
北京华控自动化系统有限责任公司目录ES100简介 (1)ES100简介 (1)ES100主要性能指标 (1)安装方式 (2)ES100俯视图及端口定义和接线说明 (3)俯视图 (3)端子定义 (3)接线说明 (4)流量传感器、变送器 (4)压力变送器 (5)温度传感器、变送器 (5)画面显示 (6)用户操作 (7)附录1:常用公式 (13)附录2:上位机组态模板 (14)CAN通信方式组态模板 (14)485/以太网通信方式组态模板 (16)ES100简介ES100简介ES100能源计量控制器采用16位高精度A/D转换器,先进的微处理器及浮点数运算方式,有效的保证了整机的信号测量精度和流量计量精度。
ES100主要性能指标1、流量输入信号:传感器:差压、涡街、电磁、涡轮信号类型:0~10mA、4~20mA、脉冲(1~5,000Hz)2、压力输入信号(补偿信号):传感器:压力变送器信号类型:0~10mA、4~20mA3、温度输入信号(补偿信号):传感器:温度变送器、铂电阻(三线制)信号类型:0~10mA、4~20mA、Pt100等4、流量再发送模拟量输出信号信号类型: 4~20mA(最大负载:≤500Ω)数据更新周期:≤0.5s5、基本误差:频率信号输入:读数的0.1%温度信号输入:±0.5℃(-200~560℃)电压电流输入:满量程的±0.1%补偿后流量显示:满量程的±0.2%6、通信功能(需根据用户订货要求配备):具有CAN、RS485、以太网通信接口。

AT A100技术谈A TA100的原理现在市面上的硬盘主要为IDE接口的产品,IDE接口是由康柏、西部数据等厂商共同开发的硬盘控制接口,在1989年由ANSI(美国标准协会)认可为A TA 标准。
随着计算器整体性能的提高,A TA逐步发展到A TA33、ATA66等标准。
同A TA66硬盘接口技术比较,ATA100可以让控制器与硬盘之间以100MB/s 的传输率进行数据交换,它不仅能提高硬盘数据传输率,同时还能够减轻硬盘数据缓存的负担。
与A TA66硬盘接口技术类似的是,ATA100仍使用与ATA66相同的40针IDE接口,不过由于其突发数据传输率高,有可能使硬盘在数据传输中出现电磁串扰的现象,因而它另外提供了40根地线以供屏障保护。
因此新的A TA100接口硬盘传输线由80根导线组成,但使用传统的40针连接线,以向下兼容老式A TA33、A TA66接口的设备。
此外,为了保护数据的完整性,A TA100同时也采用CRC(循环冗余校检)技术来检查数据传输的错误。
A TA100的可行性IDE接口发展到A TA100这一标准对于硬盘整体速度的提升仍然不是十分明显,其原因是现在IDE硬盘的数据传输系统的瓶颈存在于硬盘本身。
A TA100虽然大大提高了硬盘的外部传输率,但硬盘内部传输率这个重要的瓶颈问题没有得到解决,虽然其外部传输率达到了理论上的100MB/s,但现在主流IDE硬盘的内部传输率多为33MB/s以下,就连最新的IBM腾龙Ⅱ代和希捷酷鱼Ⅱ内部传输率在理论上也只有44MB/s左右,这就需要对硬盘本身的物理内部传输率速度进一步改进,才能更有效地提升硬盘的整体速度。
M-100 用户手册说明书

