二、协议内容(一)合作事项1. 双方共同开展某项目合作,具体事项包括但不限于以下方面:__________。
(详细列举合作事项)2. 双方共同制定项目实施计划,确保项目按期完成。
(二)双方权利义务1. 甲方(中文/英文):(1)负责提供项目所需资源与支持;(2)按照协议约定支付相关费用;(3)确保合作项目符合法律法规要求。
(三)费用与支付1. 双方约定项目总金额为_____人民币(_____美元)。
2. 支付方式、时间、比例及具体细节如下:__________。
(详细列举支付细节)(四)违约责任1. 若任何一方违反本协议约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。
2. 若因违约导致协议无法继续履行,守约方有权解除协议。
(五)争议解决1. 本协议履行过程中发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向签约地人民法院提起诉讼。
2. 双方可选择仲裁解决争议,仲裁裁决具有最终法律约束力。
四、其他条款1. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
中英文版技术服务合同模板甲方(委托方):乙方(服务提供方):签订日期:签订地点:鉴于甲方需要技术服务,乙方具有提供相应技术服务的能力,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就乙方为甲方提供技术服务的相关事宜达成如下协议:第一条服务内容及要求1.1 乙方同意根据甲方的要求提供以下技术服务内容:(详细描述服务内容)1.2 乙方应保证提供的技术服务符合甲方的要求,并达到以下标准:(详细描述服务标准)第二条服务期限2.1 本合同服务期限自本合同签订之日起至以下日期:(详细描述服务期限)2.2 如需延长服务期限,双方应提前协商并签订补充协议。
第三条服务费用及支付方式3.1 服务费用总额为:(金额大写及小写)3.2 甲方应在本合同签订后日内支付 %作为预付款。
3.3 余款应在服务完成后日内支付。
第四条双方权利与义务4.1 甲方的权利与义务:(详细描述甲方的权利与义务)4.2 乙方的权利与义务:(详细描述乙方的权利与义务)第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对在合同执行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。
5.2 保密义务在本合同终止后继续有效,保密期限为年。
第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本合同约定,应向对方支付违约金,违约金的数额为违约方应支付或应收服务费用的 %。
6.2 因不可抗力导致不能履行或部分履行本合同的,双方互不承担违约责任。
第七条合同变更和解除7.1 因特殊情况需要变更或解除本合同的,双方应协商一致,签订书面协议。
7.2 未经双方同意,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除本合同。
第八条争议解决8.1 本合同在执行过程中发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。
8.2 协商不成时,可提交甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第九条其他9.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
9.2 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(盖章):授权代表签字:日期:乙方(盖章):授权代表签字:日期:Technical Service ContractContract No.:Party A (Client):Party B (Service Provider):Date of Contract:Place of Contract:Whereas Party A requires technical services and Party B has the capability to provide the said technical services, the parties, in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation regarding the provision of technical services by Party B to Party A:Article 1 Scope of Services and Requirements1.1 Party B agrees to provide the following technicalservices as per Party A's requirements:(Detailed description of services)1.2 Party B shall ensure that the technical services provided meet Party A's requirements and achieve the following standards:(Detailed description of service standards)Article 2 Duration of Services2.1 The duration of the services under this contract shall commence from the date of execution of this contract until the following date:(Detailed description of service duration)2.2 If an extension of the service period is required, the parties shall negotiate in advance and enter into a supplementary agreement.Article 3 Service Fees and Payment Method3.1 The total service fee shall be:(Amount in words and figures)3.2 Party A shall pay % of the total service fee as an advance payment within days after the execution of this contract.3.3 The balance shall be paid within days after the completion of the services.Article 4 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties4.1 Rights and obligations of Party A:(Detailed description of Party A's rights and obligations)4.2 Rights and obligations of Party B:(Detailed description of Party B's rights and obligations)Article 5 Confidentiality5.1 Both parties shall maintain confidentiality over the business and technical secrets learned during the execution of this contract.5.2 The obligation of confidentiality shall remain effective after the termination of this contract for a period of years.Article 6 Liability for Breach of Contract6.1 If a party breaches the terms of this contract, it shall pay a penalty to the other party, the amount of which shall be % of the service fee due to be paid or received by the breaching party.6.2 Neither party shall bear liability for breach of contractif they are unable to perform or partially perform this contract due to force。
中英文项目合作协议书范本7篇篇1本协议于XXXX年XX月XX日在_______(地点)由以下双方签署:甲方:__________ (以下简称甲方)地址:______________________________________联系方式:电话_______ ,邮箱_______ 。
法定代表人:_______ ,职务:_______ 。
乙方:__________ (以下简称乙方)地址:______________________________________联系方式:电话_______ ,邮箱_______ 。
法定代表人:_______ ,职务:_______ 。
(详细列明项目内容、目标、范围等)二、合作模式与期限1. 合作模式:双方共同投入资源,分工协作,共同推进项目的进展。
2. 合作期限:自本协议签署之日起至项目完成止,项目完成的标准为______。
(明确项目完成的标准或时间等)三、资金与资源分配1. 双方根据项目的实际需要投入相应资金和资源,具体数额和投入方式由双方另行商定并签订补充协议确定。
2. 资金投入计划:(明确投入资金的金额、时间、方式等)。
3. 资源分配:(包括人员、设备、技术等的分配)。
四、职责与义务1. 甲方职责与义务:(详细描述甲方的权利与义务)。
