Globalization Ethnocentrism parochialism
Right or Rowing
企业已经缴纳教育附加税,因而没有义 务再资助办学。 援助灾民是企业的社会责任,因此,每 一个企业都必须进行赈灾活动。 在香烟外盒写上“吸烟有害健康”是毫 无意义的,因此是没有必要的。 既然政府的规定是50%,宝洁公司就没有 必要承诺100%的使用再循环包装纸。
Fundamentals of management
Chapter 1
manager and management
Discussion 讨论
1961年,日本松下公司的山田电器厂遇 到了一个开关质量难题。实际上,这个 开关的装配操作很简单:从装有许多弹 簧的盒内每次取出两个装入开关,再装 上按钮。让山田厂长困惑的是,无论采 取什么质量管理方法,都不能使工人避 免偶尔忘记装入弹簧。 你能帮助山田厂长解决这个难题吗?
全球汽车 配件部
全球 工业部
全球仪器 产品部
全球原料 采购部
全球卡车 配件部
国际执行委员会 业务领域 变压器 运输 德国 挪威 阿根廷/巴西 西班牙/葡萄牙
董事长/首席架构师:比尔•盖茨 CEO/总裁:史蒂夫•鲍尔默 营运和 后勤部 产品部门 全球销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲产品 部门 微软在 中国的 机构 微软中国研究 开发中心
Decisional 决策
《管理学(第13版)》英文课件—09Managing Strategy
3. It coordinates diverse organizational units, helping them focus on organizational goals.
9 -4
THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS Strategic management process – a sixstep process that encompasses strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation.
– Steps 2 and 3 combined are called a SWOT analysis. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
9 - 10
SWOT analysis – an analysis of the
strategies organizations use to get it. 5. Discuss current strategic management issues.
9 -2
Strategic management – what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies. • Strategies – the plans for how the
– Mission: a statement of the purpose of an organization.
• The scope of its products and serviceher planning.
9 -4
THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS Strategic management process – a sixstep process that encompasses strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation.
– Steps 2 and 3 combined are called a SWOT analysis. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
9 - 10
SWOT analysis – an analysis of the
strategies organizations use to get it. 5. Discuss current strategic management issues.
9 -2
Strategic management – what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies. • Strategies – the plans for how the
– Mission: a statement of the purpose of an organization.
• The scope of its products and serviceher planning.
The behavior of top management
• Continuation of the Organizational Culture
Recruitment of like-minded employees who “fit” Socialization of new employees to help them adapt
Attention to Detail Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability Innovation and Risk Taking
Organization A
• Strong Cultures
Are cultures in which key values are deeply held and widely held.
Have a strong influence on organizational members.
• Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture
The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers.
Managers are held accountable for an organization’s performance yet it is difficult to attribute good or poor performance directly to their influence on the organization.
• Continuation of the Organizational Culture
Recruitment of like-minded employees who “fit” Socialization of new employees to help them adapt
Attention to Detail Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability Innovation and Risk Taking
Organization A
• Strong Cultures
Are cultures in which key values are deeply held and widely held.
Have a strong influence on organizational members.
• Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture
The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers.
Managers are held accountable for an organization’s performance yet it is difficult to attribute good or poor performance directly to their influence on the organization.
• Current Organizational Cultural Issues Facing Managers
• Describe the characteristics of an ethical culture, an innovative culture, and a customer-responsive culture.
The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers.
Managers are held accountable for an organization’s performance yet it is difficult to attribute good or poor performance directly to their influence on the organization.
• Discuss the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty.
• Identify the most common organizational stakeholders. • Explain the four steps in managing external stakeholder
• Fosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative.
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
Organizational Culture
• Describe the characteristics of an ethical culture, an innovative culture, and a customer-responsive culture.
The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers.
Managers are held accountable for an organization’s performance yet it is difficult to attribute good or poor performance directly to their influence on the organization.
• Discuss the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty.