M-100 USER’S MANUALRESEARCH, INNOVATE, CREATE“Whenever I speak about my company I speak with the passion we have. Located in the Paris region of France, I have ensured that Micromega has the best ele-ments of my industrial group at their availability. In an age where music is dematerializing, we are committed to staying at the forefront of technology and growing under our ‘made in France’ banner.The M-one programme, with its incredible audio quality, technical capacity and sleek design represents a major advance in the history of our company. The result of three years of research by our team, we are proud to introduce to you what we believe is the most effective and complete integrated stereo amplifier of its kind.Micromega is synonymous with technological advances, expertise, reliability and sound clarity. All of our products reflect these demands.”Didier HAMDI, CEO MicromegaThe advantages of the M-One amplifier series :• High quality, A/B class amplification• Resonant power supply• Symmetrical design• Asahi Kasei AK4490 DAC converter• Acoustic correction in situ using Room EQ1 and EQ2 (included or as an op-tion)• Binaural processing of the headphone output (included or as an option)• Cover and remote control machined from aluminium block• Android and iOS compatible control app (October 2016)1 - OVERVIEW (4)1.1 Front and top (4)1.2 Back (5)1.3 Sides (ventilation) (6)1.4 Bottom (7)1.5 Infrared remote control (8)2 - CONNECTIONS (9)2.1 Phono input for a vinly turntable (9)2.2 RCA line input (10)2.3 Balanced XLR analogue input (11)2.4 Coaxial digital input (12)2.5 Optical digital input (13)2.6 AES-EBU input (14)2.7 USB input (Type B) (15)2.8 Bluetooth aptX connection (16)2.9 I²S input ..................................................................................................182.10 LAN connection .. (19)2.11 Speaker connections (20)2.12 Connecting headphones (21)2.13 Subwoofer output (22)2.14 Pre-out (23)2.15 Trigger sockets (24)2.16 Mains power supply (25)2.17 Fuse (26)3 - USER GUIDE (27)3.1 Starting up (27)3.2 Choosing your source (28)3.3 Ajusting the balance (29)3.4 A justing sensitivity (30)3.5 Renaming the sources (31)3.6 Updating the M-100 (32)3.7 Updating the network module .................................................... (33)4 - SPECIFICATIONS (34)1.1 Front and topThe M-100 amplifier has two displays so that it can be controlled from any position. The displays will automatically adjust to whichever position the amplifier is in (e.g. flat, attached to wall).There is a headphone socket on the front so that you can listen to your music in complete peace. A “Binaural” process (as an option) allows you to re-create the 3D sound scene through the headphones which is lost in classic stereophonic recordings.On the top of the device are 4 buttons which you can use to adjust the reactions of your amplifier (see section 3.1 for more information).Carefully check that the packaging is intact. If you feel it may have been tampered with or damaged please contact your vendor.Carefully remove your device from the packaging. Store the packaging in a secure, dry place: if you need to return your device to the vendor you will require the original packaging.1. Overview1.2 BACKLine level inputa n a l o gi n p u t s d i g i t a li n pu t s a n a l o gi n p u t s tri g g e rTurntableinput ROOM EQ mic plugBalanced inputCoaxial input AES - EBU inputOptical inputUSB inputI²S inputsLAN input USB update inputLeft binding postPre-outSub-outRight binding postFuseMains power supply Trigger1.3 Sides (ventilation)The M-100 amplifier should be positioned so that it can receive sufficient ventilation. Do not obstruct the air vents on the side of your amplifier. You should leave at least 10cm of space around the air vents.We advise against placing the M-100 inside a closed furniture or space1.4 BottomYou will find a connection guide under your M-100 amplifier which illustrates all of the input and ouput terminals available. Do not try to open the M-100It contains potentiallylife-threatening high voltageTake note that the M-100 has spiked feets. It can harm your furniture. Use the included rubber pads to avoid damage.1.5Infrared remote controlON / OFF MuteChange display sizeAjust volumeInput selector« Bluetooth Connect »- Press and release : pairing will start- Press and hold (for 10 seconds then release) : clear Bluetooth memory2.1 Phono input for a vinyl turntableThe « PHONO » input on the M-100 amplifier is compatible with MM and MC cartridges.You can select the correct cartridge for your turntable using the switch located on the back of the amplifier.• If your turntable has an MM cartridge, you should place the switch in the MM position •If your turntable has an MC cartridge, you should place the switch in the MC positionThere is a ‘GND’ grounding terminal near the Phono plugs so that you can connect the grounding terminal of your record player if necessary.Phono input2. CONNECTIONSMM MC2.2 RCA line inputThe M-100’s « LINE » input can be used to connect any device with RCA analogue output.RCA lineinput2.3 Balanced XLR analogue inputThe M-100’s « BALANCED» input can be used to connect any device with symmetrical analogue output.Balanced XLRanalogue input2.4 Coaxial digital inputThe M-100’s « COAX » input can be used to connect any device with an SPDIF coaxial output.The signal should be a PCM stereo signal up to 32bit/768kHz.Coaxial Digital inputYOUR BLU-RAY OR DVD PLAYER MUST BE CONFIGURED IN PCM ON THE AUDIO OUTPUTOTHERWISE IT COULD PRODUCE AN INTENSE NOISE IN YOUR SPEAKERS AND DAMAGE THEM2.5 Optical digital inputThe M-100’s « OPTO » input can be used to connect any device with a TOSlink digital connection.The signal should be a PCM stereo signal up to 24bit/192kHzOptical digital inputYOUR BLU-RAY OR DVD PLAYER MUST BE CONFIGURED IN PCM ON THE AUDIO OUTPUTOTHERWISE IT COULD PRODUCE AN INTENSE NOISE IN YOUR SPEAKERS AND DAMAGE THEM2.6 AES-EBU InputThe M-100’s « AES » input can be used to connect any device with an AES-EBU connection on XLR. The signal should be a PCM stereo signal up to 32bit/768kHz.AES - EBU input2.7 USB Input (Type B)The M-100’s « USB » input can be used to connect any computer with a USB port.The signal should be a PCM stereo signal up to 32bit/768kHz or DSD/DSD-DoP up to 11.2MHz.A USB driver will be required for any computer using Windows. You can download the driver from the M-One page on the Microme-ga website.For computers using OS X or macOS you will not need an additional driver.USB input2.8 Bluetooth® aptX® connectionThe M-100’s « BT » connection can be used to wirelessly connect smartphones, tablets, computers or MP3 players with Bluetooth®. The Bluetooth® link is compatible with aptX® for the best sound quality. To make this manual easier to read, the term « Smartphone » will be used in this section to mean smartphones, tablets, computers and MP3 players. To connect via Bluetooth® for the first time:• Ensure that the Bluetooth® function on your smartphone is turned on.• Use the remote control to click on the ‘BT’ button.• You should see the « M-ONE » appear on the list of Bluetooth® connections available on your smartphone. To establish a connection select the « M-ONE ».• Launch music on your smartphone.To connect via Bluetooth® with a different smartphone, tablet etc.• Ensure that the Bluetooth® function on your smartphone is turned on.• Use the remote control to click on the ‘BT’ button.• Then press release the « BTC » button on the remote control.• You should see the « M-ONE » appear on the list of Bluetooth® connections available on your smartphone. To establish a connection select the « M-ONE ».• Launch play on your smartphone.The following time you select the BT input :• If the Bluetooth® on your smartphone is turned on, the connection will work automatically once you select the ‘BT’ button on the amplifier using the remote.NB : Bluetooth® is a « point to point » connection. This means that if a tablet is already connected to the amplifier, you will not be able to connect your smartphone at the same time. You will need to disconnect your tablet from the amplifier before connecting your smartphone.2.9 I²S InputThe M-100’s « I²S » inputs are ONLY TO BE USED with future Micromega products.Only for use with MICROMEGA productsI²S input2.10 LAN ConnectionThe M-100 can receive music via its network socket (LAN). In order to do this you must connect an Ethernet cable between your modem/router (Internet box) and the M-ONE.You should use DLNA/UPnP compatible software (e.g. JRiver) on your computer to send music to the M-One.LAN input2.11 Speaker connectionsThe amplifier’s terminal block is compatible with naked cables, banana plugs and fork plugs.Naked cables : reveal approx. 10mm of naked cable. Unscrew the terminal block until there is a gap and insert the cable. Screw the block back into placeBanana plugs : once you have attached the banana plugs to the cable, insert the plug into the centre of the terminal.Fork plugs : once you have attached the fork plugs to the cable, unscrew the terminal block until there is space to insert each fork plug. Screw the block back into placeRight speakerLeft speaker2.12 Connecting headphones at the front of the amplifierYou can connect headphones at the front of the amplifier using a 3.5mm mini-jack. If your headphones have a 6.35mm jack then you will need to use an adapter.Once headphones are connected to the front the speakers are rendered inactive. The headphone and speaker volume controls are separate and memorised independently.This headphone terminal is compatible with the « binaural » process which is available as an option. Micromega has researched HTRF (Head Related Transfer Function) in order to reproduce the original sound scene (in front of you).2.13 Subwoofer outputSortie sub-outYou can connect a Subwoofer to the RCA Sub-Out input. This input has a low pass filter with a limiting frequency of 400 Hz.You should control the cutoff frequency and the volume using the control panel on your subwoofer.2.14 Pre-out line outIf you are using an external power amplifier, please use XLR cables to connect it to the Pre-out terminals. The volume of the Pre-Out terminals is variable and follows the volume indicated on your M-100 amplifier.Pre-out2.15 Trigger socketsTrigger sockets enable the use of the amplifier as part of a home automation system.Trigger IN : Can be used with control voltages from 5 to 12V. The amplifier turns on when this voltage is running through it and off when it isn’t.Trigger OUT : When the amplifier is turned on there are 5V running through the Trigger OUT terminal.TriggerINTriggerOUTUse 3.5 mm mono mini-jack sockets2.16 Mains power supplyMain power supplyWe recommend you connect all of your music sources and speakers before connecting the power e the power cable supplied with your amplifier.Check that the mains supply on the label (packaging or underneath the device)matches the mains supply in situ.2.17 FuseIf you are having electrical problems you may need to change the fuse. Please replace it with an identical fuse to the one originally supplied.Use a flat screwdriver to unscrew the fuse holder.If after changing the fuse, it blows again, please contact your vendor.Fuse3. User Guide3.1 Starting upOnce you have attached all of your music sources, spea-kers and the power supply you can turn it on:• Press and release the red ‘STBY’ button on theremote whilst aiming it at the amplifier.• Press the button on the top left of the amplifier.• Red light will turn off on the productAfter a few seconds you should see the ‘Micromega’logo appear on the displays.To turn off your amplifier, use the same process.ON / Standby3.2 Choosing your sourceUSBAES<OKThe main display (fig. 1) shows which input is active (USB), the volume (20) and any specifications of the input signal (only for digital signals).To change the input source, press on the button at the bottom left.A list of sources will now appear in place of the volume (fig. 2).By using the up and down arrows you can select the desired source and confirm using the « OK » button.If you change your mind and don’t want to change the source, press the top left button ( « < » ) to return to the main display.Fig. 1Fig. 2Point the infrared remote control at the device and use it to select your music source.You can use the buttons at the top of the amplifier to do this if you prefer.USB20192 kHz3.3 Adjusting the balanceUSBBAL<OKFig. 1Fig. 2Adjusting the balance enables you to compensate for any dissymmetry in the two speakers related to your listening position. The volume can be adjusted to be louder on one side than the other (6dB on each side).Adjusting the balance effects all sources.From the main display (fig. 1), press on the button at the bottom left.Scroll through the list until ‘BAL ’ (fig. 2) appears and confirm with ‘OK’A balance screen appears where you can make adjustments. You can confirm any adjustments by selecting ‘OK’ or cancel them using ‘<’.symbolise there is an active balance setting (here to the right)3.4 Adjusting sensitivityFig. 1Fig. 2Adjusting sensitivity enables you to compensate for a signal level difference between your sources (+ or - 6 dB).This adjustment is particular to each input. You should be connected to the source you wish to adjust before starting (in this example we are adjusting the LINE terminal).From the main display (fig. 1), press on the button at the bottom left.Scroll through the list until ‘SENS’ (fig. 2) appears and confirm with ‘OK’A sensitivity screen appears where you can make adjust-ments. You can confirm any adjustments by selecting ‘OK’ or cancel them using ‘<’.SENS<OKsymbolise there is an active sensitivity setting (here, sensitivity is lowered)LINE3.5 Renaming the sources20Fig. 1Fig. 2For certain terminals (AES, OPTO, COAX, LINE, XLR) you can select from a predefined list of names.From the main display (fig. 1), press on the button at the bottom left.Scroll through the list until ‘NAME’ (fig. 2) appears and confirm with ‘OK’Scroll through the list of predefined names and choose the name which you feel suits your source best.You can confirm any adjustments by selecting ‘OK’ or cancel them using ‘<’.NAME<OKLINELINENB: Renaming of all inputs can be done through the Micromega app3.6 Updating the M-100Fig. 1Fig. 2Download the .zip folder which contains updates files on the M-One page of our website: Instructions for updates :- Extract the downloaded .zip on your computer- Copy « M-ONE-Vxx.img » onto a USB key (formatted in FAT)- Turn off your M-100 and disconnect it from the mains. - Insert the USB key 1 into port 1 at the back of the M-100- Reconnect the mains, the update will start (fig.1)- A few moments later, an ‘update completed’ message will appear (fig.2)-Disconnect the mains, take out the USB key and reconnect the mains.Micromega M-one software update USB drive found update file found Update completed.Switch off M-one and remove USB drive.NB : If a update is available, you should update to get the most out of your device.3.7 Updating the network module Download the .zip folder which contains updates files on theM-One page of our website: Instructions for updates :- Extract the downloaded .zip on your computer- On your M-One : go to INFO menu (fig. 1) and take note ofthe IP adress written on the second page (fig. 2)If the IP adress is shown as « », download the mobile application (available on Google Play & App Store). This app will list all the connected devices on your network. You must look the IP adress for « Audio Renderer» or «Micromega M-One». - On your computer : write your IP adress in your browser navigation bar- Follow the instructions to update the network module. Select the « NMR-Vxx.bin » file and validate- The network module may take several minutes before rebootingFig. 1Fig. 2<OKINFO MCU FW 0023Serial number<OKINFO nmrs-eng-efs-v1.11.1.8IP 001 .000 .000 .2034. SpecificationsAmplifier sizeWidth : 430 mm Depth : 350 mmHeight (with spikes) : 56 mmAmplifier weight Net weight : 9 kgGross weight : 10,7 kgPackaging (overbox)Width : 735 mm Depth : 600 mm Height : 150 mmPackaging (box)Width : 685 mm Depth : 542 mm Height : 85 mmPower Consumption Standby : 1W 2 channels -1/8 Pmax under 8 Ohms : 140WRated output power P RMS under 8 Ohms : 2*100W P RMS under 4 Ohms : 2*200WSignal to noise ratio Digital input : 106 dB(A)Balanced analog input : 103 dB(A)Unbalanced analog input : 100 dB(A)Phono MM input : Higher than 75 dB(A)Speaker output residual noise, open inputµV160 : under8OhmsµV200 4: under OhmsOutput impedance @250Hz under 8 Ohms 15mΩ500à Damping factor Sup.Total harmony distorsionTHD, 8 Ohms, 63 Hz : under 0,001% THD, 8 Ohms, 1 kHz : under 0,005% THD, 8 Ohms, 10 kHz : under 0,05% THD, 4 Ohms, 63 Hz : under 0,001% THD, 4 Ohms, 1 kHz : under 0,01% THD, 4 Ohms, 10 kHz : under 0,07%Intermodulation distorsion - SMPTEIMD, from 1W to P NOM, 8 Ohms under 0,01% IMD, from 1W to P NOM, 4 Ohms under 0,02%Intermodulation distorsion - DynamicDIM 30, 50W, 8 Ohms under 0,02% DIM 30, 100W, 4 Ohms under 0,05%Channels separation96dBH z under Crosstalk,1k80dBH z under10kCrosstalk,Analog input sensitivityPhono MM, 47 kOhms 12 mVRMS Phono MC, 110 Ohms 1,2 mVRMSVRMS 1,4 Analogue:VRMS 1,7 :BalancedSub-out outputH z400:frequencyCut-offAUDIS MICROMEGA13-15 rue du 8 Mai 194594470 Boissy-Saint-LégerFRANCE parisFRANCE01.*********************/micromegahifi。