2. 乙方职责与义务:(详细描述乙方的权利与义务)。
五、知识产权与保密条款1. 本项目所产生的一切知识产权归双方共同拥有,另有约定的除外。
2. 双方应对涉及本项目的商业机密、技术秘密等信息予以保密。
Service Agreement (中英文简化版)
![Service Agreement (中英文简化版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/67a8b1d99a89680203d8ce2f0066f5335a816721.png)
Service Agreement (中英文简化版) Service Agreement 服务协议1. Parties 双方This Service Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between:- 公司名称:[公司 A](下称“服务提供方”)公司名称:[公司A](下称“服务提供方”)- 公司名称:[公司 B](下称“客户方”)公司名称:[公司 B](下称“客户方”)Service Provider and Client are collectively referred to as the "Parties".服务提供方与客户方统称为“双方”。
2. Purpose 目的The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which the Service Provider will provide services to the Client.本协议的目的是为了规定服务提供方向客户方提供服务的条款和条件。
3. Services 服务3.1 The Service Provider agrees to provide the following services to the Client:- [Service 1]- [服务 1]- [Service 2]- [服务 2]- [Service 3]- [服务 3]3.2 The specific details of the services, including timeframes, deliverables, and payment terms, shall be specified in a separate Service Agreement Addendum.具体的服务细节,包括时间安排、交付物和付款条件将在单独的服务协议附件中详细说明。
二、定义1. 技术服务:指服务方向接受方提供的技术支持、咨询或解决技术问题等服务。
2. 服务期限:指技术服务的开始日期和结束日期。
三、服务内容1. 服务方将根据接受方的需求,提供相应的技术服务,包括但不限于软件维护、系统优化、故障排除等。
2. 接受方在使用技术服务过程中应如实提供相关信息,并配合服务方的工作。
四、服务费用1. 接受方应根据双方商定的费用标准支付相应的服务费用。
2. 服务费用应在每个服务期限开始之前支付。
五、保密条款1. 双方均应对涉及到的商业机密、技术秘密和其他保密信息予以保密。
2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露、泄露保密信息。
六、违约责任1. 若一方违反本协议的任何条款,导致对方受到损失,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 违约方需支付守约方因此而产生的全部费用和损失。
八、协议变更与终止1. 双方一致同意,任何协议变更或终止均需书面确认,并经双方授权代表签字。
2. 协议终止后,双方应按照约定归还对方的机密信息和资料。
九、其他条款1. 本协议自双方授权代表签字之日起生效,并有效期为一年。
2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可协商解决,并书面确认。
---1. BackgroundThis agreement is entered into by and between the service provider (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider") and the service recipient (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") to define the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to technical services.2. Definitions1. Technical Services: Refers to the services provided by the Service Provider to the Recipient, including technical support, consulting, and problem-solving.2. Service Period: Refers to the start date and end date of the technical services.3. Service Scope1. The Service Provider will provide the appropriate technical services to the Recipient based on their needs, including but not limited to software maintenance, system optimization, and troubleshooting.2. The Recipient should provide accurate information and cooperate with the Service Provider during the use of technical services.4. Service Fees1. The Recipient shall pay the agreed service fees according to the agreed fee schedule.2. Service fees should be paid before the start of each service period.5. Confidentiality2. Neither party shall disclose or reveal confidential information to any third party without the written consent of the other party.6. Breach of Contract1. If either party breaches any provision of this agreement and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall assume corresponding liability for breach of contract.7. Dispute ResolutionThe interpretation and resolution of disputes under this agreement shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.8. Amendment and Termination1. Both parties agree that any amendment or termination of this agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.2. After the termination of this agreement, both parties shall return each other's confidential information and materials according to the agreement.9. Miscellaneous2. Any matters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation by both parties and confirmed in writing.10. AppendixThis agreement is executed in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which have equal legal effect.。
