

雷克萨斯LS 500 LS 500h宣传手册说明书

雷克萨斯LS 500 LS 500h宣传手册说明书

L S —— 全新诠释,非同一般这一车型曾创造了一个公司,改变了整个产业。




为“旗舰”赋予新的含义,这是只有雷克萨斯才能创造的杰作——Lexus LS ,全新面世。

LS 500使用高性能LC 轿跑平台打造,采用轿跑动感造型,配备雷克萨斯有史以来第一款双涡轮增压310千瓦发动机,以及领先的10速自动变速器,将高性能与精密设计集于一身,造就LS Sports Luxury 的旗舰水准,用全世界独一无二的匠心工艺,为您呈现极致感官享受。

LS 500h Hybrid Drive突破性的雷克萨斯多级混动驾驶系统,带来全然一新的出色混动性能。





LS F Sport这是有史以来最振奋人心的LS 驾驶感受。

以LFA 为灵感的仪表盘、运动座椅、加大制动盘、铝制踏板,以及雷克萨斯首款主动稳定系统,赋予LS 前所未有的强劲性能。

L S之艺每一项工程技术的成就,每一次肾上腺素的激升,每一个毫无瑕疵的表面,均由人开始,由人完工。





LS Sports Luxury 纺锤形格栅每天8个小时,历时6个多月,5000多个手工立面,每一个都经过精确校准,确保呈现光影反射的效果,只为实现一个目标:打造有史以来最有远见、最为震撼的LS。

雷克萨斯NX NX200 NX300 NX300h车型说明书

雷克萨斯NX NX200 NX300 NX300h车型说明书


外观04内室 10性能 16安全 26服务300102如果路上的景致都千篇一律,那就太单调了。


03外观| 04钻石切割外观设计,锐不可当突破式纺锤形进气格栅,尽情释放凌厉气势*锐利耀目的L 型矩阵式LED 前大灯,L 型日间行车灯与立体尾灯锋芒毕露时尚硬朗轮毂,更添个性风范*部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。

对NX 而言,锋芒是一种珍贵的品质,一种与生俱来、且融入血脉的品格。



当千人一面的城市中闪过一个与众不同的背影,那无疑便是NX 。




09内室| 10开阔的内部空间和储物空间,用尺度决定了气度*体贴的后排座椅加热,让舒适也可以分享高品质座椅,将舒适提升新层级*部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。

格局与享受之间必须要做取舍么?NX 或许可以给你一个不一样的答案。


此内饰为NX300h F SPORT 专属内饰,具体车型配置请以实车为准。

1112中控台设计,流畅线条动感十足全新多媒体系统,打造灵敏而有质感的操作体验触控式Remote Touch 信息操作系统,指尖轻动掌控全局*Mark Levinson ®高级音响系统,美妙音质如身临其境*车载无线充电,方便快捷触摸式车内照明,开启照明触手可及多功能方向盘及仪表盘,释放纯粹驾趣*部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。





1. 引擎和性能:雷克萨斯NX200锋行版配备了一台2.0升四缸涡轮增压发动机,提供了高达235马力的动力输出。


2. 操控和驾驶模式:NX200锋行版提供多种驾驶模式,包括正常、运动和ECO 模式,根据驾驶者的需求和偏好,可以选择不同的模式来获得最佳的驾驶体验。


3. 安全系统:雷克萨斯NX200锋行版注重安全性能,配备了许多先进的安全系统。


4. 内饰设计和舒适性:NX200锋行版的内饰设计简洁而现代化,采用高品质的材料制作,提供了舒适和豪华的乘坐体验。


5. 娱乐和连接性:该车型还配备了一套先进的娱乐系统,包括触摸屏显示屏、导航系统、蓝牙连接和苹果CarPlay/安卓Auto等功能,以提供便捷的娱乐和连接体验。

6. 空间和实用性:尽管是一款紧凑型SUV,雷克萨斯NX200锋行版在空间利用方面做得相当出色。






1. 车辆外观:雷克萨斯NX200锋行版采用了独特的设计语言,具有运动感和动感,车身线条流畅,外观细节精致。



IS2506IS 250序列式变速箱有6速手自一体智能电子控制自动变速系统,驾驶乐趣一指可得。

在顺序换挡模式下,只需通过指尖操纵,您就 可以拥有如同手动挡般的动态驾驶性能,而在智能电子控制自动变速系统(ECT-i )的帮助下,即使急剧的加速也能 水般流畅,丝般顺滑。



单管 减震器吸收了路面的颠簸以使乘客更为舒适,实现了平顺稳定的转向特性。

IS250以 硬朗的悬挂模式带来极其敏捷的操控力,同时电动助力转向系统(EPS )的应用,让操控 表现轻松流畅,而与众不同的17英寸合金轮毂,也以优异的抓地性,帮助IS250在转向时 表现得非常灵活敏捷。





9I S 25012IS 250L-finesse设计哲学,为未来豪华价值重新定义。




L-finesse design philosophy – redefining the value of luxury. INCISIVE SIMPLICITYINTRIGUING ELEGANCESEAMLESS ANTICIPATION高强度近光照明大灯高强度近光照明大灯(HID )的亮度更强,照射角度更广,能见度格外高,让旅途中的黑暗一扫而光,时时刻刻为您带来清晰视野,在一片光明中享受安然旅程。

18IS 250LEXUS 雷克萨斯硬盘导航系统IS250炫动版及豪华版搭载LEXUS 雷克萨斯硬盘导航系统(HDD ),除导航系统外 还配备了40G 的超大硬盘存储空间,IS250豪华版更提供了CD 歌曲复制存储功能供稍后重播,使您的车载曲库不再受到CD 盘数量的限制。




以人为先,是雷克萨斯始终坚持的理念,精研多年的电气化技术积淀,基于全新纯电平台开发,以完善科技和反复实践,打造人车合一的心流驾控,更将生活的仪式感与安全感融入每个细节,全新RZ ,唤醒感官,开启来电新体验。





频率感应式阻尼活塞FRD II可根据车辆工况,感应运动频次,实现减振器的多级阻尼力调整,在行进中始终保持稳定与舒适。



点击图标观看视频纯电专属平台基于纯电专属平台,以创新的开发理念打造高刚性、低重心的车身,实现整车的轻量化,兼顾 美学设计和实用性。



电池组温控系统电池组液冷冷却系统,在电池组高负载情况下帮助降温,提供稳定输出,同时,电池组低温加热 系统,在寒冷条件下帮助实现电池工况温度的稳定,有助于抑制电池衰减,提升电池寿命。