Quick Install Guide EL-SC-100QUICK INSTALL GUIDEThe EL-SC-100 Controller may be used as a standalone system controlleror as an Extender to any gSC OR SC controller or running g!6.6 or greater. Please check the ELAN Training Guide for EL-SC-100 control capabilities. The ELAN Training Guide contains valuable hardware and software reference documentation and is considered an important supplement to this document. Make sure you have the latest version by visiting the ELAN Dealer website at and follow the Dealer Resources link.Included in the box:• EL-SC-100 Controller• 12vDC Power SupplyImportant Safety Instructions:1. Read, understand and follow ALL safety and installation instructionsincluded in this manual. Failure to follow the included documentation may damage the product and will void manufacturer’s warranty.2. Follow ALL installation guidelines included with the product. Installationof the product in high humidity environments, in close proximity to heat sources and /or non-recommended locations will impede, interfere and/or damage the intended operation of the product3. Only use attachments and accessories which have been specified for useby the manufacturer.4. The use of abrasive, liquid or solvent based cleaning fluids will damagethe product. Please refer and follow all Product Care instructions included with the product.5. Product Servicing may only be completed by authorized or certifiedservice centers and personnel. For a complete list of product servicing options, please follow instructions included in the product documentation and /or contact original manufacturer for details.2EL-SC-100FCC and IC Information:This Class B digital apparatus complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-247.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-247. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférencesqui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.Warning:Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC and IC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environment and meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102.1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction withany other antenna or transmitter.2. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits setforth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should beinstalled and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters from user and bystanders.3QUICK INSTALL GUIDE4Warning:The device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102, and users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance from the Canadian Representative Product Solutions Group at Tel: (519) 763-4538.FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERFERENCE STATEMENT:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.EL-SC-100 La puissance de sortie émise par l’appareil de sans fil est inférieure à la limite‘exposition aux fréquences radio d’Industry Canada (IC). Utilisez l’appareil de sans fil de façon à minimiser les contacts humains lors du fonctionnement normal.Ce périphérique a également été évalué et démontré conforme aux limitesd’exposition aux RF d’IC dans des conditions d’exposition à des appareils mobiles (antennes sont supérieures à 20 cm à partir du corps d’une personne). FCC and IC RegistrationsFCC ID: EF400186IC: 1078A-00186Z-Wave Operating FrequencyAustralia/New Zealand: 921.42/921.40/919.80MHzUS/Canada: 908.42/908.40/916MHzEuropean: 868.42/868.40/869.85MHzZ-Wave Developer’s Kit: 7.13.1This product can be operated in any Z-Wave™ network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers. All mains operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.In an ELAN SC Series System Controller, the host application controls the device reset feature.If this controller is the primary controller for your network, resetting it will result in the nodes in your network being orphaned and it will be necessary after the reset to exclude and re-include all of the nodes in the network. If this controller is being used as a secondary controller in the network, use this procedure to reset this controller only in the event that the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.5QUICK INSTALL GUIDE6EL-SC-100 OverviewDimensions: 6.95 in. x 4.94 in. x 1.30 in.PowerButton Status Indicator ResetEL-SC-10073 in.MountingThe EL-SC-100 is designed to mount on a shelf, hang in a cabinet or rack, or mount in a structured wiring enclosure with optional mounting bracket.Wall Mounting: The EL-SC-100 chassis has been designed to allowconvenient wall mounting in any orientation. Arrows on the rear panel may be used to mark the location for the screws. Mark the screw locations, mount the screws leaving approx. 3/16” (5mm) of screw exposed and slide the chassis over the screws.NOTE: Mounting height < 2 meters. Weight < 1 kg.Shelf Mounting: The EL-SC-100 has rubber feet to protect finished surfaces. Set the controller in a location that will allow you to properly manage connected wiring so that there is no tension on the connections.8EL-SC-1009Serial ConnectionConnect an RS-232 serial controlled device using an RJ45 connector (not included) to the RS232 port on the rear of the controller.The EL-SC-100 serial connector is not compatible with RS-485 serial devices. If your project requires RS-485 connections you will need to use a gSC10 controller.Below is the wiring pin-out for the RJ45 connector.12 (CD)3 (DTR)4 (SG)5 (RD)6 TD)7 (CTS)8 (RTS)12345678QUICK INSTALL GUIDESense Input ConnectionELAN sensors can be used to trigger events from 3rd party devices.The status is binary, either ON or OFF. This can be used to trigger an event map or as a condition of an event map. CONNECT ONLY an ELAN sensor to this port.Available ELAN sensors:Audio Sensor ...........................................P/N: AUDSENSORVideo Sensor............................................P/N: VIDSENSORContact Closure Sensor ...........................P/N: CTSENSORCurrent / Magnetic Field Sensor ...............P/N: CRSENSORLight / LED Sensor ...................................P/N: LTSENSORVoltage Sensor .........................................P/N: VTSENSORIR Output ConnectionThree discrete IR outputs are supplied to control third party devices.Each output is compatible with Xantech single and dual emitters10EL-SC-10011HDMI ConnectionThe EL-SC-100 includes an HDMI connector for an on screen display (OSD) interface. Connect the OSD output to an available HDMI input on a display or AVR.USB ConnectionThe USB connection is primarily designed for connecting the optional USB Z-Wave antenna. See the integration note for configuring Z-Wave devices through the EL-SC-100.LAN / PoE ConnectionThe EL-SC-100 has a Gigabit PoE compatible Ethernet port. Connect an Ethernet cable to an available port on the network.Note: The EL-SC-100 can be connected via Wi-Fi, however a wired connection is preferred.The EL-SC-100 can be powered over Ethernet (PoE). The minimum PoE requirement is IEEE 802.3at. 42.5 - 57 VDC, 600 mA maximum.RESET ButtonLocated on the right side of the controller, is the recessed pinhole button that can be used in three ways:1. 2 second press and release resets the controller to DHCP2. 20 second press and release removes all configuration information. Software version will be maintained.3. While applying power, a 10 second press and release will perform a full factory reset. Software will revert to factory default version. DO NOT remove power during a factory reset as it will permanently damage the unit. Allow the unit to reboot and become discoverable (about 4 minutes). Note: the LED will remain red during the reset process.WARNING! THESE ACTIONS CANNOT BE UNDONE!QUICK INSTALL GUIDEPowerOnce all other connections have been completed, connect an Ethernet cable connected to a PoE switch or the 12 VDC, 1A power supply to the DC input. Power ButtonWhen the controller is off, a short press powers unit onWhen the controller is on, a short press (less than three seconds)restarts controller.When the controller is on, a long press (3 seconds or longer)powers down the controllerLED Status IndicatorThe LED communicates the status of the controller:Blue = Connected OK / PowerBlue flashing = Boot upAmber = No network foundRed = Boot failureRed flashing = Self-check failure12EL-SC-100Network ConnectionThe EL-SC-100 is factory set to use DHCP. Connect to a wired network and use the ELAN Configurator to connect to the controller. Once connected, use configurator to set a static IP address or connect via Wi-Fi. Software UpdatePrior to configuring the controller, upgrade the software to the latest available version found on the ELAN Dealer Resources portal. Download and open the executable file and follow the on screen instructions.13QUICK INSTALL GUIDE Notes14EL-SC-100Limited WarrantyNortek Security & Control ( ‘NSC’ ) warrants the EL-SC-100 to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the period of two years (2 years) from the date of purchase. If within the applicable warranty period above purchaser discovers that such item was not as warranted above and promptly notifies ‘NSC’ in writing, ‘NSC’ shall repair or replace the item at the company’s option. This warranty shall not apply (a) to equipment not manufactured by ‘NSC’,(b) to equipment which shall have been installed by other than an ‘NSC’ authorized installer,(c) to installed equipment which is not installed to ‘NSC’s’ specifications, (d) to equipment which shall have been repaired or altered by others than ‘NSC’, (e) to equipment which shall have been subjected to negligence, accident, or damage by circumstances beyond ‘NSC’s’ control, including, but not limited to, lightning, flood, electrical surge, tornado, earthquake, or other catastrophic events beyond ‘NSC’s’ control, or to improper operation, maintenance or storage, or to other than normal use of service. With respect to equipment sold by, but not manufactured by ‘NSC’, the warranty obligations of ‘NSC’ shall in all respects conform to the warranty actually extended to ‘NSC’ by its supplier. The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, removal, installation or other expenses which may be incurred in connection with repair or replacement. Except as may be expressly provided and authorized in writing by ‘NSC’, ‘NSC’ shall not be subject to any other obligations or liabilities whatsoever with respect to equipment manufactured by ‘NSC’ or services rendered by ‘NSC’. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EX PRESSED AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES EXCEPT WARRANTIES OF TITLE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.ATTENTION: TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERSTo ensure that customers obtain quality pre-sale and after-sale support and service, Nortek Security & Control products are sold exclusively through authorized dealers. Nortek Security & Control products are not sold online.The warranties on Nortek Security & Control products are NOT VALID if the products have been purchased from an unauthorized dealer or an online E-tailer. To determine if your Nortek Security & Control reseller is authorized, please call Nortek Security & Control at (707) 283-5900.15Main: 800-472-5555 | International: 707-283-5900 Mon-Fri 6am - 4pm ESTTech Support is closed every Tuesday between 1:20pm and 2:30pm PST for team development. 5919 Sea Otter Place, Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA, 92010For more information on Elan Control Systems, visit:©2021 Nortek Security & Control LLC. All rights reserved.Elan is a registered trademark of Nortek Security & Control LLC.P/N: 10024269 Rev-D。
KPX 100可编程密码键盘指南说明书