中英文项目合作协议书范本5篇篇1Project Cooperation AgreementThis Project Cooperation Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company A], located at [Address], and [Company B], located at [Address]. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Project Description:Company A and Company B agree to cooperate on [Project Description]. The scope of work, timeline, deliverables, and responsibilities of each party are outlined in the attached Project Plan.2. Responsibilities:Company A agrees to provide [Specific Responsibilities of Company A], and Company B agrees to provide [Specific Responsibilities of Company B]. Both parties agree to work collaboratively and in good faith to achieve the objectives of the project.3. Timeline:The project shall commence on [Start Date] and shall be completed by [End Date]. Any changes to the timeline must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.4. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to keep all information related to the project confidential and not to disclose any information to third parties without the written consent of the other party.5. Intellectual Property Rights:Any intellectual property created during the project shall be jointly owned by Company A and Company B. Both parties agree to grant each other a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the intellectual property for the purposes of the project.6. Payment:Company A agrees to pay Company B [Payment Amount] for its services rendered under this Agreement. Payment shall be made in [Payment Terms].7. Termination:Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other party. In the event of termination,both parties agree to settle any outstanding payments and return any confidential information to the other party.8. Governing Law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company A]By: ________________________Name: ______________________Title: _______________________[Company B]By: ________________________Name: ______________________Title: _______________________[Signatures][Date]篇2Project Cooperation AgreementThis Project Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on [date], by and between [Company A], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Company B], with its principal place of business at [address].WHEREAS, Company A and Company B desire to work together on a project (the "Project") to [describe the project objectives]; andWHEREAS, Company A and Company B agree that cooperation is necessary to accomplish the Project goals and objectives;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, Company A and Company B hereby agree as follows:1. Project Scope and Objectives: Company A and Company B shall work together on the Project to [state project scope and objectives].2. Roles and Responsibilities:- Company A shall be responsible for [list responsibilities].- Company B shall be responsible for [list responsibilities].3. Cooperation: Company A and Company B shall cooperate with each other in carrying out the Project, including sharing information, resources, and expertise as necessary.4. Project Timeline: The Project shall commence on [start date] and shall continue until [end date]. Company A and Company B agree to adhere to the project timeline and milestones as set forth in the Project Plan.5. Intellectual Property: Any intellectual property developed as a result of the Project shall be co-owned by Company A and Company B, and each party shall have the right to use and commercialize such intellectual property.6. Confidentiality: Company A and Company B agree to keep all information exchanged during the Project confidential and shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties without prior written consent.7. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company A]By: ___________________Name: _________________Title: ________________[Company B]By: ___________________Name: _________________Title: ________________This Project Cooperation Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Project and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral, with respect to the Project.Executed on the date first above written.[Signature page follows](Signature page would have spaces for both parties to sign)篇3Project Cooperation AgreementThis Project Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company A], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Company A"), and[Company B], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Company B").RECITALSA. Company A and Company B desire to cooperate and collaborate on the development of [Project Name] (the "Project").B. The Parties intend to define their rights and obligations with respect to the Project through this Agreement.AGREEMENT1. Scope of Cooperation1.