Lexus GS 系列产品说明书

 Lexus GS 系列产品说明书

G S 151 GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.2GS shown in Riviera Red // Options shown.3GS350 shown in Atomic Silver // Options shown.45GS350 F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.GS 350 F SPORT shown in Cabernet leather with Striated Aluminum trim // Options shown.6Inside the GS F SPORT, a 16-way power-adjustable sport driver’s seat with power side bolsters, four-way lumbar and added thigh support hugs your body the way the vehicle hugs curves. It’s an intense connection, made even stronger with the F SPORT–badged steering wheel and shift knob trimmed in perforated leather, and aluminum sport pedals.F SPORT DESIGN7GS HYBRID The GS is, above all else, a performance vehicle. And the GS Hybrid is mostcertainly not the exception to that rule. Boasting 338 total system horsepower,1an Adaptive Variable Suspension and the efficiency of a hybrid, it offers animpressive 34-mpg4 highway rating and rockets from 0 to 60 in a mere5.6 seconds.1,5 In addition to exclusive styling, the new GSh F SPORT addsVariable Gear-Ratio Steering and available Lexus Dynamic Handling withDynamic Rear Steering, ensuring that performance remains a top priority.8GS450h F SPORT shown in Obsidian // Options shown.910GS 350 shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.11Lexus engineers traveled the equivalent of 26 times around the Earth—from the ice-covered streets of Moscow to the extreme heat of Death Valley—all to develop the precise driving feel and responsiveness of the GS, no matter the conditions. Strap yourself in and carve through that first turn, and you’ll quickly discover it was worth every inch.OUR TEST TRACK WAS A MILLION MILES LONG.12GS350 shown in Flaxen leather with Linear Espresso wood trim // Options shown.13Options shown.306 HORSEPOWER1With more standard horsepower than its German competitors15 andan eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters (RWD),the GS takes driver engagement to new heights.17GS350 F SPORT shown in Deep Sea Mica // Options shown.1618A 19G. Available power rear sunshade H. Remote Touch 2 controller I. Available rear-seat climate and audio controls J. Contrast stitching K. Available color Heads-up Display L. Available rear spoiler. For a complete list of Genuine Lexus Accessories, visit /GS/accessoriesOptions shown.2021GS 350 shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown.By monitoring current driving conditions, available all-wheel drive automatically allocates engine power between the front and rear wheels from a rear-biased 30/70 (front/rear ) torque split to 50/50, depending on conditions. This can provide enhanced traction and control on a wide range of road surfaces and in inclement weather.ALL-WEATHER DRIVE22PACKAGES KEYSTANDARD FEATURESINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSSmartAccess 16,17 with push- button Start/Stop //Dual-zone automatic climate control with interior air filter and smog sensor // Power tilt-and-telescopic steering column // Lexus Memory System // Power tilt-and-slide moonroof // Electrochromic auto-dimming mirrors //HomeLink ® // Perforated leather-trimmed interior // 10-way (including lumbar ) power front seats // Drive Mode Select // 8.0-inch high-resolution colormultimedia display // Remote Touch 2 // USB iPod ®18 integration // Traffic and weather updates 13 via HD Radio 13 // Bluetooth ®19 // Backup camera 3 // Siri Eyes Free 11 // Lexus Enform Remote 10 app and Lexus Enform Safety Connect.20 Subscription required. One-year trial subscription includedGS PREMIUM PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )Rain-sensing wipers // H eated and ventilated front seats // Power rear sunshade // Climate ConciergeLUXURY PACKAGE (Available on GS 350)(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // 18-inch split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish // Semi-aniline leather interior trim // Linear Espresso wood interior trim // Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel // 18-way power front seats // Lexus Memory System for front-passenger seat // Three-zone automatic climate control // Rear-door manual sunshades // Adaptive Front Lighting System 26 // LED foglampsNAVIGATION PACKAGE (Standard on GS 350)Navigation System // 12.3-inch high-resolution split-screen multimedia display // Compatible mobile-phone integration // Enhanced Bluetooth technology 19 // Lexus Enform Destinations. Subscription required. One-year trial subscriptionincluded // Subscription-free Lexus Enform App Suite 27 with Bing,™ iHeartRadio, , OpenTable,® Pandora,®28 Yelp ® and Facebook PlacesCOLD WEATHER PACKAGE (Standard on GS 450h )H eated steering wheel // H igh-intensity interior heater // H eadlamp washers (GS 350 RWD; standard on AWD; not available on GS 450h ) // Windshield-wiper deicer // Water-repellent front-door glass // LED headlamps (GS F SPORT )GS 350/GS 450h F SPORT(Includes all GS Premium Package equipment ) + Drive Mode Select adds Sport S+ mode // 19-inch split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finish // F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) // Variable Gear-RatioSteering (VGRS) (RWD only ) // 14.0-in, two-piece front-brake rotors with monoblock four-piston calipers (RWD only ) // 16-way F SPORT driver’s seat // Striated Aluminum interior trim // Black headliner // F SPORT exterior styling including unique front bumper, upper and lower grille inserts, rear valance and rear spoilerPower trunk open/close // Mark Levinson Premium Audio System 14 // Pre-Collision System (PCS )21 with Driver Attention Monitor,21 Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 22 // Lane Keep Assist 9 with Lane Departure Warning 23 // Blind Spot Monitor 8 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert 24 and power-folding outside mirrors // Color Heads-up Display // Intuitive Parking Assist 25 // Lexus Dynamic Handling with Dynamic Rear Steering(GS F SPORT RWD, required on GSh F SPORT ) // H eated rear seats (Luxury Package )WHEELS What is Lexus Enform? Lexus Enform is Lexus-branded connected services and currently consists of the following products: Lexus EnformSafety Connect, Lexus Enform Destinations, Lexus Enform Remote and Lexus Enform App Suite. To learn more visit /enform.LEXUS ENFORM18-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finishStandard18-in split-nine-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Superchrome finish Luxury PackageF SPORT 19-in full-face forged alloy wheels 7Available19-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 7 with Dark Graphite finishGS F SPORTF SPORT 19-in forgedalloy wheels 7 Available23KEY SPECS306HP15.7S 1,5/ 5.8S 1,5/ 5.6S1,5GS/GS F SPORTGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWD GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINEPERFORMANCE19 / 29 / 2329// 19 / 26 / 212929 / 34 / 3129GS RWD/GS F SPORT RWD GSh/GSh F SPORTGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDFUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY/HIGHWAY/COMBINED)8-SPEEDGS RWD/GS F SPORT RWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFT6-SPEEDGS AWD/GS F SPORT AWDAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFTE CVTGSh/GSh F SPORTELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLEDCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSIONEST MPGEST MPG0–60 INWIDTH 72.4 IN HEIGHT57.3 IN (RWD, Hybrid)57.9 IN (AWD)OVERALL LENGTH 190.7 INWHEELBASE 112.2 INFor a complete list of features and to view configurations available in your area, please visit /GSbuild.GS shown in Liquid Platinum // Options shown.338HP1GSh/GSh F SPORT3.5L V6 ENGINE ATKINSON-CYCLETOTAL SYSTEM R WDAWDSTANDARD GS/GS F SPORT GSh/GSh F SPORTAVAILABLEGS/GS F SPORTDRIVETRAINOR24INTERIORTRIMFLAXENLEATHERCABERNET*LEATHERLIGHT GRAYLEATHERBLACK WITH WHITEPERFORATIONS*LEATHERBLACKLEATHERMATTE DARKBROWN WALNUT†STRIATEDALUMINUM*LINEAR ESPRESSOWOOD‡MATTE BAMBOOGS350GS450hGS/GSh F SPORT*F SPORT exclusive†G S350, GS350 PremiumPackage only‡GS350 Luxury Package only25EXTERIORDEEP SEA MICA STARFIRE PEARL NEBULA GRAY PEARLMETEOR BLUE MICA OBSIDIAN RIVIERA REDLIQUID PLATINUMATOMIC SILVERFIRE AGATE PEARL ULTRA WHITE*FPOFSC LogoWARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the GS Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 2. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions. 3. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. You should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 4. 2015 GS 450h EPA 29/34/31 city/hwy/combined mpg ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 5. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 6. CAUTION! When driving a hybrid vehicle, pay special attention to the area around the vehicle. Because there is little vehicle noise in electric-only mode, pedestrians, people riding bicycles or other people and vehicles in the area may not be aware of the vehicle starting off or approaching them, so take extra care while driving. EV mode works under certain conditions at low speeds for up to a mile. See Owner’s Manual . 7. 18- or 19-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 15,000 miles, depending upon driving conditions. 8. Do not rely exclusively on the Blind Spot Monitor. Always look over your shoulder and use your turn signal. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the monitor. For a complete list of limitations and directions regarding use of the monitor, see Owner’s Manual . 9. Lane Keep Assist is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions. It provides a visual and audible alert and slight steering force when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 10. Use only if aware of circumstances surrounding the vehicle, and it is legal & safe to do so (e.g., car uncovered in open area, no people or pets in or nearby). If vehicle has not been driven for over a week, services will not be available until next time vehicle is started. Functionality depends on many factors, such as vehicle and smartphone connectivity. See usage precautions, service limitations & Owner’s Manual . Data charges may apply. Registration, app download are required. Must have active Safety Connect subscription. Annual fee required after 1-year trial. 11. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Siri ® is available in Beta only on iPhone ® 4S, iPhone ® 5, iPad ® with Retina ® display, iPad ® mini, & iPod ® touch, 5th gen. & requires Internet access. Siri ® is not available in all languages or all areas & features vary by area. Data charges may apply. See & phone carrier for details. 12. iPhone ® and iPad ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 13. HD Radio™ Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. 14. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 15. Based on data from Audi A6 2.0T with 19-in Sport Package, BMW 5 Series 535i with M Sport Package & Mercedes-Benz E-Class E350 with Sport Styling Package manufacturers’ websites. 16. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 17. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key/fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Yellow Pages or by contacting . 18. iTunes ® and iPod ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 19. The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Lexus is under license. A compatible Bluetooth -enabled phone must first be paired. Phone performance depends on software, coverage & carrier. 20. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 21. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. The included Driver Attention Monitor is designed to alert the driver if a potential hazard is detected ahead and the driver’s face appears to be turned away. They are not collision-avoidance systems and are not substitutes for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 22. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 23. Lane Departure Warning is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions and provide visual and audible alerts when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 24. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm rear clearance. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the system. To learn more, see Owner’s Manual . 25. Do not rely exclusively on the Intuitive Parking Assist system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for details. 26. The Adaptive Front Lighting System helps improve vision at night. Situations such as dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 27. Apps/services vary by phone/carrier; functionality depends on many factors. Select apps use large amounts of data; you are responsible for charges. Apps & services subject to change. See /enform for details. 28. PANDORA ®, the PANDORA ® logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission. 29. 2015 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 30. FaceTime ® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of publishing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P5-093 (09/14) 00217GSBRO15 Printed in U.S.A. (90M ) ©2014 Lexus.THE L EXUS D ELIVERY A ND T ECHNOLOGY S PECIALISTS. To assist you in getting the most out of your GS, the Lexus Delivery Specialist will conduct a personalized delivery focused on every feature, setting and function you desire. To answer questions that arise after delivery, the Lexus Technology Specialist can offer expert guidance in person or without you ever leaving the driveway, via camera-enabled iPad ®12 apps like FaceTime.®30 Learn more about our Lexus Delivery and Technology Specialist services at /specialists.SERVICES AS INNOV ATIVE AS THE GS ITSELF .。