∙∙∙∙D.A.P. Reset seePage 5∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙????#*This must be done after DAP resetRecord the new code0 0 0 0*Set system into programming mode with factory set master code.8 9 0 0 8 9 0 1 # #Set system to single user mode, clear all previous data & refreshes system Set system to multi user mode, clear all previous data & refreshes system4 0 4 1 4 2 1 to 999# # # Output 1 in momentary mode from 1 to 999 seconds Output 1 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) Output 1 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) with accelerated code5 0 5 1 5 21 to 999 # # #Output 2 in momentary mode from 1 to 999 seconds Output 2 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) Output 2 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) with accelerated code0 2# # #4 digits, fixed 4 digits, fixed 4 digits, fixedPersonal Master Code & Super User CodeUser Code 1 for output 1 with Duress Code function User code 2 for output 21 Personal Master Code & Super User Code # 100 User codes in Group 1 for output 1 with Duress Code function0 1 2 00 to 99 0 to 94 to 8 digits4 to 8 digits 4 to 8 digits10 User Codes in Group 2 for output 2##i)ii)7 0 7 1 7 27 6 5 to 1000 # # ##After 10 successive false codes, keypad will lock for 30 secondsAfter 10 successive false codes, the Duress output switches to groundSelectable from 5 to 10 successive false codes, the keypad locks for 15 minutes. The keypad can be reset to release lock with the Master Code at any time during the locking period. Removal of all above security settings8 0 8 0 # #1 0Door Forced Open Alarm is Activated Door Forced Open Alarm is Disabled8 11 #1 second notification beep is given to notify the person outside to open the door when output relay is activated with a user code or egressbutton. Good for the locking device that gives no sound when it activates, such as magnetic lock. 8 1 0 #Notification beep disabled and replaced by 2 short successful code entry beeps for valid user codes.8 2 1 #Auto Entry Mode is selected. Key that followsthe user code is not required in code entry. The usercodes must be set in the same digit length as theMaster Code in Auto Entry mode and the code can be 4-8 digits82#Manual Entry Mode is selected. Key that followsthe user code is required in code entry. The user codescan be 4-8 digits and are not required to be the samelength as the Master Code.##8 3 8 3 1 0# #Tones are active on key pressTones are off. Use for silent environment requirements9 9# #No Propped Open AlarmTime from 1 to 999 seconds until door propped open activates alarm0 1 to 999*Keypad exits programming mode and returns to normal operationMASTER CODE*8 9 0 0#MASTER CODE*891#*MASTER CODE*LOCATION 1#OPTIONLOCATION n#OPTION n*0 0 0 0 * ----------- 8 9 0 0 # -----------0 3 2 8 9 1 8 3 2 1 # # --- --- 2 6 8 5 4 # ---4 0 1#Output 1 has been set to momentary mode with 1 second duration5 1 # ------------------- O utput 2 has been set to Start / Stop (toggle) mode7 21 0# ---------* ----------------------------*#8321685 4------------------ Output 1 activates for 1 secondOutput 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)#83 2 1 --------- Output 1 activates for 1 second 8 3 2 1--------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)# # 1 2 0 3 2 1--------- Duress output activates (output switches to (-) ground) & Output 1activates for 1 second8 3 #8 3 2 1--------- --------- Output 1 starts Output 1 stops3 2 8 9---------Lockout is reset and keypad resumes normal operation#0 0 0 0 --------- System is set to programming mode using factory set Master User Code * 8 9 0 1 --------- System is set to Multi-User Mode *8 (see note (a) below#0 3 2 8 -------- 3289 has been stored as the new Personal Master Code & Super User Code# 9 1 8 3 2 -------- 8321 has been stored as 1st user code in Group 1 with duresscode function# 1 0 11 3 32 --------33221 has been stored as 3rd user code in Group 1 withduress code function# 2 0 3 1 2 6 8 -------- 6854 has been stored as 1st user code in Group 2# 5 1 4 2 5 4 3 -------- 54321 has been stored as 2nduser code in Group 2#2 2 1 4 ---------------------------- Output 1 is set to Momentary Mode with 1 second duration#0 1 5 --------------------------------- Output 2 is set to Toggle Mode#1 7 ------------------------- Keypad is set to lock for 15 minutes after 10 successive falsecodes# 21 0* -----------------------------------##8 3 2 1 # ----------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second1 12 1 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second3 3 3 2 2 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second1#6 8 5 4 # ----------------------------------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)5 4 3 2 Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)1#-------------------- 1 1 1 2 --------11223 has been stored as 2nd user code in Group 1 withduress code function# 2 0 2 3#------------------------------- 0 3 2 1 # --- Duress output activates (switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second3 1 2 2 # ---D uress output activates 9 switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second 3 5 3 2 2 # ---D uress output activates 9 switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second 18 3 #8 3 2 1 -------------------- ------------- Output 1 starts Output 1 StartsOutput 1 Stops1 1Output 1 Starts1 12 2---------Output 1 Stops3###3 2 8 9 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second 1 3 2 8 9# ------------------------------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)23 2 8 9 --------- Lockout is reset and keypad resumes normal operation#* *3 2 8 9 --------- Keypad is now in Programming Mode#1 0 5 #2 3 #*∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙(B) DOOR SENSa) Door Auto Relock – the system willimmediately re-lock the door after a validaccess has been gained to prevent “tailgate”entry.b) Door Forced-open alarm – The keypad willgenerate an instant alarm if the door isforced to open. Enable the function withProgram Option 801c) Door Propped Open Alarm – The keypadwill generate an alarm if the door is leftopen longer than the pre-set time. Enablethe function with Program Option 9 withduration of 1 to 999 seconds.With the help of a normally closed door d) Inter-lock Control – When the door is open Position sensor (usually a magnetic door the inter-lock output of the keypad will give switch) o n the door to set up the following a (-) command to de-activate the other functions. keypad in an inter-lock system.∙∙∙∙。

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KIT-Z100 快速入门指南说明书

Scan for full manualKIT-Z100 Quick Start GuideThis guide helps you install and use your KIT-Z100 for the first time.Go to /downloads/KIT-Z100 to download the latest user manual and check if firmware upgrades are available.Step 1: Check what’s in the packageECU-Z1001 19V DC power adapter and cord 1 Quick start guide KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB (with restricted BW, up to 5.35GHz) 1 5.2V power adapter and cord Tabletop mount On-wall mount unit 1 C-USB/Micro B cableInstallation screwsPanel Mount plate1 right-angle OTG USB cableStep 2: Get to know your KIT-Z100ECU-Z100KT-107Z/KT-107ZRBBoth Table-top mount and wall mount include the following connectors: • A power connector, when notusing the PoE Ethernet port. • PoE RJ-45 Ethernet Port toconnect to an Ethernet cable. • A USB connector:▪ For the table-top mount, aMicro-USB port, forconnecting an external USB device (for example, a headset or memory disk). ▪ For the wall mount, a Type AUSB port is available using the right-angle OTG USB cable (included).Step 3: Mount ECU-Z100Install ECU-Z100 using one of the following methods:• Attach the rubber feet and place the unit on a flat surface.• Fasten a bracket (included) on each side of the unit and attach it to a flat surface(see /downloads/KIT-Z100).• Mount the unit in a rack using the recommended rack adapter(see /product/KIT-Z100).• Ensure that the environment (e.g., maximum ambient temperature &air flow) is compatible for the device. • Avoid uneven mechanical loading.• Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used for avoiding overloading of the circuits.• Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained.Step 4: Mount KT-107Z/KT-107ZRBMounting on a table using one of the following options:Portable Mount: place the tabletop mount on the table. Connected cables remain visible and the table remains intact. Secure Mount: secure the tabletop mount to the table as follows:1. Measure the exact location on the surface of the table where you want to install the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB.2. Drill a hole in the table and optionally cut the cable pass-through opening according to the cut-out dimensions definedin the user manual.3. Secure the tabletop mount to the table using the M5x60 secure screw.4. Connect the Ethernet port to a PoE-enabled source. Optionally, you can connect the power adapter too (as backup).5. Replace the appropriate cover and place the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB over the tabletop mount (the is magnetically heldin place), by first inserting the lower part of the then carefully laying the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB in place.6. Wait for the Home-page to load and then secure the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB to the tabletop mount from the rear side(using 2 M2x4 screws, supplied with the unit).7. Optionally, lock the tabletop mount with a Kensington locker (not supplied).Mounting on the wall:Before mounting KIT-Z100 on a wall, install an in-wall junction box (recommended boxes are listed in the user manual)1. Attach the on-wall mount unit to the installed junction box (top side up see indication arrows on unit).Connect Ethernet and/or power cables and optionally, insert the right-angle USB cable (supplied) for connecting to an adjacent external USB device.2. Screw the 4 wall-mounting screws (supplied) through the screw openings.The various screw openings fit various types of wall junction boxes.3. On the rear side of the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB, remove the screwcover and the cover (by slightly pressing downwards and thenpulling out) and set aside.4. Attach the panel mount plate to the rear side of theKT-107Z/KT-107ZRB (using 4 M2x4 screws, supplied).5. Connect the flat cable from the on-wall mount (attached to thein-wall junction box) to the connector on the rear ofKT-107Z/KT-107ZRB.6. Hang the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB on the wall by sliding the tabs onthe attached panel mount plate over the grooves on the on-wallmount unit.Step 5: Connect inputs and outputsAlways switch OFF the power on each device before connecting it to your KIT-Z100.To achieve specified extension distances, use the recommended Kramer cables available at/product/KIT-Z100. Using third-party cables may cause damage!Microphone and speakers can be connected to ECU-Z100 in the following ways:•Speakers can be connected via LINE OUT connector and/or USB ports.•Microphones cab be connected via MIC IN connector (via amp) and/or USB ports.•Speakerphones (combining a speaker and a microphone) can be connected via USB ports.KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB can be powered in any of the following ways:•Using the power adapter when connected by LAN (without PoE support).•Using the power adapter when connected to LAN by Wi-Fi•By PoE when connecting to Ethernet by PoE-supporting LAN.Step 6: Connect powerConnect the power cord to ECU-Z100 and plug it into the mains electricity.If required, connect the power adapter on the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB to the Power 2-pin terminal block connector on the tabletop mount and to the mains power.Safety Instructions (See for updated safety information)Caution:•There are no operator serviceable parts inside the unit.Warning:•Use only the power cord that is supplied with the unit.•Disconnect the power and unplug the unit from the wall before installing.•Do not open the unit. High voltages can cause electrical shock! Servicing by qualified personnel only.•To ensure continuous risk protection, replace fuses only according to the rating specified on the product label which located on the bottom of the unit.Step 7: Set and operate KIT-Z100Before setting up the application on KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB, you need to acquire Zoom Rooms licenses.To set and operate the application, go to the Zoom Rooms website at /hc/en-us.To use the Zoom Rooms widget on Kramer Control, go to Zoom Rooms settings at/manuals/kramer/kramer-control/1/en/topic/zoom-room-module.。
MAX–100 产品说明书

� 現在很多工廠生產線,人員不停變動,產品也變動較大,而如今的外包加工 利潤越來越低,爭的就是時間,一個產品下線,要立刻換新產品上線。而以 生產線上的作業 往使用紙列印出操作指南,再整個流水線逐個更換的工作方法,早就顯得陳 指示顯示看板 舊落後。更加科學的方法顯得尤為重要。 � 特點:管理人員可在遠程設計製作作業指導書顯示預案並下發預案管理人員 可在遠程向不同生產線下發通知支持生產線特殊點位多工種、指導書的自動 替換每條生產線的組長也可根據具體情況修改顯示方案生產線上的螢幕數量 可根據實際需要擴展可根據生產線實際運行方式作定制功能開發指導書的格 式:圖片,word、Excel、PPT、PDF,視頻等格式
� 醫療現代化的趨勢不可阻擋,現在越來越多的醫院診所,大量應用了電腦,醫
生可以很方便的流覽患者的病歷,並做出指導。而患者可以把自己身體日誌輸 入到網上,可以隨時看到醫生的見意。紙質病歷會永遠成會歷史。WIFI無線雲 終端低功耗,低維護和多環境的適應能力,以及觸屏及印表機的支持,都可以 輕鬆勝任這項工作,雲終端的方便管理,可以隨時調用資料庫中的資訊。及時 共用所需要的文檔。
-2 功能及拓展應用 功能及拓展應用-2
� 大部分的工廠設備是獨立運作,設備中關鍵參數都與製程改善息息相關。而
生產線上設備 的整合應用
MAX–100支持RS-232、Wi-Fi無線網路、有線網路可以輕易將設備中關鍵參 數記錄分析修正,並結合SPC製程改善。將製程中控制數據分析資源運行更 加流暢。
� 實行無線倉儲條碼管理解決方案,主要解決進貨驗收、貨物上架、商品儲位