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the development and implementation of the Project, which includes [Brief description of the Project].1.2 Each Party shall perform its obligations under this Agreement in a timely and professional manner, using its best efforts to achieve the objectives of the Project.2. Joint Responsibilities2.1 The Parties shall appoint a project manager from each side to oversee the implementation of the Project and serve as the primary point of contact for communications.2.2 The Parties shall regularly communicate and provide updates on the progress of the Project, including any issues or concerns that may arise.3. Funding and Resources3.1 Company A and Company B shall each contribute [Amount] to the Project, which shall be used for [Brief description of the intended use of funds].3.2 The Parties shall allocate resources and personnel as necessary to support the implementation and success of the Project.4. Intellectual Property4.1 The Parties agree that any intellectual property created or developed in connection with the Project shall be jointly owned by Company A and Company B.4.2 The Parties shall enter into a separate agreement governing the ownership and use of any intellectual property rights that may arise from the Project.5. Confidentiality5.1 The Parties shall keep confidential all information and materials shared with each other in connection with the Project,including but not limited to business plans, financial data, and technical specifications.5.2 The Parties shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the express written consent of the disclosing Party.6. Term and Termination6.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until the completion of the Project, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement of the Parties.6.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party if it is in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement.7. Governing Law7.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Company A][Signature][Name][Title][Company B][Signature][Name][Title]篇4Project Cooperation AgreementThis Project Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on this (date) by and between (Company name), having its principal place of business at (address) ("Company"), and (Company name), having its principal place of business at (address) ("Partner").RECITALSA. Company is engaged in (description of Company's business).B. Partner is engaged in (description of Partner's business).C. Company and Partner desire to cooperate on a project (the "Project").NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Project DescriptionThe Project shall consist of (description of the Project).2. Responsibilities of CompanyCompany shall be responsible for (list of Company's responsibilities).3. Responsibilities of PartnerPartner shall be responsible for (list of Partner's responsibilities).4. Cooperation of PartiesBoth Company and Partner shall cooperate and coordinate with each other in good faith to ensure the success of the Project.5. TermThe term of this Agreement shall be from (start date) to (end date), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.6. TerminationThis Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of this Agreement by the other party.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information exchanged in connection with the Project.8. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of (jurisdiction).IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written.Company: (Company name)Partner: (Partner name)篇5Project Cooperation AgreementThis Project Cooperation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], ("Company A"),and [Company B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], ("Company B").1. PurposeThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish a cooperative relationship between Company A and Company B for the purpose of [Describe the purpose of the project].2. Project DescriptionCompany A and Company B agree to collaborate on the following project: [Describe the project in detail, including the objectives, scope of work, deliverables, milestones, timelines, and any other relevant information].3. Responsibilities3.1 Company A shall be responsible for [List Company A's responsibilities].3.2 Company B shall be responsible for [List Company B's responsibilities].3.3 Company A and Company B shall work together to [Detail how Company A and Company B will collaborate on the project].4. Project TimelineThe project shall commence on [Start Date] and shall be completed by [End Date]. Company A and Company B shall work diligently to adhere to the project timeline and complete all work according to the agreed-upon milestones.5. Compensation5.1 Company A shall compensate Company B for its services as follows: [Detail the payment terms, including the amount, frequency, and method of payment].5.2 Company B shall invoice Company A for the services rendered, and payment shall be made within [Number] days of receipt of the invoice.6. Confidentiality6.1 Company A and Company B agree to keep all Confidential Information confidential and not disclose it to any third party without the written consent of the disclosing party.6.2 Confidential Information shall include, but not be limited to, [List examples of Confidential Information].6.3 This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.7. Termination7.