2015 Lexus IS IS350 说明书

2015 Lexus IS IS350 说明书

15ISIS350 shown in Matador Red Mica // Options shown.123IS 350 shown in Deep Sea Mica // Options shown.IS F SPORT shown in Atomic Silver // Options shown.45IS F SPORT shown in Ultra White.IS F SPORT shown with available Navigation System 1 and Mark Levinson ®2 audio system // Options shown.6This is invigoration on demand. The eight-speed automatic transmission in the rear-wheel drive IS 350 and IS 350 F SPORT delivers seamless, lightning-fast gear changes. And, when using paddle shifters, features downshift throttle blipping for more precise shifting and quicker response.EIGHT-SPEED SPORT DIRECT-SHIFT TRANSMISSION7Sporting a long, wide stance accentuated by flared wheel arches, sculptedlines and dramatic sweeping taillamps, the IS leaves more than an impression.With arresting details like inset LED daytime running lamps and a full-facemesh grille on the IS F SPORT, it refuses to go unnoticed.9 8IS F SPORT shown in Obsidian (left) and IS250 shown in Silver Lining Metallic (right) // Options shown.A suspension that adjusts dampening with your impulses and an availablesteering system that helps tailor its agility to your speed: just two exhilaratingways the IS350 F SPORT connects you to the road.10IS F SPORT shown in Ultra White.11IS F SPORT seat shown in Rioja Red NuLuxe trim.IS F SPORT shown in Ultra White.151617IS shown in available Flaxen leather trim // Options shown.18A19Options shown.A. Electrostatic touch-based temperature controls whichenable you to change the temperature with a swipe of your fingerB. IS interior with available Parchment leather and LinearDark Brown wood trim C. IS shown with optional BlackLeather trim D. The available Lexus Enform App SuiteE. Available LFA-inspired instrument cluster with digitaldisplay and sliding bezel F. 60/40-split fold-down rear seatwith available Stratus Gray leather trimIS350 AWD shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown. Professional driver on closed course. Do not attempt.22LEXUS ENFORM23KEY SPECS204HP267.7S 26,27/ 8.3S 26,27/ 5.6S 26,27/ 5.7S 26,27306HP26IS 250IS 250IS 250 AWD IS 350IS 350 AWDIS 3502.5L V6 ENGINE3.5L V6 ENGINEPERFORMANCE21 / 30 / 242819 / 28 / 222820 / 27 / 232819 / 26 / 2128IS 250IS 350IS 250 AWDIS 350 AWDFUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY/HIGHWAY/COMBINED)R WD6-SPEED8-SPEEDAWDSTANDARDIS 250/350 AWDI S 350 RWDAVAILABLEDRIVETRAINPADDLE-SHIFT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONOREST MPGEST MPGEST MPGEST MPG0–60 INWIDTH 71.3 IN HEIGHT 56.3 INOVERALL LENGTH 183.7 INWHEELBASE 110.2 INFor a complete list of features and to view configurations available in your area, please visit /ISbuild.IS F SPORT shown in Ultra White // Options shown.PACKAGES KEYSTANDARD FEATURESINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSHigh-Intensity Discharge (HID ) headlamps // LED daytime running lights (DRL ) // Power moonroof //60/40-split fold-down rear seats // SmartAccess 8,9 with push-button Start/Stop // Drive Mode Select //Dual-zone climate control // NuLuxe interior trim // Power-adjustable front seats // Lexus Display Audio with color screen // Traffic and weather updates 6 via HD Radio 6 // Bluetooth ®10 phone and audio connectivity 11 // 10 standard airbags 12 // Lexus Enform Remote 3 with one-year trial subscription // Lexus Enform Safety Connect.13 Subscription required. One-year trial subscription includedNAVIGATION PACKAGENavigation System with color multimedia display // Remote Touch 20controller // Backup camera 19 // Voice command // Enhanced Bluetooth technology 10 //Lexus Enform App Suite with Bing,™ iHeartRadio, OpenTable,®,Pandora,®21 Yelp ®and Facebook Places // Lexus Enform Destinations. Subscription required. One-year trial subscription includedMARK LEVINSON AUDIO PACKAGE(Includes Navigation Package ) + Mark Levinson Premium Surround Sound Audio System 2 // 15 GreenEdge™ high-efficiency speakers with inverted-motor subwoofer // 835-watt Class-D amplifier // Auto volume technology // Machined-aluminum control knobsPREMIUM PACKAGETwin projector LED headlamps (low/high beam ) // Heated and ventilated front seatsLUXURY PACKAGE(Includes Premium Package) + Blind Spot Monitor 16 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert 17// Leather-trimmed interior // Linear Dark Gray or Linear Dark Brown wood interior trim // Rain-sensing wipers // Electrochromic outside mirrors with auto tilt-down in reverse // Power-adjustable steering column // Lexus Memory System for driver’s seat, outside mirrors and steering columnLUXURY TECHNOLOGY PACKAGE(Includes Luxury Package ) + Intelligent high-beam headlamps 22 // Lane Departure Alert 23IS F SPORTF SPORT front fascia, grille and front-fender badges // F SPORT 18-inchsplit-five-spoke alloy wheels with summer (RWD ) or all-season (AWD ) tires 24 // F SPORT suspension tuning // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) with Sport S+ drive mode (IS 350) // Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM )25 with Sport mode // LED headlamps // LFA-inspired instrumentation // NuLuxe interior trim // Heated and ventilated front sport seats // Silver Performance interior trim // Perforated leather-trimmed shift knob and steering wheel with F SPORT logo // Aluminum pedals // Stainless-steel scuff plates // Black headliner // Heated steering wheel (AWD only ) // Rear F SPORT badgePre-Collision System (PCS )14 with Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 15 // Blind Spot Monitor 16 with Rear Cross-Traffic Alert 17 and electrochromic outside mirrors // Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGRS ) with power tilt-and-telescopic steering column (IS 350 F SPORT RWD ) // Power rear sunshade // Intuitive Parking Assist 18 // Backup camera 19 // Heated steering wheel (AWD only )WHEELS 17-in 10-spoke alloy wheels 24IS 250/35018-in mesh alloy wheels 24Available IS 25018-in five-spoke alloy wheels 24Available IS 35018-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 24IS F SPORTF SPORT 18-in P5 five-spokealloy wheels 24AvailableWhat is Lexus Enform? Lexus Enform is Lexus-branded connected services and currently consists of the following products: Lexus Enform Safety Connect, Lexus Enform Destinations, Lexus Enform Remote and Lexus Enform App Suite. To learn more visit /enform.2524EXTERIORSTARFIRE PEARL ULTRA WHITE*NEBULA GRAY PEARLSILVER LINING METALLIC ATOMIC SILVER OBSIDIANMATADOR RED MICA DEEP SEA MICAINTERIORTRIMBLACKLEATHER or NULUXEFLAXENLEATHER or NULUXEPARCHMENTLEATHER or NULUXERIOJA RED*†NULUXESTRATUS GRAYLEATHER or NULUXEStandardAvailableF SPORT* F SPORT exclusive† Available with NuLuxe onlyILLUSTRIOUSPIANO BLACK†SILVERPERFORMANCE*LINEAR DARKGRAY WOODLINEAR DARKBROWN WOODFPOFSC LogoWARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the IS Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions at all times. Availability & accuracy of the information provided by the Navigation System is dependent upon many factors. Use common sense when relying on information provided. Services and programming subject to change. Services not available in every city or roadway. Updates may be available at an additional cost from your dealer. See Navigation System Owner’s Manual for details. 2. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 3. Use only if aware of circumstances surrounding the vehicle, and it is legal & safe to do so (e.g., car uncovered in open area, no people or pets in or nearby). If vehicle has not been driven for over a week, services will not be available until next time vehicle is started. Functionality depends on many factors, such as vehicle and smartphone connectivity. See usage precautions, service limitations & Owner’s Manual . Data charges may apply. Registration, app download are required. Must have active Safety Connect subscription. Annual fee required after 1-year trial. 4. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Siri ® is available on iPhone ® 4S, iPhone ® 5, iPad ® with Retina ® display, iPad ® mini, & iPod ® touch, 5th gen. & requires Internet access. Siri ® is not available in all languages or all areas & features vary by area. Data charges may apply. See & phone carrier for details. 5. iPhone ® and iPad ® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 6. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions at all times. HD Radio™ Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. 7. German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) unit of measurement. 8. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 9. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key or SmartAccess fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key or SmartAccess fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or SmartAccess fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Yellow Pages or by contacting . 10. The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Lexus is under license. A compatible Bluetooth -enabled phone must first be paired. Phone performance depends on software, coverage & carrier. 11. Bluetooth ® audio device must be enabled with A2DP and AVRCP. 12. All the airbag (AB) systems are Supplemental Restraint Systems. All ABs are designed to inflate only under certain conditions and in certain types of severe collisions: frontal and knee ABs typically inflate in frontal collisions; side and side curtain ABs in side collisions; Roll-Sensing Curtain ABs at a severe tilt degree, roll or lateral G-force. In all other accidents, the ABs will not inflate. To decrease the risk of injury from an inflating AB, always wear seatbelts, sit upright in the middle of the seat as far back as possible and do not lean against the door. Do not put objects in front of an AB or around the seatback. Do not use a rearward-facing child seat in any front passenger seat. The force of an inflating AB may cause serious injury or death. See Owner’s Manual for further information/warnings. 13. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 14. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. It is not a collision-avoidance system and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors, such as speed, driver input and road conditions. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 15. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 16. Do not rely exclusively on the Blind Spot Monitor. Always look over your shoulder and use your turn signal. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the monitor. For a complete list of limitations and directions regarding use of the monitor, see Owner’s Manual . 17. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-Traffic Alert system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm rear clearance. There are limitations to the function, detection, range and clarity of the system. To learn more, see Owner’s Manual . 18. Do not exclusively rely on the Intuitive Parking Assist system. Always look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. System effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for details. 19. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. You should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 20. Be sure to obey traffic regulations and maintain awareness of road and traffic conditions. 21. PANDORA ®, the PANDORA ® logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission. 22. Intelligent high-beams system operates at speeds above 21 mph. Situations such as a dirty windshield, variable weather, lighting conditions and hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 23. Lane Departure Alert is designed to read lane markers under certain conditions and provide visual and audible alerts when lane departure is detected. It is not a collision-avoidance system or a substitute for safe and attentive driving. Effectiveness depends on many factors. See Owner’s Manual for more information. 24. 17-, 18- or 19-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 20,000 miles (17-in) or 15,000 miles (18-in or 19-in), depending upon driving conditions. 25. Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) is an electronic system designed to help the driver maintain vehicle control under adverse conditions. It is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver steering input can all affect whether VDIM will be effective in preventing a loss of control. See Owner’s Manual for further details. 26. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher. If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 27. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 28. 2015 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary. 29. FaceTime ® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of printing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P5-001 (07/14) 00217-ISBRO -15 Printed in U.S.A. (120M ) ©2014 Lexus.THE LEXUS DELIVERY AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISTS. To assist you in getting the most out of your IS, the Lexus Delivery Specialist will conduct a personalized delivery focused on every feature, setting and function you desire. To answer questions that arise after delivery, the Lexus Technology Specialist can offer expert guidance in person or without you ever leaving the driveway, via camera-enabled iPad ®5 apps like FaceTime.®29 Learn more about our Lexus Delivery and Technology Specialist services at /specialists.SERVICESAS INNOVATIVE AS THE CAR ITSELF.。



流程的不断创新实践 ,杜绝了任何瑕疵的产生 ,最终锻造出的
品质 ,堪称极品之中的极品。
Future Dynamics
亲 身 体 验 ,操 控 灵 敏 度 的 全 新 基 准 Experience a new dimension in driving response.
* 燃油效率(欧洲综合工况法):9.6升 / 百公里(以 LEXUS 雷克萨斯内部测试数据为基础) ** CO2排放量 :228克 / 公里(以 LEXUS 雷克萨斯内部测试数据为基础) LS600hL满足严格的世界级排放标准 :美国 SULEV,欧四标准 ,日本 SULEV,以上任一标准远比传统 内燃机汽车排放标准更为严苛。
Master Craftsmanship
巨匠工艺 ,锻造极品 Ultimate quality that meshes the skill of master craftsmen with state-of-the-art technology.
内饰的顶级质地和精湛工艺展露出 LS600hL的待客盛情 。为此,
作为驱动力学的新标杆 ,世界首创的完全 V8混合动力系统专为偏爱驾驭的您打造 。两部 电动 / 发电机持续为 5.0 升直喷 V8 顶置双凸轮轴发动机的强大动力提供补充 ,而全时四驱的 超凡稳定性足以轻松征服任何路况挑战 。对于专注后排享受的您 ,这部 LS600hL决不辜负 期望,超长轴距的后排宽阔空间 ,提供极致的豪华与舒适 ,油电混合动力带来的静音表现, 将享受推进到更高层次。
新型高性能 V8发动机
超越技术与精密工程的限制,LEXUS 雷克萨斯开发出5.0 升直喷 V8 顶置双凸轮轴 32 气门发动机 。其中 ,创新的“D-4S(”直喷 4冲程升级版)燃油系统提升了汽车的动力性和燃油经济性。 双智能正时可变气门控制系统 ,配以电动机驱动(VVT-iE)的 进气门 ,将气门的开合时机进一步精确 。VVT-iE和活动液压 控制双向排气系统紧密配合 ,确保发动机卓越的启动性能 和高动力输出表现 。发动机装配完成后 ,经验丰富的技师 仍会一丝不苟地悉心检查 ,确保 LEXUS 雷克萨斯严苛的制造 标准落到实处。


1. 表示已经匹配了一把钥匙。如需要匹配下把钥匙,就把点火中钥匙拔出, 插入下把钥匙,然后打开点火,按确认。不需要匹配钥匙,就按返回键。
T-300 使用说明书
10、显示已匹配完成的钥匙数量 11、按遥控器按钮,保持3秒,然后等待
13、密码正确 进入 14、显示通讯状态 15、点火-OFF (根据提示)点火-ON (根据提示) 16、19、显示已匹配钥匙数量
T-300 使用说明书
17、按 进入 可匹配5只钥匙,把每一把要匹配的钥匙插入点火,打开。全部 OK。
五.HONDA-本田钥匙匹配步骤 1、开机 2、选本田 (HONDA) 进入 3、选防盗类型
T-300 使用说明书
把匹配的钥匙依次插入点火,打开,关掉。 等待两分钟后,启动点火。
七.FIAT-菲亚特 钥匙匹配步骤
1、开机 2、选 FIAT-菲亚特 进入 3.国内的派力傲,西耶那,选择 PALIO RST
T-300 使用说明书
一.CHRYSLER-克莱斯勒 钥匙匹配步骤 1、开机 2、选 CHRYSLRE 克莱斯勒 或选 DODGE 道奇 进入 3、选防盗类型 TYPE 1 (93-98款) 进入






标签:智能进入和起动系统振荡器控制器区域网络和局域互联网0 引言故障现象:雷克萨斯(带智能进入和起动功能的)新车当驾驶到某地方,办完事后不能正常通过遥控钥匙进入汽车,且通过机械钥匙进入汽车后起动不了发动机。



