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The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop When do we need rock? If we can find the answer, we’ll understand why rock music charm people all over the world.

1、Dead 80s

Brit Pop belongs to young people of Britain in 80s and 90s. A lot of young people had accepted conservative rule, and dole culture, and smoking a spliff for a living, and going to the football match, that was it. You know, Britain was dead in the 80s.

Thatcherism made people’s life was stopped up by some invisible walls. Rock music was influenced by the disappointed politics, and it shook young people’ whole life and politics. The Stone Roses (石玫瑰乐队)poured fresh energy into young people. Something was changing.

Music is always the best way to release our hopelessness and depressed air of society. You’ll never see so many teenagers smoking so much dope and taking so many drugs in any other music play. People were really stoned on weed or Ecstasy and it was a sort of return of the 60s, hallucinogenic type crowd. Teenagers didn’t know where they will go and what they can do. They could get free only from these.

2、The Rise

The dominant musical force of the period was the grunge invasion

from the United States, such as which filled the void left in the indie scene by The Stone Roses' inactivity.

There was something going on,a new generation had come of age. They had grown up loathing and despising American mass culture. When it came to music, movies, TV, computer games and so on, it was all America. And a generation of Britain who came of age in the mid-90s really resented this. They felt a nationalistic resentment, at the fact that America enjoyed this unchallenged cultural hegemony. And finally, there emerged this protest movement, the new music, these new fashions, which were more anti-American and British in a slightly caricatured way. That was enough for the world to go nuts for a little while about London’s Second Coming.

“Confidence was something that, in the past, we’d left to Americans. The Americans have tremendous confidence, but not much talent.” Mike Myers said.

Oasis (绿洲乐队)were on Top Of The pops, and their Some Might Say was number one, people found“Something is really changing here”.

Why some music can meet with much success? Because they can captures the mood of the moment with a song. That, to Britain, was the making of Oasis. It must have been early May, Britain just had the council elections, and the Tories finally had got trounced, they were really trounced.


As Britain approaches the end of the century, British people have been with the same masters now for 18 years. They still have talent, skills and inventiveness that they have always had. But in a rapidly changing world, they seem somehow to have lost their sense of purpose. Then, someone has emerged who was determined to give it back to Britain. Tony Blair was young, he played rock music when he was at university .

“Labour has come home to you, so come home to us! Labour’s coming home! 17 years of hurt never stopped us dreaming. Labour’s come home!”Blair brought a freshness in politics as well as society.

The 80s was when Britain stopped being Great Britain,and stopped living that they were great state, and the outsiders came in through the 90s, and it was their turn.

Blur、Lush、Suede went on to play a leading part in Britpop. A chart battle between Blur and Oasis dubbed "The Battle of Britpop" brought Britpop to the forefront of the British press in 1995.By the summer of 1996 Oasis's prominence was such that NME termed a number of Britpop bands (including The Boo Radleys, Ocean Colour Scene and Cast) as "Noelrock", citing Gallagher's influence on their success.

It was an exciting time, it was like the reinvention of what was back in the 60s, and punk. Maybe it was reminiscing a bit of the past