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon [Number] days' written notice to the other party.7.2 In the event of termination, Company A and Company B shall work together to ensure a smooth transition of the project to ensure minimal disruption to the project.8. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].9. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Company A and Company B with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.[Company A]By: ________________________________Name: ______________________________ Title: _______________________________ [Company B]By: ________________________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________。
五、违约责任1. 若乙方未按照约定时间完成翻译任务,应按照合同总金额的______%向甲方支付违约金。
有关英译汉翻译服务合同5篇篇1英译汉翻译服务合同翻译服务合同甲方:________________________(以下简称甲方)乙方:________________________(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲方为有关英译汉翻译服务的需求,乙方依据双方的互惠互利原则,经友好协商,就有关英译汉翻译服务项目达成如下协议:第一条服务内容1.1 甲方委托乙方进行英文资料的汉语翻译服务,包括但不限于书籍、文章、合同、简历、宣传资料等。
1.2 翻译内容应保证准确、清晰、符合语言习惯,严格遵循专业翻译规范。
第二条服务标准2.1 乙方应根据甲方要求的翻译要求和工作期限,确保按时高质量地完成翻译工作。
2.2 翻译交付后,甲方如对翻译结果有异议,应在接收翻译件后三个工作日内提出,乙方将在最短时间内做出修改。
第三条服务费用3.1 甲方应按照翻译服务的工作量和难易度支付相应的服务费用。
3.2 服务费用的支付方式为_______________(具体支付方式协商)。
第四条合作机制4.1 双方应保持密切沟通,及时反馈翻译进度和质量问题,共同确保翻译工作的顺利完成。
4.2 如需变更服务内容或延长工作期限,应经双方协商一致,签订书面变更协议。
第五条保密条款5.1 双方在履行合同过程中所涉及的全部信息都应当严格保密,不得泄露给第三方。
5.2 在合同期满或终止后,双方应继续履行保密义务,不得使用或披露属于对方的信息。
第六条违约责任6.1 若一方未履行本协议规定的义务,构成违约的,应当承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。
第七条争议解决7.1 若因履行本协议而产生任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;协商未果的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼解决。
服务协议(中英文对照版)服务协议 (中英文对照版)一、总则 (General Provisions)1.1 目的 (Purpose)本协议旨在规范服务提供方(以下简称“我方”)与服务接受方(以下简称“您”)之间关于服务的权利和义务,以保障双方的合法权益。
This agreement is intended to regulate the rights and obligations of the service provider (hereinafter referred to as "we") and the service recipient (hereinafter referred to as "you") regarding the services provided, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both parties.1.2 定义 (Definitions)本协议中所使用的以下术语定义如下:- 服务提供方:指为您提供服务的法人或个人。
- 服务接受方:指接受服务的您。
- 服务:指由服务提供方向您提供的相关服务。
The following terms used in this agreement are defined as follows:- Service Provider: Refers to the legal person or individual providing services to you.- Service Recipient: Refers to you, the recipient of the services.- Services: Refers to the relevant services provided by the service provider to you.二、服务内容 (Service Content)2.1 描述 (Description)我们将根据您的需求,提供以下服务:- 服务内容一:详细说明服务内容一。
翻译服务合同(含英文译本)6篇篇1翻译服务合同合同编号:____________甲方(客户):________________________地址:________________________________联系人:____________________________联系电话:____________________________电子邮箱:____________________________乙方(翻译服务提供商):_____________地址:________________________________联系人:____________________________联系电话:____________________________电子邮箱:____________________________鉴于甲方需要翻译服务,乙方具备提供翻译服务的能力和资质,双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规,在平等、自愿、公平的基础上,就本次翻译服务达成如下协议:一、工作内容及要求1. 乙方将为甲方提供翻译服务,具体内容包括但不限于文件翻译、口译服务等。
2. 翻译语言:源语言和目标语言的具体组合(如中文到英文,英文到法文等)。
3. 甲方需提供清晰、完整的资料,并对资料的准确性、合法性负责。
二、合同金额及支付方式1. 本次翻译服务的总费用为人民币______元(大写:______元整)。
2. 甲方应在合同签订后______个工作日内支付总费用的______%作为预付款,剩余款项在乙方完成翻译服务并经甲方确认无误后______个工作日内支付。
3. 支付方式:__________(如银行转账、支付宝、微信支付等)。
外语翻译服务协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(翻译方)根据《中华人民共和国合同法》相关规定,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、互利和诚实信用原则,就外语翻译服务事宜达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 乙方将按照甲方的要求,对提供的文本进行外语翻译工作,并确保翻译准确、流畅。
2. 翻译内容包括但不限于文件、合同、宣传资料、报告等。
二、服务费用1. 甲方应按照翻译内容的难易程度和工作量支付相应的服务费用,具体费用由双方协商确定。
2. 服务费用支付方式为(具体支付方式)。
三、保密条款1. 乙方将对甲方提供的任何资料和信息进行严格保密,不得泄露给第三方。
2. 保密期限为合作期间及其结束后5年。
四、服务质量保证1. 乙方保证所提供的翻译服务准确、规范、符合甲方的要求和标准。
2. 如甲方在接收翻译文本后发现问题,应在接收后7个工作日内提出异议,乙方将进行免费修改。
五、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 如因乙方原因导致翻译质量低下,乙方应承担返工、赔偿等法律责任。
六、争议解决1. 双方如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。
