【优质】雅思考官示范口语Part Two作答技巧-word范文模板 (1页)

【优质】雅思考官示范口语Part Two作答技巧-word范文模板
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雅思考官示范口语Part Two作答技巧

你的选择是?为什么?学习2选1你喜欢大型的lecture还是小型的lecture(class, discussion)学习2选1喜欢到大城市读书还是小城市读书学习2选1大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放学习2选1你愿意以大教室还是小教室的形式上课及解释学习2选1有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,点?学习2选1(有问题时),说说你是喜欢上网还是看书获得知识,(还是问老师)学习是否大学生(去外校)学自己专业以外的知识是不是浪费时间?学习是否即便对于老年人来说,接受教育、获取学位也永远不会晚政府政策是否政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院政府政策是否手机的使用是否应该受到限制政府政策2选1城建过程中应该拆老房子还是留着老房子住宿2选1喜欢一个人住还是和室友住工作2选1工作中最重要的是钱还是个人满足工作是否兼职和暑期打工对于未来的工作是否帮助媒体和人2选1电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。

⼀、其他类话题分类 常考的其他类话题:Describe an advertisement、Describe a small but successful company、Describe a piece of advice、Describe your weekend/rainy day/understanding of happiness…… 可以看出,这些话题都⾮常抽象,要想能完整的表达两分钟,⼀定要有基本的素材。
⼆、其他类思路分析及素材 1)An Advertisement 可⼝可乐⼴告(Coca cola) 百事可乐(Pepsi) 迪奥⾹⽔⼴告(Dior) 耐克⼴告(Nike) 佳能⼴告(Canon-Leave me) Dior——Jadore Dior Gold is cold(此时,黄⾦显得冰冷) Diamond are dead(钻⽯缺乏了⽣机) A Limousine is a car(豪华轿车也不够吸引) Don‘t Pretend(不要造作) Feel what‘s real(感受真实的奢华) C‘est Ca Que J‘adore(唯有,迪奥真我⾹⽔) 2)A small but successful company 我们可以从公司所属的⾏业、盈利、经营特⾊、企业⽂化和组织结构的⾓度来描述。
农:商店,民族品牌、鞋⼦品牌; ⾷:地⽅特⾊⼩吃。
⼩商店等; 住:宾馆; ⾏:汽车修理⼚…… 3)A piece of advice 来源:family members and friends、a speech of a famous person、lines from one movie、advertising slogans、lyric of some songs、words from books or internet 例如:A speech of a famous person 我们可以借鉴乔布斯的演讲:You’ve got to find what you love、Love and loss、Stay hungry,stay foolish来描述这个话题。

雅思口语part2评分标准与范例雅思口语Part 2是口语考试的第二部分,要求考生在两分钟内准备一个话题,然后进行一到两分钟的发言。
以下是一个范例:话题,Describe a memorable holiday you have had.During the summer of 2018, I had the opportunity tovisit the beautiful country of Italy, and it was truly a memorable holiday for me. I had always been fascinated by the rich history and culture of Italy, so I was thrilled to have the chance to explore this amazing country.Firstly, I visited the historic city of Rome, where I was able to see iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Vatican City. The architecture and the stories behind these ancient structures were truly awe-inspiring, and I spent hours wandering through the cobblestone streets, soaking in the atmosphere of this ancient city.After Rome, I traveled to the picturesque region of Tuscany, where I was able to experience the stunning countryside and the charming small towns. I stayed in a traditional farmhouse surrounded by rolling hills and vineyards, and I had the chance to taste the deliciouslocal cuisine and wine.Overall, my trip to Italy was a truly unforgettable experience, and it allowed me to immerse myself in the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of this amazing country.以上是对雅思口语Part 2评分标准和一个范例的详细回答,希望对你有所帮助。