使用说明书CABLE TESTER CT100 Professional 6-in-1 Cable Tester V 8.02CABLE TESTER CT1001. 介绍感谢您对 CT100 的信任! 此款 CT100 是一款可轻松检查出音乐人及声学工程师使用的最常见的 CABLE 线的故障的不可或缺的工具。
CABLE 线使用不当是引起现场演出及录音棚录制失败最常见的一个原因。
此款由微处理器控制的 CT100 可快速找出故障所在。
本品设有多种测试模式, 并随货送带夹, 这大大增加了产品使用的灵活性。
2. 线测试模式◊ 将 ON 开关设置在 CABLE TESTER 处。
将线缆的一端插入 CT100 的 OUT 接口, 另一端连接至IN接口。
LED 灯会显示出哪个输入针连接至输出针。
另外, GROUNDED SHIELD 指示灯可显示出 XLR OUT 接口的屏蔽是否连接至 PIN 1/ SLEEVE 信号。
2.1 如何测试间断性连接下面的方法是用来探测因线缆中断或错误的焊接点造成的中断连接。
在 CABLE TESTER 模式下, 按 RESET 键保存当前线缆显示并清除 intermittent 指示灯。
再次按 RESET 键之前 LED 灯会一直点亮。
最好在重新设置 LED 指示灯后再测试一次以检查结果。
3. 安装的线缆测试模式此模式可测试固定安装好的线缆, 不必将线的两端均连 接 CT100。
◊ 将 ON 键设置至 CABLE TESTER 处之时按住 RESET键。
ON 的指示灯闪烁表明 CT100 已处于安装的线缆测试模式。
若要测试线缆是否短路, 可将该线缆的一端连接至 CT100 的恰当的 OUT 接口。
此时便以 CABLE TESTER 模式工作 (见 第 2 章)。
KIRAY 100红外测温仪说明书

Infrared thermometer KIRA Y 100 with dual laser sighting is a key tool to diagnose, inspect and check any temperature, with the advantage of using “no-contact” technology. You can safely measure surface temperatures of hot objects, dangerous or difficult to access. Perfect tool to take temperature in a house, a garage, a workshop, an office, a car, a kitchen etc...Spectral response ..................8 - 14 µmOptical .....................................D.S : 20:1 (13 mm at 260 mm)Temperature range .................From -50 to +800°CAccuracy*...............................From -50 à +20°C : ±2.5°CFrom +20 to +300°C : ±2% of reading ±2°C From +300°C to +800°C : ±2% of readingInfrared repeatability ..............From -50 to +20°C : ±1.3°CFrom +20 to +800°C : ±0.5% or ±0.5°CDisplay resolution ..................0.1°C Response time .......................150 msEmissivity ...............................Adjustable from 0.10 to 1.0 (pre-set at 0.95)Over range indication ............Display indication : « ---- »Dual laser sighting .................Wave length : from 630 nm to 670 nmOutput < 1mW, Class 2 (II)Positive or negativetemperature indication ................Automatic (no indication for a positivetemperature)(-) sign for a negative temperatureDisplay ....................................4 digits with LCD backlighted display Auto-extinction .......................Automatic after 7 seconds of inactivity High/low alarm .......................Flashing signal on display and beep signalwith adjustable thresholdsPower supply ..........................Alkaline 9V batteryAutonomy ...............................105 h (inactive laser and backlight)20 h (active laser and backlight)Use temperature .....................From 0 to +10°C for a short periodFrom +11 to +50 °C for a long periodStorage temperature ..............From -10°C to +60°CRelative humidity ...................From 10 to 90%HR in operating modeand > 80%RH in storageDimensions .............................145 x 95 x 40 mmWeight .....................................180 g (included battery)Make sure that the target is larger than the size of the laser sighting.Technical featuresDistance from the targetKIRAY 100Infrared thermometerDistance Diameter 254260508mm 12.71325.4mmD:S=20:113 mm at 260 mmYES NO*Accuracy for an ambient temperature from 23 to 25°C (with a relative humidity lower than 80% RH)Kimo KIRAY 100 Infrared Thermometer1 – Up button. It allows to increment emissivity and high/low alarm thresholds.This button also allows in measurement mode to activate or deactivate the laser.2 – Mode button. It allows to navigate through the modes (emissivity, lock, high alarm, low alarm).3 – Down button. It allows to decrement emissivity and high/low alarm thresholds.This button also allows in measurement mode to activate or deactivate thebacklight.123Battery compartmentTriggerDescriptionSet technical unit (°C/°F)LCDbacklighted display Up buttonMode buttonDown buttonIR sensor(infrared)KIRAY 100 buttons1 – Technical unit °C/°F2 – Low battery indicator3 – Emissivity value = 0.95 (factory setting)4 – Max temperature indicator.5 – Temperature value6 – Current measurement indicator7 – HOLD indicator (fixed measurement)8 – Laser in operation indicator9 – Lock indicator (continuous measurement)10 – High alarm symbol (fixed : activated alarm ; flashing + beep : alarm thresholds exceeded)11 – Low alarm symbol (fixed : activated alarm ; flashing + beep : alarm thresholds exceeded)Display●Case with passer-by belt ●User manualCE CertificationThis device meets with following standards' requirements.EN 50081-1 : 1992, Electromagnetic compatibility, Part 1EN 50082-1 : 1992, Electromagnetic compatibility, Part 2Infrared thermometer, how does it work ?Infrared thermometers canmeasure the surfacetemperature of an object. Its optic lens catches the energy emitted and reflected by the object. This energy is collected and focused onto a detector. This information is displayed as temperature. The laser pointer is only used to aim at the target.Laser sighting Infrared sensorEmitted energy by theobject as radiationSupplied withOutput laser sighting。
SLO-100 超级领导超过驱动100瓦喇叭电子吉他(产品说明书)

SUPER LEAD OVERDRIVE 100-WATT GUITAR (SLO-100)AMPLIFIER MANUALCongratulations on your purchase of the legendary 100-watt Super LeadOverdrive guitar amplifier. This self-contained amp head is the finesthand-built, all-tube guitar amplifier available anywhere. Whatever yourmusical style, the infinite tonal variations, ease of use, versatility, and rugged, road-tested construction make it the ultimate guitar amp. It’s aclassic and an investment that will last a lifetime. In fact, the SLO-100 iscovered by a lifetime warranty.The SLO-100 incorporates two independent preamps, Normal andOverdrive, driven by four 12AX7/7025 tubes (five with the effects loopoption). It features individual preamp gain controls and separate mastervolume controls with absolutely noise free channel switching. The available options for the SLO-100 include a tube-buffered effects loop and variable “slave” output.The Normal channel offers a Clean/Crunch Switch. When set to clean, the gain is cut, providing full, clean, undistorted warmth, which is incredibly responsive and alive. When switched to crunch, the Normal channel responds with higher gain and a tough, metal edged crunch. The Bright Switch offers sparkling highs to the Normal channel adding to its versatility.Soldano products have a lifetime warranty on workmanship(the SLO-100 warranty is transferable). Parts and labor arewarranted for ten years (excluding tubes, transformers,damage, and normal wear and tear).WARNING: NEVER OPERATE THIS GUITAR AMPLIFIER WITHOUT SPEAKER(S) OR A SUITABLE “DUMMY LOAD” PLUGGED INTO THE SPEAKER JACK(S). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE OUTPUT TRANSFORMER AND FAILURE OF THEAMPLIFIER.Operating Your SLO-100 Guitar Amplifier1.Before plugging your SLO-100 into a power source, make sure thatthe Power and Standby Switches are in the ‘Off’ position.Standby SwitchPower Indicator Light2.Make certain that the Impedance Selector is set properly (see theChart below) and that the speaker connection(s) is/are secured fromthe Speaker Jack(s) to your Speaker Cabinet(s).WARNING: IMPROPER CONNECTIONS CAN DAMAGE THE AMPLIFIER. THE WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE DUE TOIMPROPER USE.1 4 41 8 81 16 162 8 42 16 83.Adjust the Master Volumes to Zero.4.Plug in the Power Cord. Turn the Power Switch ‘On.’ Allow thirtyseconds for the tubes to warm up. Connect a cord (either a speakercable or a guitar cord will work) from the Footswitch Jack to theFootswitch box. If the light is not lit, the normal channel will be in operation. If you are using the Effects Loop or Slave Operation, please read the sections describing them thoroughly before continuing.5.Plug your guitar into the Input Jack and turn the Standby Switch tothe ‘On’ position. Adjust the Master Volume, Preamp levels, and Tone controls to obtain your desired sound. For best results whenswitching channels, we recommend the Master Volume levels be set as close as possible.6.When shutting down, turn off both the standby and the power. Thiscan be done at the same time, as no waiting to cool down isnecessary.EFFECTS LOOP OPERATION: Plug a cord from the Effects Send Jack of the SLO-100 to the input jack of your effects unit. Plug another cord from the output jack of the effects unit to the Effects Return Jack on the SLO-100.Note: If your effect has a switchable input or output, adjust the setting to +4dB. Refer to the effect unit owner manual for specifics.SLAVE OPERATION: The slave control is an adjustable low level output taken from the output transformer to send the signal directly into a mixing board or a stereo rack system. Speaker(s), or a suitable ‘dummy load,’ must also be plugged in to the Speaker Jacks or the output transformer may fail.TUBES: Power tubes wear out. They should be checked and serviced regularly and generally replaced annually. Our high grade preamp tubes will often give years of trouble free service and need only be replaced when necessary.You may purchase Maximum Duty 5881 power tubes and 12AX7 preamp replacement tubes directly from us for your amplifier.Check our website for information on tube maintenance and how to order replacement tubes ().YOU MUST REGISTER FOR YOUR PRODUCT TO BE REGISTERED. PLEASE FILL IN THE REGISTRATION FORM AND MAIL OR FAX IT BACK TO US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE ARE LOCATED AT: Soldano Custom Amplification4233 21st Avenue WestSeattle, WA 98199TEL (206) 781-4636FAX (206) 781-5173WARRANTY REGISTRATIONSOLDANO PRODUCT________________________________________________ OWNER’S NAME____________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ CITY________________________________________________________________ STATE_______________ ZIP______________PHONES____________________________________________________________ EMAIL______________________________________________________________ PLACE OF PURCHASE______________________________________________ SERIALNUMBER___________________________________________________________ DATE OF PURCHASE_______________________________________________。