1 丰田汽车带智能进入和起动系统的功能在不操作钥匙的情况下,智能上车系统即可锁止/解锁车门,打开行李箱门,以及起动发动机。




1.1 车门解锁功能当所有车门锁止时,各个车门震荡器会有规律地发送信号,并在距各车门把手0.7至1米的乘客室外侧形成检测区域。




Lexus IS250C 敞篷跑车 产品配置手册

Lexus IS250C 敞篷跑车 产品配置手册

IS250CFeels Like IS感觉就像IS这是一种前所未有的激情感受,这是来自全新LEXUS雷克萨斯IS250C的动感体验。

全新缸内直喷V6发动机与空气动力学流线车身设计珠联璧合,感觉如激流奔涌气势无穷;LEXUS G-BOOK 雷克萨斯智能副驾鼎力相助,感觉如智者相伴一路无忧;更配备VDIM车辆动态综合管理系统,感觉如运筹帷幄掌控全局。





INCISIVE SIMPLICITY INTRIGUING ELEGANCE SEAMLESS ANTICIPATION为未来豪华价值重新定义Redefining the standard of luxury.L-FINESSE DESIGN PHILOSOPHYL-finesse设计哲学3I S 250C4IS 250C开阖间流露双重美感Top down or up, double the enjoyment and aesthetics.ELEGANT EXTERIOR优雅外观IS250C 的华美身影优雅浮现,一种令人屏息的极致美感已将所有目光牢牢吸引。

顶篷关闭时,车身以一道完美 流线诠释动感内涵,当顶篷徐徐开启,动人心魄的洒脱美感顿时迸发,一部万众倾心的豪华硬顶敞篷轿跑车已为 世人惊艳呈现。

6IS 250C舒适与动感在同一空间中水乳交融Seamless co-existence of comfort and excitement in the same space.LUXURIOUS INTERIOR豪华内饰置身于IS250C 豪华硬顶敞篷轿跑车中,动感与豪华环绕左右。

匠心独运的内部设计 将两种触感融于同一空间,仪表台板的设计彰显出前排空间运动性驾驶舱的独特 韵味,而后排则以宽敞舒适的双人座椅将空间利用的淋漓尽致。



雷克萨斯LS官方车型手册LS460L优雅外形EXTERIOR 5卓越性能PERFORMANCE 11豪华内装INTERIOR 17安全设计SAFETY 29尊崇服务SERVICE 39 车一如您的化身,您的车应该足以代表您。

Built around you, naturally it portrays your sophisticated persona.优雅外形E XT E R I O RL-finesse 设计哲学,为未来豪华价值重新定义。




L-finesse design philosophy – Redefining the value of luxury INCISIVE SIMPLICITYINTRIGUING ELEGANCE SEAMLESS ANTICIPATION 7L S 460L8LS 460L高强度近光照明氙气大灯及LED 灯贯穿于高强度近光照明氙气大灯(HID )上利落锐意的剪裁,精塑出LS460L 英挺睿朗的气质,炯炯目光,远见人所未见。

八支白色LED 灯环绕在前大灯周围,令能见度进一步提升,驾驶者可以获得更加清晰的视野,同时,白色光芒让优雅气质与犀利目光达到前所未有的高度统一。

9L S 460L人的身体是有节奏的,我们要找到您的节奏。

Everybody has a different heartbeat, and we wanted to find the perfect match for yours.卓越性能P E R FO R M A N C E4.6升V8发动机引领同侪,并非虚辞,LS460L 温文儒雅的风仪之下,内蕴着刚柔并济的强大动力。



雷克萨斯 TX 2024年款产品手册说明书

雷克萨斯 TX 2024年款产品手册说明书

When you craft the third row with the same consideration as you do the first, everyone wins. Introducing the first-ever Lexus TX, an all-new luxury three-row SUV, where every seat is the best seat. Each seat has been thoughtfully designed to let up to seven passengers plug in, or simply unwind. A generous cargo area behind the third row helps ensure nothing gets left behind. Three distinctpowertrains offer everything from plug-inefficiency to thrilling, F SPORT performance.And Lexus Safety System+ 3.01 features ourmost advanced suite of standard active safetytechnologies, for added peace of mind. This isnot just a three-row SUV. This is the new era ofthree-row luxury.DIMENSIONS OVERALL LENGTH 203.1 IN (TX 350/TX 550h+), 203.5 IN (TX 500h) / WHEELBASE 116.1 IN / WI DTH 78.3 N / HEI GHT 70.1 IN7 PASSENGER SEATING (6 WITH OPT. CAPTAIN’S CHAIRS)TX 350 / TX 350 PREMIUM /TX 350 LUXURY 6 PASSENGER SEATING WITH CAPTAIN’S CHAIRS TX 550h+ LUXURY (PHEV) 6 PASSENGER SEATING WITH CAPTAIN’S CHAIRS TX 500h F SPORT PERFORMANCE DIRECT4 AWD 317 LB-FT TORQUE 25,000 LB TOWING CAPACITY 35,000 LB TOWING CAPACITY 35,000 LB TOWING CAPACITY 3FWD or AWD 409 LB-FT TORQUE 2DIRECT4 AWD 406 TOTAL SYSTEM HORSEPOWER 2 3.5-LITER V6 ENGINE + LEXUS PLUG-IN HYBRID ELECTRIC DRIVE 366 TOTAL SYSTEM HORSEPOWER 2 2.4-LITER TURBOCHARGED IN-LINE 4 ENGINE + LEXUS HYBRID ELECTRIC DRIVE 275 HORSEPOWER 2 2.4-LITER TURBOCHARGED IN-LINE 4 ENGINETX 350 Luxury prototype shown.FEATURESTX 350Standard features:Mechanical & Performance275-horsepower 22.4L turbochargedin-line 4 engine Eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shiftersFront-wheel drive or all-wheel drive5,000-lb towing capacity 3(additionalequipment required)ExteriorPower-folding outside rear mirrorsAluminum roof rails20-in wheelsPower Rear Door with Kick Sensor 4LED foglampsInteriorSeating for sevenNuLuxe ®-trimmed seatsLeather-trimmed steering wheelManual-folding third-row seatsMulti-zone climate controlAmbient lightingHeated front seatsRear manual sunshadesWireless phone charger 5Safety/Advanced TechnologiesLexus Safety System+ 3.01Digital Latch with Safe Exit Assist 6Blind Spot Monitor 7with Rear Cross-T raffic Alert 8Connected TechnologiesLexus Interface 9 with 14-in touchscreen displaySafety Connect 9 and Service Connect 9with up to10-year trial* Remote Connect 9 3-year trial*Wi-Fi Connect 9(AT&T hotspot) with up to30-day/3GB trial* Drive Connect 9with Cloud Navigation, IntelligentAssistant and Destination Assist 3-year trial* Wireless Apple CarPlay ®10 integrationWireless Android Auto ™11 compatibilityOptionsDigital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9subscription, 3-year trial included)* Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer,headlamp washers, heated steering wheel TX 350 PREMIUM Includes TX features, and adds or replaces:Exterior 20-in machined finish wheels Panorama glass roof Interior Power-folding third-row seats Ventilated front seats Lexus Memory System for driver’s seat, steering wheel and outside mirrors Safety/Advanced Technologies Intuitive Parking Assist with Auto Braking 13Options Captain’s chairs (up to six passengers can be accommodated with captain’s chairs)Mark Levinson ®14 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer, headlamp washers, heated steering wheel Technology Package: 12.3-in multi-information display, Panoramic View Monitor,15 Advanced Park 16Convenience Package: Front Cross-T raffic Alert 17; T raffic Jam Assist 18 (requires Drive Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)* and Digital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)*TX 350 LUXURY Includes Premium features, and adds or replaces: Exterior Auto-leveling headlamps and cornering lamps Interior Semi-aniline leather–trimmed seats Four-way driver lumbar support and cushion extender Heated second-row outboard seats Heated steering wheel Thematic Ambient Lighting Options 22-in wheels Captain’s chairs (up to six passengers can be accommodated with captain’s chairs)Mark Levinson 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer, headlamp washers Technology Package: 12.3-in multi-information display, Panoramic View Monitor,15 Advanced Park,16 Digital Rearview Mirror, Head-Up Display Convenience Package: Front Cross-T raffic Alert 17; T raffic Jam Assist 18 (requires Drive Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)* and Digital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)*TX 500h F SPORT PERFORMANCE PREMIUM Includes Premium features, and adds or replaces:Mechanical & Performance 366-total-system-horsepower 2 2.4L turbocharged in-line 4 engine with Lexus Hybrid Electric Drive Six-speed sequential-shift automatic with paddle shifters F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management 19 with Dynamic Rear Steering DIRECT4 all-wheel drive Exterior F SPORT front fascia, rear valance, black roof rails, Dark Chrome window trim surround and Gloss Black side-view mirrors 22-in F SPORT wheels Interior Seating for six F SPORT aluminum pedals, scuff plates and NuLuxe-trimmed heated front seats Heated second-row captain’s chairs Thematic Ambient Lighting Safety/Advanced Technologies 12.3-in multi-information display Active Sound Control Options Mark Levinson 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound 120V /1,500-watt AC power outlet 20Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer, headlamp washers, heated steering wheel Technology Package: Panoramic View Monitor,15 Advanced Park 16Convenience Package: Front Cross-T raffic Alert 17; T raffic Jam Assist 18 (requires Drive Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)* and Digital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)*TX 500h F SPORT PERFORMANCE LUXURY Includes F SPORT Performance Premium features, and adds or replaces:Exterior Panorama glass roof Interior Perforated leather interior trim F SPORT heated steering wheel Mark Levinson 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound Options 120V /1,500-watt AC power outlet 20Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer, headlamp washers Technology Package: Panoramic View Monitor,15Advanced Park,16 Digital Rearview Mirror, Head-Up Display Convenience Package: Front Cross-T raffic Alert 17; T raffic Jam Assist 18 (requires Drive Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)* and Digital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)*TX 550h+ LUXURY (PHEV)Includes Luxury features, and adds or replaces:Mechanical & Performance 406-total-system-horsepower 2 3.5L V6 engine with Lexus Plug-in Hybrid Electric Drive Electronically controlled Continuously Variable T ransmission DIRECT4 all-wheel drive Exterior 22-in wheels Interior Semi-aniline leather–trimmed seats Four-way driver lumbar support and cushion extender Heated and ventilated second-row captain’s chairs Mark Levinson 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound Safety/Advanced Technologies 12.3-in multi-information display 6.6-kW on-board charger Options 120V /1,500-watt power outlet 20Cold Area Package: Windshield wiper de-icer, headlamp washers Technology Package: Panoramic