和语调,教导幼儿正确的发音和语音连贯性。
5. 练习唱歌的同时,通过问答、绘画等方式帮助幼儿理解歌词中的意义和句子结构。
6. 制作相关的图片或卡片,帮助幼儿更直观地理解歌曲内容并进行关联记忆。
巩固(15分钟):1. 分组让孩子们一起合唱歌曲,加强语感和团队合作意识。
2. 鼓励幼儿表演或即兴创作与歌曲相关的身体动作,以提高参与度和自信心。
3. 将其他学过的英文儿歌进行回顾,检验孩子们的记忆能力和唱歌的准确性。
4. 以问答形式对歌词进行复习,巩固幼儿对歌曲的理解和语言能力。
结束(5分钟):1. 与孩子们共同回顾今天的学习内容,鼓励他们在家和朋友间继续唱英文儿歌。
2. 奖励孩子们的努力和进步,例如鼓励表扬或小奖励。
3. 提醒家长们在日常生活中多播放英文儿歌,并与孩子一起唱歌以加深学习记忆。
儿童节英文歌曲歌词翻译版本Children's Day is a day of celebration for all the children around the world. It's a time for kids to enjoy themselves and have fun! One of the most enjoyable aspects of this day is the music. Children's Day songs are a great way to entertain children and to teach them something at the same time.Here are a few popular Children's Day songs and their English translations.1. 童年(Tóngnián) - Childhood (pinyin: Tóngnián)This song was written by the famous Chinese singer, Liu Huan. It's a simple song about the joys of childhood and the memories that stay with us forever. The chorus of the song goes like this:童年的红被时光拍成了沧桑tóngnián de hóng bèishíguāng pāi chéng le cāngsāngThe red of childhood has been turned into hardship by time唯一能让我倾听记忆的旋律wéiyī néng ràng wǒ qīngtīng jìyì de xuánlǜThe only melody that lets me listen to my memoriesOh… 童年啊童年ah…Oh... childhood, childhood...2. 感恩的心(Gǎn'ēn de xīn) - Grateful Heart (pinyin: Gǎn'ēn de xīn)This song teaches children the importance of gratitu de and being thankful for what they have. The lyrics are simple butpowerful, and the melody is catchy and easy to sing along to. Here's the chorus:感恩的心我要拥有gǎn'ēn de xīn wǒ yào yōngyǒuI want to have a grateful heart当我感到快乐时感恩dāng wǒ gǎndào kuàilè shígǎn'ēnWhen I feel happy, I'll be grateful当我沮丧时更要感恩dāng wǒ jǔsàng shí gèng yàogǎn'ēnWhen I feel down, I'll be even more grateful3. 十个太阳(Shí gè tàiyáng) - Ten Suns (pinyin: Shí gètàiyáng)This song teaches children about the importance of teamwork and working together. The song is upbeat and lively, and the lyrics are easy to remember. Here's the chorus:十个太阳照亮大地shí gè tàiyáng zhào liàng dàdìTen suns shine on the earth一起发光一起热闹yìqǐ fāguāng yìqǐ rènàoTogether we glow, together we're lively十个太阳数不尽的美好shí gè tàiyáng shù bù jìn deměihǎoTen suns bring endless beauty一起挥手一起笑yìqǐ huī shǒu yìqǐ xiàoTogether we wave, together we laugh4. 小小兵(Xiǎo xiǎo bīng) - Little Soldier (pinyin: Xiǎo xiǎo bīng)This song is a favorite among children in China. It's a fun songabout a little soldier who saves the day. The song is easy to sing along to and the lyrics are cute. Here's the chorus:小小兵你真勇敢xiǎo xiǎo bīng nǐ zhēn yǒnggǎnLittle soldier, you're so brave小小兵你的胸膛是铁打的xiǎo xiǎo bīng nǐ de xiōngtáng shì tiě dǎ deLittle soldier, your chest is made of iron小小兵你一定会成功xiǎo xiǎo bīng nǐ yīdìng huìchénggōngLittle soldier, you'll surely succeed小小兵你是我们的英雄xiǎo xiǎo bīng nǐ shì wǒmen deyīngxióngLittle soldier, you're our heroIn conclusion, Children's Day is a wonderful holiday for children all over the world. Singing songs is an important part of any celebration, and these children's songs are not only fun to sing, but also teach children important values and messages. What better way to celebrate this joyous day than to sing along to some heart-warming children's songs?。