七、其他条款1. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至服务结束之日终止。
甲方(盖章):_______________ 乙方(盖章):_______________签署日期:_______________ 签署日期:_______________以上为《外语翻译服务协议书》,甲乙双方已充分理解并同意以上所有条款,自愿签署本协议。
合作办学项目协议中英文版Agreement for Collaborative Education Project1. 规定本协议旨在规定合作办学项目的流程、细节及相关条款。
2. 定义•“机构”:指合作办学的机构。
3. 目的本合作办学项目旨在通过机构合作开发、协作实施优质的教育项目,以促进学生学习,并提高教育机构的绩效。
4. 概述本协议规定了参与机构在合作办学项目中的职责、权利以及应承担的责任;同时还包括了教学计划、学生评估、财务管理等方面的细节。
5. 机构义务•机构应负责设计、开发和实施项目。
6. 学生义务•学生应遵循学校的纪律制度和规章制度,并参加相关的活动和考试。
7. 教师义务•教师应根据项目规定各自列出有关项目的教学计划和课程内容,以及其他教学材料。
8. 财务管理•合作机构应确保所有资金使用合理和公正。
2024年中英文合同范本6篇篇1合同范本本协议由以下双方于XXXX年XX月XX日在_____(地点)签署:甲方:___________ (以下简称“甲方”)注册地址:______________________________________代表人:___________联系方式:电子邮箱________ 手机号码_________ 固定电话_________乙方:___________ (以下简称“乙方”)注册地址:______________________________________代表人:___________联系方式:电子邮箱________ 手机号码_________ 固定电话_________鉴于甲、乙双方共同意愿和诚实合作,经友好协商,达成以下协议条款,以兹信守:一、合同目的与业务内容(一)甲乙双方同意按照本合同规定的条款和条件,就以下事项进行合作:____________。
四、双方责任与义务(四)甲方应履行以下责任和义务:1. 提供______服务或产品;2. 保证服务或产品的质量符合约定标准;3. 按时履行合同约定的事项;等。
(五)乙方应履行以下责任和义务:1. 按约定支付费用;2. 保证提供的信息和数据真实可靠;3. 遵守合同约定,不得擅自变更或解除合同;等。
2024年度中英文语言支持服务协议本合同目录一览第一条协议定义1.1 定义1.2 双方含义1.3 协议日期第二条服务内容2.1 服务概述2.2 服务范围2.3 服务标准第三条服务期限3.1 开始日期3.2 结束日期3.3 提前终止条件第四条服务费用4.1 费用计算4.2 支付方式4.3 费用调整第五条人员配备5.1 服务人员5.2 人员培训5.3 人员更换第六条保密条款6.1 保密信息定义6.2 保密义务6.3 保密期限第七条知识产权7.1 知识产权归属7.2 使用限制7.3 侵权责任第八条违约责任8.1 违约定义8.2 违约后果8.3 违约赔偿第九条争议解决9.1 协商解决9.2 调解解决9.3 法律途径第十条强制性条款10.1 法律遵守10.2 不可抗力10.3 合同变更第十一条附则11.1 完整协议11.2 附件说明11.3 合同生效第十二条合同的书面形式12.1 书面形式要求12.2 副本数量12.3 签字盖章第十三条通知机制13.1 通知方式13.2 通知有效期限13.3 联系信息变更第十四条合同终止与继承14.1 终止条件14.2 终止后义务14.3 合同继承第一部分:合同如下:第一条协议定义1.1 定义(1)协议双方:甲方(需求方)与乙方(服务方);(2)服务期限:自协议签订之日起至2024年12月31日止;(3)服务内容:乙方根据甲方需求提供的中英文语言支持服务;(4)费用:根据本协议第六条所述的费用计算方式确定的服务费用;(5)保密信息:本协议执行过程中双方交换的涉及商业秘密、技术秘密等应当保密的信息。
1.2 双方含义甲方:指需求方,即需要乙方提供中英文语言支持服务的单位或个人;乙方:指服务方,即有能力并提供中英文语言支持服务的单位或个人。
1.3 协议日期本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
第二条服务内容2.1 服务概述乙方应根据甲方的具体需求,提供专业的、高质量的中英文语言支持服务。
中英文跨境咨询服务协议模板2024年版本合同目录一览第一条咨询服务范围与内容1.1 咨询服务概述1.2 咨询服务的具体内容1.3 咨询服务的执行方式第二条合同期限2.1 起始日期2.2 终止日期第三条双方责任与义务3.1 咨询方的责任与义务3.2 客户方的责任与义务第四条咨询费用与支付方式4.1 咨询费用的构成4.2 支付方式与支付时间第五条保密条款5.1 保密信息的定义5.2 保密信息的保护期限5.3 保密信息的例外情况第六条知识产权保护6.1 咨询成果的知识产权归属6.2 咨询成果的使用权与分发权第七条违约责任7.1 违约行为的界定7.2 违约责任的具体承担方式第八条争议解决方式8.1 争议解决的途径8.2 仲裁地点与语言第九条合同的变更与终止9.1 合同变更的条件9.2 合同终止的条件第十条法律适用与争议解决10.1 合同适用的法律10.2 争议解决的方式第十一条通知与送达11.1 通知的方式11.2 送达的地址第十二条其他条款12.1 附加服务12.2 双方商定的其他条款第十三条合同的生效、修改与解除13.1 合同的生效条件13.2 合同的修改与解除条件第十四条双方签字盖章14.1 合同签字盖章的地点与时间14.2 合同的有效期第一部分:合同如下:第一条咨询服务范围与内容1.1 咨询服务概述本咨询服务的目的是为甲方提供关于乙方产品及服务的市场调研、竞争分析、品牌建设、营销策略等方面的专业建议和指导。
1.2 咨询服务的具体内容咨询服务的具体内容包括但不限于:(1)市场调研与分析:乙方将根据甲方提供的信息和乙方自身的资源,对目标市场进行调研,并提供详尽的市场分析报告。
甲方:____________(以下简称“甲方”)地址:____________________________代表人:__________________________乙方:____________(以下简称“乙方”)地址:____________________________代表人:__________________________鉴于甲方是一家具备一定实力和市场影响力的企业,乙方是一家具备相关专业知识和技能的个人/团队,双方为了共同发展,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方提供相关服务事宜达成如下协议:一、合作内容1.1 甲方委托乙方提供以下服务:(1)____________________________(2)____________________________(3)____________________________1.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,按时提供高质量的服务。
二、合作期限2.1 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为______年,自______年______月______日至______年______月______日。
2.2 如双方同意续约,应在前一条合作期限届满前一个月内签订书面续约协议。
三、费用及支付方式3.1 甲方应支付乙方服务费用共计人民币______元(大写:_______________________元整),以下简称“服务费用”。
3.2 乙方提供服务后,甲方应在验收合格后七个工作日内支付服务费用。
3.3 支付方式为银行转账,账户信息如下:户名:____________________________账号:____________________________开户行:__________________________四、保密条款4.1 双方在合作过程中所获悉的对方的商业秘密、技术秘密、市场信息等,应予以严格保密。
项目服务合同英文模板This Service Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Client Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [State], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Client"), and [Service Provider Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [State], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Service Provider").The parties hereto hereby agree as follows:1. Services. Service Provider shall provide to Client the following services (the "Services"): [list of services to be provided]. Service Provider shall perform the Services in a professional and workmanlike manner, in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.2. Term. The term of this Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of [length of contract], unless earlier terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or pursuant to the terms set forth herein.3. Compensation. Client