• Identify the most common organizational stakeholders. • Explain the four steps in managing external stakeholder
• Fosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative.
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
Organizational Culture
《管理学原理》英语教学课件CHAPTER9-Understanding Work Teams
《管理学原理》英语教学课件CHAPTER9-Understanding Work Teamsroupthink Group-shift
Norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action
External pressure, tight budgets, recent failures
Symptoms of Groupthink
Illusion of invulnerability Belief in inherent morality of the group Collective rationalizations Stereotypes of other groups Self-censorship /Pressure on dissenters Illusions of unanimity Emergence of self-appointed mind guards
Open climate
Leader invites and accepts divergent thinking
Avoid being directive
Strong leader speaks last or not at all
Why Have Teams
Become So Popular?
Enables management to increase employee participation and motivation
Creating High-Performance Teams
Size - less than 10-12 members Proper mix of abilities and skills
Norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action
External pressure, tight budgets, recent failures
Symptoms of Groupthink
Illusion of invulnerability Belief in inherent morality of the group Collective rationalizations Stereotypes of other groups Self-censorship /Pressure on dissenters Illusions of unanimity Emergence of self-appointed mind guards
Open climate
Leader invites and accepts divergent thinking
Avoid being directive
Strong leader speaks last or not at all
Why Have Teams
Become So Popular?
Enables management to increase employee participation and motivation
Creating High-Performance Teams
Size - less than 10-12 members Proper mix of abilities and skills
and escalation of commitment. • Explain what intuition is and how it affects decision
making. • Contrast programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. • Define the three forms of programmed decision making. • Contrast the three decision-making conditions.
problems. • Discuss why decision criteria are important in the
decision-making process. • Describe how managers develop, analyze, and select
alternatives. • Explain what happens during implementation and
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Is An Organization?
• Describe the characteristics of an organization. • Explain how the concept of an organization is changing.
8th edition Steven P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
making. • Contrast programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. • Define the three forms of programmed decision making. • Contrast the three decision-making conditions.
problems. • Discuss why decision criteria are important in the
decision-making process. • Describe how managers develop, analyze, and select
alternatives. • Explain what happens during implementation and
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Is An Organization?
• Describe the characteristics of an organization. • Explain how the concept of an organization is changing.
8th edition Steven P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
管理学专业英语第四版上lesson9 The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture_v2
relies on plans and sets goals and consequences for filing to do so.
incorporates adaptive elements that can scan and analyze the external environment.
It is expressed through fun and excitement. Work environment s are lighthearted places…
Applying to both organizational cultures and individual leaders.
orientation toward people interactions and coordination will fall on a spectrum from highly independent to highly interdependent.
❖Response to change – some cultures
Eight Distinct Culture Styles
Focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environment are warm, collaborative, and welcoming places…
Inherent in the framework are fundamental trade-offs. Although each style can be beneficial, natural constraints and competing demands force difficult choices about which values to emphasize and how people are expected to behave.
incorporates adaptive elements that can scan and analyze the external environment.
It is expressed through fun and excitement. Work environment s are lighthearted places…
Applying to both organizational cultures and individual leaders.
orientation toward people interactions and coordination will fall on a spectrum from highly independent to highly interdependent.
❖Response to change – some cultures
Eight Distinct Culture Styles
Focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environment are warm, collaborative, and welcoming places…
Inherent in the framework are fundamental trade-offs. Although each style can be beneficial, natural constraints and competing demands force difficult choices about which values to emphasize and how people are expected to behave.