雅思口语Part 2 热点题之餐馆和广告上海环球雅思今天,环球雅思的小编为大家带来了雅思口语Part 2 热点题之餐馆和广告,供大家参考使用,希望对大家有所帮助!Part 2 示例两则一、描述一个旧物Describe a restaurant you like/ that impresses youYou should sayWhere the restaurant isWhat type of food the restaurant hasWhy you go to this restaurantAnd explain why you/people like this restaurantCoconut Paradise1. it is located on Fu Min Rd, hidden in the prosperous Central Business District2. Authentic Thai cuisines. The dishes and desserts presented on the menu are well selected and cooked by those experienced professional chefs invited from many famous restaurants in Thailand.3. Many years ago, my friend treated me there, ever since then, this is the one, whenI want to have Thai treats.4. 1. it is easily ignored in the day time ,but at night , it is one of the most popular Thai restaurants for those young and fabulous . Through the gate, you are walking into a mystery .The French style old house is renovated .the owner apparently hasa taste and knows how to use the space. the house is made into a bar and thedinning zone ,the red table sheet with a vase of tulip ,accompanied by the darkwarm light above each table ,creates the atmosphere of romance, which is perfectfor love birds and those high-end business minds .2. As the good reputation of the service and the taste, it's usually out of tables without the reservation; you are going to wait forever. But the chef will make the wait worthwhile .Besides the dishes always cooked perfectly; they are always served in time. the staff are always hospitable to diners , though it could be youfirst stop by , you will be served with all the decencies .3. Although it provides a decent dinning atmosphere and the high level gourmet food, the bill is still moderate, affordable for most middle clas s. It’s the place for friends to enjoy a wonderful time二、描述一则喜欢的广告Describe an unforgettable advertisementYou should say:Where you saw or heard itWhat kind of advertisement it wasWhat contents of the advertisement wereAnd explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisementThe Maybelline lipstick Advertisement1. I saw it on the inner cover of the magazine V ogue2. It is a Maybelline lipstick Advertisement, and is considered as one of the most classic advertisements ever. On the cover, there is a basket full of millions of kisses, besides which stands a young gentleman, good looking, wearing a tailored suit, with a charming smile. He is bending over, picking one kiss out of the basket .Thegentleman is the fantasy for all girls .on the top of cover, there is a campaign:One out of millions, leaving the reads with all kinds of wonders. The advertisement is quite simple but very attractive, and has a magic power .it is said that with this business campaign, Maybelline sold millions of lipsticks.3.1. At first, I was confused by the concept in this advertisement, there is not even a lipstick shown up on the cover, but then I got it. The advertisement indicates that using Maybelline lipstick will make you the lucky one picked by this gentleman; Maybelline will make you distinguished to be the one out of millions.2. It is not only just a business campaign, but a piece of art as well. It provokes the desire right down deep in your heart. The designer is truly a genius .what a bravo work.。

Task 2Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason thatI wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, thats why Ichoose____________________ for the two reasons listed above. 2托福口语第二题两类必备话题1、二选一类必须准备的几个问题1、高中毕业后是直接上大学还是稍等一年学点别的什么东西?2、假期内同学是应该学习还是应该休息?3、喜爱花时间和几个亲密朋友一起还是和很多朋友一起?4、喜爱大班还是小班?5、喜爱一个人学习还是小组学习?6、和朋友熟悉,第一印象重要还是长期了解重要?7、数学科学重要还是艺术历史重要?2、同意与否类必须准备的几个问题1、同学应该穿校服2、大同学应该做兼职工作。

雅思口语第二部分的考试技巧(精选4篇)雅思口语part2范例篇一假如我们拿到一张题卡如下:Describe an intelligent person you knowYou should say:Who this person isWhen and where you met themWhat kind of person he or she isand explain why you think this person is intelligent这宝贵的一分钟的时间,我们首先要做的就是分类工作。
我们一般可以把雅思口语Part 2的话题分为四大类,即人物,物品,地点以及事件。
我们以这题为例,显然这张话题卡上的关键字是intelligent person,所以我们的落脚点为人物题。
而对于介绍一个人物,我们可以就9个点去全面的论述,即introduction→background information→appearance→character→hobby→lifestyle→achievement→feeling →influence这9个点,可以很全面地把一个人描述清楚。
以这道题为例who the person is? 这个问题其实也就是问background information,而what kind of person he or she is? 完全可以用character和hobby来回答。
雅思口语解析Part2 1-15题

