



正常: 75--95度 报警: 高于110度(功 率类型 I )
高于105度(功率类型 II )
正常: 400-500KPa
报警: 低于80KPa
注意: 除非紧急情况, 正常关停发动机时, 应让其在低怠速运行至少3分钟.
1. 将操纵手柄移到中间位置脱开正倒车机构 2. 将起动钥匙转到"S"位置并保持, 直到发动机停车. 取出钥匙. 3. 停机后检查发动机是否有泄露 4. 关闭燃油开关和海水开关 5. 关闭电门开关 6. 读取小时计并做好记录, 按照维护计划表进行预防性维护工作.
紧急停机 1.将调速杆(1)移至低怠速。 2.沿图中箭头方向移动停机杆(2)直至发动机停机。发动机停机 后, “无充电电压”和“润滑油压力低” 报警显示灯将亮起。 3.将钥匙转至位置“0”并拔下钥匙。此时报警显示灯将熄灭。
柴油冷却器(选购件) 海水泵
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
小于 0.5%
燃油含硫量重量百分比% 0.5-1.0%
大于 1.0%
500 小时或 12 个月
250 小时或 12 个月 125 小时或 12 个月
VDS = Volvo发动机润滑油规格 ACEA = 欧洲汽车制造商协会 API = 美国石油学会
更 换 机 油 滤 清 器
发动机 排气管
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
(TA) 型机器


TIF<50/ THF<2%



400K W沃尔沃柴油发电机组技术协议甲方:南阳二机石油装备(集团)有限公司乙方:南阳新成高架设备有限公司南阳二机石油装备(集团)有限公司(甲方)与南阳新成高架设备有限公司(乙方)关于大庆石油管理局钻探集团钻井一公司ZJ40DJ钻机上面的1000kW济柴发电机组和2×400kW沃尔沃柴油发电机组并机(带机房及并机柜),经过双方协商,达成如下技术协议:一、供电系统总体技术要求1、系统的设计制造依据“安全、可靠、先进、方便、实用”的原则,其动力控制系统,交流输出特性,控制操作和各种保护功能等应能满足用户的要求。





4、系统设计、制造标准应符合下列标准:GB2820-90工频柴油发电机组通用技术条件符合钻井行业HSE要求:符合其它有关电气标准;ISO3046 ISO8528 GB3096 IEC34 ISO9001 ISO14000等。




2、辅助发电机组为2×400kW两台(400kW/500kVA、400V、50Hz)瑞典沃尔沃(VOLVO)柴油发动机、英国斯坦福交流发电机(STAMFORD)及美国GAC电子调速系统和北京兰泊得机组并车控制系统配套而成的柴油发电机组, 1栋机房、相关动力电缆(房内连接电缆)及附件等全套动力系统。





维护保养计划表 ........................................ 18 维护保养计划表 .............................................. 18
简介..................................................................... 6 环保有责............................................................ 6 磨合 ................................................................... 6 燃油和润滑油..................................................... 6 维护保养和备件 ....................................................6 经认证的发动机 ................................................. 7
4-7升(EDC 4)
Volvo Penta 工业发动机的用户遍布世界各地,无论是移动的还是固定应 用,在可以想象得到的各种严酷工作环境中,您都可以找到它们。
经历了 90 余年的发动机制造历史,Volvo Penta 这个品牌已经成为运行 可靠、技术创新、性能一流和使用寿命长的代名词。我们坚信这些特点也 正是您对新 Volvo Penta 工业发动机的期盼和要求。
故障跟踪 ................................................. 37 征兆和可能原因....................................... 37








二、高压燃油泵1.三个凸起凸轮带来每次凸轮轴旋转的六个泵油过程(每个泵完成三次泵油过程)2.经由高压油管到喷油器3. I/O-阀(整合的)4.来自油量控制阀三、高压油轨燃油泵将燃油送入油轨,然后由油轨送入喷油器。






本公司以专业经营道依茨发动机总成和发动机配件为主,道依茨风冷发动机FL912, 913,914,413,513系列,水冷发动机FM1011, 1012, 1013, TCD2011,2012,2013,2015系列!公司按市场客户的业务需求下设:整机销售部,配件销售部,售后维修服务部,并设立业务在线咨询,提供24小时服务!本公司同时销售服务“燃气机组一绿色动力”业务。

沃尔沃D 发动机资料

沃尔沃D 发动机资料
S = 停机位置 O = 钥匙可以插入和抽出 I = 操作位置 II = 中间位置(不用) III = 起动位置
注意: 机器起动后,钥匙应保持在 I 位, 不 能放于 0 位
42400XW / 2020/7/11
控制功能 使用同一杆(1)进行切换和发动机转速控制 。 N= 空档位置/发动机怠速位置、驱动器/齿轮 箱脱开,发动机以怠速运转。 F= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船前进 R= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船后退 T= 控制发动机转速(RPM)
此功率等级适用于重载用途的排水型商用船舶,每年的运行小时数不受限制 可在满功率和全速下持续运行
42400XW / 2020/7/11
功率类型 2 – 中等载荷商业用途
功率设定 kW (hp)
D 5 A TD 5 A T AD 7 A TD 7 A T AD 7 C T A 1 9 0 0 rp m 8 3 (1 1 3 )1 0 3 (1 4 0 )1 2 6 (1 7 1 )1 5 3 (2 0 8 )1 6 9 (2 3 0 ) 2 3 0 0 rp m 9 5 (1 2 9 )1 1 8 (1 6 0 )1 2 9 (1 7 5 )1 7 4 (2 3 7 )1 9 5 (2 6 5 )
42400XW / 2020/7/11
1、始终使用Volvo Penta的正宗原产滤清器。如用其它的空气 滤清器,请与Volvo Penta联系并得到其允许;
2、务必等待压力下降指示器显出红色时,才更换滤清器; 3、清理空气滤清器时,绝对不要将其在地面上磕打或使用压
42400XW / 2020/7/11
节温器安装于冷却系统中,以将冷却液的温度保持在一定的 温度范围内。 如果将节温器拆下,则将会发生: 1、发动机加温到正常的工作温度要花很长时间; 2、发动机的润滑油温度达不到正确的水平; 3、在无节温器的情况下运行的发动机,不在担保的范围内。

