


• Jingdezhen is one of the three porcelain ['pɔːs(ə)lɪn] capitals of China.
Jingdezhen porcelain is beautiful, rich variety, adornment [ə'dɔːnm(ə)nt]装饰, Jingdezhen in one incidence is described to be “as white as jade, as thin as paper, as bright as a mirror.” It makes a bell-like sound when struck.(白如 玉、明如镜、薄如纸,声如磐)
and meaningful
Famile-rose porcelain粉彩瓷
Famile-rose porcelain,also called soft decorative porcelain, which is one of the four traditional porcelains of Jingdezhen, is a kind of porcelain decorated mostly by famile-rose.
Blue and white porcelain
Blue and white porcelain is elegant, bright, gorgeous, and long-lasting. The white pottery and porcelain decorated under the glaze with a blue pigment. Its unique artistic connotation is the perfect joint of traditional and modern arts. :青花 瓷清雅、明净、高贵,白底蓝彩、千年 如新,以其旺盛的生命力和独特的美学 内蕴荣立于陶瓷艺术之中,成为现代与 传统结合的完美点



It is known for its white porcelain.
For some royal nobles, the collection and use of fine Chinese porcelain is a symbol of their worship of civilization and the pursuit of elegance and even the display of power. Both Washington and Jefferson had their own Chinese porcelain wares. Louis XIV, king of France, had a porcelain palace, which had a collection of Chinese porcelain. China also has a great influence on the social life of Indian people, especially the food culture.
Chinese cultural symbols

1. Introduction 2. Classification of china 3. Infulence
China is the hometown of porcelain, and porcelain is an important creation of Chinese working people.
The invention of porcelain was the great contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization.

中国瓷器介绍 英文版

中国瓷器介绍 英文版

The Development of Porcelain
Around the 16th century BC in Shang Dynasty, the early Chinese porcelain appeared. As it was still rough on the firing process, it can be only called protoporcelain(原始瓷).
Han Dynasty
After long-term improvements, in 2 century the end of the Han Dynasty, the mature celadon was created, in the history of our country's pottery it was an important milestone.
青花瓷创烧于元代,是以色料在坯胎上描绘纹样, 施釉后经高温烧成,釉色晶莹、雅致。青料溶于胎釉 之间,发色青翠,虽色相单一,但感觉丰富。青花瓷 经久耐用,瓷不碎,色不褪。 Blue and white porcelain was first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty. It was formed by using pigment to depict patterns on the green body and firing at high temperature after glazing. The glazing color is glittering and elegant. The green pigment dissolve in green body, showing a verdant color. Although it has single hue, it still gives people rich feeling. Blue and white porcelain is durable。it will not fade until broken



清雍正 柠檬黄地洋彩浮雕花鸟宝瓶纹六方瓶
Qing Emperor Yongzheng
Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price RMB : 67,760,000
Qing Emperor Guangxu 粉彩九桃玉壶春
Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price RMB : 60,000~90,000
Qing Emperor Jiaqing 黄地粉彩花卉高足盘 Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price RMB : 224,000
Qing Emperor Qianlong 白地粉彩八宝纹炉 Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price RMB : 224,000
Famille-rose porcelain
“Pearl in the East”---pastel drawing beads 有“东方明珠”之称的粉彩瓷珠
Qing Emperor Qianlong
清乾隆 粉彩七珍象 马
Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price: RMB 403,200
Qing Emperor Daoguang 黄地粉彩花卉碗(一对) Poly 2009 Spring Auction Price RMB : 224,000
Glowing porcelain玲珑瓷
Glowingporcelain, as blue and white porcelain,color glazeporcelain, famile-rose porcelain,is one of four tradition and famous china.
Color glaze porcelain


Ding kiln
Ding ware was produced in Ding Xian, Hebei Province. when the Song emperors
came to power in 940, Ding ware was the finest porcelain produced in northern China at the time, and was the first to enter the palace for official imperial use.
form the rich and colorful color glaze
Famille Rose Porcelain
Famille Rose Porcelain also called soft porcelain,
the famille rose as the main decoration of Famille
appeared black porcelain .
Black porcelain
White porcelain
Song Dynasty
To the Song Dynasty, porcelain kilns have been over half of Chinese, is the most prosperous
(铜) as the coloring agent(色剂), made the Ming Dynasty porcelain colorful. The porcelain technology
continued to improve.