1.Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown You should say: Where the shop is When it opened What it sellsand how you feel about the shop解析:话题要求描述家乡新开的一个商店,你可以具体描述一下它是一个什么样的商店,比如文具店、玩具店、时装店、时尚精品买手店等等。
Talking about the shop that just opened, the first thing came to me is a select shop opened last month in my hometown. It is located in the downtown business area where there are many fancy shopping malls and high-grade office buildings. Plenty of people pass by it everyday. In the shop, there are many luxury goods from different famous brands like Coach, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors etc, and there are also many goods with no names but good quality. There are many categories of goods like glasses, purses, bags and clothes, and all these goods are selected by the owner from different places. You can always find something you like there. So it is quite popular among white-collars who work in that area.To me, this place is great. Its decoration is quite delicate and exotic. It has large French windows and the shop is divided into different exhibition parts. All goods are exhibited orderly on the shelf. Besides, I like the owner of the shop. She is a chic young lady who has a good taste. She has traveled to many different places in the world and selected all the goods by herself. She likes to share her travel experiences and understanding of fashion with her customers. So she is like a friend to me.2.Describe a quiet place You should say:What you can do thereWho you would like to go withand explain how you feel about this place解析:话题要求描述一个安静的地方,可以是图书馆、公园、书店、村庄等等。
【南通环球教育(原环球雅思)】雅思口语Task2解题样例 周京

Traffic JamDescribe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jamYou should say:When it happenedWhere it happenedHow you passed the time while waitingAnd explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.这个是一个事件类的话题,需要你去描述一个你一次堵在路上的经历 Describea time when you had to wait in a traffic jam 我们需要在一分钟准备,然后说一到两分钟的间题目下面会有4个小题会帮助你去回答的,you should say, when it happened, where it happened, how you passed the time while waiting,and explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam. 我们可以一个一个地回答,你看看,先讲完这是什么的事件,介绍整个题目之后呢,我们就可以像讲故事一样,先说说发生事件的时间,地点,人物,事情经过,跟人物感受但要注意,事情经过跟感受的比重应该相对多一些,因为这两个块会比较容易展开,让我们可以多说一些记得这是在描述一件过去发生的事情,在回答时记得要注意时态的运用喔其实堵车的说法有很多,常说的有几种,我可以说 I was caught in a trafficjam 或是 I was stuck in a bumper-to-bumper traffic. bumper-to-bumpertraffic 车的保险杆相互碰撞的交通状况也就是堵车啦,我们也可以说 I wastied up/held up in traffic. 甚至更严重的交通状况我们可以称为gridlock(严重塞车,僵局),反正怎样说都是恶梦 It is a nightmare.回到这个题目,是要描述在堵著的时候,你所做的事情跟感觉,不要有过多的部份描述你因为这次堵车而迟到,迟了多久,有什么后果我们来看看第一个小题When it happened,我们就应该简单点明要说的事件,例如I am going to about a time that I was caught in a traffic jam 2 weeks agoand showed up late to the school.然后就可以说说在那里发生的 where it happened, 然后再说说这次堵车的原因其中一个造成堵车的原因就是发生了交通意外 traffic accident 挡住了后面的车,车过不了就堵住了It happened at the intersection with the Nathan road, one of the busiestroads in Hong Kong. There was a serious traffic accident, a car crashedinto the traffic light that blocked the cars at the back and that was thereason I got stuck in the road on the bus for nearly 2 hours.既然你都堵著了,就只好等了,那在那的同时我们可以做些什么来让时间快过一点呢?how you passed the time while waiting 我们可以使用while 的句子结构,来帮我说明当我在等的时间,我做了什么While I was waiting for the police to clean up the mess, I was trying to do different things to kill time. I took my phone out checking on the news and put my earphones on to listen to some music. When I felt bored with that, I started to chat with the person sitting next to me. He happened to be quite outgoing and sociable. We talked about everything, studies, hobbies and things that we like.最后我们还是说一下我的感觉了explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam. 在堵车时间心情不好我觉得也是正常,但是我不会因为这样就生气或是让自己不开心,因为我觉得堵车不会因为我生气而突然就不堵了,但我倒不如心平气和的等吧I didn’t feel upset or angry like what other people did when I was in the traffic jam because I didnt see much point that losing my mind there could actually help me faster get to the school. I tried to keep calm and wait patiently.。

口语第二题机经汇总2008-01✓Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.✓small class or large class大lecture和小class喜欢哪个✓Do you agree or disagree: People should always tell the truth?✓The people celebrating, such as musician, actors, athlete, could give a good example to young people.✓是问电视节目娱乐的和教育的你喜欢哪一个;2008-02✓第2题是185题目里的some people think childhood is the most significant period for one people.问你是否agree。
✓选择喜欢冒险和不喜欢冒险✓同意或不同意,为了过的快乐,去做喜欢的的工作✓和家人朋友联系用letter & e-mail还是telephone.✓与朋友、家人联系用letter or E-mail,还是telephone?✓do you think that university student is wasting time to take others course in other school that beyond their major.✓有些人评价别人用short-term,有些用long-term,你prefer哪个2008-03✓你是闲着的时候随波逐流还是有计划?✓飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing✓数学科学 VS 艺术历史更应该学哪个?✓学习maths&science是否应该多过art&literature?这是我最囧的口语题。