VOLVO 重卡整车参数1

VOLVO 重卡整车参数1

Important NotesChassis DimensionsCab Height: -115 mm for L1EH1, +404 mm for L2H2, +542 mm for L2H3. Front Axle to Back of Cab: -436 mm for L1EH1.D-measure includes a front clearance of 50 mm and for rigid trucks also a subframe of 100 mm.Height can vary ± 20 mm for leaf and ± 10 mm for air suspension.All dimensions are for unladen chassis and any tag axles down.Weight and dimensions are based upon the following tyres: Chassis weight includes oil, water, AdBlue, 70 litres fuel and without driver. Kerb weight can vary ± 1.5%.Turning diameters are theoretically calculated.Legal weights can differ from country to country.For more detailed weight information, including optional equipment weights, ask your Volvo sales contact to enter your specification into the Volvo WeightChassis Dimensions [mm]WB Wheelbase 3000320034003600A Overall Chassis Length 6537673769377137D Centre of rear axle to back of cab 2004220424042604T TheoreticalWheelbase 3685388540854285Chassis Weights [kg]Front Axle 5175518551955210Rear Bogie 4425427542804290Kerb Weight 9600946094759500Turning Diameter [mm]Turning Circle Diameter Kerb to Kerb 13000136001430014900Turning Circle Diameter Wall to Wall 14700153001590016600Plated Weights [kg] Plated DesignGross Vehicle Weight 2500033100Gross Combination Weight 49000100000Front Axle 70007100Rear Bogie 1800026000Cab 2495■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS). Core components□ L1EH1 Day cab ■ L2H1 Sleeper cab □ L2H2 Sleeper cab with high roof, Globetrotter □ L2H3 Sleeper cab with extra high roof (+140 mm), Globetrotter XL(FH) / LXL (FM) cabs ■ EU3 Euro 3 Engine emission level.■ D13A400 Diesel engine, 13 litre, 400 hp, 2000 Nm. □ D13A440 Diesel engine, 13 litre, 440 hp, 2200 Nm. □ D13A480 Diesel engine, 13 litre, 480 hp, 2400 Nm. □ D13A520 Diesel engine, 13 litre, 520 hp, 2500 Nm.□ D13C420 Diesel engine, 13 litre Euro 5 SCR, 420 hp, 2100 Nm □ D13C460 Diesel engine, 13 litre Euro 5 SCR, 460 hp, 2300 Nm □ D13C500 Diesel engine, 13 litre Euro 5 SCR, 500 hp, 2500 Nm □ D13C540 Diesel engine, 13 litre Euro 5 SCR, 540 hp, 2600 Nm■ EBR-EPG Engine brake, exhaust pressure governor□ EBR-EPGC Engine brake, exhaust pressure governor for I-shift□ EBR-VEB Engine brake, Volvo Engine Brake (incl. exhaust pressure governor)□ EBR-VEB+ Engine compression brake, Volvo Engine Brake+ (VEB+), incl. Exhaust Pressure Governor (EPG).□ EBR-VGT Engine brake, Variable Geometry Turbo□ AT2412C I-Shift, 12 speed, 2400 Nm, max. permitted GCW 44000 kg, fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.□ AT2412D I-Shift, 12 speed, 2400 Nm, max. permitted GCW 44000 kg, fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.□ AT2512CI-shift, 12 speed, 2500 Nm, max. permitted GCW 100000 kg and fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.(Only combinations with T-FLAT and rear axle ratios higher than or equal to 3.61 give GCW 100000 kg, others 80000 kg.) □ AT2612D I-Shift, 12 speed, 2600 Nm, max. permitted GCW 60000 kg, fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.□ ATO2512CI-shift overdrive, 12 speed, 2500 Nm, max. permitted GCW 60000 kg, for use with hub reduction axles. Fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.□ ATO2612DI-shift overdrive, 12 speed, 2600 Nm, max. permitted GCW 60000 kg, for use with hub reduction axles. Fully automated electronically controlled gearshift and clutch, without clutch pedal.□ PT2606 Powertronic 6-speed automatic gearbox, 2600 Nm ■ VT2214B Manual split range gearbox 2400 Nm, 14 speed □ VT2514B Manual split range gearbox 2500 Nm, 14 speed □ VT2814B Manual split range gearbox 2800 Nm, 14 speed□ VTO2214B Manual split range gearbox 2400 Nm with overdrive, 14 speed □ VTO2514B Manual split range gearbox 2500 Nm with overdrive, 14 speed □ VTO2814B Manual split range gearbox 2800 Nm with overdrive, 14 speed □ TP-BAS City gear changing software□ TP-DICON Distribution and Construction optimized gear changing software□ TP-FUEC Fuel optimized gear changing software □ TP-HDHeavy Duty gear changing software□ AMSO-AUT Manual gear shift in automatic mode, (I-Shift). □ AMSO-BAS Basic gear shifting (I-Shift). □ AVO-BAS Basic vocational I-shift software (not for version C)□ AVO-ENH Enhanced vocational I-shift software, construction & timber adapted (not for version C)□ CD40B-O Double disc clutch, diameter 400 mm □ CS43B-O Single disc clutch, diameter 430 mm■ CS43B-OR Single disc clutch, diameter 430 mm, reinforced; version B ■ FAL7.1 Front axle load 7.1 tonnes □ FAL7.5 Front axle load 7.5 tonnes □ FAL8.0 Front axle load 8.0 tonnes □ FAL8.5 Front axle load 8.5 tonnes □ FAL9.0 Front axle load 9.0 tonnes□ FST-MULFront leaf suspension, conventional spring■ FST-PAR Front leaf suspension, parabolic spring □ FST-PAR3 Front leaf suspension, stiff parabolic spring □ FSTAB Front stabilizer, normal stiffness■ FSTAB2 Front stabilizer, medium high stiffness □ FSTAB3 Front stabilizer, stiff■ RADD-TR1 Rear leaf suspension (6x4/8x4), T-ride narrow, 75 mm wide leafs□ RADD-TR2 Rear leaf suspension (6x4/6x6/8x4), T-ride wide, 90 mm wide leafs.■ RT2610HV Rear tandem axle, hub reduction, 3 planet gear, bogie load 26 tonnes, GCW 100 tonnes□ RT3210HV Rear tandem axle, hub reduction, bogie load 32 tonnes, GCW 100 tonnes□ RTS2370A Rear single reduction tandem, bogie load 23 tonnes, GCW 70 tonnes□ RAL23 Bogie load 23 tonnes ■ RAL26 Bogie load 26 tonnes □ RAL32 Bogie load 32 tonnes□ RST-MUL Rear leaf suspension, conventional spring ■ RST-PAR1 Rear leaf suspension, parabolic spring □ RALIM15First rear drive axle load limiter, 15.0 tonnesPackages■ AUDBAS Audio basic□ AUDMED+Audio medium plusTruck use□ ADR2 ADR adaptation, transportation of dangerous goods, 2 switches.□ PSCOOL Power steering cooler. ■ STWPOS-LLeft hand driveChassis■ BRAKE-ZV Volvo Z-cam brakes□ AUXPARK Auxiliary parking brake (2 extra parking brake chambers) ■ ABS-WHL ABS, Anti-lock brake system ■ FRAME88 Frame section thickness 8 mm■ FIL-TXEB Inner liner from transmission member to bogie end. ■ FRAMEHIG Frame rail section height, 300 mm ■ BBOX-L Battery box on left hand side ■ 2BATT170 Batteries 2x170 Ah □ 2BATT225Batteries 2x225 Ah□ BAMAFREE Maintenance free batteries ■ R405A71 Right aluminium 710 mm D-shaped fuel tank, 405 litres volume.Usable volume is 97% of stated volume. Min volume 150lMax volume 810l ■ UL-FUEL Without left fuel tank Min volume 160l Max volume 450l ■ FCAP-L Lockable fuel tank cap■ ESH-LEFT Muffler horizontal, left exhaust outlet □ ESH-REAR Muffler horizontal, rear exhaust outlet □ ESH-RIGH Muffler horizontal, right exhaust outlet□ ESH-VERT Muffler horizontal, vertical exhaust outlet on right hand side □ ESV-VERT Muffler vertical, vertical exhaust outlet on right hand side □ SWCP-BC Spare wheel carrier, behind cab■ SWCP-LB Spare wheel carrier, on left hand side partly under battery box □ SWCP-LF Spare wheel carrier, on left hand side in front of rear axle □ SWCP-T Plastic strips strapped to the chassis used as a temporary spare wheel carrier.□ SWCP-TPSpare wheel carrier transport mounted on top of frame■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS). □ WHC-TRP2 Two foldable wheel chocks delivered loose in cab □ WHCHOCK2 Two foldable wheel chocks □ TB-L80 Toolbox 800 mm, left side □ TB-R80 Toolbox 800 mm, right side □ SUP-BAS Standard side underrun protection □ CHAIN-SSnow chains□ TOWR-ONE One rear towing device ■ RFEND-BRear fenders, basic (3 piece fender with anti-spray function)Rims and Tyres□ WL-AL Aluminium rims□ WL-ALDP Dura-Bright aluminium rims, front-drive□ WL-ALDPD Dura-Bright aluminium rims, dual holes, front-drive □ WL-ALDU Aluminium rims, dual holes □ WL-ALP Polished aluminium rims□ WL-ALPDU Polished aluminium rims, dual holes ■ WL-ST Steel rims□ SPWT-D Spare wheel&tyre equal to drive wheel ■ SPWT-F Spare wheel and tyre equal to front wheel □ WCAPWheel capsPowertrain equipment■ 1COMP530 Single cylinder air compressor 318 cc □ 2COM1080 Dual cylinder air compressor 704 cc □ 2COMP900 Dual cylinder air compressor 636 cc ■ AIRIN-HI High air intake □ AIRIN-LO Low air intake□ ACL1ST-S Air cleaner with additional filter element□ 24AL120B Alternator 120 Ampere □ 24AL150B Alternator 150 Ampere■ 24ALT-HB Alternator 80 Ampere (D13/16) / 90 Ampere (D9/D11) □ 24ALT-XB Alternator 110 Ampere□ CCV-C Closed crankcase ventilation.□ CCV-OX Crank case ventilation for cold markets □ COOLC40 Cooling capacity 40°C, ATB ■ COOLC48 Cooling capacity 48º C, ATB□ TC-HWO Oil cooler for hydraulic transmissions – water/oil□ TC-MAOH2Oil cooler/mechanical transmission, air/oil, extra high performance■ TC-MWO Oil cooler for mechanical transmissions, basic performance,without retarder – water/oil□ TC-MWOH2 Oil cooler/mechanical transmission, water/oil, highperformance □ TRAP-HDSteel gearbox range housing, heavy duty. □ FUEQ-EH Fuel line electric heater■ AF-E Auxiliary fuel filter, electrically heated ■ EST-AID Engine start pre heating element□ PTER-DIN Power Take Off / splined shaft groove (female) DIN5462. □ PTER1400 Rear engine mounted power-take-off with flange SAE 1410 □ HPE-F101 Hydraulic pump F1-101, fixed displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-F41 Hydraulic pump F1-41, fixed displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-F51 Hydraulic pump F1-51, fixed displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-F61 Hydraulic pump F1-61, fixed displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-F81 Hydraulic pump F1-81, fixed displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-T53 Hydraulic pump F2-53/53, fixed displacement, double flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-T70Hydraulic pump F2-70/35, fixed displacement, double flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-V120 Hydraulic pump VP1-120, variable displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-V45 Hydraulic pump VP1-45, variable displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ HPE-V75 Hydraulic pump VP1-75, variable displacement, single flow, rear engine mounted.□ PTPT-D DIN connection PTO, Powertronic □ PTPT-F Flange connection PTO, Powertronic□ PTR-D DIN connection PTO, low speed, manual gearbox □ PTR-DH DIN connection PTO, high speed, manual gearbox □ PTR-DM DIN connection PTO, medium speed, manual gearbox □ PTR-F PTO, 1 rear flange connection□ PTR-FH Flange connection PTO, high speed, manual gearbox □ PTR-FL Flange connection PTO, low speed, manual gearbox □ PTRD-D Power take-off with 1 front DIN connection + 1 rear DIN connection, manual gearbox□ PTRD-D1 Power take-off with 1 front DIN connection + 1 rear flange connection, manual gearbox□ PTRD-D2 Power take-off with 1 front DIN connection and 2 rear flange connections, manual gearbox□ PTRD-F Power take-off with 1 rear flange connection, manual gearbox □ APF-BAS Basic I-shift PTO functions□ APF-ENH Enhanced I-shift PTO functions□ HPG-F101 Hydraulic pump F1-101, fixed displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.□ HPG-F41 Hydraulic pump F1-41, fixed displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.□ HPG-F51 Hydraulic pump F1-51, fixed displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.□ HPG-F61 Hydraulic pump F1-61, fixed displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.□ HPG-F81 Hydraulic pump F1-81, fixed displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.□ HPG-V120Hydraulic pump VP1-120, variable displacement, single flow, gearbox mounted.Cab exterior■ BUMP-S Front steel bumper.□ BUMP-SC Front steel bumper, construction applications. □ GUARD-EH Guard plate for cooling pipes and oil sump □ CABS-FUA Full air cab suspension■ CABS-MEC Mechanical cab suspension□ CABS-REA Cab suspension, rear air and front mechanical □ AD-ROOF Roof air deflector□ AD-ROOFB Roof air deflector with light box □ AD-SIDEL Long cab side air deflector □ AD-SIDES Short cab side air deflector. □ LADDERLadder back of cabSuperstructure preparations□ 5WM-ISHD 5th wheel ISO mounting, heavy duty, 16 mm mounting plate ■ 5WM-ISOHFifth wheel ISO mounting, high Z-profiles (t=8 mm) for 10 mm ISO saddle.Z-profile height above frame = 80 mm. Total height above frame 90 mm. ■ 5WH150 Fifth wheel leg-height 150 mm □ 5WH185 Fifth wheel leg-height 185 mm □ 5WH190 Fifth wheel leg-height 190 mm□ 5WT-GF George Fischer SK-S 36.20 V cast fifth wheel□ 5WT-GFHD Georg Fischer SK-HD 38.36 cast heavy duty fifth wheel ■ 5WT-JOJost cast fixed fifth wheel.Type JSK 37C for 5WM-ISOL/5WM-ISOM/5WM-ISOH, LUB-CENT.Type JSK 37E for 5WM-LPRO, LUB-CENT.Type JSK 42K for all fifth wheel mountings with ULUBCENT. □ 5WT-JOHDJost JSK 38C cast heavy duty fifth wheel■ RAMP-LOW Ramp sliding member, low height□ RAMP-MED Ramp sliding member, medium height ■ RDECKRear deck, basic□ RDECK-M Rear deck, medium□ WL-TA1A Working lamp trailer arch, 1 lamp amber■ WL-TA1W Working lamp trailer arch, 1 lamp white■ TBC-EC European Community trailer brake connection□ TRCON145 Trailer cable connection 14-pin connector for ADR vehicles(ADR).□ TRCON147 Trailer cable connection 14-pin connector without ADR(UADR).□ TRCONKOR Trailer cable connections for Korea□ TTRCON15 Trailer cable connections for ADR□ TTRCON7 Trailer cable connections, UADR■ TTRCON77 Trailer cable, two connections, UADR■ TRBR-HCF Hand controlled trailer brake, full pressure□ TRBR-HCR Hand controlled trailer brake, reduced pressure□ TAILPREP Taillift preparation kit■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).。