• 每一子系统拥有各自的编号作为标准编号规范中的第二组号码。 • ATA对章节的规定到子系统一级,也就是说,第二组号码的第一位
• 组件/目号 (unit/subject)
• 所谓“组件”是指组成“系统”、“子系统”并完成一定功能的组件及
显示组件(DU) 显示解码组件(DEU)
Autopilot 自动驾驶
Speed-Altitude Correction 速度及高度修正
Auto Flight
自动飞行 -30
• 第三十一章仪表,介绍了飞机上使用的记录仪,计算机等仪表;组件如:ECAM,
• 第三十二章起落架,介绍了飞机上起落架装置的维护,收放,刹车,指示等;
2. 分类
• 第三十三章灯光,介绍了飞机上的外部灯光和内部灯光;组件如:标志灯,航
05 — 12章为“总体”类; 20 — 49章为“系统”类; 51 — 57章为“结构”类; 60 — 65章为“螺旋桨/弦翼”类; 70 — 91章为“发动机”类。
2. 分类
• 5-12 章是飞机的总体部分,是将飞机作为一个总体看待进行工作的的内容,
分别介绍了飞机时限/维护检查、尺寸及区域的划分、顶起支撑、校水平称 重、牵引和滑行、停放标志、铭牌及勤务。


AK100/S Technical Handbook 779-0187/01.05Audio Console for ATC applicationsOTE S.p.A. - Via E. Barsanti 8, 50127 – Firenze, Italy779-0187/01Issue 05 –Marchy 2004b 779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004© OTE S.p.A. 2004All copyright and industrial rights in this document and in the technical knowledge it contains are owned by OTE and/or the third parties rightfully concerned. No part of this document nor any data herein shall be disclosed, reproduced or used for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of OTE as foreseen by the law. Drawings and specifications are subject to change.All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.This document has been prepared to provide technical information on the product concerned. Whilst care has been taken in compiling the material, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions in the text or in associated diagrams or tables. OTE reserves the right to change specifications, performance or features relevant to the product described without notice. Where this document is furnished in association with a quotation, tender or contract, the specifications, features, performance and availability dates which are relevant to such quotation, tender or contract shall be those specified in the schedule(s), specification(s), statement(s) of compliance or other documents specifically prepared for such purpose and shall not be assumed to be those stated or implied within this document.779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004cInformation for the handbook user:B efore using the equipment, read all of the instructions contained in the manual and read those relative to safety with special care.L ue käyttöohjeet ja erityisesti turvallisuuteen liittyvat ohjeet ennen laitteen käyttöä.A lvorens over te gaan tot het gebruik van het apparaat lees met aandacht al de instructies van het handboek en let vooral op die die de veiligheidbetreffen. Alvorens het apparaat in gebruik te nemen lees alle instructies van hethandboek en vooral de voorschriften betreffende de veiligheid.A vant toute utilisation de l’appareil, lire toutes les indications contenues dans le Manuel et avec une attention particulière celles relatives à lasécurité. L äs alla instruktioner i denna manual innan ni använder apparaten och dåsärskilt noggrannt de anvisningar som gäller säkerheten.L æs alle de vejledninger, der er indeholdt i manualen med særlig opmærksomhed på de vejledninger, der vedrører sikkerheden, førapparatet tages i brug.Vor Gebrauch des Geräts alle in dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Anweisungen und Vorschriften lesen.Den Sicherheitsbestimmungen ist dabei besondere Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen.Πριν χρησιµοποιήσετετη συσκευή διαβάστε όλες τις οδηγίες πουπεριέχονται στο εγχειρίδιο και δώστε ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στης οδηγίεςασφαλείας. P rima di utilizzare l’apparecchiatura leggere tutte le indicazioni contenute nel manuale e con particolare attenzione quelle relative alla sicurezza.779-0187/01Issue 05 –Marchy 2004d 779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004A ntes de utilizar el equipo leer todas las instrucciones contenidas en el manual, poniendo particular atención a las de seguridad.A ntes de utilizar o aparelho, leia todas as instruções que constam no manual e com muita atenção as instruções relativas à segurança.779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004e Table of contents1.GENERAL (3)1.1PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK (3)1.2INTRODUCTION (4)1.3DECLARATION OF CE MARK CONFORMANCE (4)1.4ECO-COMPATIBILITY (4)1.5HANDBOOK ORGANISATION (5)1.6GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (6)2.FEATURES AND SAFETY (9)2.1FEATURES (9)2.2SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS (11)2.3ESD PRECAUTIONS (14)2.3.1ESD Precautions in Maintenance/Installation (14)3.OPERATION (17)3.1CONTROL INDICATORS AND CONNECTORS (17)3.1.1Front Connectors Description (21)3.1.2Controls and Indicators Description (22)3.2START-UP PROCEDURE (22)3.3ANCILLARY DEVICES (23)3.3.1Handset (23)3.3.2Handheld Microphone (24)3.3.3Headset (25)3.3.4Foot PTT (27)3.3.5Connection Cable for DTR100 Connection (28)3.3.6Connection Cable for Connection with DT100 + DR100 (30)3.3.7External Power Supply (32)4.TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (35)4.1ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW (35)4.2MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION (36)4.3SIGNAL EXCHANGE (36)4.4FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (38)4.4.1AK100/S console (38)4.4.2Connectors board (chassis version) (40)5.MAINTENANCE (43)5.1PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (43)5.1.1Tasks (43)5.1.2Equipment and Tools (43)5.1.3Procedures (44) Cleaning (44) Connectors Inspection (44)5.2CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE (45)5.2.1List of Repleceable Parts (45)779-0187/01Issue 05 –Marchy 2004f 779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 20045.2.2AK100/S Replacement (45)5.2.3Troubleshooting Procedures (47)6.MODIFICATION INSTRUCTION (55)6.1HARDWARE UPGRADE................................................................................556.2SOFTWARE UPGRADE (55)7.INSTALLATION AND SETTING-UP (59)7.1RECOMMENDATIONS (59)7.2MINIMUM INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS (59)7.2.1Environmental (60)7.2.2Mechanical (60)7.2.3Power and Grounding (60)7.2.4Supply Lines Protections (60)7.3MECHANICAL INSTALLATION (61)7.3.1Installation Tools and Hardware (61)7.3.2Transportation at the Site (62)7.3.3Unpacking (62)7.3.4Packing (62)7.3.5Console Fitting (62)7.3.6Rack Fitting (63)7.4DISPOSAL (63)7.4.1Disposal for Re-use (64)7.5INTERFACE CONNECTORS (64)7.5.1Front Panel Connectors (64)7.5.2Rear Panel Connectors (65)7.6SETTING-UP (69)7.6.1Alarm Setting (69) Controller card (version A) (69) alarm section (version B) (70)779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004g List of figuresFigure 1.1 – AK100/S equipment (3)Figure 3.1 – Devices (17)Figure 3.2 – AK100/S Rack-fitting version devices (19)Figure 3.3 – Handset (23)Figure 3.4 – Handheld microphone (24)Figure 3.5 – Headset (25)Figure 3.6 – Foot PTT (27)Figure 3.7 – Power Supply (32)Figure 4.1 – AK100/S layout (35)Figure 4.2 – AK100/S rack-fitting version - layout (35)Figure 4.3 – AK100/S console version signal exchange (36)Figure 4.4 – AK100/S chassis version signal exchange (37)Figure 4.5 – Block scheme (38)Figure 6 – Connectors Board block diagram (40)Figure 5.1 – Module extraction (46)Figure 7.1 – Installation into standard rack (63)Figure 7.2 – Front side connectors (64)Figure 7.3 – Rear side connectors (65)Figure 7.4 – Alarm controller card location (69)Figure 7.5 – Alarm controller card location (70)779-0187/01Issue 05 –Marchy 2004h 779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004List of tablesTable 3.1 – Devices list (18)Table 3.2 – AK100/S Rack-fitting version devices (20)Table 3.3 – Handset features (23)Table 3.4 – Handset connector pin function (24)Table 3.5 – Handheld microphone features (24)Table 3.6 – Handheld microphone connector pin function (25)Table 3.7 – Headset features (26)Table 3.8 – Headset connector pin function (26)Table 3.9 – Foot PTT features (27)Table 3.10 – Foot PTT connector pin function (27)Table 3.11 – Power Supply features (32)Table 3.12 – Power Supply DC connector pin function (32)Table 4.1 – Mechanical characteristic (36)Table 5.1 – Periodic maintenance basic operations (43)Table 5.2 – Periodic maintenance tools (43)Table 5.3 - Replaceable parts (45)Table 5.4 – Failure event index (47)Table 7.1 – Installation tools (61)Table 7.2 – Front side connectors pin function (65)Table 7.3 – Power supplies connectors (66)Table 7.4 – Foot PTT connector (66)Table 7.5 – Ext LSD connector (66)Table 7.6 – IN/OUT REC (AK 100/S rack version) (67)Table 7.7 – DTR100 (P7) (AK 100/S console) (68)779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 2004i Document historyTitle:OTE AK100/S –Technical HandbookDocument code:779-0187/01Date Variations Rev. July 2000First issue01 September 2002Major revision in all section02 May 2003Alarm controller card insertion and Squelch OFF commandremoval03 January 2004Pin function of external connector modification04March 2004Equipment dimensions and connection cables modification.Different functional description between console and rackversions. Connectors board functional description, AK100/Schassis version signal exchange and Alarm setting version Badded.05779-0187/01Issue 05 –Marchy 2004 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKj779-0187/01Issue 05 – March 20041 - GENERALTHIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK1.GENERALThis section introduces the AK100/S module and the handbook itself, by describing their tasks, operating modes and scenarios.The following figure shows the AK100/S layout.AK100/SAK100/S – Rack-fitting versionFigure 1.1 – AK100/S equipment1.1PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOKThe purpose of this handbook is to provide operators and technical staff with the necessary knowledge of the equipment architecture and operating, in order to make possible daily activity (e.g. normal use and routine operations), as well as installation, maintenance, etc.Handbook user is supposed to have a good skill in telecommunications and RF basics, to understand the given terms and parameters.Only trained and qualified personnel may operate the equipment. Non-observance of these conditions and the safety instructions can result in personnel injury or in property damage.1.2INTRODUCTIONThe AK100/S is a state-of-the-art communication unit specifically designed to operate as audio control equipment for a DTR 100 radio device or for a couple of DT100 DR100.The equipment has function of handling audio line and displaying the PTT and SQUELCH status.1.3DECLARATION OF CE MARK CONFORMANCEThe equipment described in this manual has been designed according the following international standards:Safety:•EN 60950 specificationsEMI:• CEI-EN specifications for CE marking•ETSI 300 339 specifications•ETSI EN 300 676 V1.2.1 (2000-05)Any connected device has to comply with the applicable safety standards.In addition, all installation activities must be performed in such a way to not compromise or lower the equipment degree safety; this must also be taken in account whenever designing system architecture and choosing installation arrangement.1.4ECO-COMPATIBILITYThe equipment described in this handbook has been designed and realized under criteria of eco-compatibility, which are also applied to the manufacturing process.1.5HANDBOOK ORGANISATIONThis handbook is organized into following sections:•Section 1 – General. Introduces the equipment, also providing a description of the equipment operating modes.•Section 2 – Features and safety. This section contains a list of the main technical data, and gives to operator all necessary information for a correct and safe use of the equipment.•Section 3 – Operation. This section describes all the aspects related to the normal use of equipment, e.g. showing function of each of the front panels controls and indicators.•Section 4 – Technical description. Contains a technical description of the equipment: this includes an overall HW description. Block diagrams indicating circuit operations are given, as well as external and internal I/Fs.•Section 5 – Maintenance. Gives useful information about preventive actions to be undertaken periodically in order to maintain the equipment. In addition contains information about fault detection and helpful information about troubleshooting. This section also givesa list of LRU (Line Replacement Unit).•Section 6 – Modification instructions. Gives information about modification activities that can be carried out on the equipment, such as the installation of additional hardware units or sub-units, or software/firmware upgrading.