以下是⽆忧考整理的托福⼝语第⼆题的万能模板,欢迎阅读!1.托福⼝语第⼆题的万能模板1.Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion. (05. 12.2; 07.10.17考题) Well, in my opinion, the high school should teach music and art as other basic science. First, students would have more opportunity to see different things and know more about music and art. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind. It''s like self–refreshment. What’s more, music and art lead to involvement and involvement leads to enthusiasm and more response, which is very important for a student who is pursuing a better future. 2.Do you think sports courses should be a required part of every school day? (06. 9.23; 06.11.3考题) Well, in my opinion, sports courses should be a required part of every school day. 3.Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? (06. 10. 15考题) Well, in my opinion, I prefer classes where students do some of the talking.4.Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? (07.5.18考题) Well, in my opinion, I would agree that college students should do an internship before graduation.5.Do you agree or disagree that students will learn more when they have discussions? (07.6.24考题) Well, in my opinion, I would agree that students should have discussions.6.Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year''s time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion? (07.8.11考题) Well, in my opinion, I think a gap year is a good idea for college students. 7.Some people choose a major that may guarantee a good job. Other people choose a major out of their personal interest in that area. Which do you think is a good idea and why? (06. 8.26; 07. 3.3考题) Well, in my opinion, I think choosing a major out of their personal interest in that area is a good idea.2.托福⼝语常⽤的形容词 1.amazing 令⼈惊讶的;使⼈⼗分惊奇的; 2.awesome 极好的; 3.cool 极妙的,极好的;酷;凉爽的; 4.cute 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的; 5.excellent 优秀的;杰出的; 6.fabulous 极好的;极妙的; 7.fantastic 极好的;不可思议的; 8.special 特别的; 9.marvelous 了不起的;极佳的3.托福⼝语task5答题技巧 Format of Task 5: Listen to a conversation: 1、对话长度:1-1.5分钟 2、内容:1problem+2solutions 3、两个解决⽅案的三种来源 (1)对⽅给两个(最多) (2)⾃⼰给⾃⼰两个 (3)双⽅各⼀个 带着六个问题听对话: 可能的⼈物⾝份组合: 组合1:a male student-a female student (最多) 组合2:a student -a professor 组合3: a student -a university staff or worker 组合4:a male professor-a female professor 五⼤常考困难: 1. time or schedule conflict25.00% 2. paper problem14.47% 3. Course Registration Problem13.16% 4. Dorm Problem 9.21% 5. Car Problem 9.21% 答题模板: In this listening material, the woman (man) has a problem, which is. The man (woman) gives him (her) two suggestions. One is . The other one is. As far as I am concerned, I thinkis better. First, because . Second.4.托福⼝语的解题思路 对于类似问题可以先从题⽬⼊⼿,就是要从核⼼词⼊⼿。
2018年雅思口语Part2话题范文以及思路解析:skills you learned

You should say:What the skill wasHow you learned itWho taught youAnd why it was useful to you雅思口语话题之思路解析这个题目乍看起来非常难以回答,因为猛地一想,好像数学课上学的东西都没有什么用。
雅思口语话题之范文The useful skill I learned in a math class from my primary school is the multiplication form. This form is made up of results of multiplications between all the numbers from 1 to 9. For example, 2 multiply eight equals 16 and 3 multiply 7 equals 21. It is usually presented in the shape of stairs, and knowing it enables us to get the results of multiplications quickly.乘法口诀表是所有中国学生在小学阶段都必须学习的内容。

部分雅思口语Part2万能模板内容:Describe your job in detail.I am an Engineer. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I work for a large construction company. To be more precise, we specialize in the building of railway bridges. Secondly, I would like to mention that I am in the designing department. We have to look at the site for a new bridge, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.Is your job important to you?That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, my job is important to me because by doing it I can serve my community and my country. For example, when my company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. Secondly, it makes me feel good about myself. For instance, I am earning enough money to be able to rent my own apartment.这类模板被称为是TSE方法。
托福IBT口语真经第二题分类题解要点 2