997010260/988010260/9880 980010080/969010080/9690 6760 6980/6500 6980/6500 6220 5930/5650 5930/5650 9470 9690/9620 9690/9620 6620 6800/6700 6800/6700 3640 3890/3910 3890/3910 9690 2990 2940 10260 2990 3190 10260 3190 3190
10720/10430/10190 10550/11070 10520/10230/9980 10330/10860 7350/7050/6850 6850/7450 6480/5890/5730 5350/5790 10080/9910/9660 10170/10340 7040/6870/6670 7090/7290 4180/4230/4220 4320/4280 10530 3190 3350 11330 334013F VOLVO D13F VOLVO D6E VOLVO D6E VOLVO D6E VOLVO D7E VOLVO D7E 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)电控直喷式 (带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)高压共轨 增压(带中冷器)电控直喷式 170(231) 265(360)/1800 123(167)/1800 123(167) 123(167) 138(188) 138(188) 215(292)/1700 169(230) 156(348)/1800 110(150)/1800 115(156) 115(156) 137(186) 137(186) 208(283)/1700 1080/1350 1580/1300 1800/1400 730/1350 730/1350 730/1350 870/1350 870/1350 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7.1 12.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 7.1 7.1 12.8 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 2x200 2x207 2x207 2x240 2x240 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 1x18 1x18 1x18 1x18 1x18 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 机械式 机械式 机械式 机械式 11.6 12.1 12.1 11.9 11.9 5.5/3.2 5.7/3.5 5.7/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 35°(70%) 183 183 183 217 217 147.1 152 152 186 186 104.9 110 110 129 129 43.1(0.44) 47.1kpa 44.1kpa 47.6kpa 48.6kpa 350 160 9940/9540 9750/9350 6730/6330 5830/5520 9450/9220 6650/6430 3650/3670 9700 2990 2940 375 140 9970 9800 6760 6220 9470 6620 3640 9690 2800 2940 375 140 470 195 470 195 变量柱塞泵x2 变量柱塞泵x2 2x263 2x300 齿轮泵x1 齿轮泵x1 1x18 1x31 定量柱塞马达x1 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 机械式 10.7 10.3 5.4/3.4 5.3/3.4 35° 35°(70%) 247 276 203 243 146 219 58kpa 69.1kpa 470 195 620 227 变量柱塞泵x2 2x358 齿轮泵x1 1x32 定量柱塞马达x1 变量柱塞马达x2 机械式 8.8 3.1/5.1 35°(70%) 330 311 253 72.6kpa 685 270 12040/11710/10930 11810/11480/10680 7720/7370/6580 7110/6670/5990 11020/10860/10600 7640/7480/6970 5090/5130/4780 12140 3440 3650