——by Wang Zhuo、Wang Yao、Ouyang Ran、Yu shanshan/Zhang Zhaosong、Zhao haoLet’s Begin Our Trip at Jingde ZhenJingdezhensightseeingJingdezhen. is very famous as “the capital of porcelain" It's China's main porcelain-making center since the Song dynasty, as early as 1712 needed to keep three thousand kilns fired day and night.Three main kinds of porcelain•hard-paste porcelain(硬瓷)•soft-paste porcelain(釉瓷)•bone china(骨瓷)The blue and white porcelain•Blue and whiteporcelain enameltransparent water, tires,white light thin body ofporcelain body apply toblue, elegant decoration,pure and fresh vitality.Once appear blue rage,become the writings ofjingdezhen tradition.Tri-coloured glazed pottery of theTang DynastyThe Histroy of PorcelainNeolithic age(石器时代)In the history of Chinese ceramics, porcelain derived frompottery(陶)and appeared later. In the early years,people have made splendid achievements in ceramic fieldespecially in Yellow River and Changjiang River drainagearea where a lot of potteries and pottery fragments in theNeolithic age were unearthed at historical sites. Some ofthem were not only commodities, but also artworks suchas ancient painted pottery and pottery figurine(塑像).With the development of pottery industry, the previousclay-strip forming technique has been changed to throwclay(粘土)method,while advanced side-fired kiln andshaft kiln replaced ground firing. People at that time alsogot some experience on how to control the temperature.The highest firing temperature had reached 1100℃, whichwas quite close to the firing temperature between potteryand porcelain. In the early period of Yin and ShangDynasty,the appearance of white pottery whose materialDong Han、W ei、Jin In Dong Han Dynasty, the appearance of mature celadon(青瓷)in Yue kiln was a milestone in the history of Chinese ceramics. Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, the South and North Dynasty were just the seedtime. At that time, celadon played an important role in ceramics, which was widely fired. In the mean time, a small quality of black glazed(上釉的)porcelain and white glazed porcelain were discovered. Because of the unity of different nations and the introduction of Buddhism(佛教), the ceramic style became various duringSui and Tang Dyansty In Sui and Tang Dyansty, the Chinese politics, economy, culture and trade became unprecedentedly prosperous, which promoted the progress of ceramics industry, the expansion of ceramic market and later formed the situation of "celadon in south and white porcelain in north."(南青北白) Celadon was the main product of South China. Yue kiln was the typical representative with high artistic value. The tyre(胎)was light, thin and compact; the glaze layer(釉面)was transparent and exquisite. White porcelain of Xing kiln in Tang Dynasty was the representative of "North white". The degree of whiteness in both body and glaze was good. Its body was compact and usually had a ringing sound when being knocked.tri-coloured glazedpottery of the TangDynastySong Dynasty Song Dynasty was the third prosperous period of the feudal society. Technology, culture, art and handicraft were highly developed. The ceramic industry was flourishing too. Porcelain kilns with regional feature spread all over the country, which formed the layout of "six kiln factions(派系)" and "five famous kilns". "Six kiln factions" were Ding kiln faction, Jun kiln faction, Yaozhou kiln faction, Cizhou kiln faction, Longquan kiln faction and Jingdezhen kiln faction. "Five famous kilns" were Guan kiln, Ru kiln, Ge kiln, Ding kiln and Jun kiln. After the establishment of Guan kilns in Song Dynasty, different artistic styles were formed in folk kilns.The famous porcelain city Jingdezhen grew up in Yuan Dynasty, and it was known for its blue-and-white porcelain, underglazed red porcelain and egg white porcelain.Ding kiln Guan kilnMing and Qing Dynasty In Ming and Qing Dynasty, Chinese porcelain art took on a brilliant and splendid look after thousands of years of development. Ancient painted porcelain became prosperous: such as blue-and-white, wu-cai, dou-cai, plain tri-color, underglazed san-cai, enamel color, fen-cai and so on. The painted porcelains in Ming and Qing Dynasty merged the ceramic art into a whole and gradually became perfect. Single color glaze were of various kinds: sacrificial red glaze, sacrificial blue glaze, Lang kiln red glaze, Jiangdou red glaze, yellow glaze, peacock green glaze and so on. Besides, new progress has been made in the making of ceramics. For example, wheel jiggering(用转模车制陶器)has replaced bamboo knife jiggering. Moreover, blowing glaze(吹釉)technology began to be used. From then on, the quality and quantity of porcelain increased rapidly. The ceramic industry of Ming and Qing Dynasty reached theA history of Chinese ceramics(制陶术), is an image of Chinese history, Chinese national culture.Thanks!。

(完整版)中国瓷器介绍 英文版

(完整版)中国瓷器介绍 英文版

From Ru kiln
From Guan kiln
From Ding kiln
From Jun kiln
Song Dynasty is the highest aesthetic(美学的) era of porcelain.
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty is Chinese porcelain production turning period, innovation and development in many
porcelain .
Black porcelain
White porcelain
Song Dynasty
To the Song Dynasty, porcelain kilns have been over half of Chinese, is the most
prosperous period for porcelain. Then Jun kiln, Ge kiln,Ru kiln,Guan kiln and the Ding kiln and known as the five famous kilns.
Blue and white porcelain(青花瓷) Color glaze porcelain(颜色釉瓷) Famille Rose Porcelain(粉彩瓷) Glowing porcelain(玲珑瓷)
Blue and white porcelain
Blue and white porcelain is elegant, noble, and pure,
such as the Millennium basket, with its strong vitality and ceramic art,