View Monitor,15Advanced Park,16 Digital Rearview Mirror, Head-Up Display Convenience Package: Front Cross-T raffic Alert 17; T raffic Jam Assist 18 (requires Drive Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)* and Digital Key 12 (requires Remote Connect 9 subscription, 3-year trial included)**4G network dependent TX 350 Luxury prototype shown.EXTERIOR COLORSINTERIOR COLORS INTERIOR TRIM *Additional chargeMaterial NuLuxe ®NuLuxe Leather NuLuxe Semi-aniline leather Color INTERIOR TRIM Black Grained Trim Black Grained Trim Black Grained Trim Black Grained Trim Black Grained TrimEXTERIOR COLORCaviar Celestial Silver Metallic Cloudburst Gray*Incognito Matador Red Mica Nightfall Mica Wind Chill Pearl ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Black Black Birch Peppercorn Birch Birch Black Black Birch Black Birch Peppercorn WIND CHILL PEARLTX 500h F SPORT PERFORMANCE PREMIUM TX 500h F SPORT PERFORMANCE LUXURY INTERIOR COLOR TX 350 PREMIUM TX 350 LUXURY /TX 550h+ LUXURY (PHEV) TX 350••••1. Lexus Safety System+ effectiveness depends on many factors including road, weather and vehicle conditions. Drivers responsible for paying attention to their surroundings and driving safely. See Owner’s Manual for limitations.2. Ratings achieved using required premium unleaded gasoline w/ an octane rating of 91 or higher. I f premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 366 net combined horsepower for TXh F SPORT Performance. 406 net combined horsepower for TX PHEV Luxury.3. Never tow beyond a vehicle’s published towing capacities. Installation of a tow-hitch receiver or other accessories located near the rear bumper may require disabling or removing the kick sensor, and the sensor operation setting in your vehicle should be turned off. Follow all instructions in your Owner’s Manual.4. Installation of a tow hitch receiver or other accessories located near the rear bumper may require disabling or removing the kick sensor, and the sensor operation setting in your vehicle should be turned off. See Owner’s Manual for limitations.5. Wireless charging may not be compatible with all mobile phones, smart devices, tablets, e-readers, MP3/WMA players and like products.6. Do not rely exclusively on Safe Exit Assist. Always look for approaching traffic before exiting the vehicle. See Owner’s Manual for limitations.7. Do not rely exclusively on Blind Spot Monitor. Look over shoulder and use turn signal. See Owner’s Manual for limitations.8. Do not rely exclusively on the Rear Cross-T raffic Alert. Visually confirm clearance during use. See Owner’s Manual for limitations.9. Lexus I nterface services depend on factors outside of Lexus’ control in order to operate, including 4G network availability, a cellular connection and GPS signal. Without any one or more of these things, operability may be limited or precluded, including access to response center and emergency support. Services vary by vehicle and are subject to change at any time without notice. Requires app download/registration and subscription after trial (if applicable). Terms of Use apply. Data charges may apply. See Owner’s Manual and https:///lexusdrivers/technology/interface for additional limitations and details. To learn about Lexus’ Interface data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https:///privacy. All trials begin on original purchase or lease date of new vehicle, with the exception of Wi-Fi for which trial begins at time of activation. Paid subscription required after trial (if applicable). For Safety Connect, stolen vehicle police report required to use Stolen Vehicle Locator. Automatic Collision Notification activates only in limited circumstances. For Remote Connect, use only if aware of circumstances surrounding vehicle and it is legal and safe to do so (e.g., do not remotely start a gas engine vehicle in an enclosed space or if vehicle is occupied by a child). Drive Connect service not available in every city or roadway. For Service Connect, information provided is based on the last time data was collected from vehicle and is not real-time data. Wi-Fi Connect service not available everywhere or in every vehicle. Valid in contiguous U.S. and Alaska. Up to 5 devices supported.I ntegrated Streaming requires subscription for third-party provider services. Wi-Fi Connect trial (if applicable) begins at time of enrollment and expires the earlier of: 3GB of data is used or 30 days after enrollment.10. Requires compatible smartphone. Operability depends on network availability, a cellular connection and GPS signal. Services subject to change at any time without notice. Data charges may apply. To learn more, go to https:///lexus/home. To learn more about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https:///privacy. Apple CarPlay and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. 11. To wirelessly use Android Auto on your car display, you need a compatible Android smartphone with an active data plan. Y ou can check which smartphones are compatible at g.co/androidauto/requirements. Operability depends on network availability, a cellular connection and GPS signal. Services subject to change at any time without notice. Data charges may apply. To learn more, go to https:///lexus/home. To learn more about Lexus’ connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https:///privacy. Google, Android, Android Auto and Google Maps are trademarks of Google LLC. 12. Digital Key requires active Remote Connect trial or subscription. Use only if aware of circumstances surrounding vehicle and it is legal and safe to do so (e.g., do not remotely start a gas-engine vehicle in an enclosed space or if vehicle is occupied by a child). Remote Connect depends on certain factors outside of Lexus’ control in order to operate, including 4G network availability, a cellular connection and GPS signal. Without any one or more of these things, operability may be limited or precluded. Services subject to change at any time without notice. Digital Key also requires Bluetooth connectivity. Remote Connect is included with select paid Connected Services packages. See your Lexus dealer for details. Terms of Use apply. Data charges may apply. See Owner’s Manual and https:///lexusdrivers/technology/interface for additional details. To learn about Lexus Interface’s connected services data collection, use, sharing and retention practices, please visit https:///privacy. T rial period begins on original purchase or lease date of new vehicle. Paid subscription required after trial (if applicable). Terms of Use apply. 13. Intuitive Parking Assist (IPA) may warn drivers of collisions with certain objects when traveling at low speeds. Drivers should visually confirm clearance during use. See Owner’s Manual for limitations. 14. Mark Levinson is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 15. The Panoramic View Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the area surrounding your vehicle. Look around to confirm clearance. See Owner’s Manual for limitations. 16. Do not overly rely on Advanced Park and use only in accordance with applicable laws. Remain attentive to surroundings. Before operating, review Owner’s Manual for instructions and limitations. 17. Do not overly rely on the Front Cross-T raffic Alert system. Always visually confirm that it is safe to proceed. See Owner’s Manual for limitations. 18. T raffic Jam Assist requires an active trial or subscription to Drive Connect. T raffic Jam Assist is not an automated driving system, requires driver supervision at all times, and is designed to function on controlled access freeways at speeds of 25 mph or less. Use this system in accordance with applicable laws. Before operating, refer to Owner’s Manual for additional instructions and limitations. 19. Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions, weather and steering input can all affect whether VDIM will be effective. See Owner’s Manual for limitations. 20. Rated for 1,500 watts for a single two-prong outlet. See Owner’s Manual for additional limitations and details.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. Lexus Interface display shown may not reflect most recent over-the-air enhancements. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of publishing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Vehicles shown may be prototypes, shown using visual effects and/or shown with options. Actual models may vary. Colors depicted may vary based on multiple factors, including ambient lighting and the format in which they are being viewed (e.g., computer, mobile device, or print). See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financingoptions, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. ©2023 Lexus, a Division of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.P4-7739 (06/23)。