童年英文歌教学歌曲《童年》的英文版歌词如下:"Childhood"Remember when we were young Running wild and freeDreaming of the big unknownLaughing in the rainDays were longer and the nights were short Life was simple and it was pureWe were stronger than we knewAnd the world was all before usOh, the innocence of youthThe beauty of that truthAnd all the memories we've sharedWill never fade awayOh, childhood, you were my first love You taught me how to dreamAnd all that I could beAnd all that I've becomeIs because of you, my childhood loveNow we're standing on the edgeOf a brand new dayMemories fading into the pastBut the echoes still remainOh, how I wish I could turn back time To that innocent face in the mirrorThe smile that used to light up my world And the joy that used to fill my heartOh, childhood, you were my first love You taught me how to dreamAnd all that I could beAnd all that I've becomeIs because of you, my childhood love(Bridge)Oh, those carefree days of long ago When the world was just a field of green Full of promises and dreams come true Oh, how I long to go back there again.。
教学步骤:Step 1:导入歌曲(约5分钟)1.请学生坐到自己的座位上,静静地闭上眼睛。
Step 2:展示歌词(约10分钟)1.用PPT或手写的方式展示歌曲的歌词。
Step 3:解读歌词(约15分钟)1.引导学生思考歌曲表达的主题和情感是什么。
Step 4:学唱歌曲(约20分钟)1.播放歌曲的录音或音频文件,让学生跟着歌唱。
Step 5:合唱演示与总结(约10分钟)1.请几个小组表演他们的合唱演唱。
Step 6:作业布置(约5分钟)1.要求学生回家整理自己关于童年的一个美好回忆,并以写作的方式表达出来。
童年英语歌教学目标群体:- 初学者(儿童)教学目标:1. 提高学生对英语语音的敏感度。
2. 增强学生的词汇记忆能力。
3. 提升学生的发音技巧和语言节奏感。
4. 加强学生对英语文化的认识。
5. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
教学材料:- 童年英语歌曲集(例如:《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,《The Wheels on the Bus》,《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》等)- 音频播放设备- 歌词卡片- 图片或实物以辅助教学- 视频资料(可选)教学活动:第一部分:引入与热身1. 欢迎歌曲- 用简单的英文儿歌作为课堂的开场,比如《Hello Song》。
2. 身体运动- 通过伴随歌曲的身体动作来热身,如《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》。
第二部分:学习新歌1. 呈现歌曲主题- 使用图片或实物展示歌曲内容相关的物品或情境。
2. 听力理解- 播放歌曲,让孩子们先听并尝试理解。
3. 歌词学习- 逐句教学歌词,确保孩子们能正确发音并理解词义。
4. 跟唱练习- 全班一起跟随音乐唱歌,重复多次直至熟练。
第三部分:互动游戏1. 填空游戏- 在歌曲中故意遗漏某些单词,让孩子们填入。
2. 角色扮演- 孩子们模仿歌曲中提到的角色或动作。
3. 歌曲接龙- 按顺序轮流唱出歌曲的不同部分。
第四部分:复习与巩固1. 合唱- 全班再次齐唱所学的歌曲以巩固记忆。
2. 改编歌词- 鼓励孩子们创造性地改编歌词内容。
3. 家庭作业- 将歌曲录音或与家人一起唱歌,并在下节课分享体验。
评估方法:1. 观察学生参与度和兴趣表现。
2. 检查学生对歌词的记忆和发音准确性。
3. 通过游戏和小测验的形式来测试学生对歌曲内容的理解和记忆。
4. 鼓励家长反馈孩子在家练习的情况。
注意事项:- 确保所有活动都适合孩子的年龄和能力水平。
- 创造一个积极、鼓励的学习氛围,避免批评孩子的错误,而是用正面的方法纠正。
DAYS OF MY PAST (《童年》英文版)-教学文档