VOLVO PENTA GENSET ENGINE TAD1641GE473kW (643 hp) at 1500 rpm, 546 kW (743 hp) at 1800 rpm, acc. to ISO 3046 The TAD1641GE is a powerful, reliableand economical Generating Set DieselEngine built on the dependable in-line sixdesign.Durability & low noiseDesigned for easiest, fastest and mosteconomical installation. Well-balancedto produce smooth and vibration-freeoperation with low noise level.To maintain a controlled working tem-perature in cylinders and combustionchambers, the engine is equipped withpiston cooling. The engine is also fittedwith replaceable cylinder liners and valveseats/guides to ensure maximum dura-bility and service life of the engine.Low exhaust emissionThe state of the art, high-tech injectionand charging system with low internallosses contributes to excellent combus-tion and low fuel consumption.The TAD1641GE complies with EUStage 2 exhaust emission regulations.Easy service & maintenanceEasily accessible service and mainte-nance points contribute to the ease ofservice of the engine.Technical descriptionEngine and block– Optimized cast iron cylinder block with opti-mum distribution of forces without the blockbeing unnecessary heavy.– Wet, replaceable cylinder liners– Piston cooling for low thermal load on pis-tons and reduced ring temperature– Tapered connecting rods to reduce risk of piston cracking– Crankshaft induction hardened bearing surfaces and fillets with seven main bear-ings for moderate load on main and big-end bearings– Nitrocarburized transmission gears for heavy duty operation– Keystone top compression rings for long service life– Viscous type crankshaft vibration damper– Replaceable valve guides and valve seats– Over head camshaft and four valves per cylinder equipped with camshaft damper to reduce noise and vibrations. Lubrication system– Full flow oil cooler– Full flow disposable spin-on oil filters, for extra high filtration– The lubricating oil level can be measured during operation (Standard dipstick only)– Gear type lubricating oil pump, gear driven by the transmission Fuel system– Self de-aerating system. When replacingfilters all fuel stays in the engine.– Non-return fuel valve– Electronic unit injectors– Fuel prefilter with water separator and wa-ter-in-fuel indicator / alarm– Gear driven low-pressure fuel pump– Fine fuel filter with manual feed pump andfuel pressure switch– Fuel shut-off valve, electrically operatedCooling system– Efficient cooling with accurate coolant con-trol through a water distribution duct in thecylinder block. Reliable sleeve thermostatwith minimum pressure drop– Belt driven, maintenance-free coolant pumpwith high degree of efficiency– Coolant filter as standardTurbo charger– Efficient and reliable turbo charger– Extra oil filter for the turbo chargerElectrical system– Engine Management System 2 (EMS 2), anelectronically controlled processing systemwhich optimizes engine performance. It alsoincludes advanced facilities for diagnosticsand fault tracing– The instruments and controls connect to theengine via the CAN SAE J1939 interface,either through the Control Interface Unit(CIU) or the Digital Control Unit (DCU). TheCIU converts the digital CAN bus signal toan anolog signal, making it possible to con-nect a variety of instruments. The DCU is acontrol panel with display, engine control,monitoring, alarm, parameter setting and di-agnostic functions. The DCU also presentserror codes in clear text.– Sensors for oil pressure, oil temp, boostpressure, boost temp, coolant temp, fueltemp, water in fuel, fuel pressure and twospeed sensors. Crank case pressure, pistoncooling pressure, oil level and air filter pres-sure drop sensors.– Alternator 24V / 80AFeatures– Maintained performance, air temp 40°C– Tropical cooling system (55°C)– Fully electronic with Volvo Penta EMS 2– Dual frequency switch (between 1500 rpm and 1800 rpm)– High power density– Emission compliant– Low noise levels–Gen Pac configurationPower StandardsThe engine performance corresponds to ISO 3046, BS5514 and DIN 6271. The technical data applies to an engine without cooling fan and operating on a fuel with calorific value of 42.7 MJ /kg (18360 BTU/lb) and a density of 0.84 kg/liter (7.01 lb/US gal), also where this involves a deviation from the standards. Power output guaranteed within 0 to +2% att rated ambient conditions at delivery. Ratings are based on ISO 8528. Engine speed governing in accordance with ISO 3046/IV, class A1 and ISO 8528-5 class G3Exhaust emissionsThe engine complies with EU stage 2 emission legislation according to the Non Road Directive EU 97/68/EEC. The engine also complies with TA-luft -50% exhaust emission regulations.Rating GuidelinesPRIME POWER rating corresponds to ISO Standard Power for continuous operation. It is applicable for supplying electrical power at variable load for an unlimited number of hours instead of com-mercially purchased power. A10 % overload capability for govering purpose is available for this rating.MAXIMUM STANDBY POWER rating corresponds to ISOStandard Fuel Stop Power. It is applicable for supplying standby electrical power at variable load in areas with well established electrical networks in the event of normal utility power failure. No overload capability is available for this rating.1 hp = 1 kW x 1.36InformationFor more technical data and information, please look in the Gener-ating Set Engines Sales Guide.TAD1641GEAB Volvo PentaSE-405 08 Göteborg, SwedenTechnical DataGeneralEngine designation ........................................................................TAD1641GE No. of cylinders and configuration .......................................................in-line 6Method of operation ...............................................................................4-stroke Bore, mm (in.) .....................................................................................144 (5.67)Stroke, mm (in.) ..................................................................................165 (6.50)Displacement, l (in³) ....................................................................16.12 (983.7)Compression ratio .....................................................................................16.5:1Dry weight, kg (lb) ..........................................................................1480 (3263)Dry weight with Gen Pac, kg (lb) ...............................................1910 (4211)Wet weight, kg (lb) ........................................................................1550 (3417)Wet weight with Gen Pac, kg (lb) ..............................................2020 (4453)Performance1500 rpm 1800 rpm with fan, kW (hp) at: Prime Power430 (585) 485 (660)Max Standby Power473 (643)546 (743)Lubrication system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Oil consumption, liter/h (US gal/h) at:Prime Power 0.10 (0.026) 0.11 (0.029)Max Standby Power 0.10 (0.026) 0.12 (0.032)Oil system capacity incl filters, liter ................................................................42Fuel system1500 rpm 1800 rpm Specific fuel consumption at:Prime Power, g/kWh (lb/hph) 25 % 223 (0.361) 232 (0.376)50 % 201 (0.326) 202 (0.327)75 % 196 (0.318) 197 (0.319) 100 %198 (0.321) 200 (0.324)Max Standby Power, g/kWh (lb/hph) 25 % 218 (0.353) 228 (0.370)50 % 199 (0.323) 201 (0.326)75 % 195 (0.316) 197 (0.319)100 %198 (0.321)205 (0.332)Intake and exhaust system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Air consumption, m³/min (cfm) at: Prime Power 32 (1130) 42 (1483)Max Standby Power 35 (1236) 45 (1589)Max allowable air intake restriction,kPa (In wc) 5 (20.1) 5 (20.1)Heat rejection to exhaust, kW (BTU/min) at: Prime Power 326 (18539) 373 (21212)Max Standby Power 356 (20245) 442 (25136)Exhaust gas temperature after turbine, °C (°F) at: Prime Power 475 (887) 435 (815)Max Standby Power 490 (914) 470 (878)Max allowable back-pressure in exhaust line,kPa (In wc) 10 (40.2) 10 (40.2)Exhaust gas flow, m³/min (cfm) at:Prime power 79.0 (2790) 97.0 (3426)Max Standby Power 84.9 (2998) 106.6 (3765)Cooling system 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Heat rejection radiation from engine,kW (BTU/min) at:Prime Power 30 (1706) 32 (1820)Max Standby Power 34 (1934) 33 (1877)Heat rejection to coolant kW (BTU/min) at:Prime Power 172 (9781) 185 (10521)Max Standby Power 176 (10009) 199 (11317)Fan power consumption, kW (hp) 11 (15)19 (26)Standard equipmentEngineGen PacEngineAutomatic belt tensioner • •Lift eyelets • •FlywheelFlywheel housing with conn. acc. to SAE 1 • •Flywheel for 14” flex. plate and flexible coupling • •Vibration dampers • •Engine suspension Fixed front suspension • •Lubrication system Oil dipstick• •Full-flow oil filter of spin-on type • •By-pass oil filter of spin-on type • •Oil cooler, side mounted • •Low noise oil sump • •Fuel systemFuel filters of disposable type • •Electronic unit injectors• •Pre-filter with water separator • •Intake and exhaust systemAir filter with replaceable paper insert • •Air restriction indicator• •Air cooled exhaust manifold• •Connecting flange for exhaust pipe • •Exhaust flange with v-clamp • •Turbo charger, low right side • •Cooling systemTropical radiator incl intercooler •¹) •Belt driven coolant pump • •Fan hub • •Thrust fan •¹) •Fan guard − •Belt guard−•Control systemEngine Management System (EMS) with CAN-bus interface SAE J1939 ••CIU, Control Interface Unit – –AlternatorAlternator 80A / 24V • •Starting systemStarter motor, 7.0kW, 24V• •Connection facility for extra starter motor • •Instruments and sendersTemp.- and oil pressure for automatic ••stop/alarm 103°C Other equipmentExpandable base frame − •Engine Packing Plastic wrapping••1)must be ordered, se order specification − optional equipment or not applicable • included in standard specificationNote! Not all models, standard equipment and accessories are available in all countries. All specifications are subject to change without notice.The engine illustrated may not be entirely identical to production standard engines.E n g l i s h 12-2006. © 2006 A B V o l v o P e n taA* = 1587 mm / 62.5 in B* = 1120 mm / 44.1 in C* = 1976 mm / 77.8 inD = 2296 mm / 90.5 in (During transport)D = Max 3311 mm / 130.5 in* Including radiator and intercooler。
