•Section 7 – Installation and Setting-up. Gives a detailed description of the installation procedure. In addition this section gives step-by-step procedures for the configuration and start-up of the equipment.1.6GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMSACRONYM MEANINGAC Alternate CurrentATC Air Traffic ControlAWG American Wire GaugeCE Conformité Européene / Certified EuropeCEI Comitato Elettrotecnico InternazionaleCEI-EN CEI_European NormDC Direct CurrentEEC European Economic CommunityEMC ElectroMagnetic ComplianceEMI ElectroMagnetic InterferenceEN European NormESD ElectroStatic DischargeETS European Telecommunications StandardETSI European Telecommunications Standards InstituteGND GroundHE HöhenEinheit ( 44.45 mm, 19'' System )IEC International Electrotechnical Committee/CommissionLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLED Light Emitting DiodeMTTR Mean Time To RepairNC Normally CloseNO Normally OpenP/N Part NumberPCB Printed Circuit BoardPTT Push to TalkRAL Color standard by "Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung undKennzeichnung"RF Radio FrequencyRX ReceiverTX Transmitterwrt with respect to2 - FEATURES AND SAFETYTHIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK2.FEATURES AND SAFETYThis section of the handbook describes the equipment technical features, and gives all the instructions and warning for a correct and safe use of the equipment.Operators are strongly recommended to respect given indications; non-observance of these instructions can result in personnel injury or in property damage.2.1FEATURESHere below listed equipment technical features.Equipment - General, mechanical, environmental, safetyFeature Description and ValueMain power90 to 264 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz (external power supply)Vdc supply11 / 13VDC, 3,80 A max (external power supply)Emergency power supply Available as 12VDC ± 10%Power consumption:max 7 Va @ 220VACMax. current absorption:max 400mA @ 12 VDCI/O accessories audio linesHandset Microphone : electret-typeType:unbalancedAudio band : 300 ÷ 3400 HzNominal input level :7 mV r.m.s. @ 1 kHzEarphone : dynamic-typeImpedance : 200 OhmAudio band : 300 ÷ 3400 HzNominal output level: 10 mW @ 1 kHzHook: NC contact with standing Microtelephone.NO contact with hold-on Microtelephone.I/O accessories audio linesHeadset Microphone: electret-typeType: unbalancedAudio band: 300 ÷ 3400 Hz Nominal input level:11.5 mV r.m.s. @ 1 kHz Earphones: dynamic-type Impedance: 16OhmAudio band: 300 ÷ 3400 Hz Nominal output level: 10 mW. @ 1 kHzI/O accessories audio lines Microphone (dynamic)Type: unbalancedAudio band: 300 ÷ 3400 Hz Nominal input level: 3.5 mV r.m.s. @ 1kHzI/O accessories audio lines Microphone (electret)Type: unbalanced Audio band: 300 ÷ 3400 Hz Nominal input level: 7 mV r.m.s. @ 1kHzI/O transceiver audio lines Type: balancedImpedance: 600OhmAudio band response: 300 ÷ 3400 Hz , ± 3 dB, ref.0dB @ 1kHzNominal Tx output level: -10 dBm, ± 3 dB @ 1kHzNominal Rx input level: -10 dBm, ± 3 dB @ 1kHzRecording audio level> -13dBm , 600 OHM load @ 1kHzS/N (CCITT weighted I/O nominal levels)> 45 dB for loudspeaker, earphones outputs> 35 db for microphone outputsI/O Logic Output Line (SQL OFF out)Active with GND (negative pole)Feature Description and ValueI/O Logic Output Line (PTT out)Active with GND (negative pole)I/O Logic Input Line (SQL in signaling)Active with GND (negative pole)Audio and signalling cable Maximum length 200 m, standard length 50 mLoudspeaker output power Nominal 2W , max 3 W @ 1kHz, 12.5 VDC power supplyMaximum audio distortion At nominal power level 3% @ 1kHzExternal Dimensions AK 100 Console: H=128.5mm; W=213.1mm;..D=140mmAK100 – Rack-fitting version: H=133.35mm; W=482.72mm; D=245mm (3HE/84TE for19” rack standard according to Eurocard IEC297 standard)Shipping external dimensions AK 100 Console: H=215mm; W=390mm;..D=290mm 1AK100 – Rack-fitting version: H=210mm; W=590mm; D=345 mm 2Weight 2 Kg (3 Kg if mounted in a console or in a shelf)Color RAL 5005 light blueOperating environmental range Temperature range + 5° to + 40°CAccording to ETSI ETS 300 019-1-3 class 3.13 Non Operating storage environmental range Temperature range - 5° to + 45°CAccording to ETSI ETS 300 019-1-1 class 1.24 Transport environmental range Temperature range - 25° to + 70°CAccording to ETSI ETS 300 019-1-2 class 2.25EMI/RFI:According to CEI-EN specifications for CE marking According to ETSI 301 489-226 specificationsEMC & Safety standard CE markAccording to EN 300 3397 specifications Safety class:According to EN 609508 (4th edition 2001-02)Protection class Class III (According to IEC 664) 9Class I (rack-fitting version) (According to IEC 664)10Installation category II in accordance with IEC 66411IP class IP201 Standard shipping, may change on different requirements.2 Standard shipping, may change on different requirements.3 Ref: ETSI ETS 300 019 - Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment.4 Ref: ETSI ETS 300 019 - Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment.5 Ref: ETSI ETS 300 019 - Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment.6 Ref: ETSI 301 489-22 - Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); General ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 22: Specific conditions for ground based VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment.7 Ref: ETSI EN 300 339 - Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);General ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) for radio communications equipment.8 Ref: CEI EN 60950 (1997-10) - Safety for information technology equipment including electrical business equipment.9 Class III : The equipment satisfies the severe requirements of reliability and availability corresponding to industrial and domestic permanent installations.10 Class I : The equipment safety is based on the integrity of the connection to the general ground system. Active parts(e.g. parts under voltage) are protected by fundamental isolation; accessible conductive parts (e.g the chassis) must be connected in reliable and safe way to a safety grounding point.11 Ref: IEC 664 - Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Principles, requirements and tests.2.2 SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONSCarefully read all the following cautions and warnings before using the equipment.WARNINGDo not use the equipment for uses different than those indicated in thehandbook.WARNINGFor correct use of equipment, refer to the relevant section within thishandbook.WARNINGProtect the equipment from rainfalls, sprinkling of water and/or otherliquids, and from dust.WARNINGDo not set any object on equipment.WARNINGConnect the equipment to the equipment room ground bar through dedicated connection, and not through physical contact with otherframes.WARNINGDo not use the equipment if it is not appropriately grounded or if ground isabsent.WARNINGThe electric shock can cause the interruption of the natural breathing. An immediate action is necessary in order to restore breathing. It is therefore necessary that the staff be familiarized with the various methods of artificial breathing and cardiac massage. In case of incidents,caused from high tension, an urgent medical aid is necessary to deal the possible effects of the body poisoning caused from burns. In all the cases, proper medical assistance must be requested. It is necessary to make sure that any person who uses or takes care itself of the maintenance of the equipment having parts under dangerous voltages is able of performing artificial breathing, and it is necessary to instruct the staff on first aid measures in case the need arises.WARNINGDo not use the equipment if the power cable and/or the power supplyoutlet are damaged.WARNINGInstall the equipment following the instructions given in this handbook.The equipment must be installed in such a way complies with the nationalregulations in effect.WARNINGWear protection gloves when handling the equipment.WARNINGWhen handling the equipment be sure that all internal modules and cardsare safely screwed in their position into the chassis.WARNINGPosition the equipment in such a way as to guarantee its correct aeration as well as safe accessibility to the front side controls, and rear side powersupply outlets, signal and data connections.WARNINGDo not position the equipment standing on its rear side, since this candamage rear panel parts.WARNINGCarry out the maintenance interventions on the equipment following theinstructions given in this handbook.WARNINGFollow all accident prevention standards when carrying out maintenanceinterventions on the equipment.WARNINGDisconnect the power supply before carrying out maintenance interventions on the equipment.WARNINGUse only accessories or replacement parts approved by the manufacturerfor the equipment.WARNINGOnly authorized technical personnel may carry out maintenance interventions on the equipment.OTE S.p.A. VIA BARSANTI, 850127 FIRENZE ITALY TELEPHONE FAX TELEX TELEFAX E-MAIL+39 05543811+39 0554381426+39 570276+39 0554381321helpdesk.mobile@The equipment complies with all product specification and the greatest care is taken by the manufacturer so that user safety, as far as the effects of electromagnetic waves on health are concerned, is guaranteed within the limits established by the international specifications.2.3ESD PRECAUTIONSNo ESD precautions have to be taken by the operator in the daily use of the equipment. The equipment is designed and manufactured in such a way to not be sensible to electrostatic discharges.2.3.1ESD Precautions in Maintenance/InstallationThe equipment includes many electrostatic-sensitive parts that must be handled at a static-safeguarded working area. Furthermore, they must be arranged in static-safeguarded packages, either in the case of storing, or in the case of shipment.These recommendations should be followed with the maximum care, especially in the case of modules or board extraction and handling, for installation or maintenance activity, etc.A static safeguard area may be intended as:•Grounded static dissipating wrist-strap that drains static charge from the operator wearing it.• A work surface covered with or composed of a grounded, static-dissipating material that drains electrical charges from devices placed on the surface.In the AK100/S rack version, the rack surface should provide a standard-size ESD-safeguard snap suitable for snap-stacking wrist-strap connection. It should be used as a convenient ESD caution, whenever handling modules and boards. These recommendations are to be extended also to activity not strictly performed in close equipment surrounding. If removed, replaced, or located inside workshop, any board should be handled by means of convenient ESD cautions. WARNING Please note that OTE disclaims any responsibility for problems due to poor ESD protection during installation/maintenance activity.3 - OPERATIONTHIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK3.OPERATIONThe purpose of this section is to describe the operational management of the AK100/S equipment specifically control and indicator devices.3.1CONTROL INDICATORS AND CONNECTORSAll the controls and indicators of the equipment are located on the front side of equipment. The rear panel is devoted to external signals and power connections.Here below the figure shows the equipment front and rear view and the table gives a description of all indicators, switches and connectors.Figure 3.1 – DevicesTable 3.1 – Devices listFront sideItem Name Type1Loudspeaker2SPEAKER VOLUME Potentiometer3PWR Green LED indicator4HEADSET/ HANDSET VOLUME Potentiometer5HEADSET RP17-13R-12SC connector6PTT Red LED indicator7OFF (headset)Pushbutton/Yellow LED Indicator 8SQL Green LED indicator9ALM Red LED indicator10MICROPHONE RP17-13R-12SC connector11OFF (loudspeaker)Pushbutton/Yellow LED indicator 12HANDSET RP17-13R-12SC connectorRear sideItem Name Type1I / O Switch2EXT LDS Connector3FOOT PTT - J6Connector412 Vdc PSU - P4Connector5FUSE F1 1 A Fuse (fast acting)612 Vdc BATTERY - P5Connector7GTR 100 DTR100 REC - P7ConnectorThe AK100/S can be mounted in a shelf suitable for Eurostandard-rack-fitting. Here below the figure shows the equipment front and rear view and the table gives a description of all indicators, switches and connectors.Figure 3.2 – AK100/S Rack-fitting version devicesTable 3.2 – AK100/S Rack-fitting version devicesFront sideItem Name Type1Loudspeaker2SPEAKER VOLUME Potentiometer3PWR Green LED indicator4HEADSET/ HANDSET VOLUME Potentiometer5HEADSET RP17-13R-12SC connector6PTT Red LED indicator7OFF (headset)Pushbutton/Yellow LED Indicator 8SQL Green LED indicator9ALM Red LED indicator10MICROPHONE RP17-13R-12SC connector11OFF (loudspeaker)Pushbutton/Yellow LED indicator 12HANDSET RP17-13R-12SC connectorRear sideItem Name Type1I / O Switch2EXT LDS Connector3FOOT PTT Connector412 Vdc PSU Connector5FUSE F1 1 A Fuse (fast acting)612 Vdc BATTERY Connector7IN OUT REC Connector3.1.1 Front Connectors DescriptionHandset connector. It is a RP12 12-pin socket; it is located on the front side and it is used to connect the local handset.Microphone connector. It is a RP12 12-pin socket; it is located on the front side and it is used to connect the local microphone.Headset connector. It is a RP12 12-pin socket; it is located on the front side and it is used to connect the local headset.The following table gives the connectors pin function.RP17-13R-12SCPin Handset (J1)Microphone (J2)Headset (J3)Function1MIC (electret+)MIC (electret+)MIC (electret+)Microphone input 122n.c.n.c.n.c.Not Used3PTTPTT PTTPTT command(active with low level)4GND(microphone)GNDGND(microphone)Ground 5GND(earphone)GND(microphone, PTT)GND(earphone)Ground6n.c.n.c.n.c.Not used 7n.c.n.c.n.c.Not used 8n.c.n.c.n.c.Not used9GND (Ear on)n.c.GND (Ear on)Ground (J1, J3 only)10Earphone n.c.Earphone Earphone output 13 (J1, J3 only)11EAR ON n.c.EAR ON Speaker muting, when the headset is connected (J1, J3 only)12n.c.MIC (dynamic)n.c.Microphone input (J2 only)12 Electrete microphone with 2 KOhm nominal impedance, also brings +2.5 VDC.13Stereo earphone, 32 Ohm impedance3.1.2Controls and Indicators DescriptionControls are located on the front side of the equipment. They consist in two potentiometers, which allow for volume regulation of loudspeaker and headphone/handphone. In addition, three pushbuttons that switch on/off the squelch, loudspeaker and headphone/handphone sets.All controls are listed in the following table.Name Type FunctionSPEAKER VOLUME Potentiometer Loudspeaker volume adjustingHEADSET/HANDSET VOLUME Potentiometer Headset/handset volume adjustingOFF (loudspeaker)Pushbutton / Indicator When pressed is active (yellow LED lit up) and disables the signal which goes at the loudspeaker.OFF (headset/handset)Pushbutton / Indicator When pressed is active (yellow LED lit up) and disables the signal which goes at the headset.Indicators are suitable to indicate the equipment operative, status and alarm signaling from the transceiver.All indicators are listed in the following table.Name FunctionPWR When active, indicates that the AK 100 is on.PTT When active, indicates that the PTT signal is active.SQL When active, indicates that a communication is incoming. It enables the loudspeaker or the earphones.ALM When active, indicates that is present a malfunction on transceiver or it is OFF.3.2 START-UP PROCEDUREThe AK100/S equipment doesn't need of any particular switching on procedure as the equipment continuously operating.Anyway, it is necessary to connect the external power supply and set the magnetothermal switch in I (ON) position.。