DAYS OF MY PAST (童年英文版)I recall when I was young oh,I will play and always having funwith the neighbours next to meand we’ll play until the setting suntry to be the best among the othersin a game called the “spider battle”it doesn’t matterwho is the best nowthose were the days of my pastFew years later when I got to school and was late for lessonall the timealways day dreaming in the classtill I don’t even know the lessons donethen my teacher always told menever ever be lazy againwhat can I do nowwhat can I say nowThose were the days of my pastas the days go on and onI grew up and had my first lovecandle light and sandy beachfinally give away my first kissmother said I was too young to fall in love andthen I will one day regret so love was overbut I do miss herthose were the days of my pastJust when I left my high school andgot my first job as a salesmanworking hard all day and nightno one there to lend a helping handDaddy told me not to worry andsaid that I should go on step by stepwhat can I say nowwhat can I do nowthose were the days of my pastThen one day I settled down with the only one I really lovegona small family with two kids that is what I’m always hoping for but I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friendsthose were the days of my pastI miss my hometown I miss my old friendswhen will I see them again第 1 页。
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小学音乐《童年》教案设计一、教学目标1. 让学生了解并体验音乐的魅力,培养他们对音乐的兴趣和爱好。
2. 通过学习歌曲《童年》,使学生感受童年的美好,激发他们对生活的热爱。
3. 培养学生们的集体合作精神,提高他们的音乐审美能力。
二、教学内容1. 歌曲《童年》的歌词及其意义。
2. 歌曲的旋律、节奏和演唱技巧。
3. 集体合唱的训练和表演。
三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:歌曲《童年》的歌词记忆、旋律演唱和集体合唱。
2. 教学难点:歌曲的高音部分演唱和节奏的准确性。
四、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解歌曲《童年》的背景、歌词意义和演唱技巧。
2. 示范法:教师或学生代表示范演唱,其他学生跟随学习。
3. 练习法:分组练习、集体合唱,纠正发音和节奏错误。
4. 互动法:学生提问、教师解答,学生之间互相评价、鼓励。
五、教学步骤1. 导入:讲解歌曲《童年》的背景,引发学生对童年的回忆和向往。
2. 学习歌词:让学生跟读歌词,理解歌词意义,体会童年的美好。
3. 学习旋律:教师弹奏歌曲,学生跟唱,注意旋律的准确性。
4. 演唱技巧:讲解并示范演唱技巧,如呼吸、发音、节奏等。
5. 集体合唱:分组练习,进行集体合唱,纠正发音和节奏错误。
7. 课后作业:让学生回家后练习演唱歌曲《童年》,准备下次课堂展示。
六、教学评估1. 课堂展示:学生在课堂上展示演唱歌曲《童年》的情况,包括歌词记忆、旋律演唱和集体合唱。
2. 课后作业:检查学生回家后练习演唱歌曲《童年》的情况,包括发音、节奏和旋律的准确性。
3. 学生互评:学生之间互相评价对方的演唱,鼓励优点,提出改进建议。
七、教学资源1. 歌曲《童年》的乐谱。
2. 教学录音机或音响设备。
3. 教学视频或图片,用于展示歌曲的背景和意义。
八、教学拓展1. 邀请家长参与课堂教学,共同参与集体合唱活动。
2. 组织学生进行音乐比赛,如歌唱比赛、音乐知识竞赛等。
3. 引导学生参加学校的音乐社团或兴趣小组,进一步培养他们的音乐兴趣和爱好。
大班歌曲《童年》教案### 教案名称:大班歌曲《童年》一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:- 学生能够理解并掌握歌曲《童年》的歌词内容。
- 学生能够跟随音乐节奏准确演唱《童年》。
- 学生能够理解歌曲中表达的情感,并尝试用身体语言表现。
2. 过程与方法:- 通过听、唱、演等多感官活动,培养学生的音乐感知能力和表达能力。
- 通过小组合作,培养学生的团队协作能力和沟通能力。
3. 情感、态度与价值观:- 通过歌曲学习,激发学生对童年美好时光的珍惜和回忆。
- 培养学生对音乐的热爱,感受音乐带来的快乐。
二、教学重难点:- 重点:学生能够准确掌握歌曲的旋律和歌词,理解歌曲情感。
- 难点:学生能够用身体语言表现歌曲内容,表达对童年的感受。
三、教学准备:- 音乐播放器及《童年》歌曲音频。
- 歌词卡片或歌词大字报。
- 彩色笔和纸张,用于创作歌词画。
- 教室内布置温馨、舒适的环境,营造回忆童年的氛围。
四、教学过程:1. 导入新课:- 通过提问学生关于童年的美好记忆,激发学生对童年话题的兴趣。
- 播放《童年》歌曲的片段,让学生初步感受歌曲的旋律和情感。
2. 新课呈现:- 教师范唱《童年》,学生跟唱,注意歌词的发音和节奏。
- 分解歌曲,逐句教学,确保学生能够准确掌握歌词。
- 通过歌词卡片或大字报,帮助学生记忆歌词。
3. 歌曲练习:- 学生分组练习,每组选择一名学生领唱,其他学生跟唱。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正发音和节奏上的错误。
4. 情感体验:- 讨论歌曲中的情感,让学生分享自己的童年故事,与歌曲内容产生共鸣。
- 引导学生用身体语言表现歌曲中的情感,如快乐、怀念等。
5. 创作活动:- 学生用彩色笔和纸张创作与歌词相关的画,表达对童年的理解和感受。