中国瓷器介绍 英文版

中国瓷器介绍 英文版
Primitive-celadon appeared in the Shang Dynasty, then from the
Western Zhou Dynasty, the Warring States to the Eastern Han Dynasty, through the 1600 years’ change and development, porcelain firing technology had
appeared, which calwhite porcelain(青花瓷) Color glaze porcelain(颜色釉瓷) Famille Rose Porcelain(粉彩瓷) Glowing porcelain(玲珑瓷)
Blue and white porcelain
Ming Dynasty
Successfully firing the exquisite(精致的) white glaze porcelain and the single-glaze porcelain with copper(铜) as the coloring
agent(色剂), made the Ming Dynasty porcelain colorful. The porcelain technology
Yuan Dynasty is Chinese porcelain production turning period, innovation and development in many ways. The blue and white porcelain became the mainstream of Jingdezhen porcelain production.
been improved gradually.



• What is it on its surface?
润、平滑的衣裳,有的洁白如玉,有的五彩 缤纷,十分美观。陶瓷的这种衣裳,名叫 “釉”。
It lets ceramic become more beautiful!
釉是覆盖在陶瓷制品表面的无色或有色的 玻璃质薄层。
Chinese symbols
Team members:
Below we will appreciate some fine ceramics.
Ming porcelain, this period and colorful imbuing researchason succeeded as thin as shell and light if the thin silk yarn womb porcelain, and a wide variety, sizes and decorative pattern rich porcelain plate painting, also exquisite and clinking.译文:
Elder brother kiln 哥窑 哥窑釉质纯粹浓厚,不甚莹澈, 釉内多有气泡,如珠隐现,故通 称“聚沫攒珠”。釉色宝光内蕴, 润泽如酥。
Set kiln定窑
定窑以烧造白釉瓷器为主,装 饰方法有划花、刻花、印花和 捏塑等。纹饰以莲花、牡丹、 萱草为常见,画面简洁生动。 定窑除烧白釉外还兼烧黑釉、 绿釉和酱釉。造型以盘、碗最 多,其次是梅瓶、枕、盒等。

Chinese Porcelain——中国瓷器——英语ppt

Chinese Porcelain——中国瓷器——英语ppt
1、练泥:采取瓷石,用铁锤敲碎到鸡蛋大小 的块状,再用水碓舂打成粉状,经过淘洗, 去除杂质,沉淀后制成砖状的泥块。 
2. Pulling: Drop the mud ball into the center of the turntable of the trolley, bend and stretch it according to the technique, and draw the basic shape of the body.
第一,瓷器的胎料必须是瓷土的。瓷土的成分主 要是高岭土和化妆土,并含有长石、石英石和莫 来石成分;含铁量低。经过高温烧成之后,胎色 白,具有透明或半透明性,胎体吸水率不足1%, 或不吸水。
Secondly, the body of porcelain must undergo high-temperature roasting at 1200 ℃ to 1300 ℃ to possess the physical properties of porcelain. Porcelain clay varies from place to place, and the firing temperature also varies, so the sintering should be taken as the standard.
2、拉坯:把泥团摔在辘轳车的转盘中心, 顺着手法的屈伸收放,拉制出坯体的基本模 样。
3. Printing blank: The shape of the mold is formed by rotary cutting according to the inner curve of the blank body. The half dried blank is covered on the mold seed, evenly pressed against the outer wall of the blank body, and then demolded.



