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1.—Did the actor live alone in his house?

—Yes. He has a wife and two children. But _____ of them live with him.

A. none

B. all

C. both

D. no one

2. Yesterday 8-year-old boy fell into the river. ____ boy was saved by ____


A. an, A, a

B. an, The, a

C. a, The, the

D. a, An, the

3. – I’m sorry to trouble you. – ________.

A. It’s a good idea

B. It’s very kind of you

C. Thank you

D. You are welcome

4. –Is the girl ______ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?

–Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. whose

5. —Dad, I’ve got an “A” in the English exam today!

—Great! And you’re sure to win next tim e because this is a good_______.

A. report

B. result

C. start

D. skill

6. —Peter, could you come and help me in the kitchen, please?

—Sorry, Mom. I ____ Lily with her English.

A. help

B. helped

C. have helped

D. am helping

7. I like skiing better than climbing because I think climbing is _______ skiing.

A. not as exciting as

B. not as more exciting as

C. not as most exciting as

D. more exciting than

8. I _____ out of the window and _____ the police ______ after the thief.

A. looked, watched, run

B. looked, saw, running

C. watched, saw, run

D. saw, watched, running

9. She’s _____ her home for ten years. Ten years _____ a long time.

A. left, are

B. left, is

C. been away from, is

D. been away from, are

10. —Excuse me, which is your cousin?

—The one over there _____ a school uniform.

A. in

B. is wearing

C. who dresses

D. who puts on

11.______ the students in this primary school is about three thousand, _____ of them are girls.

A. A number of, two third

B. The number of, two thirds

C. A number of, two thirds

D. The number of, two third

12. The teacher told Lucy _____ too much time ______ computer games.

A. not to spend, in

B. to not spend, on

C. didn’t spend, playing

D. not to spend, playing

13.—_____ we swim in that river?

—No, you _____. It’s dangerous to swim there.

A. Must, can’t

B. Can, may not

C. Shall, don’t

D. May, mustn’t

14. All of us feel _________that ________ a little boy can eat _________much food.

A. surprised, such, so

B. surprised, so, much

C. surprised, such, such

D. surprised, so, such

15. My uncle remembered _____.

A. when we moved to the town

B. when did we move to the town

C. when we move to the town

D. when do we move to the town

二. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)


When you sit and watch TV hour after hour, do you ever think of what it may be doing to your health?

More and more children are becoming overweight (超重) and nearsighted 36 they spend too much time in front of the TV. Also, they are growing less and less creative since watching TV doesn’t 37 any active thought.

Last week, the TV-Turnoff Organization began its ninth TV-Turnoff 38 in the USA. The organization encourages people to play games, read books, lie under a tree, talk to family members and friends 39 watching TV.

American school children spend, on 40 , 1000 hours a year watching TV. That’s too much, say the doctors 41 organized this year’s TV-Turnoff Week.

Doctors say that the 42 children watch television, the more overweight they may become. And the food children eat while they watch television makes this weight 43 more serious.

To keep mentally(精神上) and physically(身体上) healthy, children need to take exercise, talk with friends and family, read, and 44 the world around them. Could you go a week without television? It might be 45 for many TV lovers, but why not have a try?

16. A. because B. until C. whether D. though

17. A. find B. need C. lose D. know

18. A. Day B. Week C. Month D. Year

19.A.together with B. because of C. lots of D. instead of

20. A. generally B. each C. average D. all

21. A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

22. A. later B. earlier C. longer D. less

23. A. problem B. question C. thing D. lesson

24. A. explore B. invent C. find D. make

25. A. easy B. happy C. dangerous D. difficult