- 展示学生作品,鼓励学生分享创作背后的情感和故事。
6. 课堂小结:- 学生集体演唱《童年》,教师点评学生的表现。
- 强调珍惜童年时光的重要性,鼓励学生在生活中保持童心。
7. 作业布置:- 回家后与家人一起唱《童年》,分享童年的快乐时光。
为了庆祝这个特别的日子,不少人都喜欢唱儿童节英语歌,以下就为大家整理了一份儿童节英语歌词大全带翻译版,让我们一起来欣赏吧!一、《童年》(Childhood)歌词:Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Are you hiding in memories that will never die?Childhood, childhood you chance of life.Chorus:Sing a song of sunshine, golden days with laughter,Happy days when all the world was young.Sing a song of childhood, sing to one another,Know the love of childhood never ends.Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Childhood, childhood, where have you gone?Are you hiding in memories that will never die?Childhood, childhood you chance of life.Chorus:Sing a song of sunshine, golden days with laughter,Happy days when all the world was young.Sing a song of childhood, sing to one another,Know the love of childhood never ends.翻译:童年,童年,你到哪里去了?童年,童年,你到哪里去了?你是否藏在永不消逝的回忆里?童年,童年,你人生的机遇。
童年池塘边的榕树上知了在声声叫着夏天操场边的秋千上只有蝴蝶停在上面黑板上老师地粉笔还在拼命唧唧喳喳写个不停等待着下课等待着放学等待游戏的童年福利社里面什么都有就是口袋里没有半毛钱诸葛四郎和魔鬼党到底谁抢到那只宝剑隔壁班的那个女孩怎么还没经过我的窗前嘴里的零食手里的漫画心里初恋的童年总是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点总是要等到考试后才知道该念的书都没有念一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴一天又一天一年又一年迷迷糊糊地童年Music...没有人知道为什么太阳总下到山的那一边没有人能够告诉我山里面有没有住着神仙多少的日子里总是一个人面对着天空发呆就这么好奇就这么幻想这么孤单的童年阳光下蜻蜓飞过来一片一片绿油油的稻田水彩蜡笔和万花筒画不出天边那一道彩虹什么时候才能像高年级地同学有张成熟与长大的脸盼望着假期盼望着明天盼望长大的童年一天又一天一年又一年盼望长大的童年Days on my past原唱:baishi-kleI recall when I was young OH,I will play and always having fun with the neighbour next to meAnd we’ll play until the setting sun try to be The best among the others in a game call the “Spider battle”It doesn’t matter,who is the best howthose were the days of my pastfew years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time Always day dreaming in the class till I don’t even know the lessons doneThen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againwhat can I do nowWhat can I say nowThose were the days of my pastAs the days go on and onI grew up and had my first love candle light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss mother said I was too young to fall in love andthen I will one day regret so love was overbut I do miss herthose were the days of my pastjust when I left my high school and got my first job as a salesmen working hard all day and nightno one there to lend a helping hand daddy told me not to worry and said that I should go on step by step what can I say nowwhat can I do nowthose were the days of my past then once day I settled down with the only one I really lovegona small family with two kid that is what I’m always hoping forBut I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was youngI miss my hometown I miss my old friendThose were the days of my pastI miss my hometown I miss my old friendThose were the days of my past (When will I see them again)。
How times flies,we have really grown up.