托福IBT口语真经第二题分类题解要点及参考答案 22007年01月13日在旅行时,有些人喜欢直接到达目的地,有些人却喜欢沿途一路上观光。
E.g. 沿途观光(1)发现更多景色:enjoy more views(2)心情更加放松:feel more relaxed(3)更多自由:enjoy more freedomE.g. 直达目的地(1)节省时间:save money(2)节省金钱:save time(3)节省体力,可以去更多的地方:save energy for more travel destinations Sample answer:As far as I am concerned, I like to see more views before I arrive at my destination. It is good because of the following.Most of us travel to enjoy beautiful views, fresh air and the nature. If you hurry to your destination without taking your time to enjoy the beautiful sights you will miss a lot. For example, last August I went on a trip to Mount Ermei. Instead of rushing to the Mountain top, I took my time, exploring the trees, flowers, local people, and even the squirrels which were so fun.What’more, if you can spend some time talking to the local people on your way, I bet you will find out more about your trip than those who rush to their destination. For example, my friend Josh who went to Mongolia last year told us that the local Mongolian herdsmen told him that the Mongolian horses are smaller in size than Arabian horses but they can run much longer distance and have better endurance.2007年01月19日Agree or Disagree:童年时光最美好E.g. 童年时光最美好(1)无忧无虑:carefree, no homework, no school(2)许多游戏:lots of games and toys(3)很多小朋友:so many friendsE.g. say not to 童年时光最美好(1) 记不清了: childhood memories do not even ring a vague bell(2) 长大以后有许多快乐的时光:many happy times when I get older(3) 小时候经常受欺负:was bullied too oftenSample answer:The most happy time in my childhood that I can remember is the trip to Mount Ermei that I made when I was 10 years ago.I remember clearly that the mountain is so high that we almost climbed a whole day before we could reach the top. But the mountain was so beautiful as it was full green trees, flowers, and many birds that I couldn’t tell their names.The best part of the trip was to feed the little squirrels. Previously I thought they must be scared of me. But they were not. When I fed nuts to them, one of them even jumped on my arm and I could touch its fur which was so nice and soft.2007年01月26日get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience?E.g. From family and friends(1)直接且快:direct and fast(2)真实可靠:true and reliable(3)实用性强:practical and applicableE.g. through personal experience(1)印象深刻:most impressive(2)不易忘记:unforgettable(3)实用性强:practical and applicableSample answer:I think it is better to get advice from family or friends.First of all, such advice is often quick and direct. I remember on one summer day it was blowing hard when my grandpa and I came out of asupermarket and my grandpa said it was going to rain. Very soon, it began to rain heavily.Also such advice can be true and reliable. My family always tells me to be true and honest in dealing with other people because I have an Uncle Michael who always tells the truth doing business with others. Right now he is a successful businessman running three big hotels. He has such a good reputation that when I tell others he is my uncle people will trust me easily.2007年03月15日Some people read the newspaper every day; others prefer watching the news on television or listening to the radio. How do you keep yourself informed and why?E.g. News on TV and radio(1)随时随地性:get informed at any time or place(2)及时性:quicker than newspaper(3)多媒体:有图像、声音等with more pictures and soundE.g. News on newspaper(1)看报纸可以提高阅读能力:improve one’s reading(2)报纸可以包食物:can be used to hold chips(3)可信度高:more reliable than the news onlineSample answer:For me the best way to keep myself updated with daily news is have my radio with me.You see, I am a student who does not have time to watch TV all day. But I have a little portable radio with me that feed me on daily news. We all know it is not easy to carry a TV around but my radio is small enough to be put in my pocket and it is very light.Also, sometimes even when I travel I take my radio with me because I need to know about the weather during my travel. Last time when I was traveling in the mountain, I could not buy a newspaper or watch TV but I had my little radio with me. I learned on the radio that there was going。
【最新文档】雅思口语第二部分万能模板分享-word范文 (1页)

【最新文档】雅思口语第二部分万能模板分享-word范文本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思口语第二部分万能模板分享雅思口语第二部分是真正的口语考试开始,很多雅思口语考官都会说自己的评分是从雅思口语第二部分开始的,所以大家掌握一些雅思口语第二部分模板是非常重要的,下面为大家推荐一个雅思口语第二部分万能答题模板,大家可以参考。
这个模板被称为是 TSE 方法。
T :代表的是 Topic SentenceS : 代表的是 Supporting IdeasE :代表的是 Examples雅思口语第二部分考题基本上是五大原则:人,物,地点,事件,媒体。
T :在讲五大原则任何一个的时候,务必把这个原则与你联系在一起,开头的时候有个主题句,通过这句话引入下面的支持观点,这个主题句可以通过一到两句话来完成,但最好是对你有影响的。
S :支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用 For example ,First , secondly , last but not the least 来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。
在 S 这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。
过渡词用什么好呢?最好用 well , also , actually , as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。