本公司以专业经营道依茨发动机总成和发动机配件为主,道依茨风冷发动机FL912, 913,914,413,513系列,水冷发动机FM1011, 1012, 1013, TCD2011,2012,2013,2015系列!公司按市场客户的业务需求下设:整机销售部,配件销售部,售后维修服务部,并设立业务在线咨询,提供24小时服务!本公司同时销售服务“燃气机组一绿色动力”业务。







创于1924年,创始人是Assar Gabrielsson和Gustaf Larson。





三、沃尔沃发电机组(柴油发电机组)产品特点一、功率范围:68KW---550KW五、沃尔沃柴油发电机/柴油发电机组供货标准配置·柴油发动机(带全数附件、三滤、电气系统)原厂保修卡·无刷交流发电机机组利用手册·钢结构底座发动机利用手册·风扇水箱冷却系统发电机利用手册·法兰盘连轴器机组测试报告·24V启动马达和充电电机柴油发电机组·空气滤清器、柴油滤清器、机油滤清器产品合格证·机载式操纵屏·MCCB空气爱惜开关·24V启动电瓶与电池线·机组减震器·工业用高效消音器·随机技术文件六、沃尔沃柴油发电机/柴油发电机组的安装一、沃尔沃发电机组机房的选择* 沃尔沃柴油发电机组要求周边环境有利于通风及排气* 足够的操作空间* 布局合理* 不能放置易燃易爆物品2、沃尔沃发电机组安装基础* 只要地面的承重能力足够,可以不做基础平台* 沃尔沃柴油发电机组采用了高效减震装置,地基无需隔震处理* 基础平台的尺寸请参考《安装技术手册》*基础平台无需预留地脚螺栓3、沃尔沃发电机组冷却与通风系统* 标准沃尔沃柴油发电机组为封闭式冷却水循环系统* 因机房条件限制可能采用分体式散热系统或热交换器系统* 进风及排风口布置要合理,避免暖气回流* 进风及排风口面积要知足最小净空要求4、沃尔沃发电机组供油系统* GF系列沃尔沃柴油发电机组需另配日用油箱* 油箱与机组之间的高度差符合要求* 进回油管的尺寸符合要求* 供油系统安装符合消防规范* 当燃油质量较差时建议安装油水分离器5、沃尔沃柴油发电机组的排气系统* 沃尔沃柴油发电机组标准配置一个工业型消声器* 排气系统应尽可能减少弯头数量及缩短排气管的总长度* 超出规定的长度及弯头的数量,那么应适当加大排气管径* 排气管与机组之间安装波纹管以隔震6、沃尔沃发电机组电缆接驳* 500GF以下沃尔沃柴油发电机组空气开关采用塑壳空气开关,悬挂于发电机右侧(从发电机端看)* 500GF以上沃尔沃柴油发电机组空气开关采纳框架势空气开关及落地式柜体,安装于机房* 建议在进行电缆接驳时采用软连接* 建议将电缆预敷设于电缆槽,并作防渗透、防漏电处置7、沃尔沃发电机组噪声抑减* 机房降噪处理, 可将噪声降至60dB(A)* 防音型、超级防音型、拖车防音型或车载防音型沃尔沃柴油发电机组,可将噪声降至70-80dB(A)七、沃尔沃发电机组效劳许诺本公司秉承“产品如人品,先做人后做事,一切为用户着想”等经营理念,现对产品效劳工作郑重许诺:1、技术服务:免费派员到现场作技术指导,协助搞好机房设置,免费调试,免费替用户制订培训计划、(工厂或现场)培训操作人员,双方商量培训方式,内容及时间,按照实际情况而定。



Engine Basic 2009
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009
The TWD 型pump through the intercooler and then on to the radiator before repeating the cycle
Engine Basic 2009
• VP发动机历史 • 发动机工作原理 • VP发动机基本结构和零部件 • 有关的技术资料 15’ 20’ 120’ 30’
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009
Volvo Penta 发动机的历史
1868 年 遍 达 在 瑞 典 的 SKOVDA 设 厂 开 始 从事工程制造
5 6
8 9 1
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009
注意: 供货时缸套和活塞是成组供应的
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009
1。空气滤器 2。涡轮增压器 3。中冷器 4。进气管 5。排气支管
5 4 1
MAY. 2009 ZSI 0087
5 3
MAY. 2009
ZSI 0087
Engine Basic 2009

