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200X ~20X X 学年度(X )X 年级××期X 试题

学校: 姓名: 班级: 考号:






A 、shouldn ’t litter

B 、play chess

C 、an old woman

D 、heavy rain

E 、chocolate

1、 ( )

2、( )

3、( )

4、( )

5、( )


1、( )What did you do during the holidays ? ——I ———— my grandmother.

A 、visit

B 、visited

C 、visiting 2、( )I always ———— early.

A 、get up

B 、gets up

C 、got up

3、( )Which type do you like ?

——I like the ones with ————(莲蓉).

A 、red bean

B 、lotus seeds

C 、nuts 4、( )I like a ———— day.

A 、windy

B 、suny

C 、sunny 5、( )There will ————a light wind .

A 、is

B 、am

C 、be 6、( )Tomorrow is ———— (周六).

A 、Sunday

B 、Saturday

C 、Monday 7、( )I can help them ———— the road.

A 、in

B 、at

C 、on 8、( )There ———— enough water on the earth. A 、isn't B 、is C 、aren't 9、( )This bird is bigger ————the first one.

A 、than

B 、then

C 、with

10、( )He is the ———— (最高的)boy in our class. A 、taller B 、tall C 、tallest


( )1、What can I do ? A 、We can email our friends. ( )2、Can I help you? B 、I want to buy some fruit. ( )3、What's the weather today? C 、I have a cold. ( )4、What can we do on the computer? D 、It's rainy. ( )5、What's wrong with you ?

E 、I can sing to them.


1、waste water ————

2、on show ————

3、a drop of ————

4、make tea ————

5、have a picnic ————

6、strong wind ————

7、taste good ————

8、search for ————

9、take a walk ———— 10、the new school year ————


200X ~20X X 学年度(X )X 年级××期X 试题

学校 姓名: 班级: 考号:

1、判断正误,正确的写(T ),错误的写(F )。

I have a friend. His name is Tom. Tom is as old as me. He is taller than I. I am fatter (更胖的)

than he. He likes reading, so he has the most books in our class. He is the cleverest in our class.We all like him.

( )1、Tom is younger(更小) than I. ( )2、Tom is fatter than I. ( )3、I am taller than Tom.

( )4、Tom is the cleverest in our class. ( )5、Tom has the most book.


The Lion and the Mouse

Once (曾经)a great lion was sleeping. A little mouse came and ran over (跳过) his face. The lion awoke(醒来) and caught (抓住) the little mouse in anger(生气), and was going to kill(吃掉) her. “ Oh, dear kind(善良) Lion!” Said the little mouse. “ Please f orgive(放过) me. Let me go. I shall return(回报) your kindness.”“ Ha, ha, ha,” laughed the lion. “ How can a little thing like you help a great lion?” “ Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day,” said the little mouse.

Some day, the lion was caught in a trap. Just then the little mouse came along. At once she ran up to the lion, and said, “ You were very kind to me once. Now I'll save(救) your life, and repay(回报) you the kindness.” Soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp(锋利的) teeth, and the lion was happy to be free(自由) again. “ Thank you, little Mouse!” said the lion, and he walked away. ( )1.this lion was a ____ lion.

A 、bad

B 、kind

C 、small

( )2.this mouse ___ this lion's life.

A 、didn't save

B 、saved

C 、killed

( )3.the mouse gnawed the ropes of the trap with ____. A 、her sharp teeth

B 、her big mouth

C 、her strong legs

( )4.the lion was happy because ____. A 、he ate a mouse B 、he was free again C 、the mouse was so kind

( )5.what is the Chinese meaning of "trap"?

A 、绳索

B 、猎枪

C 、圈套 七、按要求作画。(10分)

1、I am shorter than you.

2、I can clean their houses.
