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双脚分开20-30厘米,脚尖稍微向外,双手掌心向上放于身体两侧,将您的头轻轻左右摆动,调整好您最舒适的位置,闭上双眼,平静均匀地呼吸,接下来我会念到您身体不同部位的名字,请您试着将意识随着我的引导感觉它在慢慢的放松。我们先从双脚开始,下面请大家将意识转移到腿部,放松脚趾、脚心、脚背感觉脚后跟很沉很沉,沉沉的向下贴靠着地面,放松小腿胫骨,感觉小腿肚软软的,绵绵的,放松膝盖、腘窝,放松大腿、髋部、腹部以及我们所有的腹内器官都得到了很好的放松,放松臀部、腰部、背部,感觉它们沉沉的向下贴靠着地面,放松双肩、双臂、双手肘、手肘窝,放松小臂、手腕,放松手心、手背以及我们的十个手指都在慢慢的放松,放松颈部、下巴、双唇、牙齿,以及我们的舌头都在很好的放松,放松双眼,舒展眉心,放松前额以及我们的所有面部肌肉,放松头皮、后脑勺乃至我们的每一根发丝都在很好的放松,慢慢的感觉我们的身体越来越轻,越来越轻,轻的像一根羽毛一样带走刚才瑜伽练习带给身体的疲惫。保持意识的觉知让自己安静的休息一会儿。接下来请大家慢慢的将意识收回来,轻轻的动动手指,动动脚趾,双臂伸展过头顶,大大的伸个懒腰,接下来将身体转为右侧卧,尽量的弯腰拱背,放松一下我们的侧腰和心脏。接下来左手推地慢慢地坐立起来,接下来我们以一生OM三声Shaantin来结束今天的课程,双手于胸前合十呈祈祷时,缓慢的闭上双眼,深深地吸一口气,O…M…Shaantin Shaantin Shaantin 微低头,指尖轻触眉心,Namaaste 今天的课程到此结束,谢谢同学们。

Yoga Class Words

Choose a comfortable sitting posture doing on the mat, Hands through coxal muscle outward and upward, to make our sciatic better connect to the ground, keep the back straight, turning hands palm up, thumb and forefinger touch up the wisdom of yoga, fingerprints on your knees. Listen to soft music, put aside all the thoughts, feeling our heart calm down slowly, slowly close your eyes, with the mind to explore from our world, at the moment, we put aside all the troubles and distractions, to the world of yoga.Corners of the mouth slightly up, give yourself a faint smile at heart. Relax all our facial muscle locked brows, relax the shoulders, arms, knees and feet. Next to conscious attention to your breathing, abdominal breathing method we to do yoga, inhale deeply and slowly exhale, between's breath, feel the heartbeat gently, peace of body, slow breath, to need to find a smooth breathing, watch the feeling of the body, breathe deep, breath by the nose, chest sink into the abdomen, into the fresh oxygen, moistens the every cell of the body, slowly expiratory, out of the body all the waste gas, polluted air, let all the troubles are far from us.Feel a drop of dew drop in the eyebrows, along the eyebrows to our cheeks, flowing from the cheek to the shoulder, down the arms across fingertips fall in the body of the pure land, gradually went away with a suit of exhaustion and daily happenings. Each inhale alvine a little bit of outward expansion, expiratory when abdomen every time a little bit of adduction, slowly feel the body is more and more light, more and more light, as if into a Bai Yunrong into the blue sky, with the breeze blowing, we free floating in the air, under our feet is a microwave ripples of the lake, clear lake sparkling under the sun, lake suffused with a faint scent flavor, white lotus flowers sway in the breeze, the lotus leaves each water glittering and translucent get rid of, wind, water drop from the lotus leaves into the lake. We continue to free floating in the air, the warm sun on our cloud-like body, a long peaceful deep of our heart, away from the hustle and bustle of the city at this time, abandoned the multifarious thoughts and feelings, let us seek the peaceful and serene in the blue sky.

Below please will slowly back to consciousness, adjust breathing for the natural breath, his hands folded on the chest, hard rub hot, warm palm on our eyes, to nourish your eyes with palm keypad, so can reduce fine wrinkles around the eye. Will hand gently slide to cheek, with stomach gently pat face, so that we can promote the circulation of the facial beauty effect.


Feet apart 20 to 30 cm, toes slightly outwards, with both hands palm up on your side, put your head gently swinging, adjust the most comfortable position, you close your eyes, quiet breathing evenly, then I would read aloud to your name from different parts of the body, would you please try to consciousness as I feel it was slowly loosen the boot. We begin with the feet, please transfer the consciousness to the legs, under the relaxed toe, foot, heel instep feel very heavy very heavy, heavy stick down on the ground, loosen the calf, tibia feel calf soft, murmuring, relax knee, popliteal fossa, relax the thighs, hips, abdomen, and all our internal organs is relax, relax the hips, waist, back, and feel they're heavy stick on the ground down, relax, double elbows, shoulders, arms chelidon, relax the forearm, wrist, relax your palms, back, and we 10 fingers are slowly relax, relax the neck, jaw, lips, teeth, and our tongues are good relax, relax the eyes, stretches the eyebrows, relax forehead and all of our facial muscles, relax the scalp, in the back of the head and even our every hair in good relax, feel the body is more and more light, slowly more and more light, light as a feather away just yoga practice to the exhaustion of the body. The conscious awareness to quiet rest for a while. Next please slowly back to the consciousness and gently move a finger, move your toes, stretch his arms above his head, big stretch, next the body to right side, try to bend back arched, relax our side waist and heart. Next we OM to life three Shaantin to end today's program, his