动态网络型结构是一种以项目为中心, 通过与其他组织建立研发、生产制造、营 销等业务合同,有效发挥核心业务专长的 协作型组织形式。
独立的研究 与开发顾问
委托加工 的工厂
组织结构更大的灵活性和弹性,以项目为中心的合作 能够更好地结合市场需求来还整合各项资源,而且容易 操作。
具有高度的权威性和统一性; 可以对员工实行严密的控制。
不便于垂直沟通,使决策 和行动速度减慢;
容易造成对下属监督过严, 妨碍下属的灵活性和自 主性。
1、管理工作的内容和性质 2、管理人员的工作能力情况 3、下属人员的空间分布状况 4、组织变革的速度 5、信息沟通的情况
组织设计的任务是设计清晰的组织结构, 规划和设计组织各部门的职能和职权,确定组 织中职能职权、参谋职权、直线职权的活动范 围并编制职务说明书。
1、统一指挥原则 2、控制幅度原则 3、权责对等原则 4、柔性经济原则
组织的各级机构以及个人必须服从一个上 级的命令和指挥,只有这样,才能保证命令 和指挥的统一,避免多头领导和多头指挥, 使组织最高管理部门的决策得以贯彻执行。
按照产品或服务的要求对企业活动进行细分。 优点:促进不同产品或服务项目间的合理竞争;
加强对企业产品或服务的指导和调整;有利于 “多面手”式的人才成长。 缺点:需要更多的“多面手”;存在本位主义倾 向;导致管理费用的增加。
管理学原理 英文版c9
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S (cont’d) After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
8. List the characteristics of high-performing work teams.
9. Discuss how organizations can create team players.
• Group Cohesiveness
The degree to which members of a group are
addition to their own tasks, take on traditional responsibilities such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and performance evaluations.
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
5. Describe the five stages of team development.
6. Contrast work groups with work teams.
7. Identify four common types of work teams.
© 2011 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 9–2
of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each others’ jobs.
管理学教学资料-chapter 9
• Describe each of the five forms of departmentalization.
• Differentiate, authority, responsibility, and unity of command.
• Explain how centralization – decentralization and formalization are used in organizational design.
A: Common goals are the precondition for the existence of organization
B: If there is no division of labor or cooperation , there is no organization.
within an organization
• 3.1. Work Specialization
The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step completed by a different person.
tenth edition
Stephen P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Chapter Organizational
9 Structure and
Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
• Differentiate, authority, responsibility, and unity of command.
• Explain how centralization – decentralization and formalization are used in organizational design.
A: Common goals are the precondition for the existence of organization
B: If there is no division of labor or cooperation , there is no organization.
within an organization
• 3.1. Work Specialization
The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step completed by a different person.
tenth edition
Stephen P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Chapter Organizational
9 Structure and
Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
管理学专业英语教程(第二版)-Unit 9 The Seven Principles Of Supply Chain Management
The actual products
Principle 2
❖One paper company’s example:
▪ the whole improvement achieved is greater than the sum of its parts.
❖ Unsuccessful effots:▪ functionally defined and narrowly focused
▪ lack sustaining infrastructure ▪ uncoordinated change
not mean tailoring for the sake of tailoring.
Principle 1
❖Customer needs and preferences do not tell the whole story
The service packages must turn a profit. Only by understanding their costs at the activity level and using that understanding to strengthen fiscal control can companies profitably deliver value to customers.
Principle 3
Principle 7
Supply Chain Management in Today
❖Managers find themselves assigned the role of the rope in a very real tug of war.
The actual products
Principle 2
❖One paper company’s example:
▪ the whole improvement achieved is greater than the sum of its parts.
❖ Unsuccessful effots:▪ functionally defined and narrowly focused
▪ lack sustaining infrastructure ▪ uncoordinated change
not mean tailoring for the sake of tailoring.
Principle 1
❖Customer needs and preferences do not tell the whole story
The service packages must turn a profit. Only by understanding their costs at the activity level and using that understanding to strengthen fiscal control can companies profitably deliver value to customers.
Principle 3
Principle 7
Supply Chain Management in Today
❖Managers find themselves assigned the role of the rope in a very real tug of war.
3 其他疑问
《管理学原理双语》PPT 课件
通过《管理学原理双语》PPT课件,我们将深入探讨管理学的基本原理和核心 概念,帮助学生学习和理解管理知识,掌握有效的管理技能。
1 课程背景
了解为什么学习管理学对个人和组织都至关 重要。
2 课程目标
3 课程内容
提供课程相关的幻灯片和资源 文件。
1 如何购买教材?