We used to spend our whole holiday watching TV then…… Start doing homework the day before new term begins…… Or, some of us will come school early to copy others …
Monkey Sun
The Return of The Pearl Princess
Can you remember it??! 你还能记得初学这 首诗时的心境吗? 你是不是也喜欢用 红笔在书上给自己 加个“100分”? hahaha
Part 1
Food we used to eat
Wine core sugar 酒芯糖
Fig 无花果
NE Zha legend
Da Nao Tian Gong
Avanti's story
Calabash brothers
Black-cat Sergeant
Doraemon 哆啦a梦
Big Head Son and Small Head Father
Part 4
TV Dramas
Then let’s enjoy the TV dramas and movies in our childhood.
Post 90s’ childhood
When we look back on our childhood当我们回首往事,
Every year flowers look the same as time flies,but it's not true that people do.也许是花相
《童年》英文版歌词I recall when I was youngoh I will play and always having funwith the neighbour next to meand we'll play until the setting suntry to be the best amongthe others in a game call the "spider battle"It doesn't matterwho is the best nowThose were the days of my pastfew years later when I got to schooland was late for lesson all the timealways day dreaming in the classtill I don't even know the lesson's donethen my teacher always tell menever ever be lazy againwhat can I do nowwhat can I say nowthose were the days of my pastas the days go on and onI grew up and had my first lovecandel light and sandy beachfinally give away my first kissmather said I was too youngto fall in love and then I will one day regret so love was overbut I do miss herthose were the days of my pastjust when I left my high school andgot my first job in a sales nightworking hard all day and nightno one there to lend a helping handdady told me not to worryand said that l should go on step by stepwhat can i say nowwhat can I do nowthose were the days of my pastthen one day i settled downwith the only one I really lovegot a small family with two kidsthat is what I'm always hoping forbut i still remenber havingfun with all my friends when I was youngI miss my home townI miss my old friendsthose the days of my pastI miss my home townI miss my old friendswhen will i see them again电脑版--百度首页--转码声明365里路中英文歌词I have been waiting for so longfor the love to come alongthere are something very special about youI can tell if when I look into your eyes dearyou are the right one for meall I do is thinking of youwonder what you gonna dothinking I am the only one that's the best man for you tell me what can I do to make you my dearI guess I will be love with youall these years that I have been waitingto meet someone like youall these years that I have been searchingfor love that I become of my own**********all I do is thinking of youwonder what you gonna dothinking I am the only one best man for youtell me what can I do to make you my dearI guess I will be love with youall these years that I have been waitingto meet someone like youall these years that I have been searchingfor love that I become of my ownand you knowall these years that I have been waitingto meet someone like youall these years that I have been searchingfor love that I become of my ownall these years that I have been waitingto meet someone like youall these years that I have been searchingfor love that I become of my ownand you knowall these years that I have been waitingto meet someone like you************************************************** 睡意朦胧的星辰阻挡不了我的行程,多年漂泊日夜餐风露宿为了理想我宁愿忍受寂寞饮尽那份孤独抖落异地的尘土踏上遥远的路途满怀赤情追求我梦想三百六十五日年年度过过一日行一程三百六十五里路呀越过春夏秋冬三百六十五日呀岂能让它虚度有多少三百六十五里路呀从故乡到异乡.有多少三百六十五日呀从少年到白头三百六十五日呀饮尽那份孤独!!!。