VOLVO FM 卡車產品指南说明书

VOLVO FM 卡車產品指南说明书

32 4
路面到車頂僅有 261 公分,對於需要特 別注意高度的運輸情況來說是最好的選
擇。νࠅଉɝə༆dሗਞቡୋ 32 ࠫf
᎘ዱ 主動式轉向頭燈、靜態轉向輔助照明 燈、有效率的遠光燈等各式照明。νࠅ ଉɝə༆dሗਞቡୋ 24 ࠫf
VOLVO ࣵ‫ˏذ‬Ꮧ 省油、扭力強勁的 11 與 13 公升引 擎。依照您的工作內容做出最佳選擇。 νࠅଉɝə༆dሗਞቡୋ 10 ࠫf
*I-See ස‫׵‬னਯ Euro 5 ʿ Euro 6 ̹ٙఙʕ౤Զf
I-See 知道斜坡路段何時結束。因此,一旦車 速在下坡路段開始增加時,它會適時地稍微施
加引擎煞車 (而非突然地重煞車),為即將到來 的道路地形做好準備。
ίսֵj ɓԬᕘ̮ٙਗɢ 當下坡路段緊接著上坡路段時,I-See 真的就 能發揮最大的功用。它讓卡車以慣性自行前進 到最大限速以蓄積上坡力道,讓卡車在上坡時 更省力。
ሗਞቡୋ 12 ࠫf
ৣ΁ 專為您的工作及需求來打造卡車, 讓您工作起來更有效率。νࠅଉɝə
༆dሗਞቡୋ 44 ࠫf
ᒔᆞ઄வᅵٙ዁છช෗k ఱ྅݊ቷትʃ‫܄‬ԓɓᅵf
如果您一整天都在開車,那麼您就知道良好的操控性有多重要。因為對開 卡車的人來說,駕駛舒適性絕對不只是要求舒適性而已。當卡車完美地回 應您的指揮時,您就能事半功倍並減少上半身拉傷的風險,進而降低發生 事故機率。
我們從不允許工程師在大樑框架上方添 加任何多餘的東西。這個區域完全屬於 車體製造商管轄,目的就是提供他們充 分的彈性。



D7E 型发动机设计和功能培训手册VOLVO前言这本培训手册介绍了D7E型发动机的设计和功能。

维修的程序及特殊工具的使用方法在V olvo 服务资料中进行了介绍。

目前在V olvo汽车的几种车型上安装了这种发动机。


目录1 D7E发动机,货车版本 (3)2 D7E发动机,客车版本 (4)3 发动机识别 (5)4 气缸盖 (6)5 气缸体 (7)6 活塞,活塞环和连杆 (8)7 气缸套 (9)8 配气机构 (10)9 正时齿轮 (11)10 曲轴和减振器 (12)11 润滑系统概述 (13)12 润滑系统功用 (14)13 机油冷却器和机油滤清器 (15)14 燃油系统 (16)15 带粗滤器的手油泵 (17)16 输油泵 (18)17 燃油滤清器 (19)18 燃油分配器 (20)19 高压油泵 (21)20 高压油管和共轨系统 (22)21 喷油器高压油管和喷油器 (23)22 喷油器功用 (24)23 喷雾气流 (25)24 控制单元和发动机传感器 (26)25 控制单元和发动机传感器 (27)26 进气管和滤清器 (28)27 排气歧管 (29)28 涡轮增压器 (30)29 涡轮增压器功用 (31)30 增压空气的冷却与预热 (32)31 EPG排气制动器 (33)32 JAK发动机制动器 (34)33 发动机制动器功用 (35)34 曲轴箱通风 (36)35 冷却系统 (37)36 冷却风扇 (39)1 D7E发动机,货车版本这套培训手册中介绍了D7E发动机。


D7E 发动机带有SCR*(排气处理)装置,满足欧IV排放法规要求,于2006年上市。





柴油机 原理 结构 2007-10
活塞环 活塞 飞轮 连杆
柴油机 原理 结构 2007-10
一、常用名词 1、活塞冲程:上、下止点的最小直线距离称为活 塞冲程(或行程)。 2、工作循环:内燃机中热能与机械能的转化是通 过活塞在汽缸内工作,连续进行进气、压缩、膨胀、 排气四个过程来完成的。机器每进行这样一个过程称 为一个工作循环。 3、上、下止点:活塞在汽缸中移动时,活塞在汽 缸中的最高位置称为上止点;活塞在汽缸中的最低位 置称为下止点。
柴油机 原理 结构 2007-10
a、进气冲程 c、膨胀冲程
b、压缩冲程 d、排气冲程
柴油机 原理 结构 2007-10
进气冲程:活塞从上止点向下止点移动,目的是吸入新鲜 空气为燃烧作好准备, 此时进气门打开,排气门关闭。 活塞到达下止点时进气门关闭,进气冲程结束。 压缩冲程:活塞从下止点向上止点移动,此时上下气门关 闭,气缸内空气受压缩温度、压力提高,为燃烧提供条 件,活塞到达上止点时压缩冲程结束。 膨胀(作功)冲程:在压缩冲程结束前,喷油器将燃油喷 入气缸,与空气混合形成可燃气体并自燃,产生高温、高 压推动活塞向下止点运动并带动曲轴旋转而作功,活塞到 达下止点时,气缸内压力下降,直至排气门打开。 排气冲程:作功结束后,气缸内的气体已成为废气,活塞 从下止点向上止点运动,排气门打开,进气门关闭,活塞 将废气排除气缸,到达上止点时,排气冲程结束。 排气冲程结束后,排气门关闭,进气门又打开,重复进行 9 柴油机 原理 结构 2007-10 下一个循环,周而复始不断对外作功。