2 如何联系老师?
4 教学方法
推荐教材和参考书籍以帮助学 生更好地学习。
➢ Human skills
❖ The ability to work well with other people
➢ Conceptual skills
❖ The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization
Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site (), October 30, 2002.
• Explain the universality of management concept. • Discuss why an understanding of management is
important. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
What Do Managers Do? (cont’d)
• Management Roles Approach (Mintzberg)
➢ Interpersonal roles
❖ Figurehead, leader, liaison
➢ Informational roles
❖ Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
• Middle Managers
➢ Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers.
❖ The ability to work well with other people
➢ Conceptual skills
❖ The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization
Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site (), October 30, 2002.
• Explain the universality of management concept. • Discuss why an understanding of management is
important. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
What Do Managers Do? (cont’d)
• Management Roles Approach (Mintzberg)
➢ Interpersonal roles
❖ Figurehead, leader, liaison
➢ Informational roles
❖ Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
• Middle Managers
➢ Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers.
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Does a group become more effective as it progresses through the first four stages?
Usually, but not always
Group Behavior
Exhibit 9-4 Examples of Cards Used in Asch’s Study
Learning Objective 9.1
• Define group and describe the stages of group development.
What Is a Group?
Exhibit 9-1 Examples of Formal Work Groups
• Command groups—Groups that are determined by the organization chart and composed of individuals who report directly to a given manager.
Fundamentals of Management
Tenth Edition
Chapter 9 Understanding
Groups and Managing Work
Teaபைடு நூலகம்s
Learning Objectives
9.1 Define group and describe the stages of group development.
Group Cohesiveness
Exhibit 9-3 Group Cohesiveness and Productivity
Learning Objective 9.3
• Discuss how groups are turned into effective teams.
Groups Versus Teams
Global Teams: Team Structure
• Conformity • Status • Social loafing • Cohesiveness
Global Teams: Team Processes
• Communication issues • Managing conflict • Virtual teams
• Self-managed teams—Groups that are essentially independent and that, in addition to their own tasks, take on traditional managerial responsibilities, such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and evaluating performance.
• Member selection is key • Teamwork training
External rewards
• Promotions • Pay raises • Other forms of
Inherent rewards
• Camaraderie • Personal development • Helping teammates
9.2 Describe the major concepts of group behavior. 9.3 Discuss how groups are turned into effective teams. 9.4 Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
• Communication problems • Stress and tension
Benefits • Greater diversity of ideas • Limited groupthink • Increased attention on
understanding others’ ideas, perspectives, etc. Blank Blank
Team Processes
Variables related to effectiveness:
• Common plan/purpose • Specific goals • Team efficacy • Task conflict • Minimal social loafing
Shaping Team Behavior
Status Systems
Status: • a prestige grading, position, or rank within a group.
Group Size and Group Behavior
Small Group Better At: (5-7 members) • Completing tasks faster • Figuring out what to do • Getting job done Large Group Better At: (12 or more members) • Problem solving • Finding facts • Gaining diverse input
Team Composition
Team Member Roles
Exhibit 9-7 Team Member Roles
Work Design
Key work design elements:
• Autonomy • Using a variety of skills • Completing a whole and identifiable task • Impact of task/project on others
than the sum of individual goals? 3. Is there interdependence between tasks?
Exhibit 9-5 Groups versus Teams
Types of Work Teams
• Problem solving teams • Self-managed work teams • Cross-functional teams • Virtual teams
Effective Teams
Exhibit 9-6 Team Effectiveness Model
Source: Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, Organizational Behavior, 14th edition, © 2011, p. 319. Reprinted and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.
Learning Objective 9.4
• Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
Contemporary Issues
Exhibit 9-8 Global Teams
Drawbacks • Disliking team members • Mistrusting team members • Stereotyping
Learning Objective 9.2
• Describe the major concepts of group behavior.