初中音乐教案童年一、教学目标1. 通过学习歌曲《童年》,让学生了解和感受摇滚乐的风格特点,培养学生对音乐的兴趣和爱好。
2. 培养学生用正确的姿势和呼吸方法唱歌,提高学生的歌唱技巧和音乐表现力。
3. 通过分析歌曲《童年》,教育学生珍惜时光,热爱生活,树立正确的人生观和价值观。
二、教学内容1. 歌曲《童年》的词曲特点、结构分析。
2. 摇滚乐的基本特点及其与《童年》的关联。
3. 歌唱技巧与音乐表现力的培养。
4. 歌曲《童年》的教育意义。
三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:歌曲《童年》的词曲特点、结构分析,摇滚乐的基本特点。
2. 教学难点:歌唱技巧与音乐表现力的培养。
四、教学过程1. 导入:引导学生回忆自己的童年时光,激发学生对童年的美好回忆和向往。
2. 新课导入:介绍歌曲《童年》的背景,让学生初步感受摇滚乐的风格特点。
3. 歌曲学习:分析歌曲《童年》的词曲特点,讲解摇滚乐的基本特点,引导学生了解歌曲的结构。
4. 唱歌练习:教授正确的歌唱姿势和呼吸方法,指导学生演唱歌曲《童年》。
5. 音乐表现力培养:通过分组演唱、比赛等形式,培养学生对音乐的感知和表现力。
6. 教育引导:结合歌曲《童年》的歌词,教育学生珍惜时光,热爱生活,树立正确的人生观和价值观。
7. 课堂小结:总结本节课的学习内容,强调歌曲《童年》的教育意义。
五、教学评价1. 学生对歌曲《童年》的词曲特点、结构分析的理解程度。
2. 学生歌唱技巧和音乐表现力的提高情况。
3. 学生对摇滚乐的兴趣和爱好培养情况。
4. 学生对歌曲《童年》教育意义的认识和体会。
六、教学建议1. 教师应具备较强的音乐素养,能够准确把握歌曲《童年》的词曲特点和摇滚乐的基本特点。
2. 注重学生歌唱技巧的培养,引导学生用正确的姿势和呼吸方法唱歌。
3. 结合学生的生活实际,引导学生珍惜时光,热爱生活。
4. 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学生的音乐表现力。
5. 注重课堂氛围的营造,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中学习音乐。
幼儿园中英双语儿歌教案教案标题:中英双语儿歌带来乐趣一、教学目标:1. 能够理解和唱出中英双语儿歌2. 培养幼儿个性化表达和英语口语表达能力二、教材准备:1. 中英双语儿歌曲谱2. CD或MP3音乐文件3. 彩色打印儿歌手册4. 彩色卡片或图片,用于呈现歌词和图片配合的动作三、教学内容:活跃气氛:学生唱起自己喜欢的儿歌,配合动作,教师边唱边跳重点理解:教师带动学生理解歌曲歌词及背景,帮助学生快速记忆歌词口语表达:教师唤起学生英文的好奇心和愉悦感,通过鼓励和欣赏等方式,培养学生口语表达能力四、教学方法:1. 听、说、唱、做动作教学法2. 模仿教学法、情境教学法3. 游戏式学习法五、教学过程:1. 师生互动:教师向学生介绍儿歌的重要性,激发学生学习兴趣,让学生积极参与互动2. 热身:教师与学生一起唱起《小星星》,并伴有示范动作3. 主题:分别唱中英双语儿歌,并给学生分配对应的动作1) 唱《两只老虎》,跟着动作学发音 / Sing "Two Tigers", follow the action and learn pronunciation2) 唱《小兔子乖乖》,练发音和表达英语问候 / Sing "Little Rabbit is Good", practice pronunciation and express English greetings3) 唱《爱我你就抱抱我》,学英语语调和唱歌技巧 / Sing "Love Me Hug Me," Learn English intonation and singing skills4) 唱《让我们荡秋千》,培养英语口语表达能力 / Sing "Let's Swing," Develop English Speaking Ability4. 活动:学生抽取卡片上的歌词,唱歌学习发音和口语表达能力5. 测验:教师以问答的形式让学生复述歌曲内容和反复练习发音,检验学生口语表达能力六、板书设计:主题:中英双语儿歌带来乐趣具体措施:1. 唱《两只老虎》,跟着动作学发音 / Sing "Two Tigers", follow the action and learn pronunciation2. 唱《小兔子乖乖》,练发音和表达英语问候 / Sing "Little Rabbit is Good", practice pronunciation and express English greetings3. 唱《爱我你就抱抱我》,学英语语调和唱歌技巧 / Sing "Love Me Hug Me," Learn English intonation and singing skills4. 唱《让我们荡秋千》,培养英语口语表达能力 / Sing "Let's Swing," Develop English Speaking Ability七、教学反思:通过彩色卡片和图片的呈现,以及动作配合唱歌,可以更好的激发孩子们的学习热情,通过游戏式的学习方式,让孩子们在愉悦中建立英语语感和语言模型,进而培养他们的口语表达能力。
童年(英文版歌词)I recall when I was young. Oh I will play and always having funWith the neighbours next to me and we'll play until the setting sunTry to be the best among the others in a game call the "spider battle"It doesn't matter who is the best now. Those were the days of my past.学前时光,总是和邻居的小朋友们在野外度过的,不到日落是绝不会回家的。
A few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the timeAlways day dreaming in the class, till I don't even know the lesson's doneThen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againWhat can I do now? What can I say now? Those were the Days of my past入学了,调皮的孩子老迟到,白天会在课堂做梦,晚上才惊醒今天的作业似乎并未完成。
As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first loveCandel light and sandy beach finally give away my first kissMother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regretSo love was over, but I do miss her. Those were the Days of my past日子一天天过去,我一点点长大,迎来了我的初恋,烛光晚餐或阳光明媚的沙滩,让我的初吻不知觉的离我而去。