雅思口语part2范文解析汇总整理参考别人的(范文)对我们来说是很重要的一个学习口语的过程,下面我给大家带来雅思口语part2范文解析汇总,欢迎参阅!雅思口语part2范文解析:学到的学问【题目】Describe something you learned in a place/from a person.You should say:What you learnedWhen did this happenWhere was it/who taught youHow difficult was it to learn描述你在一个地方/从一个人那里学到的东西。
你应当说:你学到了什么什么时候发生的它在哪里/谁教你的学习有多难【口语范文】Several years ago, I tried to learn how to bake cakes in rice cooker and succeeded in making it. My roommate is a baking genius and she taught me to bake cakes at home.几年前,我试着在电饭锅里烤(蛋糕),胜利了。
Learning how to bake cakes inrice cooker was pretty difficult because of several rea sons. First of all, the portions of materials used were hardto control because I didnt have enough professiona cooking tools. I estimated all the materials and merged to gether. I actually failed once, and succeeded at the second time. Secondly, baking cakes in rice cooker is different from baking in oven. I couldnt change the temperature of rice cooker and I couldnt know how well the cake became with the time passing by either. I had to guess and make sure the cake was not over-cooked. I had to pay more attention to the cake and couldnt leave the cake alone. The last difficult thingwas how to take the cake outof the rice cooker. I had toslip the whole cake into a plate with some skills.学习如何在电饭锅里烤蛋糕是相当困难的,由于有几个儿子。
环球雅思专业指导,口语part 2部分内容赏析