agrees to pay Service Provider the sum of [payment amount] as full consideration for the Services. Payment shall be made in [payment frequency] installments, in accordance with the payment terms specified herein. Client shall be responsible for any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the Services.4. Changes. Any changes to the scope of the Services shall be mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties and may result in an adjustment to the fees and/or schedule set forth herein.5. Confidentiality. Service Provider agrees to keep all information provided by Client in connection with the Services confidential and not disclose any such information to any third party without the prior written consent of Client. Client agrees to keep all information provided by Service Provider in connection with the Services confidential and not disclose any such information to any third party without the prior written consent of Service Provider.6. Termination. Either party may terminate this Contract at any time by providing written notice to the other party. Upon termination, Client shall pay Service Provider for all Services provided prior to the effective date of termination.7. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State].8. Entire Agreement. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed as of the Effective Date.[Client Name]By: __________________________Name: ________________________Title: _________________________[Service Provider Name]By: __________________________Name: ________________________Title: _________________________。
翻译项目服务合同协议模板This Translation Project Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between____________, with a mailing address at ____________ ("Company"), and ____________, with a mailing address at ____________ ("Translator"), as of the date of the last signature below ("Effective Date").WHEREAS, Company desires to engage Translator to provide translation services as described herein, and Translator desires to provide such services to Company on the terms and conditions set forth below.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Services. Company hereby engages Translator to provide translation services for the following project(s) (the "Project"):Description of Project: _________________________________________________Source Language: ______________ Destination Language: ________________The translation services shall be completed in a timely manner and in accordance with the deadlines agreed upon by the parties.2. Compensation. Company shall pay Translator the following compensation for the translation services provided:Payment Method: ____________________________________________________Payment Schedule: ___________________________________________________Payment Amount: ____________________________________________________Any additional expenses incurred by Translator in connection with the performance of the translation services shall be reimbursed by Company upon submission of appropriate documentation.3. Ownership of Work Product. All rights, title, and interest in and to the translated material, including all copyrights, shall belong to Company upon completion and delivery of the translation services. Translator hereby assigns all right, title, and interest in and to the translated material to Company.4. Confidentiality. Translator acknowledges that the contents of the Project and all related materials are confidential in nature. Translator agrees to keep all information confidential and not to disclose any information to third parties without the prior written consent of Company.5. Warranties. Translator represents and warrants that the translation services will be performed in a professional manner and in accordance with industry standards. Translator further represents and warrants that the translated material does not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights.6. Indemnification. Translator agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses arising out of or relating to Translator's performance of the translation services or any breach of this Agreement by Translator.7. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the completion of the Project. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of this Agreement by the other party.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ____________.9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.Company: ____________________________ Date: ________________Translator: ____________________________ Date: ________________[Signatures]***End of Agreement***。