CHANNEL 1 (Clean)
Engaging this switch changes the character of Channel 1 from pristine clean to a thicker classic tone that breaks up when Gain 1 is set at higher settings.
CHANNEL 2 / 3 (Overdrive)
Adds brightness to Channels 2 and 3.
Adjusts the overall gain of Channel 2.
Adjusts the midrange. Turning it clids. Turning it counter clockwise will reduce the mids and produce a mid-scooped sound.
Adjusts the overall gain of Channel 3.
Adjusts the amount of bass. Turning it clockwise increases the amount of bottom-end, giving you a fuller tone. Turning it counter clockwise will reduce the bottom-end, which is useful when performing at louder volumes.
ok100云端键盘加密串接器 说明书v1.24

OK100云端键盘加密串接器使用手册v.1.24目录1.产品简介 (3)2.硬件安装步骤 (4)3.软件安装步骤 (5)4.OK100软件基本功能 (8)5.OK100软件进阶使用说明 (10)5.1OK100 选单说明 (10)5.2OK100设定窗口说明 (11)5.3OK100支持列表 (13)5.4软件限制 (16)5.5软件卸载 (16)6.键盘按键编码与输入法 (17)6.1键盘按键编码 (17)6.2东亚语系输入法 (17)1. 产品简介OK100云端键盘加密串接器是一个键盘加密系统,它内建奥乐科技(oTHE Technology Inc.)的键盘加密芯片,只要是有进行键盘输入的时候,如重要文件、账号密码等等的地方,透过有OK100键盘加密芯片系统,将键盘所输入的数据账号密码等转换成乱码,以硬件配合软件的方式让黑客无法得到正确的数据,让用户不必再担心害怕透过键盘所输入的重要信息被盗用!因为个人计算机软、硬件先天上的限制,让计算机黑客有机会利用木马程序,在计算机中植入键盘侧录软件,用户透过键盘所输入的任何按键都会被黑客盗取。
奥乐科技目前开发的键盘加密系统(Cloud Keyboard Security System),特别可以运用在云端运算系统中,主动防治网络黑客。

Supply Voltage
Voltage Range Input
Voltage Range Input
Maximum Continuous Current Electrostatic discharge (R = 1.5 KΩ C = 100pF) Avalanche Drain-Source Current, Repetitive or Not-Repetitive (TC = 100 o C, Pulse Width Limited by TJ max, δ <1%) for VIPer100/SP for VIPer100A/ASP Power Dissipation at T c = 25oC
VIPer100 (022Y) VIPer100A (022Y)
Pow erS O-10
VIPer100SP VIPer100ASP
DRAIN PIN: Integrated power MOSFET drain pin. It provides internal bias current during start-up via an integrated high voltage current source which is switched off during normal operation. The device is able to handle an unclamped current during its normal operation, assuring self protection against voltage surges, PCB stray inductance, and allowing a snubberless operation for low output power.

安装 iriver iriver plus 4 是一款集成软件,可管理多种多媒体文件。
plus 4
使用 iriver plus 4 将 PC 文件保存在 iriver 设备中或自动 升级固件。
入门指南 09
1. 运行存储在内部存储器中的 iriver plus 4 安装程序后, 将显示程序安装说明对话框。
入门指南 12
使用触摸 LCD
1. 此 iriver 设备具有一个触摸 LCD 系统,触摸屏幕即可 运行。 只需在屏幕上触摸所需图标即可执行该图标对应的功能。
断开与计算机的连接 1. 单击计算机屏幕的任务栏中显示的图标以安全删除它。 2. 单击 [确定] 以确保可安全删除 iriver 设备。
任务栏中的图标可能会隐藏,具体取决于操作系统,如 Windows XP。单击该图标将其显示在屏幕上。 在使用如 Windows 资源管理器或 Windows Media Player 等应用程序时,删除 iriver 设备可能不安全。 只有在退出所有应用程序后才能删除 iriver 设备。如果没 有这样做,则可能导致存储的数据丢失。
Micro USB 电缆
快速入门指南和 产品质量保证书
保护袋:可以保护产品免受擦损。 Micro USB 电缆:您可以将本产品连接到计算机并对其充电。 快速入门指南:介绍使用本产品的基本方法。 产品质量保证书:请将产品质量保证书放在安全的位置, 万一您的 iriver 设备需要维修,您需要使用它。 手册:在使用之前,请先阅读在产品中保存为 PDF 文件的手册(pdf 文件)。
1. 首次运行 iriver plus 4 时,请按照媒体向导执行操作。 2. 按照屏幕上的说明将计算机中的媒体文件(如音乐、

三、AIDA64 Extreme EditionAIDA64是一款测试软硬件系统信息的工具,它可以详细的显示出PC每一个方面的信息。
AIDA64支持所有的32位和64位Microsoft Windows操作系统,包括对Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2的兼容。

常见问题解答Q: 我可以在未关闭设备的情况下更换电池吗? A: 不可以,为了确保安全和设备的正常运行,必须先关闭设备才能进行电池的拆卸和更换。
Q: 我可以使用任何型号的电池吗? A: 不可以,必须确保使用与设备要求的电池型号相匹配的电池,以免损坏设备或电池。
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