沃尔沃柴油机技术参数 Volvo Penta TAD1353ve Technical data

沃尔沃柴油机技术参数 Volvo Penta TAD1353ve Technical data

ImportantGeneralliters in 3mm in mm inkg lb kg lb rpm 1200150018001900kW 299345345345hp 407469469469with fankW 290330326325890mmhp 394449443441Nm 2380219618301734lbf ft 1755162013501279Nm lbf ft %m/s 6,37,99,510,0ft/sec 20,725,931,132,8MPa 2,342,161,801,71psi 339313261247MPa 15,215,715,715,1psi 2204227722772190kgm²(not including flywheel)lbft²kW 23334752hp31456471Compression ratio 17,1:1Bore 1315,16Stroke1586,22This Technical Data Sheet and the corresponding Installation Instructions provide important information to ensure the installed engine will operate according to the design specification in the Volvo Penta application for certification.Requirements marked with are considered as critical for exhaust emissions compliance according to the design specification in the Volvo Penta application for certification.Failing to follow and meet these instructions and requirements when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment for use in the United States violates U.S. federal law (40 CFR 1068.105(b)), subject to fines or other penalities as described in the Clean Air Act.In-line four stroke diesel engine with direct injection. Rotation direction, counterclockwise viewed towards flywheel Number of cylinders 6Displacement, total 12,78780Firing order 1-5-3-6-2-43946Performance IFN Power345 kW without fan Wet weightEngine only (Estimated)(excl after treatment comp.)13252921Power pac179023801755Torque at:IFN PowerMax torque at engine speedrpm1200 rpmMax combustion pressure at:IFN PowerTotal mass moment of inertia, J (mR 2)1,14327,1Power tolerance ±2Mean piston speed Effective mean pressure at:IFN Power Friction PowerDerating see Technical Diagramsrpm 1200150019002200kW N/AN/AN/AN/Ahp Nm lbf ft rpm rpm °C°C °F °C °F °C °F liter/h liter US gal Max liter US gal Minliter US gal h h °°°kPa psimax °C °F 99%µ50%µEngine speed range for VCB activation:N/A Min engine speed with VCB still active:N/A Min oil temperature for VCB activation:N/AEngine brake performance (only engines with VCB)Brake power:without fan Brake torque:without fan-13with manifold heater 3 kW and block heater-30-22*Specify oil and fuel qualityT>-15°C Oil VDS3 or VDS4 15W/40 T<-15°C Oil VDS3 or VDS4 5W/40 Cold start performance *Cold start limit temperaturewithout starting aid -155with manifold heater 3 kW-2530°F*See also general section in the sales guide Lubrication system0,02Heater type MakePower kWEngaged hours (-30°C)Cooling water temp engine blockSelf circulatingVolvo 21578298212-1°C Lubricating oil consumption (average)Oil system capacity including filters 369,51Oil pan capacity:(both variants)307,93195,02Engine angularity limits:front up 11front down 11side tilt11Oil change intervals/specifications VDS3500VDS4500Lubrication systemLubrication oil temperature in sump:13026638Oil pressure at rated speed300- 65044- 94Oil filter filtration efficiency(in accordance with ISO 4548-12)14liter/h US gal/h kPa psi Fuel supply line max. pressure, during engine stand stillkPa (meassured at fuel inlet connection)psiFuel supply line min. pressure, during engine stand stillkPa (meassured at fuel inlet connection)psi liter/h US gal/h kPa psi °C °F µ96%µ75%µrpm 1200150018001900m³/min 19,023,02526cfm 671812883918kPapsi kW 229268269280BTU/min 13023152411529815923°C 544539493497°F10111002919927kPa 9121415125mmpsi 1,31,72,02,2m³/min 52,060,06263cfm183621192190222516523,9-125-18,1Fuel systemFuel return line max. restriction(measured at fuel return connection)202,9Max. allowable inlet fuel temp(Measured at fuel inlet connection)60140System return flow at max. Speed 30,07,9System supply flow at max. Speed 13034,3Fuel supply line max. restriction (measured at fuel inlet connection)304,4Intake and exhaust system Prefilter / Water separator micron size 10Governor type/make, standard Volvo/EMS2.3Fuel filter filtration efficiency 46Charge air consumption at:(+25°C and 100kPa)IFN PowerFuel to conform toFuel corresponding to EN590:1999 or ASTM D975-No or JIS KK2204:2004Exhaust gas temperature after turbine at:IFN PowerSee front page for important informationMax allowable back pressure in exhaust line (after turbine)50,7Heat rejection to exhaust at:IFN Power See front page for important informationMax allowable air intake restriction including piping Pipe dimension Ø:Exhaust gas flow at:(temp and pressure after turbine at the corresponding power setting)IFN Powerrpm 1200150018001900kW 11,011,09,610,3BTU/min 626626546586kW 157177182214BTU/min 8928100661035012170m²foot²mm in kW 9,515,019,520,5hp 13202728liter US gal liter US galCoolant pumpdrive/ratio l/s 3,74,75,76US gal/s 1,01,21,51,6l/s 3,24,25,55,5US gal/s 0,81,11,51,5kPapsi °C °F °C °F kPapsikPapsikPapsi°C°F literUS galCoolantYellow Volvo Coolant Solution (VCS)Radiator cooling system type Closed circuitCooling systemHeat rejection radiation from engine at:IFN Power Heat rejection to coolant at:IFN PowerFan diameter890 mm89035,04Standard radiator core area 0,88,61Fan drive ratio fan Ø8900,99:1 ccwFan power consumption 890 mm 6,3belt/1,41:1 cwCoolant flow with standard system Coolant capacity:engine205,3std. 0,8m² radiator with hoses24180fully open92198Maximum static pressure head(expansion tank height + pressure cap setting)10014,5Minimum coolant flowMaximum outer circuit restriction incl. piping 65,09,4Thermostat:start to open 82Maximum top tank temperature 107225Recommended Draw down capacity.The difference between min coolant level in the expansion tank and the lowest level where the engine's coolant system still are functioning20,5Minimum static pressure head(expansion tank height + pressure cap setting)7010,2Standard pressure cap setting 7510,9rpm 1200150018001900kW51606565BTU/min 2900341236963696kg/s 0,370,440,500,51°C 176180178177°F349356352351°C 42464950°F 108115120122kPa psi kPa 211223217214psi 30,6032,3431,4731,04m²foot²0.8pull 890fanrpm kW hp °C °F m 3/s ft 3/s Pa psi 190034555,61329,3328,40,99469Charge air mass flowIFN Power Charge air inlet temp.(Charge air temp after turbo compressor)IFN PowerCharge air cooler systemHeat rejection to charge air cooler IFN Power See front page for important informationMaximum pressure drop over charge air cooler incl. piping 121,74Charge air pressure (After charge air cooler)See front page for important information Max allowable Charge air outlet temp.(Charge air temp after charge air cooler)Engine speed Enginepower Air on temp Air flowExternal restrictionStandard charge air cooler core area0,88,61Cooling performance:m² radiator and Cooling air flow and maximum additional external restriction at different radiator air temperatures based on 107°C TTT and 40% coolant. Valid at 1 atm.Isochronous 0Adjustable PI-constants600-900Energized to run/StopOn/Off On/Off°C 125Oil pressurekPa 25,0kPa 275°C 105OnkPa 5°C80kPa Warning map value +20kPa *Off means no shut down, alarm onlyWarning AlarmDerated 0%to engine protection mapDerated 100% toengineprotection map105°C 107°C 107°C 108°C 125°C 127°C 127°C 130°C Warning map value Alarm map valueN/AN/A 80°C 85°C 85°C 86°CWarning map value Alarm map value Alarm map value Alarm map valueForced idle aftersecForced shut down after 2 sec N/A Governor droop Governor response 1Idle speed 700Engine management system Functionality Alternatives Default settingGovernor mode Engine sensors and switch settings Alarm levelEngine protection Stop functionPreheating function Lamp testRated speed300Shut down, ON/OFF*Oil levelOil temp Setting +5Shut down, ON/OFF*Low idle50Shut down, ON/OFF*Parameter Unit Setting range Default setting LevelAction.Default/Alternative Coolant temp 107Shut down, ON/OFF*Coolant level See cooling systemPiston cooling pressure >1000 rpm kPa Water in fuelAlarm When ClosedCrank case pressure Rapid Pres incShut down, ON/OFF*Fuel feed pressure 1200rpm kPa100Air filter pressure drop Altitude, above seamAutomatic derating, see section deratingEngine speed rpmx % of rated speed 114% ofrated speedAlarm levelShut down, ON/OFF*Charge air temp 85Shut down, ON/OFF*Charge air pressure Alarm map value +30kPaShut down, ON/OFF*High charge air tempN/A N/A High charge air pressureN/A N/AOil tempN/A N/ACoolant temp N/A Low oil pressureN/AAlarm map valueParameterAHz/alternator rev.type kW hpflywheelstarter motorkW ATemperature °C 25-15BatteryAh / CCA235 / 1300145 / 1050145 / 1050rpm 17111898A 290400480kW 6,27,57,7kW 6,58,18,5Ah / CCArpm 1200150018001900Nm 2300214015601620(with a total added mass moment of inertia, J (mR2)≤ 0,05 kgm²)lbf ft 1696157811511195max left kW 42536268hp 57728492max down kW 36445260hp 49607182max rightkW 42536268hp 57728492Nm lbf ft Nm lbf ft Nm lbf ft Nm lbf ft N lbf*Maximum allowed torque at individual PTO´s.If more then one PTO output is used simultaniusly, calculations needs to be performed to determine available maximum. Available torque depends on application inertia.Starter motor:output 79,5153tacho output 6drive ratio5,25105P70 / (105P70 ISS för start/stop)Alternator:output110/150Electrical system Voltage and type 24V Number of teeth on:12Starter input power during crank Battery power during crank Inlet manifold heater (at 20 V)3Power relay for the manifold heater 1Power take offFront end in line with crank shaft max:*Maximum torque on timing gear at rear PTO : *1000Crank speedCrank current738Conditions:(4 mΩ main circuit resistance@Min battery @ 0°C140/800Speed ratio direction of rotation viewed from flywheel side 1,31:1/ccwTiming gear at compressor PTO max:*600Front end belt pulley load. Direction of load viewed from flywheel side:Timing gear at servo pump PTO max:*10074Speed ratio direction of rotation viewed from flywheel side 1,58:1/ccw Max. rear main bearing load4000899,2443Speed ratio direction of rotation viewed from flywheel side 1,31:1/ccw Max allowed bending moment in flywheel housing 1500011063PerformancePower (kW)Rpm IFN Power3451900Signal Range Derating level0,5-4,5 V 50 - 400 kPa map50-0 kΩ-40° - 130 °C85°CDigital 50-0 kΩ-40° - 140 °C 107°C 0,5-4,5 V 0 -15 kPaRapid presincFrequency FrequencyN/A N/A 50-0 kW -40° - 140 °C127°C DigitalN/ASignal Range0,5-4,5 V 50 - 400 kPa60010001200150019003403403403503353503503503603450,5-4,5 V 0-700 kPa05001000150019001502003003001251752752750,5-4,5 V 0-700 kPa6001000120018001900100100100300300N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ARemarksDeratingBoost pressure N/A map value+30 kPaSensors Alarm Alarm switchAlarm LevelCondition/Delay Soft derate VE/Shutdown Powerpack Coolant level switch Alarm when closedLow Boost temperaure N/A80°C Soft derate VE/Shutdown Powerpack Soft derate VE/Shutdown Powerpack Crankcase pressure N/A Rapid pres inc ShutdownCoolant temperature N/A105°C N/A Engine Speed Crank N/A Lost sign N/AEngine Speed Cam N/A Lost sign Soft derate VE/Shutdown Powerpack Oil level sensor Alarm when low levelN/A N/AExhaust gas temp N/AN/A Soft derate VE/Shutdown Powerpack Water In fuel switchAlarm when closedWater in FuelN/AOil temperature N/A 125°C Charge Air pressure Sensors Alarmrpm Map ConditionDeratingSoft derate VE/Shutdown PowerpackShut downFuel pressure Oil pressure Warning Level Warning Level Alarm Level Alarm Level Warning Level Alarm Level 8/199/19。





