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XXX XXX项目服务协议XXX XXX Project Service Agreement甲方:XXX信息科技(XXX)有限公司地址:XXX市zzzParty A: XXX Information Technology (XXX)Co.,Ltd.乙方:XXX(XXX)科技有限公司XXX分公司地址:XXX市Party B: XXXh (XXX) TAddress:鉴于,XXX Information Technology (XXX)Co.,Ltd.(以下简称“甲方”)因其业务发展需要委托XXX(XXX)科技有限公司XXX分公司(以下简称“乙方”)负责按照其要求为其提供专业的服务;WHEREAS, XXX Information Technology (XXX)Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), due to the need for its business development, engages XXXh (XXX) Technology Co., Ltd. -XXX Branch (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to provide Party A with professional services according to its requirements;鉴于,乙方有具备丰富从业经验的专业人员,并愿意为甲方提供其所要求的专业的服务。
WHEREAS, Party B has professionals with rich experiences and is willing to provide Party A with professional services as required by Party A.为此,甲、乙双方经友好协商,就乙方按照本协议规定的条款与条件向甲方提供服务之事宜达成如下约定:NOW, THEREFORE, Party A and Party B, through friendly consultation, reach the following agreements with respect to the matters concerning the provision of professional services by Party B to Party A according to the terms and conditions set forth herein:1服务内容1.1乙方按照本协议约定并在不违反相关法律法规的情况下,为甲方提供专业的服务;1.2乙方所提供的服务内容,详见附件一:《XXX XXX Quotation》。
1. Service Contents1.1 Party B shall provide Party A with professional services pursuant hereto and without prejudice to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations;1.2 The contents of services to be provided by Party B are shown in Attachment I: Work Contents and Quotation of XXX XXX Project.2. 协议期限本协议总有效期自2015年9月1日至2015年9月30日(以下简称“协议有效期”)。
2.Term of the AgreementThis Agreement shall be effective from September 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the "Validity of Agreement").3. 服务费用3.1作为乙方根据本协议的约定向甲方提供本协议第1条所规定的服务之对价,甲方同意依照单价所相对应的金额,向乙方支付服务费,共计人民币¥xxx (含税)(大写:贰拾xxx叁拾贰元整)(含税)(不包括活动奖品费用)。
3.2 若甲方要求乙方提供超出本协议中服务内容涵盖服务范围以外的其他服务,双方须根据项目具体要求另行协商收费标准、方法、范围;对于此类额外工作项目,乙方须提前提供书面建议书和报价,并在得到甲方书面确认且双方另行签署书面报价单作为本协议附件后,乙方才可开始工作。
4. Service Fees3.1 In consideration of the services, set forth in Article 1, hereof to be provided by Party B to Party A, in accordance with the provisions hereof, Party A agrees to pay to Party B service fees, totaling RMB 2xx32 (taxes included) (in words: two hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-two only) (expenses for activities prizes are excluded).3.2 Should Party A require Party B to provide additional services beyond the services set forth in this Agreement including Attachment I, the Parties shall separately negotiate and agree on the scope and charges for such additional services; with respect to such additional services, Party B shall provide written proposal and quotation in advance and may start work only upon written confirmation by Party A and signature of written quotation by the Parties separately as attachment hereto.5. 发票及付款甲方在本协议签署后将一次向乙方支付运营费用:4.1 乙方在协议签署后的10个工作日内向甲方提供发票,甲方自收到乙方所提供的正确发票后,于30个工作日内向乙方支付服务费用,共计人民币¥285,332 (含税)(大写:贰拾捌万伍仟叁佰叁拾贰元整);4.2发票类型为:服务费。
4.3 除本协议明确规定的费用外,就乙方向甲方提供本协议所约定的服务内容,甲方不再向乙方支付任何费用。
4.4 乙方账户信息:公司名称:XXX(XXX)科技有限公司XXX分公司银行名称:招商银行XXX徐家汇支行银行地址:XXX市徐xxx账号:1xxx4 Invoice and PaymentParty A will pay the service fees to Party B as set out below:4.1 Party B shall provide Party A with properly-rendered invoices within 10 working days afterexecution of this Agreement, totaling RMB xx (taxes included) (in words: two hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-two only) ,and Party A shall pay the invoicedamount to Party B within 30 working days upon its receipt of the properly-rendered invoices provided by Party B.4.2 The type of invoice is: service fee.4.3 Except for the expenses or fees expressly set forth herein, Party A has no obligation topay to Party B any expense or fee with respect to the provision of service contents as agreed herein by Party B to Party A. Party B shall provide legal and effective invoices which meet Party A's requirement prior to each payment by Party A; for overdue provision of such invoices by Party B, Party A shall have the right to defer payment and shall bear no default liability.4.4 Account information of Party B:Company name: XXXh (XXX) Technology Co., Ltd. –XXX BranchBank name:xxxBank Add: xxAccount Number: xxx1SWIFT Code:xxx5双方权利义务5.1乙方应安排经验丰富、有资质和能力的雇员来组建专门的服务团队,为甲方提供本协议项下的服务,并保证该等服务的质量。
乙方陈述、担保并保证(i)乙方提供的服务均满足行业最佳水准,且(ii)乙方提供的服务不会损害甲方及XXX 平台的名誉。