【经典翻唱】04《童年》英文版--Days on my past
Baishi-kle - Days on my past(童年英文版)I recall when I was young OH,I will play and always having funwith the neighbour next to meAnd we'll play until the setting suntry to be The best among the othersIt doesn't matter,who is the best howthose were the days of my pastfew years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time Always day dreaming in the classtill I don't even know the l essons doneThen my teacher always tell menever ever be lazy againwhat can I do nowWhat can I say nowThose were the days of my pastAs the days go on and onI grew up and had my first lovecandle light and sandy beachfinally give away my first kissmother said I was too young to fall in love andthen I will one day regret so love was overbut I do miss herthose were the days of my pastjust when I left my high school andgot my first job as a salesmenworking hard all day and nightno one there to lend a helping handdad dy tol d me not to worry andsaid that I should go on step by stepthose were the days of my pastthen once day I settl ed down with the only one I really lovegona small family with two kid that is what I'm always hoping for But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friendThose were the days of my pastI miss my hometown I miss my old friendWhen will I see them again===End===歌名:《童年》填词:罗大佑谱曲:罗大佑歌曲原唱:张艾嘉演唱:罗大佑池塘边的榕树上知了在声声叫着夏天操场边的秋千上只有蝴蝶停在上面黑板上老师的粉笔还在拼命叽叽喳喳写个不停等待着下课等待着放学等待游戏的童年福利社里面什么都有就是口袋里没有半毛钱诸葛四郎和魔鬼党到底谁抢到那支宝剑隔壁班的那个女孩怎么还没经过我的窗前嘴里的零食手里的漫画心里初恋的童年总是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点总是要等到考试后才知道该念的书都没有念一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴一天又一天一年又一年迷迷糊糊的童年没有人知道为什么太阳总下到山的那一边没有人能够告诉我山里面有没有住着神仙多少的日子里总是一个人面对着天空发呆就这么好奇就这么幻想这么孤单的童年阳光下蜻蜓飞过来一片片绿油油的稻田水彩蜡笔和万花筒画不出天边那一条彩虹什么时候才能像高年级的同学有张成熟与长大的脸盼望着假期盼望着明天盼望长大的童年一天又一天一年又一年盼望长大的童年《童年》是电视剧《走过夏季》的片尾曲,由罗大佑作词作曲,张艾嘉演唱,收录在1982年发行的《之乎者也》专辑中。
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I recall when I was young. Oh I will play and always having fun
With the neighbours next to me and we'll play until the setting sun
Try to be the best among the others in a game call the "spider battle"
It doesn't matter who is the best now. Those were the days of my past.
A few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time
Always day dreaming in the class, till I don't even know the lesson's done
Then my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy again
What can I do now? What can I say now? Those were the Days of my past
As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first love
Candel light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss
Mother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regret
So love was over, but I do miss her. Those were the Days of my past
Just when I left my high school and got my first job as a salesmen
Working hard all day and night. No one there to lend a helping hand
Dady told me not to worry and said that l should go one step by step
What can I say now? What can I do now? Those were the Days of my past
Then one day I settled down with the only one I really love
Got a small family with two kids that is what I'm always hoping for
But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young
I miss my home town. I miss my old friends, those the Days of my past
Oh I miss my home town I miss my old friends. When will I see them again?