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类别号 排量 (升) 柴油机
42400XW / 2020/6/18
装有空气后冷器 装有增压器
升级换代号 类别号 排量 (升) 柴油机
功率类型 1 – 重载商业用途
功率设定 kW (hp)
D5A T D5A TA D7A T D7A TA D7C TA 1900 rpm 72 (98) 89 (121) 108 (147) 130 (177) 146 (199) 2300 rpm 81 (110) 102 (139) 123 (167) 148 (201) 166 (226)
此功率等级适用于重载用途的排水型商用船舶,每年的运行小时数不受限制 可在满功率和全速下持续运行
42400XW / 2020/6/18
功率类型 2 – 中等载荷商业用途
功率设定 kW (hp)
D5A T D5A TA D7A T D7A TA D7C TA 1900 rpm 83 (113) 103 (140) 126 (171) 153 (208) 169 (230) 2300 rpm 95 (129) 118 (160) 129 (175) 174 (237) 195 (265)
止时显示电池电压。 4. 转速表。显示发动机每分钟的转速 5. 计时器。显示发动机总的运行时间。 6. 报警测试开关。 7. 报警喇叭。有报警灯亮时喇叭鸣叫。 8. 报警显示。 9. 钥匙开关。 10. 仪表灯开关。 11. 油压表,显示齿轮箱油压。 12. 进气压力表,显示增压压力。
42400XW / 2020/6/18
42400XW / 2020/6/18
Workhorse 发动机应用在浙江千岛湖上
42400XW / 2020/6/18
42400XW / /6/18
基本参数: 直列六缸、四冲程 直喷式柴油发动机 缸径:108mm 行程:130mm 功率:108-195kW
9 8 7
42400XW / 2020/6/18
S = 停机位置 O = 钥匙可以插入和抽出 I = 操作位置 II = 中间位置(不用) III = 起动位置
注意: 机器起动后,钥匙应保持在 I 位, 不 能放于 0 位
42400XW / 2020/6/18
控制功能 使用同一杆(1)进行切换和发动机转速控制 。 N= 空档位置/发动机怠速位置、驱动器/齿轮 箱脱开,发动机以怠速运转。 F= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船前进 R= 驱动器/齿轮箱启用、船后退 T= 控制发动机转速(RPM)
注意: 除非紧急情况, 正常关停发动机时, 应让其在低怠速运行至少3分钟. 1. 将操纵手柄移到中间位置脱开正倒车机构 2. 将起动钥匙转到"S"位置并保持, 直到发动机停车. 取出钥匙. 3. 停机后检查发动机是否有泄露 4. 关闭燃油开关和海水开关 5. 关闭电门开关 6. 读取小时计并做好记录, 按照维护计划表进行预防性维护工作.
柴油冷却器(选购件) 海水泵
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
发动机 排气管
42400XW / 2020/6/18
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
(TA) 型机器
热交换器(包括膨胀水箱) 冷却水泵
发动机 排气管
42400XW / 2020/6/18
42400XW / 2020/6/18
正常: 75--95度 报警: 高于110度(功 率类型 I )
高于105度(功率类型 II )
润滑油压力 正常: 400--500KPa
报警: 低于80KPa
42400XW / 2020/6/18
报警显示 如果报警喇叭鸣响,仪表盘上的三个 警示灯(1-3)中的一个会开始闪烁, 显示警告的原因。 1. 发动机冷却液温度过高。 2. 机油压力低下。 3. 发电机无电流输出。 4.显示灯(不用)。
42400XW / 2020/6/18
42400XW / 2020/6/18
钥匙开关 在钥匙开关上有一个标贴,记有钥匙代码, 用于订制钥匙。
此功率等级适用于周期性工作的半滑行型或排水型船体的商用船舶,每年工 作时间不超过3000小时 。 每12工作小时里可使用最大功率不超过4小时, 其余时间里,机器转速至少要比该船机器的最高转速降低10%。
42400XW / 2020/6/18
主控制位和特别控制位仪表板。 1. 温度表、显示冷却液温度。 2. 油压表,显示发动机油压。 3. 电压表,发动机运行时显示系统充电电压。发动机停
节温器 齿轮箱滑油冷却器(选购件)
8 9 74
1) 油底壳 2) 转子泵 3) 压力释放阀 4) 滑油冷却器 5) 油压控制阀 6) 滑油滤器,带溢流阀 7) 活塞冷却(喷嘴) 8) 顶杆 9) 摇臂
紧急停机 1.将调速杆(1)移至低怠速。 2.沿图中箭头方向移动停机杆(2)直至发动机停机。发动机停机 后, “无充电电压”和“润滑油压力低” 报警显示灯将亮起。 3.将钥匙转至位置“0”并拔下钥匙。此时报警显示灯将熄灭。
42400XW / 2020/6/18
1. 打开燃油开关 2. 打开海水阀 3. 进行维护计划表中“起动前的每日检查” 4. 接通主开关
42400XW / 2020/6/18
1. 将控制器柄置于中间位置 2. 将起动钥匙置于"1"位置, 接通电源 3. 检查报警灯和报警器 4. 起动发动机(注意起动时间) 5. 检查仪表并运行发动机进行暖机 6. 检查正倒车齿轮箱中的润滑油油位
1 2 3
21 20 19
42400XW / 2020/6/18
18 17
13 11
14 15 16
26 25
42400XW / 2020/6/18
23 24
42400XW / 2020/6/18
42400XW / 2020/6/18
装有空气后冷器 装有增压器