2022年 Lexus 轿车系列 Sunroof 操作说明书

2022年 Lexus 轿车系列 Sunroof 操作说明书

Sunroof (LS/GS) To open or close the sunroof, push and hold the switch. Release the switch when the sunroof reaches the desired position.Do not hold the switch on after the sunroof has fully opened orclosed, or you may damage the sunroof motor.Do not allow any part of your body to extend through the sunroof while the vehicle is in motion. In the event of a collision or sudden application of the brakes, severe personal injury couldresult.To avoid the possibility of injury while closing the sunroof, never allow any part of your body to extend through the opening.CAUTION:Operating the sunroof in severe cold or when it is covered with snow or ice may cause damage to the sunroof.SunshadeAs well as the sunroof, there is a sliding sunshade which you can adjust to let in light with the roof closed, or to block out light entirely. The sunshade automatically opens as you open the sunroof.(cont'd) CloseOpenPOP-UP WINDDEFLECTORSUNSHADESunroof (cont'd)If the Sunroof Won't CloseThe sunroof can be closed manually,if the control switch will not close it.1. Remove the round plug near the rear center of the headliner.2. Insert the sunroof wrench (from the tool kit) into the socket.3. Turn the wrench until the sunroof seats in the closed position.4. Replace the plug.Remove plugMaintenancePeriodically pour a little water down the drain holes to make sure they are not plugged. If they are free, water should drop on the ground behind each front wheel.CAUTION:Do not put weight on the sunroof or force it open or closed, you may damage the mechanism.SOCKETDRAIN HOLEStereo Sound System (LS/GS)(LS)(GS)ON/OFF Switch On the LS model:Turn the switch clockwise to turn the unit on; turn it counterclock-wise to turn the unit off.On the GS model:Push the button to turn the unit on; push it again to turn the unit off.NOTE:The antenna will rise or retract automatically when the unit is turned on or off. It will also retract automatically if the ignition isswitched off.Volume Control On the LS model:Turn the ON/OFF switch clockwise to increase volume and counter-clockwise to decrease volume.On the GS model:Push the switch up to increase volume and down to decrease volume.(cont'd)Bass ControlTreble ControlBass ControlTrebleControlStereo Sound System (cont'd)Balance ControlBalances sound between left and right speakers.NOTE:When the headlights are on, the radio panel illumination is on, even if the radio is turned off.The panel lighting can be turned off by first pushing the Balance Control button to its out position and then pulling it out slightlyfurther.Fader ControlBalances sound between front and rear speakers.AM/FM Band SelectorPush to select AM or FM band. The corresponding band indicatorwill light.Manual TuningPush the button to tune to a lower frequency station.Push the button to tune to a higher frequency station.NOTE:If you hold either button for more than half a second, the tuning frequency will count up or down rapidly.Radio Operation Frequency Display (LS)(GS)FrequencyDisplaySeek TuningEach time you push this button up or down, the tuner will automatically seek the next higher or lower frequency station.Preset Station Selection1. Make sure the Band Selector is on the band you want ... AM orFM. Then, find the station you want by Manual Tuning or Seek Tuning.2. Press and hold one of the Preset Buttons.3. In a few seconds, a beep will sound and the light in the button will come on. The station is now preset in the memory. You may preset 1 AM and 1 FM station per button, (total, 6 of each on the4. LS model and 8 of each on the GS model).You can tune to a preset station by pushing its corresponding preset button.NOTE:(On the GS model)The Auto Select Button must be off before the Preset Station Selection can be used.Auto Select Button (GS only)If you are visiting a new broadcast area, you can quickly enter into memory the stronger stations in that area by simply pushing the Auto Select Button. The radio will then automatically scan both the AM and FM bands and temporarily memorize up to eight stations in each. With the Auto Select Button on, these stations can then be tuned by pushing the preset buttons. Manually-preset stations remain memorized for use when you return to your normal broadcast area, but are only selectable with the Auto Select Button off.Stereo IndicatorThis lights up when a FM broadcast in stereo is being received. It will flash when the signal strength diminishes. If it flashes, good stereo reception cannot be expected. Stereo reception is available only for FM stereo broadcasts, not for AM stereo broadcasts.(cont'd)Stereo Sound System (cont'd)Tape Operation(GS)Tape Direction IndicatorWith the cassette inserted "A " side up, the indicator ( ) will light when the "A " side is playing; the indicator ( ) will light when the "B" side is playing.Program Selector (PROG)Push to change the direction of tape play.Auto Reverse Feature: The tape direction automatically reverses when the end of the tape is reached in play or FF mode and plays the other side.(LS)Fast Forward/Rewind (FF/REW)Note which Tape Direction Indicator is lighted, then push the appropriate button to rapidly wind the tape in the same direction (FF) or in the opposite direction (REW).Play (PLAY)Push the PLAY button (indicator on) to resume tape play and stop rewind or fast forward operation.Repeat Button (REPEAT)Push the REPEAT button (indicator on) to return to the beginning of a song or section of programming and repeat its play. Push the button again (indicator off) to cancel the repeat function and resume normal play.Dolby ® Noise Reductio n ( )Push when playing tapes recorded in Dolby NR (the Dolby NR indicator will light). Push again when playing tapes not recorded in Dolby NR. Use of the wrong setting will affect high frequency response.NOTE:The Dolby NR circuit will not operate during radio reception.Dolby noise reduction system is manufactured under license fromDolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.Skip ButtonThe circuit senses silent passages between songs or programs on a tape. Push upward to automatically advance to the beginning of the next song, or downward to return to the beginning of the song just played.NOTE:Tapes that contain short silent passages between songs, a high level of noise between songs, or silent passages within a song may not be suitable for this function.Metal Indicator (METAL)Most metal or CrO 2 cassettes are coded with slots on their back edge. If such a cassette is inserted, the player will detect the slots and automatically switch to the proper equalization for full enjoyment of metal/CrO 2 tapes. The indicator light will go on when coded cassettes are played.(cont'd)Stereo Sound System (cont'd)Eject (EJECT)Push this button to stop and eject the tape.Ignition Key-OFF Eject: The cassette being played will be automat-ically ejected when the ignition or the unit is turned off.NOTE:When one side of the tape ends, "Auto-Reverse" will automatically begin playing the other side, therefore, you must push the eject button to stop or remove the tape.CLEAN Indicator LightAfter 50 hours of cassette tape play, the light will come on as a reminder to clean the tape heads. If the light comes on and the tape heads were not cleaned at the recommended 30 hours of usage (see maintenance section below), they should be cleaned immediately. To reset, push the indicator for a minimum of five seconds until the light goes off.MaintenanceThe head in the cassette tape player can pick up dirt or tape deposits each time a cassette is played. The result is low or "muddy" sound from one or both channels, as if the treble tone control were turned all the way down. To prevent this, you should periodically clean the head with a commercially available cleaning cassette.As preventive maintenance, clean the head about every 30 hours of use. If you wait until the head becomes very dirty (noticeably poor sound), it may not be possible to remove all deposits with a simple cleaning cassette.The use of 120 minutes tapes is not recommended.CAUTION:Storing cassettes out of their cases, or touching the magnetic tape with your fingers will increase the amount of dirt that gets to the tape head. Using low-quality "off-brand" tape will increase the amount of tape deposits that get on the head. Both of these practices may eventually lead to damage of the head and playing mechanism.Gasoline For proper operation of your car's emission controls, your engine is designed to use unleaded fuel only.CAUTION:Using leaded or even low-lead gasoline could damage some of your emission controls, and also void their coverage under the emission controls warranty.Use gasoline from pumps labeled unleaded, with a pump octane number of 86 or higher. The pump octane number is an average of the Research (R) octane and Motor (M) octane numbers. Use of a lower octane gasoline can cause persistent, heavy "spark knock" (a metallic rapping noise), which can lead to engine damage if severe.CAUTION:If you notice steady spark knock while holding a steady speed on a level road, try changing brands of gasoline. If the spark knock persists, consult your Acura dealer. Failure to do so is considered misuse, and misuse is not covered under the New Car Warranty.Occasionally you may notice light spark knock while accelerating or driving up hills. This is no cause for concern, it simply means your engine is running at its most economical.Gasoline Containing AlcoholIf you decide to use a gasoline containing alcohol ("gasohol"), be sure its octane rating is at least as high as that recommended for unleaded gasoline. There are two types of "gasohol": that containing ethanol, and that containing methanol. Do not use gasohol that contains more than 10% ethanol. Do not use gasoline containing methanol (methyl or wood alcohol) that does not also contain cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors for methanol. Never use gasoline containing more than 5% methanol, even if it has cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors.(cont'd)Gasoline (cont'd)NOTE:Fuel system damage or vehicle performance problems resultingfrom the use of such fuels is not covered under the new car warranties. The Acura Automobile Division cannot endorse the use of fuels containing methanol since evidence of their suitability is as yet incomplete.Before purchasing fuel from an unfamiliar station, try to confirmwhether the fuel contains alcohol, of what kind, and how much. If you notice any undesirable operating symptoms after using a gasoline that contains alcohol; or one that you think contains alcohol, switch to an unleaded gasoline as recommended on page55.Operation In Foreign CountriesIn order to comply with U.S. Federal Emission Regulations, you must use unleaded fuels of the recommended octane rating. These fuels may not be available in other countries. If you intend taking your car outside the U.S. or Canada, write to the Acura Automobile Division (stating the year and model of your car) at the address below for information regarding modifications you may need to have done.Acura Automobile DivisionCustomer Relations Office.1919 Torrance Blvd.Torrance, CA 90501-2746。

雷克萨斯 LX570 汽车 说明书

雷克萨斯 LX570 汽车 说明书

6速电子控制自动变速系统,为SUV 而生自动变速系统与强大的综合装置协同工作,以适应发动机的高扭矩,再配以精准的齿轮运转,无论 越野或是公路行驶,都将为您带来强劲动力和舒适 体验。

6速电子控制自动变速系统(6 Super ECT) 拥有大范围和密齿比,可以在启动时瞬时加速,在高转速的公路行驶中提供平顺的加速,也能在 低转速的越野行驶中驾驭强劲动力。

领先时代的 降挡控制可在减速时大幅降低油耗,人工智能 变速系统(AI-SHIFT)会根据您的驾驶意图和路况 自动选择变速模式,多模式自动变速系统则让您 享受到手动换挡的运动驾驶乐趣。

5.7升V8发动机,以智能科技激发每一丝潜能杰出的性能表现无畏任何路况条件,宽广的扭矩带能够在2200转速/分钟状态下提供90%的最大扭矩,足以在越野的中低速域爆发出无可匹敌的澎湃动力,更能在 适合公路行驶的高速域持续加速;领先科技DualVVT-i 双智能正时可变气门控制系统, 通过提高进气和排气效率,大幅提高燃烧效率,令5.7升的大排量,同时拥有媲美普通4.0升发动机的燃油经济性;雷克萨斯在减少摩擦损耗方面的不懈努力,让LX570的发动机运转平滑顺畅而且悄无声息。