中国瓷器介绍英文版Chinese PorcelainsGood morning, everyone!Today, I want to tell you something about Chinese Porcelains. China is the hometown of porcelains. It’s an important creation of the working people of Han nationality. Porcelain developed from Pottery. The earliest porcelain appeared in Shang and Zhou dynasty about3,000 years ago. The true meaning of the Chinese porcelains produced in the Eastern Han Dynasty.In The Middle Ages, accompanied by Chinese Porcelains export, Chinese began to known in the world as “Country of Porcelain”. By the Song Dynasty some seven centuries later, the porcelain industry was flourishing. Ming andQing Dynasty was the heyday of Chinese Porcelains. The quantity and quality of porcelain production has reached the peak. Jingdezhen as the “Porcelain Capital” status has been established.Welcome to Jingdezhen Museum. Jingdezhen is located in northeastern Jiangxi. Jingdezhen porcelain is the pearl in the treasure house of Chinese art and culture. In its long and glorious history, a brilliant art and craft has been handed down. The feature of Jingdezhen Porcelain was described as being “as white as jade, as thin as paper, as bright as a mirror, with a sound as clear as a bell.” The four traditional porcelains are Blue and white porcelain,Glowing porcelain, Color glaze porcelain, and Famille-rose porcelain.Blue and white porcelain has a white base with blue designs. Blue designs are applied to the white body of the porcelain, making it appear elegant, fresh and full of vigor. Its unique artistic connotation is the perfect combined of traditional and modern arts.Glowing porcelain is also called “Mitong” in China. Craftsmen carve out many regular “delicate eyes” in the porcelain body, and then fire these holes with the glaze into the bright hole. European called it as “the transparent rice pattern”.Jingdezhen’s colorful glaze is famous for all over the world. It contains a long tradition, and is gradually concluded by our ancestors during the long-time producing and experimenting. Our ancestors had accumulated rich experience in the long time producing and struggling.Famile-rose porcelain also called soft decorative porcelain, which is one of the four traditional porcelain of Jingdezhen. As known as soft colors, is over glaze decoration of porcelain wares. “A manwithout porcelain is not noble. A room withoutporcelain is indecent.” Porcelain is ubiquitous in our culture.Thank you for your attention. Next, we will have a lunch in a five star hotel.彭雅玲。

陶瓷英文 ppt

陶瓷英文  ppt
• Early wares
Pottery has a long history in China. It was invented in the early New Stone Age.
• Xia dynasty
灰陶grey pottery、夹砂陶sandy clay
• Shang and Zhou dynasties
Chinese ceramic
陶 瓷
Ceramic (陶瓷):
Chinese ceramic ware(制品) shows a continuous development since the pre-dynastic periods, and is one of the most significant forms of Chinese art.
The classification of ceramic
• 粗陶(brickware or terra-cotta) • 细陶 (pottery) • 炻器 (stone ware) • 半瓷器 (semivitreous china) • 瓷器(porcelain)
Technical development
at Christies’ auctioneer in London in 2005.
Ming dynasty
Ming porcelain successfully created the thin china(薄胎瓷) and vitrolite painting(瓷板画).
egg-shell porcelain/ thin china
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the world of Chinese art auction record.
Han Dynasty
After long-term improvements, in 2 century the end of the Han Dynasty, the mature celadon was created, in the history of our country's pottery it was an important milestone.
China is the hometown of china.The invention of china is a great contribution to world civilization. In English, china means porcelain(瓷器).
become the perfect combination of modern
and traditional.
青花瓷创烧于元代,是以色料在坯胎上描绘纹样, 施釉后经高温烧成,釉色晶莹、雅致。青料溶于胎釉 之间,发色青翠,虽色相单一,但感觉丰富。青花瓷
Blue and white porcelain was first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty. It was formed by using pigment to depict patterns on the green body and firing at high temperature after glazing. The glazing color is glittering and elegant. The green pigment dissolve in green body, showing a verdant color. Although it has single hue, it still gives people rich feeling. Blue and white porcelain is durable。it will not fade until broken
technology continued to improve.
Qing Dynasty
Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous period China porcelain production, the quantity and quality of porcelain production reached a peak. A new kind of porcelain had appeared, which called enamel (珐琅
The most expensive blue and white porcelain!!
In July 12, 2005, Christie's auction in London, the Yuan Dynasty "Guiguzi"
blue and white porcelain pot make 14000000 pounds, equivalent to about 230000000 yuan, it is the highest record in
ways. The blue and white porcelain became the mainstream of Jingdezhen porcelain production.
Ming Dynasty
Successfully firing the exquisite(精致的) white glaze porcelain and the single-glaze porcelain with copper(铜) as the coloring agent(色剂), made the Ming Dynasty porcelain colorful. The porcelain
Jin and southern and northern dynasties
To Jin, original porcelain had been eliminated ,at the same time color porcelain appeared. The period also appeared black
From Ru kiln
From Guan kiln
From Ding kiln
From Jun kiln
Song Dynasty is the highest aesthetic(美学的) era of porcelain.
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty is Chinese porcelain production turning period, innovation and development in many
porcelain .
Black porcelain
White porcelain
Song Dynasty
To the Song Dynasty, porcelain kilns have been over half of CΒιβλιοθήκη inese, is the most
prosperous period for porcelain. Then Jun kiln, Ge kiln,Ru kiln,Guan kiln and the Ding kiln and known as the five famous kilns.
Four traditional porcelain
Blue and white porcelain
Blue and white porcelain is elegant, noble, and pure,
such as the Millennium basket, with its strong vitality and ceramic art,