Describe your favorite mealY ou should sayWho you ate it with?Where you ate it?What dishes you had?And explain why it is your favorite or special?During my stay in Holland, I used to work in a bar where I met couple of my best local colleges. Days working with them surely brought me numerous happiness and funs, but all good things must come to an end, in the year of 2008, I made up my mind to come back to my homeland though it was pretty struggle to make that decision.Anyway, my dear colleges threw a harmony fair-well party in a fancy restaurant which is called Mansion and located in Leidesplein, the beating heart of Amsterdam. Mansion is one of the most prevalent restaurants in Amsterdam and is highly regarded among the younger population for its bouncing atmosphere, fashion decoration and most importantly, the yummy foods. As usual, I ordered vegetable salad covered by mayonnaise and French bread with garlic sauce as the starters, for the main course, definitely the lamp steak, plus, half-done. Have you ever tried that? I actually can hardly tell you how tasty it is because it is really terrific. A dessert is not necessary to me since I am not really into sweet things. Anyway I had a king-size Espresso, that’s a must-have drink after a nice meal, right?Well, this meal is pretty memorable as it was the last time we gathered and had funs. Besides, I received countless blessings from my beloved colleges. Time flies and space separates us, despite that, those wonderful moments we shared will never fade away like a handful of sands leak out from our figures.Describe your favorite songY ou should sayWhat your favorite song is?What the content is?When you heard this song?And explain why you were attracted by this song?My favorite song ‘forever young’is a piece of master’s production from a German rock group called Alphaville. I first heard this song by accident about 5 years ago as I was surfing on Y outube. However, it was firstly released as a single in 1984. By now, it has been performed by numerous musical groups and in different versions and has appeared in television series, movies, and advertisements.Well, you can easily grab the singer’s willing of being young forever. As that being said in the lyrics, forever young, I want to be forever young. Naturally, juvenility is a precious experience and moment in our life that should be faithfully cherished by all of us. In this song, it praises the beauty and holiness of juvenility and inspirits the youngsters to be active and fearless to face up the unknown adventure lay in front of us, so that none of us will regret about the time we let it go.To be honest, I was firstly fascinated and shortly inspired by this song’s encouraging lyrics, beautiful melody and of course, the penetrating voice. Actually, this song has become the must-exist song in my Mp3, whenever I am depressed or discouraged, I can always get myself back by listening to it. I think that’s pretty enough for the reasons why I am attracted by this song.Describe a kid who you knowY ou should say:Who the kid is?How do you know this kid?What’s special about the kid?And explain why you like this kid.Speaking of a kid who I know, I would like to tell about my cousin who is called Wang cong. And Cong is his given name which stands for intelligence and beauty. He is a four-year-old kindergarten boy who is about 80 cm high, and has dark eyes and white skin. However what I like the most about his appearance is his little tiny nose. That’s pretty cute as it is sort of red. Naturally, as a kid boy, shooting games are his favorite entertainment. Most of the times, he and his little fellows play real counter strikes in the backyard. Unsurprisingly, he is passionate at chasing after so called terrorists to introduce/promote justice among his friends. One thing I can tell you is that, after witnessed his ever remarkable performance, I was absolutely impressed by his braveness and intelligence. Since then, I was hopelessly fascinated by this little strong man. We live apart though; we try to keep in touch by phone calls. I can recall his smile, icons, and of curse, his great performance in gun battle games now and then. I sincerely hope and strongly believe that he will make his dream of being a police man come true.Describe an old person who you knowY ou should say:Where he/she is livingWhat he/she dose for a livingSomething about this old personExplain why you would like to talk about him/her.The old person who I know is my father. Unlike other people at my age, my father is relatively old since he is 65 now. In general, he is a good-looking and tender father who is a little bit overweight for his medium height. But it’s quite weird to see that he is even beardless at this age, anyway it makes him look much younger and more charming than most of his peers/others at this stage of life.My father used to be a well-known/ highly regarded drama script writer in my hometown. But he retired from his job 5 years ago. Since then, he started his colorful and enriched elderly living. Every morning, he gets up quite early, and then reads Shakespeare’s books on the balcony. He said that he enjoys the beautiful literature, refreshing air and the mild breeze the most. Believe it or not, he even built a mini garden in the backyard of our house all by his own. To be honest, I am entirely amazed by the beautiful and sweet-scented flowers he planted and various adorable birdshe raised. Occasionally, he invites couple of his old fellows to have parties in his mini garden. I often see them chatting, drinking teas and singing traditional operas. Can you imagine how joyful his life is?My father has inspired me in all aspects of my life, for instance, once he told me that it’s never too old to learn and enjoy the happiness of life, but with the prerequisite of your own willingness. When it comes to a sentence for him, I would like to say: daddy, I love and respect you with all my heart. I sincerely pray that he will always be under positive physical and mental conditions.Describe a city that you have visitedY ou should say:What’s the name of that city?When did you go there?What did you do there?How do you like that city?The city I am going to talk about is Qingdao which is the 2nd biggest city in Shandong Province. And it is a fascinating coast city which held water sports games in 2008 Beijing Olympics. 2 years ago, I went there for traveling together with a bunch friends of mine) , and we luckily stayed in a gorgeous 5-star hotel which has an extraordinary sea view and is specialized in making delic ious seafoods. Most importantly, I have got a sea – view room where I could catch the breeze on the balcony right from the sea, not mention the cerulean sky that full of my eyes.It was a week –long stay, during which we always walked along the beach while enjoying the sunrise in the mornings. We also shopped a bit at downtown after the breakfast sometimes, Believe it or not, compared with BJ where the price is sky –high, everything is affordable in Qingdao. In the noon, we enjoyed sunbath on the beach and sometimes, and of course the hot chicks. Guess what, that’s the most enjoyable moment of a day I think. Well, in the night, parties on the beach got started. We joined the crowd and sang, dance, drank till the end of the night That’s amazing!To be honest, I can hardly tell the happiness I have gained from that journey, but one thing I know for sure is that I will definitely go back to there again very soon since Qingdao is such a marvelous city where I have always been expecting to live the rest my life in.I was fascinated by this wonderful city, not only because its natural scenery, but also the friendly people, most importantly the pleasant climate and fancy foods. A place like Qingdao is surely a paradise to me.。
雅思口语 Part2