Stages of Group Development
Exhibit 9-2 Stages of Group Development
Group Effectiveness
When Teams are Not the Answer
Three tests:
1. Can the work be done better by more than one person? 2. Does the work create a common purpose that’s more
• Cross-functional teams—Groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each other’s jobs.
Source: Based on N. Adler, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th ed. (Cincinnati, OH: Southwestern Cengage Publishing, 2002), 141–47.
• Task groups—Groups composed of individuals brought together to complete a specific job task; their existence is often temporary because when the task is completed, the group disbands.
Usually, but not always
Group Behavior
Exhibit 9-4 Examples of Cards Used in Asch’s Study
Learning Objective 9.1
• Define group and describe the stages of group development.
What Is a Group?
Exhibit 9-1 Examples of Formal Work Groups
• Command groups—Groups that are determined by the organization chart and composed of individuals who report directly to a given manager.
Fundamentals of Management
Tenth Edition
Chapter 9 Understanding
Groups and Managing Work
Teaபைடு நூலகம்s
Learning Objectives
9.1 Define group and describe the stages of group development.
Group Cohesiveness
Exhibit 9-3 Group Cohesiveness and Productivity
Learning Objective 9.3
• Discuss how groups are turned into effective teams.
Groups Versus Teams
Global Teams: Team Structure
• Conformity • Status • Social loafing • Cohesiveness
Global Teams: Team Processes
• Communication issues • Managing conflict • Virtual teams
• Self-managed teams—Groups that are essentially independent and that, in addition to their own tasks, take on traditional managerial responsibilities, such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and evaluating performance.
• Member selection is key • Teamwork training
External rewards
• Promotions • Pay raises • Other forms of
Inherent rewards
• Camaraderie • Personal development • Helping teammates
9.2 Describe the major concepts of group behavior. 9.3 Discuss how groups are turned into effective teams. 9.4 Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
• Communication problems • Stress and tension
Benefits • Greater diversity of ideas • Limited groupthink • Increased attention on
understanding others’ ideas, perspectives, etc. Blank Blank
Team Processes
Variables related to effectiveness:
• Common plan/purpose • Specific goals • Team efficacy • Task conflict • Minimal social loafing
Shaping Team Behavior
Status Systems
Status: • a prestige grading, position, or rank within a group.
Group Size and Group Behavior
Small Group Better At: (5-7 members) • Completing tasks faster • Figuring out what to do • Getting job done Large Group Better At: (12 or more members) • Problem solving • Finding facts • Gaining diverse input
Team Composition
Team Member Roles
Exhibit 9-7 Team Member Roles
Work Design
Key work design elements:
• Autonomy • Using a variety of skills • Completing a whole and identifiable task • Impact of task/project on others
than the sum of individual goals? 3. Is there interdependence between tasks?
Exhibit 9-5 Groups versus Teams
Types of Work Teams
• Problem solving teams • Self-managed work teams • Cross-functional teams • Virtual teams
Effective Teams
Exhibit 9-6 Team Effectiveness Model
Source: Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, Organizational Behavior, 14th edition, © 2011, p. 319. Reprinted and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.
Learning Objective 9.4
• Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
Contemporary Issues
Exhibit 9-8 Global Teams
Drawbacks • Disliking team members • Mistrusting team members • Stereotyping
Learning Objective 9.2
• Describe the major concepts of group behavior.
Stages of Group Development
Exhibit 9-2 Stages of Group Development
Group Effectiveness
When Teams are Not the Answer
Three tests:
1. Can the work be done better by more than one person? 2. Does the work create a common purpose that’s more
• Cross-functional teams—Groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each other’s jobs.
Source: Based on N. Adler, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th ed. (Cincinnati, OH: Southwestern Cengage Publishing, 2002), 141–47.
• Task groups—Groups composed of individuals brought together to complete a specific job task; their existence is often temporary because when the task is completed, the group disbands.