全时四轮驱动系统(AWD )LX570传动系统采用TORSEN ®防滑差速器LSD*,可以根据路况变化调节 前后轮的扭矩分配。



圆柱形系统开关 按钮令传动操作异常简便。

*TORSEN ®防滑差速器LSD 为JTEKT 公司注册商标。

汽车稳定控制系统(VSC )感知急转弯或在湿滑路面上转弯时导致的急刹车,并控制车辆的制动力和 驱动力,确保车辆的稳定性。

世界首创四轮主动悬架高度控制系统(AHC)可在高速行驶时自动降低车身高度,确保车身稳定性,提高车辆的空气动力学 性能。

而在L4或低速行驶模式下,则提高车身高度以适应更长的悬架冲程, 在颠簸路况下保持良好的驾驭表现。

2023 Lexus IS年度说明书

2023 Lexus IS年度说明书

To deliver pure exhilaration, there are no shortcuts. Pushed to the limit at every turn, the 2023 IS line combines daring style, uncompromising engineering and our most powerful IS ever.IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 300I S S T Y L E S 241-horsepower 1 in-line 4 turbo (RWD)or 260-horsepower 1 3.5-liter V6 (AWD)All IS models feature Lexus Safety311-horsepower 1 3.5-liter V6 (RWD/AWD) F SPORT exterior styling IS 350 F SPORT F SPORT seats with enhanced bolsters Aluminum pedalsThe IS 500 is the most powerful IS ever,with a 472-horsepower 1 5.0-liter V8Premium Triple-Beam LED headlamps IS 500 F SPORT PERFORMANCE IS 500 F SPORT PERFORMANCE PREMIUM 500 S T Y L E SLearn more at/ISPerformance Visual effects shown. Do not attempt.E RF O R M A N C E F E A T U R E S I S I S F S P O R T s h o w n i n I r i d i u m 3IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 350 F SPORT IS 300 Available all-wheel driveEight-speed Sport Direct-Shift0–60 in 5.6 seconds 1,7 (RWD) F SPORT–tuned suspension Performance-inspired instrumentation 19-inch staggered-width alloy wheelsYamaha ® rear performance dampers F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Torsen ®8 limited-slip rear differential Two-piece aluminum 14.0-in Exclusive stacked quad exhaust tips Naturally aspirated V8 with 472 horsepower 1 at 7,100 rpm E R F O R M A N C E F E A T U R E S I S 500Learn more at /ISPerformanceWith dramatic character lines on the outside, bold details inside, and two new expressions of F SPORT styling— the 2023 IS line looks as aggressive as it feels.D E S I G N F E A T U R E S I S Low, imposing stance Aerodynamic coupe- like silhouette Slim LED headlamps with integrated daytime running lights Distinctive singular Available 19-inch split-10-spoke alloy wheels Available heated and ventilated Learn more at /ISDesignLearn more at /ISDesign D E S I G N F E A T U R E SO R T M O D E L S I S F S P O R T s h o w n i n G r e c i a n W a t e r IS 350 F SPORT IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN F SPORT exterior styling, including grille and rear spoilerF SPORT seats with enhanced bolsters Silver and white F SPORT badging F SPORT Black Geometric interior trim Available 19-inch Matte Black BBS ®D E S I G N F E A T U R E S I S 500Raised front hoodBlack F SPORT Performance interior and exterior badging19-inch split-10-spoke Enkei alloy wheels Dark chrome–finished window trimF SPORT Performance front door-sill scuff platesSatin Chrome interior trimLearn more at/ISDesignOffering a 10.3-inch pinch-and-zoom touchscreen multimedia display, this is more than technology that connects you—it’s an extension of you.Lexus app (engine start with active Enform Remote 12 trial or subscription, service scheduling and more)Available Panoramic View Monitor 13Apple CarPlay ®10 integrationAndroid Auto ™11compatibilityPerformance-inspiredinstrumentation. Taking the F SPORT digital gauges further, the IS 500 features an exclusivestartup animation.Learn more at/ISTechnologyT E C H N O L O G Y F E A T U R E S17 speakers 1,800 wattsamplified power7.1-channel architectureQuantum Logic ® SurroundT E C H N O L O G Y F E A T U R E SAVAILABLEMARK LEVINSON ® PREMIUM SURROUND SOUNDOur integrated suite of class-leadingstandard active safety equipment, LexusSafety System+ 2.52,20 adds peace of mindand convenience to every drive.Learn more at/ISSafetySAFETYFEATURESO W N E R S H I PLexus ownership goes far beyond the vehicle. From dealership amenities that make you feel like a guest in our home to exclusive event invitations, special offers and more, Lexus rewards the driver at every touchpoint.Learn more at/OwnerServicesComplimentary shuttle service Wi-Fi loungeLoaner vehicles 21Complimentarymaintenance services 22Convenient pickup and delivery Complimentary car washO W N E RS E R V I C E SEntertainment exclusives Elite culinary experiencesLearn more at/OwnerBenefitsExclusive retailer offersVIP sporting event accessResort credits and moreOWNERBENEFITSIS 350IS 300IS 500IS 300 AWD Learn more at /ISSpecsHORSEP OWER 1HORSEP OWER 1311241HORSEP OWER 1HORSEP OWER 14722603.5-LITER ENGINETURBOCHARGED 2.0-LITER ENGINE5.0-LITER ENGINELB-FT OF TORQUE 1LB-FT OF TORQUE 1LB-FT OF TORQUE 1LB-FT OF TORQUE 13.5-LITER ENGINE SPEED SP ORTDIRECT-SHIFT AUTOMATIC TR ANSMISSION SPEEDAUTOMATIC TR ANSMISSION SPEED SP ORTDIRECT-SHIFT AUTOMATIC TR ANSMISSION CTY / HWY / CMBEPA-ESTIMATED MPG 23CTY / HWY / CMBEPA-ESTIMATED MPG 23CTY / HWY / CMBEPA-ESTIMATED MPG 23CTY / HWY / CMBEPA-ESTIMATED MPG 23CTY / HWY / CMBEPA-ESTIMATED MPG 23SPEED SP ORTDIRECT-SHIFT AUTOMATIC TR ANSMISSIONSPEEDAUTOMATIC TR ANSMISSIONRWDAWD RWDRWD AWDSTANDARDAVAIL ABLE STANDARDSTANDARDSTANDARD86820/28/2319/26/2221/31/2517/25/2019/26/2286–60 MPH (SEC)40–60 MPH (SEC)1,70–60 MPH (SEC)1,70–60 MPH (SEC)1,70–60 MPH (SEC)1,7IS STYLESStandard features:- LED headlamps, taillamps and daytime running lights - NuLuxe ®24 interior trim - Eight-way power front seats - Dual-zone climate control - Heated outside mirrors- Apple CarPlay ®10 integration - Android Auto™11 compatibility- L exus Multimedia System 25 with 8.0-inch touchscreen display- L exus Enform Safety Connect,26 Service Connect,27 Remote,12 and Wi-Fi 28 trials. Paid subscription required after trial. 4G network dependent. See for details.- Blind Spot Monitor 29 with Rear Cross-T raffic Alert 30- Backup camera with dynamic gridlines 31- 10 standard airbags 32IS 300Includes IS 300 features, and adds or replaces:- Heated front seats- F SPORT–tuned suspension- F SPORT exterior styling, including unique front and rear bumpers, grille surround, rear spoiler and exhaust tips- F SPORT 19-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels with Dark Metallic finish and summer 33 (RWD) or all-season (AWD) tires - F SPORT Design exterior badgingIS 350 F SPORT DESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIncludes IS 350 F SPORT Design features, and adds or replaces:- P erformance-inspired instrumentation with sliding bezel- F SPORT heated leather-trimmed steering wheel - F SPORT bolstered heated and ventilated front seats - 10-way power-adjustable driver’s seat including lumbar support - Four-way adjustable headrests - Embossed interior door trim - Black Geometric interior trim - Aluminum pedals- F SPORT 19-in split-five-spoke staggered-width alloy wheels with Dark Metallic finish and summer 33 (RWD) or all-season (AWD) tiresView all standard features and configure yours at /ISBuildIS 500 STYLESIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCE PREMIUMIncludes IS 350 F SPORT features,and adds or replaces:- Drive Mode Select with Sport S/S+ and Custom modes- Power tilt-and-slide moonroof- Intuitive Parking Assist with Auto Braking34 andRear Cross-T raffic Braking35- Power tilt-and-telescopic steering wheel- Outside mirrors with auto tilt-down in reverse- Lexus Memory System for driver’s seat, outside mirrorsand steering wheel- Y amaha® rear performance dampers- F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension- T wo-piece aluminum 14.0-in front and 12.7-inrear brake rotors- Quad exhaust tips- Raised front hood- Satin Chrome interior trim- F SPORT Performance front door-sill scuff plates- IS 500 startup animation in multi-information display- F SPORT Performance 19-in staggered-widthsplit-10-spoke Enkei alloy wheelsIncludes IS 500 F SPORT Performance features,and adds or replaces:- Panoramic View Monitor13- Power rear sunshade- Premium Triple-Beam LED headlamps- Navigation System5- 10.3-in high-resolution touchscreen multimedia display-L exus Enform Dynamic Navigation,36 Dynamic VoiceCommand,36 and Destination Assist37 trials. Paidsubscription required after trial. 4G network dependent.See for details.- Mark Levinson®6 17-speaker, 1,800-wattPremium Surround Sound- Machined aluminum control knobsPACKAGESCOMFORT PACKAGE (IS 300)PREMIUM PACKAGE (IS 300)Includes Comfort Package features,and adds or replaces:- Open-Pore Black interior trim- Power tilt-and-telescopic steering column- Outside mirrors withauto tilt-down in reverse- Lexus Memory System for driver’s seat,outside mirrors and steering column MEMORY PACKAGE (IS 350 F SPORT)- Heated and ventilated front seats- Heated leather-trimmed steering wheel - Power tilt-and-slide moonroof- Rain-sensing windshield wipers- Auto-dimming rearview mirror with HomeLink®38 system - 19-in split-10-spoke alloy wheelswith summer33 (RWD) orall-season (AWD) tires- Front door-sill scuff plates- Rear armrest with cupholders- Power rear sunshade- Power tilt-and-telescopic steering wheel- Outside mirrors with auto tilt-down in reverse- Lexus Memory System for driver’s seat,outside mirrors and steering wheelNAVIGATION PACKAGEPACKAGES (CONT.)Includes Navigation Package, plus: - M ark Levinson ® 17-speaker, 1,800-watt Premium Surround Sound - Machined aluminum control knobsHANDLING PACKAGE (IS 350 F SPORT)I S F S P O R T s h o w n i n C l o u d b u r s t G r a y 3- Navigation System 5- 10.3-in high-resolution touchscreen multimedia display- L exus Enform Dynamic Navigation,36Dynamic Voice Command,36 and Destination Assist 37 trials. Paid subscription required after trial. 4G network dependent. See for details.- Drive Mode Select with Sport S/S+ and Custom modes - F SPORT–tuned Adaptive Variable Suspension- Torsen ®8limited-slip rear differential (RWD)NAVIGATION /MARK LEVINSON PACKAGE- Premium Triple-Beam LED headlamps - Power tilt-and-slide moonroof- Power rear sunshade - Panoramic View Monitor13- Intuitive Parking Assist with Auto Braking34 andRear Cross-Traffic Braking35- Mark Levinson® 17-speaker, 1,800-wattPremium Surround Sound18-inSplit-five-spoke alloy wheels STANDARD IS 30019-inSplit-seven-spoke forged alloy Matte Black BBS ®9 wheels AVAILABLE IS 350 F SPORT,IS 500 F SPORT Performance,IS 500 F SPORT Performance Premium19-inSplit-10-spoke alloy wheels AVAILABLE IS 30019-inSplit-five-spoke alloy wheels with Dark Metallic finish STANDARDIS 350 F SPORT Design,IS 350 F SPORT19-inSplit-10-spokeEnkei alloy wheels with Dark Metallic finish STANDARD IS 500 F SPORT Performance,IS 500 F SPORTPerformance PremiumBLACK NULUXE INTERIORBLACK METALLIC INTERIOR TRIMIS 300IS 300IS 300IS 300FPOWHITENULUXEINTERIORIS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCE PREMIUM IS 350 F SPORT DESIGNIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCE PREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCE PREMIUMIS 350 F SPORT DESIGNSATIN CHROMEINTERIOR TRIMWHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 350 F SPORT DESIGNIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTWHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 300IS 350 F SPORT DESIGNIS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 300IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 300WHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 300IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300 IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTWHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 300IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300 IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 350 F SPORTWHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 300IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300 IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 350 F SPORTWHITE NULUXE INTERIORIS 300IS 350 F SPORT DESIGN IS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300IS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 300 IS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 350 F SPORTEMINENT WHITE PEARL*EXTERIORIS 300IS 300IS 300IS 300IS 300ULTRA WHITE*EXTERIORWHITENULUXEINTERIORIS 350 F SPORT DESIGNIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTDESIGNIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEIS 500 F SPORTPERFORMANCEPREMIUMIS 350 F SPORTACCESSORIES- All-weather floor liners 39- All-weather floor mats 39- All-weather trunk tray - Alloy wheel locks - Body side moldings - Cargo net 40- Carpet floor mats 39- Carpet trunk mat - Coin holder / ashtray cup - Door edge film by 3M™41- Door edge guards - Emergency assistance kit - First aid kit- Glass breakage sensor- Illuminated door sills - Illuminated trunk sill - Key gloves with Lexus logo - Lexus Universal Tablet Holder 42- Paint protection film by 3M 43- Rear bumper appliqué- Rear spoilerF SPORT ACCESSORIES- Key gloves with F logo - Lowering springsLearn more at /AccessoriesThe Lexus Performance Driving School is a full-day program where you’ll get to experience vehicles infused with the DNA of the RC F GT3 racecar firsthand. Designed to build driving skills and confidence—on and off the track—it’s nothing short of pure exhilaration.Lexus PerformanceR F O R M A N C E D R I V I N G S C H O O LLearn more atRestrictions for participation apply, including but notIconic CircuitsTake the driver’s seat and unleash your driving prowess at some of the most iconic motorsports venues in Learn how Lexus performance design, features and technologies deliver a feeling of extreme driver engagement Driver DevelopmentElevate your driving skills with personalized coaching across a variety of driving activities, from1. 2. 3.4.。