IELTSPeterIntroduction•3 to 4 minutes(1 minute to prepare)•Describe something (1 to 3 minutes)Evaluation Criterion •Fluency (流畅度) 没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿•Vocabulary (词汇) 不要用错词汇,也不要用晦涩的词汇,简洁易懂就好•Grammar (语法) 小心时态、语法结构、短语,允许有极少量错误•Pronunciation(发音) 发音清晰,连读,爆破音,语调•卡片串联:充分联想,能搭上关系的就归为一类–例如:–A bad weather experience = An occasionwhen you got upset–A book = A film = Sth. You want to buy•开门见山:雅思考官不喜欢“委婉”,直线思维更好一点•例如:–Okay, let me tell you sth. a bout …–Okay, I wanna talk about …–Well, the friend I still remember is …•结尾点题:不说句总结的话,那你想怎么结束这段话?•例如:–That’s all about my favorite film …–Anyway, my father has an important influence on my life …–To sum up, this is the …•复述不等于背诵:复述是把关键词连成句子•例如:–Let me … grandfather, 70, retired, kindhearted, pleasant face, exercise, optimism,respect, honest, …In a word…•结构+ 关键词+ 连接词•Object 物品–A wild animal–A piece of equipment–Using computer–A Hobby–A Film–A Photo–A successful Company–…•Event 事件–A long journey–An important celebration–A time when you were late–An outdoor activity–Something naughty you did –A happy childhood memory –…•Place 地点–A place with a lot of noise –A restaurant–A hotel–Your children room–An ideal home–A place near water–…•People 人物–A person you helped–A friend you admire–A TV or radio presenter–A person who speaks another language –A childhood teacher–A childhood friend–…An example •Describe a place which gives you the deepest impressionStructure•时态:一般现在时,经常去的一个地方•What is the place ?•Where is it ?•How is it like?•Why does it give me the deepest impression ?–What do I experience in that place ?–Is there anything special in that place?Key words•Your answer : …•Someone’s answer:–South Africa, farm land–Big, wide, no electricity–Far from city, special life style –Expend my horizons•Some place new•Some experience new•Challenge myself•See the world in a different wayWhat? Where? How?•One place I go often now is South Africa. And I'm not talking about Johannesburg or Cape Town. I stay in a place that is a farm country.•Big big open land and big big open skies.The place that I stay is a traditional African hut. Inside is very comfortable, but no electricity. So the challenge there is try to learn how to live without the creature comforts you're used to, like acomputer, like a TV, cell phone.Why?•It's really good for me because, especially my lifestyle here in HK can be very spoiled sometimes. Everybody wants to give you the best things, you always have the best things. But, can you live as a basic human being, can you live without all that staff•I think these kind of things push me or challenge me to expand my horizons. Because the problem with being in the same place always in the same time is your world becomes smaller, but what I do is as soon as I finish working on amovie or when I have time to relax or travel, I'll go away in travel and try to go to somewhere new or some place different and try to experience something I'd never experience in my home.•That's the main reason why I do it, to push my mind and try to challenge myself to see the world in a different way。
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Big cities:
1. many talented and famous professors choose to live in big cities. That is why so many prestigious universities lie in mega-cities, like Beijing and Shanghai.
Task2 2选1话题
• Q2 pair-choice question:
• note-taking, brain-storming
• O.G.
• Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?
• 2. more chances of finding part-time jobs. Working experience is of great importance to all graduates while looking for a satisfying job.
• 3. life is convenient in metropolitan cities. There are a lot of life facilities: supermarkets, cinemas , gyms
• What’s more, you should use transitions in your answer.
• Topic中可以说: • I prefer to do sth. • Personally speaking, I would choose… • I think the first or second option is better. • I agree with the statement that.. • 也可以两方面都说,但要看具体题目。
• 1.quiet place for me to study and rest, without any disturbance from others. For example, sometimes if I want to hit the hay early in the evening, and the noises made by my roommate will damage my sleep.
• 2. secrets and privacy. Everyone has something only to himself or herself...
• 3. different students have different habits and those difference will probably lead to the conflicts and even hatred between roommates. Smoke, snoring…
• Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
• 但这两种题型模版和第一题是一样的。即T S C模版
• 在Q2的模版中要包含的东西: • First, you should clearly state your opinion.
• Then, you should offer detailed reasons.
Personal preference:
• 1. About life in school or university:
• 例1. Some college students like studying in big cities but other students would like to stay in a small city or even a small town to complete their university life. Which style do you prefer? Please include details and examples in your explanation.
• 2. get closer to nature. Human being cannot be separated from nature. Living in a small city can help me better understand the harmony between nature and humans.
• 例2:Some college students would like to live by himself or herself. Others would like to live with a roommate. Which lifestyle do you prefer?
Topic: I prefer to live by myself.
Small city
• 1. Serene environment, but if you live in a big city, the streets are always crowded and noisy. This will disturb the peace of a university campus. I can not concentrate on my research and studies.
• Q2分为两大题型: personal preference and agreement
• 1. Personal choice(个人爱好题):
• Which one do you think is better? Which one do you prefer?
• 2. Agreement(同意题):