后排膝部空间更从85 毫米增加到 170 毫米 ,行李箱可以容纳三个
不 同 需 求 自 由 调 节;更 符 合 人 体 工 程 学 设 计 原 理,完 美 改 善 了
全尺寸的高尔夫球包。而可折叠的臀部支撑和大腿支撑 。
科学比例设计 ,均可单独放倒 。当后排座椅完全放倒之后 ,可以放入
全新一代IS 配备的转向系统,通过设计上的开发和对性能的调校,让道路和 轮胎之间有及时顺畅的沟通 ,使得过弯转向的操控更加平稳顺畅 。
全新一代 IS 的制 动 系 统 被 创 造 性 的 全 新 设 计 ,有 助 于 实 现 快 速 反 应 , 更加 符 合 运 动 型 轿 车 的 驾 控 需 求,搭 配 更 高 摩 擦 系 数 刹 车 片 ,则带 来 截然不同的硬朗操控感受。
*部分车型配备 ,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
并线盲点监视器BSM *
在车辆将要变换车道,而 侧 后 方 雷 达 同 时 感 应 到 有 车 辆 进 入 外 后 视 镜 盲点区域时 ,外后视镜上的指示灯就会闪烁,提醒驾驶者注意后车 ,由此 避免剐蹭的发生。
* 部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
全新一代IS 拥有更开阔的车内空间,轴距增加70 毫米,车身宽度也
全 新 一 代IS 的 座 椅 设 计 充 分 考 虑 到 驾 乘 的 舒 适 性,增 加 座 椅 在
增加了10 毫米,而头部和膝部空间皆在上一代的基础上有所扩展 ,
水 平 和 上 下 两 个 方 向 的 滑 动 范 围,方 便 乘 坐 者根据不同习惯和
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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高 刚 性 车 身 和 更 前 沿 的 焊 接 技 术 被 相 辅相成地运用在全新 一 代 IS 中, 在车 身 关 键 部 件 使 用 热 冲 压 的 高 强 度 钢 板 ,降 低 了 车 身 重 量,而新 开发的车体粘结技术和激光螺旋焊接技术的有效使用 ,则让车身结构 成为一个牢不可破的整体 ,带来更杰出的性能表现 。
锐意,是 诠 释 前 卫 风 格 的 精 妙 方 式。不 怒 自 威 的 前 大 灯,与 醒 目 的LED 日间行车灯分离 ,自成一体却又交相辉映 ,透射出一往无前的超卓魄力 。
尽收,尽放 非动感不型
强劲的缸内直喷2.5 升V6 发动机
全新一代IS 搭载 2.5L 的V6 发动机,瞬 间 喷 薄 强 劲 动 力,而 缸 内 直 喷 的 技术,则增 加 燃油效率 ,形成更强大的能量输出 ,252 牛·米的最大扭矩和 153 千瓦的最高输出功率,让您尽情驰骋 ,更让久违的驾驭激情释放彻底 。
行云流水的驾驶乐趣 ,来 自 IS 杰出的空气动力学性能 。流畅的车身线条 , 不仅带来棱角分明的动感轮廓 ,也确保 IS 成为同级座驾中拥有较低风阻 系数的车型之一 。而 空气动力学稳 定 鳍 片 的 使 用 ,则 让 侧 面 气 流 纳 入 可控制的范 围 ,保证在高速行进中 ,也有怡然自得的安稳感受 。
全新一代 IS 配备三种驾驶模式—— 高效节能的“ECO 经济模式”、安全稳定的 “NORMAL标准模式 ”和动感澎湃的“SPORT 运动模式”。多重驾驶模式 供您选择,或冷静或激情 ,多元化驾驶让您自在掌控 。
全 新 一 代 IS 的 后 悬 架 系 统 ,将 悬 架 控 制 臂 向 后 移 ,提 升 了 轮 胎 在 转 弯 时 的 抓 地 力 ,确 保 灵 敏 的 转 弯 反 应 ,而弹簧和减震器分开的设计 , 则进一步拓展了后备箱空间 。
以游刃有余的气度 ,掌控车内温度 。更先进的触控温度调节功能被首度装备在LEXUS 雷克萨斯座驾上, 在保持时尚感设计的同时 ,更实现便利操控 ,只需指尖的轻轻滑动即可调节车内温度 。
每一部新款 IS ,均搭载全新一代多媒体系统 ,配备 7 寸显示屏 ,带来不同凡响的智能化奢享 。
至微,至巨 非奢适不型
全新一代IS 采用直径 370 毫米的 3 幅运动风格方向盘 ,搭配换档拨片的 设计 ,让随心所驭的掌控感油然而生 。而方向盘的加热功能 *,则让每一次 驾驭都成为一种享受 。
* 部分车型配备 ,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
全新一代IS 拥有更开阔的车内空间,轴距增加70 毫米,车身宽度也
全 新 一 代IS 的 座 椅 设 计 充 分 考 虑 到 驾 乘 的 舒 适 性,增 加 座 椅 在
增加了10 毫米,而头部和膝部空间皆在上一代的基础上有所扩展 ,
水 平 和 上 下 两 个 方 向 的 滑 动 范 围,方 便 乘 坐 者根据不同习惯和
* 部分车型配备 ,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
* F SPORT 专属配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
全新一代IS 的车身线条超群脱俗,极具雕塑感的腰线被洗练刻画,从侧身 底部向尾灯延伸 ,亦张亦弛 ;而锋利的尾灯灯组仿佛如钻石般经过精妙 切割 ,与 发 动 机 罩 和 车 门 的 硬 度 相 得 益 彰,特 立 独 行 的 设 计 风 格 在此 完美统一。
* 部分车型配备 ,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
车道偏离警示系统LDA *
当系统判断车辆脱离原有的正常车道行驶时,车 道 偏 离 警 示 系 统 LDA 便会自动鸣叫 ,并显示警示信号提醒驾驶员集中注意力 。
* 部分车型配备 ,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
远光灯自动控制系统AHB *
远 光 灯 自 动 控 制 系 统 可 以 探 知 对 面 车 辆 灯 光,自动 将 远 光 切 换 为 近光照明 ,避免远光灯亮度为对方视线造成眩目影响 ,增加双方的驾驶 安全性 。
倒车侧后方盲点警示系统 RCTA *
在 倒 车 时 ,无 法 通 过 后 视 镜 观 察 到 的 侧 后 方 盲 区 是 发 生 险 情 的 温 床 。 作 为 并 线 盲 点 监 视 器 BSM 的 扩 展 功 能 ,倒 车 侧 后 方 盲 点 警 示 系 统 RCTA ,会 使 用 雷 达 监 测 到 盲 区 里 出 现 的 靠 近 车 辆,并且 发 出 蜂 鸣 声 , 配合后视镜上闪烁的指示灯提醒驾驶者注意。
在LEXUS 雷克萨斯全新家族式内饰设计的基础上,全新一代IS 的中控台设计烘托出更具动感的驾驶 氛围 ,同时 ,坚持以驾驶员为中心的人机交互设计,调整功能分区 ,让操控更加便利 。此外,在充分的确保 实现功能的前提下 ,细致考究中控台各区域的材料质地 ,诠释典雅高贵的品味 。
* 部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
全 新 的 座 驾,也要有全新的操作系统。全 新 一 代IS 中配 备 导 航 功 能 的 车 型 ,搭载 新 一 代 Remote Touch 信息操作系统,操作方式如同电脑鼠标一样灵活,控制器设置的位置也是恰到好处 ,用手指滑动控制器 即可轻松实现操控;而未配备导航功能的 车型,则搭载全新配备的旋钮控制操作系统 ,通过高度智能的 旋 钮 装 置 ,实现 灵 活 便 利 操 作 。
全新一代 IS 采 用 了 先 进 的 双 区 域 独 立 控 制 自 动 空 调 系 统 ,精确 维 持 调 设 的 温 度 ,更配 备 脱 臭 功 能 、 空 气 循 环 功 能 和 花 粉 过 滤 装 置,可 以 有 效 除 去 四 周 尾 气,让您清爽呼吸 ,这一妙至巅毫的科技 ,只为 让 您 在 驾 驶 中 始 终 心 旷 神 怡。
全新一代IS 配备的转向系统,通过设计上的开发和对性能的调校,让道路和 轮胎之间有及时顺畅的沟通 ,使得过弯转向的操控更加平稳顺畅 。
全新一代 IS 的制 动 系 统 被 创 造 性 的 全 新 设 计 ,有 助 于 实 现 快 速 反 应 , 更加 符 合 运 动 型 轿 车 的 驾 控 需 求,搭 配 更 高 摩 擦 系 数 刹 车 片 ,则带 来 截然不同的硬朗操控感受。
Mark Levinson ®音响系统 *
我 们 为 崇 尚 高 品 质 享 受 的 您 准 备 了 闻 名 于 世 的 Mark Levinson ®音响系统 ,您 即 刻 体 验 Mark Levinson ® 的最新研发成果,15 支鉴 赏 级 扬 声 器 为 您 带 来 纯净如 天 籁 的 美 妙 声 音 ,无论 何 种 音 色 皆 可 完 美 演 绎 , 让车 中 每 位 乘 员 都 获 得 几 乎 无 可 挑 剔 的 听 觉 体 验。试 想 在 自 由 驰 骋 的 旅 途 中 ,播 放 一 曲 心 中 所 爱 , 将为 您 的 旅 程 平 添 一 份 舒 畅 惬 意 。
*部分车型配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情 。
为 了 让 驾 驶 乐 趣 更 加 持 久,全新一代 IS 70% 左 右 的 车 体 零 部 件 采用了防生锈钢板 ,提升了性能的同时有效降低磨损。此外 ,秉承 LEXUS 雷 克 萨 斯 一 直 以 来 对 环 境 的 关 爱,车身采用了丰田超级 清 洁 聚 合 物 TSOP 和 热 电 塑 料 烯 烃 TPO 等 环 保 材 料 ,并 实 现 可 循环利用。
无忧,无虑 非万全不型
预碰撞安全系统 *
预碰撞安全系统把行车电脑与前传感器相连 ,通过提醒驾驶员来避免 碰撞 ,同时激活伤害减轻设备来帮助减少伤害 。当碰撞检测器 ECU 判断 碰撞的可能性较大时 ,碰撞制动辅助功能 PBA 将被激活 ,通过增加制动 液压压力来帮助减速 ;当判断碰撞是无法避免时 ,碰撞检测器 ECU 会发送 信号激活碰撞前制动 PB 帮助减少碰撞带来的伤害 。
后排膝部空间更从85 毫米增加到 170 毫米 ,行李箱可以容纳三个
不 同 需 求 自 由 调 节;更 符 合 人 体 工 程 学 设 计 原 理,完 美 改 善 了
全尺寸的高尔夫球包。而可折叠的分离式后排座椅按照 60 / 40 的
靠背曲率 ,还提供了更强有力的臀部支撑和大腿支撑 。
科学比例设计 ,均可单独放倒 。当后排座椅完全放倒之后 ,可以放入
* F SPORT 专属配备,敬请参阅标准装备与技术参数表详情。
夺目 ,夺心 非犀利不型
惊叹 ,从第一眼触及开始 。IS F SPORT 的突破式前进气格栅 ,不敛个性的 锋 芒 ,承 袭 了 赛 车 基 因 的 L 型 网 状 格 栅 设 计 ,让 卓 然 胆 识 溢 于 言 表 , “犀利 ”的含义 ,亦就此被确定 。
沿袭了LFA 超级跑车的设计思路 ,全新一代IS F SPORT 的仪表盘 设计匠心独运,配备8 英寸TFT 液晶显示屏,仪表盘外圈被设计为 银色光环,刻度盘和指示 器 皆 为 液 晶 显 示 ,蓝、白 、红三种耀目 色 彩 交 相 辉 映,华彩熠熠。更有 炫 酷 可 移 动 显 示 功 能,当启动 多媒体系统操作时,银 色 光 环 的 仪 表 盘 会 动 态 滑 到另一边来 显示出菜单 ,这一创新型设计 ,激发了“型”动十 足 的 驾 US 雷克萨斯全新一代IS